
integrity respectprofessionalism integrity

fairnessprofessionalism respect fairness respect respect integrityprofessionalismintegrity fairness fairness integrity integrity integrity respect respect fairness fairness professionalism professionalism integrity respect integrity respect fairness fairness respect professionalism professionalism integrity fairness integrity respect respect fairness professionalism fairness professionalism professionalism integrity integrity respect respect fairness respect fairness fairness professionalism professionalism integrity integrity respect respect fairness fairness professionalism integrity professionalism integrity integrity respect respect fairness professionalism fairness professionalism professionalism integrity integrity respect integrity respect fairness fairness fairness professionalism respect professionalism fairness professionalism integrity integrity respect respect fairness fairness professionalism professionalism integrity integrity respect respect fairness fairness professionalism professionalism integrity integrity respect respect fairness fairness professionalism professionalism integrity integrity respect respect fairness fairness professionalism professionalism integrity integrity respect respect fairness fairness professionalism professionalism Bringing our Values to Life Police and Crime Commissioner’s Foreword

Whether you are a police volunteer, a member of police staff or a police officer, there is no doubt policing Dorset is a rollercoaster, both of emotions and of events.

Every working day is different.

But one thing that remains constant is the commitment and empathy of the organisation.

I am constantly humbled by something a member of this organisation does.

Whether it is for a victim, a member of the public, a partner organisation, or a colleague, I am regularly reminded that people chose to join Dorset Police for the right reasons – to help people.

This booklet encapsulates that ethos.

Thank you for what you do.


Police and Crime Commissioner for Dorset

0 0 2 Chief ’s Foreword

“Dorset Police is a story of success, innovation, change and one of always putting our communities first.”

This is a collection of stories, from our public and our staff, and they continue to be written every day.

These stories paint a picture of both individual and collective acts of compassion, pride, determination and kindness – doing the right thing, when no one is looking. Taken in isolation some may feel they are not earth shattering but in reality they highlight a state of mind unique to the police service, and in particular the Dorset Police way.

At a time when the police service has faced criticism on many fronts, this booklet offers a selection of stories you and our public have provided, which illustrate how our values are brought to life and personify the quote “There is one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing and be nothing”.

My thanks go to all who have contributed to and produced this booklet, and to everyone across the Force – officers, staff and volunteers alike – for your selfless dedication and through your actions, enabling our Values to live.

Chief Constable

0 0 3 I wish also to bring I want to to your attention the superb manner with applaud thatthe which all your officers service and police staff dealt with me, during a busy courteous, professional and, most of all forpolite a and difficult time man in my situation, they went above compassionate and beyond that . which would My wife and I are extremel y impressed have been by the progress that has been expected. made with this case. This is above and beyond what we would have expected.

T Thank you us but, a h for eo t th e all t e s r am w you have done. u e r o tim it c e e , s r d ym s n pa t a t a h l e t t

a i e c

d n :


“I i

and indeed the en s w s o table tir

u cons e e

ld the f

ve end o m r

ry com

muc e to p h lik


t t ea o

m b . In s a his w de Whilst this professional work was humbling to be part al e ing h of, I was most impressed with how the team naturally s w y, ith rt me pa pulled together to support each other both through formal and the third debrief and in less formal discussion. I found the positive attitude and team spirit a particular source of pride and was reminded of how well officers deal with difficult and demanding circumstances as individuals and as a team. 0 0 4 After seeing the elderly driver struggling at the side of the road the two camera operators pulled over and changed his tyre for him – the gentleman was

gratitude and stated: “not many peopleovercome would have with bothered”. His opinion of the people working on safety cameras had changed forever now knowing how caring they were .

