Scanned and edited by Arno Mong Daastoel
[email protected] 2005-10-23 Text on spine: FRIEDRICH LIST The Natural System of Political Economy Translated and edited by W.0. Henderson Backside: FRIEDRICH LIST: ECONOMIST AND VISIONARY 1789-1846 W. O. Henderson Dr. Henderson's account of the life and work of Friedrich List, the first English biography of this German economist to appear for 70 years, is based upon List's collected works and on his papers in the archives of the city of Reutlingen. In two major works — The Natural System of Political Economy and The National System of Political Economy — he attacked the theories of Adam Smith and his followers and enunciated his own doctrines of "productive powers" and stages of economic growth, and advocated the imposition of import duties to safeguard infant industries. He advocated the industrialisation of underdeveloped countries and championed the cause of the "third world" of his day. Dr. Henderson's discussion of List's eventful career in Germany, France, and the United States — as civil servant, professor, politician, and journalist — is followed by an examination of List as an economist, as a railway promoter, and as a champion of German unification. He was the driving force behind the construction of two of the earliest railways to be built in the United States and Germany. He promoted the establishment and expansion of the German customs union and he had visions of the economic expansion of Germany and Austria Hungary in central European the Balkans, and in the Near East. FRANK CASS FRIEDRICH LIST The Natural System of Political Economy * * * * Translated and edited by W.0.