Primary School Charter

Mission Statement

Together we learn, grow and succeed.

Kia ako tahi tātou Kia tipu tahi tātou Kia puāwai tahi tātou

The staff, community and Board of Trustees are still in the process of reviewing the Charter to allow reporting against Strategic Goals and a greater emphasis on teaching and learning.

The Board will also consider the type of reporting to be carried out with consideration of the removal of National Standards.

Care is taken to include the school community in each step of the review.

​Tuakau Primary School


In accordance with Section 64 of the Education Act, the Tuakau Primary School Board of Trustees undertakes to take all reasonable steps to achieve the aims, vision and goals in the Charter which have been approved by the Board following consultation with the staff of Tuakau Primary School, Maori and the community in terms of Section 61 and 63 of the Education Act, and to take full account of the National Education Guidelines and all the statutory obligations. The Board has accepted this charter and its undertaking to the Ministry of Education.

Tuakau Primary is a Contributing Decile 2D school built within large, attractive grounds and with a current roll of 246 children. It is situated in the Franklin area, 40kms from Manukau City, 10 km. from and is one of three schools in the small town of Tuakau.

Ethnically, the major groups are: 58.9% NZ Maori, 19.9% NZ European; 4.5% Other Pacific Island Group 3.7% Tongan; 2.4% Indian; 2.4% Cook Is. Maori; 2.4% Indian; 1.6% Filipino; 1.2% Samoan; 0.8% Sri Lankan; 0.8% Vietnamese; 0.4% Niue; 0.4% African; 0.4% Fijian; 0.4% Australian; 0.4% Japanese; 0.8% Other European;

School facilities include 8 single-cell classrooms, a 4-classroom flexible learning space, a 3-classroom flexible learning space, a well-equipped library, an Administration area, sheds and storerooms for the caretaking equipment, art supplies, and sports’ equipment, and a resource room. The shady covered outdoor stage area serves as an assembly area when the weather permits. Play areas include two adventure playgrounds, two hard court areas, large grassed playing fields and a swimming pool. There is a kindergarten onsite, a Playcentre, 4 privately run Early Childhood Centres in Tuakau and 2 Kohanga Reo in the area.

Currently the staff consists of a Principal, a Deputy Principal (fully released) and 14 classroom teachers, 12 of whom are permanent, and 2 fixed term teachers who are job sharing a role. Two classes cater for parents who wish to have their children taught in Te Reo Maori. There are 2 kaiawhina in support.

We have support staff who work with children with special needs; support staff who work in a general capacity to aid classroom teachers; one who organises the resource room; one who supports in the library; a part-time caretaker; a part-time accounts person; 2 cleaners; and an administration officer.

The Charter, Strategic and Annual Plans have all been reviewed by the Board of Trustees and Principal this year with input from staff and the community. It builds on the successes of the past and sets a direction for the next two years.

‘Together: We Learn, Grow and Succeed’

Vision Statement

To acknowledge, value and foster the unique qualities and attributes of our school community.

To challenge our children to achieve personal standards of excellence through a balanced educational programme within a safe and caring environment.


What reasonable steps will the school take to incorporate tikanga Maori into the school’s curriculum? ​ ​ ● Themes and units will have a Maori perspective appropriate to topic and class level ● Children have the opportunity to join a kapa haka group ● Classroom practice reinforces tikanga Maori (eg. No sitting on tables, no shoes in classroom) ● EEO principles are met when employing staff ● Bilingual signage and instructions will be used where appropriate ● The children will experience powhiri and learn about the relevant components ● Whakatauki (weekly values focus) What will the school do to provide instruction in Te Reo Maori (Maori language) for full time students whose parents request it?

● All such requests will be given full and careful consideration by the Board of Trustees with regard to personnel with appropriate skills and qualifications; the overall school financial position; and availability of accommodation within the school. ● The school has 2 bilingual classes ● Two kaiawhina are employed to support the bilingual classes ● Bilingual staff will take part in te reo Māori professional development and will lead the rest of the school in te reo Māori acquisition. ​ ​ ​ ​ What steps will be taken to discover the views and concerns of the school’s Maori community

● Close association with local marae and kohanga will continue. ● Consultation with our Maori community will be undertaken at least once a year. ● The school will consult and communicate with Maori families about Maori student achievement and progress ● Maori representation is strong on our Board of Trustees and whanau hui are held twice a term. ● Involve the community in discussions and workshops about the intent of Ka Hikitia – Managing for Success – to help make the shifts in thinking and expectations ​ ​ to ensure Maori students experience success as Maori. (Community/whanau involvement is vital!), Explore ways to involve whānau in their children’s learning

​Mission Statement Together We Learn, Kia ako tahi tatou Grow, Kia tipu tahi tatou And succeed Kia puawai tahi tatou

Our Mission is to provide our children with a positive environment which promotes success for all. ​ ​

‘Together’ is the key word that embodies the way we want to move forward toward that success, ​ giving our children the very best opportunities to guide their future

School motto:


The Master Key of Life

Tuakau Primary School: Strategic Plan 2018-2021 Student Achievement: To accelerate the achievement of all learners.

