Lyubomyr Kokovskyy PhD., Head of scientific laboratory of “Regional problems of economics and politics” Yuliya Zabaldina Phd., Vice-Rector of Institute of Tourism FPU

Top-100 destinations. Groups: • All oblast centers of Ukraine, including Ukrainian cities that belong to 1 the destination of the first order - Kiev, Lviv and Odessa.

• Tourist destinations of mass beach tourism on the coast of the Black 2 and Azov Seas.

• Tourist destination for winter tourism in the Ukrainian Carpathians 3 including - Bukovel and Migovo.

• Destinations of heritage tourism generated tourists interest. 4

• Chernobyl as popular among tourists attraction. 5

According to the Russian-speaking requests, we have identified the following groups:

• Priluki, Houtin, Migovo, Kovel, Pochaiv, Mirgorod, Dikanka, From 10,000 to Berdichev, Kerch, Foros, Nemiriv, Glukhiv, Kamenetz-Podolsk, 100,000 requests Beregovo, Chuguev, Hust, Konotop, Ochakov, Korsun, Truskavets, Mirgorod, Baturin, Azure, Coloma, Genichesk, Koblevo, Skadovsk, per month Kanev and two regional centers - Ivano-Frankivsk, Lutsk

• Ternopil, Rivne, Sumy, Kherson, Chernigov, Between 100000 to Uzhgorod, Zhitomir, Chernigov, Cherkassy, 700 000 requests several seaside destinations (Yalta, Alushta, per month Koktebel, Berdyansk, Evpatoria), Bukovel, Mukachevo, Chernobyl.

From 1 000000 to • Kiev, Lugansk, Donetsk, Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa, Lviv, 20400000 requests Vinnytsia, Kharkov, Nikolaev, Kiev and per month Attractiveness of destinations for tourists from:

Russia Belorus Moldova Kazakhstan

Kiev- 28% Kiev- 28% Odessa- Kiev – Kharkov - Odessa - 38% 31% 12% 10%

Odessa - 10% Lvov – 7% Kiev- 21% Lvov -9%

Donetsk – – 6% 5% Koblevo – Chernobyl 5% – 9% Dneprope- Chernigov Trovsk–6% – 5% Chernobyl Odessa – Chernobyl Lvov – 5% – 5% – 4% 8% Number of English-language requests to Kiev and other destinations in Europe: According to the English-speaking requests, we have identified the following groups:

Between • Yalta, Rivne, Sumy, Kherson, Poltava, 100000 to 1000 Nikolaev, Chernihiv, Zaporozhye, Iv-Fran, 000 requests Lugansk, Alushta, Sudak, Berdyansk, Mukachevo, Uman, Ismaіl. per month

More than 1 000000 • Kiev, Donetsk, Dnepropetrovsk, requests per Odessa, Lviv, Kharkov, Chernobyl month Coefficient of queries to Google per resident of destinations (displays the relationship between attractiveness and the size of settlement) • Alushta, Foros, Sudak, Gurzuf Yalta, coastal Koktebel, Azure, Koblevo, number of requests for which and in Russian and destinations in English-language Google much more than the population • Kiev, Lviv, Odessa,Donetsk, traditional Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov, Lugansk, Kherson, Nikolaev, Poltava, number of tourist requests which also exceeds the K> 2 destinations population of the Russian-speaking and English-speaking Google the destinations • Center of Orthodox pilgrimage Pochaiv, destination, associated with the name Gogol Dikanka, actively developing that attract ski resort Migovo; centers directly related to the military history Sevastopol, Ochakov and Ismail; Evpatoriya children predominantly resort, destination, associated with the name of the Russian-speaking Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko, a well-known in the former - Kaniv and regional centers of Ternopol, users Uzhgorod, Zhitomir, Vinnitsa. The request structure (Kiev):

250 000 Poland Germany France 200 000 Italy GB Belgium 150 000 Netherlands Norway Sweden 100 000 Finland Spain Denmark Austria 50 000 Shveytsariya Hungary Israel 0 USA Attractiveness of destinations for tourists from:

Poland Germany France Italy

Kiev- 25% Kiev- 30% Kiev- 21% Kiev – 27%

Chernobyl- Chernobyl 20% – 19% Chernobyl Chernobyl – 14% – 22% Lvov – 20% Odessa - 13% Odessa - Odessa – 7% Odessa - Yalta- 10% 11% 11% Donetsk – Yalta – 7% Lvov – 7% 6%%

Donetsk – Donetsk – Yalta– 5% 5% 5% Attractiveness of destinations for tourists from: GB USA Israel Canada

Chernobyl Kiev- 40% Kiev- 29% Odessa - – 33% 38% Odessa- Kiev – 21% 15% Chernobyl Chernobyl – 28% –2 5% Kharkov - Odessa – 7% 14% Odessa - Kiev- 11% Dneprop. 9% Lvov -5% – 5%

Donetsk – Chernobyl 7% – 4%

Average number of reviews about Ukrainian tourist destinations on Tripadvisor Average number of reviews about Ukrainian tourist destinations on Tripadvisor Thank you!