Original research BMJ Glob Health: first published as 10.1136/bmjgh-2020-002398 on 16 December 2020. Downloaded from Search without rescue? Evaluating the international search and rescue response to earthquake disasters

1 2,3 Anna Rom ‍ ‍ , Ilan Kelman

To cite: Rom A, Kelman I. ABSTRACT Key questions Search without rescue? Earthquakes around the world are unnecessarily lethal Evaluating the international and destructive, adversely affecting the health and well-­ search and rescue response What is already known? being of affected populations. Most immediate deaths and to earthquake disasters. ►► The most common cause of earthquake-rela­ ted injuries are caused by building collapse, making search BMJ Global Health casualties is building collapse, making early search and rescue (SAR) an early priority. In this review, we 2020;5:e002398. doi:10.1136/ and rescue a priority. bmjgh-2020-002398 assess the SAR response to earthquake disasters. First, ►► There is often a lot of media and public interest in we review the evidence for the majority of individuals international search and rescue operations following being rescued locally, often by relatives and neighbours. Handling editor Eduardo earthquake disasters. Gómez We then summarise evidence for successful live rescues ►► The majority of search and rescue is carried out lo- by international SAR (ISAR) teams, along with the costs, ►► Additional material is cally in the immediate aftermath of earthquakes. published online only. To view ethics and other considerations of deployment. Finally, we please visit the journal online propose an alternative approach to postdisaster ISAR, with What are the new findings? (http://dx.​ ​doi.org/​ ​10.1136/​ ​ the goal of reducing overall morbidity and mortality. ►► International search and rescue teams arrive too late bmjgh-2020-​ ​002398). to make a significant contribution to lives saved. ►► International search and rescue is expensive in com- parison to training and preparing locals. Received 18 February 2020 Revised 13 September 2020 What do the new findings imply? INTRODUCTION Accepted 11 November 2020 ►► Investing in equipping and training local teams in In the last 20 years, earthquakes have affected high risk, vulnerable earthquake-­prone areas may 125 million people, leading to around 750 save more lives. 1 2 000 deaths. The threat from earthquakes ►► Further research is needed to evaluate how best to

disproportionately affects poorer countries, deliver such training and who best to receive it. http://gh.bmj.com/ where lack of building standards and ineffec- tive response infrastructure often coexist.3 The most common cause of earthquake-­ The results were chaotic, with different 4–6 related casualties is building collapse. teams arguing over how to perform rescues, Search and rescue (SAR) is therefore an time wasted repeatedly searching the same immediate priority. SAR is defined as the loca- buildings and overall poor coordination.10 on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. tion and extraction of trapped individuals, Following a repeat of these issues after the either informally by relatives and neighbours 1988 earthquake in ,9 11 attempts or formally by professional local or intentional were made to harmonise international efforts, © Author(s) (or their teams. As some countries lack professional resulting in the 1991 formation of the Inter- employer(s)) 2020. Re-­use teams, or adequate capacity, international permitted under CC BY-­NC. No national Search and Rescue Advisory Group commercial re-­use. See rights SAR (ISAR) teams frequently respond. (INSARAG), a global network of countries and permissions. Published by Prior to 1985, earthquake ISAR teams did and organisations dealing with SAR related BMJ. not formally exist, with ad hoc response from issues, operating under the UN’s umbrella.12 1 7 UCL Institute for Global Health, international specialists to some events. Its main aim, and one of its key successes, London, UK After the 1985 earthquake in Mexico City, 2UCL Institute for Global Health has been establishing regularly reviewed, and UCL Institute for Risk and the combination of collapse of multiple rein- minimum international standards and guide- 13 Disaster Reduction, London, UK forced concrete buildings, and the advent of lines for SAR. In 2002, a UN resolution 3University of Agder, 24-hour­ news beaming pictures of the devas- was adopted endorsing INSARAG and estab- Kristiansand, Norway tation around the world, led to several SAR lishing international consensus on the need 14 Correspondence to teams, usually only operating domestically in for ISAR teams in postdisaster response. Prof Ilan Kelman; their home counties, deploying internation- Since 2005, INSARAG has developed a 8 9 ilan_​ ​kelman@hotmail.​ ​com ally. classification system, INSARAG External

Rom A, Kelman I. BMJ Global Health 2020;5:e002398. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2020-002398 1 BMJ Global Health BMJ Glob Health: first published as 10.1136/bmjgh-2020-002398 on 16 December 2020. Downloaded from

