Docinnent J'fo. 21.



Quarter Master General



For the Year 1872. Digitized by tine Internet Archive

in 2009 with funding from Lyrasis IVIembers and Sloan Foundation HEPOIIT:

State of New Jersey. )

Office of the Quartermaster General, [

Trenton, October 31, 1872. )

To Ill's Excellency Joel Parker, Governor ofJYew Jersey :

Sir: 1 liavc the honor to submit the following report of this Department for the year 1872. The regular business of the office continues about the same as in the other years since the war. Five newly organized companies of have been supplied vrith arms upon the officers giving the proper bonds with sufficient surety, as provided for in the act approved March 9, 1869. Under the act passed at the last session of the Legislature and approved by your Excellency on the 21st of March, 1872, several companies of •colored infantry have been organized, mustered into the service of the State and attached to the National Guard. Two of these com- panies have been furnished with arms, the officers giving the requi- site bonds with sufficient surety. An application is on file in this office for arms for another company of colored infantry, located at Elizabeth, but as the members are not uniformed the arms have not been issued. The arms in the possession of the National Guard are in srood order, and are kept under the proper responsibility. The armed force of the National Guard consists of fifty-three (53) •companies of infantry, organized into seven (7) regiments and three (3) battalions, and two (2) colored companies of infantry unassigned, having in their possession three thousand two hundred and ninety- two (3,292) stand of arms. In addition to these companies of infantry there are two (2) batteries of artillery. The act approved April 17, 1868, authorized and directed the Quartermaster General " to cause such now in the arsenal as are suitable for that purpose, to be altered into breech-loaders upon the most approved plan." Nothing has been done in the way of altering these muskets. The delay has been occasioned by the desire on our part to alter the arms to conform to those in the service of the army of the United States. The Ordnance Department has not as yet adopted the model, but as soon as this is done it is in con- templation to proceed at once with the work, and it will take but a 4 QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S REPORT.

short time to liave tlie muskets converted, issued and in use by the National Gaard. On the 18th of December, 1871, there was about forty-five thousand dollars (84:5,000) due the State of New Jersey in arms or their equivalent, from the United States, under the act of Congress of 1808, for arming the militia of the several States, a very small amount of ordnance stores liaving been drawn on account of the quota during the last ten years. This Department, under the act of the Legislature of April 17, 18G8, disposed of old arms and accoutrements to the amount of sixty thousand two hundred and sixty-eight dollars and five cents ($60,268 05), which was deposited with the Treasurer '• to the credit of the arsenal, to be expended in the repairs and alterations, and the purchase of such ordnance and ordnance stores as from time to time may be required for the militia service of this State," as provided in the act above referred to, so that it is confidently believed that we will be able to re-arm the entire National Guard during the coming year with very little expense to the Treasury of the State. There remain in the arsenal at this time, five thousand and ninety- nine (5,099) ::ew Springfield rifled muskets; nine thousand nine hun- dred and thirty-six (9.936) old muskets and of all kinds and calibre, and one hundred and seventy-one (171) imperfect and un- serviceable: one thousand two- hundred and fifty-four (1,254) pistols^ and eighty-nine (89) imperfect an,d unserviceable. There are also two thousand three hundred and eighty-three (2,383) and serviceable, and one hundred and twenty-six (126) unfit for service. There are also in the arsenal, twelve (12) twelve-pounder

bronze Napoleon guns, smooth bore : four (4) three and one-half inch bronze guns, smooth bore ; four (4) three and one-half inch bronze guns, rifled; eight (8) three-inch Griffin guns, rifled, and two (2) Bil-

linghurst and Requa batteries, good and seviceable ; and two (2) six- pounder bronze guns, French; two (2) four-pounder bronze guns, English, and two (2) six-pounder iron guns, unserviceable. The employees at the arsenal engaged in cleaning and repairing arms, have cleaned and repaired two thousand seven hundred and seventy-nine (2,779) arms, and repaired five (5) three and one-half inch bronze guns. The amount due from the United Stat-es, on account of claims of this State for arming and equipping troops in the service thereof^ under the act of Congress of the 17th of July, 1861, remains the same as at the date of my last annual report, nothing having been received during the past year. It is presumed that at the coming session of Congress, a further appropriation for the payment of claims of this nature will bo made, and the account can be readily adjusted, and paid to the State at no distant day. On the 5th of April, under instructions from your Excellency, I notified Jno. Trimble, jr., assistant military agent at Washington, for the collection of claims against the United States, that his services would not be required after that date. This faithful and efficient officer was appointed in May, 1869. By his own exertions,, aided by QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S REPORT. 5