Enthusiastic praise of the exceptional support. This hand

of friendship is something and professional which we support . both wished to bringconsiderably to your attention T us but, a h because it has eo t th e t e s r am w u e r o tim it improved our quality ofc life e e , s r d ym s n pa t a t a h l e t t

a i e c

d n :


“I i

and indeed the en s w s o table tir She is a very hard-working, u cons e e ld the f dedicated and conscientious

ve end o m r

ry com

muc e to p member of the team with an h lik


t t exceptional ‘can do’ attitude ea o

m b – nothing is too much trouble . In s a his and she can be completely w de al e relied upon to deliver ing h s w y, consistently high quality ith rt me pa and the third work. She is held in the highest regard by all of her colleagues and is an absolute asset to the department and Dorset Police. 0 0 5 He was calmness personified everything out He should be commended for sorting – following with humour his professionalism a really whilst off duty attitude helpful and the female knowing she had a stifling heat! despite the large knife and giving concise commentary to the control room until local units arrived and detained her. Just to say a big thanks to your team for their assistance a couple of weeks ago. Without their prompt

action I would have either been unable to attend or may have been

e late for a regional meeting that I was l


Their assistance a

due to chair. t

n u

and efficiency was much o

, please feel free to c c

appreciated all of u a r s t fo .”

n y e l

pass this on to them. m o e m

n i ic

at u n

m a e n au

d r g

t ap a

pr s d o n ac wa hab at I a le and gh wh n ease hrou t y d us t eg r h it t y r - w o e w a t re s h u I spoke to her and she stated that she would go to onest, tr Police station and log on to establish what had occurred. This response was far more than I expected. It is a perfect example of her commitment to her role and that of Dorset Police. She quickly established the problem and rectified it and enabled my colleague to fulfil their vital role. I wish to thank her for her diligence to the role. 0 0 6 I posted them to his home I then went up to the member of address rather than use police staff to be greeted with what in my mind is absolutely the internal mail. fantastic and positive: “my The officer supervisor is going into the station reall from her home on her rest day and appreciatedy she will do it there for you”. I was fact that I checked his the duty flabbergasted and asked if she was sheet and went above and sure; she reassured me that it was no problem. I have never been so beyond to help him. impressed with the attitude of people in this organisation but my word it makes me feel good again.


can do attitude should serve as an example to colleagues

e throughout Dorset l b


Police. t


u o

c I wish to raise how this c

all of u a r s t fo .” was another example

n y e l

m of o e good quality m

n received i

ic u service

at n

m from your department. a e n au d r g

t ap a It was personal, timely,

pr s d o n ac wa accurate and with good hab at I a le and gh wh n ease hrou t y d us t eg follow up. r h it t y r - w o e w a t re s h u onest, tr

0 0 7 I found her to be extremely helpful and efficient, she provided me with an excellent service to deal with my task quickly and continue mywhich patrol. enabled me a credit to the department She is and should be commended!

utmost , above and This officer demonstrated professionalism beyond, by aiming to ensure that there was no detrimental impact to the training. He arranged to ensure that his operation did not clash with fulfilling the delivery of It can be very disruptive the course and the commencement of the next course. having to change offices at the best of times but I would like to thank the staff who assisted us in our recent move. They remained committed and cheerful at all times and certainly helped us all pull together in getting ssion ofe a Pr li re a credit to s ey a you the job done. m Th r Forc e a nd - ev ery w t e hin g a I w o r u e ld l ike c o to m ex . p e m ec lic t o i f t P t ro se t m Dor e d t e o rvic e se x y of Not only did she maintain a high level of performance throughout her ce qualit llen ighest career, but she did so despite enduring several bouts of serious illness. ce and delivering the h On each occasion she returned to work with a positive attitude, insisting on resuming normal working quickly and with the minimum of fuss. 0 0 8 What was amazing was all your commitment to the operation, and this definitely contributed to the excellent results. There are not many operations, involving so few staff, no surveillance resources, one day’s planning, and no overtime costs to the force, which result in such impressive results.

This response brought to a conclusion the uncertainty and tension that the person was experiencing. Applying fairness, respect and professionalism to this issue resulted in an expression of gratitude not only from the person directly involved but also from local line management. He is highly regarded as a first class officer, ensuring all things are done to an exacting standard and many of our more frequent guests also hold him in high esteem for this. known for his altruisticHe is alsonature highlighted when a colleague wanted to take a well needed family holiday due to , ssion ofe a Pr li serious family illness. Without any fuss or re a credit to s ey a you m Th r Forc complaint, he worked alone for several e a nd - ev ery w weeks to ensure his colleague could t e hin g a I w enjoy a break. o r u e ld l ike c o to m ex . p e m ec lic t o i f t P t ro se t m Dor e d t e o rvic e se x y of ce qualit llen ighest ce and delivering the h

0 0 9 Since starting at Dorset Police, everyone has gone out of their way to help me, from showing me around the building to teaching me how to do my role or people just smiling and saying hello in colleagues and management the corridor. My and answer any are always willing to assist queries that I may have – I have been made to feel extremely welcome and part of the team.

