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1-2-1913 The ueC rvo Clipper, 01-02-1913 Clinton Keeter

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ENVELOPES JOB WORK. and Cuervo V4ipper, STATIONERY Volume 5 Cuervo, New Mexico, Guadalupe County, Thursday January 2, 1913. No. 38

NEW MEXICO LEGISLATURE ROBKEFELLER. JR. FIRM . HAY ELECT NEW SENATOR 2 THE NATION GUARDS THE MONEY BELlLVER LY PRAYK3, New Deo. Santa 2o.-- York, 39. John D. IN NATIONAL BANKS F, N, M.., Dec. The PRE-IMENTO- Rockefeller, Jr. in RY SALE date legislature of New Mex. addresfing a SUCH AS OURS large audience in the Y ico will convene at noon , January today m; Men's Christian Association Integrity of the people behind a National Bank is 14th, On account of the first builj. ing at which one of the Nation's first demands. We are prnud of flection ol state legislators Laving Tarrytown, wasmili the honorable names our ot possiblo a of Uo3X hank, and tbe busi- takin place last year, the hy gift I5o,ooo ' to of 3 present ness ability of our directors, allot whom have made a Prior the taking our annual his father, told of his faith session will ba composed of the in fcuccess. and same memhera who prayer of how he faced thi Are served at the They crisis ot his life we shall close out special sesmon this and his hippineii H. 6. inventory spring; JONES. J. J. MOISE and usefulness to the world The first question 0 be decided da., JOHN H. HICKS, A. VV. W1EST 1 pended the will be whether the officers ol the upon decision. h ALL ODDS & to God for 'four CHAS. SUMNER last session can hold over into ptayed yoira night and morning to guide hirxj Let our bank be bank. this session, regarding this session your on the as a continuation 1 1 a right path. Suddenly 1 of the 9 f in the different A visit before jij OF -- dawn FIRST NATIONAL BANK departments. ession. with an adjournment morning hid broken, I he arose from his bed and during tbo summer. It regarded ligiuad Rosa N. M. a Santa to our store during tlie next week us an lamp. He said the path of hu 3 adjourned session, Speaker life had been UNDER' GOVERNMENT R. K. Baca will be allowed to then and thero mid 5 CONTROL as clear to him will be profitable for you. retain bis seat and tbe committees as though a sign was will romain the fame, otherwise before bim pointing out the there may he an entire change in right road tor him to follow. II j the ollioers of the legislature. took his pen and there 4n the early There is a fight on United morning committed himself to the. life he should YOU CAN FILE Ofo A HOMESTEAD OR L I States Senator Fall, tbe demo lead, Bond Wiest crats and progressives claiming What the crisis was over and to MAKE FINAL PROOF BEFORE h's election for a second term was what he committed himself, he did not not valid last spring, Tins may say. "No man can prove to result in another senatorial contest me there is nothing in prayers and a new election. Of the fltter mY experience," he said.

seventy-thre- e members of tbe 'God answered me.' LOCAL ITEMS- - Rtv. Messer, the presiding Mr. Rockefeller, who served J. R. THOMAS elder, of tin M. E. Church south, legislature, forty seven are repub- ai William was e foremsm of tbe Kdgerton shopp- called at the Clipper office lust licans; twenty-thre- democrats and 'white slava" i CUERVO, N. M. ing in Cuervo Tuesday. three grand a faw Saturday aud in speaking of the progressives, jury years ago, re dry farmers said in Union Among the important matters to cently gnve $20,000 toward thV John F. Perry, of Los Tanos, County raised fine come before the legislature will be investigation of police couditioai was town on they crops of broom in Tuesday business, in : the of New now . corn;-- and titans but had' "'mar- ratification the income tax York, in pngruss. 00 : i was in town Mon- amendment tbS jobn Eaiiley' ket for them. They were ofiered and amendment e. day on a drivejfor his health, J16 to $a; for broom corn and had providiugfor the direct eleeiion of United Stules revision JUDGE PUNISHES MAN WH3 no mat kit for beans, Surtly the senators, iiolimt, mm Mr. W. E. Lang of Hale Center bPAT OH HOLY BIBLE of the laws dry furmu-r- s of New Mexico have governing the state's Texas has our tbanks lor a dollar taxation a salaries CJLL slruck a liar J streak of luck. system county Milwaukee, Vis., Dec. 37. AflD SEE JHEM AJ TfE on subscription, bill, fixing the pay of county Judge Neelen, in the district court George M. Cunninkham made ofliciuls who Cuervo Drug Store Mr. Zackery Crawford, of Haile have served without today fined Martin Premak $1$ an additional homestead be- filing since advent of state- Pro-ma- was in town Tuesday shopping salary the because he spat on a bible. k fore U. 8, Commissioner, J. R. lie seemed to be in fine spirits an d hood, proposed laws for either was brought before the court Thomas last Saturday. stite-wid- e wore a broad smile. Charley prohibition or local by Mase Moszicka, who charged Cunningham made a filing the the of option, appropriation funds him with assault aud battery. If you know any item of news same day on the East half of iec. for a New Mexico 9 exhibit at the Maszicka said that Prnmik pushed tell it to the Clipper. We will T8N. K.a4E. and on Monday Panama Paciffc exposition at Kan i- - I him and thut he did not mind that; Oklahorna appreciate the favor. Wiley 0. M aha filed on one of and the at flotel Help give nay Fjancisoo exposition that ho was angered over another town a better Phone 'he same Chas. San both of which are your paper. quarters Cunning, Diego, Ca). insult, and he a book Meals 25 cents Beds 25 cents No. produjed K). ham had filed on. The to be held in 19 r and other quarter 3 legis- before the court. The boa!; was Mahanay filed on is known as the lation of more or less W. R, Smith, who lives near importauce, bible and Maszioka opened it ia Asberry place. It anyone else Albuquerque Journal. Hackberry Springs, wa9 a pleasant court. wants tofilo on the Asberry place Your DNA A. THOMAS caller at the Clipper office Fridry honor,'' said Ah'jjicka, they will please call around and UNION COUNTY MAN HAS see and gladdened the editor's heart "he sbat upon this boolr. I At the lets make out their filling SKEEP FROM AFGRAflSTAN Clipper office by paying a dollar on subscription papprs brought it with me from ths old A D.SMITH while we are in practice. This man into N. M Dr. country, came my FOR FRESH STAPLE 4 FAKCY much in Clayton, Dec, 39. NOTARY PUBLIC Cuervo is very need of house drnnk A man named C. C. has on bis ranch and abusive and GROCERIES. a blacksmith to a Wyatt.of Dickens Voting good operate when I remonstrated with CUERVO, N M. Texas arrived near her a herd of whinti him blacksmith also needs a County here last sheep shop good and toid blm what this com- lor a location. are the ones of their kind in book broom maker to make brooms. Fridsy prospecting only mands us to he it He Sit-urda- do, opened as it Cuervo until y tbo United States and prohably lay on the table and its Tr. J. C. Woodburn, CuervoTelephone Co The County Commissioners met md tuok tne train for Los the only ones in tho world outside spat upon in session last Tanos and paR(s." FHYSICIAN AND LOCAL- Local and Bls ant Con- - special Friday for remained there with A. of Persia and Afghanistan, their Long do 1 the of C. 'Did you that?" ES P. &. S- - W. SURGEON nec Ton to a points. purpose ordering elections Mtrablc until unlay und he native home, They are known as Jadga LET US PUT YOU m f Neelen asked Preiuak. Phono No. Om IN A PHONE. the various preeincis in the aud Miracle started tor Buxton, 24 Karalf ule jr sheep. W. B. milus '1 he man shrugged his should the Store. TERRY, Kgr. county to elect Justices of Peace north of and after Dr. Young buys these are the At Drug Qiervo " VUI In .g ers; '0b, yes he said, "I did Practice C.uervO and and constables. looking at the country up there sheep from which are taken ( ountry. do that, but it harmed no oae. they returned to Cuervo Tuesday Afghan, Kimmcr, Astraken and Mr. A, S. Heisel a You can see that he wiped lb received evening, Mr. VVyatt aims to ex Peisian fur which is used in mak- dry J. T. STONE M. D. most beautiful fram again," present the )kre jhe country south of Cuervo ing thi famous Bokhara and GRADUATE' TENNESSEE Grand of a "You are fined I25 and barn lodge I. 0, 0. F. for before be decides where he wil Persian rugs. costs," nmuruD MEDICAL Neelen COLLEGE Christmas consisted . fudge told him. present. It locate, . EMMOR TAYLOR, PROP. Physician and Surgeon. of three links with a star "I wish that I could send you pendant Those wishing clubbing rates to for Ear, None and throat and in tbe eenter of the star is the are a jail about ninety days it Does a Transfer business Eye, It you not snbsenber and on any ot the leading magazine, as a number which indicates that be would serve you right," specialty 25 receive a couy of the Clipper or newspapers should call at the Feed and Rigs to Office At Residence has been a member of the order tci remember that this it a speciall Clipper office and see our for Cuervo, N. M, 35 years. DviUtoa to u bscribe. catalogue. 8ubcrib lor tbe Clipper. SPORT. It take a smart man to conceal his Will M. Carleton Dead. CUHRVO CLIPPER Will poet- - MOSLEMS SLAY 30,000 Ignorance. New York. Carleton, the LATEST NEWS well-know- Edward Petre, a English newspaper man, died at his horn la aviator, was killed near Red car whll-- ' Be hnnpr. Use Red Crone Bac Bint: Brooklyn of pneumonia. "Over t undertaking a flight from the Brook-lan- d KILL CHRISTIAN WOMEN AND much better than liquid blue. Delights Kills to the Poor House" was the best CT'RUVO NBW MEXICO EPITOMIZED the laundress. All grocers. Adv. aerodrome to Kdlnburgh. CHILDREN AT ADRIANOPLE. known of his earlier works. In 1814 Mc-Ve- y Mr. Carleton moved to Brooklyn and Sam Langford knocked out Sam A brave man Is always ready to The all li in for number of he had been ed- greatest happiness of the thirteenth round at Sydney face the music" provided It Isn't years that which come In one bat- Crazed Took in itor of an Illustrated From from making other? FROM TELEGRAPHIC REPORTS of the fiercest heavyweight Inhabitants Refuge that old tune from "Lohengrin." magazine. happy. In Where Were 1S73 to 1896 he wrote many poems at COVER THE WEEK'S tles seen In Australia years. Churches, They THAT siten-sivel- y six-da- Pursued farm and life and traveled A bicycle race, In which and Sacrificed. Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup for CnlMra city If you to be EVENTS. '""lerrt-tlon- , as lecturer. In 1881 mar- happen from Wisconsin some of the best riders in the coun- teething-- softens ta gums, redacts a he thli la one of the football &U7s pain, euro wind eollc.lte a. ried Mils Adora N. Nlles. a time finest yean try will will start In con- bottlejti For on record. participate, Wewlern Newspaper Union Newi Service. h was of Detroit vention In Kansas editor the Tribune. hall City, January Mass. detail of His Santanic grins when he 28th. Boston, Frightful majesty A Seattle boy of twelv haa a crop OF MOST INTEREST the butchery of 30,000 persons in the hears a man say ha will reform to- Jewelry. of Sir Thomas thrice challeng- morrow. whlekera. A precocloui little abaver, Upton, besieged city of Adrianople by Mos- Th man who had a stone wall bunt at It were. er for the America's cup, sailed for lems Immediately after the Balkan al observed the bill with groans. England on the Laisltania, declaring liance declared war Even the Intoxication of love mar KEEPING THE READER P08TED against the Balkan "Great he "they mint have that he to come back in 1914 leave one with headache morn- day!" said, Rabbit experimented upon with hoped Alliance declared war against the Ot- a the built wall stones." ON MOST IMPORTANT and ruce the that of precious coffee died. Now try oyitera an for cup again. toman Empire, were given by the Bos- ing after. ham and egg. CURRENT TOPICS. In deference to the move- ton Globe in a translation of a letter ment, General E. 'A. Sleever of El sent by Nazariene Dnnn Kanibelle, an Lucky Star. Sweep. Science ha yet to devise a way to Paso, forbade the officer In the Turkish "This Is th third time you have The cyclone swept the chimneys down Wcitfin I'nlon News Bervlce. Tex., participation Adrianople clone the railroad aw Itch that ought Nwipipr or officers from Kort Bliss, Tex., in army, to J. J. Bosden, president of the been here for food," said the woman Into a shattered heap, not to be letf open. WESTERN. the "army day" races planned for Sun- alliance. Ruthless, wanton slaughter at the kitchen door to the tramp. Which shows a cyclone's not above a day at the Juarez. Mexico, track. of girls, women, and babes In arms, "Are you always out of work?" Job as chimney sweep. The ancient A. M. Kunk of Cleveland, Ohio, shot "Yes'm," the Itinerant. "I Egyptians need para That rabbits Is far more fun is reluted In the letter, which, in part, replied oil. to do and wounded hi wife and hunting I was born under nut that had nothing seriously than follows: guess a lucky Bank Resources in a Gal-vesto- playing major league baseball is Show Big Increase. with their complexions. killed himself In their room "Human describe the star." the opinion of "Buddy" Ryan, Btar left speech cannot Denver. Total resources of stata, Tex., hotel. one's soul fed3 In fielder of the Cleveland team who haa agony looking back Lover's Devotion. We sixty-on- Unique savings and private banks and trust ausprctsd a long time ago that Mm. Oeo, Moore, years old, been In over the seven weeks of massacre and visiting friends Plattevllle, An unusual manner In which a banks includ- those Turkish cigarettes would get mid her mother, Mrs. Mary J. Wilson, mutual extermination. In which 30,000 companies (national not Colo. The big leaguer brought down lover' devotion was shown occurred In Colorado the Turk, sooner or later. eighty-tw- o year old, were found dead were butchered here. ed) have increased from twelve ducks In as many shots and at Zurich, Switzerland, recently. A. In their home near Columbia, Mo., "Like from a $29,694,052.09 on February 14, 1908. t more than a score of rabbits. llghming clear sky cobbler, whose sweetheart died, ap- Emperor William of Germany bat their cruHhed with an axe. came, the $53,174,899.90 on November 1912, a beads sudden announcement of the himself to a stone-cutte- r in 2, a clock that the time. Tlmi prenticed net gain of $23,580,847.81. Th number r speaks I'resldenl-elee- t Woodrow Wllnon Balkan Alliance, and before the Turk order to execute a to Is money, and talks. FOREIGN. fitting tribute of such institutions has increased la money spent Christmas day In bed nursing a had time to recover from the shock fourteen her memory, and after the earn time from 132 to a cold which he had contracted given him, the war was declared. to carve beau- 197, gain heavy "A house divided against Itself" re- month he able a of 65. Total Another aviator killed shows tha a to a "The of armories and barracks resources increased bud bn did not get chance eat sulted federal at Coloni.i gates tiful rose on a marble slab and writ the lure of the air la as potent a in fighting were swung wide At the bar- from February 20, 1912, to part of the Juicy the Grande district. open. beneath: "Such was she." After It before Us Juarez, in Casas 1 November 26, 1912, months. The tragedies began. turkey which the dinner table racks at the Seijilier Mahallelsy had been erected over her grave be eight graced Both Turks and the Balkan al- banking outlook In Colorado ia a at his home. the heard the commanding officer give or- returned to hi first trade, and now fine; "Be a aald a housewife, lies are standing by their guiiB on the ders to kill all good banking outlook means a Bulgarian," A amendment to a constl- - Christians. repairs shoes as before. as she sent her husband out In the proposed peace terms. Both say It Is Impos "At good outlook for everybody. Emll W. stutlon of tbe Associated Students of last that terrible Friday night yard to beat a Turkish rug. sible to recede from their positions. came. It was dusk. As I stood at the Pftiffer, state bank examiner. the University of CullfWnla at Berke- What Worried Her. Queen Mary window at the Konah of Kendel ley, for the elimination of personally superintend Bey, "You say your wife threw a plate A New York therv providing ed I saw physician say stu-dun- the distribution of 1,000 youhg tur several Imams (Mohammedan COLORADO HAS FINE LIBRARY. are" liquor from functions given by the t at you?" several varletlea of death. Moa keys and a similar number of Christ- priests) on the minaret. I was star- It was a fine china body, whh voted down at a meet- "Yes; plate. It people are satisfied with on. mas to women from tho tled by the of a Annual Shows of the , a vote of puddings poor sharp rattle drum, broke against my head." Report Collection of ing by cast of . which betokened tbe of the sh Rare 25 1. end setting "Didn't she appear sorry after Historical Documents. Physicians are an antl-nols- i practically to aiding first watch before midnight. A few threw Denver. Colorado has of crusade In Haiti A sentence of three In the pen- The report that 100,000 tons of itr one the llaltlmore. And years minutes had elapsed when tho tower "Yes, she more Sen- American coal is being purchased by appeared very sorry." best state libraries in the Union, ac- la th home of the oyster. itentiary whs passed upon State became filled with men ex- indeed. did she the railroads In the moving "Ah, And what cording to Mrs. Nellie K. Graven, ator Ueorge K. Celone of Dayton by Egyptlnn ptae.of citedly. Welsh cauaed a n Bay?" state librarian, who submitted her an- With a1 Judge Kvaim In Common Pleas Court customary supply Or- Irreproachable eggs selling "The great bell of the Greek "She Raid she was a fool not to con- nual to Mrs. Helen M. six cents each In New York It at Columbus, Ohio. Senator Cetone at Cardiff, Wales. report Wlison, mlgh thodox church bcgaii to toll, followed trol her temper." stats of Instruc- be to hen. whs convicted of ac- An assas- superintendent public cheaper buy the whole recently having attempt has been made to by the bells of other Christian "Good. And what else did she tion. cepted a bribe of S20II during the laiil sinate Prince Aritlmo Yamagata, tho churches. Bay?" The library contains 40,000 Rccee-slon- A New York man, whose 1. session of ho legislature. of the coun- window was thrown the 'She Bald didn't believe she salary president Japanese privy "Every up; she Including a miscellaneous col- $5 a week, has been sued for $100.00) Clen of the steam- cil and supreme military councillor of streets were crowded with men, wom- could match that If she Shepard, purser plate again lection of historical, biographical, sci- by an actress. II must be her hue In Beat-ti- The ntihurt. en and filled hunted the town was arrented bpan. prince escaped children, their hands through." Photo on title, standard fiction and band. of At- Ills assailant to commit Biilclde, with hastily-snatche- ail Bits. postry at the request Prosecuting tried valuables, and other works. with heading toward different churches, to torney Murpliy, charged bringing The celebration of the ninety-eight- There Is a set of In Half-nake- newspaper files, Beef, evidently, Is soaring En stolen goods Into the state, these .find refuge. people began No Longer Interested. land. anniversary of peace between tho some of which extend back to 1876, An aviator has been flnet Ihe Alaska bul- to run the streets Theodore Lane, who resided at the being $57,000 gold United States and the HfitlHh empire through spreading a valuable collecion of United States there for running Into a cow and kill lion luken from the room