Classification (IEC), designating teams as ‘medium’ or Patient and public involvement ‘heavy’ such that their capabilities can be established It was not appropriate or possible to involve patients or before deployment.15 the public in this type of study. Earthquakes have a significant impact on global health and development. While richer countries tend to expe- Evidence for local rescue rience higher costs due to damage to infrastructure of Table 1 presents a review of 13 studies covering assess- higher financial value, poorer countries have so far typi- 16 ment of local SAR response for specific earthquakes. cally had higher mortality. Poverty affects the ability to These studies conclude that extrication of trapped indi- recover; for example, an earning family member’s death, viduals was performed by relatives, neighbours and local destruction of property or livelihood interruption pushes inhabitants in 60%–100% of cases described. people further into poverty and sets back overall devel- 17 There are limitations to these data, such as its retro- opment by years. This widens socioeconomic and other spective collection, sometimes with significant delays23 24; inequities, delaying progress in reducing health inequal- 18 use of hospital records which are noted to be incom- ities in affected populations. plete,25 and will also fail to capture data from people The populations threatened by earthquake disas- who may be injured or die but never make it to hospital; ters are increasing, largely due to population growth anecdotal evidence where no systematic approach has and infrastructure development without seismic safety 26 2 19 been described for who was selected to take part ; and measures. Rapid of often multistorey a lack of data from more recent events. These studies buildings result in higher building density and occu- do not provide figures for the actual number of people pancy,20 increasing potential earthquake disaster 21 trapped or rescued, or taking part in rescue operations. impacts. The reasons why some buildings are more Despite these limitations, the reproducibility of findings likely to collapse than others are complex, but ultimately in different events, along with expert consensus from are often due to inadequate building standards or lack field experience articulated in the citations, supports of enforcement of them, due to a failure to invest in the conclusion of most postearthquake rescues being standards and enforcement, alongside officials and the conducted by local people. building industry ignoring any standards and protocols for financial gain.22 This inherent corruption further sets back overall development and proliferates the ongoing ISAR live rescues need for ISAR. Table 2 summarises ISAR contributions to lives saved ISAR effectiveness has not been previously system- in 14 earthquake disasters for 1985–2015. The highest atically reviewed, so this paper assesses ISAR response number of live rescues by ISAR teams was 144 in Turkey, with Haiti second at 134 (range 132–136; see figure 1). to earthquake disasters and its contribution to saving 27 28 lives, by reviewing literature and other evidence from Two post-­Haiti agency reviews, also reported these as past earthquake ISAR response, using the number of the highest figures. people extricated from rubble alive as a direct measure When taking into account the estimated death toll http://gh.bmj.com/ of success. We also explore the evidence for local rescue for each event, only Pakistan has a lower value for ‘live after earthquakes, usually by relatives and neighbours, rescues as a percentage of deaths’ than Haiti (aside from and costs involved in international response. Finally, we two events with no live rescues); however, the Turkey propose alternatives to postearthquake ISAR, focusing earthquake still has the highest figure for both ‘live on pre-­disaster risk reduction (DRR) and local capacity rescues’ and ‘live rescues as a percentage of deaths’. All building. earthquakes reviewed have an ISAR ‘live rescues as a on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. percentage of deaths’ under 0.85% (see figure 2). The lowest number of rescues occurred in Indonesia 2009 and Japan 2011, with no live rescues noted.29 30 For METHODS the Japan earthquake, most deaths were reportedly a Data for this review were identified by searches of Web result of the subsequent tsunami, rather than earthquake-­ of Science, Scopus, Embase, Geobase, Georef and associated building collapse, which was said to be Google Scholar and then references from relevant minimal,31 although people trapped in any collapsed articles, using the search terms “earthquake”, “natural buildings might have been rescuable until they perished disaster”, “natural hazard” and “search and rescue”, in the tsunami. “US&R”, “local/international response”, “Immediate In the Armenia earthquake, only one source provided response”. figures for the number of ISAR live rescues, 64, which Only articles published in English relating to earth- it noted to be ‘incomplete’, while estimating that 15 000 quakes between 1985 and 2015 were included in the people overall had been rescued alive from collapsed ISAR review, with earthquakes from any period included buildings.32 A case control study of this event,33 found in the review of local response. See online supplemental 0.9% of live rescues in the area surveyed, were saved appendix for full methods, including inclusion/exclu- by international teams. Applying 0.9% of rescues to sion criteria. the 15 000 in Armenia would estimate 135 lives saved

