5outbern Airtratt pillision Outlook'

VOL. XLVI KENILWORTH, CAPE, JUNE 1, 1948 NUMBER 10 (Registered at the General Post Office as a Newspaper)

And how they work! They never stop. Scattering Divine Thistledown They work while we sleep. We must stop and renew our energies, take food and rest. CARLYLE B. HAYNES Not they. They go right on, day and night, winter and summer. Rebuffs do not stop No man has words to describe what an harvest is in the making. What a privilege it them. They take no offence. They do not agency for working miracles God has given is to be called of God to be sowers of such lose their tempers. They do not answer back. His people in the amazing literature we have. seed! They just go right on, saying only the same We put it into the homes and into the hands What marvellous seed we bear in our hands! of men and women, and leave it there. Then thing over and over. People may get angry These printed words never waver or flinch. and lash out at them. It makes no difference. God takes over, and works miracles with it. They never dodge or display cowardice. They He is doing it all the time. Around the circle They continue their witnessing, never retract- never change their testimony or compromise ting, never withdrawing, never changing. And of the earth His miracle working with the their witnessing. They never tire or become printed page never ceases. they go right on working long after we retire exhausted. They never lose heart of become on account of old age, even long after we are In every land, and upon all people, no discouraged. Under all circumstances, regard- matter how widely separated they may be by dead. less of all forbidding conditions, they keep on This is a good business to be in. This is race, colour,, language, or creed, the effect of saying the same thing. divine literature is the same. . . good seed to scatter. Let us scatter it faith- How easily transported they are! They No workers are in a position to observe fully. Let us scatter it widely. Let us scat- travel at the lowest cost. They get about with the miracle-working power of the living God ter it diligently. And let us never stop scat- the most amazing ease. They penetrate every- as are colporteur-evangelists. As they leave tering it. where. 0 brethren, set them free, and watch literature in the hands of the people, prejudices [The above is an extract taken from the are broken down, obstacles are cleared away, them do their marvellous, God-guided work. tract of the same title.— Publishing Dept.] convictions are changed, minds are illuminated, beliefs are established, hearts are melted, and souls are reborn into God's kingdom as His Spirit uses these little pieces of printed paper which He calls upon you to place where they Literature Day — June 5 can be so used. JOHN M. STAPLES It is impossible for us to comprehend the amazing energy, the extraordinary dynamic The value of literature as a means of in- porteurs who can give their time entirely to power, there is in printed words. Nor do we fluencing the public mind has ever been recog- that work. Smaller books are provided for need to. We can believe it. And we can be nised by all progressive organisations, whether those of less experience. Magazines and tracts faithful in placing the printed word where God commercial, educational, or religious. are provided for all to scatter far and wide. can release its energy to save souls. This is It is the use that Seventh-day Adventists Even the sick, confined at home, can send this our task, our responsibility, our duty. God have made of this means in the past that, more cheap literature out on its mission by post. will do the rest. And, oh, what a joy it is to than any other, accounts for their growth and In order to make this possible, it has ever see Him doing it! rapid spread into all lands. Trace the history been the aim of the Publishing Department Over in old Nicodemia, a Christian worker, of the work from the beginning and one will to provide such a variety of literature, and so merely passing through and having no time to see that in almost every part of the world to organise the work, that every representative remain, left with a stranger a gospel tract, field the printed page has gone before the of the third angel's message, whether old or and went on. Seventeen years later, stopping living preacher. young, rich or poor, ignorant or learned, can there again, he found a church of more than South Africa is no exception. It was due to have some part in its distribution. forty members, and a Protestant community the circulation of literature by a faithful lay- We sincerely trust that, as a result of the of more than two hundred that had grown out man, William Hunt, who had come from Literature Day Programme, Sabbath, June 5, of that single tract. California to the diamond fields of Kimberley, definite plans will be laid by churches and In China there is a group of eight churches that the message first came to this fair land individuals for a wider circulation of the raised up by tracts alone. of ours. Copies of these tracts fell into the printed page' throughout the South African In Brazil there are twoscore groups of hands of G. J.evan Druten, who had started Union. hungry, eager Sabbath-keepers who, though keeping the Sabbath as a result of his own never having seen a preacher, were brought study of the Bible. About the same time - to the light by the printed page. Pieter Wessels also became a Sabbath-keeper, Yes, there is life in this widely scattered not knowing that another soul on earth was God's Approved Workmen seed. And let us remember, the life is in the doing likewise. When they met, the two began S. S. HITEN seed, not in the sower. Even infidels have a search for William Hunt, that they might unwittingly scattered some of this seed, and obtain more literature and learn more. What "Study to show thyself approved unto God, it has grown and produced fruit. joy must have filled the old miner's heart when a workman. . . ." 2 Tim. 2 : 15. Thistledown, someone has called it. That they found him, and he had the privilege of The nearer the end approaches the greater is what it is, divine thistledown. We scatter telling them the story of the advait message! our desire to be approved of God, for it is it, and thereby we are liberating thistledown The value of this means of telling others of evident that when Jesus appears in glory there carrying precious seed. The winds of the the soon coming of Jesus lies in the- fact that will be but two classes of human beings: Spirit carry it here and there over all the every man, woman, and child in' the denomi- those who are approved of God and those who world. It settles down and grows and pro- nation can have a part. The large books have are not. As we contemplate the prodigious duces its own life in human souls. A great been prepared for trained and experienced col- effort made by God for our salvation we can-

If you can sell anything, why not sell our truth-filled books? 2 SOUTHERN AFRICAN DIVISION OUTLOOK JUNE 1, 1948 not but do everything in our power to have part we are to have in the final winding up of for four. They were in process of making Heaven's approval. the work. necessary repairs and other improvements in Our text indicates that one important thing Let us, one and all, rally to the call of the the European wards. And Sigi [Dr. Kotz] needed in order to have God's approval is that Harvest Ingathering Appeal, and make this, and I spent our spare time drawing plans, we must be workmen. That is, of course, the 40th Anniversary, the greatest campaign in which we hope may become more than 'pipe workmen in His vineyard, as the rest of the the history of the Southern African Division. dreams.' text indicates. "Miss Margaret Johnson returned to Mala- B Beginning on May 29, there will be opened mulo from overseas furlough while I was there, to each one an opportunity of having a very giving welcome relief and help to Miss Rachel definite part in the Lord's work — the great Our Medical Work in the Anderton and Miss Dorothy Walters in their Harvest Ingathering Campaign. Everyone who Division nursing and teaching programme. "From Malamulo I went to old Solusi, join- has learned to know the three angels' messages We feel sure the readers of the OUTLOOK is called to have a part in this great work of ing Dr. Ralph Royer in the work of examin- will enjoy following Dr. C. P. Bringle as he gathering funds for our educational, medical, ing more than 500 students in three and a half itinerated through a portion of the field. Dr. days. We really knew we had been somewhere and uplift work. That means you, and you, Bringle did not write the report for the at the end of that task ! and You! All must be workmen, if they OUTLOOK, but we have extracted it from the "The medical work at Solusi has been under would have God's approval. May it not be Medical Department Exchange for the benefit said of any member of the Seventh-day Ad- the devoted care of Brother F. B. Jewell for of our readers. ventist Church in the Southern African Divi- many years. He has given his time, his mind, "The one nice feature of my work is the his love, his health to this work. With facili- sion, as it was said of Meroz of old, "Curse opportunity of visiting and becoming person- ties so inadequate that many would be unwil- ye Meroz, said the angel of the Lord; curse ally acquainted with the personnel, work, and ling to use them, he has cheerfully carried on ye bitterly the inhabitants thereof; because problems in each of our medical centres. a maternity work that, in itself, is a full-time they came not to the help of the Lord." "It has been my pleasure to spend a few job. Ill or well, rain or shine, night or day; Judges 5: 23. These people failed to help the hours at -Nokuphila with Dr. Madgwick and he has been there. armies of God during a time of crisis. We his staff. I hope to spend more time there "It was Jesus who once pointed out that, do not know the reason, whether indifference at some later date. Nokuphila is strategically in connection with His work of healing one or fear, but whatever the reason, their failure situated in one of the outstanding medical patient who came to Him, virtue went out of earned for them the execration of God and centres in our Division territory. It is giving Him. Brother Jewell has given so much in the faithful. God forbid that any one should the only nurses' training course in the Division loving service that his reserve of strength is have a similar experience in 1948. from which candidates are accepted for Nurs- going out of him. Mrs. J. R. Siebenlist is God's call is for workmen who need not be ing Council examinations. As always, the helping with the maternity work. However, ashamed. That means men and women who hospital had almost twice as many in-patients with her responsibilities as wife of the mission do their work in such a manner that the best as its official in-patient rating, and the dis- director, to say nothing of having two babies results will be produced in the shortest time. pensary was crowded. With all their problems to care for at home, is unable to devote such as short staff, crowded quarters, etc., There must be an unselfish consecration of sufficient time to that work. Mrs. W. R. Nokuphila is doing good work. time and strength to the Harvest Ingathering Quittmeyer, though not a nurse, has also "My next stop was at Lower Gwelo Mission, Campaign. Give some time every day and helped out occasionally. What Solusi needs is to visit my family for a few days. While work consistently till your territory is com- someone able to give full time to the medical there, I had the privilege of helping Miss H. pleted. Do not take as little territory as you work. With the maternity and dispensary Furber a little in her out-patient department. can, but take your fair share in the church, work, plus all the needs of over 500 students The amount of work, done at Lower Gwelo remembering that there are the sick and aged and the staff, it is really more than one full- with such small staff and inadequate facilities, who will not be able to do their part. There time job. is really marvellous. They were just getting will be blisters on the feet and weary limbs, "From Solusi, Elder Vail, Dr. Royer and I moved into a new building which provides but it will all be forgotten when we hear went out to Liumba Hill Mission, Barotseland, kitchen, dining-room, food store room and His, "Well done." almost on the Angola border—the land of laundry space, which should be a real help A workman unashamed will plan his work flies and sand, and of water during certain to them. ti well. Study your territory carefully so that seasons. We found all three in abundance. "The name `Malamulo' always produces cer- you can work it with the least use of precious We also found a medical work in its infancy, tain mental pictures for any Seventh-day energy. Organise your time carefully and work but doing well under the direction of Miss Adventist in the world. But the actuality is systematically. After the day's work check Petra Hovig at Liumba Hill. We found better than this picture, in my opinion. It your money and cards carefully and prepare numerous patients needing surgery and other was really a pleasing experience for me to everything for the next effort. medical attention and feel that a hospital spend three weeks there with Dr. Kotz and his somewhere in Barotseland will fill a very. A good workman will do his work thor- staff, as well as to meet and associate with the real need. Before too many more months, oughly. Do not skip a house. If the inmates non-medical staff on the mission and the of- Miss Hovig will be able to move her work are out, call again. Make sure that everyone ficers of the union in Blantyre. into a new dispensary building which is now in your territory has had an opportunity to "To observe and participate in the careful under construction. give to this great cause. and conscientious work of Dr. Kotz is a real Lastly, be men and women of faith. Have inspiration. To see the large number of "Kanye is one of only three centres of in- faith in the cause you represent. Have an patients, each one of whom represents a whole fluence for our work in all of the Bechuana- overflowing faith in your God, who has sent list of interesting clinical problems, is fasci- land Protectorate. It seems almost tragic that you, and have faith in the benevolent feelings nating. To see the skill developed by the after having our work established in Kanye for of those upon whom you will call. With this Hospital 'Assistants' under the patient direction twenty-six years, we still do not have sufficient spirit God can bless you, and there is no doubt of the nurses who teach them, gives genuine wards and other facilities, nor an adequate that you will be instrumental in gathering in satisfaction. To witness the serious — even evangelistic and medical staff. All credit is the funds. grave conditions cared for constantly, with due to Dr. Royer and his staff for carrying on We are admonished to study to show our- facilities that are so really meagre, not only the medical and evangelistic programme in that selves approved unto God. Study our own in space but also in equipment and even in area as they are. We hope and pray for the hearts. Let us ask ourselves bow much we supplies, causes one to pause with some dawn of a new day for our work and workers love the Lord; if we have in the past done concern. at that place. as much for the Lord as we might ; if every "Malamulo has suffered from staff difficul- "On the 23rd and 24th I had the privilege member in the cause worked as I plan to, ties there was no doctor there at all for some of my first visit to Basutoland, accompanying how long will it take for Jesus to come? We months where there is sufficient work for two; Elders C. W. Bozarth, E. D. Hanson, C. H. are to study God's work to see where we stand only two nurses have carried the work for a Mackett, R. Buckley, and Dr. and Mrs. in the stream of time, so as to know what long while where .there is more than enough Madgwick. Basutoland really takes my eye,

