Ichneumoninae from (, ) in the Hungarian Natural History Museum

by J. SELFA, Burjassot & S. BORDERA, Alacant

SELFA, J. & BORDERA, S. (1994): from Spain (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) in the Hungarian Natural History Museum. - Annls hist. nat. Mus. natn. hung. 86: 79-83.

Abstract - Material collected in Spain and preserved in the Hungarian Natural History Museum belonging to the subfamily Ichneumoninae is studied. The 28 species belong into 6 tribes: Ichneumonini, Listrodomini, Phaeoge- nini, Protichneumonini, Trogini and Zimmerini. Three of them arc highly important: Neotypus intermedins inter­ medins MOCSÁRY, 1883 is a species from Spain whose type is studied, Cotiheresiarches dims (WESMAEL, 1853) and Cratichneumon fugitivus (GRAVENHORST, 1829) are first records for the Iberian fauna.


The Hungarian Natural History Museum houses a good series of Ichneumonidae species. We also had the opportunity to examine a considerable number of Mediterranean specimens. Howewer, all these species are badly in need of an exhaustive reclassification. Our main objective was to present new data regarding the Spanish species of Ichneumoninae, that accumulated in the Hymenoptera Collection in Budapest. Although the largest part of the Collection is based on materials obtained by SZÉPLIGETI and MocsÁRY, in this study we were highly interested in that part of KRIECHBAUMER'S Collection (mainly collected by KORB and placed in Munich: SELFA 1992) which was deposited here. Similarly, a long series of specimens recently collected by J. & A. PODLUSSÁNY was also taken into consideration. Twenty-eight species from the tribes Ichneumonini, Listrodomini, Phaeogenini, Protichneu­ monini, Trogini and Zimmerini are discussed. Neotypus intermedins intermedins MOCSÁRY, 1883, Cotiheresiarches dims (WESMAEL, 1853) and Cratichneumon fugitivus (GRAVENHORST, 1829) are most interesting. The first is a very common species in Spain the type of which is newly examined now. Cotiheresiarches dims (WESMAEL) and Cratichneumon fugitivus (GRAVENHORST) are recorded for the first time from the Iberian Peninsula.


The species are listed in alphabetical order for the genera under tribal names. Each species has reference to: 1) the original nomination, 2) the original data of their labels and, 3) its Palearctic distribution. We studied the type of Neotypus intermedins intermedins MOCSÁRY and we have obtained several comparative specimens which are depo­ sited in the Valencia University Collection. RESULTS


Amblyteles armatorius (FORSTER, 1771) - armatorius FORSTER, 1771: 82, male. -Material: Cuenca (Hispánia), 2 males, leg. KORB. - Distribution: Alge­ ria, Balearic Islands, , England, , , Iran, , Japan, Madeira, Moroc­ co, Peninsular Spain, Rumania and Russia. Barichneumon albicaudatus (FONSCOLOMBE, 1847) - Ichneumon albicaudatus FONSCO- LOMBE, 1847: 62, male. -Material: Cuenca (Hispánia), 1 female, leg. KORB. - Distribution: England, France, Germany, , Italy, Peninsular Spain, Rumania and Russia. Cratichneumon fugitivus (GRAVENHORST, 1829) - Ichneumon fugitivus GRAVENHORST, 1829: 552, male. - M a t e r i a 1: El Escorial, Madrid (Hispánia), 15.VI. 1987, 1 male, leg. J. & A. PODLUSSÁNY. First record for the Iberian fauna. -Distribution: Algeria, Belgium, England, France, Germany and . Ctenichneumon repentinus (GRAVENHORST, 1820) - Ichneumon repentinus GRAVEN­ HORST, 1820: 334, female. -Material: Cuenca (Castilien), 1 female. - Distribution: Germany, Iran, Peninsular Spain and Russia. ? Diphyus longimanus (WESMAEL, 1857) - Amblyteles longimanus WESMAEL, 1857: 397, female. - M a t e r i a 1: El Escorial, Madrid (Hispánia), 15.VI.1987, 2 females, leg. J. & A. PODLUSSÁNY. - Distribution: , Germany, Italy and Peninsular Spain. Diphyus quadripunctorius (MÜLLER, 1776) - Ichneumon quadripunctorius MÜLLER, 1776: 153. - M a t e r i a 1: Puerto de Oncala, 1450 m, Soda (Hispánia), 19.VI. 1987, 2 males, 1 female, leg. J. & A. PODLUSSÁNY. - Distribution: Algeria, Belgium, Cyprus, Eng­ land, France, Germany, Iran, Mongolia, Peninsular Spain, Rumania, Russia and Turkey. Diphyus raptorius (LINNAEUS, 1758) - Ichneumon raptorius LINNAEUS, 1758: 561. - Material: Sierra d'Espuna, Hispánia meridional, 1 male. - Distribution: Belgium, England, Peninsular Spain, Rumania, Russia and Sweden. Ichneumon insidiosus WESMAEL, [1845] - Ichneumon insidiosus WESMAEL, [1845]: 46, female. - Material: Cuenca (Hispánia), 1 female, leg. KORB. - Distribution: England, Germany, Peninsular Spain and Russia. Ichneumon seulpturatus HOLMGREN, 1864 - Ichneumon sculpturatus HOLMGREN, 1864: 107, female, male. -Material: Cuenca (Hispánia), 1 female, leg. KORB. - Distribution: England, Germany, Peninsular Spain, Russia and Sweden. Ichneumon sexcinctus GRAVENHORST, 1829 - Ichneumon sexcinctus GRAVENHORST, 1829: 454, male. -Material: Cuenca (Hispánia), 1 female, leg. KORB. - Distribution: Germany, Iran, Mongolia, Peninsular Spain and Russia. Ichneumon sp. cf. insidiosus WESMAEL, [1845] -Material: Cuenca (Hispánia), 1 male, leg. KORB. Ichneumon sp. cf. melanosomus WESMAEL, 1855 -Material: Sierra d'Espuna, His­ pánia meridional, 1 male. Ichneumon sp. cf. tuberculipes WESMAEL, [1848] -Material: Sierra d'Espuna, His­ pánia meridional, 1 male. Ichneumon sp. cf. vorax GEOFFROY, 1785 -Material: Murcia, 1895, 1 male, leg. STAUD. Patrocloides sputator (FABRICIUS, 1793) - Ichneumon sputator FABRICIUS, 1793: 153. — Material: Sierra d'Espuna, Hispánia meridional, 1 male. - Distribution: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Peninsular Spain and Russia. Stenichneumon militarius militarius (THUNBERG, 1822) - Ichneumon militarius THON­ BERG, 1822: 254. -Material: Espinama (Picos de Europa), Santander (Hispánia), 800 m, 12.VI.1987, 1 female, leg. J. &. A. PODLUSSÁNY. - Distribution: (Dalmatia), England, , Germany, Korea, Peninsular Spain, Russia and Sweden. Triptognathus unidentatus (BERTHOUMIEU, 1894) - Amblyteles unidentatus BERTHOU- MIEU, 1894: 180. - M a t e r i a 1: Cuenca (Hispánia), 1 female, leg. KORB. - Distribution: Germany, Peninsular Spain and Russia. Virgichneumon albosignatus (GRAVENHORST, 1829) - Ichneumon albosignatus GRAVEN­ HORST, 1829: 167, male. -Material: Sierra d'Espuna, Hispánia meridional, 1 male. - Distribution: Austria, , England, France, Finland, Germany, Italy, Peninsular Spain, and Russia. Virgichneumon callicerus (GRAVENHORST, 1820) - Ichneumon callicerus GRAVENHORST, 1820: 311, female. - Material: Sierra d'Espuna, Hispánia meridional, 1 male. - Distribution: Belgium, England, France, Germany, Italy, Peninsular Spain, Rumania, Russia and Sweden. Virgichneumon dumeticola (GRAVENHORST, 1829) - Ichneumon dumeticola GRAVEN­ HORST, 1829: 203, male. - Material: Espinama (Picos de Europa), Santander (Hispánia), 800 m, 12.VI.1987, 1 female, leg. J. & A. PODLUSSÁNY. - Distribution: England, Germany and Peninsular Spain. Vulgichneumon deceptor (GRAVENHORST, 1820) - Ichneumon deceptor GRAVENHORST, 1820: 308, male. -Material: Cuenca (Hispánia), 1 male, leg. KORB. - Distribution: Corsica, England, France, Germany, Rumania and Russia.


