University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Cuervo Clipper, 1910-1922 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 1-2-1913 The ueC rvo Clipper, 01-02-1913 Clinton Keeter Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/cuervo_clipper_news Recommended Citation Keeter, Clinton. "The ueC rvo Clipper, 01-02-1913." (1913). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/cuervo_clipper_news/101 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Cuervo Clipper, 1910-1922 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 4s ' f ,.Mi ,wv ENVELOPES JOB WORK. and Cuervo V4ipper, STATIONERY Volume 5 Cuervo, New Mexico, Guadalupe County, Thursday January 2, 1913. No. 38 NEW MEXICO LEGISLATURE ROBKEFELLER. JR. FIRM . HAY ELECT NEW SENATOR 2 THE NATION GUARDS THE MONEY BELlLVER LY PRAYK3, New Deo. Santa 2o.-- York, 39. John D. IN NATIONAL BANKS F, N, M.., Dec. The PRE-IMENTO- Rockefeller, Jr. in RY SALE date legislature of New Mex. addresfing a SUCH AS OURS large audience in the Y ico will convene at noon , January today m; Men's Christian Association Integrity of the people behind a National Bank is 14th, On account of the first builj. ing at which one of the Nation's first demands. We are prnud of flection ol state legislators Laving Tarrytown, wasmili the honorable names our ot possiblo a of Uo3X hank, and tbe busi- takin place last year, the hy gift I5o,ooo ' to of 3 present ness ability of our directors, allot whom have made a Prior the taking our annual his father, told of his faith session will ba composed of the in fcuccess. and same memhera who prayer of how he faced thi Are served at the They crisis ot his life we shall close out special sesmon this and his hippineii H. 6. inventory spring; JONES. J. J. MOISE and usefulness to the world The first question 0 be decided da., JOHN H. HICKS, A. VV. W1EST 1 pended the will be whether the officers ol the upon decision. h ALL ODDS & to God for 'four CHAS. SUMNER last session can hold over into ptayed yoira night and morning to guide hirxj Let our bank be bank. this session, regarding this session your on the as a continuation 1 1 a right path. Suddenly 1 of the 9 f in the different A visit before jij OF -- dawn FIRST NATIONAL BANK departments. ession. with an adjournment morning hid broken, I he arose from his bed and during tbo summer. It regarded ligiuad Rosa N. M. a Santa to our store during tlie next week us an lamp. He said the path of hu 3 adjourned session, Speaker life had been UNDER' GOVERNMENT R. K. Baca will be allowed to then and thero mid 5 CONTROL as clear to him will be profitable for you. retain bis seat and tbe committees as though a sign was will romain the fame, otherwise before bim pointing out the there may he an entire change in right road tor him to follow. II j the ollioers of the legislature. took his pen and there 4n the early There is a fight on United morning committed himself to the. life he should YOU CAN FILE Ofo A HOMESTEAD OR L I States Senator Fall, tbe demo lead, Bond Wiest crats and progressives claiming What the crisis was over and to MAKE FINAL PROOF BEFORE h's election for a second term was what he committed himself, he did not not valid last spring, Tins may say. "No man can prove to result in another senatorial contest me there is nothing in prayers and a new election. Of the fltter mY experience," he said. seventy-thre- e members of tbe 'God answered me.' LOCAL ITEMS- - Rtv. Messer, the presiding Mr. Rockefeller, who served J. R. THOMAS elder, of tin M. E. Church south, legislature, forty seven are repub- ai William was e foremsm of tbe Kdgerton shopp- called at the Clipper office lust licans; twenty-thre- democrats and 'white slava" i CUERVO, N. M. ing in Cuervo Tuesday. three grand a faw Saturday aud in speaking of the progressives, jury years ago, re dry farmers said in Union Among the important matters to cently gnve $20,000 toward thV John F. Perry, of Los Tanos, County raised fine come before the legislature will be investigation of police couditioai was town on they crops of broom in Tuesday business, in : the of New now . corn;-- and titans but had' "'mar- ratification the income tax York, in pngruss. 