They have always taken responsibility of investigations and are committed to seeing things through with the highest levels of professionalism, integrity and leadership qualities that have held them in good stead as both a uniform officer and in CID.

e le in th ir dea ab ling ge s ed wi wl th o u kn s b nd u a t l na it io w s s a e f s T ro he p y w very ere always

ga e and ve u . enc s c n r onf o ffe iden rry di ce to ca e On Valentine’s Day they cancelled personal events and h t l t volunteered to provide the necessary support that evening h al ei e and for long hours throughout the weekend, dealing r h ad uma t m with the aftermath of the storm. Such dedication and n touch tha professionalism is highly commendable and, thankfully, not uncommon across the force. 0 1 0 All of the officers involved in this incident are commended for I wanted to write and thank you for the their calm, professional and courageous actions leading role that you and Dorsetenthusiasm, Police have played in the success of this year’s in dealing with a highly Air Festival. This inis duean already charged and traumatic in no small part to your situation; actions which energy and determination to find without doubt saved the Nothing women from serious life constant improvements and their excellent working partnership between threatening injuries. the emergency services. was too much trouble professional guidance and advice was always immediately available to the event team. The speed of response was commendable. I wanted to thank the officers for their throughout the incident and their help and compassion welfare of my parents care and attention to the service and should be recognised. They are asboth such. a credit to the police

He noted their approach was highly e professional, showing an excellent blend of le in th ir dea ab ling ge s technical knowledge, communication skills ed wi wl th o u kn s and patience when dealing with members b nd u a t “I drove away with a very l of the public. na it io w s s a positive impression of Dorset Police.” e f s T ro he p y w very ere always

ga e and ve u . enc s c n r onf o ffe iden rry di ce to ca e h t l t h al e e ir ad hum m an touch that

0 1 1 I am sending you a quick email to compliment your two instructors. I went to the course full of preconceptions and, having heard tales, I was not really expecting great things from the course. I was totally wrong and am very happy to admit it. I would like to say that the style thank of guidance you for an . and education was, to me, beneficial – excellent course and two top educators He is committed and a highly regarded officer – whose pride in appearance punctuality and willingness to go the, extra mile is clear to all who work with him. He is also a very compassionate – at one of the fatal accidents he calmly officer and professionally helped a man whose wife was dying beside him. His drive and enthusiasm is infectious, and he works tirelessly for his team and for the community.

ss - we act impar irne tiall Fa y,tr eat ing a ll a cc or di ng to t he ir ne ed s

I believe that the approach that this Sergeant showed ll a was one that inspires confidence from his peers and E ad ven e h subordinates. a great trait in an individual that allows th l w oug nti him to get the best out of a colleague. By supporting me, he h th ed u e wea l stay enabled me to actually come into work on the Friday when ther was dreadful, they al at times I was so low that I felt unable to. His manner and style enables, in my view, officers to remain happy and supported at work. 0 1 2 She also goes ‘above and beyond’ her role to ensure volunteers at the local community office have the tools to do their job effectively and her support has, without doubt, contributed to the office experiencing a doubling of customer numbers each year. She has a ‘can do’ approach to everything in which she becomes involved. Her dedication and commitment to partnership working is outstanding; she is a real ‘unsung hero’.

flexibility Thanks to the and personal responsibility The next day CID sent an email to from members of the team, the Safer Neighbourhood Officer including adjusting a number for the area concerned. In this of periods of leave and personal email they asked the officer to pass commitments to attend a number on congratulations of subsequent commitments outside of office hours. This to all officers involved in completing the hand on pack, certainly enabled the Force to stating that it was the one of the achieve the PCC’s mandate. best hand on packs they had received in 2013. ss - we act impar irne tiall Fa y,tr eat ing a ll a unwavering commitment, by the team was dedication absolutely critical and to the cc The l exceptional level of or di ng attention to detai to very t success of this case. to bringIt involved all offenders an to justice. The victim’s he ir determination ne ed family were extremely prosecutiongrateful for theand compassion defence counsel shown were by the s whole team and both.


