Chinmaya-Tej Chinmaya Mission San Jose Publication Vol.21, No.2 March/April 2010

"Lakshmana has returned after leaving Sitaji in the ashram of sage Valmiki. He is saddened by this action. So was Lord Rama. At this time, Lord Rama explains to Laksmana the Dharma of a king and that of an ordinary citizen." MssiS i on tatement To provide to individuals, from any background, the wisdom of and practical means for spiritual growth and happiness, enabling them to become a positive contributor to the society.

A true preceptor is an elevating force:

He, in whose presence you feel elevated, inspired to live a nobler life, he is your preceptor.

He, with whom, when you compare your own life; you feel ashamed of your weaknesses, he is your preceptor.

He, whom when you remember, you feel cooled down, even at moments of burning passion, he is your preceptor.

In fact the true preceptor to all of us, is the Lord of Our Heart.

He talks to us very often through his chosen deputy, Revere Him and worship Him. s Table of Contents s Volume 21, No . 2 March/April 2010

From The Editors Desk ...... 2 Announcement about Jnana Ganga ...... 3 Sri Rama Gita ...... 4 The Power of Nama Smarana ...... 7 God in Everything ...... 10 Vedanta 2010 ...... 13 Om Sri Ram Jaya Ram, Jaya Jaya Ram ...... 12 Chinmaya Youth Camp #18 ...... 16 Watch Out! ...... 17 Chinmaya BalaVihar Classes ...... 18 BV Locations, Shiva Abhishekam, Swaranjali Youth Choir ...... 22 Rasamrutam ...... 23 One Year Residential Vedanta Course ...... 24 Bala Vihar/Yuva Kendra & Language Classes ...... 25 BalVihar Kids' Magazine ...... 26 Tapovan Prasad Magazine ...... 27 Chinmaya Study Groups ...... 28 Community Outreach Programs ...... 29 Br .Prabodhji's Satsang ...... 30 Vedanta Study Groups ...... 30/31. Br .Prabodhji's Classes as Bala Vihar Locations ...... 31 Br .Prabodhji's Classes at Sandeepany ...... 31 Swami Tejomayananada’s Itinerary ...... 32

1 From The Editors Desk Tej, is a bi-monthly publication of Chinmaya Mission San Jose. CMSJ is in the process of getting the necessary permits to build the New Facility. The City of San Jose is studying the building drawings and when they are approved we shall begin the construction of our New Building. We are happy to show you some elevation drawings of the projects. We invite you to visit the site when you can. News and events update via e-newsletter on CMSJ web-site is serving our timely announcements. Please keep us updated with your e-mail addresses and send them to “[email protected]” If you do not hear from us e-mail or Chinmaya Tej, please forward your address and e-mail to me indicated on this page. Chinmaya Tej is also available for viewing on our website. Chinmaya-Tej will be mailed to all Sponsors and Members of Chinmaya Mission San Jose. Send your subscription marked, Chinmaya-Tej, CMSJ, 1050 Park Ave., San Jose, CA 95126.

Chinmaya Tej Editorial Staff Editor: Uma Jeyarasasingam ([email protected]) Co-editor: Rohini Joshi Electronic Editorial Advisor: Satish Joshi Contributors: Subbu Venkatkrishnan, Swami Chinmayananda, Sri Satya Sai Baba, Swamini Sharadapriyananda, Design & Layout: four waters / four waters media Printing: Bill Browning/PigMint Press, Redway, California Data Base: Kapil Vaish Mailing: Autozip, Ukiah, California Contact us: • Phone: (650) 969-4389 Fax: (650)428-1795

2 Announcement about Jnana Ganga

H ari Om, Several months back we shared an idea about a multimedia program called “Jnana Ganga” produced with participation from our Bala Vihar children and supported by several professional musicians and dancers from the Bay area. We are extremely pleased to inform you that this program has picked up significant momentum and we will drive this program as our next major fund raiser for our new building. Jnana Ganga traces the origin of humanity's most sacred river, Gangaji, and depicts various aspects of her service to humanity. This is of particular relevance to all of us who know that our Gurudev, Swami Chinmayanan- daji, took inspiration from Gangaji to bring the supreme knowledge of our scriptures to our doorstep. This program will be held on Nov 20, 2010, at the Foothill college auditorium. By this time, we expect substantial progress on our new building efforts and we can use Jnana Ganga as a platform to launch the next major steps. We request you all to keep this date free and support Jnana Ganga, our fund raiser for our new building. We will continue to share updates as we move forward, but wanted to give you all a heads-up before we sign-off for summer. Please share this with all your friends and encourage all to attend the event and partici- pate in the success of the new building project. Thank you and Hari Om.

3 SRI RAMA GITA ~Swami Chinmayananda

Head bent low in deep thoughts, he was walking up and down the length of the carpeted hall. There was an unusual silence in the palace that morning. The birds sat brooding, totally forgetting to chirrup their gleeful welcome to the clear dawn. King Rāmacandraji was lost in his thoughts. The conflict within him was becoming unbearable: his love and his duty, his personal just opinion and the unjust criticism of the public were tearing him asunder. He knew that his consort, dear Sītā, was the most chaste, honest, and loving wife, but his subjects had questioned Sītā’s moral purity. He had to remember that Sītā was not only his consort but also the queen of his subjects in Ayodhyā, As king he wanted Sītā to be with him, after all the many years of their exile and Sītā’s extreme sufferings in the Aśoka Forest of Lankā. But he was the king. As king he was the servant of his subjects and was duty- bound to submit to the wishes of the people of his land. Time stood still, In the restless sorrows of indecision, the man in him did not clearly know the duty of the king in him. He paused at the open window, watching the sunrise. Then suddenly he bristled in to a decision. His heart was throbbing with sorrow, but his head was cool and determined. A king had to make sacrifices in order to rule effectively and administer law and justice.

