5outbern Airtratt pillision Outlook' VOL. XLVI KENILWORTH, CAPE, JUNE 1, 1948 NUMBER 10 (Registered at the General Post Office as a Newspaper) And how they work! They never stop. Scattering Divine Thistledown They work while we sleep. We must stop and renew our energies, take food and rest. CARLYLE B. HAYNES Not they. They go right on, day and night, winter and summer. Rebuffs do not stop No man has words to describe what an harvest is in the making. What a privilege it them. They take no offence. They do not agency for working miracles God has given is to be called of God to be sowers of such lose their tempers. They do not answer back. His people in the amazing literature we have. seed! They just go right on, saying only the same We put it into the homes and into the hands What marvellous seed we bear in our hands! of men and women, and leave it there. Then thing over and over. People may get angry These printed words never waver or flinch. and lash out at them. It makes no difference. God takes over, and works miracles with it. They never dodge or display cowardice. They He is doing it all the time. Around the circle They continue their witnessing, never retract- never change their testimony or compromise ting, never withdrawing, never changing. And of the earth His miracle working with the their witnessing. They never tire or become printed page never ceases. they go right on working long after we retire exhausted. They never lose heart of become on account of old age, even long after we are In every land, and upon all people, no discouraged. Under all circumstances, regard- matter how widely separated they may be by dead. less of all forbidding conditions, they keep on This is a good business to be in. This is race, colour,, language, or creed, the effect of saying the same thing. divine literature is the same. good seed to scatter. Let us scatter it faith- How easily transported they are! They No workers are in a position to observe fully. Let us scatter it widely. Let us scat- travel at the lowest cost. They get about with the miracle-working power of the living God ter it diligently. And let us never stop scat- the most amazing ease. They penetrate every- as are colporteur-evangelists. As they leave tering it. where. 0 brethren, set them free, and watch literature in the hands of the people, prejudices [The above is an extract taken from the are broken down, obstacles are cleared away, them do their marvellous, God-guided work. tract of the same title.— Publishing Dept.] convictions are changed, minds are illuminated, beliefs are established, hearts are melted, and souls are reborn into God's kingdom as His Spirit uses these little pieces of printed paper which He calls upon you to place where they Literature Day — June 5 can be so used. JOHN M. STAPLES It is impossible for us to comprehend the amazing energy, the extraordinary dynamic The value of literature as a means of in- porteurs who can give their time entirely to power, there is in printed words. Nor do we fluencing the public mind has ever been recog- that work. Smaller books are provided for need to. We can believe it. And we can be nised by all progressive organisations, whether those of less experience. Magazines and tracts faithful in placing the printed word where God commercial, educational, or religious. are provided for all to scatter far and wide. can release its energy to save souls. This is It is the use that Seventh-day Adventists Even the sick, confined at home, can send this our task, our responsibility, our duty. God have made of this means in the past that, more cheap literature out on its mission by post. will do the rest. And, oh, what a joy it is to than any other, accounts for their growth and In order to make this possible, it has ever see Him doing it! rapid spread into all lands. Trace the history been the aim of the Publishing Department Over in old Nicodemia, a Christian worker, of the work from the beginning and one will to provide such a variety of literature, and so merely passing through and having no time to see that in almost every part of the world to organise the work, that every representative remain, left with a stranger a gospel tract, field the printed page has gone before the of the third angel's message, whether old or and went on. Seventeen years later, stopping living preacher. young, rich or poor, ignorant or learned, can there again, he found a church of more than South Africa is no exception. It was due to have some part in its distribution. forty members, and a Protestant community the circulation of literature by a faithful lay- We sincerely trust that, as a result of the of more than two hundred that had grown out man, William Hunt, who had come from Literature Day Programme, Sabbath, June 5, of that single tract. California to the diamond fields of Kimberley, definite plans will be laid by churches and In China there is a group of eight churches that the message first came to this fair land individuals for a wider circulation of the raised up by tracts alone. of ours. Copies of these tracts fell into the printed page' throughout the South African In Brazil there are twoscore groups of hands of G. J.evan Druten, who had started Union. hungry, eager Sabbath-keepers who, though keeping the Sabbath as a result of his own never having seen a preacher, were brought study of the Bible. About the same time - to the light by the printed page. Pieter Wessels also became a Sabbath-keeper, Yes, there is life in this widely scattered not knowing that another soul on earth was God's Approved Workmen seed. And let us remember, the life is in the doing likewise. When they met, the two began S. S. HITEN seed, not in the sower. Even infidels have a search for William Hunt, that they might unwittingly scattered some of this seed, and obtain more literature and learn more. What "Study to show thyself approved unto God, it has grown and produced fruit. joy must have filled the old miner's heart when a workman. ." 2 Tim. 2 : 15. Thistledown, someone has called it. That they found him, and he had the privilege of The nearer the end approaches the greater is what it is, divine thistledown. We scatter telling them the story of the advait message! our desire to be approved of God, for it is it, and thereby we are liberating thistledown The value of this means of telling others of evident that when Jesus appears in glory there carrying precious seed. The winds of the the soon coming of Jesus lies in the- fact that will be but two classes of human beings: Spirit carry it here and there over all the every man, woman, and child in' the denomi- those who are approved of God and those who world. It settles down and grows and pro- nation can have a part. The large books have are not. As we contemplate the prodigious duces its own life in human souls. A great been prepared for trained and experienced col- effort made by God for our salvation we can- If you can sell anything, why not sell our truth-filled books? 2 SOUTHERN AFRICAN DIVISION OUTLOOK JUNE 1, 1948 not but do everything in our power to have part we are to have in the final winding up of for four. They were in process of making Heaven's approval. the work. necessary repairs and other improvements in Our text indicates that one important thing Let us, one and all, rally to the call of the the European wards. And Sigi [Dr. Kotz] needed in order to have God's approval is that Harvest Ingathering Appeal, and make this, and I spent our spare time drawing plans, we must be workmen. That is, of course, the 40th Anniversary, the greatest campaign in which we hope may become more than 'pipe workmen in His vineyard, as the rest of the the history of the Southern African Division. dreams.' text indicates. "Miss Margaret Johnson returned to Mala- B Beginning on May 29, there will be opened mulo from overseas furlough while I was there, to each one an opportunity of having a very giving welcome relief and help to Miss Rachel definite part in the Lord's work — the great Our Medical Work in the Anderton and Miss Dorothy Walters in their Harvest Ingathering Campaign. Everyone who Division nursing and teaching programme. "From Malamulo I went to old Solusi, join- has learned to know the three angels' messages We feel sure the readers of the OUTLOOK is called to have a part in this great work of ing Dr. Ralph Royer in the work of examin- will enjoy following Dr. C. P. Bringle as he gathering funds for our educational, medical, ing more than 500 students in three and a half itinerated through a portion of the field. Dr. days. We really knew we had been somewhere and uplift work. That means you, and you, Bringle did not write the report for the at the end of that task ! and You! All must be workmen, if they OUTLOOK, but we have extracted it from the "The medical work at Solusi has been under would have God's approval.
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