ll a E ad ven e h th l w oug nti h th ed u e wea l stay ther was dreadful, they al

0 1 3 He leads his team from the front with his enthusiastic, proactive and crime focused style made a significant; animpact approach on targeting that has local criminals. What as one of his most enduringshines strengths through is his continued energy and enthusiasm for the fundamentals of policing and his determination There was a member of to catch criminals. staff that was on long term sickness absence who

needed help each month with some finance claim ce ren forms. I contacted her each treat all w iffe - we ith dignity and value d ct month to remind her about I was greatly pe by their es the forms and she thanked impressed R me for remembering her , alertness

courtesy and that she was unwell.

and responsiveness.

ork requ e w ire th d a ed nd h s w i e n a i l f l l e f t

t o ge th e r .

His actions were not only heroic, but expected from an experienced Officer rather than that of a Special Constable who had only been working with us for a handful of weeks. I believe he should be commended, as his quick thinking actions helped detain a violent and Elusive young man. 0 1 4 I was very impressed in the way in which she made every effort to support and to go that extra mile to protect both the victim and offender.

When I asked a member of the department for the fifth time to adjust their report to meet I was the changing requirements for the project, they made all of the changes required by the following day despite other pressing priorities. instantly reminded why Dorset Police

performs so well. It has great people at the heart of it. ce ren treat all w iffe - we ith dignity d value d ct an pe es R

It was apparent to me that she was extremely anxious about

the uncertainty of her situation. I looked up the member of

staff, saw she was logged on and invited her to meet with me

ork requ e w ire th d late that afternoon to go through the issues, rather than her a ed nd h s w i e have to wait for her appointment. n a i l f l l She was very grateful e that I could clarify her situation. Her supervisor f t

t o thanked me and said she felt a great deal betteralso ge th e . r .

When speaking with an elderly customer on the phone recently, she found it difficult to navigate the Dorset went through Police website. She wantedpatiently to work through itseveral on her own computer so I thanked me each individual stage. She . times and said I had really helped her and that she 0 1 5 was so grateful for my patience He is conscientious, innovative, hard-working, and willing to drive forward improvement and change.

I found it extremely useful, and really appreciated you both giving up your time to further enhance my understanding of the e information th procedures. Th at th ey p rov ide d m ea nt th He performs this role at of fic er extremely well and exhibits s co ul great understanding of d be

the needs of colleagues.

He is considerate

and puts himself in their

position, adjusting

his work accordingly. s . en d t ise h til om e u e t wer approachable, o r ces ecove resour He is an r while other knowledgeable officer and his popular ‘can do’ attitude rubs off on everyone.

He was a star and a credit to the team. 0 1 6 The team have seen significant change in work location, systems, procedures and a change in expectations of how their role is delivered. and adopted All have suppor the change with professionalism, ted to ensure that resource management and in its delivery, is delivered attempted with integrity, fairness and with respect to officers’ welfare through challenging and difficult times.

e information th Th at th ey p rov ide d m ea nt th at It is highly likely that of fic her commitment and er s co ul determination to succeed d be was a significant

factor in influencing

how a potentially

damaging situation for

the organisation was

s successfully managed. . en ed t lis ho uti me re to s we rec urce over while other reso

His total support for colleagues both on and off duty and compassion for vulnerable detainees is well known and respected by Police and partners alike. His endless enthusiasm for his role always shines through and in light of his wife’s serious illness his continued high standards are truly inspiring. 0 1 7 A card of thanks was received from a child detective constable thanking for his the work in supporting the family during a domestic violence incident. The child wrote: “Thank you for helping my mummy and daddy

sort things out.” e I would just like to thank you if kn e for keeping me updated with rg at la d a regards to the investigation ha she ing into my bike theft. Iefficient was know emale and ng the f amazed and delighted ff duty – followi prompt hilst o the m w alis ion way that the officer dealt with ss fe ro the matter and recovered p is h the bicycle within hours of it r o f d going missing. e d n e m m o c e ues apply to all our b al deal ld r V ings u u wi o O th h ind s ivi e du H als , c om m u ni tie s a nd e ach other

