Michael Ford | 200 pages | 22 Apr 2009 | Elite Minds, Incorporated | 9780977476084 | English, German | Camarillo, Errors in the Ford Translation of Mein Kampf

Mein Kampf: A Translation Controversy, Ph. Michael Ford published a rather bad translation of Mein Kampf some years back, which he claimed to be the best of all available translations. At the bottom of the page, I comment on why I bother. He issues a variety of editions. For more details, if you happen to stumble across this page, look at the amazon customer reviews of his various publications. Many scholars simply leave it untranslated. First, it is grammatically incorrect although Mr. Ford for some reason thinks it sounds better to an English reader than the grammatically correct form. It was a daily newspaper that covered national and international events from a Nazi perspective. For example, the Nazi illustrated weekly was the Illustrierter Beobachter. By Mr. Ford provides several pages of justification in his booklet that announces the excellence of his translation pp. He is not persuasive. If you are curious, do read those pages, and the material he appends on pp. Ford, by the way, had a curious mixed metaphor in Mein Kampf: A Translation Controversy justification. An odd thing for an ear to do. I have been following his revisions to that remarkable document, and find that he fairly often repairs errors I point out never giving me credit, however. Let us begin with the the first page of his first edition:. Ford thought it needed to be added. Well, Mr. Ford Mein Kampf: A Translation Controversy on demand, so he repairs errors as people point them out. And he decided that the cover of his first version was rather gaudy, so he put out a new one, with some errors corrected. You will note that he has corrected the German error, but kept the English infelicity. I do wonder if Mr. Ford actually knows much German himself, since his translation has many errors like this one from p. The sentence in italics is silly. Thus, the Frankfurter Zeitung is a newspaper published in Frankfurt. Ford makes that error. And many like it. There are lots of other errors that carried over from the first to the second edition, and I may include more if anyone is interested. Contact me at bytw 2 calvin. It goes back to when I first discovered it — on the Mein Kampf: A Translation Controversy page for Mein Kampf. I discovered that October and removed it. Since I know a fair amount about Nazi propaganda check me out if curiousI was puzzled. I checked amazon. Ford had gotten some shill reviews since removed before publication, and was selling copies merrily. Nicely circular. Ford was, and is, remarkably silent about his qualifications to translate Mein Kampf. He provides little information about himself. He's written other self-published books on how to avoid being scammed on e-Bay, and how to find a job Mein Kampf: A Translation Controversy you are a felon. He also markets grammar checking Mein Kampf: A Translation Controversy, which he either does not use himself, or does not work well, given the number of errors in his material. I investigated his work, and found it poor. I posted a review on amazon, and promptly got all sorts of nasty comments from his friends, most of whom apparently do not know German, and think that the way to conduct an argument is to toss insults. In short, I see my efforts as a kind of consumer protection. If people want to buy Mr. However, they should at least know they are buying a bad translation. Google Scholar allows one to check scholarly citations. It also provides interesting material for my course on persuasion and propaganda. Although Mr. Ford does not seem to know German well, he is a master of Internet promotion. He makes a fascinating case study. Errors in the Ford Translation of Mein Kampf. Why bother with Mr. Mein Kampf - Wikipedia

