
1 ci Bulletin of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada DFO - Library / MPO - Bibliothèque


Synopsis of the Parasites of of Canada

BULLETIN 199 Ottawa 1979

'.^Y. Government of Canada Gouvernement du Canada * F sher es and Oceans Pëches et Océans Synopsis of thc Parasites orr Fishes of Canade Bulletins are designed to interpret current knowledge in scientific fields per- tinent to Canadian fisheries and aquatic environments. Recent numbers in this series are listed at the back of this Bulletin. The Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada is published in annual volumes of monthly issues and Miscellaneous Special Publications are issued periodically. These series are available from authorized bookstore agents, other bookstores, or you may send your prepaid order to the Canadian Government Publishing Centre, Supply and Services Canada, Hull, Que. K I A 0S9. Make cheques or money orders payable in Canadian funds to the Receiver General for Canada.

Editor and Director J. C. STEVENSON, PH.D. of Scientific Information

Deputy Editor J. WATSON, PH.D.

D. G. Co«, PH.D. Assistant Editors LORRAINE C. SMITH, PH.D.


Department of Fisheries and Oceans Scientific Information and Publications Branch Ottawa, Canada K1A 0E6 BULLETIN 199

Synopsis of the Parasites of Fishes of Canada

L. Margolis • J. R. Arthur

Department of Fisheries and Oceans Resource Services Branch Pacific Biological Station Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 5K6


Ottawa 1979

0Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1979 Available from authorized bookstore agents, other bookstores, or you may send your prepaid order to the Canadian Government Publishing Centre, Supply and Services Canada, Hull, Que. Kl A 059. Make cheques or money orders payable in Canadian funds to the Receiver General for Canada. A deposit copy of this publication is also available for reference in public libraries across Canada Canada: $12.95 Catalog No. Fs 94-199 Other countries: $15.55 ISBN 0-660-10272-2 ISSN 0068-7537 Price subject to change without notice Ottawa (version française disponible)

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INDEx 247

v Abstract

MARGOLIS, L., AND J. R. ARTHUR. 1979. Synopsis of the parasites of fishes of Canada. Bull. . Res. Board Can. 199: 269 p. Published information on the parasites of Canadian fishes is assembled in two lists, Parasite- Host and Host—Parasite. Eight hundred and thirty named of the following taxa have been reported: Protozoa (77 species), Myxosporida (92), Turbellaria (1), (163), (179), Cestoidea (93), Nematoda (58), (26), Hirudinoidea (21), (3), Branchiura (10), Copepoda (104), and (3). Additionally there are many records of para- sites not identified 10 species level, including two species of Acarina. The Parasite—Host list is organized on a taxonomic basis and identifies for each parasite species its habitat (freshwater, marine, or brackish), site of occurrence (location) within the host, species of host(s), known geographic distribution in Canadian waters, and the published source of each host and locality record. The Host—Parasite list is organized according to of the hosts and is accompanied by data on known distribution of the parasites. In addition to listing the cited references, a sup- plementary list of references is included to cover other Canadian literature on fish parasites. The work concludes with an index to parasites and hosts. Although taxonomie revision is not the aim of the synopsis, notes on taxonomy and nomenclature are included when appropriate and, of necessity, several new combinations and one new synonym are proposed. They are Prosorhyn- choides basargini (Layman, 1930) n.comb. for Bucephalopsis b.; Prosorhynchoides ozakii (Nagaty, 1937) n.comb. for Bucephalopsis o.; Prosorhynchoides pusilla (Stafford, 1904) n.comb. for Bucepha- lopsis p.,. Thynnascaris brachyura (Ward and Magath, 1917 sensu Van Cleave and Mueller, 1934) n.comb. for Contracaecum brachyurum; Thynnascaris magna (Smedley, 1934) n.comb for Contra- caecum mg.; Thynnascaris melanogrammi (Smedley, 1934) n.comb. for Contracaecum ml.; and Echinorhynchus ekbaumi Golvan, 1969 new synonym of E. gadi Zoega in 0. F. Müller, 1776.


MARGOLIS, L., AND J. R. ARTHUR. 1979. Synopsis of the parasites of fishes of Canada. Bull. Fish. Res. Board Can. 199: 269 p. Les auteurs assemblent en deux listes, une des parasites—hôtes et l'autre, des hôtes—parasites, les renseignements publiés sur les parasites des poissons canadiens. On y donne 830 espèces nommées, appartenant aux taxa suivants: Protozoa (77 espèces), Myxosporida (92), Turbellaria (1), Monogenea (163), Trematoda (179), Cestoidea (93), Nematoda (58), Acanthocephala (26), Hirudinoidea (21), Mollusca (3), Branchiura (10), Copepoda (104) et Isopoda (3). On y rapporte aussi plusieurs signalements de parasites non identifiés au niveau de l'espèce, dont deux Acarina. La liste des parasites—hôtes est structurée sur base taxonomique et, pour chaque espèce parasite, indique l'habitat (eau douce, eau salée, eau saumâtre), la site d'occurrence (position) au sein de l'hôte, la ou les espèces d'hôtes, la répartition géographique connue dans les eaux canadiennes et la source imprimée pour chaque donnée de localité de chaque hôte. La liste des hôtes—parasites est ordonnée suivant la taxonomie des hôtes et accompagnée de données sur la répartition connue des parasites. En plus d'établir la liste des références citées, on donne une liste supplémentaire de la documentation canadienne sur les parasites des poissons. L'ouvrage se termine par un index des parasites et des hôtes. Bien que ce synopsis nt vise pas à une révision taxonomique, il inclut des notes sur la taxonomie et une nomenclature quand la chose semble appropriée, et a dû proposer plusieurs nouvelles combinaisons et un nouveau synonyme. Ce sont : Prosorhynchoides basargini (Layman, 1930) n.comb. pour Bucephalopsis b.; Prosorhynchoides ozakii (Nagaty, 1937) n.comb. pour Bucephalopsis o.; Prosorhynchoides pusilla (Stafford, 1904) n.comb. pour Bucepha- lopsis p.; Thynnascaris brachyura (Ward et Magath, 1917 sensu Van Cleave et Mueller, 1934) n.comb. pour Contracaecum brachyurum; Thynnascaris magna (Smedley, 1934) n.comb. pour Contracaecum mg.; Thynnascaris melanogrammi (Smedley, 1934) n.comb. pour Contracaecum ml.; et Echinorhynchus ekbaumi Golvan, 1969, nouveau synonyme de E. gadi Zoega dans O. F. Müller, 1776.

vi Introduction

Investigations on the parasites of Cana- extracted from numerous publications in the dian fishes date back at least a century primary scientific literature and from various (Margolis 1969). At first entirely faunal and "Report" series, such as Manuscript Reports taxonomic in nature, these investigations and Technical Reports of the Fisheries and later expanded to include various other Marine Service, Department of Fisheries and fundamental aspects of the biology of fish the Environment (formerly Manuscript and parasites, including life histories, ecology, Technical Reports of the Fisheries Research population biology, physiology, and bio- Board of Canada). Theses and annual chemistry. Applied studies have also had a reports of federal and provincial government prominent place in Canadian fish para- departments and of other institutions were sitology. Problems such as the presence of not searched, hence, some existing records parasites in edible fish products, fish- may have been omitted. However, because transmitted parasites of public health im- theses and material appearing in annual portance, parasitic diseases of fishes, and reports usually are published subsequently the use of parasites as biological tags all in the primary or "Report" literature, the have received increasing attention in recent number of omissions of particular host- years. Additionally, the current focus on parasite—locality- records are probably com- environmental issues has had its influence paratively few. on stimulating parasitological studies of fish, In providing references to the parasite- by creating a need for information on the host—locality data we have attempted to actual or potential detrimental effects of par- include only reports based on original rec- asites associated with real or proposed man- ords, but screening of all reports to ensure made changes in the aquatic environment. complete exclusion of repetitive records After 100 years of scattered investiga- based on the same material, particularly tions it is timely to consolidate the available by the same author, was deemed an un- information on the parasite fauna of Cana- profitable activity. Publications that do not dian fishes, to facilitate the work of future provide original parasite—host—locality rec- investigators. Indeed, such a summation ords but deal with some aspect of Canadian seems imperative as a basis for extending fish parasitology are compiled in a supple- studies of the biology of fish parasites and mentary list of references. of applied fish parasitology in Canada, as The paper by Sekerak and Arai (1977), these are dependent upon sound knowledge which contains a long list of parasites of the parasite fauna of fishes in Canadian recovered from 26 species of Sebastes col- waters. lected off the coasts of British Columbia Despite the considerable number of and Alaska, requires a special comment. published reports over the past 100 years, Information pertaining to the records from information on the occurrence and distribu- British Columbia waters had to be obtained tion of fish parasites in Canadian waters from the Ph.D. thesis by A. D. Sekerak, is incomplete. Therefore, caution must be as this information was not provided in exercised in making zoogeographic inter- the published paper. information pretations from the accumulated A matter of some concern was the contained herein. taxonomic arrangement to be adopted for The compiled information covers the each phylum or class of parasitic organism period up to the end of 1977 and was included in Canadian records. Not only is

1 there considerable diversity of opinion family is either a superfamily or an order, among specialists for most of these groups, depending on the group in question and but views are rapidly changing, particularly the usefulness of including the superfamily with regard to classification of the Protozoa. category. The taxonomic arrangements decided on For each parasite species listed, the can be described, in most cases, as corn- following information is provided: reflecting as closely as possible cur- posites, 1) The current scientific name, including rent common usage. author(s) and date(s), followed by any rec- The basis of the higher classification ognized synonyms that may have been used used herein for the Protozoa is the system in establishing the Canadian record(s). No proposed by Honigberg et al. (1964), except attempt has been made to' evaluate sys- that we have left the affiliation of the tematically the validity of published records, Myxosporida (Myxospora) undecided. Clas- but attention is drawn to obvious errors sification of the Copepoda follows that pro- and a few new name combinations are pro- posed by Kabata (1978) and taxonomic posed where deemed absolutely necessary systems for the main helminth phyla and to avoid confusion. classes are based on the following authors 2) The habitat in which the parasite was with modifications as current practice seemed acquired and normally completes its life to dictate: cycle is given as FW for fresh water, B Monogenea — Yamaguti (1963a) for brackish (including estuarine), and M for marine. Trematoda — La Rue (1957) and Baer location or site of occurrence of and Joyeux (1961) with modifications 3) The the parasite in its host(s) (aberrant sites of Cable (1974) usually are not included). When the loca- Cestoidea — Yamaguti (1959), Dollfus tion was not given in the Canadian records, (1942) and Euzet (1959) the likely location, as determined from Nematoda — Anderson et al. (1974-76) non-Canadian records, is enclosed in square brackets. Acanthocephala — Golvan (1960, 1969) 4) The hosts. Only currently accepted The material included in this Synopsis scientific names are given in the Parasite- is organized under seven headings: Intro- Host List; names preceded by an interro- duction, Parasite–Host List, Host–Parasite gation mark (?) represent questionable host List, Acknowledgments, References, Supple- records. Numbers in parentheses after each mentary References, and Index. host name correspond with the numbers The PARASITE–HOST LIST is orga- assigned to the references establishing the nized by phyla and classes of parasites in particular parasite–host records. the usual following order: Protozoa, Myxos- 5) Distribution (Dist.) within Canadian pora (Myxosporida), Platyhelminthes (Tur- waters. Marine species are grouped into bellaria, Monogenea, Trematoda, Cestoidea), four geographic regions: Atlantic (Atl), Nemathelminthes (Nematoda), Acanthoce- Pacific (Pac), Eastern Arctic (E Arc), and phala, Annelida (Hirudinoidea), Mollusca, Western Arctic (W Arc). Eastern and and Arthropoda (Crustacea: Branchiura, Western Arctic are divided by 100 0 W Copepoda, Isopoda; Arachnoidea: Acarina). longitude. Freshwater distribution is indi- Species, genera, and family names are listed cated by Provincial or Territory boundaries in alphabetical order within their respective listed in alphabetical order as follows: Alta next higher taxon, which in the case of a (Alberta), BC (British Columbia), Lab

2 (Labrador), Man (Manitoba), NB (New references are not numbered, and when all Brunswick), Nfld (insular Newfoundland), records are from the same locality there NS (Nova Scotia), NWT (Northwest Terri- was no need to list the locality after the tories), Ont (Ontario), PEI (Prince Edward authors' names. Island), Que (Quebec), Sask (Saskatchewan), and YT (Yukon Territory). For several 7) Under Remarks, comments are offered records from transboundary water bodies (e.g. on systematics, nomenclature, and known Lake Athabasca) or other localities in which misidentifications of the parasites. the published information on collection site was not sufficiently specific, departures from 8) Notes on specific items, such as ten- the usual manner of indicating distribution tative parasite or host identifications, syn- were required. Thus, distribution is occa- onyms, and inconsistencies in original re- sionally indicated as Alta—Sask (indicating ports are recorded in a series of footnotes. the collection was from a lake that traverses The HOST—PARASITE LIST is or- the Alberta—Saskatchewan border) or Hud- ganized according to phylogenetic relation- son Bay drainage. A listing of freshwater ship of the suprageneric taxa of the hosts, distributions by watershed or major water as given by Bailey et al. (1970) for North body might have been more meaningful 'American fishes. Within each family, genera than geographic boundaries, but this proved and species are listed alphabetically. The to be too difficult or even impossible to scientific and common names of fishes are accomplish from available data. For reports those recommended in Bailey et al. (1970), from anadromous and euryhaline fishes except when these names have not been taken in brackish or estuarine waters, the accepted by Hart (1973) for Pacific fishes abbreviation of the geographical locality or by Scott and Crossman (1973) for fresh- is followed by "b," e.g. BC-b, indicating water fishes; in these cases the names British Columbia, brackish waters. In some recommended by the latter authors are used. cases, such as several papers by Margolis, Host synonyms included are only those where the records are known to be estuarine, found associated with the Canadian para- but are not so indicated in the original site records. After the name of each para- paper, they are nevertheless listed here site species, its geographic distribution in with a "b." the host in question is given in parentheses. 6) Authors responsible for the records A single asterisk (*) after the parasite name are listed in chronological order of the indicates a tentative, provisional, or pre- published records. To enable the reader sumptive original parasite identification, or to grasp at a glance the author(s) respon- indicates that a subsequent worker has ten- sible for particular parasite—host—locality tatively referred a previous record to the records, we numbered the references listed indicated species. A double asterisk (**) under "Records" and placed the corre- after the parasite name indicates a tentative, sponding number(s) after the host name, doubtful, or ambiguous host identification, and each reference is followed by the local- or a possible erroneous host listing by the ity or localities from which the parasite original author, for the parasite in question. was reported. For example, the entries for A triple asterisk (***) after the parasite the protozoan Trichophrya piscium show name indicates that the original or a sub- that Hare and Frantsi (1974) reported this sequent author has considered the parasite species from salar and Salvelinus to be of abnormal occurrence (i.e. a pseudo- fontinalis in Nova Scotia. When only one parasite or accidental parasite) for the host host is listed for a particular parasite the in question. An interrogation mark (?)

