Diurnal Lemur Inventory in Vohimana, Madagascar Practical training, third year BSc Tropical Forestry March-August 2005 Man And The Environment Larenstein University of Professional Education 1st version, 19th September 2005 2nd version, 04 January 2006 S.A. Westra Catharijnstraat 137 6822 CC, Arnhem
[email protected] Netherlands
[email protected] Diurnal Lemur Inventory in Vohimana, Madagascar Practical training, third year BSc Tropical Forestry March-August 2005 Man And The Environment Larenstein University of Professional Education 1st version, 19th September 2005 2nd version, 04 January 2006 S.A. Westra Catharijnstraat 137 6822 CC, Arnhem
[email protected] The Netherlands
[email protected] Practical training Sil westra, march – august 2005 ___________________________________________________________________________ Abstract From March to August 2005 a diurnal lemur inventory commissioned by the NGO Man And The Environment, or MATE, was conducted in one of their management sites Vohimana, just east of resérve spéciale d’Analamazoatra in Madagascar. MATE is working on a project in Vohimana to restore the currently broken corridor of the eastern rainforest belt and until now there has not been any research on abundance and populations of lemurs in the remaining pocket of forest. With a group of three students and with help of local guides the presence and abundance of lemur species were estimated using the line-transect method. Four existing forest trails with various lengths and leading through a variety of vegetation types, including degraded forest and eucalyptus plantation, were flagged with 50 meter intervals and their positions were pinpointed with a Global Positioning System. Thereafter these transect trails were surveyed regularly with groups of two people looking for animals and gathering as much data as possible.