STREAM TABLES AND WATERSHED GEOMORPHOLOGY EDUCATION Karl D. Lillquist Geography and Land Studies Department, Central Washington University, Ellensburg, Washington 98926,
[email protected] Patricia W. Kinner 5701 Waterbury Road, Des Moines, IA 50312,
[email protected] ABSTRACT Watersheds are commonly addressed in introductory physical geography, environmental Watersheds are basic landscape units that are fund- science, earth science, and geology courses within amental to understanding resource and environ- mental sections on the hydrologic cycle and fluvial issues. Stream tables may be an effective way to learn geomorphology. Instructors in such courses often about watersheds and the dynamic processes, factors, attempt to link dynamic fluvial factors, processes, and and landforms within. We review the copious stream landforms to watersheds with traditional lectures, and table literature, present new ideas for assembling stream with topographic map- and airphoto-based laboratory tables, and provide a watershed approach to stream table exercises. Students subsequently may struggle to exercises. Our stream table’s compact size and low cost understand how fluvial landscapes evolve over time and permits the purchase and use of multiple units to how fluvial processes and factors affect everyday lives. This problem is especially acute when the vast majority maximize active learning. The included stream table of students enrolled in introductory courses are modules allow introductory students to experiment and non-science majors. Thus, the question explored here is observe the effects of factors–i.e., climate (Module how may scientists and non-scientists better learn about A–Precipitation, Overland Flow, and Channel Initiation the interrelated, dynamic fluvial factors, processes, and and Module B–Stream Discharge and Channel landforms of watersheds? Formation), topography (Module C–Watershed A potential solution to these problems is to use Topography and Channel Formation), land cover stream tables as watershed education tools.