3 preceding a parasite name indicates ques- TARY REFERENCES, contains a list of tionable validity of the parasite identification publications dealing with various aspects of and the same mark after a locality citation parasites of Canadian fishes but which do indicates an ambiguous or uncertain loca- not contain original parasite-host records. lity record. To facilitate access to information in The REFERENCES are given in two the parasite-host and host-parasite lists, the groups, the first includes those directly publication concludes with an INDEX to referred to and a second, SUPPLEMEN- parasite and host scientific names. PARASITE- HOST LIST a PHYLUM PROTOZOA

SUBPHYLUM Dist.: Atl SARCOMASTIGOPHORA Record: Laird and Bullock 1969

CLASS ZOOMASTIGOPHOREA Cryptobia catostomi Bower and Woo, 1977 (FW) ORDER KINETOPLASTIDA Syn.: ?Trypanoplasma borreli of Mayor, 1915, 19163 Family BODONIDAE Location: blood Hosts: Catostomus catostomus (3) Bodomonas concava Davis, 1947 (FW) C. commersoni (1,2,3,4) Location: gills Dist.: Ont Host: Ictalurus nebulosus Records: 1. Mayor 1915b, 2. 1916b; 3. Bower Dist.: Ont and Woo 1977a, 4. 1977b Record: Molnar et al. 1974 Remarks: Lom, in Hoffman (1967), suggests this species may be Cryptobia branchialis. Cryptobia dahli (Möbius, 1888) Alexeieff, 1912 (M) Ichthvobodo necatrix (Henneguy, 1884) Pinto, Location: stomach, urinary bladder 1-928 (FW) Host: Cyclopterus lum pus Syn.: Costia necatrix Henneguy, 1884 Dit.: Atl Location: gills Record: Khan and Noble 1972 Hosts: Gasterosteus aculeatus (3) nerka (1,4) Cry ptobia gurneyorum (Minchin, 1909) (FW) Salvelinus fontinalis (2) L ocation: blood Dist.: BC Hosts: Coregonus clupeaformis Records: 1. Duff 1930 1 ; 2. Savage 1935b Esox lucius (unspecified locality); 3. Lester 1975; 4. Salvelinus namaycush Hoskins et al. 1976 Dist.: NWT Remarks: For a discussion on the nomencla- Record: Laird 1961a ture of this species, well known in the literature as Costia necatrix, see Becker Katz, 1951 (FW) (1977). C-yptobia salmositica Location: blood Hosts: Oncorhynchus kisutch (1,3) Ichthyobodo sp. (FW) (2) Syn.: Costia sp. O. nerka Location: not specified O. tshawytscha (4) Host: Salvelinus fontinalis Dist.: BC Katz Dist.: Que Records: 1. Becker and Katz 1965b; 2. 1966; 3. 1976; 4. Hoskins Record: Richardson 1937a et al. Hoskins et al. and Hulstein 1977

Family CRYPTOBIIDAE Cryptobia spp. (M, FW) Location: blood Cryptobia bullocki Strout, 19652 (M) Hosts: Liopsetta putnami (1) Location: blood Oncorhynchus kisutch (2) Hosts: Liopsetta putnami Pseudopleuronectes americanus (1) Pseudo pleuronectes americanus Dist.: Atl, BC Records: 1. Strout 1962 (At1); 2. Hoskins and Hulstein 1977 (BC) 1 The report of Duff (1930) involves a tentative parasite identification (as "... Costia necatrix (?)"). 2Becker (1977) accepted Trypanoplastna as a valid , distinct from Cryptobia, and con- 3Bower and Woo (1977a) noted that the tentative sidered all species from the blood of fishes to belong record of T. borreli from C. conunersoni by Mayor to the former. (1915b) is a misidentification.

7 Family TRYP. ANOSOMATIDAE Dist.: Atl, Que Records: 1. Fantham and Porter 1948 (Que); 2. So 1972 (Atl); 3. Khan 1972b (Atl) Trypanosoma murmanensis Nikitin, 1927 (M) Location: blood Hosts: Anarhichas lupus (5) A. minor (5) ORDER DIPLOMONADIDA morhua (1,2,3,4,5) Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (5) Family HEXAMITIDAE Hippoglossoides platessoides (5) Limanda ferruginea (5) Liparis cyclostigma (5) Hexamita salmonis (Moore, 1923) (FW) reticulatus (5) Syn.: Octomitus salmonis Moore, 1923 Dist.: Atl Location: intestine, gall bladder Records: 1. Khan 1972b, 2. 1974, 3. 1975b, Hosts: Coregonus clupeaformis (8) 4. 1976, 5. 1977 Gasterosteus aculeatus (7) Remarks: In addition to the hosts listed Lota Iota (8) above, Khan (1977) has also experimentally Prosopium cylindraceum (8) infected Anguilla rostrata, Lycodes vahlii, Salvelinus fontinalis (1,2,3,4,5,6) Microgadus tom , Myoxocephalus octo- S. namaycush (8) decemspinosus, M. scorpius, Pseudopleu- Thymallus arcticus (8) ronectes americanus, and Tautogolabrus Dist.: BC, PET, Que, YT • adspersus. Records: 1 Richardson 1935 (Que), 2. 1936 (Que), 3. 1937a (Que); 4. A. Wright 1936 (Que); 5. M'Gonigle 1941 (maritime hatch- Trypanosoma myoxocephali Fantham, Porter eries); 6. Hare and Frantsi 1974 (PET); and Richardson, 1942 (M) 7. Lester 1975 (BC); 8. Arthur et al. Location: blood 1976 (YT) Host: Myoxocephalus octodecemspinosus Dist.: Atl Record: Fantham et al. 1942 Hexamita spp. (FW) Remarks: Khan (1977) considered this species Location: intestine to be probably referable to T. murmanensis. Hosts: Catostomus catostomus (1) Oncorhynchus keta (2) 0. tshawytscha (2) Trypanosoma percae var. canadensis Fantham, Dist.: BC, Que Porter and Richardson, 1942 (FW) Records: 1. Hanek and Molnar 1974 (Que); Location: blood 2. Hoskins and Hulstein 1977 (BC) Hosts: Perca flavescens (1,2) Salvelinus fontinalis (2) Dist.: Que Spironucleus spp. (FW) Records: 1. Fantham et al. 1942; 2. Fantham Location: intestine and Porter 1948 Hosts: Micropterus salmoides Notropis heterolepis Trypanosoma rajae Laveran and Mesnil, Perca flavescens 1902 (M) Pimephales notatus Location: blood Dist.: Ont Hosts: Raja erinacea (1) Record: Molnar et al. 1974 R. radiata (1,2) Dist.: Atl Hexamitidae gen.sp. (FW) Records: 1. Laird and Bullock 1969; 2. So Includes: Octomitus sp. of Fantham and Por- 1972 ter, 1948 Location: intestine Trypanosoma spp. (FW, M) Host: Catostomus commersoni Location: blood Dist.: Que Hosts: Gadus morhua (2,3) Record: Fantham and Porter 1948 Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (2) Remarks: Kulda and Lom (1964) indicated Salvelinus fontinalis (1) that Octomitus has not been shown to occur

8 in freshwater fishes. The above record can- Hippoglossoides platessoides not be referred with certainty to either Limanda ferruginea Hexamita or Spironucleus. Melanogrammus aeglefinus Urophycis tenuis Dist.: Atl Sarcomastigophora of Record: So 1972 Uncertain Taxonomic Position Haemohormidium spp. (M) Unidentified "flagellates" (M) Location: blood Location: gills Hosts: Hemitripterus americanus Host: Oncorhynchus nerka Hippoglossoides platessoides Dist.: Pac Dist.: Atl Record: Hoskins et al. 1976 Record: Laird and Bullock 1969

Unidentified "amoeba" (FW) Location: not specified CLASS SPOROZOEA Host: Oncorhynchus nerka Dist.: BC ORDER EUCOCCIDA Record: Duff 1930 Family

SUBPHYLUM anguillae Léger and Hollande, 1922 (FW) Location: intestine CLASS PIROPLASMEA Host: Anguilla rostrata Dist.: Que ORDER Records: Hanek and Molnar 1974; Molnar and Hanek 1974 Family DACTYLOSOMATIDAE Eimeria catostomi Molnar and Hanek, salvelini Fantham, Porter and 1974 (FW) Richardson, 1942 (FW) Location: intestine Location: blood Hosts: Catostomus commersoni Host: Salvelinus fontinalis Hypentelium nigricans Dist.: Que Dist.: Ont Record: Fantham et al. 1942 Record: Molnar and Hanek 1974

Dactylosoma sp.4 (FW) Eimeria clupearum (Thélohan, 1894) Doflein, Location: blood 1909 (M) Host: Salvelinus fontinalis Location: liver Dist.: Que Host: Clupea harengus harengus Record: Fantham and Porter 1948 Dist.: Ad Record: Sindermann 1961 Haemohormidium beckeri So, 1972 (M) Location: blood Eimeria degiustii Molnar and Fernando, Host: Myoxocephalus octodecemspinosus 1974 (FW) Dist.: Atl Location: spleen Record: So 1972 Hosts: Notropis cornutus (1,2) Pimephales notatus (1,2) Haemohormidium terraenovae So, 1972 (M) P. promelas (1) Location: blood Dist.: Ont Hosts: Ammodytes americanus Records: 1. Molnar and Fernando 1974; 2. Glyptocephalus cynoglossus Molnar et al. 1974

Molnar and Hanek, 4This report involves a tentative parasite identi- Eimeria etheostomae fication (parasite reported as `... a probable 1974 - (FW) Dactylosomd'). Location: intestine

9 Hosts: Etheostoma exile Eimeria hybognathi Molnar and Fernando, E. nigrum 1974 (F W ) Dist.: Ont Location: intestine Record: Molnar and Hanek 1974 Host: Hybognathus hankinsoni Dist.: Ont Eimeria fernandoae Molnar and Hanek, Records: Molnar and Fernando 1974; Molnar 1974 (FW) et al. 1974 Location: intestine Hosts: Catostomus commersoni Eimeria ictaluri Molnar and Fernando, Hypentelium nigricans 1974 (FW) Dist.: Ont Location: intestine Record: Molnar and Hanek 1974 Host: Ictalurus nebulosus Dist.: Ont Eimeria freemani Molnar and Fernando, Records: Molnar and Fernando 1974; Molnar 1974 (FW) et al. 1974 Location: renal parenchyma, kidney tubules Host: Notropis cornutus Eimeria iroquoina Molnar and Fernando, Dist.: Ont 1974 (FW) Records: Molnar and Fernando 1974; Molnar Location: intestine et al. 1974 Hosts: Nocornis biguttatus (2,3) Notropis cornutus (1,2,3) Eimeria gadi Fiebiger, 1913 (M) N. heterolepis (2,3) Syn.: gadi (Fiebiger, 1913) Pimephales notatus (2,3) Location: swim bladder P. promelas (3) Hosts: Enchelyopus cimbrius (3) Gadus morhua (2) Rhinichthys atratulus (2) Semotilus atromaculatus (2) Melanogrammus aeglefinus (1,3) Ont Dist.: Atl Dist.: Records: 1. Molnar and Fernando 1974; 2. Records: 1. Mavor 1915a; 2. Ellis 1930; 3. Molnar and Hanek 1974; 3. Molnar et al. Odense and Logan 1976 1974 Eimeria gasterostei (Thélohan, 1890) Doflein, Molnar and Fernando, 1909 (FW) Eimeria laureleus (FW) Location: liver 1974 Location: intestine Host: Gasterosteus aculeatus Host: Perca flavescens Dist.: BC Dist.: Ont Record: Lester 1975 Records: Molnar and Fernando 1974; Molnar Eimeria glenorensis Molnar and Fernando, et al. 1974 1974 (FW) Location: intestine Eimeria micropteri Molnar and Hanek, Host: Morone americana 1974 (FW) Dist.: Ont Location: intestine Record: Molnar and Fernando 1974 Hosts: Micropterus dolomieui M. salmoides Eimeria haneki Molnar and Fernando, Dist.: Ont 1974 (FW) Records: Molnar and Hanek 1974 Location: intestine Host: Culaea inconstans Eimeria moronei Molnar and Fernando, Dist.: Ont 1974 (FW) Record: Molnar and Fernando 1974 Location: intestine Host: Morone americana Eimeria hoffmani Molnar and Hanek, Dist.: Ont 1974 (FW) Record: Molnar and Fernando 1974 Location: intestine Host: Umbra limi Eimeria ojibwana Molnar and Fernando, Dist.: Ont 1974 (FW) Record: Molnar and Hanek 1974 Location: intestine

10 Host: Cottus bairdi Family HAEMOGREGARINIDAE Dist.: Ont Record: Molnar and Fernando 1974 aeglefini Henry, 1913 (M) Syn.: Haemogregarina urophysis Fantham, Eimeria osm. eri Molnar and Fernando, Porter and Richardson, 1942 1974 (FW) Haemogregarina sp. of Mayor, 1915 Location: intestine Location: blood Host: Osmerus mordax Hosts: Gadus morhua (2) Dist.: Ont Melanogrammus aeglefinus (3) Record: Molnar and Fernando 1974 (3) Urophycis chuss (1) Eimeria pungitii Molnar and Hanek, 1974 (FW) U. tenuis (2,3) Location: intestine Dist.: Atl Host: Pungitius pungitius Records: 1. Mayor 1915a; 2. Fantham et al. Dist.: Que 1942; 3. Laird and Bullock 1969 Record: Molnar and Hanek 1974 Haemogregarina bigemina Laveran and Eimeria salvelini Molnar and Hanek, 1974 (FW) intestine Mesnil, 1901 (M) Location: Location: blood Host: Salvelinus fontinalis Hosts: Artedius fenestralis (2) Dist.: Que ?Centropristis stria ta (1) Record: Molnar and Hanek 1974 Macrozoarces americanus (1) Eimeria sardinae (Thélohan, 1890) Reichenow, Dist.: Atl, Pac 1921 (M) Records: 1. Fantham et al. 19425 (At!); 2. Location: testis Laird 1961b (Pac) Host: Clupea harengus harengus Dist.: At! Haemogregarina delagei Laveran and Record: Sindermann 1961 Mesnil, 1902 (M) Location: blood Eimeria tedlai Molnar and Fernando, 1974 (FW) Hosts: Raja erinacea (1) Location: intestine R. radiata (1,2,3) Host: Perca flavescens R. senta (3) Dist.: Ont Squalus acanthias (1) Record: Molnar and Fernando 1974 Dist.: At! Records: 1. Laird and Bullock 1969; 2. Khan Eimeria truttae (Léger and Hesse, 1919) 1972a; 3. So 1972 Stankovitch, 1924 (FW) Location: intestine Haemogregarina irkalukpiki Laird, 1961 (FW) Host: Salvelinus fontinalis Location: blood Dist.: Que Hosts: Coregonus clupeaformis (2) Records: Hanek and Molnar 1974; Molnar Prosopium cylindraceum (2) and Hanek 1974 Salvelinus alpinus (1) Dist.: NWT, Que, YT Eimeria spp. (FW, M) Records: 1. Laird 1961a (NWT, Que); 2. Location: intestine, kidney Arthur et al. 1976 (YT) Hosts: Catostomus commersoni (3) Etheostoma exile (3) Haemogregarina mavori Laird and Bullock, Fundulus heteroclitus (1) 1969 (M) Macrourus ber glax (4) Location: blood Micro pterus salmoides (3) Pungitius pungitius (2) et al. (1942) Salvelinus fontinalis (1,2) 5The parasite reported by Fantham from Macrozoarces americamis was referred to Dist.: Atl, NS, Ont, Que as "... a haemogregarine, probably Haemogre- Records: 1. Fantham and Porter 1948 (NS, garina bigentina .," and that from C. striata Que); 2. Hanek and Molnar 1974 (Que); 3. was reported as an unidentified "haemosporidian," Molnar et al. 1974 (Ont); 4. Lom et al. 1975 which Laird and Bullock (1969) considered to be (Ad) probably referable to H. bigemina.

11 Host: Macrozoarces americanus Family SARCOCYSTIDAE Dist.: Atl Record: Laird and Bullock 1969 salvelini Fantham and Porter, 1943 (F W ) Haemogregarina m yoxocephali Fantham, Location: musculature Porter and Richardson, 1942 (M) Host: Salvelinus fontinalis Location: blood Dist.: Unspecified locality in eastern Canada Host: Myoxocephalus octodecemspinosus Record: Fantham and Porter 1943 Dist.: Atl Records: Fantham et al. 1942; Laird and Bul- Sarcocystis sp. (M) lock 1969; So 1972 Location: musculature Host: Macrozoarces americanus Haemogregarina platessae Lebailly, 1904 (M) Dist.: AtI Location: blood Record: Fantham and Porter 1943 Hosts: Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (3) Remarks: The taxonomic position of the ge- Pseudopleuronectes americanus (1,2) nus Sarcocystis has been extremely uncer- Scophthalmus aquosus (3) tain, Scholtysek (1974) recently placed this Dist.: Atl genus in the Eimeriidae. Records: 1. Fantham et al. 19426; 2. Laird and Bullock 1969; 3. So 1972 Apicomplexa of Uncertain Taxonomic Position Haemogregarina salvelini (Fantham, Porter and Richardson, 1942) Laird, 1961 (FW) Unidentified "sporozoites" (?) Syn.: salvelini Fantham, Location: intestine Porter and Richardson, 1942 Host: Gasterosteus aculeatus Location: blood Dist.: BC and/or Pac Host: Salvelinus fontinalis Record: Lester 1975 Dist.: Que Records: Fantham et al. 1942; Fantham and Porter 1948 SUBPHYLUM MICROSPORA

Haemogregarina spp. (FW, M) CLASS MICROSPOREA Syn.: Leucocytozoon sp. of Fantham and Porter, 1948 ORDER HAPLOSPORIDA Location: blood Hosts: Liparis atlanticus (2) Haplosporida gen.sp. Micropterus dolomieui (1)7 (FW?) Location: kidney gunnellus (2) Hosts: Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Salvelinus fontinalis (1)7 0. kisutch Dist:: Atl, Que Dist.: BC Records: 1. Fantham and Porter 1948 (Que); Record: Hoskins et al. 1976 2. Laird and Bullock 1969 (Atl) Remarks: Material reported as Haemogrega- rina sp.? by Mavor (1915a) from Urophycis ORDER MICROSPORIDA chuss was referred to H. aeglefini Henry, 1913 by Laird and Bullock (1969). Family NOSEMATIDAE