2018 2019 2020 2021 1.1 Through internal and external From 2018 professional development Review current good practice Share current good practice in Data and Assessment: professional development, and review of assessment tools, in Assessment. Assessment across the school teachers’ will review current teachers will have professional assessment tools and data, development on: Consider any new Ministry Implement any new Ministry making sure they are the best tool ● How to best utilise them to assessment initiatives. assessment initiatives. to measure progress. improve student outcomes. Assessment for learning. ● Maths: moderation tasks ● Raising Teacher Capability in Continue to monitor student ● Running Records the use of the tools. achievement through robust Continue to monitor student ● Writing exemplars and assessment practices. achievement through robust AsTtle Continue to refine the National assessment and moderation ● Literacy/Mathematics Curriculum benchmark- Develop own Identify needs and develop practices. progressions processes to collect information knowledge of the PACt tool relevant to learners Identify and develop an Discuss and create benchmarks Develop consistent tools implementation of the PACt based on the Learning Moderate with other schools in the across the Kaahui Ako tool progressions to replace National Kahui Ako to share good practice Standards framework. around assessment. Develop assessment practices Use consistent tools across the in Whare Maanaki with support Kaahui Ako. Identifying areas Regularly monitor student Explore Maori assessment tools and from other schools in the of good practice. achievement. implement in Whare Manaaki. Kaahui Ako Create a Whare Manaaki report for Start building a profile of students. assessments and identify trends and developments of Regularly monitor student Reo in Whare Maanaki. achievement. Identify students in need of support. Develop Programmes to assist

1.2 Work with SAF to create a Maori Build on previous years relationships Review the Maori and Pasifika Consult with whanau about the Maori and Pasifika and Pasifika Achievement action formed and continue to work Action Plans and work with Maori and Pasifika Actions Achievement: plan. together to raise student whanau and community to plans. Review to identify achievement through whanau implement any changes strengths and opportunities. Create educationally powerful engagement in learning. needed. relationships with whanau Review interventions for ● Identify and engage key Complete the Maaori and Pasifika Identify learners in need of learners people in focus groups Achievement action plan and start to support and targeted and community groups implement. interventions Support Staff to build and ● Create opportunities to engage in Culturally interact positively with Ensure the Tainui Education Strategy Engage whanau in responsive practices whaanau. is embedded in the Maari relationships focussed on Achievement action plan. student achievement.

Support Staff to build and engage in Seek SAF support Culturally responsive practices Support Staff to build and engage in Culturally responsive practices

1.3 Gather student voice through Build on previous years work Review engagement of boys at Review engagement of Boys Engagement of boys surveys on what interests boys engaging boys. Tuakau School. Make any and offer opportunities for changes necessary. Review current reporting of learning in these contexts. Examine boys achievement data: boys achievement Inquiry Question: Does an increase in Identify authentic experiences Have boys involved in purchasing boys engagement increase student that can be added the the Develop a contextualised books of interest for boys. achievement? school curriculum curriculum for boys drawing on the expertise of the Share good practice and To run a trial group exploring Identify how the Key community. research around engaging boys contexts and practical interests to competencies can measure in learning. improve motivation for writing. students successes in their learning. Collect student voice on engaging.

1.4 Identify children with special Prioritise the role of the SENCo within Prioritise the role of the SENCo Prioritise the role of the SENCo Learner Support educational needs. the school to coordinate the within the school to coordinate within the school to coordinate specialists involved with learners the specialists involved with the specialists involved with Create an action plan to meet learners learners these children’s needs. Support the transition of learners to School by being proactive to engage Keep an up-to-date register to Keep an up-to-date register to ESOL: Provide an additional with early childhood and Kohanga monitor the progress of all monitor the progress of all language programme for reo. children with intervention children with intervention speakers of other languages. programmes programmes Keep an up-to-date register to Work with monitor the progress of all children Continue to monitor the Continue to monitor the parents/whaanau/caregivers to with intervention programmes progress of all children with progress of all children with ensure all are informed of intervention programmes. intervention programmes. interventions for their child Hold regular meetings of throughout the process. stakeholders in order to review Develop and support whanau Develop and support whanau processes around children with with IEP’s for those student with IEP’s for those student Access the support of special needs who need additional support. who need additional support. appropriate outside agencies. ESOL: Continue to provide an Review the interventions to Review the interventions to additional language programme for ensure they are meeting the ensure they are meeting the speakers of other languages. needs of the students with needs of the students with special educational needs. special educational needs. Upskill new staff in the skills required for working with ESOL students. ESOL- provide a programme ESOL- provide a programme targeted at meeting ESOL targeted at meeting ESOL learners. learners.

