Common Councilman Thomas Button addresses Summit's tax situation. See page five. Summit Herald ...Summit's only real newspaper

Vol.95 No. 3 Saturday, August 20,1983 Price: 25' In the Mayor Lovett's parking vote news not accepted by council By PEG THURLER INTERIM PARKING Planning Board, to be completed by Nov. SUMMIT — Mayor Jim Lovett at- ORDINANCE II 1. The area to be studied is along Broad Overlook tempted to cast a tie-breaking vote at the IS INTRODUCED Street west of the fire house. Overlook Hospital will offer a four- Common Council meeting Tuesday even- With the final legal vote firmly ...Authorized the city treasurer to part basic cardiac life support (CPR) ing that would have ensured passage of established as 3-3 on the July 19 action, negotiate for the leasing and/or purchas- course open to anyone over the age of 14. the interim parking ordinance, which had council voted to introduce Interim Park- ing of a micro computer for the finance Classes will take place on Sept. 13, 15, 20 gone down to 'defeat a month earlier ing Ordinance II with a public hearing set department. and 21 from 7 to 10:30 p.m. because of a 3-3 tie. for Sept. 7. It was listed on the evening's ...Welcomed Carol Slane of Auburn, Participants will learn one and two man Lovett rose from the audience during agenda as an ordinance to "amend the Calif., who has been participating in the CPR, infant and child CPR and the open part of the council meeting and zoning ordinance re CBD (Central United States Ladies Amateur Open Golf obstructed airway techniques for both asked to record his vote in favor of the or- Business District) building expansion and Tournament at the Canoe Brook Country adults and children. Those who suc- dinance. The ordinance would have plac- parking requirements." Club. Slane, introduced by Coun- cessfully complete the course will receive ed parking-related restrictions on any A change in the new ordinance involves cilwoman Helen Huber, with whom she is an American Heart Association certifica- Central Business District renovation or provision for off-street parking for any staying during the tournament, shot a 165 tion card. reconstruction that involved increase in building increasing its gross floor area. It for 36 holes, and did not survive the latest cut of the competition. There is a $25 fee for the course for the gross floor area. The restriction would stipulates that a commitment of not less general public. The cost to members of a last for one year. than 25 years for the provision of off- street parking be made. The parking must ...Listened to members of the audience rescue squad, police or fire department is He cited a state law that he interpreted describe the recent Summit Taxpayers $10. Early registration is suggested to mean that "the Mayor must vote if the be within 1,500 feet of any point on the perimeter of the CBD. Association public forum on tax reassess- because the class size is limited to the first governing body shall fail to adopt an or- ment. Lenore Ford and David Rau both 25 registrants. dinance by reason of a tie vote." Lovett Councilman Donald Nelson explained urged council to sponsor a similar meeting Interested persons may call 522-2365, had attached a copy of the law to a letter the new wording for this re-introduction to "give the entire town an opportunity to for further information. he had sent to City Clerk David Hughes of the ordinance, and the change from 50 express its concerns and views on the sub- after the July 19 tie vote. down to 25 years for the parking commit- ject." However, Council President, Dr. Mur- ment. The one year duration of the or- Council President Ross replied that ray Ross replied to Lovett that "we can- dinance would give council time to study some type of meeting will be held in the Reunion not accept your vote on advice of our the parking situation, and to address the fall. Councilman Thomas Button had counsel, Russell Kerby." opinion of some council members that Members of Ihe Summit High School there is too much development of office made a similar suggestion at the Monday City Attorney Kerby stated after the evening executive session, noting that ,' ' : • "!•- .jt" AT V"irtin Dyke class of 1963 will celebrate their 20th reu-' council meeting that he had based his space in the downtown area. nion the weekend of Oct. 14, 15 and 16. there is a need for more understanding of engineer ' t Henri Vougle engineer Vernotico o pro|ect manager with decision on one clause in the state statute. Members of the public and of the local the tax picture. Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, prepared a six-page outline which the subcommittee used in this inspection. Friday at 8 p.m. there will be a casual The statute authorizes a mayor to vote in business community will have a chance to gathering at the Italian-American Club. certain cases, "unless otherwise provided He has prepared the resulting recommendations for consideration by the full technical team.(Photo by c express -their opinions at the hearing on Gil Owren also praised the STA Baldwin White) During the home football game on Satur- by law." Kerby noted that the city charter Sept. 7 at City Hall, at council's next meeting on taxes, which was held at Cen- day, everyone will meet for a tailgate pic- says "no ordinance can be passed unless a regular meeting. It is slated for a Wednes- tral Presbyterian Church on Aug. 10. nic in the parking lot of Oratory School. majority of Common Council members day because of the Labor Day holiday. "The people left the meeting with new That evening there wili be a dinner dance vote for it." IN OTHER COUNCIL facts," he noted, and urged that the same at the Holiday Inn in Springfield. SCRUTINY AIMS AT ACTION format be used if council sponsors such a If anyone has any information on the ROSS'S VOTE ...Approved the leasing of the De- forum. Train station status addresses of classmates, call 522-0905 or ON ORDINANCE Forest-Summit Avenue parking lot to the write to: Class of 1963 Reunion, 59 President Ross informed council Suburban Chamber of Commerce in Owren spoke on the need for a broader Oakland Place, Summit, N.J., 07901. based group to become involved in solv- members at the Monday evening executive order to "improve parking efficiency in ing the parking problems of Summit. He session that he had received comments the downtown area." agreed with what Councilman Ed Otocka regarding a possible conflict of interest in ...Approved the spending of $20,000 to said some time ago, that Summit doesn't under examination his negative vote. provide reconstruction and modifications have a parking problem, it has a problem Hartlaub Dr. Ross, an optometrist with offices at to the Park & Shop lots on DeForest with the administration of the parking. By C. BALDWIN WHITE In-coming mayor Robert Hartiaub 382 Springfield Ave. in the Bassett Avenue, including materials, supplies, Community involvement would give peo- Phase II of the study will deal with the stated recently that he will meet with local building, has Bassett Associates as his and work. ple a better understanding of such things SUMMIT — As part of the Phase I of practical and economic feasibility of the organizations throughout September and landlord. A spokesman for Bassett ...Introduced ordinance for an as how the park and shop lots work, and an overall study of the train station pro- various recommendations and suggestions Associates, Hugo Pfaltz, partner in the October to become "sensitive to the emergency appropriation of $25,000 to ~4 their advantages. - blem, the Engineering.Subcomittee of the that have been made over the past several public's needs." group, had spoken out against passage of hire special cpnsultants for the updating technical analysis team of the city- years. the parking ordinance at the July 19 '• "It is a public information job," he "It's a non-political thing," he said. "I of the 1978 master plan in order to con- noted. sponsored station options review group Earlier this year it become apparent want the public to get to know me." public hearing. form to the planning laws of the state. last week made a physical examination of from a 3500-signature petition and letters- Hartlaub further stated that he was Kerby, however, said that "any conflict The hearing is set for Sept. 7. Councilman Thomas Kelsey replied the 78-vear-old structure. to-the-editor, that many residents of Sum- confident of having a good working rela- is extremely remote." Ross noted that he ...Introduced an ordinance authorizing that an effort is underway to improve the mit were opposed to the large building tionship with Common Council. has been a month to month tenant for leasing of certain assigned spaces in "signage" downtown, to simplify it. He The purpose of the trip was to deter- concept and the parking and traffic pro- many years. Kerby expressed the feeling municipal parking lot and along the 200 mine the minimum renovations required also noted that there will always be a to make the building presentable, safe, blems, which would accompany the high- that a ruling of conflict of interest might alley and 400 alley. The hearing is set for "certain fluidity to the parking situa- rise office complex proposed by the Col- discourage competent people from serv- Sept. 7. and hopefully, less subject to the loiter- tion." The change of seasons and the ing, vandalism and other abuses of the lins Development Corp. Ma Bell ing the city and that any challenge would ...Passed a resolution requesting that a As a result of this expression of opi- have little chance for success. nature of the downtown area all generate past. blight investigation study be made by the change at times. nion, and because what is done in the sta- Having trouble placing a call? The The Engineering Subcommittee's fin- lingering strike by workers of 1 tion area is so vital to the future of the dings and recommendations will be character of downtown Summit, Com- Bell makes it nearly impossible to place an presented to architect Al Bol of Union operator-assisted call. Just as hard is try- mon Council issued an appeal late in June ing to reach information. and local builder Eric Dunnder, and for interested residents willing to serve on subsequently, in early September, the full a Station Options Committee. Fifty-seven New Jersey Bell services more than The Summit technical team will review the input from persons responded with approximately 35 three million subscribers. these professionals. attending the first meeting in City Hall on newly-emptied booth without missing a The recommendations concerning some July 20. After a briefing on the history of beat. Through it all he smiles and jokes minor use changes and renovations and the station problem by Councilmen Housing with the customers, greeting most of them minor restoration along with cost Thomas Kelsey and Ed Otocka, those pre- by their first names. estimates from Bol and Dunnder, will sent were divided into two groups accor- ding to their expertise and preference to Common Council passed a resolution When he finally gets a moment to talk, then be presented to the operations team at its Aug. 16 meeting in support of the who will establish the costs to operate the provide their assistance in Phase II, which he is overly polite in a European sort of is scheduled to begin in late September. Housing Authority's efforts to complete way. "You hungry? Want something to "renovated" station concept. the senior citizen housing project on eat? Are you sure? Have something. No? Chestnut Avenue. Come on. Please, I insist. Don't you eat? The resolution urged the secretary of Are you sure?" the United States' department of housing Although they have been an American and urban development to grant a total institution for years, , like drive-in development cost waiver for the Summit movie theaters, are near extinction. Pay Committee recommends Senior Citizen Housing Project. felevision and corporate- owned fast food Chains have literally taken over the marketplace. But Greberis works on, 50 cent parking rate pblivious to it all. Outstanding J Born in 1926 on Andros Island in Greece, Greberis came to the United Three Summit residents were recently States in 1950 with his best friend, Con- for Saturday use selected for inclusion in the 1983 edition torousis. An anchor tattoo on his right of the Outstanding Young Men of forearm remains as a reminder of the six America awards publication, By PEG THURLER ding their cards to friends who in turn use years he spent in the Greek Navy and SUMMIT — In order to alleviate the it to enter through the gate. Arthur T. Vanderbilt of 21 Rowan • Merchant Marines, a time in which he Road, Daniel Edward Rauch of 62 Linden parking crunch in the downtown area, the Unauthorized parking, notes the com- learned and polished his trade as the com- parking committee has recommended mittee, would result in a fine of $50. It is Place, and Joseph R. Jelinski of 10 pany chef. Sheridan Road, were selected to the opening up all levels of the tiered parking planned to charge special fees for certain publication based on their service to the "I've always cooked. It's my job and I garage on Saturdays at 50 cents for all parking spaces by the garage and in the community, professional leadership, love it. It's all I know how to do," said day. alleys between Springfield and DeForest academic achievement, business advance- Greberis through a heavy Greek accent. The gate system would have to be Avenue. Commercially registered delivery ment, cultural accomplishments, and civic Upon arrving in America, Greberis and changed, Committee Chairman Ken vehicles would have access to a limited and political participation. Contorousis immediately purchased their DeRoberts told Common Council at its numoer of alley spaces und spaces on the first diner, located in East Orange. Five executive session last Monday evening, to ground level by the garage, at $300 per The men published in the publication years later, Greberis made another big year. were selected from nominations recevied admit leaseholders with their cards, or move. shoppers with their 50 cents. from senators, congressmen, governors, Any vacant spaces in the alleys mayors, state legislators, university and THE SUMMIT DINER, circo 1909, locoted on the corner of Summit Avenue and Union Place, has been own- While at a Greek wedding in Brooklyn, The proposed change would be ex- ed by John Greberis and George Contorousis since 1964. (Photo by Joe Suorez) Greberis met and soon married his wife of perimental, and would start with the new available for rent, not rented by commer- college presidents and deans as well a! cially registered delivery vehicles, may be various civic groups. 