
M /177 linrell.,., :nute

- INSIDE THIS=IS=SUE:=..--______Professor Under Invesllgallon by Jim Miskiewicz Page 3

WhO's Running Your SlUdent COunCil? Page 2 leI'S 110 n Again Page 12 l1Ie secrel IrliSI Page 13 I EUlogy 101' Mary Hariman Page 16 l1I8 lIBeD Page 17


Celebrity Interview:· RAPPING WITH MR. SUPER 8 by Laurie Brockway Page 14 PIIg e2 FIOREUO' S flUTE July. l i n ~ Who's Running Your Student Council? Give Some Blood;

BackinthcFII110f1976.12studcnb...ere mnain ... hClher or not they .re makinl cl«ted to tIM: Student Coundl .nd thqo .ny solid contributions.. Albert wanlS 10 Save A ute embarked on .....'hll wllS 10 be. II 12 month makesure.that In lhe future. 5IudenlS ..ill term in offiC'C. Thote students who had becarefullylCt't'ened before they c.n even run. and yet Mre I'lOl elected. were to be campaign and Ihat there will be • On Wednesday. July 27. thc Peoplc's considered IIltemaleS - thC)' wouk! pI'O'ViSK)D made in Iheconslitution that wiU Health Ccnter ....ill be sponsorinl thcir replace .ny member ..·ho might resll" .Uowt'OllnselloYOte.ny penon who is nOi foorth.nnualSludcntBlood Drl-c .... i\hthc durinlthc rourse of the year. That WII 10 doinS their job out ofCouDci1. He is .150 MSISI.nt'C of Ncv.- York Blood Scl'\'icn la months .JO. Atlhis point ••11 but Ihree of trying his h.rdtllio m.ke sure Ih.t tht di\i~iM of thc Gmler Nf'tI. York Blood thc oriJinll1 S.C. members haV'l: resl,ncd arm ....ill open. al promised by the ad­ PTogrllm). or t"OU~. thc IU~S of Ihis .nd thc supply oralterm.tcs hu been ministration. in September. Thc:re have 1pccial program is up 10 all you mU'epkl uhausted. AI it stllDlh now. the Student already been rumQrt('irculating th.t il will studcnts Otll Ihcttand you.re.ll cordial!) Coundl has dwindled ..."lI to • 7 member nOi open until OC1obtr. invited lodon.tc. pint ofyourblood-frtt body. with two montM left until new Con'" is tryinl to (I'tI money .IlOt.led ofch.tac' OOO·t ....-orry. YOU·I·C JOC plenty to for • !Iudent s.me room. which wouk! elections. ,~rc: one lillic PlOt is nOl lOnna m.kc • The Student Council has func1ioned include pinball m.chines and pool t.blts, diffctenC'C. Amonl thc m.ny nudcn" .. ho r.ther prec.riously. or DOl II .11. durinl $0 Ihal the studcnlS ....ill h.ve • havc already rcgbtend to spend a pinl of their term in offK:C. They h • .,e undergone recre.tional .re. .nd someplace other blood to Sl\T alifc are: myself and Anist.nt considerable ch.nae .nd. finally. it looks th.n the cafeteri. to h.nl out in. He 15 Editor Jim Misklew~ .lonl ....·lIh S.C. like their m.klng lOtTIe not.ble progress. trying to ton,,!"" lije administr.tion th.t Ch.irperson Albert GonulcL As thc At the end of the SprinS qu.rttl'. the this wouk! al50 be a moneymaking en· f'C(TUiting cam~ign for poIential blood rounsel came under DeW leadtr5hip. deavor and ...ell worth the oriJin.1 cost. donon continues. ....'C .re hopinl th'l Albert Ganula .nd Conrad Stridlron Mo.t of the CUNY coZltFS are .Iready ~udcnts ..ill disprove thai rumored a~lhy bec.me d)le new Ch.irpenon .nd Vice equipped .... ith lhese f.dlides. He is .Iso for ....·hkh IMJ are f.mous.. and join in to Ch.irper1OfI. Albert is one of the workinlon StltinS a bar into laGu.rdia. s.ave.life. rem.lolng members of the otjaIn.II, to be run on student monies .nd operated det'ced counsel .nd Con'" is an altern.te by studenu as -ell. And. I milht add. he is Questions You Might H.ve About who came on to counsel durinl tnc Sprinl dI.irpenon of the S.C. Grit¥.rK'C Com­ Donatln, Blood: qu.rter. mittee. MUSI l Jtll,...,.mYHlflwjorr,M"1 blOOtf9 In thepul. Student Councilllu ~ Absolulely not. You needn't dtpri\T AlbertGonulawasprcrioully. member fCICOgItltion in the FLtrrE on • 1ess th.n yourstlfofa morsel of breakfast orlunch. of the student panment at St. John', dnirable buis. But. T think. il is im­ Eat .s you normally do. But if you h.,·c • Univenityand Sltldiron h.d been portant. th.t If we ate going to m.ke lendencyt01l,.rdsf.ny.nd oily stuff. try nOl oulohchoolfor ten yeanwhenhedeckied changesinlheintemtoftheJludents.lh.t 10 overdo It . to run ror Council and make some ....-e.1I work loaethtl'. It is allo imponant Cfl" ' slllI"'fIshm\·blTfl~Sld()l/l·" ...ilh dl.nJU. They art both concerned .nd th.t you know who your student leaden ~u$"SI",I? active student leaden .nd. conslderin, .re•• nd. if you hive .ny problems. Sony.• Icohol is out: but you can go OUI that Iher .re deaJina: .,ith a acnerally .nd C'Ckb ... teaftf:l"&".rdslfyou ....ish ~ u'\ctk Itudent body. .n imcompltte firct~~t ~~~:.;: "'ho U Ilofflll to laic .. m,1" blood. Of"" tudent CoundJ .nd an adminbtrltion Ch.irperson StricUon in the m.in build!nl ~t"d""'I~ th.t is under the imprcssion th.t ,lUdtnlS in room 122. Whcn .... 'e ilI.)' Studml Blood Dri.·e ....e .rt not equipped 10 be ItMlen, they .rt Neither Albert nor Conrad are sure as to mean thai the siudenu.• nd I ('fDphaiize doing. pretty good job. ..'hflhtrthey ..'iIIrun'l·ininthe~f.1I "Iudrnt' •• re the donors.. The progr.m .... iIl Albert is trying to m.ke changes 10 the elec1ions.butatleastlhqo.-lllh.veltfttht be run by hlghl} qu.lifled IcchniC'i.ns. Council constitution; as it 51.ndS now. it new Student Council wilh somC1hing mort under the sUJX'f'\ision of Suun Htssntl' allows for jusl .nyone 10 run for office .nd subst.ntial lO work with. ILaGuardia's Rnidmt /IIUl'Stl. But thcre are Olher ~Iudcnts .. ho are don.l1ng thcir "m~ and encrl)'. ai "cll as II PlOt of blood. to T. 1M "", f. liYI in m.ke this pfOIT.m ..ork. Student Council meets every Whlli/" "rrd 111111 blood bade SOtIII' dfll".· _",uniClfion rtifh ,/I Donaling \"OtIr blood on Ju" 27 .... iII lIulOfnatkallr cnlille }"OtI. and m~mben or Monday at 5:15 in the Presidents' ~our Immediate 'amll,·. to a blood I ... n!.· """"nify _IJ eI", up """1 ruston. shouk! il be ntC'tSUIn in the future. You .... ill be rqist~ ....· ith thc GreatfT Nc .... ",iIU,,;,rtflllllillgl - .... ork Blood Program and. If}"OtI nt('(1,t_ "ou Conference Room (Room 300 ..ill ttn.inh JC1 il back som~ d," Whut/,'/ulNt.· Jules V,me If you shouk! fa;nt. it is likely duc 10 fear in the Main Building) ~1~ua1~~~rs:'~~ (~~~:,b:~k!h~:;h: nlO\·its. Whlll/,Ifll·fiidr· If \·00 tat properl}' and abandon all nll1hkaitaltJ rellted 10 gil In, blood. Ihere IJ re.lI, no rellSon for ~·ou 10 Btl skk. It Jlute dcpends • lot (\fI ,"OUr slatt fOf mInd If \'OU .... ant to Btl skk t>tocllUst~"OU f",1 HIli hll,·t LllIUie 8rockw.Iy •. Edilor-u...QId' to. thai i, ecrtaln" your pri,·llcgt'. but it's Jim MIIkI_kz .•....• AMI. Edttor Fiorello's Flute holds its staff meetings not hktl~· . l nlhtc:lstlhal yoodo f",' a linlt Starr .... JoeBut...... eat{· after Ji\·ing toloexl. \'ou .... ill .~r­ MkhaoelCooit tain" tit taktn care of. Afler fOne donaln J oeFla~ in the Flute office, which is in the rear tolood. hc Jh~ ....· ill tor asked 10 remain (fOr M.ry Ann Homy. W.nda Prfttipeomo tile minutts IIf SO 3fttr-jusl 10 nlaJ.esure J ohnTllman <:H'~'hlnll's all right. Conlribwln, PhotoanpMri •.... of the S~ny cafeteria, at 2PM Thllugh n .. u millhl think "DC' Ins pinl \~·ouf'll won't "Iakt an. dllTtrtnec. \'\"OU art R.lph f'~,.., .. ront!. That \"On<; pint .. ma l t a I", 1'1 JoteSWrnt m Middle Collqc Rep...... •...... every Wednesday. dilTCf'('nl.'C '" ","lroll(' .. hfO realh· nC't'd~ il R_ nn B,,'.linl \11 II la"ts"a hnltlll'l<'.alilllc'''''K'('tn FltCUh yConlribu1(J1' 8n,,:e8...,.,.,. Jnda Iitllc"'lood. 11 .... "n·1 hun m,'l'tthana I"l'~ubr lAlC'·I"'n .... ,.... k!. and It'~ ,'ff13mh F.CIIIt)'Ad~~_. Ro.bft1M('V"e:h n"l "'lAt: ". put W'I' lA Ihc hl'Spllal I, ... J Fiorello', FIUle iJo thO' o ' fidlIl da'. "'U ,-an , .. 'nllnuC' ...."'r da\ as I.", ,.tucknl n t'W1lp.l~ o f UG ...nUa .... ,"'In ""mlal". B..-f,'lf\' an\·,,1I(' .. ill ('\C'n (;nmmun.iI Y Collt,e. Opinion' , .. 'n\ido:r '">ur .... "''''. \"u'II"" ~ .. C'n a mlm .. xprftlled in lhe p"pI'I' nol "\:101, .. hldl \'nIJih J r('\,('\O. •• f ""It .f'C ...... 1... ·:11 Imlt'" .Ind haling "'tlr ... k ... lCI n-.ril)' lhow 0' the collest S.A.C. t the Student Activities Committeet admln iltndon. f.CII!i)·. or _(ud .. nl l'r,,,,~uR'.I'"I1. ... >d. "1(,\I.·r n.", and ~h,'"" up .'n .. rnl:t'l' II", ~ I ed in the S.lellitr \\' .... In... '''I:II. Jllh ~-, T •• rt't:l~lo:r Sh'P .... B"lIdl .... In t"" t..dr. of Ih(' _tu· each active club, holds meet1.ngs at 3:00 Pili ,., ..... nl "-1"'- ~nd " .... Su';tn 1I,"'~ncr, .... anI d"'t "fl'tC"l'ia. UGuantili v.m· •• lh\·ra\'''t;tnl'. •'I"l, .... !..t .... lh.·R'j.:''Irallt'1l nlllnil)' (A.llqt<'. :JI-JO Thum~n l:thl,... lllJt .. iIl .....-"" ur ;tn'l1nd cht ... h •....! h".. nIU~...... lC 1",I.nel r.it~. " "' on Tuesday afternoons in Boom IiIB68. 1(".,11'. \I.IIn I,,,,"~, "'nl ,·nl""lI('I'l. \"'. 'nrtt IIUII. T .. II'"Itor, .. : 121:, .,ft,·o h"ud Ihal ,!..... "!tn~ LIGu .. nhJ 'Iud''"t, .M-Mftl. '" panl.:ip;lt.· III .. nlth,n!/. h h!"t .. ra .... m;: ...1 ... ,,1 I.,,', " ... If II', Inll" July, 1m AOREUO' S flUTE ..... 3 ISSUES ISSUES ISSUES ISSUES ISSUES ISSUES ISSUES ISSUES ISSUES ISSUES ISSUES ISSUES Professor Under Investigation byJim~1i5kie>o· icz Dear Profcuor Dav\dson, De.r Ptofcuor Daywbon: find work for their inlernship. I do not knoW if I sland alone in this I am writin, in reference 10 Profeuor Professor Lahasky hu been quile an IUd II hu been lumed Ihal, Irwin Lahuky, matteT. bul I fed'tt:rJ stroogly thai J must Lahuky's pashion at LaCuardia College. I 10 the schoollnd his terminadon would be a Assistant Professor of Data Procusing. hu convey my fcelin, in regards 10 Professor was disturbed to hear that his dismissal is lfCat loss. Plcue take these raeu into been dlarted _ilh riolaung ttrtain IChool Lahuky's depa"ment hearing. I would like beina considered. I feci that this would be a consMieration when Profeuor tahask)"s regulalions whkh deal with holding jobs to list the following arguments not just fOf greal injustketo him and most importantly, case coma befOC'C the boards. outside of the college. the defense of Professor Lahuky, but for the a great 10$$ 10 laGuardia CollelC. Sinccrety)'OUfS, AttOrding 10 the information available, benefit of the Sludents ",hich he scrvices. Professor Lahuky has ell:prcsscd a MaryAnnGerncr the charlC', which were brought up by genuine interest In hisSludents in morc ways President Shenktr, Siale Ihat Mr. Lahasky is First, I beline lhat the stud ent wOfk­ than one. In the classroom he shows In· in riolilion of a "multiple pasition" rule. study propam benefits from his upandlna divMlual attention to his studneu, but abowe Dear Mr. Dayidwn: Basically, this rule ~ata that a profe5$Ol" knowledae from emp10yment in the r.ekl he a ll and beyond that, he has $pC!It much of lam writinllO you in behalf of OM of my that is working full·time at the colleje teaches. his own penonal time try; n, to place his professors, which with his patience, cannothoki anyochnjob that will requi~ studcnu in internships. all of whkh have diligence, and undcntandin,. has chanted his/he:r presence for more than one working Secondly, I bcJicYe the denial of Professor now become permanent po5ilions.. my outlook 10 lbe future. Mr. Irwin Lahasky day. or its equivalenl, per Wftk. The Lahask)"s ability to outside employment is Thanks to Professor Labuky's InlCTat. mallimum punishment for its violation an infringemenl on his constitutional right my studies and my fUlurecarcer, 1 hl.e now ~:i!:: aor~!c~":i::en; i~:,:p~::~ could be Illedismissal of the facu lty member of the pursuit or happiness, been able 10 branch into a field thlt is of Programmer. He showed special interest in in question from the college. greal interesl to me, i.e.., Computer me, constantly supervising and diligently Mr. Lahasky hu denied all charges. II is Thirdly, the college has eslablished a PmJramming. I am absolutely certain Ihat CTitidzin, my work. He abo gave me moral now up to the 5ub-committee, chaired by wOfk·study program for studenu in all withOUI his help my dlanccs of getting into support when thinp did not look tbe way I Prof. Groman, oflhe Penonnaland Budgel fields. Thcrdore, in my opinion, Professor this vtry competitive r~ would have been ellpected. Because of his special interat In Committee 10 review the cue and then Lahasky's extra employment is a facult}' vcryslim. i(any at aiL me, my thoughts ~re put 10000her, and J present its findings and recommendalions to work·study pfOBtlm situation. Thil hu Proft:u(W Lahasky's services are in­ reached lhe final decision of JOinl into the president for a final decision. enabled him to keep his classes and flculty valuable. Such an uprcs.scd dcdk.tion Compuler Proaramrning as my line of work. Whether or not Mr. Lahasky is in up 10 standards wllh cunenl impl'O"emenl $hould be admired and sought after, It He was kind enougl'l to recommend me violation of this rule cannot be answercd and dnelopment in the Data Processin, puzzles me dceply why hi$ di$missal could for a position as • computer trainee at until afler the sub·committee has prcscntcd field. Denial of faculty work·study program ever po:i5ibly be considered. A penon such Banken Trust, for which I am deeply i15 findings. And the importance of this rule is a.n establishmenl of a double standard as be ..ould be difficult to replace under the grateful. Thil opportunity hIS really is by no means contested. The muhiple S}'Stem. be$1 of condilions Ind I would strongly sparked a greal motivadon within myself pasidon rule is indeed a aood OM. II recommend reconsider.tion of your and I am looting rorward to a ~ happy protCC1$, more Ihan anyone else, the Personally speaking, I would like to posilion. .nd fruitful career as a Computer students. lfil~renolforsucharule,there remind you that there are many dlffic::uJtia Sincerely. Programmer. would be no restric1lons Of! the number of encountered by stUdents scckin, em· CoonieCic:roI:elli GratefuJlyyours, other jobs an instructor could hold, and this ployment throu,h work·study programs. Pedro Flores could very well lead 10 a faculty member The Co-op Depanment rs limited with aood neglecting his/her duties because of olher Oat. Processin, jobs. Professor Lahask)"s Dear Professor D:.ri"JQfI: job commitments. pasilion and reputation in the business Dear Prorcs.sor Dav\dson: It iI Yery distressin, \" ~rn that However. the quatlOll being raised by ""'orld has been bencfki., in obtainin, I have just become .w.re that the sc:hool LaGuardia College is trying to termioat., some studenu is that Ihere are some ad· pasitiOl\$ fOf students in our rM!ld of study. If is terminating ProfCSlOl" Inrin Lahuky from Professor Lahasky. v.ntagcstonol enforcing the rulc so slrictfy. it WIIo·t for Profeuor Lahasky.1 would IliII lhe leac.hin, (acult)' of laGuardia. Finl of all, Professor lahuky Is a very Apparently, bec.use 01 Mr. Lahuky'. be lookin, for employment amon, the In my opinion this is a 'tt:rJ serious error good teacher. He uplaincd the topics tit auocialion with «nain privale compan)cs. different companies. He's one Professor who in judFent. I have had ProfasOf tahuky CO¥ercd in detail. He made the entire class hehasbeenabletodcvelopalotaloft~lve sccsthat the studenU Jd anopportunit}' in u a teachtr and found him to be a understand tbe concepl Ihat was bcin, put inlernships forsludenu majoring in dala the Dlta Processln, r.eld. Leamln, and knowledgeable man in this field. He is one across. If you ntr wanted toscchim after proc:cssing. AI leasl two oftbcsc Intern,hips rettin, uperience iI what our colleae stands or lhe rew teachCfl that I have had at cllIS to disc:uSl a pqn.m, rqardlcss of haye resullcd in permanenlpasilions for the (Of and he's helpln, us get that experience. laGuardia who can uplain subject matters what he was doing. he'd help you out. Mudents. This is ""ainly an imprcuive He is abo helpin, the Co-op Department in and in understandable tCm1$. Abo. Ptofcuor Lahasky is a aood friend. J'CCQf'd considerin, the limited number of obtainin, more intttnships. I also believe Not only hu he been a help in the cJas,s· Upon leamin, that I had a back to back openings in Ihis rtcld: tbe rrequency in job opcninp is due 10 room but he has abo hdped many students internship, Professor Labulty offered to The following are scvcral !etten ad­ Professor Lahuky's direct contact in the find inttTnships. I am wre you are aware of speak to a rew people al Banten Trust. As dressed to Donak( Dav\dson, Chairperson·of r.eld. . the problems in Rndinl jobs fOf students. the Depa"menl of Data Processin, by Respectfully submitted, With hb contacts in the business world, he r,:~b~n:":'~~:n:u:.r:",~ ~tudenb of Mr. Lahuky. Thaddeus Malodobry has been able 10 help a rew of I~ students Evtry company wants someone with ex· perience "' a B.chelors Degree. I WAll sending resumes to tOIftpan~ and an· swering ads in the newspapers and J couldn't nen get .n interview with these companies. Aboul two _Its before my internship was scheduled to slart. Professor Lahuky lold me he BOt me a programminj; internship thll could lead 10 a permanent p05idon II Bankers TrusL Finally, if this man·s position is ter minated, Ihe school will lose a good lcachtl Theywil1 losc lomcone who tries 10 he]p th studenu whenever possible. It will delinitti/ be a mislike. Sinccrel ~ . August RanduzlO


