ISSN 0160-8029 LIBRARY OF CONGRESSIWASHINGTON CATALOGING SERVICE BULLETIN LIBRARY SERVICES Number 78, Fall 1997 Editor: Robert M. Hiatt CONTENTS Page GENERAL Personnel Changes Headings for Certain Entities Scope of the Cataloging in Publication Program Collection-Level Cataloging Democratic Republic of the Congo; Hong Kong DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGING Library of Congress Rule Interpretations "DLC-S" in SAR Fields SUBJECT CATALOGING Subdivision -Biography under Personal Names Subdivision -History Free-Floating Chronological Subdivisions Subdivision Simplification Progress Changed or Cancelled Free-Floating Subdivisions Subject Headings of Current Interest Revised LC Subject Headings Subject Headings Replaced by Name Headings MARC Language Codes Editorial postal address: Cataloging Policy and Support Office, Library Services, Library of Congress, Washington, D .C. 20540-4305 Editorial electronic mail address:
[email protected] Editorialfa number: (202) 707-6629 Subscription address: Customer Support Team, Cataloging Distribution Service, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. 2054 1-5212 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 78-51400 ISSN 0160-8029 Key title: Cataloging service bulletin Copyright '1997 the Library of Congress, except within the U.S.A. Barbara B. Tillett, chief, Cataloging Policy and Support Office (cpso), is on a three-year detail as project director for the implementation of an integrated library system for the Library of Congress, effective August 24, 1997. During this period Thompson A. Yee, assistant chief, will serve as acting chief of ~PSO. During her detail, Dr. Tillett will continue to serve as the Library's representative to the ALCTS/CCS Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access and to the Joint Steering Committee for Revision of AACR and to attend the weekly meetings of the Library's Cataloging Management Team.