Glugea anomala (Moniez, 1887) Gurley, 6The parasite reported by Fantham et al. (1942) 1893 from P. americanus was referred to as °Haemogre- (FW, M) garina platessae Lebailly, or a form closely allied Location: cysts in body cavity, branchial cav- thereto ..." ity, and subcutaneous connective tissue 7Included in these records of Fantham and Porter Host: Gasterosteus aculeatus (1948) is material reported as ". : . . an unidentified Dist.: Atl, BC haemogregarine" from S. fontinalis from Fourth Records: Lester 1975 (BC); Lom and Laird Lake and from M. dolomieui from Lac des Sables. 1976 (Atl)

12 berglax Lom and Laird, 1976 (M) Nosema pimephales Fantham, Porter and Syn.: Nosema sp. of Lom, Noble and Laird, Richardson, 1941 (FW) 1975 Location: cysts in viscera and musculature Location: cyst in intestinal wall Hosts: Pimephales notatus (2) Host: Macrourus ber glax P. promelas (1,2) Dist.: Atl Dist.: Ont, Que Records: Lom et al. 1975; Lom and Laird 1976 Records: 1. Fantham et al. 1941 (Que); 2. Dechtiar 1972e (Ont) Glugea branchiale (Nemeczek, 1911) (M) Syn.: Nosema branchiale Nemeczek, 1911 Pleistophora cepedianae Putz, Hoffman and Location: gill cyst Dunbar, 1965 (FW) Hosts: Gadus morhua (1) Location: [cysts in visceral cavity] Melanogrammus aeglefinus (2) Host: Dorosoma cepedianum Dist.: Atl Dist.: Ont Records: 1. Fantham et al. 1941 8 ; 2. Lom and Record: Dechtiar 1972b Laird 1976

Glugea hertwigi Weissenberg, 1911 (FW) Pleistophora macrozoarcidis Nigrelli, 1946 (M) Syn.: Glugea hertwigi var. canadensis Fan- Location: cysts in musculature tham, Porter and Richardson, 1941 Host: Macrozoarces americanus Location: cysts in viscera, subcutaneous con- Dist.: Atl nective tissue Record: Olsen and Merriman 1946 Host: Osmerus mordax Dist.: Ont, Que Pleistophora salmonae Putz, Hoffman and Records: Fantham et al. 1941 (Que); Dechtiar Dunbar, 1965 (FW) 1965b (Ont), 1972b (Ont); Legault and Location: gills [cyst] Delisle 1967 (Que); Delisle 1969 (Que), Host: Salvelinus fontinalis 1972b (Que); Delisle and Veilleux 1969 Dist.: Que (Que); Chen and Power 1972 (Ont); Nepszy Record: Hanek and Molnar 1974 and Dechtiar 1972 (Ont) Pleistophora sp. (M) Glugea stephani (Hagenmuller, 1899) Location: not specified Woodcock, 1904 (M) Host: Gadus macrocephalus Location: cysts in intestinal submucosa Dist.: Pac Hosts: Limanda ferruginea Record: Hoskins et al. 1976 Pseudopleuronectes americanus Dist.: Atl Record: Fantham et al. 1941 Unidentified Microsporida Glugea spp. (FW, M) Location: cysts in viscera and musculature; Microsporida gen.spp. (FW, M) gall bladder, intestine Location: kidney cysts, musculature Hosts: Mallotus villosus (1,2,3) Hosts: Gadus macrocephalus (3) Notropis cornutus (6) Pholis gunnellus (2) Osmerus mordax (4,5)9 Salmo trotta (1)10 Pimephales promelas (6) Salvelinus fontinalis (1) S. namaycush (1) Dist.: Atl, Ont, Que (3)11 Records: 1. Marchant and Schiffman 1946 Theragra chalcogramma (All); 2. Templeman 1948 (An), 3. 1968 Dist.: Atl, Pac, Ont Records: 1. MacLulich 1943b (Ont); 2. Lom (At1); 4. Legault et al. 1965 (Que); 5. Delisle and Laird 1976 (At»; 3. Hoskins and Hul- 1966 (Que); 6. Molnar et al. 1974 (Ont) stein 1977 (Pac)

8The report of Fantham et al. (1941) involves a tentative parasite identification, the parasite was 10 The record of MacLulich (1943b) for Micro- considered to be "... probably the same as N. sporida from S. trutta appears only in the abstract. branchiale . .." 11 The material reported from T. chalcogramtna 9These records from O. morday probably pertain (as ) by Hoskins and Hulstein (1977) was to Glugea hertwigi. noted to be probably Pleistophora sp.

13 SUBPHYLUM CILIOPHORA Dist.: Nfld, NS Records: 1. Sandeman and Pippy 1967 (Nfld); CLASS C1LIATEA 2. Hare and Frantsi 1974 (NS) ORDER CYRTOPHORIDA Trichophrya sp. (FW) Family CHLAMYDODONTIDAE Location: gills Hosts: Ictalurus nebulosus (2) Morone chrysops (1) Chilodonella dentata (Dujardin, 1841) (FW) Dist.: Ont Syn.: Chilodonella den tatus Fantham and Records: 1. Dechtiar 1972b, 2. 1972c Porter, 1947 of Hoffman, 1967 Chilodon den tatus of Fantham and Porter, 1948 ORDER HYMENOSTOMATIDA Location: gills Host: Micro pterus dolomieui Family OPHRYOGLENIDAE Dist.: Que Record: Fantham and Porter 1948 Ichthyophthirius multifiliis Fouquet, 1876 (FW) Location: skin, fins, gills Chilodonella sp. (FW) Hosts: A plodinotus grunniens (3) Syn.: Chilodon sp. Catostomus commersoni (4) Location: not speci fied Gasterosteus aculeatus (7) Host: Salvelinus fontinalis Ictalurus nebulosus (6) Dist.: Que Micro pterus dolomieui (1) Record: Richardson 1937a M. salmoides (1) Morone chrysops (3) Perca flavescens (3,4) ORDER TRICHOSTOMATIDA Salmo salar (5) Salvelinus fontinalis (2) Family BALANTIDIIDAE Dist.: BC, Nfld, NS,,Ont Records: 1. Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); sp.I 2 (FW) 2. Sandeman and Pippy 1967 (Nfld); 3. Location: intestine Dechtiar 1972b (Ont), 4. 1972c (Ont); 5. Hosts: Perca flavescens Hare and Frantsi 1974 (NS); 6. Molnar et Salve linus fontinalis al. 1974 (Ont); 7. Lester 1975 (BC) Dist.: Que Record: Fantham and Porter 1948 Ichthyophthirius sp. (FW) Remarks: Hoffman (1967) noted that accord- Location: [skin, fins, gills] ing to R. M. Stabler, Fantham and Porter's Hosts: Gasterosteus aculeatus (3) identification was in error and should be Oncorhynchus kisutch (2) Nyctotherus sp. O. tshawytscha (2) Salmo clarki (2) S. gairdneri (2) ORDER SUCTORIDA S. trutta (2) Salvelinus fontinalis (1) Family DENDROSOMATIDAE Dist.: BC, Nfld, Que Records: 1. Richardson 1937a (Que); 2. Carl Trichophrya piscium Bütschli, 1889 (FW) 1939 (BC); 3. Threlfall 1968 (Nfld) Location: gills Hosts: Salmo gairdneri (1) ORDER PERITRICHIDA S. salar (1,2) S. trutta (1) Family EPISTYLIDAE Salvelinus fontinalis (1,2) Epistylis lwoffi Fauré-Fremiet, 1943 (FW) 12The material from P. flavescens was reported Location: gills, body surface as "... Balantidium sp., very near B. entozoon," Host: Gasterosteus aculeatus that from S. fontinalis as "... Balantidium sp., Dist.: BC practically identical with B. ranarum of frogs . . ." Records: Lester and Adams 1974; Lester 1975

14 Epistylis spp. (FW) Hosts: Esox americanus vermiculatus (2) Location: fins Micropterus dolomieui and/or M. sal- Hosts: Cottus cognatus (2) moides (1) 14 Etheostoma exile (1) Dist.: Ont Dist.: Ont, YT Records: 1. Bangham and Hunter 1939; 2. Records: 1. Dechtiar 1972c (Ont); 2. Arthur Crossman 1962 et al. 1976 (YT)

Family URCEOLARIIDAE Family SCYPHIIDAE Trichodina cottidarum Dogiel, 1948 (M) A piosoma spp. (FW) Location: gills Location: fins, gills, skin Hosts: Myoxocephalus octodecemspinosus Hosts: A mbloplites rupestris (2) M. scorpius Catostomus catostomus (1) Dist.: Atl Etheostoma exile (2) Record: Lom and Laird 1969 Gasterosteus aculeatus (1,3) Ictalurus nebulosus (2) Trichodina decipiens Laird, 1961 (M) Micropterus salmoides (2) Location: gills Notropis cornutus (2) Host: Artedius fenestralis Pimephales notatus (2) Dist.: Pac Salvelinus fontinalis (1) Record: Laird 1961b Dist.: Pac, BC, Ont, Que Remarks: The "giant forms" of T. decipiens Records: 1. Hanek and Molnar 1974 (Que); described by Laird (1961b) were later con- 2. Molnar et al. 1974 (Ont); 3. Lester 1975 sidered by Lom (1970) to constitute a sepa- (Pac, BC) rate species, T. lairdi. Trichodina domerguei (Wallengren, Caliperia brevipes Laird, 1959 (M) 1897) (FW, M) Location: gills Syn.: Cyclochaeta domerguei Wallengren, Host: Raja erinacea 1897 Dist.: Atl Location: gills, skin, fins Record: Laird 1959 Hosts: Gasterosteus aculeatus (2) Micropterus dolomieui or M. sal- Scyphidia arctica Zhukov, 1964 (M) moides (1) 15 Location: gills Dist.: Pac, BC, Ont Host: Myoxocephalus octodecemspinosus Records: 1. Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); Dist.: Atl 2. Lester 1975 (Pac, BC) Record: Lom and Laird 1969 Trichodina domerguei saintjohnsi Lom and Scyphidia micropteri Surber, 194013 (FW) Laird, 1969 (M) Location: gills Location: gills, fins, skin Host: Esox americanus vermiculatus Hosts: Cyclopterus lum pus Dist.: Ont Myoxocephalus scorpius Record: Crossman 1962 Triglops murrayi Dist.: Atl Record: Lom and Laird 1969 Family VORTICELLIDAE 1 4In their host-parasite list Bangham and Hunter Vorticellidae gen.spp. (FW) (1939) recorded Vorticellidae from Micropterus sal- Location: gills moides (as Aplites salmoides) but in their parasite- host list they reported this species from M. dolo- mieui. The correct host record cannot be determined. 15Bangham and Hunter (1939) in their host- 13This material was reported by Crossman (1962) parasite list recorded T. domerguei from M. sal- as scyphiids which "... were probably Scyphidia moides but in their parasite-host list they reported micropteri . . ." and was recorded in his table 7 this species from M. dolomieui. The correct host as this species. record cannot be determined.

15 Trichodina elizabethae Lom and Laird, 1969 (M) Trichodina spp. (FW, B, M) Location: gills Syn.: Cyclochaeta sp. of Fantham and Porter, Host: Ulvariasubbifurcata 1948 Dist.: Atl Location: gills, urinary bladder, ureters Record: Lom and Laird 1969 Hosts: Carpiodes cyprinus (6) Catostomus commersoni (9) Trichodina galyae Lom and Laird, 1969 (M) Cottus bairdi (7) Location: gills C. cognatus (13,14)t7 Host: Cyclopterus lumpus Cyprinus'carpio (4) Dist.: Atl Esox lucius (6) Record: Lom and Laird 1969 Gasterosteus aculeatus (5,8) Hybognathus hankinsoni (9) Trichodina jarmilae Lom and Laird, 1969 (M) Ictalurus nebulosus (9) Location: gills Lepomis gibbosus (15) Host: Hemitripterus americanus Lota Iota (7) Dist.: Atl Lycodes lavalaei (10) Record: Lom and Laird 1969 Micropterus salmoides (9) Morone chrysops (6) Trichodina lairdi Lom, 1970 (M) Nocomis biguttatus (9) Syn: Trichodina decipiens of Laird, 1961, Notropis cornutus (9) (partim)16 N. heterolepis (9) Host: A rtedius fenestralis Perca flavescens (3,6,7,9) Dist.: Pac Percina caprodes (7) Record: Lom 1970 (based on Laird 1961b) Percopsis omiscomaycus (7) Pimephales promelas (9) Trichodina oviducti Polyansky, 1955 (M) Pomoxis nigromaculatus (7) Location: urogenital tract, rectum, claspers Pungitius pungitius (8) Hosts: Raja ocellata (1) Salmo salar (11,12) R. radiata (1,2,3,4) Salvelinus fontinalis (1,2,3) Dist.: Atl Semotilus atromaculatus (9) Records: 1. Khan 1972c, 2. 1975a; 3. Khan et Dist.: Atl, Pac, BC, NB-b, NB, Nfld-b, Nfld, al. 1974; 4. Lom and Haldar 1976 Ont, Que-b, Que, YT Records: 1. Richardson 1937a (Que); 2. Bang- Trichodina rectuncinata Raabe, 1958 (M) ham 1941 (Ont); 3. Fantham and Porter Location: gills 1948 (Que); 4. Bangham and Adams 1954 Host: Artedius fenestralis (BC); 5. Hanek and Threlfall 1970e (Atl, Dist.: Pac Nfld-b, Nfld); 6. Dechtiar 1972b (Ont), 7. Record: Lom 1970 1972c (Ont); 8. Hanek and Molnar 1974 (Que-b, Que); 9. Molnar et al. 1974 (Ont); Trichodina tenuidens Fauré-Fremiet, 10. Khan and Pitt 1974 (Atl); It. Hare and 1943 (FW, M) Burt 1975a (NB), 12. 1976 (NB-b); 13. Hos- Location: gills kins et al.-1976 (YT); 14. Arthur et al. 1976 Host: Gasterosteus aculeatus (YT); 15. Cone and Anderson 1977b (Ont) Dist.: Atl, Pac, BC Records: Lom and Laird 1969 (Atl); Lester Vauchomia renicola (Mueller, 1932) Mueller, and Adams 1974 (Pac and/or BC); Lester 1938 (FW) 1975 (Pac, BC) Syn.: Trichodina renicola Mueller, 1932 Location: urinary bladder, ureters Trichodina vancouverense Laird, 1961 (M) Hosts: Esox americanus vermiculatus (2) Location: gills E. niger (1)18 Host: A rtedius fenestralis Dist.: Pac 17The material reported as trichodinids from Record: Laird 1961b "sculpins" by Hoskins et al. (1976) was subsequently identified as Trichodina sp. by Arthur et al. (1976). 18This parasite was reported as ". . . Trichodina, 16Lom (1970) considered the "giant forms" of probably A. (sic) renicola" by Fantham and Porter T. decipiens described by Laird (1961b) to consti- (1948, p. 626) and later referred to as T. renicola tute a separate species, T. lairdi. (p. 627).

16 Dist.: Ont, Que Lepidopsetta bilineata (1) Records: 1. Fantham and Porter 1948 (Que); Lophius americanus (2) 2. Crossman 1962 (Ont) Ophiodon elongatus (1,3) Pollachius virens (2) Urceolariidae gen.spp. ( FW, M) Pseudopleuronectes americanus (2) Location: gills Salmo gairdneri (3) Hosts: Clupea harengus harengus (2) Scophthalmus aquosus (2) Enchelyo pus cimbrius (2) Dist.: Atl, Pac, BC Fundulus heteroclitus (2) Records: 1. Bell 1962 (Pac); 2. Lom and Laird lsopsetta isolepis (1) 1969 (At1); 3. Hoskins et al. 1976 (Pac, BC)


SUBPHYLUM MYXOSPORA Ceratomyxa shasta Noble, 1950 (M) Syn.: Ceratomyxa sp. of Hoskins, Bell and CLASS Evelyn, 1976 Location: kidney, viscera, musculature ORDER MYXOSPORIDA Hosts: Oncorhynchus keta (1) O. kisutch (1,2) Family CERATOMYXIDAE Dist.: Pac Records: 1. Margolis and Evelyn_ 1975; 2. Ceratomyxa acadiensis Mayor, 1915 (M) Hoskins et al. 1976 Location: gall bladder Hosts: Clupea harengus harengus (3)20 (3)20 Cryptacanthodes maculatus Ceratomyxa urophysis Fantham, Porter and Macrozoarces americanus (1,2,3) Richardson, 1940 (M) Pseudopleuronectes americanus (1,2,3) Location: gall bladder Urophycis chuss (1,2) Host: Urophycis tenuis U. tenuis (3,4) Dist.: Atl Dist.: Atl Record: Fantham et al. 1940 Records: 1. Mayor 1915a, 2. 1916a; 3. Ellis 1930; 4. Fantham et al. 1940 Ceratomyxa spp. (FW, M) Ceratomyxa coryphaenoida Moser and Noble, Location: gall bladder, intestine' 1976 (M) Hosts: Gasterosteus aculeatus (4) Location: gall bladder Hemitripterus americanus (1,2) Host: Coryphaenoides cinereus Notro pis stramineus (3) Dist.: Pac Dist.: Atl, Pac, Ont Record: Moser and Noble 1976a Records: 1. Mayor 1915a (Atl); 2. Ellis 1930 (Ad); 3. Dechtiar 1972b (Ont); 4. Lester Ceratomyxa hokarari Meglitsch, 1960 (M) 1975 (Pac) Location: gall bladder, bile ducts Host: Coryphaenoides acrole pis Dist.: Pac Leptotheca agilis (Thélohan, 1892) Thélohan, Moser 1977 Records: Moser and Noble 1976a; 1895 (M) Location: gall bladder l9The Myxosporida traditionally have been Host: Raja erinacea grouped with the phylum Protozoa. Current opin- Dist.: Atl ion (Lorn 1969; Weiser 1974) holds that these Record: Ellis 1930 organisms cannot be retained in this phylum and either should be transferred to the Coelenterata or a separate phylum should be established for them. Until this matter is settled we leave the group Leptotheca informis Auerbach, 1910 (M) without a phylum affiliation. Location: gall bladder 20The records of Ellis (1930) for C. h. harengus Host: Coryphaenoides filifera and C. ',landau's involve tentative parasite identi- Dist.: Pac fications. Record: Moser and Noble 19761) .