voluminous documentary evidence and written explanations from this department, he collected from the United States on account of the State claims against the government, the large sum of one hun- dred and forty-six thousand, seven hundred and sixty-four dollars and forty-seven cents, ($146,764.47.) Permit me, in this connection to add, in justice to a faithful and meritorious officer, that while acting in the interests of this State, he performed all the duties required by him with fidelity and zeal. In the appendix will be found the following statements: Statement A, contains an account of clotliing, camp and garrison equipage, baggage train, ordnance and ordnance stores, serviceable and unserviceable, remaining on hand at the State arsenal, on the 31st of October, 1872. Statement B, the number of arms, etc., cleaned and repaired at t\e State arsenal during the year ending October 21st, 1872. ' Statement C, camp and garrison equipage, ordnance and ordnance stores turned into the arsenal by disbanded and other military com- panies, and by sundry persons during the year ending October 31st, 1872. Statement D, camp and garrison equipage, issued to the national guard, during the year ending October 31st, 1872. Statement E, ordnance and ordnance stores issued from the State arsenal to the National Guard, upon their giving bonds according to law, and to sundry persons durinir the year, ending October 31st, 1872. Statement F, the ammunition expended in firing salute, on the 16th day of January, 1872, in honor of the inauguration of the Gov- ernor. Tabular statement G, the number of arms and accoutrements in possession of the National Guard. State of New Jersey, on the 31st day of October, 1872.

All of which is respectfully submitted. LEWIS PERRINE,

Quartermaster General qfJYew Jersey.



Clotkiiig, Camp and Garrison Equipage in the State Arsenal, Octo-

ber 31, 1S12.

38 forage caps, infantry, blue, worn. 15 uniform caps, R. C, blue, new. 22 uniform caps, R. C, .srrej, new. o5 uniform caps, artillery, worn. 32 shields for caps. 21 pompons for caps. 3000 metallic letters for caps, N. J. 32 uniform jackets, blue, chasseur, new. 22 uniform jackets, gray, chasseur. 84 uniform jackets, artillery, worn. 16 uniform great coats, R. C, blue, new. 22 uniform great coats, infantry, blue, new. 1 uniform great coat, , blue, new. 4 pairs of uniform trowsers, R. C, blue, new. 7 pairs of uniform trowsers, R. C, gray, new. 68 pairs of uniform trowsers, artillery, worn. 36 officer's blankets. 300 common tents, new. 487 common tents, been in service. 76 wall tents, new. 101 wall tents, been in service. 83 wall tent flys, new. 72 wall tent flys, been in service. 4 hospital tents, new. 8 hospital tents, been in service. 4 hospital tent flys, new. 8 hospital tent flys, been in service. 18 Sibley tents, new. 7 Sibley tents, been in service. 780 sets common tent poles. 185 sets wall tent poles. 11 sets hospital tent poles. 30 sets Sibley tent poles. 20 tripods. 10 QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S REPORT,

G311 single notch tent pins. G08 double notch tent pins. 35 axes and helves. 52 hatchets and handles. 27 picks and handles. 50 spades. 184 camp kettles. 253 mess pans, iron. 75 mess pans, tin. 106 tin dishes. 788 tin plates, been in service. 745 tin plates, new. 2920 tin cups, pints. 283 tin cups, half pints. 1653 . 1653 forks. 3597 spoons, 71 knapsacks, R. C. 965 canteens, strapped. 6 drums, new. 1 drum case. 6 drum slings. 20 pairs of drum sticks. 19 drum stick carriages. 5 drum batter heads. 7 drum snare heads. 3 sets drum snares. 4 books, regimental, plain top. 4 books, regimental, post letter. 3 books, regimental, post order. 6 books, regimental, morning report, plain top. 2 books, company, morning report. 1 storm flag, been in service. 10 recruiting flags, been in service. 4 bunting guidons, been in service. 1 stick guidon, cavalry. 4 crimson sashes, worn. 9800 feet of tent lacing. 9 sets of stencil plates, A. to K. 86 knapsack hooks. ^ 61 knapsack buckles. 23 bed sacks. 14 pairs of manacles. 32 pairs of hand-cuffs. 16 lanterns. 2 stoves and cauldrons. 11 stoves, in use. 10 stable forks, in use. QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S REPORT. 11

8 sliovelf, in u?e. '^ scoop shovels, in use.

