The History of the Church 3: & Counter-Reformation - Themes

 The Reformation  The Counter- Reformation  Evangelism : the New World Reformation & Counter- Reformation : Timeline  1517 : Luther’s 95 Theses  1611 – King James’ Bible  1531 – Pizarro conquers the  1626 – Dedication of St Incas Peter’s Basilica  1534 – Henry Vlll Act of  1683 – Battle of Vienna Supremacy  1730s onwards – growth of  1545 to 1563 – Methodism (Counter Reformation)  1769 – first Californian  1571 – Turkish navy defeated at Mission 1. The Reformation : Medieval Church  “The Church (in 1500) was in rude & lively health…Feast days were celebrated, fasts solemnly observed, images venerated, prayers for the dead recited…”  “Church teachings were graphically represented in the liturgy, reiterated in sermons, enacted in Miracle plays, painted on walls, screens, bench-ends & windows of parish churches”.  Eamon Duffy in The Stripping of the Altars 1. The Reformation : Changing World  Intellectual changes – the focus on Greek / Roman culture  Humanism : poetry, grammar, history, moral philosophy & rhetoric : not anti-Christian!  Nation States : control over Church affairs  “Heresy” : Wycliffe, Huss  Printing : spread of ideas 1. The Reformation : Early Reformers  John Wycliffe (1320-84) : Translated Bible into English. Poverty v Church wealth & abuses. Predestination. Posthumous heretic. Lollards.  John Hus (1369-1415) : Czech disciple of Wycliffe. Condemned Church (clerical) corruption, hierarchy, Indulgences. Burned as heretic. Hussites. 1. The Reformation : The Renaissance  Calixtus lll (1455-8) : Nepotism  Pius ll (1458-64) : Poet, Nepotist, 2 children  Paul ll (1464-71) : Papal printing House  Sixtus lV (1471-81) : Patron, Nepotist (6 nephew cardinals)  Innocent Vlll (1484-92) : Wife, mistresses, several children. Sold tiara. 1. The Reformation : The Renaissance Popes  Alexander Vl (1492-1503) : Borgia. Numerous mistresses & 9 children. Nepotist.  Julius ll (1503-13) : Warrior . Patron of Arts. Began St Peter’s basilica.  Leo X (1513-21): 7 / 13. “Let us enjoy the Papacy since God has given it to us.” Hunter.  Clement Vll (1523-34) : Military Evangelism. Sack of . Patron of Arts. 1. The Reformation : Visible Display Pope Nicholas V (1447-53) : “ A popular faith sustained only on doctrines will never be anything but feeble & vacillating. But if the Authority of the were visibly displayed in majestic buildings, imperishable memorials & witnesses seemingly planted by the hand of God Himself, belief will grow & strengthen like a tradition from one generation to another & all the world will accept & revere it.” 1. The Reformation : St Peter’s Basilica

 Inside St Peter’s Basilica by Giovanni Pannini 1. The Reformation : Fund-Raising Old & new St Peter’s  Financial : Huge cost of rebuilding St Peter’s employing Bernini, Branante, Botticelli, Ghirlanaio, , etc  Financed partly by sale of Indulgences ( led by John Tetzel) & 2150 Papal posts 1. The Reformation : Indulgences  An Indulgence releases the individual fully or partially from the temporal punishment due to sin  Indulgences given for donations – not for  “Place your penny on the contrition for sins drum, The pearly gates open & in strolls mum” - Tetzel  Even for sins not yet committed! 1. The Reformation : (1483 – 1546)  Augustinian friar, ordained 1507  Obsessed with guilt & sinfulness  1517: 95 Theses, protesting sale of indulgences.  1521: excommunicated  Produced New Testament in German in 1522  1524 married ex-nun, Catherine von Bura. 6 children. 1. The Reformation : Martin Luther : Key Teachings  “The righteous shall live by faith” (St Paul)  Salvation is the pure gift of God’s grace – achieved only by individual faith in Christ  “Every act aimed at attracting God’s favour is a sin”  Only God can forgive – indulgences are meaningless  Only 3 sacraments based on scripture : Baptism, Confession & the Eucharist (but not the sacrifice of the Mass)  Scripture is the only authority – the Papacy is the Antichrist 1. The Reformation : John Calvin ( 1509 – 1564 )  Leading Protestant theologian  Importance of faith over “good works”  Predestination  Geneva 2. Counter-Reformation : The Eucharist  The Synoptic Gospels (Mat26-28;  Catholic & Orthodox Mark 14:22-24; Luke 22:19-20) & traditional teaching Paul's 1 Corinthians 11:23-25 : "This (confirmed at 4th Lateran is my body … this is my blood.“ (1215) : the substance of the bread & wine literally / really changes into the substance of Jesus’ body & blood (Transubstantiation)  Luther : Sacramental Union ie the bread & wine remain but are united with the body & blood of Christ  Zwingli : a memorial only, symbolic 1. The Reformation : The Bible  Early translations : – into Old English (735), Slavonic (863), Old French (1360), Wycliffe into English (1383)  Luther into German (1522)  William Tyndale (1492-1536) first mass- produced English Bible . Posthumous endorsement.  Myles Coverdale – first complete Bible in English (1535)  King James version (1611) 1. The Reformation : Printing

 1450 : First printing press (moveable type)  By 1517 : 200+ printing centres in Europe  Used especially by Protestant Reformers for pamphlets, Bibles etc  Luther’s works : 2200 print runs 1. The Reformation : England