of the terrible news of the arrival of the home of his parents, 7349 Holton purser's was the occasion for expressions ot government documents, including a lug It the Humboldt, Moslem Albanian plunderers. avenue, had a toothache the other steamship September appreciation by many of the loading set of patent records complete from. 11, 1910. "Women, pressing their babes to morning. It was a bad toothache, too, public men of Great Britain, tho Unit 1846. There Is a of Col- - Angela may cannot and Theodore let complete set , fly but they fl) ed - their breasts, rushod to the windows the neighborhood with having the States and Canada, through the uio- orado public documents, state and - i unless their wings are 15 feet long Charged poisoned that overhung tho Htreets, already In- know all about it. But when his tr- last that remained in tho house dlum of the Belfast Telegraph. ritorlal, said some to W have the word or a great avlato. food undated with human blood, father got home that evening (this Is by be the most for of his wife and five - valuable In existence. for pits. tbo sustenance The examination of Henry Dal Fer- "At the Tepah, near the well et th" according to his father) the boy was children ami canned the with having; ro, a young anarchist who recently at Greek bishop's house, I met a crowd calm and seemed at peace. death that of three-year- - NATIONAL GERMAN TURNFEST. Aeronauts are known In China a. by memis his tempted to commit suicide rather thnn of fifty girls who, frenzied with fear, "Ha your tooth stopped aching, old Kdwaid a the "sons of Heaven." In the sense daughter, Stoddard, carry out a mission Imposed on him turned and fled. In an instant they Teddy?" asked Theodore, Sr. on Toioda The 1913 Meeting Will Be Held In probably, that tbey may be angels be homesteader living crock, by the anarchists to assassinate King were surrounded by furious Moslems "I don't know," answered the utiles Is Denver. June 22 to . for long. fifteen from Curlew, Wash., Victor Emanuel, was held In Rome. It and butchered. Tho heart-rendin- youngster. July Denver. The 1913 being sought throughout eastern revealed the existence of a plot to kill shrieks of Innocent children added to "Don't know? Why,- what do you national German o tnrnfest is to be held In A Brooklyn man of eighty-tw- mar- Washington by the authorities of Fer the king. Five other anarchists bavo the already terrible scene. mean?" Denver from ried a "It'B June 22 to Julv 6. An attendance again week after being left ry county. been arrested for complicity. "In half an hour the outlying city out" Cleveland Plain Dealer. of widower. Evidently he had nc was many thousand Is assured. These figured To Walter Daniels, a negro porter of At fifth of completely devantated. time to loss. the conference the peace Neat Knock. people will not confine their visit to Kansas City, should go the credit for "Meantime the Moslems of Adrian- delegates in London, Dr. Danoff pre the football was Denver, but will all over the this valuable con- ople, reinforced bu the outsiders, took Hobey Baker, star, go state, saving consignments sented the demands made by the nllles, In In In- Germany report that tha stork Is ex up their fiendish work. Toward mid- lunching his native Philadelphia. taking every accessible point of tained tu the "through safe" of the as follows: First, the cession by fast disappearing. Perhapa that ac Turkey the wag hell. roars of A young girl, over her queer alliga- terest. They are god spenders, and presu car of St. Ixmls & Han Francisco of all the west of a line start night city The counts for the reason why Berlin leads territory a million could not the tor pear salad, mentioned the name can be counted upon to leave several train . .o. 112. Oklahoma City to Kan ing from a point east of ltodesto, on the tigers Imitate In race suicide. death-shriek- s of a Princeton sophomore who had millions of dollar In Colorado. which was hold near of tho unfortunate thou City, up sea of Marmora, to a point In the bay played rather badly on his class team. Th turnfest consists to passen-per- s sands. The city was set on fire In of competi- A has decided Chandler, Okla., according of Malatra, on the Black sea, and ex- "He Is an awfully nice she tions for national Chicago Judge that ft on the who arrived In Kan- many sections and thousands were en- boy," prizes in athletics, a Is not for a man to train cluding the peninsula of Galllpolt, Al- said. "What was It he played on the day enough give sas Daniels shot and killed the veloped In the flames. In the morn singing, acting oratory and literature. to hla wife. 89 would City. bania's statUB to be decided by the eleven, Mr. Baker1 of Probably cents In ing the streets were strewn with dead halfback, quarter- Choruses thousands of volceB wlM look to her. negro bandit while the latter was powers. Second, the cession of the back, fullback?" better "On Saturday morning I counted sing in the Denver Auditorium, and Ihe act of robbing the express, Aegean Islands occupied by the Greek The handsome and herculean "Ho- forty-si- carts loaded with the bodies proar dr"iatlc productions wti h A he forces In the present war and by the bey" smiled. Mississippi editor, when put of Christians, piled in like so many itnged there. A mammoth stadium on hla winter a Italian In the recent, war. Third, the "I think he suit found roll of bills WASHINGTON. cattlo carcasses. Thousands of them played drawback," he will be erected, where 20.000 athletes to $50. Wonder cession to Greece of all Turkish said. amounting It any ol were cast In the river and have been will contest at one time. them bad been The of the Indiana rights in the Island of Crete. The paid. constitutionality washed ashore three miles below. Godfrey Schlrmer, a Denver hanker, statute an owner In allies did not reveal the financial pro- taxing foreign "The soldiers of the fort district SCALES ON BABY'S HEAD Is at the head of the entertainment In Tidahom, Sweden, wus upheld by the Su- posals which they will make to Tur- 3,300 people corporations, have dumped seventeen hundred bod committee, and he says that special are employed In making matches. A preme Court. key, reserving them for a future meeti- ies Into tbe marshy moats encircling B10 EaBt Washington St., Portland, trains will be run every day to all the matrimonial would atand no Ida- ng. The porte will make a counter agency The Northwest, and especially tae trenches. Ore. "When my brother was one principal points of scenic interest. show at all In Tlduhom. demand of $175,000,000 lor ho, hopes that J. U, Teal of Portland, indemnity "At Otch Getchen, a of three month old a layer of scale or scabs the loss of its provinces, it is said. body Ore., will get a Cabinet position, that thousand Macedonian farm hands who began to form on the top of his head. RECORD GRAIN CROP. A toutslnna farmer killed a cow last of secretary of the Interior. were entering the city were surround- The trouble began as a rash. The week and found a darning needle In Total Value $3,911,449-00- Major General Leonard Wood, chic GENERAL. ed and massacred, within full view of scales Increased until several layers of Exceeds Its atomncb. Evidently, the cow found Last Year's More Than of staff of tho army, will lead the the authorities. thick. Tho crust was thick and yellow by tbe needle In the hay stark. Christmas cost m ' $50,000,000. parade in connection with the Chicago's arly "Daily from all sections of the Vila- and looked to be all In one piece, but it most Washington. Record induct inn Into office of President-elec- t making the prosper- yet como the terrible stories of butch- came off In large scales. His hair crop reports Unmarried men are more prone to ous in the of corn, Wilson. city's history. ery and pillage. It staggers me, and came out In bunches and baby, became spring wheat, oats, barley, po- than married men. accordln tatoes, rice Insanity Sumuel and William Money, who my blood runs cold when I think of almost bald. His scalp Itched and rye, hay and were harvest- to a government report. And The express companies are prepari- ed in 1912 to tbey claim to be the oldest twins in the children whoso little heads have been burned so badly as to make him cross acording the final esti- haven t hair the at ng to meet the rates that will be put mates of worry, that world ninety-fourt- and the Department of Agricul- 1 celebrated their from their infant bodies; fretful, Into effect January under tho parcel ture. In almost birthday at tlit'lf home In Babylon, women with their heads severed "We used every remedy recommend- every instance thev Chafing dishes have been found In post law. They will compete for the being confirmed N. Y. carried cart-load- ed our friends without success. the preliminary estimates, of Now we that come within the of away by together by the ruins Pompeii. know parcels scope with the Then we started with of made several months ago. With a to- the of the llournn act. Fifteen persons were injured, sever- mutilated bodies of men of all the sample why people that city failed to Cuticura and tal value of $3,911,449,000, the eleven volcanic al seriously, when passenger train No. agss. Merciful God, pity the outcast!" Soap Ointment, wash- be alarmed by upheavals. An era of Investigation unpn cedent-e- hi head principal crops estimated exceeded 2, as on ing good with the Cuticura the In the House will be ushered In known the Seminole limited value of the the Soap and then applying the Cuticura same crops last year by "The finest fur coat In In Janu- Central of Georgia railroad, was Lone Ranchman Slain for Treasure. the world, when Congress reassembles Ointment Before they were used $30,531,000. $35,000, Is owned wrecked near Amerlcus. up worth by the wife ary. Members will divide tkelr atten- Lander, Wyo. There Is no longer we could see an Improvement In hi Corn, the