Skibitsky Defeats Brennan; GOP Increases Majority on Council by MICHAEL J
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Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, November 5, 2009 OUR 119th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 45-2009 Periodical – Postage Paid at Rahway, N.J. [email protected] SIXTY CENTS Skibitsky Defeats Brennan; GOP Increases Majority on Council By MICHAEL J. POLLACK and victorious Tuesday evening, Republi- Winning re-election, Mayor Andy MAGGIE DIGGORY Specially Written for The Westfield Leader cans will now enjoy an 8-1 majority in Skibitsky carried 63 percent of the Westfield. The GOP kept the mayor’s Westfield vote (7,076), with Demo- WESTFIELD – Celebrating at Echo seat and won three of four council crat Bill Brennan pulling in the re- Lake Country Club (ELCC) after a races, picking up a seat in Ward 4. maining 37 percent (4,205). Two Republican newcomers will join Mayor Skibitsky on the council; in Ward 1, Sam Della Fera received 58 percent of the vote (1,684), while Demo- crat Janice Siegel pulled in 42 percent (1,205). Mr. Della Fera replaces Sal Caruana, who did not seek re-election. In Ward 4, fellow Republican new- comer Keith Loughlin (1,503) was elected by a 52-48 percent margin over incumbent Democrat Tom Bigosinski (1,371), who won by a single vote in 2005 over Republican Eric Leuthold. “Eric lost by just one vote,” Mr. Loughlin said during his remarks. “This victory is yours, too, along with mine.” Running unopposed, Vicki Kimmins, David Samsky for The Westfield Leader a Republican incumbent in Ward 2, re- TRIUMPH...Republican Governor-elect Chris Christie and his Lieutenant Governor running mate, Kim Guadagno, salute ceived 1,811 votes. the crowd at their election headquarters in Parsippany Tuesday night following their victory over Governor Jon Corzine. The sole Democrat to emerge vic- torious, incumbent David Haas (1,456) will return to the council to Bramnick, Munoz Win in Dist. 21; represent Ward 3 after winning by a 56-44 percent margin over Republi- can newcomer Tom Delaney (1,138). Green, Stender Re-elected in Dist. 22 Westfield Republican Chairman Jon Bramnick, who won re-election him- By PAUL J. PEYTON and FRED ROSSI Christie’s victory over Democratic In the neighboring 22nd District, self on Tuesday night to the state As- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Governor Jon Corzine, Mr. Bramnick Democratic incumbents Linda sembly, said the Republican slate re- AREA — Republican Assembly said, “In a democracy, when you’re in Stender of Fanwood, 24,133, and Jerry mained victorious because of its mem- members Jon Bramnick (LD-21, a position of power, you have to de- Green of Plainfield, 23,667, survived bers’ “honesty and effective leadership.” Westfield) and Nancy Munoz (LD- liver. And one thing about Americans, a close battle waged by Scotch Plains Calling the night “bittersweet” be- 21, Summit) easily won re-election whether in New Jersey or Wyoming, if Republicans Martin Marks, 21,810, cause of Mr. Delaney’s defeat, Assem- Tuesday by defeating Democrats you don’t deliver, they’ll get rid of the former township mayor, and Wil- blyman Bramnick said to Mr. Delaney, Bruce Bergen of Springfield and you. They don’t care if you’re a Demo- liam “Bo” Vastine, 20,737. “I know you’ll be back.” Norman Albert of Cranford. crat, Republican or Independent.” Mr. Marks, who previously ran un- Third Ward Councilman Mark Mr. Bramnick and Mrs. Munoz, Mrs. Munoz said, “This is the first successfully for state Senate in 2003 Ciarrocca, who served as campaign the widow of Assemblyman Eric election I’ve won outside of a pri- and for Congress in 2008, speaking to director for Mayor Skibitsky, recog- Munoz, a trauma surgeon who died mary, and I believe [the late Assem- supporters at the Sun Tavern in nized Asm. Bramnick and said the Re- following emergency cardiac surgery blyman] Eric was with us tonight.” Fanwood, said it was “disappointing publican ticket’s success is a “reflec- in April, received 43,261 and 43,361 “I feel I’m channeling Eric. He’d to have come up short,” but noted that Fred Lecomte for The Westfield Leader tion of Jon’s leadership.” votes, respectively, to Mr. Bergen’s be so proud. I will continue to do the he and Mr. Vastine had outpolled Mrs. GOP JOY IN WESTFIELD...Second Ward Councilwoman Vicki Kimmins, top, “We did not have all the results we 23,306 and Mr. Albert’s 22,806. hard work and continue [to support Stender in her hometown of Fanwood. who ran unopposed, shares in the election celebration with Mayor Andy Skibitsky initiatives that adhere to] his values. Mr. Marks said he hoped Mrs. Tuesday night at Echo Lake Country Club in Westfield. Asm. Jon Bramnick (LD- wanted…but we are elated by the work Mr. Bramnick, the Republican 21) of Westfield, bottom, and