We Helo Africa's Millions When We Go Ingathering JUNE 1, 1948 SOUTHERN AFRICAN DIVISION OUTLOOK 3 with its mountains and with rivers that cisions taken which will bear fruit through the expect great things of God's people there. actually have water when it is not raining. years to come. The first week-end in April was a blessed "There are really great needs for medical We are grateful to our divine M. V. Leader time for the believers of Wolmaransstad, when work in Basutoland, and we shall probably for the opportunities these camps offer for they were organised as a church. Pastor J. hear more about it later on." building up the spiritual strength of our fine 4i. d. Merwe, the president, and Brother D. R. E. G. C. corps of youth, and look forward to great Symons, the secretary-treasurer, of the Natal- things in the future. R. E. EVA. Transvaal Conference, and their pastor were present for the occasion. The services were a El held in the Town Hall, and believers from The Voice From the West Potchefstroom, Klerksdorp, and Christiana NATAL-M. CONFERENCE1 were present. The prospects at Wolmarans- J. van de Merwe President J. J. B. COMBRINCK stad are bright. The believers already have D. R. Symons Secy.-Treas. My field of labour includes the whole of the a plot of ground, and they intend to build a P. 0. Box 7768, Johannesburg, Tvl. spacious Western Transvaal, part of the Orange church in the near future. We hope to have Free State in the east, and part of the Cape a church school there next year. Province in the west. From Fochville in the The believers at Christiana also hope to east to "Die Berg" in the west, is a distance have their own church building before long. Kroonstad Investiture of 22Q miles, from Christiana in the south to The stone and bricks have already been carted Zeerust in the north, is a distance of more to the spot. Let us pray for them. R. E. EVA than 200 miles. In this vast territory with all At Potchefstroom we have a very nice One of the most pleasant week-ends of my its churches, companies, and isolated believers church,- and our own church school building. experience was spent last week in association I stand all by myself, assisted by a company We are hoping to convert the old church with the young people of the Kroonstad Mis- of faithful elders and lay members. For the building into a modern church hall. We ap- sionary Volunteer Society. past seven months I have been located at preciate the work of our two church school Under the leadership of Brother Nico du Potchefstroom. Going from place to place, teachers, Sisters Hiten en Kleyn. We hope Plooy, the young people of this society have preaching and doing personal work, the Lord to have our next great gathering at Potchef- been led through another year's work and on has richly blessed in souls and the extension of stroom on June 5, when we expect to have Saturday night, April 17, twelve young people His work. the conference president, Pastor J. v. d. were invested. The group comprised two I wish to give here a report of the work Merwe, with us. Pray for us. Helpers, three Friends and seven Companions. for the. first quarter of 1948. Shortly after Every Junior member of this society was the camp-meetings, we had a baptism at Parys invested in some class or other, and only two where a Voice-of-Prophecy student, Brother Seniors, who are in the midst of their Master N. J. Els was baptised. During the last week- Comrade work, were absent from the group. end of every month I go to Lichtenburg. EAST AFRICAN UNION After a really splendid programme presented Believers from Bakerville, Koster, Coligny, and H. M. Sparrow _ _ Superintendent by the young people, each came forward to sometimes even from Mafeking, usually come C. T. Bannister ._ Secy.-Treas. receive his insigne and to light his candle from to meet with the believers at Lichtenburg. P. 0. Box 221, Kisumu, Kenya Colony. the large one upon the table, so signifying his January 31 was a great day for us, for on willingness to become a light-bearer and let that occasion we baptised eight candidates in his light shine in the small corner of his the Molopo-oog. They were the fruit of our influence. labours at Lichtenburg. Training Pastors and With the presentation of insignia, it was my Lichtenburg we found to be a very hard Evangelists privilege to award at least one Reading Course place to work. The opposition was very strong or Bible Year Certificate to every Missionary and tried in various ways to hinder and even H. M. SPARROW Volunteer without one exception. We feel that prevent us from carrying on our work. We For a long time in the East Africa Union the good habits of reading, being developed were denied the use of meeting halls but the we have felt the need of better trained African here, will play a large part in the upbuilding Lord gave victory and we now have a group pastors and evangelists. Before the union was of strong, loyal characters in these young of new believers with an organised Sabbath organised, the Kenya and Tanganyika Mission people. school. Fields had special classes attached to the train- a a When we left Lichtenburg last September ing schools for this purpose. Some of our on transfer to Potchefstroom, Brother Roode best native' pastors and evangelists today are M. V. Camp at Meredale. took over leadership; he and his family are from those classes. We wish we had more of a great help to the believers as they meet every them. It has made us realise our need and March 25-29 will be remembered by the Sabbath. created a demand for better leadership. young people of the . Natal-Transvaal Con- During February we baptised three candi- To meet this need, the Union Committee ference as one of the most pleasant periods dates at Koster. They were Voice-of-Prophecy decided to begin a class this year. It was not of their experience. The Meredale Senior students, forming the nucleus of our work easy to find a man who had a background Camp was conspicuous for the high standard there. There are prospects of others accepting of mission experience and knew the needs of of co-operation and fine camp spirit shown the truth. Pray for Brother Pretorius and his the fields. Finally, the committee called for by the campers. family as they uphold the light at Koster. Elder C. J. Hyde, of the Nyanchwa Mission, "Stone walls do not a prison make When the believers of the Western Trans- Kenya. Brother Hyde has had a number of Nor iron bars a cage," vaal gathered at Potchefstroom on March 13, years of all round mission experience and will we are told, nor, we can add does bad weather we had a blessed time together. Elder S. S. ably fill the position as head of the Depart- spoil a M. V. Training Camp, for the weather Hiten came over for the occasion. At that ment of Evangelism at the Union Training during the Meredale camp was most unkind, time three candidates were baptised — one be- School, which is now located at Bugema, yet the camp was a real success, and a great ing my eldest daughter. Elder Hiten's ad- Uganda. For the present, and because we do blessing to all, but especially to our isolated dresses were an inspiration to all. not have any accommodation at the training young people. During March, I visited "Die Berg." It school, the Uganda Field has offered us the In spite of the short period — not even five was just after the heavy rains, and the jour- use of the old Nchwanga Mission in Western full days — forty-three Vocational Honours ney was a trying one. It was a great joy and Uganda, where we can make a beginning with were earned and as many more almost com- inspiration to visit with those believers again. the Evangelists' School. pleted. These latter will doubtless be com- Some pitched tents to stay for the services. Accordingly, the three fields selected four- pleted within a short while at home. One It was encouraging to see how eager our be- teen young men from their fields who had Master Comrade and one Companion were in- lievers are to study the word of God so that been tested by experience and gave promise of vested and most important of all, many, de- they in turn can give studies to others. We leadership, and sent them with their families SOUTHERN AFRICAN DIVISION OUTLOOK JUNE 1, 1948

