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Sornrnario I Contents. , FRONT COVER : The plight of the old and unique city of Venice is, known_ to all· COPERTINA :Italiaris'. The work of the Venice in Peril Fund and ' simililr • organisations directed.towards preserving and restoring Venice is also ,well chronicled. A recent piece of good news is that, ,10 'years after the Italian Parliament passed an emergency law for the sinking city, private and state companies have signed ariagreement to build a flood barrier and a ~onsortium has started work on the project,' , SERVIZI SPECIALI NOTICES - AVVISI



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.,.: - =,-- -~ - --- :Due Parole

, Cari Am.1C1,. '. Questa volta "Due,Parole"'sono rivolte a voi, come al solito, le . ' , ma parlano di noi preti e della Chiesa. Vogliamo dirvi delle case veramente nuove e veramente importanti, proprio per farvi capire che questa chiesa e viva, in"mezzo "a' ,voi. Voi avete le 'famiglie: i figli crescono, si sposano, vengonoa'lid figli (cioe i nipoti) ,noi grandi diventiamo a~ziani, andiamo inpensione, pensiamo"ai nipoti'o a altre attivi'ia, ina ci vogliamo sentire. sempre giovani. !Co'si,e"per ,la Chiesa: ci sono suore italian"e a Loridr'a:; vengono da,noi, ci' aiutano con il catechismo, ai, bambini, pensano agli anziani; vi sono anche' suo~~ inglesi che ci aiutano'molto a 'incontrare le persone che parlano inslese. Ab­ biamo specialmente molte mogli: e;molti mariti di italiani 0 di italiane che non sono cat:l;olici, e che vogliono 'diventare cattolici. . ,>, "

.,., "0' E' questo e molio bello perche si vede proprio che c'e una, fede viv~,che va avanti, , c'eOunaChiesa viva in me£zo it famigHe vive. Ci sono pai il1cunL sacerdot'i" die 'vivono, qui a Londra e altri che vengono 'da11 ',Italia per, un periodo di tempo. Anche loro fan.,­ no que110 che possono ,e~mo>lto'bene:hella: comunita italiana. E' una"vita che nil'sce'in , modo diverso ogni gioFno, com~ e la vi~a di ,noi einigrati, una v~ta, che,na~ce,'port~'i suoi irutti, fa nascere a:ftre cose. Siamo una chiesa aperta alIa. comunit;a italiana e , ,- ". . ~ aperta al mondo. , Qllesta chiesa italiana e la'"prima chiesa nel mondo che gli italiani hanno costruito fuor~' dall'Italia per loro'stessi. Appartiene a noi sacerdoti Pallottini' che ci,vivia­ moinsieme a voi. Per questo vi stiamo,dicendo,tutte queste cose di vita., siimo tre

sacerdoti come, ben sapete, e cioe Don Roberto. Russo, Don Vittorio Colafranceschi. e " Don Carmelo di GiovaimL 'Abbiiiino. unl grande lavoro di vita in mezzo a noi. Abbiaino',le scuole" le 'Messe;, le, (associaiiorii; italiane, i matrimoni, i"battesiini., Abbiamo le' per":' son~ malate e,quelle,che:soffrono;, abbiamo i poveri, i carceraii;idrogiti.-,Abbiamo quell~ che:muoiano e che accompagniamo al cimitero. Abbiamo ,tutta questa attivita che e nata dalla vostra vita di ogni giorno e che ci unisce nel nostro cammino verso Dio. E,mentre noi"Don 'Roberto.e ,Don, Vittorio, stiamQ ,piu in.me,z,zo

an effect upon you'. D R0 b t0 R 0 ' on, er.. uss , & Rino Giordano 4

• Alia ,Italiana I I I' , I , , ", Rev. Padre Russo, Sain~ Peter's, Italian Church, 4 Back'Hill, London, E.e.I. Ingh~lterra. Roma, 18.1;83.

Rev. Padre :Russo,

Le ~crivo, a nom~ di un'~ica comune, Lo!enza Raponi, che mi ha fornito i1 Suo indiiizzo.

Ho aVuto l'incai:ico d'i curare, insieme'a Tullio De Mauro, un programma. per la RAIl Servizio Est;ero, inti'folato "Esprimers~ meglio e vivere meglio : Parole amiche in inglese". .. , - ',' , .. , , ,

Si tratta non>tanto di uu'em'iesimo corso radiofon'ico d', inglese, bens1. ,di tin.a serie' di conve'rsazionfdestinate agli'imig'rati italiani' in Gran.Bretagna per: aiutarli a caprie inegl'io certe '''us3:nze lftiguistictie" inglesi. Inoltre, il programma solleva question;"'di lingu:istica generale (co~' e una lingua?'Cosa' itriplica saper'beneiiifa l'inglul? Comebisogna fare ,per impimi're 'efficacemente una nl!ova'lingua?), co'n 'eser-' cizi' in lngle'se de'sti'nati soprattutto 'ai principianti(italianiarrivati da poi:o in G.B.) e, ogni tanto,' a coloro, che giii parlano l'ingllise '''cosl cosin. o ' Fin qua per 'le nostre lritenzionf. Ora; che dire della realizzazione? Confesso le mie perplessitii : !lOnO'Un 1nsegnante iibituato, al dialogo i:ontinuo con i mild studenti " e purtroppola-radiO' e'U'na corive'rsazi6ne' a senso uni'co. ' 0- _ ,. ~~. • Ho quindi 'pensato di'e potrebbe "rivelarsi utile si:i:ivere a qiii!lcuno tra 'ie 'conoscenze di'Loienza in;Gran 'Bretagna per cliieClere un aiuto., ,'PoJ;rebbe'Lei, p(!r' esempio, par­ lare del programma con slr'italianCin Gran Breta'gna che Lei-;conosce, pregandoli , (qualora fossero ini:eressad ali'asc'olto' di un prograimria come il.no'str'o e(lispo~ti; a l:iutt~r giii su carta' le 'loro osservazi.

II Se mi sI' vuol'e 'ds'pondere al mio inairizzo di casa, esso e : 'Patrick Boyl,lO, via ,• ;'· .. f ,_. .- •• ," • " .". • • ; Pescara'19, 00182 ROMA' ·(tel'; 7589763) .. 'Se lOvece S1 wole scnvere a De Mauro 0 I al1'3 Rubri'ca':s'tessa, <> aine a cur~ della RAI, 'l'iitdirizzo'e ::Tuiiio'iJe 'Mlu;ro, Patii'ck 'Boyian', Rubiica liEsprimersi' megiio", RAI;';' ServiZi 'per l'E'stero, vi~, Po 14, ,. ", , " ..,,' . 00198 ROMA. ' " ... , >,,' •• '",,''--

0' ., .-. - - Grade del' Suo eventuale.. 1nteressamento'.. •

• .(Letters riceVuta dal: Parroco) .. ~ "- ~.


In my previous article (February '83) we in, The Lane. until recently. could be • finished at TERRONI's provision shop in seen members of the FALCO FAMILY who . - . ' ~, Clerkenwell Road. Opposite TERRONI's is '11ved years ago 1n Crawford Passage : the famous Hatton Garden where many three sons at one' time 'ran a fruit stall, Italians traded in'gold and diamonds. assorted sweet-- stall and k1tchenequ1p-... Continuing along Clerkenwell Road we'pass ment stall. Today the three stall~ ~re - .. -, , Back Hill and'move on towards Eyre 'Street st1l1..be1ng run by members of theFALCO Hill where in. my first article we started FAM,ILY. "La del rana" was a very busy our journey through "The Hill". area used by many families, from ~Il Quartiere"• -. . Opposite Eyre ·Street,Hill is the well. . "I, -, . .>-, - ... . , .. . I known Leather Lane market and to the We are 'now walk1ng.'towards Clerkenwell I older. "Italiani" of my day it was pro- Road'and, almost facin~ The ,Lane wecn~ , "~ .' ., - ,. nounced and 'known as "La del .rima".To eountei,a.smal~:turning'known.then as -~ , .. • ... F _.". _. ~ -.. ',_ th1s- very-- *"day"+,we have. in Leather"".' _ ••Lane- a Vine Stre'et where the ZACCARINI and 1 family known to many and who originated SARTINI FAMILIES lived. Mrs. SARfiNI .~ from Eyre S~ree~ Hill 1 PONDI~s whose was known a~ QUINTINA and was.one ,of my ip ~, ~, I '.', ;- ,,'. -;-' -- - ... , ,- ',' - It!1li!'tl s.ty"~e_:es . -.- -'" .,- 1n London m about th,~..same per10·d., .~orour fam1ly,~: . Mrs. DONDI died aged 87 in about 1975. Next door to COULSON's.was GIGATI's - ....~., -- . < " ., ..... ", - .' .~" -~ -, A few·doors away fro~ DONDI we arr1v~ at ,fish and chip shop. The family. name.. , .-" -' -, - ".... . - '- " MALANGONE cafe which was run by a family was -NAZZANI and ~he father was a powerful ., - ~._-.' ~ ",'0' ." ,_ ,.". _ ,'.- concern. EMMIE was a strong follower of man: I remember many episodes when he the Arsenal .F.C.;, .also. concerned in,·.the • demonstrated. his strength - his son.LOU :..' -..;. " .-. ~ a _ • ,'., ,. ,. ~"" .:, - .... ,-' . .: ...... ,', .. ".". "- .... ' ..,- ~ , cafe her s1ster LENA.and.brother. LALI and was 'a very good electrician and was res- b~other~in law BENNY MIELE.; Both' LALI .' .p on.sibl;',for 'many yearS, fo'rarraIlgirig the • - , £ .. ~~. •• ~, ' ••"'., It ';_~~'. _.' and'BENNY were. stationed with me. in ,the.. .electr~'11ght1ng on ,our famous ·ProceSS10n n',,' ....., -- ~ _.>- _ ••• ~ •• -...... " _ ... ~ .'.'. ~... ',' .. --' 270 .A ,C~" '!1~ Slough.. To, th1s day w,e .Sunday,. ,.He was also with me in the 270 - .-. _,,' ...... " .~" .' J • ,', • see the nephews PAUL and JOSEPH carry on Alien.~o. stationed at:; Slough;during ,the . .-' -, ..'" _.. ",,- ~ - ~.' , ~ '.' - -.", -' ., . ~~ _. .. - , . ,. bus~tless. t~~.w!,y.,a.~Fnd~y last,.war of .which 'I intend .to, write ,more. w1th.the. By -..,' '~ ,~~, ,~'" . ~ . -_. ~ .. morn1ng.footoall team·known as The Lane in, .eoming editions. ...•.,-. ,+..' -.~ "- • '-A~ ~ F.C. operated. from the' cafe•. More .to.be ~. ~ • -~ _;_.'" '. '_'_, '. r ., . , . wr1ttep'.op. th15. ~n my Sp~rt S~~t1?n •. Before. ,arriving at ,a bastIon .of "T!:e .Hill" ,. ,,~ • .;' ~ -, .-•• , ,...... - < -~, we have Laystall Street in'which the , • , ..,,,-' """, , On the corner of Hatton Wall and The Lane famous MAZZINI Club was a meetirig place • was a lice,!sedpi.tch: .f~r. sale C?,f ice for, many; Italians •. As,mentioned in my •• , ,_ ~. -. -' -, .,~. ~ ",,'.. > ,- - - 'I ".• "'" cream by,theBRU~CINIfamilY. They were .Warner Street art1cle my uncle,DURALLI . .' - ,. - ., . . ~ .,- ~. ",- ',' ... -., ment10'!ed :1n my Eyr~ ..Street H1l.4.~rt1cle. ,went .f.x:om the I~Fra,tellart::a." Club to·the • In later years they moved from "The Hill" Mazzini Club • to the bottom end of Leather Lane. , • Moving with them was the MAMUZELOS family. We also have in Laystall Street, one of ~, • ,.. , ...... -,.' ~ .~ ~--"'~ l ,th~ ~l~~s~:ha,irdres~ing salops. At this Almost oppo#ite BRUSCI~I pitch was,a very p01nt 1t g1ves.me great pleasure to be '" " - -,' ., well knoWn family who a1e always asso- ' ,~ble to. a,t lRs.t•.pi:ese'."t ~. ),etter.fr~,!, one ciated with "The Hill"'coming from 'Mount of our readers :I do w1sh more readers Pleasant, the BAILEY: FAMILY who had a would follow this fine example •••many fruit and veg.~!=a:l1. ,:h~n,:they moved to ·thanks FRANKIE!. (I. myself. ·can.be ... -" _.... ~ - The .Lane. Their :niother MARGARET. was reached by phone on 01-2534016 • and I often seen,push~rig't~e'fFuit an~ veg. am sure that the Editor will welcome more barrow arou':!'Hlolborn•.. 1'h~. son, JOHN. letters at : BACKHILL. l36.Clerkenwell Rd •• was a friend of BERT MARSH~, The other ..-, > "~"'-. ",' LONDON E.C.I. about '''The Hili". "1 'am • • son. HARRY., • 'can'. "to·;this day be,,- seent in. soon to start my Sports Sect10n and any The Lane at .the fruit and veg. stall reader with any sporting knowledge about helped by ~is wif~:NELLIE and daughter "The Hill" are encouraged to contact MARGARET who is marri"d; to my 'friend me or the Editor~) . TONY BOFFA'. CIAO 6 PIND MAESTRI ------

10 LAYSTALL STREET , . ., , - This historic building has been fainous 'for' over' ·120 years and is connected with the Anglo.,.Italian Community living in Clerl

On the wall above the 'hairdress{ng,saloin:here is a t~bret-to. commemorate the words of Giuseppe Mazzini, who, during his stay in London, taught adult's .and children Italian.

, . In the entrance to 10 Laystall Street, embedded in the mosaic floor,you elm read the words "Italian Operatives Society". This Society was run by Giuseppe Mazzini for the local· connnunity.,

One historical date concerning Laystall Street· was- Su!,day 21st AprU l86~ ,: on'this day. a, large crow'! .gathe;ed in ,the entire area to welcome· Giuseppe Garibaldi on a, vi~~t t~ Lon

• .Both Mazz~ni .and 'Garibaldi were elected' Co-Presidents of the newly formed "Mazzini- Garibaldi Italian ,Working Met!' s Society" (later to become a Registered Friendly Society) • '

, ~ The ,building h~l!, serv~d. as a,meeti,!g'.'p~ace for discussio~s, banquets, receptions,. .It;.,!~ian"bands, th~ Italian Cycli.ng;C!uli., ex-soldiers'societies ,and, various other clubs.

~- - -' . , On ·the second 'floorwere the -offices. of the Ice. Cream.and Temperance Traders - ~ , .., - ,~.- .. ~ . -- , - -. Assqciation. founded it! 19~8. There has always been a -club· on the premises.except. .f?r a .perio

. . .' ~. th~ groun~ floor at 10 Laystaq.Street there is, 0l\eof. the ,oldest: hairdressingl ; saloI\s in 'Clerken",ell,. wh~ch was openeej in the early 1900's by Nig,ola Sorrentino and, wa~, ,t,!k~n .ove; in i92q.by Vincenzo··Di Giuseppe, better knoWn to his customers as "Vince th~ ,~arber", ,who t,hen' h.anded: the salon to ,me ,;.\lis .son, Frank, Di Giuseppe. . -.- FRANK DI GIUSEPPE r ..'

,., .. . ' , • ,. . . , I ,,.