Tuakau Primary School: Strategic Plan 2018-2021 Future Focused Curriculum: Preparing students to be active, engaged, consciously critical members of an ever-changing world.

2018 2019 2020 2121 2.1: ● Make opportunities to ● Build on relationships forged ● Review cultural ● Review cultural Identity: know our learners in 2018 activities with whanau activities with whanau Children understand ● Make links with the ● Create a data base of key and make any and make any community and personnel in all groups that changes as necessary. changes as necessary. who they are: connecting to Tuakau feed into the school. ● Update database of ● Update database of ● Create reciprocal ● Implement cultural activities key personnel and key personnel and relationships with key personnel. continue to build continue to build ● Work with key groups to ● Celebrate Language weeks relationships relationships plan cultural activities for ● Re-engage with Local Marae ● Identify PLD with ● Build relationships with 2019 Marae significant to Marae personnel Tuakau. 2.2 ● Have a localised ● Survey the parent/caregiver ● Continue to have ● Trial Concept based Authentic curriculum curriculum community re curriculum students and parents learning and reporting ● Children see themselves content voice included in ● Develop a localised in their learning ● Survey students for their planning the and contextualised ● Community voice thoughts on what is being curriculum. Curriculum ● Unpack and use the taught ● Trial Concept based ● Develop how the Tuakau Inquiry Model ● Trial Concept based learning and reporting curriculum is shared curriculum and overview. ● Develop a localised with Whaanau. ● Review the Inquiry Model to and contextualised ensure all understand the Curriculum process 2.3: ● Children setting goals ● Kanohi - ki - te -kanohi ● Continue to have ● Continue to have Student Agency ● Children reflecting on discussions about learning, Kanohi - ki - te -kanohi Kanohi - ki - te -kanohi their progress against goal setting and children’s discussions about discussions about their goals understanding of their learning, goal setting learning, goal setting ● Children understand their learning and children’s and children’s next steps ● Review use of seesaw and understanding of their understanding of their ● Use of seesaw for make any changes needed. learning learning students to share goals ● Students to upskill ● Students to upskill with whanau. parents with seesaw parents with seesaw

2.4 ● Whare Manaaki building ● Review the school ● Implement the 5YA ● Implement the 5YA Infrastructure/Room work completed and infrastructure to make ● Continue to improve ● Continue to improve renovated as a flexible amendments to the 5YA. the school the school Environment and learning space. ● Involve children in landscape landscaping. landscaping. Technology to ● Provide 1:1 devices for design for the outside of their ● Continue to provide ● Continue to provide support curriculum Yrs 4-6 (Start 3 yr lease buildings 1:1 devices for yrs 4-6. 1:1 devices for yrs 4-6. for 100 chromebooks ) ● Continue to provide 1:1 ● Keep up to date with ● Keep up to date with ● Te Waahi : Continue to devices for yrs 4-6. new technology and new technology and work collaboratively and ● Keep up to date with new initiatives initiatives induct a new staff technology and initiatives ● Review collaborative member. ● Support collaborative practice across the practice across the school school and make any changes as necessary.

Tuakau Primary School: Strategic Plan, 2018-2021 Create Educationally Powerful Relationships with Parents, Family and Whanau to encourage engagement in learning

2018 2019 2020 2021 3.1 Relationships ● To review relationships ● With parents, review ● To continue to review ● To continue to review (building relational with the usefulness of see relationships with relationships with parents/family/whanau. saw as a parents/family/whanau. parents/family/whanau. trust and ● To review engagement collaborative tool ● To offer a range of ● To offer a range of collaboration) practices with ● Work collaboratively opportunities for whanau to opportunities for whanau to parents/family and with key parents engage with their child’s engage with their child’s whanau. and/or groups to learning. learning. ● To analyse teacher ensure all students ● All teachers developing ● Responding and acting on perceptions and and whānau can their use of Te Reo when the consultation process. assumptions around access and engaging with whaanau engagement with understand the ● Reviewing parent whanau. curriculum. engagement and parent ● To understand cultural ● Explore a variety of consultation. responsiveness. ways of ● Students to use see saw communicating to to engage with whanau. whānau about their child’s learning.