17 Family MYXIIDAE Myxidium zealandicum Hine, 1975 (M?) Location: gills, kidney cysts Myxidium bergense Auerbach, 1910 (M) Host: Anguilla rostrata Location: gall bladder Dist.: Ont, Que Hosts: Melanogrammus aeglefinus (1,2) Records: Komourdjian et al. 1977 (Ont, Que); Urophycis tenuis (2) Hulbert et al. 1977 (unspecified locality) Dist.: At! Myxidium spp. (FW, M) Records: 1. Mayor 1915a; 2. Ellis 1930 Location: gall bladder, kidney Myxidium coryphaenoidium Noble, 1966 (M) Hosts: Catostomus commersoni (3) Location: gall bladder Micropterus dolomieui (2) Host: Coryphaenoides filif era Notropis cornutus (3) Dist.: Pac N. heterolepis (3) Record: Moser et al. 1976 Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (6) O. kisutch (4,5) Myxidium gadi Géorgevich, 1916 (M) Pseudopleuronectes americanus (1) Location: gall bladder Dist.: At!, BC, NS, Ont Host: Melanogrammus aeglefinus Records: 1. Mayor 1915a (At!); 2. Fantham Dist.: At! and Porter 1948 (NS); 3. Molnar et al. 1974 Record: Fantham et al. 1940 (Ont); 4. Hoskins et al. 1976 (BC); 5. Bell and Margolis 1976 (BC); 6. Hoskins and Myxidium gasterostei Noble, 1943 (FW) Hulstein 1977 (BC) Location: gall bladder - ) Host: Gasterosteus aculeatus Zschokkella globulosa Davis, 1917 (W Dist.: BC Location: urinary bladder Host: Nezumia bairdi Record: Lester 1975 Dist.: Atl Myxidium giardi Cépède, 1906 (FW) Record: Moser and Noble 1977c Location: liver, intestine [cyst] Zschokkella hildae Auerbach, 1910 (M) Host: Anguilla rostrata Location: urinary bladder Dist.: Que Hosts: Gadus morhua22 Record: Hanek and Molnar 1974 Microgadus tomcod Dist.: Atl Myxidium lieberkuehni Bütschli, 1882 (FW) Record: Fantham et al. 1940 Location: urinary bladder Hosts: Esox lucius (1,3) Zschokkella kudoi Moser and Noble, 1977 (M) E. niger (2)21 Syn.: Zschokkella parasiluri of Yoshino and Dist.: Ont, Que, YT Noble, 1973 Records: 1. Mayor 1916b (Ont); 2. Fantham Location: kidney et al. 1940 (Que); 3. Arthur et al. 1976 (YT) Host: Macrourus berglax Dist.: Atl Myxidium myoxocephali Fantham, Porter and Records: Yoshino and Noble 1973; Moser and Richardson, 1940 (M) Noble 1977c Location: gall bladder Remarks: Moser and Noble (1977c) referred Host: Myoxocephalus octodecemspinosus Yoshino and Noble's (1973) report of Z. Dist.: Atl parasiluri from M. berglax to this species. Record: Fantham et al. 1940 Zschokkella salvelini Fantham,,Porter and Myxidium percae Fantham, Porter and Richardson, 1939 (FW) Richardson, 1939 (FW) Location: cyst on kidney, intestine Location: cyst beneath skin Host: Salvelinus fontinalis Host: Perca flavescens Dist.: Que Dist.: Que Records: Fantham et al. 1939; Fantham and Record: Fantham et al. 1939 Porter 1948; Hanek and Molnar 1974

21 The record of Fantham et al. (1940) for this 22The report of this parasite from G. morhua host was given as "... a Myxidium, which is prob- (as G. callarias) involves a tentative parasite identi- ably Myridium lieberkuhni ." fication.

18 Family MYXOBILATIDAE Henneguya esocis Fantham, Porter and Richardson, 1939 (FW) Location: gill cyst Myxobilatus gasterostei (Parisi, 1912) Davis, Host: Esox niger 1944 (FW) Dist.: Que Location: kidney tubules, urinary bladder Records: Fantham et al. 1939; Fantham and Host: Gasterosteus aculeatus Porter 1948 Dist.: BC Records: Lester 1975; Arthur and Margolis Henneguya exilis Kudo, 1929 (FW) 1975b; Hoskins et al. 1976 Location: gills [cyst] Hosts: Ictalurus nebulosus (1,2) Myxobilatus ohioensis (Herrick, 1941) Davis, 1. punctatus (1) 1944 (FW) Dist.: Ont Location: ureters, urinary bladder Records: 1. Dechtiar 1972b; 2. Molnar et al. Host: Lepomis gibbosus 1974 Dist. : Ont Records: Cone and Anderson 1977a, b Henneguya fontinalis Fantham, Porter and Richardson, 1939 (FW) Location: fin cyst Myxobilatus yukonensis Arthur and Margolis, Host: Salvelinus fontinalis (FW) 1975 Dist.: Que Location: kidney tubules,•urinary bladder Records: Fantham et al. 1939; Fantham and Host: Cottus cognatus Pôrter 1948 Dist.: YT Records: Arthur and Margolis 1975b; Arthur Henneguya fontinalis var. notropis Fantham, et al. 1976 Porter and Richardson, 1939 (FW) Location: cysts on abdomen, base of tail, back Myxobilatus sp. (M) Hosts: Notropis cornutus Location: kidney tubules N. heterolepis Host: Gasterosteus aculeatus Dist.: Que Dist.: Pac Record: Fantham et al. 1939 Records: Lester 1975; Hoskins et al. 1975 (based on the material of Lester 1975) Henneguya percae Fantham, Porter and Richardson, 1939 (FW) Location: gill cyst Host: Perca flavescens Family Dist.: Que Records: Fantham et al. 1939; Fantham and Henneguya acuta Bond, 1939 (FW) Porter 1948 Location: gills [cyst] Host: Esox masquinongy Henneguya pungitii Akhmerov, 1953 (FW) Dist.: Ont Location: kidney Record: Dechtiar 1972c Hosts: Gasterosteus aculeatus Pungitius pungitius Dist.: Que Henneguya amiae Fantham, Porter and Record: Hanek and Molnar 1974 Richardson, 1940 (FW) Location: gill cyst Henneguya salminicola Ward, 1919 (M or FW?) Host: calva Syn.: Henneguya sp. of Bell and Margolis, Dist.: Que 1976 Record: Fantham et al. 1940 Location: muscle cysts Hosts: Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (1,5) Henneguya doori Guilford, 1963 (FW) 0. keta (4) Location: [gill cyst] 0. kisutch (3,4,5) Host: Perca flavescens 0. nerka (1,2,5) Dist.: Ont 0. tshawytscha (4) Record: Dechtiar 1972b Oncorhynchus sp. (4)

19 Dist.: Pac, BC-b, BC Myxobolus conspicuus Kudo, 1929 (FW) Records: 1. Margolis 1957 (Pac, BC-b), 2. Location: cysts beneath skin 1963 (Pac); 3. Boyd and Tomlinson 1965 Hosts: Chrosomus neogaeus (3) (Pac); 4. Hoskins et al. 1976 (Pac, BC); Moxostoma anisurum (2) 5. Bell and Margolis 1976 (Pac) M. macrolepidotum (1) Remarks: Akhmerov (1955) considered this Dist.: Ont, Que species to be a synonym of H. zschokkei. Records: I. Fantham et al. 1939 (Que); 2. Dechtiar 1972b (Ont), 3. 1972c (Ont) Henneguya salmonis Fantham, Porter and

Richardson, 1939 (?) Myxobolus couesii Fantham, Porter and Location: cyst beneath skin Richardson, 1939 (FW) Host: Salmo salar Location: cyst in eye Dist.: Que?23 Host: Couesius plumbeus Record: Fantham et al. 1939 Dist.: Que Record: Fantham et al. 1939 (Gurley, 1893) Doflein, 1901 (FW) Myxobolus dechtiari Cone and Anderson, Location: cysts in musculature, fins 1977 (FW) Hosts: Coregonus clupeaformis Location: cysts in gills Prosopium cylindraceum Host: Lepomis gibbosus Dist.: YT Dist.: Ont Record: Arthur et al. 1976 Records: Cone and Anderson 1977a, b Remarks: Unidentified Sporozoa reported Myxobolus den tium Fantham, Porter and from P. cylindraceum from the Northwest Territories by Miller (1947) and noted to Richardson, 1939 (FW) produce large milky cysts in the flesh was Location: cyst at base of palatine area Host: Esox masquinongy probably H. zschokkei. Dist.: Que Record: Fantham et al. 1939 Henneguya spp. (FW) Location: gill cyst Myxobolus funduli Kudo, 1920 (FW) Hosts: Coregonus artedii (3) Location: musculature [cyst] Esox niger (4) Host: Fundulus diaphanus Morone americana (1) Dist.: NS Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (5) Record: Wiles 1975b Perca flavescens (2) Rhacochilus vacca (5) Myxobolus grandis Fantham, Porter and Dist.: Pac, BC, Ont, Que Richardson, 1939 (FW) Records: 1. Tedla and Fernando 1969e (Ont), Location: abdominal cyst 2. 1970a (Ont); 3. Dechtiar 1972c (Ont); Host: Notropis cornutus 4. Delisle 1972a (Que); 5. Hoskins et al. Dist.: Que 1976 (Pac, BC) Record: Fantham et al. 1939

Myxobolus catostomi Fantham, Porter and Myxobolus hyborhynchi Fantham, Porter and Richardson, 1939 (FW) Richardson, 1939 (FW) Location: cysts on floor of mouth and in fins; Location: cyst embedded in mandibular bone; intestine, gall bladder, liver, kidney kidney Hosts: Catostomus catostomus (3) Hosts: Pimephales notatus (1,2) C. commersoni (1,2) P. promelas (2) Dist.: Que Dist.: Ont, Que Records: 1. Fantham et al. 1939; 2. Fantham Records: 1. Fantham et al. 1939 (Que); 2. and Porter 1948; 3. Hanek and Molnar Molnar et al. 1974 (Ont) 1974 Myxobolus intestinalis Kudo, 1929 (FW) Location: intestinal wall [cyst] 23The host was obtained from a Montreal fish shop; the authors inferred from the common name Host: Pomoxis nigromaculatus (Gaspé ) that it originated from the Gaspé Dist.: Ont Peninsula. Record: Dechtiar 1972c

20 Myxobolus magnaspherus Cone and Myxobolus rhinichthidis Fantham, Porter and Anderson, 1977 (FW) Richardson, 1939 (FW) Location: cysts in parietal peritoneum of Location: cysts beneath skin, between max- kidney illa, behind eye Host: Lepomis gibbosus Host: Rhinichthys atratulus Dist. : Ont Dist.: Que Records: Cone and Anderson 1977a, b Record: Fantham et al. 1939

Myxobolus neurobius Schuberg and Schrbder, Myxobolus subcircularis Fantham, Porter and 1905 (FW) Richardson, 1939 (FW) Location: brain, spinal cord Location: cysts in musculature Hosts: Coregonus clupeaformis Host: Catostomus commersoni Prosopium cylindraceum Dist.: Que Salvelinus namaycush Record: Fantham et al. 1939 Thvmallus arcticus Dist.: YT Myxobolus transversalis Fantham, Porter and (FW) Record: Arthur et al. 1976 Richardson, 1939 Location: cysts in musculature; kidney Hosts: . Hybognathus hankinsoni (2) Myxobolus notropis Fantham, Porter and Notropis cornutus (1,2) Richardson, 1939 (FW) N. heterolepis (2) Location: cysts on surface of body Dist.: Ont, Que Hosts: Notropis cornutus Records: 1. Fantham et al. 1939 (Que); 2. N. heterolepis Molnar et al. 1974 (Ont) Dist.: Que Record: Fantham et al. 1939 Myxobolus uvuliferis Cone and Anderson, 1977 (FW) Myxobolus osburni Herrick, 1936 (FW) Location: within fibrous capsule of metacer- Location: mesenteries [cyst]; pancreatic tis- cariae of Uvulifer ambloplitis sue cysts Host: Lepomis gibbosus Hosts: Lepomis gibbosus (2,3) Dist. : Ont Micropterus dolomieui (1) Records: Cone and Anderson 1977a, b Dist. : Ont Records: 1. Dechtiar 1972c; 2. Cone and Myxobolus spp. (FW) Anderson 1977a, 3. 1977b Location: cysts in gills, mesenteries, viscera, skin Myxobolus ovoidalis Fantham, 1930 (FW) Hosts: Ambloplites rupestris (4,7) Location: subepidermal cyst Anguilla rostrata (3,6) Host: Salvelinus fontinalis Catostomus commersoni (3) Dist.: Que Cottus bairdi (4) Record: Fantham et al. 1939 C. cognatus (9) Etheostoma exile (4,7) E. nigrum (4) Myxobolus percae Fantham, Porter and Fundulus diaphanus (8) Richardson, 1939 (FW) Hybognathus hankinsoni (7) Location: cysts at fin base; eye Ictalurus nebulosus (4) Host: Perca flavescens Lepomis gibbosus (4) Dist.: Ont, Que Lota lota (4) Records: Fantham et al. 1939'(Que); bechtiar Micropterus salmoides (1)24 1972c (Ont) Moxostoma anisurum (3,4) M. erythrurum (3,4) Myxobolus poecilichthidis Fàntham, Porter Nocomus biguttatus (7) .and Richardson, 1939. ' (FW) Location: cysts. in connective tissue of gut 24Bangham and Hunter (1939) recorded only Host: Etheostoma exile unidentified Myxosporida from M.'salrnoides in Dist.: Que their' parasite-host list. Generic identification ap- Record: Fantham et al. 1939 pears only in their host-parasite list.