() cedar bucket?, in use. 2 hay forks, in use. 3 wlicelbarrows, in use. 2 post hole spades, in use. 1 measure, bushel. 3 measures, half bushel. 4 measures, half peck. 3 carpenters' hatcliets. 1 carpenters' adze. 3 carpenters' hammers. 5 carpenters' saws. 59 axe slinszs. 86 spade slings. 2 commissary chests and contents. 3 commissary scales. 120 lbs. horse shoe nails. 7 hickory brooms.


4 wall tents. 4 common tents. 389 knapsacks, U. S. 315 knapsacks, soft. 270 knapsacks, R. C. 169 haversacks, rubber.' 37 haversacks, U. S. pattern. 1426 canteens, rubber. 5 pairs of manacles. 14 pairs of hand culls. 35 lanterns. 2 commissary scales.

Baggage Train.

2 horses, in use. 1 army wagon, in use. 1 ordnance wagon, in use. 1 one-horse wagon, in use. 1 ambulance, in use. 1 cart, in use. 3 sets harness, two-horse, in use. 2 sets harness, one-horse, in use. 1 set harness, for cart, in use. 15 sets train harness, two-horse wheel. 15 sets train harness, two-horse lead. 12 QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S REPORT.

29 chain halters. 10 collars, extra. 17 wagoners' saddles. 22 pole straps. 19 check straps. 2 sets lour-horse lines. 2 sets two-horse lines. 2 sets flj nets. 1 pair extra hanie?. 17 wagoners' whips. 13 stretchers for harness.

Ordnance and Ordnance Stores in the State Arsenal, October 31, 1872.

702 muskets, T. A. Co., calibre .58. 2371 muskets, C. P. F. A. Co., calibre .58. 2026 muskets, S. A. Co., calibre .58. 207 muskets, U. S., smooth bore, calibre .69. 6346 muskets, altered flint, rifled, calibre .69. 1675 muskets, Maynard primer, rifled, calibre .69. 318 muskets, cone in barrel, calibre .69. 155 muskets, Enfield , calibre .577. 6 muskets, Austrian rifle, calibre .54. 122 muskets, Cadet rifle, calibre .58. 2 muskets, Belgian rifle, calibre .09. 626 rifles, U. S., brass mounted, calibre .54. 79 rifles, , calibre .54. 54 rifles, sword bayonet, calibre .54. 94 rifles, altered flint. Derringer, calibre .58. 53 rifles, altered flint, Derringer, cone in barrel, calibre .58. 199 rifles, French, sword bayonet, calibre 62. 72 pistols, Whitney revolvers, calibre .36. 1000 pistols. Remington, calibre .44. 182 pistols, altered flint. 1 pistol signal. 2 sets signal pistol accoutrements. 1777 sets pistol appendages. 45 bullet moulds. 5350 tompions, wood. 357 musket tompions, patent. 10050 wipers. 11115 screw drivers and cone wrenches. 647 ball screws. 1152 spring vises. 14700 spare cones. 1800 tumbler screws.

1 840 main springs. 1850 sear springs. QrARTERMASTER GENERAL'S REPORT. 13

2235 tumbler and band spring punches. 206 rifle bullet moulds. 18(> sets of implements for United States rifles. 1639 cavalry sabres. 128 artillery sabres. 125 artillery swords. 15 masonic swords. 62 N. C. 0. swords, steel scabbards. 336 X. C. 0. swords, leather scabbards. 78 musicians' swords. 402 cavalry belts, white buff. 194 cavalry sabre belts, black buff. 596 cavalry sabre belt plates. 920 cavalry sabre knots, white buff. 35 artillery sword waist belts, black leather. 35 artillery sword waist belt plates. 93 N. C. 0. sword shoulder belts, black buff. 1011 N. C. 0. sword shoulder belts, white buff. 275 N. C. 0. sword shoulder belts, black glazed. 1117 N. C. 0. sword shoulder belt plates. 294 N. C. 0. sword waist belts and plates. 2 Billinghurst and Requa batteries. 12 12 pounder bronze guns, smooth bore. 4 3| inch bronze guns, smooth bore. 4 3| inch bronze guns, rifled. 8 3 inch Griffin guns, rifled. 12 gun carriages and limbers for twelve pounders. 16 gun carriages and limbers for six pounders. 12 caissons with spare wheel, 12 pounders. 19 caissons with spare wheel, 6 pounders. 6 battery wagons. 6 traveling forges. 8 sponge buckets for 12 pounders. 18 sponge buckets for 6 pounders. 79 tar buckets. 12 sponge and rammers for 3 inch guns. 19 sponge and rammers for 3| inch guns. 21 sponge and rammers for 12 pounders. 10 bristic sponges and rammers. 13 worms and staves for 3 inch guns. 8 worms and staves for 3| inch guns. 11 worms and staves for 12 pounders. 104 hand spikes. 19 prolongs, 24 vent punches. 31 vent covers. 32 sponge covers. 17 priming wires. U QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S REE'ORT.

