Enjoy the three prefectures of Hokuriku using the Hokuriku Area Pass 善用北陸地區鐵路周遊券,暢遊北陸3縣 호쿠리쿠 패스로 호쿠리쿠 3개 현을 즐기자 Going everywhere with JR-WEST RAIL PASS JR-WEST RAIL PASS ( Hokuriku Area Pass ) in ӗ Hokuriku Area PassץKS੬ޠཧॹȄδ࢑ᎍңӵୣϲښUnlimited rides for 4 days in the area of Toyama, Ishikawa Ӷ൳ύȃҰώȂпІᆌϣӵୣȂѠܼ5Љϲณ४ ٯԥਞ෉४ϲȂְѠϛ४Ԫ኶ӉཏཧॹȄڕၾڻ඾೾ٚՍҦৱȂӶޠand Fukui. During the validity period, you may ride on the JR ٚȃ඾೾ӗٚ 北陸地區鐵路周遊券帶您趴趴走 호쿠리쿠 패스로 돌아보기 ٵȂѠᡲ்ڕၾڻᗚᜓଛӼᆎ੬ᓻ݉ଡ଼Ȟ୥ᎨQ/21.22ȟȂӶөෂᘉяұڕၾڻйȂ Limited Express trains and local trains, using non-reserved অіഛϟਢȄົڨ seats of standard class cars, as many times as you like within the area. Also, the pass includes lots of special benefits 도야마, 이시카와, 후쿠이 지역에서 4일간 무제한 승하차 가능. 에리어 내의 JR 특급열차, 보통열 (refer to pages 10 and 11) and you can enjoy your trip to 차의 보통차 자유석에 유효기간 내에 몇 번이고 승차할 수 있다. 또한, 패스의 특전도 많아 (P.10- Hokuriku economically just by showing it at many places. 11 참조), 각 지정처에서 제시하면 다양한 서비스를 받으며 호쿠리쿠 여행을 즐길 수 있다. Expiration date 利用期限 │ 이용 기한 Until February 28, 2015 至2015年2月28日為止 2015년 2월 28일까지 Ishikawa, Toy a m a and Fukui Period of exchange/purchase 兌換・發售期間 │ 교환·발매 기간 Until February 25, 2015 至2015年2月25日為止 2015년 2월 25일까지 Validity time 有効期間 │ 유효 기간 4 consecutive days 連續4天內 연속 4일간 Adult: ¥4,500 大人4,500日元 어른 4,500엔 Price 票價 │ 요금 Child: ¥2,250 小人2,250日元 어린이 2,250엔 Purchase qualification 購買資格 │ 구입 자격 ԥಓӬ 일본 이외의 정부 등이 발행한 여권을 소지하고 「단기체ڏៗྲȂޠ՘ึ๊ۻPersons with passports issued by governments and ࡼԥСҐпѵ୾ঢ়࢈ other authorities not of Japan and with status of ȶ฼෉୅੽ȷޠӶ੽ၦੀޠਢࡋ 류」에 해당하는 체류자격을 가진 분 residence equivalent to "short term stay." *If you buy it in Japan, you may get it only once by showing your ɏ!सӶСҐ୾ϲᗋຶȂሰяұӲโᐡಊпІΤძᆔ౪ћ ※ 일본 국내에서 구입하는 경우는 귀국 항공권 및 입국관리카 return airline ticket and your embarkation/disembarkation card )FEћ*Ȃ༊४ᗋຶΚԪȄ 드(ED카드)를 제시해야 하며, 1회에 한하여 판매. (E/D Card).

Selling locations 售票處 │ 발매 장소 Ishikawa 한국, 중국, 대만, 홍콩, 동남아시아의 주요 여행사에서· ޠӵ๊ٴࠓݎMajor travel agencies of Korea, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and ・Ӷᗻ୾ȃϜ୾ȃѯᢋȃॸ෬ȂпІ・ ᄃ MCO (항공운임 등을 지불한 사실을 증명하는 유가증ٲSouth East Asia sell MCOs ("Miscellaneous Charges Orders", л्ਢ՘ަึ୶NDP)ᜍ݃ϑМр૟ޫၽຳϟ Ȅ 권)를 판매. Toyama*ڕԥቌᜍޠ .(securities that certify the payment of airfares and other charges ・After arriving in Japan, you can exchange the MCO for the JR- ・ ٚયяұNDPȂպඳ ·MCO는 방일 후, 아래의 JR 서일본 역에서 「JR 웨스ޠСҐϟࡤȂӶпίKS՚СҐٿ West Rail Pass (Hokuriku Area Pass) at the below stations of .ȷȄ 트 레일 패스 (호쿠리쿠 패스)」본권과 교환*ڕၾڻȞіഛӵୣ២ၰڕၾڻWest Japan Railway Company (JR West). ȶKS՚СҐ២ၰ 【Stations to exchange/purchase the pass] ȪNDPպඳ・ᗋຶٚયȫ! 【MCO 교환 · 구입 역전] ,Toyama Stn., Takaoka Stn., Kanazawa Stn., Komatsu ൳ύયȃା۬યȃߝᐪયȃϊݙયȃᆌϣયȃම 도야마역, 다카오카역, 가나자와역, 고마쓰역, 후쿠이역 എય 쓰루가역, 간사이공항역, 오사카역, 신오사카역, 교토역ٶયȃ٭યȃུτ٭Stn., Fukui Stn., Tsuruga Stn., Kansai-airport Stn., ິયȃᜱ՚ᐡൠયȃτ Osaka Stn., Shin-Osaka Stn., Kyoto Stn.

It's money-saving to use both tickets together! Hokuriku Area Pass Kansai Wide Area Pass 4 days ¥4,500 (Adult) + 4 days ¥7,200 (Adult) If you enter Japan from Kansai International Airport, it's स࢑Ҧᜱ՚୾ርᐡൠΤძСҐȂ࡛ឋᗋຶȶᜱ՚ኅ஀២ 간사이 국제공항으로 입국하는 경우에는 「간사이 와이드 ಣӬȂ᐀ 패스」 와 「호쿠리쿠 패스」를 2장 세트로 이용하면 더욱ڕᚗޠȷڕၾڻȷᇅȶіഛӵୣ២ၰڕၾڻbest to use the Kansai Wide Area Pass and the Hokuriku ၰ ȷଷΠτ 더 저렴. 「간사이 와이드 패스」는 오사카, 교토, 고베뿐 아ڕၾڻഷәᆘȄȶᜱ՚ኅ஀២ၰڨٵArea Pass together. With the "Kansai Wide Area Pass," ԥົঅ ᅉύȂпІ࠳஧ 니라, 쓰루가, 오카야마, 와카야마, 기노사키 온천 등도ڸഎȃઢЙϟѵȂӶමິȃ۬ύȃٶȃ٭ you can ride unlimited times not only in Osaka, Kyoto and Kobe, but also in Tsuruga, Okayama, Wakayama, Kinosaki 무제한 승차 가능하여 간사이의 매력을 망라할 수 있다. Fukui ᏅΩȄޠᜱ՚ٵOnsen, etc and enjoy all the attractions of Kansai. ྤࢷ๊ӵηഎѠϛ४Ԫ኶ཧॹȂᡲ்ᅿ

Tourist information centers in the three prefectures of Hokuriku Drop by, because there're lots of brochures and stuff. Kanazawa Stn. Toyama Stn. Takaoka Stn. Fukui Stn.

Right near the outside of the East Exit Right near the outside of the South Gate Right near the outside of the ticket gate Right near the outside of the ticket gate ȟ 개찰구에서 바로ژ֊ȟ개찰구에서 바로 Ȟя୙ಊπژ֊ȟ 남쪽 출구 개찰구에서 바로 Ȟя୙ಊπژ֊ȟ 동쪽 출구에서 바로 Ȟяࠓπ୙ಊπژ֊πݎȞя Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture Toyama Tourist Information Takaoka Tourist Information Fukui City Tourist Tourist Information Center Center Center Information Center

Special benefit Special benefit Special benefit Special benefit The first 300 visitors will receive The first 300 visitors will The first 300 visitors will receive The first 300 visitors will receive a gift of "Gold Leaf Strap". receive a gift of "Tateyama a gift of "Doraemon Tram a gift of "Dinosaur Sticker & ࠊ411ӫᜓଛȶߝᆚКᐡӥႻȷ Kurobe Alpine Route Snowy Notebook". Craft Set". is great for traveling Valley Original Kitty Netsuke" or "Kurobe ࠊ411ӫᜓଛȶᴸ୩BჳՍҦவ)์ଅҐ*ȷ ࠊ411ӫᜓଛȶ৽ᓹຯિɮКϏ᛻ࠣಣ 선착순 300명에게 「금박 스트랩」을 증정 Ӭȷ Gorge Railway Crystal Key Ring". 선착순 300명에게 「도라에몽 전차 잡기장(공 from Osaka and Kyoto to Hokuriku! ලύ૖ၰጤഢτْ 책)」을 증정 선착순 300명에게 「공룡 스티커·공작 세트」를ڡࠊ411ӫᜓଛȶҴύ༄ഌߢᅮ !ȶ༄ഌ২ْ២ၿЬශᢓୡ୽ȷ 증정 從大阪、京都前往北陸,搭乘雷鳥號列車最為便利ܗ࿌ӵLjuuzӥႻȷ 선착순 300명에게 「다테야마 구로베 알펜 루 트 눈의 대계곡 현지 키티 스트랩」 또는 「구로 베 협곡철도 크리스탈 키홀더」를 증정 오사카·교토에서 호쿠리쿠에는 선더버드가 편리!