● Consulting with Whanau about how we can engage 3.2 Wellbeing: ● Create a staff survey This was not completed in ● Build on the previous years ● Review the action plan for well being initiatives and ● To promote and analyse results 2018 so... wellbeing ● Offer a variety of continue to work together ● Identify success and staff well being initiatives to promote ● Create a staff survey to promote staff and opportunities and through a staff well being. and analyse results student well being. . redevelop variety of ● Create a student survey ● Offer a variety of ● Develop an action plan to ● Seek support from MOE initiatives. and analyse the results initiatives to promote address any issues that fore relevant resources to ● To ensure well ● Discuss results with staff well being. arise from the surveys. support Wellbeing action being of staff, students and ● Create a student plan. students in a Board of Trustees. survey and analyse variety of ways ● Formulate an action the results plan to address any ● Discuss results with

issues that arise from staff, students and the surveys. Board of Trustees. ● Formulate an action plan to address any issues that arise from the surveys. 3.3: ● Share ideas for whaanau Kāhui Ako engagement with Kāhui ● Continue to work within ● Review our work and ● Ongoing review of work Ako schools the strategic goals and progress within the Te and progress within the Te ● Create opportunities for framework of the Kaahui Puaha o Kaahui Puaha o Waikato Kaahui our school communities to Ako Ako Ako work together toward the Teaching and Learning: common goal o f raising Goal#1: Develop consistent ● Develop powerful ● Develop powerful ​ student achievement. transitions which are effective connecting relationships connecting relationships and sustainable. with schools within our with schools within our Goal#2: To develop clarity for all ​ Kahui to ensure that the Kahui to ensure that the learners about learner agency. transition between schools transition between schools Goal#3: Develop internal ​ is seamless. is seamless. evaluation capabilities Cultural Responsive communities: Goal#1: Develop positive ​ reciprocal relationships with tangata whenua and community within a Treaty of Waitangi context

Goal#2: Build and support ​ consistent and effective teaching practices that are culturally responsive Goal#3Focus on developing ​ tikanga and Te Reo for learners, whaanau and staff in te reo Waikato, Tainui dialect. Wellbeing: Goal#1: Develop clarity for ​ learners about wellbeing. Goal#2: Build and support ​ consistent and effective practices that promotes wellbeing. ● Identify the role descriptions for the ISCoL and the ASCoL and appoint through a clear process. ● Keep the community updated with the progress of the Kahui ako.

Tuakau Primary School: Strategic Plan, 2018-2021 BOARD RESPONSIBILITY 5: EMPLOYMENT National Education Goals: Excellence in teaching NAG 1 Promote high levels of staff performance, use educational resources effectively and recognize the needs of students; Be a good employer as defined in the State Sector Act 1988 and comply with the conditions contained in employment contracts applying to teaching and non-teaching staff. Strategic Issue Goals Intended Actions Desired Outcomes

Employment of Staff To employ staff who demonstrate a Utilise passions and expertise of staff Best use will be made of staff high level of knowledge and skills wherever possible strengths in meeting the school vision relating to the and needs. Curriculum and the Tuakau School Review needs and direction of the vision. school annually BOT complies with all policies, procedures and legal requirements. Decide on needs through Performance Management System Staff and BOT attend focussed and goal setting. professional development.

Being a ‘Good’ Employer To ensure the Board of Trustees The Board of Trustees has offered a Positive staff and BOT relationships demonstrates good employer $1000 scholarship for a staff member maintained. practices. to pursue professional development that will benefit the individual and the To develop a schoolwide professional school. development plan for staff and BOT The staff and BOT profiles is raised in members. The BOT facilitates at least two the community activities per year with staff. To ensure positive, reciprocal 1. Morning Tea in December relationships between the Board and 2. Staff / Trustee ‘Breakup’ the staff. 3. Gift and Christmas lunch for staff at the end of the year

4. Team building/bonding event

Create a BOT and Staff profile photo board.

Performance Management To set high expectations and have Ensure job descriptions are reviewed All teaching staff are appraised Systems (PMS) clear professional performance goals. and updated annually. according to Registered Teacher Criteria.

To promote high levels of staff Continue with Blogs for teachers for PMS procedures are updated and performance by establishing an collecting evidence against the discussed with staff. ongoing system of review of Professional Standards and their All staff job descriptions are updated personnel, performance and related personal and school wide goals. and signed by the end of Term 1. professional development.

Whare Manaaki bilingual unit To engage in Māori Medium Kaiako, kaiawhina, Board and parents Whānau aspirations are realised development professional development with Chris are engaged in collaborating around Lowman to ensure that strategic creating a connected curriculum that Kaiako feel confident to increase the planning for the sustainability and embraces the Tainui Education level of te reo Maaori used in all growth of the unit is identified. Strategy and the aspirations of aspects of the school day. parents. Create more opportunities for The pedagogy required to achieve the Whaanau reo improvement. above will be a major focus of the professional development. Assessment in Te Reo Māori will also be a focus.

