![Fiorello's Flute Holds Its Staff Meetings Not Hktl~·](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
M /177 linrell.,., :nute - INSIDE THIS=IS=SUE:=..--_______ Professor Under Invesllgallon by Jim Miskiewicz Page 3 WhO's Running Your SlUdent COunCil? Page 2 leI'S 110 n Again Page 12 l1Ie secrel IrliSI Page 13 I EUlogy 101' Mary Hariman Page 16 l1I8 lIBeD Page 17 BITCH, YELL AND SCREAM Page 6 Celebrity Interview:· RAPPING WITH MR. SUPER 8 by Laurie Brockway Page 14 PIIg e2 FIOREUO' S flUTE July. l i n ~ Who's Running Your Student Council? Give Some Blood; BackinthcFII110f1976.12studcnb...ere mnain ... hClher or not they .re makinl cl«ted to tIM: Student Coundl .nd thqo .ny solid contributions.. Albert wanlS 10 Save A ute embarked on .....'hll wllS 10 be. II 12 month makesure.that In lhe future. 5IudenlS ..ill term in offiC'C. Thote students who had becarefullylCt't'ened before they c.n even run. and yet Mre I'lOl elected. were to be campaign and Ihat there will be • On Wednesday. July 27. thc Peoplc's considered IIltemaleS - thC)' wouk! pI'O'ViSK)D made in Iheconslitution that wiU Health Ccnter ....ill be sponsorinl thcir replace .ny member ..·ho might resll" .Uowt'OllnselloYOte.ny penon who is nOi foorth.nnualSludcntBlood Drl-c .... i\hthc durinlthc rourse of the year. That WII 10 doinS their job out ofCouDci1. He is .150 MSISI.nt'C of Ncv.- York Blood Scl'\'icn la months .JO. Atlhis point ••11 but Ihree of trying his h.rdtllio m.ke sure Ih.t tht di\i~iM of thc Gmler Nf'tI. York Blood thc oriJinll1 S.C. members haV'l: resl,ncd arm ....ill open. al promised by the ad­ PTogrllm). or t"OU~. thc IU~S of Ihis .nd thc supply oralterm.tcs hu been ministration. in September. Thc:re have 1pccial program is up 10 all you mU'epkl uhausted. AI it stllDlh now. the Student already been rumQrt('irculating th.t il will studcnts Otll Ihcttand you.re.ll cordial!) Coundl has dwindled da..."lI to • 7 member nOi open until OC1obtr. invited lodon.tc. pint ofyourblood-frtt body. with two montM left until new Con'" is tryinl to (I'tI money .IlOt.led ofch.tac' OOO·t ....-orry. YOU·I·C JOC plenty to for • !Iudent s.me room. which wouk! elections. ,~rc: one lillic PlOt is nOl lOnna m.kc • The Student Council has func1ioned include pinball m.chines and pool t.blts, diffctenC'C. Amonl thc m.ny nudcn" .. ho r.ther prec.riously. or DOl II .11. durinl $0 Ihal the studcnlS ....ill h.ve • havc already rcgbtend to spend a pinl of their term in offK:C. They h • .,e undergone recre.tional .re. .nd someplace other blood to Sl\T alifc are: myself and Anist.nt considerable ch.nae .nd. finally. it looks th.n the cafeteri. to h.nl out in. He 15 Editor Jim Misklew~ .lonl ....