I' . , In , .. BACK HILL ' r­ H A,tT 0 N .G:A ROE N .' .. ., lT1 '. , ",. '"lT1 " :z.' :<: I lT1r- I e- - •

• ,, i,I . , '. I' ,. I I• EYRE STREET HILL LEA THE R LANE

• • • , FACTORIES l • . , , ZA.CC_ h' S~7'X"" "'0 . "«XNX "X o :':l "'0 , o o r- MAZZINI r- DI GIUSEPPE GARIBALDI ~. lT1 . LAYSTALLSTREET

-,- -"..-- ~.--- ~ ------

Un FU1:uro Per La Valcane

giornale "La Famiglia Bardigiana". Tratto da un articolo di J.M. e Gloria Restighini nel . ~. .

Calo, 'ed invecchiamento della popolazione, Perche questo calo'ovviamente disastro­ esodo verso i centri che offrono occupa­ so per il Valceno? La ragione principa­ zione (Milano; Torino'ecc;~:nessunapro­ le. e· dovuto al'facto-che le possibilita' - spettiva di sviluppo nel'medio,'periodo; 'di 'raggiungere.quelbenessere 'economi~o , , " sono le' realta.che attualmente stanno c 'e' sociale"che',puo; perrilettere 'una,'vita colpendo la Valceno., si'si aggiunge 'decorosa puo'solo ,realizzarsi' con ,l'emi­ l'altro elemento sconfortante, che e grare alle grandi citta, 0 come si face- la mancania" di ,prograi'nmi"e!o progetti'; ''iTa" 'qi."ilche, ,t'emp6"fa;> all:''I. este'ro,~. fattore- ,... '" con il pessimfsmo'e lalrassegnazione, dominante'del:la'mohtagna~' '.. .' della popolazione per quanto riguarda la Valceno, e ovvio che il futuro non Questi emigranti sono tantissimi, e . . . ~ .- puo' che seinbrare pessimo. ,tutti ,con' una ,graiide nost3lgi'a·deI :paese " " - :naii:o~ -Ma 'cosa -t"rovano':al, 10ro ritorno? La vallata del Cenoe una delle piu ric­ Trovano paesi abbandonati con case 'ih che di risorse, di bellezze naturali, pessim~ condizioni stru~tu~ali ed igie~i­ ambientali·, del'''appenino'; 'j,ma purtroppo che, ,del tuteo iriadatte,alr'aoitabilita. 10 spopolamento che 'pian piano'si'sta QuEiste Iipopolainent6 porbl'anche ;ii'stride . .. ~ ~ effetuando"nella parte"montana,'porta. chi( non ·vengono piu:cJi'ate ~ 'c5amPi abb'an­ al ,conseguente degrado di tutto il donati, scuole e commerci che diminuisco­ pat'rimonio''ambientale"di questo iiinneri'" :no,~ :ed,;tiriit :vilta "cue diventa';sempre~ 'piu' .'~ ~, so tern.ton.o:- • >, • > difficile 'anche ·per -colore '-che hanno" • 'lvUtoil-co,raggio cI.i resistere 'fit!',;>.ra· Basta ,dare, un"occhiata, al1e 'statisti':' ,allilnte'ntazione .. dell'esodo. ,che per vedere Come le popolazioni dei varL• comunL.'del Valceno stanno·soffrendo,, ,~. 'Il' ~.-. Qual'e dunque il futuro per il Valceno? da un forte calo di popolazione. Un abbandono' totale, un ritorno ad uno Ecco alcuni esempL:.• 1951 staio selvaggio e disordinato? Sembraproprio di ,tio! vi e ancora, 10 .spirito ,.dLresistenza Bardi comune 7442 la volonta di ristrutturare ~'economia esis­ Bardi capoluogo 2019 tente si .fa sentire nelL'animo degli abitan­ .. .. ~ , , Bore comune 2430 ti e deg!i organizzatoi:i; i1ei"\:erritorio. Bore capoluogo 950 Presentec.anche, vi e l'urgenza di trovare , Varsi"comune ,4495 ~e 'soluzioni 'a'quest~'gravi problemi di • • Varsi capoluogo :1458 gran~e i~portanza per la vita di questi <- -- , ' .. , , pacsL. .. " ' , ' ' .. ~t ~. '-' . -:" , , , , , • " , , " ~'ag~~coltura • , non e piu il fattore .. " , " ,

, " , 'trainante dell'economia, infatti .. , , , " l'aspra• morfologia non permette ai pochi rimasti 10 sfruttamento inten- , , • sivo ,'di una"super,ficie .continua, .. , . , ·indispensabile all' agric'oltura 'nioderna-;". • • 1:' agricoltura de).!" appenino viene oggi,ad intensificarsi quasi ed escltisivamente·nella zootecnica ad tndi:Hzzolacl:iero-caseario. Le ,statistiche scoprono che ci sono 878 aziende in.gran'" ~ parte in prop- eita"del conduttore: con estensione che ,.va dai 5 ai 60 ettari' con un totale di ~5,102, 'dei quaii 9,828 vengono coltivati.Vi sono 2,949 Campi non coltivati? "' .. . 8 --

• capi di ~estiame di'~ui 1,923vacche da pubblicizzazione dell~ disponibilita pot­ latte che provvedono, all'agricoltore, rebbero essere la base per sollecitare tramite i casefici un,entrata sodis­ ed aiutare coloro che vogliono investire facente al prop~io reddito,agrario, in attivita produttive. ' Un attenzione part~colare,va,rivoltaal Per dare'tiri esernpio del calo, basta'guardare ~ 'settore della trasformazione '.della, Bardi, ,dove nel non lontan'o' 197·7 vi .erano conservazione dellecarni.., " -"Stanno<- sorgen- 305 caseifici, e·dove oggi'ce ne sono 260. do nella comuniC3 Montana alcuni stabili- . . - ~ Ma per 'la 80lita' causa, basso reddito e forte menti per la co~s~rvazione_e }a lavora- invecchiamento, ~l terreno sfruttabile non zione del prosclutto, ,potrebbe essere e tutto'utilizzato, mol-ti sono i s'uoli abban­ un settore da incentivare, collegandolo donaei. E dunque evidente che non vengono direttamente con 'l'agrieoltura della sufficientemente sfruttatetutte le risorse Valeeno. e le capacit3 prqduttive offerte. Dunque i,'prolilemi .esistono, quale le I rimedi sono diffi'ci:le'da individuare, .certa­ soluzioni?'~utte,le strade devono '- -' - . mente le'condizioni per un,rilancio economico essere percorse e battute senza lntereSSl. soc1ale sono'·poche, ma' occorre fare ,qualcosa di parte, senza inutili divisioni cercan­ per rimediarei ed occorfa farlo subito. do unita di 'intenti e-sforzi comuni per realizzare una prospettiva migliore, La gente, i giovani chie,dono- di poter rimanere un futuro fatto di qualche certezz~, 'e di potervivere iIl'Valceno, e questa 'e una pe:r:gli. abitantidella Valceno,. c,~e_ 'richiesta piu che' legittima, che habisogno ne'hanno·bisogno,e sopratutto·dluttO. di"una, doverosa risposta. Agr~colt,ura'e T~~iso~qda sol; non.possono Non si puo pensare ad una industria­ coprix:~ l~,domand~ di, pO!lt:!: di~a,vo~o, va­ lizzazione diffusa e di grandi d~men- lida e quindi la .seelta di agevolare il 'sioni, ma adunita produttive'che~si ~ ,J. ,~ ."'. ... • ,~. ~ '. _" • -. . > ~ona. settore art~g~anale•.Nulla' deve ,rlmanere integrino nell'ambiente della .' 'r'" '. '" ~, ... ;,-' ' •••• '.~ - "_ .,'" cr~are ~ntentato, b~sognera ~ncentlvare magglor- Bisognerapero una prrgra'P"':""'; mente gli insediamenti in grado di ereare zione'e iridividuare degli'sp~ii ~~ nuova occupazione, in~pa~t;~ol~re_q~elli copx:ire, 'questo'~ il co~pito p~r esterni che' • potrebbero essere attlratl• • con i prossimi anni se'non ~i vuol.;occare incentivi'pubblici. Aree a bassi prezzi, livelli oai quali p~tr~b~er, risulE~r~ cOritriouti per 'la spese di·urtianizzazione, imposs~bil~.,isalire_~' r;:=====:::;.=:::=="::;.=_=,;~::'=..===.~,~,======;:::===~.::::=="::;.=='"::::='==":::'====j1. I

,, •• .' .. • ,CLERKENWELL • CHIESAl,lTALIANA f DI ,SAN PIETRO GIRl" Italian Church Travel Agency • DONDI Continental Stores, Leather Lane, E:C.l • • • • .TROWSE. News'!gents, Back,lIill, E.C.1. ISLINGTON :' D. ~imRVINI (Delicatessen), 183 Caledonian Road, N.1. • MARENGIII' (Delicatessen), top of York, Way, N. 7... SOHO ,',• ANGELUCCI, coffee,blenders - .- '. . . .CIU ROAD •• F,.G.W. ,ClTY'LOCKSMITH, 129 Whitecross.Street, E.C.I. • 'F Ii-fCH LE'i' .'• SOLARI + ACIILER (Delicatessen), 739 lIigh Road', North Finchley OSlO + GrOBERTl '(Italian Stores), 62-64 lIigh Road, East Finchley . -' ~ , , ~" -

HARRINGAY : MARINO.'""' , BEPI (Delicatessen),. . Green.Lanes,, N..t.. • WOOD GREEN • VITELW D'ORO; I.ordship Lan~, N.22 • ARNOS GROVE • ITALIAN DELICATESSBN, Bowes Road, N.ll • , WEST LONDON • LONSDALE SPORTS, 52 Palace Road, lIarmnersmith, W.6. .' -WILLESDEN • I PADRI STIMMATINI di Kensal Rise • , BRIXTON • CH lESA DEL REDENTORE, Brixton·Road,.S.W;9.

9 particularly :susceptible in the electro­ • acoustic sector. In order to.allow European industry to • reach lucrative' production levels and to recover the costs of the high level research investments, the Commission considers it necessary to investigate quota initiatives thr~ugh G.A.T.T., ·and·.to increase import ·levies •. The present levy is fixed ae9.57. andi~ is prop~sed to suspend this for 5 years . ."- 'Lnthe. area of e!ectro-acoustic goods and replace it with a 19.7."autonomous levy". The effect of this would be to give theeuropean manufacturers a ., .. .. - . . ' period of.grac~ during.~hich \the~ could develop .to a sufficient level to .. en~ble them.to confront J"panese conipe.,. tLtLon.. . ~ -'-

Research should; also 'improve ·techniques ·for ·controlling.··pests and··eradicating.. di­ EurofoBUS..._,,", ".~, seases in both cultivation. of 'crops and, ~~~~al f~rmi~g. Natural~y enough,the pro~ pos~1s conclude'with,particular emphasis LASER DISCS on the disselninaiion of' results and the • co~ordinatiori cf projects, in order to We are approaching_.. the ender- the era achfeve 'maximum'efficfency from each'pro- . ~ ~ of thee traditional record. player which ....., _ ..... L' • <__ . Ject.• • will soon be replaced'bye'machines em- ~ ~.' . • ,• > • - ~ >~ - pl9yi~g.laser ~ec~niques. If yo~r i~ea POSTAL COMMUNICATION of ~i-fidelity is a wind up gramapnone • • In a ·question. to"the. ·EuropeaIl'.,Assembly, Mr playing 78' s then.. don I t be alarmed (The new machines are neither'interpianetary ·Fern~nd.,Herma~.·has .asked ·that; postal.char­ weapons. nor equLpment• .to.powermoon. ges Ln force Ln the member states relating flight,but devices which decode a com­ to inland.chargesbeextended~tocover·the whole community area, and that the reluc~ pact digital disc which is all set to . . . take over from the traditional record. t.ant;·.m,einbers· be persua

There are already some european firms To date only Denmark's.postal charges are manufacturing these devices, but they the same for inland mail and letters des- will only be able to put them on:the . tined..for the other ,member states. The ori­ .market in the very near future. The ginal six, (France, Germany, Italy, and~.the Commission has taken the view that as Benelux; countci'es) have, 'lietween: themselves •this area of, industry is still in its enforce. the same charge as the domesti~ infancy it would be preferabie·to af­ inland mail bears and a similar arrangement ford it some short term p~otection exists 'between' 'Germany and Denmark, and be­ against Japanese competition. T.nfact t"een the· Netherlands/Luxembo.urg .and Denmark/ the various Japanese manufacturers Ireland/U.K•• are already producing the devices with . ~greed common standards and have agreed After the' enlargement of the community in to· allow European manufacturers to pro~ 1973, the Commission invited all' the member duce them under licence. state~ to make greater efforts to bring do- mestLc-. and community" bound mail,~on an equal The hi-fi market world-wide is stili level 6f charges and has formulated speci­ largely dominated by 'the Japanese: they fic proposals which, to save on.administra­ supply their entire home market, 907. tive costs and· to ensure smooth transition, of the ~erican market, and 757. of the could be effected in steps. .r--'::"""...... ~":"1 European market. The view in Europe is that the success of the Far-East'manu~ facturers is dependant upon a distri­ bution system which hinders the pene­ tration of any other products and .that ~ in this respect the European market is ••...-• \,l 10 WAGES output from agricultural establishments whilst guarding against 'the swelling of A recent report published by the Community's stockpiles, iii) to 'satis~y ~uropean con­ statistics office shows that in 1981 the sumers. average hourly cost of labour in Europe in­ creased from 4% in the Netherlands and Lu­ The inevitable evolution ,of ,the C.A;P. xembourg to 23'f in It~~y,., The,in,qrea,~e,had will accordingly·entail,~otonly an been 'less in,previous, years in,nearly, all , overhaul'of.the·pres~ntlYinefficient the member states, except ili 'Italy; Irel~lIid" , stiuctur~ , . of agiiculture'with' the a!m of and Derimark. In four member states, Germany, increasing compe~itiveness,'but also a Nether~and and Belg;um, and Luxembourg, the new research initiative 'into ways of cost has risen"by less than 107.'. ,Only Italy ~ . • ,.., 0'. • • implementing a more rational use of re­ and D~n~rk have 'reported, ariaverage 1n- 'sources. The Commission's view is that crease 'which is'hfgjter than that of ·the pre­ funds ihr research h~ve been insuffi~ vious "year, whereas the, increase has,be.eri, dent in the, past,arid" that the budget particularly lower in the U,K~ (127.) and for this in the' 1984~87 period ought Luxembourg (~%). to bedoubied: 'The:iesearch should be focused bn a numbet'of areas, in parti- cular the recycling of refuse- and, by- products in an effort to bolster the £$ £$£ efficiency of the undertakings and cut down on waste, with particular ref!!rence to the environment. , The field of, agriculture, ,the key econo­ Such products could be used to produce a mic secto,I:, ,which- generates work for , source of energy or: fertilizers, or ani- - , _.. - ..,. - . . . mal foodstock. At the same t1me any 1rn- over 8%, of the" populat1on of europe, and, ~ • .. -, - ,. > • , " takes 'the' lion's'share of the community provements to the techniques'and effi­ budget, is, today fl!ceji w~tli'increasing "ciency of-soil ,will, contribute to. the international.competitiveness and needs reorganisation of crop produ~tion which to adapt it's~l{ ~o thisgrowing.pr"J>- will' 'in ,turn help' to reduce the depen­ lem. • ' dence 'of.. the"community"on imported pro­