Tuakau Primary School: Strategic Plan, 2018-2021 BOARD RESPONSIBILITY 6: SCHOOL CLIMATE AND ENVIRONMENT NATIONAL EDUCATION GOALS Develop values needed to become full members of New Zealand society. NAG 5 Provide a safe physical and emotional environment for students; Promote physical activity; Comply in full with any legislation currently in force or that may be developed to ensure the safety of students and employees. Strategic Issue Goals Intended Actions Desired Outcomes

Health and Safety To provide a safe and secure Implement the shared Values and The Values of the school will be evident in environment where students feel expectations decided on through programmes and in the behaviour of all included and cared for and the consultation between community, school personnel. community is welcome. whānau and staff.

To acknowledge and show tolerance Review the school Vision with the Community and school values will be towards others. community compatible.

To develop and nurture a family Unpack the school Values and the Key Staff, students and community will be atmosphere throughout the school Competencies and work with able to articulate the ‘Tuakau Way’. community. community to align these and frame them in ‘kids speak’ so that this The school values and expectations in becomes the common language at English and Te Reo are evident Tuakau Primary school. throughout the school. Physical activity To encourage all children to participate Ensure regular physical activity is a Children will be involved in physical in regular physical activity. part of daily programmes in all classes activity through classroom programmes.

Monitor staff and student emotional and Provide a range of activities as choices Equipment will be provided to encourage physical safety. for students during break times physical activity.

Implement EOTC policies.

Ensure required safety procedures are Approve EOTC applications as per the Children will choose to be physically carried out. policy active in a range of different activities.

Authorise the collection of data to Report on staff and student safety. inform a report of students physical activity.

Engage students in consultation about physical activities.

Tuakau Primary School: Strategic Plan, 2018-2021

BOARD RESPONSIBILITY 7: ASSET MANAGEMENT NATIONAL EDUCATION GOALS - Respect for the diverse ethnic and cultural heritage of New Zealand, with acknowledgement of the unique place of Maori, and New Zealand’s role in the Pacific and as a member of the international community of nations. - A sound foundation in the early years for future learning and achievement through programmes which include support for parents in their vital role as their children’s first teachers. NAG 4 - Allocate funds to reflect the school’s priorities as stated in the Charter; - Monitor and control school expenditure, and ensure that annual accounts are prepared and audited as required by the Public Finance Act 1989 and the Education Act 1989; - Comply with the negotiated conditions of any current asset management agreement, and implement a maintenance programme to ensure that the school’s buildings and facilities provide a safe, healthy learning environment for students.

Strategic Issue Goals Intended Actions Desired Outcomes

Maintenance of To monitor and effectively implement Maintain the buildings and grounds, All maintenance/purchasing of capital school buildings and the 10YPP and 5YA programmes. giving consideration to safety, items scheduled in the 10YP are attended facilities standards and future development. to.

Buildings and facilities are safe for all.

Ensure compliance of buildings and Approve maintenance and capital Report of the implementation of the plans. grounds safety works programmes

Monthly checks of the playground to Report on state of buildings and grounds. ensure equipment and the area is safe.

A playground that students can play Student Safety To provide a safe physical environment Audit for playground safety. safely on. for students and staff. An environment that is physically safe

Financial To monitor internal procedures relating Annually review related systems and The school’s financial viability will be management to financial management. monitor internal procedures. secured.

To target funding to support programmes to lift student achievement. In consultation with staff, decide which Student achievement in all learning areas learning areas need support and what will improve. To allocate funds through a budget, to form this support will take. support the strategic and annual Funds are allocated effectively and targets. Discuss and analyse data to decide on efficiently, reflecting the annual plans. annual targets. Ensure accounts are audited Ensure audit process is completed and audit is satisfactory.

Tuakau Primary School: Annual Plan 2019 BOARD RESPONSIBILITY 2: Curriculum Targets 2019 National Education Goals: - High standards of student achievement NAG 1 CURRICULUM 1. Through a range of assessment practices, gather information that is sufficiently comprehensive to enable the progress and achievement of students. With a focus on: Breadth and depth of learning related to the needs, abilities and interests of students, the nature and scope of the New Zealand Curriculum and, in particular, improvement in Maori student achievement. Curriculum Baseline data and Professional Learning Teaching and Learning Reporting and Resources Outcomes Target assessment used

