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Cuervo , 1910-1922 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

8-18-1911 The ueC rvo Clipper, 08-18-1911 Clinton Keeter

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Recommended Citation Keeter, Clinton. "The ueC rvo Clipper, 08-18-1911." (1911).

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Los Tanoslteras. Wni. Simons' CONTENTMENT THE WAY TO SAVE house was struck by lightning. Mrs. Simon and is to buy an article that you really want and at Mr. Simons with the hejfc, were If a bank account did not provide any financial advantages the right price. We can save you many dollars if siting in the room and the hjhjn-ins- r whatever, it would well ha worth the effort that it takes to you buy of us, tote up the floor withia twj accumulate it, simply for the contentment that its possession FROM AUG, lOTH. TO AUG, 25TH. STYLES OF feet of where they sat out nana to its owner. No om who has ever lived the hand-to-mou- th brings we will sell: DISTINCTION of them were hurt. existence of the credit buyers knows the genuine joy of Our store is full of them. Mr. Salagar had in some mca as does the man who with the world and with a . Pratts Best Flour per cwt. $2,6Q Here one that we Ljicw life is square ' New Idea " " will like. It's an all watermelon Friday, they weighed resonable amount ahead earning interest for him and ever Flour 2.50 you Modern Flour ' w patent leather, three-stra- p about 20 lbs. apiece. ready to take the sting of money worrying out of any misfortune 2,25, sandal, with en exquisite Burch the for-.- - John is busiest ,m that comes his way. 16 calico 1.00 he aded bow. "Very yds stylish. in Los Tanos be w on the road 35 bars of 1,00 yet comfortable. It is one soap" most of the time but m 201ba,Rice 1.00 of the season's big sue-- j says aey cesses. is a scarce article in the THE BANK 11 caas Hominy for 1.00 country. FIRST NATIONAL It one of ; 44 is our F. F, Jackson and J. J.Auv 10 lbs. Lard .95 burn hare taken the contract ot Rosa N. M. 5 lbs. " " .50 Santa boting a well at the court house at No . 2 Jacket .85 Oxfords Syrup per' jacket OUR aim and effort is to furnish such service to 4 Santa Rosa commencing Monday. 9 One gallon .45 which of itself guarantees our customers by our the qualify of the leather There has been several big that they may profit "We - 8 are still selling 35 ct Jams- .25 snd the with which dealings and recommend us to their friends. cere it wolves seen around Los Tanos is made. Our line embraces Respectfully yours, in the last week but none were a wide variety of styles which killed. ' and leathers:, you 'in ' i1 '" r-r-r-i nim fii I1.1 tti BOND 5 WEST should be sure to nee. The post office has had a thriv- TELL YOUR NEIGHBOR ing business for a tew weeks from the camp now stationed here,1 WE HANDLE EVERYTHING IN THE LINE They will uove in a few - The twenty six cars used to If are a days. - LOCAL ITEMS- you depositor with this OF FIRST CLASS BUILDING MATERIAL- Seven head ot cattle died of. accommodate the balasting crew bank you are entitled to one ol blackleg last week nosr Pat Quintans was in town has been placed on a side track our handsome souvenirs. Same nete, three of F. A. Pavey-i- , Sxniy FiuHt Tuesday. miles west Cuervo, The will be delivered to you in person j. F. Davis ide tract is a temporary one and or to someone else for t. Mrs.Tom you upon Graggwasa peasant will be Charles Burg in left for Wash, Big Jo Lumber Co. taken up when the crew your written order. It you do caller at the Clipper office Wed. ingtott last week, where be has a moves on. not have an account open one im- EARL D. JONES, M&r. job . His brother is Mr. I. O. Minor came in from and secure one of these good talking is mediately Ed Dudley able to come to of going to Arizonia m a weak or Tucumcari Tuesday night and useful, little presents. If you town once more hut still has a bad two. alow live outof town mail Nothing about these went ent home Wednesday. throat and it he will loose your deposits maybe men they are money matter all to us and one will be held for you Elmer Heisel came down from bis throat. His son who has been until yon have an opportunity to right, his down with fever is better. Ed Dawson last week to look after send tor it. Wra. Grove our operator ,! also that his 4s reports crop drying . Cuervo Drug Siore real estate interest, First National going to have F. F. Jackson, dU, tccownt of ganlb tup qja dry weather" wWon hu"claim "neat towri as Mr. James Skinner left last . SantiKosa, N".' M. ""Drugs, Medicine, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, J soon ss Mr. Jackson gets the well 'f to. visit her parents at A number of contractor and Sunday at Santa Ross finished.' Cards, etc., Hanley. builders came to Cuervo last bun. Pleasant Valley Items Mr. Grove is going away on a day night to bid on the school Crops are needing rain now, John Taylor was in town W ed- - visit to see her daughter !Post building. They turned m their Messrs Ballard, Reineke and nesday buying lumber of the Big F. A. Pavey killed a loafer wolf bids on Monday night; hut as A. Woodward were in Cuervo Wed Jo Lumber Co. last week. H. Lone is absent the bids have nesday. J. J. Ausburn was hurt cooning Charley Bullock was is town not been opened but it is expected A crowd of Abbott Valley ties. Had his band hurt and am Wednesday selling hii tarm pro- they will be soon and the contract people were in our midst Thursday sprained. Hotel Oklahoma duce. is a hustler, awarded. but didn't learn where nooned Charley they . Charles Daagler writes that he Guess were viewing Meals 25 cents Beds 25 cents. L. Thomas, brother to tha editor they crops iev coming back this month He Dr, Stone went to Tucumcari and of the Clipper, and his wife comparing prospects, had a leave of absence on his claim on Wednesday night of last week Messrs Ballard and Beineke ' ' ' arrived in Cuervo on the 11th of southeast ot here. . returning Thursday night of ths have been cultivating the Adams' this month on a visit and left on Mrs. W. A. Merrill and fsmily VI. G. HAWKINS same week, He was on a busi- crop this week. the th. They were from west- - will leave in a short time to SEE COMMISSIONER ness mission, i join U. S. Mrs. Reineke and Lola spent No charge for making application em Kentucky, near Faducah, her husband at Sawyer, N. M. and A. C. SMITH final Saturday afternoon with Mrs. W. to make proof regardless J. M. Smith sod William The editor bad not seen them since give her daughters better school- TOR FRESH STAPLE & FANCY of where is heard testimony hauled out a new corn T. Gragg. or where notice is Edgerton September 1882. Tbey came on a ing. published. ear our GROCERIES. - Roasting peddlers from Information given my patrons binder" last Tuesday. They surely round trip ticket and only had ft Crops are burning up around free and are seen in Cuervo cheerfully. think they will have something to short time to remain here but will part commonly here, we nesd rain to save the Republican Building and we leal to know we Montoya, N, M. bind this year. be apt to return some time and proud feed. Dr. J. C Woodburn, have them to take another look at sell, Winner. tele- the west, PHYSICIAN AND LOCAL Co Colonel Miller, the night Mr, John Cook and family saw many that were E- - P.. CuervoTelephone transfer-e-d They things & S. W. SURGEOrJ graph operator has been spent Saturday night and Sunday Local and Long Distant Con not familiar to them. Pkone tlo. 9. to Santa Rosa and Mr. T. B, at Joe Obanon' Isidore Items. nection to all Tboy made a trip with the points. 1 is in We are rain At the Drug Store. Milam, of Paso operator The singing at Mr. Gearge needing again very MM Practice in Cuervo and Sur- LET US PUT YOU IN A PHONE. editor and hia wife to Santa Rosa ' Cuervo now. Arnolds Sunday afternoon was badly. , . rounding Country. S. P. MORISON. Mgr. and down the Pecos river to well attended. Mrs. Reineke and News is very scarce around in Puerto Luna and saw the John Eailey was town Wed de Isidore ' children, and Mrs. Montgomery this week. Guess people M. Tucumcari Hospital nesday wearing a broad smile. orchards, alfalfa fields and irriga- J. T. STONE D. were pleasant visitors at Mrs, are staying at home wishing for It He lbs. and tion ditchea and the GRADUATE TENNESSEE Private sat upon 1150 filly great high to rain. - Keeters Sunday. Drs. Thomson & looked like he enjoyed bluff and before leaving they Noble, dry - . D. MEDICAL COLLEGE Miss- May Woodward took Sun Monsimer was a pleaaant , in climbed the mesa at Cuervo Physician and Surgeon. Surgeons charge weather, up caller in the Isidore - day dinner with Mrs. W. T. Gragg Valley Sun- Nose and throat TUCUMCARI, N. M. tnd looked over the surrounding Eye, Ear, also Mrs. Annie Lne took dinner day, Rev. Huff arrived hera Wedne- had been used to as a specialty country. They W. W. Swain is a visit to homefolks. He with Mrs. H. M. Wookward. drilling a well Office At Residence LIVERY & FEED BARN sdays seeing big rivers and steam boats Mrs. Jim called on Mrs on his place this week. used to preach at Cuervo and near but never saw a Dockery Cuervo, N.M., country shaped Mrs. W. EMMOR TAYLOR, PROP. He now has of Henry Woodward Sunday after. D. Chatham aaf by points. charge up like the Pecos river country noon. coosio, Miss Ollie freeman made a . Does a Transfer business the church at San Marcial, N. M, before. business to Tucumcari last' keeps Feed and Rigs to Mr. Aln Powers and sons Lora trip EARL D. week JONES, let. Mrs. Geo. Magill tad children The election ef Issao Stephen and Lawrence, spent Sunday with returning Saturday. The will have to of Newkirk, and Mr. Magill'i son, 6f Wisconsin, to the U. S. Dr. Ballard. Clipper exouse U. RAILROAD TIME Wichita who Mr. warin town me this week as I don't know any S. Commisioiier, mother, of Kan, is Senate is to be lroked: into . .. He Wilitt Monday - CARD here on a were hundred- - news. But will try to- do-- better visit pleasant spent over one thousand v Brown Eyea. at Jo Lumber Yard - callers the office next time. fcjftlce Big Nol- westbound 9 iM at Clipper dollars in bis campaign tor a seat Guejs Who.