Last day to drop

a course is Monday, July 25th


Flute Is We Wanl To From A Lookiug Good Hear From Bill MIlITaYFan To the FLUTE. To Laurie Br()('k ...... y I l"a5 reading the interview with BUI EdilOr-in-Chier I wanted you IOknOI"how much I enjoyed Murray in the FLlITE and I Ihought it "'liS really good. I could tell by his answers that rending the CUTl'Cnt i!!Sue or the FLUTE. It he didn't r-eheal"$e fot it or anything. It really obviouslyisa resultoru lot of hard I"orle by made me start thillking though, because 1 you :and by muny people. You ahlll}'S thought that he wa5 having such a I would be ~ery happy to talk with you good time doing the "Saturday Night" nnd other FLUTE personnel abOllt the show. I wa~ also wondering how Miss Academic Program of the College Dnd to Br()('kway got an interview I'·ith him and answer l'ny questions you might have or where can I I"rite 10 him, Also. do you knQl" perhaps, more im~rtnntly. to listen to your You can leave all your comments. hoI" to gel tickets for the shol"? advice regarding Ihe direction the College Judith Carter ~hould be taking. Again I would like to congntuJate you and your colleagues on a fine job. suggesllons and gripes In Ihe FLUTE Mallboll. Dear Judith, Dean Martin Moed I was also impressed I"i!h Bill MUrTllyand thought he dme off quite I"ell in our in­ room M122 te.... iew. indeed. he 1''115 candid and cordial and I enjoyed doing it. I Ihinkl"e all have a certain imaflt of performers and I"e see them as living glamorous. carefree lives. I Flnte~ think that ""e are often under the impression Dear Flute. that acting is an easy job and don't quite I thought that the last FLUTE was better (1iorell,'s JhitBl «Insider it to be "wor-k:' It is ob.;ous that than usual but you ought to do something Bill Murray works hard and thaI the abOlI! the name. I mean, Flute is a litde pressure or I'Titing and performing on the dumb, don't you think! " show is somelimes too hot to handle. Your A person who doesn't Fine Arts ... Page 12 recognition of this is appreciated. likeyourname I met Bill at "Going to Look for Flute Reviews ... Page 13 America." LaGuardia's r~nt film festival and simply asked him if I might inte.... iew Dear Person That Doesn't Like Our Name. Music .... Page 16 him. He said yes and thenert week I went to We. the staff of the FLUTE, appreciate Awards ... Page 18 NBC to do it_ You can I"Tite 10 Bill al: your compliment and your concern, But, if Saturday Night. NBC,..lO Rorkefeller PlazlI, ~.:.oJI~~ indeed you do think Ihal Fiorello's Flutc is II Celebrity Interview: N.Y. As for gtlling tickets 10 the show. if dumb nllme for Our newspaper, why. pray Nel!l. Fegture· you ean find a I"IIY, let mc kng,.·. tell, have you not offered any suggestions? Inside. Looking Out L56 May we Teherate: The F1utt is always optn Bill Murray ,.... 1 10 suggestions conl-eming anything and c,'erylhing. We thri~e on fe«l-back. ~:! =."::"D! ':.mD~~;n~~. FluteStafT Formerly "The New Guy" Special Feature: Every Pictu re AMale Chauvinist's On NBC·, Saturday Night Tells A Story '1'o9•• OI_fOVIal>fl· """0<0,' , 11 Idea ' • . 'GIW. R . .. _, Dear Editor, By LaurieBrockway ''. •,. 1a...'I..roo __...... In my humble opinion. I think that the ' •. ,_...... "_sa.-ca .. girls al laGuardia are some of the fOliest I , •. lo"u'-t::1.:~!t!: have ever $eCn. Why don't you hold a Miss Dear Laurie. Flute or a Miss LaGuardia contest? This I loo'ed m~' laGuardia lecturing ex. may sound like a ehauvinist Idea, but it may peri-enc-e: sometimes the onl~' lim~ I get a alsobea fun idea and help Ihe school spirit. Fiorello's ~hance to Ihink is when I'm Illking-1 Youl"$ttuly, aCluall~' learn«' stuff! J. Reddington Funnies Thank you. L,uri~. for Ihc papeT'$. Ihe P.S. J would also like to volunteer my praise. thc pil'WTt'S and. ~'ou kllOw. A~ Page 17 l,ol·c.Gildll Radner scn'ices a~ II judflt. 1. : .. .- , Leller To INSIDE LOOKING OUT Humanist Dear Laurie, the 10lal authority ~he Hack's (correction As for Ihe fOlIC!. you ha"e 10 rcnllr he 'receil'edyOurlc\tcrand was very glad to oJTICCT'$) have lweI' me as an illmale. They hun~ry 10 ..-at it. ' 1111: grade nf foro is good. W,· prl'lc~t Ihc ,il'lent, .-I>Sl'(:II". sesist hear from you. We. my fellow inmatcs and eall order me to do just abOUI an)'1hing. for hut Ihl: \\':1_1' it·s prepared is Ie-rrihle, l'O\','r ,,1' Ih,' "':11' ~~Ih iS$lll' l'f Til,' m)·sclf. nppreciatc the inlete!ll your pnperis clrample: Il'an be working in one rlcpan­ A1Ihough il hasinlpt(wcd fwm \\'hat ilw(\S. Uumrlltist, l-!l'\\· rlaK-:am01!1a1.ine"hicht':llls loking in OUt problems. mC'nt for one Hack, when another H:lck Thcre :'1'1' ~o nl:any things I can It'll ~'('U itself n,,· lI.mmm" "'!lralllicllllslyrlepic-I Fir.;1 leI me tell you a IIl1leabou\ myself. l"Omcs alon8 :lnd tells me to do somelhillg "hOl.t Ihc conditions herc:. h\lt I think it :In :lI't "f t>nllalil~' degrading 10:> wI'm,'n. The My name i~ George Mon and I am J2·years­ Ihat isn't my job in another department. Ifi "ould IIcht-ucri!'1 !lcttngelher\\,ithwlI1c Ilf Mdislic piclnre .,1':1 ""I1IU" I>cin~ strnllj!h:d old. born on July ISlh. 1944: my sign i~ rcfusc.hecan.lllldl'·ill.l'-riteaninfral'lion Ih,''''herinm:lIl'S~nd,,'l'1 it allltlllheOlll'l'IIS lind at>h"fn·nt. I am h leet tall. 185 pounds nnd have black :Im bmughl 10 bing coon. I'hich l'Onsist~ I>f hll\l<;C .,1' O.:I<·nli ..,,:lS 1','St I can. II is tkpillrahlc that. "ilhin a IIni\'l:f$il~' hair and bmwn eyes. I have been unem· "ne capt:lin and :1 dvilian. if I anI found I"alllttlth:lnk'·.\ilfor:lllthcintercstand ,'Olllmiucd I., tho: (lignil~' "r nil pt.· •• pl,·. a ployed for the pastlwo years, but I have ~\lihy. ""hich happens 9 nut of 10 liml'S. ~ul'p'lIn ~·tln ;11\' ~11t",in!l LIS through ~· I'Ur LaGu~rrli~ I'ul:olkali"n ~hllilld I'n'n"'le an worked as" a salesman, p-elry polisher nnd Iw.-.:ause the Hack is we:aring Mue and ha~ a p:lpcr.:1IId :.1 ...., r"ryt'>l,rans..-cr IOI'ur pll-a im;lg., oCIII"aninl-! halfiu 1.... l'ulati.'Ifl. m:lchine nperator.nOlhing that "'as really hadgc. s,•. then I f:ang(\ to thching and lose 1i.'rhclll!And I ,ululd likeltlhcarfrtln\yt>llf Oillhe ill$ktc .'f th i~ •.,,~ . •· ... · cr ~· .'II dailll. inlcl'l.."Sting. My hobbies tHe meeting new lI1y~"(OmlilissiQnal)· .lnse gOl'd Ilnu:. fir tlct n "ndel1t\. I'rcfl'rn1;d.I' girls hc<.-:lUSOO', :'s ~'''-I "W,- are I'll.' U"II/j",i.u lind ",' :an' rOl '~ ·· :,11(1 interesting people. doing ne"" aod n::prin.:lnd(thel:lstllnci1UllusuaJl. I.n,'". I ;1111 ",,'k<'l:1 II]' in a th.m. wilh J:! As I"t'men. w,· n'j..... ·t Ihal "1:Ilm~ <',I[citing Ihings. riding motorcycles, Al.o;o. the~'I>uns ha,-e nlll-d Ihal the t>onth "lh,·rm<'II. Frl'"1 th,' \\"'nll'n'~ C,'mmim."': •• r 1M !oymugr:aphy ISlring un) and reading. I only ,·isits. with ~Ias.~ :md phllfl~~. :are CI'II ­ EnJ.!li~h J)"l'artm,'nt: hnca tcnlh Krade l-duc:uion. but. 1 would nlllstitut;.",.. 10 We hcN.' :al thc Qm.'l'ns :;Oill<... ·rcl,·, Marian ,\rki!l, :;oarah U:lrn..'r, N"r:a likct(>rurthcrit while I'm Ilcreif l can. H"n",: .. r o..·lcnliOI1 ~till have them . ..-hiil' Gl.... r!ll' ·"''''' Eiscnhcrg.HOIII ...'r, Il,>ri~ r"sf!t.·r. SUS3 n I'd like to tell you :Ihout nly cl(perienC'CS lither H"IISClI "I' [A'lcllti"n ha¥e ~'onl:lel a~~~·1510 Guhcrnat Rkd.( S:mdr:l Il;tn~ ..n, I{ulh hen.: ;lIId uf the <'ondiliolls hete nnd at "isils. Why? And ..-hy,·an·l..-e hnn' thcnl I ~h·(l:! i'I:!nll '\\'('. J 1.81) Kut.-rm:llI. Arl,'nl' I.~.rld,·n. l 'uula I ~ikcl'!i 1~lanrl. "'Il'!it ul' all, I rli~:lppnlVe Ill' ;,1.." .".w! K,'" (;:,"kn.\ NY 11514 I.dl1ll;llln. l"rnihb Olwn·. FI~in,' lInk"kn Juty. lm ROREUO'S flUTE ..... Views: ClDTm WIIITIIB wnH SUSAI IICCiO by Wanda I'reetlslacomo Writing has the .bility to help one Summer's End d iseover oneself. b y Jim ~ l i 8 lde win When I fi rst came back to Khool in Bay or Pip. Jiavana. E. HOOI'ard Hunt, ortheactioas Ihey tooll:. I begin to wonder ir September. I could b.rel, write; I rorced It 1$ the fim da)'. of the firsl .eekend, of Somebod, Rodriaun (he was CIA), a ll flash they really were responsible for DaUas. ir it each word. phrase, and sentence out or the first ""eek of inteneuion. I might add b, on the screen. The commentator keeps was not one of the others. And Oh God ! myself. I ereated • mental block against thalilis my firsl u dlast. for out wef;kI Were there ot hers. It was like some ex- writing.nd reading by trying too hard. by· begin intensives. As I walk 10 the Ii. ing ~~::n.~~~ ~n ~ ;::" ;'~t :: ~~~l.t;;: tremely complex mystery m(Wie. where it', wantinll. to do well too quick1y. The w~tin. room loput on the television. I begin to look is telling me something about a secret army. impossible to pin down the blame on any prOC'eSS 15 developed slowly for some, qUICkly back on this all'Y:. dy-done ""eek of what was At first. I thought the narrator meant the one penon. because there are so many rorothers. But it is . gl'lduaJ ptO«SS which supposed 10 be my ¥lCltion. my only lime Ruu ians. and then I realized that it's not people involm:!. It could have been one of develops iii you VOW , but not without off for the entire summer. I think .bout them he's talking about, it·s us. U.S. The them; it couk! hne been aoy one or us. I practice.. Practice comes with continu.11y wh.t • waste it hu bern. I regretfully ru.U ".rmy" is made up fA exiled ClIb.ns who see .u the wron, done by both sides; we wriliog. and through reading as well. M, the week or running back. .nd fonh. takin, came over here to the free work!. Howner, killed, and then they killed; they killed, and mind instinctively retaiM lD)' words or care of menial chorn that had bern these Cubans .re not reali, ponnycd as the then we tined. Sonteone front the CIA tries phrases for which I have a partkular f.nty. ne_kcted duringthecourse or the term• • nd good guys, even thouah they are workin, rOf toralionalizethediffCtellC'ebetwee:n kUlinll Inevitably when writing. I delight ID whICh wouk! nolongtt .... it. 1 suddenly get. US. The commentator telk or plots to kill and asswination. I almost pub in disgust. discovering these preriously read words tightl\e$!'lin mythfOllt.nd a sinking reeling Castro, plots that originated in the White "Well , that's what the Communists want nowlDg from the ink or my pen onto my in my chest II ! re.liu th.t those sand)'· House. He telk or plots to infiltrate .nd )'OU to bdieYe:' says the CIA man. Sure, I paper. I am always overwhelmed when this h.ired, t.nned .nd lnuponsible summen sabotage the Cubans, their planes, their agree, but what b it that you've tried to occun. Although I had progressed con· h.¥e nOW', .t leut ror nOW', become land. but wait. thai man just said that all m.te me believe? Wh.t wool ha..-e you, and sider.bly with m, writing slDce I started . something to remember. For . 11 I now h.ve this was going on in '62. '-rllat can't be," J quite successfUlly, I miaht add. tried to pull sdlool. I am now aware of the fuD capadty to loot fonr.rd to hi • Ioog. hOI, 'fOrking. say to myselr. Kennedy was in offICe then. oo-er my eyes? or my potential. whld! has intensified my v.cationless: ¥lCl tkm. " He~ wook! have had to or-der those thinp, rondness ror writin,. I pull . t the knob orlhe T .V.. . nd raise a nd I know th. t " he" just couldn't do that. I ! am lost. The $how- is coming to.n end, For thOle students who wish to develop the volume ever so . lIl1htly. The tu be hisses just know it. But the narrator keeps and I have,-et to find . single good gu)'. One their abl1ities in ~a tiw: writing. I wouk! and $naps ... ithkinetk energyand then . Uat mentioning datts and they're all before '63. lies, cheats. steab and kills, a nd then the highly recommend enrolling in the Crearife on~ comes to lire. " And now. 'CBS before Dallas. I'm lost. other does the " me. And by now it doesn't Writing Course with Susan Gubemat Re ports· .... " says some d ee p·throated There are more interviews with different seem to matter much which one is wh ich. ror Riccio. I am presently studying with Susan . nnouncer. 1 start to Ie.f my way through people. Most or them are or .,,·ere working they are all the same. I thOUllhl that on ly and she is . n incredibly fine instructor. It the " T.V. Guide:' .nd continue to th ink for the CIA. Most of them are ex·Cub.ns. Nixon cou ld stoop so low. but if whit they wouk! be unfortunate ror those students who .bout what. "'lSte th i5 entire 1lIfl:k has fru Cu bans. Then the commenta tor speaks . re telling me Is true. "he" was just as bad. are seriousl, interested in f\lrther developing been. ! fi nally come to the p.ge th.t ...· iII list about retaliation. but by tbe Cubans in The narrator stops t.lking. Credits beJin their potential in writinllto mw taking this the programs ror the evening •• nd it is only Cuba. Retaliatioo? How couk! they ret. liate to flash on tile SC"tftn. I can't believe II'S class wi th Susan. For me. il has been, not then that I fully comprehend wha t day it is. if they ""ere the ontJ who staMed it? After O\·er. I ca n't believe that there's noel­ onl,an inrormative course, but an el.ting T he sinking reeling f'Cts eve n M)rse. And to all . tht)' are Ihe ones.,,·hostarted this wWole planation ror "" ha t happened. but the re ex periencc as well. add to those emotIOns, ! also feel llre. t mw; th ey are the ones to blame. Aren't isn·t. The tube begins to go dark. Kennedy's As paM of the COU rJlt. the students are embarrassment rrom the realiu.tion Ih at I they? im age on~ again fad es, but this time it does requ ired to keep a Free: Writing Jou rnal am about to spend my entire Friday night at And then comes the finale. I see the tricks so from within me. Only a white dot remains which. besides Susan. is the most valuable home, watching T.V, thaI were invoh-ed. the politics. the lies. I see on tile K run. I stand there at the set ror a paM or the course. In this book, you simply Acr05S the room, the announcer begins the cld. hard faeu that lay behind the.sc:tnes moment. I am (»Ice again embarrassed stan writing. for no less than fifteen his monologue about something I wasn't . 11 the time while " he·' uttered areat about spending my entire e¥ening at home, minutes, never permitting )'OUr pen to Ie.¥e suppoKd to know or see. I know he is phrases. I begin to wonder if the Cub.lIS. just watchin. T.V. I am ashamed of me; I the page. If you fcelyou have nothing to "'" talking about .gents. and t'ftry now and the ones in Cuba. were not justified in some am ashamed or Us. . just write that you bave nothing to say UDtiI then I hear the CIA mentioned. But as the somelhin. comes into )'OUr mind. Susan show continues J pay very link anention to predicts that "you will soon get bored with it. With the "Guide." I h.ve stopped my writing JOu have nothinll to $Iy." And aimless wandering through its pages. and she is rightl The surprise with this journal Is instead have: become stuck on one plMicular Ihat you newer knOOl' what JOU will write. adveMisement wh ich I stupidl)' stare at. The ~ You let ,ourseJrIlow with the stream or )'our model is ve ry~u y.vel'J'p ret ty. Then I hear THE EXHIBITIONISTS, INC. thoughts. The accompli5hment or this free: the voitt. writing is th.t you record your thoushts and The first CO·op gallery In Queens presents feelings as they seep into your mind. whi.:h By nOOl' it hll$ become like some catal)'St allows JOu to understand your inner selr. tha t send s m)' mi nd off on a whole nosta lgic Wh. l will 100allyastonish you are the stories uplosion. lt'slik esome fa miliar scent that you will be able to ~a t e from your ow n raises memories aD" emotions of a ti me long thoughts. The res ults.re startlinll' gone by. Pa ngs or grief. sorrow. pity •• 11 EXPO: CUBA The Creative Writinll Course is sheer suddenly avalanche within. It is an over­ enjoyment. fil led with a reeling or whel ming wave of nostalgia that relates to a sati5faction in discovering your natural time I wish could come a l i~ again. I was inner potential. Susan is a sirtC'ffe person mu ch too you ng when it all happened. but who never fails to u press a Jle nuine en· rrom the recounti ng by othen or that era. It Now Through August 13 thusiasm. not only in Creatiw: Writi ng. but <;eems to mc that it truly was some ki nd of in her students as well. In essence, the Camelot. course has proven to be tremendously in· I raise my head to stare at the scrun. rormative and worthwhile, with Susan as the There he is. the only Roman Catholic sainI vital presencc who instillsseJr-motiva tion in nf the 20th century. Pte5ident 10hn F. An Outstanding Collection her 5lud"nts. She truly cares. Kennedy. He's !lpeaking 10 some crO\lo·d, to me. His handsome. crinkle-eyed features PROF. waSllllaTOI glisten ,lightly uoder a 1'101 ~un_ Although of Posters From Cuba the tape is b lack and white. I can tell that he IS darkly tanned. He looks OUI over the loaned by the Center for Cuban Studies am CERTIFICaTE podium to Ihe crowd and then utters Herman" A. Washington. a te5ident or w mc(h ing abou t a brigade. somethinll Roosevelt. NY. was awarded the Ctrtifil.'ale abou t a free Cuba. T hen there are in Data Processin g (CDP) from the Institute tre mc ndous cheers. My heart su ddenly Recent Photographs ror CeMi flCa tion of Co mputer Prorcssionall ~we ll s. I have barely heard a wont he said. (J CCP) ror suocessfully Mmpleting the 19n much Iess ..· hat it meanl.but I ree l as irl examination. The ICeP annually ad­ ministen the examin.tion in m~ than 100 ~ hou ld cheer .., we ll . Arter all , it is " him"; ;t of Life in Cuba ,; Kennedy. controlled ttstin ll centers at colleges .nd univenities . crou the Uniled States, Slowly t ~ cheers f.de and alonll with it by American Photographers Canada. and throughout the world. rades K e nned y'~ imaJle on the screen. Once Herman A. Washingto n. Associa te again, I feel the sinking, empty feeling. it is Proressor at LaGuardia Communit)' the~am e feelin8th a t i always Jlet .fter I see College, was one of 1505 successrul can· him. I suppcl\t I ~ hou ld be used 10 it by now, Conflnuous Slide Show didates GOu t or 3164 who look this year's for a fter all. I only get to see brier glimpses ex.mination. A lotal or 17,544 CDP's have or him ever, now and then. 01 Cuban Art, Architecture. Dance been awarded since the fi rst uamination The commentator resumes his authority, was given in 1962. a nd continues his n. " "ion. However, th i!! ICCP is a non profil organization com· time I am li~te"i"l; I am paying attention. Gallery open Tues. thru Sat., 12·6 PM prised of eight computer societies ror the Rut it IS only becauw ·'he" is paM or the purpose or testing and cert iryingknowledge \ubject of the \how. And w I ,it b.ck. toss aoo skills of computer personnel. lI,ide Ihe "T.V. Guide:' and enler into the 92·20 Union Hall Street, Theeumination establishesamcthod for ... orld that lhe luhe" pte$Cnting mc. rttOgnb.ing a corps of individuals who ha~e It Is abou t (uba. Yeah. that'~ Ihe place Jamaica, New York 11432 Ihekno... ledgeronsidered importanttod". where Ihey hid rhemi,~ileo;.dirty.Ioo~)' .• I processing and information manageltl cnl. ha~e alwaY" a\\OCialed ·'hlm" wilh Cuba '\f', Admission Free 658·4926 .~ rhe COP hclps lay a foundation for Ihc And I have al_a)'\ thou ght that they were ("()ntinued gtOV