*Since they started this in May, 2014, stock might run out in some cases. Produced by GOOD LUCK TRIP (Diamond-Big Co., Ltd.) .Ȅ ※2014년 5월부터 실시하므로, 종료된 경우도 있음؃ɏՍ3125Ԓ6Уକ֊໡ۗᄃࢋȂҭࠊԥѠ૗ϑစ๗

ഞฒ]f/+2*0+1*4+5]F,glbb0+1 /2-.5-00/28// ROUTE MAP Toyama Pref. >P.6-7 Ishikawa, Toyama and Fukui prefectures with their magnificent and elegant nature. Why not use the Hokuriku Area Pass if you want to Toyama, where you can enjoy nature and traditional culture in various ways, Gokayama, a 穴水 World Heritage site, Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route, Unazuki Hot Springs, etc. It's also visit everywhere thoroughly in the three prefectures of Hokuriku? Anamizu 石川縣、富山縣,以及福井縣環繞在雄偉又優美的大自然懷抱中。想要深入遊覽 very easy to go to Shirakawa-go, the World Heritage Site along with Gokayama, and Hida. ۋලύ૖ၰጤȂпІԈڡ北陸3縣,就讓北陸地區鐵路周遊券助您一臂之力! Railway ൳ύᑫ᐀ԥзࣩᒹ౱ϥᆝύȃҴύ༄ഌߢᅮ Ȅࠊڨ዆ད᠎ޠӼኻٿτՍดᇅ༉ಜНϾழޠNanao Line Уྤࢷ๊ȂӼϰέᙵ൳ >P.4-5 のと鉄道七尾線 장대하고 아름다운 자연으로 둘러싸인 이시카와현, 도야마현, 후쿠이현. 호쿠리쿠 3개 현을 Ishikawa Pref. ܂ᇅзࣩᒹ౱ϥᆝύቇӫޠҪώ໑ܗॵ㚖ӵୣޠһ೾Ϋϸ߰ւȄ 느긋하게 돌아보고 싶다면, 호쿠리쿠 패스를 활용하자. The cities of nature and nice food made with products from the sea and the mountains: Kanazawa, which flourished as a castle town 세계유산인 고카산, 다테야마 구로베 알펜 루트, 우나즈키 온천 등 다양 七尾 한 형태로 자연과 전통을 즐길 수 있는 도야마현. 세계유산 고카산과 어 and continues to develop even now, Kaga, the city of hot-spring 和倉温泉 Nanao Hokuriku Area Pass Wakuraonsen 깨를 나란히 하는 시라카와고 및 히다에의 접근성도 매우 편리. uriku Area Ne >P.12 steam, Hakusan and Noto, where there's plenty of nature, etc. Their Hok ws Ishikawa Toyama Fukui ine Japanese-style confectionery and craftwork art are also wonderful. o L na ђፁࠐึ৥Ȅ࢑᐀ԥྤ Na Naoetsu؂ߝᐪȂϭСޠႇџձ࣐࠳ίᮇՅᖆᄹ Toyama Light Rail 直江津 4-day JR七尾線 Man-yo-sen 富山ライトレール Hokuriku Line ¥4,500 Children ¥2,250 Valid for 4 consecutive calendar days ࢷ໑ђິȃณ४ՍดजෂޠҪύȂᗚԥ૗ี๊τՍดᇅύࣣ੖ Tram Line JR北陸線 羽咋 万葉線 黒部 Toyama Chitetsu Main Line starts ȄکϏ᛻ࠣ׭೛ηঅூࠣޠᆡ෷ڸजॶϟഎȄСԓᑥᘉޠک .Child pricing applies to children 6 to 11 years of age* 富山地方鉄道本線 operation in the spring 2015! Hakui JR氷見線 Toyama Bay Kurobe 성을 중심으로 번영했고, 지금도 발전하고 있는 가나자와, 온천 氷見 富山湾 魚津 宇奈月 2015年春、北陸新幹線開通! The ticket allows 4-day unlimited ride in the three prefectures of Hokuriku. 으로 알려진 가가, 자연이 풍요로운 하쿠산과 노토 등 자연과 산 Himi 越ノ潟 Unazuki Uozu 宇奈月温泉 2015년 봄, 호쿠리쿠 신칸센 개통! For details, see P.12 the back cover! 해진미가 가득한 곳. 화과자와 공예품기술도 유명. 高岡 Koshinokata Takaoka Unazuki Onsen 在北陸3縣可於4天內不限次數搭乘的車票,詳情請參閱P12! 岩瀬浜 When Hokuriku Shinkansen starts to operate, not only will it be easier Iwasehama 津幡 黒部峡谷鉄道 to come from Tokyo area, but it will also become easier to travel 호쿠리쿠 3개 현에서 4일간 무제한 승하차 할 수 있는 티켓. 자세한 내용은 P12를 체크! Hokuriku Railroad Toyama 欅平 Tsubata 富山 within the three prefectures of Hokuriku. Hokuriku Shinkansen will Asanogawa Line 電鉄富山 Prefecture Keyakidaira stop at Kanazawa, Shin-Takaoka, Toyama, Kurobe Unazuki Onsen, etc. 北陸鉄道浅野川線 砺波 Toyama Dentetsu Toyama ђР߰Ȃіഛ4؂ٿіഛུཇጤȂϛ༊௄ॷഎ圏ࠊޠRoutes where Hokuriku Area Pass can be used 富山県 ԥΠུ໡೾ 内灘 Tonami 富山きときと空港 弥陀ヶ原 J ђ໸ᄲȄ୅Ꭽય࣐ߝᐪયȃུା؂һ೾ηޠUchinada Toyama Kitokito 美女平 Midagahara ᑫϲ Pass sales offices hana RLine Уྤࢷય๊Ȅۋo 城 Airport 室堂 றયȃ൳ύયȂпІ༄ഌԈ J Ta Bijodaira 端 越中八尾 kay 金沢 JR高山線a Murodo 線 m Kanazawa Etchu- a 새롭게 개업하는 호쿠리쿠 신칸센으로 수도권 野町 L 立山 Hokuriku Railroad i Yatsuo n 에서의 접근성이 좋아지는 것뿐 아니라

From Osaka and Kyoto, take the Limited Express Thunderbird to visit the Hokuriku area Ishikawa Line Nomachi e Tateyama 大観峰 黒部ダム 北陸鉄道石川線 城端 Daikanbo 호쿠리쿠 3개 현 내의 이동도 편리 ne World Heritage Bus Toyama Chitetsu Li 해진다. 정차역은 가나자와역, u [Kaetsuno Bus] Johana Tateyama Line 黒部平 rik 世界遺産バス 黒部湖 ku 富山地方鉄道立山線 Kurobedaira 신타카오카역, 도야마역, 구 The Limited Express Thunderbird with its ample seats, which goes from Osaka o (加越能バス) 猪谷 Kurobeko They provide 23 H JR北陸線 로베우나즈키온센역 등. to Kanazawa, Toyama, Wakura Onsen and Uozu. Its seats are comfortable, Inotani Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route round-trip 鶴来 立山黒部アルペンルート arranged in two rows, and it has women-only seats. It's money-saving to use services everyday. Takayama 小松空港 五箇山 高山 the Hokuriku Area Pass and the Kansai Wide Area Pass together. Komatsu Airport 小松 Gokayama ঙྤࢷȂпІനࢼϟ Komatsuڸߝᐪȃ൳ύȃ٭ӗٚ՘ᎼܼτץႫഩဵ੬ ໣Ȃ৵՞ΫϸቷභȄ๳ᎍޠ˭௷৵ැȂᗚ೤დԥυܓ஠ң৵ৱȄ There are abundant variations of the Ltd. Express .ңഷәᆘȄ えちぜん鉄道三国芦原線 加賀温泉 Ishikawa to travel within the Hokuriku areaٻཧପڕၾڻᇅᜱ՚ኅ஀២ၰڕၾڻіഛӵୣ២ၰ Echizen Railway Mikuni-Awara Line Kagaonsen Prefecture 널찍한 시트로 오사카에서 가나자와·도야마·와쿠라 온천·우오즈를 운행하 三国港 石川県 는 특급 선더버드. 쾌적한 2열 시트로 여성전용좌석도 완비. 호쿠리쿠 패스 Mikuni-Minato If you take the Limited Express, you can smoothly travel 와 간사이 와이드 패스의 세트 이용이 더욱 저렴. 芦原温泉 within the three prefectures. There are train services Awaraonsen like the Limited Express , which connects from ■Minimum time required Fukui Stn. Kanazawa Stn. Toyama Stn. Fukui, Kanazawa, Wakuraonsen, Toyama and Takaoka えちぜん鉄道勝山永平寺線 to Echigo-Yuzawa via the Hokuhoku Line Route of the Echizen Railway Hokuetsu Express, and , which connects from Osaka Stn. 1 hr. 47 min. 2 hr. 31 min. 3 hr. 12 min. Katsuyama- Eiheiji Line Maibara to Kanazawa, Toyama and Wakuraonsen. ӗٚᡲ்Ӊཏၾٗ4ᑫϟ໣Ȅ౫ԥӗٚєࢃ੬ץKyoto Stn. 1 hr. 20 min. 2 hr. 4 min. 2 hr. 44 min. 勝山 ཧॹ੬ 福井 Katsuyama ࡩIBLVUBLBșഋစі຺ࡩ՘IPLVIPLVጤȂഀ๗ᆌϣȃ Fukui 越前大野 Ltd. Express ”ঙྤࢷȃ൳ύȃା۬ʂ຺ࡤ෾ᐪϟ໣ȂпІ “SHIRASAGIڸE ߝᐪȃ tsum oku ҪᢃဵȄޠঙྤࢷϟ໣ڸih Li Echizen-Ono ഀ๗Ծ঩ʂߝᐪȃ൳ύȃ n e 越美北線 鯖江 특급열차에 타면 3개 현으로의 이동도 원활. 호쿠에 越前下山 츠 급행 호쿠호쿠선을 경유하여 후쿠이, 가나자와, Sabae Access from the airport 從機場前往的交通指南 공항으로부터의 교통 안내 武生 Echizen-Shimoyama 와쿠라 온천, 도야마, 다카오카~에치고유자와를 연 Takefu Fukui 九頭竜湖 결하는 특급 하쿠타카, 마이바라~가나자와, 도야마, Kuzuryuko JR Toyama Stn. 와쿠라 온천을 연결하는 시라사기 등이 운행중. Ltd. Express Prefecture Toyama Kitokito Approx. 20 min. by Toyama Time required for the Ltd. Express trains “HAKUTAKA” >P.8-9 福井県 Airport Chiho Railway Bus Fukui Pref. Tsuruga Stn. to Fukui Stn. JR Takaoka Stn. Approx. 35 min. There're lots of attractions, such as a dinosaur museum, one e Approx. 40 min. by Kaetsuno in Fukui Stn. to Kanazawa Stn. L Bus u J Approx. 50 min. of few in the World for its scale, the Eiheiji Temple, head ik R Wakasa Bay r 北 u Kanazawa Stn. to Toyama Stn. 若狭湾 k 陸 temple of the Zen sect, Echizen crab, which is even presented o Approx. 40 min. H 線 JR Kanazawa Stn. to the Imperial House, etc. It's the area with not only 敦賀 Komatsu Airport ・Ride Komatsu bus approx. 12 min. for JR Toyama Stn. to Kurobe Stn. Tsuruga Komatsu Stn. From JR Komatsu Stn., Approx. 20 min. beautiful sea but beautiful lakes that will make you feel good. approx. 20 min. .ᓣȃᕬۡᖃԌଲҘ҂ԌȂ ・Approx. 40 min. by the Super Express Bus JR Fukui Stnޑ৽ᓹീޠз઼ࣩ೤ዂ пІηໍଔ๞ࣳࡊࠣᔂޠ຺ࠊᜄ๊ᏅΩᅗၸȄଷ 三方 Approx. 55 min. by Keifuku Bus Πτ੖Ȃᗚԥजᝌ෺ށޠц΢ЗᛊઢܒޠӵୣȄ 小浜 Mikata JR Fukui Stn. Obama JR小浜線 Kansai International 세계 유수의 규모의 공룡박물관, 선종의 총본산 에이헤 JR湖西線 Line Ride JR Ltd. Express approx. 47 min. Tel. No. Address Hours Closed Kosei Airport 이지, 황실에도 진상되는 에치젠 게 등 매력 만점. 바다 from JR Kansai-airport Stn. to JR Shin- Fee / Price URL Nishi- Osaka Stn. Transfer to the Ltd. Express JR 뿐 아니라 호수도 아름다운 힐링 에리어. 西舞鶴 Kyoto Osaka, Thunderbird and ride approx. 1 hr. 45 min. Kansai-airport Accepted credit cards A = American Express D = Diners J = JCB 京都、大阪、関西空港 M = MasterCard V = Visa = UnionPay 2 3