greatest crop of all, went of a tobacco And magnate." per tion among seven distinct Investiga- Benjamin Lucky of Birmingham, any doubt but that Benjamin Volker, condition and bought some more. The almost 200,000 bushels beyond the rec- this Inn t a pipe either. to the Boulder Flats hapa dream, tions scheduled begin Immediately Ala., a circus attache, Justified his bachelor ranchman, scales loosened and came off easily. ord crop grown In 1906, and surpassed after the holidays. name when us he was about to be sen- found dead In the barnyard of hi In about two month after we started the 1911 crop by 593,258,000 bushels. An East divine home Orange got the President Tuft has tendered Colonel tenced to prison for manslaughter It a few days ago, was slain. Offi- to use Cuticura Soap and Ointment The value of the crop, however, was brides mixed when a dou- wuh cers that less performing Ooethala, chief engineer of the Pan- found that another man had con- report the ranch house had the scales had entirely disappeared by $64,000,000 than last year's, ble wedding and caused no end of a to been ransacked. ama canal and the colonel has ac- fessed the crime. I.ucky was im- Papers were scat- and hi hair started to come in thick- the price per bushel on December 1 be- row. A case of being double crossed. tered the cepted tho post cf civil governor of mediately released. about, slayer evidently look- ly. Cuticura Soap and Ointment ef- ing 47.7 cents In 1912, against 11.1 the canal xone. Official announce- ing for treasure that Volker was sup. fected complete cure." cent tt 1911. "A St. Paul man became Charles S. Mellen, president of the (Signed) Intoxicat- is Presi- posed to have secreted In hi home. Mis Ella Mar. 1912. The total wheat crop was 108,929,000 ment to be made when Ihe New York, New Haven & Hartford Ehrllch, 11, ed on $2." The odor and appearance Cuticura bushels greater than in oats 49fi dent returns to Washington. Chamber-lln- , Soap and Ointment sold 1911; of some $2 bills are to Indi- Railroad Company, and K. J. 039,000 bushels enough throughout the world. of each greater; barley 63,584.-00- 0 can do The Supreme Court, after announc- president of the Grand Trunk Fast Trotter Sold. Sample bushels cate that they worse than free with 32-- Skin Book. Addret greater; rye, 2,545,000 ing aeveral minor decisions, recessed Railway of Canada, indicted for crim- Lexington, Ky. It was announced bushels greater; buckwheat 1.700.00A that post-car- d Boston." until 6 without a de- inal violation the Sherman en- that a "Cuticura, Dept. L, bushels January giving of law, Kllpatrick, 2:15, trotter, has Adv. grtater; flaxseed, 8,703,000 or cision us to tho rights of I'nlon Pacific tered pleaa of not and were re- been purchased from his W. fa. bushels greater; potatoes 127.910 000 Speaking military aviation there guilty owner, bushels can be no doubt that the stockholders In the distribution of the leased In $10,000 ball each. They were D. Stokes, by Dr. A. Morosoff. of St. come to those who are greater: hay 17,775,000 tons unexpected Help willing greater; tobacco 57,716,000 success of the allies put the whole Southern Pacific stock held by th given until January 6 to change their Petersburg. Kllpatrick Is Peter the to for it. pounds by pay greater, and rice, 2,120,000 bushels concert of Europe up In tbe air for a Pnlon Pacific Railway Company or pleas If they should so desire. The Great and will be shipped to Russia greater. time making a decision in the state rate penalty upon convlrtlon is one year In for racing purpose Immediately. The Important to Mother Jull and a fine of or both. is said to Examine bottle HOWARD E. rasps. $5,000, price. have been $12',000. carefully every of BURTON, ASSAYER &, CHEMIST v elector who es- CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for That proposes to Most of Ihe In Cornell has a ac- S.,.m.,JC7M,V,L,J5- - COLORAIW. ranking army officers perfect woman, and and . - tablish a hy a John D. Gives $20,000 for Police Infants children, see that it UolU, silver lead ti precedent voting for the Cnlted States have been ordered to an anouncement Dr. Es- Prob. woman as the cording by New York. John D. Republican candidate to In 8 Im- Rockefeller, Jr., be Washington Jan. for an ther Parker, the physical examiner at has f,'T,lJ,'OIV ron,ro' V for may be her rimfe-rcn- supplied a fund of $20,000, with as- of Curbona.. ' BaTTli paying portant to arrange tbo de- college at MIks Signature fihrffflztf Nllnn dubious he Sage Ithnca, Klsie surances a compliment. Does know that $10,000 more will be fur- In Use For Over 30 Years. UK.WKIl KIOGHAWDK-VVESTK- tails of the extension plan of reorgan-liatlo- Scheel ot is the most to be she confess Brooklyn perfect nished if for a that eligible must of Ihe army. of required thorough ad- Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Is five physically any student the has ever ministrative "The Royal Oorge-Fea- t her River she thirty years of age? Investigation of the police CaAon Route" A dispatch to the State examined. Department department. Bachelors are "women's rights," and u Aether form the most hesutl- - A msn arrested In New York for tells of the restoration of order at the Hecnuso four stater are making widowers are women's lefts. theft claimed to be of Cananea and to Four Women and Five Men grandson minis Bays danger to earnest efforts levy Inheritance Arrested. th. "'tractions or Commodore Perry. Men who Chicago. Nine five men t;i7i.. ,he 0r"" fa't Beds of plead Americana Is no longer expected. Mor- taxes, the final appraisal of the K. m persons, and Ten emilee for a nickel. Always but Red of for clemency on the of belong- four women, are detained Cnwa Bng have beautiful clear c.,Shb:"d..,WOnd"8 h.SI,rr ground ris, the American railroad man, Im- llarrinian estate by New York is by the police Blue; white wUhmft ,he window.. to families of heroes should b being in connection with the clothes. Adv. e" ing prisoned by rebels when he prevented delayed. Indications are that the rail- brutal slaying BUrERH DINING all the mors for of J. H. a CAR SERVICE punished disgracing them a $132,-000,00- Logue, diamond name. firing Northwestern railway road wizard's wealth will reach merchant, A pretty girl will turn a man's head llustrloui bridge, has been released of in his office in the McVlcier theater "J General and reports Instead the $70,000,000 ruarlt U spite of the boll on hi neck. Sleigh,nvr Rio Orand ho wan treated well. reported at his death. building. Kallroad, Denver,i'Bt' Coo. SHIPPING GEAR GRASS NEW MEXICO SIXTY-SI- CARS SENT OUT OF IN BRIEF PORTALES PAST SEASON.

Farmers of Portales Valley Received vt.Tn Ntiwspnppr rnlon News Service $6,600 for Baling and Hauling December 30 has been set for the Same Town. next sale of state bonds. to New Mexico's law milking body will convene in annual session In January. I'nlon Ni'WH Seivk. There is talk of a creamery agency Portales. X. .M . Probably the most, which are soft and most becoming. being started at Grady in the near POCKET STAMP, CASE maligned and cursed of the The muffs, too, are very lovely. The future. product state ol New Mexico in the white fox is an especially appropriate Work will be commenced on a new yuco.i or "bear Is most evening fur, and, in fact, all the mem church home for the Episcopalians lu gnisa,"aa it commonly designated,' yet this pestif- ACCEPTABLE SMALL GIFT FOR bers of the fox family are favorably Artesia in a short time. rm looked erous product that has been anathe- Glad 8 MAN OF BUSINESS upon this season. A striking One of the important bills which 3 combination of furs matized lor generations is fast prov- KS black and white will come before the Legislature is & You Smoke is with ing to be a source of revenue that produced by combining lynx the salary bill for county officials. ermine. Another combina- should not be despised or overlooked Duke's Mixture" Be effective of- VV May Made an Attractive Little Ar- Governor McDonald has sent an Take in- tion is that of black and gold brocade by anyone. this jeur, for g ticle, Especially If the Initial! ficial announcement, to Secretary of stance, one lias out P rVi with lynx trimmings. company shipped Before we tell you about the boy and his air rifle, we . of the are Work- 'State Philander Knox of the resultB of sixty-si- i Recipient carloads of tills "bear grass" Sr 5. want you to hear about Liggett Muert Duke's Mixture ed With Thote of Donor the election he)d November for which they received un average THIN the tobacco that thousands of men find just right" fa GOWN IS THE DECREE News from the Red River minlns; price of $100 per car, over and above , a pipe the tobacco that makes "rolling" popular. The waistcoat pocket stamp case 3!strlct of Taos county, just over the the freight, making a total of JCuOO. shown in the accompanying sketch Idea Certainly a Pretty One, Though Colfax county line, is to the effect The total cost to the farmer was the (would make an acceptable little gift There Should Be Much Discretion that everything is on the there. procuring of a very Blinple device for dor a man on an unimportant occa-lo- n Exercised In Its Wear. The first automobile mall line es- baling and the labor expended in cut- It is made In two separate tablished in the United States the ting, baling and hauling to market. For i 5 pieces, and the portion containing the Paris has decreed that once again line between Roswell and Vaughn is this the larmer received from t7 to $S to tamps, shown in the upper sketch, the winter gown shall be diaphanous, to be discontinued about the first of per ton, or practically, what the ship- fit IP: iflt Into the lower portion carried out in chiffon or muslin tel the year. ping firm received for It. True, this heart-shape- d not In making it, two vet, or at very thickest crepe de Chine His vein and other important is much money, yet it