SSP Bulletin 2002-2003 Vol. 12-13

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SSP Bulletin 2002-2003 Vol. 12-13 Bulletin of the SCANDINAVIAN SOCIETY FOR PARASITOLOGY WITH PROCEEDINGS OF THE XXI SYMPOSIUM OF THE SCANDINAVIAN SOCIETY FOR PARASITOLOGY, BERGEN, NORWAY 12-15 June, 2003 Vol. 12-13 2002-2003 lUlLI Krl I AN S<lCIETY Society for Pmasttoluuv !Jm, , lo1 mnre information, se�: the home page: WWW,lll NdUtl fnr t•uasitologi) IS 11 J( 'Fl ,ANil Pl1om:' t ,\'1<1 hnc l Yvl '•!1 Vh:t· l'n·�hiNIL t t *'li�tHt,•J; Maria I!!IHIHM!I l,: qmkuntl(oJI, (mVJ(lllbilhm I lllwnl ut HJulogicaland Dani:;h Htllnu DJ< 29,'0 ( 'h;n DI\NMAIU< Phom·' t il ) Fux: t '1 1 \'>N (0)1'12604220 hi!'! l I (!l)l•l2{>02321 HtHtnl MNulu>n t, Ut1fHl(Y Jlo�rd nwl huwr Stnm1nes (Norway ( 'ovt•r: In Not >Htll 11 V �}{drmull ,,, spreads its limbs over the' mnlll�llHl l!mlr;, <'Itch of IIHml NIHJking water from its own spillll�, Tlw flu,! lnund tll tlw !n" \cold North; next to the spring, the nl llw mols of the ash. The second spring ­ WH1dom 1md 1s gunnlml by Mimir. The third spring - llri1arhnuuH tl11 wollltcn, llu: NmnH, which mete out man's thread of lif(;' Printed 111 hy l T! ISSN 0803-4907 EMU RAAMATUKOGU PROCEEDINGS of the 21th SYMPOSIUM OF THE SCANDINA V/AN SOCIETY FOR PARASITOLOGY Bergen-Norway 12-15June, 2003 Editors: Ame Skorping and Ame Levsen Local organizing committee: Per J akobsen, Ame Levsen, Are Nylund, Ame Skorping Sponsors: Support from the following sponsors is gratefully acknowledged: Bergen Universitetsfond NFR- The Research Council of Norway 11 CONTENTS Welcome by the president of the Scandinavian Society for Parasitology Karl Skirnisson .............................................................. ............ ........... .................... .... 1 INVITED LECTURES The species concept in Gyrodactylus P.D. flarris ..................................... ................................................................................. 3 The Anisakis problem in Germany/Northern Europe H. Kar/ ....... ....................................................................................................................... 4 Molecular phylogeny of micro sporidia with emphasis on species infecting fish F. Ni lsen ........................................................................................................................... 6 The impact of parasitism on the biodiversity of intertidal ecosystems R. Poulin ........................................................................................................................... 7 Vaccines and the evolution of parasite virulence A.F. Read, S. Gandon, S. Nee, & M.J. Mackinnon ......................... ...................... .... ....... 8 SUBMITTED PAPERS- ORAL PRESENTATIONS Effects of parasitism by haematophagous ectoparasites on reproductive success in the Pied Flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca Pallas) A. Breistel & G. Hogstedt ................................................................................................. 9 Responses in fish hosts against monogeneans - an update K. Buclunann ..................................................................................................................... 9 Severe malaria protection against the sequestration of Plasmodium falciparum in­ fe cted erythrocytes by vaccination with a PFeMP1-DBL1avaccine Q. Ch en, F. Patterson, A. Vogt, B. Schmidt, P. Liljestrom & M Wa hlgren ................... 10 Genetic variation between Gyrodactylus safaris Malmberg, 1957 populations in Northern Europe C.O. Cunningham, T.A. Mo, A.J.A. McBeath & C.M. Col/ins ....................................... 11 Patterns in macro- and microscale distribution of trematode infections in mudsnail Hy drobia ventrosa populations in Iceland K. V. Galaktionov, E. V. Kozminsky & K. Skirnisson.................................... ......... 11 Evidence for the maintenance of sexual reproduction through Red Queen dynamics in the bark beetle Ip s acuminatus (Curculionidae, Scolytinae) Stephanie Ha mm, L.R. Kirkendall, A. Skorping ............................................................. 13 ------- ------ - ---------------- lll Molecular systematics and phylogeography of Gyrodactylus (Monogenea) parasitiz­ ing salmonids in Norway and Sweden H. Hansen, L. Bachmann & T.A . Bakke ......................................................................... 13 The distribution and ecology of Gyrodactylus species on sticklebacks in the UK P.D. Ha rris &J.Cable ............... ................ .......... ............................................... ........ 14 Temporal variation in body mass, brood size and host population growth rates of Wi111ow ptarmigan. - A role for parasites? P. Ho lmstad & A. Skorping ............ ................................................................................ 