28 years, Dorothy. Then, at Greberis' lease year on Nov. 1. wedding, Contorousis met and fell in love There would be no assigned spaces, and leased to anyone for any use at $600 per with Dorothy's sister, Georgia. In an in- the whole garage would be available on a year. An American Institution teresting twist, the Greek partners went first come first served basis every Satur- DeRoberts told council that input from from being best friends to being relatives. day. DeRoberls predicts that an or- a parking survey and from a public hear-" Orientation In 1964, the two sold the diner in East ing on parking needs and utilization of the ByJOEGALLO mahogany and the windows are covered dinance will be introduced by council in Summit High School will host an orien- with cheap Colonial curtains. The floor is Orange and purchased the one in Summit. September to implement this and other tiered garage was limited. tation for incoming sophomores on Wed. SUMMIT—It's lunch time and as you checkered with freshly waxed black and Although the partners have had enough changes recommended by the committee "The audience at the July 19 hearing Sept. 7. round the corner at Summit Avenue and white tiles. On one side of the diner is a fortune to build another diner in to make the garage a more useful and pro- was small but there were quality Union Place you become engulfed by the row of booths decorated in green imita- Freehold, they express no interest in ever ductive part of the dowtown scene. remarks," he noted. The session will begin at 9 a.m. in the tantalizing aroma of hamburgers and giving up their local landmark in Summit. auditorium with Principal Dr. Donald R tion leather upholstery. On the other side Subscribers who go .n and out of their He said the committee hopes to get onions frying on an open grill. "I really enjoy this business," Greberis 1 Geddis introducing members of the staff is a long black counter done in expensive parking spots severa times a day need more responses from lease holders who The smell is corning from the Summit Italian marble. Bolted in front of it are a said. "That's why I got into it. I like see- assigned space. Therefore, the first level and reviewing the day's schedule Diner, which is filled with businessmen, ing and being around people all day long. received survey sheets to fill out. Students will then meet all assigned string of silver waist-high stools. above ground would be leased on an Results that have come in so far in- secretaries, truck drivers and families out When I go on vacation, I can't wait to gel assigned basis at $45 per month, per classes on a shortened schedule. During for a quick bite to eat. Adorning a wall in the far corner is a back. I get lonely. dicate that security is the major concern the day they will participate in an orienta picture of the homeland of co-owners space. There arc 83 spaces on that level. of the users of the garage. Space tion dealing with schedules, school Built in 1909 in a factory owned by the John Greberis and George Contorousis. "I like this city too. Everybody here The remaining rentals would be leased availability is also a concern, as is gate policies and the locations of various areas Mahoney Company of Elizabeth, the Underneath it in proud, bold letters is the knows me and I know almost everybody on an unassigned basis, oversubscribed by operation, cleanliness, elevator use and in the building. Dismissal will occur a Summit Diner remains intact in its word Greece. that comes in here. Nineteen years is a 20 percent at $30 per month, per space. personal safety. Most responses approved 11:50 a.m. original form, looking much like the hun- Behind the counter, in the midst of it very long time." This would apply to parking Monday Saturday operation as an all-day coin, dreds of other similiar diners .scattered Greberis, who works at the job he loves through Friday, with the street level re- School will open for all students, grade. across the country in small towns all, stands Greberis — a perpetual ball of lot/park and shon facility. 10 to 12, onMon.,Sepl. 12, at 8:15 a.m. energy. His tan dress shirt and green dou- seven days a week, is a walking example maininit as metered, two hour parking. everywhere. ble knit slacks are covered by a stained of a poor boy who made good. And he NEW PARK-AND-SHOP Inside, the walls are made of thick body-length white apron. He looks like has no intention to call it quits either. ANT1-PASSBACK SYSTEM LOT PLANS ADVANCE the kind of boss who just got plain tired "Retire? I don't know. I think I'll just IS NEEDED DeRoberts reported on the plan to eon- of supervising and decided to do things slow down. I'll never retire," Greberis The gate system would be upgraded to vert the Summit and DeForest Avenue allow for an anti-passback system. This Sllh«rrinfir>ne his way. said. lot. Bids were scheduled to be awarded One minute he is filling a bowl with And with that he gulps down his coffee system prohibits an individual's this week for the eciuipment to convert the SUMMIT PUBLIC LIBHAHV soup. The next he is punching out a check and heads back behind the counter, to get numbered card from being used to enter lot from metered parking to park-and- CH 07107 on the cash register. In a flash, he fills up ready for the dinnertime crowd. A dying until the card has been used for an exit. shop. Fquipinem should be delivered by 7b MAPLK ST. the ice chest, serves a customer on the far American institution? For Greberis, the Evidently, some lease holders have heen mid-September when conversion work end of the counter, and cleans off a Summit Diner lives on. parking their cars, coniinp. out and han- will beuin. 07901 SUMMIT N.J. news Tin- Summl, Herald/Saturday, August 20,1983/Page 2 "Wrong-way Corrigan" driver collides with oncoming traffic

On AupAn,. . 1Id0 NancMnn.-yv JaaI a,-,.hi . l.oekwoocI ,vU».,ll receiver.~ dI a sum- buu..t . the.•-—.--n backe• d• up, creating ^on of I-aslon, Pa., was driv- mons for driving ihe wrong Bridgewater, was struck in ending up in shrubbery own- a second mishap. Stopped on Maple Street on Aug. 11 John Nies of Maplewood, ing fits! un Broad Slreet near way on a one-way street behind the truck was a Public the rear by a car driven by ed by Douglas Motors. collided when one swerved the* ci(y line in a one way sec- RENTAL TRUCK Margaret Whalen of New Nichols received a summons sideswiped the truck as he 1 Service Electric & Gas Co. into Ihe other. Eugene Garb tried to avoid a car coming at lion ol Ihe road. A driver HITS RAILROAD vehicle operated by Edward Providence. Wieschenberb for driving without proper of Chatham, was driving in a »lio lolil police lie "didn'l was taken lo the hospital credentials. him from the opposite direc- OVERPASS Lerner of Roseland. lane next to Virginia Click of tion near Bank Street. He know" ihe siieel was one Residents along Passaic following the incident. Wet pavement caused a car Berkeley Heights. The Glick \v;i\, collided \\\\\\ ihe .lacoh- Lerner told police he RAINSTORM CON- told police it lurned out lo be Avenue heard a familiar sounded his horn lo aleri the to skid on Hobart Avenue on vehicle swerved to avoid a son vehicle head on as he TRIBUTES a "tighl fit," as space ran [Peg goes scraping sound al the backing vehicle in front of Aug. 11, striking another vehicle making a left lurn, out. drove west. railroad bridge spanning TO ACCIDENTS vehicle during a heavy striking the side of the Garb him, but a collision occurred. • Two cars started up when Wilmer i ockuood ol their street on Aug. 10, as yet Kaiser received a summons Weather conditions may rainstorm. Nancy Olcott of car. have contributed to a one car the light turned green at Mnnislown, originally was another vehicle failed to heed for backing up in the street. Los Angeles, Calif., driving DOUBLE PARKING public driving east on Spiinpficld I he "low bridge" warning accident on Aug. II al Ihe a car owned by Mary Olcott Ashwood Avenue and Mor- A second rear end collision corner of Morris Avenue and FOR DELIVERY ris Avenue, both traveling Avenue. Ihen lurned around and jammed its roof against happened on Aug. 9 after of 1 Lorraine Road, slowed An International truck, al Cleveland Place lo come- the span. Weaver Streei. Drew Nichols down to avoid a jogger. east on Morris. One driven two cars had been stopped in double parked on by Mary Barliromo of Irv- back and make a mm lie Thomas Kaiser of North of 2 Weaver St., lost control A car driven by Kathleen missed. Thai made him a traffic on Springfield Avenue of his vehicle as he attempted Beechwood Road, and ington, veered into a car Plainfield, driving a Iruck between Harrison Court and Moriarty of Bethlehem, Pa., belonging to Kristen driven by Robert Seyfarth of wrong-way diiver, and his owned by Car Rentals of to turn left into Weaver from which was directly behind it, vehicle collided with Jacob- Oakley Avenue. Morris. The vehicle, on wet Distributing Co. of New Providence, and a colli- Piscataway, nol only scraped A car driven by Nona skidded and struck the Olcott Elizabeth, was struck by a sion occurred. ByPKGTHURLER head - $25 for both dogs and son's. the truck on the overpass, road, went over the curb, car. Wieschenberb of knocking down a sign and vehicle trying to maneuver The annual spring planting cats. Two cars traveling south On Aug. 12 Roy David of. of trees by the city got lost in around it on AUR. 9. Plainfield, was driving east The vaccinations are pro the shuffle this year—the vided and paid for by the city on Franklin Place after pull- shuffling of the Park and ing out of a parking space. A only when the Summit Shade Tree Department in Animal League has agreed in vehicle driven by Raymond wilh the Public Works A year of growth for Renwick and Summit YMCA Carroll of 2 Hillside Ave. remove the animal to a Departmenl. Trees worth shelter for boarding, ;u turned left from Summit $5,000 were planned, but tees, she has chosen goals the Avenue on to Franklin Place SAL's expense. the volunteer who may interest in women's groups. budget cuts trimmed the Summit YW will pursue. transfer to paid employment- and collided with Ihe David figure to $3,600. Councilwomen Helen Renwick, who served as Ex- She'd like to help women's vehicle. David reported that Huber, in recommending ihe and structuring volunteer groups in the area to work The planting program has ecutive Director of the jobs to meet changing needs Carroll was traveling at a adjustment of the fees, told Westficld and Bayonne together in a "women help- high rate of speed and then been re-scheduled for this council there is "no other of women, ing women network." departed the scene following fall, according to City place to send the poor YWCAs before coming to This is an area of par- Summit, knows that good Among her dreams include a the accident. Engineer Carl Bressan, under animals." Certain shelters in ticular concern to Renwick- Mothers' Support Group, the supervision of Forest organization is an essential Carroll told police he Ihe area are not willing lo she started her YW affilia- possibly run fro the YWCA, Technician Andy Godek and take on the cily's pound first step. She is thrilled to be tion as a volunteer for the swerved to avoid the David working in Summit. "This is and employment counselling department foreman Wylie work, others have fees just as Cleveland YWCA in 1966. for women. car but was unsuccessful. He Clark. a city that cares about itself then continued on to the steep as the new ones at the "I learned many of the skills Renwick recognizes the Clark staled that the trees Summit Dog and Cai and is willing to work. The I use as Executive Director as Pace Buick parking lot ap- volunteers here are luxury of dreaming while still proximately 250 to 300 feet being cut down this summer Hospital. a volunteer," she notes. She maintaining both feet on the were done so for specific marvelous-they know how also taught art and was a away to avoid blocking traf- Summit Animal League to get things done in a most n mber ground-working for change. fic. reasons (such as being dead « of the Cleveland or having roots that heaved President Violet Carter professional way. They ac- YWs Southland Branch stated that (he fees paid by complish so much." As the ihe sidewalks dangerously). Board of Directors, on the A mere $3,600 isn't going to her group are also slated lo Executive Director it's ex- Public Affairs Committee, rise. tremely important to know Canoe, car stolen nearly cover the cost of and headed the membership replacements to fill the gaps Tighter enforcement of the that you're not alone in what drive. By 1968 she was Presi- local licensing laws would you're trying to do. At this left around town, especially dent of the Branch and in Ihe Village Green area. generate more income to off- YW there's so much support- Chairman of an area low in- set the fee increases. The city -so many people care.'' The most glaring gap is the come housing committee. in break-ins space in front of Ihe Post Of- hired people to check on dog Included in Renwick's Renwick also ran a decen- fice. Empty rectangles along license compliance this spr- long-range goals is maximiz- tralized women's group in a Thieves got away with a Springfield Avenue wail for ing, but no one inquired of local church. sion of a lawn mower that cat owners whether their pels ing the volunteer experience; canoe and a car this past had been taken from a something sturdy and green offering better training for Today she continues her were licensed. SUMMIT — Since Shirley These include new pro- week, stolen from private residence in Summit. The thai will withstand the Renwick became Executive is also planning more educa- property during separate in- theft was initially reported in bumps from the bumpers of Deputy City Clerk Ellen grams for women and teens tion programs on health in- Merritt reports lhal 1441 dog Director of Ihe Summit area with special needs including cidents. July. hacking vehicles. YWCA a year ago this mon- cluding classes on diet, stress A canoe was stolen from a licenses were issued for 1983 minorities; women who are management, alcohol and GAS STATION and only 375 cat licenses. Ac- th, it's been a year ol growth, single parents; victims of Increase in mail barn located*on Woodland HOLDUP tobacco abuse, and teen Avenue. The break-in was Brace yourselves, all dog counting for six cat new directions, and plain domestic violence; and