represents of Jugular pieces thin cardboard are cut out or almost gauzy satin. Except in the arteries severed by one clean stroke j to he PeoPl of this county more than tin size cov the indicated, and neatly severest weather there is something' of a stilletto, an Old Mexico Mexican five times that amount of money that ered with thin silk and then sewn to to be said for these dresses, whec whose is was found is sent here for the purpose of ordi- Identity unknown, This favorite tobacco is fine old Virnlnia and North jrethcr at the edges to the points in they are worn by the possessors of dead in the Alamo saloon at Albuquer- nary Investment. Every dollar of this kiicated A Carolina leaf that has been by and A, the upper part magnificent furs. A long fur coat li que. comes here as so much foreign capital bright thoroughly aged, Ibelng left open far too warm to be If won that would not otherwise hunt up our stemmed and then granulated. It has the true tobacco healthy. The state game department calls at- or me pocket lor the stamps, a over a thick on ex farmers. It Is an addition to our for the simple reason that it is tobacco.. dress, except very tention to the law all sports- taste, very pure piece of cardboard an inch and a requiring will is to a or mora ceptional days. men to take out licenses for the new money market of every cent that It Pay what you it impossible gnt purer In width, and an inch and a in- likeable smoke than Duke's Mixture. liuon A iquarter Unfortunately a fashion may be of represents. It Liggett $.Vytr in is year 1913 If they wish to go hunting is Jialf length, covered with some tended for one class, but It will be There is no question but what this leader, and unsurpassed in quality. or shooting. The old licenses expire there is one ounces of copied by others, and the result oi yucca plant will, ere many decades, In every 4c sack and a half splendid December 31, as the old year passes tobacco and with each sack a book of such a mode as that of the thin win- become a in the you get cigarette papers out. very important factor 1KKK. ter gown spells pneumonia for a good marts of the world. Its fibre is vastly "Not guilty" was the verdict re- many people. However, at least the to that of any known How Boy Got Hia Air Rifle the In case of superior plant, the frocks are when lumed by jury the In ot H Duke's we t pretty, especially point strength and durability. In lack of the lAggtlt $ Mixture now Philip I,adley, charged with the mur- every Mytrt trimmed with fur. Fur and old lace It would make the strongest rope, Back a Free present Coupon. The.o Coupons are good for all der of his actress wife, Jennie Brice, member of combined are a very fashionable trim- fishing lines, cords and other commod- kinds of useful articlei something to please every a fa- which was tried in the District Court There are skates, sleds, balls and bats, cameras, um- ming at the moment, although ities whose chief value lies in strength the family. mous has de- of Wyemseeay county, Sunshine dis- brellas, watches, fountain pens, pipes. French dressmaker and wear resisting ; it has, trict. qualities open glasses, etc., etc. nounced the mixture as in bad taste, also, been demonstrated that it is like and being bad art. During a at Pojoaque, Juan As a special ofi'er, durtnff Jan- fight wise valuable for tho inanutactur of wo " For the evenings, of course, thin Jose Lujan of Santa Fe, it Ib charged, kinds uary and February only, 1 paper, bagging and various o' illus- have it all own Even shot and tuiil send you our new gowns their way. probably fatally injured lough cloth goods suitable for tents brocades have now been to Manuel Garcia of Three trated catalogue of presents, ;LJi brought Pojoaque. awnings and such like purposes. There FREE. Just send us your name such of and sup- other bullets found in a degree lightness resting places is every reason to believe that It Is and address on a postal. pleness that they are practically like a team of horses owned by a spectator equally valuable for thousands of oth Cmtrml trim Date's Aft'rltirt mar U gauze. Indoor gowns are still being named Calles. be assorted with tics trom HORSESHOE, er purposes yet to discovered TINSLEY'S NATURAL trimmed with or pale ground The Club J. T.. LEAF, Mount Franklin Rancho CHANGER TWIST, coupon! trom were also seen on .. cameos, and they filed articles of for the Drops Dead in Dance FOUR ROSESO-- ! roup). incorporation "Matachinej" PICK PLUG PIEDMONT hats and coatB, so thoBe who possess ' CUT. establishment of a club four miles Santa Fe. The tragedy of death CIGARETTES, CUX CIGARETTES, ornaments can wear issued these fine still from Lanark postofflce in Dona Ana brought the "Matachines dance," for and other tat tor coupons by us. them In this effective manner. very county. The club is capitalized at which brilliant costumes and elaborate Premium Dept. $150,000 into shares nt been to a divided 1,500 .preparations had made, . . SMART CRAVATS AND STOCKS $100. close shortly after it had started at the ? Fireman's hall where a audience On Janunry 8, the United States large SU Louis, Mo, 25m civil service will hold an examination had assembled. With other dancers Old Which Hal Much to Rec- Fashion, for mail clerks for men in gay costumes. Francisco ljopez. a Be railway only ommend It, Will Welcomed e a am at all at which mountaineer of some fifty-fiv- years ot Back Favor. places city delivery to service has teen established in the age, had gone through bin part when states of Arizona, Nevada, New Mex- suddenly Mr, wuh seen to Ho One to see that again we rejoices ico and Wyoming. j down. His action was noticed with are to wear cravats and stocks of Cattle losses the state much interest UV the spectators as he of the same silk, and at the a folded black silk and satin, with small throughout top loop are small this in all was playing the part of the "aguello" A used "burst into turned-dow- n unusually year Milman's love to of narrow ribbon is sewn on and the stock collars of white or It he parts of New to W. grandfather, and was thought flowers," but a girl has to pocket arranged across the lower half. lawn showing narrowly at the top. Mexico, according nowadays Linwood, of the state cat- was simply interpreting his part. wait for it to the weari- A glance at the sketch will Severe as it is, this is the most be- 'j. secretary develop by There's full weight' explain tle who left for When he did not rise, alarm was felt some of formation. this. form ot neckwear possible, and sanitary board, Raton, process geological coming after several the and a glance at the pallid features con- Guaranteed in every package The initials of the can be if the lawn turnover is not starched spending days at recipient firmed the terrors of his friends, "He Is of worked one will stiffen it board headquarters In Albuquerque. This a Bird a Story. upon side and perhaps (but the laundress if is some one exclaimed. Imme- 85 a for- dead!" The pigeons of the Stock Exchange those of the donor on the other. she the the Is Guy Carleton, years old, ' gets chance) severity diately there was a wild rush to his re much disturbed these 311k in some dark shade of color by no means too The finishing mer engineer of the Santa Fe rail- very days great. side. Mr. Lopez was carried to anoth- while workmen are a coat should be selected, as it will show and touches of the cravat, too, help to re- road and known to all Las Vegans removing er room, where his gorgeouB headgear of gloom from the famous frieze near UPTON'S wear less quickly than more lightly move the touch of sternness. Neat and to railaoad men as "Old Uncle and brilliantly decorated coat were re- their residence. Much of their time colored material; this little case would and small the bow may be but with Guy," was committed to the New moved. A window was thrown open they spend flying to the windows ot look very well carried out In grey what and with how Mexico insane hospital. Uncle Guy, pointed ends, and wua made to revive I. P. office across the street. silk with red ribbon and initials work- much dash in its lines! A who for the past five years has been a every effort Morgan's crisp very him. were for at noon TEA calls Bent physi- Yesterday James J, Hill and ed In a color to match the latter. smart notion 1b to have the bow at patient at the Las Vegas hospital, has Hurry cians. It waa artificial A. Ilarton Hepburn noticed them. The initials, by the way, must, of the base of the throat made of nar- a long record as a railroad man, hav- thought that by Sold in airtight tins only Mr. Ixipez could be saved. "Pigeons are active today," said Mr. course, be worked upon the material row ribbon, three-quarte- of an Inch ing been in the employ of tho Santa respiration un examination the Hepburn. prior to covering the cardboard, and wide. This enables the bow to have Fe for 25 years and previous to that Following physi- cian Mr. dead. The "Pigeons!" said Hill. "They're not some pretty little floral design might the requisite spring in its lines, and worked on several railroads in the pronounced Lopez a widow hIx child- pigeons, they're ravens bringing Mor- Free View at the Lake. be embroidered in place of them, ,lf also to be small, where ribbon of the east. Forty years ago, while an en- deceased leaves and r gan his dinner." New York World. "Finest and vlewfulest place. Hatha preferred. same width as that around the neck gineer on an eastern railroad, Uncle ren. He was a ot Mount- had and toilets on modernist principles. is too flowing. For the lit- Guy was in a wreck at Niagara Falls. ed Police Gus Hunter and many altogether Calumet Ends "Bad Luck" The hotel not being adapted for health In Fur Scarfs. tle lawn turnovers, plain hemstitching Many people were killed in this wreck, friends In this city. Variety Remember when you wer a youngater, resort of Ills, is only preserved