I also appreciate the service and work carried out by the officer and PCSO (and the follow up Victims Bureau contact). Everyone who I dealt with was very professional, victim and community focused and reassuring as a victim of crime. As a member of the community I was glad to have such positive interaction with the police, but as a member of the organisation, I am truly proud to work with such thoughtful and dedicated colleagues. 0 1 8 I would like to mention how very helpful, friendly and understanding all members of the team have, without exception been towards me. I could not have been able to willingly offer my own help without their friendly skills and professional support.

in my . I am writing

. e you could if kn You may not remember me but youth wereat the policehelped officer who took e rg la a statement from me… I felt like, youyou havewanted really to help and d a ha she eyes did everything ing Thank You know emale to you to say ng the f ff duty – followi hilst o m w alis ion ss fe ro p is h r o f d e d n e m m o c e ues apply to all our b al deal ld r V ings u u wi o O th h ind s ivi e du H When I arrived I met your constable who was als , c om m u so ni tie professional s a and at the same time showed such nd e ach other kindness and consideration to my wife and me. She is a credit to Dorset Police and I would be pleased if

you could pass onto her my most grateful thanks.

0 1 9 even This was above and beyond anything required of her and it meant that her night out with friends was put on hold until help arrived for a male, a male who was a complete stranger to her. She remained on theIt’s scene help untillike he this was that taken greatly to the ambulance assists the by paramedics. on busy weekendreally shifts appreciated like this one. emergency services Your efforts on Saturday were noted and by myself and another colleague who attended.

comme g concise ntary to th givin e cont nd rol ro a om unti l loc al u nits ar Their rive sensitivity d a nd we strive and by is much appreciated andto a theirvery understandingconfusing and difficultof our shock situation is de hich whic ta r w h w ine fo e w commended… Whatever the outcome however, I felt I should d h s ish er rd to be . da judged put my an st thanks he constable’s in writing to acknowledge your detective re t professionalism These a .

Two police officers and a special constable were recently nominated by a member of public for the patience, understanding, thoughtful courtesy and sympathetic encouragement they displayed in dealing with an elderly male who had been involved in a road traffic collision. 0 2 0 I don’t even know where to begin and how to say thank you, for all the help and encouragement you gave. I really appreciate and value you both so much. If it wasn’t for your hard work, tenacity, diligence and perseverance in building the case, we would not have seen justice delivered. This has been a most difficult and trying time for the whole family and your warmth and kindness has been much appreciated.

I have recently been in contact with the Central Ticket Office and would like to record ! kind I was with the peoplehow impressedI dealt with. Thank you so much for helping Everyone I spoke to was so us, you have been so and helpful I can’t even begin to put into . polite words how hugely thankful I am for the help you have given comme us at the worstgentleness time in our and g concise ntary to th our givin e cont was just incredible nd rol ro lives. Y a om world of unti l loc kindness al u nits and made the ar rive d a difference. nd we strive and by de hich whic ta r w h w ine fo e w d h s ish er rd to be . da judged an st he re t These a I wanted to write and thank you for the assistance you provided last night following the threats I received. I don’t know whether you are able to pass on my gratitude to the person who took my 999 call. He was very calm and reassuring.

0 2 1 I wanted to acknowledge and professionalism the compassion of all involved from the first person who answered the phone call, to the initial response team and theneternal to the thanksdetective. Please pass on my to everyone involved in the case.

The local ward councillor has said: “I am absolutely delighted that two of our PCSOs are so motivated and dedicated to trying to break the cycle of deprivation and poor aspirations in our community that they will give up their time in this way.” e. s cas of thi ou both went beyond what o the success Y tical t cri ely was expected to identify ut ol bs the offenders responsible in a as w another force, interview and

take the matter to the Crown

Prosecution Service for


avering commitmen unw t, dedi The cation and atte ntio n to det ail b y the team

Thank you for your email, fortunately the nice police officer found my trike outside of someone’s house so I went to pick it up today. It now has a new chain and padlock. 0 2 2 I would like to say how impressed I was by the service provided to me. He was so kind and helpful to me in my distressed state and I felt in safe hands. This meant a lot to me. Please convey my sincere thanks and appreciation to the officer.