An employee of a local gas and cat owners, rising costs hard work. pregnancy. reported on Aug. 14, when duplicates and 28 dog license women with special employ- "We want to look at the station was preparing to will soon hit you in the duplicates, the figures still in- "My greatest accomplish- ment needs. The YWCA's load cited the owners returned to their special needs of Summit and home. close on Sun., Aug. 13 pocketbook. Common dicate that this is not a true menl this first year has been physical education program surrounding communities," around 3 p.m. As he stood in Council introduced an or- picture of the local pet developing plans and struc- now serves the needs of both ByJOEGALLO A 1978 Ford Bronco was the back of the office, coun- dinance at its Aug. 16 said Renwick. "We especial- taken from the parking lot of population. ture to enable the Summit employed women and ly want to focus on needs Springfield, Mass., stated ting the day's receipts, an meeting thai would raise the YW to move forward with homemakers in addition to SUMMIT-The mail load that the post office has been a local restaurant on Aug. unseen intruder came up cost of a dog license from $5 A dog census is required that aren't being met by handled by the Summit Post 14. The theft was reported at yearly by state law, and it new programs 10 reach a those with special needs such other groups." looking for a new, larger behind him, told him not to to $7, and the cat license broader community," Ren- as ihe handicapped, preg- Office is up a full one percent building in this area. 9:30 p.m. when a customer lurn around, and threatened from $4.50 to $6. A public might encourage cat owner wick said. nant, and arthritic. The YW Together with the over last year's figure, accor- "We still don't have the emerged from the building to that he had a knife. He hearing is scheduled for Sept. compliance of the census YWCA's working commit- ding to Mike Williams, sec- kind of system here that I find the vehicle missing. demanded money, and taker also checked out the cat tional center would like," he said. "Our TWO ARRESTS FOR escaped with an undisclosed population at the annual visit manager/postmaster. The rising costs involve to each home in town. Galbraith tabbed facilities aren't big enough. POSSESSION OF amount of cash. higher fees slated to be paid The mail load, which is We've been looking for a STOLEN PROPERTY Old Guard member Ken measured by weight, has The field house at to the Summit Dog and Cat board member new building for three years John T. Grant, 30, of 37 Memorial Field was entered Hospital for its services as Johnston will exhibit his been on a steady rise over the now.". Laurel Avenue, Maplewood, watercolor paintings from last few years. during the night of Aug. 10. the city pound. Council pass- The Board of Governors Initially plans were made was arrested on Aug. 12 for Thieves broke a window in ed a resolution establishing Oct. 1 through Nov. 30at the of the Newark Academy "The biggest increase has to re-locate the post office in possession of stolen proper- Investor's Savings Bank at been in the amount of ex- the building, and made off the following fees to be Alumni Association has New Providence, but the idea ty. Grant was arrested initial- with a small amount of cash. charged to the city starting the Short Hills Mall. RESTAURANT elected John C. Galbraith of press mail we handle," was rejected by the ly by Millburn police as being Johnston, owner of a spor- Summit as a member. Williams said. "People are a suspicious person. Illegal entry was made into Providing a warm and intimate atmosphere, borough's Planning Board. a home on Edgewood Road •Maintenance (daily ting goods store on Spr- Galbraith is in group sales finding out that Ihe service is "Now it's back to the Subsequently a wallet was ingfield Avenue for many Our renown chef "John Passucci" blends his European cheap and it's good." found in his possession that on Aug. 11 by using the board) - $7 for dogs, $5.50 at the Prudential Insurance drawing board," Williams homeowner's ladder to gain for cats. years, has found a rewarding and A meriran Restaurant experience to please Company. * Williams also stated thai had been reported stolen said. "We have to wait until access to the second floor. •Euthanasia - $15 for talent to occupy his retire- the most critical palate. the increase in postage costs an economic analysis is done from someone at Overlook Thieves cut a screen, opened ment years. has had no affect on the Hospital. A hearing is dogs, $10 for cats. Serving; Regional Italian Cuisine in this area before we can the window, and climbed in- •Distemper or feline vac- amount of mail flow. look again." scheduled for Aug. 31 in to the upstairs room while Window of the week, if with an accent en Veal S Seafood Dishes EARN Municipal Court. cination - $10 for dogs, $10 you like bears, is the "Hand- "We've experienced no In early September the owners were in the house. for cats. LIVE MAINE LOBSTER IS THE ORDER OF THE DAV decreases because this area Williams said the post office Peter Mayes, 23, of 6 Per- Silverware was reported maids" display on Maple on a whole has been grow- •Monthly disposal service Street. Animals, pictures, Catering:A Private- Room is Available We Also Provide Banqw $3000- plans to host an open house. rin St., Chatham, was ar- stolen following the break- ing," he said. - $55 for both dogs and cats. even bags "bear" the motif s for Outside Parti* "We just want to let the rested on Aug. 11 for posses- in. •Rabies examination of Williams, who recently people know what goes on of Ihe furry fellows! $6000+ returned to his post after lr Parking jaRell behind the counter. We want spending five months on a them to know that their mail MONTHLY developmental assignment in is in good hands." Exciting raw Multi-Level Scholarships awarded by council Food Company tatting national sales records. byPEGTHURLER Five receive scholarships Gregory Davis, also a son NO EXPERIENCE or Watchung West to year at Trenton State Col- SUMMIT - Scholarships The John B. Sayre of Lt. and Mrs. Davis, at- lege. SELLING NECCESSARYI to children of local police of- Scholarship is given in tends Syracuse University as 295 Springfield Ave. For FREE INCOME OP- acquire Copper Springs ficers and a traffic control recognition of retired police a business major entering his PORTUNITY KIT call 201- award to Summit's police chief Sayre's contribution to fourth year. Jacqueline Horn, daughter Berkeley Heights 635-7300 or write Future department, highlighted law enforcement during the of Sgt. and Mrs. George In September, Watchung slump period and turned it Michael Haley, son of Sgt. Horn, attends Kean College 464-3367 Foods, Box 327. 52 River West Associates will acquire into one of the most popular Tuesday evening's Common many years he served Sum- and Mrs. Robert Haley, is an Council meeting. mit. As secretary-treasurer of with a major in interior Road. Chatham. N.J. Copper Springs Beach and and successful clubs in the education maior in hs third design as a sophomore. 07928 Tennis Club as an expansion Morris County area. He Deputy police chief Mario the Sayre Foundation, of Watchung Tennis Club. plans the same revitalization Formichella accepted a pla- Russell Kerby witnessed the Charlie Gentile, owner of with Copper Springs, main- que on behalf of the police awarding of student college Watchung Tennis Club, taining and operating it as a department from the N.J. scholarships to five children Fund distributes $13,600 brought the club through a recreation center State Safety Council. Of the of Summit police officers. 321 police departments in the Cheryl Brick, daughter of state, Summit was one of 12 Patrolman and Mrs. Ray- AREA - The Indepen- Fund of New Jersey is one of that received the award, mond Brick, is a third year dent College Fund of New 3» state and regional associa- given for outstanding Jersey (part of the Indepen- tions that work through the accounting student at dent College Funds of achievement in management Fairleigh Dickinson, Independent College Funds and traffic control for 1982. America) recently announced Madison. a distribution of $13,600 of America to channel finan- Out of 59 possible points. Damn Davis attends cial support to independent Summit received 48.25, only from the UPS Foundation Brigham Young University, Endowment Fund to 16 col- higher education. 4.35 below the top score. and is a fourth year engineer- There are 51 men in the Sum- leges and universities in New ing student. His parents are Jersey. The colleges and univer- IS NOW mit police department. Lt. and Mrs. Lonnie Davis. sities benefiting from this This is the ninth annual year s distribution include distribution from the fund. Bloomfieid College TWICE AS BIG & Since the program began Caldwell College, Centenary more than $54,000 has been College, College of Saint 10 TIMES AS GOOD! Julius Oksenhorn received by the ICFNJ. Elizabeth, Drew University insurance The total cash distribution Fairleigh Dickinson Univer- FEATURING: The "Maggie Burger"—A Giant, One-half BUYS YOUR... from the fund, which this sity, Felician College Pound. Freshly Ground, Select 100% Beef year amounts to approx- Georgian Court College' corner imately $500,000, is being Burger Served-up on a Hard Roll with Crisp Monmouth Colege' made to 589 member colleges French Fries, Creamy Cole Slaw and a DIAMONDS Ralph Lee Princeton University, Rider Kosher Pickle $3.95 across the nation. THe UPS College, Sainl Peter's Col- Foundation, supported Choose from 20 Delectable Toppings to Transform Your Prtdou/ /tone/ The Maben Agency lege, Seton Hall University 'Maggie Burger" into a Creation Limited Only by Your primarily by grants from Stevens Institute of Imagination and Your Appetite. United Parcel Service, is one Technology, Upsala College of the largest contributors to and Westminster Choir Col- Old Qold-Silrer HONESTY INSURANCE the national ICFA program. lege. You would never hire someone you thought you couldn't The Independent College trust. But you don't want to be caught by surprise, either, when an employee succumbs to temptation for whatever ESTATE SALES reason, causing a heavy financial loss. That's why business and now and then owners buy fidelity bonds, sometimes referred to as We Buy and Sell Old Gold "honesty Insurance." he sells Silver, Jewelry, Antiques With a fidelity bond you are protected against financial HWIM,MOT,-SAT. .11:30-MIDMOST losses due to theft, embezzlement, and other dishonest or WE DISCOUNT NEW Highest Prices Paid fraudulent acts by employees. Three parties are involved: Watches, Clocks, Gifts, Jewelry MAGGIE'S PUB * RESTAURANT the bonded employee, the surely company that pays losses AT THE LIVINGSTON MALI. Immediate Payment If the bond Is broken, and you, as the employer who pur- BULOVA • CARAVELLE • PULSAR (UPPER LEVEL) bank references chases the bond. PRIVATE OUTSIDE ENTRANCE wholesale - retail Fidelity bonds can cover a single named employee; Yinia^e pucket and wrist watches several employees listed by name; employees occupying lully reconditioned and guaranteed. appraisals specific positions; or all the employees In a firm. The expense Involved in arranging for fidelity bonds is WATCH & CLOCK REPAIRS We do in-home appraisals lor your convenience minor compared to the losses you might suddenly be faced Done on the Premises and safety. Call lor an appointment. with because you had no protection from this risk. This is worth discussing with your Independent Insurance agent. 300Millburn Avenue, Millburn, N J (201)379-1595 DAVIES & COX This information has been brought lo you as a public service by Open '0AMIO530PM Mon JThurs eves IO8 30. 7A Beechwood Rd. Mon thru Sal SPENCER M. MAiEN, INC' 490 Morns Avenue, Summit. N J Summit 273-4274 273-1900 Your one-stop answer io complete insurance protection 9:30 to 5:30 social The Summit Herald/Saturday, August 20, 1983/Pase 3 Terry Triolo and Who gets scholarships

John Carlini marry (This is the second in a series ment and financial need. lege's 5,500 part-time of three articles on financial Of the 75 kinds of Union students. The amount varies, aid programs available to County College scholarships, and is awarded to students college students.) one of the major categories is who have shown scholastic the Union College Founda- ability, and have high moral ARKA — Scholarships: tion Scholarships. Each year character. which students receive them, the college awards 15, two- Many local business firms what kinds are available and year scholarships to Union and private individuals how much financial aid do County high school seniors donate scholarships to tXT they provide? who have achieved high students. Among the grants Frequently, interested academic records or who are the following: American students do not realize the have excelled in a particular Association of University amount of aid available in field and will be Women; Doris K. Wolf this financial aid category, matriculating full-time. The Memorial; Arthur Johnson according to Lester Bigg of scholarships cover the cost of Memorial; Margaret Hanson Scotch Plains, assistant tuition and fees up to $1,600 Memorial; New Jersey Bell; director of financial aid at for two years. Professor F. Swackhamer Union County College. As Another type of Founda- Memorial; Christine Collins numerous "outside" tion Scholarship is available Memorial; Buddy Conn scholarships can be utilized for part-time students. These Memorial; Bristol-Myers; to pay for all or part of a col- awards are for those who Brownell/Gardner lege education. Union Coun- have financial need and show Memorial; Edward T. Pear- ty College offers 75 scholar- academic progress. The son Memorial; Heyman ships annually, according to amounts vary with funding Manufacturing Company; Bigg. availability. Newcombe Foundation; Jack Zissel; Bell The awarding of scholar- Intercollegiate Athletic Laboratories; Sears ships is generally based on Scholarships are given to Roebuck; American Legion merit, or on a combination full-time students in financial Post 212; Ecodyne Corpora- of merit and financial need. need who seek participation tion; Mobil Chemical; Na- Scholarships are gifts of in athletics and who have tional Starch; and Shirley money, which do not require academic potential. Tuition, Rallies Memorial. repayment. fees and possible related ex- Garden State Scholarships penses are covered by these Many companies and (GSS) are for full-time scholarships. firms in the community have students who have been New Alumni Association made cash awards