·lIh S.C. like their m.klng lOtTIe not.ble progress. trying to ton,,!"" lije administr.tion th.t Ch.irperson Albert GonulcL As thc At the end of the SprinS qu.rttl'. the this wouk! al50 be a moneymaking en· f'C(TUiting cam~ign for poIential blood rounsel came under DeW leadtr5hip. deavor and ...ell worth the oriJin.1 cost. donon continues. ....'C .re hopinl th'l Albert Ganula .nd Conrad Stridlron Mo.t of the CUNY coZltFS are .Iready ~udcnts ..ill disprove thai rumored a~lhy bec.me d)le new Ch.irpenon .nd Vice equipped .... ith lhese f.dlides. He is .Iso for ....·hkh IMJ are f.mous.. and join in to Ch.irper1OfI. Albert is one of the workinlon StltinS a bar into laGu.rdia. s.ave.life. rem.lolng members of the otjaIn.II, to be run on student monies .nd operated det'ced counsel .nd Con'" is an altern.te by studenu as -ell. And. I milht add. he is Questions You Might H.ve About who came on to counsel durinl tnc Sprinl dI.irpenon of the S.C. Grit¥.rK'C Com­ Donatln, Blood: qu.rter. mittee. MUSI l Jtll,...,.mYHlflwjorr,M"1 blOOtf9 In thepul. Student Councilllu ~ Absolulely not. You needn't dtpri\T AlbertGonulawasprcrioully. member fCICOgItltion in the FLtrrE on • 1ess th.n yourstlfofa morsel of breakfast orlunch. of the student panment at St. John', dnirable buis. But. T think. il is im­ Eat .s you normally do. But if you h.,·c • Univenityand Sltldiron h.d been portant. th.t If we ate going to m.ke lendencyt01l,.rdsf.ny.nd oily stuff. try nOl oulohchoolfor ten yeanwhenhedeckied changesinlheintemtoftheJludents.lh.t 10 overdo It . to run ror Council and make some ....-e.1I work loaethtl'. It is allo imponant Cfl" ' slllI"'fIshm\·blTfl~Sld()l/l·" ...ilh dl.nJU. They art both concerned .nd th.t you know who your student leaden ~u$"SI",I? active student leaden .nd. conslderin, .re•• nd. if you hive .ny problems. Sony.• Icohol is out: but you can go OUI that Iher .re deaJina: .,ith a acnerally .nd C'Ckb ... teaftf:l"&".rdslfyou ....ish ~ u'\ctk Itudent body. .n imcompltte firct~~t ~~~:.;: "'ho U Ilofflll to laic .. m,1" blood. Of"" tudent CoundJ .nd an adminbtrltion Ch.irperson StricUon in the m.in build!nl ~t"d""'I~ th.t is under the imprcssion th.t ,lUdtnlS in room 122. Whcn .... 'e ilI.)' Studml Blood Dri.·e ....e .rt not equipped 10 be ItMlen, they .rt Neither Albert nor Conrad are sure as to mean thai the siudenu.• nd I ('fDphaiize doing. pretty good job. ..'hflhtrthey ..'iIIrun'l·ininthe~f.1I "Iudrnt' •• re the donors.. The progr.m .... iIl Albert is trying to m.ke changes 10 the elec1ions.butatleastlhqo.-lllh.veltfttht be run by hlghl} qu.lifled IcchniC'i.ns. Council constitution; as it 51.ndS now. it new Student Council wilh somC1hing mort under the sUJX'f'\ision of Suun Htssntl' allows for jusl .nyone 10 run for office .nd subst.ntial lO work with. ILaGuardia's Rnidmt /IIUl'Stl. But thcre are Olher ~Iudcnts .. ho are don.l1ng thcir "m~ and encrl)'. ai "cll as II PlOt of blood. to T. 1M "", f. liYI in m.ke this pfOIT.m ..ork. Student Council meets every Whlli/" "rrd 111111 blood bade SOtIII' dfll".