4 “Who’s there?” he thundered. The soldier outside the door respectfully entered the royal hall, saluted, and stood at attention. Sri Rāmacandrajī took a long breath, cleared his throat, and said, “Go and inform Lakṣmaṇa that I want him here immediately.” The soldier bowed and, walking backwards, left the room quietly. Sri Rāma started walking up and down in determined steps. Slightly panting in his hurry, Lakṣmaṇa walked into the presence of his devoted brother and bowed down in utter reverence. Anxiety and curiosity played on his face; traces of fear were in his eyes. Very lovingly, almost in an apologetic tone, Rāma said, “Now they all must have had their breakfast. Sītā was expressing a wish to go back to the Rishi Ashram that we had traveled through during our days of exile. Get the chariot ready and take Sītā out into the forest. There drive to some place near the śri Vālmīkī Ashram. And ... near Vālmīkī Ashram ... take Sītā ... and leave her there ... drive the empty chariot to reach here as quickly as possible.” “But, Brother! Why? She is pregnant! Why? How can I ... ?” “Stop it!” roared Rāmā. He came near Lakṣmaṇa, embraced him, lifted his tearful face, and with a rare seriousness looked deep into his eyes and said in a soft, penetrating voice, “If you say anything more, you will be murdering me here and now. It was not easy for me to come to this decision, but it has to be done. You go and do what I want you to do and come back soon.” Weeping silently, wondering at the cruelty in his brother’s harsh command, Lakṣmaṇa left. Later, after performing his painful duty, a confused Lakṣmaṇa returned to the palace. Shattered within, confused in his thinking, desperate in the contradictory emotions surging within him, he felt totally broken down and was drowning in his own dejection and despair. Days passed. One day, hesitantly, Lakṣmaṇa approached Rāmā while he was sitting alone. He asked Rāmā about the morality -- the beauty and ugliness — that is inherent in all actions that man can and does undertake. The exhaustive discourse given out by Sri Rāma, the perfect mystic, in response to his dear brother’s question is called Sri Rāma Gītā.

5 These sixty-two verses of Sri Rāma Gītā are found in Veda Vyāsa’s Adhyātma Rāmāyana, in the Uttarkāṇḍa, as its fifth chapter. It is conceived in the literary style called Paurāṇic. The text, popularly known as Sri Rāma Gītā, is also often described as śruti-sāra- saṅgraha, a brief summary of the very essence of all the . Sri Rāma Gītā is a truly authentic exposition of Vedanta. Implicitly following his usual technique, so familiar in the Bhagavad Gītā, Vyāsa puts this poem into the mouth of Sri Rāmacandra himself; Lakṣmaṇa, who had purified his personality through years of selfless service to his divinely righteous brother, is the disciple listening to Sri Rāma’s words. Since the pure-hearted Lakṣmaṇa is the listener and Sri Rāma himself the teacher, the discussion soars to vivid heights of subtlety. In short, this is no elementary textbook; indeed, it is a postgraduate text, given out to a highly spiritual student. Lakṣmaṇa-like students alone can comprehend the truths expounded herein. Reality is most ancient because the world of things and beings came from Him alone. Thus, He, the Father of the Universe, is more ancient than time. This “ancient Puruṣā” is the theme of all scriptures, including Sri Rāma Gītā. In it, Srī Rāmā talks about this eternal, timeless Essence in all of us, the Self. The sanctity of the text, the thoroughness of the delivery, the depth of suggestion, and the sublimity of the goal pointed out are all rendered valid and eloquently clear because of the spiritual perfection in Sri Rāma, the teacher, and the glorious personality of his lifelong devotee, Lakṣmaṇa, the disciple. The style of the Purāṇās is to relate philosophical truths through the vehicle of stories, telescoped one into the other. In Sri Rāma Gītā, Parvati, the consort of Siva, requests him to describe what happened to Sri Rāma after he had banished his pregnant and innocent queen, Sītā. Thus, we are not privileged to listen directly to the divine discourse of Sri Rāma as he gave it out to Lakṣmaṅa. Instead we hear this Rāma-Lakṣmaṇa discussion through the words of Lord Parmeśvara as he reports it to his inquisitive consort, Mother Parameśvarī. This reminds us of the Vyāsa technique in the Bhagavad Gītā, where we hear the Kṛṣṇa-Arjuna discussion through the words of Sañjaya.

6 The Power of Nāma Smarana

by Sri Satya Sai Baba

The Lord and His name are both One; but, the sweet- ness of the Name is seldom found in the Form. When the name of the flower ‘Rose,’ is remembered, its fragrance, its tender petals, its deep colour, these spring to memory; its thorns and the trouble one has undergone to get the flower are all forgotten. Instead, its origin and previous story are considered, and if the plant, its leaves and branches are taken into account, the flower which is the most important, the most beautiful and the most attractive, is likely to be forgotten and only ‘the plant’ gets discussed about. See this from another angle. As soon as the name ‘Mango fruit’ is mentioned, one is reminded of an incomparable sweetness. Instead, if an actual mango fruit is held in the hand, the doubt first arises in the mind whether it is sweet or sour; then, we are engaged in distinguishing the skin, the fibre, the juice, the nut, the rind, the seed, etc. When the name