available MR. AND MRS. GREGG SIEFERT MRS THOMAS HOUK Jersey residents for at least Scholarships are awarded to to students in the UCC 12 months prior to receiving part-time students. In addi- technical and health pro- the award and who have tion, part-time students can grams. Patricia Craig marries demonstrated above-average obtain scholarships under the Gaye Leonard weds academic achievement in sponsored part-time For additional informa- Gregg Sief ert high school and on category. These are for tion on scholarships, loans, Thomas Houk Scholastic Aptitude Tests students who have financial grants, or rederal college "Kb. .JWI'ARL'M (SAT). The students must need. The scholarships are work-study program, contact have financial need and must usually renewable. the Union County College Patricia Ann Craig, Best man was hugene Con- Miss Gaye Ann Leonard graduate of the MBA pro- matriculate in a curriculum. daughter of Mrs. Jean R. ese. Ushers included Robb Dr. and Mrs. John V. companied by Gary Triolo. gram at Southern Methodist Two merit scholarships for financial aid office, 276- Triolo of Summit have an- Music for the reception was and Mr. Thomas Michael At Union County College, part-time matriculating 2600, ext. 401, or write to Craig of Cranford, married Siefert, brother of the Houk were united in mar- University. the scholarships can range up Gregg Jonathan Siefert, son groom, John Stella and nounced the marriage of provided by many profes- The couple will make their students are awarded by Union County College, 1033 their daughter, Terry sional musicians, friends of riage Aug. 20th at Lake to $500 per year and are UCC's part-time Student Springfield Ave. Cranford, of Dr. and Mrs. Frederick E. David Brown. Highlands United Methodist home in Dallas after a honey- renewable based on con- Siefert of Riverside, Conn., JoAnne, to John L. Carlini, Mr. Carlini. Among them moon cruise to the Carib- government Association, the N.J., 07016, Attention: Stu- Miss Craig attended Get- Church, Dallas, Texas. tinued scholastic achieve- dent Financial Aid Center. on June 11 at the Saint John tysburg Colege and New son of Mrs. Phyllis Carlini of were: Donald Slepian of bean. governing body for the col- the Baptist School Chapel in Summit. Summit; Michael Marr and The bride is the daughter York University and is a of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin L. Mendham. member of the Tri Sigma They were joined in mar- Greg Bottilotto, who also riage on Sat., July 23 at the were ushers; Nat Mugavero Leonard (formerly of Sum- The Rev. Richard Gilbert, Sorority. mit) of Dallas, Texas. uncle of the bride, officiated home of her parents by of Boston; and Marty Con- Mr. Siefert also attended furious of New York City. Parents of the groom are Mr. the ceremony. Gettysburg College and Mayor James Lovett of Sum- mit. Miss Triolo is a graduate and Mrs. Donald R. Houk of Maid of honor was Fairleigh Dickinson Univer- Peoria, III. The double ring Ruthann Gilbert, cousin of sity. He is a member of the The bride wore her in music from the University mother's bridal gown of of California, Santa Cruz. ceremony was performed by the bride. Bridesmaids in- Phi Kappa Psi fraternity. the Rev. Byron Myrick and cluded Beth Siefert, sister of The couple, who spent candlelite satin and carried a Mr. Carlini is a graduate Fall bouquet of roses and the Rev. Virgil Leonard, the groom, Barbara Carbone their honeymoon in Ber- of Berklee College of Music, grandfather of the bride. and Tracey Fitzpatrick. muda, reside in Summit. stephanotis. Matron of Boston, and the Navy School honor was Dianne Renford of Music. He is currently Mrs. Vicki Ellen of Laytonville, Calif. music director of the con- Sutherland of Powhatan, Bridesmaids were Susan tinential division of Va., served as her sister's Triolo of Pelham, Mass., Icecapades. matron of honor. Mr. Steven Donald Houk served as best istration Raffle for 1984 Kathleen Triolo of Paramus, Many out of state guests sisters of the bride, Elizabeth were members of the bride's man. Ushering were Rex Maher of Buffalo, N.Y. and family including: Mrs. Anne Leonard and Greg Meyer. Monica Levin of New York Winkworth of Newport The bride is a graduate of Mercedes Benz City. Emily Triolo, niece of News, Va.; Mrs. Marilyn North Texas State University the bride was ring bearer. where she was a member of A 1984 Mercedes Baby Marti and sons, Craig and I—S.A.T.—i Saint Barnabas Medical J.J. of Lawrenceville, Ga.; Delta Zeta Sorority. The Benz is the grand prize of a Center's Intensive Care Peter Carlini served as his PSAT Snail croups brother's best man. Michael John C. and Debbrah Triolo groom is a graduate of Texas raffle being held by Saint Unit's new computerized pa- Christian Uniyiisiw, and a Barnabas Development Marr of Orlando, Florida and daughters, Emily and tient monitor system. Elana of Boone," N.C.; Foundation. The raffle is be- The 1984 Baby Benz, and Greg Bouilotto of Guaranteed Results ing held in conjunction with Boston served as ushers. Robert and Virginia Triolo Mercedes' newest model and sons, Matthew and Peter It's a girl college Night seminars the Board of Trustees' 9th valued at $24,000, will be one Miss Lucille Garguilo sang Annual Saint Barnabas Golf the "Our Father" accom- of Yardley, Penn.; and Gary Mr. and Mrs. James G. Locations in Summit * of the first delivered to the Triolo of Winchester, Va. Open. USA. panied by Mrs. Phylls Carlini Cowan of Belmar, announce Madison Tickets can be purchased The winner will not need and her sister, Miss Marion The newlyweds will travel the birth of a second for $100 each beginning to be present at the raffle to Mansfield. They also played with the Icecapades daughter, Alexis Rose, on August 1st. There will be a win. The drawing will be a selection of music from throughout the United States Aug. 16. EDUCATIONAL total of four hundred shares Thurs., Oct. 6 at the 9th An- Bach. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Se- and Canada. The show opens The baby's paternal grand- SERVICES CENTER sold. Monies are to benefit nual SBMC open Awards queira of Berkeley Heights in Bakersfield, Calif, on parents are Mr. and Mrs. Dinner at Mountain Ridge sang the "Ave Maria" ac- Aug. 24. James D. Cowan of Summit. —472-1167—J SHOP AT YOUR LOCAL Country Club, West MERCHANTS-They sup- Caldwell. port you by advertising in For more information on Is your child trapped your local newspapers, the SBMC Open and/or Sex: Tonic for the heart church club and sports automobile raffle, call Ms. in a FAILURE CHAIN? bulletins; by donating money Patricia Darvie at the Saint AREA — Sexual activity is "The amount of energy Is he underachieving • Is it a battle to do homework and prizes throughout the titude is also critical in shap- Barnabas Development relatively safe, and also expended is little more than it ing the patient's attitude • does he understand what he reads • Is there a per- year. Foundation, 325-6520. desirable, following a heart takes to walk leisurely up two ceptual difficulty • does he lack confidence • toward return to work, is he frustrated...distracted...bored? attack, according to Carl J. flights of stairs, or to stroll return to socializing, and Schwartz, M.D., of Roselle, around the block. But ex- return to sexuality. individual testing helps pinpoint needs. Then certified teachers president-elect of the tramarital sex can be "Satisfactory sex," Dr. provide individualized instruction at rales affordable to ail Obituaries American Heart Association, something else, posing some Schwartz said, "seems to be Let us help improve your child's phonics, word attack skills, Metropolitan Chapter. distress and danger," Dr. a key to progress in spelling, reading comprehension, writing, study skills, malh "Many people strongly Schwartz said. rehabilitation following skills, or prepare for the SAT, SSAT or Co-op believe the harmful myth Numerous drugs can alter Frederick Mandeville heart attacks. Call/or A" consultation 994-2900 that having sex imposes an sex life by reducing desire or "When sex resumes, it is Frederick Mandeville, 80, Surviving are one son, enormous stress on the energy levels, he said. safe to predict the individual college of Barnstable, Mass., and Frederick of Colonia; three heart," said Dr. Schwartz. "Often the patient is com- will return to work and to THELWRNNGCENTB? Sarasota, Fla., died recently daughters, Martha Various studies show a 20 forted when told the drug is socializing. In the wake of a in Tobey Hospital in Mandeville and Deborah to 50 percent reduction in the culprit, not his masculini- return to sex, depression Wareham, Mass. Thomas of Houma, La., and frequency of sexual inter- ty," Dr. Schwartz said. usually clears up and the pa- course in men who have had A long time Summit resi- Beatrice Rieser of Bedford, Mental depression can also tient's self-esteem returns. It dent, he worked for Dun & N.Y.; and seven grand- heart attacks, he continues. is one of nature's finest GERMAN INSTRUCTION Indeed, about one-quarter of inhibit or lessen capacity. Bradstreet. He served in children. Sexual counseling can lead to tonics." England during WWII. Also, Services will be held today men never resume sex after Saturday morning classes their heart attacks. earlier resumption of sexual Pre-schpol children through adults Even though you'll be away at he was a member of the at 11:30 a.m. at the activity which can improve school, we can bring you a little Holland Society and the Woodlawn Cemetary in New He cited studies indicating the marital relationship and Deutsche Sprachschule Beacon Hill Tennis Club. York. that a drop in sexual activity boost the patient's self- Tell us what closer to home. We'll keep you The Mandeville's were often precedes the heart at- confidence. of Central New Jersey, Inc. up to date on all the local news, among the early Dutch set- tack, leading some resear- you think, tlers in New York in 1647. Margaret chers to conjecture that sex- Physical activity or recon- write a letter P.O. Box 185, Middlesex, N.J. 08846 what's happening around your His father and grandfather ual disability may trigger ditioning can be a great help, to the editor. is accepting registrations Saturday, town, what friends and class- practiced medicine in some disease-producing fac- he added. The spouse's at- mates are doing... all the things Newark. Townley tors that lead to heart at- Sept. 10 & 17 from 9:30 a.m. to noon tacks. that's of a special interest just Margaret Stevens A careful physiologically John E. Riley School to you! Plan now to take us along Townley, 84, a former resi- monitored study of 14 ELEGANT Morris Avenue, South Plainfield with you . . . wherever you go. F. Anthony dent of Summit, died Aug. husbands and wives in- WEDDING 10 at the Valley Nursing dicated that sexual activity in For more info, call: Order you subscription to your PHOTOGRAPHY hometown newspaper soon! Cabibi HomeinWestwood. middle-aged married people by 782-3552, 889-4927, 464-5841 (Evenings) A housewife, her husband, is not strenuous. award winning Services were held recently Richard, died in 1978. photographers for F. Anthony Cabibi, 49, Surviving are a daughter, FREE BLACKS WHITE ENGAGEMENT College Rate $10.00 who died Aug. 7 in Boca Margaret Steeber of Rich- Stand tall PHOTO WITH THIS AD (Sept. thru May) Raton, Fla. mond, Va.; two sons, R, MOUNT ST. JOHN Wade Townley of San Diego, NAME • He was a former Summil Calif., and E, S. Townley of with the e resident, Dayton, Ohio; nine grand- ACADEMY ADDRESS Surviving are his wife, Rita 540 Springfield Ave.. Berkeley Heights, N J children; and one great Mosle Rd., Gladstone, N.J. 07934 CITY ' M. Cabibi; his parents, John grandchild. moonrakers 665-2089 and Virginia Cabibi; two PLACEMENT/ STATE sons, Frank and Bradford; SUMMIT - Area OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY ZIP members and interested SCHOLARSHIP TEST three daughters, Leslie Ann, Sat. Nov. 5,1983 BILL: Karen and Cheryl Snow; and residents are reminded that one grandchild. Helen the monthly meeting of the 11 am-2:30pm Contributions can be made N.J. Moonrakers Tall Club Going Abroad? OPEN HOUSE lo the Jacques Cousleau Kanouse will take place on Sept. 12, Sat. Sept. 24,1983 Society, Foundation for Oct. 10, Nov. 14 and Dec. Sat., Oct. 15,1983 Fill Out This Handy Order Christian Living, or the Services were held recently 12, and every second Mon- Colored Passport Sat., Nov. 19,1983 Form For Your Subscription American Heart and Lung for Helen Kanouse, 93, of day of the month at the 1-3 pm Assoicalion. Heath Village in Hackett- Meadowlands Hilton, 2 Har- siown who died Aug. 12. mon Plaza, Secaucjus. Photos A fully accredited day and residence school for A Subscription To Your Hometown A concert .pianist, she Heights requirements for in 5 minutes girls, grades 7-12, offering college prep and Newspaper Makes A Great Gift! moved to Hackettstown 15 men is 6-2; for women, 5-10 general courses, honor studies, computer pro- James Hyde years ago from Summit. She and over. The fee is $2 for gram, A.P. courses, cultural enrichment and was a member of the Music members and $3 for guests. I.D. Photos VISA Photos sports programs, excellent teacher/student Word has been received of Study Club of Summit, the Social and meeting hour is ratio, moderate tuition, 125-acre country campus the death af James Hyde, 57, Hackettstown Woman's from 8 to 10 p.m. with busing for day students to most local areas. a long time resident of Sum- Club and the Warren County Established in 1926 by the Sisters of St. John the For further information By Appointment 80 SOUTH ST., NEW PROVIDENCE mit, who died recently at Chapter of the D.A. R. about the club, call Anne at Baptist, the Academy accepts all applications N.E. Deaconess Hospital in N.J. 07974 Surviving are a daughter, 664-7756, Harriet at 488- on a non-discriminatory basis. 464-1025 Boston, Mass. Mrs. Henry [>. Richardson 5761, or Bill at 212-225-8793, WEISSMAN 322-5714 A complete obituary of Hilton Head, S.C.; five or write to: N.J. FOR BROCHURE OR INFORMATION CALL: notice will appear in a future grandchildren; and five t>reai Moonrakers, P.O. Box .171, 234-1074 or 234-0640 issue. grandchildren. Montvalc, N.J.,07645. The Summit I li i.ild'Salunl,iy, August 20, 1983/Page 4

••PHOIOGRAI'lll'••«" Pet ( O. General Manavet. II'WIIIIW USIJOKS I>,UILI,,< /„/,„„, /.,,,,

77/t SCOREBOMin - 1 ,mlu Smith and Hom,ra «,«»»„, /,,„/, USGA Women's Amateur Golf Championship

Photos bv hhirv Ann Welsh

l.USCH PLUS OrHCIAl. HI s/.vt.w - Marjorie Brown with her sister-in-law Sue R'iw:\ \lar\hul.