21 Notropis cornutus (3,7) Myxosoma commersonii Fantham, Porter and Noturus gyrinus (4) Richardson, 1939 (FW) Percina caprodes (4) Location: skin cyst Percopsis omiscomaycus (5) Host: Catostomus commersoni Pimephales notatus (7) Dist.: Que P. promelas (7) Record: Fantham et al. 1939 Pomoxis nigromaculatus (3) Pungitius pungitius (4) Myxosorna diaphana Fantham, Porter and Rhinichthys cataractae (4) Richardson, 1940 (FW) Salvelinus fontinalis (2) Location: cyst in testis Semotilus atromaculatus (7) Host: Fundulus diaphanus S. margarita (4) Dist.: NS Dist.: NS, Ont, Que, YT Record: Fantham et al. 1940 Records: 1. Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); Myxosoma ellipticoides Fantham, Porter and 2. Fantham and Porter 1948 (Que); 3. Richardson, 1939 (FW) Dechtiar 1972b (Ont), 4. 1972e (Ont); 5. Location: cysts on sides of cleithrum Scott and Crossman 1973 (Ont); 6. Hanek Host: Catostomus commersoni and Molnar 1974 (Que); 7. Molnar et al. Dist.: Que 1974 (Ont); 8. Wiles 1975b (NS); 9. Arthur Record: Fantham et al. 1939 et al. 1976 (YT) Myxosoma grandis Kudo, 1934 (FW) Thelohanellus notatus (Mayor, 1916) Kudo, Location: liver [cyst] 1933 • (FW) Host: Notropis hudsonius Syn.: Myxobolus notatus Mayor, 1916 Dist.: Ont Location: cysts in musculature, fins Record: Dechtiar 1972c Hosts: Catostomus commersoni (2,3) Myxosoma media Fantham, Porter and Chrosomus neogaeus (2) Richardson, 1939 (FW) Notropis cornutus (2,3) Location: abdominal cyst Pimephales notatus (1,2) Host: Notropis cornutus Dist.: Ont, Que Dist.: Que Records: 1. Mayor 1916b (Ont); 2. Fantham Record: Fantham et al. 1939 et al. 1939 (Que); 3. Fantham and Porter 1948 (Que) Myxosoma notropis Fantham, Porter and Richardson, 1939 (FW) Thelohanellus sp. (FW) Location: abdominal cyst; liver - Location: not specified Host: Notropis cornutus Host: Notropis hudsonius Dist.: Que Dist.: Ont Record: Fantham et al. 1939 Record: Dechtiar 1972b Myxosoma orbitalis Fantham, Porter and Richardson, 1939 (FW) Family MYXOSOMATIDAE Location: cysts in orbit of eye Host: Notropis cornutus Myxosoma bibullatum Kudo, 1934 (FW) Dist.: Que Location: gill cyst Record: Fantham et al. 1939 Hosts: Catostomus catostomus (2) Myxosoma parellipticoides Fantham, Porter C. commersoni (1) and Richardson, 1939 (FW) Dist.: Ont, Que Location: abdominal cyst Records: 1. Dechtiar 1972c (Ont); 2. Hanek Host: Chrosomus neogaeus and Molnar 1974 (Que) Dist.: Que Record: Fantham et al. 1939 Myxosoma catostomi Kudo, 1923 (FW) Location: cysts in musculature Myxosoma pendula Guilford, 1967 (FW) Host: Catostomus commersoni Location: [cyst on gill arch] Dist.: Ont, Que Host: Semotilus atromaculatus Records: Fantham et al. 1939 (Que); Dechtiar Dist.: Ont 1972e (Ont) Record: Dechtiar 1972b

22 Myxosoma pfrille Fantham, Porter and Dist.: Pac Richardson, 1939 (FW) Record: Moser and Noble 1977a Location: abdominal cyst Host: Chrosomus neogaeus Davisia newfoundlandia Yoshino and Noble, Dist.: Que 1973 (M) Record: Fantham et al. 1939 Location: kidney tubules, urinary bladder Host: Macrourus berglax Myxosoma procerum Kudo, 1934 (FW) Dist.: Atl Location: gills [cyst] Records: 1. Yoshino and Noble 1973; 2. . Host: Percopsis omiscomaycus Moser and Noble 1977a Dist.: Ont Record: Dechtiar 1972c Myxoproteus abyssus Yoshino and Moser, 1974 (m) Myxosoma rotundum Meglitsch, 1937 (FW) Location: gall bladder Location: gills [cyst] Host: Coryphaenoides acrolepis Host: Carpiodes cyprinus Dist.: Pac Dist.: Ont Record: Moser and Noble 1977d Records: Dechtiar 1972b, c Myxoproteus myoxocephali Fantham, Porter Myxosoma scleroperca Guilford, 1963 (FW) and Richardson, 1940 (M) Location: cysts in sclerotic cartilage Location: gall bladder Host: Perca flavescens Hosts: Myoxocephalus octodecemspinosus Dist.: Ont M. scorpius Records: Dechtiar 1965a, 1972b Dist.: Atl Iverson, 1954 Record: Fantham et al. 1940 Myxosoma squamalis (M) Remarks: Sankurathri (1977) noted that this Location: scales species does not belong in Myxoproteus and Hosts: Oncorhynchus keta(1) its taxonomic status requires reassessment. 0. kisutch (1,2) Dist.: Pac, BC Myxoproteus rosenblatti Moser and Noble, Records: 1. Hoskins et al. 1976 (Pac, BC); 1977 (M) 2. Hoskins and Hulstein 1977 (Pac) Location: gall bladder Myxosoma subtecalis Bond, 1938 (FW) Host: Coryphaenoides filifera Syn.: Myxobolus subtecalis (Bond, 1938) Dist.: Pac Location: skin [cyst] Record: Moser and Noble 1977d Host: Fundulus dia phanus Yoshino and Noble, Dist.: NS Sinuolinea magna Record: Wiles 1975b 1973 (m) Location: urinary bladder Myxosoma sp. (FW) Host: Coryphaenoides acrolepis Location: gill cyst Dist.: Pac Host: Catostomus catostomus Record: Moser and Noble 1977b Dist.: YT Record: Arthur et al. 1976 Family SPHAEROSPORIDAE

Family SINUOLINEIDAE A uerbachia pulchra Lom, Noble and Laird, 1975 (M) Conispora renalis Sankurathri, 1977 (M) Syn.: A uerbachia sp. of Yoshino and Noble, Location: kidney tubules 1973 Host: Merluccius productus Location: gall bladder Dist.: Pac Hosts: Coryphaenoides filifera (3) Record: Sankurathri 1977 Macrourus berglax (1,2,3,4) Nezumia bairdi (3) Davisia coryphaenoidia Yoshino and Noble, Dist.: Atl, Pac 1973 (m) Records: 1. Yoshino and Noble 1973 (Ad); Location: urinary bladder, kidney 2. Lom et al. 1975 (Atl); 3. Moser and Host: Coryphaenoides acrolepis Noble 1977a (Atl, Pac); 4. Moser 1977 (Atl)

23 Chloromyxum catostomi Kudo, 1920 (FW) Sphaerospora cristata Shulman, 1962 (FW) Location: gall bladder Location: urinary bladder Hosts: Catostomus commersoni (1) Host: Lofa Iota Notropis cornutus (2) Dist.: YT N. heterolepis (2) Record: Arthur et al. 1976 .Semotilus atromaculatus (2)

Dist.: Ont-U . Sphaerospora elegans Thélohan,1892 (FW) Records: 1. Dechtiar 1972c; 2. Molnar et al. Location: kidney tubules 1974 Hosts: Gasterosteus aculeatus (1,2) Pungitius pungitius (1) Chloromyxum dubium Auerbach, 1908 (FW) Dist.: Pac, BC, Que Location: gà.11 bladder Records: 1. Hanek and Molnar 1974 (Que); Host: Lota Iota 2. Lester 1975 (Pac, BC) Dist.: YT Sphaerospora notropis Fantham ; Porter and Record: Arthur et al. 1976 Richardson, 1939 (FW) Location: cysts beneath epithelium of roof of Chloromyxum esocinum Dogiel, 1934 (FW) mouth, musculature Location: gall bladder Hosts: Catostomus commersoni Host: Esox lucius Notropis cornutus Dist.: YT Dist.: Que Record: Arthur et al. 1976 Record: Fantham et al. 1939 Chloromyxum gibbosum Herrick, 1941 (FW) Sphaerospora spp. (FW) Location: gall bladder Location: gall bladder, kidney, urinary ducts Host: Lepomis gibbosus Hosts: Fundulus heteroclitus (1) 'Dist.: Ont Notropis cornutus (2) Record: Dechtiar 1972c Dist.: NS, Ont Records: 1. Fantham and Porter 1948 (NS); Chloromyxum granulosum Davis, 1917 (M) 2. Molnar et al. 1974 (Ont) Location: gall bladder Host: Myoxocephalus scorpius Unicapsula muscularis Davis, 1924 (M) Dist.: Atl Includes: Sporozoa of Thompson, 1916 Record: Fantham et al. 1940 (partim)25 Location: musculature Chloromyxum leydigi Mingazzini, 1890 (M) Host: Hippoglossus stenolepis Location: gall bladder Dist.: Pac Hosts: Raja' erinacea (1) Records: Thompson 1916; Davis 1924 R. ocellata (2) Salvelinus fontinalis (3) Family TETRACAPSULIDAE Dist.: Atl, Que Records: 1. Ellis 1930 (MD; 2. Fantham et Kudoa clupeidae (Hahn, 1917) Meglitsch, al. 1940 (Ail, purchased in fish shop, Mon- 1947 treal, Que); 3. Fantham and Porter 1948 (1\11) Location: cysts in musculature (Que) Host: Clupea harengus harengus Dist.: Atl Chloromyxum truttae Léger, 1906 (FW, B) Records: Sindermann 1957a, b, 1965 Location: gall bladder Host: Salvelinus fontinalis Kudoa spp. (M) Dist.: Que-b, Que Syn.: Chloromyxum sp. of Forrester, 1956 Record: Hanek and Molnar 1974 Includes: Sporozoa of Thompson, 1916 (partim)26 Chloromyxum sp. (FW) Location: gall bladder 25 Part of the material identified only as sporo- Hosts: Coregonus clupeaformis zoans by Thompson (1916) from Pacific coast hali- Thymallus arcticus but was referred to U. muscularis by Davis (1924). Dist.: YT 26 Part of the material reported only as sporozoans Record: Arthur et al. 1976 by Thompson (1916) is referable to this genus.

24 Location: musculature, blood smears Notemigonus crysoleucas (4) Hosts: Atheresthes stomias (5) Notropis atherinoides (4,6) Clupea harengus harengus (3) N. hudsonius (4)27 Gadus macrocephalus (5) N. stramineus (4) G. morhua (4) Oncorhynchus keta (10) Hippoglossus stenolepis (1,5) 0. nerka (7) Lepidopsetta bilineata (5) Percina caprodes (4) Macrozoarces americanus (3) Percopsis omiscomaycus (4)27 Myoxocephalus octodecemspinosus (3) Pimephales notatus (4,6) Parophrys vetulus (2,5) P. promelas (4) Pholis gunnellus (3) Pomoxis annularis (4) Dist.: Atl, Pac Prosopium williamsoni (7) Records: 1. Thompson 1916 (Pac); 2. For- Ptychocheilus oregonensis (7) rester 1956 (Pac); 3. Laird and Bullock 1969 Raja radiata (11) (Atl); 4. So 1972 (Atl); 5. Hoskins et al. Rhinichthys cataractae (7) 1976 (Pac) Richardsonius balteatus (7) Remarks: Laird and Bullock (1969) noted Salmo clarki (7) that some, if not all their material is refer- Salvelinus fontinalis (5) able to Kudoa clupeidae. S. malma (7) Semotilus atromaculatus (6) Stizostedion canadense (4) S. vitreum vitreum (3) Unidentified Myxosporida Urophycis chuss (1,2) Dist.: Atl, Pac, BC, NS, Ont, Sask Myxosporida gen.sp. (FW, M) Records: 1. Mavor 1915a (Atl), 2. 1916a (Atl), Location: various 3. 1916b (Ont); 4. Bangham and Hunter Hosts: A plodinotus grunniens (4) 1939 (Ont); 5. Bangham 1941 (Ont), 6. 1955 Catostomus catostomus (6,7) (Ont); 7. Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC); C. commersoni (6,7) 8. Crossman 1962 (Ont); 9. Johnson 1963 C. macrocheilus (7) (Sask); 10. Godfrey 1968 (Pac); 11. So 1972 Coregonus artedii (6) (Atl); 12. Wiles 1975b (NS) Cottus asper (7) Remarks: The material reported as uniden- Couesius plumbeus (7) tified sporozoans by Thompson (1916) from Esox americanus vermiculatus (8) the musculature of halibut evidently con- Fundulus diaphanus (4,12)27 sisted of two species of Myxosporida, Hemitripterus americanus (1) Unicapsula muscularis, later described by Hypentelium nigricans (4) Davis (1924), and an unidentified species of Ictalurus nebulosus (5) Kudoa. Material reported as unidentified I. punctatus (4) myxosporidians from Clupea harengus by Ictiobus cyprinellus (9) Cox (1916) was referred to the fungus Lepomis gibbosus (4,5) Ichthyophonus hoferi by Fish (1934). Lota Iota (7) Micropterus dolomieui (4,6) 27The records of Myxosporida from these hosts Moxostoma macrolepidotum (4) by Bangham and Hunter (1939) are found only in Mylocheilus caurin us (7) their host-parasite list.


CLASS TURBELLARIA S. varie gatus S. zacentrus ORDER TRICLADIDA Dist.: Pac Record: Sekerak and Arai 1977 Family PROCEROIDIDAE Capsala martinierei Bosc, 1811 (M) Micropharynx parasitica Jligerskiiild, 1897 (M) Syn.: Tristoma molae Blanchard, 1847 Location: skin Location: skin Hosts: Raja laevis (1,2,3) Host: Mola mola R. radiata (4) Dist.: Atl, Pac Dist.: Atl Records: de La Martinière 1787 (Pac), 1797 Records: 1. Stafford 1904, 2. 1907; 3. Cooper (Pac); Stafford 1904 (At1), 1907 (At1); 1915a; 4. Ball and Khan 1976 Threlfall 1967 (At1); Logan and Odense 1974 (Atl) Remarks: Bosc (1811) proposed the name CLASS MONOGENEA Capsula martinierei for an unnamed ecto- parasite taken from a fish of the genus Di ORDER MONOPISTHOCOTYLEA (considered to be Diodon mola (syn. of-don Superfamily ACANTHOCOTYLOIDEA Mola mola) by Price 1939) from the Pacific coast from Monterey to Nootka (probably Family ACANTHOCOTYLIDAE Nootka Sound, west coast Vancouver Island, BC) during the La Pérouse Expedi- Pseudacanthocotyla verrilli (Goto, 1899) tion, and described by de La Martinière Yamaguti, 1963 (M) (1787) (description republished in 1797). Syn.: A canthocotyle verrilli Goto, 1899 Location: skin Entobdella curvunca Ronald, 1957 (M) Host: Raja radiata Location: skin Dist.: Atl Host: Hippoglossus hippoglossus Records: Stafford 1904, 1907; Threlfall 1969; Dist.: Atl Gaevskaya and Umnova 1977 Records: Ronald 1957b, 1960a

Pseudacanthocotyla williamsi (Price, 1938) Entobdella hippoglossi (O. F. Müller, 1776) Yamaguti, 1963 (M) Johnston, 1856 (M) Location: gills Syn.: Epibdella hippoglossi (O. F. Müller, Host: Sebas tes alu tus 1776) Dist.: Pac Location: skin Record: Sekerak and Arai 1973 Hosts: Hippoglossus hippoglossus (1,2,3,4,5) Remarks: The record of this parasite, which H. stenole pis (6) is normally found on elasmobranchs, was Dist.: Atl, Pac considered by Sekerak and Arai (1973) to Records: 1. Stafford 1904 (An), 2. 1907 (All); be the probable result of interhost transfer 3. Cooper 1921 (Ad); 4. Ronald 1957b (All), in the trawl net during host capture. 5. 1960a (At1); 6. Hoskins et al. 1976 (Pac) Entobdella sp. (1■4) Superfamily CAPSALOIDEA Location: not specified Host: Pleuronectidae gen.sp. Family CAPSALIDAE Dist.: Pac Record: Hoskins et al. 1976 Benedinia derzhavini (Layman, 1930) (1\4) Meserve, 1938 Tristoma coccineutn Cuvier, 1817 (1\4) Location: gills Location: gills, gill cavity Hosts: Sebastes craineri Host: Xiphias gladius S. proriger Dist.: Atl S. reedi Records: Stafford 1904, 1907; lies 1971

26 Tristoma integrum Diesing, 1850 (M) Syn.: Pseudocotyle apiculatuin (Olsson, 1869) Location: gills Location: skin Host: Xiphias gladius Host: Squalus acanthias Dist.: Atl Dist.: Atl Record: Iles 1971 Records: Stafford 1904, 1907

Trochopus marginata (Folda, 1928) Price, 1936 (M) Superfamily DACTYLOGYROIDEA Syn.: Megalocotyle marginata Folda, 1928 Location: gills Family DACTYLOGYRIDAE Hosts: Sebastes alutus (2,3) S. caurinus (1,3) Acolpenteron catostomi Fischthal and S. maliger (3) Allison, 1942 (FW) S. nebulosus (3) Location: ureters Dist.: Pac Hosts: Carpiodes cyprinus (1) Records: 1. Arai 1969b; 2. Sekerak and Arai Catostomus catostomus (3) 1973, 3. 1977 C. commersoni (1,2) Remarks: The validity of the genus Megalo- Dist.: Ont, Que cotyle has been much debated. Arai and Records: 1. Dechtiar 1972b (Ont), 2. 1972c Koski (1964) considered it a synonym of (Ont); 3. Hanek and Molnar 1974 (Que) Trochopus. Remarks: Rogers (1968) transferred this Trochopus trituba (Pratt and Aldrich, 1953) genus from the family Calceostomatidae to the family Dactylogyridae. Bravo-Hollis, 1958 (M) Syn: Megalocotyle trituba Pratt and Aldrich, 1953 Actinocleidus bakeri Mizelle and Cronin, Location: [gills] 1943 (FW) Location: Hosts: Sebastes caurinus [gills] Host: S. pinniger Lepomis macrochirus Dist.: Pac Dist.: Ont Record: Hoskins et al. 1976 Record: Dechtiar 1972b

