Magazine devoted to military history, uniformology and war equipment since the Ancient Era until the 20th century Publishing Director: Bruno Mugnai Redational Staff: Anthony J. Jones; Andrew Tzavaras; Luca S. Cristini. Collaborators: András K. Molnár; Ciro Paoletti; Riccardo Caimmi; Paolo Coturri; Adriana Vannini, Chun L. Wang; Mario Venturi; Christian Monteleone; Andrea Rossi. Cover: Sonia Zanat; Silvia Orso. * * * Scientific Committee: John Gooch; Peter H. Wilson; Bruce Vandervort; Frederick C. Schneid; Tóth Ferenc; Chris Stockings; Guilherme d'Andrea Frota; Krisztof Kubiak; Jean Nicolas Corvisier; Erwin A. Schmidl; Franco Cardini. #9–2016 PUBLISHER’S NOTE None of images or text of our book may be reproduced in any format without the expressed written permission of publisher. The publisher remains to disposition of the possible having right for all the doubtful sources images or not identifies. Each issue Euro 3,90; Subscription to 11 issues Euro 40,00. Subscriptions through the Magazine website: or through Soldiershop ,by Luca S. Cristini, via Padre Davide 8, Zanica (BG). Original illustrations are on sale. Please contact:
[email protected] © 2016 Bruno Mugnai HaU_009_ENG - Web Magazine - ISSN not required. Contents: Warriors and Warfare of the Han Dynasty (part three) Chun L. Wang Four Centuries of Italian Armours (12 th -15 th century) (part two) Mario Venturi French Ensigns of the Late-Renaissance (part one) Aldo Ziggioto and Andrea Rossi The Venetian Army and Navy in the Ottoman War of 1684-99 (part nine) Bruno Mugnai The Austrian Light Infantry, 1792-1801 (part two) Paolo Coturri and Bruno Mugnai Forgotten Fronts of WWI: the Balkans, 1916 (part two) Oleg Airapetov Book Reviews The Best on the Net Dear Friend, Dear Reader! The Issue 9 is an important turning point for our magazine.