Michelle Ann Mictuinnwk:. ol Ouktntmt C.C., (lukmont. Pu Eye on SCORES — Mrs. / Mr. A. Ijlwartl Uiehwiml (Mr. ft BUS Sajnnn ( li,nr- ntjiil with R,la t.awlnr, allot Summit. Summit

"PHOTOGRAPH/R'S SUBJECTS, Sully Quiitliin. lisns River G.C.. Yarmouth. Ma. andRhtiimtR. Slime!;. C humnan ofthel.vmt.ofvhalluim

I editorial The Summit Herald Saturday, August 20,1983/Page 5 Councilman Button enlightens Summit taxpayers

The amount to be raised for the city's Using charts and illustrations in his there were 282 sales ol residential proper- cond is the budget, i.e., the amount of speech at the Summit Taxpayers Associa- CHART 1 money to be raised by taxation. portion increased $74,000 from ty and the ratio was 41.88. During that $4,103,000 in 1982, while expenditures in tion Aug. 10 public meeting, Common same period there were 15 commercial From Chart I you can see we have much Councilman Thomas Button enlightened 1982 VALUE % OF 1983 VALUE % OF CHANGE higher percentage of value in the residen- the budget are expected to increase by 14 sales with a ratio of 54.62. In other words, percent, the city's non-tax revenues con- and reassured the public regarding recent based on this ratio a house assessed at CLASS (000) TOTAL (000) TOTAL (%) tial properties compared to the other lax reassessments. Here arc excerpts from VACANT LAND $5, 655 1.5 $13,799 1.3 -13 classes. The vacant land is especially in- tinue in an excellent growth pattern, $100,000 would sell for $183,083. Under which required only a small 1.8 percent Button's speech with accompanying these numbers the commercial property is PRESIDENTIAL 259, 226 68.5 811,943 76.5 + 12 teresting since the value of vacant land charts he used to illustrate his presenta- APARTMENT 24, 626 6.5 58,338 5.5 -15 has decreased slightly from the 1969 increase in tax revenues with no increase paying more than its fair share of proper- in the tax rate. Surplus funds account for tion. ty taxes based on its assessed value. This COMMERCIAL/ valuation from 1.5 percent of the total to INDUSTRIAL 89,,26! 23.5 177,856 16.7 -29 the current 1.3 percent of the total. Most the large increase in revenues for 1983 Property taxes are based on property leads to another problem. Apparently The city has drawn down $2.9 million there are a group of lawyers in this state of the lots built upon during that period values, not on ability to pay. Not on ser- are residential. These developments and dollars of surplus in 1983 compared to on- vices received, but on values. If you and I who look for communities with low CHART II ly $2.5 million in 1982. Our remaining - equalization ratios and solicit clients with changes are shown in their new class in the start out with properties of equal value, 1983 valuation. surplus compared to our budget, and if my properly doubles in value and an offer of making a tax appeal with a TAXES TO %OF TAXES TO % OF however, remains about the same percen- your property does not change, then my contingent fee based on 50 percent of the RAISED TOTAL RATE BE RAISED TOTAL RATE tage. In 1983 the city expects to gain ap- (axes should be double yours. reduction in taxes. Chart I indicates that residential pro- CITY $4,103 22 .39 $4,177 20 .39 perties increased by a factor of 3.13 times, proximately $300,000 in interest by in- Reassessments or revaluations are done to We had 15 appeals in 1981, nine in SCHOOL 9,967 53 .93 11,025 54 1.03 vesting the proceeds of the recent school ensure that property owrfers pay their fair vacant land by 2.44 times, apartments by 1982. COUNTY 4,858 25 .45 5,393 26 .50 2.37 and commercial/industrial by 1.99 bond issue until the funds are expended share of taxes on the same standard of Without reassessment we would con- for school repairs. value. $18,928 100 1.77 $20,595 100 1.92 times, thus residential properties have tinue to have these appeals in ever increas- been allocated a greater share of the tax Beginning in 1979 and up through the ing numbers and shift the burden to the burden based on their new values. When analyzing the small increase in spring of 1980, the Union County Board local, residential property owner. CHART III To analyze at impact, Chart II shows a tax revenues needed by the city, versus the of Taxation wrote to the City of Summit Once the city had decided to agree to breakdown of the 1982 taxes utilizing the increase for board of education, this in- three times concerning a revaluation. the Union County Board of Taxation's ASSESSED VALUE TAX RATE TAXES 1983 assessed value: ^^ vestment interesffiitist be taken into con- The reason for the County Board of suggestion, the next step was on how to 1982 Actual $40,000 4.94 $1,976 In order to illustrate thisyxample, let's sideration. In essence, the city is credited Taxation's concern was our low equaliza- proceed. 1983 BASED UPON 3.13 IN- with the revenue while the board of use a residential property that was assess- education's portion of the tax rate must tion ratio. The equalization ratio is based In 1969 the city conducted a total CREASE IN VALUE 125,200 1.77 2,216 ed at $40,000 in 1972. It would still have on the ratio of a sale price to the assessed revaluation and used Municipal Revalua- include the gross eosl of the principal and value. If a property assessed for 40,000 the same, assessment in 1982. If this pro- interest for the bond issue. tion, Inc. In a total revaluation the perty were reassessed at the average in- sold for 60,000 the sales ratio would be reassessing company is supposed to in- CHART V Overall, the amount to be raised for .66 or 40,000 over 60,000. The equaliza- spect and revalue every property in the crease (3.13 times), the new assessed value school purposes has increased. $1 million tion ratio results from combining the sales community. The revaluation done by 1983 1962 INCREASE 1983 1982* would be $125,200. The amount of taxes or 10.6 percent with a 10 cent increase in ratio of one year with the prior year's Municipal Revaluation, Inc., was con- (000) (000) (000) % RATE RATE INCREASE % would be in Chart III. the 1983 tax rate. This incrtist includes sales ratio. In 1979 our equalization rate tracted to be completed and to be effec- CITY $4,177 ]54,103 $74 1.8*70 .39 .39 0 - The resulting increase will be $240 due approximately $455,000 fat Debt service was 51.84 percent, in 1980 it was 45.52, in tive for 1971. However, they missed the SCHOOL 11,025 9,967 1,958 10.6 1.03 .93 .1010 to the shift in tax burden, or 12 percent. on the junior high and seniof high renova- 1981 it was 41.59, and in 1982 it was deadline and did not have it ready until COUNTY 5,393 4,858 535 11.0 .50 .45 .05 11 In summary, residential properties now tions. 37.06. In 1983, because of the revalua- 1972. A total revaluation must be bid. TOTAL $20,595 $18,928 $1,667 8.8 1.92 1.77 .15 8 assume a large portion of the tax burden tion, our rate is 100 percent. Under the Municipal Local Contracts than other classes of properties due to the Summit's portion of county taxes again higher appreciaton of residential proper- had the largest increase of the three The ratio was originally designed to Law unless the low bidder is grossly un- qualified, the low bidder must be given ties compared to commercial properties categories. In 1983, Saatnm's share in- allocate school aid to the municipalities residential and commercial appraising. tions and still could not solve the pro- during the 1970's. creased $535,000 or 11 percent over 1982, based upon value as it would be if all pro- the bid even the if the city has strong ques- tions about the ability of the low bidder to •The city's ability to use and update the blems. Chatham had virtually identical The second major impact that is involv- despite the fact that'the county's budget perty in the state was assessed in accor- property record cards. The certificate of houses next door to each other who had increased only 4 percent. This is a result dance with its current market values. deliver the services promised. ed in determining the new tax rate is in- occupancy program and an active con- been assessed at signifcantly different creased budgets. Using the 1983 tax rate of Summit's real estate values ap- That same method is used to determine After a number of discussions on the struction official's inspection program values. of $1.93 on the above example, the tax in- preciating more rapidly than in other a municipality's share of the cost of coun- positive and negative attributes of either meant a lot of work had already been •The reassessment approach would creases are shown on Chart IV. areas of the county. The rate for county ty government. Each municipality's pro- total revaluation or a reassessment, we done, in a total revaluation the revalua- save $50,000 to $60,000. Overall, the property owner will pay taxes has increased 5 points. portionate share is based on its equalized chose reassessment. The major reasons tion firm starts from scratch. There are two major impacts on the In summary, Summit's tax rate has in- value. were as follows: $428 additional in 1983,1240 results from •Our desire to avoid a problem like the 1983 tax rate. The first is the value of the the shift in tax burden and $188 for in- creased 13 points or 8.5 percent. The There was another problem with our •The city's ability to interview and one Chatham Borough had in 1975. The properties among which the amount of creased budgets. A detailed analysis is overall dollar increase is $1.6 million or sales ratio. Durina 1979 and early 1980, select very qualified experts in the field of low bidder received two one-year exten- money to be raised is spread, and the se- shown on Chart V. 8.8 percent over 1982. Interns to perform Artistic director to appear understudy matinees in O'Neill's 'Hughie'

"Hughie" by three-time Pulitzer Prize- Tiger Burning Bright," and in produc- While watching a performance of of the Roses: Henry VI will be performed on Sunday, Aug. 21, at 1:30 p.m.; Ed- winning playwright Eugene O'Neill, will tions Off-Broadway, in such regional Shakespeare's War of the Roses at the be performed by Paul Barry, artistic theatres as The Barter-theatre and the New Jersey Shakespeare Festival this ward IV on Sunday, Aug. 28 at 1:30 p.m.; and Richard III on Saturday, Sept. 3 at I director of the New Jersey Shakespeare New York and Oregon Shakespeare summer, one may wonder where the Festival, as part of the festival's ongoing Festivals, and in both television and film. almost 1,000 props came from, who p.m. Monday Night Special series on Monday, Festival audiences will remember Barry painted all those shields or how close to The understudy matinees, which are of- Aug. 22 at 7 pm. at Drew University in from such past performances as George in 400 costumes were built. A great deal of fered free to the public on a first-come, Madison. "Of Mice and Mer^'-and in the title role the work at the Shakespeare Festival is first-served basis are an important part of Written at the height of O'Neill's of "Cyrano De Bergerac" and "Timon of done by a group of approximately 50 men the interns' training and provide the literary powers, "Hughie" is set in the Athens." Festival veteran Don Perkins, and women who make up the intern sup- understudies with the opportunity to per- lobby of a shabby Times Square Hotel who was seen last year as the stage porting company. form. Audiences need not make advanced that "has given up all pretense of respec- manager in "Our Town" and is now This year's interns, who range in age reservations for the understudy matinees, tability." "Hughie" contains only two Buckingham in "War of the Roses," will from 18 to 52, have come to the festival but simply show up approximately a half characters: Erie Smith, a swaggering play Charlie. from across the country. The training hour before the performance becins. small-time horseplayer hustling a marginal existence, and the night dark, The Monday Night Special series will program includes interns who are study- The professional repertory production ing acting, technical theatre and theatre Charlie, who long ago gave up even feel- continue through Oct. 3. Upcoming per- of War of the Roses continues through ing despair. formances include: Craig Babcock, management. The interns, who work Sept. 18, running Tuesday through Friday every season for the festival for little or no The play is a microcosm that manages Mime; Ta Ra Ra Boom De Ay, An Old at 8 p.m., Saturday at 6 p.m. and 9:30 Time American Music Hal); Juliette Koka money, participate in classes as well as do p.m., and Sunday at 7 p.m. to suggest the entire Broadway crew work in all areas of theatre produc- macrocosm of cheap gamblers, dime Sings Piaf and Jose Molina Balles tion. Tickets are available by calling the Box crapshooters, two-dollar whores and Espanoles. ED KIELBLOCK shows off his peaches that ore delicious! Five generations have formed off Meyersville Rd Tickets to the single performance of Office at 377-4487 or by writing: Presently you can buy peaches, strawberries and raspberries. 