Mathematics End of 2018: Curriculum In house workshops: lead by Develop the use of More informed decision Level achievement: Maths co-ordinator progressions and use making re children’s Targets 2019 these to improve teacher achievement levels and There was 69% (180 capability to plan, and identification of next students) at or above Creation of Moderation teach, an effective learning steps. Mathematics: National Expectations at the tasks and moderating Mathematics programme Goal for 2019 end of 2018. practice across school. to address gaps. Involve community in lifting :72 % of all Mathematics achievement students will be Teaching as Inquiry: linking Improve Leadership by: achieving At or Year 4 and 5 in 2018 (Year 5 directly to Strategic Goal 1 capability through growing – Creating opportunities Above and 6 in 2019) are focus leaders and reviewing to share data and goal expectation year groups. Raising Teacher capability current overviews, setting in Mathematics Year 4 students: in the use of PMAT (Number resources and curriculum with parents Target year 2018 20/43 students assessment) documentation. – Support parents with groups: (47.0%) of students were At information about Year 5 2019: and Above National Identify Numeracy helping children at Goal to get 60% Curriculum Expectation concept based localised home of this year Year 5 students: curriculum group at or 2018 17/34 students (50%) Align our Mathematics Above of students were At and assessment practices with Continue to use rich tasks Create an overview and expectation. the other schools in the COL to gather information resource bank of

Year 6 2019: Above National Curriculum and take part in moderation about children's assessment moderation Goal to get 65% Expectation across the COL schools. Mathematical thinking tasks. of this year from the Numeracy group at or Progressions. Above expectation.

Curriculum Baseline data and Professional Learning Teaching and Learning Reporting and Resources Outcomes: Target assessment used Writing Targets Written Reports reviewed. 2018: There was 194/261 Unpacking and revision of 2019 Use the Literacy Learning Will be sent home in term 2 (74%) of students at or the Literacy Learning Progressions to plan and and 4. Will share writing progressions: Writing. COL above National Curriculum teach an effective writing results, writing progress,

Achievement Expectations at the end of programme to address how parents can help and Implement the Tuakau Target for 2020 2018. gaps. goals in simple language. Literacy Hub to the staff. in Writing is 72% Sharing ideas on how it of all students to Unpack the transition Teachers using writing could be implemented into be achieving At descriptors (moving to exemplars with children to There was 72/142 students the classroom. or Above. Level 2 and 3) to improve unpack and share (51%) of boys were achieving (Bec Gallaway) teacher capability to plan expectations. Exemplars below and well below Tuakau and teach an effective displayed in class. Sharing ways to unpack and achieved 60% in expectation. Writing programme to Literacy rubrics with the 2018. address gaps children.

Goal :60% of Developing the writing Align our Writing Boys will be exemplars and assessment practices with achieving At or encouraging students to the other schools in the COL Above unpack the exemplars and take part in moderation expectation and use these to talk across the COL schools. about their own learning.

Raise Teacher capability in Explore ways to raise boys writing features engagement in Writing

Curriculum Baseline data and Professional Learning Teaching and Learning Reporting and Resources Outcomes: Target assessment used

Reading Targets 2018: There was 194/261 Unpacking and revision of Use the Literacy Learning Teachers/student and 2019 (74%) of students achieving the Literacy Learning Progressions to plan and whaanau are engaged in at or above National progressions: Reading. teach an effective reading goals setting. COL Curriculum Expectations at programme to address Achievement Introducing: Tuakau gaps Written Reports reviewed. the end of 2018. Target for 2020 Literacy Hub to the staff. Will be sent home in term 2 in Reading is Sharing ideas on how it Ensure resources are and 4. Will share reading 75% of all could be implemented into relevant to children’s results, reading progress, students to be the classroom. interests and community – how parents can help and achieving at or culturally responsive goals in simple language. Above. Revise Running Records and comprehension New readers purchased: Tuakau strategies children are Lower level PM readers and achieved 74% in using. readers for boys. 2018. New Entrant Teachers: PM Running Record kits Goal :75% of Attend Yolanda Soryl provided for all 4 teams. Maori Students Phonics course and share will be achieving with Junior Team. at or above expectation

Curriculum Baseline data and Professional Learning Teaching and Learning Reporting and Resources Outcomes: Target assessment used

Whare Maanaki 47/155 (30%) of Yr1-5 (2017) 24 hours with PLD Provider: To develop consistency of To explore online options to Unit. were able to respond orally Chris Lowman Te Reo Māori in and across share learning with Whanau at National Curriculum Level the Whare. including te reo resources. To support 1:

Whare Manaaki (Te Aho Arataki Marau) Working with Chris To create te reo resources to meet the Lowman/Kaiako/ Kaiawhina To integrate and embed to use within the classroom. requirements of School based oral te reo and community to develop a Te Reo Māori in all areas of moving from assessment used. strategic plan for Whare the curriculum. To identify additional Level 3 to Level 2 Manaaki. resources for Whare MMI 51-80% in Develop the use of Te Aho To demonstrate effective Manaaki to support Te Reo. Arataki Marau To include; pedagogy when teaching students learning. Enrolment Te Reo Māori. Use the assessment and Educational expectations of To identify use of Te Reo in

recommendations from programmes written reports. Maori Language verification Assessment tools and To develop the tools visit and strategies consistency across the required to assess Identify the opportunity to suggested. whare. students levels of Te Reo support whanau to support oral and written. their children’s learning by Classroom modelling of goal setting with their effective pedagogy when teacher. teaching te reo Māori.

