Trade Marks Journal No: 1625, 27/01/2014 P`Kasana : Baart Sarkar

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Trade Marks Journal No: 1625, 27/01/2014 P`Kasana : Baart Sarkar Trade Marks Journal No: 1625, 27/01/2014 Reg. No. TECH/47-714/MBI/2000 Registered as News Paper p`kaSana : Baart sarkar vyaapar icanh rijasT/I esa.ema.raoD eMTa^p ihla ko pasa paosT Aa^ifsa ko pasa vaDalaa mauMba[- 400037 durBaaYa : 022 24101144 ,24101177 ,24148251 ,24112211. fO@sa : 022 24140808 Published by: The Government of India, Office of The Trade Marks Registry, Baudhik Sampada Bhavan (I.P. Bhavan) Near Antop Hill, Head Post Office, S.M. Road, Mumbai-400037. Tel:022-24140808 1 Trade Marks Journal No: 1625, 27/01/2014 Anauk/maiNaka INDEX AiQakairk saucanaaeM Official Notes vyaapar icanh rijasT/IkrNa kayaa-laya ka AiQakar xao~ Jurisdiction of Offices of the Trade Marks Registry sauiBannata ko baaro maoM rijaYT/ar kao p`arMiBak salaah AaoOr Kaoja ko ilayao inavaodna Preliminary advice by Registrar as to distinctiveness and request for search saMbaw icanh Associated Marks ivaraoQa Opposition ivaiQak p`maaNa p`~ iT.ema.46 pr AnauraoQa Legal Certificate/ Request on Form TM-46 k^apIra[T p`maaNa p`~ Copyright Certificate t%kala kaya- Operation Tatkal saava-jainak saucanaaeM Public Notices svaIkRit ko puva- iva&aipt Aavaodna Applications advertised before acceptance-class-wise: 2 Trade Marks Journal No: 1625 27/01/2014 vaga- / Class –1 11-24 vaga- / Class –2 25-28 vaga- / Class – 3 29-45 vaga- / Class – 4 46-48 vaga- / Class – 5 49-111 vaga- / Class – 6 112-121 vaga- / Class – 7 122-144 vaga- / Class – 8 145-151 vaga- / Class – 9 152-166 vaga- / Class –10 167-178 vaga- / Class – 11 179-183 vaga- / Class – 12 184-193 vaga- / Class – 13 194-195 vaga- / Class – 14 196-197 vaga- / Class – 15 198-200 vaga- / Class – 16 201-213 vaga- / Class – 17 214-218 vaga- / Class – 18 219-220 vaga- / Class – 19 221-226 vaga- / Class – 20 227-228 vaga- / Class – 21 229-230 vaga- / Class – 22 231-232 3 Trade Marks Journal No: 1625 27/01/2014 vaga- / Class – 23 - vaga- / Class – 24 233-237 vaga- / Class – 25 238-249 vaga- / Class – 26 - vaga- / Class – 27 250-251 vaga- / Class – 28 252-258 vaga- / Class – 29 259-267 vaga- / Class – 30 268-286 vaga- / Class – 31 287-301 vaga- / Class – 32 302-308 vaga- / Class – 33 309-311 vaga- / Class – 34 312-321 vaga- / Class - 35 322-346 vaga- / Class – 36 347-356 vaga- / Class – 37 357-369 vaga- / Class – 38 370 vaga- / Class – 39 371-373 vaga- / Class – 40 374-377 vaga- / Class – 41 378-400 vaga- / Class – 42 401-419 vaga- / Class – 43 420-438 4 Trade Marks Journal No: 1625 27/01/2014 vaga- / Class – 44 439-441 vaga- / Class – 45 442-443 bahuvaga- MultiClass 444-460 CORRIGENDA 461 RENEWAL 462-472 NOTIFICATION 473 POST REGISTRATIONS 474-532 PUBLIC NOTICE 533 CLASSIFICATION OF GOODS & SERVICES 534-823 NOTICE 824 5 Trade Marks Journal No: 1625, 27/01/2014 AiQakairk saucanaaeM vyaapar icanh kayaa-laya ko iBanna kayaa-layaaoM ka AiQakar xao~ vyaapar icanh rijaYT/I kayaalaya ka p`Qaana kayaa-laya mauMba[- mao isqat hO AaOr ]sako SaaKa kayaa-laya kaolakata, ,idllaI caonna[- ,tqaa Ahmadabaad maoM hOM p`%yaok kayaa-laya ko p`doiSat xao~iQakar inagna $pona hO Baart sarkar ko rajap`~ Wara AiQasaucanaa , idnaaMk 25.11.59. ,28.6.60 AaOr 21.8.90 tqaa ]samaoM Anya saMSaaoQana. OFFICIAL NOTES JURISDICTION OF OFFICES OF THE TRADE MARKS REGISTRY The Trade Marks Registry has its Head Office at Mumbai and branch Offices at Kolkata, Delhi, Chennai and Ahmedabad having territorial jurisdication on a zonal basis under (vide Government of India Gazette Notificaiton, dated 25.11.1959, 28.6.1960 and 21.8.1990 and further amendements thereto). mauMba[- ,vyaapar icanh rijaYT/I kayaa-laya ,esa ,ema ,raoD ,eMTap ihla ko pasa , paosT Aa^ifsa , vaDalaa mauMba[- 400 037 durBaaYa : 022 24140808 fO@sa : 022 24140808 Mumbai : Office of the Trade Marks Registry at S. M. Road, Near Antop Hill, Head Post