Neotypus intermedius intermedius MOCSÁRY, 1883 - Neotypus intermedins MOCSÁRY, 1883: 10, female. -Material: Type, female, 285/38, red label, Neotypus intermedius MOCS., Hispánia; a few segments of the right antenna are missing as is the anterior left leg, the coxae intact. Sierra d'Espuna, Hispánia meridional, 2 females. - Distribution: Peninsular Spain, Canary Islands and Northern Africa.


Dicaelotus pumilus (GRAVENHORST, 1829) - Ichneumon pumilus GRAVENHORST, 1829: 152, female. - Material: El Escorial, Madrid (Hispánia), 15.VI.1987, 1 male, leg. J. & A. PODLUSSÁNY. - Distribution: Algeria, Austria, Belgium, China, Corsica, England, France, Germany, Hungary, , Italy, Madeira, , Norway, Peninsular Spain, Poland, Rumania, Russia and Sweden. Protichneumonini

Coelichneumon comitator (LINNAEUS, 1758) - Ichneumon comitator LINNAEUS, 1758: 563, female. -Material: Sierra d'Espuna, Hispánia meridional, 1 male. - Distribution: England, Germany, Iran, Japan, Peninsular Spain and Russia.

Coelichneumon rudis (FONSCOLOMBE, 1847) -Ichneumon rudis FONSCOLOMBE, 1847: 55, female. -Material: Murcia, 1895, 1 female, leg. STAUD. - Distribution: Algeria, France, Germany and Peninsular Spain.

Protichneumon coqueberti (WESMAEL, 1848) - Ichneumon coqueberti WESMAEL, 1848: 144, female, male. -Material: Cuenca (Castilien), 1 female. - Distribution: England, Germany and Peninsular Spain.


Callajoppa cirrogastra cirrogastra (SCHRANK, 1781) - Ichneumon cirrogaster SCHRANK, 1781: 348, male. - Material: Castilia, 1 male, ex. Aitias Isabella. Cuenca (Castilien), 1 female. - Distribution: England, Germany, Italy, Peninsular Spain and Russia.


Cotiheresiarches dirus (WESMAEL, 1853) - Eurylabus dims WESMAEL, 1853: 307, male. -Material: Sierra d'Espuna, Hispánia meridional, 1 male. First record for the Iberian fauna. - Distribution: Algeria, Germany and Russia. * * *

Acknowledgements - The authors would like to thank the Hungarian Natural History Museum for providing the materials for this study.


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Authors' addresses: Dr. JESUS SELFA Departament de Biológia (Entomologia) Universität de Valencia Dr. Moliner, 50 46100 Burjassot (Valencia) Spain

Dr. SANTIAGO BORDERA Departament de Ciències Ambientais i Recursos Naturals Universität d'Alacant Ap. Correus 99 03080 Alacant Spain