-- CUERVO, N, M. No. 2 Eastbound 2:33 A.M Wednesday, in the Senate. Sscrike for the Clipper, FOREIGN. Fair Question. CUERVO CLIPPER LATEST NEWS MINE RESCUE Willie Pa? Tbe American actor, Jameson Lee Pgr YCfi. Finney, perished in a fire which de- amMiom Willie Teacher saya that 'rt stroyed a part of the Carlton hotel In here to help others. CUERVO NEW MEXICO EPITOMIZED , where he was a guest. WORK EXPLAINED ShooPolishes Pa Of course we are. Finest In Quality. Largest in Variety, Willie Well, what art) the other Pope Plus is from a se- Thty meet every requirement for suffering flirting aaoee of all klada and colors. ul here for?" vere and painful attack of the gout, REPORTS and orders of bis HAS AIL CROPS FROM TELEGRAPHIC upon the physicians FEDERAL BUREAU OF MINES 80 is to his chamber in Oh, Suspicious. THAT COVER THE WEEK'S keeping closely REGULAR COURSE OF .Mil' ' Rome. "Very suspicious man, they say." EVENTS. TRAINING. "Very. Bought a dictionary last The French Emir found- ARE SHORT steamer week and now he'a counting the words ered five miles east of Tartfa, Spain, to see if It contains as many aa tns in the Straits of Gibraltar. Ninety-thre- e publishers claim." OF persons were drowned. The MINERS' CIRCULAR 1104 IfOlCATlONS ARC FOR LIGHTEST MOST INTEREST sailed from Gibraltar for a Moroccan He Had Experience. YIELD IN TEN port. Til call tin hit wife and tall bar I'm detained office." YEARS. at tht KEEPING THE READER PO8TI0 SPORT. no BE SUCCESSFUL A PARTY 'Be aura to ehut the door of ins talanhnna hnnrh list time I called ON MUST TAKE EVERY MOST IMPORTANT WKNTEHN LEAGUE STANDI! U. my wlf up from this cat she hoard PRECAUTION." OTI.T IDfil tfca ear ladle ekoa CURRNET TOPICS. P. W. Ia Pet. SUkl poalttTely contain Oil Blacks and 4huPolishes the orchestra playing." 109 71 US .m aaa DOOM aaa ACREAGE IS LARGE Dnvr mw cnuarea'S -- woof, shlaee Lincoln 108 (2 4( .674 nkUn, Ma. rnatk alow,'' 10. The Real Reason. Pueblo .... .10S1 68 50 .617 rVeatern Mmpiper Union Newa Service. 3taeat It eombluUoa for eUanlng nod noUihfasj Wtilm Newspaper Union Newa Service. 8t. Joseph ... 107 67 60 .68 J of lUHt or tea noma, Mo. "Sttt'Sa. Me. "What has become of that man who Omaha ...... 10S 64 62 .60S Washington. D. C With the rapid stuiuav wtiiTi nsKMainr canvas mom used to he was a ot the WESTERN. SIouk City ... 10 61 64 .491 of mine rescue work In loan and wfclta. In liquid form no It aaa ba say mat SLUMP IN CORN, WHEAT. 10S 46 3 .417 development aleklr and easily applied. A sponge la evary CiQ, Topeka ...... two ao tor ana, Two people?" Moines .... .10 SI '76 .Ul the United States in the last taoknia, always ready ilm, u "Tbe had to let him re OATS, HAY AND TO- As the result ot a railway crossing les use ot the people go," years and the increasing If Tl not kaaptha kiad roe want, plied Farmer Corntossel. "He got to iccldent near Oalva, la., five person are mine-breathin- g there has Mad at his addrnat aad tee prise la Iranian tar BACCO. Victor, Colo., promoters planning apparatus S be one o' these hired men who stand are dead. of Mines faU Its package. to reopen the boxing game there come to the Federal Bureau WHITTKMORE BROS. OO.. around talkln' when they ought to he ot The California State Board Labor demand tor Information concerning I9-2- S At at work." Day. be Albany at,, OambrMsr. aaa. Health claims the "great white this apparatus and how it should IM Oldest and Largett lianvfaetvrw of Woefern Newapaper t'nlon NewsServlo. Patsy Brannlgan of Pittsburg was used. In the Bu SKmPoUAm tht World. causes over h ot all properly response tt Had ths Proper Yell. plague" given the decision over Jimmy Ken-ric- k reau ot Mines has issued Miners' Cir- Washington. According to tbe re- deaths In California. The fcahT across the car aisle cauarht of England after twenty rounds cular No. 4, on "The Use and Care of of Distressing. sight of the bibulous Individual op- port of tht Department Agriculture, State Fish and Game Warden Dycho Mine-Rescu- e ot fast fighting at Springfield, Ohio. Breathing Apparatus," by "Hers la the account of a poor wo posite and let out a shrill yell ot a tremendous decline in the gen- Kansas tur crops, of recently ruled that ths Events to be played in the Women's James W. Paul, who has general man who lost both arms In a railroad alarm. Insect-destroyin- g Paul eral throughout the country and tle dove belong to the Western Oolf Association annual charge of the rescue work. Mr. wreck." The bibulous person leaned forward. statement use of traceable to drought and intense heat, variety of birds and that sportsmen at makes the that the "It must be dreadful to "Baby attendin' college, ma'am?" be championship Midlothian, August such apparatus for rescue work In go through occurred during last month. of this state muat not kill the birds. 28 to 1 have been an- life without arms." asked. September mines is no longer an experiment, but any 'No. air." tha mother sharolr re as to In Galveston a or nounced. les- - indeed. And much worse for The report ia the worst, gen' whipping poet, has become an important factor in Tea, the again. bee tor chauffeurs who a woman for man." plied, and baby yelled eral crop conditions, that the depart- horsewhipping Lady Hibernla a homing plgeoa enlng loss of life and property from than a Thass ver' tunny," said tne inton have lite miserable for s "How Is cert-nl- ment has Issued for any single month been making owned by Jam M. Books of Balti- fires and explosions. thatr ated one. "There's y some class residents ot the western of tbe flew from to Bal- The circular describes the various "Well, a woman without arms since 1901. The area most seriously part more, New Orleans any to that yell." by fast Is what the moth- timore In 11 11 hours and 8 min- types of apparatus used by the bureau can't reach around to feel If the back Then the child an atrbolous affected extends from New York and city driving, days, he gave ers ot many of tbe children have es- utes, the record ot and gives careful instruction as to the of her collar and ths back of her belt wink and fell asleep. Cleveland Plata westward to the breaking previous care of Pennsylvania Rocky tablished. 26V4 this apparatus. are all Dealer. days. Mr. Paul "Mine men twenty-- right" Mountains, embracing all the great the says: To the of e escape Importunities Uhlan, the champion trotting geld two to forty-fiv- years old, In good corn, wheat and hay producing states to Answered. who were him tng, owned by C. K. G. ot Mothers - the pollqe, pressing BUllrgs physical condition who are temperate Important to In the overalls," shout- in country. make several worthless 3. New and Examine carefully every bottle of "Tou. there, good checks, York, equalled the world's record In their habits and calm cross-examinin- g In the southern states, with the ex- naturally CASTORIA. a safe and sure remedy for td ths lawyer, "how T. Waterhouse, a brick contractor ot fro trotting to a wagon at the North deliberate are best suited for mine un ception of Virginia and North Caro- infants and children, and set that It much are you paid for telling Salt Lake, Utah, put the muzzle of a Randall track st Cleveland, going the rescue work. Before a man under- lina, ample rains served to maintain tha, truths?" revolved in his mouth and sent a bullet wile in 2:00 flat. goes training in the use of breathing Pun a - "Less than you are." retorted the favorable conditions. These he a y fir generally into his brain. apparatus should be examined by Signature of ULS4T7UsJLiAli witness, "or be In overalls, too." conditions thus tar continue to be fa- The American Olympic committee. to asecrtain his you'd men ot physician physical In Use For Over 30 Years. vorable. Sixteen prominent young which was appointed to select a team condition, especially the action of his 's: were arrested on a Children lor Fletcher's CaatorU Night Into Day. Conditions in the pacific northwest Caney, Kan., for the Olympic games at Stockholm, heart and lungs and any defects of Cry Turning of Dale Williams, In 1912, out a or a man When tht doors opened In tht little re regarded as excellent, although charge kidnaping Sweden, will send circu the nose throat. Unless has who waa married to Pauline to certificate that Leaving Him at Sea. Indiana theatre a farmer wandered in July that suffered Canary, lar letter soliciting subscriptions physician's stating during territory bis Is he "Could you do something for a poor and looked around. from brief but hot who has a monthly Income of $2,000 the Olympic games fund. A total ot physicial condition good, a excessively pe res- seedy-lookin- g said the Her derived from Ca- Is : should not be permitted to take old sailor V asked the "Ticket, pleas 4," doorkeep rlod. income is the 50,000 needed. er. oil which Is located on her cue training nor to attempt rescue wanderer at the gate. The figures in the report ludicate nary pool, Another record was smashed at the The only I've agin' thess land allotment. work in a mine. "Poor old sailor," echoed the lady thing got a material slump In the prospects of North Randall grand circuit races, "A rescue should have not work here op'rys," said the Hoosler as ht ot who party at at the tub. be- all crops. Corn, which at this season The will John W. Gates, Cleveland, Ohio the three miles of less than five, and better not less walked away, "ia that they don't In be "Yes'm, I follered the wotter for 16 died Paris, will probated in Port the free-for-a- pace, than such gin till bedtime." is the most Important, declined during championship six members. Only persons years." the month from a condition of about Arthur, Texas, where the financier with such speeders ' as Independence should be allowed to join tbe party as law "Well," said the woman, after a a Husband. S as indi- made his residence, according to The Eel and have already been trained In the use Only per cent below the average Boy, Earl, Jr., Evelyn critical look, "you certainly don't look cated the to 15 yers having custody of the will. It Is W. contending, were respective Df the apparatus and are equipped "What was the worst knock yoa by July report, nearly paced order as If you ever caught up with It" ever ot In some understood the bulk of the property In and a with rescue apparatus in good got?'