Classroom observations of teachers pedagogy giving feedback and support in Te Reo.

School Name: Tuakau school School Number: 1539 ​ ​

Strategic Aim: Through a range of assessment practices, gather information that is sufficiently comprehensive to enable the progress ​ and achievement of students.

Annual Aim: Develop teacher capability and pedagogy around raising student achievement of priority and target groups, in Reading, ​ Writing and Mathematics.

Target: Schoolwide target: ​ Reading: 2018 Target: The expectation is that by the end of the year, 75% of children will be at their correct ​ national curriculum level in reading. Writing: 2018: Writing Target: The expectation is that by the end of the year, 60% of children will be at their correct ​ national curriculum level in writing. Mathematics: The expectation is that by the end of the year, the majority of Year 5 students will be working at early level 3.

Baseline Data: Reading: 133/224 (59%) were at or above National Standard at end of 2017. ​ ​ Writing: 87/224 students (39%) were at or above National Standard at end of 2017. ​ Mathematics: This target was created because the National Standard data at the the end of year 4 showed only ​ 9/31 students (29.0%) of students were At and Above National Standard.

Reasons for the Actions Outcomes Evaluation variance What did we do? What happened? Where to next? Why did it happen?

Reading: 2018 Target: The . Introducing: Tuakau Literacy Hub to COL Achievement All Well Below At Above Total At or Above expectation is that the staff. Sharing ideas on how it could students Below National Target for 2020 in be implemented into the classroom. Curriculum Reading is 75% of all Expectation by the end of the year, 75% of students to be Revise Running Records and Male 6 students 32 64 41 143 105 students achieving at or Above. (4%) students students students students (73%) children will be at comprehension strategies children are (22%) (45%) (29%) (100%) using. their correct Tuakau achieved 74% Female 2 students 27 64 25 118 89 students in 2018. (2%) students students students students (75%) national New Entrant Teachers: Attend (23%) (54%) (21%) (100%) Yolanda Soryl Phonics course and curriculum level in Goal :75% of Maori share with Junior Team. Total 8 students 59 128 66 261 194 students Student will achieving at (3%) students students students students (74%) reading. (23%) (49%) (25%) (100%) or above expectation Ensure resources are relevant to There is 74% of students at or children’s interests and community – There is 194/261 (74%) of students at or above National Curriculum Expectations culturally responsive above National Curriculum at the end of 2018.There is now 194 students achieving at or above National Expectations at the end of

Expectation. 2018.There is now 194 Written Reports reviewed. Will be sent Strengths: students achieving at or above home in term 2 and 4. Will share European achievement is higher than all the other ethnic groups. National Expectation. reading results, reading progress, how Pasifika is achieving above our target with 77% of students at or above This is only 1% below the parents can help and goals in simple National Expectation. target. language.

New readers purchased: Lower level Implications: The Maori students are achieving 4% below the whole school with 70% PM readers and readers for boys. of NZ Maori students achieving at and above expectation. This is an

PM Running Record kits provided for all 4 improvement from previous years but still an area to address. teams.

Reading progress by year groups: Analysis of Reading Data by years:

Year 0 students 17/17 students (100%) of students are At and Above National Expectation Year 1 students: 28/45 students (62 %) of students are At and

Above National Expectation Year 2 students: 27/42 students (64%) of students are At and

Above National Expectation Year 3 students: 25/32 students (78 %) of students are At and

Above National Expectation

Year 4 students: 35/43 students (82%) of students are At and

Above National Expectation Year 5 students: 26/34 students (76%) of students are At and

Above National Expectation Year 6 students: 36/48 students (75.0%) of students are At and

Above National Expectation

Implications: The Year 3-6 students are achieving well. Our Reading focus needs to be in Years 1 and 2. These are the year groups which are achieving lower.

Writing Analysis:


Unpacking and revision of the Literacy The expectation is that by Learning progressions: Writing. the end of the year, 60% of

Introducing: Tuakau Literacy Hub to the children will be at their staff. Sharing ideas on how it could be correct national curriculum implemented into the classroom. level in writing.