ഞฒ]f/+2*0+1*4+5]F,glbb0+1 /2-.5-00/28// We recommend you it for a morning N 0 20km walk, since you can enter for free Noto Railway 5 early in the morning before it のと鉄道七尾線 opens. Also it's lit up at night 4 Nobu Zushi Area 能登すしの庄 信寿し JR和倉温泉駅 1 Wakuraonsen Stn. Wakuraonsen S t n. Nanao Line JR七尾線 Hokuriku Shinkansen Gold Leaf Kanazawa Katani (Spring, 2015) 金箔貼り体験 かなざわカタニ 北陸新幹線 JR高岡駅 Takaoka Stn. Notojima Kanazawa, ISHIKAWA Ishikawa Prefecture Kanazawa, which has prospered as a big city since the Edo Period, conserves its Aquarium Tourist Information Center JR富山駅 石川県金沢観光情報センター Toyama Stn. elegant looks, starting with the looks of one of the three Great Japanese Gardens. 4 2 JR金沢駅 It's also the place to find nice food, such as fish dishes and Kaga cuisine. Kanazawa Stn. Toyama hey show about 40,000 creatures of 500 Prefecture 金澤自江戶時代即是繁華一時的大都市,除日本三大庭園之外,還 e 富山県 in species mainly fishes and shellfishes of L 保留了古早風情的街區。同時也是加賀料理、鮮魚等美食的寶庫。 T u Jokamachi Kanazawa Loop Bus rik the sea near the Noto Peninsula. They also u 城下まち金沢周遊バス k The powerful whale o JR北陸線 Kokoyui 에도시대부터 대도시로 번영했던 가나자와에는 일본 3대 정원을 비롯하여, 운치 hold events such as dolphin and sea lion 7 H shows and penguin walks. sharks that swim calmly 心結 가 있는 거리가 남아 있다. 가가의 요리 및 해산물 등 먹거리의 보고이기도 하다. 6 Ishikawa hotel nikko kanazawa നٕ᜹࣐лȂ৥ұङ611ᆎ5 are spectacular! Prefecture ホテル日航金沢ޠп૗ีљ৭ߗ੖ The spot where you can get special benefits by showing your 石川県 ANA CROWNE PLAZA KANAZAWA ࿳଺ЬϜҢޑȄѫԥ੖೯ᇅ੖ޕޠߓᅌȂпІ ACCESS ANAクラウンプラザホテル金沢 Hokuriku Area Pass. For details, see P.10-11. Ӎᚷය๊ؐࣁ୞Ȅ JR加賀温泉駅 Kagaonsen Stn. 1 ACCESS JR Wakuraonsen Stn. 노토반도 근해의 어패류를 중심으로 약 500종 4만점 30 min. 3 JR Kanazawa Stn. 을 전시. 돌고래와 바다사자의 쇼, 펭귄 산책 등 이벤 Notojima Kotsu Bus 트도 개최. Ishikawa Souvenirs and Gifts Shop 13 min. Notojima Rinkai Koen bus stop Fukui 石川県観光物産館 Hokuriku Tetsudo Bus Prefecture 0767-84-1271 KANAZAWA EXCEL HOTEL TOKYU Kenrokuen Garden 福井県 金沢エクセルホテル東急 Kenrokuen-shita bus stop 15-40 Notojima-magarimachi, Nanao City Short walk 1 9:00-17:00 (from Dec. 1 to Mar. 19: -16:30) Notojima Aquarium 2 min. walk From Dec. 29 to Dec. 31 ©永井豪/ダイナミック企画 Kanazawa Stn. ¥1,850 (Adult) t's one of the three Great Japanese Gardens. Kenrokuen Garden I It still has the characteristics of the kaiyurinsen Credit cards not accepted style gardens of the Edo Period and it's beautiful www.notoaqua.jp/global/english/ The sound of shamisen can 076-234-3800 (Ishikawa Prefecture Kanazawa in the four seasons of the year; it's the place to see be heard from the tea Castle & Kenrokuen Management Center) the cherry blossoms, the autumn leaves and the Noto Railway houses lit up with their 1-4 Kenrokumachi, Kanazawa City rope suports to protect trees from snow. eaves lanterns From Mar. 1 to Oct. 15: 7:00-18:00 (exit time) ACCESS 5 .СҐήτ৴༫ϟΚȂߴ੽ΠԱЙਣхӲၾݔ From Oct. 16 to the last day of Feb.: 8:00-17:00 (exit time) JR Wakuraonsen Stn ࢷԓ৴༫ޠ੬ՔȂួ߇ȃकဩȃഢӥ๊Ȃѳ Open 365 days he train that connects Nanao Station and Anamizu ॴ௒Ȅ ¥310 (Adult) Short walk Station. This train is also famous because it passesڏजෂө۠ Credit cards not accepted T 일본 3대 정원 중 하나. 에도시대의 회유림천식정 Noto Railway through a tunnel of cherry blossoms in the spring. A train www.pref.ishikawa.jp/siro-niwa/ with pictures of the manga artist Go Nagai also runs. 원의 특징이 남아 있고, 벚꽃과 단풍, 설경 등 사 kenrokuen/e/index.html ӗٚȂࢍ۠ਣӗٚए຺ួ߇ޠ계절이 아름답다. 0768-52-4422 (Noto Railway Head Office) ՘ᎼܼΝ׏યҳЬયϟ໣ ᛳӗٚȄீޠᅟฬঢ়ҘϣᇻژӫजෂȄᗚѠॹֳޤTa 55-3, Ishizakimachi, Nanao ᓍၿ࢑ Kanazawa no Gozen (lunch meal) ¥4,320. City (Wakuraonsen Stn.) 나나오역에서부터 아나미즈역까지를 연결하는 열차. 봄에는 열차 For dinner, three kinds of course meals of Kaga In operation every day kaiseki cuisine are available, from ¥12,960 Minimum fare ¥210 가 벚꽃 터널을 지나가는 것으로도 유명. 만화가 나가이 고의 래 Credit cards not accepted 핑 열차도 주행. www.nototetsu.co.jp A train with pictures of the manga "Mazinger Z" also runs Higashi Chaya Teahouse District ACCESS 2 JR Kanazawa Stn. 10 min. Kaga Traditional Hokuriku Tetsudo Bus Crafts Village here's plenty of old-time elegance in the Hashiba-cho bus stop T old streets, with their beautiful trellis Kagaonsen Stn. Yunokuni no Mori windows called "kimusuko" and where you'll 5 min. walk find restaurants and gift shops. 6 Higashi Chaya Teahouse District ᓻजऐяԓ ACCESS 0761-65-3456ޠೞᆏձФᙬ᠗ژՃຘୣαѠُ ᔱЩᡡԪȂ Na-3-3 Awazu-Onsen, Komatsu Cityۺρ౱ڸๆ㟩೪ॏȂຘαϊᓢᓣ ᐩூϾϛ໡Ȅ 076-220-2194 (Kanazawa City JR Kagaonsen Stn. 9:00-16:30 (Late Apr.-early Mayکѡԟ Tourism and Exchange Division) vacation & summer period: -17:00) n the old house, built more than 100 years ago, they 기무스코라고 불리는 아름다운 격자창이 있는 오래 35 min. Higashiyama, Kanazawa City Can Bus Open 365 days (except I gather all types of traditional craftwork peculiar to 된 거리에 음식점과 기념품 가게들이 늘어서 있어, Vary by shop temporary closing) Ishikawa Prefecture, exhibit them and sell them. You 옛날 그대로의 운치가 가득. www.kanazawa-tourism.com/eng/ Yunokuni-no-Mori bus stop Adult: ¥540 (extra charge for can also try your hand at making 50 types of traditional guide/guide1_4.php?no=1 hands-on experiences) craftwork at the 11 buildings of the village. Short walk Kanazawa A, D, J, M, V (not accepted for admission Ӷົႇ211ԒᐤѭޠѡҖঢ়࡛ᑟϲ೰୶өԓө One-or-two-day valid tickets are money- fee and some other payments) saving, because they have special benefits ޠ༉ಜϏ᛻ࠣȂӶ؇ϲޠACCESS Kaga Traditional Crafts ኻҰώᑫഷЖп࣐༈ Check! Sekitei www.yunokuni.jp/mori/ including various types of discount tickets. Various Attractions 3 JR Kanazawa Stn. Village Yunokuni no Mori 22৵৥ᓣѠ୥ђ61ᆎ༉ಜϏ᛻ޠ഻ձᡞᡜȄ of Ishikawa Jokamachi Kanazawa 축 100년 이상의 옛 민가에 이시카와현이 자랑하는 전 20 min. Can Bus ACCESS Hokuriku Tetsudo Bus 통공예품을 한 자리에 모아 전시, 판매. 마을 내의 11개 7 Kutani ware, Wajima-nuri lacquerware, Kaga-yuzen Loop Bus he renowned restaurant Honda-cho bus stop 의 관에서 50종류의 전통공예를 창작체험할 수도 있다. JR Kagaonsen Stn. dyeing, gold leaf...... Here, where such sophisticated where you can eat Kaga COLUMN T culture takes root, there's lots of traditional traditional kaiseki cuisine as well It's also the place to 3 min. walk 3 min. walk see an archetypal craftworks. We also recommend you to explore the For sightseeing in as shabushabu and crab. You landscape of Japan. elegant streets wearing a rented kimono. can contemplate the Japanese Kanazawa Sekitei he buses that go around the spots Can Bus Kanazawa, use the bus of interest with their three routes: ໰ጞНϾӶԫึඵӏτȂ༉ಜϏ that departs from JR garden from the individual room. T the Sea Route, the Mountain Route and 0761-72-7777 ᛻ࠣϛാݜᖟȂ჌࢑Οْᐷȃᎉ ϛѬԥ༉ಜђິਠ౪ȂᗚѠႺ 076-231-2208 Kanazawa Station Please come to the Komatsu Airport Route. Female Ru 25-1, Sakumimachi, Kaga City ,Ȃ On the side of the Kanazawa Theatreۺӫޠᒇᜄਠ౪ڸᔂూూᗨ ৭༰ȃђິЅᕬȃߝᆚ๊๊Ȅ and goes around Kagaonsen staff will accompany and assist you. 8:50-17:30 (operating 1-9-23 Hirosaka, Kanazawa City (एαȂӶ main tourist СҐ৴༫जෂ௄єඅϲᅿԞಂ Station! approx. every hour݉ڸ࡛ឋ்ϛֺ઩ӈ ВςȂ՘Ꮌ੖ୣȃύޠၾөෂᘉڻWeekday: 11:30-14:30 (L.O.), 17:00-22:00, ழ் Ȅ In operation every dayۼ Ճຘα߭ؐഊഊȄ spots. Adultޠڏॴ௒ᑀ ॹܓSat., Sun. & Hol.: 11:30-22:00 (L.O. for lunch: ୣȂпІϊݙᐡൠጤ๊4఩ၰጤȄυ 1-day free One-day ticket: ¥1,000, two-day өᆎ݉ଡ଼Ȅٽ구타니야키, 와지마누리, 가가유 전통적인 가가요리를 비롯하여 샤 15:00, last admission for dinner: 20:00) ଡ଼সཽӶ՘ᎼႇโϜණ ticket: ¥1,200 (Can be used in 2 젠, 금박 등 우아한 문화가 살아 pass for 브샤브, 게 요리를 맛볼 수 있는 The year-end & New Year holidays 바다 주변, 산 주변, 고마츠공항선의 3개 코스 days out of 3 consecutive days) ¥500! 유명한 곳. 개인실에서는 일본 정 A, D, J, M, V 숨쉬는 이곳에는 전통공예품이 로 명소를 돌아보는 버스. 여성 승무원이 동승 Credit cards not accepted 원을 감상할 수 있다. www.asadaya.co.jp/sekitei 많다. 운치가 있는 거리를 렌탈 기 하여 서포트 해준다. www.kaga-can-bus.com 모노를 입고 산책하는 것도 좋다. 4 Lady Kaga 5

