Univ. Res. Jour. (Sci. Ser.) Vol.44 (2) 177-182 (2012) (2012) SINDH RESEARCH JOURNAL (SCIENCE SERIES)

Temperature Modeling of Indus Basin Using Landsat Data

H.U. ABBASI, A. S. SOOMRO* A. MEMON,** S. R. SAMO ***, I. R. KARAS ****

Department of Energy and Environment Quaid-E-Awam University of Engineering, Science Technology, , Sindh,

Corresponding author: H. U, Abbasi, Email: [email protected] cell. No. 03313557968

Received 21st November 2011 and Revised 4th January 2012

Abstract: The anthropogenic association contribute towards depletion of natural resource and transforms to transform the natural covers into land use; the result of this modification has significant effects on regional weather and climate. The deforestation and urbanization directly impact on atmosphere and surface heat fluxes; the major fundamental factors are modification in the physical property of the surface and the natural vegetation such as forest, grassing land and natural cover; these changes continuously reduce surface moisture which was available in atmosphere and this refers especially to distinct difference of temperature between natural and non- natural landscape. This extensive research has been carried out using remotely sensed information to detect thermal characteristics and measurements of temperature of Indus basin surfaces and impact on regional climate. The satellite borne instruments can provide quantitative and quality physical data at high spatial, temporal resolutions and repetitive coverage, capability of measurements of earth surface conditions.

Keywords: Land surface temperatures (LSTs); Land use/Land cover remote sensing; classification method.

1. INTRODUCTION in land surface temperatures studies; the Thematic The surface temperature is an important Mapper (TM) has a 60-m resolution in thermal variable, essential for a huge range of application region. Some studies used measurements of such as climatologically, hydrological, agricultural, temperature and general environmental problems of and biogeochemical and change detection studies the 21st century (Weng, 2001), reported that (Wubet, 2003 and Dash 2005). Land surface uncontrolled land development and its alteration lead temperature gives significant sequence regarding the to loss of natural vegetation, forests; Amazon has surface physical possessions and climate which play been generally decline in the quantity. Therefore, a key role in several environmental methods (Dousset only satellite based radiance capacity to provide the el at., 2003; Weng, el at., 2004). Different studies temporal coverage and spatial resolution to analyze have been carried-out to predict comparative the LST. This work is to contribute in the field of warmness by determining the land surface temperature modeling and regain climatic changes temperature, using land based observation stations. of Indus basin surface (Mallick. el at., July 2008 and (Yamashita 1996). The stations based observation Abbasi el at., August, 2011). method is costly, time consuming and direct to troubles in spatial interpolation. Remote sensing (RS) Introduction of Study Area power is tool and superior a better alternative. The The Indus basin being narrow belt is * * remotely sensed images are the accessibility of high comprised of the total area of 1,861,571 Acres - - resolution, repetitive coverage and capability of in Sindh province with a width of 4 to 6 km width measurements of earth surface environment (Owen, and length is too long about 855 kilometers, (Fig. 1). el at., 1998). In RS, Thermal infrared (TIR) sensors It starts form Guddu barrage to Arabian Sea (Abbasi are capable to acquire quantitative, quality el at., July, 2011). The study area is shown in (Fig.1). information of surface temperature about the Land -* *- This area of Indus basin has been drive from use/ land cover classes. satellite images during image analysis of Indus basin The several thermal infrared sensors have been used in land surface temperatures studies; *Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, **Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh, *** Dean of Engineering Quaid -E-Awam University of Engineering, Science Technology, Nawabshah, **** Karabuk University, Computer Engineering Department, 78050 Karabuk, Turkey, H.U. ABBASI, et al., 178

Fig. 1.aThe study area is marked with white lines 2.5. Climate The climate of the area under study is sub- tropical and continental type, which consists of hot summers and clement dry winter lasting from December to February. The annual mean rainfall in the northern part is about 100 mm whereas in the south it is 175mm. July and August are the months of rainfall .The temperature in the extreme north (i.e. up stream Sukkur and Shikarpur ) is in between 400-500 C where as in the south (i.e. down stream Kotri and 0 Thatta ) is up to 35 C. The humidity in the above regions is 30% and 61 % respectively. The evapo- transpiration has been observed to be more than the Figure: 1.b Figure: 1.a precipitation (Fund, 2008).

2. MATERIAL AND METHODS 2.1. Species The Landsat TM image, dated 16th May The main species of Indus basin are Acacia 1992, 15th May 2003 and 15th May 2009 were used nilotica (local name Babul), Prosopis cineraria (local effectively for identification of the spatial distribution name Kandi), Tamarix aphylla (local name Lawa), characteristics of surface temperature of Indus basin. Tamarix dioca (local name Lai), Populus euphratica Band 6 of TM respectively were analyzed for the (local name Bahan), Prosopis juliflora (local name determination of the surface temperatures, images Mesquit) (Bhatti, et al., 2000, and Abbasi et al., were compared with each other for understanding the 2011). relationship between the land cover types and 2.2. Habitat for Wildlife different types of temperature in the Indus basin. The Indus basin have been a significant Temperature Model was developed in the ERDAS sanctuaries for a variety of mammals and reptiles Imagine for the calculation of the surface especially hog, deer and other animals like partridges Temperature and when ERDAS imagine processing wild boars, jackals, sand grouse, wolves, porcupines has completed, finally the images open in Arc Map etc. (Fund 2008). software and color ramp scheme were applied,

reflecting water bodies low temperature, dry land/ 2.3. Goods barren land in high temperature the image; The The Indus basin is a good source of several temperature values image are shown in Kelvin goods like agriculture, fishing, livestock grazing, (Abbasi el at., July, 2011). fodder, medicinal plants, fuel wood and timber, seed and wildlife hunting to meet the needs of local, 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION provincial and national utilization (Fund 2008). The Indus basin was divided into four