Trochopus spp. (M) Actinocleidus gibbosus Mizelle and Donahue, Syn.: Megalocotyle sp. 1944 (FW) Location: gills Location: gills Hosts: Sebastes aleutianus (2) Hosts: Lepomis gibbosus (1,3) S. alutus (2) L. macrochirus (2) S. babcocki (2) Dist.: Ont S. borealis (2) Records: 1. Mizelle and Donahue 1944; 2. S. brevispinis (2) Hanek and Fernando 1972a, 3. 1975 S. crameri (2) S. diploproa (2) Actinocleidus incus Mizelle and Donahue, S. elongatus (2) 1944 (FW) S. entomelas (2) Location: gills S. flavidus (2) Host: Lepomis gibbosus S. goodei (2) Dist.: Ont S. pinniger (2) Record: Mizelle and Donahue 1944 S. proriger (2) S. reedi (2) Actinocleidus mizellei Hanek and Fernando, S. ruberrimus (2) 1972 (FW) S. zacentrus (1,2) Location: gills Dist.: Pac Host: Micropterus salmoides Records: I Hoskins et al. 1976; 2. Sekerak Dist.: Ont and Arai 1977 Record: Hanek and Fernando 1972a

Family MICROBOTHRIIDAE Actinocleidus oculatus (Mueller, 1934) Mueller, 1937 (FW) Microbothrium apiculatum Olsson, 1869 (M) Location: gills

27 Host: Lepomis gibbosus Moxostoma anisurum (1,2) Dist.: Ont M. erythrurum (1,2) Records: Mizelle and Donahue 1944; Dechtiar M. macrolepidotum (1) 1972b Dist.: Lab, Ont, YT Records: 1. Dechtiar 1972b (Ont), 2. 1972e (Ont); 3. Dechtiar and Dillon 1974 (Ont); Actinocleichts recurvatus Mizelle and 4. Threlfall 1974 (Lab); 5. Arthur et al. Donahue, 1944 (FW) 1976 (YT) Location: gills Host: Lepomis gibbosus A nonchohap tor sp. (FW) Dist.: Ont Location: not specified Records: Mizelle and Donahue 1944; Dechtiar Host: Carpiodes cyprin us 1972b; Hanek and Fernando 1972a, 1975 Dist.: Ont Record: Dechtiar 1972b Actinocleidus scapularis Mizelle and Remarks: The genus A nonchohaptor was re- Donahue, 1944 (FW) cently transferred from the family Calce- Location: gills ostomatidae to the Dactylogyridae by Leiby Host: Lepomis gibbosus et al. (1972). Dist.: Ont Record: Mizelle and Donahue 1944 Cleiclodiscus baldwini Dechtiar, 1974 (FW) Location: gills Actinocleidus sigmoideus Mizelle and Host: Percopsis omiscomaycus Donahue, 1944 (FW) Dist.: Ont Location: gills Record: Dechtiar 1974a Host: Lepomis gibbosus Dist.: Ont Cleidodiscus banghami (Mueller, 1936) Record: Mizelle and Donahue 1944 Mizelle, 1939 (FW) Location: gills Actinocleidus unguis Mizelle and Cronin, Host: Micropterus dolomieui 1943 (FW) Dist.: Ont Location: [gills] Records: Mizelle and Donahue 1944; Dechtiar Host: Lepomis macrochirus 1972b, c Dist.: Ont Record: Dechtiar 1972b Cleidodiscus capax Mizelle, 1936 (FW) Remarks: Mizelle et al. (1956) placed this Location: gills species in Clavunculus, which was sup- Hosts: Pomoxis annularis (1) pressed as a synonym of Actinocleiclus by P. nigromaculatus (1,2,3) Yamaguti (1963a) and Price and McMahon Dist.: Ont (1967) but is still being recognized by some Records: 1. Dechtiar 1972b, 2. 1972e; 3. workers. Hanek and Fernando 1972a

A ncyroce phalus sp. (FW) Cleidocliscus floridanus Mueller, 1936 (FW) Location: gills Location: [gills] Host: Micropterus dolomieui Hosts: lctalurus nebtdosus Dist.: NS I. punctatus Record: Fantham and Porter 1948 Noturus gyrinus Remarks: Bykhovsky and Nagibina (1970) Dist.: Ont revised the genus Ancyrocephalus leaving Record: Dechtiar 1972b only two European species in it. Thus this record likely involves an incorrect generic Cleidodiscus glenorensis Hanek and Fernando, identification. 1972 (FW) Location: gills Anonchohaptor anotnalus Mueller, 1938 (FW) Hosts: Ambloplites rupestris (1,2,3,4) Location: gills, fins Micropterus dolomieui (1) Hosts: Carpiodes cyprinus (1,2) Dist.: Ont Catostotnus catostomus (3,4,5) Records: 1. Hanek and Fernando 1972a, 2. C. commersoni (1,2,3,4) 1973b, 3. 1974; 4. Hanek 1977

28 Cleidodiscus ion gus Mizelle, 1936 (FW) Hosts: Ambloplites rupestris (2) Location: [gills] Lepomis macrochirus (2) Hosts: Pomoxis annularis Micropterus dolomieui (2) P. nigromaculatus Morone americana (1) Dist.: Ont Perca flavescens (2) Record: Dechtiar 1972b Pereo. psis omiscomaycus (2) Stizostedion vitreum vitreum (3) Cleidodiscus pricei Mueller, 1936 (FW) Dist.: Ont Location: gills Records: 1. Tedla and Fernando 1969e; 2. Hosts: Ictalurus melas (1) Dechtiar 1972b; 3. Anthony 1976 I. nebulosus (1,2,3,4,5) Remarks: Cleidodiscus sp. of Mizelle and I. punctatus (2) Donahue, 1944 is referred to Urocleidus Noturus flavus (2) adspectus Mueller, 1936 following Dechtiar N. gyrinus (2) (1974a). Dist.: Ont Records: 1. Mizelle and Donahue 1944; 2. albertensis Price and Arai, Dechtiar 1972b, 3. 1972c; 4. Hanek and 1967 (FW) Fernando 1972a; 5. Molnar et al. 1974 Location: gills Host: Platygobio gracilis Cleidodiscus robustus Mueller, 1934 (FW) Dist.: Alta Location: gills Records: Price and Arai 1967; Arai and Chien Hosts: Lepomis gibbosus (1,2) 1973 L. macrochirus (1) Dist.: Ont Dactylogyrus anchoratus (Dujardin, 1845) Records: 1. Hanek and Fernando 1972a, 2. Wagener, 1857 (FW) 1975 Location: gills Hosts: Carassius auratus (2) Cyprinus carpio (1,2) Cleidodiscus Mueller, 1937 (FW) Dist.: BC, Ont Location: gills Records: 1. Monaco and Mizelle 1955 (BC); Host: Ambloplites rupestris 2. Dechtiar 1972b (Ont) Dist.: Ont Records: Dechtiar 1972b; Hanek and Fer- Dactylogyrus apos Mueller, 1938 (FW) nando 1972a, 1973b, 1974; Molnar et al. Location: gills 1974; Hanek 1977 Host: Hypentelium nigricans Dist.: Ont Cleidodiscus unif ormis Mizelle, 1936 (FW) Record: Hanek et al. 1975 Location: [gills] Host: Pomoxis annularis Dactylogyrus attenuatus Mizelle and Dist.: Ont Klucka, 1953 (FW) Record: Dechtiar 1972b Location: gills Host: Semotilus atromaculatus Cleidodiscus vancleavei Mizelle, 1936 (FW) Dist.: Ont Location: gills Records: Molnar et al. 1974; Hanek et al. Host: Pomoxis nigromaculatus 1975 Dist.: Ont Record: Hanek and Fernando 1972a Dactylo gyrus aureus Seamster, 1948 (FW) Location: gills Cleidodiscus venardi Mizelle and Jaskoski, Host: Notemigonus crysoleucas 1942 (FW) Dist.: Ont Location: [gills] Record: Hanek and Fernando 1972b Host: Lepomis macrochirus Dist.: Ont Dactylogyrus aviun guis Chien, 1974 (FW) Record: Dechtiar 1972b Syn.: Dactylo gyrus micro pogoni Hanek, Mol- nar and Fernando, 1975 Cleidodiscus spp. (FW) Location: gills Location: gills Host: Nocomis micropogon

29 Dist.: Ont Records: 1. Molnar et al. 1974; 2. Hanek et al. Record: Hanek et al. 1975 1975 Remarks: The above synonymy was proposed by Kritsky et al. (1977). Dactylogyrus cheloideus Rogers, 1967 (FW) Syn.: Dactylogyrus atratadi Hanek and Fer- Dactylogyrus banghmni Mizelle and Donahue, nando, 1972 1944 (FW) Location: gills Location: gills Host: Rhinichthys atratadus Hosts: Couesius plumbeus (2) Dist.: Ont Notropis cornutus (1,2,7,8) Records: Hanek and Fernando 1972b; Hanek Rhinichthys atratulus (5,8) et al. 1975 R. cataractae (2,3,4,5,6) Remarks: The above synonymy was proposed Richardsonius balteatus (2) by Kritsky et al. (1977). Dist.: Alta, BC, Ont Records: 1. Mizelle and Donahue 1944 (Ont); Dactylogyrus chrosomi Hanek, Molnar and 2. Monaco and Mizelle 1955 (BC, Ont); 3. Fernando, 1975 (FW) Price and Arai 1967 (Alta); 4. Dechtiar Location: gills 1972c (Ont); 5. Hanek and Fernando 1972b Host: Chrosom us eos (Ont); 6. Arai and Chien 1973 (Alta); 7. Dist.: Out Molnar et al. 1974 (Ont); 8. Hanek et al. Record: Hanek et at. 1975 1975 (Ont) Dactylogyrus columbiensis Monaco and Dactylogyrus bi f urcatus Mizelle, 1937 (FW) Mizelle, 1955 (FW) Location: gills Location: gills Hosts: Pimephales notatus (1,2) Host: Ptychocheilus oregonensis P. promelas (2) Dist.: BC Dist.: Ont Record: Monaco and Mizelle 1955 Records: 1. Dechtiar 1972c; 2. Hanek et al. 1975 Dactylogyrus cornutus Mueller, 1938 (FW) Location: gills Dactylogyrus buddi Dechtiar, 1974 (FW) Host: Notropis cornutus Location: gills Dist.: Ont Hosts: Cottus bairdi (1) Records: Mizelle and Donahue 1944; Molnar C. cognatus (1,2) et al. 1974; Hanek et al. 1975 Dist.: Ont, YT Records: 1. Dechtiar 1974b (Ont); 2. Arthur Dactylogyrus dubius Mizelle and Klucka, et al. 1976 (YT) 1953 (FW) Location: gills Dactylogyrus bulbus Mueller, 1938 (FW) Host: Notropis cornutus Location: gills Dist.: Ont Host: Notropis cornutus Records: Molnar et al. 1974; Hanek et al. Dist.: Ont 1975 Records: Mizelle and Donahue 1944; Molnar et al. 1974; Hanek et al. 1975 Dactylogyrus eos Hanek, Molnar and Fernando, 1975 (FW) Dactylogyrus bullosus Mizelle and Donahue, Location: gills 1944 (FW) Host: Chrosomus eos Location: gills Dist.: Ont Host: Notropis cornutus Record: Hanek et al. 1975 Dist.: Ont Record: Mizelle and Donahue 1944 Dactylogyrus eucalius Mizelle and Regensberger, 1945 (FW) Dactylogyrus bychowskyi Mizelle, 1937 (FW) Location: gills Location: gills Host: Culaea inconstans Hosts: Pimephales notatus (2) Dist.: Ont P. promelas (1,2) Records: Dechtiar 1972b, c; Hanek and Fer- Dist.: Ont nando 1972b; Hanek et al. 1975

30 Dactylogyrus extensus Mueller and Van Mylocheilus caurinus (1) Cleave, 1932 (FW) Dist.: BC, Ont Location: gills, fins Records: 1. Monaco and Mizelle 1955 (BC); Hosts: Cyprinus carpio (1,2,3,4,5) 2. Dechtiar 1972c (Ont) Micropterus dolomieui (1) Dist.: BC, NS, Ont Dactylogyrus parvicirrus Seamster, 1948 (FW) Records: 1. Fantham and Porter 1948 (NS); Location: gills 2. Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC); 3. Bang- Host: Notemigonus crysoleucas ham 1955 (Ont); 4. Monaco and Mizelle Dist.: Ont 1955 (BC); 5. Dechtiar 1972b (Ont) Record: Dechtiar 1972c

Dactylogyrus flagristylus Chien, 1974 (FW) Dactylogyrus perlus Mueller, 1938 (FW) Syn.: Dactylogyrus cernyi Hanek, Molnar Location: gills and Fernando, 1975 Host: Notropis cornutus Location: gills Dist.: Ont Host: Nocomis micropogon Record: MizeIle and Donahue 1944 Dist.: Ont Record: Hanek et al. 1975 Dactylogyrus pollex MizeIle and Donahue, Remarks: The above synonymy was proposed 1944 (FW) by Kritsky et al. (1977). Location: gills Host: Notropis corn utus Dactylogyrus hankinsoni Hanek, Molnar and Dist.: Ont Fernando, 1975 (FW) Record: Mizelle and Donahue 1944 Location: gills Host: Hybognathus hankinsoni Dactylogyrus ptychocheilus Monaco and Dist.: Ont Mizelle, 1955 (FW) Record: Hanek et al. 1975 Location: gills Host: Ptychocheilus ore gonensis Dactylogyrus heterolepis Hanek, Molnar and Dist.: BC Fernando, 1975 (FW) Record: Monaco and MizeIle 1955 Location: gills Host: Notropis heterolepis Dist.: Ont Dactylogyrus reciprocus Rogers, 1967 (FW) Record: Hanek et al. 1975 Location: gills Host: Nocomis micropogon Dactylogyrus lachneri Chien, 1971 (FW) Dist.: Ont Location: gills Record: Hanek et al. 1975 Host: Nocomis micropogon Dist.: Ont Dactylogyrus richardsonius Monaco and Record: Hanek et al. 1975 MizeIle, 1955 (FW) Location: gills Dactylogyrus luxili Rogers, 1967 (FW) Host: Richardsonius balteatus Location: gills Dist.: BC Host: Notropis corn utus Record: Monaco and MizeIle 1955 Dist.: Ont Record: Hanek et al. 1975 Dactylogyrus rubellus Mueller, 1938 (FW) Location: gills Dactylogyrus microphallus Mueller, 1938 (FW) Host: Notropis rubellus Location: gills Dist.: Ont Host: Semotilus atromaculatus Record: Hanek et al. 1975 Dist.: Ont Record: Hanek et al. 1975 Dactylogyrus tridactylus Monaco and Mizelle, 1955 (FW) Dactylogyrus mylocheilus Monaco and Location: gills MizeIle, 1955 (FW) Host: Ptychocheilus ore gonensis Location: gills Dist.: BC Hosts: Couesius plumbeus (1,2) Record: Monaco and Mizelle 1955

31 Dactylo gyrus urus Mueller, 1938 (FW) Lyrodiscus minimus Kritsky and Hathaway, Location: gills 1969 (FW) Hosts: Moxostoma anisurum (1) Location: fins Ai. erythrurum (2) Host: Atnbloplites rupestris Dist.: Ont Dist.: Ont Records: 1. Dechtiar 1972b, 2. 1972c Record: Dechtiar 1973

Lyrodiscus rupestris Dechtiar, 1973 (FW) Dactylogyrus vancleavei Monaco and MizeIle, fins, skin 1955 (FW) Location: nasal cavities, Location: gills Host: Ambloplites rupestris Hosts: Acrocheilus alutaceus Dist.: Ont Ptychocheilus oregonensis Records: Dechtiar 1972b, 1973 Dist.: BC Rogers, 1967 (FW) Record: Monaco and MizeIle 1955 Lyrodiscus seminolensis Location: fins, body surface Host: Lepomis macrochirus Dactylogyrtts vastator Nybelin, 1924 (FW) Dist.: Ont Location: [gills] Record: Dechtiar 1973 Host: Carassius aura tus Dist.: Ont Lyrodiscus sp. (FW) Record: Dechtiar 1972b Location: not specified Hosts: Lepomis macrochirus Dactylogyrus spp. Pomoxis nigromaculatus Location: gills Dist.: Ont Hosts: Catostomus cominersoni (3) Record: Dechtiar 1972b Cowls bairdi (1,2) Gasterosteus aculea tus (4) Pellucidhaptor catostomi Dechtiar, 1969 (FW) Hybognathus hankinsoni (3) Location: nasal cavities Moxostoma erythrurwn (1) Host: Catostomus catostomus M. macrolepidottan (1) Dist.: Ont Nocotnis biguttatus (3) Record: Dechtiar 1969 Notro pis atherinoides (1) N. corn utus (1) Pellucidhaptor nasalis Dechtiar, 1969 (FW) N. heterolepis (3) Location: nasal cavities N. hudsonius (1,2) Host: Catostomus commersoni Pitnephales promelas (2) Dist.: Ont Semotilus atromaculatus (3) Records: Dechtiar 1969, 1972e Dist.: BC, Ont Records: I. Dechtiar 1972b (Ont), 2. 1972c Pellucidhaptor sp. (FW) (Ont); 3. Molnar et al. 1974 (Ont); 4. Lester Location: not specified 1975 (BC) Hosts: Carpiodes cyprinus Moxostoma macrolepidotutn Dist.: Ont lcelanonchohaptor fyviei Dechtiar and Dillon, Record: Dechtiar 1972b 1974 (FW) Location: gills Pseudacolpenteron pavlovskii Bykhowsky and Host: Carpiodes cyprinus Gussev, 1955 (FW) Dist.: Ont Location: skin, fins Record: Dechtiar and Dillon 1974 Host: Cyprinus carpi° Dist.: Ont Lyrodiscus longibasus Rogers, 1967 (FW) Records: Dechtiar 1971a, 1972b Location: fins, body surface Remarks: Yamaguti (1963a) considered the Hosts: Lepotnis macrochirus (1) genus Pseudacol pen teron a synonym of Pomoxis annularis (1,2) Acolpenteron Fischthal and Allison, 1940. P. nigromaculatus (1,2) Its distinctness has since been established Dist.: Ont by Rogers (1968) and Dechtiar (1971a) who Records: 1. Dechtiar I972b, 2. 1973 place it in the Dactylogyridae.