to the Evangelists' School. The accompanying longer work in these countries, the man of This field was especially privileged this year picture shows the group with their families. Africa will be able to carry on to the end. in having the presence of the union president, They have been provided with small cottages Pray for our Evangelists' School, that it may Elder Hanson, and the Division president, and little flats where they can live as families. prove to be a blessing to the people of East Elder Bozarth, and his companion at most A church school has been provided for the Africa. of the camp-meetings. Writing from Cape children, and special classes for the women will Town at the completion of the trip, the be taught by Mrs. Hyde. At one end of the Division president remarked, "I enjoyed every picture, Elder Hyde is standing with Pastor minute of the camp-meeting season." Bamanya. Sister Hyde is standing at the The readers of the OUTLOOK will be in- other end and Sister Bamanya is next to her. N. BANTU MISS. FIELD terested to know that a total of over 3,400 Pastor and Sister Bamanya have been given G. A. Lewis . Superintendent believers gathered together at the meetings, and to us by the Uganda Field to assist in the R. E. Ansley Secy.-Treas. re-consecrated their lives and means to the teaching work of the school. The first class 11, 12 Allbret Bldgs., 9, Fraser Str., finishing of the work. During the season 266 will take two years and the teaching is done Johannesburg, Tvl. were added to the Church by baptism and through the medium of English. The young there are prospects of further baptisms before men attending this school have finished it the year closes. standard six. The course of study covers a Offerings amounted to £351-12-7 in pledges, wide range, and the practical side of field Camp-meetings and £127-12-4 in cash, making a total of evangelism will be given in actual evangelistic £479-4-11. E. A. BUCKLEY efforts which will be conducted in the neigh- Throughout the camp-meeting season, a fine bourhood during the year. With the exception of Shiloh Mission, the spirit was manifest, and the Lord by His Each married man is given 20/- a month, camp-meetings in the. North Bantu Mission Holy Spirit drew very near to His people, and out of which he must provide his family's Field are over for 1948. Beginning February those who attended the meetings returned to needs. He is also given sufficient mealie meal 24, meetings were held until April 18, at the their homes and churches, strengthened and for the daily ration of the family. In addition following centres: encouraged to remain faithful until the end. to this each family is supplied with a garden Linokana, Mafeking, Vryburg, Taungs, Kolo, In closing, we wish to thank all those who where they can grow all the vegetables and Bloemfontein, Emmanuel Mission, Orlando, took part in these meetings, thus contributing greens they may require. Bethlehem, Ermelo, Edendale, Dundee, Nongo- to their successful conclusion. "The Lord bath On Sabbath, April 3, a special service was ma, Louwsburg, and Mahamba. comforted His people." held and Pastor Bamanya was ordained to the gospel ministry. Before the special service, a very interesting Sabbath school had just closed. The Sabbath school report was read in two Versprei Ons Leesstof verlig, geloof bevestig, harte versmelt, en siele languages. Sabbath school classes were *con- herbore in Gods koninkryk waar Sy Gees die ducted in English, Swahili, Luo, Luganda, CARLYLE B. HAYNES gedrukte stukkies papier gebruik wat Hy u en my vra om te plaas waar die gebruik kan Kisii, and Lango languages. This shows what Geen menslike woorde kan die werktuig vir the gospel will do for people from every tribe wonderwerke beskryf wat' God aan Sy yolk word. Dit is onmoontlik om die verbasende krag, and language when the Spirit of Christ rules gegee het in die verbasende leesstof wat ons die buitengewone, dinamiese krag te verstaan in the heart. het nie. Ons plaas dit in die huise en hande wat daar in gedrukte woorde is. Ons hoef dit van mense en laat dit daar. Dan neem God On Sunday morning a very interesting pro- ook nie te verstaan nie. Ons kan dit glo. En dit oor en doen wonders daarmee. Hy doen gramme was arranged for the official opening ons kan getrou wees om die gedrukte woord dit gedurig. Rondom die aarde hou Sy won- of the Evangelists' School. During the pro- te plaas waar God die krag daarvan kan vry- derwerke met die leesstof nooit op nie. gramme Elder Hyde presented a beautiful stel om siele te red. Dit is ons tack, ons ver- In elke land, onder alle mense, dit maak nie painting to the school. It is 7 ft. x 9 ft. and antwoordelikheid, ons plig. God sal die res sack hoe hulle verskil van ras of kleur of taal large enough to cover the wall on the back of doen. En o, wat 'n vreugde is dit om Hom the platform. It is a picture of Christ falling of geloof nie, die uitwerking van die goddelike leesstof bly dieself de. . . dit te sien doen! beneath the weight of the cross, and Simeon, In ou Nikodemia, het 'n Christenwerker, wat the black Cyrenian, bending down to lift the Geen werkers is beter in staat om die won- daar deurgereis en geen tyd gehad het om te cross from the Saviourr, and put it on his own derwerkende krag van die lewende God te vertoef nie, 'n evangelie-traktaat aan 'n vreem- shoulders, and to carry the gospel to his own sien as die kolporteur-evangeliste nie. Waar deling gegee, en toe verder gegaan. Sewentien people. This large painting, which is in beau- hulle die leesstof in die hande van die mense jaar later, toe by weer daar kom, het by 'n tiful colours, was painted by a young man in plaas, word vooroordeel afgebreek, versperrings kerk van veertig lede, en 'n Protestantse ge- Finland, and presented to Elder Hyde for the weggeruim, oortuigings verander, verstande meenskap van meer as twee honderd siele ge- Evangelists' School. It is much vind wat gegroei het uit daardie een traktaat. appreciated, and holds before In China het daar 'n groep van agt kerke the students of the school, a ontstaan ten gevolge van die invloed van trak- most noble goal — to carry the tate alleen. gospel message of Jesus their In Brasielie is daar veertig groepe, hongerige, Saviour to their own people. gretige Sabbathouers, wat, hoewel hulle nooit Though our equipment is 'n prediker gesien het nie, in die lig gebring meagre and we lack such books is deur leesstof. as Gospel Workers, Desire of Ja, daar is lewe in hierdie saad wat so wyd Ages, the Testimonies, and versprei word. En laat ons onthou, die lewe 'others, in our library, yet our is in die saad en nie in die saaier ne. Selfs goal is high and our courage ongelowiges het onbewus van hierdie saad uit- is strong. We look forwrd to gestrooi, en dit het gegroei en vrugte voort- the time when we will have our gebring. new Evngelists' School, as a Disselwol het iemand dit genoem. Dit is full department of our Union wat dit is, goddelike disselwol. Ons strooi dit Training School. Our aim is uit, naamlik die disselwolsaad, en dan waai, to train young men and women die winde van die Gees dit oor die hele wereld. who will be able to carry this Dit kom ter ruste in die aarde van menslike Message to their own people, harte waar dit groei. Daar is 'n groot oes aan and when the time comes when the white missionary can no Evangelists' School. (Vervolg op bladsx 9)

If you can sell anything, why not sell our truth-filled books?

JUNE 1, 1948 SOUTHERN AFRICAN DIVISION OUTLOOK 5 STATISTICAL REPORT FOR 194 7 General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (Southern African Division)

REPORT OF THE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT FOR YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1947 Angola Congo East Af. So. African So. East Zambesi Div. School Division Union Union Union Union Af. Union Union Helderberg Totals

SCHOOLS European Home Schools 2 European Church Schools 6 6 European Training Schools 1 Coloured Church Schools 1 1 Coloured Training Schools -____—______—____ 1 1 Native Village Schools 70 451 269 21 121 131 1063 Native Mission Schools 2 36 30 5 24 25 122 1 1 4 1 1 1 9 Total Number of Schools ...... ---______—_____ 74 488 303 35 146 158 1 1205

Teachers, European and Coloured Schools TEACHERS European —___.--_____— 15 23 40 Coloured 6 6 Teachers, African Schools European 6 5 10 5 7 16 49 80 532 468 44 196 266 1586 Native . Total Teachers All Schools 87 537 478 70 203 283 23 1681 Pupils European and Coloured Schools ENROLMENT European 3 138 6 284 431 Coloured 142 142 Putts African Schools 1966 17294 12233 950 5277 7473 45193 198 1257 5773 469 1708 3825 13230 Standards IV-VI 275 364 201 271 799 1910 Standards VII-IX 52 52 Training Courses 76 101 72 26 69 40 384

Total Enrolment 2243 18927 18442 1978 7325 12143 284 61342

MISSIONARY VOLUNTEER DEPARTMENT REPORT FOR YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31 1947 Angola Congo East Af. So. East So. African Zambesi Division Union Union Union Af. Union Union Union Totals

Number of Societies 70 309 295 175 143 263 1255 Membership 1035 9872 7656 1554 1930 6000 28047 Average No. Reporting Members 144 7674 3889 1044 2438 15189 Average No. in Bands 402 8230 1595 682 512 1259 12680 No. Young People Baptised 10 641 94 130 1384 2259 No. Observing Morning Watch 200 7392 1349 1131 5825 15897 Bible Year Certificates Issued 16 24 368 7 40 154 609 Reading Course Certificates Issued 50 9 521 580 Vocational Honours Issued 179 814 993 Juniors Invested 811 179 283 1 1274 Master Comrades Invested 12 12 Mission Offerings 16 0 £3331 3 4 £3331 19 4 Offerings for Local Society Work £122 0 7 £276 14 2 £1 0 0 399 14 9 MISSIONARY WORK Bible Readings 1040 149990 22222 3602 8598 15680 201132 Missionary Visits 1872 241868 19546 8224 12782 16934 301226 Persons Given Needed Help 1266 55164 31280 3518 25664 24174 141066 Missionary Literature Distributed 1346 3736 8118 14912 63141 8010 99263 REPORT OF LITERATURE SALES FOR YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1947 Sub. Bks. & COMPARATIVE. REPORT Helps Office Sales Totals 1946 '1947 So. African Union Conf. South African Union Conference Natal-Transvaal Conf. - £16199 1 4 £2894 16 3 £19093 17 7 Natal-Transvaal Conference ______£32742 16 7 £19093 17 7 Cape Conference _ ..... ___ 11179 6 4 1820 16 10 13000 3 2 Cape Conference 13607 8 4 13000 3 2 South Bantu Miss. Field 246 6 0 246 6 0 South Bantu Mission Field 30 1 6 246 6 0 North Bantu Miss. Field 707 9 7 204 1 0 911 10 7 North Bantu Mission Field ____—....— 830 1 1 911 10 7 Cape Field 632 12 7 617 17 10 1250 10 5 1451 4 1 1250 10 5 Zambesi Un. Miss. Field 367 7 11 67 0 2 434 8 1 Zambesi Union Mission Field 313 14 6 434 8 1 S. E. Af. Union Miss. F. 90 14 9 90 14 9 South East African Union Miss. Field 105 0 3 90 14 9 East Af. Union Miss F. 93 0 0 93 0 0 East African Union Mission Field _ 93 0 0 Angola Union Miss. Field Angola Union Mission Field ____ 1093 16 2 No report Congo Union Miss. Field Congo Union Mission Field

Totals for Division £29515 18 6 £5604 12 1 £35120 10 7 Totals £50174 2 6 £35120 10 7