! we asked a little group per cent below the average, ly 2:01, 2:024 2:03V4, , Then she resumed her labors. will go to "Charley" Gates, his sou. world a record for three heats and have agreed to follow the dlrec young married men the other day. states It fell off In condition nearly pacing Uons the can tell mine and the The fortune m estimated at between In a race. of leader. "I skin other 20 per cent. This docs not indicate, "To be efficient and successful a Held ths Records. fellows' before replied ont 140,000,000 and $50,000,000, they start," however, that the crop will not be party must take every for Two ladles seated at afternoon tea who shall bs nameless, for his wife's Material reductions In both class WASHINGTON. precaution large, because the acreage of corn this Its own safety. If one person In a fell to discussing ths prowess of their sake. "My wife hit me In the vanity and commodity freight rates are mado faints or receive an he harder than anyone else ever did." year is exceptionally heavy, Controller be party Injury respective hubbies. of ihls from Atlantic coast points of origin Bay Investigation may becomes a burden instead of a "That's nothing," chorused the rest The condition the crop at the help. After each had related several feats Inter-Rock- - poatponed until fall, according to "A "That's time Indicates a yield per acre smaller to mountain cities- Spo- relief station or base of opera of endurance and hardihood, one of everybody's experience." proposal of the Interior Department, tions should be established the end "I suppose so. But listen. The otn- - than to any year since 1901, although kane, Wash.; Reno, Neb.; Phoenix, at them remarked that her husband had The Senate has taken up tbe Ariio-- of the air and a relief crew with er night I woke up suddenly, hearing the indicated total production has Arte., and others similarly situated god on one occasion dived under tbe wa- mat the are na and New Mexico statehood propo knapsacks should be stationed there a noise downstairs. 'What's tht been exceeded In only five years la although carriers permitted, ter and remained down for fully two ter?' asked wife 'I think on account of water to sition. Recall of judges bitterly at ready to put on their apparatus and by drowsily. the history of the country. It Is point- competition, a notice. minutes, without coming up to take there's a man in the house,' I said. somewhat less to Pacific tacked. start at moment's ed out that the deterioration in the exact rates At each mine there should breath. 'My dear,' she murmured, 'you flatter coast terminals than to the Interme- The bill a million acres to large crop was checked somewhat by rains granting be at least four crewB, two outside and "Oh," said ths other, "that la yourself."' the latter part of July. Expert diate points. I Colorado and the Warren homestead two Inside crews, each ot six men, In nothing. My first husband dived be- during Had on Him. incline to the opinion that the crop ers' relief measure granting leave of cluding a captain and a lieutenant, low the water live years ago, and has Nothing be further by the recent absence, until April 15th, next, may and these crews should have practice not come up to breathe." Rabbi Joseph Silverman, the noted may Improved GENERAL. yet an rains. pass. once a week. pastor of New York, tells amusing generous "While In dense smoke th9 anecdote of an and a weather caused a A systematic listing of autos regis Senator La Follette de working Sufficient Evidence. Englishman The during July Although members of a crew hold a who were In loud corn tered in the United shows that his should rope vouched for the of Scotchman, bragging fall In the condition of which States clared conviction that there would which leads to fresh air. Having honesty tones. number used Is 780,00,0. woman who wished a situation aa Indicates a loss of 336,000,000 bushels the be a wool tariff revision bill at this "In case of total failure of an appa the "Me man," said the Britisher, "tain't scrub-woma- good-nature- d man from the estimated total production of Unions have asked railroads tor in session, both he and Representative ratus to supply breathable air, the the hoften a person is tooken fer royalty, of severe of the previous month. creases In wages and a general strike Underwood Alabama acknowledge wearer of the apparatus can throw was subjected to a examina but I've been mistook for th' prince no an ot me Spring wheat fell from a condition Is threatened on all western lines, that they are nearer agreement away all parts but the oxygen cylin tlon by the superintendent ths Wales in young days.'" be- on mon," said the Scot, "I, my a month ago of sixteen per cent The of Frkk the measure. der, and breathe from the cylinder building. "Hoot, retirement Henry Clay his mouth while "There nre of self, have been called th' duke ot low the average to approximately directorate of the Union Pa- Feebly defending his confessed through endeavoring degrees honesty. from the to reach fresh air with the rest ot the "How hon Argyll." twenty-seve- n below aver- D. W. said the superintendent per cent th'j cific Railroad Company has been an graft Former State Senator crew. The man selling collar buttons - est Is she?" age, Indicating a loss of about 35,286,- nounced in New York. Holtslaw, the lilt to listen. "Dat's said "Apparatus for oxygen to one good-nature- d paused nuttln'," to. giving The man reflected. 000 bushels, The indications of the Mrs. Ida NelsonY mother of "Bat nols banker and church leader retold who has ben overcome with gases Is he with a deprecatory gesture; "I vas ore the to the 8enate Lorimer committee hi. "Well." said he. "Ill tell you. She meetIn' an friend In strlt tal yield of wheat per acre, Nelson, tho prize fighter, was an essential part ot the equipment of Ravlngton tling" Lov Is so honest that If you throw any an' he ehoutod: 'Oh, Moses It lowest since 1904. , kilted a fast train on the Wabash story of being paid for voting for a rescue party. Holy lis by "A is conven thing that looks to he worth a cop Star. The oats is' very short, accord' 111. Imer for Senator. telephone helmet a you?' "Washington crop railroad at Burnham, per into the waste basket you have to the of the repcrt It President Taft has received the re ience for shaft work, and its presence log figures There was considerable improve lends much confidence to a rescue to tag It 'Destroy this,' or she will has been smaller three timet and bill both par- H0ME8EEKERS EXCUR8ION ment in the Bostol wool market dur apportionment passed by ty. Electric fish it out and put It back on your RATES TO TEXAS AND NEW seven times the last tea lamps, safety lamps, larger during the week. Prices were firm houses, providing for increases from apparatus, thermometers, a desk night after night, no matter how MEXICO POINTS DUR- The of wl'l ing past 391 to 433 in the of years. crop hay probably and more buyers were on the market membership the pocket compass, and a map ot the badly you want to get rid of It. ING 1911. be the smallest in fifteen years. The House of Representatives for his ap mine are necessary. know can On first and third Mrs. Sarah 101 years, don't that I say anything the Tuesdays of total yield of potatoes Indicated has Drown, aged and the result may be known "At each training station a record each month Kans. la proval more." during the entire year died in Leaven worth, She should Rail-wa- been less than this year's croo only soon. be kept showing the work done "No more is necessary," said tbe The Colorado and Southern y survived by two sons, both past eighty the men and the difficulties en- sell round twice In the last ten years, it is re Members of from the by superintendent, and ht proceeded to will trip homeseekers' years of age, She was born in North Congress countered. If an falls to excursion tickets to a garded as likely, however, that tho as well as apparatus hire the woman. great many Carolina In 1810. West, insurgents regulars give proper service It should be sub points in New Mexico and Texas at late planted crop, on account of re who are opposed to a revision of the es jected to the regular tests. greatly reduced rates. Final limit cent increase the total The crimes committed by members THAN MEAT too-ov- rains, may wool tariff at this time, are becoming The United States Bureau of Mines 8TRONGER 25 days allowing liberal s er d Black Chica s. tl mated production. The condition of the Hand in convinced that Senator La Follette has established a regular course of A Judge's Opinion of Grape-Nut- privileges. For detailed Information, of mine-rescu- this month Indicates a loss of about go, so far during 1911, is a total does not Intend that the President; training in the use of e rates, etc., can on your nearest Colo .15,648,000 bushels from last month's eighteen murders, scores of stabblngs, shall have an In breathing apparatus. This training Is A gentleman who has acquired a Ju rado and Southern agent or address T. opportunity io carry B. estimated yield. ' more than 100 bomb explosions, and to effect his intention to veto a wool designed to give miners or other per- dicial turn of mind from experience Fisher, General Passenger Agent, in sons connected with a knowl- Denver, Colo. While the crops In many instances $500,000 collected blackmail. bill framed In advance of the tariff mining on the bench out In the Sunflower edge of breathing apparatus In gener- State writes a carefully considered probably will be short in the yield A romance, Interrupted sixty yean board report. al, and a confident with HOWARD E. BURTON, ASSAYER & CHEMIST familiarity opinion as to the value of Grape-Nut- s per acre, yet In total production they ago by a lovers' quarrel, had a happy To his story of bow he claims he those types of apparatus that are most LEADVII.I.E. COLORADO, shown culmination when Mortimer as food. He says: Spaolman prlcei: Oold, illvar. lead. 11: mniA will not be small as by the recently was bribed to vote lor Lorimer, apt to be used in this country. llvar, 76o; (old, 60c; ilno or copper. 