Bitch, Yell and Scream lew Marijuana Penailies

by Jim MI.klewln. iu",~~ Ihlll ",JQ/~ 10 Ihe city. POSSESS ION Tlris u l~jirJl q/'wlr(H will be fI 11_ P/~IU,b"·,.,yourqn"iOfUlotlt'FLUTE fte'u~ toht"," P 11r, FLUTE. /, u ~ .offiCI' u. tlte n'tlr oj tire SONY tlIjrfmfl. or fo.-~~=:':t,:::~;~o~m,Uln!°,~OC::::~~nth;::c:::,::~u::::u=:= Muelr lIb ,Ire "Ellquuu., PIw4Ofnl,M"" qf ,It, FLUTE mllii/Joz U. M-/22 PJIfI,J' brbr, offenses, TIle Neooo... IMI 'Ir~. / mflAt; IIQ cMilfU i" QU q .. tstiolu "'./'we luly 26111. More than 1e\'CI\.a&hths olin ounce bvtlas than nro OUDC:eS: Up to three rnoaths In oforitiruth'ty. H~, ulilib ,Ire IIkKqn~U AI qf 1",". 19, 1917, tit, "GOlifriftl· jail and I SSOO liM. of,It, ENquiriIllPIrof06NPIwr, Iltu t»iumll 8I1rclayR~formAel " 'M' will d«rimiIlQm, Two 10 right ounces: Up tooneJUrlnd I SIOOO fine. ..../I be man: ItXeuiblfl to you. tit, ~r .. dDt" poueuWII oj "'lIrijullfUI in smQII "mlMl"u. Eight to 16 OUIK'eS: Up to four yeln. ofLAGu"nlu.. ANd.itwillpr-eYOUflc:It"Nce II"" ..ill impos, jilin nltlt,r tIll". jail 16 ounca: to IOpounds: UptOlf!ftoyu.rs. touprr:uyotlropu.iOfU eM dijforntt Usuu. UNtmcu. folllly bt:t:crmr hlw. More than 10 pounds: Up to IS yeln. All lIudmu .re wdcome '0 ~ubmil A"" you iN fo- oj tAU biII1 USin,llI)'lmounl m a public.' place: Up to three months iDjaiialid a SSOO fine. qWtsl10tU Iltllt 1M, JftI Qre impon.ltf. Do yotI JftI 'Mt it ....ll iN "Ny _y .Jfed SALE TIttsf! quations c.'IlJI rd.l, 10 un ,It", t~ II. qf mQrVuQN!I by 'lte ~N""I PflbIk. ~t:f'm LIIGullnljg Itud~IIU ~p«ificfllly, Willittff«,yourQttjl14d"o_nl~'lIf!u~, ~a~ ~:;:=.:.::~:nn:t~~~ou~:am;~:~:r!-tu: :I~n~ ' ~,"d~"fI iN ,It, CU/VY syslem ill ,.,,",,1. or of mQrijuflM. Sale of between If!ftn-riahths of an ounce Ind fourOUDces: Up to fou r yean. Sale of410 16o:c.. : Up to seven yelrs. Saleofmorethan 16o:c..:UptoISyelrs. FumlshiD8 Iny lmounllo a minor: Up to ~n yean. Join The Auxiliary Police

The Au:dlial)' Police is I ~unteer are Iramported to posts by PoIic-e ~n, oraaDllllion plcdJC'd 10 Uliil the locil menl vehides usignrd 10 this Untt. Sp«ill community, without ply. They Ic.'I U come Tuk Fo.-c.'eS II a pllro1 unit and Inlped preventon by intnuin, pn:serK'e of poIk:e every _-ukdly even!na 10 III ptel;'1ncu uniforms in the streets. throufhotll the dty. AUliliaty Police Offlttn do not carry OtthiJ lime..-e Ire retT\lning men Ind JUDI, 0.- Mve lhe powet' of lnul beyond women thai are inletestN in this unit. that of a private citizen. They Ire tnolned to HASIC (},..ALlF'lCATIO' S FOR nlE Lorna (Writin, Tuto.-) : I Dorill ' a~ palrol, observe Ind report, and hive a AUX ILlAR' POLICE: thoujlhtlhlt it ...s a b.llef" IppnMCh, in the what dama. i e.'an do. e.'an be scien· remarkable n:c.'Ofd of persooaI safety and I. A U.S. citiun Ot' one ... ho h.s oppollhe direction .....hm Gen'. Rod:.fel1er dfkaUy pl'O¥en that there ' no dlml. 10 Ichievement. decllred Intentions of bet:omln, I , dtlun, crackedodown on drup In '73. I think thlt's the brain, then by III means le,aJite It. It's 2. Must be &lleut 17 yean ef 1ge. bUI the "IY it sboukl have been. beclUst after like smokin, dpn:tteL No one Cln tell you Our wOt'k included: auianmenl 10 fooc not 0Vff 55 yeln ofa•. IU, who nreds it! Ithmk thlt if thinl' roukl not to hann your lunp: palrol in pain with • poIk-e radio. sud! IS l, Must be of JOOCI reputation, be dODe In rapet'l to prohibnioCl, 0.- if In my Ofinion, by gtrin, only I hllf·.. ay bu. Slops, dlurc:hes. plaJlfOUnds. and charlc.'ler and phydcal c.'Oftdidon. prohibition coukl be effet:tlve. .. 1 think thlt &0 lhead. In otber -words. Ihey're not soin, community Iffaln. They Ire lnoined 10 4. M.lesS'S"ofhdabt. femlles It kut .... ould be rood too. assist in emerJency situltions sum a. S'lnh~I, To ease us on drua control iJ wrona, !~~t~: :~~e;h~ ~~r:~'lt~tt':: misslna children, storms. lira, blackouts, S, MUSlha~ I placeofrnidence or beeIIUstI tee drugs UveryhannfuL To have that people should be Ible 10 do IS they do. employmenl In New Yort City. UJter' I<:Ce:H to dlUp is; a mlslake. Theft'S p ..... SP ECIAL TASK FORCES. UN IFORMS AXD SHI ELDS: no point In It. I don't think thlt there cln poulbly be a AUX IUAR' POLICE You will wear a police uniform ..ilh a1'ef)' And. no, iI ..ill not efred my U$C 01 chanae in the use of marijulna, by the You may tim to serre: in our unit. the distillc.'tM 7.poinled mf!tal shield Ind doth mlrijuana. I do not and will not use it. public. for the simple reason thai they Ire Sp«ial Tuk Fon:es, an rlite dt,.-ide unit of ann patm. identifyina you IS In AUlIililry using it now ... with huorier penlllies, So, if the AUllmlry Police Ihat palrol in all , lhey lighlrn the senlenc.'eS I really don't boroua1u of New York City, Ihis unit is liso PolF: ~~~~r informltlon. 'call Ihe Ihinkil ... illha~anyeffe<:t. ullilted for sponin, events. Slrert fairs and AUlllIa., Fon:es S«don. N,Y,C. PoIk-c Nol ddnot Indwill not useil. 5pecial events throuabout the: city. Pltrols Depanmenl, Sgt. DeCastro II 793·2727.

t:mee;t IJomintq~ (Liberal Arts) : Wrll. 1 pelS Ihl' I'd much ralherFl a fine in· strld of beinJ senl 10 jl.!l. I think I~re j'brk Kanoo,..J:ti hould be some kind of penalty. BUI ... when ,I comes between chOGSlna a fine or beina Mark Karnu .. ",kl (Adjunct In· sent 10 jail fo.- a certain pHiod of time, I slructo.-:Enalish) : Yn:, I'm in full support prefer the: fine. of the bill, It ....on·' erret:t tbeuse. The pcopk ..illilill No. not It III, I don't think thatthere"'ill smoke ltiJulna. but Q fir Q people ... ho be any efTect on Ihe public.'·, useofpot. ntrer smoked it before is concerned, I don', No, 11 ... on'l hl~ any .ffect on ml' use. know, On I whole. 1 don'tlhink it will make adifT~nce. I don't UIII! n, but no. it won'l mlnae 'hat.