7 alone is repeated, these things do not conditions are attained automatically. come to mind. Only the sweetness Through Yoga and Tapas, extraordi- is brought to the memory. Such is nary Power; through Nāmasmarana, the difference between the Lord and Japa and Dhyāna, extraordinary the Lord’s Name! There is the pure Prema — this is the difference be- essence of sweetness in the Name. tween the two. In the case of the Form, there is the chance of Dread mixed with Respect, However, one should be careful not to and sometimes even attributes caus- discuss these paths with all and sun- ing Fear, showing themselves. Again, dry. Because, for each one, his path there is another reason why the Name will appear as the best. If the person of the Lord is to be craved for, even consulted is treading the other path, more than the Form. It is by means he will decry the practice of Japa and of the riches of Nāma that the article, Dhyāna and treat these with scant re- ‘the Rupa of the Lord’ is to be earned. spect. He will look down upon them, Riches are needed to secure any as if they are very elementary, and article in the world. With the riches, as if the Sādhakās are but beginners articles are got; so, it follows that in school. As a result, one will start the riches are superior to the articles doubting the efficacy of one’s chosen got by means of them. With riches, path! One will get Concern where one can get any article at any time. he had Joy before, Disgust where he So too, if the riches called Nāma are had Prema before. Therefore, reflect steadily accumulated, the Lord can be within yourself which among these realised through the path of Dhyāna, two is sweeter. Or, you can approach easily and without difficulty. those who have tasted the nectar of Another special thing about that Nāma and ask for the details of Nāmasmarana is this: it is possible their experiences. Do not argue about to acquire various occult powers or these things with everyone whom Siddhis through Yoga and Tapas. So, you come across. The time spent in there is every likelihood of the Lord these haphazard disputations is best being forgotten when these pow- used for the cultivation of joy through ers come. Blinded by this pride, a the repeated bringing of the Nāma person might even let go the basic to memory and the of victory won by his Sādhanās. This the Form, or the Rupa of the Lord. is not the case with Nāma Japa and Mere weighing the pros and cons as Dhyāna; no such dangers beset those to which is greater among the two, paths. These three make Prema, grow will only end with the quick loss of in man. Through Prema, Sānthi is all the success gained after efforts achieved. Once Sānthi or Peace of through Sādhanā. Until you become Mind is achieved, all other desirable an expert, bring the Nāma constantly

8 to memory and repeat it, firm and thing itself can be easily acquired. unruffled, either alone or in the com- But, if the name is not known, even pany of Bhakthas. Then, nothing can if the thing is right in front, it cannot waver you. be recognised. Therefore, repeat the Name without intermission and with- Look at the fish! In early stages, out faltering. By means of Nāma, it breeds its newly hatched young Prema is developed; through Prema, ones in a quiet shallow spot; then, it Dhyāna of the Lord can be practised. pushes them into the wide open sea, If Prema is deeply rooted in you, the rough and rude with its monstrous Lord who is composed of Prema be- denizens! They can then survive comes your own. However many the there courageously and grow without paths for the realization of the Lord, fear. If the young ones were bred there is none so easy as this. in the open sea from the earliest stage, certainly, they would be swal- When there is a peculiar disease lowed up even by minor fishes! So, prevalent in a particular country, the Nāma Japa and Dhyāna have to be drug that can cure it is also found in practised with a great deal of care, that very country, more than any- according to a planned routine, and where else. Though available after without any discussion with others. vigorous search in other lands, it will not be so good, or plentiful. Similar- Nowadays, many aspirants are ly, this specific drug is available now, discarding Nāma and taking up Yoga in this Kaliyuga! It is now in this and Pranayama. These are fraught Yuga that the ghastly evils of injus- with many dangers. To follow them tice, immorality and falsehood infect correctly is difficult; even if correctly the world. That is the reason why the followed, to preserve and protect the Sastras have been proclaiming again fruits achieved, even more difficult. and again, with greater emphasis, that If a person gropes in the water, in this Kali age there is no means of spreading the net on the bank, can salvation other than the Nāma. Of he find fishes in the net? To give the four Yugas, the Kaliyuga is the up Nāmasmarana and faith in that best, on account of this. Nāma Japa path, and sit in Yoga and Tapas is and Dhyāna strain out the evil in as foolish as hoping to catch fish by mankind. Human nature is guarded this means. If the Nāma is taken as and protected by these three. Hence, the refuge and support, He can be the fruits of Dhyāna are greater than realised tomorrow, if not today. If those secured with great difficulty the name of a thing is known, the through Yoga, Yajna or Pranayama.

9 God is smaller than an atom, and bigger than the Himalayas. He is contained even in a drop of the ocean, and yet not even the seven seas can compass Him. Reason is powerless to know Him. He is beyond the reach or grasp of reason. Faith is essential in this matter. My faith runs so very much faster than my reason that I can challenge the whole world and say: ‘God is, was and ever shall be!’ But those who want to deny His existence are at liberty to do so. He is Merciful and Com- passionate. He is not an earthly king needing an army to make us accept His sway. He allows us freedom, and yet His compas- sion commands obedience to His will. But if any one of us disdains to bow to His will, He says: ‘So be it. My sun will shine no less for thee, my clouds will rain no less for thee. I need not force thee to accept my sway’. Everything Of such a God, let the ignorant dispute the existence. I am one of the millions of wise God in God men who believe in Him, and are never tired of bowing to him and singing His glory. He is the greatest democrat the world knows, for He leaves us ‘unfettered’ to make our own choice between evil and good. He is the greatest tyrant ever known, for He often dashes the cup from our lips and, under cover of free will, leaves us a margin so wholly inad- equate as to provide only mirth for Himself at our expense. Therefore it is that Hinduism calls it all His sport — Lila; or calls it all an illusion — Maya. We are not, He alone is. And if we will be, we must eternally sing His praise and do His will. Let us dance to the tune of His bansi — lute, and all would be well.

