Forgiving Nero

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Forgiving Nero Ancient Rome Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus Nero 15 December AD 37 – 9 June AD 68 Roman Emperors The Imperial Court The Imperial Court Roma Roma Caligula Acte Poppaea Sabina the Younger (Gaius Caesar Augustus Germanicus) Claudia Acte Second wife of Emperor Nero 16 March AD 37 – 24 January AD 41 Freedwoman Mistress to Emperor Nero Pythagoras Claudius Freedman (Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus) Anicetus Emperor Nero’s “wife” / “husband” 24 January AD 41 – 13 October AD 54 Commander of Nero’s Fleet Seneca the Younger Nero Agrippina the Younger Lucius Annaeus Seneca (Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus Nero) Julia Agrippina Tutor and advisor to Emperor Nero 13 October AD 54 – 9 June AD 68 Mother of Nero Fourth wife of Emperor Claudius Gaius Silius Galba Roman Senator (Lucius Livius Ocella Sulpicius Galba) Britannicus Lover of Empress Messalina 8 June AD 68 – 15 January AD 69 Tiberius Claudius Caesar Britannicus Son of Messalina and Emperor Claudius Sporus The Players Eunuch married to Emperor Nero Burrus Paul of Tarsus Sextus Afranius Burrus Velitrae Apostle of Jesus Christ Chief advisor to Emperor Nero Freedmen Traian Aelius Propacius Domitia Lepida the Younger Praetorian Guard Domitia Lepida Minor Arrius, winemaker Paternal aunt of Emperor Nero Cassia, wife of Arrius Vena of Gallia Quintis, son of Arrius and Cassia Hostage at the Imperial Court Messalina Magnus, son of Arrius and Cassia Valeria Messalina Julia, guest of Arrius and Cassia Camulodunum Third wife of Emperor Claudius Bara Octavia Love interest of Traian Claudia Octavia Daughter of Messalina and Emperor Claudius First wife of Emperor Nero .
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