11 "For the S years Grape-Nut- s ana run following estimates of the yields ot Baldwin and Miss Hannah Well", both Charles A. White, former member of "The purpose of the Bureau of Mines past Mailing- anvaiopea prlca Un nmat on In has been a prominent feature in our application. Control and umplra work the standard crops: 81, were married at the parsonage in the Illinois Legislature, added for the establishing this system of train- Rofaranca: Carbonata National Bank is facilitate bill of fare.' winter Marengo, Ohio. benefit of the Senate Lorimer com ing to Investigative work Corn 2,620,221,000 bushels; within mines in which disasters have "The crisp food with the delicious, M. Mass. mittee that he believed one of wheat, 445,149,000 bushels; spring Joseph Pinkham, ot Lynn, every occurred, and to make mine owners nutty flavor has become an indis- the fifty-thre- e Democrats who voted DENVER DIRECTORY wheat. 209,646,000 bushels; oats 817, grandson of Lydla Pinkham, t has and miners acquainted wttH the value pensable necessity la my family's for Lorimer did ao for a money con 800.000 bushels; barley, 139.C52.000 eloped with Miss Anna Peterson, of breathing apparatus for rescue op- everyday life. bushels; potatoes, 249,893,000 bushels; servant employed In the residence of sideration, He added that he thought erations after mine disasters. It is "It has to bt most healthful BON I. LOW kl"ai?.' ' proved " AS1 Sim mOtd Ottl tobacco, 600,588,000 poundB; and hay his father, Dr. Joseph G. Pinkham some of the Republicans who voted hoped that, as a result of this work by has enabled us to log matlwd naanj.Cor. 16th & the and beneficial, and tr: Blk, Dnvr. 49.129.000 tons. The couple are now In Sweden on for Lorimer got money for o doing. federal government In the near abolish and future, men familiar with such practically pastry pies their honeymoon. Chairman Underwood and Senator appa- from our table, for tht children FOR SALE MILLINERY ratus will be scattered throughout the prefer SoS Follette ot the House and coal-minin- Grape-Nut- Homesteaders' Relief Bill Passes. The number of immigrants to the La ways g centers of the and do not cravt rich and means committee, who have undcrtak country. unwholesome food. Washington. The Warren bill United States during the eleven After a disaster, valuable time is oft- mill UlUVUi dreaiBo28o Dm,.. ru en to reconcile the differences be en lost in men "Grape-Nut- s us all In perfect granting leave of absence to home months between July 1, 1910, and June training at the mine. keeps tween the Senate and tbe House on Furthermore, a man can not wnrv r-- condition as a of in .various western land dis a while physical preventive steaders 1, 1911, showed big falling off, wool unless he on the and the farmers' free list flciently has thorough con- disease It Is beyond value. I hart been tricts until April 15, 1912. account the emigration from thin country of fidence In Can doub'e your salary In ill monthi. Endoraei bills for the full conference commit the apparatus. To give a particularly Impressed by tha benefi 26 of prevailing drought conditions, has man b? banks. Write lor trainable souvenir and immigrants, so to speak, for the same are In an deadlock this confidence, the course of cial effects of Grape-Nut- s when used catalog free. Denver. Colorado. the House. The bill was amend tee, unquestioned passed showed a increase. The ot so, training has been planned in such a who period great with the possibility remaining by ladies are troubled with face Roaad-Tr- la t on the floor of the House by adding way that he must do work In Reduced number of Immigrants was 878,587 and thus an of poison blemishes, skin etc. TJMUKR TOURIST FARES and forcing adjournment ous or Tor eruptions, North Platte, Neb., Lander, Wyo, and the number of those who returned the session without final action on unDreatnawe gases periods clears tha to tha districts. of one and two hours at a time." up complexion wonderfully. PACIFIC COAJT to Europe waa 260,567. either of these measures. "As to Us nutritlvt qualities, my ex via ' small dish of The Deaver Rio Grande Railroad .:. perience Is that one Bryan to Enter Ministry. Notwithstanding some Irregularity George W. Perkins, a director of American Consul Henry S. Culver "Tha Scenic Lin ot the World." Grape-Nut- s Is superior to a pound of 80 fraaa all mala line aolata la Cole-- 111. Hon.. William in general conditions In the the United States Steel Corporation wrote from Cork a year ago that Centralia. Jen prices, meat tor breakfast, which Is an Impor rado ta PaelCte Coaat deatlnarloaa. It is is soon to iron and steel industry continue to re and one of ttu men said to have aided Is invested in the linen in e.T1?.,u J? da,1'r to September nings Bryan, reported, tant consideration for anyone. It sat "l Mturn limit October the and give up poli an im In averting financial disaster during uumry id ireiana, wnere there are II,' im enter ministry fleet encouraging degree of inp rrn. I. isfies ths appetite and strengthens the the panic of 1907, faces the alterna ooa.uuu spinaies ana 36,000 power Standard and Tourist Pullman tics altogether. provement. According to latest Pitta while Its " to looms. - power of resisting: fatigue, ETiaepint Cara ara operated dallr Cora tlve of answering questions the England has only 60,000 spin- to San Francisco burg advices, the Carnegie steel use involves none of the disagreeable through . and Los House committee on Inquiry into the aies ana Scotland 160.000. : Ansalaa without chang-e- Jams Jeffries at Juneau. now x lectrto-llfhte- pany is operating at seventy-si- consequences that sometimes follow Throush d con-stat- in steel corporation, on his per- train Alaska. James J. Jeffries, of Its ingot or at bearing a meat breakfast" Name given by of steal coach, Pullman and Juneau, percent capacity, sonal contributions or beln? From an average of 8,354,000 kilos Tourist Sleeplne; Cars la on so 1911 campaign Postum Battle Creek. Mich. operated dallr tbe pugilist, arrived from Seattle tbe highest percentage far in In the years 1876-188- Co, Denver to Ban Francisco via Salt Lake ' sent to prison. the world's silk Jefferson and began nas been Read the little book, "The Road to li?.JtndTHB WESTERN PACIFIC the steamship One hundred additional sav Mexico-Arizon- a crop steadily expanding, un RAILWAY without chan are postal The New statehood WellviHe," In "There's a reason.' of cari. arrangements for his three Ul it reached 24,510.000 In 1909. In pkgs. For Information ser-yto- e, completing ings depositories have been deslgnat bill was to President Taft for regarding train tour of Alaska and put up the same period the contribution Brer me tha aaare letter? A reservations, ate., call on local Rle months' bunting ed. Fifty will open September 5, and his veto, when the house by aaa appeare fraaa tlaae ta tlaae. Taay Grande Asent or addreaa Yukon A crowd expected tne far hast nas risen from 5.740.00J Fvaak A. the territory. large the other fifty September 8. The list with Senate ara aaa alaa, Urae. aad tall aI Wadlatsa, General Passeasef st wharf. concurred the amend kilos to 16 95O.OQ0 last year latercst. Agent, Oenvsr, Colorado. met the former champion the Includes six Texas towns. meats. HOW IT HAPPENED. LITTLE NEW MEXICO ITEM3 NOTHING BUT AN AMATEUR NEW MEXICO NEWS Minor Occurences of More Than Ordi nary Interest. Fair Damsel's Questions That Re vealed Callow Lover In His Gathered From Western Newspaper Union News Service. True Light. All Parts of the The bulk of the Carlsbad peach crop State has gone to market. "Do you really and truly think I I UaYwGoodHaaltliuJ Pleuure ) am I The telephone line between Roswell beautiful?" she asked. r Come follow the arrow 'til you join Western Newspaper Union News Service. md Artesia is rebuilt. "You are divine," be replied. the men Ij ti being simply merrythrongofpalitt pleated y US "But there are other whom and women wlw bare ouit (or J . COMING VENTS 1 NEW MEXICO. The Luna County Fair will be held girls ITV, seeking V Soptember 26, 27, 28, MeaiUa Valley in the first week in Oc you think more beautiful than L" the one best beverage because they've V . Lag Crucea. Demlng during found it Fair, tober. "No, i don't think there Is a more I J a. jr- Sept. 28, 2 and SO. Colfax County Seventh Annual Fair beautiful girl in the world than you." Springer. The strko of the union plumbers at "There are other think arbi- girls you Drowned In Albuquerque has been settled by are Irrigation Ditch. tration. Just as beautiful, though." Mesilla. Amelia Frovencla, aged "You are more beautiful than any The Hagerman Commercial Club re sixteen, was drowned in an irrigation other girl I ever saw." organized by electing J. E. Blythe, "I there are of V ditch in his mother's front yard here. suppose plenty Real tautfaction io treryilns snap and parkla rim ) "Poor man! How did you become a president. thirst cools like The lad lay down under the shade ot girls whom you consider almost as and go. Qutnchae tha s bwest. tramp The ot the Fourth Cav beautiful as I am." 