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American Mineralogist, Volume 7l, pages845-847, 1986 NEW MINERAL NAMES'T FnaNx C. H,c,wrHoRNE,PETE J. DuNN, JoBr, D. Gnrco, Jlcnx Puzrnwtczo Jlvrns E. Snrcr,Bv Doyleite* G.Y. Chao, J. Baker, A.P. Sabina,A.C. Roberts (1985) Doyleite, An average of three typical microprobe analyses gave ZnO a new polymorph of Al(OH)r, and its relationship to bayerite, 19.75,CUO 0.02, FerO, 10.81, AlrO3 24.97, AsrO' 31.91, MoO, gibbsite, and nordstrandite. Can. Mineral., 23,21-28. 1.08, HrO (rce) 11.25, sum 99.79 wt0/0,corresponding to (Zno {(AsOJ (OH)r}, or ideally (Zn,Fe)- Doyleite is a new polymorph of AI(OH), that occurs at rrFeo,r)(Al,roFeo ro) | (Al,Fe)r{(AsO.) (OtDr}. Isomorphous replacement of (Zn,Fe) and Mont St. Hilaire and at the Francon quarry, Montreal, | Quebec, (Al,Fe) is indicated. The valence state ofFe is uncertain owing Canada.Wet chemical analysisgave NzO3 65.2,CaO 0.48, HrO to the small amount of pure material available. The mineral is (rcr to ll00'C) 35.76, sum 101.44 wlo/o,corresponding to insoluble in HCl. rce shows a dehydration reaction between 460 AlorrCa"o,(OH)roo.Trace amounts of Na, Fe, Mg, and Si were and 520t with a weight loss of approximately I I wto/o. detected by electron-microprobe analysis. The mineral is not Indexing of the X-ray powder data (Guinier camera) led to a attackedby 1:I HCl, HrSOo,or HNO3 at room temperature.rcA small triclinic cell with lattice constants a : 5.169(5), b : showed a weight loss of 25.630/obetween 280 and 410qCand a 13.038(9),c:4.93r(4) A, a:98.78(7f, B:100.80(6)",r: further gradual loss to I 000€, giving a total weight loss of 35 .
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