00 : i was in town Mon- amendment tbS jobn Eaiiley' ket for them. They were ofiered and amendment e. day on a drivejfor his health, J16 to $a; for broom corn and had providiugfor the direct eleeiion of United Stules revision JUDGE PUNISHES MAN WH3 no mat kit for beans, Surtly the senators, iiolimt, mm Mr. W. E. Lang of Hale Center bPAT OH HOLY BIBLE of the laws dry furmu-r- s of New Mexico have governing the state's Texas has our tbanks lor a dollar taxation a salaries CJLL slruck a liar J streak of luck. system county Milwaukee, Vis., Dec. 37. AflD SEE JHEM AJ TfE on subscription, bill, fixing the pay of county Judge Neelen, in the district court George M. Cunninkham made ofliciuls who Cuervo Drug Store Mr. Zackery Crawford, of Haile have served without today fined Martin Premak $1$ an additional homestead be- filing since advent of state- Pro-ma- was in town Tuesday shopping salary the because he spat on a bible. k fore U. 8, Commissioner, J. R. lie seemed to be in fine spirits an d hood, proposed laws for either was brought before the court Thomas last Saturday. stite-wid- e wore a broad smile. Charley prohibition or local by Mase Moszicka, who charged Cunningham made a filing the the of option, appropriation funds him with assault aud battery. If you know any item of news same day on the East half of iec. for a New Mexico 9 exhibit at the Maszicka said that Prnmik pushed tell it to the Clipper. We will T8N. K.a4E. and on Monday Panama Paciffc exposition at Kan i- - I him and thut he did not mind that; Oklahorna appreciate the favor. Wiley 0. M aha filed on one of and the at flotel Help give nay Fjancisoo exposition that ho was angered over another town a better Phone 'he same Chas. San both of which are your paper. quarters Cunning, Diego, Ca). insult, and he a book Meals 25 cents Beds 25 cents No. produjed K). ham had filed on. The to be held in 19 r and other quarter 3 legis- before the court. The boa!; was Mahanay filed on is known as the lation of more or less W. R, Smith, who lives near importauce, bible and Maszioka opened it ia Asberry place. It anyone else Albuquerque Journal. Hackberry Springs, wa9 a pleasant court. wants tofilo on the Asberry place Your DNA A. THOMAS caller at the Clipper office Fridry honor,'' said Ah'jjicka, they will please call around and UNION COUNTY MAN HAS see and gladdened the editor's heart "he sbat upon this boolr. I At the lets make out their filling SKEEP FROM AFGRAflSTAN Clipper office by paying a dollar on subscription papprs brought it with me from ths old A D.SMITH while we are in practice. This man into N. M Dr. country, came my FOR FRESH STAPLE 4 FAKCY much in Clayton, Dec, 39. NOTARY PUBLIC Cuervo is very need of house drnnk A man named C. C. has on bis ranch and abusive and GROCERIES. a blacksmith to a Wyatt.of Dickens Voting good operate when I remonstrated with CUERVO, N M. Texas arrived near her a herd of whinti him blacksmith also needs a County here last sheep shop good and toid blm what this com- lor a location. are the ones of their kind in book broom maker to make brooms. Fridsy prospecting only mands us to he it He Sit-urda- do, opened as it remained.in Cuervo until y tbo United States and prohably lay on the table and its Tr. J. C. Woodburn, CuervoTelephone Co The County Commissioners met md tuok tne train for Los the only ones in tho world outside spat upon in session last Tanos and paR(s." FHYSICIAN AND LOCAL- Local and Bls ant Con- - special Friday for remained there with A. of Persia and Afghanistan, their Long do 1 the of C. 'Did you that?" ES P. &. S- - W. SURGEON nec Ton to a points. purpose ordering elections Mtrablc until unlay und he native home, They are known as Jadga LET US PUT YOU m f Neelen asked Preiuak. Phono No. Om IN A PHONE. the various preeincis in the aud Miracle started tor Buxton, 24 Karalf ule jr sheep. W. B. milus '1 he man shrugged his should the Store. TERRY, Kgr. county to elect Justices of Peace north of and after Dr. Young buys these are the At Drug Qiervo " VUI In .g ers; '0b, yes he said, "I did Practice C.uervO and and constables. looking at the country up there sheep from which are taken ( ountry. do that, but it harmed no oae. they returned to Cuervo Tuesday Afghan, Kimmcr, Astraken and Mr. A, S. Heisel a You can see that he wiped lb received evening, Mr. VVyatt aims to ex Peisian fur which is used in mak- dry J.
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