6 SOUTHERN AFRICAN DIVISION OUTLOOK JUNE 1, 1948 Statistical Report of Southern African Divisio 749 2 vd a O. 't 0 .. a ..Y.' .E. = rl' 4 'd '. 0 ,.. °Id . nd LI : r's. I od a 0 La'.d ro 2 a t 0., 61 44 0 a G u ''' oo-toa °'' b.() 0 .F4 4' V, 4.. q0 o L, vi?i ..0 F. v.a v.. 2.2 0 E ORGANISATIONS oo. 2 •;;., it 'c'i E:g 93,3 V gi 44 .44 (5 ;ix c..) ;3 2i it c1-6 E-. DIVISION 11 1 17 29 Helderberg College 2 4 2 24 32 Sentinel Publishing Co 1 1 7 9 Total Division Headquarters and Institutions -----.— 13 6 48 70 Angola Union European 53 8 4 4 1 19 1 29 855 1 Native 30 2741 472 3 11 81 95 594 Total Angola 30 2794 480 7 15 1 100 1 124 1449 1 Congo Union European 47 4 10 33 47 359 1 Native _ 57 7977 1297 14- 20 27 643 10 700 531 Total Congo 57 8024 1297 14 24 37 676 10 747 891 East African Union European Kenya Mission Field 2 61 10 4 2 26 42 1858 Tanganyika Mission Field ____--_—.-______..... 39 5 6 14 25 818 1 Uganda Mission Field 12 3 1 10 14 292 1 Total European 2 112 18 11 12 40 81 2969 1 Native Kenya Mission Field ----- — 65 8492 906 226 11 22 17 396 10 456 1969 Tanganyika Mission Field _ 26 4026 479 11 10 12 9 169 200 1295 Uganda Mission Field 11 1019 167 4 5 6 93 1 105 537 1 Total Native 102 13537 1552 241 26 40 26 658 11 761 3801 1 Total East African Union 104 13649 1552 241 44 51 38 698 11 842 6771 South African Union - European Union 11 2 4 30 47 Cape Conference 26 1847 121 8 9 1 2 19 7 13 51 21777 Natal-Transvaal Conference 35 2541 133 3 9 1 1 32 8 14 65 33353 North Bantu' Mission Field 1 16 5 3 9 17 718 1 Sduth Bantu Mission Field 1 20 3 1 2 4 10 463 Cape Field 11 2 1 1 5 9 Total European 63 4435 254 11 39 9 10 99 15 27 199 56312 Native 5 5 North Bantu Mission Field 47 2415 234 8 7 4 34 8 61 2058 South Bantu Mission Field 17 1403 143 7 7 30 2 46 1159 Total Native 64 3818 377 15 14 4 69 2 8 112 3217 1 Cape Field (Coloured and Indian) Totals 23 1169 125 2 3 24 2 31 9003 Total South African Union 150 9422 756 11 56 26 14- 192 19 35 342 68532 1 South East African Union European 42 10 6 26 Native , 42 6658 744 78 24 32 304 22 3822 1182 1 Total South East African Union 42 6700 744 78 34 38 330 22 424 2476 1 Zambesi Union European South Rhodesia Mission Field 1 23 5 5 25 35 923 North Rhodesia Mission Field 1 25 3 2 9 14 1090 Rhodesia-Bechuanaland Conference 4 208 13 2 1 3 6 3589 Bechuanaland Mission Field 6 1 1 4 6 361 1 Barotseland Mission Field 10 2 1 7 10 157 1 Total European 6 272 13 13 10 48 71 6122 Native South Rhodesia Mission Field ------ 33 7814 556 55 16 12 130 17 175 1715 North Rhodesia Mission Field 27 4251 741 11 11 134 17 173 872 1 Bechuanaland Mission Field __------_ _ 7 352 1 2 1 19 22 122 Barotseland Mission Field 9 1220 62 2 2 39 43 85 Total Native 76 13637 1360 59 31 26 322 34 413 2795 1 Total Zambesi Union 82 13909 1373 59 44 36 370 34 484 8917 1 SUMMARY ORGANISATIONS Division 13 6 3 48 70 Angola Union 30 2794 480 7 15 1 100 1 124 1449 1.5 Congo Union 57 8024 1297 14 24 37 676 10 747 891 E East African Union 104 13649 1552 241 44 51 38 698 11 842 6771 5 South African Union 150 9422 756 11 56 26 14 192 19 35 342 68532 11 South East African Union 42 6700 744 78 34 38 330 22 424 2476 le Zambesi Union 82 13909 1373 59 44 36 370 34 484 8917 15 Division Grand Totals 465 54498 6202 403 222 209 56 2414 19 113 3033 89040 1 RECAPITULATION DIVISION TOTALS European 71 4961 275 11 101 56 26 313 15 28 539 67907 E Native 371 48368 5802 392 119 150 30 2077 2 85 2463 12129 12 Coloured and Indian _ 23 1169 125 2 3 24 2 31 9003 1 Division Grand Totals 465 54498 6202 403 222 209 56 2414 19 113 3033 89040 1 1932 145 19545 3557 90 59 127 55 790 16110 1( 1933 158 21140 3210 117 72 264 57 1010 17442 11 1934 174 24616 3779 118 79 217 57 1048 20139 II 1935 162 26167 3437 115 78 245 54 1168 21865 , 1936 170 27851 4083 125 79' 239 84 1324 23347 E 1937 180 29849 3846 132 83 232 66 1244 26006 1; 1938 200 30259 3204 136 107 297 57 1354 26575 11 1939 206 32018 3858 138 96 233 63 1335 29217 1( 1940 230 32289 3998 131 116 215 64 1401 31944 -, 1941 325 43117 4274 173 155 284 84 2085 40416 , 1942 343 45460 5152 174 161 294 92 2204 51405 1S 1943 359 44527 4921 183 186 326 74 2282 62515 i 1944 367 45193 3954 172 186 14 311 21 85 2389 73103 1( 1945 384 46460 4155 90 192 186 22 1948 23 90 2461 79430 1 1946 423 50310 5979 314 209 204 23 2216 25 115 2792 86545 1 1947 465 54498 6202 403 222 209 56 2414 19 113 3033 89040 1

JUNE 1, 1948 SOUTHERN AFRICAN DIVISION OUTLOOK 7 anisations for' Year Ended December 31, 1947 1-, =. ., .7,. Ti_ . t 1 C g bd >, 41 t. 4 =. 9, 40--`4 0 . .u 4 t .t '. ' T3 0 731 = Q 01 vf -8 .0 xi .' `8 ' r-: e. '0 I 74 8 73',5 7,' >:.:K, 0 •m a— .r+ro MA P O E Z X P °."i -c-il d 19 ,,, ." A ... .3 XO tdcq Lao > Zea X EU gg 4 ,,?) 412 2q z 1 23 284

1 23 284

8 15 7 1 64 1 7 3 3 9 1 6 26 2850 500 113 6746 73 80 2240 70 1035 1 1159 4 54218 1 27 6 7 17 1 26 2850 500 114 6810 74 87 2243 70 1035 1 1159 4 54218 1 27

6 19 4 33 5 2 5 7 13 2 7 3100 7926 457 32709 488 532 18927 309 9872 2 1625 6 199191 191 34 4 12 6 7 3100 7926 457 32742 488 537 18927 309 9872 2 1625 6 199191 191 34

1 2 11 6 15 6 4 12 1 2 10 6. 92 10

2 17 5 8 5 10 5 9 11 6132 52 17950 10175 590 28643 303 468 18442 295 7656 1 2366 5 59783 29 9 3 8 52 17950 10175 590 2873.5 303 478 18442 295 7656 1 2366 5 59783 4 29

4 4 2 15 2000 23923 33 1757 0 2 7 17 3160 30135 63 2800 6 9 2 16 8 9 2 5 19 10 9 5 1 32 5160 54058 101 4602 6 20 138 3 3

6 1 9 25 2750 4736 151 3559 5 14 3 11 1320 3525 97 2345 1 16 0 36 4070 8261 248 5904 27 44 1698 4 13 0 12 1835 9616 41 1678 2 6 142 5 14 1 80 11065 71935 390 12184 35 70 1978 143 1930 1 1575 15375 3 24

1 6 9 31 7 4 6 19 3 10 4000 2420 226 14015 146 196 7325 175 1554 2 688 3 68803 2 420 30 8 6 0 10 4000 2420 226 14046 146 203 7325 175 1554 2 688 3 68803 2 420 1 4 30

717 8 2 17 9 7 13 7 2 1 10 0 15 5 1 6 3 2 300 5000 217 1 17

1 4 10 5 18 5 3 13 1 5 14 10 6 11 232 _50 6500 _432 23969 157 266 12137 263 6000 836 5 42652 22 7 17 5 - 34 5300 —11500 432 24186 158 283 12143 263 6000 2 836 5 42652 22

1 23 284 7 17 1 26 2850 500 114 6810 74 87 2243 70 1035 1 1159 4 54218 1 27 1 3 6 4 12 6 7 3100 7926 457 32742 488 537 18927 309 9872 2 1625 6 199191 1 191 2 5 34 9 3 8 52 17950 10175 590 28735 303 478 18442 295 7656 1 2366 5 59783 1 4 29 5 14 1 80 11065 71935 390 12184 35 70 1978 143 1930 1 1575 15375 3 3 24 8 6 0 10 4000 2420 226 14046 146 203 7325 175 1554 2 688 3 68803 2 420 1 4 30 7 17 5 34 5300- 11500 432 24186 158 283 12143 263 6000 2 836 5 42652 1 8 22 3 10 9 209 44265 104456 2209 118763 1205 1681 61342 1255 28047 9 8249 23 440022 4 638 9 27 145