Sharing ways to unpack and use AsTtle There is 60% of students rubrics with the children. at or above National Curriculum Expectations at the end of 2018.There Use the Literacy Learning Progressions to plan and teach an effective writing is now 158 students programme to address gaps. achieving at or above Writing Analysis: National Expectation. Unpack the transition descriptors (moving to Level 2 and 3) to improve teacher

capability to plan and teach an effective There is 60% of students at or above National Curriculum This target was met. Writing programme to address gaps Expectations at the end of 2018.There is now 158 students

achieving at or above National Expectation. Written Reports reviewed. Will be sent home in term 2 and 4. Will share writing results, writing progress, how parents can help and goals in simple language.

Teachers using writing exemplars with Implications: children to unpack and share There is a much larger number of boys achieving in the below and COL Achievement expectations. Exemplars displayed in well below groups. An area of focus for 2019 needs to be Target for 2020 in class. Writing is 72% of all engagement of boys in writing. students to be achieving At or Above.

Tuakau achieved 60% in 2018.

Goal :60% of Boys will

be achieving At or Above expectation The expectation

is that by the end

of the year, the

Mathematics: majority of Year 5

students will be working at early

Mathematics: level 3. PLD: 50 hours with Charlotte Wilkinson

Creation of Moderation tasks and At the end of 2018 moderating practice across school. these students who are now Year 5

All teachers take part in classroom improved this result sessions working with Charlotte that involve Modelling, co-teaching and dramatically. 17/34 of observation. These will be done in these students (50%)

pairs/teams to allow for reflection and There is 69% (180 students) of students at or above National ​ ​ ​ ​ of them are now support. Expectations at the end of 2018. achieving at and COL Achievement ​ ​ Implications: Target for 2020 in Unpack the progressions and use these to above the National There are 58 Maori students achieving below and well below the ​ Mathematics is 72% of improve teacher capability to plan, and ​ ​ ​ ​ Curriculum National Curriculum Expectation who need to be monitored in 2019 and all students to be teach, an effective Mathematics Expectation. programme to address gaps. our target would be to make accelerated progress and move these achieving At or Above. students to achieve at National Curriculum Expectation. We believe this is ​ ​ Improve Leadership capability through because of the 69% of the students growing leaders and working with At the end of 2018 these students who are now Year 5 improved this Ministry Professional achieved at or above Charlotte to review current overviews, result dramatically. 17/34 of these students (50%) of them are now Development in expectation in 2018. resources and curriculum documentation achieving at and above the National Curriculum Expectation. ​ ​ ​ ​ Mathematics that we We believe this is because of the Ministry Professional Development in More informed decision making re completed with Goal for 2019 :72 % of Mathematics that we completed with Charlotte Wilkinson. all students will be children’s achievement levels and Charlotte Wilkinson. identification of next learning steps. achieving At or Above Implications: expectation Year 4 and 5 in 2018 (Year 5 and 6 in 2019) are focus year groups. Involve community in lifting Mathematics achievement by: Year 4 students: 2018 20/43 students (47.0%) of students are At and Above National Curriculum Expectation – Creating opportunities to share data Target year groups: and goal setting in Mathematics with Year 5 students: 2018 17/34 students (50%) of students are At and Above National Curriculum Expectation The curriculum expectation for Year 5 2019: Goal to parents ​ ​ – Support parents with information these year groups in 2019 is to be working at Level 3. Unpacking the get 60% of this year about helping children at home level 3 curriculum expectations with the whole staff and students will be group at or Above a focus for 2019. expectation. Create an overview and resource bank of assessment moderation tasks. Year 6 2019: Goal to get 65% of this year group at or Above expectation.

Planning for next year: ​

Reading: COL Achievement Target for 2020 in Reading is 75% of all students to be achieving at or Above. School wide Goal :75% of Maori Students will achieving at or above expectation:

● Identify testing tools and review when PM and Probe are used. ● Explore Reading interventions to raise achievement for students achieving Below and Well Below expectation.

● Align our Reading assessment practices with the other schools in the COL and take part in moderation across the COL schools. ● Explore ways to raise boys engagement in Reading. Writing: COL Achievement Target for 2020 in Writing is 72% of all students to be achieving At or Above. School wide Goal :60% of Boys will be achieving At or Above expectation

● Align our Writing assessment practices with the other schools in the COL and take part in moderation across the COL schools. ● Explore ways to raise boys engagement in Writing ● Raise Teacher capability in features

Mathematics: Goal for 2019 :72 % of all students will be achieving At or Above expectation

Target year groups: Year 5 2019: Goal to get 60% of this year group at or Above expectation. Year 6 2019: Goal to get 65% of this year group at or Above expectation.

● Raising Teacher capability in the use of PMAT (Number assessment) ● Continue to use rich tasks to gather information about children's Mathematical thinking from the Numeracy Progressions. ● Align our Mathematics assessment practices with the other schools in the COL and take part in moderation across the COL schools.