94 thumb stalls. 10 lanyards. 43 gunners' haversacks. 39 gunners' pouches. IG gunners' gimlets. 24 gunners' pincers. 24 fuze wrenches. 24 fuze cutters. 24 tow hooks. 15 prot fire clippers. 4 globe sights. 4 pendulum hausses. 12 patent tompions for 12 pounder guns. 8 patent tompions for 3| inch guns. 7 patent tompions for 3 inch guns. 1156 cartridge boxes, infantry, calibre .58. 398 cartridge boxes, N. G., calibre .58. 121 cartridge boxes, rifle, calil)re .58. 1274 cartridge boxes, calibre .69. 151 cartridge boxes, black glazed. 2802 cartridge box plates. 1234 cartridge box belts, black buff. 503 cartridge box belts, white buff. 1974 cartridge box belts, black glazed. 3 284 cartridge box belts, black leather. 700 cartridge box belt plates. 160 bayonet scabbards, without frogs. 336 bayonet scabbards and frogs, black glazed. 1275 bayonet scabbards and frogs, black leather. 250 bayonet scabbards and frogs, black buff. 1227 bayonet scabbard belts., white buff. 827 waist Ijelts, black buff'.

200 waist belts, white buff". 1475 waist belts, black leather. 1150 waist belts, black jjlazed. 967 waist belt plates, U. S. 218 waist belt plates, plain. 626 Zouave waist belts, black leather. G06 Zouave waist belt plates. 1000 carbine belts and hooks. 133 pistol holsters for revolvers. 2156 cap pouches. 500 gun slings. 359 cartridge bags, unfilled, for 3 inch guns. 257 cartridge bags, unfilled, for 3| inch guns. 247 cartridge bags, unfilled, for 12 pounder guns. 230 Hotchkiss fuse shell, fixed for 3 inch aruns. QTARTERMASTER GENERAL'S REPORT. 15

250 Jlotchkiss fuse case shell, fixed, for 3 inch guns. GO Hotchkiss percussion shell, lixed, for 3 inch j^-uns. 41 Hotchkiss canister shot, fixed, for 3 inch guns. 3T3 Ilotchkiss fuse shell, unfixed, for 3 inch guns. 470 Ilotchkiss fuse case shell, unfixed, foi- 3 inch guns. 120 Ilotchkiss percussion shell, unfixed, for 3 incii guns. 140 Ilotchkiss canister shot, unfixed, for 3 inch guns. 100 James' solid shot, unfixed, for 3|- inch guns. 100 James' percussion shell, unfixed, for 3| inch guns. 16000 friction primers. 10 kegs cannon powder, 25 pounds each. GOOO conical balls, calibre .69. 4 kegs conical balls, calibre .58. 2000 ball cartridges, round ball, calibre .69. 14560 ball cartridges, B. & B., calibre .60. 40000 ball cartridges, E. B., calibre .54. 66000 ball cartridges, E. B., calibre .574. 49500 ball cartridges, E. B,, calibre .57. 8S00 ball cartridges, E. B., calibre .58. 36000 ball cartridges, E. B., solid water proof, calibre .58. 70000 ball cartrido-es. E. B., calibre .69. 20000 pistol ball cartridges, E. B., calibre .44. 89168 pistol ball cartridges, E. B., calibre .36. 191 rounds ammunition for Billinghurst batteries. 74500 musket percussion caps. 31250 pistol percussion caps. 83 McClellan saddles, complete. 107 extra leather halters. 2 pairs spurs. 13 sets artillery harness, wheel. 15 sets artillery harness, lead. 58 valises for artillery harness. 66 nose bags. 9 horse brushes. 24 curry combs. 1040 cone -guards and chains for Enfield muskets.

