Modernization of Instrumentation and Control Systems in Nuclear Power Plants
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IAEA-IWG-NPPCI-95/10 LIMITED DISTRIBUTION WORKING MATERIAL MODERNIZATION OF INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS IN NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS Proceedings of a Specialists' Meeting Organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency in Co-operation with Institute for Safety Technology fISTecJ and held in Garching, Germany, 4-7 July 1995 Reproduced by the IAEA Vienna, Austria, 1995 NOTE The material in this document has been supplied by the authors and has not been edited by the IAEA. The views expressed remain the responsibility of the named authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the government(s) of the designating Member State(s). In particular, neither the IAEA nor any other organization or body sponsoring this meeting can be held responsible for any material reproduced in this document. VDL Session 1: Upgrading I&C: Vendors' and Utilities Views Chairman: Mr. W. Basil, Germany FOREWORD Instrumentation and Control (I&C) is directly associated with the performance of all safety functions and its reliability should be consistent with the reliability of the respective mechanical or electrical systems. I&C is also the interface between the operator and the plant and, as such, has a paramount significance for safety. For the same reason, I&C is closely linked to the operating procedures and both should be assessed at the same time. The present situation in the nuclear industry is characterized by a decreasing number of new plants and an increasing amount of installations where backfitting measures are to be expected. Instrumentation and control equipment in nuclear power plants have a special role, because their technological life span is about ten years and the innovation time even shorter. Considering the fact that the mechanical systems of the plant are designed for a lifetime of 30 to 60 years, the instrumentation and control equipment, or part of it, has to be backfitted or modernized several times in order to achieve the required availability and safety. The Specialists' Meeting on "Modernization of Instrumentation and Control Systems in Nuclear Power Plants" was organized by the IAEA (jointly by Division of Nuclear Power and Division of Nuclear Safety) in co-operation with Institute for Safety Technology (ISTec) and held in Garching, Germany from 4 to 7 July 1995 (The Meeting Chairman - Dr. W. Bastl). The meeting brought together experts on power plant operation with experts on application of today's instrumentation and control technology. In this way, a match was made between those knowing the industry needs and requirements and those knowing the potentials of the technology. The objectives of the Specialists' Meeting were: To provide an international forum for presentation and discussion on experience with I&C modernization. To share experience on the design and verification process connected to the I&C modernization. To identify and describe advanced features for safety and operation improvements. In order to facilitate a structured discussion and not to omit important problem areas, papers on the following subjects were considered to be within the scope of the Specialist's Meeting: planning and organization of backfitting (e.g. consideration of operational needs, partial, staggered, complete modernization; envisaged time frames, reduction of plant shutdown time) means to decide on backfitting meets (follow up of ageing, fatigue monitoring, condition monitoring, etc.) realization of backfitting (implementation problems, adapting new I&C, changing from analog to digital, distributed systems) specific backfitting considerations related to automation (e.g. optimization of controls, new controls - steam generator, load following, etc.) specific backfitting issues related to process computers (e.g. portability of programs, interface problems, improved documentation) enhancing plant management (e.g. implementing advanced plant management systems, simplification of maintenance) improvement of man-machine interface (e.g. control room supplements, operator support systems, potential for enhancements) basic reliability considerations (e.g. degree of redundancy or diversity, reliable power supply of I &C, V&V problems) safety and licensing (e.g. compensating degradation of plant safety, matching of new I &C to safety requirements, implementing defence in depth strategies, safety system related problems, applicability of existing safety standards) experience from backfitting (e.g. planning versus realization, optimization of back fitting strategies). The present volume contains the papers presented by national delegates. SPECIALISTS' MEETING ON MODERNIZATION OF INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL SYSTEMS IN NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS Garching/Germany 4-7 July 1995 Programme Session 1: Upgrading I&C: Vendors' and Utilities Views Chairman: Mr. W. Bastl, Germany Ageing Diagnosis, Prediction and Substitute Strategies for I&C1 R. Heinbuch, J. Irlbeck, W. Bastl, GERMANY I&C Refurbishment Activities and Experience at the Paks NPP A. Hetzmann, J. Eiler, T. Turi, HUNGARY Modernization of the Control and Instrumentation in the TVO BWR Power Plant L.