J""'}' Jlmea (Ubcnl Arts) : I Ihink II's fo.- tM counlry U I whole. IKJrrible, ~hrijuana is a drua thlt .... hlle As fir u myust is; concerned, I'm not I your under lhe innuence of, nn Iud to user. I doubt If It will ha~lny rfTm on lhe Don't Be Surprised many bid thinp. For instance. drivina .>ubii<.'. beeaust they ha~ been smokin, it under thr Inftumce cln clUse Ira"...... Ie." while It WIS i1ktal. Ind .... hile you could still ridcntL Bdll, under the innumce JOU ma, aet a 5tifT penalty, It mly mike a difference strike I penon·a huiband mmy sttike his fo.- the stllrn who may IIdI In the open if someday someone comes up to you ";k, II makes peopk do thinp that lhey more. But fo.- Ihe people, no. .... ould not normally do. And I think it's bad and says. Mlrijuanl hu been smoked at leut OI\C'C by24-x.ofllltldultAmcric:lns.lCCOI"dm,lo SO, onl, S"'4 hlft sampled the Wftd. The a rettftt Gillup Poll. Amon,lIdutt. udner 2401!1.fiJUrefo.-allllduttsc.'Omparn wil h I~ JO, 56" haft smoted but amons those 0'I'eT in 1971 Ind juu 4% in l~. Go ahead, Bitch, Yell and Scream Juty, 1177 AOREUO' S FLUTE ARTI~! Need a JoU (lett oat the HllllWlist EookJor . .. (next issue) Subject: Skdch Artist- fQl" Humanist controlled with slafT advisor; informal. M'lnine, beeinning Summer Qu.rter '71 friendly, innovative; ..orkina hours and days ountr!{ Cruzer--..., often vary from Khcdule due 10 inherent ~. lIfi ca ti OU!I: Must be able to dr.w nature of publishing and the exigencies of !rue-to-life sketches of re.1 persons .nd student-sponsored tvenlS: musl be .ble to In the week. to fo Uow, thI. column will .. lte mpt to provide you with a things .•ble to conc:cive andlor sketch from respond to student club needs and requests OIhen' conc:cpl$ (wrillen or or.1) for rouneously. promptly and efT'tciently and to ~:~:~ !~~y-:;,~!:eU;;:;i: ::Ck~~1 ;j11l';,1~~ e~~~:~t:':t!:ud.u:::::;~ caric.tures, carloons and illustrations \\-'ork dependably and proficienlly on a n Each week a particular place of Inlerel t or special (:\o'ent wUl be accompanyina articles, short storics. poetry, equal status with st.fT advisor. d llC u.eed, a1o na: wi th he1 pful Iden for your trip_ lU08t of 111_ pl.eeI .nd for posters and flyers; able to determine Iknd it.: Opportunity to provide an will be .bout 2-4 hollt'l a"" ay from NY I thl'O U8hout the an:ou ' lII'T'Oundins appropriale and most efTective illustrations artislic service to other .students. to h.ve the city, your work seen on other college campu5eS: from contents of wri"en materials: able to Any quntlon. rq:.rdins camp Ina: Info nn. lion, or .pecinc C&ITIpiOS 10 establish service credentials for print well in various calligraphic$. Elt­ .rea. ehould beRilt to the Co.,IItry Cnner, c/o FU)~llo'. Flule Im.mJOJ[ Kholarship recommendations; to meel perienC'C preferred. Bring samples of In room 122)_ We ..·ilI check oW' fUn and . ltempt to provide anawen It f.mous IUests of SAC; to know what's drawing andl O!' bewi!ling to prove ability by IIOOn 'I! po!IIJible. Remember, the IIOOnV' the q ue!ltlon I. IIlIked. the happening in amUKment at laG. and in the m.king sketches that m.y be requested by IoOOner you'll ~ t the.ntwerand o rr you can go ,., Co..,.try CrlUi" " theinterviewcr. city: to develop your artistic talents further: Duties: Work on stafTof"The to learn the oepration of widely·used Humanist." a student maaazine al reproducing machines; to get to know many LaG.c.e. Do primarily sinale pen and ink other students.t work and socially. which is sketches ror the magll.ineand on flyers and rare at laG.: to earn some additional money poslers for SAC; learn to operate printina under pleasant cond itions ... ith an im· Music Award machines: reproduce flyers and postCf'S for mediately and l.stingly valuable le.rn ing student clubs: assist in layout publication c.tpcrienc:e! The Music Department 5ponSOrs t"''O .Responsibility Ind cooperation during process and distribution of "The aw.rds for gradu.tinl senion. the Natw,nal all rehearsals. meelings Ind performances Humanist." 'Applie.nt must be appt'O"cd ror College Choral A .... rd and the John Philip Sousa ·Reliability and promptness It all \\ nrking Environn.e-n t : Student _ Work. Study ... ia Financi.1 Aid. Band Aw.rd. BoIh a ....rds include aa rehearsals. meetings .nd pcrl'ormanc:cs engraved pin. I certificate and a trophy. The ·Pnpardedncss and readiness to preform ... inner·s n.me is.bo engraved OR • per­ at all rehearnls and performances . ... s't\ '~ manent pl.que which is mounted on the promptly and in a prorcuionll manner. wall of the Music H.II. 'Responsibility for leamina the musie. ~ \..r: c,e\ and c.thiblting leadmhlp in rehearsals e~ Whileaehievement in solo performance is ..hieh ",ill help othm to learn the music considered. the awards are for the most quickly and well CO~"'l' reliable, most valu.ble. all-around -Reliability and dedication to the goals ~O'f" FREE gudu.ting Choir or Band membeT whose and professional spirit of the laGuardia overall contribution as a membeT or Ihe Commu nity College Choir and Band as group is of primary consideratw,n. uemplirlCd by prores5ional Ind pcfSOfIal During the Spring Quaner of each year, conduct during all musical activitk-s We have a limited number of the members of the Choir vote for the ·An uC'Cption.lcol1lribUIw,n throuah all prospec:tiye recipient of the N.tional Choral or the .~e to the Choir or 81nd. and their Award .• nd the Band members yote ror the programs throughout the yelr prospective recipient of the; John Philip 80th the N.tw,nal Choral Aw.rd .nd thf' 112 price movie cards. Sousa Band A... rd. The faculty of the Music Department ¥Ote (or both awards. ~;li~:rS;u~'on:,t.v;:.1ttf~:r~ The criteri. include: =BANK. Only one per LD. card at Student Activities MI22 When INrryotIt is somHod¥, then no one is ~

~~\YAW ~~lli WTI©~ Students no longer have to make the trip to the Executone Building

Located in the basement of the Main Building behind the security desk , Deposit Checks Only! NO Cash DepOSits Will Be Accepted Make all checks payable to: LaGuardia Community College Receipts will be mailed to student

NOTE : The Bursar's will not assume responsibility lor any cash deposited ..... ROREUO'S FWTE Juty, 1m Campus Tid Bits ... Q.·d'do ing the Ititee o r Sprin, IIII n't ~i ce 10 Fool A portr"t Inist-cum·con Irtist d uped The .."Ct tee·shin contest. once strictly. Student R t"pOrten aboot 6S men from 5C\Ierll frllernitJ,es It the pastime of the sleazy nightd ub crowd, hu If the singet' "'ho signed on at a small U. of Pe nnsylvania into payin. him a SIO moved ontotampus this sprin,. And iI's the lowl City. 100\". elub Ind billed himself u adVInce; to draw theiruritalures. Going by feminists, not lhe prudes. who lITe rlising I "John Phillip$. formerly of the 'M. mu and the n.me of Earl the Artisl and cl.iming 10 fuu and trying to end Ihe events. whkh the Papas'" ,hought the small university beat.n ooninf'romSanFranciK"O,the m.n HERE COMES felture women d.ndn, or paradin, in ti",1 town ".$ ruled "'jth gullible hayseeds. he staned the drawings and Slid he would tee·shim that are made even tighter by now koo-'S belter. thanh to the efforu of deliver them ""hen they ""ere matted. He hu .. ater or b«r poured O\-'er them by I leering three investigallve reporters from the U. of not been seen on the campus since. CfO'OI'd of men. 1000'a student nC'll'Spaper. • • • •• THE SUN At Ihe U. of Maryland, a recent frater· Firs' of all , Ihis (dub) isn', the tlope of The Rev. Sun Myung Moon. the ron. nity.sponsored on·umpus conlest drew pl.ce you'd npecl to find lohn Phillips tfOVCrsialleader of the Unirlution Church. 3.000 spectators and turned inlO an old· playing," said one of the Daily Iowan .. u arrested 1'51 mOTlth for trespassing on Ii) 1..uril' Ilroek ..· .,. fashioned strip show. Before Ihe event. reporters. so the lrio began chC(:king out the Ihe umpu5 of Bard Col1eac, ... hich is pkketers protesting the "sellist" nqture of performer through phone calls to people localed l bout • mile from Moon's AI the first glimmer of summer $unshine ~~~e~h::: ~~~~I~~~hll=~~~~~~~~!~ ~~ufh~:p~~e,:u~~t;·~oask~ef:.ot:t~;.e~ Tarryto--·n. N.Y ., .~~i~a.ry . millions of people. young and old alike, are o IT, flockln8 10 beaches. pools and patios to held. An hour.long confrontalion cnsued story e~posing Ihe 1000a performtr as an A silcnl, oJll,:n·mouthed cro.. -d of aboul rapture the color of the §eawn. There 15 wi th chams. sneers, obscene insults and imposter. 2.50 at San Jose Stale U. "'Itched a Itnure threats or violence being traded. When the reporters first qucslioned the on lado-masochism lut month. A pair of ~o mething about a tan Ih" can "lake one look YOU"¥f, thinner, hC'lIlIhier .00 more After the COntCSt. adminiSlrators and mlln. he olufTed r.irly convinCingly but the praclldng masochists dressed in leather student governmtnt offid:lis I nnounced night the 5Iory ran, ?e fai led to sho--' ";P al harnesses and studded pants uplai ned lheir .. uractivc In general. But too much cxposure to the 5un can Ihey lI'ere invesligating the con test to Ihetlubandhehasnlb«nseenthere.. 51n~ . intcrest In sla\'ery It the in¥ha,ion of I ,.Iuseadermllologkaldisaslcr. If skin is determine where the money from the show _ One of the student reporters says. We d prOrCSSOf'. u poscd 10 the su n in moderation. onc can ... ent. Some suspected the contest "IS co- hke. to follow it up. We figure he's p~a~ly nbtain that younger, thinner, healthy. 11- sponsored by outside promoters, The ofTlOsome~lhersma ll ~ lI.ege"t own slngeng Tohelpturbthed~dilemm.atlhe U. or Pennsylv.nia, the du'C'Ctor of university tractive looking tan without damlginS the fraternity had reserved a umpus eoliseum ... and beIng John Phllhps. publicltions a nd Ihe director ohtudent life O! iemenls of the sltin. Some people Kern 10 callins the event. "diK"O beauty contest." •• • • O"er 2(X) peopk, many of Ihem MurrlY Si. months.fterthepresKientofthe U. of have been assigned the tuk of ridding the think thlttheonIY"'.YlogctldC'CCnt 'In is Slate U. (KyJsludents, were arrested Ifter a Oclawlre said he had received "betlII-een JO clmpus of Slrays.••••• CTOWd of beeor-d rinkins you ng people and 40" eompllints of sexual harusment of :~t~~~~II~i:~o::::e~u~~;:.~:. oulS)de I tavern held an imptomptu wet lee. slUdenls by faeu l!)' during the past year. a T ..o-year coIlese graduales' stlrtin g True. those prodUCl1 might .k! in shirt conlesl by ..,et ting down their fem.le fatuity committee investigating the ullries ,,-ere sUf'\'e~ recently by the relievinlJ temporary d iscomron. but they Middle Atlantic Career CounSeling IO-on', repair permanent damage. nor will companions. f\leishbors compl.ined and allegations hu ulled it a "dead issue:' when police arrived. I botlk.lhrowing melee Apparently, none of lhe allegalions ..-ere AsJOClation. Heading the lilt of fields "'as X· lhey .her the lon, flI ngt effecu Ihlt the sun Ray Teehn~ogy .. ith an average $Ia rt ing can hIve Of! the skin. one of the more follo ... ed. • • • • • !~~:~!~al enough 10 thoroushly in· utary of S2(X) per "'eek: Po l ic~ Science. fl roround cfTecu ofa~ive lunninl being Former student ",110 daims he suffered Mae Cusler, chlirpcnon of the UD S192; Electrkll ind EIet1ronk-i. SI88; .nd \kin c.naor. And. th.t he.lthy ud "inleDlion.1 inniClion of menIal distress" by Commission OIl the StalUs of Women, ""ho Nuning. 5184. AI the botlom of the lin ..· ere appuling sh.de you've b«n working on U. of Georgia officials who turned down his also attempted to investigate. said the the fields of Child Clre. S102; Animal loday might very "'ell tum lnlo lhe lealher request to break a dorm contract issuing for commiS.5ion·s ""ork did treate a gre.ter Science TC<'hnoiogy. SI2J: and Soci.1 lnok in the nO( ·so-far·off·fulUre. S25O,ooo. The studenl is seeking "com· awarcness of the problem bUI thai no Scitnce. SIJ4 So remember. b.by oil and sun ren~l0r5 pensatory damages for impairment of spedfic policies to deal "'ith the probkm li re OUI. skin care is in. Take 10 Ihe sun earning capacily after graduatton:' He had been implemcnled. Altht time or the May 4. 1970 shootings lowly and carefully and you'lI be rewarded tlaim~ hc .."as threatened .... ith withheld An NOCR ch~k of numerous other at Kent Statf' U .. 7.000 rreshmen lI·en.' " ilh a really heahhy. and luting. lin and grades if he didn't ply thc balance of his campuses also foiled 10 tum up Qny solid t nrolled. The first freshman class to IIpply you will save your skin the f.te of .ging residence hall bill afkr mov ing off tllmpus. research inlo the scope oflhe problem. Mosl after thc shootings had dropped 10 5.000 before its lime. There Ilre many producls on '111esc threats. he says. upset him to the ufthose .... e lalked ,,·ithacknOl\·lcdged that and hIlS remained at that Ie.·el e.·et since. the market now deslSned to prolc(:1 your ulenl his gradcs wen: I ffC(:ted. He also !ouch inciden ts do occur but misundersland. according to a KSU admissions officer. ,kin.n ~. anotherstudentmoved;nlohis raom shortly Lynn Farley. a N~' York City author sludenls from out of stale. after he kft. Ihe U. was a"empting "unjusl "hose book on sellual harassmtnt ..;11 be ennchmtnt" by attempting 10 collC(:1 twice published nnl spring. believes the problem ChICk oullll.. 1 II/'OdUcll: T ... o masked innudt'fS staged a da~' hght for the same r~~... has reached epidemic: proponions and is fObbe~' at Ihe Oregon SlIIle U. KcUrity EIIz.beth Arden's new Sune.re n pecillly O¥"en at the graduate level. She offke recently. They blrged into the office. Canll'UI b lluo!'! Sune,fti uid studcnts at the U. of California at San hurled a firebomb and doused it . ·ith a fire collet1ion is scientirlC. lly formulated to help Sludenl5 tend 10 get: along from dly to Diego add,,"sed the issue in 1975 ... ith an " ClIlinguu.her as a dil'('f$ion .. hite I h e~ broke you get the kind of I.n you ..· .nl for your day without hiving much need 10 nel't'ise kind of skin. There five products•• n •A' for a Lay Day" protest but Ihat most 1010 an ellhibit containing II sample b.g of .re nudent rights or the services pf'(n'ided by .. omen tan only protest by dropping OUl­ mariju.nll. The pair escaped "ilh Ihe ba, numbered ... lIh your "skin factor." Each their siudent government. These con· lea~mg the probkm in Ihe back of the cI~t .. hkh. according to offlCCl'S. is If'n ~ears old product is time·exposed to assure you of a clusions c.n be drawn from three survey. IIhereit'IIlI.... ys . ~n•• andhaslostalJitspofe~·. we, but u tisfying.lln. Arden abo provides recently released. Fut Dron!.ing Oil. designed to keep you r Of 120 U. of Oregon studenlJ: SUf\-eyed, A remindff Ihat the strict dre55 and uistingl.n, tan .nd 1000ely. For .fler·sun 75% knewse. d iscriminalion was prohibited grooming code is still in efret! at Brigham 111'Ahh s..nirt'I' l nllr-r Fi~ treatment. Ihere is Arden's MoillttU1l by federal law bul...ery rew had any direct or You ng U. "'as contained in • letter to the After a NMhern Ill inois U. slUdent died It "fresher to keep skin smoolh .nd sofl. indirect nperience wi th discrim inltion. slUdent body from BYU President Dallin of pneumonia "'hile being :ldmilled 10 the Arden's SeU·T. nnlng Lotion will provide About4O"To knew abou t lhe Buckley privacy Oaks. "Prior 10 fi nal cllaminatiOTlS, men'S Studf'nl Health SCT\·ice. a numher ,.( you ..ith a Ian "';th no assistance from the law and of those. 68% had used some of the hllir should be lrimmed 10 a length "'ithin alle,ations nrinconlpt'tent lrealmenl :ll the sun at . 11 . Each is prien! .t 54 and is righlJ:ilprovides.5udlasthe righ l to have Ihe standards. In the public areas of the hands ohtllfTef'$ tanle to ]jghl. The stUdcnl packaged with inslruClions .nd skin chart. informalion kept confidcntial. But a n tqual campus. both men and women should ne .. - sp:a~r and the C'hica,(O Daily Ncws Clinillue', S unt. n t: ncourager is percentage of lhose " hodldn'l knO'" about rorego grubby Ilpparel and see that their reported incidents lueh as the cau (Of the designed to aid In gen tle ta nning process Ihe Buckley provisions had cxerdsed Ihe dress is al"'ays modest and consistenl wilh rtmale "ho "as diagnosed 115 heint/: and di5COUrage peeling: it Is full of ume rights. BYU standards:' he .. rote. But some prellnlnt 1;o~· t heN I U H,'allh Sefl iC't' .. hen In moisluril:lng emolients. CJlrllcIU t"~ Sun The U. of Oregon Office of Student students hllve 51a rted a petition claimin!! 13tt she "asn'l. lind a student "ho II~U HlU!·" prevenu the sun from burning the Ad¥ocacy.which had conduc-ted Ihe survey, thllt Ihe BYU '$upplied s .. im suils 1111 ... omen rebutTed M the Cllnlr"S fadli ' ~ ;'Ond IItnt 1,1 \kin Ilnd is equipped h moisturizing !i3id it showed students IlIck the "political arerequi, to "car"'hen us;n!! the campus hcr liJmit~ dc..' wr "ho diW{'I\cred shc had ingredients. e lillillUt' Conlinllo u, orientation" of siudents of previous eras and pool aft' "inlnlOO!,!'~ •• pnl'un\(\nia. f:'. u: r~l·isdCliiRned t ob l ockouta li lraces that loday "5tudentSllppur '0 center ' heir A unilcnit~ rt'pc>rt ,"'dered h) Ihe h,>.ud of Ihe sun.nd il comes in live different int erest5intheirpe~nallives.ndstri¥eto Enlbarrll\se(! uftkials ofCnlumbia U. are "f fl'gen ts. h'.... C\·ef. ,'ri lidled Ihc media shades to thoosc from. The Clinique obt:lin a rollege ed ut.tion .. ith II minimal tryin!!to gel ... 11 ofa mortgage in'-estment ~'o'cra~ ,.(thc de~ t h ~nd gentralh !la't Ihe l.vlla::tion is fragTance.rree and hypo­ llmount nf ronru~i,!". a.~ difficulty:' Ihe~' madc. Pan of Ihe mortgage indudes Ih':llth Seni,'" '~II.I:ltt'>r) marl.s. But 'the II lIergenit. The produClS C'OSt between S5 >;CI'cral Times Squ:ll'e pornograph~' houses. a regen I' ,Ire ~in!l I'n'S!;un"tt 10 in'""!1~t,· l nd S7.50. At Brigham YOlIng U. students ..-ere tact ("t.lumt-ia officials. :lpparentl~' didn't tunher. The IrlllllSIItOrt' 1i hneofsunt.n produClI sUf\eyed as the) Icft ~Iudcnl government l't'a1iu until it .. as ft"I'caled t>~ ABC Nl.... · S. Al Ih,' Slat" t ' ,.f N ...... "'rk- Sto'n,· mdude: " "i~u t" ..Tll n "·o.-mula. So· n. 'Oling booIhs. HO\l' did they make Ihcir Bn~.I.. :1 \tudcnt has :lDn,>um:ed rlans h.lik ~ i til .· !'ou n C:n-m.· 11 M ~Url 1I1 (W' ''. E:ach HMinS dedsions! On the ISSUes the can· Student aC1l,it~ p~rllmmcf'$ sUf\'cycd ., malpr.Jcl"... • <\Iii ~jl.ll i n s l an intirmafl n,QiSl\lril.e5 "'hlle tanning. a.s ... ell as ItidalC"'l ~ lOod rOf'. ans ..-ered the n,:ajorit}. rC<'enll~ hy Dr. R,>l>nt Pc:'Itrson. lXan "f po.>diatri)1 aftcr ,. ''In·n·n,, .. al ItI'lln"'nt d iscourages sunburn But . ·hcn Qsked 10 list an issue from hoth Sludcnls al O\ke C{\lltge. Ohio. feel Ih~' .• Iktt<"dh It'd I,. a dlln~"CT\"' ~ mfC'l'li,," Ib in.I.·S,.I.·j] has a finc linc of sun·care their t'andidalt' ~ and the tlpponent ' ~ an.'undCTpaid . "Groslily undcrpaid" "115 tht \ lId Ihe Ua1"lard ilealth S,,'flk'o:'$is l>eing p rodUCI ~ . meluding Ihe new Trol,ir.1 platforn,. 82". l'(luld nl)( ans ..· er. lIa.v 21·. dncr;hed their romprnsation and .. u~'tl to\ a .wd,'m "h,. all"I-'('$ d,,,,on. "C~ 1 ~ · l u .. '· ..... rm ul .... hkh promotes tan And at Ihe U. of Te:o:as · Au~tin. W'. ~Q<' ;. !>;lid " \hjl.h ll~ underpaid." Onll !". ",,'0 call,,,,, lind II,,! \"nlJlll thctk' at "II" wtuie moisturilmg and conditkming the l'hecked"dnn't knCl'o\" "hellllskt'd.hQlthc 'aidlhc\· ..· cfl'\Ii!!htl) ,,,trpaid. In com · "hl'n .. he n''1u,'''In1 adnnu ;'.n_ Sh,' latM' , kin. ~tudcn t '\.Cnate·s rnpnnsihiht1n lire. SliIl. I,an~on .. ith flll'ull> ~:lI~ries. 24-" "f Ihe umk"",'''1 "'",l·r~"'·n,'" '"r~"'n 1,1\' a toUT'uldn't he runded at 1111 "hilc 27" • • aid II IMid \hjl.hth h ... er and .l2" ~ \~Iid \~ln · ,l nd JlI,:DClratmtt. Oon'l be fooled by II cool. ,hu" k! rcttin: nlllnlbtono lundin!! lind 114-. .,d,·rah", h,wl'r. Thc 'urw~ .. a< fl'po!'tcd ,n •... en:a\t day, St prep:ared for the ~un QIIId Ihnu1!ll1 -.('D1l· I"rm \.r ",II;onal fund III<' AI'ril I~SU,' ,.r NECA,\ majl.a1ine. 1""I.1/W,," 111 1.'1111>" ,-t". , ...... r"'$r,,'" ~'Q\'c r up I,,-jth l'O!omctic rrotC<'tion_ The sun n.lI~,,·ti,~n "11\ : IP~':'I':~~e . \IIH1.'nl Adil l1 i,"" ~~r!DlOlin!!. 8. (""prbnd ( :In he: a dan!ll'l'mI\ rellow. July,19n FIOREUO'S flUTE Free Concerts At Flushing Meadow Park