· _",uniClfion rtifh ,/I Donaling \"OtIr blood on Ju" 27 .... iII lIulOfnatkallr cnlille }"OtI. and m~mben or Monday at 5:15 in the Presidents' ~our Immediate 'amll,·. to a blood I ... n!.· """"nify _IJ eI", up """1 ruston. shouk! il be ntC'tSUIn in the future. You .... ill be rqist~ ....· ith thc GreatfT Nc .... ",iIU,,;,rtflllllillgl - .... ork Blood Program and. If}"OtI nt('(1,t_ "ou Conference Room (Room 300 ..ill ttn.inh JC1 il back som~ d," Whut/,'/ulNt.· Jules V,me If you shouk! fa;nt. it is likely duc 10 fear in the Main Building) ~1~ua1~~~rs:'~~ (~~~:,b:~k!h~:;h: nlO\·its. Whlll/,Ifll·fiidr· If \·00 tat properl}' and abandon all nll1hkaitaltJ rellted 10 gil In, blood. Ihere IJ re.lI, no rellSon for ~·ou 10 Btl skk. It Jlute dcpends • lot (\fI ,"OUr slatt fOf mInd If \'OU .... ant to Btl skk t>tocllUst~"OU f",1 HIli hll,·t LllIUie 8rockw.Iy •. Edilor-u...QId' to. thai i, ecrtaln" your pri,·llcgt'. but it's Jim MIIkI_kz .•....• AMI. Edttor Fiorello's Flute holds its staff meetings not hktl~· . l nlhtc:lstlhal yoodo f",' a linlt Starr .... JoeBut... .. .. eat{· after Ji\·ing toloexl. \'ou .... ill .~r­ MkhaoelCooit tain" tit taktn care of. Afler fOne donaln J oeFla~ in the Flute office, which is in the rear tolood. hc Jh~ ....· ill tor asked 10 remain (fOr M.ry Ann Homy. W.nda Prfttipeomo tile minutts IIf SO 3fttr-jusl 10 nlaJ.esure J ohnTllman <:H'~'hlnll's all right. Conlribwln, PhotoanpMri •.... of the S~ny cafeteria, at 2PM Thllugh n .. u millhl think "DC' Ins pinl \~·ouf'll won't "Iakt an. dllTtrtnec. \'\"OU art R.lph f'~,.., .. ront!. That \"On<; pint .. ma l t a I", 1'1 JoteSWrnt m Middle Collqc Rep. ......•...... every Wednesday. dilTCf'('nl.'C '" ","lroll(' .. hfO realh· nC't'd~ il R_ nn B,,'.linl \11 II la"ts"a hnltlll'l<'.alilllc'''''K'('tn FltCUh yConlribu1(J1' 8n,,:e8...,.,.,. Jnda Iitllc"'lood. 11 .... "n·1 hun m,'l'tthana I"l'~ubr lAlC'·I"'n .... ,.... k!. and It'~ ,'ff13mh F.CIIIt)'Ad~~_. Ro.bft1M('V"e:h n"l "'lAt: ". put W'I' lA Ihc hl'Spllal I, ... J Fiorello', FIUle iJo thO' o ' fidlIl da'. "'U ,-an , .. 'nllnuC' ...."'r da\ as I.", ,.tucknl n t'W1lp.l~ o f UG ...nUa .... ,"'In ""mlal". B..-f,'lf\' an\·,,1I(' .. ill ('\C'n (;nmmun.iI Y Collt,e. Opinion' , .. 'n\ido:r '">ur .... "''''. \"u'II"" ~ .. C'n a mlm .. xprftlled in lhe p"pI'I' nol "\:101, .. hldl \'nIJih J r('\,('\O. •• f ""It .f'C ........ 1... ·:11 Imlt'" .Ind haling "'tlr ... k ... lCI n-.ril)' lhow 0' the collest S.A.C. t the Student Activities Committeet admln iltndon. f.CII!i)·. or _(ud .. nl l'r,,,,~uR'.I'"I<l' Jlld I"mrct:llun' lalto. S••. hody. &lllori.1 opinkt n exprf'S"'" II ' ..II .... ,·,~h :II k':I(I 110 1"'$ Jnd ,I'U hf'ft.ln la dt~nnined' by. ~oril) which is composed of a representative from \" '","ler':t\III~ J hle;t l"l';twn;l ... it,·\,·h3n~... • ~OI .. 01 Ihe FI", .. ",t.ff. The Flut .. I........ \tlr t>1. ... >d. "1(,\I.·r n.", and ~h,'"" up .'n .. rnl:t'l' II", ~ I ed in the S.lellitr \\' ...
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