2 Rom A, Kelman I. BMJ Global Health 2020;5:e002398. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2020-002398 BMJ Global Health BMJ Glob Health: first published as 10.1136/bmjgh-2020-002398 on 16 December 2020. Downloaded from e Continued hours after

hours, as wer

hours after

93.6% of those extricated alive <24 rescued were the earthquake extricated 90% of people were by inhabitants of the same village 18% of the population who had not died helped with rescue work 95% of people extricated who went on to have further medical extricated by local were care inhabitants using their hands or simple tools alive 89% of those rescued collapsed buildings were from extricated <24 trapped 93% of those who were and survived 60% of live extrications performed by relatives/ were neighbours due to military 15% reported and civil defence arriving within hours 25% not accounted for by local 90% rescued inhabitants using their hands or simple tools by 0.9% (2 people) rescued international teams 85%–90% of those extricated certain towns, alive from <48 rescued earthquake Usually by untrained local inhabitants. ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► Local rescue ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► Retrospective survey Retrospective 18 months following earthquake Randomly selecting 1 in region 3 households from by the earthquake affected Case study Immediately after earthquake Inhabitants of 3 towns by earthquake affected retrospective Structured interviews Lay bystanders, medical administrators, providers, SAR personnel sampled 3 different from communities, different epicentre distances from study Case control Hospitalised cases city of Leninakan from with controls compared not hospitalised in same neighbourhood Field survey of towns and villages affected Interviews with survivors of earthquake and officials Ministry of Health from ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► Study design ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► 23 86 85 33 26 Noji et al de Bruycker et al Pretto et al Pretto Noji et al Noji 000 000

10 Estimated number of people injured Article http://gh.bmj.com/ 000 19

Estimated death toll 25 on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Depth (km)* 6.9 10.0 3000 Magnitude (Mw)* 6.8 5.4 23 November 1980 07 December 1988 e review for local search and rescue (SAR) after earthquake and rescue for local search e review Literatur

Table 1 Table Italy Earthquake location (country) Date of event Armenia

Rom A, Kelman I. BMJ Global Health 2020;5:e002398. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2020-002398 3 BMJ Global Health BMJ Glob Health: first published as 10.1136/bmjgh-2020-002398 on 16 December 2020. Downloaded from Continued hours es

hours of earthquake,


4.8% (11 500) citizens in Santa Cruz and 2.7% (20 000) in San Francisco engaged in SAR activity post earthquake by rescued 61% of cases were neighbours rescued 84% of survivors were <1 <48 99% rescued and efforts Most rescue transportation of casualties carried out by survivors themselves Within 4 local inhabitants had extricated practically all those trapped in collapsed structur ► ► ► ► ► ► Local rescue ► ► ► ► ► ► dead or alive

om hospital records/ who sustained injury due to earthquake (identified fr Department Social Welfare) Random household survey of residents Conducted in 2 out of 6 counties (San affected Francisco and Santa Cruz) Unmatched case control study At the time of relief activities (1–2 weeks post event) Cases=people people Controls=uninjured in same neighbourhood at time of earthquake family members (uninjured of cases or those in refugee centres) structured Retrospective interview study Lay bystanders, SAR personnel, medical disaster providers, managers Interviewees selected at sampling random from denoting maps of area locations of highest building mortality/greatest damage Sample size was based on total population affected by earthquake in each particular village (2%–5%) interviews using Structured community health workers of all patients admitted to hospital immediately after earthquake ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► Study design ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► 87 4 80 88 etto et al Roy et al 500 Pr 000

Estimated number of people injured Article http://gh.bmj.com/ 000 160

Estimated death toll 20 on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Depth (km)* 6.9 17.2 60 3800 O'Brien and Mileti Magnitude (Mw)* 7.7 16.0 17 October 1989 26 January 2001 Continued

Costa Rica 22 April 1991 7.6 10.0 100 USA Table 1 Table Earthquake location (country) Date of event Philippines 16 July 1990 7.7 25.1 1600 3000 Roces et al India

4 Rom A, Kelman I. BMJ Global Health 2020;5:e002398. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2020-002398 BMJ Global Health BMJ Glob Health: first published as 10.1136/bmjgh-2020-002398 on 16 December 2020. Downloaded from hours

21% of survivors escaped on their own extricated by people 31% were in the same home 48% extricated by neighbours reported were All live rescues to be completed by the time arrived responders professional Local and ISAR reportedly arrived at the scene >12 Noted to have only minor impact on overall survival by family and 60.2% rescued relatives by local people 10.9% rescued by the Red 0.5% rescued Crescent by military forces 0.5% rescued 28% unconscious at time of of who no recollection rescue, them rescued responders were 89.2% of first and local inhabitants relatives ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► Local rescue ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ­ sectional study Reconnaissance study, Reconnaissance study, using retrospective questionnaires questionnaire Retrospective People hospitalised following earthquake Descriptive study 2 years after earthquake Stratified 2 stage area sampling, to select 211 survivors who had been and received injured medical services Surveyed on their opinions to of medical response earthquake Cross- 185 casualties who were hospitalised in first week post earthquake review Information from and of medical records interviews with individuals ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► Study design ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► 3 25 90 24 79 89 Najafi et al cited in Petal et al Nia et al Mirhashemi et al 300 Petal 000