Imperfect and Unserviceable.

8 muskets, T. A. Co., calibre .58. 3 muskets, flintlock, calibre .69. 20 muskets, altered flint, Maynard primer, calibre .69. 32 muskets, altered flint, patent breech, calibre .69. 39 muskets, altered flint, cone in barrel, calibre .69. 32 rifles, altered flint. Derringer, calibre .58. 31 rifles, U. S., brass mounted, calibre .54. 6 rifles, French, calibre .62. 88 pistols, flintlock. 16 QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S REPORT.

1 pistol, Whitney revolver. 190 cavalry sabres. 2 bronze guns, French, 6 pounder. 2 bronze guns, English, 4 pounder. 2 iron guns, 6 pounders. 1613 screw drivers for flintlock muskets. 2116 wipers for flintlock muskets. 2804 cartridge boxes. 3452 bayonet scabbards. 2672 cap pouches. 2526 gun slings. 2827 waist belts. 2435 cartridge box belts. 103 N. C. 0. swords. 23 masonic swords. 324 horse pistol holsters. 444 powder fiasks. 685 Bullet pouches and slings. 35 artillery sword belts. 13 McClellan saddles. 2654 waist belt plates. 2327 cartridge box plates. 2006 cartridge box belt plates. STATEMENT B.

Tke following is the number of arms, §-c., cleaned and repaired at the State Arsenal during the year ending October 31, 1872.

961 muskets, T. A. Co., cal. .58. 360 " C. P. F. A. Co., cal. .58. 960 " S. A. Co., 20 " U. S. smoothbore, cal. .69. 48 " U. S. Cadet rifle, cal. .58. 4 '^ Enfield rifle, cal. .577. 72 pistols, revolvers, Whitney, .36. 343 muskets repaired. 11 pistols, revolvers, repaired. 5 3|-inch bronze guns repaired. STATEMENT C.

Camp and garrison equipage turned into the Atsenal during the year ending October 31, 1872.

July 17, 1872.

From Lt. Ransford W. Vandenworf, Quarterviasfcr Second Reg. A^. G

4 hospital tents and llys. 4 sets hospital tent poles. 100 common tents. 100 sets common tent poles. 35 wall tents and fljs. 35 sets wall tent poles. • 1 storm flag. 20 spades. 19 axes and helves. 9 hatchets and handles. 12 picks and handles. 20 camp kettles. 20 mess pans. 1360 single notch tent pins. 455 double notch tent pins. 34 cases.

Ordnance aiid Ordnance Stores turned into the Arsenal by disbanded and other military companies during the year ending October 31, 1872.

84 muskets. T. A. Co. cal. .58. 24 muskets, cone in barrel, cal. .G9. 98 . 38 tompions. 4 wipers. 5 screw drivers. 4 spring vises. :


3 ball screws. 4 N. C. 0. swordp. 4 N. C. 0. sword belts and plates. 75 cartridge boxes. 57 cartridge box plates. 55 cartridge box belts. 46 cartridge box belt plate?. 124 bayonet scabbards. 131 waist belts. 47 waist belt plates. 55 cap pouches. 65 gun slings. 5 arm chests. As follows

January 8, 1S72.

From Capt. R. C. Belville, Company JI, Third Battalion, JY. G.

79 waist belts. 55 bayonet scabbards.

. May 4.

Fro7?i Capt. Leonard Redding, Company B, Third Regiment, JY. G.

40 muskets, T. A. Co., cal. .58. 35 bayonets. 1 tompion. 31 cartridge boxes. 13 cartridge box plates. 10 cartridge box belts. 1 cartridge box belt plate. 28 bayonet scabbards. 13 waist belts. 6 waist belt plates. 21 gun slings. 14 cap pouches. 2 arm chests.

June 29.

Fro7n Capt. George H. Stager, Company F., Second Regiment, JY. G

44 muskets, T. A. Co., calibre .58. 44 bayonets. 37 tompions. 4 wipers. 5 screw drivers. 4 spring vises. 3 ball screws. 20 QUARTERMASTER GENERAL\S REPORT,

4 N. C. 0. swords. 4 N. C. 0. sword belts. 4 N. C. 0. sword belt plates. 44 cartridge boxes and plates. 45 cartridge box belts and plates. 41 bayonet scabbards. 39 waist belts. 41 waist belt plates. 41 cap pouches. 44 gun slings. ' 3 arm chests.