's r a tree near went encampment "I a war In the ditch bank and Wklosa RarfroiiiT Whlsecsw wai correspondent Mas to alry, U. S. Army, will be held at 1 think you are far more beauti churla, mum. I so used ter sleep. Four hours later his body J got doing Cloudcroft. ful ever J than any other girl that nuthtn' dat I haint been no was found 300 feet below, where the good four-inc- h breathed." - COCA-COL- water had washed It. Lincoln county had a rain eeilMaieet- THS CO. lnoo." hit Meklei, Antra. Ca. V and dam- "Well, why didn't you say that la - mMa ' which drowned live stock "faiTtata " Anew ia Peaches in Carload Lots. aged crops. the first place?" Aee Ceee-Ce- eCte-Cal- e PIMPLES COVERED HIS BACK "That was what I meant, if I didn't Roswell. Roswell The body ot T. 8. Anderson, badly Fruit growers of so." " ' ' was found In his rooms exactly say troubles In the are spending $5,000 building five pack decomposed, on. j":" Q Iff began along in Carrizozo. "O, well, go My goodness! jga! rummer In the hottest weather and ing houses at various shipping points Must I suggest everything nice that and the Ended Cst's took the form of small eruptions and up down the valley, adopting Isabel Arlzo was arrested at Ros you say to me?" Sojourn. methods of the California fruit grow- well for carrying a concealed weapon Felix Bmlth of Easton, Pa., bought Itching and a kind of smarting pain. , "What more can I say?" or was and a cat the He 96 tor It took me mostly all over my back ers. As a result ot the association and fined $50 costs. "Heavens 1 I'm not to sit here other day. paid going her. did Felix five bucks and getting worse until finally ganization, Roswell Is now for the Gov. Mills appointed Benjamin O. you lessons. I thought the Why pay kept giving for the cat? Answer Because shs my back was covered with a mass ot first time shipping peaches to the Randall of Taos a member of the New way you started out that you had was to be a ratter. pimples which would burn and itch at Eastern markets In carloads. Mexico resources commission. made lovs before." guaranteed good Did Felix have rats? We should say Bight so that I could hardly stand Roswell has re- it The land office he did the bouse was full of 'em! This condition kept getting worse and Factory to Utilize Bear Grass. ceived to thousands THE TRUTH ABOUT BLUING. authority restore And the cat cleaned 'em out! No; worse until my back was a solid mass Tucumcarl. Tucumcari is working ot the of acres land to public domain. that's the curious ot After ot big sores which would break open hard to establish a factory to utilize TalkNo. 11. part it Two carloads of apples are going the cat had been on Job a week and run. My underclothing would be bear and now have a represen The well often runs where the grass, out daily from the shipping sheds ot dry they the rats were as as ever. clot of blood. tative in St. Louis into con make bottle blue. It's to see, plentiful looking the Roswell Fruit Growers' Associa- easy Felix couldn't understand on "I tried various remedies and salTes ditions. Brushes, and a! a little half a cent it until rope, paper tion. Only quantity, say he concealed himself In the for nearly three years and I was not cohol are some of the products made or a trifle more, In the double evening Government land In amount basement to watch the cat. About 9 getting any benefit It seemed I was from this pest of the farmer, besides t the of strength kind and a large bottle of acres in which p. m., as the cat sat with her on in eternal misery and could not sleep very fair feed for cattle is obtained 419,901 Eddy county, water and the delusion Is completed. eye re- a rat bole, Felix that rat after on my back or lean on a chair. I was from the residue. was recently withdrawn, has been Buy RED CROSS BAG BLUE. Get says rat came out of the hole, walked up finally given a set ot the Cuticura stored to entry. a pure blue. Makes clothes snowy KETMLIt to the old kissed good-nigh- t, Remedies and Inside of two weeks 1 Want Ministers Returned. The restoration for of several white. ASK YOUR GROCER. cat, her Kim filing and then returned to the hole. After eould see and feel a great relief. I Roswell. Members of all local thousand acres in the Mogollon moun- asm cauiiTERS on Cuticura Ointment IN THE COUNTRY, that Felix kicked the cat out of the kept using Soap, churches are signing a petition to tains In Socorro county, resulted in a and also the Resolvent and In about house Boston Post Bishop Quayle of the Methodist rush at the Las Cruces land office. three or four months' time my back FurnlthShoclMunnoi to Kirwrs, Qatrrye church, and Bishop Adkins ot the Suits have been filed by the district Tit for was nearly cured and I felt like a new Tat . men, Faftntrs and AO Ken Who South MethodlBt, asking that Henry attorney's office in San Miguel county, A young man, who bad not been being. Now I am In good health and Do Rough Work Van Valkenburgh and H. T. Ramsey, for the collection of all delinquent married long, remarked at the dinner bo sign of any skin diseases and I Shoes flttad with BaatalHt haala laat pastors who have ben prominent pro taxes amounting to more than $100. table the twloi is Wag am fully satisfied that Cuticura Reme- other day: a unprotected shoes. Vaa can buy shoes ready returned to fitted with thaaa haala at nobler aaa aeicMr for,' hibitlon advocates, be During the month of July, nineteen "My dear, I wish you could make your dies are the best ever made skin fit them to the fhoea ytm're aow weariaf. Ughier diseases. I would not be without Roswell. cars ot first and second grade alfalfa bread such as mother used to make." thsa leather. If roar dealer Isn't eeppUed, write ua. Your inquiry brlnfs a booklet. them." (Signed) V. A. Armstrong, and two cars of wool 46,000 pounds The bride smiled and answered in wrrriD . Corbln, Kan., May 26, 1911. Although Child Dead; Mother Injured. were Bhipped out of Fort Sumner. a voice that did not tremble: 8ho sUchmiit co, lotmausi. wUh Twelve-year-ol- d 0 "Well, dear, I you could make Cuticura Soap and Ointment are sold Mosquero. Jacob Socorro county now has about $7,-60- the dough that father. used to make." by druggists and dealers everywhere, Smith, in laying down a rifle on in the treasury and is planning o T of a sample each, with book, window sill, discharged it accidentally, use a slice out of her it-- see large budget USB FOOT-EAS- B DAISlJULK'UI will be mailed free on to AMBITS .ajtee. Nut, clesa, application the bullet plowing through a window this coming year for the building of tie AntlmpUe powder to In ttiaken into the iboea cearea "Cuticura," Dept 27 K, Boston. pane and striking a child roads. lor tired, aubinf feet. Itukeitbeatlng ontof onrn IomeaMetel, UetssS good and bunloni ant makea walking a delight. Sold as. in the arms of its mother, Mrs. Juan fco. tutatwutw. For FBHS A. J. H. Oiler, a prominent farmer arerrwliere, Htfiiu bslvre trial package, addreea A. 8. Olmsted, La M.I. eeytkatf, Unexpected. Garcia. The child died. The woman n Hoy, elM thirty-seve- ot Suddenly the umpire called time. about years age, living In. meHeSelerser is also in a precarious condition, the one mile lMt evtMM lor so "Aw, what's the matter!" demand- north ot Lake Arthur, fell To every man Is given the oppor- I susMtta sonaaa bullet having shattered her elbow. i lao ue sue as ed the catcher. into the pit of a pumping plant and tunity to do something worth while. aesesliatS.Xv in the stand ap was drowned. "Somebody grand Annual Conference, plauded me," he said, wiping the Development Henry Adams, a well known bee The City Man Your father, I be Everybody knows that other peopls one of blinding tears from his eyes, "and I Mountainalr. Closing after man ot Hagerman, sustained a loss lieve, cleared the land of everything, make mistakes. WWiM ELECTttTYFZS wasn't for , . the most inspiring booster gatherings The Yes In iraat rarlety for aale as the lowwat ariose by prepared that of over $2,000 by the floods recently. Countryman everything wimai atwarii-a- amiss CMVaseaA In an Wlnalow-- itiui, Play ball!" ever held New Mexico, the first Only thirteen of his 220 colonies were but the mortgage. Hra. Soothing Syrup for Children nual development conference has leeihlng, softens the vuma, reduoes Inflamma- not harmed. tion, allays paln.ouras wind oollo, Ue bouls. aestaatw wort with aad Into and marked a mile- Exhibition of Real Faith. rmiVPr TlrU sura Ilea eiMhea passed history Three-year-ol- d aM innem eirawi aloes), Inez Esquibel was little who had stone in the progress of the new state. William Spill's girl, A wise man but a hurt Internally while playing "crack been at mud may forgive, only As a of the va playing making pies, J2-19- result the gathering the other fool will W. N. U DENVER, NO 11. SAVED ot whip" with children, and aided by a tiny sprinkling can for a forget rious scattered development forces - died a few hours afterward at Pinta- as the territory have unified and the era reservoir, ran to ber father he da, Guadalupe county. a ot statewide organized boosting has alighted from a car, bearing pack- Prof. one of the first bird of d begun. Henning, age wearing apparel. Linen skirts men to of