The lirsl in a ~Ies of four band concerts The concert W.I on Sund.y. Ju]y ]7 II J the whole r.mily. It includes "me. was '"Meet Your HaU ofScielK'"t," and it was P.M . Fledermaus" OVfftu~. selections rrom "The • n invit.tion 10 Sund.y strollers to brinl The third concert is called "An Old Sound or Music." "Those Were Ihe o.ys." theirbl.nkets.nd baskets 10 the rlCkI Fash;oned ColK'ft'I in the Park." the and IS • fininl ooaduslon. "On the M.II" OIuskte the H.II of Sc;ence to listen to the program has been planned to include the by Edwin Franko Goldm8n. the master of rrhe Sea Queensborough Symphonic B.nd play the music of composen: who are represented band musk. The c:onc:tTt is scheduled ror By .L I "Thment. Nearby. a s!ight surge of IC'eJblue ..... ter slides .cross the sand. Whde tra\'ehnl back to sta, it glides past a tiny hole, ..... hich until then, went unnotked by lhe tides. A ~m.lI bubble tTTUpts ••c· companied by • low guuJing sound. Beneath the surfact. tiny claws grope aimlessly throuJh the d.mpened d.rkness. JUOYCOUINS _SNOW Wet 5.lnds aide little to thoer.b·! .ttemptto Saturday, Aug. 1l. 6:30PM t5C.pe. Ocean blue w.ten p"",oke the Silturdly. July 23, 630PM EARL SCRUGGS IEVUE moon .nd the Sl.rs 10 pruent themselva twUtY CHAPIN JOHN lHAS11AN Mon

Suggested by John Buckley Photos by Laurie Brockway With help from Bob McVeigh And special thanks to the Jo licled faces below

Do""'You Know Who These Beards Belong To? If you can guess the names of at least 10 of the gents attached to the beardS above, you will win absolutely nothing But~ if you send your answers in to: Beard Editor Fiorello's Flute Mailbox in room M 122 by August 4th, we will print your picture in the next issue.

HINT: These beards belong to faculty, staff, students and administration as well . NOTE: If there are any fema les at LaGua rdia with I;"ards, please contact the FLUT E immediately. Answers will be ~rintM ;n thp npyt ;""e Juty" m FlOREUO'S FlUTE Peg." Why Don't You Join The Flule Siall? we're 100 lor rr~---,~~a.r>.r~m

\illf . ' ~l ,; ,

RuSh over to Ihe FLUTE omce In Ihe rear or Ihe SOny cafelerla or drop US a nOle • mallbOIl In .,22 P-a. 12 FIO RE llO' S FLU TE July,1m ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART

. The Muralists,------by Bruce Brooks

One d.y when I WIS ...... lkina PlSt the rel.tionship to (he wall and physical en. then primed with ... hitelcad.ln tOOIY'S art project would have had much more dif· student 'C'livilics office, I chanced upon vironment. Their 5ubjccl maller, unless world IlCT)'lic JCUO is the accepted one step. flCUlty in getting airborne. G.ry·s inlerest is Umoja Kwansuvu. He showed me hl'O larae toully.bstr.C'I, is usually political in nature si:dna and priming medium. The mural will in gaining as much quality experience In 5«1.iom of wall .bove the doorway leadina and generally commbslontd by a N.poIeon nOi only be an interesting lelming ex­ paintingor.rt. in general. as he can. His to the skylit studenl lounge in the main or Works Progress Adminutration. By perience for Luis, but will ultimatdI contain ellCl"BY has become some""'at infectious .nd buikUna· The WI1\ 5«1.ion looked like I huSC definition, then, our LaGuardil murals arc an.ura or scnsc ofa traditional oil paintins. is panially responsible for keeping the n.me forehead and Umoja voi~ the suggestion more co~tly large·sca)c paintinp in. and will rcprestnljust that for yean 10 come isnited in other students. that this wall and its sister ICross Ihe ~alled in a specifIC space. They each, in at LIIGu.rdia.. All in III. the "Mural Project" is shaping corridor would ma.ke ideal locltions fot their own way. bear I relationship 10 Bones Epp;en (Helmut) Is pain tina a up into .n interesting .nd excilina ad· siudent murals. I aarced, the nut step W1I$ LaGulrdia. p.intina of some",hll CJltrl·terreSirill venture in fine .rts. I Intkipale Ihll this to measure the wlUSlnd ask wh.t students Vuqucz's mural is aC'luaily • plrtial subject mailer. Specifically. he is working projccl will be. catalys:t for other Ilrgc,scl)c would like to plint murals for a space conslruction or "combine" painting. as on a kind or representation of outer space. painlings.nd murals throughout the school. melSuring J9' by 9'. Four students soon works of Ihb type were I.bdcd in Ihe carly The mural •• lthough easily identifiable as 111e concept of working on Ihis sc.1e .Iso noated to the top of the Fine Arts Club 60's. 11 consbts of the side of a buildins. Spiral Nebul.e. stars. The wacuum of deep btginstoreJlte tothe p.intina of "Flits" or Elimin.tions. These students sh.re v.rying spotiiahting'n .bstrad fire escape. Bob, space. etc .• is funhcr enh.need bI lhe background$CCncry for theatre productions. degrees of notoriety and they Ire: the beina r.ised In Spanish H.rlem, has • manner in wh;en it Is being painted. The The possibilities are limitless. "unsuna" Gary VoIlo.the f.moos creator of speci.1 all.chmcnt 10 fire esc.pes. He feels paint in this case is Ihe stOfJ. The subtJe If you would like 10 ~ the ...·orks in the m.n ... ith no body: Robert Vuqucz, Ihe as thouah he grew up on one. manipulations of texture, coIor.lnd trans· progress, they c.n be viewed .ny d.y of the "Mad lialler" of the Irt..... lys. and fin.lly Luis Macia's mural is • paintina of lucency add up 10 .n experience thai wttk in Room 236, Main. the p.inlings will Luis Mad•• Ihe eJ'tra,tem:strial Helmut several groups of people. , . many. , . uhimatclI becomes richC!" than just • be instilled as they .re finished. So keep "Bones" Eppich. specific L.Guanlia persona lilies englged in representation of ouler space. II becomes your eyes open! After ~c bl1C.f diffICulty geuing pet. "partying." In addition to Luis bcina a painting. minion 10 use the t ... o chunks of "Physical skilled representation.1 painter, thereby Finally and apparently fint under Ihe Environment" mcntioned abOl/e, it was guaranteeing good likenesses of the bridge is GaryVO/l0, the subject ofa brief decided to paint four (4) murals melSuring laGuardia character. his mural is or extra spotliaht in this month·s FLUTE. In f.ct, Murals will be 6' by IS'. These comfon.bly fit the sb.c and interest bee.use it is a "tradition.I" oil I'll let the fUlUreanicleuy what needs to \Calc of the spaces, Ind allow enough painting, Th.t is. Mlcia Is usina traditional be said r.ther than include it here. There is breathina room around each piCft. A mural oil painting media, as opposed to con. OI1ethinal",,·ouldliketosay.h~.and unveiled August 3rd is Itllditionally defined as being painted ,temporary tcplacements, For eumplc. the that is, ifil ....eren't for Gary's consistent directly on a gi~en ....all. and be.ring 50mC canvas is sized with rabbit skin 1llue and inlerest. motivation. and drive. this mural

The Secret Artist------by Bruce Brooks Of.1I Ihe newly emerging young anislS al centers around his comparatively ...·indow.cr.cksinothcrsand.s«tionofthe I...:IGuardia. perhapt the most energetic and representational paintings of interior and .... all "'.... ed in rig,ua rcve.ling more sky. amhitious is G.ry VoIlo; self procl.imed exlerior situalions thll involve .he TheO\·er·.lleffect is II firttII:ngagingon the Lont: IsI.nd City surrclibt .nd A~iation ~ome ... hat subtle shifting of natur.1 level of curiousity. then imaainlltion. and High School survivor. If Gary is one of the phenomcna to allcr one's perception of finally genuinc interest in the dynamics of Faculty nl~tencr(!CIic.he'~also(lneofthem05t un· reality. Forexample. thcrek one painting of paintina'sthericv."1:rengagcsin Ihe pursuit ,ung. Whcnewer tile Fine An Club embarks a bedroom in ...·hieh everythina is in normal of riddles. The O'I'er·all paint qUllity. the (In:ll project. bus lrip or ",hatcver, G.ry scaleuceptfor.giantwavingbrushlnd actual feel or essencc of the plint Volio and Terry Parker have u$u.lly been comb in the middlcofthe room. The vicwer applic.tion comes together and finalizes the Exhibition IMotg.niulionalcnerBYbehind iissucccss. bec:omcs uncc.rt.in as to ",,·hether he/she is Malemcnt .s • painting. After all, if a In Ihe past 5eVtr.ll Hute issucs. Gary hl$ the viewing a do/I house. or :II very odd room, painting is nOI .bout paint as "'"1:11 as distinction of being responsible for photo­ G.ry·s recent paintings make usc of • subject, then it might as ~II be a documcntation of club events (Wilh the simill.r shift in vhual percepts which pholosraph or dr.... ing or stain, P.intina in Sculptor cxception or occasionll interjections by stimulate and teue Ihe imaaination. a pure sen.\(! invol\'CS • rappon '(iith the Laurie Brockway). and has even contributed matmll just as to be • basketball aame: 10 Ihe Art Dc:pl_ News letter frequently. On Perh.ps the culminllion or Vollo's involvC$' rapport with the b.lI, Both paint brief junkets (if I may be permilled to coin) aehievements and concept manifests itself in and b.1I are the medium. the individual Kiltl! Bakaty 10 P.S. I and various studio wisits, "Vollo's the6' by IS' mural he is painlina to be hung touch initi.les the messaJC. Vehicle" 10 which it n io¥ingiI refert1!d hu in Ihe skylit corridor in the main building. It Apparently .rt Is nOl en lirely alien to often times supplemented the ~ubway. ~ I quasi·surrealist depiction of the sKle of a Gary's familI. that is. he is not nc<:'tSsarily building. The buildina b definitely. N.Y, the "bJack sheep." His brother, I Qutens wUI be ezhibiting Being an entrgetic painter usually implies City structure in character and consistsofa College student. is also involved with .rt. being prolific and here the Implication is cenlral arch with t .... o (2) rows of .... indows on scu lpture to be euct. I would im.gine It«'urate. Gary has done more CJltra· cither side. The effect is very stark and "siblina riYalry" takes on new dimensions in currkularpainting Ihan mostlrt students: ~rene. yet curiously invitina. AI fint the Vollo household. hill work hisiniti.1 in'l{)l~mcnt being citI scapes in cyerythina appears normal, but on closer It would appear Ih.1 G.ry Is Qutens ....ater color. After:ll brier tango with "Photo examination one bqins to sec many con­ College bound. in order to pursue his in· Realism" in the form of a paintina of the tradictionsin Ihepcrspecdveand then in the terest in painling Ind photosraPhy. If you crushed front end of an .utomobile. Vollo actual pictori.1 asped, For one, the vicwcrs w.nt tomcoet.nd talk to Gary, sec his work, NOW - July 83 has apparently settled into a style of position Is on Ihe outside looking in. yet .nd find out what he is .bool, he can be palnlingrelltingto thesUlTCllistpainlersof what is seen through the windows is aa.in found in a store-room 1M 236) with Bona .he 30's .nd 40's. ~pecincally the work of the outside. Is il a mirn)t, a false w.11 or is Eppich on a ny am.n diI. paintlna. He is at O.X. Harrill Rene Magriuc. Magriue, if we will reclll some strange world inside Ihe buiktina1 also lbe:reeveninpaswell:he ttulyl"Orksan our H.W. J.nscn, is a surrcaliSi whose fame Nut one sees a brick Will behind one extended d.y . Gallery, 383