0 3 6 32 5160 54058 102 5039 9 63 431 9 27 8 14 3 165 37270 40782 2066 111986 1194 1612 60769 9 145 4 13 0 12 1835 9616 41 1678 2 6 142 3 10 9 209 44265 104456 2209 118703 1205 1681 61342 1255 28047 9 8249 23 440022 638 9 27 145- 9 17 0 101 18275 39040 520 32558 370 431 19658 289 10164 7 58584 22 234171 164 6 18 32 7 5 8 106 2663 0 42203 624 41942 435 570 23739 349 12894 9 161031 19 406443 4 266 8 26 53 1 8 2 111 27760 40348 627 44999 454 599 25975 352 12369 8 3560 33 444677 3 345 7 25 57 9 17 0 107 27405 41823 757 50001 583 685 27986 426 14299 8 1801 22 393528 3 373 7 21 53 6 0 0 102 25000 43633 835 55617 659 771 28597 489 13424 8 19 413265 3 267 8 24 60 9 4 6 134 28475 46582 ' 886 58816 624 800 29241 596 17590 10 2293 24 300923 4 426 11 22 78 8 11 2 123 27975 57912 629 766 24992 620 15779 9 2353 27 198079 6 502 11 21 56 5 16 4 125 28700 46388 910 59186 615 784 25358 696 20395 9 17 218655 5 418 8 22 77 1 19 1 138 23220 46810 943 60036 637 835 27262 724 24867 9 3068 20 222870 4 495 8 22 71 7 17 11 182 33320 56124 1478 89041 942 1254 36715 785 27608 8 3718 27 187131 4 569 9 24 84 6 16 2 180 30915 60797 1613 87386 1003 1318 42476 1103 44848 10 6120 25 108174 4 617 11 26 92 7 8 4 183 28745 75115 1623 83688 1014 1394 40596 1151 45126 10 7324 25 262911 5 623 11 23 141 2 4 3 161 33475 75888 1798 85216 1089 1469 45024 1191 45524 10 7047 20 243277 4 677 11 44 94 9 17 2 163 33865 79384 2030 96402 1101 1515 49943 1234 42373 10 8384 20 319741 4 519 11 23 130 2 9 5 203 44515 95404 2155 108403 1160 1628 53947 1365 32322 9 8482 22 380152 4 617 8 24 158 3 10 9 209 44265 104456 2209 118703 1205 1681 6-1342 1255 28047 9 8249 23 440022 4 638 9 27 145

00 zrrow 0 H oN Mggg • 0 a, t ❑ ,70,§ Name of drni 0 0 Mission' gg• 0,' 00m TO IA cn eu'r EiN R / ,14 01 01. g 11 o *dS 'Pt N 0 No. of 0 Doctors SII


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ORGANISATIONS Schools Membership Attendance Av. No. with Book- 12 Sabbaths 13th Sabbath Investment Birthday Totals No. of Average Perfect Record marks Offerings Offerings Offerings Offerings £ a. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Angola Union Mission 'Field (Native) 113 6746 4841 551 163 10 3 23 5 9 2 6 3 7 17 5 196 19 8 Missionaries (European) 1 64 56 234 12 3 234 12 3 Totals Angola Union 114 6810 4897 551 398 2 6 23 5 9 2 6 3 7 17 5 431 11 11 Congo Union Mission Field (Native) 457 32709 20783 4662 976 13 3 133 6 11 7 17 3 5 12 2 1123 9 7 Missionaries (European) 33 30 ? 205 2 9 205 2 9 Totals Congo Union 457 32742 20813 , 4662 1181 16 0 133 6 11 7 17 3 5 12 2 1328 12 4 East African Union Mission Field (Native) -- 590 28643 22919 1072 1165 2 it 100 9 6 6 0 7 0 1266 5 5 Missionaries (European) 92 86 334 4 8 334 4 8 Totals East African Union Mission Field 590 28735 23005 1072 1499 7 7 100 9 6 6 0 7 0 1600 10 1 South African Union Conference Natal-Transvaal Conference (European) 63 2800 1911 496 223 3841 5 4 1284 7 1 294 14 7 331 19 9 5752 6 9 Cape Conference (European) 33 1757 1400 574 293 2603 13 7 833 13 11 325 16 6 249 3 4 4012 7 4 Cape Field (Coloured and Indian) ...... 41 1688 1532 650 308 980 18 9 273 14 1 177 7 9 115 19 3 1547 19 10 South Bantu Mission Field (Native) 102 2364 2101 373 61 222 19 11 48 17 0 11 11 9 13 12 8 297 1 4 North Bantu Mission Field (Native) 151 3575 3116 590 266 344 9 9 103 0 8 20 15 6 5 19 5 474 5 4 Missionaries in Bantu Fields *35 *35 *91 2 6 *Included in above figures. Totals South African Union Conference 390 12184 10060 2683 1151 7993 7 4 2543 12 9 830 6 1 716 14 5 12084 0 7 South East African Union Mission Field (Native) 226 14015 12841 1679 374 12 4 37 18 1 1 0 4 10 6 0 423 18 9 Missionaries '(European) 31 29 170 2 2 170 2 2 Totals South East African Union Mission Field 226 14046 12870 1679 544 14 6 37 18 1 1 0 4 10 8 0 594 0 11 Zambesi Union. Mission Field (Native) 432 23969 15301 1077 1 3 0 785 4 7 3 753 4 0 30 17 7 viai Missionaries (European) 217 182 3 836 18 10 836 IS 10 Totals Zambesi Union 432 24186 15483 , 1077 3 1590 2 10 30 17 7 1 3 0 1622 3 5 GRAND TOTALS 2209 118703 87128 11724 1154 13307 10 9 2869 10 7 841 15 11 742 2 0 17660 19 3 b6I 8 JUNE 1, 1948 SOUTHERN AFRICAN DIVISION OUTLOOK 9 die kom. Wat 'n voorreg is dit om van God en kind van ons kerk kan meedoen aan die gehou in die volgende tale : Engels, Swahili, geroep te wees om saaiers van sulke saad te verspreiding van leesstof. Daar is groot boeke Luo, Luganda, Kisii, en Lango. Dit is bewys wees! vir opgeleide en ervare kolporteurs wat al hulle wat die evangelic kan doen vir mense uit alle Watter wonderbaarlike saad het ons in ons tyd aan die werk kan bestee; kleiner boekies stamme wanneer die Gees van Christus in hulle hande 1 Hierdie gedrukte woorde weifel of vir diegene met minder ondervinding; en tycl- harte werk. deins nooit terug nie. Hulle skuil nooit of is skrifte en traktate wat almal wyd en syd kan Die uitrusting is maar baie skamel, verat is nooit bang nie. Hulle verander nooit hulle versprei. Seifs siek mense kan hierdie goed- daar behoefte aan boeke soos: Desire of Ages, getuienis of kompromiteer dit nooit nie. Hulle koop leesstof oor die pos stuur. Om dit Gospel Workers, die Testimonies, ens. Maar word nooit moeg of uitgeput nie. Hulle word moontlik te maak is dit die beleid van die ten spyte daarvan mik ons hoog en is ons nooit moedeloos nie. Onder alle omstandig- Uitgewersdepartement om 'n groot verskeiden- ,vedsmoeds. Ons sien uit na die tyd wanneer hede, sonder om ag te slaan op slegte tee- heid van leesstof te voorsien, en die werk so ons 'n nuwe skoolgebou sal he vir die oplei- stande, hou hulle aan dieselfde ding se. - te organiseer dat elke verteenwoordiger van die ding van evangeliste by die Unie Opleiding- Hoe maklik word hulle vervoer! Hulle reis derde engel se boodskap deel kan he in die skool. Ons doel is om jongmense op te lei teen geringe koste. Hulle gaan voort met verspreiding. om die evangelic aan hulle eie mense te ver- wonderbaarlike gemak. Hulle dring orals Ons hoop dat daar, ten gevolge van die kondig, en om die leiding te neem as die tyd binne. 0, broeders, stel die blaaie vry, en kyk Leesstof-dag Program op 5 Junie, in al ons miskien kom wanneer blanke sendelinge nie hoedat hulle hulle wonderbare werk doen, deur kerke bepaalde reelings getref sal word vir meer in hierdie lande kan werk nie. God gerig. 'n groter sirkulasie van ons leesstof in die Suid- 0 13 En hoe werk hulle nie ! Hulle hou nooit op Afrikaanse Unie. nie. Hulle werk terwyl ons slaap. Ons moet ci a tyd neem om onsself te verkwik met voedsel Gods Beproefde Werkers en rus. Nie hulle nie. Hulle gaan aan, nag en Die Opleiding van Predikante S. S. HITEN dag, winter en somer. Afjakke keer hulle nie. Hulle word nooit kwaad of verloor nooit en Evangeliste „Le jou daarop toe om jou beproef aan God voor te stel as 'n werker." 2 Tim. 2 : 15. hulle humeur nie. Hulle raak nooit gewikkel H. M. SPARROW in 'n woordewisseling nie. Hulle gaan reguit Hoe nadir ons aan die einde kom, hoe groter (Oos-Afrikaanse Unie) aan en se maar altyd dieselfde ding oor en is ons begeerte om die goedkeuring van God oor. Mense mag kwaad word vir hulle, maar In die Oos-Afrikaanse Unie het ons lank weg te dra, want dit is seker dat wanneer dit maak nie saak nie. Hulle hou aan getuig ; reeds die behoefte gevoel .aan beter opgeleide Jesus in heerlikheid verskyn, sal daar net twee hulle trek nooit terug nie, en verander predikante en evangeliste. Nog voor die Unie klasse mense wees: diegene wat God goedkeur, nooit. Hulle hou aan werk lank nadat ons georganiseer is, is daar by die Opleidingskole en diegene wat Hy verwerp. Waar ons dink weens ouderdom moet af tree, en selfs lank in die sendingvelde van Kenia en Tanganjieka aan die groot verlossingswerk van God, voel nadat ons nie meer daar is nie. voorsiening, gemaak vir spesiale klasse vir hier- ons dat ons aides in ons vermoe moet doen om Dit is 'n goeie besigheid om in te wees. die doel. Sommige van ons beste naturelle die goedkeuring van die Hemel weg te dra. Dit is goeie saad om uit te strooi. Laat ons predikante en evangeliste het uit daardie klasse Volgens ons teks wil dit voorkom as of dit getrou uitstrooi. Laat ons dit wyd en syd gekom. Ons wens dat ons .meer van hulle daar een belangrike ding is wat ons moet doen uitstrooi. Laat ons dit ywerig uitstrooi. Laat gehad het. om beproef voor God te staan, en dit is dat ons nooit ophou om dit uit te strooi. Die Uniekomitee het hierdie jaar besluit om ons werkers moet wees — werkers natuurlik in. 'n klas te begin. Dit het moeilik gegaan om Sy wingerd soos die orige deel van die teks 0 0 'n geskikte man te kry met die nodige onder- aandui. Leesstof-dag — 5 Junie vinding in sendingwerk om hierdie pos te vu! Vanaf 29 Mei sal daar geleentheid vir -elk- Eindelik is daar besluit om Leraar C. J. Hyde een van ons wees om 'n bepaalde aandeel in J. M. STAPLES te beroep ,om leiding te gee. Hy het 'n gron- Gods werk te he — in die groot Oesinsame- Die waarde van lektuur as 'n middel om dige begrip van sendingwerk en sal nou die lingsveldtog. Elkeen wat die derde engele se die openbare mening te beinvloed, is lank reeds pos beklee as hoof van die Departement van boodskap ken, word geroep om te help fondse besef deur vooruitstrewende organisasies of dit Evangelisme by die Unie Opleidingskool, te insamel vir ons mediese en opvoedkundige op godsdienstige, opvoedkundige, of ekono- Bugema in Oeganda — omdat daar nie pick is werk. Almal moet werkers wees as hulle Gods miese gebied is. nie word die klasse voorlopig by een van die goedkeuring verwag. Mag daar nooit kan Die vinnige groei van Sewende-dag Adven- sendingstasies gehou. gese word van enige lid van die Sewende-dag tiste in alle lande kan grotendeels toegeskryf Drie sendingvelde het met die oog op die Adventiste werk wat daar van Meros vanouds word aan die gebruik van lektuur meer as enig- klas, veertien jongmense uitgesoek wat belo- gese is nie: „Vloek Meros, se die Engel van die jets anders. As ons die geskiedenis van die wende leiers kan word, en hulle is gestuur Here; ja, vervloek sy inwoners, omdat hulle begin van die werk in byna alle dele van die na die skool vir evangeliste. Daar is huis- die Here nie tot hulp gekom het nie." Rigters wereld nagaan, sal ons ontdek dat lektuur die vesting vir hulle, 'n kerkskool vir hulle kin- 5: 23. Die mense het nie die leermagte van prediker vooruit was. ders, en spesiale klasse vir die vroue onder die Here gehelp in 'n tyd van krisis nie. Of Suid-Afrika is geen uitsondering nie. Die leiding van Mevrou Hyde. Op die meegaande dit uit onverskilligheid of vrees was, weet ons boodskap het na ons land gekom in die vorm kiekie sien ons Leraar en Mevrou Hyde, met nie, maar wat die rede ook al was, God het van leesstof wat 'n getroue leek, William Hunt die groep, waaronder ook naturelle leraar hulle vervloek. Mag die Here verhoed dat een van Kalif ornie, op die diamantvelde van Kim- Bamanja wat sal help met die onderwys. Die v?.n ons so 'n ondervinding sal he in 1948. berley versprei het. Sommige van die traktate eerste klas sal twee jaar neem, en die medium God vra om werkers wat hulle nie hoef te het in die hande gekom van G. J. van Druten is Engels. Die jongmanne wat die klas by- skaam nie. Dit beteken manne en vroue wat wat die Sabbat gehou het ten gevolge van sy woon het almal standerd ses gemaak. hulle werk so doen dat ons die beste resultate eie ondersoek van die Bybel. MM of meer Elke gesin kry 11 per maand om in hulle sal sien in die kortste tyd. dieselfde tyd het Pieter Wessels ook begin behoeftes te voorsien, en dan kry hulle ook Daar moet 'n onselfsugtige toewyding wees om die Sabbat te hou, sonder dat hy geweet 'n rantsoen van mieliemeel. Elke gesin kry van tyd en kragte vir die Oesinsamelingsveld- het dat daar ander Sabbathouers in die wereld ook 'n tuintjie om hulle eie groente te kweek. tog. Bestee elke dag daaraan en werk totdat was. Toe hierdie twee broeders mekaar ont- Daar was 'n interessante program vir die u terrein klaar is. Moenie so 'n klein stukkie moet het, het hulle William Hunt opgesoek, by opening van hierdie skool. Leraar Hyde het terrein neem as wat u maar kan nie; neem wie hulle leesstof gekry het om meer van die aan die skool 'n pragtige skildery geskenk -- 'n goeie stuk, en onthou dat daar siekes en boodskap te leer. Watter vreugde moes dit 'n present wat hy gekry het van 'n jong man oues van dae in die kerk is wat nie sal kan vir daardie ou delwer gewees het toe hulle in Finland. Dit is 7 x 8 voet groot, en is 'n deelneern nie. U mag baie moeg word, maar horn gevind het en hy hulle kon vertel van die voorstelling van Christus .wat onder die kruis u sal aides vergeet wanneer u Sy goedkeuring Adventboodskap. beswyk, en Simeon, die swart Sirenier wat hoor, „Mooi so !" Die waarde van hierdie metode om ander buk om die kruis op sy eie skouer te plaas, 'n Werker wat hom nie hoef te skaam nie, in te lig aangaande die spoedige wederkoms en die evangelic na sy eie mense te neem. sal sy werk goed beplan. Bestudeer u terrein van Jesus is daarin gelee dat elke man, vrou, By die eerste Sabbatskool daar is daar klasse sodat u dit kan werk met die minste ver-