September 2G.

From J\^ewark, JY. ,/., beivg jound in an old store house in JSewark, and turned in by D. Wills, Esq.

24 muskets, cone in barrel, calibre .69. 19 bayonets. 1 musket barrel. 1 arm chest.

Ordnance and Ordnance Stores turned into the State Arsenal from sundry persons during the year ending October 31, 1872.

November 25, 1871.

From Rev. Elias Schenck, Brainard Institute.

48 muskets, cadet, calibre .58. 48 bayonets. 2 arm chests.

December 8, 1871.

From Hon. Isaac L. Fisher, JYcw Brunswick.

50 muskets, T. A. Co., calibre .53. 50 bayonets. 3 arm chests.

July G, 1872. From Uzal M. Osborn, Esq., Rahway,

1 3-inch Griffin gun. 1 gun carriage. 1 set of implements. QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S REPORT. 21

July G.

From Hon. David Buzzee, J\^iw Brunswick.

1 3-inch Griffin gun. 1 gun carriage. 1 set of implements.

July 8. From John H. Vemiette, Woodbridge.

112 pounder bronze gun. 1 gun carriage. 1 set of implements.

July 11.

From John Simerson, Esq., Warnn County.

1 3 inch Griffin gun. 1 gun carriage and limber. 1 set of implements. STATEMENT D.

Camp and Garrison Equipage issued to the J{atio7ial Guard, S. J\.

./., during the year ending October 31, 1872.

June 1, 1872.

To Colonel James M. Scovel, commanding Sixth Regiment, JV". G.

IT drums. 17 drum cases. 8 drum slings. 13 pairs of drum sticks. 17 pairs of drum stick carriages.'

July 1.

To Major Edward J\l. DuBois, commanding Fourth Battalion, JV. G.

6 drums. 6 drum cases. 6 drum slings. 6 pairs of drum sticks. '

July 2. To Lieutenant Ransford W. Vandenwort, Quarter7nasfer Second Regi. iment, JV. G.

4 hospital tents. 4 hospital tent flys. 4 sets of hospital tent poles. 100 common tents. 100 sets of common tent poles. 35 wall tents. 35 wall tent flys. 35 sets of tent poles. 1 storm flag. QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S REPORT. 23

20 spades. 20 axes and helves. 12 hatchets and handles. 12 picks and handles. 20 camp kettles. 20 mess pans. ISOO single notch tent pins. 500 double notch tent pins. .35 cases.

October 10.

To J\IaJor Edward Ji. DuBois, commanding Fourth Battalion, JV. G.

1 national silk color. 1 regimental silk color. 2 color bearers and sockets. STATEMENT E.

Ordnance and Ordnance Stores issued Jrom the State Arsenal to the JVational Guard, S. JV. J., upon their giving bonds according to law, during the year ending October 31, 1872.

240 muskets, T. A. Co., calibre .58. 102 muskets, S. A. Co., calibre .58. 342 bayonets. 342 tompions. 56 screw drivers. 56 wipers. 28 ball screws. 28 spring vises. 19 N. C. 0. swords. 19 N. C. 0. sword belts. 19 N. C. 0. sword belt plates. 20 artillery sabres. 20 artillery sabre belts. 20 artillery sabre belt plates. 467 cartridge l)oxes. 342 cartridge box plates. 192 cartridge box belts. 192 cartridge box belt plates. 467 bayonet scabbards. 50 bayonet scabbard frogs. 467 waist belts. 417 waist belt plates. 467 cap pouches. 342 gun slings. 20 arm chests. 1200 ball cartridges, E. B., calibre .58. 126 lbs. cannon powder. 105 cartridge bags, 3 inch. 125 friction primers. 10 Hotchkiss fuse shell, fixed. 35 Hotchkiss fuse shell, unfixed. 2 pendulum hausses. :


As follows

January 8, 1872.

•7o Captain R. C. Bdville, Company J}., Seventh Regiment.

50 bayonet scabbards. 50 cartridtre boxes. 50 waist belts. 50 bayonet scabbard frog;. 50 cap pouches.

March 2 S, 1S72.

To Colonel James J\l. Scovel, commanding Sixth Regiment, Ji\ G.

1000 ball cartridges, E. 13., calibre .58. 1 box of packing.

May 17.

To Copt. John C. Patterson. Company E. Third Battalion, J\ . G.