Lib- "My are awfly short, The conference was held in the big fly around the Statue Pointing to her muddy little boots BOMAN New has been secured to admonished his Now I den't think that's WTOflgp auditorium, George L. erty, York, Father Spill tiny Chautauqua in with be- give flights Roswell on October 5, daughter, impressing her the U And Mama that Faultless Starch. Brooks presiding. Governor Mills sf reajUe 1 says the first with a 6 and 7 at the Roswell Produce exhibi value of a neat appearance. f Will malts then wear ing speaker, splendid the offered tjuite long." review- - of New Mexico he tion. That night youpg lady resources, her usual with earnest- OPERATION was followed Norrls L. San Definte location of the prayer great by Reed, boundary ness. "And don't dear a line between Texas and New Mexico forget, Lord," ta Fe advertising expert, with strong n she prayer fervently, "to dry-clea- for by will be completed by the middle ot appeal organized advertising our street, and my shoes, for Jesus' E. Pinkham'a the of New Mexico to reinforce according to Judge Samuel By Lydia people September, sake, amen!" Cleveland Leader, that being done by the railroads, and R. Scott, the Texas member of the Vegetable Compound Charles D. Miller with commission. Peoria, 111. wish to let one by Engineer boundary An Undeflnable Definition, "I every best resume of New Mexico know what Lydia E. Pinkham'a reme- - the irriga- The limit in apple production has A few days after school opened in luiiT'iiiiMM Anna n resources ever accom- Am kin tion given, been reached by W. H. Badger of Ros- the spring a teacher in a Brooklyn me. two advice on For yean panied by practical irriga- who has a twenty-acr- e orchard school was the members of suffered. The doc well, testing I tion problems. and has already sold $2,000 worth of one of her old classes on what they tors said I had the address the Following Inspiring by apples while thinning out the crop. He had remembered of the definitions she and only Prof. William the eminent was the sur Jardine, dry has made $100 per acre and not yet had taught them during the preceding remedy farm of Kansas and with the geon's imiie. mj expert touched his mature fruit. term. Finally she asked the bright mother bought me movement led by him and Prof. J. D, boy of the class this question: H. M. as LydUE.Hniham'1 Tinsley of New Mexico, the New Mex- Dougherty, special master, "Now, Robert, tell me what a hypo vegetable Com. ico Dry Farming Association was sold the famous Bosque del Apache crite is?" and pound, today I formed in the Chautauqua auditorium grant of 60,000 acres, situated between "A hypocrite," replied Robert with am a healthy wo- San at a meeting notable for the large San Antonio and Marclal, upon out hesitation, "Is a kid w'at conies to man. For months an Indebtedness I suffered from la number of dry farmers present from which there existed school wit' a smile on his mug." flammatton,and your Sanative Wash re- the fertile Mountainalr district and of some $750,000 for $150,000, the grant lieved me. Your Liver Pills have no from the Estancla and Willard valleys. being bought In by the bondholders. equal as a cathartic. Any one wishing of what medicines have Fire at Albuquerque destroyed the Sroof your Held on Charge of Robbery. C. for me can get It from any drug Sunlight saloon of Berardinelll. Tho Tim gist or oy writing to me. x ou can use Lincoln. Juan Trujlllo and Juan loss is $7,000. That's my testimonial war vou wish. 18, were bound WtoSA 4j-i14- ett in any Chaves, aged years, The banner price received for Pe and I will be glad to answer letters." over in $800 ball to answer the charge cos valley hay has been given the lira Christina Heed. 106 Mound St, of robbing Ignacio Gallegos of $15, af Good" jr. eona, uu Oasis ranch. Five hundred tons has ter beating him into Insensibility. The been contracted from this had Roswell just big Is often said of AnotherOperation Avoided. youths accompanied a ranch for future to brok New La. suf. team Lincoln. delivery hay Orleans, "For years I baseball to ers and commission men in xerea zrom severe iemaie troubles. Texas. Finally I was confined to mv bed and Nelson Bill Will Pass. The price paid Is $15,25. doctor said lUTOLOADKG the an operation wasnecet. Roswell. The Nelson substitute for Chief Justice W. H. Pope at Roswell cary. I gave Lydia E.Pinkham's Veg In Post Flood resolution New has decided the suit of the of etable Compound a trial first, and the admitting city was saved from an operation." Mrs. Mexico with constitution unchanged, Roswell vs. the North Spring River JRIFLe Xilt Petrous, llll Eerlereo St, New and Arizona's recall cut out, will bo Ditch Company, that the city must pay sjneana, uu signed by President Taft, and he will for the bridging of ditches where such Toasties al The great volume of unsolicited tes. not sign the Flood resolution, accord ditches existed before the platting and timony constantly pouring in proves ing to District Attorney L. O. Fuller, laying out of the city, but where the conclusively that Lydia E. Pinkham'i who has Just returned from Washing ditches were constructed afterwards when eaten with cream or V iFtfeaDflUtfh forth is a Vegetable Compound remarkable ton. Mr. Fuller declares that in con the ditch owners must pay, rich milk and a sprinkle of remedy for those distressing feminine versatlon with himself and ills from which so women Delegate O. F. of the mounted if desired. " T"" many suffer Andrews the stated Murray police, sugar 0,rV.,irtattlaalItaaaaaUMUUsJU President emphat a is he with force, patrolling seventy ically that would sign the Nelson home-keepe- rs miles ot Rio Grande from That's the cue for Built to handle the measure and "no other," standing pat the San The of to to recover who Army against the Arizona recall and against Domingo Belen, seeking want to please heaviest ammunition railroad ties from tinkering with the New Mexico docu 140,000 escaped the the whole family. Constipation of the Santa Barbara Tie & with greatest accuracy U Smaller Every ment. Mr. Fuller thinks the Nelson Growing Day. Pole which this floated o substitute will pass by a unanimous Company, year Post Toasties are ready-t- and safety. CARTER'S LITTLE half a million ties from the I r vote ot the Senate. He Is not sure northern serve direct fnm tho BIG LIVER PILLS are part of the territory. The lost ties are Its are few and and GAME X 1 - Z"-s- that the House will pass the substi- parts strong simple.' responsible they worth $90,000. package CARTRIDGE not only give relief .r.ADTFDsl tute. The breech is locked by a turning bolt f That the road'tbrough San Jose and they perma X JrWITTI w I be- as in the latest of rifles. nenaycureCMy T lllLwr-- n on south, east of the railroad Just Convenient design military - Curtlss to Att.nd Fair, Usttta. Mil- r S I ll'7.-- ! low the city, be graded up and cul I Five imuhing, one-to- n blows delivered with lions use. IIIPILLS.. - I Glenn H. installed under the S III Albuquerque. Curtis, verts terrific Economical ' them for the lightning speed or deliberate (ire as need may be. probably the best known aviator In bumps and that county begin to and take some interest In Delicious The recoil-operat- rifle locking the cart haStest, Sick Baaalaclw, SaLWw Skk the director of the sit up road only world, general in that is VP ft SMALL PILL, SHALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE, improvement locality, the ridge in the chamber until after the bullet has Curtlss Exhibition Company of New determined demand of the farmers Genuine must bear left the muzzle. Signature York, a man who has awed an! and other residents In that vicinity. "The Memory Lingers" amazed thousands by his thrilling Some twenty odd cars of peaches Sold by Crocers Rmln$MLlM!- -i perfect .hooting flights, has signed a contract with the have been shipped from Carlsbad, and combination. New Mexico Fair Association for two the game has hardly begun. The re- Stnl for Dmcrtplh Fotdi I on are to POSTUM CEREAL CO., UA., dally In Albuquerque on Wed- turns them beginning come Arms-Unio- n Metallic Co. DEHir.cE sraen--it Baoksat flights Battle Creek, Mich. Remington Cartridge and in, F. G. Tracy receiving $l,C57 for Braadwar. Nsw York City HbniunbM only u nnwnw pnoo (at nesday, Thursday Friday of fair "DKFIANCI IS) SUPERIOR QUALITY, week, October 9 to 14. one car. .Ci Last two were , Not Coaliaod First Pub Ji THE CUERVO CLIPPER Sunday negfos Buxton Items J Boston, Aug. I5 Mrs, "Jack" July. Attention NQTlCK FOR PUBLICATION burned to death, one in Oklahoma of the It still "and the See that final cor- Department Interior. is dry hot in oar jGcIaghty' ewP't society your proof is U. , 8, Land Office at Santa Fe N.M. J. R. THOMAS, and one in Pennsylvania. I wuo.L a .ner . part of the country and are fc'" niaae P m,Dd to rect description and also names July. IS. i9:l & crops Notice la hereby given that Editor Publisher, Durant, Oklahoma , Aug 14. the n,an of a burning up. muiy he' choice, Report any error to us at once by Rosita C. Trujillo. wldo oi Carlos c. Although little condemnation was cbaufeur. has Trujilo, of Tremeotina, N. M.. whs on Mr. Smith has moved his well bitterally letter, it will be go promptly attended Feb. IS, lane, made Homestead Kotry. No. PUBL ISHED EVERY FRIDAY offered here today for the memb 8tt3ckt(1 drill to Mr. Jack Neely's and ls "Ruty, saying: "All to. IKtSCMOTIO, for S.J SW.J Bco. 4. W.J NWJ, ers of the mob who yesterday women Sec. 9. Township 15N K.. N M., " drilling a well Newport socety care about RtnjeJI as second-clas- s mat-tt-t for him. P. Meridian, has riled notice of intention to ashes a ne- ''8 .First pub Aug IS Not coal land- - burnei to the body of make Final five-ye- ar establish Mr. mnn3' artificial so position, Notice For Publication Proof, to "April 17, 1908, at the post office Ulackaad family, Mr. Neal claim to the land above be!or who had assaulted L. I havmcr hatter i .1 .1 of described, gro Mrs. R. ,4 . . b 1, !.;,. man Department the Interior, New .u... -.j .uuMug uuiues G. H. Buxon, U. S. Commissioner at Buxton. 