Estimated number of people injured Article http://gh.bmj.com/ 40 000 30

Estimated death toll 40 on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Depth (km)* 6.5 5.0 Magnitude (Mw)* 6.6 10.0 03 February 2002 26 December 2003 Continued

Turkey Table 1 Table Earthquake location (country) Date of event USGS available online. *All earthquake magnitude and depths from ISAR, internationaland rescue. SAR; SAR, search Iran

Rom A, Kelman I. BMJ Global Health 2020;5:e002398. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2020-002398 5 BMJ Global Health BMJ Glob Health: first published as 10.1136/bmjgh-2020-002398 on 16 December 2020. Downloaded from Rescues as % of estimated death toll 2 0.003 1 0.56 6 0.25 0 0 2 0.09 0 0 66 0.69 24 0.12 2524 0.06 0.03 16 0.19 64–135 0.26–0.54 144 0.85 134 0.07 Total Total ISAR live rescues First ISAR team arrival post earthquake (hours) Total ISAR Total dogs 206 Unknown >72 450 Unknown ~12 728359 103 18 40676 14 50663 26 79 44 958 39 ~24 2700 224 16 1345 ~150 24 1872 118 <12 >845 >47 56 Total ISAR Total personnel 6 7 9 46 21 13 2027 15 >1000 >10014 24 30 >180031 161 23 16 Number countries deploying ISAR teams 6 9 Unknown 1892 37 >100026 >10038 35 53 21 67 76 Total Total number ISAR teams deployed 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000

6000 20 30 11 10 22 Estimated number of people injured http://gh.bmj.com/ 000 19 000 50 000 160 000 30 000 100 000 370 000 000 300

25 17 20 40 73 69 15 200 Estimated death toll on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Depth (km)* 8.06.8 27.97.6 5.4 9500 7.7 17.0 7.7 33.06.6 16.0 2400 7.6 10.0 7.6 26.0 7.0 81.06.1 13.0 11009.1 5.9 3000 29.0 22 180 2500 8 Magnitude (Mw)* 19 September 1985 07 December 1988 17 August 1999 21 September 1999 26 January 2001 21 May 2003 6.826 December 2003 08 October 2005 12.012 May 2008 7.930 September 2200 2009 12 January 2010 19.0 22 February 2011 11 March 2011 25 April 2015 7.8 8.2 8600 Date of event national search and rescue (ISAR) response to earthquake 1985–2015 (ISAR) response and rescue national search 30 53 Inter 29 30 107 29 37 39 41 9 32 33 91

9 10 59 48 96–100 35 36 102 45 92–95 29–31 117 118 30 38 50 52 63 66 30 105 106 34 101 6 27–29 42–44 64 30 40 46 103 104 119 120 Table 2 Table Earthquake location (country) Geological Survey available online. *All earthquake magnitude and depths from 114–116 108–113 Turkey Taiwan Indonesia New Zealand Japan Mexico India Haiti Armenia Algeria Iran Pakistan China Nepal

6 Rom A, Kelman I. BMJ Global Health 2020;5:e002398. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2020-002398 BMJ Global Health BMJ Glob Health: first published as 10.1136/bmjgh-2020-002398 on 16 December 2020. Downloaded from http://gh.bmj.com/ on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright.

Figure 1 Number of live rescues made by ISAR teams for each earthquake. by international teams, so it seems likely that the true with onsite coordination of the ISAR response. Numbers number lies somewhere between 64 and 135 (shaded are provided in their situation update reports and via pink, figure 1). the virtual On-­site Operations Coordination Centre, The largest number of personnel responded to Turkey, vOSOCC, available online.8 34–38 Even where numbers are Nepal and Haiti. There is no correlation between number quoted in the literature, they are usually derived from of personnel/dogs and live rescues. Teams arrived OCHA reports.29 30 32 39 in-­country most quickly in Nepal and New Zealand Many reports in the grey literature do not refer- (≤12 hours), with the longest delay of >72 hours for the ence where data for live rescues come from, but often earthquake in China. No correlation is notable between figures will match OCHA reports.28 40–44 Many OCHA the arrival time of the first ISAR team and the number of reports, describe the number of attending ISAR teams live rescues. and personnel/dogs only, without mention of live The majority of quoted figures for live rescues by ISAR rescues.45 46 Many of the reports from individual agencies, teams come from the United Nations Office for the Coor- such as United States Agency for International Devel- dination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) who are tasked opment (USAID), detailing their own teams’ rescues,

Rom A, Kelman I. BMJ Global Health 2020;5:e002398. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2020-002398 7 BMJ Global Health BMJ Glob Health: first published as 10.1136/bmjgh-2020-002398 on 16 December 2020. Downloaded from

