Old North Church Cont. from page 3

Trapper T-Rex Rat Snap Traps in combination Did you know? with Protecta EVO Express and Protecta LPs When applying bait into an active burrow, it is important to remember that with Contrac Blox for exterior baiting. “The Pro - the bait must be placed at least 15cm into the burrow so non-target species cannot tecta LPs were a big advantage for this job be - access it. Try using a long handled spoon or funnel to ensure this is done correctly. cause they are lower profile and could be slid Some utility funnels found in hardware stores have exible spouts to facilitate the under sheds and other tight places.” delivery of the bait into the burrow at the proper depth. The integrated approach worked out. “It was a great success,” said Galvin Jr. “It’s been about two weeks and there are no signs of rats. It has completely quieted down and the burrows are dormant at this time.” Thanks to Yankee Pest Control, visitors to the Old North Church can once again take in the beauty of this Boston gem, now, free from ro - dents. I VOLUME 20 l NUMBER 1 l JANUARY - MARCH 2017 Hidden Kill Now Available in

est Management Professionals in Australia mouse is trapped inside. The trapping mecha - can now turn to Bell for a better, more pro - nism secures the mouse within the trap, and is Pfessional way to trap mice with the new Trapper designed for discretion. Hidden Kill Mouse Trap. Contact your Australian technical representa - “The Hidden Kill trap has been met with tive for more information. I great enthusiasm by pest control companies in Australia,” said Bell’s Australasian Business Man - ager, Andy Knox. “Initial stock sold out within 24 hours of arriving at our warehouse. The low price has been a revelation!” Hidden Kill is HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Controls Points) approved and is ideal for food production facilities as it indicates when a Use pesticides safely. Always read the label. Follow the Alliance Code of Practice for glue boards in the U.K. on MIDWAY ccupied by U.S. Military Forces in the species, some of which are considered endan - pests. House mice were introduced to Midway Pacific during World War II, Midway gered for many reasons. From warming wa - decades ago. Until recently, the nesting

is now facing a different conflict – the fight ters and plastic debris washing ashore, to the and mice co-existed, but refuge managers began d e t s e u q e R e c i v r e S s s e r d d A O against predatory house mice. more nefarious house mouse, many species noticing an alarming behavior change among

Located 1,300 miles from , Midway that call Midway home are struggling for sur - the mice - from cordial to grisly. m o c . s b a l l l e b . w w w 5 5 3 1 t i m r e

P Atoll is a small ring of in the middle vival. In December of 2015, refuge scientists found 4 0 7 3 5 I W , N O S I D A M l . D V L B N A M S N I K 9 9 6 3 I W , n o s i d a

M of the , and part of the Hawai - also boasts the world’s largest open wounds on the nesting on the


P ian archipelago. Historically known as the is - colony of albatross. About 70 percent of the atoll. Through the use of cameras and close ex -

e g a t s o P S

U land where the U.S. defeated Japan at the world’s albatross and 40 percent of the amination, scientists identified the cause of the