As u.lets kan verkoop, waarorn- verkoop u nie ons boeke nie? 10 SOUTHERN AFRICAN DIVISION OUTLOOK JUNE 1, 1948 moeienis. Deel u tyd verstandig in en werk werkers en beamptes van die Uniekantore in vergesel van Leraars Bozarth, Hanson, Mackett, stelselmatig. Blantyre te ontmoet. Buckley, en Dr. en Mev. Madgwick. Basoe- 'n Goeie werker sal sy werk deeglik doen. „Om te sien hoe getrou Dr. Kotz sy werk toeland is 'n mooi land met sy berge, en riviere Moenie huise oorslaan nie. As die mense nie doen, was regtig 'n inspirasie. Daar is 'n wat water het al reent dit nie. Daar is groot daar is nie, kom weer terug. Sien toe dat groot aantal pasiente, elkeen met sy eie me- behoefte aan mediese werk, en ons sal later elke persoon in u terrein die geleentheid kry diese probleme. Om te sien hoe behendig die meer daarvan boor." F. 0. C. om vir die saak te gee. naturelle hospitaal-assistente hulle werk doen O O En eindelik, wees manne en vroue van ge- onder toesig van die verpleegsters wat hulle loof. Glo in die saak wat u verteenwoordig. leer, het groot tevredenheid gegee. As mens Glo in u God wat u gestuur het, en glo in die ernstige gevalle sien wat behandel word, en Die Insameling is die Moeite die goedhartigheid van diegene by wie u gaan dan moet sien hoe vol die plek is en hoe Werd skamel die uitrusting, dan is dit genoeg om insamel. Met so 'n gees kah God u seen, en E. D. HANSON daar bestaan geen twyfel dat u gebruik sal jou onrustig te maak. word om fondse in te samel. „Malamulo het gely aan 'n tekort van per- Veertig jaar gelede het 'n leek begin geld soneel. Vir maande was daar geen dokter nie, insamel van sy vriende en burc vir ons sen- Ons vermaan u om u toe te le daarop om terwyl daar genoeg werk was vir twee; slegs dingwerk. Hy het geglo dat manne van die beproefde werkers vir God te wees. Laat ons wereld gewillig gal wees om te gee vir sen- ons eie harte ondersoek. Laat ons onsself twee.verpleegsters moet die werk doen, terwyl daar werk vir vier is. Hulle was besig met dingwerk as hulle maar die geleentheid kry. afvra hoe lief ons die Here het, en of ons in reparasiewerk en verbeterings terwyl ek daar Veertig jaar se insameling het bewys dat by die verlede soveel gedoen het as ons kon; as was, en Sigi [Dr. Kotz] en ek het planne reg was. elke lid sou werk soos ek van plan is om te opgetrek wat, soos ons _hoop, nie maar by Van sy klein begin in 1908 het die Insame- werk, hoelank sal dit wees voor die Heer kom? lingswerk aangegroei tot wereldwyse afmetings, Ons moet Gods werk bestudeer om te sien hoe drome sal bly nie. „Terwyl ek daar was, het Mej. Margaret Dit het ons werk onder die aandag gebring van ver ons gevorder het, en watter rol ons moet duisende regeringsbeamptes en sakemanne. Dit speel in die finale afsluiting van die werk. Johnson teruggekeer van verlof oorsee, om die het gehelp om vooroordeel te verwyder en die Laat ons almal gehoor gee aan die oproep werk van Mej. Rachel Anderson en Mej. publiek op hoogte bring van die mensliewende van die Oesinsameling, en laat ons die veer- Dorothy Walters te verlig. werk van Sewende-dag Adventiste. Dit het tigste verjaarsdag daarvan die grootste veldtog „Van Malamulo is ek na Solusi, waar ek Dr. Ralph Royer gehelp het met die onder- nog meer gedoen, en het saad gesaai wat in die geskiedenis van die Suidelike Afrikaanse soek van 500 studente binne drie dae en 'n vrugte gedra het tot 'n grondiger studie van Divisie maak. half.. Die mediese werk hier is vir baie jare die waarhede van Gods woord, sodat baie die al onder toesig van Broeder F. B. Jewell, wat boodskap van die oorblyfselkerk aangeneem al sy kragte aan die werk bestee. Hy behartig het. ook die werk van die kraaminrigting. Wat Vir ons wereldsendingprogram was die In- Ons Mediese Werk ook al gebeur, by is altyd op sy pos. sameling 'a onberekenbare seen. Die geld wat Ons voel dat ons lesers graa7g vir Dr. C. P. „Dit was Jesus wat eenmaal ges'e het, in ons in Suid-Afrika ingesamel het, is gebruik Bringle sal wil volg op sy rondreis deur 'n verband met Sy werk van genesing, dat Hy vir ons opvoedkundige en mediese werk. Hier- gedeelte van die veld. Dr. Bringle het nie gevoel het dat daar krag van Horn uitgaan. die werk strek tot regstreekse- en onregstreekse hierdie verslag vir die OUTLOOK geskryf nie, Broeder Jewell het al soveel diens gelewer dat seen van elke lid. maar ons het dit opgestel uit die „Medical sy kragte uitgeput is. Mev. J. R. Siebenlist Neem Helderberg-kollege byvoorbeeld. Dit Department Exchange" vir die genot van ons help met die werk in die kraa,mafdeling, maar is een van die unieke inrigtings in Suid-Afrika, lesers. sy het self twee babas wat sy moet versorg, en dit is baie aangehelp deur Desinsamelings- f ondse. Groot somme geld uit daardie fonds „Een van die aangenaamhede van my reis en kan dus nie veel tyd aan die werk bestee is bestee aan geboue en uitrusting. Sonder was die geleentheid wat ek het om rind te nie. Mev. W. R. Quittmeyer, alhoewel nie 'n hierdie hulp sou die uitbreiding van Helder- gaan en persoonlik bekend te raak met die verpleegster nie, help ook soms. Solusi het berg baie vertraag gewees het, en daar sou personeel, die werk, en die probleme by elkeen iemand nodig wat sy volle tyd aan die mediese minder huisvesting vir onderwysers en studente van die mediese sentrums. Ek het 'n paar werk kan bestee. Met die werk by die kraam- gewees het. uur deurgebring by Nokuphila, by Dr. Madg- inrigting en in die apteek, en dan nog die 'n Groot gedeelte van die bouwerk by die wick en sy personeel. Nokuphila is op 'n versorging van die 500 studente, is meer as Good Hope Opleidingskool is moontlik gemaak baie goeie plek gelee en dit is een van die wat een man kan behartig. deur Oesinsamelingsfondse. Die geld wat ons vernaamste mediese sentrums in ons Divisie. „Van Solusi is ek en Dr. Royer saam met nou in hamsle het vir die koshuis kom uit Dit is die enigste van ons mediese inrigtings Leraar Vail na die Liumba-berg Sendingstasie daardie bron, en die meeste van die geld vir waar verpleegsters opgelei kan word vir die in Barotseland, naby die grens van Angola — die uitbreiding van die skool sal ook ,uit daar- Verpleegstersraad se eksamens. Soos gewoon- die land van Vliee, sand, en water gedurende die fonds kom. lik het die hospitaal tweemlal so'7eel pasiente sekere seisoene. Ons het al drie in oorvloed Dan is daar die Bethel Opleidingskool wat gehad as waarvoor dit ingerig is, en die apteek gevind. Die mediese werk daar is nog maar ons Bantoe werkers vir Suid-Afrika oplei. het meer werk gehad as wat dit kon behartig. in die begin stadium, maar dit vorder goed Daar is goeie vordering gemaak met die uit- Maar met die onvoldoende personeel en hospi- onder toesig van Mej. Petra Hovig. Daar was breiding van die skool. Maar ons het nog geen taal ruimte ens., doen Nokuphila baie goeie bale pasiente wat operasies en ander mediese normaalgebou, geen kapel, en geen kerkgebou werk. behandeling .nodig gehad het, en ons voel dat daar nie. Ook is daar nie genoeg huisvesting 'n hospitaal erens in Barotseland in 'n baie „Die volgende plek wat ek besoek het, was nie. Hierdie en ander skole reken op die Oes- groot behoefte sal voorsien. Eerlank sal Mej. Lower Gwelo ; daar het ek my gesin vir 'n insameling vir geld vir nuwe geboue en beter Hovig die nuwe apteek gebou kan gebruik wat paar dae besoek. Terwyl ek daar was, kon uitrusting. amper klaar is. ek Mej. Furber vir 'n tydjie help in die buite- Die tehuis vir die onbesmette kinders van pasient afdeling. Die hoeveelheid werk wat ,Kanje is een van die enigste drie sentrums melaatse ouers in Basoetoeland word in stand daar gedoen word met so 'n klein personeel en van invloed wat ons in die Betsjoeanaland Pro- gehou uit Insamelingsgeld. Ons is baanbrekers so min geriewe, is eenvoudig wonderbaarlik. tektoraat het. Dit is baie tragies dat ons werk in hierdie soort werk, en dit is 'n werk wat die Hulle het toe net begin gebruik maak van die wat ses-en-twintig jaar gelede op Kanje begin publiek blymoedig ondersteun. nuwe kombuis, eetkamers, en kos-stoorkamer, is, vandag nog nie genoeg, mediese fasiliteite Op Johannesburg het ons die Nokuphila wat natuurlik 'n groot hulp sal wees. het nie, en dat daar 'n onvoldoende personeel Hospitaal wat jaarliks sowat 1,500 hospitaal „Vir alle Adventiste oor die wereld roep is vir med'ese en sendingwerk. Dr. Royer en en 16,000 buitepasiente behandel. Om beter Malamulo al seker 'n bepaalde prentjie voor sy staf verdien alle lof vir die werk wat hullo werk te doen, behoort ons baie meer ruimte die gees, maar om die plek self te sien, is baie onder die omstandighede doen. Ons hoop dat te he. Hierdie hospitaal kry 'n goeie bedrag beter as die prentjie. Dit was vir my aange- daar eerlank 'n nuwe dag sal aanbreek vir ons jaarliks uit Oesinsamelingsfondse. naam om drie weke daar deur te bring by Dr. werk en werkers daar. Die Kolo-sendingstasie is heropen onder toesig Kotz en sy personeel, en ook om die ander „My laaste besoek was aan Basoetoeland, van J. N. de Beer Jr., en by berig dat 700