40 muskets, T. A. Co., cal. .58. 40 bayonets. 40 tompions. 8 wipers. 8 screw drivers. 4 spring vises. 4 ball screws. 4 X. C. O. swords. 4 X. C. 0. sword belts. 4 X. C. 0. sword belt plates. 40 cartridge boxes. 40 cartridge box plates. 40 cartridge box belts. 40 cartridge box belt plates. 40 bayonet scabbards. 40 waist belts. 40 waist belt plates. 40 cap pouches. 40 gun slings. 2 arm chests. May 23.

7o Capt. James A. Little, Ccmpany B, Third Regiment, JV. G.

50 muskets, T. A. Co.. cal. .58. 50 bayonets. 50 tompions. 26 QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S REPORT.

8 wipers. 8 screvr^ drivei's. 4 spring vises. 4 ball screws. 50 cartridge boxes. 50 cartridge box plates. 50 bayonet scabbards. 50 waist belts. 50 waist belt plates. 50 cap pouches. 50 gun slings. 3 arm chests.

June 1. To Major Jno. M. Cowell, Quarterinnstcr Second Brigade^ JV. G.

20 lbs. cannon powder. 20 cartridge bags, 3-inch. 25 friction primers.

August 8.

To Capt. Jacob Frantz, Jr., Company H, Third Regiment, JV. G.

50 muskets, T. A. Co., cal. .58. 50 bayonets. 50 tompions. 8 wipers. 8 screw drivers. 4 spring vises. 4 ball screws. 50 cartridge boxes. 50 cartridge box plates. 50 bayonet scabbards. 50 waist belts. 50 waist belt plates. 50 cap pouches. 50 gun slings. 3 arm chests.

August IT.

To Capt. Jacob W. Starr, Battery B, JY. G.

35 cartridges, each containing 1\ lbs. powder.

September 5.

To Col. A. W. Angel, Commanding Seventh lUgiment, JY. G.

200 ball cartridges, E. B., cal., .58. QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S REPORT. 27

September 6.

To Capt. W. H. Smith Company-' , Colored Infantry, JV. G.

52 muskets, S. A. Co., cal. .58. 52 bayonets. 52 tompions. 8 wipers. 8 screw drivers. 4 spring vises. 4 ball screws. 5 N. C. 0. swords. 5 N. C. 0. sword belts. 5 N. C. 0. sword belt plates. 52 cartridge boxes. 52 cartridge box plates. 52 cartridge box belts. 52 cartridge box belt plates. 52 bayonet scabbards. 52 waist belts. 52 waist belt plates. 52 cap pouches. 52 gun slings. 3 arm chests.

September 18.

To Captain M. Frabold, Company Ji.^ Fifth Regiment, JV. G.

12 cartridge boxes. 12 bayonet scabbards. 12 waist belts. 12 waist belt plates. 12 cap pouches.

September 18.

To Captain C. M. Taylor, Company C, Fifth Regiment, JV. G.

10 cartridge boxes. 10 bayonet [scabbards. 10 waist belts. 10 waist belt plates. 10 cap pouches.

September 1 8.

To Captain Albert. Gademan, Company D., Fifth Regiment, J\. G.


12 bayonet scabbards. 12 waist belts. 12 waist belt plates. 12 cap pouches.

September IS.

To Captain Edward Hoyt, Company E., Fifth Regiment, K. G.

10 cartridge boxes. 10 bayonet scabbards. 10 waist belts. 10 waist belt plates. 10 cap pouches.

September 18.

To Captain Abraham Jenkinson, Company F., Fifth Regiinenf. A". G.

10 cartridge boxes. 10 bayonet scabbards. 10 waist belts. 10 waist belt plates. 10 cap pouches.

September IS.

To CaptainlWm. H. Meldrum, Company G., Fifth Regiment, JS"". G.

11 cartridge boxes. 11 bayonet scabbards. 11 waist belts. 11 waist belt plates. 11 cap pouches.

September 18.

To Captain Charles A. Knorr, Company II, Fifth Regimeet, JV. G'

10 cartridge boxes. 10 bayonet scabbards. 10 waist belts. 10 waist bolt plates. 10 cap pouches.

October 24.

To Captain George Kahlert, Battery A, A". G.

20 artillery sabres. 20 artillery sabre belts and plates. QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S REPORT. 2D

October 29.

To Captain Robert Hampton, Company — , Colored Infantry, JV. G.

