Humanitarian Infograms Afghanistan Content: • Security Incidents against Aid Workers • Civilian Casualties • Landmine Casualties • Internally Displaced Persons January – March 2010 This document and the information contained in it may be reproduced totally or partially by mechanical, electronic or magnetic means, while source is always mentioned. Kabul, Afghanistan, April 2010 © Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs This product may be downloaded from: Contact: Omar Adrian Gonzalez de la Hoz
[email protected] Synopsis Security Incidents Number of Security Incidents 45 Against Aid Workers Number of Affected Provinces 20 January – March 2010 Number of Affected Districts 31 OCHA | UN | Afghanistan Average of Security Incidents per Month 15 Source: UN Department of Safety and Security Security Incidents China Total Incidents Uzbekistan Tajikistan 1 2 3 4 - 10 Turkmenistan Turkmenistan KunduzKunduz JawzjanJawzjan BalkhBalkh TaTa kha kha r r BadakhshanBadakhshan FaryabFbF aryab SamanganSamangan BaghlanBaghlan According to UNDSS, between 1st January SariSari PulPul PanjsherPanjsher Nuristan st BadghisBadghis and 31 March 2010, a total of 45 security KunarKunar Bamyan KapisaKapisa incidents in which an aid worker was Bamyan LaghmanLaghman Kabul Kabul involved were reported in 31 districts in 10 Kabul Ghor Wardak Herat Wardak Nangarhar Herat LogarLogar Afghanistan. Daykundi KhostKhost Kabul (Kabul) is the most affected district Ghazni PaktyaPaktya followed by Kandahar (Kandahar) and Uruzgan