regions, region first starts from Guddu to Sukkur as 2.4. Soil shown in (Fig. 2a,) second region begins form The province of Sindh is a part of lower Sukkur to Nawabshah shown in (Fig. 2b), third Indus plain; the soils productive in nature esp. in region from Nawabshah to Kotri barrage shown in central plains have been formed by action of the (Fig. 2c) and fourth region establishes from Kotri Indus River by depositing silt cover along both the barrage to Arabian Sea as shown in (Fig. 2d) because sides. These soils of alluvium nature have fine texture the area was large in length and the other reason having more ratios of silt, clay and equal lime – different climatic conditions after 100 kilometers in magnesium and low quantity of sodium carbonate. Indus basin. The analysis of surface temperature These sediments of alluvial texture have variable using thermal infrared band 6, was carried out. The thickness i.e. several meters at Guddu and Sukkur to analysis showed significant change in temperature, in less than 30 meters at down stream at Kotri. The soils 1992 the temperature was 38.76°C and in 2009 the do not reflect any development especially after floods temperature was 43.1°C which increased by about but are in the form of stratified sand, silty clays and 4.38°C in 16 years. In May 1992, May 2003 to May silt, loam (Bhatti, et al., 2000). The soils are of very 2009, the total difference of in the temperature was fertile in nature and are uneven due to seasonal and found to be increased 4.38°C. The results show the annual deposition of silt providing the Riverine belt a increase in average temperatures due to special topography (Sheikh, 2000). Temperature Modeling of Indus… 179 anthropogenic actives and major factor is difference in surface temperature shown in images deforestation in the Indus basin; the LST calculated (Fig: 2,3,4 a, b, c, d and Fig: 5). from the satellite data which indicates a large

Topographic Map Landsat TM 1992 Band 6 GCPs Geometric correction Landsat TM 2003 Band 6 Field Work Image to Image Activity Landsat TM 2009 band 6 Filtering / Study area

extraction Selecting of 1992 Sample Plot Sample training sites Ground Truth



Color ramp Temperature Kelvin

Results Assessment Final Result

Methodology for estimation of surface temperature from satellite TM data

Figure: 2.a Figure: 2.b Figure: 2.c Figure: 2.d

Fig: 2, The ST fluctuations in Indus basin and the surrounding area Landsat TM May, 1992,

H.U. ABBASI, et al., 180

Figure: 3.a Figure: 3.b Figure: 3.c Figure: 3.d

Fig: 3, The ST fluctuations in Indus basin and the surrounding area Landsat TM May, 2003,

Figure: 4.d Figure: 4.a Figure: 4.b Figure: 4.c

Fig: 4, The ST fluctuations in Indus basin and the surrounding area Landsat TM May, 2009,

Temperature Modeling of Indus… 181

Table: 1, Spatial Distribution of Land Surface Temperature of Landsat TM

TemperatureTemperature in Kelvin in Kelvin TemperatureAverage Temperature in in CelsiusKelvin Temperaturesecond.tif in Kelvin TemperatureTemperaturesecond.tif in inKelvin Kelvin Legends second.tif second.tifsecond.tif 1992 2003 2009 300.6969253 - 310.9708391 300.6969253 0- 310.9708391 0 0 Water body 310.9708392 300.6969253300.6969253 - 26.5315.0070195 30.35 -- 310.9708391310.970839133.85 300.6969253310.9708392300.6969253 - -310.9708391 315.0070195- 310.9708391 310.97083920 0 - 315.00701950 Forest cover 315.0070196310.9708392310.9708392 -34.85 318.1258862 - 315.007019536.35 - 315.007019539.85 310.9708392315.0070196315.0070196 - -315.0070195 318.1258862 - 318.1258862 318.1258863315.0070196 - 320.6943646 - 318.1258862 315.00701960 0 - 318.12588620 Grass land/ agriculture 315.0070196318.1258863318.125886338.85 - -318.1258862 320.694364639.35 - 320.694364643.35 320.6943647318.1258863318.1258863 - 322.7124548 - 320.6943646 - 320.6943646 318.1258863320.6943647320.6943647 - -320.6943646 322.7124548 - 322.7124548 320.69436470 - 322.7124548 0 0 Dry land/Barren land 322.7124549 -54.85 347.4799255 53.35 55.35 320.6943647322.7124549320.6943647322.7124549 - -322.7124548 347.4799255 -- 322.7124548347.4799255 322.7124549 - 347.4799255 322.7124549322.7124549 - 347.4799255 - 347.4799255 Average Temperature 44

42 C

0 40



1992 2003 2009 Temperature Temperature 38.76 39.85 43.1

Fig. 5, the temperature fluctuations in Indus and the surrounding area

4. CONCLUSION Proceeding of national seminar” perspectives of The analysis of surface temperature using forestry in millennium” Vol. (3): 94Pp. thermal infrared band 6, was also carried out to find out the significant change in temperature, the results Dash. P., (2005) “Land surface temperature and have shown that from May 1992, May 2003 to May, emissivity retrieval from satellite measurements” 2009, the total increase in temperature is 4.58°C. This PhD thesis, institute for meteorology and is very significant increase in average temperatures of klimaforschung, H.U. ABBASI, et al., 1-3. 182 the surface due to Deforestation in River Forests, other natural resource depletion and anthropogenic Dousset, B. and F. Gourmelon, (2003) “Satellite actives. multi-sensor data analysis of urban surface temperatures and land cover”, ISPRS Journal of 5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Photogrammetric and Remote Sensing. Vol. (58): The author is thankful to the University of (1-2), 43-54. Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh Pakistan for providing its financial support for the research project. Fund, W.W. (2008) “Study of Riverine forests

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