for With low cut gowns the fur scarfs is the ideal adornment, though a nor-ro- among whom was Uncle Guy's wife what a trial buklnx luy was? If Moth- Mrs. Dead. er was the sojourn of passengers, tourists are more than ever in demand. ..There edging of crochet is permissible, and daughter, and it la thought by the Lopez lucky, everything went finely but Santa Fe. Mrs. Rita Ortiz y If slid hud "bail luck" her ciikcu uud her and sportsmen. are wide scarfs of moleskin bordered or a little white embroidery. Small hospital authorities that the meditat- Lopez, pies and her trend were (allures. Her of "Reputed excellent cooking. Noble, pin-i- n In or on f well known resident this city and success In seemed to al- are bows foulards soft ing the death of his wife and linking depend well-lai- with ermine, and there stunning spotted tragic most 4 beers. a membor of one of the oldest Spanish-Am- ultoifether on "luck." real, wines, different oombinaions of ermine and chiffon satin are also much worn just now. daughter finally weakened Uncle Guy'B Nowadays there's no such as erican thing The magnificent outlook Is grandlous. mind, necessitating his being removed famlllea died following a "bukhiK luck.' At least, not in the kitch- ens of the be- Dally six trains to all of the to the fchort illness. cooks. Simply parts insnne hospital. came Calumet Halting J'owdcr has Free view at lake." TOUCH WITH SNAKE. EMBROIDERY smashed old time globe. the lively GIVES COLLAR RIGHT that idea, it hug made a Hilario Ruiz, captured a few days baklntf sure of nuor It lias niailo In- From foreign hotel guide. ago on the Gila river by two cowboys, Glenwood Bandits Have Confessed. experienced cooks ahi o bake perfectl- Dainty of Trailing Flowers y, and day after day It la saving hun-dre- Design had a preliminary hearing at Las of dollars worth of time and ma- Baseball Reason. Makes a Fin- - ' Glenwood. Automatic revolvers, and Foliage Pretty Lunas and was bound over to the terials by doing nway with costly failures. "Why was Napoleon so successful?" Ish for Neck. mutilated mail sacks and dummy Calumet Haklng I'owder Is the the grand on a of murder. purest "lie managed from the field," ven- jury charge the eveidence to ba baking powder made and guaranteed not Ruiz pleaded guilty, admitting that he money packages, only to be pure, but to stay pure In the tured a voice from the rear of the Those who admire neckwear w n used three bandits who at- can and in the baking. Calumet lias dainty had shot and killed Transito Gabuldon, against the twice class. "The kings he went will embroider a net as been ofllclnlly Judged' the best bak- against collar, using a brother of Frank Gabaldon, of Al- tempted to hold up the slugo near ing powiier made receiving the highest managed their campaigns from the foundation. awards at the World's I'uro Fond Kxpn-sltlon- a a In San several Glenwood a few days ngo, arrived in bench." Be careful when the net buquerque, Rafael, In Chicago (1907) and lu Paris purchasing weeks ago. Ball was denied Ruiz. Denver and is in the possession of tho OKiy. Adv. that you select a firm quality, with All women born eatlal poBtofflce Inspectors. According to the are free and not too large a mesh. Cut the collar Roosevelt county this year raised look federal officers' who have been work- JUST THAT. but they don't It at the bathing the desired shape and stamp it with the largest crops of maize and Kaffir ocacn. a simple design of trailing flowers corn that has ever been taken off the ing on the case, James D. Harris, dep-- of Socorrb W. and foliage, a festoon tiny blossoms same amount of land. For the pant uty sheriff of county, C or a chain of daisy heads arranged few weeks there has been a constant FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS one after the other. Art RIchMt stream of wagons on the to Por- John L. Allen, a saloonkeeper of in Curative Qualities Pad the and way FOR BACKACHE, petals leaves length- have confessed to the robbery. RHEUMATISM. wise with cotton tales, and all these wagons have been KIDNEYS AMD SLADDEN darning and stitch were within loaded . The three men across this, using soft mercerized cot- heavily with grain. While, captured ton. Buttonhole stitch the outside probably, it would not be exactly true lour hours after the robbery. edge in scallops and finish with a to say that the farmers were com- The stage frequently carries as The Army of frill of narrow Valenciennes lace. pelled to rent land on which to stack much as $20,000 to the mines in thu Bind the neck line with a bias their crop, yet, it is true that the town silver district and It was the plan of Constipation le Smaller strip of lawn, which slips beneath has been hard pressed for room on the men to hold It up in one of thi Growing Every Dev. the a well-fittin- g col- dress, insuring which to take care of it. For the past mountain passes and carry the loot to CARTER'S LITTLE lar. A butterfly bow of embroidered LIVER PILLS three weeks the thresher has been con- Glenwood, where It was to be hid in are net, or a jabot if preferred, gives a stantly at work and there is responsible they scarcely the' blacksmith shop belonging to dainty finish to the collar. any perceptible decrease in the size not onlygive relief IpiQTrn'cl White until the excitement had blown thev Derma- - X lUAKItKO of the rick from which they are now To Wash Chenille. say the federal officers. nentlycureCes- - threshing. j cvef, To waBh a chenille tablecloth boil itipttioa. Mil half of in In the U. S. District court. Father Sued by Son for $197,000. lions use a pint bran two quarts of Judge them for XiA water for half an hour. To this add William H. Pope presiding, Attorney Albuquerque. Grover VV. Ilurrlson, a senior at with BiliolllMIll eff cold water to it the George Volney Howard was discharg- Harvard university, Sick Sallow Skin. make just right Cook A fellow spends a lot ot mon- ladifeitioo, Heulacke, for hands in com- ed as special referee In the bankruptcy residence here, filed Buit In the Dis- heat holding the ey for Christmas and what SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. case of the Duran Mercantile com- trict Court for $197,000 from presents, fortably, and then wash the cloth in it. Parisian glove makers, following asking lias to his Dr. V. he show for It? Genuine must bear Signature Using no soap. If the cloth is much the stockking designs, have embroid- pany. father, George Harrison, he Is his share of bis Hook Pawn tickets, usually. soiled, make more bran water and use ered them to match. The photo- Justice of the Peace George H. which, alleges, mother's estate. HIh mother was Miss It undiluted when sufficiently cool. graph shows an evening glove of Craig, at Albuquerque, dismissed the The light that lies In a woman's water be case member of a wealthy More or less bran will need- white silk embroidered with a green of the state versus D. A. Macpher-o- n Guadelupl Peres, syes may tell the truth. ed, according to the size of the cloth, snake. charged with criminal libel which Spanish family. She died intestate in ease In 18KJ, a fortune, Dr. Har- R.rta!pmnn.W.uiL and a second supply may be had from was argued the Justice court. leaving large IJ.O. ikjultnfrt-- ). If) in effected PATEHTSS the same bran. If this be enclosed In Dally Thought. The comilalnt was preferred by Dr. rison, 1908, a settlement with which a muslin bag the trouble of straining Time misspent Is not lived, but Un J. W. Collert. Coral Clyce, his son, in he received BwtCoH- - Syrup. TfcJt. iood. Ut will be obviated. Fuller. with Mr. SCacpherson, was held 'o $10,000 In cash and a house la St. In t"a. told by Drajrfflttt. the grand Jury after the Louis valued at $12,000. pEFjMCEjnBCijrm hearing. A i VV. N. u7, DENVER NO. RVOCLIPPLR Isidore Items. A SPEEDY STITCHER f Attention First pub Nov. 2. 07153 J563 iill (Ut MPOPULAB7 Notice For Publication We are taiher cool AWL FREE See that your final proof is cor rirartn.ent of the Interior. U, S- Land o.Ii' c at Tucum.-vr- l. New Mtftsf weather in our this rect and also n:imo-- s J. K. THOMAS, community description 2!. IBia. or Novemlir. , With One Three error to us once b I tor & Publii-her- week. years iub Report any at Noti,' is hereby given ths to letter, it will be promptly attended Calvin V. Rtiuch of Hal'e N M whi oa who fciption 5 Mnrcb Mr. si'fl Mi?. Eider, have to. ll.''e Hom'eatt Ei'rv Ni I50ti fa' f 2i. a i I U V Hilt) o 1 ) i t'ulilialnjd lCvur riituxj M. The Wichita f ly. been visiting, at San Jon. N. Eagle for tl j teciion 14. Townsi i Cuervo hN. Xmas returned home lam Send 5o cents for one Clipper Jan. t Uaa.'e ::!. :i. M. P. Jl;ridiii. tn lut week, year, ti, NOTICE FOR PUBUCATION. notice uf Ituentlon to mike F. Hi second-clas- s mat- ' Entered as of the five on Orltr- three-yea- tor three years, either to the Mechanics Department Interior. year Proof, oi Friday. Popular U. Land OlMce N. V. Add'l. to ter April 17, Kjo8,at the post office S. atTucuwearl. ejurihsti eiiin to taj Utl I or direct to the Dee.M. IBIS above described, bet ire J. R. Thomas U.S. the Steel Swain, and Oil Whitaker Clipper Eagle Maganne it Cuervo, New Mexico, under vrarmii to rou can unsiskstand it" Notice l hereby slven th Comu,!ii:orior al Cuervo. N. M. on the ottt, b-- Oflice, and you will receive the .: ) Ct nt M. day of 19'3. Act of Congus.3 of March 3,1879." of Tucamcari. have visiting rociT f rrutof o Ortiz of Newldrlt. N. M., who on Jitunari J World's which July, 17, liWT, made Homestead Cliuiuant names as vlmesses: ibis w,r'h,u Weekly EagW and the C. Progress you F.ntry No. wiih relative and 'friends i may beiin reading at nny time, and MH7 for El NWr. NEi SWJ. NWJ SE Sec. J. N. t)bannon. D, E. Bilard O. C, Co3k, ' torevc-r-, James T. all M. week. Awl Stitcher Awl ut once. iwli'cl1 Wili "old ?cur ntr 15.T. 9N. Rnir 25E. and additional H. J5 of Cuervo. N. SUHSCRUTIOX HATER made 1910, OIJ47S K. A, Prentice, tiecister. i 233 ma mcnth 300 Ma7 7th, No. lorSWJ. omi: ti:a ll. no ma wmis NEJ Section 15. Township t N. Ranee Mrs, W, D. Chatham and son Lett Metropolitan 233 ARTICLES CF GEKEHA1 1"Til'iST mx months BE. N. M. P. Meridian, has filed notice Nov. 48. 