Asw. Nancy Munoz (LD-21) of Summit also are of all five candidates. They showed deputy whip, won a fourth term in the He would be so happy,” Mrs. Munoz Stender, Mr. Green and the Demo- pleased with their winning votes. what good government means to Assembly, while Mrs. Munoz won said. “He told me a year and a half cratic majority in next year’s state Westfield,” Mr. Ciarrocca added. her first full term. before he died that if anything hap- Legislature “realize the grave situa- Mayor Skibitsky, with his children Celebrating at the Echo Lake Coun- pened to him, he wanted me to serve tion this state is in.” Mirabelli Named New and wife Debbie at his side, thanked the try Club in Westfield, Mr. Bramnick in his place. I believe this is the right He said he lamented “not having citizens of Westfield for “recognizing said, “We are extremely pleased that thing for me.” worked extra hard” to unseat incum- the results of the first term.” voters have expressed confidence in Mentioning the Lunsford Act in bents who he said “do not work on Mayor in Mountainside “It’s very humbling to win again, [what we believe is] ethical and re- particular, she said her husband your (the voters’) behalf.” By ERIC D. WILDSTEIN “Mountainside is a great borough,” and by an overwhelming majority,” sponsible leadership.” “fought for the vulnerable and cared Mr. Vastine, making his first run for Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Mr. Mirabelli said after taking his oath. CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 Speaking after Republican Chris tremendously for others... I share his elective office, said the fact that he and MOUNTAINSIDE – The “Mayor Viglianti was the heart of this values and am just as passionate about Mr. Marks, in the face of being out- Mountainside Borough Council on community, and I will continue to do a those initiatives,” she said. numbered in Democratic voter regis- Tuesday officially named former Coun- great job, as he did for so many years.” Clark, Rahway Mayors Democrats, however, maintained tration and outspent in advertising, did cil President Paul Mirabelli as its new Councilman Turner, who has served control of the General Assembly and “as well as we did speaks of frustration mayor, replacing six-term Mayor Rob- 18 years on the council, will fill Mr. will continue to hold a 48-32 advan- and the trouble this state is in.” ert Viglianti, who died of cancer last Mirabelli’s seat as council president. Call for RVSA Oversight tage, although one GOP seat was Union County Republican Chair- month. The GOP will soon convene to select a By WAYNE BAKER “How many of the mayors had taken vacant headed into Election Day. The man Phil Morin called the Marks- Along with Mr. Mirabelli, Council- nominee to fill the vacant seat on the Specially Written for The Westfield Leader a tour of RVSA’s facility?” He stated Democrats also control the Senate, Vastine team “a tremendous ticket.” men Glenn Mortimer and Keith Turner council. CLARK — At a press conference that “if they really want oversight, which was not up for election this Calls to Asw. Stender seeking com- – the senior-most members of the coun- A formal swearing-in ceremony will held last Wednesday, three mayors, make yourself a commissioner.” Mr. year, by a 23-17 margin. ments were not returned by press cil – were nominated for the vacant take place at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, No- Sal Bonaccorso of Clark, James Chin acknowledged that Rahway’s The 21st District includes deadline. position by the local GOP committee. vember 24. Special elections will be Kennedy of Rahway and John mayor, Mr. Kennedy, had served for a Westfield, Cranford, Garwood and Michael J. Pollack contributed to Mr. Mirabelli steps into the mayoral held next November to fill the remain- McCormac of Woodbridge, called for time as a commissioner, a point also Mountainside. this story. role after 12 years as a councilman and ing time on Mr. Viglianti’s mayoral and an oversight committee to watch the made by Mr. Kennedy at the press two years as council president. Mr. Mirabelli’s council terms. actions of the Rahway Valley Sewer- conference. age Authority’s (RVSA) board of When contacted by The Westfield Hak, Sluka Win GW Seats; commissioners. Leader, RVSA Executive Director Democrats Maintain 9-0 Mr. Bonaccorso, in comments fol- Michael Brinker revealed that lowing an October 28 press confer- among RVSA’s management and Villaggio Loses Re-election ence, described the concept of the board, “nobody was invited” to the By LAUREN S. BARR The Garwood Borough Council will Majority on Freeholder Bd. committee as “not looking to be criti- press conference. Mr. Brinker said Specially Written for The Westfield Leader now have two Republicans, four Demo- cal, but to be helpful.” Mr.