WlISt Broadway

-I Soon To Come: An interview with the illustrious Bruce Brooks . artist, photographer and feature columnist Wit,,·.. ,It., Iticli"lt behind ,ltDllle Fa.'er fi,.. n',," for the Flute. July, 1m AORfUO' S FLUTE p.g.13 LET'S DO IT AGAIN III ,,, .. ;W,,tt us., .. 0/'"'' FLUTe _tv" a :::;;,.ot,r,,~ol/;:d';,,~iF:~f:/~,:.tf;a~:; Photos by Laurie Brockway SlrO'r'l ClUtt. Blfc/t. by poJN/ar dt_lId. 14 a,. fflron ~rfonrta,,", of_r Ta/f!1I1 Slroweas". as p",Sf!II't'd toyotl "' pnlf'. AtroMpGlf)'l,.. ,JuoplfOla.tlriltimf!. lsallanicJ.... T1UItrI by V,lfC'f'''' Ba"lYf. IIr" _s,",,,,,,,d of 'Ir" """ . If il "'f'rr ,.01 Jor Vilflflf'. 'M t'Y'rrti "'OfIld "Of 1M"" 11«,. .ttdfu"lrtrttfQtT. ~/d ffOI IIa",. M" tlr .. SJlR'UI ,IIa, It _so S... ~/'O#'f!\_ ,.,..J fill to Sn' V'''''H.' ,Ir",.lt,", r>W)'body ..Is ... I _Id /.Ie .. 10 ,II"lIl V,IIII'''' P IIu "m ... "" "linD. If,", Itu IIIf"no l'UIIl.'rm "lid "bOo /01' ...""" ,II,s ""'c-/ .. '0 "'r '" ""'1' for tAu ISSwt """ C"PIICHtS /0 "«UmIW'II.'I' ,II.. plftJlOIS. So. ,IIaffle .)'011 V",C'f'ff' Ball",. You", airilll,' b) \ InC'enl nanl'l') - LS.B

On June Jrd, 1917 tM 51,",enl AniYllia Committee IS.A.C.' of LaGuardili Com· munlty Collett held a Siudenl Faculty ' SlaffTalent ShOWt'aK. Tho eYenl loot place in lhe auditonum of Ariation Hip School on Oueens Boule¥ant and 36th Street. As r« Ihose of you that did not mend. I would L 10 R: Flfllthr Aile,.. ON" R.".Ulo,," ,Willi. like 10 ",y that J'OU'Ye mihed a vel)' en· MelCtld~ Dttb,.. Shuler reniN trlbw.. IN". Imaininl show. whkh "'u c:ompoHd of .,.J some vel)' lIienled people. As COOfdinal« or R i(:.h,rd Unlit (holdl,.,. mib~ S.A.C., I noticed. ror the first lime, thai "udenu (rrom dlrrerent ethnic bac:kp-ounds) jOined tOfCthcr 10 make the mow a SUCCCSli - which is somcth,n"hat Is rare in LaGuardili. The Iludents. mOldy amatNrs, shocked tM audience ... lth IMlr nuriy prvI'fflional ptrl'onnnca.. Thatjui1 lOCI 10 dlO'Jl you ... hal the Sludents In this '\Chool can do ir they work totctktr ror special C'A'"nts. The Show .. as planned •• nd .ciVft1istd widely U Min, a Flc:ulty I Sliff .' Studmt Talent ShOlJicasc bul. as it lurned out - Ind maYM ror Ihe belt - the rlc:ulty and II.ff ar"~lIoncd did not participale. Except lOr a poignant df'"lmatic te*'ina. delivered by Ml. S.ndy watsOn (Vet procram). none or our racuhyand starr ClIme ronh 10 ,hare their talenll. So. they mined. as lhey mi,hl orW"dl.anled 10, In opponunity10 Ite thell studen" runC'uonin, in • Sltualion .h~ they I1he Itudmlll ~ the slars, lhe gcnluws and the bouts. Nevertheleu. the Student I Faculty, Stiff T.lent ShOWt'.se. minus the talent or Faculty I Staff, ..... a SUCCCSl. I would like 10 thank lhe rollowln, people. all or whom shared Iheir lime and tlle'lJ' to make the sholl' successful: Umoja Klllan",'a, r« his brilliant idea or Ihe Faculty InYitationlS IS III-ell u lei· vcrtbcmenu and lhe cycnl pfOlt'"lntS. Eleanor Mdartane. William Oclapu. Jolin Pontacolone (IIlhling ere... ). Michele Carpenler. Suzanne Goutdine. Andm Pcnt:ie. Kltm Brown (tidet ",Its), Ridiard Lillie, Rktlard Taylor. Steven Budney «(lUr chkken man). Leo Newban, Joe Menna and Tn-ryParktdAV. Tcd!nkiansl.and Laurie Brock ••, IphOCop1lphed.

Thank YOU' Just Us Fo~er - Dunn Smllh. Ruucll Bryant. Sianley Hamnllon. AI MIller. Hank Miller and Lorri Smilh Thank you rOf sharin, your 'alcnt Ar· nokI E~alaf'"l - e.xCUIC me - EMs. the I'r:IYb. GeofF Bmnudtt. Guitarist: Aln F,ralO. Intt'fTIauonal singer; Steven Scaln, Pe-rc:uUlMlst: J('If! Flannery. "nJCT I C;UI1If1Jt : Beatrice Danner. sinjJ'C1'; Michael Pa,ne.', 'in~: Plltritk Gilts. Sin~ I CUllarnl. ~hcldon Wilkins. Drlma; Luis M~la . Drama; CLuton Smith. Ban.o; Vlliarie Brn.. n. S" prano; Bramhilda Altuiera. Soprlno; Ocit! Jdinson. Mtvo s.:.prano; Pmlll'ous Blacks Club, Modern O,u't"C C",aliM. M.O.'(' : Tyrone Thonl~(If1 . I..ou Plllc:fsh. Minny Colluo and Trdd J~n '1II,lk on cvmedi:lnl. Thank rou Ut l'lUr ~p«'i:l1 runll Stt'C'1 HWlHI ,,,,..,.,. SI.,./,." lIarritttrf0'" lI... k W,lI",. !louse. UbcTalKtn D.1ncc EnlCnlble a nd ,-1- tt:i,1t "Jilin t . F~. " F;,.cult, Staff ."aTd lIIinntn. OfK"ClIlt"'n.th:lnk\"OUlIlIr('lfmllkln,IM l'VCnla\ut'CC'\". lIIi1.htll nOlIf'Ul. I"d hkf' Itt thO/nk m\w-If 1('If Ihln"',", up lhe Idea 1.,( hnlnlC 1he Sh"M'uC' O/nd I'd '''100 like '" lhiln'" \\,O/lI,tn High S,;hrol r('lf fhe ",nllli t.t tkt'ir O/udth'l'"Ium TALENT rhO/nk '0.. All' SHOWCISE Page 14 AORELLO 'S FLUTE July, 1977 Rapping With Mr. Super 8 by Laurie B rodr.w.y Hll$selblad and Bolex at my agency job. AI scripts. One of the most bewilderlf'lg. music work. Film and musie are very ",..,.11 as freelulr:ing ads for ArTifia. So it puzzling and incomprehensible II$pects of closely rellted in the way Ihat thf!yeffect Oem Suthtr/tmd is not Qn QctOl'. QS ht was • nanll'al Iransition for me to start Ihis business is thefla that you Cln very pcople. in the5eose that you can't say why $IQI(!S c/(!Qriy In Ih(! Inttrview IhatfolIO'.... s. doing editorial. often make"'-Ingementswilhwmconeto a piece of musk moves you in a cen.in nor is he in an)'... ·o.y relaled 10 Donald Broch'Oy: What wos IIIttfirsl magaz;nf!)'OU do something. they'll dt Ihue Ind nod way. The realm of meaning is somewhere SUlherland. the IQIt(!r simply US(!S Iru name. lI'OI'kedfor? their heads in agteemenl and when you non·lilerate Ind non-Intellectual. It's a Don SUlh"rfQnd ;s 0. filmmaker. wriler, The first magazime WllS something ulled relurn with the finished product they'll tltlilf'. sensulil Iype of reaC1ion, and I pholOgrophr.r. Conlributing Editor ftw U.S. Cllmf'ro. Soml!where in the lite 6O's it say: "Where did this come from" and think that film "'arks in the same way. PopulQr PhOfotvUpity. tmt/que colfector Qnd "'11$ acquired by Amr:ric:an Express and. you'll say "Well, this is what ....,. agreed on. Films Ih.t have b«n most effective and dusl/tal mUlil' buff. He Ii~ in 0. ...ondttjNl Amr:ric:anExpress. wishing you 5houlduse n:memberwhcnwesaid--?" "Well." that have moved most people. have thai 19 room mQns/Oft on StrJlM IslQnd. "... lrid is your American Express eud, d~ided the Ihey'lI say. " I wanted something else." So same kind ofmuskal qualicy. for example. certainly lin inlP/rodonu1Qsptf:t of his Ii/t. magazine should bC' rt'nllmed to Tro'Hl you argue about it and finally reach some • n:peated figure-in musk or in movies DOlt uppeul'J 10 ~ Ih .. fIImt ..ligiblr. alld and CUnrl!ro. A new edhor took O\Ier and sort ofcomprombc and you go off and do - has the capadty 10 build a form of 111m' sought aft.. r. bacht/or on tht!. Island, asked metodoa movie column and I went sOmething else. Again. they'll say "when: tensJan whie:h can be used to .fTeet the )~ t ht!. dOt's 1101 til'" alonr. In fC,id"nce "'jtlt into :1 total pank. "How in hellven! 11m I did this comc from" lind il start's all ov .. r audience one way or the other. him are "i",1 of the fri~ndlir" ,md I1Imt going to think of 50mething 10 Wfite ellch again. I'm not quite sure of how to a«O\lnt Brock... uy: J/UI'It ),ou got un)' h~s? ul""'ctionute curs ,ol/'d evt'r "'Qnl to ml!i!r month."'thoughI1 1 had been doing only foril, bUI It's happened tomellfe",·time5. More thAn I care/o think of. 1 admire so tmd 200 splttndid anlique IYlHfWritf!rs. ~asional features and 1 WII5 really Some IIspiring "would·be kings of many peoplc. 1)'pell'rile,s? Yr'.I, lyPftwritt'S' u muscum' pankked; SO a fellow named Mike Edelton Hollywood" once approached me 10 write BrockM'Q),: Jstht'1'r!ullyot,eillpunltll/lurthut /ike room full oj them. kept shi,.,.)' and in took me aside one day and sat me down a script for them. When it was compleled .I'(IU &ON qf follow'! "'OI'ltin6 ordl'r' by theirOWllllr ... ho make i, a paterna/islkally and said he felt Ihe same the)'soid: "Who. what"! I putalot into it In the film businessspteilically! poinltotink"r ...ilhlhcmf!Qc/rmorninR· I,·s when he was asked to do his firsl rolumn. and Ihere 1I'en: a lot ofimeresting Iwins Well. all Ihe ~tandards. the people: Ihllt the 'Y/H1 oJ thillil Ino pun intended} )IOU He said. "bC'liC\'e meson, you'lI do fine." and lurns as I recall. 80t, we came 10 an evr:rybody follows. I like Bergrun; from r'f!U1I)' huvt' 10 ,,,e 10 bdlevt'. The ... hole Anyway. this guy Mike I/o'enl on to become amicablel"'rting oi'the",aysandlhescripl lime 10 tI"n~. I like Fellini. I w.nl to be . Suther/und Stt·up is lncra/ible. and quilt!. the Managing Editor of Popula, ",as neyer produeed. They wanled Orson Welles when 1 grow up and make imprcsivt. Scatte,,'d around Ihe mansion is PhologrupllJ" So. it turned out Ihal Ihis somclhingmuch less probing than ..... hat I Clti%l'IIKunf!. lnterestingly. all my herocs f'quipm"nl .. nough to kt!'llp un)' filmmaking­ \\'11$ such a dynamic field thal)"Ou could "'Il$ trying to generate. hllYC been musicians. photo buff ouupied ftw a year and pile 0/ write 10, 12. 15 anicles a month. euily. 8rocln.'Oy· Whal are ),our ~iew.s on "wkinl 8roch'Oy: Really? Tefl til" aboul IhMI. IIQrious mugo.;inf'.I rotrtainJng some 0/ Ille BUI one d.y the editor of Tro,.,.j alld ... llhln the cSlublishr:d profusk",,,/ film Well. I guess it all Slarted with Brubeck, 400·odd artitle, Irf' has published CamerocaJIed me in to tell me in sccl't'C)' $INtture! O.ve.lheeldC'l',Ccrtalnly.hehadaperiod througlrout IIr .. yean. Though Don Irus beM that the magazine was foldin8. So Travtl Itltt'otdd i>e niee to make all Ihe money Ihal orSlupeodou5 invenlion. This guy ...as olble ...ith Popular PhOlotlraphy slnc .. 1970, Ire und Camf!TD was converted 10 Trull,.} and those guys m.ke - when they .... ork; bUI togc:t oullhue and sll down in front of his has malnlained hu stance as a ffft/rmu Lftsu ...... then: you achieve a rating. You are a first piano and jusldo impfOtJisational pieces. unis, and u ulso Ihe proprieler of Supu 8 Broc.t-y; So. h_, did you gfll tire job al camera man. a second camera which were easily 11$ complex Il5 anythinlJ Unlimited. PhOlotlraphy. conneclions? Bach ever did. I Ihoogh. "My Cod, what Beinl a phOlO buff mysdf, I hud bettn I was. I courage. Whalb.l!sittakcs to sit down In (amilia' lI';th Don', wor.t and, by chancr. I ...... '" ' " fronl of u audien« and spill yourself OUI flIl'l him 0IIf! ~ning UI " rulauranl in muskally like that. So. I would say Ihal he Manhutlan. I bflfleve h.. 11111 propos;ng a W1IJ my first real hero. When he and rolf! In u porn ]lid; to my friend ... hl!n ..'(! Desmond broke up in the late 60'$ I WI!I'f' ;nlroductd. J wus IUler to find. Ihat c:onsidered it a majorlragcdy. kt:t!pinR hu hu humorous nature. hI! IoWIS 8rock... ay ; Why then. if YOII Un! ~o im· s:ooJing, I ,hlnk my frirnd was a bit .. presst'd ...itl! music. hu~ell ' l)'ou trif'd you,. f/isapp(lintl'd ut thUI. AI ullY rott. 1 mltSI hand ut it, Sll.l'. Ihut usidl' -,rom ~ing tulU/ted. ill' Oh. I haye. I Will a mllsic:ian ror II ... hole t.~'''"inl:llnd.full of"/Jeuris of ...idsom. /}0I1 bunchofyellrs.lm.'Verperformedlhaugh. SUlhi!r/amJ j, p",bob(~ the "'iltiest perla" I nC\'ergOllhal forwithlt. / ....enltoMusic huvl' /'ve' hud Iltt· pfl'llsUN' to meet. Ulld uoo Art high school. /",.,h" rm'm·. illlt'rvif' .... 7'ltul iSOIH! afthe iJrMk .. 'a.I·: Wha' killd 0/ mu,ic did .I'Ol1 rt:aSOrlSlhuIIIrU. the 1'l'ryJirsl in/c"·ic... J'w! piP)'? "VI'r dum'. is so tlllt' '" getting (nlo prinl. J .... nll:llll. illOolt "wlllhs 10 'TlJ//scribe our 3 Brocln.'Uy: lIuI.,.. .\'011 I'VI'r pluyed thl.' j1l1le? hours "(i"/;·n·'.... ·/uPf'l ill ber>o·ctllhl,jolr.e No. but it looks like the FLUTE is gonna find m,v s:iglJlfl. Om "Ius. h'·/Twith. I Rilll! wind up playing me. 1 playtd piano. once I'OU I),,,, SUlh ..r/und. Olh('n-.'Uf Ir.nown us ....·· ' . IhereIhcytried rathcr".inly to leach me .\1'_ Su/X'r H lJor his ,l'eurs of SUPportlnl l the Fn:nch horn. Supc" H Iilm (or pro(rssi(JIlul usel und ~ -=-~'.'J ' Bmdn.:ay- You, rnlhuliusm for Rhil'''' sometimes rr(I'rrfd m us M,. Wonderful. ~rg"'O'1lunCOIIcil·rtOliJcuteh.'I'.Wltulls Luclr.y for me. 1)011 "'Os quile u ,rotious .... . ". - '..j-; • ., ; it Ihal the)' do 10.YOU? "~I und u Nr'f'Ullub)l'Ct (or all Inlcn·iew. II They lurn me on! I \\like I/o'lth Ihem in the is nWoSlN lrom him Iltal I ltumtd ull Ilrr morning and Ihey an: lin~ring about in wondcrful ;nll:n'jt:l<'inR I.. r:hniqurs whirh I ,,'as rolding. But. by tht same token. I coune. you are '''''ry good at that job. If it my mll'ld. They are uplift1n, and lrium· "mo- "mpl"y. 111' lI'flJ I'<'ry rrt;'epIWf! 10 m)' needed a gig: I ""anled a column. Now th.t means loading 111m into magazines:. you phanl. Listening 10lhem is hke taking an questions and utld(!rSlutrdl"lI "f,htt./ar:I Ihat I had been doin8 it. I was hal for il. I arethebcstloaderofl1lminlomaga1ines ad"enlure through Ihe spiril Ihal some /"'·aJlwlnl.·n'it...... rillll'n·ir ...in llforlhf!jirsl should SI),. I "'as Contributing Editor to that money can buy. But I don't par· man. named Joseph Rhknberger. wanted 11mI'. Tro''e/rJlldCul1leruaIso. 1 had an article, licularlycnvislonmy1ifeasbeingsomeone to communie.le. The guy obviously had a ""hiehwastobC'partofasenes,OlIcertain who Sluffs film into magazines. I'd love to lot of good fttlina in him alld I've enjoyed csthetic consideralions of filmmaking. work on Hollywood feaiuteS and be In the listening to theconc:icrtos for a year now. /JnH:Ir."'lay: l1"w did your ea""er ill writing This opening artkle was called "Motion big time, but it probably wouk1n't be as They are magnificent. lukeo(j'! and Emotion" and it Wll$ a description of uclling, in the sense Ihat. the way I work I 8roclo.'Q)': HUll' "asyour head hfiJn ,hrouglr Well. it had -.everal beginnings. The real how you could U5e cenaln t~hniques of ge:l to play all the roles. I can really br: II Ihe )'eurs? HaW! you e1If!r ffd, II'Ite gi~ing I,ruth is that in 71hgrade I blew a line in a movemenl in films to npressjust whal it is fllmmaker. I ean come up "ilh Ihescript. up? • class pl.y. II was ~uch a humilialing Cll· you havetonpress.So.1 called up Mike go down on the set: shool and dlred it; I Well. sometimes my head's been up my periem.'e Ihal I decIded (0 be a writer and said, "look. I have this series of ar· candoali lhecdiling. This ""ay I can get /I ass. bUI no. I'ye never felt Hke gi"lng up. in~ltad. ticles, but Ihey're too loog for Tro~er fl"d full dost or all the plea.sures, orgosms. I'ye been Ihrough somep~tty desperate I hadenteredacity·widees~yCQntestllnd Cunwro and I Ihoughllhey might be right ngonlC:5. and all the anxieties or making n limes. Thtre were times when I thought won. When I had mypie:turepubUshed in for I)op PhOlO. Well. I WMn't fooling the moyic. '" think I'll kill myself. But chat lasted Ihe Arn.tlnUum H,· ..,s I Ihough. guy for 3 moment, bUI he had me eome Jlroc:lr. ...uy: Wltat is rhe li(e o/a.fifmmukl'r 21101h ofa second. I CIIn't conceive of I~ECOG~ITION , 1 ",rOIl.' my way through OVl.'rand ml'eltheF.ditorofthe magaline fib? giving up. I'ye always found. if nothing high ~choollilid college. I/o-hcn: my inle:resl IInywoy. So Ihllt was how I staned. It·s not an easy life. bUI neither is it a dull clse. one thing about the way 1 make my ill writillg Ilt'llilu 10 dc\'elop. I quit college Ilasically. Everybody WIIS COl1ning onto It·sexc!ting. it's challenging lind il's !iying-andthat'51hatl'mll""ayson wilh Inten\ion, to "'ofk un 111m~ or T.V .. co-erybor:ly and nobody was connlns con~uming. It lukes everything }'Ou'l'<' got the line. Thal's my name over the Siory, that'.; ",hen I dio;covered you don', jusl :1nybodJ. Anyv.'lIy. I never did run "Mollon 10 gh'c II. You /lllo'e to be IIblc 10 harM.Ile my work on Ihe sereen. I can't blame \tart from Ihe lOp. Whtn I .... 35 20 I got a and /:mOlion" in Pvp Pltwo,asa mllucrof peoplc and C\'Oke frnm them all they are anyone.:lse if it'. bad; i\'J aU my fauh. job""rilinllad~lorlhe,hocdepartme"t o r lacl, ml fir<1 anicle "'as, gel lhis, "Rarely ('apable or giving. You have to be a mastcr And my l"taClion is. ''I've failed," me Ihe Montgomery Wnrd CIltalog. Even· !\ The MediUm Well Done.'· Thllt wu of a whole buoch of technical con· personally. I'm the failure. I'm no good. luall" I ad'llncal 10 rull fledged how I made my opening ~plll'>h at Pup sideralions. lljusllllkeseverything you·'~ BUI ... hen something clkks. you can't cupywtller in yard goo:b and aeet5SOl'ies. I I'lrlllo in 1970. On 100aily frauduline and got to ~r into it. When the ine\'ilable imagine the c:uphoril. you can'l ronceive III~ted 13 monlh~ III Montgomery Ward bull.~hining temn.. t!.'Chnical problem~ come up. you've gOi to of Ihe lrigh. Every time something goes aoothlll WII\ thc Iongc\l r"e cver kepI a /I"lCk ..'U'I',· lIu,'C' I'OU h~Ir'.t"' in TV. com­ he able to handle them without panic:king .... rong. you suffer wilh il. When you job. I had worked al ad agenc~un'il'67 IIwrciuil (Ir ullyihinR? 100 mue:h. It·s lotal1y engrossing. There are crash. it's. prelly shanering erub. and had hqun ",riting lor phOlognphy I wrote quite a fe" commercials whllf' I lias nOI manylhing"> leandoror IS houl"'Oa There are no light weighl crashes in Ihis m:lWllline,in 1%5,11.\ II ,ide line. Wilh "'"rking for Ihe ad agenty. A~ a mailer of day.for w,«kSl)nend.1eastmalllhings business. You go into the ground at 1000 \fjmeuperien«lIndc;n.-dcntial~undermy fact. I did l'{lmmerc:ials for Coau llrid Ih:1I dcmand ~uch encrgy. hut Ihlll I e:an miles per hout. Somehow you get hell I ....cnl mmpletely In:elance in 1%1. CI:nks \Cwin8Ihrc:ad that wcn: delivered dn! Ihrough it. Sometimes you have 10 do IInlCkl\'ll,I' 1/"". did I~IU N'" ttllII ..· "tinN f'>r' hy f.d McMllhon him\Clr. on theJMIIIII)' lJ",d,,·u.l" Whul is l'Our "ppl'Oflch If) film? numbers"n yourselr. f11t,,'I'N"'P"J' mul{U:;'II';? (,(''-:;I",.')h"."_w",,,. My approach Ul lihll is ba.~ically a muskal I had 11 luvelnrC'IuipmCnl and lilmarM.Il fln ...·I1.....,y AIII'I";"N j'/)"/Jj'sifl<'s Ihul:' une. J clca! wilh it in !erm~ofrhythm :rnd I t;n:"'IIP in Ihe4O'\ nnd .W·s macho land , knew Ihe'tun. I'd .....'<:n doing the ad' lor well. II mupk "flimr:\ I Wlto hin.' :lnll the w:ry IhingJ; th:ll m:lke un Iheoo)...: nfhorlem. Ou.. ,binttyuu were July. un FlOREUO'S flUTE PagelS