Figure 2 ISAR live rescues as a percentage of death toll for each earthquake event over 30-year­ period from 1985-2015 (Maximum possible live rescues as % of death toll figure used for Armenia, range 0.26-0.54). support the overall findings for number of rescues in numbers affected by these earthquakes, or likely to have OCHA reports, corroborating the magnitude of the been saved by local inhabitants. numbers described.47 48 Overall, between 1985 and 2015, The data on ISAR rescues have not been systematically ISAR teams reportedly made 508–579 live rescues. collected or widely reported. While most ISAR teams are government sponsored, any rescues by private teams Costs of UK and US ISAR response 2010–2015 or those not supported by governments, are unlikely to Table 3 presents the costs of UK and US ISAR teams in have been recorded, as they usually work outside of the response to three earthquakes during a 5-year­ period, as 32 OCHA coordination system. In some cases, live rescues http://gh.bmj.com/ both UK and US teams deployed to these events, and data will have been counted where individuals later died,28 49 were available for both countries to allow comparison. decreasing the overall success of the intervention. Where UK and US costs were chosen as reports are in English, numbers have been publicly stated, particularly in Haiti USAID publishes budget breakdowns with situation and Nepal, with more references in the literature than updates and UK government departments are subject to previous earthquakes, there are no findings of counter

Freedom of Information (FOI) requests, where informa- claims or critiques to suggest these figures are disputable. on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. tion is not publicly available. Overall, therefore, despite the limitations of the data, it The total UKISAR spending on these events was US$3 appears to be a reasonable representation of the contri- 173 300, with US$793 325/life saved. Total USISAR bution of ISAR to number of lives saved. spending was US$44 960 908, with US$936 686/life Specific details on the circumstances of live rescues saved. Combined spending/life saved was US$925 658. made by these teams are lacking.31 49 This type of data An FOI request was made to the UK’s Department for should be straightforward to collect, given the small International Development (DFID) to provide costs numbers of rescues involved. Recording the type of for all UKISAR deployments since 1985, but this was equipment used, medical condition of the individual declined citing the excessive cost to DFID of providing and specific timings of rescue would provide useful this information. data to inform future practice. Could the extraction have been done by less skilled rescuers? Was special- DISCUSSION ised equipment required? What were the immediate Overview of ISAR success medical needs and first aid provided after extrication? There is limited peer reviewed literature specifically Were any rescuers injured or killed during the opera- assessing ISAR teams’ response to earthquake disasters tion? INSARAG have developed a ‘Victim Extrication (see table 2). The data that are available indicate that Form’, to document some of this information and has these teams save relatively few lives, compared with the advocated use of post mission reporting, but not all

8 Rom A, Kelman I. BMJ Global Health 2020;5:e002398. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2020-002398 BMJ Global Health BMJ Glob Health: first published as 10.1136/bmjgh-2020-002398 on 16 December 2020. Downloaded from

teams are completing these forms, or reporting their activity.50 000 500 842 208 000

Over the years, since the formation of INSARAG— 300 631 723 134 000

241 800† producing best practice guidelines, classifying teams and 1 1 3 6 237 066‡ 48 Total cost Total (US$)* 35 improving coordination via OCHA—success, measured by live rescues, of ISAR teams might be expected to improve. The data collected, however, do not show a pattern of improvements in lives saved over time (see figure 2). While INSARAG and the international commu- 4 0 0 0 1 nity should be applauded for the improvements they have 52 Number of live rescues 47 made to best practice and coordination, this has not had demonstrable effects on the lives these teams save.51 This is not down to the lack of skill or efforts of the ISAR teams themselves, who work tirelessly in exceptionally difficult conditions trying to save lives.29 The likely reason is that the main factor determining lives saved is the time taken for ISAR teams to arrive on site and become operational. Despite organisational improvements in time taken to deploy, it will always take at least some hours to assemble teams and find suitable transport.52 This added to the time it takes to fly to often otal T Number of days postearthquake activity commenced distant countries becomes a fixed rate-­limiting step to operations, until perhaps suborbital travel becomes a commercial reality. Since the evidence points to most rescues being performed locally in the immediate after- math, these delays result in few lives being saveable. Even in earthquakes where some teams have arrived within 12 hours, the numbers of rescues has remained small, further supporting that most rescues have either already 14 January 2010 201015 March 2 28 April 2015 4 3 Date commenced activity in country 13January 2010 201115March <1 28 April 2015 4 3 taken place or those trapped have already died. In their review of the Nepal earthquake ISAR response, Okita & Shaw, concluded that to improve the efficiency of response, IEC-classified­ teams from neighbouring countries should be prioritised, ahead of non-classified­ http://gh.bmj.com/ teams.30 However, in the Nepal earthquake, the first team to arrive was India’s non-classified­ SAR team, who 2 2 2