'Photo by Phoebeoimsted) sleazy hangers-on. In "Hughie", O'Neill Acting interns who appear in small Shakespeare, Madison, N.J., 07940. Visa again wrote eloquently of pipe dreams "Hughie" and other Monday Night roles in the festival's professional major and MasterCard are accepted, and the courage that comes from illusion, Specials are available by calling the New productions also present one understudy The New Jersey Shakespeare Festival is creating what the New York Times called Jersey Shakespeare Festival Box Office at matinee of each play, professional (Actors' Equity) repertory a "compassionate, shattering character 377-4487 or by writing: Shakespeare, theatre in residence at Drew University in Local farms offer a study." Madison, N.J., 07940. Visa and Master- This year's understudy matinees begin Card are accepted. with the three parts of Shakespeare's War Madison. Barry, who will appear as Erie Smith, founded the New Jersey Shakespeare The New Jersey Shakespeare Festival is variety of produce Festival in 1963 and has staged most of its a professional (Actors' Equity) repertory 145 productions. He has appeared on theatre in residence at Drew University in Broadway in Joshua Loaan's "Tiger Madison. By PHOEBE OLMSTED hot spell has caused some corn from a new patch on There is something special problems with the vegetables Thursday. about a vine-ripened New and it is necessary to supply "This patch has excellent Jersey tomato. Local farms supplemental water to the flavor," he said. letters are now rewarding Chatham fruit. The quality of the pro- He revealed that the flavor Chatham Players to hold residents for tolerating "hot duce attests to the fact that of the corn is determined by house" imitations during the the techniques have been suc- the weather and the long hot At what price - the ticket blitz in Summit? winter months. Whether you cessful. spell has made flavor incon- like your Jersey tomato Shenandoah auditions maintenance people paid just to -walk One special feature that sistent. To the editor: broiled, baked, in a BLT, in Hillview Farms offers is a A journey toward Green I had to chuckle when I heard Summit through,town and pick up all the litter on a salad or just plain with salt, sidewalks, in the gutter, in the bushes in "pick-your-own." Skeeter Village will bring the hungry The Chatham Community Players have voice. Four to five women an, alto needed Sale Days advertised on the radio recent- you are in luck. Tomatoes Kielblock says that the farm shopper to Harrsch Farms. announce- the Broadway hit musical for background scenes. '*' ly. I thought it was a very nice broadcast and around our parking lots, etc. etc^ It's are ripe and they are ex- amazing when you really look around at may soon offer pick-your The parking lot is a visual Shenandoah as their opening show for the Jennifer Stock has been chosen as the and good publicity, but they should have cellent. Director/Choreographer for Shenan- honestly described Summit as "Ticket what an accumulation there is. own peaches. In the fall will delight with snapdragons, 1983-84 season. This is the time of the be cider, pumpkins and pick- marigolds and ageratum Shenandoah is the story of the Civil doah. She comes highly recommended Town, USA". The revenue coming into I have seen meter maids pass by with professional experience as a teacher, Summit from this extended "ticket blitz" discarded trash, piles, bottles, cans etc. bountiful harvest and many your-own apples and grapes. blooming along the road. War's effect on a close-knit Virginia fami- local markets are carrying ex- A sign on Southern There are also pots of mums ly during the early days of the war. choreographer and director in New York must be wonderful - but at what price and never use their 2-way communication and other areas of the country. these riches? system to call in an unsightly mess. I cellent fresh produce. There Boulevard says "fresh picked to remind us that fall and Musical highlights range from the rousing is, however, something corn and tomatoes." That is cool weather will be coming, "Raise the Flag of Dixie" and ''Next to Andrew Carl Wilk, well-known to area A large number of townspeople, shop- myself have personally called police and the municipal building to report and ask special about buying produce the farm of Andrew For- sometime. Lovin' I like fightin' " to lovely ballads theatergoers for his musical direction of pers, visitors, clients, patients and from the farmer who grows naro, whose family has been Inside the stand fresh corn such as "Violets and Silverbells" and Chatham Players and Overlook Musical customers have made their voices known for clean up in certain areas of town and they have been very helpful. it. There is a long tradition of farming his six-acre farm from New Vernon can be "Meditation." Theater productions, will serve as musical publically that the "meter maid" policy in farming in this area and purchased as well as a variety director for the production. Why must a concerned citizen report since 1908. Fornaro has Production dates for Shenandoah are Summit must be altered. You, the Summit several locations offer the recently had many offers to of fruits and vegetables. An Nov. 11 and 12 and Nov. 18 and 19 at So, come one and all, especially men, authorities who are responsible for meter these things? Isn't there one person that is opportunity to buy sell his property and he says added attraction here is the high school, college and older, to Shenan- maid hiring, are hurting the fine image of on the Summit payroll that could easily be Chatham High School. freshpicked, on-the-premise- with a smile, "I won't sell. I chance to buy both brown Auditions for Shenandoah, will be held doah auditions on Sept. II and 13 at the Summit by this too strong ticketing policy assigned to "Litter Patrol" in and around grown produce. and white fresh eggs. Fresh- the business district and parking areas? love what 1 am doing." The Sun., Sept. 11, from 2 to 5 p.m. and Chatham Players Playhouse. you have adopted. lovely vegetables at his stand cut flowers can be purchas- For more information on auditions, Hopefully this letter will reach the pro- One such location is Tues., Sept. 13, from 7:30 to 9 p.m. at the Summit meter maids have been well Hillview Farm on show the results of his loving ed, including gladiolas grown Chatham Players Playhouse, 23 Passaic contact Robert Lukasik at 635-1887 or trained to be there at the moment the red per authorities so that something con- efforts. on the premises. Marge Rohrbach at 635-9580 after 6 p.m. structive can be done to solve obvious Meyersville Road. The Ave., Chatham. flag goes up on a meter, and not to give Jus! a little father down "Men Wanted" is the cast call for on weekdays or anytime on weekends. one ounce of leniency to anyone who ob- problems in town such, as litter, and get Kielblock family has been Fornaro has constructed rid of rather obvious problems now being farming their 60 acres since an eight-foot fence around the road is a flat wheelbar- Shenandoah auditions. A minimum of 25 The Chatham Players will soon launch viously just ran into a store for change, is row filled with small baskets men (ages 1<> to 60) is needed for the pro- their annual membership drive. They need held up in a long line at the check out created by an over abundance of meter 1865 and they offer both his garden to keep out the maids. fresh vegetables and fruit. deer and woodchucks. Inside of produce. This is the stand duction. Even younger men, if they look the continuing support of a vital, active counter, or is kept a few moments longer of Mrs. Mucerino, and it is 16 years old, are encouraged to audition. membership to help them grow and main- than they anticipated at an attorney, doc- Just driving up to the farm is the fence the garden pro- I vote for a cleaner town and less str- a delight as the car passes duces corn, string beans, an example of what makes In addition, there are parts for two 12- tain their tradition of excellence in theater tor or dentist office, etc. etc. Most people ingent ticketing, how do the rest of you living in this area a real production. you will find do not intentionally over- along a narrow driveway lin- cucumbers, eggplant, year-old boy sopranos (one black and one citizens vote? ed with peach trees heavy tomatoes, squash and delight. She grows all of her whjte), a 19-year-old girl with a soprano Support them in their 62nd season and stay their parking meter time, but are Mrs. Betty Brauss produce herself and caught up in one of the above. with ripening fruit. The potatoes, which will be ready "country belt" voice and a 26-year-old "Let Them Entertain You" with Shenan- Berkeley Heights stand offers on-the-premise- to dig in a week. customers may stop and mature girl with an alto "country belt" doah, Deathtrap and Pirates of Penzance. I have seen meter maids many times grown peaches, raspberries, When asked how he would choose the basket that they walking in pairs through the town. Do we strawberries, sweet corn, be affected by the large foun- like, bag the products really need that much paid coverage and Thanks for the coverage green beans, broccoli, dation building going up next themselves and put the surveillance for our poor unsuspecting cucumbers, squash, peppers, to his farm, he said, "It will change in a cigar box. The 'Romantics' celebrated by parking meters? Personally. I'd rather see To the editor: tomatoes and lettuce. be great. More customers." Private enterprise lives and two or three less of them on the streets, Although the summer sharing Ed Kielblock said the long Fornaro started picking her beans are excellent! being replaced by two or three workshops are pas! history, we were very much aware of your support in com- Masterwork Foundation municating this program to the area residents. Many articles appeared in the Vivid tone colors, high emotionalism, sored by The Masterwork Music and Art The Summit HeralcT Summit Herald describing classes, pic- sentimentality, mystery, virtuosity - that Foundation. US Poslal Service Publication tiwmbei 525-700 tures of the teachers and general informa- Playhouse to host auditions was the "stock-in-trade" of the "Roman- The conductor will be Michael May, Second-class posLitje f'"11'1'fJe" p'0' ht1~nce' Nl1 tion about the July workshop series. tic" composer. Theirs was a style beloved who is well-known as a master of the ex- A member of New Jetsey Pifibs Annotation. Nit SUMMIT — Tryouts for the fall pro- Production dates for "Deathtrap" are by thousands of singers and listeners and pressive nuance that this style of music f Your repealed coverage was noticed Nov. 11 through 13 and 16 through 19. and appreciated by persons looking for a duction of The Playhouse Association by many of the greatest composers such as demands. Also appearing will be the will take place at the Playhouse on Wed. The cast consists of two women and three Schubert, Schumann, Dvorak, Borodin, distinguished New York pianist George slimmer learning program, the committee men. The producer is Gil Leigh at 201- (JO South Si NOW Pdwidence NJOr-QM ti, iho H responsible for assembling the classes and and Thurs,, Sept. 7 and 8 at 8 p.m. Gounod, Mascagni, Verdi and others. Bustin. Publication:-, The Playhouse is located at 10 New 273-3796. More information about the "Summer Helen Vance Publisher =itiir, . Cluef the Summit Area Community Council. The Romantic composers will be r n For your cooperation and protnotion EnglandI Ave. featured at a "Summer Sing" to be held Sings," which are held every Wednesday Jot QaliO, Editor The fall play will be "Deathtrap," a "Deathtrap" will be the 217 production night throughout the summer, may be ob- Pep'Thurlsr lMi*'l ("•• irrr-,;) ,'iiii-ni we want to thank you. of The Playhouse Association. Founded on Wednesday, Aug. 24, at 8 p.m. in the thriller in two acts written by Ira Levin. student center of the County College of tained by writing The Masterwork Music EdteTTowT ActWhSmnOKfiflfH Martha Waterhouse. chairman "Deathtrap" opened on Broadway Feb. in 1917, it is one of the oldest continuing and Art Foundation, 300 Mendham II depaitd I-I02S philanthropic theatre companies in the Morris, in Randolph Township. This will Leslie Kreuger, Publicity 26, J978. The Playhouse production will be the 12th in a series of 13 "Sintss" spon- Road, Morristown, N.J., or by calling Summer Sharing Workshops be directed bv Marshall Edwards. United States. 538-1860. I hi' Summit Herald, Thf Ni'w I'rmiih-iKv, Berkeley Hlighls Dispatch, The C lulli.ini PrewSiiliml.iv, August 2(), 1983/Pani' BOARD OF REALTORS