not allowed todowas rail. Failing is a no­ Brockway: For soml'" reason, I u~ted you ....-c:re shooting at the producer's aunt's quaner of the century, that it really is no, you're nOl supposed to blow it. to btl on un egOlrip ofson~. I suppose / 'm house. We had. budget or 59.(X)O.OO and aggt'C:Sslon that everybody is hung up I did a commercial film ror some company stcreotyping. ~-c: ""'ere sholling in 35mm. The thin. was about. We know this bec.use people w.ot IllSt summer and it was a bomb. So. there I There's more ego operadng than would be shot in rnreed.ys. It's impossible to shoot to beat up Sam Pecldnpa. for making wu with this colossal railure on my hands. described in that term. I think we tend to a feature style film in 3 dap, just ask violent movies, Th.t's the WI)' it is. All I W.5 always afrakl that if I did blow think of egotistical people as people who anyone. But wedid it, ~'e got 90 minutes in these nice liberaisw.nt to get violence off anything that eYetyOne ... ould leave me. go around putting other people down. One the can in 3 days. We were workin. under IheTV because it makes their kids think Thai was my nightmare. that all my thing th.t I bec.me aware or very early in them05l harrowing circumstances you can it's alright to kill people. So. the upshot of friends ... ould tum their backs on me in lbe game wu just how much I did need imagine, in the sense that it was July in NY it is th.t here. all thiJ time, we h.Ye f.iled COnl~mpt and go storming off because I people and just how much the good will and we were on the to~ floor or this to see the forest through thetn:es, I think was a dismal. miserable failure. That and affection of the people around me building in 92 degree heat. it's time we br.nched out and got to the August. everybody was aw.y. V.cation meant to me. I knew this because or how Brockway: Sirtc:e)'01l rltld )'Our friend, 1O~rt! root of the issue.nd turned over a new time, right. but on • leu rational level, • little of it there W15. So, my egotism participating in on micit activity. did you leaf. nightmare come true. All the people I doesn't come forth in Ibat w.y. but I think BtU into "ny tf'Ollb/e! Broc/oo.'Qy: Since )'Ou ~~m to ~ the mOlt depend 00 were gone O!l vacation .nd it does In others, For example: in a cert.in Well. we weren't there ror ten minutes eUg;blt fxlehrfor on Stotm Island. I "'as there I was with this sense of failure, the kind ofwa)' buildingOlher peOple up is the before all the neighborhood kidd;cs wondtring what )'Our vier..'1 on marriage only thing ringing in mye.rs. I really had ultimlle rorm of egotism. discovered there ,,"'U a big "Hollywood" might IH? m)'5elf. dose. ' BrocJ:-y: I suppose I have a diflvrnt ,en,se movie shooting so they st.rted peeking Well, obviously. I hayen't done it. I tend to Bl"Od:way: I can JenJe the devastation. H ow oj egotism thaI )'OUf3. through the windows. All we had 10 do was be a !inle bit chicken in the sense Ih.tl did J'IHI deal 'WIth if? Well, I don't cop .ttitudes. have it found out just what kind of scenes don't like emOlional pain. I'm very careful J was alone, but! could always write what ! Broclcway: I'm rmlly '-mprrued with how the little neighborhood kids were seeing in my relationships, th.t's ... hy I haven', felt. for my own consumptions. I kepi. honut and t hrou~ the windows. So, with gloom and had a maniage and di\"O~ like everyone day·to-dayjoom.l. At least I could h.veit infantJcide in our he.m. we sealed off all else I know - given the realities of my out of me and silling there on the paper. It the windows and pulled down aU the nature, I also wonder if I'll ever stop being would become something removed from shades. We didn't get caught. butlherewe the drifler that I am.I enjoy drifting and, myself, S5 thai helped a IinJe. But at the were on the top floor ~'here .11 the smoke at the same time. I often feel very lonely. time. I had no diversion. I had no other had risen, with sealed windows, in 92 So. I don't know, I guess I don't ha"e any project on the hori'l'.on to look forward to. I degre:eheat, I nearly fai nted whiJe rraming opinion about marriage. Cenainl), not for needed something to look forward to and focusing my shOl. Everything went any philosophical uason - lightning just bec.use! had such a sense ofdevlStation. black and I nearly fell. What had hasn't struck me, happened \1"85 th.t I'd s~'eated 50 much II was probably the worst time I've ever Brocln.-a)': I'm surprised that / am thefint th.l the eye pi«e of my camera h.d filled !;leen through, but I learned a shitload of to intf!n'i..".,· .I'OU, How com!' .I'OU 'A' na'lr up with water. enough to support D gold stuff through thllt experience. It really is bec .. illtcrv;"",,·edM!orr.' ~~::.II~~ fish. But )'eah, making nudies is II 101 or laughable now, What I finally did was to Nobody kne~' I was here. Well. whoe.-er fun. I really enjoyed it. paint a rainro-oand go looking for the pot heard of intervie~ing the intetvie.. -er! I Bro.:/c1.-ay: Yrm ought to ael in them if you of gold at the end of my fabric.don. Next guwyourjuSlthefirstlO~nizem~' to people, I depend on gold more than etljoy thf'm thut much. anything. Well. thert' arc somethings I can do and some things I can't. And one thing I can't :~i':s ~t~r~~~gtoq~::i~~v~~nm:Cf~~~~; 8rock""'Qy: You hu.·" such u wondofo/5ense the world as it really is, I guess nobody do is act, oj humor. '-t's difficult to picturt! you in re.lly ..· .nted to hear my bul1shit. that's 8rocln.·uy: What art! >,our v;r>o's on such u fxld state. why. I don't rt'ally kno\l' ~'hy. II never When I'm in a relatively good mood. I'm f "f!l1Iin ism? occuiTcd to me that J ..-ould be in, what you ~'ould call an invederate punster. I have never met a more self pitying bunch terviewed. Things are funny to me. Probably wh.t's of half wilS than feminists. There is this Brocln.-ay,' Tefl me, holO' did ,1'0101 fm lO'hen kept me alive, and I must uy, we're "brilliant" feminist writer who has in· .I'OU ""'~re 4 ,\'CQf3 old.' dealing with the best years of my life right Broc.ln.·QY: Touchy ~ubjrc t ~ fluenced a whole bunch of young chicks. Young, very young. I felt leu than 5 as a now. is the scnsethat's it is really funny. I Well. all of a sudden J found myself looking She said all men use the threat of rape to m.tter of fact . Thai is when everything mean life, it's a really ironic trip. J .t a blink page. I guw I've never re.lly control ... omen. wh.ich has got to be a started 10 go wrong. I became a certified genuinely see things in funny terms, I thought in terms of articul.ting around renection on her own power plays, Why neurotk.. offend people often, we live in • world of the concept of esotism. mould I use the treat of force, when I can very seriolU people. People are always very Brock.... ay : Well. I mlNlnt to buto.... a have the promise oflOlle. concerned about things. I don't t.ke compliment upon you. Brocln.-ay: Would YOII like to comment 01'1 myselfthll seriously. It·s been the hi'.rity seJ:unduUf'f'ssion! of my own existence th.t has kept me ;:,:::",,;;:uj !n~~ra::J~~S;:~":.~h'!!!: ·a People aren't all hung up about sex. they're going. I can't wait to find out wha, the couple of skin flicks. from behind the hung up about aggression, There b: an nelt joke is. camero. that U. aggtCllsive component to seJ[. The Vic· Broc.k-....uy: HuWl tOIl done uny JCn'ous Yes, and I enjoyed the IivinS bejes:U5 OUI of toriansdidn't say "dOll" fuck," they said ""'n'tiI,g, a nC1"flI Pf!rhaps.' them. "fuck with your clothes .nd your liahlS on. NOI re.lly. I don't consider the stuff I Brocln.-ay: Did Ih~ make )'Ou homy? And Madam shall remain still." It was the publish to be serious writing. This is Hell no. they made me smart. If you can potential for letting go and biting haCking. making a living. It's not my makeaskinnick.youcan make anything. somebody that had them nervous, Still pottic soul yeaming for expression, I do I mean, yeah. I stood around humping th e does. Aggression didn't necessarily h.ve 10 have a few shon stories in tbe works tri,pod a whole 101. but the rlrSl nudie I become the moralistic guUt trip that it has. though and eventually I'll wrile a book. ever shot ~'asTeach Me HowTo Do It. We So. all ora sudden. we realize. in the last The Beatles at the Hollywood Bowl Those history,making concern where the " Like evc.ryone else,'! Eubanksl'ttal1s, " I Los Angeles County marshalls (the laller covered \I'ilh a sheettogt't them awa)' from just·released C.pitol album The Bmtla At saw 'The Ed Sulliv.n Show' .nd as a disc placed by a panicked county supervisor). the stadium." heu,'S, The HoIl)tk-ood BUM'I \I'as recorded. might jockey I knew that phone response 10 The Eubanks, recalling the excitement of the Til" Bl':Cll/f's A f T/;e HoI(I"-ood BQ'I.-I ""as not have been held. much lessrec:orded,ifit Beatles \I'as like nOlhing else I had ever show. s.ays. " I saw catS by kids released b,v Capitol Records Mny 4 and "'as hadn't been for Bob Eubanks. an en· come across. Nobody really kne .... though. without lickeujumping up and down on the immediately ~rtirled Gold. The next week terprising Los Angeles disc jockey (and I.ter whit we had at the time." roofsoftheircnrs trying tosce The Bellies. the album cntered the national pop ehans host of television's "N"-'iywed Game") who Nevertheless, Eubanks and his paNner After the shO\O·. \I'e used a limousine decoy (Billboard) at No, 13 "'ith :I bullet. The was ... l1Jing to risk all he had on The Beatles aeted on their instinct and mongaged their and rushed the 8U)'5 out in a com ilion material on thcalbum wu taken fromt .....o and presenl Iheir ,how when no one else hou!iC In order to come up with enough compact car. People waited around for l'onccns - Aug. 2.1. 1%4 and Aug. 30. 1%5 would. advance money for Ihe rights to the hours not bclieving they had Jeft." (the SC'l'Ond of t"O sho\l's that ,-earl. The impact of Ih~ early Bcatles per, Hollywood Bowl show_ The getaway the following year "'1$ not Longtime Seatlcs produeer George Manin fonnances on the music industry and on the "Everyone thought it would lake about that easy. according to Eubanks. "That time and remix I'ngin«r Gt'Off Emerick took thl' youth culttrre in general is now common thrce days to sell the show out," Eubanks they had figured out what we \/I'ere up to, original three track rffotdings (stomf in koo\l'ledge_ However, before Ihe Seatles had remembers, " But it only took J 112 hours. I and there were kids hiding In theshrubbcry Capitol's ,-aults fOf the paSI donn ye81'li) , ever arri"cd on the West C03S!. the actu.1 didn't expect anything like that. We only aalaroond the T\),'td leading from Ihe Bo,,·I. and painstakingly IrnnsfeITCd them to drawing power of the Beatles was uved 50 promOlional tickets, kaving some When ..-e pulled Ihe same gelaway trick modern tapt'. Although the l'C'l'ordinp .. ere questionable. Before the group's first very heavy people silting in the back row ag:tin. the bushes around the B"",'\ came filtertd. eqU:lhlcd and edllt'd. no On"f' concert in Southern California . all three of way up in the hills of Hollywood:' alive. Soon there \I'ere 3.000 kids swarming dubbing \\'(lS used. The album is the 21st b~' the major concert promoters In the area had "The thing was an event." Eubanks onto the road like nal'ivn out of the jungle." TheS... .:!tlcs a5 a group to he distributed t>y bun accuSlomed to booking acts like Nat rec.lls_ "That w.s one of the first times kids The sho ..", on August 29 and 30. I96S Capitol in the United Stnlcsand t .... er.. one of King Cole, The Kingston Trio .nd Frank camped out overnight in order to buy tkkC1S ~'Cre just as successful as the p~iouJ year·s. th(llK records has ,l!one Gold. . Sinatra by fronting the goin8 rile of S5.000 when they went on sale, The media and the In fact. since the drawing pov.-n of the to SIO.OOO. The Beatlcs were demanding press attention ... as also like nOlhing else Liverpool.four was confirmed. the booking Eubanks went (.n 10 b«-ome ..... ell·kno... · n through General Artist Corporation (their before. Colonel Parker (Elvis Presley's long. agent was able 10 command a hefty 545.000 as the hosl I.n the ABC,Television show Amerkan booking agenU an unprec:-edentcd time m.nager) may disagree. bUI I think for each sho\l·. However. in 1965 Eubanks "The Ne"' I~""'ed Gamc" fOf eighl·and.a.half 525.000. At that time Los Angeles had not that the firsl 8eatlcs show 1\ the Hollywood noted personal differences in John. Paul. ye;u'S.SliIIli\·Ingin~\t,IthcrnC:llifornf:t. he yet uperienced .ny rock 'n' roll concerts Bowl was the beginning of rOl.:k 'n' roll George. and Ringo_ "The huge amount of 1101\' he:lds Concert E.~pITSS. a eoneen featuring this new wave of Mersey·beat t'(Inc.:: n s. No one ever dOtlbted the drawing n1l'din attention and fan crll7.1ness mnde l'ronll,tin~ Iirnl. music. power of a rock band after that." Ihem iliolationists. They,,-cfC really tired of AI,,·ay51.m: to pick up "" rock 'n' ",11 Finally however, Bob Eub.nlu:•• disc :I II the hassle:' he rememhcn. hea\·~.... -ci ~ht~ . F.uJ:,anks also J:,roujl:hllO los jockey al KRLA Radio, was conlaeted. A On the day of The Bellies' fiJ31 Los The Ek-atles returned to DOOger Stadium Anll'-'Ics th e deJ:,ut l't'nl'\"l1 appear:tncn of Los Angeles air personality since 1960, Angeles appearance: IAug, 23. 1964). in 1%6 for their laSl S(lulhland per· B•• J:, [}:I'lan and the Rolling Stonct'. Whrn Eubanks was nOl considered one of th.e bi8 Eubanks paid an unprecedented 110.000 for fOl'nlnn~'e , \Inee again handled by Eubanks. :Iskl"c. ht n:-plitd. " \-''U tell in the past promoted a few Imanc:r concerts. Angeles Pttlicc Department alon/il with JOO them in an amhulance Iyin, fllce dO'lO·n. me and ...- co·" I""h l>c rkh." P_gel. AOAEU.O·S FLUTE Juty. 1177 Pic .Site A Eulogy For Mary Hartman Pulling In hy .... urie Droc:k ..·.y out of pagu. Poor Mary has nperit:nced ... hkh Includcs: unconquerable luilt, un· ellough seIU.J frustration. dirty ~ns .nd ~rp&Ulble $On'O'W, Ind the rising c:'OSt of Mt"y HII,.,mllft has bid her final fa~lI mental brtakdnwns to lasl • life time, But, coffee:, The Bucks to I.te.niaht lunacy. probably to _k who could deny that she has noc lived • full Alas, $he no longer facu the c:limbinl of refuge. rest .nd reh.bUitatioa .t Happy inuklte .nd neuroticilly normll life! She her bedroom w.11s for the denial of her Times Home for the Telnbion.Uy Insane. has ret'Oplud the humor in pain. PlthOi connubial riJhts. Nor mUI( she put up with As, would be tJpected, die b suffmna from anddpli,IlI and has brouJhI this inlo our the 'lTOS.nee of her coke-sippin, off· • nO'rft'dOlCof.bsurdlty,As, in tbe UK with botncs Ind InlO our heans. For more th.n • spring. She iI rid of the rlmily .nd friends You might be in~ted in knowin, that many of her f.ns .nd fello. rideo .ecerans. year she. has supplied IU with In Imple fUl of who ha1'e sertat to uba"" her Insanil)'. the Astoria Motion Picture Ind TeleY"iston she has .ttempted to draw the line between d.iJylbsurdities.subscquentlynplaclna the M.ry H.rtm.n has &elted-out on Production Center, formerl)' known as the .bsurdlty.nd re.lily. That Jlnt: is • w:ry thin harsh rellities of Ihe 11 :00 news with n.tlonll T,Y, ror the last time. She has Pic Site while under lease with our.ery own one lndecd. AI .ny rate. h seems th.t MH $OnIHhinl we were more apt 10 believe in flull), burnt henelf out and she won'l be LaGu.rdian funds (a! I rale of SUlI) per MH has C'O'¥CI'aI t:\'ftY immoral, indecent Ind. mOfCO'ttt. rel.te to. lround to 8d J'OU throuah thOle hot and. .nd dOW1lriatll obscene aspect of e\"er}d.y sleepless summer e1'enu.p. But her braids ~:!me~ts. u~~:!, =en~,!III::; life in the book. Alas, M.ry has rub the I.mut 10 the remlin the Slme .nd het coffee cup is not SJ«l.OOO II beln, built on the premises to fu llest, leninl nothlna untouthed. Ind yet empl)', Mllry HllrffPUl1l, Mary Hartman depict the IIka of the mystical I.nd of (h, After more th.n • yur of uistlng in and certainly, nothing sacnd. Throuahoul her has ~ put 10 bed; she is played out. Now Filmin,orthescr«n venionofBroadw.,.,s sum.lng through the ups .nd downs of Jlfe, rein in I.te.niaht telnldOfl I.nd. she hll she u n spend loog. reluu.a .ftttnoons Ion,.runnln, hit, rAe Wh.,.,1I1 beJin in and furthe.nnore. .,-insl.kinaly relivilla deftloped frienddlips with the equ.lI)' w'khln, _p opens .nd loony tunes, September. So, It W'OUId seem that Dorothy, them In a summer full ofreruns. she has run insane, She has endu~ the unendurable, ponderina the Irony of _ryd.y lire. 1M munc:hklnlInd the rest oftht: ••ng .... U be hanJina .round Astoria for ....bile to complete the: SIO million production, ButOzisnot the OIIly.ctiril)' plan..ed ror the I'ft'I!:ntly restructured siudio. Studio Live From Fernwood Ohio, iI's ofTK'1als hl1'e requested a S76,000 pnt rrom the lI.te to ttelte • cinema museum, .)onS";lhochereduc.tlon.IProcr'ms. The museumprop