32 Pseudomurraytrema copulatum (Mueller, the genus has not been contested, most 1938) Bykhowsky, 1957 (FW) authors apparently do not recognize it, Location: gills referring to the species as Actinocleidus Hosts: Catostomus commersoni (1,2) f usi f ormis. Moxostoma anisurum (1,2) M. erythrurum (1) Urocleidus acer (Mueller, 1936) Mizelle and M. macrolepidotum (1) Hughes, 1938 (FW) Dist.: Ont Location: gills Records: 1. Dechtiar 1972b, 2. 1972c Host: Lepomis gibbosus Dist: Ont Pseudomurraytrema moxostomi Dechtiar, Record: Hanek and Fernando 1972a 1972 nom.nud (FW) Location: not specified Urocleidus aculeatus (Van Cleave and Mueller, Host: Moxostoma macrolepidotum 1932) Mueller, 1934 (FW) Dist.: Ont Syn.: Cleidodiscus aculeatus (Van Cleave and Record: Dechtiar 1972b Mueller, 1932) Remarks: As the material to which this name Location: gills was applied by Dechtiar (1972b) was not Hosts: Stizostedion canadense (1,2) described, it must be regarded as a nomen S. vitreum glaucum (1) nudum. S. vitreum vitreum (1,2,3) Dist.: Ont Pseudomurraytrema muelleri Price, 1967 (FW) Records: 1. Dechtiar 1972b, 2. 1972c; 3. (syn. of P. alabarrum Rogers, 1966 (?)) Anthony 1976 Location: gills Remarks: Mizelle and Regensberger (1945) Host: Catostomus commersoni transferred this species to Cleidodiscus. Dist.: Alta However, as U. aculeatus is the type species Record: Price and Arai 1967 of Urocleidus, this transfer cannot be made Remarks: Rogers (1969) reexamined the ho- without synonymyzing these genera. Price lotype of Pseudomurraytreina muelleri and and Mura (1969) and Prost (1973) indepen- was unable to distinguish it from P. ala- dently concluded that Urocleidus is a syn- barrum. onym of Cleidodiscus, but this synonymy has not yet been accepted by many workers. Pseudomurraytrema sp. (FW) Location: gills Urocleidus adspectus Mueller, 1936 (FW) Hosts: Moxostoma anisurum Syn.: Cleidodiscus adspectus (Mueller, 1936) M. erythrurum Cleidodiscus sp. of Mizelle and Donahue, Dist.: Ont 194428 Record: Dechtiar 1972c Location: gills Remarks: Yamaguti (1963a), for unspecified Host: Perca flavescens reasons, did not recognize the genus Pseu- Dist.: Ont dom urraytrema. Records: Mizelle and Donahue 1944; Tedla and Fernando 1969a, 1970a, 1972; Hanek Syncleithrium f usiformis (Mueller, 1934) Price, and Fernando 1972a; Dechtiar 1972b, c; 1967 (FW) Molnar et al. 1974 Syn.: Actinocleidus fusiformis (Mueller, 1934) Urocleidus alatus (Mueller, 1938) Price, Ancyrocephalus cruciatus of Cooper, 1968 (FW) 1915 Syn,: Cleidodiscus alatu.s Mueller, 1938 Location: gills Location: gills, skin, fins Hosts: Micropterus dolomieui (1,2,3) Host: Ambloplites rupestris M. salmoides (2,4,5) Dist.: Ont Dist. : Ont Records: Dechtiar 1972b; Hanek and Fer- Records: 1. Cooper 1915a; 2. Dechtiar 1972b, nando 1972a, 1973b, 1974; Molnar et al. 3. 1972c; 4. Hanek and Fernando 1972b; 1974; Hanek 1977 5. Molnar et al. 1974 Remarks: Price (1967) established the genus Syncleithrium for S. fusiformis. Although 28This synonymy was given by Dechtiar (1974a).

33 Urocleidus angularis Mueller, 1934 (FW) Records: 1. Mizelle and Donahue 1944; 2. Syn.: Cleidodiscus angularis (Mueller, 1934) Hanek and Fernando 1972a, 3. 1975; 4. Location: gills Molnar et al. 1974; 5. Cone and Anderson Hosts: Fundulus diaphanus (2,3) 1977b F. heteroclitus (1) Dist.: Nfld, NS Urocleiclus ferox Mueller, 1934 (FW) Records: 1. Dickinson and Threlfall 1975 Syn.: Cleidodiscus ferox (Mueller, 1934) (Nfld), 2. 1976 (Nfld); 3. Wiles 1975b (NS) Location: gills Hosts: Lepomis gibbosus (1,2,3) Urocleidus attenuants Mizelle, 1941 (FW) L. tnacrochirus (2) Location: gills Micropterus dolotnieui (2) Host: Lepomis gibbosus Dist.: Ont Dist.: Ont Records: 1. MizeIle and Donahue 1944; 2. Records: FIanek and Fernando 1973a, 1975 Hanek and Fernando 1972a; 3. Dechtiar 1972b Urocleidus brachus (Mueller, 1938) Price, 1968 (FW) Urocleidus fundulus Mizelle, 1940 (FW) Syn.: Cleidodiscus brachus Mueller, 1938 Location: gills Location: gills Host: Fundtdus diaphanus Hosts: Chrosomus neogaeus (2) Dist.: Ont Couesius plumbeus (4) Record: Hanek and Fernando 1972a Platygobio gracilis (3) Semotilus atromactdatus (1) Urocleidus furcatus (Mueller, 1937) Mizelle Dist.: Alta, Lab, Ont and Hughes, 1938 (FW) Records: 1. Dechtiar 1972b (Ont), 2. 1972c Location: gills (Ont); 3. Ami and Chien 1973 (Alta); 4. Host: Micropterus salmoides Threlfall 1974 (Lab) Dist.: Ont Records: Hanek and Fernando 1972a; Mol- nar et al. 1974 Urocleidus chautauquaensis (Mueller, 1938) Mizelle and Hughes, 1938 (FW) Urocleidus hargisi Hanek and Fernando, Syn.: Cleidodiscus chautauquaensis (Mueller, 1972 (FW) 1938) Location: gills Location: gills Host: Etheostoma nigrum Host: Ambloplites rupestris Dist.: Ont Dist.: Ont Record: Hanek and Fernando 1972a Records: Dechtiar 1972b; Hanek and Fer- nando 1973a, b, 1974; Molnar et al. 1974; Urocleidus helicis (Mueller, 1936) Mizelle and Hanek 1977 Hughes, 1938 (FW) Syn.: Cleidodiscus helicis (Mueller, 1936) Urocleidus chrysops MizeIle and Klucka, Location: [gills] 1953 (FW) Host: Micropterus salmoides Syn.: Cleidodiscus chrysops (Mizelle and Dist.: Ont Klucka, 1953) Record: Dechtiar 1972b Location: [gills] Host: Morone chrysops Urocleidus malleus (Mueller, 1938) Mizelle and Dist.: Ont Hughes, 1938 (FW) Record: Dechtiar 1972b Syn.: Cleidocliscus malleus Mueller, 1938 Location: gills Urocleidus dispar (Mueller, 1936) MizeIle and Host: Percina caprodes Hughes, 1938 (FW) Dist.: Ont Location: gills Records: Dechtiar 1972b, c Hosts: Lepomis gibbosus (1,3,5) L. macrochirus (2) Urocleidus megalonchus (Mueller, 1936) Micropterus dolomieui (2) Price, 1968 (FW) M. salmoides (4) Syn.: Ancyrocephalus paradoxus of Cooper, Dist.: Ont 1915

34 Tetraonchus unguiculatus of Stafford, Gyrodactylus aldrichi Threlfall, 1974 (FW) 1905 Location: gills Location: gills Host: Couesius plumbeus Hosts: Ambloplites rupestris (1) Dist.: Lab Lepomis gibbosus (1) Record: Threlfall 1974 Micro pterus dolomieui (2) Dist.: Ont Gyrodactylus alexanderi Mizelle and Kritsky, Records: 1. Stafford 1905 (unspecified local- 1967 (FW, M) ity); 2. Cooper 1915a (Ont) Location: skin Host: Gasterosteus aculeatus Urocleidus principalis (Mizelle, 1936) MizeIle Dist.: Pac, BC and Hughes, 1938 (FW) Records: Lester 1972 (BC), 1975 (Pac, BC); Location: gills Lester and Adams 1974 (Pac, BC) Hosts: Micropterus dolomieui (1) M. salmoides (1,2) Gyrodactylus aquilinus Threlfall, 1974 (FW) Dist.: Ont Location: fins Records; 1. Hanek and Fernando 1972a; 2. Host: Catostomus catostomus Molnar et al. 1974 Dist.: Lab Urocleidus procax MizeIle and Donahue, Record: Threlfall 1974 1944 (FW) Location: gills Gyrodactylus atratuli Putz and Hoffman, Host: Lepomis gibbosus 1963 (FW) Dist.: Ont Location: fins Record: MizeIle and Donahue 1944 Hosts: Catostomus catostomus (2) Rhinichthys atratulus (1) Urocleidus rogersi Hanek and Fernando, R. cataractae (1) 1972 (FW) Dist.: Lab, Ont Location: gills Records; 1. Hanek and Fernando 1971b (Ont); Host: Morone americana 2. Threlfall 1974 (Lab) Dist.: Ont Record: Hanek and Fernando 1972a Gyrodactylus avalonia Hanek and Threlfall, 1969 (FW, B) Urocleidus similis (Mueller, 1936) Mizelle and Hughes, 1938 (FW) Location: gills, fins Hosts: A peltes quadracus Location: gills (2) Fundulus diaphanus (7) Host: Lepomis gibbosus Dist.: Ont Gasterosteus aculeatus (1,4,7,8) G. wheatlandi (1,5) Records: Dechtiar 1972b; Cone and Anderson 1977b Lepomis gibbosus (7) Pungitius pungitius (3,8) Urocleidus sp. (FW) Rhinichthys atratulus (7) Location: gills Salvelinus fontinalis (6) Host: Micropterus salmoides Dist.: At!, Lab-b, Lab, Nfld-b, NM, Ont, Dist.: Ont Que-b, Que Record: Molnar et al. 1974 Records: 1. Hanek and Threlfall 1969c (Nfld- b), 2. 1970b (Nfld-b), 3. 1970d (Lab-b, Nfld), 4. 1970e (At!, Lab-b, Lab, Nfld-b, Nfld), 5. Superfamily GYRODACTYLOIDEA 1971 (Nfld-b); 6. Threlfall and Hanek 1970c (Nfld-b); 7. Hanek and Fernando 197 lb Family GYRODACTYLIDAE (Ont); 8. Hanek and Molnar 1974 (Que-b, Que) Gyrodactyloides strelkowi Bykhovsky and Polyansky, 1953 (M) Gyrodactylus bairdi Wood and Mizelle, Location: gills 1957 (FW) Hosts: Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Location: gills O. nerka Hosts: Cottus bairdi (1,2) Dist.: Pac, BC-b C. cognatus (3) Record: Margolis 1956b Dist.: Ont, YT

35 Records: 1. Dechtiar 1972b (Ont), 2. 1972c Hosts: Etheostoma exile (2) (Ont); 3. Arthur et al. 1976 (YT) E. nigruin (1) Dist.: Ont Givodactylus bullatarudis Turnbull, 1956 (FW) Records: 1. Hanek and Fernando 1971b; 2. Location: fins, skin Mohlar et al. 1974 Host: Poecilia reticulata Dist.: Ont Gyrodactylus eucaliae Ikezaki and Hoffman, Record: Turnbull 1956 1957 (FW) Remarks: The host species was an aquarium- Location: gills, fins held tropical fish (guppy). Host: Culaea inconstans Dist.: Ont Gyrodactylus cmneroni Hanek and Threlfall, Records: Hanek and Fernando 1971b; Dech- 1970 (B) tiar 1972c Location: fins Host: Apeltes quacb•acus Gyrodactylus freemaui Hanek and Fernando, Dist.: Nfld-b 1971 (FW) Record: Hanek and Threlfall 1970b Location: fins Host: Perca flavescens Gyrodactylus canadensis Hanek and Threlfall, Dist.: Ont 1969 (FW, B) Record: Hanek and Fernando 1971b Location: gills Hosts: A peltes quacb•acus (2) Gyroclactylus goerani Hanek and Fernando, Gasterosteus aculeatus (1,4,5) 1971 (FW) Pungitius pcungitius (3,5) Location: fins Dist.: Atl, Lab-b, Nfld-b, Nfld, Que-b, Que Host: Ainbloplites rzipestris Records: 1. Hanek and Threlfall 1969c (Nfld- Dist.: Ont b), 2. 1970b (Nfld-b), 3. 1970d (Lab-b, Nfld), Record: Hanek and Fernando 1971.b 4. 1970e (Atl, Nfld-b, Nfld); 5. Hanek -and Molnar 1974 (Que-b, Que) Gyrodactylus hofjmani Wellborn and Rogers, Remarks: Malmberg (1970) considered this 1967 (FW) species as possibly identical with G. bran- Location: fins chicus. Host: Pimephales promelas Dist.: Ont Gyrodactylus comrnersoni Threlfall, 1974 (FW) Record: Molnar et al. 1974 Location: gills Host: Catostonus commersani Gyrodactylus labradorius Hanek and Threlfall, Dist.: Lab 1970 (FW) Record: Threlfall 1974 Location: gills Host: Cottus bairdi Gyrodactylus couesius Wood and Mizelle, Dist.: Lab 1957 (FW) Record: Hanek and Threlfall 1970f Location: gills Host: Couesius plumbeus Gyrodactylus'lacusgrandis Hanek and Threlfall, Dist.: BC 1970 (FW) Record: Wood and Mizelle 1957 Location: fins Host: Cati us bairdi Gyrodactylus dechtiari Hanek and Fernando, Dist.: Lab 1971 (FW) Record: Hanek and Threlfall 1970f Location: gills Hosts: Rhinichtlays an•atulus Gyrodactylus lairdi Hanek and Threlfall, R. catm•actae 1969 (M, B) Dist.: Ont Location: fins Record: Hanek and Fernando 1971b Hosts: Gasterosteus aculeatus (1,2) G. wheatlanrli (1,3) Gyrodactylus etl7eostomae Wellborn and Dist.: Atl, Nfld-b Rogers, 1967 (FW) Records: 1. Hanek and Threlfall 1969c (Nfld- Location: fins b), 2. 1970e (Ati, Nfld-b), 3. 1971 (Nfld-b)

36 Gyrodactylus limi Wood and Mizelle, Gyrodactylus prolongus Hargis, 1955 (FW) 1957 (FW) Location: fins Location: fins Hosts: Fundulus diaphanus (1) Host: Umbra limi F. heteroclitus (2) Dist.: Ont Dist.: Nfld, Ont Record: Hanek and Fernando 1971b Records: I. Hanek and Fernando 1971b (Ont); 2. Dickinson and Threlfall 1975 Gyrodactylus macrochiri Hoffman and Putz, (Nfld) 1964 (FW) Location: gills, fins Gyrodactylus spathulatus Mueller, 1936 (FW) Hosts: Lepomis gibbosu.s' (2) Location: gills, fins Micropterus dolomieui (1) Hosts: Catostomus catostomus (3) M. salmoides (1,3) C. commersoni (1,2) Dist.: Ont Moxostoma anisurum (2) Records: 1. Hanek and Fernando 1971b; 2. Dist.: Lab, Ont Dechtiar 1972e; 3. Molnar et al. 1974 Records: 1. Dechtiar 1972b (Ont), 2. 1972c (Ont); 3. Threlfall 1974 (Lab)

