1913-06-20, [P ]
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— 1 WEATHER- F For Delaware! Overcast, ij Circulation Î4,349| I warm; probably thunder- I; Yesterday »bowers tonight or Satur* 11 day; light south wind The Evening Journal GUARANTEED te ^TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR-NO. 28 WILMINGTON. DELAWARE, FRIDAY. JUNE 20, 1913 16 PAGES ► ONE CENT STATES MUSI O.M.D. CAMP SEN. DUPONT Happy? Certainly! Mme. Rappold, ... ah . lfmnM Prima Donna, Gets Divorce and $150,000 FOR RECEIVER ENFORCE WEBB IN HONOR OF LAUDSPLÄNTO Will Wed Tenor of Early Dreams STREETS; NONE ASKED FOR LIQUOR LAW MACDONOUGH BOOM CITY FOR PlAYFIELD LUMBER CO. Attorney General M’Reynolds Governor Calls State Defend Regrets That He Cannot At / Council Defeats Mr. Haney's Philadelphians Seek Order Gives Interpretation of ers to Field Instruction tend Chamber of Com Tenth Ward Improvement From Local Court After Conviction of Inter Anti-Shipment Act July 19-26 « merce Dinner to Plan by One Vote v national Heads HO FEDERAL PENALTY* AND FIRST GENERAL Editors SOLON PLEADS FOR CHANCELLOR ISSUES STATES HAVE JURISDICTION ORDER IS ISSUED SEES MUCH GOOD IN TOTS’ OUTING PLACE RULE IN THE CASK Many Wllralngtonlsns are Intereat- Oeneral orders were issued today CLOSER PENINSULA TIES City Council by -.unanimous vote K In the announcement fromWashlag- by command of Governor Charles R. last night passed the ordinance pro Chancellor Charles M. Curtis has Is n yesterday that the Webb-Ke.iyon Miller, through adjutant General 1. ! Regretting that he will be unable, viding a bond isiuo of $150.000 for sued a rule returnable on Monday, Maw, forbidding interstate shipments Pusey Wiokersham, chief of staff, for jbecause of official duties, to attend July 20, In the case of Coverly-Haakina •f liquor Into “dry” States Is not a street ,«nd sewer Improvements, and et al„ vs. The International Lumber criminal statute, and violations of It the annual camp of instruction of the ithe reception and dinner to editors of then defeatt d the measure providing and Development Company to show cannot be prosecuted In the United Organized Mllitih of Delaware, it'newspapers of the Delmarvla I’enln- for a bend ls»ue of $60,000 for a play cause why a receiver should ool las States courts. Attorney-General Mc- wlll be held on the State Rifle Range, |sula on Monday, United States Sen- appointed for the company. Original Heynolda so declared In Instructions • \ ground in the Tenth ward. Both and supplemental bills wv*re died In »ent today to every United States at July 19 to 26 and will be known as ator Henry A. duPont has written to measures were favorably acted on at this case and coupled with the com torney In the country. The law Camp Macdonough, In memory of the Chamber of Commerce emphasiz one time In committee meeting but pany and It« directors are the United merely prohibits such interstate traf Commodore Thomas Macdonough. U. ing the importance of the movement States Security Life Insurance and ic and contains no penalty for in were -ot brought out of the com Trust Company, and the Philadelphia fractions. S. N. one of Delaware's naval hero. to bring Wilmington, the State of mittees until last night and while the Real Relate and Securtty Company, The ruling of Attorney General Commodore Thomas Macdonough Delaware and Eastern Shore of Mary S street and sewer ordinance received Under the latest order of the chan MeReynolds le of all the more inter cellor It la ordered that was born at Trap now known as land Into mutual co-operation. ■v the unanimous vole of Council the affidavits est In Delaware because of the ar- Macdonough, New Castle County, and and exhibits on behalf of the com yest In Georgetown of William Crier, Senator duPont’s letter is as fol playground ordinance was lost by one plainants In support of ft.« hills be at the age of 1* years was appointed vote. »gent for a Philadelphia liquor store, a mld#iipraan in the Navy, on Feb lows; filed on dr before June 38, and affida on a charge of delivering liquors Into Petitions wei > received last night vits snd exhibit« of the defendants ruary &. 1800, He proved to be an June 19. 