- llfl(irlfl~Elirwl THE FLUTE HALL OF FAME u proud to present a new feature a ..a rd whkh, after areful deliberation and thoughtful COlIslderatioft. is beln. pen to the mOlt desemna cA its title. Without further ado, it is with areat pleasure and d«p satisfaction th.t we present THE ASSHOLE OF THE MONTH AwARD to a most desen1ng Anita Bryant. For her ~~hl:~~~~te!e:,ri~'tl~!~~~i~u, ~~=~~~:nd~~ ~! ,~: wtl l.lake With. bel' to Dade ~ou.lIlJ , home of the Florida Sunshine orlJlae sucker, a bust dqnctingtheliltesofher, .. inchcated in tbename oftbea"l1"d. WhIJe she is in New York to fufthe!' spread her riahteoul phiklsophy and collect her I"ard, she and her husband will recem two Use'lnytime admittance tkltets to a local West Side bathhouse. And for =~;':~~~~:Un!r:?:k:::~O':~=~1IJ,"i~~ ~:nl~ ~sfOOt~ng; THE MONTH. II is not ascettliDed II this point just who our ASSHOLE OF THE MONTH wiD be in the next Issue. But. we assure YOU. there are a thousand potentWs on the horizon. We are conndent thlt we will ha~ I winnu within the next few weeks. bUI, ir you haft any sugesdons, or hI'I'e youreye 00 any particular asshole. kt us in 00 it.

{klr uvune, Plaster-easter's convention My boyfriend isl Flrrah f.ucethuk. His intelligent youn, lady, with but one mljor wIlls . re CO\'CnId whh photO&.nd posters cA dflwback-1he does not nllSh the toilet. \\,,. :trl,,",mltu Announao flflr fiM't annual rlu t"'f'-Ca,ter'. oonvf:nlion Americ.'s Golden Girt. It's driving me When she was 10 or 12 I fiJUred this WIS which 1& ICheduled to bqrin July 31 and run throU4Jh till July 3i i i · b.n. nu! The otheT night, while we were merely I mUd Ind temporlry fonn of eKtend th l,lnvJtatJon to aU you Ia.dvioul youq Iadlealaad &ental who makingllWe, he kept c.lling me FarTlh .nd, rebellion Ind that she would inevitably leam prac:tlee Ihl.. &alac.lou ••port and wlah to contribute their CIIII 101' as ir Ih.t weren't enouah, he asked me to 10 nush reaulltly. No such luck, for at 19 dl,piay. F.F. him twitt. How an I compete with this she is still a "non·flusher." This u 'l'ery t::-iTRY RLI.ES chick! embarrassing for me. espedally when .-e I. All f'1' 1 ~ IfIfI~tl" · 'tlOllntl'tI'lI'nlly rordl_pIIY_ • Memberofthedumpon hl'l'e 8'1ests and J ha'l'e to run in Ind nush by judie.. F. mh f:ucet associ.tion for her eftTY time she leaves the bathroom. ~~~:t'~;" ~ ~~: ,~ ~If:::!:;k:~:: ,.h::"lil~~t.;~~ ~hn:~u'bj,: r:.~:1 It's frustrating. Whit should I do? :1. In nlll'ml;l,u k"i"J! It nil I" th .. 'omlly, wel.k that ),ou lI uhmil only ;l:l5tl De.r dumper, MotherFlushu dt'plc-l inA: th.· Iikeli .. r l""C,uonJia'i!I own 8t.rr/ fllculty/,tudenl!!l . If you re.lly lewd hbn you would noc be N,,'e: II h,· ""''''' chll"ce lI'e lire .ble 10 .ecomlHl.tfl ./ie,. e.",., ." 1"­ dumping on F.mh .t .11, you would be "Oll,.t'e"',.", tc'iIl M m.de W-n:ioll, 10 tll ejll4i,.". Till. I. tkubtlul, d_ helpin, him to any out his fantuies . nd be Deal' Mother F1ushu, to Ih. II/zI' "I rour .,IIf//llellltyhtude,.,1I. honored th.t he is using you as • 'l'ehicle Thlt sounds downriJht If'05S to me. Yuki 'il,. httpr Ihal '- l!lit~n ",111 rrel ffftlto drop by and I

\11 II . I H ~ . ~ ";,:1>1 \ 111". llillll l 'III' kn g~ III Turll .. IJ,'sch 1'u .. t·"". (hohu HIOll ~ Jamaica Ikpurt : IIII'~ .. \ II ~ US I :\" nt'lurn : Tues., SeplcmiJer6. 1977 ~ ~ Jamaic:a \ .\t. \ I IU" "\4..." \(,t: ",eu I)":S: I'rhuh' ~ u;h·n(,I' ''lIlm ... I :llintl~ nilin' TUrll!' 1J1 'llch 1'0"4'"' Holel ~ ~ ~ Jamaic:a o 1(",11111 Irill .lei ni ~ h l I"'I"' ~ II ' t·.. \ "rk ~1l .\loIIII·gu Ua~' "Is Air Jnlllnir" ~ ~ ~ ¥Jam~ic:a n""ml Iri p lilll o ll ~ i ..., Irn " .. (.·", ltd .... ·,," nlrport lind hOld H.ItI 01 I:." nnd ... ·r,ir.· "'".rgc 5 ~ !' JamSlc:a I . ~ , I),.,.nrl"r.' III' «.:orklnil ,, : .rl~ ~ Jamaica T ,' l r 'i ~ i •• " in .. "il!· E R .. tllI~ "'I"i"""11 I. ild"," T 1 r i" I" r:.mll .. " l)"nl1C Uh.'r Fnll!' I()r ho !Closl Study the hls,ory. contemporary life and cullure of Jamaica under n" l'Irh OIu" ,," ,1 " " .. rt · tI1l ~'" LaGuardia and Jamaican profeuortl here in Ihe KinpIOI1. Och o-- ~i ()t" & ~" "rl.din l! " 'luil'"11' 11 1 The Univeraily o f the Weet Indiee. 1.·lIl1i. ,.1",- "' 11 ~1 .' :J mnk n ",·,·l.lnt'o · "",.J, Spend one week - Auguat 30 10 Seplemher 6. 1977 _ in the island at rnrll.· ' ""m ' ~ .. u" ·r "'/1'1'(1 11 n, ·,,,·,, Turtle Beae:h Towers Holel - Ocho-- RiOl: followed hy : Gain (IIN,,, ,·II 11<"11 1'1. I'nl'1 ~ Unr-U.Qm·

I' \t." \f;t. 1I \1'1-:. 1'.,;" I' E II~(}~ - lJ n~ ,-don : 6 Class Hours and 6 Seminar ., flllr l :. . ~ l : n ItTU: m ;,u ..:11 TO\\'lmS Hours at La Guardia C.c. I"'r " " r ~"" ~ il1 l! l, ': ~: nl.~1 ,·n. I"'r I'. ... ~" " ",,,.101,·: .... :.:(*1.011 ,'11. in the Fa ll Quarter, 1977 '·,·, '·,·r .... " 1 ri"I,': ~ :'::-..; .fJO .·n. I·.'r l',· ...... " 4}"ncl : :-t I7.00 '·n. ' ·.·rl·.· ...... " "'j,, : .... t :U.CHI ' ·A. You can earn sb : credits through the collaboration o( Ihe diviaiona of continuing education, aocial acience, and the english departmenl of La • I·h, .. J«:L>CI .llllu uirn G,

4. hildr,·u un.I,·r I:! ~ llI1rill ,ll: flt'l.hl.· I, ,,.i.!' Ilimil 21 1:97.50 ~ I " "' " 1;..,;11 .. 1. n" ~"": 'li ,, " ~ n.,,·C,)I, .. 1 illlhc.otder .... ('ch .... I. Odldren under 12 sharing double hasi., IUmit 2) 197.50 each. 150.00 "un IU·~"i En \ I\TH)';o. 4 H' I',\ CT : depOIIIit accepted up to July S. and (ull payment mual be made on or J"" n .",lmll",l" nr " "nrll",l1 l1l:nli n before July 15, 1977. n .... m\lIItfi {,:!fI-5U60 1.. ·", llc( :"rl;" (,2f1-S.'i12

I)"_ I 'C'~IT UU.. )I ·, n'·:I) ; 8:;(1.1)0 I lI' rl ~ n- f) n OR IENTATION: "Rum Punch Party" with Ms. Marcell. from n " lnm·,· ,ltwnl l'·1I11 11:idll)5 I'ri .. r l"dcparturt·. Ma rt ln~ the lamaican Tourist Board. at LaGuan :lla, Room Ml 29, 6 108 p.m. on Wednesday, July 27. 4:"IIN·II"li ..1I " .. li. · ~ ; I"u ll n·,,,,,ft "I' 104:; ,Iny" prior 10 d'·I'III'1"rt·. 8'2:;.00 Foil' more information., contact P rof. Joan Edmonda 011' Pearl . 1" '"I1 It )" i(.·:.",-,· II , .. I I:; I.. : ~I ,1;,)" ,'rinr I.. ,1'·llII l'1 urc. S;;4UHI PI'""h y Zansacu. 'f 0 11' Prof. Lealie Curtis, In MB28, « I. S060 or 5512 0 11' 8eer'd.arles MB33, ,·nIlN·II ... I :1O I .. I .• • p ri ••r I... 1, ·llIIrl" ..... c:n " e:" llalloll ('0111" A ~ illcurft'd 1", ,, 626-5055 immediately. i( " 11111 .., 11, .. 1 " ilhi" ,:1 .In) " II( ,1",1IIr111rt·.

, · I, ·II.M · ... ,,"J1I.·h"n·tlf'r"nlil>ll fo r m :

f ' I ",, ' k ~ .. h ... ,hl l,,· 'n:" I ' · I.n~"I,I' · I " : \ .f;. Tnlk"11 (; N'UIJ Tuu ..... I"r . !"nhll1il r,·!... n ll li"n , .. >II IMIII " lid d '·I>.. ,, 1I 10 H.M'111 'IU 2M A trip to California is scheduled for December 87, 1977 t Oo \lJum:...... January 8, 1978. Contact Horman 11 0""; 1 ' 1I 0 ,~ 1 ':

LiI) Cole Jr. ~ Jls'. Butler for further H""II .:-.. ( ·ili1_.·., information (rm. SB48) 686-8844 The trip will be made by plane and will be t o (probably) Los Angeles. Hew Year's party will be part of

:-.1(;'\'11 lei';; the package. Trip open to all

\ \lOt" , 01' m.l·os!T students and their friends. '- 'li'lllllr~ 'li'mm]> 'i!\lllrl!.l!. 11l11l ''li'lllll1l