ഞฒ]2+3*6+//]F,glbb2+3 /2-.5-00/28/1 ഞฒ]f/+2*0+1*4+5]F,glbb4+5 TOYAMA 할 수있다.천연활어조라고불릴정도로이곳에서만맛볼있는생선요리도다수. 다테야마 연봉을포함하는웅대한자연으로둘러싸인도야마에서는바다도산도만끽 本地有天然魚簍的美譽,許多鮮魚料理可都是別處吃不到的好滋味。 富山擁有立山連峰等雄偉的大自然,無論海景或山景都叫人流連忘返。 from fish caught in Toyama Bay, which is called the Natural Fish Preserve. fully enjoy the sea and the mountains. There're lots of fish dishes made In Toyama, with its Tateyama mountain range and its great nature, you can ២ၿၰጤȂᡲϊЭٚၸ்एథӶτޠଝ΢जෂȄݽጤᗚԥྤࢷୣȄ Սดϟ໣Ȅ຺ႇᐞዉएႇᓍၿȂᗚѠݡ፭ٚๆѵ ൑โ91ϸយޠ .연선에는 온천도있다. 바다나 터널을지나면서차창의경치를즐길수있고, 편도 80분,토롯코전차를타고대자연을즐기는철도 T 6 also hot springs on the way. the on springs hot also There're tunnels. and bridges by passing while windows the through out looking enjoy You can minutes. 80 unreal atmosphere. wrapped in an lit-up main gate is daytime, when the charm from It shows a different 8

11 Kurobekyokokuguchi, Kurobe City City Kurobe 11 Kurobekyokokuguchi,

according to the amount of snow accumulated.) snow of amount the to according 0765-62-1011 Stn.), ¥1,210 (from Unazuki Stn. to Kanetsuri Stn.) Kanetsuri to Stn. ¥1,210Stn.), Unazuki (from Keyakidaira to Stn. ¥1,710 Unazuki Adult: (from train: 15:40 (subject to change depending on season) The first train departs from Unazuki Stn.: 7:32, the last Credit cards Credit not cards accepted No operation from Dec. to mid Apr. (It varies varies (It Apr. mid to Dec. from operation No Area the Torokko (tram) Train; one-way trip takes takes trip one-way Train; (tram) Torokko the on nature great the through run to railroad he Kurobe Gorge Railway Gorge Kurobe Area Pass. For details, see P.10-11. see details, For Pass. Area Hokuriku your showing by benefits special get can you where spot The Takaoka Stn. Takaoka Toyama Stn. Toyama 2

www.kurotetu.co.jp/en/ 10 ACCESS Kurobe Gorge Railway Gorge Kurobe Dentetsu Toyama Stn. Toyama Dentetsu National Treasure, National Zuiryuji Temple Zuiryuji Takaokasan temple layoutweredesignatedasNationalTreasures. main gate,Buddhahalland ๵ණԌȂ߇ຳङ31 Tޠᑺ࡛ȄԌଲ೤დΫϸ໱୊Ȃύߟȃդ ђິ᛺Ρх᛺лࠊҥւߞܛ산문, 불당,법당이국보로지정되어있다. 다 도시나가의위패를모신절.장대한가람의배치로 조영에 약20년의세월이걸린,가가2대번주마에 ྔȃݳஇഎᕖࡿ࣐ۢ୾᝙Ȅ Ԓਣ໣ Unazukionsen Stn. Unazukionsen JR Toyama Stn. Toyama JR of Kaga Feud, which took about 20 years to be built. Thehe family temple of Toshinaga Maeda, the Second Lord 5 min. walk 5 min. Line Chitetsu Toyama 102 min. walk 5 min. ACCESS

¥500 (Adult) ¥500 Credit cards not accepted not cards Credit www.zuiryuji.jp/index.php www.zuiryuji.jp/index.php 35 Sekihonmachi, Takaoka City Takaoka Sekihonmachi, 35 0766-22-0179 9:00-16:30 9:00-16:30 Takaokasan Zuiryuji Temple Zuiryuji Takaokasan hatto National Treasure, Treasure, National JR Takaoka Stn. Takaoka JR (lecture hall) with grand 5 min. walk 5 min. can be seen. crossing the bridge from where trains there's a photo stop Near Unazuki Station,

Open 365 days 365 Open V-shaped valley of Japan. of valley V-shaped will see the deepest comes into wide view, you When Unazuki Lake 11 how to cast metal and enjoy shopping, and so on. houses make harmony, as well as enjoy to learn roads and where stone-paved latticed city beautiful 리와 주물만들기체험,쇼핑 등을즐길수있다. 린 길과격자구조가조화를이루는아름다운거 다카오카 주물의발상지가나야마치.납작돌이깔 K जᝌຘၿȂηѠ ା۬ᠦᏣึྜӵșșߝࡑᮇȄࢌѠпݡ፭ޠੀφߟๆڸȄ ๗ӬҰݗၰޑᡞᡜᇨձᠦᏣȂ࿌ดη૗ᅿ௒ᗋ Kanaya-machi (Rows of latticed houses) casting. Youcasting. can enjoy the looks of the anaya Town, the birthplace of Takaoka metal like Murodo and Kurobe Dam. Kurobe and Murodo like places visit can you ropeways, and cars cable among T ලύȄڡіߢᅮޠՎߞഐ۾༄ഌЬ৳๊ӵ ೼Κ఩ύ۱ၰጤ೾ႇ௄൳ύᆮڸࡊஇ܂수 있다. 케이블카나 로프웨이등을타고무로도와구로베댐관광할 도야마에서 나가노로이어지는북알프스를지나가는산악루트. ᢏӏȄ ཧॹύ۱ᢠٚᇅޫϜᢠ๊ٚȂѠࠊ 9

