Eroding Transparency US counterterrorism actions in Yemen under President Donald Trump 2 Published by Airwars, October 2020. Airwars is a collaborative, not-for- profit organisation focused on reducing battlefield civilian casualties. We track, document and archive airpower-dominated military actions, and local reports of civilian harm in conflict zones. Presently covering Iraq, Syria, and Libya - as well as US counterterrorism actions in Somalia, Yemen and Pakistan - we provide a vital counter-narrative to the dominant military assertion that civilian deaths are low in modern warfare. Airwars contributes to truth-seeking and accountability through our pioneering work collecting, assessing, and archiving accounts from local journalists, citizens, and state and non-state actors - and leveraging that information for change. Airwars Goldsmiths, University of London London SE14 6NW United Kingdom +44 (0) 207 896 2076 Airwars EU office Janskerkhof 2-3a, 3512 BK Utrecht, The Netherlands +31 (030) 253 6660
[email protected] Twitter: @airwars Photographs remain the copyright of the original owners unless otherwise stated. © Airwars. All rights reserved. No part of this report may be reproduced in any form or by any electronicor mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from Airwars. All report citations to be credited to Airwars. Cover photograph: Mabkhout Ali al Ameri with his 18-month old son Mohammed, shortly after a botched US raid on al Ghayil in January