Fermnde I Th!Rtyfifih Anniversary
" ¡ 'LS.), $8.95 (CAN.), £5.50 (U.K.), 8.95 (EUROPE), Y2,500 w I , ' I,..I,JII Nw a. sI Z T H E I N T E R N A T I O N A L N E W S W E E K L Y O F MUSIC, VIDEO, AND HOME ENTERTAINMENT AUGUST 31, 20 0 2 Vicente ferMnde i Th!rtyFifih Anniversary www.americanradiohistory.com 42 MILLION RECORDS SOLD WORLDWIDE 10 GRAMMY" NOMINATIONS BILLBOARD" HALL OF FAMER A STAR ON THE HOLLYWOOD WALK OF FAME JUST WHEN WE THOUGHT WE COULDN'T BE ANY PROUDER. www.americanradiohistory.com AUGUST 31, 2002 THE INTERNATIONAL NEWSWEEKLY OF MUSIC, VIDEO, AND HOME ENTERTAINMENT r German Biz Seeks Keys To Revival Universal Star Iglesias At Popkomm, Attendees Eye Radio Quotas, Copy Protection Returns To Latin Roots BY GORDON MASSON ness opportunities at the event. COLOGNE, Germany- Rather than Popkomm organizers said the bemoan the slump in German Aug. 15 -17 trade fair was attend- music sales, attendees at this year's ed by 14,553 delegates, down 15% Popkomm trade fair here seemed from last year's 16,922. Officially, determined to look ahead, examin- 797 exhibitors from 29 countries ing such issues as radio quotas and took part in this year's event, with copy protection as keys to reviving 62.2% coming from outside Ger- the marketplace. many. That compares with 838 Exhibitors were fewer and visi- exhibitors from 33 countries at tors were down, but the overall Popkomm 2001, when 54% were mood at Popkomm was surprising- international exhibitors.
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