The Cuervo Clipper, 08-18-1911
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Cuervo Clipper, 1910-1922 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 8-18-1911 The ueC rvo Clipper, 08-18-1911 Clinton Keeter Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Keeter, Clinton. "The ueC rvo Clipper, 08-18-1911." (1911). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Cuervo Clipper, 1910-1922 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ENVELOPE JOB WORK. I and The ipper. STATIONERY Volume 4 Cuervo, Guadalupe County, New Mexico, Friday August, 18, 1911. No. 18 Los Tanoslteras. Wni. Simons' CONTENTMENT THE WAY TO SAVE house was struck by lightning. Mrs. Simon and is to buy an article that you really want and at Mr. Simons with the hejfc, were If a bank account did not provide any financial advantages the right price. We can save you many dollars if siting in the room and the hjhjn-ins- r whatever, it would well ha worth the effort that it takes to you buy of us, tote up the floor withia twj accumulate it, simply for the contentment that its possession FROM AUG, lOTH. TO AUG, 25TH. STYLES OF feet of where they sat out nana to its owner. No om who has ever lived the hand-to-mou- th brings we will sell: DISTINCTION of them were hurt. existence of the credit buyers knows the genuine joy of Our store is full of them. Mr. Salagar had in some mca as does the man who with the world and with a . Pratts Best Flour per cwt. $2,6Q Here one that we Ljicw life is square ' New Idea " " will like. It's an all watermelon Friday, they weighed resonable amount ahead earning interest for him and ever Flour 2.50 you Modern Flour ' w patent leather, three-stra- p about 20 lbs. apiece. ready to take the sting of money worrying out of any misfortune 2,25, sandal, with en exquisite Burch the for-.- - John is busiest ,m that comes his way. 16 calico 1.00 he aded bow. "Very yds stylish. in Los Tanos be w on the road 35 bars of 1,00 yet comfortable. It is one soap" most of the time but m 201ba,Rice 1.00 of the season's big sue-- j says aey cesses. is a scarce article in the THE BANK 11 caas Hominy for 1.00 country. FIRST NATIONAL It one of ; 44 is our F. F, Jackson and J. J.Auv 10 lbs. Lard .95 burn hare taken the contract ot Rosa N. M. 5 lbs. " " .50 Santa boting a well at the court house at No . 2 Jacket .85 Oxfords Syrup per' jacket OUR aim and effort is to furnish such service to 4 Santa Rosa commencing Monday. 9 One gallon .45 which of itself guarantees our customers by our the qualify of the leather There has been several big that they may profit "We - 8 are still selling 35 ct Jams- .25 snd the with which dealings and recommend us to their friends. cere it wolves seen around Los Tanos is made. Our line embraces Respectfully yours, in the last week but none were a wide variety of styles which killed. ' and leathers:, you 'in ' i1 '" r-r-r-i nim fii I1.1 tti BOND 5 WEST should be sure to nee. The post office has had a thriv- TELL YOUR NEIGHBOR ing business for a tew weeks from the camp now stationed here,1 WE HANDLE EVERYTHING IN THE LINE They will uove in a few - The twenty six cars used to If are a days. - LOCAL ITEMS- you depositor with this OF FIRST CLASS BUILDING MATERIAL- Seven head ot cattle died of. accommodate the balasting crew bank you are entitled to one ol blackleg last week nosr Pat Quintans was in town has been placed on a side track our handsome souvenirs. Same nete, three of F. A. Pavey-i- , Sxniy FiuHt Tuesday. miles west Cuervo, The will be delivered to you in person j. F. Davis ide tract is a temporary one and or to someone else for t. Mrs.Tom you upon Graggwasa peasant will be Charles Burg in left for Wash, Big Jo Lumber Co. taken up when the crew your written order. It you do caller at the Clipper office Wed. ingtott last week, where be has a moves on. not have an account open one im- EARL D. JONES, M&r. job . His brother is Mr. I. O. Minor came in from and secure one of these good talking is mediately Ed Dudley able to come to of going to Arizonia m a weak or Tucumcari Tuesday night and useful, little presents. If you town once more hut still has a bad two. alow live outof town