~ by Mahatma Gandhi 10 Vedanta 2010

11 Om Sri Ram Jaya Ram, Jaya Jaya Ram ~by Swamini Sharadapriyananda

Though the trinity, Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara, are together responsible for the world, Lord Vishnu’s part of the job appears to be more heavy than the others. To create and forget is Brahma’s field. He has no responsibility of maintaining all the innumerable beings created by him. Hence there is no temple for Brahma. We never asked him to create and he did a thankless job. So too, Lord Siva is not bothered about the maintenance of the world. When his time comes he has only to open the third eye, and all lie dead. We are not anxious to worship him for destruction though we may do so for other things. He never comes down to our level to buide and lead us on the right path. Thus it is left to Lord Vishnu to remember the needs of one and all, to watch the trends in the world and to see to it that law and order is properly maintained and that all beings who are alive receive their due. Hence we see that the Lord came down in ten avataras, twenty four avataras, nay an infinite number ofavataras , to restore His law, to protect the law-abider, to punish the law-breaker and set the law in order once more.

12 Of the ten avataras, the first five of abandoning the purest of all, are only archa avataras, fit to be Seeta, even when she was pregnant. worshipped and not to be imitated. Inexplicable and difficult to be The sixth one, the Rama avatara, approved. But Tulsidas, the devotee, is fully humane and ideal, fit for softens all these harsh corners in every man to imitate and evolve Rama’s life and presents a lovable, into. Hence we find the devotees adorable Being who is flawless, and of Rama in as great many numbers divine. as the devotees of Krishna, though Many were the devotees who Krishna avatara is stated to be the attained the highest goal of Salvation poorna avatara. Rama with his human through the worship of Rama and qualities and frailties is nearer to various were their approaches. man, and any man with a little effort Kabirdas who sang of “antar Rama, can try to follow the avatārā Rama in baahir Rama” did not worship the his life." The ideal son, ideal brother, idol of Rama anywhere but his ideal husband and the ideal friend, worship was that of the pure Self. For the Lord who does not differentiate Tulsidas, it was the beautiful adorable between the learned and the illiterate, Form that manifested itself from the the cultured and the brutish, the Infinite for the destruction of the bad friend and the foe, man at a divine and the protection of the good. level rising above the weaknesses inherent within, Rama has become For Samartha Ramadas, the mantra the darling of renunciates as well “Sri Ram Jaya Ram Jaya Jaya Ram” as grihastas. was a powerful japa that integrated his whole personality and made him Tulsi Ramayana shaped out Rama as the builder of a mighty Hindu nation the Divine Being, always conscious standing for righteousness. The of His divinity and yet behaving like expansive empire built by Chatrapati a man for outer appearances. He Shivaji was under the ochre flag remembered the number of times inspired by Samartha Ramadas. He came down as avatara, and the many more times He would In Andhra Pradesh, several were the be coming again. The devotion in Rama bhaktas who attained salvation Tulsidas came out as the concept and who left a glowing trail of of the Supreme in human form. poetry and music for posterity. Their approaches to Sri Rama were as Prayer to Sri Rama in Tulsi Ramayana is easier than to Sri Rama diversified as the above mentioned. of Valmiki Ramayana since Valmiki One of the earliest of Sri Rama’s gives out the total story with many devotees was Bammera Potana apparent lapses in Rama’s nature who translated the Bhagavatam into for which there is no apparent Telugu. His was a very Catholic explanation...his sorrow at the loss view. He belonged to a family of of his wife, his killing of Vali from Saivaites. One day when he was behind the tree, his demand for the sitting in meditation on Lord Siva, Sri agnipravesa of Seeta after killing Rama gave darshan and asked him to Ravana, and the final ignoble act translate the Bhagavatam into Telugu. 13 He translated the whole of the reach home by Sri Rama Vavami and Bhagavatam into Telugu, exclaiming: now create this flood in the river. Are you testing my faith in you?” That to be spoken is Bhagavatam the great, Thus exclaiming he plunged into the river with arms uplifted in He who makes me speak salutation, and Rama’s name on his is the Lord Sri Rama lips. Horrified onlookers on both By speaking I shall be sides of the river cried out advising rid of the world him not to do so. But the strength of his faith was such that Tyagaraja Speak I shall, walked on. oblivious of all danger, why speak of other things? his heart liberating with Rama nama. The Bhagavatam thus translated in As he was nearing the other bank, inspiration is as famous in Andhra as lo, in front, out of the bottom of the the Tulsi Ramayana in Hindi. river the idols of Sri Rama and others thrown in by the elder brother, were Tyagaraja, the great and renowned thrown up by the floods and rose doyen of Carnatic music, was a above the waters into the uplifted great devotee whose entire life was hands of Tyagaraja. Tyagaraja burst dedicated to Sri Rama. He was out in an exhileration of joy: regularly worshipping the idols of O Lord of my heart and life Seeta, Rama and Lakshmana along with Anjaneya. People were attracted Have you walked in to by his devotion and soon he became save and protect me? very famous. His elder brother was Different was the devotion of jealous of Tyagaraja. One night when Ramadasa who renovated the famous Tyagaraja and his family were asleep, temple of Sri Rama in Bhadrachala. he entered into the house stealthily, He was a distiller of Tanisha the stole the idols and threw them into Nizam of Hyderabad. He collected the Kaveri river. When Tyagaraja twelve lakhs of rupees as taxes found the idols missing, he was from the people and used it up in distraught with sorrow and went on a renovating the temple. When Tanisha long pilgrimage. He found His Rama came to know of it, he got Ramadasa every where — in all the temples. arrested and threw him in prison for One night, Sri Rama appeared to twelve years. Ramadasa, languishing him in a dream and instructed him to in the jail, picked up many a quarrel return home for Sri Rama Navami. with his ishta Sri Rama. Tyagaraja made haste to obey the Hey Rama, whose wealth instructions. He reached the banks of do you think it is! the Kaveri river one day before Sri You enjoy all the Rama Navami. He had only to cross ornaments I gave you the river to reach home. But on that I gave you a locket which day the river was in spate and the costs ten thousand! boatmen were not willing to ply their boats because it was risky. Tyagaraja For Seeta I gave a locket like a leaf smiled, “O Lord, you order me to For that, it cost ten thousand grand!

