Teleseismic Body Wave Analysis of the 1988 Armenian Earthquake
GEOPHYSICALRESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 16, NO. 12, PAGES1425-1428, DECEMBER1989 TELESEISMICBODY WAVE ANALYSIS OF THE 1988 ARMENIAN EARTHQUAKE J.F. Pachecol,2, C. H. Estabrookl,2, D. W. Simpson2 and J. L. N•b•lek3 Abstract.Long-period and broadband body waves from 14 50 ø digital seismicstations are usedto investigatethe rupture processof the December7, 1988 earthquakenear Spitak, i'......... " ' .--.GC Armenia, USSR. The inversionof thesedata gives the 40 ø followingcentroidal source parameters: strike 299 ø, dip 64ø, rake 151ø, depth6.3 km and seismicmoment 1.5x1019 Nm, .,!-•,".<• -, indicatingthat on averagethe earthquakehad a strike-slip 30 ø mechanismwith a substantialreverse component.The broadband waveforms, however, show significant complexity;they are bestfit with a sourcemodel that includes 20 ø 40 ø 60 ø three sub-events,very similar in size, but with distinctfocal mechanismsand locations. Rupture apparently initiated as a shallowreverse fault at a point of maximumbending on a right-lateralstrike-slip fault, andthen extended bilaterally, 41.0 first towards the southeast and then towards the west. This interpretationagrees with the aftershockdistribution and fault lineationsobserved on LANDSAT images. 40.9 Introduction 40.8 Focal parametersof the devastatingearthquake of December7, 1988near Spitak, Armenia, USSR, reported by 40.7 the National EarthquakeInformation Center (NEIC) are: 43.8 43.9 44.0 44.1 44.2 44.3 44.4 44.5 Ms=6.8, origin time 07h 41m 24.9s, latitude 40.987ø N, Fig. 1. Top figure shows NEIC location of the 1988 longitude44.185 ø E, and 10 km depth.Extensive casualties Armenianearthquake (star). Main plateboundaries and faults anddamage occurred at the townof Spitak,just southof the aredrawn on the map as solidand dashed lines.
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