• ducts such as ,m,lize; toliacco and protein The, European Commission has recently for animal 'foodstuffs. put a huge programme of research'pro- ", jects before' the other two OI,g'ln~ o~ ,th~ community, the Coun.cil ,arid the Assembly, for their approval and it appears that , research in agriculture is -vital, for the development ,of the ,communityin,the ). ,.".~, ,." ,' .. '

coming, . years., The comrilission',s, .- proposals ~esigned to improve the' competitiveness of the community' g. agriculture, w~ll' not effect any'great changes ,to 'the p<;>liti- cal" foundat10ns.,'.," of developments•. b " " 'm• th1s• 0 sector: the C.A.P'. (Common Agricultural Policy) will continue, i)to ens~re for farmers an Income comparable. to that, of wC?rke,r~, I' other ii)to encourag,l!:increased .. I . .:- l ST. PATRICK ',S HlTERNATIONAL SCHOOL , 24 Great Chapel Street ~ London W1V 3AF - Tel:01-734 2156 &01-439 0116 , - , , , ENGLISH LANGUAGE COURSES • AT ALL LEVELS Morning and afternoon classes

. . *Large Hall *Roof ~op Sports Area *Welfare,Offfce , , *Indoor Games Facilities *Snack-bar *TV Lounge *Disco *Reading Room *Language Laboratory

, , *English Language Courses *Full Social and Cultural Programme *Excursions


-- -'. .' ~. , ,



TheEveJiing College ofthe University ofLondon . ''"'''' ,.,.~,



University of Lo,ndon " .' Itallan~ , ~, -_.-~-~--, Tho,CombIned_Studies BA course In · • A DEGREE IN ITALIAN comprises a substantial part of the course , . • • for.tho.Single SUbject degree;1n Italian,. • If you arc~:cons14ering thc.Do~slbility ~fT and many of the "lecture,courses and mos~ reading for, a degree -in ,Italian at·Blrkhec~ of_the Finals papers ar~cco~on to'both , Colloea, the following information will be degreos. Comblned-StudlcsJstudents do not • nf use to you. . . - ' . stud~ the Hlstory'of~thc language, and they • • • take only. three'of .the four papers in ~ Italian is .. taught\'At Blrkbcck as part: of ·the Italian' literature which form part of the' , I MA degree 1n Romance Languages .& Literatures, de9reQ~ ~to~th~ -~­ SIngle Subject In addition as the "main' "component 'of"4 Single Subject langUAge. papers, thero. Is a Link paper BA degree; as part=" of"tho Combined Studies BA degree,. and as\4,Subsidiary subject for (except In History of" Art & Italian) " those..taking a Single" suD'jcct degree In ""_ designed to bring out the relationship • ·anothorj 'modern,-'langu4gc.' Properly quallfl'ea between the two subjocts making up the acccpted~for degre~s. Combined degree. There Is an oral students arc' Research 'oxamination.- ". ,.. • ~. '-." (MPh11 and PhD),

SINGLE SUBJECT BA COURSES "IN ITALIAN • ~'." < ., •• The principal combinations available are This course involves a study of Italian Italian mld. History "'of Art; 'and Italian language and literature from their' origins and French. " to the present dny. 'Of the_oight papers , which make up the Final examination, four_ ,- .-". .... "-" arc concerned with Italian literature, one Tho, Combined degree 'takes a minimum of with the History of the 1anguago,'and three four years ~ 1- Students ",attend. on,'four with the use of modern~wr.ftten Italian. evonings:a week~. two in .oach subject. Single Subject~students, unless, exempted by The two: cven'ings ;In'Italian-' are Tuesday previous degree,or comparable qualification and.Friday_ Entrance qualifications,are also take a Subsidiary,subjoct chosen from simdla~.to those for tho Single Subject , . "- " English, French, Latin, Classical Studies degree,- except. tha~ Latin is not' required. and Spanish.,' . . ~ >- ", .. , .", •

. -" .. , The course norma1ly- lastS four years. ;For SUBSIDIARY ITALIAN, the first two years, stUdents attend on three evenings a week, two for Italian The Italian Subsidiary ,course, lasts two (Wednesday.and Friday, 6-9 pm), ,and one _ years•. It comprises a_ study of- a single _ for tho Sunbsidiary subject. The University period of'Italian:'literature, or 'olse' 'of ,Subsldiary."examlnation;"is._",taken~atthe-. cnd .a group _of -authors.-ln·,Ita1ian. ",Students­ of the, second year. Subsequently, all three arc expected-to reach a fair proficiency evenings arc for Italian (Tuosday, Wednesday in ·the~ USe of modern Italian. The and Fr1day). ' ., . , examination consists of a literature paper, ·a language paper and an ,oral. 'The' standard Entrance qualifications are thoso set by for admission is A-level Italian, or its the Univorsity. ~ricfly, candidatos must equivalent. Students attend on Friday have oither five GCE passes, of which two evenings. from 6-9 pm. must be at A-level, or four GCE passes, of which three must be it A-level. Consideration' Is given to other qualifications eg Italian PREPARATORY ITALIAN Diploma di maturita or eVidenco of mat-urc ' ago study. Course requirements are a modern Tho Department offers a one-year intensive foroign language at O-lovel, Latin O-level, preparatory course in Italian for those and A-level Italian or lts eqUivalent. . about to embark on' one of the above courses Candidates without Latin arc not precluded Dut whose Italian is as yet inadequate. from applying since tho Department of ClassJcs The course culmdnates In a College-based mounts a Latin course for boginners in examina~ion. The course takes place from thelr first,year. 6-9'pm on Thursday" evenings.

". ... , "'h" ,._~ . ." ." • • 12 MASTERS-AND RESEARCH DEGREES FEES . . ",' - , MA courses 1n Italian arc of two years' prospective candldates:arc~advlsod"to: duration: entry Is biennial and the next contact the College Registry direct ~n entry c is October 1983. Prospective (Assistant Registrar, Birkbeck College, candidates should wrIte direct -to the Malet· Street. IiC1E 7HX. Tel: '01-637 9563). Head of the Department for' andntervlewo, The Assistant Registrar will also supply MA courses arc at present offered In the conplete C.ollege Prospectus on request. Danto studios and in.modern Italian , ,>" , literature. Tho 'cxamination 'takes ·'the form~of' three literature papers and an FINAL NOTE essay In. Italian. A dlssortatlon-,of. ' lO,OOO~20,OOO words may bc,substituted for one 9£ the 'literature 'papers. - Prospective candidates should'possess, Studying for a degree at Birkbeck is =ore or expect to possess, a good second class of a way o~ life tJ:1an a r:nre p~rt-t1mo "­ -degrec_' in ItallM,- or its eqUivalent•. activity. It is both· rewarding and demanding. If you-arc as'·yet undecided as to whether.'or·not .to apply', Dlease r do not hesitate to contact the Secretary , • COLLEGE INFO~~TION of the Italian Department or ,the . • Depart.=ent Ad::lissions'Tutor, 'both'· of, whom I will'be pleased to =eat you and provide I The College Is s1tuatcd centrally in the further information and assistance. BloomsbUry area of London. It is ~served by a var1ety. of bus routes ~and underground' If, you find it mOra cOnvenient, pleaSe stations . (Russe.ll Square,. Goodgo Street", make: use of,~he attached pro-forma. Euston Square), together with, &t a short • • distance, Euston and King's Cross main .line stations. ' Th~ Department~s address~is: Amenities .include' a central refectory. Md snack bars'in tho outlying. buildings. The College Library in Malet Street' and the' Departcent of Italian, outly~n9.buildin9s has some 160,000 vol~~s 8irkbeck College ~ . most of which aro on open access. The Malet Street, . . Departroont 'of Italian has a seminar room, London IiC1E 7HX. a small departmental library and a tape library.- It·has access ,too' to language Tel: 01-381 3421 laboratory facilities. ext 213. •

TO: The Sccretary, Department of Italian, Birkbeck Collcge, Malet ~Streeti ' London WC1E ·7HX. • I Please arrange for roe to see the Ad:Ussions Tutor (or, in tJie case of MA"or research students,. the Head of 'OCpartccnt).

.. Name: • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. . a •••••' ••••••••••••••••

, . Address: • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.. . a •••••••••••••••••••..-

• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. ,

, Home. Tel.No: •••••••••••••••••••••••••••Daytite 'Tol.NO: •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

. , ,--".

e •

LINEA ITALlCA• LIMITED (aperto la domenica) . ' . . WAREHOUSE/SHOWROOM 3-7 RAY STREET,Eel. TEL:OI-8377377; . Simply The Best Qualiry Italian Furnllure

. 13 -_._'-. - "",=--' ~- .--.- •• ~RONACA••


L'Associazione ha fatto grande festa, sabato 12 febbraio all'Hilton Hotel: present).• centinaia (quasi 800) di persone a godere un amichevole ambiente emiliana.

Non vi presentiamo'un grande resoconto di questa festa stupenda, ma semplicemente una collezione di fo~grafie degli opsiti alIa tavola d'onore (sia dall'Inghilterra oche dall'Italia) tra cui il Sindaco di Borgotaro, il 'Console Dott. Colesanti, il Parroco della Chiesa di San Pietro ed il Presidente dell'Associazione. • •




14 cont.... -- ~-



ll~ Westmead Road, Sutton, Surrey. SMl 4JH T. Flancy, 'Secretary of Gro~ 147. " , TO : The Parish· Priest and Parishioners, St. Peter's Italian Church: '.

On behalf of all, the members of Group .147 of the Handicapped Children's Pilgrimage Trust, I would like to thank you most sin'cerely for your recent donation on behalf of our appeal. ' " .

Your. unselfish generosity and determination to see us succeed was a real morale a • • _ booster for us and l.t showed that these"chlldren do mean a great deal to everyone. • • • We cannot thank you enough as, without your help, many of these children would never see Lourdes or receive any of the many. graces that only Lourdes can glve• •


•• Cardinal Antonio Samore. who was sent. to South America by-the Pop.e hi 1978 in ·order to prevent 'Argentina and 'Chile from going to war over the BeagleChannel,and who subs!lql1ently tried to find a longterm solution to ·the disput:e (see BACKHILL died in Rome' on 3rd February a't the age-of 77;

'Cardinal Samore was born in Bardi; 'near Piacenza, on 4th December 1905. He was orda~ned a priest in 1928 and became a bishop 'in 1950. He was made a cardinal in 1967. His' career was largely: spent'in the Vatican's diplomatic service, first in . the .Apostolic Delegate's office in-Washington and .later as' Nuncio. in Colombia.

His . experie~ce in Bogota gave him a special interest in Latin America. He returned .to Rome in 1953 as Secretary for the 'Congregation for Extraordinary Ecclesiastical· 'Affairs. and later he became Secretary of 'the Pontifical Commission for Latin America.

In 1967 he became the commission's ·President. He held the post for the next fou'r years, serving, at the same time, /as Prefect. of the Sacred Congregation 'for the DisCipline of ·the- Sacraments•. In 1974 he·was made Librarian and Archivisto{ the Church, a position which he held until his death.


LA FESTA- PER GLI ANZIANI, si El svolt~'l'ultima domenica prima di Natale~ Erano presenti 95 persone. Abbiamo mangiato 'un buon pranzo, poi dopo c'era.un magoe una lotteria per divertirci. Anche il Console ha'mandato- un panettone ad ogn'uno di noi. Abbiamo cantato e balhto' e Madalena ha fatto un 'solo'. Tutta la serata El statll !lelh e ci ha dimostratoche abbiamo speso £500 per un motIV'o giusto. . '. " IL TORNEO DI BRISCOLA ANNUALE, svolto il giorno dopoNat31e,ha,avuto mol to successo e quest' anno El stato vinto da:- 1'. Mr. 'Barbieri e Mr. Ostacchini;"2. Mr. Bragoli e Mr. Mari; 3. Mr. Oppici e Mr. Tamagna; 4. Mr. Opel e Giorgio.

Ricordatevi che,abbiamo, TRE SQUADRE.DI CALCIO·organizzate da,Ray Miele. Una gioca nella "North Middlesex League",la ~econda squadra gioca nella "Anglo-Italian".

Anche se El ancora lontano il comitatosta organizzando varie attiviti!. perottenere i fondi per le spese dell'O.G.I. 1984.

• . • • A Pasqua ci saranno DUE.LOTTERIE. Un. premlO sara un panlere e l'altro premlo sari!. un graride uovo di Pasqua. coilt....

-- 15 - _..:....._- , - CRONACA3 FESTA 01 SETTESORELLE - sabato 5 febbraio , Sotto ,: .. Immagini 'di questa festa,·organizzataaHa. Sacret .Heart School, Oakleigh ,Park.

Angela Silva da il benvenuto a Don Piero Schiaffonati, Parroco di Settesorelle ed al Sig. Francesco Villa, Consigliere •.

. . .. The raffle ,..,chi.. ·ha.vinto?.

, "

-. .. - . •

.. . I convenutl.• •

La festa e finita•••• • • ma la musica continua

.. 16 Tra'.- " --,' San-• - ,Paalo-= '.,," .• < - , e, ,R~!;:i$ell .Sq~~r~ , I'ubbl ichiamo un breve resoconto della nostra comunita' che apparse nel giornale "L'Osservatore, Romano" (Citta' del Vaticano)

Iromani a Londra sono un po' dapertutto, vi hanno costituito un vero centro per tra i duecentomila itallani che vi abi~ la cOmUnita' italiana sia locale chedi ' - tano e i centomila' studenti annuali che passagglo. •. Og111'. ,~e~a Cl...Sl r1trov~ nel. vi vengono per un corso d' inglese, ,for­ locali'attiguf alIa chiesa, sicuri dt mano una citta grande come Venezia. Essi 'ricevere o:gnuno il suo:. c'e fa' le'ttura hanno praticamente. tutto : la srima del del :Vangelo' assieme, c'e'conversazione loro lavoro affermatosi·soprattutto nel in inglese' pe'r .chi 10' deve imparare, c'e campo del comllu~rcici dei negozi alimen­ informazione sugli italiani a Londra e le tari e trattorie, ar~~itetti in proprio loro condizioni.sociali, vi sono infor- • ••• per costruire le loro'abitazioni da mazioni per chi cerea in affitto qual~ little Italy, un ospedale gestito da che stanza a buon mercato Londra-Roma, loro, un gforriale "La Voce degli ..~ ... ,-----."" .. - . un, tavoloda ping-pongper'chi'vuole ' Itallanl in Gran Bretagna" (quindl- sgranghirsi un po, un piccolo bar per einale d'informazione suIla comunita • •• bere qualcos,a.; , italiana in' Inghilterra e sulle leggi italiane ed inglesi a f~vore degli Questa e l'accoglienza che si puo ri­ emigranti), le loro squadre di pallone cevere. ogni giorno. Essa poi diventa, che ogni a,nn,'? si conl;:eIldono.i,l. titolo '!,F~~ta'~!l' Noantri" p!lr la Madonn~ del della 'Coppa Consolare e la Coppa del carmine a meta"luglio, quando si ~~olge Buongustaio (quest'anno la prima e la processione per il quartiere e si f~ andata alIa ,Marconi ce; J:a 'seconda: ·la Sagra; italiana' alvicino' Car Park.· alIa squadra del "Cesare. ristorante", Pieta.popolare e ·fest'a 'paesana' si·,ritro­ allenata dal Bearzot 1.ocale, cosi: 10 vano con la commozione dei piu avanzati chiamano a Londra, FaustoSantolini), negli anni'e l!~ntusiasmo dei piu giovani la chiesa italiana di' S. Pietro quale che sperimentano un. momento di solida- .. ~ ~." ..., ,-'. punto di riferimento spirituale, situ­ rieta umana,e di fede cristiana che si, --- .-. - ~ .- .", - -- ata nelle strade di Clerkenwell tra trasmette di famiglia in famiglia"come S. Pacilo e 'Russ'ell Square'. . poche'vcilte durantel'anno: ~. ".« • Questa chiesa degli italiani e offi- • • VlTTORlNO GROSSl ciata dai padri 'Pallottini di'Roina, che , , . ,.