mail Nothing about these went ent home Wednesday. throat and it he will loose your deposits maybe men they are money matter all to us and one will be held for you Elmer Heisel came down from bis throat. His son who has been until yon have an opportunity to right, his down with fever is better. Ed Dawson last week to look after send tor it. Wra. Grove our operator ,! also that his 4s reports crop drying . Cuervo Drug Siore real estate interest, First National going to have F. F. Jackson, dU, tccownt of ganlb tup qja dry weather" wWon hu"claim "neat towri as Mr. James Skinner left last . SantiKosa, N".' M. ""Drugs, Medicine, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, J soon ss Mr. Jackson gets the well 'f to. visit her parents at A number of contractor and Sunday at Santa Ross finished.' Cards, etc., Hanley. builders came to Cuervo last bun. Pleasant Valley Items Mr. Grove is going away on a day night to bid on the school Crops are needing rain now, John Taylor was in town W ed- - visit to see her daughter !Post building. They turned m their Messrs Ballard, Reineke and nesday buying lumber of the Big F. A. Pavey killed a loafer wolf bids on Monday night; hut as A. Woodward were in Cuervo Wed Jo Lumber Co. last week. H. Lone is absent the bids have nesday. J. J. Ausburn was hurt cooning Charley Bullock was is town not been opened but it is expected A crowd of Abbott Valley ties. Had his band hurt and am Wednesday selling hii tarm pro- they will be soon and the contract people were in our midst Thursday sprained. Hotel Oklahoma duce. is a hustler, awarded. but didn't learn where nooned Charley they . Charles Daagler writes that he Guess were viewing Meals 25 cents Beds 25 cents. L. Thomas, brother to tha editor they crops iev coming back this month He Dr, Stone went to Tucumcari and of the Clipper, and his wife comparing prospects, had a leave of absence on his claim on Wednesday night of last week Messrs Ballard and Beineke ' ' ' arrived in Cuervo on the 11th of southeast ot here. returning Thursday night of ths have been cultivating the Adams' this month on a visit and left on Mrs. W. A. Merrill and fsmily VI. G. HAWKINS same week, He was on a busi- crop this week. the th. They were from west- - will leave in a short time to SEE COMMISSIONER ness mission, i join U. S. Mrs. Reineke and Lola spent No charge for making application em Kentucky, near Faducah, her husband at Sawyer, N. M. and A. C. SMITH final Saturday afternoon with Mrs. W. to make proof regardless J. M. Smith sod William The editor bad not seen them since give her daughters better school- TOR FRESH STAPLE & FANCY of where is heard testimony hauled out a new corn T. Gragg. or where notice is Edgerton September 1882. Tbey came on a ing. published. ear our GROCERIES. - Roasting peddlers from Information given my patrons binder" last Tuesday. They surely round trip ticket and only had ft Crops are burning up around free and are seen in Cuervo cheerfully. think they will have something to short time to remain here but will part commonly here, we nesd rain to save the Republican Building and we leal to know we Montoya, N, M. bind this year. be apt to return some time and proud feed. Dr. J. C Woodburn, have them to take another look at sell, Winner. tele- the west, PHYSICIAN AND LOCAL Co Colonel Miller, the night Mr, John Cook and family saw many that were E- - P.. CuervoTelephone transfer-e-d They things & S. W. SURGEOrJ graph operator has been spent Saturday night and Sunday Local and Long Distant Con not familiar to them. Pkone tlo. 9. to Santa Rosa and Mr. T. B, at Joe Obanon' Isidore Items. nection to all Tboy made a trip with the points. 1 is in We are rain At the Drug Store. Milam, of Paso operator The singing at Mr. Gearge needing again very MM Practice in Cuervo and Sur- LET US PUT YOU IN A PHONE. editor and hia wife to Santa Rosa ' Cuervo now. Arnolds Sunday afternoon was badly. , . rounding Country. S. P. MORISON. Mgr. and down the Pecos river to well attended. Mrs. Reineke and News is very scarce around in Puerto Luna and saw the John Eailey was town Wed de Isidore ' children, and Mrs. Montgomery this week. Guess people M.