1-1-36 Sakuramachi, Toyama City Toyama 1-1-36 Sakuramachi,

076-432-2819 [Round trip from Tateyama Stn. to Kurobeko Stn.] Kurobeko to Stn. Tateyama from trip [Round Stn.] Murodo to Stn. Tateyama from trip [Round between Dec. 1 and Apr. 9) 9) Apr. 1and Dec. between period the in &Hol. Sun. Sat., on (closed 8:30-17:30 [One way trip from Tateyama to Ogizawa] Ogizawa] to Tateyama from trip way [One Credit cards not accepted accepted not cards Credit extend from Toyama to Nagano. By changing changing By Nagano. to Toyama from extend which Alps, Northern the over route mountain he Tateyama Kurobe Kurobe Tateyama AlpineRoute

Kanayamachi, Takaoka City Takaoka Kanayamachi,

http://foreign.info-toyama. ACCESS Section) Sightseeing and Commerce City (Takaoka 0766-20-1301 com/en

(Rows of latticed houses) latticed of (Rows

www.alpen-route.com/en/ JR Takaoka Stn. Takaoka JR Vary by shop by Vary Kanaya-machi From Dec. 1 to Apr. 9 Apr. 1to Dec. From 20 min. walk min. 20 Adult: ¥10,490 Adult: Adult: ¥4,190 Adult: Adult: ¥8,060 ¥8,060 Adult: 13 Yuki-no-otani, where snow walls rise 500 m long long m is 500 one of Tateyama'srise inattractions the spring. walls snow where Yuki-no-otani, ACCESS Gokayama Gassho Gassho Gokayama Zukuri Village Gokayama Gokayama make to how learn can you where places are there Also houses. style roof) rafter (steep gassho-zukuri with Gokayama and go Ӭජആᆺဤȷᕖ Gޠિ ϥᆝύ᏶຀ȶҪώ໑ᇅϥᆝύڸ수 있는시설도있다. 카산. 고카산일본종이체험(유료)을할 로 세계문화유산으로등록되어있는고 「시라카와고·고카산의 갓쇼즈쿠리마을」 ᇨձᡞᡜȞሰрຳȟȄ ีᓄ࣐зࣩНϾᒹ౱Ȅഌӌ೪ࢋᗚԥϥᆝύ World Heritage Heritage World Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route Alpine Kurobe Tateyama Dentetsu Toyama Stn. Toyama Dentetsu

Ainokura, Nanto City Nanto Ainokura, www.city.nanto.toyama.jp/cms- Tourism Association) Tourism (Gokayama 0763-66-2468 legacy.html sypher/www/kanko/index_ Heritage Site as the villages of Shirakawa- of villages the as Site Heritage World aUNESCO as registered okayama, JR Toyama Stn. Toyama JR Tateyama Stn. Tateyama 1 min. walk 1 min. Line Chitetsu Toyama min. 60 walk 5 min. JohanaStn. washi Japanese paper (for fee). (for paper Japanese sense of the seasons. Reservation is required. is Reservation seasons. the of sense the value that dishes healthy is (¥2,160) zen Yakuto-kenko- course meal Chinese-herbal The 2층은 한방을도입한메뉴의레스토랑이완비. 통이 있는약국.1층에서는일본식한방약을판매, 다다미에 앉아판매하는방식을고수하고있는전 T Ȅ2ዃ೰ۺՃԆဵ᛿ޠ८ᄈ८᎜୶ٿᔗ೩Ӽ ஁ࡼֳίٽजॶȄ ୶СԓᇅᅖР᛿ࠣȂ3ዃࠍ࢑ᓢᢉȂޠᅖРᆡ๽ڦᘞ all types of dishes cooked with Chinese medical ingredients. and, on the second floor, they have a thatrestaurant offers sell Japanese and Chinese herbal medicines on the first floor 12

1-3-5 Tsutsumichodori, Toyama City Toyama Tsutsumichodori, 1-3-5


the restaurant on 2F is closed also on Wed. on also closed is 2F on restaurant the 076-425-1871 9:00-18:00 (Restaurants: -14:00) (Restaurants: 9:00-18:00 1F is closed for year-end & New Year holidays, Year holidays, &New year-end for 1F closed is ACCESS zauri he old-established medicinal store where they stick to Gokayama Gassho-style Village Gassho-style Gokayama JR Johana Stn. Johana JR Bus Kaetsuno min. 25 Ainokura-guchi bus stop bus Ainokura-guchi Ikedaya Yasubei shoten (sales with kneeling on the They tatami-mats). 3 min. walk walk 3 min. 銀

JR Takaoka Stn. Takaoka JR www.hangontan.co.jp Heritage Bus Heritage World min. 60 beautiful also is snow by covered are roofs thatched when year of time The free. for pills make to how learn also can You ACCESS Ikedaya Yasubei shoten Yasubei Ikedaya Toyama eki-mae Stn. eki-mae Toyama JR Toyama Stn. Toyama JR Nishicho Stn. Nishicho Prefecture 2 min. walk 2 min. Train City Toyama 8 min. walk 5 min. Takaoka Tourist Information Center Ishikawa Gokayama FolkGokayama Museum 石川県 世界遺産菅沼合掌造り集落 Gasshozukuri Gasshozukuri Village gastrointestinal disorders. stomach and other in treating heaviness in the leading product, is effective our Etchu-hangontan, 五箇山民俗館・塩硝の館

Saltpeter Museum JR金沢駅 St Kanazawa 世界遺産バス(加越能バス) World Heritage n anao L

. N

Johana St i World Bus Heritage Suganuma JR七尾線ne たかおか観光案内所 ( JR城端駅 Takaoka St Kaetsuno Bus Kaetsuno JR高岡駅

n Jo

. JR城端線h Ainokura Traditional Museum Crafts Ainokura Folk Museum/ World Ainokura Heritage Gasshozukuri Village 相倉民俗館・相倉伝統産業館 世界遺産相倉合掌造り集落 11

Prefecture a na COLUMN Toyama L )

i n 富山県 n 13 e . ң൳ύᢋ਑ٻࠣჱѨ஁ࡼѬ྄ޠȶ൳ύᢋჱѨȷ 10 Prefecture. Toyama over all restaurants 60 than more in served It's Bay. Toyama in caught fish from only made sushi best the Sushi, Bay Toyama 맛볼 수있다. 마만 초밥」.도야마현내각지60개이상의점포에서 도야마만에서 잡힌생선만을사용한최고의초밥「도야 ⲋഎѠᅿ௒ۺ੖ᘁȄӶ൳ύᑫϲөӵ71Ꮈঢ়ޠࠣᔂȄ ኤ


JR氷見線 Himi Line Himi Tram Line Man-yo-sen 万葉線 ©Fujiko-Pro Toyama. enjoy if you come to something that you can Toyama Bay Sushi, remember the trip. tickets. Keep it to appears on 1-day Doraemon also ライトレール

DORAEMON DORAEMON Manyo-sen TRAM Tram Line distance fare costs ¥150. costs fare distance shortest- The 18:00. at day previous the on decided is schedule service The 2015! August, of end the until service in is drawn Doraemon of picture the with tram The

J LightRail R 14

高 Line

山 Toyama 線 Takayama Takayama 富山 Tateyama Stn. 富岩水上ライン Suijo Line Fugan 12 Toyama Chitetsu Toyama Stn. Dentetsu 電鉄富山駅 Tateyama Line とやま観光案内所 Toyama Stn. JR富山駅 Information Center Toyama Tourist 富山地方鉄道 http://foreign.info-toyama. com/en/gourmet/

Check! 立山駅 立山線

Hokuriku Line

9 JR北陸線 N クラウンプラザホテル富山 TOYAMA PLAZA ANA CROWNE Toyama BlackMenya Iroha Chunchundo Yakuzen Bussan Center Toyama ANA 富山第一ホテル 富山エクセルホテル東急 富山ブラック 麺家いろは 薬膳料理「春々堂」 物産センター富山 Toyama Dai-ichiHotel EXCEL HOTEL TOKYU TOYAMA 宇奈月温泉駅 Unazuki Onsen Stn. Onsen Unazuki 0 宇奈月駅 Unazuki Stn. Unazuki 1日フリーきっぷ

ドラえもん電車運行記念 Hokuriku Shinkansen 万葉線 /2-.5-00/28//

(Spring, 2015) Restaurant 北陸新幹線 8 7 20km ഞฒ]2+3*6+//]F,glbb6+7 FUKUI 이 확충되어있다.호쿠리쿠지방3개현중에서는가장간사이에가까워,방문하기쉽다. 역사와 미식의마을로알려진후쿠이에는탈것을이용한관광도유명하여,동서남북으로교통망 樂趣無窮。在北陸3縣中最靠近關西,可輕鬆造訪。 歷史與美食之都,福井的交通網四通八達,坐在交通工具內觀光也 because, of the three Hokuriku prefectures, Fukui is the one closest to the Kansai region. and its extensive transport network will take you to all directions. It's easy to come to Fukui, In Fukui, a city of history and nice food, you can also enjoy sightseeing on public transportation the paintings on the ceiling, etc. ceiling, the on paintings the corridors, polished thorough the like see, to things of lots are There Japan. all from gather priests where Zenji, contemplate the lakes from there from lakes the contemplate and car cable the on mountain a of top the to go to or cruise lake the you recommend We ഻࡛Ȃᆺ໲ΠӓСҐяঢ় Tܛ৲Ӳඃ ҦၿϰᕬޠకࢿۡᖃԌଲȄᆡᓐಡมޠ잘 꾸며진복도,그림천장등볼거리가많다. 들이 모이는조동종의대본산.구석구석까지 도겐 선사에의해창건되었고,전국의출가승 ᇅᛳЉϣ๊Ȃ࡟ӼӵРഎঅூݡ፭Ȅ Ⴥ΢ 8 15 Area founded by the Reverend Dogen Dogen Reverend the by founded sect, Soto the of temple head he Eiheiji Temple Eiheiji Hokuriku Area Pass. For details, see P.10-11. see details, For Pass. Area Hokuriku your showing by benefits special get can you where spot The Mikata Stn. Mikata Fukui Stn. Fukui ACCESS Five Lakes of Mikata (Rainbow Line) (Rainbow Mikata of Lakes Five 3 5 min. by car by 5 min. JR Mikata Stn. Mikata JR 5-15 Shihi, Eiheijicho, Yoshida-gun Eiheijicho, 5-15 Shihi,