1913. urging the passage o the playground Sussex county. Grier’s object Is to honor to his country, having taken - on or before July 10, and affidavits In force a legal test of the constitution Joslah Marvel, Esq., President, ordnance. They were from t’ao reply on or before July 19. part in a number of rçaval engage Chamber of Commerce, A h ality of the Hazel law and the Webb- ments In which his dafing was the Brownson Library Association, Wec- The officers of the International Kenyon law. Lumber and Development Company subject of frequent comment. Com Wilmington, Delaware. /■ I cacoc Fire Company and the children "Its purpose,” said Attorney-Gen- My dear »Ir; ■ of Nos. 10 and IB schools, both of named In the bill are: John R, Mark- lera! MeReynolds yesterday In speak modore Decatur paid a high tribute ley. Isaiah B. Miller, William H Arm to him when In the first attack on Your letter of the 10th Instant, which would he adjacent to the pro ing of the Webb law, “Is to permit J 1 posed playground. The petition from strong, Alfred Grats. Charles H Mc State laws to operate in respect of Tripoli on August 3, 1804, he was on transmitting the Invitation of the Mahon. H. A. Merrill, W. W. Pussy, a gunboat with Decatur and fought a the public schools were signed by Intoxicating liquors moving in Inter Chamber of Commerce of Wil- about 400 children and according to 2d; A. G. Stewart. John B. Rarnoa, Al desperate hand to hand conflict J fred L. Wanamaker and William H. state commerce.” mlngon to be present at the din fim Councilman Haney, of the Tenth This Is the first time the Depart with the English. In later years ner to be given to the editors of Armatrong, Jr. Several of these di Macdonough commanded the t'rigat* ~4* ward, they repreaented some of the rectors were convicted in the ment of Justice has construed the the Delmarvla Peinsula on children who were not . ’de to appear Webb law. which was declared uncon- Ouerriere. the Portsmouth Navy yard, Monday, the 23rd Instant, has Philadelphia courte. the frigate Constitution and the Medi In person before the members of The company did a big business In »tituttonal by former President Taft been duly received. .' A »nd former Attorney-General Wicker- terranean squadron. Council on Wednesday night. tills State, The company carried on I thoroughly appreciate the Im : ÎHwwTMÂRÎË On motion of Mr. Haney th® peti Bhatn. President Taft vetoed the bill Macdonough’s command on Lake portance of the meeting and am : an extensive business throughout tbs ■4 tions were referred to the finance and ©n the ground that It violated the Champlain from September 1812 to of the opinion that It will result ~: 1 frfigTO <b Pt HiMtKUt SuiOiO United States and had large lumber Inter-State commerce clause of the September 1814. during the war of in a better understanding and law committees. Later on Mr. Haney’s possessions In Mexico. The govern motion. Council took a recess for flf- ment alleged at the Philadelphia Constitution by delegating the regu 1812 disclosed a capacity for prepara promote mutual co-eperation lation of Inter-State commerce to the tion and organization of a fleet under NEW YORK, June 20,-Mmc. mutual attraction for each other. ••’I" minutes, repairing to the mayor’» j trials thatittoa mall« ware fraudulent- among the people of Ihe Penin Marte Rappold. the American opera Laat month In Berlin. Berger had he office where he personally urged that The convicted meu have ap- States. The bill was passed over his great difficulties, but his fame rests sula so as to bring about sub veto. securely upon the victory of Lake stantial good for all concerned. singer» who has Just finished a »vest- honor to he selected as the Lohengrin »a'orahle art ton he taken on the pro- P laio ' ** Attorney-General MeReynolds’ In Champlain, the basis of the opinion of As there are many Interests In ern concert tour, recently divorced, for the gala performance In honor of ; posed ordinance. In (he conference It ’ " TL 'uî, i ^r.t „ ^ has confirmed the report of her ap- the wedding of Ihe Princess Victoria was agreed that both this measure «wnoiBOn tiled the hill in the Court terpretation Is said to mean that the an eminent historian being, that down common between the citizens of Federal Government Is not called to the lime of the Civil War he was Delaware and those of the East proaching marriage to Rudolpn Ber- Louise and Prince Ernest Au ;ustu« I and Ihe one providing for a bond Is- nr t haneery praying for the appotnt- upon to enforce a law for the viola the greatest figure in American naval ger. of the Royal opera. Vienna, who of Cumberland, When Berger and sue of $150.000 for Street and Sewer °r R receiver, alleging fraudn- ern Shore of Maryland and Vir ls expected to come to America soon. Mme. Rappold first met she wa» the ! improvements he called* out of the I mismanagement and Insolvency tion of which no penalty Is Imposed ginia. It is very important that history. Their honeymoon will laat until 'he wife of Dr. Julius C. Rappold. A .committee together. This latter mea-!,n mil w«« w',hdrawn and that the Inter-State commerce The course of the wars in Lake these Interests be pointed out and forbidden by the law is "outlaw” com opera season begins In Ihe fall, when separation followed her operatic en-1 Continued on Page Nine.