Unknown 12 12 made the most rescues (11) of any of the teams, with only four of the remaining five rescues made by classi- fied teams. Had Nepal declined India’s non-classified­ team and waited longer for a classified team’s arrival, on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. would those 11 people have been extricated alive? The

64 59 56 OCHA independent review report on the Nepal earth- ISAR number personnel ISAR number dogs 511 144 114 quake, concluded that “focus should be given on capacity building…in disaster prone-countries­ more than on clas- sifying international…teams”.50

Costs of ISAR 123 124 125 126 56 119 119 127 55 63 65 121 122 44 113 national search and rescue (ISAR) costs for three earthquakes between 2010 and 2015 (ISAR) costs for three and rescue national search Multiple authors report the costliness of ISAR without providing actual costs.30 51 53 Alexander estimates the overall cost of ISAR at around US$1 million per life 6 Haiti 2010 Japan 2011 Nepal 2015 Nepal 2015 Haiti 2010 Japan 2011 saved. No explanation is given for how this conclusion is reached; however, it would largely be supported by the costs presented in table 3 and the frequency of rescues. UK and US inter

An average ‘heavy’ ISAR team deployment has been estimated to cost around US$900 000,29 and is usually made up of 50–70 people with about 30 tons of equip- USA USA UK  USA Table 3 Table UK International ISAR team Earthquake location/year *UK pounds converted to US$ using exchange rate 1.30. and support costs not included—total cost likely to be >US$1 million. †Transport to SAR of this cost relates (SAR) support cost of US$2 708 879 as not stated what proportion and rescue / search (DART) ‡Does not include Disaster Assistance Response Team activity only. UK ment.11 The UK team reasonably represents an average

Rom A, Kelman I. BMJ Global Health 2020;5:e002398. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2020-002398 9 BMJ Global Health BMJ Glob Health: first published as 10.1136/bmjgh-2020-002398 on 16 December 2020. Downloaded from

‘heavy’ team and quoted costs (table 3) are broadly in have impacted the decision to deploy UKISAR to Nepal line with these estimates. in 2015. It is difficult to estimate how many teams are deploying Rescuer deaths were only found reported following at what capacity and therefore how much variation in the 1985 Mexico City earthquake, with 100–135 rescuers cost this may introduce. For example, only 18 out of 76 reportedly killed while attempting rescue.57 58 No detail teams in Nepal were IEC classified,30 and only 8 out of 67 is given as to whether these were trained, local or inter- in Haiti.28 If we were to use the average deployment cost national team members; however, the number of deaths of US$1 million/average team of 50 personnel, assuming is significant, particularly when compared with the 66 some would be more and some less costly, the overall rescues made by international teams,59 and the estimated estimated total cost of ISAR for the 14 events described, 600 rescues made overall.57 Despite this being the only would be around US$300 million. Estimates based on specific mention of rescuer deaths found, the dangers US$1 million/life saved would be $US500–600 million. of working in these conditions is high.49 All ISAR team While it is tempting to try to estimate an overall cost of members make an informed choice to work in these ISAR, there is a risk of significantly underestimating or conditions, but given the low numbers of lives saved overestimating these costs, and therefore such estimates by most teams, ethical consideration should be given have not been included in table 2. to sending teams into dangerous circumstances with Average costs do not take into account some much low chance of successful outcome and high emotional more costly deployments, such as the US Haiti response. demand.60 Various studies have reported increased levels In Haiti, the US deployed four extra domestic SAR teams, of post-­traumatic stress disorder in first responders and in addition to their usual two international teams, costing SAR workers.61 US$26 million. USAID’s independent review of this ISAR response occupies the attention and resources response44 concluded that these extra teams had ‘little of critical personnel and equipment,62 and despite many impact’. No critique of the additional US$9 million spent teams’ self-­sufficiency, often uses local resources, such on its IEC classified teams was offered. as communications and transport, which can be limited It should be noted that there are costs associated post disaster. Following earthquakes, critical infrastruc- with maintaining the ability to deploy, for example, for ture such as airports is often damaged. The volume of aid the period 2015–2018, it cost DFID £530 000 to cover and personnel that can be successfully transported to an stand-­by costs of the UKISAR team.54 It is unclear how earthquake-­hit area is therefore constrained.29 63 Flying much of these costs encompass setting up, maintaining in ISAR teams and resources takes up a proportion of the and training for the teams in the absence of specific initial capacity of other aid such as healthcare, sanitation disasters. and shelter.29 64 DFID declining to provide information, following the FOI request,55 on UKISAR response in the last 30 Other reasons for ISAR response years, implies that these data were not being routinely During operations, ISAR teams perform other tasks, recorded or reported in an accessible way, although such as first aid and body recovery. Responsibility for http://gh.bmj.com/ more recent events do have some data available online most body recovery is left to local authorities,50 54 with through their development tracker. SAR costs, however, other duties, such as aid distribution, engaged in if SAR are often not itemised separately from other aid. The is not feasible.65 Some team members perform impor- cost for UKISAR response for Nepal was obtained by tant building and structural assessments27 62; however, a subsequent, focused FOI request to DFID. Their this usually involves a few team members (structural response of £186 000 (US$241 800)56 was later acknowl- engineers) without need for heavy equipment. As ISAR on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. edged not to include transport or support costs and only teams are often the first international personnel arriving represents the costs paid directly to the UK Fire and in country, they can provide initial assessments and infor- Rescue Service. As transport usually makes up the bulk mation on the scale of the disaster and priorities, dissemi- of the expense, the true cost is likely similar to deploy- nated to the international community via the vOSOCC.27 ments to Japan and Haiti, which were >US$1 million, Arrival of ISAR teams has been reported to increase therefore making the overall costs/life saved much morale and take pressure off fatigued local teams.66 Many closer to US$1 million. teams, like the UK’s, come from countries unlikely to A 2011 review of the UK government’s response to experience major earthquake disasters. Responding to humanitarian emergencies55 concluded that UKISAR was international events has been seen as a valuable opportu- expensive and often arrived too late. It cited the example nity for training and experiencing ‘real disaster’.54 55 of UKISAR costing over £250 000 per life saved in Haiti, Some advocates of ISAR cite its value to international 100 times more than responding surgical teams, at £2500 diplomacy as an important byproduct.53 66 Despite per life saved. The comparison of a feeding programme potential short-­term benefits, to date, there have been in Niger which cost just over £100 per child saved was no reported examples of new postdisaster diplomatic given. It suggested the UK should be ‘smart’ about where initiatives achieving conflict reduction.67 DFID notes it deploys and develop ‘niche capabilities’ in nuclear, that UKISAR teams ‘wear the DFID UK AID logo on chemical and biological SAR. This does not appear to their uniforms and may give press interviews’,54 which