Credit cards not accepted not cards Credit consultation with General Affairs is needed) Generalwith consultation Affairs meditation, Zen for stays 3-night 4-day for and Admission: ¥500 (For 2-day 1-night for stays praying 0776-63-3102 8:00-17:00 (Vary by season) season) by (Vary 8:00-17:00 Hiruga Lake. A place inhabited by beautiful beautiful by inhabited Aplace Lake. Hiruga and Lake Kugushi Lake, Suga Lake, Suigetsu aquatic birds with mysterious colorings. mysterious with birds aquatic T 비로운 색깔,아름다운물새들이서식한다. 의 5개호수를총칭하여미카타5호라고한다.신 미카타호, 스이게츠호,스가호,구구시호,히루가호 ԥઢબདȂᗚ෗ਁ຀जᝌޠЬഩȄ Ӫ෺Ȃ೼6ঐ෺ಜᆏ࣐ήРϥ෺Ȅ෺ЬՔᐪழ ήР෺ȃЬУ෺ȃ๺෺ȃεεφ෺ȂпІС 17

Wakasacho, Mikatakaminaka-gun / Mikatakaminaka-gun Wakasacho,

Mihamacho, Mikaga-gun Mihamacho, 0770-45-0113 www.wakasa-mikatagoko.jp/hyaka/cat_spot001.html Mikata Five Lakes: Mikata Lake, Lake, Mikata Lakes: Five Mikata called collectively are 5lakes hese Five Lakes of Mikata of Lakes Five 2nd floor of Sanshokaku floor 2nd of on ceiling hall the the great and onbirds ofthe flowers There are 230 colored paintings (Wakasa-mikatagoko Tourism Association)

Open 365 days 365 Open 30 mindirect toEiheiji Temple. Ltd. Exp. "Eiheiji Liner" it takes approx. Fukui* From Stn., JR ifrideKeifuku Bus ACCESS Echizen Railway Fukui Stn. Fukui Railway Echizen Eiheijimae bus stop bus Eiheijimae T ВςȂ҂С2Љԥޠၾමິӵୣөᢏӏӫാڻ ᛳٚٙΫϸ֝࿙Ȅ 7ੳٚȂ໋ϳȃСȃ୆С2Љԥ:ੳٚȂݙҐႮீޠ레이지의 애니메이션이그려진 차체가독특. 편, 토·일·공휴일에는9편운행하고있다.마츠모토 츠루가의 관광명소를돌아보는버스.평일에는6 ς୞ฬ with Leiji Matsumoto's anime is the sign. the is anime Matsumoto's Leiji with bus The holidays. national and Sundays Saturdays, on 9services and weekdays on 18 Eiheijikuchi Stn. Eiheijikuchi Eiheiji Temple Eiheiji JR Fukui Stn. Fukui JR 5 min. walk 5 min. Bus Keifuku 15 min. Railway Echizen min. 29 walk 5 min. spots of Tsuruga. There are 6 services 6services are There Tsuruga. of spots tourist the around goes that bus he Loop Bus Gurutto Gurutto Tsuruga Tsuruga Tsuruga Stn. Tsuruga an excavation try! You canalsohave opened onJuly19. The fieldstation exhibited in a huge space. ahuge in exhibited are etc fossils, models, reconstructed spectacular I ໣၈৥ұ຀ົޫޠᓣϟΚȂӶቷኅޑඉ঩ዂ࠯ зࣩήτ৽ᓹീޠӓٙଽੀȂпІᎫᐃΩΫ٘ޠϾҰ๊Ȅ ႇ51৵৽ᓹڸ 대한 공간에전시되어있는세계3대공룡박물관중하나. 40개 이상의전신골격과박력만점인복원모형,화석등이광 16

In Katsuyama Kyoryu-no-mori, 51-11 ,Murokocho Kyoryu-no-mori, Katsuyama In

Adult: ¥720fee for special (extra exhibition)

2nd and 4th Wed., from Dec. 29 to Jan. 2, and 2, and Jan. to 29 Dec. from Wed., 4th and 2nd www.dinosaur.pref.fukui.jp/en/ the World where more than 40 entire skeletons, skeletons, entire 40 than more where World the of museums dinosaur major three the of one t's some temporary closings temporary some 0779-88-0001 Terao, Katsuyama City Katsuyama Terao, 9:00-17:00 (Last admission: 16:30) admission: (Last 9:00-17:00 A, D, J, M, V (only accepted in the museum shop and the restaurant) Dinosaur Museum Prefectural Fukui

1 Kanawacho, Tsuruga City City Tsuruga 1Kanawacho,

Credit cards not accepted not cards Credit In operation every day every operation In www.city.tsuruga.lg.jp/sypher/www/ ACCESS ¥200 (Adult), one-day ticket ¥500 (Adult) (Tsurugaekimae bus stop) stop) bus (Tsurugaekimae 0770-25-2111 info/detail.jsp?id=5503 Gurutto Tsuruga Loop Bus Loop Tsuruga Gurutto JR Tsuruga Stn. Tsuruga JR Short walk Short the trip good toremember drawn onitisalso with theanime One-day ticket information aboutspecimens.¥540torent thedevice 60 spotsintheexhibitionspacewhere you cangetmore Audio guideinEnglish,Korean andChineseisavailable. There are ACCESS T ႁ۾࿾౪ᆮޒ࢙ޠۮᎄҰԋύޠᏪαۮ൷֬ݎ ȃ྿ۮҰȄ 2lnȄֳӶၾ៕಼αȂѠΚၰݡ፭ွலۮםۊޠ੬Քڏө๊ۮȂпІ្ᕏۮ등 다양한바위를볼수있다. 진보. 유람선에서는벌집바위,사자바위,촛대바위 휘석안산암의 주상절리가1km에걸쳐이어지는도 φ hives, lions, candles, etc. candles, lions, hives, bee like stones as such seen, be can shapes various in stones boat, tour the From 1 km. 21 Echizen Railway Fukui Stn. Fukui Railway Echizen Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum Dinosaur Prefectural Fukui Kyoryu Hakubutsukan bus stop bus Hakubutsukan Kyoryu

64-1 Mikunicho Anto, Sakai City Sakai Anto, Mikunicho 64-1

¥1,300 (Adult) Credit cards not accepted not cards Credit From Dec. 29 to Jan. 31 Jan. to 29 Dec. From www.toujinbou-yuransen.jp 0776-81-3808 9:00-16:00 (from Nov. to (from Mar.:9:00-16:00 -15:30) andesite of its rock surface extend over over extend surface rock its of andesite pyroxene of joints columnar The ojinbo. Katsuyama Stn. Katsuyama Tojinbo Cruise Tojinbo JR Fukui Stn. Fukui JR Short walk Short bus Community 12 min. Railway Echizen min. 53 walk 5 min. Awaraonsen Stn. Awaraonsen magnificent. It was rebuilt in 1993. in rebuilt was It magnificent. the The Fukui. T րჯȂӲၾԓޠ૰ࡊԓ࡛ᑟഎঅூΚࣽȂ Ґ৴༫௄ࠊ࢑ᆌϣ᛺лݙ҂ঢ়ޠᜟڻ२࡛Ȅ ݔࢷ৴༫пІܛ현재 모습은1993년에재건된것. 유식임천정원으로 주변의다실풍건축은훌륭하다. 후쿠이의 번주마츠다이라가의별장이었던정원.회 ౫ԇ޲࣐2::4Ԓ 19 3-11-36 Hoei, Fukui City 3-11-36 Fukui Hoei,

¥210 (Adult) Credit cards not accepted not cards Credit From Dec. 28 to Jan. 4 Jan. to 28 Dec. From www.history.museum.city.fukui.fukui.jp/ ACCESS 0776-20-5367 (Fukui City Culture Division) Culture City (Fukui 0776-20-5367 yokokan/ last day of Feb.: exit time is 17:00) is time exit Feb.: of day last the 6to Nov. From time. (exit 9:00-19:00 Matsudaira Family, the feudal lords of of lords feudal the Family, Matsudaira the of villa the was that garden he Sukiya The famous Yokokan Garden Yokokan famous The The famous The Yokokan Garden Yokokan at dusk atmosphere romantic It hasa JR Fukui Stn. Fukui JR -style buildings around them are are them around buildings -style 15 min. walk 15 min. Kaiyurinsen style garden and and garden style ACCESS JR Awaraonsen Stn. Awaraonsen JR Tojinbo bus stop bus Tojinbo Tojinbo Cruise Cruise Tojinbo 5 min. walk 5 min. Bus Keifuku min. 40 "Keimei noitado" called drawn roosters there isadoorwith room, Kusari-no-ma panels) fretwork ofthe with Among thecedardoors ranma (decorative the attendantshows sightseeing spotsthat the around go to railway Please usetheEchizen 福井市立郷土歴史博物館 Awara-Yunomachi Stn. Tsuruga Onsen Kirameki History Museum History Fukui City Tourist Information Center 敦賀きらめき温泉「リラ・ポート」 Obama Line