Photo Gallery. Hitler Paintings. Listen To A Sample. The English translations of Mein Kampf have all been very poor and contained thousands of errors as revealed in the book Mein Kampf: A Translation Controversy. Fortunately, a new translation has been completed in which is the Mein Kampf: A Translation Controversy to understand and the most accurate translation ever made. The thousands of errors have been corrected and previously omitted parts of Mein Kampf are also included. This new translation is Mein Kampf: A Translation Controversy available in an audio book which marks the first time any Mein Kampf edition has been available in audio. Listen to a sample now. You have never heard the real Mein Kampf until you have heard the Ford translation. This Free eBook reveals the errors and ommissions in past translations of Mein Kampf. Find out how past translations altered text, changed passages, omitted certain passages, and even edited out some of Hitler's sarcastic wit. The Ford translation of Mein Kampf is the only translation which documented the translation and corrections which allows you to verify their accuracy. Download your free copy now. If you want to read or listen to Mein Kampfthen this is the version to get. Available in Hardcover, Paperback and Audio. This is the official translation which was created for the Nazi propaganda department. Only a handfull were printed in Germany and most of those went to POW camps where English and American soldiers were held. This rare version has been re-discovered and published for the first time since the fall of . Thousands of errors in Mein Kampf have now been revealed and documented. Download this Mein Kampf: A Translation Controversy book to find out the truth that has been hidden for 65 years. Free Download. Home Contact About Privacy Affiliates. Anti-Hitler Propaganda. Mein Kampf in English - Wikipedia

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Mein Kampf by Michael Ford. They Got Mein Kampf Wrong! 's book, Mein Kampf, has been controversial for many reasons but one of the greatest controversies Mein Kampf: A Translation Controversy been over the English translations. We have discovered that these older versions contain mistranslations, inaccurate translations, and outright embellishment. Mein Kampf: A Translation Controversy takes a look at Mein Kampf like no one has before and explains many elements that have confused readers. We also reveal many passages that were quietly omitted from past English translations. I reviewed and checked every line and for the first time, Mein Kampf is available in an easy to understand version. This long road of research and sweat from the development of a new translation has revealed over errors in past English translations. Now you can discover previously unknown aspects to Mein Kampf and understand it as no one has before. There are many secrets in the pages Mein Kampf: A Translation Controversy Mein Kampf. They have remained hidden by poor and inaccurate translations. In this critical analysis of the existing English translations, we will reveal countless errors that have distorted the meaning of the work. We will also explain some important points about Mein Kampf that have confused readers in the past and give you some background information that will enhance the political and historical meaning of this hotly Mein Kampf: A Translation Controversy work. Don't miss your chance to learn what few people know. Get Mein Kampf: A Translation Controversy Copy. Paperbackpages. More Details Original Title. Other Editions 2. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Mein Kampfplease sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet Mein Kampf: A Translation Controversy on Listopia. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Interesting - not what I expected - a logical progression for this man - we forget he was a man as if his thinking and actions was his entire being. Oct 20, AM. John Liew rated it it was ok Jun 05, Aron rated it did not like it Oct 06, Valeriano Diviacchi rated it it was amazing Apr 04, Alyx Jayne rated it it was amazing Jan 19, Kelsey rated it did not like it Oct 06, Mrs Gueye rated it really liked it Dec 06, Foha rated it really liked it Apr 14, Christian Tvede Steffensen rated it liked it Jan 12, Leslie rated it it was ok May 29, Ainslee Pickenpaugh rated it it was amazing May 19, Kevin A. Erlend rated it liked it Aug 06, Marc rated it it was ok Jul 07, Pamela Radell rated it it was ok Nov 07, Dusty Forsyth rated it it was amazing Jan 06, Timo rated it really liked it Sep 24, Simon rated it it was ok Apr 25, John Longan rated it really liked it Nov 23, Mark Fell rated it liked it Nov 03, Bowan rated Mein Kampf: A Translation Controversy liked it Jan 07, Joe Lee rated it liked it Jun 26, John A. Turner rated it liked it Nov 26, Scott Maddox rated it liked it Sep 09, RJHall rated it really liked it Feb 04, Elliot Page rated it really liked it Jun 22, Jackson Thomas rated it really liked it Nov 28, Gary Voyles rated it really liked it Sep 19, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Readers also enjoyed. About Michael Ford. Michael Ford. Books by Michael Ford. Escape the Present with These 24 Historical Romances. You know the saying: There's no time like the present In that case, we can't Read more No trivia or quizzes yet. Welcome back. Just a moment while we sign you Mein Kampf: A Translation Controversy to your Goodreads account.