Office, Mumbai-400037. Tel: 022-24140808, Fax : 22-24140808. AiQakar xao~ : maharaYT/ , maQyap`doSa , C%tIsagaZ, tqaa gaaovaa rajya Jurisdiction: The State of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Goa. Ahmadabaad :vyaapar icanh rijaYT/I kayaa-laya , naoSanala caoMbasa- 15 27 , phlaa maalaa , AaEama raoD , Ahmadabaad 3800091 durBaaYa : 079 26580567/ 26587193. fO@sa : 079 26586763 Ahmedabad: Office of the Trade Marks Registry at Ahmedabad, 15/27, National st Chambers, 1 floor, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad-380 009. Tel: 079-26580567/26587193. Fax: 079-26586763. AiQakar xao~ : gaujarat tqaa rajasqaana rajya , kond` Saaisat rajya xao~ dmana , dIva tqaa dadra AaOr nagar hvaolaI Jurisdiction: The States of Gujarat and Rajasthan and the Union Territories of Daman, Diu, Dadra and Nagar Haveli. koalakta : vyaapar icanh rijaYT/I kayaa-laya , baaOQdIk saMpda Bavana Aa[- pI Bavana , pacaMvaa tla , saIpI 2 , sao@Tr 5 , saalT laok , kaolakata 91 durBaaYa : 033 23675103.fO@sa : 033 23677311 Kolkata: Office of the Trade Marks Registry, Baudhik Sampada Bhavan (I.P. Bhavan 5th floor) C.P.2., Sector V., Salt Lake, Kolkata-91. Tel: 033-23672103. Fax : 033-23677311. 6 Trade Marks Journal No: 1625, 27/01/2014 Trade Marks Journal AiQakar xao~ : A$Naacala p`doSa , Asama , ibahar , ]DI,saa , piScama baMgaala , maNaIpur , maIjaaorma , maoGaalaya , naagaalaOMD , isai@kma , i~pura , tqaa kond/ Saaisat rajya xao~ ANDmaana naIkaobaar WIp AaOr JaarKMD Jurisdiction: Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Orissa, West Bengal, Manipur, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Sikkim, Tripura and Union Territories of Nagaland, Andaman & Nikobar Islands, Jharkhand. idllaI : vyaapar icanh rijaYT/I kayaa-laya ,baaOQdIk saMpda Bavana , Pla^ana na.32 sao@Tr 14 Warka , na[- idllaI 110075. durBaaYa : 011 28032382,, fO@sa : 011 28032381 New Delhi: Office of the Trade Marks Registry at New Delhi Boudhik sampada bhavav, plot no. 32, sector 14, dwarka, New Delhi-110 075. Tel.: 011-28032382/Fax : 28032381 AiQakar xao~ : jammaU AaOr kaSmaIr ,pMjaaba hiryaanaa , ]%tr p`doSa , ihmaacala p`doSa ,idllaI tqaa kond/ Saaisat rajya caMDIgaZ, , ]%tra,,,KMD Jurisdiction: The States of Jammu & Kashmir, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh Delhi and the Union Territories of Chandigadh, Uttarakhand. caonna[- : vyaapar icanh kayaa-laya ,[MTolao@caula p`apTI- , ra[T ibailDMga , [MDisT/yala [sToT ,isaDkao Aar ema DI , gaaodama eiryaa , jaI esa TI raoD gau[MDI , caonna[- 600032 durBaaYa : 044 22502044 fO@sa : 044 22502046 Chennai: Office of the Trade Marks Registry at Chennai, Intellectual Property Rights bldg., Industrial Estate SIDCO RMD, Godown Area G.S.T Road, guindy, Chennai-600 032. Tel: 044- 22502044 Fax : 044-22502046 AiQakar xao~ : AaQa` p`doSa ,korla timalanaaDu ,knaa-Tk tqaa kond/ Saaisat rajya xao~ paNDcaorI tqaa laxaWIp Jurisdiction: The States of Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and the Union Territories of Pondichery and Lakshadweep Island. saBaI Aavaodna p~ saucanaae kqana yaa Anya ds%aavaojaaoM Aqavaa kao[- fIsa AiQainayama yaa inayamaaoM Wara AavaSyak hao , vyaapar icanh rijasTI/ kayaa-laya ko kovala samaUicat kayaa-layaao maoM svaIkar ikyaoM jaayaoMgao fama- TI ema 10 ,12 ,13 ,14 ,16 ,17 ,19 ,20 ,21 ,23 ,24 ,25 ,28 ,29 ,30 ,31 ,32 ,33 ,34 ,35 ,36 ,37 , 38 ,40 ,46 ,47 ,50 ,,55 ,58 ,59 ,61 tqaa TI ema 62 kayaa-laya yaa mau#yaalaya mauMba[- maoM fa[-la ike jaato hO Trade Marks Journal All applications, notices, statements or order documents or any fees required by the Act or the Rules will be received only at the appropriate office of the Trade Marks Registry. However applications on request on form TM-10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 40, 46, 47, 50, 55, 58, 59, 61 and TM-62 may be filled at appropriate office or Head Office at Mumbai. 