JR小浜線 Fukui City view throughthecarwindows. trip. You canalsoenjoythetranquil accompany youandguideonthe the seaarea.Afemaleattendantwill I ௄ᆌϣٚયяึȂ՘Ꮌ੖ୣᇅύୣ ݉ٽ២ၿȂԥυॹଡ଼সᓎٚණޠ ॴӏրԥΚޠ΢ܒȄ ଡ଼Ȃٚๆѵजᝌک중 하나. 포트 해준다.평화로운차창도즐길거리 철도. 여성승무원이승차하여여행을서 후쿠이역에서 바다쪽,산쪽으로달리는 อ፹ あわら湯のまち駅 20 Saintpia Awara セントピアあわら Station tothemountainareaor t's therailwaythatgoesfromFukui 19

Echizen Railway Echizen えちぜん鉄道三国芦原線 ホテルリバージュアケボノ 17

ユアーズホテルフクイ Rela Port Rela Riverge Akebono Yours Hotel Fukui COLUMN Mikuni-Awara Line 福井市観光案内所 Echizen Railway out toseeitscutelooks is alsorunning.Don'tmiss goes totheDinosaurMuseum The "dinosaurtrain" that Fukui St Mikata StMikata JR三方駅 JR福井駅 roasted, in in roasted, pot, hot in it enjoy fully can you and winter the in taste delightful most The Japan. in brand supreme of crab the is House, Imperial the to even presented is which crab, Echizen ദ઼ӫᜄȄޠजॶ ຺ࠊᜄηໍଔ๞ࣳࡊȂ࢑СҐ୾ϲޠңҢᜄбȂэЉٵ࢑ܗȄ ѠตЭᗨȃᐷ੧Ȃڨདک울 최고의메뉴. 브랜드 게.전골과구이,회등마음껏즐길수있는겨 황실에도 바쳐지는에치젠게는일본국내에서유일한 ୾еழ๞்ณ४ज


R 18 J Hotel 21 n Tsuruga St JR敦賀駅 . n

. JR北陸線 sashimi

Echizen Gani Gani Echizen riku Hoku Line Prefecture Awaraonsen St JR芦原温泉駅 20

n Etsumihoku Line Etsumihoku

Credit cards not accepted not cards Credit In operation every day every operation In www.echizen-tetudo.co.jp . Fukui 福井県 JR越美北線 ACCESS Minimum fare from ¥150 Minimumfrom fare (Adult) 15-3-1 Kamimachi, Matsumoto, Matsumoto, 15-3-1 Kamimachi, Fukui City Fukui 0776-52-8888 , etc. 京福バス Bus Keifuku 15 Echizen Railway Fukui Stn. Fukui Railway Echizen JR越前下山駅 Shimoyama えちぜん鉄道福井駅 Echizen Railway Fukui St Echizen- JR Fukui Stn. Fukui JR 5 min. walk 5 min. St Prefecture Ishikawa n 16 N 石川県 . n . Katsuyama St 勝山駅 Katsuyama NewHotel Katsuyama 勝山ニューホテル ( Park Hotel Kuzuryu パークホテル九頭竜 0 Crab St Kuzuryuko JR九頭竜湖駅 /2-.5-00/28/1 ホテルフレアール和泉 n FUREARUIZUMI


えちぜん鉄道 . Eiheiji Line Katsuyama- Echizen Railway ) 9 n 20km . n HOTEL . Hokuriku Area Pass Benefits List World Heritage Ainokura Gasshozukuri Village Ainokura Folk Museum / Ainokura Traditional Crafts Museum Toyama Black Menya Iroha 北陸地區鐵路周遊券優惠一覽 호쿠리쿠 패스 우대 일람 Discount on combo admission 3ᓣӔ೾ߟಊᓻඐ ¥100 off from the price for Toyama ൳ύCmbdlܝឩȃ൳ύҪፉܝឩ Adult ¥350 → ¥260 大人350日元→260日元 Black Ramen or Toyama Shiroebi 優惠100日元 If you present the Hokuriku Area Pass, you can get various complimentary 2관 공통 입장료 할인 (white shrimp) Ramen 도야마 블랙 라면·도야마 흰새우 라면

Restaurant Special Benefit Special Benefit 어른 350엔→260엔 100엔 할인 special benefits in the three prefectures of Hokuriku. Use it wisely. 用餐處 식사하는 곳 只要出示北陸地區鐵路周遊券,可在北陸3縣享受多種超值優惠。 Traffic Sightseeing spot World Heritage Suganuma Gasshozukuri Village Gokayama Folk Museum / Saltpeter Museum TOYAMA EXCEL HOTEL TOKYU 一定要善加利用。 轉乘交通 환승 교통 觀光景點 관광 스폿 Discount on combo admission 3ᓣӔ೾ߟಊᓻඐ 10% off from the food bill for the ദቺᓢᢉȶSjdpnpoufȷޠᓢ໾ຳ 호쿠리쿠 패스를 제시하면 호쿠리쿠 3개 현에서 다양한 우대 특전을 받을 수 Hands-on experience Shopping venue Adult ¥300 → ¥240 大人300日元→240日元 restaurant on the top floor "Ricomonte" 打9折 體驗 체험 購物處 쇼핑하는 곳 2관 공통 입장료 할인 최상층 레스토랑 「Ricomonte」 식사 대금 있다. 현명하게 이용하자. Special Benefit 어른 300엔→240엔 Special Benefit 10% 할인 Ishikawa Souvenirs and Gifts Shop Ikedaya Yasubei shoten Toyama Dai-ichi Hotel >P.7

Discount on fee for hands-on ђິΥኀϛঈૅКᛳᡞᡜᓻඐ Free traditional pill-making experience γ᛿ᇨձᡞᡜռຳ!0!贈送दဘ᛿ȶЇቁϞ 10% off from the food bill for the buffet ˬዃՍֆᓢᢉȶDpnfepsȷȃӵίˬዃСҐ ϲ୧ࠣᗋຶ޲ȟ restaurant "Comedor" on the 1st floor and ਠ౪ȶݙώȷᓢ໾ຳ打9折ۺ໕ȷȞ༊४ޠISHIKAWA experience of Kaga Hachiman Okiagari 1,030日元→930日元 Gift of digestive medicine "Hangontan" ΚԪ Hand painting 가가 하치만 오뚝이 그림 그리기 체험 할인 for a dose 환약 체험 무료 / 위장약 「한곤탄 1회분」 증정 the Japanese restaurant "Matsukawa" on 1층 뷔페 레스토랑 「Comedor」 · 지하 1층 일 Special Benefit Special Benefit Special Benefit ¥1,030 → ¥930 1,030엔→930엔 (With purchase in store) (점포 내 상품을 구입하신 분) the 1st basement floor 본 요리 「마쓰카와」 식사 대금 10% 할인 Jokamachi Kanazawa Loop Bus Notojima Aquarium Bussan Center Toyama ANA CROWNE PLAZA TOYAMA >P.4 >P.5 まち ੒ຳᅗ2-111Сϰпα 10% off from the bill for dinner at "Cafe in the park" on 2ዃȶDBGF!JO!UIF!QBSLȷఐᓢຳңȃ6ዃСҐਠ౪ȶ໵੖ȷޑᓻඐ Discount on admission ߟಊᓻඐ Gift of udon noodles with a purchase ᗋڕၾВςˬСՍҦॹٚڻDiscount on Jokamachi Kanazawa ࠳ίᮇߝᐪ ң ɏԥഌϸ຋൑ଷѵٯуᓻඐڐLoop Bus 1-day free pass 大人500日元→450日元 Adult ¥1,850 → ¥1,200 大人1,850日元→1,200日元 of ¥1,000 or more 贈送「烏龍麵」 the 1st floor and the Japanese restaurant "Unkai" on the ఐᓢຳң打9折 ɏϛѠᇅ Adult ¥500 → ¥450 조카마치 가나자와 주유 버스 1일 자유 승차권 할인 입장료 할인 1,000엔 이상 쇼핑을 하면 5th floor * Use of other benefit in combination with this 1층 「CAFE IN THE PARK」 디너 대금 ·5층 일본 요리 「운카이」 디너 대금 Special Benefit 어른 500엔→450엔 Special Benefit 어른 1,850엔→1,200엔 Special Benefit 「우동」을 증정 Special Benefit offer is not accepted * Some menu items are excluded 10% 할인 ※다른 할인 특전과의 병용은 불가 ※일부 대상 외의 메뉴 있음 Noto Railway hotel nikko kanazawa Yakuzen Restaurant Chunchundo >P.5

শȃ᛿ᑶ๕ᓻඐ!756日元→500日元!0!ᘉᗋګȟᓻඐ 15% off from the bill for the dinner 3ዃȶHbsefo!IpvtfȷՍֆԓఐᓢຳң ・Discount on yakuzen herbal medicine curry ᛿ᑶڕཧॹٚಊȞ2СښDiscount on Unlimited Travel Ticket ณ४ ᛿ᑶ๕৉ᓢ޲Ȃ贈送「Kitty吊飾」Ȅܗশ৉ᓢګ1-day ticket) 大人1,000日元→800日元 buffet at "Garden House" on the 2nd 打85折 or yakuzen rice porridge ¥756 → ¥500 ᛿ᑶ) Adult ¥1,000 → ¥800 자유 승차권(1일권) 할인 floor 2층 ‘가든 하우스」 디너 뷔페 ・Order yakuzen curry set or yakuzen rice 약선 카레·약선 죽 할인 756엔→500엔 / 약선 카레 Special Benefit 어른 1,000엔→800엔 Special Benefit 15% 할인 Special Benefit porridge set and you will get "Kitty strap" 세트·약선 죽 세트를 주문하면 「키티 스트랩」 증정 Can Bus KANAZAWA EXCEL HOTEL TOKYU >P.5 Saintpia Awara