14 When a devotee quarrels with his a song, “Mother, allow my Rama to ishta, it is part of his devotion. Rama go to sleep!” did not get angry. Accompanied by On hearing this, Seeta Devi stopped Lakshmana, He came to Tanisha, talking and Narasimha Das got up disguised as servants of Ramadasa, from the verandah happy for his repaid all the money on behalf of Rama. What a great leela of the Ramadasa and disappeared. Lord! He had to cater to the needs Toomu Narasimha Das was another of his devotee! devotee of Sri Rama who lived a Mahatma Gandhi, in his childhood century ago in Andhra. He employed invoked Rama nama to get over himself in service to the idols for which he had a small family temple. the fear of ghosts and thieves. After serving the Lord from morning When he grew up to be the leader till night, finally, as the last service he of the nation struggling for would sing lullabies to the Lord and independence, Raghupati Raghava Seetamma. Then he would close the Rajaram became the song to doors of the temple and wait outside stir the soul of . Ram Rajya in the verandah to make sure that became the slogan to drive away Seeta and Rama fell asleep. To his tyranny of the foreign yoke. ear soaked in devotion, sounds of His the power of prayer. In the name Rama and Seeta moving in the of Rama, it is the infinit e Self that bedroom for some time before is being invoked by us all in varying finally falling asleep would be degrees. As our maturity so will be audible. When everything was our invocation. As our invocation, perfectly silent, Narasimha Das so will be the response from Lord would leave for the night. Ramachandra. Like Ahalya, we can One night as he was thus waiting be released from the curse of wrong in the verandah for the sounds to deeds, like Seeta we can be wedded subside, he heard whispers inside the to Him, like Lakshmana and Bharata temple. Seeta Devi was whispering we can be dedicated to His service, something to Rama who was like Sabari we can offer our sweet responding in monosyllables. Poor actions by throwing out evil actions, Narasimha Das! He knew that his like Vibheeshana, we can end all Rama was very tired and wanted enmity by taking shelter at His feet. very much to sleep. How tactless Last but not least, like Mahavira of Seeta Devi to start a conversatin Anjaneya by taking hold of His at that time! He waited impatiently feet, we can grow to heights and for the conversation to conclude, cross over the ocean of delusion. but Seeta’s monologue appeared Rama is all in all to His devotees, to be endless. Half an hour passed, doing their bid, saving them from forty five minutes passed, still Seeta difficulties and guiding them to Devi’s whisper continued. At last, in righteous actions and finally giving anguish, Narasimha Das cried out in them a place in Himself. ∫

15 Chinmaya Youth Camp #18 Wat Krishnalaya ~ Piercy, California ch June 26 - July 4, 2010 O conducted by u Chinmaya Mission San Jose t Camp Acharya: Br. Prabodh Chaitanya ! Camp Co-ordinator: Uma Jeyarasasingam Camp Teachers: CMSJ BV and YK Teachers

Theme: Krishnam Vande Jagat Gurum

Sri Krishna — the World Teacher “This Supreme Essence born as a mass of Beauty, Music, and Joy, dazzling in Wisdom, noisy with Laughter, ever a Master of Circumstances, a King of Events, frisking about in life’s melancholy contentions, meeting challenges with daring and confidence, at once a Hero and a Child all rolled into one — this is the perfect God-Man, the Eternal Child of Brindavan.” ~Swami Chinmayananda We will discover the charming way Sri Krishna reveals the Supreme Knowledge.

Registrations opens on April 1st. • First-come-first-serve basis. • Registration for this camp usually fills up within a week. • Registration closes as soon as camp is full and/ or by April 30. • Youth camp Students age is between 8-17 yrs. Parents may drop the students on 6/26 and pick them up on 7/4 or may use a bus that is being arranged from SJ to Piercy and back. Camp is from Saturday, June 26 to Sunday, July 4. Part time attendance is not available. If you have any questions regarding this camp please contact Uma Jeyarasasingam at [email protected] or (650) 969-4389.

16 Wat ch





Watch your thoughts they become words

Watch your words they become actions

Watch your actions they become habits

Watch your habits they become character

17 tenth Grade Class 2008-2009 Chinmaya Balavihar San Jose

Tec a her: Krishna Parat Co-Tec a her: Kartik Chandrasekhar

18 tenth Grade Class 2008-2009 Chinmaya Balavihar San Jose

Tec a her: Ravi Kaw Co-Tec a her: Sandeep Tiwari

19 eleventh Grade Class 2008-2009 Chinmaya Balavihar San Jose

Tec a her: Venkatesh Srinivasan Co-Tec a her: Ramana Vakkalagadda

20 eleventh Grade Class 2008-2009 Chinmaya Balavihar San Jose

Tec a her: Subbu Venkatkrishnan Co-Tec a her: Rambabu Pyapali

21 B ala Vihar Locations 2008-2009 Danville: Los Cerritos Middle School 968 Blemer Road Saturdays 4:30 pm Contact: Meena Kapadia – (925) 680-7037 San Jose: Lincoln High School 555 Dana Avenue Sunday - Session I-9:00 a.m., Session II-10:30 a.m. Contact: Uma – (650) 969-4389 Fremont: Washington High School 38442, Fremont Blvd. Saturdays 1:30 pm Contact: Lakshmi Prakash – (510) 490-1266

Shiva Abhisheka & Puja at Sandeepany San Jose Condut c ed by Mission Members Time: 7:30-8:30 pm / Every 2nd Monday of the month

Swaranjali Youth Choir San Jose Choir sessions are held every alternate Sundays between 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Venue: Sandeepany / San Jose Teachers: Prema Sriram, Jaya Krishnan, and Jayashree Ramkumar Contact: Poornima Dilip: [email protected] Those who are interested in joining the choir as vocalist or musicians may please contact Ranjani at the address above.