21 21 2T 21 21 21 PETRONE 21 21 21 21 21 AGENCY 21 21 21 21 berkeley Heights 21 21 VACATION AT HOME 21 21 21 As 21 Contemporary, redwood 1 His lovely home will keep you at riomo all summer Anthony in-ground pool, completely 21 21 fenced and surrounded nv lovely landscaping. Cathedral 21 Exclusive Local 21 ceiling in living room willi balcony overlooking the yard. 21 21 Balcony off breakfast area, three fireplaces, one in 21 Representative of 21 master bedroom, HUGE larnlly room with fireplace open- 21 ing to yard Must be seen' Now offered at a low price of 21 Sotheby Parke Bernet 21 $159,900. By appointment only, call eves: Lorraine Grleft 21 464-2867 21 International Realty Corporation 21 21 21 Berkeley Heighls 21 We Invite You To Visit 21 MUST SELL 21 that's avail 21 for sale 21 Want to walk to town, schools, shopping and com- Our Summit Office 21 21 Schlult muting? This lovely 4 bedroom split level may be (or you, 21 is a SWEEPING LAWNS..surround this spacious SUMMIT Center-Hall 21 Owners motivated and have just reduced the price. Liv- To See A Display Of Some nmrnbci of Raised Ranch set on large corner site with privacy. Ptenty of trees 21 ing room, formal dining room, eat-in kitchen, family 21 lor shady summers! Within walking distance lo park, tennis and room, full bath plus Z\v baths, much more. 21 over 1 .' mull i 21 Of The World's Finest Properties schools this fall! Open-front porch, secluded patio and rear porchl pie hsitnq ser 21 By appointment only, call eves: Lorraine Urietf, 464 2867 21 CENTRAL AIR cools the living and dining rooms, FAMILY ROOM,- vices m north 21 21 eat-in kitchen, MASTER SUITE, plus 3 other bedrooms. CEDAR diu! central 21 CLOSET, BUILT-IN BOOKCASES! ALUMINUM SIDED EXTERIOR 21 New Jersey 21 for carefree living. $154,900. (SUM272). Call 277-1770 for an ap- 21 Berkeley Heights RELOCATION 21 21 pointment. 21 SERVICE 21 NEW LISTING Schlot! 21 Come see this home in one ol the most wanted areas of 21 Realtors has 21 Berkeley Heights. Your children can walk to school from 21 Brown-Fowler, Realtors this lovely 4 bedroom, 2te bath, split level. It features a 2 one of Ihe 21 21 car garage and a private wooded backyard. Call for an ap- 7 DeForest Avenue 273-0400 mosl advanced 21 pointment, and be the first to see It. Asking $139,900. 21 relocation 21 Eves., Angela Tango, 464-9094. 21 departments m 21 21 the country As 21 21 a national 21 21 counseling (201)464-0475 21 21 cenler for na- REALTOR )0r relocation 21 21 services; we 21 INDEPENDENTLY OWNED 21 arp responsible PRESTIGE PLUS! This SUMMIT Colonial is located in an executive Ol C4 N C4 N CM CX C4 CM C* l C4 CM CM CM CM N CM OJ <* CSI N CM 04 fur a great ma- neighborhood! Very spacious with modern kitchen, PANELED jority of the GAME ROOM, DECK off kitchen lor entertaining and relaxing! The transferred 6 bedrooms lend to an overflow of guests and family. 1 bedroom is families wtio off the game room w/full bath and outside entrance. Tastefully have set I led m • decorated and cooled by CENTRAL AIR! Priced at $359,900. north and cen. ; SERVICES (SUM225). Call 277-1770 today for a private showing. CLASSIFIED Iral New Jersey. Help Wanted Help Wanted Work Wanted Antiques Services Services RECEPTIONIST PART TIME EXPERIENCED Offered Offered Good typist, ability to work with figures, NANCYHERMANCE' insurance agency in Summit, hours 9am TYPIST ANTIQUE BUYINO, to. I p.m. For interview, coli Susan ot PROFESSIONAL Will type your Resumes, Term Pnpers, CHATHAM SUMMIT SERVICE 273-6100. PARENTS Letters, Theses, Etc. under 10 pages HOMEOWNERS 361 Springfield Av< FOR OVER 25 YRS. 132 Main St some day service Reasonable rotes. Call RN's or LPN'S, 3 II Full lime or port Have you ever tried to get a plumber to your home just to 464-7709. Higher Prices - Immettirfle 6359600 277 1770 lime Moke geriatric nursing your special lix a leaky faucet? cash f;)i Jewelry. Futnr- ty. Orientation program New pay scale New program looking for Or an electrician to change a light switch? Very expen- luro. Stiver. Chin OVER40OFFICES KING JAMES NURSING HOME Calf Mrs married couples to provide sive right? WRONG. Now you can have expert quality Dyer, H22-1 500. 9-4 p m Dolls. Oriental KHJS P.' Brokers Protected leed apply. Summit Prompt service fJn job too small Serving CHATHAM BORO ing benefits Berkeley Heights 464 NJ07O41 equol"opporiunity employer. who realizes lhat challenges equal oppor 2director chairs, S15. 273 7310 HACHLIN & CO., Realtors, 27/ ;K)71 If no answer, 757 5-10? Overlook Hospital By owner 8 room plus finished attic * 3367 SECRETARY-ADMINISTRATION secretary tunity, ond that effort equals reward, DORMREfRIGRATOR -Sanyocube shape (201)622-7890. and vicinities, 24 Hour lo high school Vice Principal strong typing BRENNAN'S DAIRY don't let this opportunity pass. Give refrigrator. Ideal far college students Fx TRY I.K For giiift, award*, plagues, built ins-alum, siding |olowsied porchliv DATA ENTRY CLERK Individual needed to Home and Hospital and infer-personality skills required full . 47 Division Ave. ALICE o call ot 665-2100 engroving. Iwn.rut.onv ft( RYCO, V->8 room wMirepIc dm. room eat m kitchen enter lob data into the computer Monday cellent condition. Call 464-0086. time position Liberal benefits Starting Spnnqfieki A veins?, Bfrkley Heights Care den I plus 'J baths-free lined street fndny, 6PM 2AM or possible port time Summit, N J SYMBUSCOPR. FOR SALE • 5 piece stereo component Office Space salary approximately S10,500. Annual ALA 928U com to train plus school i? 29 500 within these hours Contact Jonice Gold ut BERKELEY HEIGHTS, NJ, system plus speakers ond glass cabinets salary review Call Millburn Township 6357432. PDLA, 277-4040, exl 7090 Equol Opportunity Employer M/F S300 Coll 635-6873 after 6 MILL BURN CENTER Plush 2 room corner Public School, 376-36QO Mrs D'Onotrio Clock Repairs. DENTAL RECEPTIONIST TYPIST part time Appliance MOUNTAIN BROOK reordering 34 acre office suite for suhlet Excellent locotion SECRETARY- pleasant phone personality 16 hours per week afternoons, student or FOR SALE wooded lot Pa Pocono Mis Bank MUST BE SEEN. Coll 379 5850 typing with general office work and adult 635-2302 Repairs DAVIES&COX heovey phone contact be a salesmens One blue colonial couch, repossessed J6.0O0 cosn or S100 ppr , expen wotch & clock repairs done on DISHWASHER part time'full time Capri assistant for 1his United Van Lines Agent $40, a reclining chair, (black month Mr. Rue 1 800-233 fllfcO COOKS APPlfANCE SALfS AND SERVICE premises Antique & modern timepiecetimepeces Restaurant, Berkeley Heights 464-3367. with cover) $10- Also 3 side Call 635 6767. CLAIMS 7BhdR7ABeechwoodRd d . SummitSit. 273 42744274. Business ESPIRATORYl ON M0S1 APPLIANCES INCLUDING DRIVERS WITH VEHICLES for early A M tables, $12 each. Call WAITRfSS • port lime-full time • ex- Monday thru Saturday newspaper home 647-1865 anytime. Rental Opportunities perience preferred Copri Restaurant, delivery in fholhom, New Providence ons, trustee. >tc HO Park Ave Sum Berkeley Heights. 464-3367. t Dressmaking 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT SUMMIT Eat areas, approx 12hrs a week No billing (Part-Time) il 27.1 ')499 or collection work. Phone 635-4666 or SALES SECRETARY in kitchen, living room, dining room, bath, BE YOUR OWN BOSS" THERAPIST Furniture 635-4B73 Busy Real Estate Company is looking for DISCOVER WARWICK full basement Convenient to town center bright energetic individual responsibilities For Sale and transportation. S625 per month plus Right now is the right time to get into EXPERIENCED LIVE IN HOUSEKEEPER need include maintaining and updating multiple utilities. Coll evening and weekends 521 Real Estate That Real Estate boom you've ed to manage single working parent home iking individual for full time day shift listing books, typing for sales associates, The best any company PATIO TABLE with 4 chairs. 9417. been hearing about is here We have o Summit area Possibilities include caring ipportunity must be CRTT or RRT eligible. and many other diversified duties If you can offer you is the oppor- Bedroom set. Best offer. Call for two small children, light cleoning, ' is, recent graduate considered. real demand for Real Estate people to en|oy working with people and are willing APARTMENT IN SUMMIT 3 bedrooms, shopping, ond cooking. Drivers license tunity to excel in your after 6PM 273-5321. meet The markets growing needs to work, then call Sandy at 464-5200 liwmg room , dining room, kitchen, 1', needed Call 665 2426 or 21? 559 obtain the recogni- low offering newly revised 1983 salary both, J600 per month plus utilities Call 6946 CLERICAL tion and reward you As o CENTURY 21 PETRONE AGENCY Soles •ange plus competitive benefit packogi GREAT BARGAIN afterfip.m 273-8291.. No experience necessary Need depen deserve. Associate, your potential for making big Fui time onimat care position available. dable person with good speaking voice to FOR RENT - BEAUTY SHOP - A rare oppor | money is unlimited. For startere, we will Experienced not necessary Call between BEAUTIFUL DINING t'OOM SET| answer telephones, take orders, give Responsibilities include: II or apply in person to pers tuntty to Start your own shop by |ust poy give you indepth training to help you com 9 30ond4p m 647-6212. estimates and work with figures Im FOR SIX ON SALE AT INCREDI- filing, processing claim ing rent For details, coll 4640475 Cen Me Then we will back you with thp kind mediate hire Call BLE LOW PRICE. ASKING $1,500| checks, typing forms, tak- tury 2! Pelrone Agency. Eves Lorraine of on going sales support you would ex GOLD FOIL PRINTING mature reliable per- $1,000 BELOW ORIGINAL' 379-37307 ing phone messages and 383-212! ext. 280 464-2867. | pect from America's largest Real Estate son for Chatham office We train Call PRICE). WOULD CONSIDER other clerical duties. Monday through Friday (organizations. CENTURY 21 PETRONE 6350599. REASONABLE OFFER. AN EX-: FURNISHED RENTAL 4BR, V ; BTH, Col 9AM-4PM AGENCV has openings right now for ex TRAORDINARY INVESTMENT! oniof with first floor family room and fur GOOD PAY processing mail from home* No RECORDS Enjoy a friendly, productive penenced ond inexperienced Real Estate experience Start immediately Informo ON A FINE ALMOST BRAND nished basement "II car attached go/age environment in an easy-to- people Which ever you are, we offer you tton, send self -addressed, stamped NEW FURNITURE. MUST SALE on dead end street. Only $1,100 per reach location, next to the the opportunity to be your own boss and envelope. W S Distributors, Box 15B7. OFFICE THIS WEEK DUE TO RELOCA- month. 1 or 2. year lease Call 464 0475 Rahway, New Jersey 07065. Morris County Mall and I eom the kind of money you reolly wont NEWTON TION! ADDRESS: 238 C- 21 Petrone Agency. Route 287. The salary is LOOKING FOR A SOCIAL, activities and SAGAMORE DRIVE, NEW PRO- CLERICAL competitive and we offer a NEW PROVlbENCE newly decoratecTd Find out how you con make money ond en league director for tennis club Apply in VIDENCE. TEL: 464-5370 fully-paid benefits package. A! ifRATK A0U bedroom house cm quiet street, eat m person at Center Court Tennis Club. 222 .)y flexible hours, professional standing, Part Time MEMORIAL repairs t N Passoic Avp Chatham NJ 635- Please call Ms. Peg Warden kilchen, dining room, large living room self satisfaction and all the other great Excellent permanent par! 12?2 • at (201) 267-8220 to arrange UK's with Fireplace 1' i both, walking benefits of working in Real Estate We lime, Monday-Friday open- for an interview appoint- Garage Sale 8779 nht< distance to shopping, and trans $850 per well rounded m Residential and Cam KITCHEN HELP full or uort time, must be ing available in our busy HOSPITAL Cleanup dependable Coll after 2PM Blondie's ment. JIEUkK H K month plus utilities 1 month security rciol sales arid offer excellent training Personnel Office for bright, SIRKr' 1 6650482 Restaurant 273 2331 MILLBURN MULT! FAMILY GARAGF SAL!. CLEAN AND REMOVE appliances, fur- and guidance ir> both fields. For a con detail oriented individual 175 High Street Newton, New Jersey 07860 44 Riclor St Millburn. ioff Mum it i FM niture, brush, etc from house and yard fidential interview, call Jim RUSJO LOOKING FOR PART TIME DESK PERSON capable of handling various RENTALS- WE HAVE A FFW STARTING AT Equal opportunity employer m i f Sat., Sun , Aug, 19, 20. ?! to -1 NEL at busy tennis club, year round Coll diversified office (unctions. All types landscaping and tree work S600 MAYBE ONE FOR YOU Call Jeff at 635 1222 We offer a good salary and WARWICK MOVING SALE 16 JoriP Runt). New Pro CHARLIE VINCENT, Landscape Contractor, FAITOUTE, Realtor 464 1700 or 273 CENTURY 21, Chimney MEDICAl TECHNICIANS'TECHNOLOGISTS generous store wide shopp- vidence off Springfield Aug. IV, 20. 