I am particularly grateful

the PCSO’s help and his good humour

throughout, considering the awkward , position of the car, and the fact that it

was such a miserable wet morning. His help was invaluable and went completely above

and beyond the call of duty. e. s cas of thi o the success tical t cri ely ut ol bs a as w

These officers were thanked for their


humour at all, professionalism times and were and a good


avering commitmen unw t, dedi The cation and their force. and atte credit to ntio n to det ail b y the team What a thoroughly enjoyable course this was. The instructors were polite and professional and put you at ease straight away.

0 2 3 This is just to thank you on behalf of my husband and myself for being so helpful after They were always my husband got knocked over and his leg broken. The police

very professional and at all times involved in the case . knowledgeable in their against the offender were so helpful and courteous dealings with us but it was their human touch that

made all the difference and gave us confidence to

carry on.

I t

in v o lv e d a n e x ce pt io na oyalty to these Values is a non l L -nego le tiab ce ve le re oli l o quire et P f . ment ors de stice for membership of D ter to ju min enders ation to bring all off

In taking ownership of a potentially distressing situation, this police officer has completely turned around an initially negative view of the police response to a positive outcome. I meet this officer a lot and I am always impressed by him – he is keen, approachable, professional and a credit to the service. 0 2 4 On a number of occasions, he willingly offered to stay on to assist his paid colleagues. I have no doubt that if this special constable had not stayed on, far beyond what was expected of him, that a number of incidents that occurred in Dorchester that night would have taken a turn for the worse.

The police officer and special constable who attendedsympathetic the scene , ; without their were professional,very kind patient and assistance the situation could quickly

have got out of hand.They helped us through a very difficult time. Both were and insightful sensitive in looking after us through an extremely traumatic experience and we would be grateful I t in v if you could pass on our o lv e d thanks deepest a n to them both. e x ce pt io na oyalty to these Values is a non l L -nego le tiab ce ve le re oli l o quire et P f . ment ors de stice for membership of D ter to ju min enders ation to bring all off

If it hadn’t been for his positive, innovative and flexible approach I would not have been able to undertake my study. I was so grateful for his help and touched by the fact that he appreciated the urgency of my situation and went out of his way to make time to solve my dilemma. 0 2 5 and this After the meeting she helped a homeless manthank who him had forbeen his assaulted help and was shortly aided by another attendee at the meeting who worked at the university. A few days later she wrote to was his reply: “I am very pleased to have helped, but there is certainly no need to thank me for the very small assistancefor the thatprecious I provided. and O nso the important contrary it is you who deserve to be thanked support you provided.” to the homeless gentleman who had been assaulted Thank you for the professional, courteous, and helpful, but above all pragmatic team and both p le rose service ho cu provided by your staff w tio n a nd de which has been greatly fe y. nc r e c ta oun en sel w plim appreciated. ere very com

the remely grateful for the by were ext compassion shown family im’s vict he T

When I spoke to him he invited me round to his address to facilitate the return. He told me that the way in which he was treated whilst in custody by the police made him realise his faults and he bore no grudge. He said to me, “If you would have told me that I would be having CID into my house for a cup of tea a year ago I wouldn’t have believed it”. He thanked me for dealing with him properly but professionally. 0 2 6 It was really good to see – the young man was an Asperger’s sufferer but had been allowed to wear his favourite baseball cap on the course. His father who sat outside during the course was so appreciative that Dorset Police had been so understanding in his son’s case.

The constable came to me to speak about the situation and I just want to say that she was brilliant through what I needed. She talked to do mewith kindness and understanding, but was also If all of your Forcestraightforward are like this officer you should be . very team and both p proud le rose of them. ho cu w tio n a nd de fe y. nc r e c ta oun en sel w plim ere very com

the remely grateful for the by I would very much like to were ext compassion shown family im’s commend vict indeed the entire team. In his dealings with the me constable and the andthird he T party, he was both professional and courteous but, at the same time, sympathetic and approachable through what was a traumatic moment for all of us. and They eased are us

a credit to your Force and everything I would like to expect from Dorset Police.

