Common Councilman Thomas Button addresses Summit's tax situation. See page five. Summit Herald ...Summit's only real newspaper Vol.95 No. 3 Saturday, August 20,1983 Price: 25' In the Mayor Lovett's parking vote news not accepted by council By PEG THURLER INTERIM PARKING Planning Board, to be completed by Nov. SUMMIT — Mayor Jim Lovett at- ORDINANCE II 1. The area to be studied is along Broad Overlook tempted to cast a tie-breaking vote at the IS INTRODUCED Street west of the fire house. Overlook Hospital will offer a four- Common Council meeting Tuesday even- With the final legal vote firmly ...Authorized the city treasurer to part basic cardiac life support (CPR) ing that would have ensured passage of established as 3-3 on the July 19 action, negotiate for the leasing and/or purchas- course open to anyone over the age of 14. the interim parking ordinance, which had council voted to introduce Interim Park- ing of a micro computer for the finance Classes will take place on Sept. 13, 15, 20 gone down to 'defeat a month earlier ing Ordinance II with a public hearing set department. and 21 from 7 to 10:30 p.m. because of a 3-3 tie. for Sept. 7. It was listed on the evening's ...Welcomed Carol Slane of Auburn, Participants will learn one and two man Lovett rose from the audience during agenda as an ordinance to "amend the Calif., who has been participating in the CPR, infant and child CPR and the open part of the council meeting and zoning ordinance re CBD (Central United States Ladies Amateur Open Golf obstructed airway techniques for both asked to record his vote in favor of the or- Business District) building expansion and Tournament at the Canoe Brook Country adults and children. Those who suc- dinance. The ordinance would have plac- parking requirements." Club. Slane, introduced by Coun- cessfully complete the course will receive ed parking-related restrictions on any A change in the new ordinance involves cilwoman Helen Huber, with whom she is an American Heart Association certifica- Central Business District renovation or provision for off-street parking for any staying during the tournament, shot a 165 tion card. reconstruction that involved increase in building increasing its gross floor area. It for 36 holes, and did not survive the latest cut of the competition. There is a $25 fee for the course for the gross floor area. The restriction would stipulates that a commitment of not less general public. The cost to members of a last for one year. than 25 years for the provision of off- street parking be made. The parking must ...Listened to members of the audience rescue squad, police or fire department is He cited a state law that he interpreted describe the recent Summit Taxpayers $10. Early registration is suggested to mean that "the Mayor must vote if the be within 1,500 feet of any point on the perimeter of the CBD. Association public forum on tax reassess- because the class size is limited to the first governing body shall fail to adopt an or- ment. Lenore Ford and David Rau both 25 registrants. dinance by reason of a tie vote." Lovett Councilman Donald Nelson explained urged council to sponsor a similar meeting Interested persons may call 522-2365, had attached a copy of the law to a letter the new wording for this re-introduction to "give the entire town an opportunity to for further information. he had sent to City Clerk David Hughes of the ordinance, and the change from 50 express its concerns and views on the sub- after the July 19 tie vote. down to 25 years for the parking commit- ject." However, Council President, Dr. Mur- ment. The one year duration of the or- Council President Ross replied that ray Ross replied to Lovett that "we can- dinance would give council time to study some type of meeting will be held in the Reunion not accept your vote on advice of our the parking situation, and to address the fall. Councilman Thomas Button had counsel, Russell Kerby." opinion of some council members that Members of Ihe Summit High School there is too much development of office made a similar suggestion at the Monday City Attorney Kerby stated after the evening executive session, noting that ,' ' : • "!•- .jt" AT V"irtin Dyke class of 1963 will celebrate their 20th reu-' council meeting that he had based his space in the downtown area. nion the weekend of Oct. 14, 15 and 16. there is a need for more understanding of engineer ' t Henri Vougle engineer Vernotico o pro|ect manager with decision on one clause in the state statute. Members of the public and of the local the tax picture. Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, prepared a six-page outline which the subcommittee used in this inspection. Friday at 8 p.m. there will be a casual The statute authorizes a mayor to vote in business community will have a chance to gathering at the Italian-American Club. certain cases, "unless otherwise provided He has prepared the resulting recommendations for consideration by the full technical team.(Photo by c express -their opinions at the hearing on Gil Owren also praised the STA Baldwin White) During the home football game on Satur- by law." Kerby noted that the city charter Sept. 7 at City Hall, at council's next meeting on taxes, which was held at Cen- day, everyone will meet for a tailgate pic- says "no ordinance can be passed unless a regular meeting. It is slated for a Wednes- tral Presbyterian Church on Aug. 10. nic in the parking lot of Oratory School. majority of Common Council members day because of the Labor Day holiday. "The people left the meeting with new That evening there wili be a dinner dance vote for it." IN OTHER COUNCIL facts," he noted, and urged that the same at the Holiday Inn in Springfield. SCRUTINY AIMS AT ACTION format be used if council sponsors such a If anyone has any information on the ROSS'S VOTE ...Approved the leasing of the De- forum. Train station status addresses of classmates, call 522-0905 or ON ORDINANCE Forest-Summit Avenue parking lot to the write to: Class of 1963 Reunion, 59 President Ross informed council Suburban Chamber of Commerce in Owren spoke on the need for a broader Oakland Place, Summit, N.J., 07901. based group to become involved in solv- members at the Monday evening executive order to "improve parking efficiency in ing the parking problems of Summit. He session that he had received comments the downtown area." agreed with what Councilman Ed Otocka regarding a possible conflict of interest in ...Approved the spending of $20,000 to said some time ago, that Summit doesn't under examination his negative vote. provide reconstruction and modifications have a parking problem, it has a problem Hartlaub Dr. Ross, an optometrist with offices at to the Park & Shop lots on DeForest with the administration of the parking. By C. BALDWIN WHITE In-coming mayor Robert Hartiaub 382 Springfield Ave. in the Bassett Avenue, including materials, supplies, Community involvement would give peo- Phase II of the study will deal with the stated recently that he will meet with local building, has Bassett Associates as his and work. ple a better understanding of such things SUMMIT — As part of the Phase I of practical and economic feasibility of the organizations throughout September and landlord. A spokesman for Bassett ...Introduced ordinance for an as how the park and shop lots work, and an overall study of the train station pro- various recommendations and suggestions Associates, Hugo Pfaltz, partner in the October to become "sensitive to the emergency appropriation of $25,000 to ~4 their advantages. - blem, the Engineering.Subcomittee of the that have been made over the past several public's needs." group, had spoken out against passage of hire special cpnsultants for the updating technical analysis team of the city- years. the parking ordinance at the July 19 '• "It is a public information job," he "It's a non-political thing," he said. "I of the 1978 master plan in order to con- noted. sponsored station options review group Earlier this year it become apparent want the public to get to know me." public hearing. form to the planning laws of the state. last week made a physical examination of from a 3500-signature petition and letters- Hartlaub further stated that he was Kerby, however, said that "any conflict The hearing is set for Sept. 7. Councilman Thomas Kelsey replied the 78-vear-old structure. to-the-editor, that many residents of Sum- confident of having a good working rela- is extremely remote." Ross noted that he ...Introduced an ordinance authorizing that an effort is underway to improve the mit were opposed to the large building tionship with Common Council. has been a month to month tenant for leasing of certain assigned spaces in "signage" downtown, to simplify it. He The purpose of the trip was to deter- concept and the parking and traffic pro- many years. Kerby expressed the feeling municipal parking lot and along the 200 mine the minimum renovations required also noted that there will always be a to make the building presentable, safe, blems, which would accompany the high- that a ruling of conflict of interest might alley and 400 alley. The hearing is set for "certain fluidity to the parking situa- rise office complex proposed by the Col- discourage competent people from serv- Sept. 7. and hopefully, less subject to the loiter- tion." The change of seasons and the ing, vandalism and other abuses of the lins Development Corp.
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