'J\ bAl 2236 24 hour service 5522 PETRONE AGENCY Psychiatric lab in Sumnut seeks ASCP or Maple bedroom ssf. color TV, bookensp ing discounts. Apply Per- CLFAN AND REMOVE appliances, fur SOMERSET COUNTY fully furnished equivilant for openings in hematology, set, sofa bed, bed, bikes, lumps, tubtc, CHIMNEY CLEANING 4610475 sonnel Dept., Monday- mturc, bmsh, etc from house and yard npuroendocrinology and toxicology. Con- Hanover & Ridgedole Avenues opor (merits four large rooms (2 Friday, 10 a.m. - 5p.m. kitchen items, Ifiwn mower, n'trirjorotcir tact Janice Gold at PDLA, 277-4040, e*t Fireplace, oil burner flues All types kirsdscaping and tree work bedrooms) leose, security, reference, no Morristown, NJ 07960 wicuum cleaner, etc. everything rmibt C|L> 7090 wood stovos, damper ( HARLIE VINCENT, Landscape Contractor, pets. $550 olso fully furnished one Equal Oppty Employer M/W OWN YOUR OWN JEAN-SPORTSWEAR, repairs ft replacfin(ents, rac- 64/ 2236 24 hour service bedroom apartment, S480 755 3999 NURSES AIDFS 7 3, 3-11 Weekends on- AS infant preteen, ladies apparel, tombino ly Experience requited Own trans Ex- coon fpniovcil. Hue kaps, The Mall at Short Hills HOME LOVELY SUMMIT HOME B6 tion, accessories or quality childrens fur cellent working conditions KING JAMES masoniy repairs, leaks CLEANUP Equal opportunity employer M / F WHITTREDGE RD. (OFF mture store National brands Jordoche. NURSING HOME Call Mrs Dyer, 82? repaired, draft problems Have pickup truck. Rub- Vacation HOBART AVE.) SAT., SUN. AUG. Cine, Lee, Levi, Vanderbilt. Izod, Gunne 1500, 94p m HEALTH corrector! UUnfrR clean- bish and debris of any Sax, Calvin Klein, Esprit, Zeno, Oceon 20,21.10-4. Rental NURSES AIDES 7 3.311 Weekends on jnr; a'Ki reamed. kind and quantity remov- Pacific. Evan Picone, Heolthlex, 300 Elegant hwne with fine fum-Mrc .» ly Experience required Own trons Ex ed. Attics, cellars, others 17,900 to »4,r>00, inventory, MAH DR, Sfrrermy desk, ti'f top Mb cellent working conditions KING JAMES $250.00 to $500.00 WEEKLY BROOKSiD£ CONST. CO. u in ore, T reining, fixtures, groncl opening AIDES solo, loveu-ut, hide a way bed, i-ch tarages, cleaned, NURSING HOME Call Mrs Dyer, 832 PAYCHECKS (FULLY GUARANTEED) LIVINGSTON f LONG BEACH ISLAND, Near Booth Htu (')•• Mr DicksoniSOl i 882 5164, '501 i 1 500, 9 Jp m •i, large wall unit, tnff.--e tab easonal & construction 07400721 2(,8 136! frendi chuise. wroixjM ••>>«> \r.,ii\-- cleanup. 635-8815. p New ocean side 3 bedroom apartment PART TIMF SECRETARY for detail oriented N.J. STATE .full baths, washer, sundeck. Available ' position in Chatham Call 635-0599 f September 3 11 Special il\Q See ' PAR! TIME HEIP wanted for Summit law CERTIFIED VfCtonan "oklees" mi dresser w.tfi /photos Off season rates ond weekends Commercial firm College student or college graduoie Inched mirror, ? !>uff<"s. hmwily KI Cleanup Cleanup C available after September l) m 4909 Business prflerred to work in real estate depart table, marble tap tnbie a;id '.td, t nipnl with attorneys and paroleqols Op- Immediate openings std , pier mirror, j '.helv !> December 3! BRICK PATIOS BRICK SIDEWALKS 1993 It will be further considered for rFPPY HOWEU MASON CONTRACTOR Amusement Game Machine (for profit! JS500 ' final passage after public hearing FRANK SERINA 1st through. " " Steps, sidt^ulks patios, concrete work. thereon, at a meeting of soid Common machine jper i No tot) too SIHLIII Tree Estimates 964 635-6098 647-5984 Musson named advisor Council to be held in the Council Chamber SHERIFF'S SALE SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY in saidCity on September 7, 1983 ot 8,30 Dog o'clock PM., and during the week prior CHANCERY DIVISION, UNION COUNTY SUMMIT - Elizabeth Eoch ~ • {*-, \ point average. to and up to and including the date of such DOCKET NO. FHI7-80. ROGAN EQUITIES, KING IN MASONRY Duplicate i Musson, who will be a junior Peer advisors, who meeting, copies of soid ordinance will be INC., a corporation of vs. New Jersey Miscellaneous Miscellanr at Ohio Wcsleyan University volunteer their services made available ot the Clerk's Office in Plaintiff Eoch v f j 5(.| said Cify Hall to the members of the M.A.N. ENTERPRISES, INC , a corpora in September, lias been throughout the year, are re- Duplicate ' i general public who shall request the lion of New Jersey, el als , Defendants selected as a peer advisor for Section 7 All purls of ordinances mci Ben Carfagnim "Mason Ex- quired to return to campus CIVIL ACTION WRIT the 1983-84 year. rhtsordinance sholl tola effect imiediai pert" has been holding the one week before classes start PENDING ORDINANCE No. 1851 OF EXECUTION FOR SALE Custom Home Builders bylaw crown for 30 yrs. Fireplaces, to assist with freshman orien- AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AN OF MORTGAGED PREMISES Students are nominated Changes or additions >n ordinance EMERGENCY APPROPRIATION FOR THE By virtue of the above-stated writ of wet bais, sidewalks, steps, and Remodelers lor peer advisor positions by tation. I brackets 1 ) ENGAGEMENT OF SPECIAL CONSUITANTS execution ro me directed I shall expose stucco, patios, retaining Industrial • Commercial - Residential faculty and staff members. A journalism major, Dated August >6, I9d.i f OR THE UPDATING OF THE 1978 MASTER for sale by public vendue, in ROOM 207, •AMIIS. si one, brick, block Quality Materials Those selected must be Musson will begin her peer Approved August 16. I 9aJ and marble work. Sump censed Plumbeis PLAN IN ORDER TO CONFORM TO THE in the Court Mouse, in the City of knowledgeable about univer- PtANNING LAWS OF THE STATE Elizabeth, N.J , on WEDNESDAY, the 21 st d Electricians advisor work on Sepl. 3. She I Du^id 1. Hughes, Crty Clerk of the i pumps, waterproofing etc day of September, AD, 1983 ol two sity procedures, have well- is the daughter of Mr. and BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON foregoing Ordinance was duly passed i Hffsidential commercial and o'clock in the afternoon of said day custom design developed interpersonal Mrs. George Musson Jr. of 7 COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SUMMIT recfulur meeting held on Tuesday evening industrial Five estimates, Section t That pursuant to H.I S.A ALL those cerlain tracts or parcels ol services available skills and cany a 3.0 grade Fairview Ave. land ond premises, hereinafter particular fully insured 40A 4 53, Ihe sum of S25,O0O.0O is S H August 70, I f uiling Residential- Industrial limits are eligible (certain ADDITIONS 6 ALTERATIONS and wuud shakt; trcdhnt'iits. Fully in- ,Vldeo Film Rentals • Car Stereoa restrictions will apply). Renovations & Additions Windows G Skylights sured Rr.iMn.-ible rates Portables • Cordless Phone Wo Jobs Too Small Siding • Remodeling CALL 665-1499 Practice and tryouts begin Estimates 6 References Blank Tapes * much more! on Mon., Aug. 1, thru Sept. 635-1315 Gladly given 6, at 6 p.m. at Oakwood Call • EXTERIOH 8. INTERIOR (2011-822-0229 Park, New Providence. Ceramic Tile Jim • WAUPAPER Report for practice wearing 647-3366 (1 GUTTERS 8, tEADfcH'J Rentl | shorts, sneakers or athletic Electrical BRUSH & NO JOB PIONEER L UncatliMl Cutir SPERO & SON AIRLESS TOO SMA1J shoes and a desire lo be part SPHAY 147 Columbia Tpk. L of a team that is seeking its Designer Bathrooms Contractors RENTALS, INC. 4 Club Today & Get 1 Freeli! 387 ELM STREET • STIRLING Flortiam Park, N.J. jpon • third consecutive Mountain We Do The Complete Job We fill propane tanks J Save! 28.19 Valley Conference cham- ELECTRICIAN 647-0540 07932 Remodeling • Carpentry All types of wiring-appliances; Party Needs J 6S Lifetime'Lower Rates | pionship. • Plumbing 'Electrical Photography 5 • 10 Free Rentals • 20% I With this coupon • 'J : • Sheelrock " Tiling lOutlets. Smoke detectors, 220 lines Tools-Beds 700 Springfield Ave., For more information, call • Fully Insured • Free Estimates ,Free estimate • Licensed & Bonded Outlid* NT SUM CUt TOLL Mil: IM-MM7I1 J Off Ace. •MoreBene. Call | Expires August 28,1983 If Joe Pickton at 665-0312 or Lawn Equipment W or Stop in For More Info. — — —.— — _——"~*0 7311642; D.STEVENS HOME PHOTO 467-9170 Res. 467-8172 Automotive Tools " (( Showroom: 731-1139 Your residence & contents Contractors Equipment Furniture photographed now tor If someone in your Stripping proof of loss later. 635-7870 family hasadrirjking Faced With A P.M. Appt. 966-9382 N. Passiac AVe., Chatham problem, you can see Drinking Problem? i ndrew 665-2463 what it's doing to them Carriage House Pliimbing A Heating Bix Service A.J. Imbimbo •But can you see what Are you sick and tired Carpenti-y Servjng Summit Area 10 Years 40 Years Experience & Sons, Inc. M's doing to you? of being sick and tired? Furniture Stripping, Victor Mills For information and Arch Refinishing, caning, rushing, etc. Landscaping & Paving help contact: Perhaps Alcoholics Metal polishing and plating Equipment Rentals Anonymous Construction, Inc. 24 Franklin PI., Summit • 277-3815 Truck • Dozer Wedding & Bridal Specialist Guidetti ALA NON Can Help Experienced Carpenters Nursing Care Licensed • Insured Backhoe • Power Rack Improvements • Experienced 464-6842 P Write P.O. Box 487 Write P.O. Box 315 NURSING CARE Bathroom, Kitchen, Rec. Room, Sewing Machine Or Ca.l I 672-7231 Or Call 763-1415 Additions For any situation in the hospital or home Alterations, Hoi Water Heating Kitchens • Decks RN:s, LPN's, Aides who will give special, Specialists in Steam and Hot Repairs H personalized care to the patient ore Water Heating • Skylights available 24 hours a day or (or |ust a Commercial and Industrial port of the day. SINGER Fully Insured Work Sewer Connections an.n HRFAIRSDN AU.MAKES O PROFESSIONAL NURSES & Free Estimates REGISTRY CaLI 464-1810 SEWING MACHINES 464-8540 4 Lincoln Place Pool I .utnrv Ir.imt'd Mt'ihaiins T after (k()() p.m. 377-8808*273-7111 Service !-><•!'h,tiiii,,l,.s.v,,. (.u.iraniii. 647-1890•Eve., Weekends Prompt Servile & POOL SERVICE l.iVri Mall. l,™ Bam1' O Contractors Painting & SUPPLY CO. OpeningL Ss • Service & Repairs ^94-2515 Chemicals • Weekly Service Tree Work A. Accorsy Expert Home Leak Detection Service G SHORT HILLS, NEW JERSEY Custom Builder Store, 2573 Morris Ave., Union Additions, Alterations, Services V. he,' /„,. /„// •• 379-2318 Dormers, Home and Busines; Painling-Wallpapering R 6872277 i'liOIKSSIONAIVMiRK Improvements. Roofing, Carpentry •Uuik-rs* Leaders Roofing Basement. Kecreatinn Koomt ln-.ialk.-d, Repaired & Cleaned. ••I' Hilf The Cost A »'t I'owcr Wash Aluminum -ivc rslimjtc:-. ttillit Insured You Need it. We Build It Sidini! TIGER Call 756-7563 Kull> Insured ROOFING BRETT HERMANCE P Fahnestock & Co. 1 898 cinsi.i" ""' -0<»95 Hal Tar Hoofing 377-2138 or 635-2733 It:.:, •blishi-tl /V,s7i Single Ply Rubber Ro Call Aiiylini,., Tiics-ln., 1.4 pr. Your ad could be Nelson's Painting & MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE INC. TVs Wanted H placed here! Paper Hanging AND OTHER LEADING EXCHANGES. IMTKKIDK •EXTRMOR TV SETS WANTED Y Stocks, Bonds, Commodities, Investments Call Working or Not and Advisory Service References Portable Only f Now Offering VIDEO TAPING 464-102.=; Reasonable Rates \ASII PAID •to/ Suite 500, 382 .Springfield Avenue Wood & Vinyl Siding Of yOUr Wedding I Ipliunal plans available Summit, New Jersey 07901 FOK FREE ESTIMATES "">"" Kv,.. 665-1499 377^7168 753-7333 464-7496 411 Springfield Ave., Berkley Heights 201273-2100 Thomas S. Paluck (Mgr.)