Commandant: Tom Newton, (229) 446-2209,
[email protected]; Sr. Vice Commandant: Ron Kirstatter, (229) 446-4436,
[email protected]; Jr. Vice Commandant: Gale Rodgers, (229) 446-4528,
[email protected]; Judge Advocate: JJ Krause,
[email protected]; Jr. Past Commandant: Rob McCarty, (229) 639-6534,
[email protected]; Adjutant: Jim Rodgers, (229) 446-4528,
[email protected]; Chaplain: Ernie Elmore, (229) 435-2283,
[email protected]; Paymaster: Bob Adams, (229) 344-5660,
[email protected]; Sgt-At- Arms: Kelly Fisk, (229) 639-8442,
[email protected] Volume 1, Issue 1 From the Commandant was just getting off the ground and I July 2010 wanted to be a part of that. Once I joined I saw that there were other things that we To kick off our inaugural issue of "The could be doing but we were still getting a Major Lawrence DesJardines Dispatch" I would like to start by saying handle on conducting a meeting and Detachment #1260 everyone please have a safe and happy requesting input from the membership as Marine Corps League Fourth of July! to where they would like to go and what P.O. Box 70971 With that said I would like to talk about they would like to do. I wanted to support Albany, GA 31708-0971 the growth of the detachment over the the community that I have lived in for
[email protected] last six months. Our membership is almost 30 years and, due to my work staying steady at around 70 members. schedule, was unable to get involved That's GOOD.