-E. Hall, FINLAND Joint EEC - IAEA report on possible Control and Instrumentation improvements for RBMK reactors D. N. Wall, UK, F. Reisch, Sweden & A. Kossilov, IAEA Modernization of the RBMK NPP I&C Systems in Russia A.I. Gorelov, MM Michailov, RUSSIAN FEDERATION Modernization and Control Room Development - Current Trends and Approaches in Swedish Nuclear Power Plant G. Svensson, SWEDEN Session 2: Upgrading I&C: Regulatory and Qualification Aspects Chairman: Mr. K. Hamar, Hungary Summary of Session 2 The Transition to Modern Technology N. Anani, CANADA Upgrades of Digital I&C in German Nuclear Power Plants: Regulatory Aspects and Qualification Requirements G. Schnürer, D. Wach, F. Seidel, L. Weil, GERMANY 1 Not available Licensing Experience of the u-processor Based I&C System in NPP Young Gwang Units 3,4 T-K Oh, REP. OF KOREA Session 3: New Developments /Retrofitting of Specific Systems Chairman: Mr. van der Pias, Netherlands An Effective New Method to Filter Out Falling In-Core Sensors F. Adorjan, HUNGARY Modernization of Reactor Control and Limitation Systems in German PWR-based NPP's with the New Digital Safety I&C System Teleperm XS O. Schörner, GERMANY Neutron Sensor Signal Validation: Early and On-line Oxygen Intrusion Detection J-Ch. Trama, A. Bourgerette, E. Barat, FRANCE Session 4: IAEA TecDoc on Modernization of I&C in NPP Discussion on Scope and Structure Chairman: Mr. A. Kossilov, IAEA Session 5: Enhancing MMI by New I&C Technologies Chairman: Mr. N. Anani, Canada Upgrade of Process Information Systems in NPPs, a First Step to an Overall I&C Modernization /. Kollmannsberger, GERMANY An Innovative Approach to Recording and Monitoring of Mobile Radiation Measurements. Iincluding demonstration2 S. Osterlehner, L. Felkel, GERMANY The Strategy and Development for Alarm Processing Technology J-T. Kim, C.S. Ham, K.C. Kwon, D.Y. Lee, REP. OF KOREA Modernization of the Neutron Monitoring System in NPP Borssele J. W. De Vries, The Netherlands, Harms, A. Klein, F. Schindhelm, GERMANY Process Visualization for NPPs Running under Windows G.H. Schildt, AUSTRIA 1 Not available Frequency Selective Vibration Monitoring of Rotating Machinery - Recent Developments2 Ä Sunder, GERMANY Introduction to Demonstration of Turbine Diagnosis System2 5. Szoldatis, GERM4NY Closing Session Chairmen: Mr. W. Bastl, Germany, Mr. A. Kossilov, IAEA Annex: Modernization of Main Control Boards of Genkai Nuclear Power Station Unit 1 and 23 M. Takashima, Japan Institute for Safety Technology (ISTec) GmbH List of participants 2 Not available 3 Submitted but not presented I&C REFURBISHMENT ACTIVITIES AND EXPERIENCES AT THE PAKS NPP Albert Hetzmann, I&C Director Janos Eiler, Head of I&C Technical Dpt. Tamas Turi, Project Manager Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. Paks, Hungary ABSTRACT In introduction, the paper gives a general overview of the Paks nuclear plant and its operational statistics with details on I&C data. In the subsequent sections the bases of I&C reconstruction policy and its realisation is described. The different categories of reconstruction areas are detailed, broken-down to equipment and system levels. In closing, the paper gives a summary on the next phases and future tasks to be carried out. 1. DESCRIPTION OF THE PAKS NUCLEAR PLANT 1.1 General overview Hungary's only nuclear power plant is located in the middle of the country, about 110 km south of Budapest, on the bank of the Danube river. There are four 460 MW, Russian design WER-440 Units at the site. They entered commercial operation between 1982 and 1987. Their total capacity of 1840 MWe contributes to the country's electricity generation to a very significant degree. The 1994 share can be seen in Fig. 1. Also last year the plant reached its greatest ever power generation by producing more than 14.000 GWh. Figure 1. The number of reactor scrams per year and the power plant's load factor are depicted in Figures 2. and 3. Number of reactor scrams per year Power plant load factor 5 9Oi °fl jCa jgni m p~ ft 4,5' : 80 ::. •: : «Cat :j : ?i .-. ;j- !•; ;•; :i: 4 70 3,5 e 60 - T • ^; • ; • I: • ? : : 3 ':•. '•}. .!•: •• - ; 50 2,5 Jv A 1 % I! :i ;• '•• 2 40 1.5' 30 • • ' r; ' :\ ' .'., ' .: ' :: ' .'*: ' :: r 20 : 0,5 10 " ; " h " i-;'. • I. - :i • I! • •!: • :! • !!; • 'i O 0 u> <s r~ oo *- N n ^r to co oo oo DO m o> p» o> Figure 2. Figure 3. 1.2 I&C operational statistics A representative comparison of the 1989 and 1994 failure statistics can be seen in the figures below. As visible, there was a certain decrease in the trend due to the refurbishment steps taken during 1990 to 1994. The situation did not change in the case of actuator devices, in which area no significant modernisation has been taken yet. Number of failures in different I&C areas Regulators Protecticn Actuators Measurements 1989 546 796 702 3320 1993 218 589 691 2936 Statistics of failure distribution -' Measurements 1000-r ,~_. Actuators 5004' ol^^S^ Protection •~-5~^T Regulators 1989 1993 Failure distribution in 1989 Failure distribution in 1993 Re ors Protection $S 5% 13% nu% 15% Actuators Measureme^^__^l Actuators L ^^51 13% v^^H^ nts v~-—__—- 16% Measurem 66% ents 62% 2.