Danville Choir sessions are held once every two weeks, Saturdays at 2:30pm - 3:30p.m. Venue: Los Cerros Middle School 968 Blemer Road San Ramon, CA 94582 Teacher: Shailaja Dixit / Contact: Shailaja at 925-309-4837 Those who are interested in joining the choir as vocalist or musicians may please contact Shailaja at the above number.

Fremont Choir is held weekly on Saturdays, 12 noon - 1:00 p.m. Venue: Washington High School / Fremont Teachers: Natana Valiveti and Rajashri Iyengar Contact: Natana at [email protected] Those who are interested in joining the choir as vocalist or musicians may please contact Natana at [email protected]

22 Bhakti Rasamrutam (The sweet essence of Devotion)

Swaranjali, Chinmaya Youth Choir, has produced 10 CDs containing 100 Bhajans, glorifying the Lord in many Indian Languages. The Bhajans are rendered by 15 students of Swaranaji, with devotion, an offering to the Lord as their contribution to the New Building Project. The Choir is taught by Prema Sriram, Jaya Krishnan and Jayshree Ramkumar. The CD is entitled, Bhakti Rasamrutam, the sweet essence of Devotion. All details on this CD are posted on our web-site, This is a rare gift which is very inspirational and uplifting. The proceeds from the CDs will add to our Fund-raising efforts. Thanks to all who contributed their time and talents to the production of the CD.

23 One Year Residential Vedanta Course Chinmaya Mission West (CMW) is pleased to announce its One-Year Residential Vedanta Course at CMW's Headquarters, the ashram of Krishnalaya in Northern California, amidst the serene Redwoods with the blessing and guidance from Pujya Guruji Swami

DATES The Course will commence August 7, 2010 and end in August 2011. This residential, full-time Course, without any holidays, will be conducted in English.

ACHARYAS AND TEXTS Pujya Guruji Swami Tejomayananda: Tattwa Bodha, Mandukya Upanishad (selected) and Essence of Srimad Bhagawatam & Ramayana. Swami Shantananda: Dakshinamoorty Stotram and Sat Darshanam. Swami Ishwarananda: Bhagawad Gita. Brahmachari Prabodh Chaitanya: Upadesha Saara, , Drg Drshya Viveka, Panchadashi Ch. 1, and Isa, Kena, Katha, Mundaka Acharya Smt. Sharada Kumar: Vedic Chanting, bhajans, Suktams, Samskrt & Vivekchudamani Taittiriya Upanishad and Sahasranaamavali.

SCHEDULE Pujya Guruji : August 7-22 2010 Acharya Smt. Sharada Kumar: August 2010 - August 2011 Brahmachari Prabodh Chaitanya : August - October 2010 Swami Ishwarananda : November - December 2010 Swami Shantananda: January 2011 Swami Ishwarananda: February - March 2011 Brahmachari Prabodh Chaitanya: April - May 2011 Acharya Sharada Kumar: June - July 2011 Pujya Guruji: August 2011 The Course will commence August 7, 2010 and end in August 2011. This residential, full-time Course, without any holidays, will be conducted in English.

REGISTRATION $12,000 (covers registration, lodging, boarding, and books; payable in installments) Submit your name and contact information through the website provided. All submissions will be reviewed and eligible candidates will be asked to schedule a personal interview, the details of which will be provided at a later date.

For additional questions, contact Brahmachari Prabodh Chaitanya

24 Bala Vihar/Yuva Kendra and Language Classes

LINCOLN HIGH SCHOOL 555 Dana Avenue, San Jose Bala Vihar is in three sessions. Grades KG – 4: 10:30 - 11:45 a.m. Grades 5 – 12: 9:00 - 10:15 a.m. Language classes: 11:45 - 12:45 p.m. Gita Chanting classes: 9:30 - 10:00 a.m. 10:30 - 11:00 a.m. 12:45 - 1:15 p.m. Adult lectures by Br. Prabodhji, are held in the Media Room. All details are posted on Website: All parents will receive E-mail announcements with regard to changes. The Parking Lot is on Dana Avenue and you can walk from the parking lot to the class-rooms. We are renting this facility from San Jose UnifiedS chool District. We are currently using 26 classrooms in three sessions. I appreciate all the parents, some of you who are driving your children from as far North as Redwood City to San Jose. You will find it very rewarding as you see your children grow up with Hindu Heritage, moulding them into young adults. We want the best for our children. Fremont: Classes will begin on Sept. 8, 2008 at 1:00 p.m. Classes include BalaVihar/Yuva Kendra, Gita Chanting, Languages and Dance classes. Vedanta Classes for Adults are also offered. Danville: Classes will begin on Sept. 8, 2008 at 4:30 p.m.. Classes include Bala Vihar/Yuva Kendra, Languages, Swaranjali (Youth Choir). Vedanta Classes for Adults are also offered. We have 1540 children enrolled in our program from our three centers since enrollment started 07-08 school year. I wish to thank all the volunteers who areTeachers, Co-Teachers and Youth Helpers teaching and assisting in the different classes. It takes more than teachers to organize these programs at San Jose Lincoln High, Fremont Washington High, and Danville Los Cerritos Middle School. Parent Volunteers and CMSJ Volunteers organize setting up, Book-Store, Snacks, Lecture Halls etc. Our sincere thanks to all the many dedicated volunteers.