11 Cutrvo, Mexico, under the U. S. Land Office at Santa Fe, N. f;i Mrs. Me;., N. M. on the 23rd. day of August, 1311, : of " Campbell, north of this Somebody, a more Aug. 11. 1911. A t Congress of March 3,1879. city, Tom Neal all giving claimant names as witnesses: spent Wednesday Notice is hereby given that Nathan B. Jones County officials said that expensive than someone else Ramon A. TruJIUO. of N. M: Vidll today party ot Lot Tanos N H. who, on Jan. S . 1 1 09 finning but we did not learn how Trujillo, Nicanor Maes, Carlos Smith, all of effort would be made HomesteadEntry No 03140 for NE Seo. every made to ap- having the most men Trjmentlna. N. M. SUBSCRIPTION RATES many fish they trailing SI f. m, Range BSE, N M P Meridian, has filed caught. Manuel R, Otftro. Register. , CHS VSiR 11.00 the leaders of mob. around and notice of intention to make Final Commit prehend the Mr. stealing somebody MX MONTHS .to G. H. Buxton and wife tation Proof, to establish claim to the land rirst pub. July ffl. Not Coal land TK2.SE MONTHS .55 Mrs. Campbell, who was shot by elsy's husband. above described before Earl D. Jones D. S. Noticb Fob publication were callers at Ed Hodges Wed. of the the after he had commissioner at Cuervo. N. M., on the Department Interior, negro attacked txed of 1911. TJ. S. Land Office at Snta Fe. N. Me. Adverttjlaf Kates Mtd Ksuwd on Applies tio Mr. Brewer and Mr. Haile was day septemer ler, died this noon. NO ACTION ON DIRECT claimant names as witness. July SI. 1911 camped on the Variadero moun- . ft. Thomas, of Cuervo. N. M Walter Notice is hereby given that "Coatesville, 11 ELECTION OF Jim Davis. A. C. Merrical all ef Los Juan B, Quintana o f Cuervo, N. M.. Pa., Aug. SENATORS. yfRatliS, . Life in os investigation after tain last week cutting poast. Tanos, N, M. who. on July 18, 1904 ms,d Hmi-- person who is found direct- D. I3 R stead No. 7988-03- 1' for Every Mr. F. M. Washington, C, Aug. Mnuel Otero, Register. Entry $w... toother for the Interstate Com- Brumley came in of section 15. Township US Range 24E y. ly or There will be no indirectly connected with the final action on 1st M. P. Meridian has filed notice of intention to. ixe e Co m mis&io n . Monday from Amarillo, Tex. and pub. August IS. Not coal y make Final five-yea- r Proof, to establish lynching kit night' of the negro, the direct election of senators at NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. started back Wednesday. Department of the Interior. claim to the land above described, befor Ezekiel for of this session of Earl D. Jones U. S. Commissioner at Walker, the murder Congress, V. S, Land Office at Santa N. M. Mr. A. Potter was a Fe, Cuervo. J. M.. on the 7th. day of September Dahlmoo wants to caller at 1911 Mayor know j August, 11, Policeman Edgar Rice on satur- - ;t The House and Senate confer, 1911, G. H. Buxtons Sunday, r Notice is hereby given thai . Vte Col. Bryaa stands, Right ence Claimant names aa witnesses: day night, will be arrested and comm.ttee failed to agree Eugenio Martinet, of Sanchez. N. M., who Patricio Quintana. Max Sisneros. EUgio I Ben Buxton and visit- 2. 1906 tack of he subscription counter, wife were on April. made HomesteadEntry No. GuUegos. Ventura Maesus, all of Cuarvo, prosecuted to the full extent of the upon the Bristow amendment 9109 07818 for Si SE. 1. So, of Mr. ing at E. D. Hodges Sec, Ni NEJ N, M. Mayor. ' Saturday, Section 35 Township 16N Range ME, N, M. P. Manuel R. Otero Register. law. ., which extends federal We understand Mr. Fnck is authority MerMian has filed notice of intention to make This was decided today at a over state elections. The Houcs final five year Proof, to establish claim First pub. Ang.4 . 07874. C.89T Oklahoma will thU year produce going back to the mines in a short to the land above described, before Gerald NOTICE OF CONTEST conference between Sheriff David refused to yield on that, The H lBuxton. U. S. Commissioner, at Buxton. Department of the Interior. bales of time. N. M on the S2nd of 1911. United states Land Office. x,9oo,ooo cotton, valued M. day September Golder of Chester Dis will be 1911, county, E. D. subject considered at next claimant names as witnesses: Santa Fe. N. M., July 2. $75,000,000, ood for Hodges was helping H. Manuel Contewee-Vo- t Pretty trict Robert session of Uarcla, Adelaldo Garcia. Kubsldo N, To Pablo Mania of Cuervo, N.M.. Attorney S.Gathrcp," Congress. Garoia Abelino S, Garcia, all of Sanehei. are hereby notified that Mnuea S. av thai to twenty-tw- o L.Potter to fight the thistles a country up N.M, Sanchez who Cuervo, w. M., as his post-offic- e The ; Pennsylvania negro was gives part of laet week. Manuel R. Otero Register, did on June. 7, 1911. file In this .yean ago never produced any An address, taken out of a on a cot enemy of the Russian thistle office his duly corroborated application to bat trouble. ho&pital Some of the are thing people cutting has made its Not eoal land conteit and secure the cancellation ot your aud tied to the cot with and appearanne in Qurie 07874 ropes their feed. They say they had Department of the Interior. homestead; Entry No. Serial No. during the of U, s. Land offlc at Santa Fe, Nw Msxlce made Oct. 17, 1909. for WJ S Wt. WJ NWl, of the cot placed on a fire. He had past couple days. s4 M An applicant for the police rather have some grain and foder August. 1. 1011, section 80 Township 9N. of. Range E,. N. is 1 been It a little green worm about an Notice v hereby, that P. Merlitan, and as grounds for his wounded in the bead. mixed to given force in Chicngo drank four than let it all burn u p August L, Allemand, of Variadero. N, M contest he allejes that said Pablo llunls inch in and do length, about the who, en September. ,19 1907 , made Desert has abandoned said laDd; (and gone away of water m order and not make at all 19oT pounds to gain anything and 1016-011- 7 of thickness of the lead ot a Land Entry No, 5, not know where) since the earlier part pencil. 8E. of 14, to said land since. the required weight to pass the If it doesn't rain Roori it will all h e i NE.J NE.t SE.i Section and has not returned OUR LINE OF THINKING There are millions of the Township 13 N. Range 14E. N.M.P. Meridian You are. therefore further notified that the riled this office as examination. Another applicant burnt up. , has notice of intention to make Final said allegations will be taken by worms. Their was Desert Land said The Melrose is attack first Proof to establish claim to the having been confessed by you. andyotir tretchtd himself a of an Index a small Rattlesnake Pete. above described H. without quarter noticed on the land, before G. Buton entry will be canceled thereunder thistles along at Buxton, Ran Mignel Co. New Mex. further to be heard therein, either inch by hanging himself for an paper that had a competitor and your right the railroad right ot Claimant names as witnesses: before this office or on appeal, If you fail to him way, Thsy Juan D, Carlos after tha iottr from a horizontal bar. bought out and then had quite Abbott News Martinex, Rlvero , both of file in this office within twenty days became so thick on the rails Buxton N. M Donaslano Jtramillo. of FOURTH publication of this notice, as shown a bit to about himself as it that say and N. M. Juan J, Gallegos, of Chap-erito- , below, your answer, under oath, specifically Howdy to all! the engine wheels N, M. to is a bit along our line of slipped, and meeting and responding these allegations Bill Taft vetoed the thinking Manuel R. of contest, or If you fail wltntn that time to statehood Mr. Henry Lovewell, wife and sand had to be used on rails. otero. Register we reproduce it. We never had the file in this office due proof that you have Not Coal Land - fcill an4 starehood for New Mexico There is First pub. Aug 4. served a copy o f your answer- on the said baby spent Sunday afternoon at some danger when the NOTICE FOR cheek enough to say it in our own PUBLICATION. contestant either ta person, or by registered is delayed. We have read Bill's F. M. Huffs. thistles are all gone, that the Department ef the Interior. mail. If this service is made by the delivery behalf. He said in IT. S. Land Office M. eil and felt that we were part: at Ssnta Fe. N, of a copy of your answer to the contestant Rj openlo Misses Lena and Lois Carnahan worm? will furn their Jnly. 27. 