ȟᓻඐ 3ዃᓢᢉȶUfnbsjȷЀᓢȃఐᓢຳңڕཧॹٚಊȞ2Сښณ४ Discount on Unlimited Travel Ticket 10% off from the food bill for lunch 30% off from bathing charge Τ੝ຳ (1-day ticket) 大人1,000日元→800日元 and dinner at the restaurant "Temari" on 打9折 打7折 Adult ¥1,000 → ¥800 자유 승차권(1일권) 할인 the 2nd floor 2층 레스토랑 「Temari」 런치·디너 식사 요금

Special Benefit Special Benefit FUKUI 입욕료

어른 1,000엔→800엔 10% 할인 Special Benefit 30% 할인 Kokoyui ANA CROWNE PLAZA KANAZAWA Echizen Railway Park Hotel Kuzuryu >P.9 я઩Ȟ֥Ꮒ࠯ɮ຀၇ຳңȟᓻඐ! 6ዃȶСҐਠ౪ȁ໵੖ȷȃ2:ዃȶ២ݗᐷђ݉ڸΚСᢏӏ Ȉ大人800日元→600 15% off from the price for the ski pack ྥഢ৉ಣ୧ࠣ打85折ڕཧॹٚಊᓻඐ!2СښDiscount on 1-day sightseeing kimono rental 10% off from the food bill for the Discount on Unlimited Travel Ticket ณ४ (incl. hairstyling and fitting) 14,800日元→11,840日元!ɏሰഇႇᆪયႲङ Japanese restaurant "Unkai" on the 5th ິȷᓢ໾ຳ打9折 Ȉ大人2,000日元→1,000日元 * Limited time offer ɏ෉໣४ۢڕ1-day ticket: Adult ¥800 → ¥600 日元!!3С ¥14,800 → ¥11,840 1일 관광 기모노 대여(헤어 세트 착용) 할인 floor and "Teppanyaki Restaurant Kaga" 5층 「일본요리 운카이」 · 19층 「철판구이 가가」 → Special Benefit Special Benefit 2-day ticket: Adult ¥2,000 → ¥1,000 자유 승차권 할인 1일권: 어른 800엔 600엔 스키팩 15% 할인 → ※웹사이트에서 예약 필요함 식사 대금 Special Benefit Special Benefit *Must be booked online 14,800엔 11,840엔 on the 19th floor 10% 할인 2일권: 어른 2,000엔→1,000엔 ※기간 한정 Gold Leaf Kanazawa Katani Kanazawa Sekitei >P.4 Keifuku Bus HOTEL FUREARU IZUMI

ຯߝᆚᡞᡜܗᗋޑ Ѐᓢȃఐᓢຳң打9折 ൷֬ȃҘ Discount on bathing charge Τ੝ຳᓻඐ!大人500日元→400日元ݎȷȃȶڕ൷֬3СՍҦॹٚݎoff from the price for Gold Leaf ・10% off from the food bill 20% off from "Tojinbo 2-day Free Pass" ȶ 30% experience and purchases 打7折 for lunch and dinner ռຳᜓଛ໾ਠΚݕ ȷ打8折 Adult ¥500 → ¥400 CCRȞᐷ੧ȟຳңʖ打8折ɏ෉໣४ۢڕand "Tojinbo & Eiheiji 2-day Free Pass" ҂Ԍ3СՍҦॹٚ 금박 붙이기 체험과 쇼핑 ・One free drink 런치·디너 식사 요금 10% 할인 → Special Benefit Special Benefit 「도진보 2일 자유 승차권」 · 「도진보·에이헤이지 20% off from the price for barbecue 입욕료 할인 어른 500엔 400엔

30% 할인 원드링크 서비스 Special Benefit Special Benefit 2일 자유 승차권」 20% 할인 * Limited time offer 바비큐 요금→20% 할인 ※기간 한정 Kaga Traditional Crafts Village Yunokuni no Mori Nobu Zushi Tojinbo Cruise Tsuruga Kirameki Onsen Rela Port >P.5 >P.9 ४ۢ຋൑ȶIBLVUBLB˳LBOȷڕၾڻ Τ؇ຳᓻඐ!!大人540日元→350日元 Discount on admission 15% off from the price of the meal Discount on boat ride fare ॹ಼ಊቌᓻඐ Discount on bathing charge (incl. hand Τ੝ຳȞ֥я઩Ъϓȟᓻඐ・ Adult ¥540 ¥350 ᜓଛߝᆚຯિ only for pass users "HAKUTAKA8KAN" 3,240日元打85折 → Adult ¥1,300 → ¥1,100 大人1,300日元→1,100日元 towel and bath towel rental) 大人1,000日元→500日元 ・Complimentary gold leaf sticker 입장료 할인 어른 540엔→350엔 ¥3,240 패스 한정 메뉴 「HAKUTAKA8KAN」 Special Benefit Special Benefit 승선료 할인 Adult ¥1,000 → ¥500 입욕료(대여 수건 포함) 할인 금박 스티커 증정 Special Benefit Special Benefit 3,240엔을 15% 할인 어른 1,300엔→1,100엔 大人1,000日元→500日元

World Heritage Bus (Kaetsuno Bus) Gurutto Tsuruga Loop Bus >P.8 Rela Port

Ⴚᓻඐ 5,300日元→3,000日元ژᓻඐ Discount on the price for 120 min. all- ᒇᜄ231ϸយӭڕȷȃȶϥᆝύɮҪώ໑ Discount on 1-day free pass ˬСՍҦॹٚڕoff from "Gokayama Free Pass" ȶϥᆝύՍҦॹٚ 20% 11ʂ25;41;22ޠȷ打8折 Adult ¥500 → ¥200 大人500日元→200日元 you-can-eat crab ɏ༊४2208ʂ4032෉໣Ϝڕand "Gokayama & Shirakawago Free ՍҦॹٚ TOYAMA 「고카야마 자유 승차권」 · 「고카야마·시라카와고 1일 자유 승차권 할인 게 뷔페 120분 대금 할인 → Pass" ¥5,300 → ¥3,000 5,300엔 3,000엔 Special Benefit 자유 승차권」 20% 할인 Special Benefit 어른 500엔→200엔 Special Benefit * Only in 11:00-14:30 of Nov. 7-Mar. 21 ※11/7∼3/21 기간 중의 11:00∼14:30 사이만 Toyama Chitetsu Line Man-yo-sen Tram Line Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum Yours Hotel Fukui >P.6 >P.8

ȟᓻඐ Discount on admission ߟಊᓻඐ!大人720日元→620日元 10% off from the bill for lunch and dinner 4ዃݳԓᓢᢉȶCpoifvsȷȃ3ዃСҐਠ౪ڕཧॹٚಊȞ2Сښoff from fares between Dentetsu Ⴌ២൳ύયʂҴύયٚಊ打9折 Discount on Unlimited Travel Ticket ณ४ 10% ȃᄈဵಊณᓻඐ (1-day ticket) 大人800日元→500日元 Adult ¥720 → ¥620 ᇮॲᏳ៕я઩ᓻඐ!540日元→430日元 at the French restaurant "Bonheur" on the ȶᐙȷЀᓢȃఐᓢຳң打9折ڕץToyama and Tateyama Stn. ɏϜഋίٚਣณᓻඐ!ɏ੬ * No discount on stopovers. 덴테쓰 토미야마역∼다테야마역의 요금 10% 할인 Adult ¥800 → ¥500 자유 승차권(1일권) 할인 Discount on audio guide (rental) 입장료 할인 어른 720엔→620엔 3rd floor and the Japanese restaurant 3층 프렌치 레스토랑 「Bonheur」 · 2층 일본 요 Special Benefit Special Benefit Special Benefit Special Benefit * No discount on Limited Express or reserved seating. ※도중에 하차하는 경우에는 할인 없음 ※특급권과 좌석 지정권은 할인 없음 어른 800엔→500엔 ¥540 → ¥430 음성 가이드 대여 할인 540엔→430엔 "Tachibana" on the 2nd floor 리 「다치바나」 런치·디너 대금 10% 할인 Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route Fugan Suijo Line The famous Yokokan Garden Hotel Riverge Akebono >P.6 >P.9

ߖȟٚಊ打9折 10% off from boat ride fare ॹ಼ಊቌ Discount on admission Τ༫ߟಊᓻඐ 8% off from the food bill for the ˭ዃСҐਠ౪ȶTblvsbcbtijȷᓢ໾ຳ܂off from fares between Tateyama Ҵύયʂ༄ഌ෺Ȟ 10% ਢࡋȄ 打9折 Adult ¥210 → ¥160 大人210日元→160日元 Japanese restaurant "Sakurabashi" on 打92折ޠߖٚಊ܂Stn. and Kurobeko Stn. (round trip) ɏ༊४ᗋຶ༄ഌ෺ * Offered only with purchases of a 다테야마역∼구로베 호수(왕복) 요금 10% 할인 승선료 입장료 할인 the 2nd floor 2층 일본 요리 「Sakurabashi」 식사 요금 Special Benefit round trip ticket for Kurobeko Stn. ※구로베 호수까지의 왕복 승차권을 구입하신 분에 한함 Special Benefit 10% 할인 Special Benefit 어른 210엔→160엔 Special Benefit 8% 할인 Toyama Light Rail National Treasure, Takaokasan Zuiryuji Temple The famous Yokokan Garden + Fukui City History Museum Katsuyama New Hotel >P.6 off from one-way fare ൑โٚಊ Discount on admission ୥ࡷຳᓻඐ Discount on combo admission Ӕ೾ᢏ៕ȃΤ༫ߟಊᓻඐ 20% off from the food bill for the ᓢᢉȶGftujwpȷᓢ໾ຳ 10% 打9折 Adult ¥500 → ¥400 大人500日元→400日元 Adult ¥340 → ¥250 大人340日元→250日元 restaurant "Festivo" 打8折 편도 요금 관람료 할인 공통 관람·입장료 할인 레스토랑 「Festivo」 식사 요금 Special Benefit 10% 할인 Special Benefit 어른 500엔→400엔 Special Benefit 어른 340엔→250엔 Special Benefit 20% 할인

10 For details: http://westjr.co.jp/global/en/ Information provided is correct as of June, 2014 11

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