ISSN 2372-2517 (Online), ISSN 2372-2479 (Print) METALEPTEAMETALEPTEA THE NEWSLETTER OF THE ORTHOPTERISTS’ SOCIETY TABLE OF CONTENTS President’s Message (Clicking on an article’s title will take you By DAVID HUNTER to the desired page) President [1] PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE
[email protected] [2] SOCIETY NEWS ear Society Members, [2] The 2021 Theodore J. Cohn Research Grants Funded by M. The many reports of LECOQ activities and research [2] The 2021 OSF Grants Funded by in the current issue M.M. CIGLIANO DD demonstrate that we [3] Updates from the Global have generally been able to adapt to Locust Initiative by M.WORD & R. COVID-19 restrictions. I bring to OVERSON your attention under “Latest News” [5] T.J. COHN GRANT REPORTS the new book recently published, [5] An evaluation of the “A Field Guide to the Bushcrickets, Mediterranean species of the band-winged grasshopper genus Wetas and Raspy Crickets of Tanzania Acrotylus (Fieber, 1853) using DNA and Kenya” by Claudia Hemp et al., barcoding by T. WEHRT which provides a most comprehensive [7] How did Orthopterists and coverage of various crickets of Orthoptera respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic? by M.K. TAN Eastern Africa. And the most recent issue of the Journal of Orthoptera [9] Wing polyphenism in Gryllus firmus by A.M. HAYES Research, 30(1), contains 11 articles: many thanks to JOR editor Tony the pandemic will continue before it [10] BOOK REVIEW Robillard and to YOU, our members, declines to a level where we have a [10] Book Review: A Field Guide to more normal situation, even if it is the Bushcrickets, Wetas and Raspy for such a comprehensive and varied Crickets of Tanzania and Kenya by set of articles! some sort of new normal.