•• <~ ~ ,.~ ...... ' Urnbri Nel' '.IVlondo , Ai nostri emigrati che vengono dall'llnbria, facciamo sapere ch,!!:

a) 1• cantantl• Albano. e Remina:.sono stati .!n Lus,semb!Jrgo. per, upo, • ·spettacolo in favore dei ncistri emlgratl.:• • • b) Nell'ultima estate un gruppo di ragaZ'ii iimbrl.sono andatia .passare le loro vacanze in Australia : il viaggio e, stato .organizzato dalla Regioni Toscana, 'Umbria, Lazio e Campania •

c). .11 .yescovo di Cubbio, Monsig. Ennio Antonelli e il Vescovo di Citta di Castello, Monsig. Carlo Urno,salutano gli emigrati e' sperano di poterli lncontrare.•

d) I nostri umbri possonci rIcevere ir loro giornale scrivendo a lTALY'~. I• "Umbri 'net Mondci-.- 'Casella postale' 360;.06100 Perugia, I,. Si richiederebbe un aiuto finanziario, che parte da un minimo di i ventimila lire. ,r 17

'. ~-~ estrninster, ' Diocese


THE YEAR TO 31ST DECEMBER, 1981 The Accounts of the Diocese for 1981 can be' summarised thus: , , £ . _. . Diocesan:Debt as at 31.12.80. 4',916,609 • 1981 Results: Sales ~f Surplus P~operties, less purchases Gifts, b~quests, etc. Movements in values'of ,investments etc~ . 964,154 Less : Operating deficit 79,653 Reduction' in Debt 884,501 , . • L >"_

~- - .. Diocesan Debt as at 31.12.81. 4,032~108

Notes : , ' ~ .. . , a) The OperatingD~ficit in' 1980 was £294,815 so that 1981 showed a significant ••' H -, _ • _ -. .. • " _.. _ ., 4 1mprovement of £215 ,162'. bt.Carej'ul debt man.agement.enabled, that part of the Dio~esan debt.uponLwhich interest is paid ~o be r~auced by '£1,522,710•.

, , -,'" .' ~ THE YEAR TO 31ST DECEMBER, 1983 The Budget £0; 1983 can be summarise~,by saying that each £1 .tha~ ~.par~sh payp to the W.D.F. will be spent as follows: , , , Services : Dioc'esan (Archbishop's House, 'Vicars"General), ',6.6p Central (Finance; Covenants, maintenance) 9.6 .Social, ;(Marriage .Tribunal, Deaf, Handicapped). 5.6, Pastoral (All Saints, Liturgy Centre, Retired . Priests, Ministry to,Priests) 14.1' , ,'." ..~-., .', ~- , Educ'ation (WREC,WAREC, CPC,:Youth) 22,." Area Bishops Costs 1.3

• • School Building and repairs 13.2 Quinquennial surveys 'of, parish property (surveyor reports to parish,but bills Diocese) Less: defrayed by receipts.of sundry income - . - . ., . . ' . Interest on Diocesan Debt

, 100.0 -. -, ,- ., • Notes : a) Social and Pastoral Action 'is NOT funded by the W.D.F, . - -,' . , ' , b) The to'tal of parish 'assessments for 1982 was £1,991',486',80 1983 1S• £1,943,088,20 Thus" overall the assessment is reduced.

, 18 > .Ne\Ns frQm It:aly you may ·have missed • Thousands of people fled into the street in panic after an, earth tremor hit southern Italy, near whE;re 3,000 people died in 1980. eSergio, Segio, an alleged 1eader'0~the,Prima Linea t~rrorists, is charged with. ~4 murders, 15 cases of wounding and a number !>f robberies... Signor Segio is> believed to, have been responsible for a raid on Rovigo prison a year ago which freed women terrOrl,S• ts • • • , ' • The discov~ry by a Genoa.newsp,aper that .Rosanna. di Luca was to. retire, frOlll her job .p,en~ion at ·a state institute and receive a at the age of 32,,,prompted a nationwide • search for Italy's' youngest pensioner. Erma!1na Cas.s,io, who had .retired at the. age of 29 from the post of janitor in a school in R,?me, beat Maria Martini of Turin, aged 30, who re!:ired.~it.h. a pe,nsio!l of £~8()per mon.th.

• Tullio Campagnolo who .inv.ente~ the gearshift. widely used, by professional .cyclists died in, Padova at the age of 82.

• Brigadier-General Dozier made a surprise visit to Rome to award United States Defence Department medals to the 14 Italian policemen who res'cued him from Red Brigade kidnap,pers a year ago. General Dpzier. said, "I; !,ill be enternally grateful for 'what you have' done, because quite: simply. I o!'e y.ou my life.• , ,As a ,soldier, it is always an honour to be in the. company,' of brave men, and you are truly brave men". • Two, Jehovah' s Witnesses in' Cag1i:ari, who prevented their baby dau'ghterreceiving ,,- " . .."., ~

'blood transfusions,, •• - , " ,.were sentenced -to 10 years-< " imprisonmerit• for murder-. .• • The Catanzaro town council has declared electronic war on a plague of rats infes­ ting its 'medieval centre. Microwave transmissions from newly installed equipment are expected to dr~ve,. the ra~s t!> kill!!ach other in an electronically-induced frenzy.

• Miss Carol Coniptori, a nanny from Aberde'en, has been transferred to a woman's prison in Tren!:o from a local jail in Livorno where she has been held since, 5th Aug,!st!lccuse~-'.- '"of 'setting• • fire !=o • t,,~.cot of• a. thre.e-year-01d- baby. p -

. ~ -.-' • Tliieves used false keys to get into the headquarters, cif 'the B!lnc!l del Cimino in Via Tomacelli, one of Rome's wealthiest districts. They emptied more 'than 200 deposit boxes and took, billions of lire in jewe1ry and 'other valuables •

• • Signorina Paola Banzato, the daughter of a wealthy industrialist in Padova, persuaded bandits trying to kidnap her' ailing father to. take her ,instead. She becam~ ,the 27th victim of 1982. Eight other victims are still missing and one - -~~, ,.' -' , . , has been found dead.

G About 4,000, employees of the Italian engineeri!1g company Nuovo Pignone went on strike in protest agaitlst the seizure in New York of gas pip1ine parts ordered from the company. General Electric, the American supplier and Nuovo Pignone said the seized parts were not intended for the Siberian pipeline but for a project between Italy and Algeria• The 'Italian WOrkers paraded through Florence and handed in a protest note at the American Consulate.

• 65 people are reported to have died in a fire in a Cinema in Turin. Foul play is not suspected but investigations are 'continuing. The owner of the Cl.nema. has been arrested" and charged with m!lns1aughter" - •

• Azeglio' Negrino;' ,a microfilm .expet;t. was arrested. as he was about to ,hand top secret NATO aircraft and· weapons microfilm p1ans.to Vic'tor ,Pronin, an employee of theSovi~t airline Aeroflot. 19

-, ----- e • e . '.' ,. , , . ChieSa di

Questa Chiesa e aperta: aetutti voi. Po~~te venire, parl~re con n~i e fra di voi, stare conn9L Cerchiamo insieinee, frate11itra fi;ate11i di egtis~a,r~ l'amore di Dio, di miglio- • e rare la'vita spirituale de11a Chi'esa e de11acomunitir; State qui con no~; potete avere un momento di pace per la vostra anima.

C~ri giovani, quando volete parlare di Dio, quando volete conoscere Dio, venite qui da noi, eparlate con noi" estate nella nostra casa~' Non-vi vergognate; 'ci possiamo eaiutare gli tini con gHe altrLCoraggio, vi' aspettiamo.,

This Church is open to all of you. Why not come and talk to us or even maybe stay with us; "Let us" as' brother1J, 'try' to'discover how', 'to' e'njoy God's'love, 'how to improve the' spiritual life of' the'Church and 'that of the community; In spending'a little time with us, your soul may have a' few'moments 'of, peace: ' ' Dear young people, when you feel that' 'y'ou,.want talk' about God, or perhaps, fe'el that:>.you would like to get to know God better, feEd- free to come to us, to speak to us, to stay in our house. 'Don't be' shy •. We c'an ,be' of'help 'to one anotn:.er·; have courage. We will be here waiting for you. • ,

, . .".. -,' .. .' ...... , DaHa' vitadellacomunita 'italiana' nasce 'la' vita"di 9uesta, Chiesa e 'ritorha ,a voL Pas­ sano ~li anni;ina 'la:vita' dehtro 'di· noi diventa 'pHi' profonda e'si a11ar'ga.,

Per questo voi, comunita parrocc~iale, insieme a noi preti, annunciamo il Vangelo fradi noi 'e a11e altre: Chiese; • s'pedalmerite 'Don 'Cai:meloei'ncai:icato da' ques:ta' eomtinita' itil­ liana, da questa Chlcsa' e da: not' preti di portare' l'aririuncio defeVangeloanche sile al­ tre Chiese.

I. The life of 'this' Church 'is 'born from the life of 'the Italian community that revolves around you. Years may pass, but the life within us deepens and grows. , .- ," " '. ".. ,",. '.- ~ .• "I' For thisereason, you as community parrishioners'; together with us, the priests, spread '" ,",.<•• i- -,•••••• ,-.' .' ., ,~ -, ."- • " .... ' --..~ ••" the Gospel amongst ourselves, and also to the other churches. Father Carmelo ~s spec~al- ly assigned by this Church, this Italian community,. and we ·the priests, to spread the .-. '.'. ., ~ ,~...... - ~ ... ~ . ' .. - , ~. Gospel to' the other Churches also. '- , -~. ".,..,' , -' ,. ORARI DELLE MESSE e, _ l Giorni Feriali••• "•• • t ••••••• ~ •• •••••• -'7.00:p.m. (non', sempre), , Sabato . 10.00 (Vale per 'la domcnica) a.m. - 7.00 p'.m. • • • • Domenica...... •...... 9.00 a.m., 10.00 a.m., , 11.00 a.m. Cantata in Itafiano cLatino ," . , , , If" 15 ,p .m., ,7.00· p .ni. . Giorni' di ·Precetto':. •••.•••••••••.•• 10~.OO a.m., 7'.06 p .1'1., ILoo P .1'1 .. ,. '. , < '

, , .. .

prende~e Vi preghiamo di nota 'dei numeri di telefono" -. della vostra Chiesa Italiana:-, . ' .. '837 1528 • S'37 9071 I Se risponde la segretaria telefonica, (ANSAFO~)"lasciate,il vostro' numero di telefC!no e vi richiameremo il piu prestopossibile. 20 , , San v _.. , ,


DOMENICA 27 MARZO - DISTRIBUZIONE DELLE PALME La Sera alle 7.30 p.m. :.- • •• • 1. nostr:L g:Lovan:L rappresenteranno in Chiesa "La Passione Del Singore". In the, evening at i.30 .p.m.,:- . , • " _. '- _ .. v .' • ~lll.present~, the Church, "The PasSion piay". our young .p,eople 1n -. -,~ -

, , . • -, • < " ." • GIOVEDI' 31 MAim>' Ore" . 8.00p.m., Messa Solenne e ProceSS1one con 11 - ," - ,."..., . Santissimo Sacramento. .. . ,(ISepolcr1).. ,

•• ~. . . VENERDI',l APRILE. - Funzione Solenne della Passione e Morte del Signore • .Ore 3.00 p.m., ".,> ~ " .-.C. -.' SABAT.O.2 APRILE' ~. Oieil.()Op.ri!., Ben~d.eizione del.~ero, dei Fuoco, ~et.:~'Ae,q!la. Rinnovazione del· Battesimo·e.Battesimi.

,A ME~ZANOTTE ~,ci ~~ra la Mes~ dell~ Risuriezi~~~. AT' 'MIDNIGHT- there will be ·the"Mass of'Resurrection'.

" , • ~ #" J;otete venire aConfessarvi ,quando volete; se ~ o,,,,,~,,~ "., -. '. ~ trovate la.Chiesa chiusa, suonate all'Ufficio - ~ • r', , ... Parrocchiale, 4 Backhill, E.C.l. . -' ,,~, .' . .. '~.-,," ". •

, DOMENICA' 3',APRILE - PASQUA' :' Messe' alle8;00 a.m.,9.00 a.m.,LO.OO a.m., 11.00 a.m.Cantata .. . .-.. - . .' , 12:15 p.m.,'7.oo p.m.. .=L",U,;.;N;:;E;;.D;;.I_~,.....,,~~A;;.P,;.;R;:;I ::.tE::. "" Mes sa'· so10 .'!lle ore 10.00 a.m. ,

Sono Nati A11aViia Di Dio Con i1 Santo Battesimo Giuliano Dal 'Soglio • -. - • ~ " ~ ". 'r' ,,_ Monica'Carminati Carmel:Lna Tarallo , ' . Daniele, Parenti . James P<:>rtway. Michelle Grammat1ca Vincenio.Di Sante Daniele Resteghini I Giacomip.a'.Benn?-r

Domenico"Bazzini Annibale"Ferrari Armando'Rosetti Diletta Baldiano .Valentino Maestranii Girolamo Silva .G10vanna• Costa • 21 adre' Della Pace . " " .' •

, Nel 1982 Madre Teresa "di Calcutta" vinse il Premio Nobel per la Pace per, prin­ cipalmerite; il suo lavoro tra i poveri ed ammalati della grande citta' dell 'India. Vi presentiamo la breve storia di questa donna cristiana umanitaria e straordinaria. ?,,::e,::c;::.on:.:;d::;a::...lp:.::u::.n:.:t:::ac::t;:a....l.;(c::;o::,:n.:.,:t::.,:i:.:;n:::u;:a_d::;a::...:n.:.:o::.,:v:.::e:;m:::b.:.r;:,e_1:..:9:.,:8::::.2) •