Ons Help Afrika se Miljoene as Ons Gaan Insamel JUNE 1, 1948 SOUTHERN AFRICAN DIVISION OUTLOOK 11 pasiente die apteek gedurende Aprilmaand be- gelowiges en 'n georganiseerde Sabbatskool troue, voorbeeldige persoon op Wolmaransstad. soek het. Hierdie inrigting moet ook geld van daar. Maar hy wou die verlede met die Here reg- die Oesinsameling kry. Toe ons verlede September op Potchef- maak. Ons is saam met Suster Schoeman en Wanneer ons sekondere skool in die Trans- stroom ons metterwoon gaan vestig, moes engele daaroor verbly. vaal opgerig is, sal dit ook by die OesinSame- Broeder Roode en gesin die sorg oor die Wolmaransstad beloof groot dinge. Die lingsondernemings gereken word. nuwe gelowiges hou wat voorberei en vooruit- broeders het reeds 'n stuk grond gekoop en is Al die inrigtings wat ons genoem het, en nog gekyk het om later gedoop te word. Waarlik, hard besig met voorbereidings om 'n eie kerk- ander ondernemings, moet hulp kry uit Oes- Broeder Roode hulle was vir ons tot groot gebou binnekort op te trek. Hier het ons 'n insamelingsfondse, en elkeen is 'n bykomstige aanmoedigeng en inspirasie en na ons vertrek groeiende gemeente wat uit voile huisgesinne rede waarom ons ons beste pogings moet aan- was hulle 'n groot steun vir die groep wat bestaan. So die Here wil hoop hulle om beslis wend in die aanstaande veldtog. Geld wat Sabbatdae bymekaar kom, en gretig sien hulle aanstaande jaar 'n kerkskool te he. Hulle wil die publiek vir hierdie ondernemings gee, werp en die gelowiges in die omliggende dorpe voor- nie nog 'n jaar teleurgestel word nie. Ons groter winste af as enige ander belegging. Die uit na die groot samekoms op die laaste Sab- bid vir 'n onderwyseres. geld word baie spaarsaam bestee deur diegene bat elke maand. Daar was groot blydskap toe Christiana gemeente hoop om binnekort te wat dit hanteer. die sewe siele gedoop is op Lichtenburg. begin met die bou van hul eie kerk. Die Op 1 Februarie het ons drie kosbare siele fondamentklippe, stene, en sand is reeds aan- Ons vra ons lede om die Oesinsamelingsveld- op Koster gedoop. Hulle is die vrug van die gery. Laat ons bid vir hulle wat coos 'n tog hierdie jaar hulle voile steun te gee. Stem-van-Profesie, en hulle is die begin van Nehemia vir God probeer werk. ons werk aldaar. Daar is belofte van meer Op Potchefstroom het ons 'n netjiese kerk- siele, en Broeder Pretorius en sy familiebetrek- gebou, en langsaan staan ons skooltjie, ons kings wat die waarheid volg sal u gebede baie voormalige kerkgebou wat op een of twee waardeer en op prys stel. na die oudtse gebou in Potchefstroom is. Hier NATAL- TVL. KONF. Op 13 Maart was dit weer 'n aangename hoop ons so die Here wil om eerlank 'n nuwe, J. v. d. Merwe President tyd toe Leraar S. S. Hiten vir die kwartaalse moderne saal op te trek, want ons kerkskool D. R. Symons Sekr -Tes samekoms van die gelowiges en gemeentes in is belowend en ons waardeer die uitstekende Posbus 7768, Johannesburg, Tvl. die Westelike Transvaal saam met ons op hulp van ons eie kerkskool-onderwyseresse, Potchefstroom was. By daardie geleentheid Suster Hiten en Suster Kleyn. Laat ons vir het ons drie sidle gedoop, een daarvan was 'n hulle bid. Stem-van-Profesie student, 'n ander een was So die Here wil is ons volgende groot same- meerendeels die vrug op die arbeid van Broe- koms bier op Potchefstroom op 5 Junie as ons Die Stem uit die Weste der Ockert Vermeulen. Maar die grootste president, Leraar J. v. d. Merwe ook hier sal Waar die doringbome fluister en die wilge- voorreg het my tebeurtgeval toe ek my eie en wees. Broeders, bid vir ons. borne droom, „oor ons ver verlate vlaktes," oudste dogter vir Jesus kon doop. Sy wou J. J. B. COMBRINCK. met „die ylbloue bande van die ver verre reeds ses jaar gelede gedoop word, maar ek CI CI rante" le ons uitgestrekte arbeidsveld in die wou dat sy eers meer sou leer en 'n beter beset Westelike Transvaal, met 'n gedeelte in die Vry- van die belangrike stap sou he. Leraar Hiten staat in die ooste en 'n deel in die Kaappro- se toesprake en preke was 'n groot besieling Die Tekens van die Tye en opbouing. Die vroee biduur daardie Sab- vinsie in die weste. Van Fochville in die ooste G. S. STEVENSON tot Die Berg in die weste is 220 myl; van batmore bly vir ons onvergeetlik. Christiana in die suide tot verby Zeerust in Op 20 en 21 Maart was dit weer die geleent- Vir baie jare reeds het ons sendingblad, die die noorde is oor die 200 myl. In hierdie uit- heid vir ons halfjaarlikse besoek na Die Berg. Signs of the Times-Tekens van die Tye as 'n gestrekte gebied met al die gemeentes, groepe, Dit was net na die groot en swaar reens toe tweetalige blad verskyn, met helfte van die en afgesonderde lede staan ons vinger-alleen as die water daelank vir myle sons riviere in die artikels in Engels en helfte in Afrikaans. Tot werker op ons pos, met getrque leke-broeders paaie geloop het en dit het veroorsaak dat ons hierdie beleid is oorgegaan in die kritieke jare en ouderlinge wat probeer om die laste en teespoed op ons refs moes verduur. Watter van die groot depressie en daarna. Die sirku- verantwoordelikhede van die leraar ligter te blydskap en besieling was dit nie om daardie lasie van twee afsonderlike blaaie — veral die maak. Vir die afgelope sewe maande is ons ywerige, hongerige broeders en susters in Jesus Afrikaanse — was te laag om die produksie- woonagtig op Potchefstroom. Met die predi- weer te besoek. Hulle was daar bymekaar. koste te dek. Die konferensies wat die blaaie king en persoonlike bearbeiding van plek tot Sommige het in tente uitgekamp om die meeste moes subsidieer het uiteindelik die las te swaar plek het die Here rykelik geseen aan siele en uit die dienste en samekomste te trek. Dit gevind om te dra. Ten gevolge van hierdie aan uitbreiding van Sy akker. was waarlik bemoedigend om ons geloofsge- noodtoestande is die blaaie verenig. Niemand note so honger na die Woord van God te vind het gevoel dat dit 'n ideale plan was nie; Ons is pas deur die eerste kwartaal van 1948 en te leer hoe om Bybelstudies aan ander te dit het egter gewerk, en die blad is gered. en gee hier 'n kort verslag van die werk. gee. Ons verwag groot dinge van Gods yolk Maar deur die jare het die roepstem steeds Kort na die kampdienste het ons 'n doopdiens aldaar. sterker geword om terug te gaan na die ou op Parys gehad om 'n Stem-van-Profesie stu- Vir Wolmaransstad was die eerste naweek in plan van 'n afsonderlike Engelse en Afrikaanse dent, Broeder N. J. Els, te doop. Ons glo April van groot betekenis toe hul leraar saam blad. By die afgelope twee konferensiesittings dat hy 'n lewende getuie vir die Waarheid sal met Leraar J. v. d. Merwe, die president, en in Januarie van hierdie jaar het die konsti- wees waar by nou naby Rooiwal en Koppies woon. Broeder D. R. Symons, die sekretaris-tesourier tuante besluite aangeneem om die Uitgewers- van die Natal-Transvaal Konferensie, daar was raad te nader om weer twee afsonderlike blaaie Die laaste naweek elke maand gaan ek oor vir die organisering van hul gemeente. Die uit te gee indien moontlik. na Lichtenburg. Dan is dit die geleentheid Broeders het selfs die stadsaal vir die dienste Daar is op die .2a k ingegaan, en dit is met vir die samekoms van ons gelowiges van Lich- gehuur. Geloofsgenote het vir die geleentheid genoee dat ons non aan die lesers van die tenburg, Bakerville, Koster, Coligny en soms oorgekom van Potchefstroom, Klerksdorp en Otrmoox kan meedeel dat The Signs of the ook van Mafeking. Op 31 Januarie was dit Christiana. Op Sabbatnamiddag, 3 April, het Times en Die Tekens van die Tye weer as 'n groot dag toe agt kosbare siele in die Leraar J. v. d. Merwe, bygestaan deur die twee blaaie sal verskyn met ingang van 1 Molopo-oog gedoop is. Hulle is die vrug op skrywer, die nuwe gemeente georganiseer en is September. Ons meen dat die blad nou beter ons arbeid op Lichtenburg. Vir die doop het die nuwe ampsdraers gekies. aan sy duel sal beantwoord as sendingblad vir Suster Wood van Mafeking af oorgekom. Roerend was die moment toe die nuwe ge- stad en platteland. Die blaaie sal twaalf Lichtenburg was 'n baie moeilike plek om meente met moterkarre na die dam ry en bladsye elk bevat. in te werk. Daar was heftige teenstand. Daar Broeder Marthinus Schoeman deur Leraar Die raad moes in geloof oorgaan tot hierdie is op alle maniere probeer om ons te hinder Combrinck gedoop word. Die broeder was besluit, want die sirkulasie sal baie opgeskuif en selfs te belet om met ons werk aan te vroeer gedoop, maar vir meer as 'n jaar het moet word om nou te vir twee blaaie gaan. Die gebruik van die stadsaal is feitelik by op Potchefstroom op die S. A. Spoorwee pleks van een sons voorheen. Op die oomblik aan ons ontse, maar die Here het die oor- gewerk, en kon hy nie die Sabbat vry kry dek die blad omtrent net koste. Ons sal die winning gegee, en vandag het ons 'n groep nie. Die afgelope vier maande is hy 'n ge- sirkulasie 50% moet opskyf bokant die huidige Doen Getrou Jou Deel van die Insameling