25 K ids' Own Magazine... Blr a ViHa

Parents... This is a monthly magazine published by Central Chinmaya Mission, for Children. It is packed with stories, puzzles, arts and craft ideas, children’s contributions of essays, riddles, games, and much more. You can subscribe to it directly. The annual subscription is $30 and you will receive it monthly by air. We suggest that you subscribe in your child’s name so your child will have the pleasure of receiving his or her own magazine from India. Make your checks payable to Central Chinmaya Mission Trust and mail it to: Central Chinmaya Mission Trust Sandeepany Sadhanalaya, Saki Vihar Road, Mumbai 400 072, India

Gita Chanting Classes for Children by Mallika Subramanian San Jose: Lincoln High School / Every Sunday][ Contact: (408) 245-4915 Fremont: Washington High School / Every Saturday Contact: (510) 490-1266

26 O ur thanks to all our Sponsor families who have continued to support us for many years and to all Member families who have found our programs to benefit their children thereby supporting us. We have room for more Sponsors and Members. Please invite your friends to join the larger Chinmaya Family of the Bay Area.

CMSJ SPONSORSHIP . . . . . Annual Contribution $500 CMSJ MEMBERSHIP . . . . . Annual Contribution $200 Chinmaya - Tej ...... Annual CT Sponsors $300 Chinmaya - Tej ...... Annual Subscription $50 (Receive Chinmaya-Tej only)

Tapovan Prasad

A Monthly Spiritual of Chinmaya Mission Worldwide Published by Chinmaya Chinmaya Mission, Madras. It is Internationally acclaimed Publication filled with articles and reports that are inspiring and educational. living all over the world keep in touch with their spiritual heritage through Tapovan Prasad. Annual Subscription by Airmail: US$20 (12 issues) ] Make checks to Tapovan Prasad Madras and mail to: No.2, 13th Avenue, Harrington Road, Chetput, Chennai,600031, India. 27 Scheme of Study for Chinmaya Study Groups, US

1. Self Unfoldment 2. Tattva bodh 3. Bhaja Govindam 4. Atma bodh 5. Manah Shodhanam 6. Upadesa Saram 7. Narada Bhakti Sutra 8. Meditation and Life 9. Introduction – Ch.1 & 2 10. Jnanasarah 11. Kenopanishad 12. Gita, Ch. 3 – 6 13. Dyanaswaroopam 14. Kaivalya Upanishad 15. Gita, Ch. 7 – 9 16. Isavasya Upanishad 17. Gita, Ch. 10 – 12 18. Bhakti Sudha 19. Gita, Ch. 13 – 15 20. Mundaka Upanishad 21. Gita, Ch. 16 – 18 22. Sat Darshan 23. Vivekachoodamani

Vedanta Study Groups held in the Bay Area are listed in this issue of Chinmaya Tej and you may contact them if you wish to join a Study Group.

28 Community Outreach Program Cinmah ya Mission San Jose Seva Opportunities

Sna jose Are You Willing to Volunteer or Just Sponsor the Program? I f yes, please call Krishna Bhamre: (408) 733-4612 or e-mail [email protected] We need volunteers for preparing and serving Hot Meals for the Homeless. Lunch bags are prepared at Los Altos Community Center. All Youth volunteers are required to sign up with Krishna Bhamre. Meals For The Homeless Program: Served at San Jose’s Emergency Housing Consortium at Orchard Drive off Curtner Avenue (Adult & Youth Volunteers & Sponsors).

Ftremon Fremont BV sponsors Sandwiches For The Needy. On the 2nd Saturday/Washington High School in Fremont. Parents of Bala Vihar and the kids prepare 70 Sandwiches, bag them and provide chips, fruit and juice. The Sandwiches are delivered to the Tricity Homeless Coalition, where they are served to adults and children. The Shelter is located on 588 Brown Road, Fremont, CA In addition, last Christmas, Fremont Bala Vihar donated new blankets, sweaters, sweat shirts, and infant warm clothes etc. to the homeless at the shelter.

29 Vedanta Study Groups Adult Sessions

Concord: Bhagavad Gita, Ch. 6 Sevak: Vipin Kapadia Contact: Meena Kapadia (925) 680-7037 Time: 7:30 p.m. (Wed.)

Cupertino: Bhagvad Gita Q&A Sevak: Sreeharsha Contact : Ram Mohan (408) 255-4431 Time: 7:30 pm (Thur.)

Fremont: Viveka Chudamani Sevika: Priya Batheja Contact: Priya Batheja (510) 490-1926 Time: 7:30 pm (Mon.)

Los Altos: Self-Unfoldment Sevak: Uma Jeyarasasingam Contact: Ruchita Parat (650) 858-1209 Time: 7:30 p.m. (Wed.)

Los Gatos Jnana Sara Sevak: Satish Joshi Contact: Tiwari (408) 234-7815 Time: 8:00 p.m. (Fri.)

Milpitas Bhagvad Gita, Ch.18 Sevika: Uma Jeyarasasingam Contact: Suma Venkatesh (408) 263-2961 Time: 7:30 pm (Tue.)

Mountain House: Self-Unfoldment Sevika: Padmaja Joshi Contact: Padmaja Joshi (209) 830-1295 Time: 8:00p.m. (Wed.)