LA CASA DEI' ..MORIBONDI.. ,All'alba migliaia di persone, giacenti segno di vita. Essa 10 lavocon cura ma l'uno accanto al~'~ltro, persorie ~~~ era troppo,~ebole. Quel poveio uomo bar'" potrebbero essere presi per cadaveri, botto : '''Tutta la mi3 vit" ho vissuto si svegliano, si grattano, si mettono come una bestia, e-ora.muoio ~ome un • <." -'. a toss~re, e sporcano ~l suolo. Altr~ essere"umano". dormono sulle'scale e rielle entrate' .. .. .- .. delle case. E' come un campo di_ batta­ C~ sono ,tant~ss1m1 esemp1 d~11~m1ser1~ gUa degfi emarginatf st6r'piad; para"'; le malattie, le disgrazie che.affligono i - - . ,lizzati e .~ltri~enza gambe •• ~~.P~lkana, poveri della citta e pure altrettart~ separata da Calcutta dal- famoso ponte esempi della' carita; gentilezza ~sacri~ ~----- '.' ---" . '. --~~~--.-=~--~,,-- Howrah, queste,persone dormono ~n_una fieio 'delle suore di M3dreTeresa nefla ripulsiva atmosfera prodottadall'umi­ Casa dei Moribondi. dita, 'milioni di mosche'rorizanti, odori • d~' ••••r~f~ut~ e d~• accumulat~-escrement~,'.'-' .'.'. 1·· .' Qui' nella 'casa-deimoribondi la gente fango p.u tr ido: -sopra--un-,chilcimetro di muore con s~rpr~ndente tranquillita. Vi fognatura aperta (di cemento) che cir­ e un perfetto distacco dal mondo;non vi conda le abitazioni. Gente .raschia, via .e,nessun rumore 0 bisbiglio attorno alle la superficie fangosa e ne ~anno un persone moribonde. L'anonimita e comp- - .' ,,".- . mucchio sulla strada. 'Un supposto 'ser'" leta : nessuna lagr1ma, nessun p~anto ma vizio per ,la collezione'dei rifiuti rispetto 'per' la' morte che occorre quasi ,trasporta via questa sporcizia de11a ogni minuco" 11 corpo del morto -viene quale gli animali cercario di ,trarne,la consegnato,ai .rappresentanti dellareli­ loro esistenza. ,gione alIa quale appartiene. "Negli _ultimi quattro mesi" ·dice ',un,a--Suora "ho L'Arca di Howrah che una volta ,compren~ 'visto quattrocento uomini e donne a mor~ deva stalle per gli elefanti del rajah ire. ,Ma la _.nostra Nirmal Hr;i.day e trqppo oggi e l'abitazione di 4000 esseri umani piccola ede uno spezzacuoreper rioi di che vivono l'uno sopra l'altro: ' rimettere nella stiada i casi ineno' seri; essi· la~ciano i~ .pos;o rattristati senza- La casa dei modbondi, (Nirmal Hriday)" una, parah, 1a, " .. fu istituita,da Madre Teresa nel 1954. In essa La Madre accettava' solo i casi Nella Casa dei Morioondi si vede i limi- ~'. piu disperati; una'povera vecchia la ti della sofferenza - umana•• -.1n- ' un, luogo• > dove quale sarebbe morta nelle immondizie di sanita, ,rassegnazione,e 'disper'az~one cos­ un condotto'd'acqua 'laterale di una txtuiscono la struttura di- uno strano ,- ~ .'",.' - , strada, una giovane donna storpia la un1verso. : ,ma anche', 'e- soprattutto, V1. quale l'ospedale aveva rifiutato di cu­ e l'amore, un amore fedele, sentire che rare, un uomo il quale,disperato ~alla vi e'qualcuno' yic,inoa s.e,l'amore di una fame, si era gettato sotto un treno e inadre, di una sorella (che sia dalla non aveva piu gambe. A causa del fetido California, dall'India, dai Balcani 0 da odore che vi era, disse una Missionaria altro luogo) chegli sta vicino fino alIa della Carita, "Noi dovettimo.portar fuori morte. un uomo che aveva una gamba cancrenosa' fasciata con stracci. In essa si era, LA CITTA' DEI LEBBROSI sviluppata un emoragia e le ossa e mus­ coli caddero a terra. Un corvo si 11 dramma della lebbra e della carest1a• abbasso e afferro un osso che gli era e angosc.ioso : comincia quando un caduto 'daFpiede. Un giorno, disse una' 'uomo allllllette : "-10 sono lebbroso". Suora, portarono un uomo a Madre Teresa Allora tutto e finito per lui.; viene che era .stato ·trovato ,in un fosso. E.gli abbandonato ed emarginato~ Madre Teresa era come un fascio·di ossa avvolta in attraversa i luoghi ,piu desolati in,cerca una sottile e raggrinzata sorta di car­ dei malati i quali hanno paura dei vicini t~pecora ma che tuttavia dava ancora e delle autorita e si tengono nascosti. 22 Madre Teresa pa visto lebbrosi a impaz­ soltanto e stato calcolato che vi sono pressapoco quaranta mila lebbFosi, ma zire e lebbrosi in carcere. Essa ha . ... ,. , . yergogna di mangiare con appettito non Vi e un soloOspedale che specia- ,mentre.migliaia dlgente marciscono lizz3 nella cura della lebbra. Vi sono lentamente,in estremo·dolore.: Madre pera-paFecchie organizzazioni timan~tarie' Teresa havisto piaghe 'piene:

I i . - . '''Mentre, camniinavo con essa in:mezzo alIa ,Toccate, un ,lebbroso" toccatelo con· sentivoco'~tan- .. '11 " " . ~.' . l,," • ," , • cittadei .lebox-osi, 'io ' amore ~, 'Il"motto di :Madre, Teiesa,'regna temente la:gente a,barbott~re 0, a , sopra 6t.t~ c<>lolli~, che, sono,regoiarmente menzionare 'nel loro modo', :' "Mother". '.. - • ~ - ~ .< .-. "-.".- .~ ... , Visitate dalle Suore della'Carita con Non era che,',esS1 volevano due' qualche -, -'. - '. "., ' . ;la loro clinica,\mobile.•. i -.e,tre. farmicie cosa ad essa, ma semplicement,e,'che ess1, " --,'....., , 'dove piu di cinquantamila',persone, malate Sl..sent1vano legati ad, essa"daull vlncolo. - '.' .' -' ~.- '. .. "-~ - ~ '.-~~. devono essere 'curati: Madre Teresa 1n-. df amore". - _ .• ,". .- "'.0 ,- ,>.~ ...... -• '.1',- '. coragg1a questi sfortunati fratell1 e , sorelle,a,provvedere,ai,propri,bisogni. "Dal mio pu~to df vista t:ie sC?no,le fasi:in Quelli che possono usare le loro mani ,cui· mL sono, trovato,tra.. di eS,si ..La prima fanno scarpe con vecchia gomma pneuma­ fu di orrore mischiato con pieta, la secon­ tica. Fanno fascie con -pezzi di stoffa, da compassione• _ pura- e semplice,_ _ ~ • e.~ lac terza• __ ~ t;agliano.e cuciscono: i loro"ve'stiti,,'e', che era aldisopradi ogni c6mpa'ssione, }avorano come possono Come falegnami. cosa che non ho mai provato prima - una , consapevolezza che questi uomini e donne'; Fortunatamente i Missioriari della Carita abbondanati, esseri umani, non erano ripul­ non sono soli 0 sole a combattere sivi, ma piuttosto cari amici di lunga data, . 'la lebbra poichi!yi'·sono.quasi tre mili­ fratelli e, sor.elle." oni &i lebbrosi: in, India., . In,certi luoghi la percentuaie.-della gente malata c.c...... - < -" ,-, • -. - '(Con"ti(lua) , ,e ·perflno, 40 su mitle. Iri: Calcutta , ,- ~. • • • •• '.... , " . • , I THE CIMABUE CRucifIX "presented, by 01 ivetti at the ROYAL .ACADEtlY ,Piccadilly, February 12th, - ,4th.·Apdi'1983'::(including'Cood Friday,.and'Easter 'Sunday). ''''~ _.- "..... '" ~ " '" ~ . - -

, The famous~Ciinabue Cruc1fix .from, the Church of Santa Croce in,Florence,,'will be exhi­ : biced at the 'Royal Academy fromil2th February to 4Ch 'Ap.ril.The.;gal'leries will be , kept open',

Cinna di Peppi, called Cimabue (c.1240-c.l302) is considered,by the Florentine tra­ dition to be the first great artist of the Italian school. He is thought to have . been the master of Giotto and his Crucifix in -Santa Croce, probably painted especially for the Church;. 'shows for·,the first::time in medieval depictions fof Christ,. a return to the classical {o'rm of emphasising" physical -beauty as an expression of spirituality. " A work of 'power and beauty, the Crucifix "stands symb?lically, for, perhaps the most , important artistic trans'itionto(,Western civilization·':' 'tliat,h,hween ,medieval art and the Renaissance• • ADMISSION - Adults ,£1, Concessionary Rate and Sunday Mornings SOp; Children of 18 and under and School Parties 2Sp.HOURS - Open l~.OO a.m. until' 6.00 p.m. daily. 23 -~-=- - _ .. '~, ------' ---~ - . 'r--__ ,• .'. • 6 • LindaPalazzo • •

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La Yostra ~isposta ~ I"agenzia italiana . ~-,--, .. MUNDUS AIR TRAVEL LTD., , . VOLI CHARTER E 01 LINEA A p,BEZZI, R!DOTTISSIMI PER TUTTAl:EUROPA ....~ .. l E LE PRINCIPALI CITTA' ITALlANE MUNDUS AIR TRAVEL LTD , . ',. , ,-, ..- ,5 , . ," .,Peter Street London W1V 3RR' 'Tel:01·4372272 . - ~ .. (Vlcino al mercito Berwick Street, Soho),

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Telefonaleci, vi darerno ulteriori inforrnazioni. • # _r,_.~· .-~_

Si pari. ltaliano, Inglose, Fr.nccse e Spagnolo.

__ ••.' z • ,25 -- ,- , ... -=- ...- - ellunesita , -QUELLA GRANDE RICCHEZZA CHE CHIAMIAMO "BE.LLUNESITA! "

. , Dal gi ornale "Bellunesi nel ,Mondo", pendiamo queste parole sulle associazionf bellunesi fuori df Italia che si chiamano con un nome'stupendo : famiglie'bellunesi. , ' ' Quando or sono sedici anni, stendemmo Questa fratemita che circola all' 10 Statuto della nascente AEB e deci­ internp delle nostre "Famiglie", che 'demmo la costituzione di gruppi si riflette dentro le singole case, bellunesi nelle localita di emigrazione; nei cantieri, nelle fabbriche, suil'esempio dei '''Circoli'' trentini, nell'attivita sociale a tutti 'i live1li desiderammo chiamarli "Famiglie e che'si esprime nei modi piu vari, Bellunesi". dalle riunioni conviviali, a11e ini­ ziative folcloristiche; all'assistenza Famiglie. perche? a1 dibattito dei problemi comuni; que­ sta fraternita che attinge alle radici Perche 10 specLfLco.. del.. nostrL- . gruppL'.' iichiamandosi in continuita a1la'comune organizzati in terra di emigrazione,e terra d'origine 'ed a quella terra di,essere··costruttoridi' amicizia' per approda;_. rLstabLlendo. -'. - ' 'legamL'Lnterrottl."'. '. -- .- , - ..

creare una solLdarLeta concreta;, una respirando fiducia in un rapporto nuovo' ' , fraternita che non si misuri solo con le comunita dalle quali ci ~i e, sulle parole, realizzandocosi cia dovuti, un giorno, staccare : questa che diceva Bossuet: "Non si pua fare fraternita operante noi la chiamiamo del bene agli altri se 'non amando1i". "bel1unesita".. .

, A RESIDENCE Borgptaro • , 11 complesso immobiliare "TORRESANA";ubicato nelle adiacenze , del campo sportivo, si sviluppera su di un'area di 12.000 mq. circa. per un totale dl 31 case a schiera distribuite in 6 corpi di fa!,bri~, distanzi!lt!f~a:loro da !lffip! via,Ii; . gJardlm condoIll1mali, parcheggt e gtardull: , privati. Le singole unita immobiliari """",sono state progettate JX?r consentire '" '_ alia propneta una totale _ indipendenza dal resto del ,fabbricato. L'unita si sviluppa , su tre piani per un totale di circa 183 mq. commerciali. 11 grado di finitura e da considerarsi altamente signorile, prevedendo fra I'altro.-Ia Con if Comune termocoibentazione esterna, l'applicazione di ,BorgolarO e stata di pannelli per l'isolamento acustico, stipulala una convenzione l'impianto di riscaldamento con caldaia a gas con cui sono stati ceduti ,,,,t" e con camino-caldaia, serramenti esterni in 3.500 mq di lerreno su fronte . " "",iI" douglaSS con doppi vetri. Laconsegna delle straoa, che san\ attrezzato a giardino 'c;;" abitazioni avverra entro IS mesi dalla data inizio lavori. pubblico, \'accordo prevede anche Prezzo da L. 700.000 al mq. \'installazione di un campo da tennis o di una piscina. UNA VISITA VALE PIU DI OGNI ALTRA PAROLA ...... ------'----'------7"\---- Informazioni e prenotaziorii presso i nostri uffid: I ::iT Via Garibaldi,2 - PARMA -tel. 0521·36752 IJ i1mestiere P.ttaLa Quara- BORGOTARO- teI. 0525·97458 I ':::':::::::- \di promuovere

26 •

.,. , • •

.. . . 'IValft,VC~ ,~ , . . • ,28. TORRINGTON PLACE. LONDON. WCl . ~ .'- - -.- I""t"'\ Registered NO 2428171 A~.... "'-\" ~ -..'.A.-"..'" Telephone 01- 631 4632 631'4549

, , . "

LUGRGnRnO BORGOTRRO, £95·00 £98·00


.. .. , SCHEDULEDAllitalia , CHARTER FLIGHTS from: " , , -. W..tMd, 'Do,of , ..... Reglll., ftUft'lbtr $IlortStly Ro_ Gatwick/Luton To AIR REGULAR' Optfatioft . . . , .' COACH, , :RETURN To MILAN ,""'to) , . Do" ROME £54.00 , £ 95,00 Do'" """10226' £106 £111 , £44.00 £ 79.00 To TURIN r_. 102'703 £106 £111 PISA £46.00' ' £ 83.00 To VENICE " ~.vs... 1022$$ £112 £118 , BOLOGNA £44.00 £ 79.00 ToPISA, • BERGAMO' £44.00 £ 79.00 ~.vs..., ,Al1261 £110 £116 VENICE £49.00 £ 89.00 ~ To ROME (FuirNdftO) Do'" Do'" """An" £113 £119 • TURIN • £44.00 £ 79.00 , 'To GENOA • GENOA £46.00 £ 83.00 o.ttb.. Tut ....n £109' £114 • , • NAPLES - £58.00 £ 99.00 ' " '

,PALERMO • £65.00, ' £104.00 , • . HIGH SEASON:A supplement of £10 for ait'C03ch and £20 for regular return witappt.( to departures during the period 24 March·30 Ape. " '

Registered NO 2428171

, " ~--- ", ..... , . , , " -..;;;--';;..... - f--,--_._..,.., -,--_ ! Have, .'. , you , -~-----:---1-:~~ ----0.. ._...,...__....-I~"::

, .. _. ~ - . THIS MONTH: SOME'LIKE IT HOT: Paramount 'Indian Restauraunt ,216 High Road, London N.22. Te1: 888 6255