D T S T R S R P in 1942, the turning point Black-footed albatross, rely on the reserve. injuries as house mice on the atoll. of World War II, it is most recently the site of Like other remote nesting islands It is an all too common occurrence for inva - the world’s largest protected marine reserve. overrun with , Midway’s bird species sive rodents to prey on the eggs and hatchlings The island is home to more than 7,000 have suffered the domino effects of invasive of birds. To discover cases of house mice prey - Continued on page 2 Albatross Cont. from front page the recent discovery of the damage mice Contrac 10g Blox were inflicting on the nesting albatross expe - Baiting the Historic dited control measures. Now Available in To that end, researchers turned to Bell products and employed a variety of baiting techniques. Costa Rica and Old North Church of Boston In January 2016, Bell donated 120 Trap - per 24/7s, 240 Trapper Mini-Rex Snap Nicaragua Traps and more than 60 pounds of Terad3 “One if by land, and two if by sea” (Vitamin D3) Blox. These were used to limit est Management Professionals (PMPs) in This historic church became the site of a rodent catastrophe … the attacks on the nesting baby albatross as Nicaragua and Costa Rica have a new bait well as to study the movement patterns of the ® that is until Yankee Pest Control and Bell Laboratories stepped in. Pto fight rodent infestations with Bell’s Contrac mice. 10g Blox, with the active ingredient Bromadi - In November 2016, Bell supplied a second olone. shipment of over 3,160 pounds of Terad3 Launched this year, Andrés Pizarro, Bell’s pellets, which are being used to mitigate this Latin American Business Manager, has been pro - he historic Old North Church is Boston’s said Galvin Jr. “They were having a pretty sub - year’s outbreak. moting the new product offering to distributors oldest surviving church building and one stantial rodent problem. Dead rats were on the Bell’s Vitamin D3 rodenticide, Terad3, kills throughout Latin America. of the most visited historical sites in the city. walkways outside; rodents were going into the anticoagulant resistant rats and mice. Terad3 T “There is a trend in Latin America for the use Visitors head to the church to take in the his - basement crypt through open vents. They were is an extremely weatherable bait with a high of smaller blocks instead of the 28 gram blocks,” torical significance of the starting point of the burrowing in the garden, going into the ad - melting point, and is mold and moisture re - said Pizarro. “This new size for our leading ro - American Revolution. It is the site where Paul ministrative building and gift shop, and mice sistant due to its advanced preservation sys - denticide, Contrac, will allow our distributors to Revere instructed the church sexton to put were in the sexton’s house across the street, tem. It’s a good choice for the tropical climate Midway Atoll boasts the world’s largest get to certain key segments where a small block lanterns in the steeple to notify the which is also the oldest brick building in of Midway Atoll. Burrow baiting colony of Albatross. size is needed, such as PMPs and crops, like sugar Charlestown patriots if the British troops were Boston. After our inspection, it was clear why was the primary Talks are currently underway to develop a cane.” coming by land or sea. others didn’t want to entertain the project.” method used at complete eradication strategy, rather than an - ing on fully-grown albatross, at almost three Pest Management Professionals and crop pro - Tourists come from all over the world to So, Galvin Jr. and his team were dealing with the historic nual control projects, to completely rid the Boston site. feet tall with a wingspan of more than six ducers throughout the region are continuously view this national treasure and learn about the fairly heavy rodent pressure in a couple of atoll of the invasive house mouse. feet, is more unusual. searching for new products and methods to fight American Revolution. When rodents began to buildings in a densely populated neighbor - “Refuge managers are working with a Albatross lay only one egg a season, and as rodent infestations in the field. Palatability and show their faces among the daily activity hood. Is this situation really different from your team of rodent control and wildlife experts “Burrow bait - a result, have adopted a steadfast determina - rodent bait acceptance is a key issue not only in around the site, not just any rodent eradication day-to-day accounts in a city? The answer is a to develop and deploy strategies to suppress ing was our pri - tion when incubating eggs. This evolution - Nicaragua and Costa Rica, but for other coun - program would do. resounding yes. In a historic city like Boston, mouse population levels in order to stop the mary method to ary strategy, meant to survive adversity and tries in Central and Latin America, so Contrac is Galvin Murphy Jr., and his father, Galvin where buildings are 300 to 400 years old, the attacks or minimize their incidence,” said the get the rodent fierce weather, has caused the albatross to be the optimal product for such situations. Murphy of Yankee Pest Control were the per - old-world charm that draws in tourists is what ACAP. “With thousands of albatross chicks issue under control,” explained Galvin Jr. “The vulnerable to predatory rodents. Contrac is specially formulated with an opti - fect duo to take on the challenge. As a family- also makes rodent control difficult, and rodent hatching out of their eggs daily on Midway church did not want black boxes ruining the In a recent article written by the Agree - mal blend of food-grade ingredients and a small owned business in Boston’s backyard, Yankee populations boom. over the next month, the Service and part - look of the site, and did not want them near ment on the Conservation of Albatrosses and amount of paraffin. Bell's patented All-Weather volunteered their services to ensure that one of Historical landmarks have their own set of ners are determined to preserve and main - walkways due to possible tripping hazards. So Petrels (ACAP), the organization cited, “Over Blox have multiple edges that appeal to a rodent's Boston’s most treasured historical sites would rules when it comes to rodent control. You tain suitable predator-free habitat where we were limited to how much baiting we could 1,200 bitten birds have been discovered, 211 desire to gnaw and contain the highest-grade tox - be rodent-free. want to maintain the appearance of the exte - albatross parents do with bait stations.” of which have died. Nearly one icants and inert ingredients for outstanding ro - As Galvin Jr. and his team of technicians rior without ruining the look with an unsightly can adequately The team used a combination of Ditrac thousand abandoned nests have dent acceptance and control. They work well in began the inspections to lay the groundwork black box. You need to ensure that tourists can protect and raise Tracking Powder and Fastrac Pellets to elimi - been documented. Mice may also any condition -- wet or dry, indoors or out, es - for their rodent control program to follow, they safely maneuver the area without coming into their chicks.” I nate rodents that were burrowing in the gar - be having impacts on other seabirds sential in the tropical climate of Nicaragua and soon learned why rodents were turning into contact with anything dangerous. dens, and gaining entry to the basements here but it would be more difficult Costa Rica. more than a small nuisance. To top it off, exclusion is often restricted, if through their burrows. “Ditrac Tracking Pow - to detect, especially for the burrow- The 10 gram block size is beneficial for PMPs “To start, the church had done no pest con - allowed at all, making rodent returns difficult der is really such an invaluable tool for urban nesting species.” who want to put out smaller placements of bait in trol at all, and it is located in one of the most to prevent. Add on a crypt with 1,100 buried rat control,” said Galvin Jr. Midway remains the only atoll in more locations, which can lead to better overall densely populated neighborhoods in the city,” bodies located underneath the church, a sacred Ditrac Tracking Powder contains the active the Papahānaumokuākea Marine control. area where rodent control might not be wel - ingredient, Diphacinone, and is a restricted- National Monument that suffers With its time-tested rodent acceptance and comed. All of this made this rodent job a bit use tracking powder that is good to use under from invasive rodent populations. control due to its highly palatable formulation, more tricky, and could be the reason why ro - controlled conditions. Just teaspoon amounts While plans to eradicate mice Pizarro expects Contrac 10g Blox to be a wel - dent control was not a top priority – or suc - will control Norway rats, roof rats and house were underway, comed addition to Latin America’s product of - cessful – in the past. mice. The powder is ingested when the rodent ferings. With this in mind, Galvin Jr., Galvin Mur - grooms and is insoluble in water, which pro - “Customers are very excited with this new op - phy and two technicians formalized a robust longs the effects of the powder, making it ideal tion, since they know about Contrac’s effective - strategy along with Bell Laboratories Vice for tough jobs. ness and quality. It is great to know that Bell has President of Sales – East, Sheila Haddad. For a complete rodent control strategy, the ability to adapt some of our key products to They set out to Old North Church, not to tour, Galvin Jr. and his team did not stop at burrow meet the needs of different countries and situa - but to set up a baiting strategy that would re - baiting. “We really ran the gamut of Bell prod - tions. That’s why we are the leaders in rodent Ditrac Tracking Powder was an invaluable tool on turn this site to its historical beauty, not to be ucts we used,” said Galvin Jr. The team used control technology,” said Pizarro. I this tough job. marred again by rodents. Continued on back page