FACTA UNIVERSITATIS Series: Philosophy, Sociology and Psychology Vol. 5, No1, 2006, pp. 17 - 34 SOME CHARACTERISTICS OF VALUE SYSTEMS IN THREE BALKAN STATES ∗ UDC 316.752 (497) Branislav Stevanović Faculty of Philosophy, Niš E-mail:
[email protected] Abstract. The analyzed results show that in the Balkans at this moment there are two basic groups of value systems or orientations relevant to the ongoing social and cultural changes. The first one is nationally and traditionally oriented, the second one is more reformist and cosmopolitan leaning. Certainly, those two orientations could be isolated and confronted only in mind, and for strictly methodical purposes. That is because between those two Weberian "ideal types" there is also a significant interval-space fulfilled by various elements of both types. Those elements are subject to change concerning the improvement or Received May 30, 2006 ∗ This article is based precisely on results of empirical research named "Quality of Interethnic Relationships, Sense about Regional Identity and Possibilities of Cooperation and Integration in the Balkans", which was carried out under the Macro-project "Cultural and Ethnic Relations at the Balkans – the possibilities of the Regional and European Integration", financed by the Ministry of Science, Technologies and Development of Republic of Serbia, and led by the Institute for Sociological Research at Faculty of Philosophy, University of Nis. The research took place in 2003 and comprised 1.786 respondents that reside at the territory of South East Serbia (including the following counties: Nišavski, Toplički, Pirotski, Jablanički and Pčinjski), North West Macedonia (the communities of Skopje, Tetovo and Kumanovo) and Central and West Bulgaria (the areas of Šumen and Veliko Trnovo).