07577 .9 (20 r ; i The "Simp Doitartmont pages) of Intention to make Final thtee-yea- rnitrn month Tiicuincati hxve lit en visiting Weekly No" how to make notice fob publication Newspaper give! ensy ways to do things Proof to establish claim to ot the usciul articles for home anil shop, repair, etc. the land above Deparlment interior nh relatives ihe week". described before Geo. Sena. U. E. U. S. Landtaftlee at Tucumcari, N. M. ADVERTISING RATES past In the Southwest. Has Frnnk " A mate-t- r Msrhanlca' (10 panes) tells how to ,,!., Mission furniruri wireless outfits, boats. Commissioner, at Santa Rosa. N.M,, on the Nov 21. I9:s fiCits. iirh circle col AsinginR was held nt W. k, Carpenter articles. "A Kansan &Yalimai,mi'l,c'aSia m I7H day of February 191S Notice ts hereby given that Oicar 1. Diifhy PER YEAH SIHSLE COPIES 15 CEHTt Claimant names as witnesses: Hub. of Cuervo, sr. M. who on April. 11. 1)1'. $UQ Pablo Chatham ,s It A. Araeon. of Santa Rosa. N. M., Rlcardr. H No.17131 r rr months, Thursday night. Wttshington, I). C.," Prof M. Ask newsdealer, or male laiiitaid Katry far ?'t your Aragon. otPuerta de Luna. N, N.. Relnaldo Sec. S 8N. ircue. was well attended and WRtTC FOR rRt SAMPLK COPY TODAY To'ashii. R.ing3 Jjffi. N. .vi, I net'? 5 els lire ) er everybody rten Eyrk, Kansas Experiment Ortiz, of Newkirk. N, M, Rumaldo Baca, of P. Meridian has filed notice of iateatlM Newkirk. N.M. ts having bad an exctlltnt Mtllison POPULAR MECHANICS CO. to mi'.te null to sisiV repot ation, Esther aud Ada R. A. Prentice, Reilster. hsn T 1 w. WMMnrm at., cmicaoo claim to the laud above desTlbcd. Ufa 's J. It. Thomas. U.S. at Our correspondents will please time. Carroln Worton for the Indies, serialNo. 0I0S51 Contest No. 46a commissioner Cuervo tf. NOTICE OF CONTEST M. on the loth day of January 19 3. ess VI,, I ar,A K D...1 L'. .1 it number thtit we go to pi W. Swain made a business - I ' 1 . owm u 1 I r 11 c 1 of claimant names as witnesses. W, jru J uuu First imbJan. S (T959 Department the Interior. John H. Easley. Doll Dobbin. C. C. (Jjit, and all NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United states Land Office Tucumcari N M . Thursday morning copy to Associated Press, Base Ball and Allen Powers all of Cuervo, N.M. trip Montoya Friday. Di'partmpnt o( the Interior December, tl, 191 K.A. Prentice. Hegisur (r i Ihe paper must be in not later Jim Stone and brother of Tu Markets. U. S. liandOfflce at Tucumotirl, N. Mcx.. To Arthurs Hudson. of Cuervo.N.MContestee Deoembtr.. !S, 191 S. You are hereby notified that Joseph H (ban morning. We Tuck who N M, Cuervo Wednesday cumcari aru viHiting with friends TUF SPEEDY Notice Is hereby given that Edward L. rives Halle. n Uia clipper AWL. did on 1919, NOTICE KOH PUBLICATION. a did of corres- - Sollberirer ot Halle. N M. who, on June 11. postoffloe address, Dec. St, hie lave rp'i't coipf this week . in c 1907 made Homestead Entry No. 18 853 this ffloe his duly corroborated appl Department of the Interior. Sells where a Lund 1 every tor dollar. for NE.t, Section IS, N cation tocontest andsecure the cancellation U.S. Office at Santa Fe, N, M, 1 tc'iiiit td t jtctiate every Township aj Mr. Weavers, ot N. M. N of Quay, Has fivo bob- Rune "'E, M T Meridian, hu flleJ your Homestead.' Entry No. tfloui Dec. S, 1912, tn and dislike for their needles, adjustable Serial No. 010651 19, 1938. Notice Is ue of tb who has been in notice of Intention to make rinitl five made juns lor sal hereby given thtl trapping our O. o year Proot. to establish olitlm to the land Section 15. Township 8 N. Range 35 E.. N. V Wtey Mahanay. f Cuervo. N. i ions to come in o bin and thread inside. All insde s. ctiniu Dtct the month re- above described before John It. Thomas. U. P. Meridian, as lor his who on August lJ07made Homes ead Sr.rf community past anl urouil) contest , 1Mb.' we cunt tbem in the of handle, made Ol the bi'St hard S.oommlsstuner at cuervo, N. M. on the 13th. he alleges that Arthur S. Hudson ' No W0-- for SEf r.ectionl. Tovri- lato get borne 1913. turned Tuesday. day of Februarv has never established residetce on said tract, ship fN.. Range 8K. N. M. P. Marldiai. ui paper. Maple Guaranteed by the Weekly, claimant Damts as witness. that he has never cultivated said land or tiled notice of intention 'o multe final Mr, and Mrs. Elder were visit- 1, mm. vi), hj.ii sllbsrser. Fred Improved it in anyway sincn making said proof to cstat lish claim to the land tSovs Eagle. M. Lsle. Aden Keeter all of H.ille. N. M. ing with W. K, Chatham and entry, that sn id tract is not settled ui on or desc:tbed lief re J. K. Thomns, U, S. SEND TODAY K. A. Prentice. Ilctirister 18 IMCUIEAEHRS cultivated as required by lawi at Cuervo, N, M , on the 4th day of frmily Sunday. You are. therefore, turther notified that the Tebiuary. M3. 4 clipper Jim. I UW59 CONVICTED OF DYN MITE said allegations will be taken this office a Claimant names an witnesses: The usual was hitch- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. by ' horse seen having been confessed by and William L. Wilso.i. John 11.'.sy. Jamrs T. CONSPIRACY MAY BE of the Interior. you, your said THIS BOY YET Department enrty wlllbe canoe'ed thereunder without Stone, James F. Harbin all of Cuervo. N.M. ed at (he same old M post Sunday. United Statea Land Office Tuounicurl, N. Otc-ro- . 28. The your f urthcrright to be heard therein, eithei l R. Ilenlster. Itidianapoli'ij Dec. ONE OF OUR GREAJ MEN De '. DO 191 J. Miss Alliu Moore who has before this office or on If you fail Kirt !iuh.D,'o. 19 been Notice Is appeal. to with hereby given that file in this office within L'nilid Stales government, , twenty days after the Wilson V. Holmm, of Alivni. N. M. wh-y- visiting re'aiives in Joplin, Mo. FOURTH publication of this notice, as shown Ft. . Dec. 12 OB937 d tndar on December S). I9;)7 made Home- tu in at decisive swiftness, the December American below, your answer, under oath, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. the in No. SI 91)3 speoifloallj past two months, returned stead Untry for SW.i Seotlon and of the interior. thiriy-i.b- meetintr responding to these alleiasions Department tec k into ii posf-er-sio- t an 5. er . lU'iiro k. n. m.. Magazine appears interesting Township a of contest, or If you fail within that time to U.S. Laud Office at Tucumcari. N. M. home Monday and her many P. Meridian, tl a a tiled nntic.n nf ... file in this office due proof that you Dno 6. 1913. unicu latur iflicmls convict, flCCOUnt Of R.llpll W hltf field Intention to nmltn FinnlthreK-vearPrnn- f fr. bare friends were to see her served a copy of your answer on the said Notice ts hereby glvan that Sarah f. glad establish claim to the land above describee' ed of of ex. Chundless. a fifteen or contestant either In pcrsonor by reitistered Dowuiaz of Alamo. N. M. who oo Feb. il. Dlf conrpitacy, promoUug hoy sixteen hKfore, s. Commlsslonei. at ntura. j. mail. If this service is mil: a tn 1 1 .V ,.l Vliif r J M made by the ii i;rli on non-uni- on wotk threu cYcrvo' N ' ih day of Feb. 1913. C. vlnHcco years old, who gets up at halt delivery of a copy of your ar.swer to the Tiw.nhi,) 7T, Raag 3.N. U. John Colt of was Claimant names as witnesses: con Motloys kccii testant In Meridian, bnsilled noticeof Intention 3 of in the Shaw person, proof of such service must ton it cut the lur.d, aiding three in the 6tll8 Jasper James Mayes, 3. W. Mills flve-j,i- r in past morning, be either the said contestant's written linul proof to astibli.-.- claim to ths our community Sunday, Komalua Otlgon, al! of Alumo.N. M- - lacd ain-,v- befere H. r t r r, 1, fe t it ciiti, vhuli Lie iPbl lots of two hundred and acknowlcdRtKent of his receipt of the copv described, J. fifty newaptpei S, , R. A. Prentice. Re'.ster, l!. S. M We bad a singiog at W. W, showing thedate of its receiptor the aOl commltsioner. at Cuorvo. N. Oa ths hie at Loa AnRcka, and of carry- reads books davit ot the by whom Hlh da of January, 1918. every spare moment Jan, I. 0454 (110447 O.ISM perFOn the delivery Swain's Saturday night and also at was when and the Clai.uunt names as witnesses: on a of de-ela- notice ok mades'.atlng where copy ing "reign terror," and troes to school contest was It Charrlea L. WUH.ims. Jnmus W. Ml75i the sckool bouse afternoon every day Department of the Interior, delivered: made by registered mail in Sunday proof of such service must consist of Harvey Mayes, John W. Mills all of A am, to be unparalleled the is an extract from the U.S. Land Onioe al Santa Fe N.M. the Mon- Following affidavit of the person by whom the copy was N. M. Miss Maude Prunty, of December 17. ol the Almost mailed when and the to i R. A. Prentice. Resltter, buttery country. article: Elvira Perkins, of Cuervo. N.M. Contestee stating postoftice was visiting with homcfolks which it was mailed and this affidavit must be toya ' u. tli mtire exicutito stuff rt the "Here IS his """'creu' lml aiodo the Inez No JI!H Hi. 1 J!I7 aaiiy Schedule, CaIt) wh0vt.,, Cuervo;"eoNew Mexico, as his accompanied by postmasters receipt for it) .U3) Orig. sf. last week. the tetter Apolinano sr, No. 04243 Hd.62')I Inu rr attcral Astociation 'of m postoftice address, did on Deoeembcr 10. 191J lie gets up at 8:30 a, and You should stats invour answet the rame Ctissrvo Clipper. Dec. 19 L. F. Mon6mer Xmas file in this office his dully corroborated appli- Work-- spent of the to Which desire NOTICE FOR PUHMcATION BiiiV and Snucturul Iron t walks four and a half to cation to contest, and secure the cancellation postofflne you future tndep Notices to sent to of the Interior. diy with W. R. Chatham and of your Homestead Fnirv No. Serial be you. Department was conviettd. two of n R. A, Prentice. Reelster U s Lnd OiBce at Tucumcari, N. M. is Only meet the paper-trai- atRutherford. made July S5. 