1911. In 0 f such must Wherever we have we attention to person, proof service coo fiction but fail to learn a lived, Notice Is hereby given that be either the said contestant s writte thing took Sunday dinner wijh Mr, aud other vegetation. So far Louis G, have won the regard and confi they are Baker, of Cuervo, N. M. who on acknowledgement of his receipt of the copy. from Bill has to March 18 1908. made Homestead No. Its aff- that say about Mrs.Vanouren, not molesting Entry showing the date of receipt, or the dence of who anything but the 13671, for NEJ SW.J. NWJ, of he all would come close SEJ Wi NEJ idavit the person by whan the delivery wag why vetoed the Mil. Bill has this.les Section S4. T. 10V, E. N. M. P. M wnere was Mib Lu-c- Wichita Eagle. Ranges' made stating when and the copy enough to judge first hand and Edgerton spent has filed notice of Intention to Final of held a judgeship by appointment make deUvered: if made by rejiste'ed mail, proof the man who won't do Sunday with Miss Minor, commutation Proof, to establish claim to the such service must constat .: .oi the that has no laud above Earl D. and feels that a judge should not KiS described before Jones, affidavit of the person by whom theoopy was Mrs F. M. Huff called ou GOT HIS U . S. Commissioner at M right to an opinion. Mrs dues, Cuervo, N, mailed stating w ben and the PMt offioe to subjected to the will of a ma-jont- Moss The Santa on the 9th day of September 1911. to which it was mailed, and this affidavit must Come aud Monday. FeNew Mexican gets Claimant names as witnesses:' is in get acquainted. be accompanied by the postmaster's receipt There one thing about off Joe Holbrook A. W. Mr, Byars, and Mr, Moss came the following: Jr., W.. Wiest, E. Ben for the letter, The is here to nett. lorn L, Lewis, all of Cuervo. N. M. of Bill and that is, when he sets bis paper help you You should state in yonr answer thename iu from Oklahoma "Nineteen old Manuel K. Otero. Register. office to which desire future make Melrose a winner. If we Ssturday wher year Anna the post you bead sot it sot notices to be sent to you. is to stay sot. been' is au heroine in Not Coal Land rirnt pub. August. 4. they have for a month, San Francisco Manuel R, Otero;Register shows disposition to want pay They NOTICR FOR PUBLICATION. wee ot but today just because he shot and Date of first publlcstisn August 4. remember that those who tell us thinking leaving here, Department of the Interior. ' " second " " 11-- killed " " 18. Bil Taft state- concluded a her brute of a C. 8. Land office at santa re. K. u. 'third ta vetoing the our for office and home have they cannot find husband. " supplies July, t7. 1911, " "fourth " s5- hood bill off I She followed him into a pets the following: have got into the same habit and better place than Mexico. So saloon Notice Is hereby given thai tra. C. where he was Arbogast. , of Potrillo. n. M, yirst pub. . 4. 0J672 C.898 The constitution distributes the wt them guess will be with us awhile spending the money Aug, can't get out of it. they who, on Oct). 11. 1907 made Homestead NOTICE OF CONTEST she had earned No.lBlSB-Otff- function of government into three Bear la also longer. by washing lor Eniry for NE. J Section 38, Department of the Interior. mind, that there te 8N. M. other Oa the TtWiisblp Range 4,K, N. P Meridian United States Land Office Sants Fe, N M bMnthos.;.. the legiVative, to make a Last Tuesday a was people. witness stand has filed notice of intention to make Final ervu;es paper can do for you surprise J.tily. 34,11)11 I commutation Proof, to establish claim to these laws, the to exe- - that b'e Grandma it shenaid: just wanted Jim to To UusnSais of Cuervo S. M. Contestee: executive, cannot estimated in given Towilliger, Hie lnnd above described, before Dart D, - You are hereby notified that Moises S- ' be Kood. Jones, 0. S. Commissioner at Cuervo. N. M cute them, and the to de being her 77th birthday. The I'd have worked Sanehes who Cuervo, N M. as his post- - judical money. my tin the9th, dav of September 1911. gives , office did on June 7, 1911, tile cide in cases it it so to have fingers to the bone for him if Claimant names as witnesses: arldress, arising before the family bad arranged he'd inthiscffioe his' duly corroborated appli- On ourpsrt we shall be govern A. G. Nance: Ed Hull Mead Roork, Maud of the take a becu good." She was cation terontest aodseourc the cancellation Tights individual as be Graudraa ride that acauited. 1 Arbogast all of Potrillo, N, M. ed by the morning of your Homestead, Entry No. Serial No. following principles: hundreds , Manuel R. Otero, Reglstar tween him and others and as be. and while they were out the are lionizing her and are 0467S madeAuir. 9. 1907. for E. SW.i E Life is short 24 too and there's too Not Coal First NWi, section sO. Township 9 N- - of Range her. is shallow-nes- pub. July, SI, iweenhira anJ the government, neighbors gathered in and set the helping Such the s E N.M. Meridian, and as grounds for his much to do to squander time, ink, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION P, This division of table. of Department ot the Interior. oontest be alleges that said Juan Sals has government into Upon arnviag at home public opinion, which abandoned said land since or about the later money, or friends by political U. s. land office at Santa Fe. tr. Mex., much closes its to fact 13. 1911. part of 1908 or earlier part of 1909 and has not three separate branches has alway about noon to her surprise eyes the that July. ' bigotry or personal grouches. Notice 1s returned to said land since. in the hereby given that Bruullo Ramirez eco as she found the home crowded everywhere United States , M. You are. therefore, further notified that tho regarded a great security While with of, Trementma N. who, on August. 17 the paper is republican, it 1905 atd will be taken this office as for the are thousands of women made Homestead Entry No. 7 allegations by maintenance of free insti- - friends and was more working been confessed you. and your said hates only meanness and works surprised for SW. NW. J, Nw.l SW.J, sec, having by tutions, and the is when she saw the table "off their fingers" or out SE.i. NEt NE., SE.J. Sectlon..SS Town enrty will be cance'ed thereunder without security only for the same groaning "eating ship 16N, 13 E, N. M. your further right to be heard therein, either publio ends that their Range P. Meridian, fiitn and assured when the judical under the weight of a bountiful hearts," for worthless bus. has tiled notice of intention to make before this office or on appeal. If yon fail to interest the patriots of the other Final five to file In this office within twenty after the bauds who their year Proof, establish claim days branch is independent and dinner. spend money over to the land above described, before G, FOURTH publication of this notice, s shows parties-th- e good of the country. H. the bar or at duxiod unitea states Commissioner, at below, your answer, under oath, specifically imparjd." An lee Cream supper was given gambling. They are and to these If God has given as one qualifi Buxton N M., on the 3rd, day of Autust meeting responding allegations found 1911. ot contest, or if you fail within time to The would like to a k at Mr. Nances last Thursday even in Santa Fe. If that Clipper cation above us for night pub . Claimant names as witnesses: file In this office due proof that you have another, fitting lic Bill Taft the A crowd indignation were to rise Carlos Trujillo. Hilario Gonzales, served a copy of your answer on the said why people should be the of large attended and got only to Amandeo conduct the only paper in Archuleta, FMbero SanoheJt.all of Ttemen- - contestant either in person or by registered the ' forced to submit to the ruihngs sway with nine gallons ot nice ice. proper understanding of cause ni. N. M. mail, If this service is made by tho the town, it is displayed, in this ' and effect, what a Manuel R. Otero. Register, delivery of s oopy of your answer to the con of a Judge who shows cream, different world testant In person, ot such service must continually fact, that we havs never been First ss. proof yet this would pub July. Not coal lsnd be either the said contestant's written that he is not Mr. Coleman, wife and child. bel" NOTICE FOR PUbLICATION. impartial? Why so offended man ws acknowledgment of his receipt of the copy by any that Department of the the ren Interior. showing thedate of its reoelpt. or the affi should not people have the spent Fndiy and Saturday United Status Land Office Santa N. M could not afterwards behind Fe, davit of the person by whom get ' July 21 1911. the delivery power to remove a who has with Mr, and Mi. Juinor. . & was made when and where the Judge bim and boost him when he 2F Notice Is hereby given the! stating copy was delivered: if made br registered mall shown that he is - A general rain would do a Patrioo Quintana, of Cuervo, N. M on tlitily cot qnali- tackled a real booster's good who, proof of such service muft consist of the stunt. July 18. 1004 made H. E. No, 1 c affidavit of the by whoti was ( d to fill the position he holds? great deal of cood now. Some for SJ. person the copy With a is SE.. S., SW.i, of Section mailed when the us, running newspaper 6. stating and post office to Township 11. N . Range 34 E. N. M. was Vo organization of railroad crops are being damaged so I ohtalMd In all oounulat 041 NO which it mailed, and this affidavit must be like (rvimpUy MI. P, Meridian, filed of surgery and medicine with the Cawatt Copyright regis. has notice accompanied by the postmasters for IfiTJS. Kodfl or Photo, 1, intention to make Finn' five receipt has understand. year Proof, to , ' employes ever denied the a" Ptentpmot-enoluslwl- the letter. doctors, there's no 'Tonpattibiiity.mGiK aiFEMCKOio. establish, claim to the land above described personal Sena 4 mm 1b Yon should state in your answei the name' c Oklahoman. Kwnpt for our two invalnsMe before Earl. D. Jones, U. S, .lt the railraad company to fflfcww to and ecu. Commissioner of the post offioe to which you desire future feeling in it, we know two xf' ons willotwHow to m. at only py. gat a nut. Cuervo, N. M., an the 7th of .- Mr, patent law and other valuable lolorauitioa, day notices to be sent to you. discbaige a man for incompetan-an- d September 1911. classes the boosters and Manuel R. Otero, shirkers, Claimant names as witnesses: Register,1 v, should the Ansoaa D, GO. Date of first publication August by Line op come in ac- Gather watermelons while SWIFT Juan b, Quintana. Max sisneros. Eligio " ' " and get ye ye d second, 11. Gallegos Ventura A. ptcplebe denied that Maestes, all of Cuervs, "third " ' is. right, quainted." may, gOTBnm Qt WMniHgTOH, p. p. N, K yyjuj "fourth, " 25; Manuel B. Otero Register,