, .King's Cross TandooriRestaurant 341 Gray's. Inn Road, London."W.C.1. 'Te1: 278 0506 • '. restaurant and liked the look of it. It It had'been some time since the Anglo seemed to have a particularly attractive Italian Curry Appreciation Society had facade, especially for an area which has had a meeting.' Thus about 12 of us.met become so rundown and seedy, not to mention at.,my flat·and. were then-transported }n-_ thoroughly unappealing.. We, that is. a convoy of cars up the Green Lanes to BACKHILL's Film Critic Ms. Bosco and my -• ,>,"._. . ," . -. . .. . Wood Green,1I1gh Road. and the Paramount 2nd veg. fr1end, lately arr1ved·from Down~ Restaurant. This restaurant had been Un~er, toddled along to the King's Cross' r~commended by a Society member. .(Some Tandoori after an evening at the cinema. ", .- . of 'you will know him; lie's, well known We had.'been to see "The' Return of the . for ,his charade playing andhis"bril,.., Soldier" ;-'wh'i'ch, two out of. the three of l1ant1mpersonat10n".". ' ..of Yasser Arafat, us had thoroughly enjoyed. (If I may teatowel wrapped' around his·-head and digress, do go and·' see this lovely film., . . . .' . '. all!) Anyway, '. the-Paramount'was, exce- f~lmed . ,---'>' '..-' '." , .....- , .It 1S expertly. _. and acted,., true the," lent,. with good. tasty food at reasonable plot is almost non-existent, but that prices. My only complaint was that ,the doesn't seem to matter when everything else food took ages to come. In all fa1rness• • is done so beautifully. I do know that "I presume that this was.. because.our orders, Ms. Bosco does not agree with me. ,She all dozen of them were given in and thought it was a bore. It is up to you served simultaneously. No doubt the gentle reader to make up your own mind). act1v1ty. i '....1n the k1tchen ~as h1ghly.- But back to King's Cross. frenetic in order .to·fill-all.these· , .. ~rders. It just seemed that 'all the ,We had an inauspicious start when 'we took .. ' , . -"'~'". ""-", other d1ners. .got served before our party off our coats; The' smiling waiter then , and, .' '. we sat there ages, talk1ng.' away, and threw·them• ' onto the 'corner• • j of• the• bench knocking back the lagers and getting' , ·seats where we' were seated; This was- such . , . " - " , ' . hungr1er. and hungr1er..' a bizarre act that we all started to snigger as we perused the m~nus. Fortunately, this When the first course did arrive we fell wa~ the only m~nor hiccup of the evening on it like. a-pack of hungry wolves; 'The. e' • • _ 'and from this point on the meal went well. ma1n course was taken at a more sedate The chief waiter was. very helpful; suggest-, . pace with lots of swapping of the' indi- ing 'varipus dishes we might like to try• . " ,.- .. v1dual meat course and the communal vege- , The food arr~ved sp~edily and was quite tilble dishes flying .. merrily up and down 'delicious. It was served with a flourish the table for all to share. and' I felt quite chuffed when I recognised ·a Rogan .Josh and the assistant waiter . The quality and quantity of the food were didn't. My only complaint was that the such that we were far too full up to try food seemed slightly greasier than normal'. a pudding. (And let's be honest Asian This may only be a personal complaint on·a puddings are 'nothing to shout about I)' professional preference of the chef'S, Thus we repaired to my flat for coffee. others may disagree with me. Everyone said they'd really enjoyed the evening, as both the food and company were Despite the oiliness the food was very first class. tasty. Ms. Bosco had Chicken Tikka Marsala: it looked a bright orange,. but Agrifoglio • Now on to the King's Cross Tandoori which said it was super. 2nd veg. friend had is...almost opposite, King's -..Cross Station. Sag Aloo, a mixture of spinach and potato. I had driven'by this recently-opened' She 'said' it was 'nice, but a·oitover-pureed. 28 cont... . .~'-

", -, , HAVE YOU BEEN'THERE? (continued) drinks. Good value in these hard pressed , . .,. , times. So if you, like a-good curry try She wouTdn' t oi-d,er it again. i had the either of these establishments, you~lL'have • Rogan Josh : tasty, 'but a 'lIttle'g'reasy as an ,enjoyable meal. mentioned before. ' , , ..'.-. P.S. They both do Take Away! , , Altogether with a very 'filling starter and LA SIGNORINA main course the bill came to £6 'head with ., ., ., a ... • , • . , .,

, ' '.',Cinerna • • • .~ ..', .' . '. • ~ ~ . .' ., - '. e. _. "Want to come 'for curry?" ,La Signo'riOli ping as my,sister'trying'to de~ide what 1"·-··-,·-.. a.·.,. .f'.,.'..•.. ' j, asked. 'Well, having replaced by eyes to dress 'she,'~S:~g,?ing to ,we'ar anf'~s rele­ the1rsockets,, .••. ' ....my 1nst1nct1ve· •• ~" •• t Ita11an.~ vant to me as Freud's conclusions on .. ,., ··.t...· .,' - -.,' . ,.,-. '1 .. . ' Shrcwdenss 'told' me 'that the're 'must 'be, the psychological aspect of nursery toys ~ , ,. , "" ,~~.- _. ".',. '.' .... ., a catch. Not one as it 'urned out, but in,a suburban household. • '. . ,:. ., '. ~ ,-;' '-!,...'- ., .,.,' .. two. Not only was I to sponsor my par- '0 ticipation in the proceedings, but what Unlike my companion I do not have the seemed 'everimore tiribearable~ I-had"to' world's most romantic or emotional hea~t forego an assult o,Fmy clnematic,'tole­ and there, no doubt" IJ~s· the:,jel!.¥on: why, rance by "The Return of the Soldier" (PG). I had all my, tissues 'i"itised';at 'th'e,'en'd': . It was'at this'poiritthat'Ri~hardEvans of the film. But '~~'s amazing what the . .. .- (of SportlIght fame)chlckened oi.t. mea~' c~n,make m~ '. '"."', . ·~,··v.,· ., '.-J>. i:lioughtof"a s#: Rowev~r, Mamma'Bosco would'have'been' th'rough. Talldng 'of 'food you,'ll' be proud of'me- if'she could' see how I'well plea~edto he'at' "that 'the ''curry was 'aiso and trUly suffered ~or;my stoo.'ach '" '~nd' all I had anticipated it would be. if that 'rsn'tltaliim, I'doxi't'know . " - ~_. . , what ,1S!' Whilst we're of the sub'ject, I"haveh.ad ~~~., . ~ ,.;. . ,the opp.ortunitY pf briefly I;:eadi~g 9v;.er Rave Y'ouevet been i>rejudiced'agai~si:a die Oscar 'nominations, the results, ,of film' yet 'haye gone to th'e ciiiema ~ith an which \iil1 :ii',,' re;'ear~d on'llth April. open inind and' b'cEm 'pleasani:1y -surprisei!? vie;'~' uni:i1~ext~ ni~nth, " . ~, - ... ., .-. twill. leave my You have? 'So have I~l"have,also seen except to say '(and here 'lies the .con­ a film iirid'been linpiea'santly'proved abo~e). - - . . . riection with the 'paragraph ttiat right'; Gal)dh,i pas,de,fe1"!cdW,been, nomina.t~d for i muliitide,of categories ~ eat your . ~J .-• ~' ' ...:. f " .l.' I expeCted a typical' Ken Russei style heart out ~.T.(if youJlave one)!, -: film and that r,s what I got. ' Adapted The only ,conmieI)t I willmake,i,~ t.h,at from a Rebecca West' story, directed'by if Sir Richara, Mr. :Kings~eyind' Co. Alan Bridges~ the film concerns a'sol­ are not'su~cessfui I'll never eat . ..' - . ,~''-', .... . -' , dier - Alan' Bates, (whose, character another 'hamburger again. resemble-d'a, squashedlump"M, army , , "'. ..' .' rations), suffering from shell' shock, 'BUON APPETITO" , has'retu'rned home remembering"only his' love 'of'years 'before;;' Gl'enda 'Jackson. . ..' . . _. . AGRIFOGLIO BOSeO This excludes any feelings 'towards the ~" ,'..... , other two women of his life: his wife,-' Julie Christie and his cousin - Ann P.5. If you arc an 'ul)fortunate" like 'Margaret. In the end the's,oldier-has me'.and'were'. • born'.' ~ at ,the .!'wrong >',~, -. f • < , to be'made to remember the' painful, truth end of the decade with' an older • " • 'W" ~ ., ...... , •• about his: living wife' 'and dead infant brother or sister whose vocal . -, . . .' . " son. deliveries are as long as an Itallan.. '. " talking~ .; abouth' poll••tiCS Apart 'from ,the' somewhat draw' out pl'ot or' are'film"btiff' who'has nothing I have few complaints about the presen­ to do',',on Monday'...'evenings. 1 may tation o'f thefilin. The acting' was. of, have an answer'. a high standard' and, ,the setting (i!l' t,h'e . ~.- . sense cif both 'time and place): was of' a Try plugging an ea;- into the highe'r one still. 'The- only. disappoin­ Mondily Movie 'QUiz on'Radio 2 , . . ~. ,., ting" 'aspect, was' that it lived up to. my at lO~OOp'.m, ~~d get yo~r half expectations 'and was al1' I dreaded it ho~r worth while you,can! would, be. ,The,• ,pace wa's,about 'as' gnp-• , ., ' "'~,.' . , .. ... " " ' . • . .

'0' 29

--',,: , ,-'-- "" ..--. - ...... dingly, the new record"is immediately J neglected in favour of the ,lastest'!sound" -0' emanating from the tranny (or, ,in the wake of microelectronics, "chippy"?). J . , Sounds awful, doesn't it? Not me, eh? I can see a few smugI',faces ,starLng•' at thLs• article who think'they.are not influenced . " -' . ~ ',' by this set.,.up when in fact they are. The real pro~l~m {or beauty, ,depending,ori your viewp?int):i.s tha,t this worKs sub"'con­ , , scio.uslY'. A great's(mg, 's'ometimes 3lso ~". -~ - -.-.">' ., ~ .,...... ~, . .- - ~, ~-_.~ -~- referred to as a "classic", is one which . ,. ..,', ,-' ", " truly, stands the test of tLme. and .'LS not one , which...creeps, ,,

, and ,dance ,around }'Cou untLl {usually after . '.', " . the fighhearing»)OU ~t ~ and take notice.

USIC, ' ' The whole process is, little like fattE;nLng~ . "'. up a, turkey at Christmas •. '-"-- .. ,." Scene·, Begi~Iling t:ob~ conviri7~d1 The wor.st. ~s yet No records this mo~t~ - just some thpught,s to' come. ,'As some ,of ,you, may' know, 'from the (oh on, I ca~,hear you cry - not another beginning of this ,year' the G~llUp organisa­ tion (who specialise in opinion polls) took gripe!) on the~ {in)accuracy of,~, the national _ .. •, - " _ • c, record charts. over the British Market Research Bureau's . , ,,"," , .. .. ,., -. " ~ " ' job of compiling, the charts •• , ,and they '" .. _ -...... - , ~'_J There, are certain ,influences at.work all have ,been taking some stick ever sin~e, the .time designea ',~o con' 'the ,unsuspe<;'ting The main complaint is that it is far'too pUb~~f into ~heep 'likeb,eh~yiour '(fol~owing easy ,t,,',"pype" a record into the char'ts,. a shepherd, I mean; :not jtimpin'g' ove'i: "Hyping" is the' technique. used by. 'some fences)'.. ., .'A new~" record'.<. will.- .- 'either" '.get'air'- re~oi:~;companies to~~push'c~rtain ~ecords . . -- . - play on 'na:tiohal riidio';' ud.Usingthe pro­ Lnto .the.~harts•.a~be;t iIlto the l"wer. paganda device "teli'ii lie often enough and part, eith.er by, actually., sending, out teams - . ,. " '- -- . it willbecomeaci:epte'd ast'ne truth":':: " of people to buy the records in'thos~ p~r'- or it wo'n 't. ,If it; doesgetaii:playtlie~ ticulaf record stores which contribute -- ' '-' '. it starts its devious 'traiL towards the sta~L~tLcs.. . " . .'~, . , , .-' the ',or by'sele,ctLve p.FomotLon upper reaches of the charts. It"will al'" cer~~in:records co~ceptrating'oIl' ., ~.' , . ~ . -- , " .- -~. of most, cert~inly get played, early in the thos~ exampl~"o.f ~. shops. One, .the li:ltter morning as, ,> hundreds••••,of 'thousands , of .-people• ~ -.... _. ..' ., took. place last year !l.nd i,nvolved a ..pro­ are getting up and it 'will naggingly come motion offering a fr~e copy of the Elvi~' to mind every time they want to, hum'" tune. Costello album "Get Happy" to a.nyo.Ile who The SUbversive influences do not st;op here. bought the single'''Froll) Head:T" Toe" in , one of:a listof noni~Ilat:ed shops. ~at ,t,ook For instance" take "Top"of, the Pops'" (in.,. place, last year ,when ,the,charts,w:ere deed, I wLsh• someone'would)._ ,. • $: r ~>'A new record_ compiled, by the British, Market Reseach -~ ... '.-~ . -,-' will only'get onto the programme if is in Bureau. the charts or if it is heading for the . " charts. Once over this consiaerable More recen~ly, af~er Gallup, took pv~r from hurdle""a.record gains cotintry':'wide expo­ BMRB, ,C.B.S: adv~rtised deals for pur­ sure t~ereby even flushing out and'~esme­ chaserso.f'singles·by ~en At, Work. and, the rising thosel~~t few radio-s,hunnin'g re­ Stranglers offering cheap picture dis~s ,cluses. To compound the attraction of through 100 nominated shops. Most of them - '.', -:,. '. -,' records broadcast o~ Top ~f the Pops, were on. the Gallup chart return list.

many are ,broadcast with lavish video as a , backdrop. Th'ittway, when you hear' the, song • 'Gallup says that it can pick up-hyping on the radio for the fourth time in as becau~e its computer. (which is link~dby

many days you will instantly think of the direct line to, all the chart return' shops) . - . . "- , " Lmages and , ••• das~ out and buy the can.detect sharp record sales ~ncreases reco~d. Nat~rally enough, as s~ori as you and warn" the ,human operators to inv~sti­ get home, the riovelty isbegirining to gate the matter 'and' take action to make wear off and if'you are stili, by this the ,necessary adjustments ·if, appropriate. stage"strong:-willed enough to actually. They a~so say that th~,cpart is compiled put'vinyl to,plattE;r 'it is inevitably,a from"a sample"of 'some, .250 shops ,(out of -- , ',. -'.. .~. . disappointment: wot, -no pictures? 'Accor':' approximately 5000 nationwide), ,and' that • 30 '- , " , , , , cont..•. .MUSIC SCENE (continued) derably.more importa~t for the record compa­ . , , ny. in all other fields of endeavour 100 would • be considered sufficient. It is difficult 'What/is the.inoral' to.be drawn? }Iy vieW' (and to criticise Gallup at such 'an early it a long'held one, I might add) is that we stage (although, as'1 said, they,have been should take the, charts with-a'pinch of salt, taking a lot of stick) but there mllsthave indeed'it is. an. unfortunate defec~ of ' the been a few red' faces at Gallup when it national -charts. that they are'no ~ore,a was revealed that'Dobie Gray's single gauge of the. popular1ty,of• certa1n• songs "Out On The Floor" appeared"In the eharts and'records than the .price, of. say. eggs' a couple of weeKs at both 104 and 1911!! or. petrol is a,gauge of the'nationwide 'rate

• of inflation. ,Long live independent opinion.. The record .was apparently sold as. a 7" and • 12" but the. computer~ ,'.fililed .to"'.-pick ,1t up. Its true position would' have been 89'- consi- LUDI.STRAMBELLA,