0 2 7


She felt that the station desk officer and colleagues offered and wished to express her thanks to all those and great support to her

concerned, as she believes so often good work by the police service goes

unnoticed and unappreciated. Sheletter further of stated thanks she and would praise be approaching for . the local press to include a public Dorset Police and the services given by our staff

tently e consis demonst H rate d ou tst and ing le ad er sh ip s ed ki uir lls eq a k r nd or h e w is th e oss It is highly likely that her nt acr hu tail sia o de commitment and determination sm ion t in tent spi is at to succeed was a significant red like. H encies a c d partner ag factor in influencing how a olleagues an potentially damaging situation for the organisation was successfully managed.

Representing the force in this way identifies to the wider community that we are the public that police the public. we do have a sense of humour as well as a serious side and that by working as a team we can help others both professionally and personally. 0 2 8 Their actions demonstrated Dorset Police’s commitment towards protecting and supporting the public. He was not a trained officer, but reacted with a calming presence and a fine display of professionalism during a highly traumatic time for an elderly lady in distress in our community.

We greatly appreciated the work of all your officers and PCSOs’ on the case. All of your officers showed great compassion,

When I joined the team I just understanding and wanted to hide away in the back professionalism in office; when I left I was able to stand in front of a roomful of helping us tently e consis demonst H rate colleagues, wear a silly hat and d ou . tst hold it together. and Thank you ing le for all your support ad , er days I couldn’t have got through some sh ip s without it. ed ki ir lls qu a re n ork d w hi he s ss t en cro th ail a us det ias to m tion in tten spir His a ed alike. agencies colleagues and partner

The officer was alerted to the fact that a 13-year-old girl had become stuck

in deep mud below Barton Cliffs. Upon his arrival he found that the girl had

sunk up to her waist and was becoming frantic. With no regard to his own

personal safety, alongside a member of the public he set about trying. to undoubtedly saved her life free the girl and in doing so 0 2 9 The member of staff has contacted me to say a to big get thank her how hard I had to work you as she knew an opportunity for this role and that without all my help she would not have a job now. She stated that the role was made for her and in all aspects it is perfect. She

loves the job, the people she is now working with and is looking forward to starting her shift working – going solo. A redeployment success.

lience and sustaine nal resi d commitme perso nt throu of ghout p vels rolong le ed al ion p pt eriod e s and xc He is co e thoroughly reliable, nsid . erab e le sa lif committed and works tirelessly crifiic mily e to his personal and fa He has given up so much of his own time. over the years to help the Force and the volunteer scheme. He has a wealth of valuable experience and knowledge and is constantly identifying areas where he can further assist the Force and others.

The breakdown of the post machine on the Friday afternoon was potentially risking hundreds of notices missing their dispatch date – but, in true team spirit, staff from every department including managers immediately carried out the task manually thus preventing potential embarrassment. 0 3 0 I’d been away for a week on course and returned home to be told by my wife that the local safer neighbourhood sergeant had popped a business card through our door. My teenage son had forgotten to put his mountain bike in the garage and the sergeant had moved it out of sight. It came as real reminder that we are the public that police the public and that our colleague’s diligence had possibly prevented us from becoming victims.

positive In doing so he received a lot of comments from members of the public who saw him making good and further positive comments have also been received after details were tweeted on the and SNT lience and sustaine Twitter account. nal resi d commitme perso nt throu of ghout p vels rolong le ed al ion p pt eriod e s and xc co e nsid . erab e le sa lif crifiic mily e to his personal and fa

, generosity of goodwill

Secondly, I want to draw your attention to the pure messages, gifts, time and support I have received from your colleagues over the last three months. I can honestly say the list of individuals is far too long to name, but suffice to say they know who they are and they are of all ranks, grades and departments, and they have undoubtedly made what could have been. an unbearable time not only bearable, but somehow genuinely positive. I now know beyond doubt that you work alongside good people who take pride and pleasure in helping those in need 0 3 1 Our Values

Integrity We are honest, trustworthy and genuinely accountable

Professionalism We are committed to excellence and delivering the highest quality of service

Fairness We act impartially, treating all according to their needs

Respect We treat all with dignity and value difference

Our Values apply to all our dealings with individuals, communities and each other.

These are the standards for which we strive and by which we wish to be judged.

Loyalty to these Values is a non-negotiable requirement for membership of Dorset Police.

Making Dorset Safe, Making Dorset Feel Safer