The electromagnetic field and people ON PHYSICS, BIOLOGY, MEDICINE, STANDARDS, AND THE 5G NETWORK We are pleased to present this publication, which discusses, in a compre- hensible manner, the most important issues related to the radio-frequency electromagnetic field. It is those fields that allow us to enjoy radio and television broadcasts and to use mobile phones. Thus, it is the basis for a trouble-free and fast flow of information, which is the foundation of our civilization nowadays. This publication is divided into four sections. The first three sections answer the most frequently asked questions about electromagnetic waves. What are they? What are their effects on the human body? How are they measured and what regulations apply to them? The fourth section briefly explains the relationship between the electromagnetic field and telecommunication, and what the next generation of cellular networks, i.e. 5G, is. We are sure that this publication will help everyone interested in this topic to understand what the electromagnetic field is and how we can use it for the good of Poland. We hope you will find it interesting! Ministry of Digital Affairs Project coordinator Publisher: Wojciech Hałka National Institute of Telecommunications Chief Editor ul. Szachowa 1 Łukasz Lamża 04-894 Warsaw, Poland tel. +48 22 5128 100 Assistant editor e-mail:
[email protected] Łukasz Kwiatek Proofreading Maciej Szklarczyk © Copyright by Ministry of Digital Affairs, Warsaw 2020 Infographics Lech Mazurczyk Additional illustrations Paweł Woźniak The project is financed from Preparation: an earmarked grant funds National Institute Graphic design and typesetting of the Ministry of Digital Affairs of Telecommunications Adrian Hajda Print ACAD, Mirosław Przywózki ul.