1908 & Jun. in, 1909. N. V. Receiver 3rd 1918. family. section 15, W Gallegos. December 1 1 is rr.aiu for W.sui. NKi. section ii. unun ri out ol jail, Ho conies bank to Hasbroutk Date of first publication Jan. Notice U & Mir and Mrs. A" ill Prunty and SJ NKi. SI tiWi section 15. Twp. ON. Kanire hiraly givji taitl eillntii) " " second 9. Alnt of N 4st If id cf tie list of thji-- cou.. on 84E. N. M. P. Meridian. and as grounds for his iiir, o'iipjrito. jv f ti m Heigbts ihe first trolly at 5 a. " " third IS. who on 25th UJ5 U'5 lit ly aptnt Satusday with W. R. contest he olteBes lhat Elvira PerVlns has Aueuit iseptemb:r ist ' "' fourth 13. merle Homestead entries Nos. 04241 ctid stands Frank M. Ryan, the m. with 250 newspapers. He de- wholly abandoned said tract of land for more Chatham and family. C4243 Hd. No. 0217 6 2H7 for si N Wi an1 Ni i Y thuti 18 monihB last past: that the land re- 05588 ellta rtuder.t. i a and bill ( u'l, j livers about half of these at resi- mains abandoend the lime. OF tectl jn (Mu.n.ino) lamia; Wonder what's the matter with at present NOTICE CONTEST e BecuonS Township l!N Itan.-- 55 EN M, You uro therefore, further notified that of the Interior. f dences between 5:30 and 7;oo a. m. Department Meridian has died noticeof intention to nici Eddie? His bone in't hitched at the said allegations lll be tnlten by this ' United states Land Office, Final five-yea- to establish claim to tits confet-se- proof, Then he tukes the ofttce as huvinif ben by you. and M.. Deo. 13. 19U, Kelly Flat. the usual as often runainder Santa Fe. N, Had above describe 1. before Lorcnaa i j place any more. your said entry will he canceled thereunder jlnl ifio To Elbert C.Lay of KnovilloTenn.Contestee: caunty u'.erli san Miguel county at Lis December 3". down to his track at 1'iie without your further rluht to be heard therein, tin How about it Eddie? You are hereby notified that Una A New Mexico on the thirteenth day of either before ihis office oron appeal, if your Mr. Warren ,f Texas station and sells to the com Thomas, who gives, Cuervo. N. M, January U13 Millsap, Messrs W, R. de fail to fille in this ofltrc within MoOi. Louis twenty days post-offic- Sid ' ' as his address, on claimant names as witnesses: .1 I . f ' after the r'OUUTH publication of this .'1 o. war. K muters until the last euly nam notice, September. IS, 1918. lile in this offee h is Aieiiutc. tefermo Arellaneiof ikuticictuutML.... m,m y G,lIeg08 Md Mji as shown below. our answ er tinner oath, in duly corroborated application to content Las VeasN. H. Francisco Vigil H iraj'.iaj this week, , goes at 8:50... meanwhile put- specifically meetlna and to these Tigs E(Iilh Le(.,ie aUcude(, ,he blR respondinit and secure the cancellation of your home- Romo both ot Cuervo. N. M. ' alletrat lors cf contest, or If jou tail wi!hin Mrs. D. Hanson and two the touches on his stead; No.OSSSI Serial No. R. A Prentice, Register. J, d,ncfl a Chri(tfflM ting finishing that time to tile In this office due proof lhat Entry Of5s MoBy nigll made Feb-5- 190H. for NEJ. i lessons minutes is1 ,ou UvBel ved a i' 01 "our nswer on S, N,?El of Knls Miw., Nell and all Tin latur he Seotlon It, Township 9N. of, Ranite 3 E.. ri,p0r, having had a fine time. huiu contesiani eiincrtn person or oy register Firm 07831 N. 54 P. Merllian, nd as for his pub. Nov.! 1 1 rt servc Is grouili ( 1 i with Jin, L ft Lavis at SCbOol; nd the rest of the day "" lights made by the Notice Fob Ptjblicatioh tcfj Moore and - contest he alleges that said Elbert C. W, R, Jerry Bennett neuve 5 01 acopy 01 jour answer to the con- Lay has established his residence on Department of the Interior. Mr. and bride of he lives the life of a . -,, riever paid Louis Luran tnadrt a reguhr lnerson. o,B0la, w,,..t U. a. Land Offlce at N. al. bustuess trip to Mouioya ,uoh land or Improved it in any way siate making Tucumcari, b either the said contestant's written ac Nov. tl. 1918. iuii un id , . . uwuia schoollny. said entry, iriniig Tuesday, knowledgement of bis receipt of the copy. Notice Is hereby given am- You are, therefore further notified that the ) t Liuia is the "Now, this young merchant showlrg the date of lis receipt, or the E. Sims of Isidore. N. .M. who. oi litis. ttatbiog Success to the ' said allegations will be taken by tliisollce as Clipper. davit of the pei son oy ahom the delivery was May 16. I9u7 aade Homestead Eatry, 1 school. having been oonfessed hy you. and your said u.lbca Student hS Stood at the head of made statins when and where the copy was No,17h?s lor Si SWJ SI SE1 section 1. Guess Who. willbe canceled thereunder delivered: If made by reitistered mail, proof of entry withtrjt Township 11 N fcutpe S5. E, N. M. P. Mr. Joe Clay and wife of Oliu his class tbat he has your further rluht to be heard therein, either every year j ,ncbWTlei mu8t consl8l of lne omdaTil 0( Meridian hai filed notice of intaitioa before this office or on appeal, if you fail to Mis. In nerson by wbom Ihe copy was maUeo tp make Final five-yea- Proof, to establish is visiting Clay's been schcol. He did SO well file in this osloe within twenty days niter the stating when and the post orlioe to which It claim to the land above doacribej )a ' -- i . 1 FOURTH of this as shown Mr. B. .... i pub.lcation notice, j ..rents. and Mrs, F. in scuooi last mat ne was wasmai.ea ana tnisanidavit must be accom before J. R. Tnomas U, S. Comoissioner at yeai below, your answer, under oath, siieoltlcally , . . panled by the postmasteis receipt for the Cuervo.. N, M.. on the Bih day ot iUon this week. ,. meeting and responding to these allegations McCall's irom nis examtnotions letter, 191:1. Magazine exempt of or if to January , should In oontcat, you fail witnin that t,m; . D. . 1 ; a You state your answer the name Claimant names as witnesses: Mr. Hanson had tome nis ,1 file in this office due proof that you have noiwuniuanoing nngers atid0,lhe post otlioe to which you desire future VYHliam t'runty. Thomas Martines, E igene D and McCall Pattertis served a copy o t your answer on the said tut-ll- iu bin you. Munnimcr. William R, cbatham.all ot bidors, pump Uocs suffered all the Irom frost "tiewatto contestant In or juttirg year enher person, by rexUter)l N. M. For Women mail. If this lorries Is made by the delivery Monday. bite in the winter. He has Datoof first publication Jan, 1.1013 R. A - Prenttoe, Register. early of a cm y of your answer to tne contestant Hare More Frinda than any other Dateofsccond publication Jan. J oh the sick list or McCall's is tbo in ,erson. e f sicb service must J.C IWiy is mcgatine patterns. paid lor blS own clothes ever Date of third publication J an 16. p'oof in said reliuble Fashion Guide monthly be either the Contestant's written first pub Dec. 5. I Miik. Date of fourth publication Jan. 83. lie one million one hundred thousand since he was six year? old. He acknowledgement ot his receipt of the copy NOTICE FOa PUBLICATION. homes. Besides showing nil the l&teM showing the date of Its receipt or thd affl Chusimas tree Knob s Department of the Interior, Ihe at desi-fn- of McCall Patterns, each has a checking account and t davit ol the person by whoa was tha delivery u. s. und at Santa Fe, .N. is brimful of slio.t stries made when and wh're the was onije was v.til alimded The sparkling account at bank. He Hating copy Nov. 55. 19.S. tiled and helpful iuformation for women. savings the delivered: H made by mall.Tirool ol registered Notice Ih hereby given tha dicoiatcd aud fuh fcv such semos must consist of the Sv Muiwr J Km hi Styl nttrriblii pays his widowed mother four Jo:.e D, L'pezof Huxton San M gijl cutty lor McCair, Mtfania at ones. CoiM enty 50 affidavit of the pe'son by whom the copy w fN I a N. M who. on May 14th. 19)9. 1 lltiinl ( tut fir the little oues. tnn tw, intlodmf u; oh ol Uu ulatnicil and a half a week -- mailed when and the nm uaie tin McCailFatttrHlrM. dollars hoard. stating ollje Iiomretead No. IW9SJ tor E SSI. r,nmi4lTor,talne4 In all ooontrtMOR no res. to which '.t was mailed, and thisatlilavit must Entry Santa Cluus a MaCaO aiKtra In At, copyrtwlitaras: Section 9, mid W.i SWJ. Section IJ. got there little Farlana UaJ all atylr. Ex. tffrml. He: I hkatall. almtail or tot he aoLt. Mora I'lioto. accompanied by the postmaster's receipt implicit?. Knaomv .nd aaiKtm Mil oa PueupcaoV Range 13 E. N. M. P. 1 doi atll McCall ot'.itr two ieoT punaMiar. Ti'ah'. 12. )st( ut csuie with bin arms ful, i Pitttma this anr iwaii,iniiTir. aaaa aarsaritoia. for the let hi.s ii.ed ".otlc of intention tomake nukeaewnianad. Nona hither ibau JJuy Sond 4 oenta to ataiapa for oar two inraitubie tr, Meridian, ijcaota. You snould in ot r Uuu rout (fealrr, or br nail troa toon on now to ana , state yonr answer the Dime Final thrco-ea- proof to establish claia. II all WMnh rillhtmroar. How tobill r pupiis one and were wtll lo make final ems ma run the post office to which you desire future iiii.d O. Application fur ner, sateiit law and other vajnaoiaislormauoa lo the ,uoe described before H. McCALL'S MAGAZINE notices to be sent to you. Brixton. U, S. at Button, ct l'id iiciltd tbtir pitctis vr commutation can be Ocm;ssloner. ad year proof B, C. HeruaailesiKc'clver. 51. on J 1913. 336-24- 3 D. thi J.vy of Jaauiry. W. 37ik St, New York CUy SWIFT & CO, i D.ile tHihllnatlnn rt tl nf ftps! r. LlAiuuaut rtirucs u.s witnesses: vr.L Twmtm torn, made at the ifiice 0 LA tjuenee. mi tWM CMttrtw Clipper iue PATSBir " " " ii 'wVy, tvc ons (....-i- i. ct u. ... (,. second jao. t Mar.-arit- Garcia. T. M. Chives. Jeas U oovoiiMi vvsuaninDiDII, u. " " "Frd' tyouj 9i, third "9 Taylor. Felix CauvesaUof Buton. N. Mi "furta ; is SHtiuol K. Otrro Reciatav