The Southern fited largely from Ingathering funds. Large Transvaal we hope to feature this proposition sums of money from this fund have been spent in the Ingathering Bulletin. eilfrican Division Outlook on buildings and equipment. Without this All of the above and other worthy projects help Helderberg's expansion programme would receive help from our Ingathering funds. Each Published semi-monthly by the have been greatly hampered and less room for one presents a strong reason why we should General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists students and teachers would have been avail- put forth our best efforts in this campaign. (Southern African Division) able. Money given by the public for these purposes Grove Avenue, Claremont, Cape Much of the building programme of the will give a larger return than any other in- Good Hope Training School has been financed vestment they can make. The money is eco- from Ingathering funds. The money now in nomically spent by those who are seeking no MRS. F. VISSER, Jr Editor hand for a dormitory comes from this source, financial gain and for the building up of moral and intellectual leadership and physical health. F. 0. CLIFFORD Asst. Editor and the same fund will have to supply most of the money for further expansion of the We invite our members to give whole- P. 0. Boz 6, Claremont, Cape school plant. hearted support to the Ingathering Campaign Then there is Bethel Training College which again this year. SOUTHERN AFRICAN DIVISION STAFF CI CI C. W. Bozarth President F. G. Clifford Secretary The Signs of the Times E. A. Moon Treasurer D. A. Webster Assistant Treasurer South African Union For many years our missionary paper, the Robison --.._...... —...... — Field Secretary M. Publishing Department Signs of the Times, has appeared as a bilingual journal with half of its articles in English and DEPARTMENTAL SECRETARIES half in Afrikaans. This procedure was adopted C. P. Bringle, M.D., Medical. to meet a critical situation which existed in J. M. Hnatyshyn, Home Missionary and the years ,of the great depression and after- Missionary Volunteer. wards. Circulation of the two separate W. A. Higgins, Publishing. WANTED! A. W. Staples, Sabbath School, Religious papers, particularly the Afrikaans issue, was Liberty, and Ministerial. too low to meet the cost of production. The E. W. Tarr, Educational. Men and Women Who Believe that Jesus is Coming Again. conferences, which were called upon to sub- sidise the paper, found the burden too heavy Men and Women Who Desire to Hasten for their resources, so the papers were amal- that Happy Day. gamated into one to meet this emergency. 12,000 exsemplare per maand as ons nie 'n Nobody thought this an ideal solution to the herhaling wil sien van ons mOeilikheid twaalf Men and Women Who Will Join the Ranks of the problem; but it worked, and the life of our jaar gelede nie. Maar ons het geloof in ons paper was saved. Through the years, however, mense. Ons weet dat hierdie stap u goedkeu- Colporteur-Evangelists there has come an increasing demand for a ring wegdra, en ons vertrou dat u, ons nie in reversion to the plan of two separate papers die steek sal Lint nie. in the English and Afrikaans languages., At Elke kerklid sal die sirkulasielas moet help "There is no higher work than evangelistic the two conference sessions, in January of this canvassing."—C. E., 25. dra sodat ons die blaaie in tienduisende huise p. year, this demand resulted in actions being in Suid-Afrika kan plaas. passed by the constituencies, asking the Pub- FULL PARTICULARS lishing Board to study the situation and to separate the papers if possible. for either full or part-time service obtainable from your Conference Publishing Secretary. This study has been given, and we are Ingathering is Worthwhile happy to report to the readers of the OUTLOOK Cape Conference N.-T. Conference E. D. HANSON that as from September 1, we are once more P. 0. Box 1133 P. 0. Box 7768 to have two papers— The Signs of the Times, Port Elizabeth, C. P. Johannesburg, Tvl. Forty years ago a layman started collecting and Die Tekens van die Tye. We believe money from friends and neighbours on behalf with you, that this will make our papers more of our mission programme. He believed that useful, and will provide more satisfactory men of the world would be willing to help material for missionary work in city and coun- build up the work of missions if given an trains all of our Bantu workers for South try. The size of the paper will remain as at opportunity. Forty years of Ingathering has Africa. Much progress has been made toward present — 12 pages, but each paper will contain vindicated his faith. building up a good school plant. Yet, there a full twelve pages of reading matter in the From its small beginnings in 1908, the In- is still no practice school, no chapel, no church language preferred by the reader. Many of gathering work has grown to world-wide pro- building and insufficient housing. This school those who have received the paper have read portions. It has brought our work to the and its feeder-schools look to the Ingathering only half of its contents. Now they will be favourable notice of many thousands of funds for money for new buildings and equip- able to read and benefit from all of it. ment. Government, business, and professional men. To make this decision, the Publishing Board It has helped to allay prejudice and to make The Children's Home in Basutoland is sup- had to act in faith, for it will require a much the public acquainted with the humanitarian ported by Ingathering money. We are among larger circulation to finance two papers than work of Seventh-day Adventists. It has gone the pioneers in this type of help for the chil- one. At present we are just able to finance further and has sown seed that has borne fruit dren of leper parents. It is a type of work the one paper. We shall have to distribute in a deeper study of the truths of God's word that the public will gladly support. 50 per cent more than the present 12,000 copies for this time and an acceptance of the message In Johannesburg we have Nokuphila Hos- per month if we are not to have a repetition of the remnant church by many. pital handling 16,000 out-patients and 1,500 of our experience of twelve years ago. But For our world-wide mission programme the hospital patients yearly. To carry on its work we have faith in our people. We know that Ingathering has been an incalculable blessing. adequately the bed capacity should be greatly this step is in harmony with your wishes, and In South Africa the money raised has been increased. This hospital receives large support we are sure you will not fail us. spent on our educational, medical, and uplift from the Ingathering. Every church and every member will share work. These fields of endeavour affect nearly Kolo Mission has been re-opened and John the burden of circulating the Signs and Tekens, every member directly or indirectly. N. de Beer, Jr. reports 700 dispensary visits and help us to place these truth-filled papers Take Helderberg College as an example. for the month of April. This is another In- into tens of thousands of South African homes. This school, which is unique among educa- gathering project. G. S. STEVENSON, Editor, tional institutions in South Africa, has bene- When our secondary school is started in the Signs of the Times.