10 Rom A, Kelman I. BMJ Global Health 2020;5:e002398. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2020-002398 BMJ Global Health BMJ Glob Health: first published as 10.1136/bmjgh-2020-002398 on 16 December 2020. Downloaded from generates public support and donations to UK aid agen- make these events ‘the disasters that did not happen’.74 cies but also raises the profile and appreciation of DFID’s This potentially avoids or mitigates a knock-on­ detri- work, regardless of whether the action is ultimately mental effect to population health.20 helpful.29 Given that building collapse is the main direct cause The media’s role in ISAR response is important. of earthquake deaths,6 improving building codes and ISAR teams receive a lot of media attention,52 often their implementation and enforcement,75 as has been when there are more pressing needs such as water and successful in countries like Japan,16 or retrofitting older shelter. By generating public interest, media presenta- buildings, would significantly reduce deaths and injuries tion of these disasters can put pressure on politicians to from earthquake and the need for SAR.76 Apart from the send resources.11 50 66 Fear of criticism in the media has higher costs involved in seismic construction, corrup- been a cited reason for visible ISAR response,30 50 such tion in all countries continues to be a further barrier. as requesting ISAR when it is felt unnecessary,68 and In addition to its direct impact on potential for building deploying to avoid criticism, as experienced by the Norwe- collapse, corruption affects the overall development of gian government when they declined to deploy their affected places, impacting areas such as healthcare and ISAR assets to Haiti.43 Public expectation of ‘international education. Tackling corruption requires a complex rescues’ and the exciting images they generate should be multifaceted approach, but overall political will has to countered with real stories of survival and rescue, which be forthcoming to achieve progress. While improving could be made as compelling. building construction standards in a country such as Haiti, for example, would have obvious benefits, it is not Alternatives to postearthquake disaster ISAR an achievable objective, at least in the shorter term.19 How do we decide whether an intervention is successful? Studies have estimated seismic construction would Is saving around 500 lives over 30 years ‘enough’? The add 5%–15% to the cost of building a school, protecting debate on how best to fund overseas aid is complex.11 children from death, injury and the costs of interrupted From a utilitarian perspective, some would argue we education.77 A 2012 study estimated the cost of retrofit- should fund only the projects that save the most lives,69 so ting all schools in the 35 most exposed countries reviewed, perhaps feeding programmes in Niger, rather than earth- would be around US$300 billion, saving 250 000 lives over quake response in Haiti.55 Burden of disease develop, 50 years.78 Whether the benefit–cost ratio is positive or apply, and critique more complex metrics such as quality-­ not depends on the monetary value placed on a human adjusted life years and disability-­adjusted life years, calcu- life. Several studies have suggested resources would be lations which have not fully entered into ISAR discus- better invested in predisaster local capacity building and sions. preparedness than postdisaster response.6 16 79 INSARAG The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has has long advocated local capacity building, with the even- advocated a human-­rights based approach to disaster tual goal to eliminate the need for ISAR.9 response,70 recognising those affected by disaster as The shortfall in the ability of even richer countries to