 1521: Henry Vlll – “Fidei Defensor”  Divorce refused by Pope - marries Ann Boleyn 1533.  1534: Act of Supremacy. Schism with Rome.  1535 : execution of Saints Thomas Moore &  1536 To 1540: Dissolution of the Monasteries  1538: Henry VIII excommunicated 1. The Reformation : Dissolution of the Monasteries (1536-40)  No explicit ideological reason  Masterminded by Thomas Cromwell  Need was to raise money – for cathedrals, grammar schools, universities but mostly for coastal defences  852 monasteries dissolved ; 10,000 monks & 2000 nuns expelled  200 (inc 3 abbots) hanged  Bury St Edmunds abbey (which had given £400 pa to the poor) sold for £413 2. Counter-Reformation : “Consilium de Emendenda”  Report to Pope Paul III (1537) on the evils affecting the Church :  Papal sales of spiritual privileges  Curial stockpiling of benefices  Heretical teaching in universities  Ignorance of country priests  Poor spiritual direction in convents  Corruption of Religious Orders Pope Paul III 2. Counter-Reformation : Council of Trent (1545-1563) Reaffirmed :  the 7 sacraments  Transubstantiation : Real Presence  Church interpretation of scripture final  Salvation : faith and good works  Clerical celibacy  Abolished notorious abuses eg sale of indulgences, pluralism 2. Counter-Reformation : St Ignatius of Loyola (1491 – 1556)  Read life of Christ during convalescence  1534 founded Jesuits (with Francis Xavier)  Wrote the Spiritual Exercises  Desire to “fight for God under the cross & serve only the Lord & the Roman Pontiff, His vicar on earth”  By his death : over 1000 Jesuits worldwide. By 1625 ; 16,000+ in 23 provinces  The Jesuits were suppressed in 1773 but restored in 1814 2. Counter-Reformation :  He imagined : Pope Julius ll to St Peter :” I raised the revenue. I invented new offices & sold them. I invented a way to sell bishoprics without simony. I have torn up treaties & kept great armies. I have covered Rome with palaces…”  “I will put up with this Church until I see a better one. And it will have to put up with me until I become better.”

 Desiderius Erasmus Roterodamus (1466 – 1536) 2. Counter-Reformation : Reform  Pope Benedict XlV (1740-58) : improved seminary education, agriculture, raised revenues, supported scholarship & science. Opposed enslavement of natives.  HR Emperor Joseph ll ( 1741-90) issued 6000+ edicts on religious life (inc no kissing statues) & closed 400 monasteries. Girdle riots. 2. The Counter Reformation : War  Wars of Religion : 1524 – 1697 inc :  1562-98 : French wars of Religion  1568-1648 : 80 Years’ War (Low Countries)  1618-46 : 30 Years’ War  Battle of the White Mountain (1620) : first major Catholic victory in 30 Years War marked Protestant retreat in C Europe  Absolutism in Europe : Catholic rulers seek to reduce Pope to figurehead  “We must kiss the Pope’s feet & bind his hands” (Cardinal Richelieu, 1585-1642) 2. The Counter Reformation : Europe 3. The Church in the Wider World : 1500-1750  :  The Americas : South, Central & North (eg California)  West Indies   Francis Xavier : , , Borneo  Portugal  S America  SE Asia  W Africa – esp Congo 3. The Church in the Wider World : 1500-1750   SE Asia : Thailand, Laos, Cambodia,  N America /Canada  England  N America / Canada   SE Asia  S Africa  Denmark  S India 3. The Church in the Wider World : 1750 3. The Church in the Wider World : New World  1492: discovers the New World.  1494 : – Pope Alexander Vl divides New World along meridian 270 leagues west of Cape Verde  East = Portugal  West = Spain 3. The Church in the Wider World : South America  1519: Spanish conquest of by Hernando Cortes : population fell from 25 to 2.5 million.  1532: Conquest of Inca Empire by Pizzaro : population fell from 9 million to 600,000.  Missionaries learn, preach & write in native languages 3. The Church in the Wider World : Francis Xavier 1506-52) 3. The Church in the Wider World : Francis Xavier 1506-52)  Spanish co-founder of the Jesuits  First Jesuit Missionary travelling throughout S Asia – mainly Portuguese Empire - & Japan  Armed with breviary, catechism & “De Institutione Bene”  Took pains to learn local languages & adapt to local customs  Typical day : AM : hospital / prison visiting & PM Catechism for children & servants  Died of fever in 1552 3. The Church in the Wider World : Victory over the Ottomans – at Sea  Battle of Lepanto (1571)  The Holy League (inc Spain, Venice, ) under Don  Defeated Ottoman fleet at Lepanto ( west of Greece)  Prevented Ottoman expansion in N Mediterranean  Credited to Our Lady of Victory ( now Rosary) 3. The Church in the Wider World : Victory over the Ottomans – on Land  Battle of Vienna (1683)  Saved Vienna after 2 month siege  Holy & Holy League  Largest charge ever  Habsburgs replaced Ottomans in Hungary / Transylvania  “Venimus, Vidimus, Deus Vincit” Reformation & Counter- Reformation : Quiz 1. Who was the leading seller of Indulgences? 1. John Tetzel 2. How many Theses had Martin Luther? 2. 95 3. Who master-minded the dissolution of the monasteries? 3. Thomas Cromwell 4. Which 2 saints founded the Jesuits? 4. St Ignatius Loyola & St 5. Which Church Council Francis Xavier defined the Counter- 5. Trent : 1545-63 Reformation?