7 Trade Marks Journal No: 1625, 27/01/2014 baOMk Da/FT yaa caok eosao AnausaUicat baOMk maoM kaTo gae hao jaao vyaapar icanh rijasTI/ kayaalaya ko samauicat dFtr ko sqaana pr isqat hao Banks drafts and cheques shall be drawn on a scheduled bank at the place, where the appropriate office of the Trade Marks Registry, is situated. sauiBannata ko baaro maoM rijasTa/r kao p`arMiBak salaah PRELIMINARY ADVICE BY REGISTRAR AS TO DISTINCTIVENESS iksaI BaI vaga- ko AMtga-t AanaovaalaI iksaI BaI vastu yaa saovaa ko saMbaMQa maoM vyaapar icanh AiQainayama 1999 kI Qaara 133 kI ]pQaara 1 ko AiQana rijasT/ar kao p`arMiBak salaah ko ilayao vyaapar icanh ko tIna p`it$pnaaoM ko saaqa fama- TI.ema.55 Aavaodna ikyaa jaa sakogaa An application for preliminary advice by the Registrar under Sub-Section (1) of section 133 of Trade Marks Act, 1999 shall be made on Form TM-55 in respect of any goods/services comprised within any one class of goods and services, accompanised by three representations of the Trade Mark. sambaQd icanh ASSOCIATED MARKS jahaM^ yaha kha gayaa hO ik iva&aipt icanh 1999 ko vyaapar icanh AiQainayama kI Qaara 16 ko AQaIna iksaI dusaro icanh sao , jaao AiQakairk k`ma saM#yaa sao inaid-YT hOM , Where it is stated that an advertised Mark is to be associated (under Section 16 of the Trade Marks Act, 1999), with another Mark indicated by its Official Number. AiQakairyaa^M saucanaae^M jaarI… OFFICIAL NOTICES – contd… etWara sauicat ikyaa jaata hO ik kao[- BaI vyai@t ,ijasako pasa rijasT/IkrNa ko pUvaiva&aipt Aavaodna SaIYa-k ko inacao va-gaaoM ko Anausaar [sa pi~ka maoM iva&aipt iksaI BaI icanh ko rijasT/IkrNa ka ivaraoQa krNao ko karNa hO ,[sa pi~ka kI itiqa sao caar mahInao ko AMdr vyaapar icanh rijasTI/ kayaa-laya ko samauicat dFtr maoM ivaiht fIsa 2500 $pyao ko saaqa fama- TI.ema.5 pr ivaraoQa saucanaa do sakogaa Notice is hereby given that any person who has ground of opposition to the registration of any of the Marks advertised herein according to classes under the heading “Applications advertised before Registration” may, within four months from the date of the Journal, lodge Notice of Opposition on Form TM-5 in the appropriate office of the Trade Marks Registry accompanied by the prescribed fee of Rs.2500/- Trade Marks Journal b.
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    PRG. 172 B (N) 1,000 CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 VOLUME XIV .RAJASTHAN PART VII-B FAIRS & FESTIVALS c. S. GUPTA OF THE INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE Superintendent of Census Operations, Rajasthan 1966 PREFACE Men are by their nature fond of festivals and as social beings they are also fond of congregating, gathe­ ring together and celebrating occasions jointly. Festivals thus culminate in fairs. Some fairs and festivals are mythological and are based on ancient traditional stories of gods and goddesses while others commemorate the memories of some illustrious pers<?ns of distinguished bravery or. persons with super-human powers who are now reverenced and idealised and who are mentioned in the folk lore, heroic verses, where their exploits are celebrated and in devotional songs sung in their praise. Fairs and festivals have always. been important parts of our social fabric and culture. While the orthodox celebrates all or most of them the common man usually cares only for the important ones. In the pages that follow an attempt is made to present notes on some selected fairs and festivals which are particularly of local importance and are characteristically Rajasthani in their character and content. Some matter which forms the appendices to this book will be found interesting. Lt. Col. Tod's fascinating account of the festivals of Mewar will take the reader to some one hundred fifty years ago. Reproductions of material printed in the old Gazetteers from time to time give an idea about the celebrations of various fairs and festivals in the erstwhile princely States. Sarva Sbri G.
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