50 muskets, S. A. Co., calibre .58. 50 ba3'oncta. 50 tompions. 8 wipers. 8 screw drivers. 4 spring vises. 4 ball screws. 5 N. C. 0. swords. 5 X. C. O. sword belts. 5 N. C. 0. sword belt plates. 50 cartridge boxes. 50 cartridge box plates. 50 cartridge box belts. 50 cartridge box belt plates. 50 bayonet scabbards. 50 waist belts. 50 waist belt plates.

50 cap pouches. , 50 gun slings. 3 arm chests.

June 12.

To Captain Wm. P. Cox, Company B, Second Battalion, First Brigade, JST. G.

50 muskets, T. A. Co., calibre .58. 50 bayonets, 50 tompions. 8 wipers. 8 screw drivers. 4 spring vises. 4 ball screws. 5 N. C. 0. swords. 5 N. C. 0. sword belts. 5 N. C. 0. sword belt plates. 50 cartridge boxes. 50 cartridge box plates. 50 cartridge box belts. 50 cartridge box belt plates. 50 bayonet scabbards. 50 waist belts. 50 waist belt plates. 50 cap pouches. 30 QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S REPORT.

50 gun slings. 8 arm chests.

July 27. To Captain Edumrd D. Mandeville, Company F, Third Reg't, JY. G.

50 muskets, T. A. Co., calibre .58. 50 bayonets. 50 tompions. 8 wipers. 8 screw drivers. 4 spring vises. 4 ball screws. 50 cartridge boxes. 50 cartridge box plates. 50 bayonet scabbards. 50 waist belts. 50 waist belt plates. 50 cap pouches. 50 gun slings. 3 arm chest§.

August 7. To Captain Jacob W. Starr, Battery B, JV. G.

50 cartridges, each containing l^ pounds of powder. 10 Hotchkiss fuse shell, fixed. ' 35 Hotchkiss fuse shell, unfixed. 100 friction primers. 2 pendulum hau5S3S.

Ordnance and Ordnance Stores issued Jrom State Arsenal to sundry persons, during the year ending October 31st, 1872.

November 11, 1871. To Hon. Isaac L. Fisher, JVcw Brunswick.

50 muskets, T. A. Co., calibre .58. 50 bayonets. 3 arm chests.

December 4, 1871. To John G. Vose, Esq., Montrose Military Academy, South Orange,

30 muskets, cadet, calibre .58. 30 bayonets. QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S REPORT. 31

30 touipions. 8 wipers. 8 screw drivers. 4 spring vises. 4 ball screws. 4 N. C. 0. swords. 4 N. C. O. sword belts. 4 N. C. 0. belt plates. 30 cartridge boxes. 30 cartridge box plates. 30 cartridge box belts. 30 cartridge box belt plates. 30 bayonet scabbards. 30 waist belts. 30 waist belt plates. 30 cap pouches. 30 gun slings. 2 arm chests.

December 29, 1871.

To Major J. G. Bento7j, U. S. A., ComcVg Springfield Armory^ Mass.

1 musket, T. A. Co., calibre .58. 1 musket, C. P. F. A. Co., calibre .58. 1 musket, S, A. Co., calibre .58. 1 case.

April 5, 1872.

To Cot. Wm. R. Murphy, Supervisor of JVeio Jersey State Prison.

10 pistol holsters. 1(^ pistol holster belts and plates. 1000 pistol caps.

July 1. To John Simerson, County Clerk of Warren County.

1 3 inch Griffin gun. 1 gun carriage and limber. 1 set of implements.

July 1.

To Hon. David Buzzee, Alderman of the City of A'^ew Brunswick.

1 3 inch Griffin gun. 1 gun carriage. 32 QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S REPORT.

1 set of implements.

July 1. To Uzal M. Osborn, Esq., Rahway.

1 3 inch Griffin gun. 1 gun carriage. 1 set of implements.

July 1.

To John H. Fennel tc, Eiq., Woodbridge.

112 pounder bronze gun. 1 gun carriage. 1 set of implements.

August 8.

To Col. Wni. R. Marphy, Supervisor of JYew Jersey Stale Prison.

1000 ball cartridges, E. B., calibre .58. 1 box packing. STATEMENT F.

The following ammunition was expended in firing salutes on the iQth day of January, 1872, in honor of inauguration of His Excel- lency Joel Parker, Governor of the State.

30 pounds of powder. 16 friction primers. 15 cartridge bags. U QUARTERMASTER GENERAL'S REPORT.

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