15 Interactions between adult and juvenile salmon lice on their hosts reduce their viru­ lence P. Jakobsen & S.E. Gabrielsen ................................... ....................... ............................. 15 Parasite-induced host castration and its effect on host lifetime growth Knut Helge Jensen ............................ ........................................................................... 16 Inter- and intra-morph patterns in helminth communities of sympatric salmonid morphs R. Knudsen ...................................................................................................................... 17 Pathological notes on avian blood-fluke infections L. Kolarova & K. Skirnisson ...................... ..................................................................... 18 Biogeography of parasites and understanding of the species category in parasitology V. Kontrimavichus & G. Valkiunas ........ ....................................................................... 18 Do parasites influence reproductive effo rt in Atlantic cod? D.A. Lysne & A. Skorping........... ....... ........... ..................... .. ................... ... ............. 19 Morphology, biology and DNA as a basis for descriptions ofspecies in Gyrodactylus (MONOGENEA) G. Ma lmberg........... ............................................................... ............. ........................... 20 Fasciola hepatica: Morphological alterations fo llowing treatment in vivo and in vitro with nitroxynil B. McKinstry, l Fairweather, G.P. Brennan & A.B. Forbes ......................................... 21 Establishing harvest location for Atlantic cod: Playing Sherlock Holmes with para- sites F.E. Montero, E. Ferrer, D. Perdiguero, J.A. Raga & .A. Balbuena ............................ 22 Chromosome studies in dilepidid cestodes R. PetkeviCiute & R. Zqsityte ............. ....... .................... .. ............................................ 22 Are chewing lice intermediate hosts for the cestode Hy menolep is microps in willow ptarmigan? D. Pistone P. Holmstad, T. Cieplinska, N.K. Ellingsen &A. Skorping.......... ................. 23 Cercaria! dermatitis in the Netherlands J. F. Sluiters .... ......... .............. ........... ....... ........................... ................................. ... 24 iv Erythr cyl 011 1 1111111 I 111 1 1lll 1t u by P!asmodiumfalciparum: A target for fu- ture antin nl i 1l h 11111l11 • 11 S.L. Y. Tho11uts, S. f.' 1 e. F. !_. tpai, ' . Decherf .......................................................... 25 Th' li:pl t m nt of Boophilus decoloratus by Boophilus microplus in the utpansb ·rg region, Limpopo Province, South Afraica M. H. Tennesen, B.L. Penzhorn, N.R. Bryson& W.H. Stolztz ......................................... 26 Effects of Ha emoproteus Infections on the longevity of Biting Midges Culicoides impunctatus (Diptera, Ceratopogonidae) G. Valkiunas & TA. Iezhova .......................................................................................... 26 ITS rDNA region as a molecular tool for Gyrodactylus species identification and de­ scription M. S. Zi�tata & J Lumme .............................................. ....... ................................ .'.......... 27 SUBMITTED PAPERS- POSTER PRESENTATIONS Alveolar echinococcosis and trichinellosis of wild carnivores in the central region of Russia ON.Andreyanov, A.S. Bessonov & I.A. Arkhipov ......... ......... ....................................... 28 Habitat selection by Corynosoma australe (A ANTH EPHALA) in the intestine of the Southern fu r seal, Arctocephalus australis F.JAznar, H.L. Capozzo & JA . Raga .......... ... .... .......................................................... 29 Ha dwenius spp. (DIGENEA: CAMPULIDAE) offPatagonia, Argentina B. Ber6n- Vera, M Fernandez, E.A. Crespo,.J. Aznar& JA. Raga ............................... 30 Alveolar echinococcosis and hydatidosis in animals and humans in Russia: Current situation A.S. Bessonov, F.P. Kovalenko & I.A. Arkhipov ......... ................................................... 30 Aploparaksoidal cestodes: are they member f the subfamily Hymenolepidinae or the representatives of an independent fa mily? S. Bondarenko & V. Kontramavichus ............................................................................. 31 Cercaria! dermatitis (Swimmers' itch) in. cnmark, an update on recent cases K. Buchmann........................... ........... ... .......... ............................................................... 32 Morphological and developmental characteristics of the geographical isolates of Echinococcus multilocularis at larval stage in experimantally infected laboratory rodents E.A. Chernikova, N.I. Perchun, FP. Koval nko & A.S. Bessonov................................. 33 Investigating the genetic basis of
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