. -

QUEEN SQUARE, . , ' LoNDON, WCIN3AN THE I:fAtIAN HospiTAL . . -. . Telephone: 01-831 6%1 (Slines) - . ,,- ' .. " OUTPATIENTS• PHYSIOTHERAPY AND,X-RAY'DEPARTI1ENT " . "-. . -- - -, "

, Monday Cardiologist Consultant Physician* Opthalmic Surgeon* - " -. , · ...... - ."''' ... " Tuesday ,Corisultarit,Phys1c1an IMPORTANT-, . E.N.T~ Surgeon./" .-' * Rhelllnatologist Patients only accepted by appointment For further information ring ~ister- WEldnesday Gynaecologist, Outpat1erits,

, Friday Orthopae4ic'~urgeon * Attends ,alternate weeks '., ..' - . ** Attends once, ,a month , , ' Saturday Paed1atr1C;1ano ••

• FISIOTERAPIA E RAGGI-X AMBULATORIO. , •• • Lunedi Cardio!ogia , Lunedi al Venerdi Medicina ,ilnte,rna* Oculista* Solo. con appun~amento - Martedi Medicina Interna, IMPORTANTE Orecchie-Naso-Gola* .Reumatologia Pazienti vengono accettati solo 'su •

,. · - - richiesta di appuntamento. Mercoledi Ginecolog1a. Per ulteriori informazioni rivolgersi , " ~ '. .. Giovedi Dermatologia all'Anibulatono. Chirurgia'Generale > " .Psicoterapia**

Venerdi Ortopedia *'Visite settimane alternate , . o 0' **, Visite una volta al'mese Sabato Ped1atr1a

> ' , . . ' ' . ' .. ' •• , 31 -- , - • - ,,;;, "'-, " .'''F_ "'- • 'e_ . , ,SPORTLIGHT, . Richard Evans, writes.... Picture' the scene~ It is' Cup" Final ,Day, managing George Feeney's excellent per~ in' May. 100;000 people are packed into form~nce ag~in~t World' Champion 'Ray Wembley, Stadium. The ,score is level when "Boom Boom" Mancini. Although Feliney suddenly the centre-forward is sent tum­ l~st this:non7Title'fight, 'by all ac~ounts bling in the area'by a ,cumbersome, tackle it was, his, performance which ,warmed the from;the'opposing, centr~-half ,- penalty! locals' hearts.' Indeed it was to be a 'Up steps the Captain to take ,the vital, week, of outstanding , ending up , .• ~ '&. .• match-winning kick. But wait, the with Magler's' convincing victory over television producer isn't ready -'the Britain's'Tony Sibson. commercial break hasn't finished and so .. '. ...- , . the game can't restart. Ludicrous, did If "Marvellous Marvin" is one of today's I hear you say? It could never happen great champions, there can be no doubt ~here! ,But it ,certainly, has in America ~ that 'Rocky MarCiario" was one of"the great"'" '(where else?) What's more they have ~~'<""'.~ est of all time (albeit at a different managed to make"an hour game last for ,3! weight),. A film dedicated to ,his Life and+,~ T1meswas-.' .... ,...the-".'second-half feature~- of By now, ,you will all know ,I am talking . . . . .' - the evening's film~. We saw his home, about the 17th'Superbowl Grid-Iron Final brothers and-sisters and learned of his between Was~ing~pn R~dskin~, and,M.iami ~ ~." habit~, . " . '., -. . .. , , -'.'. " eccentric monetary including Dolph1nes shown11ve 'th1s'year on Br1t1sh burying cash in his garden. television for the first time. , I managed to''-watch ,H:'unt'il"midnigntby which time,the numerous interruptions , for advertisements and the, prospect ,of work next 'day, drove me to bed. However the video recorder was set and now, two weeks 'later'; I 'nave: seen: the' whole' ' ' match. I' fi'rmly °b-erieve it: i"i a game best, enjoyed in smaH~·doses'.,The·per­ On the fighting' 'front 'there ,was full sistent permutations of 49 players each coverage of his ,two Title fights with , . . . s1de between the offence and defence Jersey Joe Waicott. ,Ten years iri:age squads, the Encylopaedia thick book of separated the two'men and Marciano had plays which each quarter-back has to fought no' less that, 80 rounds in training learn are hardly conducive to a long compared to the Champion's 30. It was ' ~, . .. -, flowing game. Nonetheless' it was'erijoy~ Jersey Joe·,though,who,started' with a able with the Redskins'gaining a 27-'17 flourish and had the challenger on his victory, defeating all the Channel 4 knees in the first -round. But Rocky's pundits. dedication and determination finally won through. Indeed it was astonishing to At, present there are 'plans- to' reply,·the, see his non-stop, windmilr~like'action. , clash at eitner Wembley or Twickenham Never. going backwards he hammered'.h1s (or both) 'in July. If it .comes"off, ,the' opponents into 'submission, not always ." . " feature will have an undoubted curiosity with the'most orthodox of blows. The value - but a word of caution'-' Whatever brave Don Cockell:wasl'featured (see happens with commercial sponsorship, BACKHILL Historic Moments in Sport ­ beware 'of its slow throttling grip 'in' April 1978~ issue), along with MarCi'ano' s .' ". . case 1t. dra1ns the very l1feblood. from retirement'·speech. 'He 'said he had learned sport as it ha~ done ,in theU.S.A. • from , that champions don't come back (before Ali, that is). He remains .. _.'.. "." W1th, l1ttle to say about football as the only unbeaten 'HeavyWeight Champion. Liverpoo~ ~re,~5 :points ,clear in the, , .. ',~ ',. , ' ~-,'" , League and cr1cket_. having had more than For me, the evening-had one very poignant 1tS. fa1r. share of coverage 1n- "the: past,'. moment~ We ,began ~ith Joe Louis' second few months, let us turn our attention to Title defence against plucky Nathan Mann. boxing. It was the Brown Bomber at h1s• very peak;,• with the slow motion camera,demonstrating On February 10th I attended at Casa San the power and sp~ed of his punching. By' Vicenzo Pallotti, for""".'an even1ng of box1ng". 1951 he should have been enjoying a lux­ nostalgia organised by Dennie Mancini. urious retirement, but instead he needed ~..,-"-'.'"" ".~ ,,,.., .. Earlier iri the wee~ he had been in Italy the money and was unceremoniously la1d 32 SPORttIGHT'(c'ontlnue(l)' ~Remembering' his 'fight"against"Larry. ·Ho1mes,_._- ~there betw~en . are certain similarities the out across the ropes, by -. - ' .. careers o£Louis arid A1i. It 'is a'great an up-and-coming. > , - ',0.':' • • JO- __ '~ • __ Marciano. . pity tbeyhad one fight too.many. - _-,.__~ _ •• • 7 r .. . We aisoi saw Aii ,winning ,his, Tide.back That is a'mistake Marciano.never made' and from George Foreman. We now read A1i is why he :wi11. ·i.!w~Ys, be.remembe.red :as hirilse1f thinks he maY'have~brain damage. nothing other'than .gr~at Champi,ori•. ~~ ,--~ ,,'.Very • .-. < . - . - . ---,";;;.'-":::'".;...... ;.--'''....::,..-'=------'.:...""""","..;:'-..:;'...;;..'-,--"-,..,.,.-'-;:....;..---'::--- -- .~ . ,. --,,' . "....' "~". - - ." ,,,...... , ." ~ "' Anglo.. lti:1liarl' "' . Faotball' Le'sgLlE;! . '. .

, DIVISION:J' .ffnci 6/2/.1983 ....

I· Punt Gioc Vin Pers Par Fat Sub Linea Italica'" . CLUB Pnts P1yd .Won Lost Drwn For Agst Sportsmanship

.. 6 1. 2 30. 14 5.91 · 14 9 -~. ~ .-. , '. - ... - , , ·, , • - ,. .. , A:C; NAPOLI' .. ; '11 7 I 5; r 1 .' 22" 14 6.50

~ .~".", ~ , I ': " ".< 1 >... . •• -r ": .. ", ARTIZAN 10 8 . 4" 3 2 .. 29' 27 7.72 •• • .. _. .. , • - - y ...... ITALIA WASTEELS. 5 '~~,,~'. 6 1 2 3 8 11 8.63 '. C .... I.,,' " ' ,. .. .. -. . .. • • " ..SALVO CFS ·:.5 7 I 2 . 4- 1 . 12: 23 , 7.70

~""'~'-' , . " . ' .•,-,. '-T,',',,'" • • .. . . ITALIAN SPORTING 3 7 • l' 5 '1 'j if 19 7.36 ...... GARIBALDINI .. .2 1 ., 18 7.28 ,', ,,~-~. 5 . - , 0 .' 12. , .. ., DIVISION 2 '1 . """ - ". , -'Punt Gioc 'Vin' Pers =Par' \ Fat, Sub Linea ltalica I CLUB • · Pnts P1yd 'Wonl Lost ,Drwn For Agst ,Sportsmanship '. , - ..... , IV .,Je, .. I • > 1 -·~·····"I." ., COM, IT. WOKING' , '15 9 7 ,1 1 34 14 7.44 , , • , • •• • l'" .'!" ·" , . , . , PILGRIM AIR 14 8 7 1 o 31 12 7.33 -.'~Jd'·' • • • • • FRECCIA AZZURRI 11 8 5 2 1 24 16 7.50 ... ,. J...... ' .' ;, ST~PETERS Y.C. 7 7 3 3 1 22 .11 8:66 , .-.. '" " " . ' '-~ '-'. ~. " , -~_ ..... ,,,:,, -(--- •• ,1.- . _. • ... C.I.L.S.E. 7 9 3 5 · l' ..1~. ,25 8.85 , , • • '. , , • • ,, • • • A.F.I.N.·S. 6· 9 : 3 ,6 15, '22 • • " o • •_, \,.• ...'l""'"-;-'-,--...",.---"1~, _, . CALABRITTO' • 0 ;10 '. 0 10 i '0 ';12' ·57 7.50 I- "--__..L-'-._J..:.:....-.l:-..,-.L...... ;.'--I.-.,...,.:;J.---"~""';'...,.. L:.l ...:.....,.-__---' ' , ,. ~ , .. - ,~. '... ~ ,. • . . ., " 30.1.83 DIVISION ,1' Artizan, 4\ Ita1ia Wastee1s1• Carneva1e4' ,A.<;,' Napoli • ·1 -Gariba1dini'5 ~talian,SportiI!g Club 2i Pilgrim Air 6, (Friendly) s.S. Wi11esden. 1.. , , -. ' • 6.2.83 DIVISION 1 Artizan2, Carneva1e 2, A.C. Napo1i 5 Italian Sport~ng'C1ub 2' , DIVISION 2 Com. Ita1iana.Woking, 3·· , -I , (A1i other games were' postpo'ned' as grounds were·,iiaterlogged) 33 ... ,_ -- ,-. -_.0;-__ ,--.-'-- • ------_.. _------_._--- .. ------,; • j ,_-1.. _\__ . (' .»1, __ i ~ ...J -. .:...;,. .1..",_..; \ ~£~. ~" '~' -~: :;.,..:·:;i 04'. _. ' I . -1- ,. '­ ,

• .. ~ , ~-. ~-...::er .l'''i.:. -r-

~'. 'Page , , --... \~"!If'"- - .


, , L S E: OH' p, 'A X AS G 'ACCORDIAN' 'LUTE • • . , . , . J,D H X M X M C 0 CS U BAGPIPES• • OBOE' " " • ... ~ - . R A U G T C. A I BANJO NL• IB ORGAN.. ·, E R 'X B 'G -E' 'N, '0 -0· ,B­ T .CELLO· PIANO 'V • .. • I , • C D D P I A N o E RA A CLARINET RECORDER ~ ... -'- "--. '- - .. , " o E E· D SV R MN DN R ,CORNET SAXAPHONE , " .. • .. .- R V L M 'R 0 I J L CYMBAL TROMBONE • HI O. • D E T L· G 0 C 'A·B o 0 N DRUM . TUBA • -- , c E J T B o L G 'H M NM I FLUTE UKULELE.. R T E U SA X B '0 V .y L GUITAR VIOLA , • • J .U K U, L .E L ·E R RX o ".HARMONICA. VIOLIN, , • - H B A G PI p' ,E T P D· I HARP ..' -- L A B M YC V YR UM V HARPSICHORD • -. , • G F M- G N A 1. C HORN TE, IR • • .. o R G R, o H H .M S .F KETTLEDRUM, CHE cosA SCOPRIRETE? . QUIZ FOR -FUN·

, 1. Which is',London I S smallest park? .2 _ What. " are'.'1nC1sors?. • '3 • What colour is emerald? 4. What• isa deluge1 5. What 'is Big 'Ben? 6. What type of a fruit is a Royal • Sovereign?' A.:uaql'ltiJ::lS "9 ·ANSWERS : llaq V'S poold'~ ua'>.1D •f: q:laaJ, ',Z I sawe.r ':IS 'I

Annerite soltanto gli spazi scga~ti con il puntino. 34 Parole- . . , Incraciate", .. , ,-

. 6 , 7 " 8 -:::'.-~ , 5 -~.~-- 1 2 3 ~ ., ~ - • ~=:i . .., • , , • • 13 . • , , , 14 . , , 15 . ,


, • , ~.-, ' ' .. , 18' , 19 , ,

• • • , ., , I' , , , · , 25 , • , ••


3L' , , . ~ - . . -, .. .. , • , , 39. , ,

, • • ::-+'--+-'--1' • 41· " 3 "

• --~ 44 , , , , ,, • • , , • , -' ,- . . .'''' 47 50 , .., , , , " .. ., •

, ~. . ,


~. Un ponte su11a.~a11ata 1. Stradetta 9., ,Futile 2. Respirare

13. Di sotto 3 •. Commessa·infede~ - '- 15. Per fare'l'espresso' 4. ,Mtltazioni . ,16. ~n cimdimento, " 5. Ne;passano 24 ogni. giorno 1,7. Rieti, 6. Giganteseo 18. Pirata di terra, ferma' 7. Un~ quantita.imprecisata 20. Soffocanti 8., Un:punto,a s~opa 9. Aeeerta I 23 •.Adesso. .. , . 2~: ~. ricoy~ri,per ,le,greggi 1O.,'As~oci"'zio,ne Naziona1e A1pini, 25. ADni de11a vita ' 11. -National Theatre, ~ ~ ". ",~' , - , ?6. Aggr~var~, gi peso 12.•".Jumbo, 707, Cavare11e eec., ,29 .L'a1fabeto 14. Stupendo 3°. ,Condimento aromatico 19. In fondo alla ,eanoa

31. Royaf 'Marines cO 21. 'Persone. dal1'Amsterdam . ,,,,, .... • • 33. Preposiziorie 22. 11 Santo de11'Inter e del Mi'lan 34 •.-- 33 artico1ata,.,""'. H' 24. ,Est 36~Fiume-dell'Africa 27. 'Il fiume ,di Firenze 38:' G1i, .iiberi c'ome i ,pini 28.,' Ferri del mest,ie,re ~egisi:ro 40,. ,', 32 •.Gioea.a110. - -.Stadio,... San 22 42: Torino 35. Sueeessione di eose 43. Cava1iere ing1ese 37. TogUe I 44. Saggio, .prudente 38. Como I 45. Abiti .. ' . 39. L:l .... Hayworth , .>,~.- ... , Istit:~t~ \ 47,. 1.' ,che a'ssieura (sig1a), 41. Ins•ieme 'a 48. 33 .,. ,art.ico1ata '(p1ura1e) 45. A,Voi 49. Pareggio s'enza red ' 46. A'!> da in inglese 50 .. ,Ne1 caf{c e ne1 1atte