‘rights holders with entitlements’ and the need for collab- maintain large enough professional SAR response has http://gh.bmj.com/ orative assistance, rather than making those affected the long been noted.52 80 Since 1993, the Federal Emergency passive recipients of aid.71 This recognises the role of the Management Agency in the USA has been supporting individual, not just in having the right to assistance, but communities with programmes to train local volunteers also in having the right to input into what that assistance in disaster preparedness, for example, Community Emer- should be.72 Engaging in this type of collaborative effort gency Response Teams (CERT).81 The CERT premise has as a disaster unfolds can be challenging, and so preparing been applied outside the USA; for instance, 6000 volun- on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. for disaster becomes an even more important priority. teers were trained in the Marmara region of Turkey, Medical research again provides insights, in terms of the site of the devastating 1999 earthquake.3 While the whether or not health as a fundamental human right literature supports the ‘incredible potential’ of CERT,82 includes (or should include) the right to survive in disas- there are to date no studies evaluating such interven- ters while also potentially modelling collaborative aid for tions in the postearthquake period. Further research is disaster rescue—especially predisaster—on collaborative also needed into key skills and information that should and participatory healthcare and illness prevention. be taught, how best to relay this knowledge, who best to ‘Mitigation and preparedness involve both reducing receive it and how long it may be retained.76 the need for response and increasing the ability to While specific costs of community SAR training are not respond’.3 The main goal of the UN’s Sendai Frame- available in the literature, it would likely be comparable work for DRR is to ‘prevent and reduce hazard exposure to low-­cost programmes providing community first aid and vulnerability to disaster, increase preparedness for training. In one of the few examples evaluating the bene- response and recovery, and thus strengthen resilience’.73 fits of including first aid training, the Red Cross/Red Just as preventative medicine allows an opportunity to Crescent estimated a benefit–cost ratio of 19 for their intervene to avoid rather than treat disease, DRR aims to DRR activities in Nepal.83 prevent a hazard from killing, injuring and affecting the INSARAG has proven its value in sharing international livelihoods of those impacted, ultimately attempting to experience and producing best practice guidance and

Rom A, Kelman I. BMJ Global Health 2020;5:e002398. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2020-002398 11 BMJ Global Health BMJ Glob Health: first published as 10.1136/bmjgh-2020-002398 on 16 December 2020. Downloaded from already has a programme of local capacity building and than after disaster strikes, and ultimately by empowering assessments for countries requesting reviews of existing communities to rescue themselves. systems. As of 2015, only five such assessments had 50 Contributors AR performed the literature search and data analysis, and wrote been conducted. Governments and donors should be the first full draft of the manuscript. IK provided substantial critical review of the encouraged to fund their specialist ISAR teams to take manuscript, as well as further insights, material, and editing. AR led the study part in this exchange of skills and training, predisaster design and framing, with support and input from IK. rather than postdisaster. Funding The authors have not declared a specific grant for this research from any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-­for-­profit sectors. Limitations Competing interests None declared. Excluding non-English­ studies may neglect potentially Patient consent for publication Not required. useful insights; for example, from a title search non-­ Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed. English papers are relevant.84 Reported costs do not Data availability statement Data sharing not applicable as no datasets generated account for inflation and currency fluctuations. Data and/or analysed for this study. taken from the grey literature have to be interpreted Supplemental material This content has been supplied by the author(s). It has within the context in which it is being reported, in that not been vetted by BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) and may not have been peer-reviewed.­ Any opinions or recommendations discussed are solely those there might be vested interests in presenting data in a of the author(s) and are not endorsed by BMJ. BMJ disclaims all liability and positive way, to avoid criticism or withdrawal of funding, responsibility arising from any reliance placed on the content. Where the content or because the outcome in terms of lives saved does not includes any translated material, BMJ does not warrant the accuracy and reliability represent the efforts expended in attempting rescues. of the translations (including but not limited to local regulations, clinical guidelines, terminology, drug names and drug dosages), and is not responsible for any error and/or omissions arising from translation and adaptation or otherwise. Open access This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the CONCLUSIONS Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-­NC 4.0) license, which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-commercially­ , ISAR has a limited capacity to save lives postearthquake, and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is largely due to the time taken for teams to become opera- properly cited, appropriate credit is given, any changes made indicated, and the tional, so that most rescues have seemingly already been use is non-commercial.­ See: http://creativecommons.​ ​org/licenses/​ ​by-nc/​ ​4.0/.​ performed by local people immediately afterwards. 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