10512 Hon. Dennis J. Kucinich Hon. Steven R. Rothman
10512 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS May 19, 2005 at the birth of a new century. Sitting in the about his crimes. In a 1998 interview with the try.’’ If this policy is applied in the transfer- hall between classes, my friends and I dis- New York Times, he claimed responsibility ring of prisoners to Syria, Morocco, Egypt cuss the faults of our school’s administra- for organizing a series of bombings aimed at and Jordan, all countries whose abusive tion, the right to same-sex marriage, the jus- Cuban hotels, department stores and other practices have been documented and con- tification for the Iraq War. We feel it is our civilian targets during the summer of 1997. demned by the State Department’s annual right to know and evaluate our sur- The bombings killed an Italian tourist and human rights report, then the United States roundings, to speak and have our ideas re- injured 11 other human beings. must surely apply this policy to Venezuela, a sponded to. Perhaps realizing he had not helped him- nation with a Constitution that specifically I believe that freedom in the 21st century self or his cause, Posada later retracted his prohibits torture and provides for the pros- means the liberty of individuals, regardless statements. ecution of officials who instigate or tolerate of age, race, gender, or class, to express In November 2000, Posada was arrested in torture. themselves in their own words, and to use Panama for preparing a bomb to explode in Many innocent victims who happened to be those words to shape history.
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