• __ .,.--0 ~- ,- .~- - -. . -.- > • ---<£--- • '" ------.-

BOLLET'TINe. • ",.. L ." " • ASSOCIAZlbNE' SANMICHELE VALCHERO Una,nutrita:seri~ di opere pubbliche­ altro passo avanti asfaltando la strada, stradali, cimiteriali'" ,sportive. e, ri.,. in, modo, che possa yeramente diventare, . . - -- . . ,creative - sono in corso di attuazione per ~l transito Ca~ali-Pedina, una valida di imminente realizzazione iri'comune alternativa alIa piu lunga e, scomoda o . . , di Morfasso,ad opera,dell'amministra­ P'roviilCiale. zione guidata dal ~indaco Giulio Molina. f 'Comunqueuno, alIa· volta; 'l',amministrazione Anzitutto, la sistemazione e l'asfalta.,. cOIDunale sta'attuando i punti piu im­ , . ' tura della st;rada~he colleg" .1.a. PJ;9­ portant.i·'del programma :c_he..si era vinciale in ~ocalita Ca' Ciancia con la. dato all'inizio del suo mandato. In , . di.programma~ consortile del Collarino in localita Ca' fatt!" si dara'corso , Zoriani~ intere~sato quanto prima-a una;serie di~ppalti r1.- 110,.tratto ~,e.ai ia- ,, vori di ammodernamento e di un.chilo- guardant~ lavori d~ ampliamento dei Cl.ml.- . ' . ... .' metro·e 600 :metri : ,un breve tiatto, se .ter~,del;capoluogo~e.d~Mon~stero ,• .. "c. ~ vogliamo; ma di grande importanza per (entrambi per,una spesadi 30 milioni). - ~ -- . la viabilitA locale. Infatti rinisce la ~- parte ••alta qeL.comune,• -< - >. ,'. '. '.e specificat"mente'--'"" _ ..... - • , • .., '. .-_.- i Immiriente ~ ,pure la·costruzione del campo tutte le frazioni sulla sponda sinistra sporcivo;(66 ~ilioni) che sorgera a del Lubiana-'Arda ;con la' strada:;dLfondo- .Morfasso·,in' ,zona ·Lazzaretto. I lavori ~ ;.-.. ~ -. .... " . valle. Con ,tale:coll~gamento, non solo saiarino dati in appalt~ non appena verranno il tragitto ;verra reso ,piiLco'nfortevole,> .perfezionatele,pratiche dilesproprio, a ma anche veira notevolmente ridottoiil , cui 't'amministrazione ({ stata costretta, , ,. l' ~ percorso verso 'Lugagnano e. la bassa _s.~o .in.a}gr~~(), ,a. :~<:g;t;~_r~ p~r sbloccare Valdarda. '-'," '.. la situaz1.one: • • , • Oltretutto, ;con· quest!oper'il-(c.h',e'-verra· In' arrivo"anche il:, campeggio a San Michele a costare 80. mil~oni e chee stfita ';ppal':' '(70'milioni) e campi da"tenriis e da bocce tata all' impresa.'Cis. .di.."..San. Nic·olo);. • .n'el' capoiuqgo,'.(90.iniliopi).i:le due sara completato e chiuso .1'aneUo asfa- , opere sono gia finanziate e ti rispettivi . . . , '. ~ .. . • ltato che costituisce'i~ quotidlano ~ti­ appalti dovrebbero,essere prOSS1.m1.. S1. nerario del p'ulliilino comunal" acldetto"ar ~-'in' attesa' del per'fezfonamento degli trasporto scolastico. 11 ,progettq e atti relativi alle varianti ~pp'or~ate al stato ,redatto dal tecn1.CO• ,comunale'geom.;: ;>, ,~" piano di, fabbricazione" variiinti'; viene Umberto Vigliante. rilevato, rese necessarie per :l'indivi­ " duazione delle 'aree' destinate', a taU ... •••• :0>.'",'.,. Ma non saranno solo gli abitantVdi 1.nsed1.ament1. r1.creat1.VL e,' sport1.V1.., queste zone a disporre 'dv1una,nuova e' piu vantaggiosa'situazione,.. 'stradale. . Ma c'e dell"alt'ro aneera. La, frazione di ~avori beriefi:ciared~l Infatti, sempre ·in·tema'di, viari, Casali, oltre a nuovo f~abreve si avra un nuovo·co~legamento collegamento con Pedina, usufruira anche '" , '., . fra CasaU e' ,1'abitato dil Pedina;:Si' dell'asfalbitura'del tratto di strada tratta di un'opera gia in fase di 'avari­ che l'at~raversa. Quest'oper~ •. zata realizzazione : una strada,comple­ (del costo di 50 milioni) ;va attribuita tamente"'-nuova;;scilo ,tr'e chilometii che all'Ammini'sti'zione ;provinCi:ale; lIi'quale pero saranno in grado in fare ,risparmi~ ha pure stanziato ~ii sorinna d:C200'inilioni are un giro' di ~5 tortuesie disagevoi~ per la sistemazione del"'tXo~C9'di, provin­ , chilometri. . ciale che collega il porite suI 'Lubiana con • Ca' Ciancia•. 'Sugli'interveiii:i" e:,he la ",.. . . Di questa strada 600.metri,'sono·,stati Provinc1.a. ha da tempo. '1n programma 1.n. aperti 10' scorso anrio; un' chilometro·e comune di Morfasso per i lavori di risana- 200 metri sono in corso di costruzione mento e ammodernamento,4" della,.,Valdarda," al momento (entranibi i lotti:'pro'gettati c'era stato l'agosto'scorso un'incontro dall'ufficio tecnice comunale), inenere' tra amministratori delta Provincia'(tra la restante parte era- stata. 'fatta--iri cui l'assessore Alberici} e del c~mune precendenza. • di Morfasso. Per ora la strada resta bianca. 'Dopo Tali interventi(affidati all'a ditta questo impegnativo sforzo 'del, Comune di Valdain di Lugagnano) renderanrioi 'due aprire un nuovo tracciato, inconirahdo tratti'piti comodamente percorribili e e superando non poche difficolta, gl~ . il traffico stradat~ pi~.scorrevole. utenti si auguranci che in' futuro l'amrni­ nistrazione faccia un altro sforzo e un (U.F.) 36 ' - ~- ....-- .... --

bruno" medici Photographer 47a Wrd'lester Screet. LQ dol. SWI TtI: 01-834 4S01


The Italian Church Trav~tAgency

, ' •

iulon S"," Weddo cs .-. ".'" , . ~ 136 CLERKEihl'ELL RO,\\) ~ and Olid-tn ~ n)Ox hOme LONDON ECI: ~ ~e h.1i.a~'- , hrtieS:- TEL. 01·278 1399 sdeaicYo'c/. BeadJ 01·8371528 ...,tw.= nln1he<. Suede w Woc"f JvWjaJy Hard f.w.ed

Per ricordare i 'I051J{/lIOn teIlti p«J fe6d ~ .Jo S:u&o !"k&o• .. .. .



, . PRIVATE' CHAPEL OF REST .. Head Office: ,also at: 45 Lambs Conduit St.,WC1 41 Monmouth St.,WC2 Tel:405 4901 14 Watford Way,NW4

405 2094 .. 166,Caledonian Rd.,N1 • .. 37 - ,- - .. . . .' -.. ,~f-. £_r_. .. .. , .. Ricetta Recipe

SPAGHETTI PER 'VENERDI , SANTO SPAGHETTI FOR GOOD FRIDAY Ingredienti Ingredients' , , 7 cucchiai olio,d'oliva 7 tablespoons olive oil ~nospicchio d'aglio tritato 1 clove of g~rli~'sLiced 1 peperone rosso tagliato 1 red pepper .sliced 100 gr. acciughe tritate . 4 oz. tin anchoyies finely chopped 100 gr. olive nere tagliate 4 oz. black oliv~s chopped • 1 cucchiaio caperi 1 ,tablespoon capers . 400 gr. pelac1 secacciati 14 oz tin peeled tomatoes sieved 2 cucchiai conserva 2 tablespoons. tomato puree ~ chi~o spaghetti llb spaghetti Metodo f.1ethod Fate sofriggere l'aglio,ed il peperone Fry the garlic and pepper in the. oil nell'olio per circa 5 min. Unitevi le for about 5'· inins. ·Add· 'the anchovies acciughe e ';spappolatele.bene con una .and continue cooking, stirring until forchetta. Aggiungete 1 pomodori, le 'well. blended. Add the tomatoes, .olive,i .caperi e la· conserva. ·Mesco­ • .olives, capers· and tomato puree and late bene la salsa e lasciatela cucinare cook. .. over a low heat for about 25 lentamente per circa 25 min. Nel frat- mins. Cook the spaghett;' in ~ tempo cuc1nate.g11.' .' spaghett1> , ••1n acqua 'salted boiling water. ·Drain. non troppo salata. .Scolateli. Mettete Place in serving aish and pour sauce . ,. suI piatto di portata e conditela con ,over top and serve. la salsa.

AGNELLO,I'ER 'PASQUA LAMB FOR·EASTER Ingredienti Ingredients .. -, 1 chilo agnello tagliato dadi 2lbs~ lamb cut into cubes a ~ _ ,".- _. _. .~ ~J 1 peperone tagliato a fettirie 1 pepper s11ced 1 cucchiaio rosmarino tritato 1 tablespoon chopped rosemary 2 spicchi aglio tritato . 2 cloves, of garlic finely cut 5 cucchiai olio 5 tablespoons oil ,300 rol. brodo !pint stock sale/pepe salt/pepper .. , 100 gr. pecorino Q'parmigiano ·4oz. pecorino OR parmesan cheese

3 uova sbattute, 3, ~ggs beaten Metodo 'Method • • Mettete l'olio in una casseru61a e fate Fry the ,garlic, meat, rosemary and friggere l'aglio, la carne, il rosmarino pepper in the oil in a casserole ed. il peperone finche la carne non sara until the meat is evenly browned. ben dorata. Aggiungete il brodo, sale Add the stock, salt and pepper. e pepe. Coprite con'carta argentata e Cover w1th silver foil and place in mettetela nel fornoNo. 4 per circa un oven·No. 4 for about an hour until the ora finche la carne sara cotta. .Amal~ meat is cooked. Mix the eggs' with the gamate le uova ed il formaggi6. e'versi­ ch'eese. ·Pour over the meat. Put the ,',-, . telo sopra la carne.Mettete la casserole on top of the stove and S1m- , .' , .. casseruola sopra il fuoco e cucinate. mer gently on a very low heat, st1rr1ng lentamente (senza bollire), ,mescolando .continuously until .the sauce has thick­ continuamente per circa 3 a 5 minuti .ened for about 3 to 5 minutes. finche il compos to sara un po' denso. Serve with polenta or mashed potatoes. • Servite con una buona polenta 0 ,puree di patate. BUONA PASQUA A TUTTL A HAPPY EASTER TO YOU ALL

MRS.-..... •.M.G- • 38 Calendario MARZO

sabato 5 - Monastero Val d'Arda - Dinner and Dance, Connaught Rooms, Great 'Queen Street, W.C.l.

-, Cocktai1Pa~ty, 'St. ·Peter I s ItalIan Youth Club. domenica 6 A.G.M. della FAIE, Scalabrini Centre, Brixton Road. , sabato 12 S~V. -Ass •.Castelletto di'Vernasca cena e hallo,• Casa Pallotti ~ >- '" , -Cena. e ballo per ,Mother's Day, 'Scalabdni Centre, 'Brixton Road.

, domenica 13 Tavola Rotonda, Voce degli Italiani,Scalabrini Centre, Brixton Road.

sabato 19 Festa tra Amici, Casa S.V. Pallotti (biglietti da Nino Franchi) domenica 20 Clay Pigeon. Slooting Competition, Dyrham Park Farm in aid of the 'Italian Hospital ·(tel. Mr. Ma~zi 01-8366140)

sabato 26 -Cena e ·ballo,Amici di Buizo di Albareto, Casa S., V. Pallotti, -Festa Sociale'Scuola Italiana di'King'sCross, Blessed Sacrament School" Boadicea Street" London N.l., APRILE lunedi. 4 Briscola'Tournamenti Casa S. V. Pallotti, 136 Clerkenwell Road. giovedi. 14 Gaia U.K. Premiere "GOLE'!,. the official FIFA Film of the 1982 World Cu~ in aid of the Italian'Hospitaland' the National Association for Maternal and ~hild Welfare, Classic Cinema, Shaftesbliry Avenue" London W.!. (Black Tie)'. 8.00,p.m. sabato 23 Voce degli Italiani, Diimer and Dance, HiltonHotel.

CONSOLATO GENERALE D'ITALIA LONDRA AVVISO • SI comunlca., per opportuna conoscenza e

, , A_partlre da tale perlodo. pertanlo.-I connazionall UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF potranno avvalersl degli usuall "servizi recandosl dl persona 0 scrivendo al predello Indlrizzo. H.E. THE ITALIAN AMBASSADOR

51 la. Inoltre. rlserva dl eomunlcare tempesUvamenle ORGANIZED,BY THE, DYRHAM. PARK C.P.C. i numer. dl" telefono della nuova sede non appena in conjunction with l'Azienda di Stato avra provveduto alia lora assegna- zlone. ' "ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA CACCIATORI G.B." Con I'oceasione e per evilare dis3g1 agll uleotl. si rac-_ . comanda vlvamente dl lenerek presenle che n _Ira. CLAY PIGEON . ,- ~ . sferimento In parola creera Inevllabilmenle-per alcunl glomi Intralel al normale funzionamenlo deU·ulflclo. SHOOTING COMPETITIONS . ." ' 5arebbe. pertanto. "estremamente 'ausplcabile ',che,; '. .. eonnazionalllnteressatl al dlsbrlgo di pratfche correnli­ OPEN TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE ,(Ieva. passaportl. certllicatl dl eslslenza In - vlta, alii· "ASSOCIAzioNE ITALIANA 'CACCIATORI G.B.", legali e notarili~ 111011 dl studio. elC. elc.) provvedessero, per tempo In tal senso 0 rlnvlassero la rfchlesla del p're­ AND GUESTS OF tilE DYRHAM PARK C;P.C. deW servlzl ad una dala ulterlore'aslenendosrdall'adlre. la nuova sede eonsolare nel periodo suddelto se 'non In SUNDAY,20TII MARCH 1983 cas) dl eomprovala .urgenza e neeesslla. Si rlngrazla' eerU"per_ la cortese' collaborazlone. at DYRHAM.. PARK. ... FARM, ',- .-, • - '" ,_<., . J" " .~ ~ TROTTERS BOTTOM, IL CONSOLE GENERALE BARNET, HERTS. 39 . --.-.' , . .. T , • , , , , , ,· • ,

!, • •, , , •, , , , , 1 •


,., ", •


~ .", ~ • Yours fcd ully ....

Trusthouse t'orteHoteIs, . I 1 , • ,•• Cumberland Hotel London ' The Queen's Hotel Cheltenham The Post House Hotel York

ForfuIl details andreservations telephone 01-567 3444. .'