Satsang with Br. Prabodh Chaitanya All events are from: 8:00-9:00pm 1st Friday of each month: Baljit & Prakash Bettadapur, San Jose, CA 95124 Text: Upadesa Saara • Ph: (408) 369-8315 2nd Friday of each month: Geetha & Sanjay Rao, Evergreen Text: Drg Drshya Viveka • Ph: (408) 532-6461 3rd Friday of each month: Sweta & Jnana Dash, Almaden Valley Text: Drg Drshya Viveka • Ph: (408) 268-5056

30 All classes held weekly unless otherwise stated

San Jose: Self Unfoldment Sevak: Ravi Kaw Contact: Nancy Kaw (408) 251-4725 Time: 8:00 pm (Thur.)

San Jose (LHS) Bhagvad Gita Sevak: Sreeharsha Contact: Sreeharsha (408) 446-9823 Time: 3:00 pm (Sun.)

Sandeepany SJ Vedic Chanting Sevak: Subbu Venkatakrishnan Contact: Mallika Subramanian (408) 245-4915 Time: 6:55 pm (Thur.)

San Ramon: Bhagavad Gita, Ch 3 Sevika: Sireesha Balabadra Contact: Sireesha Balabadra (925) 804-6102 Time: 7:30 p.m. (Wed.)

Saratoga: Kindle Life Sevika: Kalpana Jaswa Contact: Kalpana Jaswa (408) 741-4920 Time: 7:30pm (Thur.)

Sunnyvale: Kathopanishad Sevak: Satish Joshi Contact: Rohini Joshi (408) 730-2596 Time: 8:00 pm (Wed.)

Redwood City: Bhagvad Gita, Ch. 4 Sevak: Sreeharsha Contact: Sunil Jeswani (650) 364-1074 Time: 7:30 pm (Fri.)

Walnut Creek: Bhagavad Gita Ch. 2 Sevak: Vipin Kapadia Contact: Rakesh Bhutani (925) 933-2650 Time: 9:30 am (Sun.)

Prabodhji's Classes at Bala Vihar Locations Fremont: saturdays 1:45 p.m. Bhagavad Gita, Ch 1 (Cont'd) D anville: saturdays 4:45 p.m. Vivekachoodamani (Cont'd) San Jose: session 1 Bhagavad Gita, Ch 8 (Cont'd) Session 2 Panchadashi, Ch 4 (Cont'd)

Prabodhji's Classes at Sandeepany Mondays & Wednesdays: 10-11:30 a.m. Yoga Vasishta (Continued) Tuesdays & Thursdays: 6:30-7:30 a.m. Mundaka Upanishad (Beginning) Tuesdays & Thursdays: 7:30-8:30 p.m. Vivekachoodamani (Beginning) S aturdays: 6:30-8:30 a.m. Mundaka Upanishad (Beginning)

31 Swami Tejomayananada’s Itinerary

Spring 2010

Date Location/Event Phone

Apr 20- 25 Jakarta, Indonesia (62-21) 314-4058

Apr 27-28 Kuala Lumpur (60) 12277-2401 Malaysia

Apr 30-May 10 Chinmaya Mission (91-22) 2857-8647 Sidhabari [email protected] May 3-9 Mumbai (91-1892) 234325

Chinmaya Tapovan Trust [email protected] May 11-29 Kolwan, Pune (91) 976-372-3824

Chinmaya Vibhooti [email protected]

Jun 1-6 Chinmaya Ashram (91-230) 246-5073 Kolhapur

32 Keep the Lord as you pole-star. The past is dead and gone, rotten, sinking. Live in the vital present, leading and guiding its flow into the future glow. In this steering clear your life’s pilgrimage: Keep the Lord as your pole-star and steer ahead. ~ Swami Chinmayananda

Join the Chinmaya Family as SPONSORS… We invite you to join our Sponsorship program so that you can help us to promote, sustain and continue to teach adults and children, alike, the Hindu Dharma which is our Heritage. Chinmaya Mission began its service to the Hindu Community some 20 years ago in the Bay Area.We are funded by public contributions. Your contribution, as a Sponsor, goes towards the operation of Sandeepany. Many families who are taking part in the various classes that we offer to adults and children, have enrolled themselves as Sponsors. They enjoy many benefits and become an integral part of the spiritual family at Sandeepany. Sponsorship is an annual contribution of $500 per family. The donation is tax deductible and can also be paid bi-annually, quarterly or monthly. What Do Our Sponsors Receive? • They enjoy all the classes offered at Sandeepany Schools for adults and children. • They will receive the journal, MANANAM and the bi-monthly Newsletters: Chinmaya Tej and CMW Newsletter. • Sponsors are invited to attend Weekend Retreats held periodically at Sandeepany.

U nited Way Contributions Your contributions to United Way can now be designated to Chinmaya Mission San Jose (United Way I.D. No 212100). The Mission is enrolled to receive such contributions with United Way Agency in Santa Clara. Chinmaya Family would like to thank you for your support. e If travelling South on 101 s Take Guadalupe Expressway Exit Jo

Then go past the airport about two (2) miles and get off at n

a Park Ave. exit

y S At the bottom of the ramp, and at the light, make a right turn

If travelling South on 280 Take the Meridian North Exit Go to Park Ave. and make a right turn ndeepan a If travelling South on 880

o S Take the 280 exit to San Jose t

Get off at the Meridian North Exit s Go to Park Ave. and make a right turn n o If travelling South on 680 t

c Get off at Race Street Exit At the bottom of the ramp, at the light, make a right turn i

D rei Go to Park Ave. (3rd light) and make a right

Non-Profit Chinmaya Mission Organization San Jose U.S. Postage Sandeepany San Jose PAID Piercy, CA 1050 Park Avenue San Jose, CA 95126 Ph. (408) 998-2793 Fax (408) 998-2952