Gyrodactylus medius Kathariner, 1895 (FW) Gyrodactylus stephanus Mueller, 1937 (FW) Location: skin Location: gills Host: Micropterus dolomieui Hosts: Fundulus heteroclitus (1) Dist.: Ont Pungitius pungitius (2) Record: Cooper 1915a Dist.: Nfld Remarks: Price (1937) and Malmberg (1970) Records: 1. Dickinson and Threlfall 1975, indicated this record to be a misidentifica- 2. 1976 tion. Gyrodactylus stunkardi Kritsky and Mizelle, Gyrodactylus memorialis Hanek and Threlfall, 1968 (FW) 1969 (FW, M, B) Location: gills, fins Location: fins Hosts: Catostomus commersoni (3) Hosts: Gasterosteus aculeatus (2) Etheostoma nigrum (1) G. wheatlandi (1) Phinichthys atratulus (1) Dist.: Atl, Nfld R. cataractae (1,2) Records: 1. Hanek and Threlfall 1969c (NJld- Dist.: Lab, Ont b), 2. 1970e (Atl, Nfld-b, Nfld) Records: 1. Hanek and Fernando 1971b (Ont); 2. Threlfall 1974 (Lab); 3. Molnar Gyrodactylus nainum Hanek and Threlfall, et al. 1974 (Ont) 1970 (B) Location: gills, fins Gyrodactylus terranovae Hanek and Threlfall, Host: Myoxocephalus quadricornis 1969 (B) Dist.: Lab-b Location: fins Record: FIanek and Threlfall 1970f Host: Gasterosteus wheatlandi Dist.: Nfld-b Records: Hanek and Threlfall 1969c, 1971 Gyrodactylu.s. nebulosus Kritsky and Mizelle, 1968 (FW) Gyrodactylus spp. (FW, M) Location: fins Location: gills, fins, skin Host: Ictalurus nebulosus Hosts: Ambloplites rupestris (3,4) Dist.: Ont Culaea inconstans (3) Records: Hanek and Fernando 1971 b; Molnar Cymatogaster (2) et al. 1974 Etheostoma exile (4) E. nigrum (4) Gyrodactylus plumbea Threlfall, 1974 (FW) Fundulus heteroclitus (1) Location gills Hybognathus hankinsoni (7) Host: Couesius plumbeus Moxostoma anisurum (3) Dist.: Lab M. macrolepidotum (3) Record: Threlfall 1974 Nocomis biguitatus (7)

37 Notropis anogenus (4) Etheostoma nigrum (3) N. cornutus (7) Gasterosteus aculeatus (2,4) N. hudsonius (3) Ictalurus nebulosus (2,3) Noturus gyrinus (4) I. punctatus (1,3) Oncorhynchus nerka (1 1) Lepotnis gibbosus (2,3) Percopsis otniscomaycus (4) L. inacrochirus (1) Salmo clarki (10) Micropterus dolomieui (1,3) S. gairdneri (6,12) M. salmoides (1,2,3) S. salar (6,8,9) Morone chrysops (1,3) Salvelinus fontinalis (5,6) Mylocheilus caurinits (2) Dist.: Atl, Pac, BC, Lab, NB, NS, Ont Notemigonus crysoleucas (3) Records: 1. Gowanloch 1927 (Atl); 2. Arai Notropis atherinoides (3) 1967b (Pac); 3. Dechtiar 1972b (Ont), 4. N. cornutus (3) 1972e (Ont); 5. Hicks and Threlfall 1973 N. heterolepis (3) (Lab); 6. Hare and Frantsi 1974 (NS); 7. N. hudsonius (3) Molnar et al. 1974 (Ont); 8. Hare and Burt Oligocottus mactilosus (5) 1975a (NB), 9. 1975b (NB); 10. Hoskins et Oncorhynchus kisutch (2,4,5) al. 1976 (BC); 11. Bell and Margolis 1976 Perca flavescens (3) (Pac); 12. Hoskins and Hulstein 1977 (BC) Percina caprodes (3) Percopsis omiscomaycus (3) Pholis ornata (4,5) Gyrodactylidae gen.spp. (FW) Pimephales notatus (3) Location: gills Platichthys stellatus (4,5) Hosts: Catostomus comtnersoni Pomoxis nigrotnaculatus (2,3) Chrosomus neogaeus Prosopium williamsoni (2) Ictalurus 17 ebulosus Ptychocheilits oregonensis (2) Lepomis gibbosus Rhinichthys cataractae (2) Micropterus dolomieui Richardsonius baltelitus (2) Notropis cornutus Salmo clarki (2) N. heterole pis Salvelinus malma (2) Perca flavescens Semotilus atromaculatus (3) Semotilus atromaculatus Stizosteclion vitreum vitreum (3) Dist.: Ont Syngnathus griseolineatus (4,5) Record: Bangham 1941 Thymallus arcticus (2) Remarks: Part of the material reported as Dist.: Pac, BC, Ont Gyrodactylidae by Bangham (1941) was Records: 1. Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); identified to species by Mizelle and Do- 2. Bangliam and Adams 1954 (BC); 3. nahue (1944). Bangham 1955 (Ont); 4. Arai 1967a (Pac), 5. 1969b (Pac) Gyrodactyloiclea gen.sPP. (FW, M) Remarks: Some material from the collection Location: gills, skin of Bangham and Adams (1954) was identi- Hosts: Acrocheilus alutaceus (2) fied to species by Monaco and Mizelle A inbloplites rupestris (3) (1955). A mmodytes hexapterus (4,5) Catostomus catostomus (2) C. macrocheilus (2) Superfamily TETRAONCHOIDEA Chrosom us eos (3) Clupea harengus pallasi (4,5) Family TETRAONCFIIDAE Co/tus asper (2) C. cognatus (2) Tetraonchus alaskensis Price, 1937 (FW) C. rhotheus (2) Location: gills Couesius plumbeus (2) Host: Salvelinus alpin us Culaea inconstans (2,3) Dist.: YT Cymatogaster aggregata (4,5) Record: Mudry and McCart 1976 Cyprinus carpio (2) Esox lucius (3) Tetraonchus borealis (Olsson, 1893) E. masquinongy (3) Monticelli, 1905 (FW)

38 Syn: Tetraonchus rauschi Mizelle and Webb, ORDER POLYOPISTHOCOTYLEA 1953 Location: gills Superfamily DICLIDOPHOROIDEA Host: Thymallus arcticus Dist.: Sask, YT Family DICLIDOPHORIDAE Records: Wobeser et al. 1976 (Sask); Arthur et al. 1976 (YT) Diclidophora denticulata (Olsson, 1876) Price, 1943 (M) Tetraonchus loftusi Dechtiar, 1972 (FW) Syn.: Dactylocotyle denticulata (Olsson, 1876) Location: gills Location: gills Host: Esox masquinongy Host: Pollachius virens Dist.: Ont Dist.: Atl Record: Dechtiar 1972a Records: Stafford 1904, 1907; Cooper 1915a

Tetraonchus monenteron (Wagener, 1857) Diclidophora maccallumi (Price, 1943) Diesing, 1858 (FW) Sproston, 1946 (M) Location: gills Syn.: Dactylocotyle phycidis of Stafford 1904, Host: Esox lucius 1907 Dist.: Alta, Lab, Ont, YT Diclidophoroides maccallumi Price, 1943 Records: Threlfall and Iianek 1970b (Lab); Location: gills Hanek and Fernando 1972a (Ont); Dechtiar Host: Urophycis chuss 1972a (Ont), 1972b (Ont), 1972c (Ont); Arai Dist.: At[ and Chien 1973 (Alta); Arthur et al. 1976 Records: Stafford 1904, 1907; Gaevskaya and (YT) Umnova 1977

Tetraonchus variabilis Mizelle and Webb, Family DISCOCOTYLIDAE 1953 (FW) Location: gills Anthocotyle rnerluccii van Beneden and Hesse, Hosts: Prosopium coulteri (5) 1863 (M) P. cylindraceum (1,2,4) Location: gills Salvelinus fontinalis (2) Host: Merluccius bilinearis Unspecified (3) Dist.: Atl Dist.: BC, Lab, Ont, YT Records: Stafford 1904, 1907 Records: 1. Dechtiar 1972a (Ont); 2. Hicks Remarks: Crane (1972) erroneously reported and Threlfall 1973 (Lab); 3. Collins and MacCallum's (1916) record of A. ameri- Dechtiar 1974 (Ont); 4. Arthur et al. 1976 cana (syn. of A. merluccii according to (YT); 5. Mudry and Anderson 1977 (BC) Sproston (1946)) from M. bilinearis as being from Canadian Atlantic waters. The correct locality is Woods Hole, Mass. Superfamily UDONELLOIDEA Discocotyle sagittata (Leuckart, 1842) Diesing, Family UDONELLIDAE 1850 (FW) Syn.: Discocotyle salmonis Schaffer, 1916 Location: gills Udonella caligorum Johnston, 1835 (M) Hosts: Coregonus artedii (2,6) Location: skin C. clupeaformis (6,8,14) Hosts: (1,2)29 Gadus morhua C. hoyi (2) Hippoglossus hippoglossus (3,4)30 Oncorhynchus Icisutch (10) Dist.: Atl Prosopium cylindraceum (2,8,14) Records: 1. Stafford 1904, 2. 1907; 3. Ronald P. williamsoni (1) 1958a, 4. 1960a Salmo gairdneri (7) S. salar (3,4,8,9,11,12,13) 29The parasite was attached to an unidentified S. trutta (3,5,7) species of Caligus. Salvelinus fontinalis (3,5,7,8,9) 30The parasite was attached to Lepeophtheirrrs S. malma (1) hippoglossi. S. namaycush (8,14)

39 Thym allus arcticas (14) Octomacrum semotili Dechtiar, 1966 (FW) Unspecified Salmonidae (10) Location: gills Dist.: Alta, BC, Lab, NB-b, NB, Nfld-b?, Hosts: Chrosomus neogaeus (2) Nfld, NS, Ont, YT Semotilus atromaculatus (1) Records: 1. Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC); S. margarita (2) 2. Bangham 1955 (Ont); 3. Sandeman and Dist.: Ont Pippy 1967 (Nfld); 4. Pippy 1969 (Lab, NB- Records: 1. Dechtiar 1966b, 2. 1972c b, NB, Nfld, NS); 5. Threlfall and Hanek 1970e (Nfld-b and/or Nfld); 6. Dechtiar Octomacrum spp. (FW) 1972e (Ont); 7. Hanek and Fernando 1972b Syn.: ?Octobothrium sp. of Bangham, 1941 (Ont); 8. Hicks and Threlfall 1973 (Lab); (new) 9. Hare and Frantsi 1974 (NS); 10. Leong Location: gills and Holmes 1974a (Alta); 11. Hare and Hosts: Couesius plumbous (3,4) Burt 1975a (NB), 12. 1975b (NB-b, NB), Hybognathus hankinsoni (1) 13. 1976 (NB); 14. Arthur et al. 1976 (YT) Richardsonius balteatus (3) Semotilas atromaculatus (2)32 Discocotyle sp. (FW) S. margarita (2) Location: gills Dist.: BC, Ont Hosts: Salmo salar Records: 1. Bangham 1941 (Ont); 2. Bangham Salpelinus fon tinalis and Venard 1946 (Ont); 3. Bangham and Dist.: Que Adams 1954 (BC); 4. Dechtiar 1972e (Ont) Record: Hanek and Molnar 1974

Neodiscocotyle car pioditis Dechtiar, Family MAZOCRAEIDAE 1967 (FW) Location: gills Host: Carpiodes cyprinus Kuhnia scombri (Kuhn, 1829) Sproston, Dist.: Ont 1945 (NI) Records: Dechtiar 1967b, 1972b Syn.: Octocotyle scombri (Kuhn, 1829) Location: gills Octomacrum lanceatum Mueller, 1934 (FW) Host: Scoinber scoinbrus Syn.: Octobothrium sagittatum of Wright, Dist.: Atl 1879 Records: Stafford 1904, 1907 Location: gills Hosts: Catostomus catostomus (5) Mazocraeoides olentangiensis Sroufe, C. commersoni (1,2,3,4,6,7,8) 1959 (FW) C. macrocheilus (5) Location: [gills] Al ylocheilus caurinus (5) Host: Dorosoma cepedianum Notropis cornatus (8) Dist.: Ont N. heterole pis (2) Record: Dechtiar 1972b Dist.: BC, Ont Records: I. Wright 1879 (Ont?)31 ; 2. Bang- Mazocraeoides sp. (FW) ham 1941 (Ont), 3. 1955 (Ont); 4. Bangham Location: not specified and Venard 1946 (Ont); 5. Bangham and Host: Hiodon tergisus Adams 1954 (BC); 6. Dechtiar 1972b (Ont), Dist.: Ont 7. 1972e (Ont); 8. Molnar et al. 1974 (Ont) Record: Dechtiar 1972b Octomacrum microconfibula Hargis, Pseudomazocraeoides on tariensis Hanek and 1952 (FW) Fernando, 1971 (FW) Location: gills Location: gills FIost: Notemigonus crysoleucas Host: Dorosoma cepedianum Dist.: Ont Dist.: Ont Record: Dechtiar 1972c Record: Hanek and Fernando 1971a

3 IWright (1879) identified this parasite as O. sagit- 32Dechtiar (1966b) speculated that the record of tatuni from hosts tentatively identified as C. ieres Ocionincrum sp. from S. atromaculaius by Bangham (syn. of C. commersoni). The collection locality and Venard (1946) was possibly referable to O. was unknown. semotili.

40 Superfamily MICROCOTYLOIDEA Host: A plodinotus grunniens Dist.: Ont Family AXINIDAE Record: Bangham and Hunter 1939

Lintaxine cokeri (Linton, 1940) Sproston, Microcotyle sp. (M) 1946 (FW) Location: gills Location: [gills] FIosts: Sebastes alutus (2) Host: A plodinotus grunniens S. caurinus (1) Dist.: Ont Dist.: Pac Record: Dechtiar 1972b Records: 1. Hoskins et al. 1976; 2. Sekerak and Arai 1977

Family MICROCOTYLIDAE Superfamily POLYSTOMATOIDEA Microcotyle eriensis Bangham and Hunter, 1936 (FW) Family DICLYBOTHRIIDAE Location: [gills] 33 Host: A plodinotus grunniens Diclybothrium armatum Leuckart, 1835 (FW) Dist.: Ont Syn.: Diplobothrium armatum (Leuckart, Record: Bangham and Hunter 1939 1835) Location: gills Microcotyle poronoti MacCallum, 1915 (M) Host: Acipenser fulvescens Location: gills Dist.: Ont Host: Peprilus triacanthus Records: Stafford 1904; Cooper 1915a; Dech- Dist.: At! tiar 1972b, c; Anthony 1974 Record: Cooper 1915a Diclybothrium hammulatum (Simer, 1929) Microcotyle sebastis Goto, 1894 (M) Price, 1942 (FW) Syn.: Polyopisthocotylidea of Arai, 1967 Syn.: Diplobothrium hainmulatum Simer, Location: gills 1929 Hosts: Hexagrammos lagocephalus (1,2) Location: gills Sebastes alutus (3,4) Host: Acipenser fulvescens S. brevispinis (4) Dist.: Ont S. caurinus (2,4) Record: Bangham 1955 S. diploproa (4) S. elongatus (2,4) Paradiclybothrium sp. 35 (FW) S. helvomaculatus (4) Location: gills S. maliger (4) Host: Acipenser fulvescens S. nigrocinctus (4) Dist.: Ont S. paucispinus (4) Record: Anthony 1974 S. proriger (4) S. reedi (4) S. variegatus (4) S. wilsoni (4) Family HEXABOTHRIIDAE S. zacentrus (4) Dist.: Pac Squalonchocotyle abbreviata (Olsson, 1876) Records: 1. Arai 1967a, 2. 1969b; 3. Sekerak Cerfontaine, 1899 (M) and Arai 1973, 4. 1977 Syn.: Erpocotyle abbreviata (Olsson, 1876) Onchocotyle abbreviata Olsson, 1876 Microcotyle spinicirrus MacCallum, 1918 (FW) Location: gills Location: [gills]34 Host: Squalus acanthias Dist.: At! 33The location given by Bangham and Hunter Records: Stafford 1904, 1907; Threlfall 1969 (1939) was the digestive tract. 34The location given by Bangham and Hunter 35This monogenean was noted by Anthony (1974) (1939) was the digestive tract. to be "... probably ... Paradiclybothrium sp ...."

41 Unidentified Monogenea Microptertts sabnoides (5) Perca flavescens (1,2,3,4,5) Monogenea gen.spp. (FW, M) Percina caprodes (4) Location: gills Pomoxis nigrotnactdatus (4) Hosts: Oncorhynchus kistttch Rhinichthys cataractae (4) Unspecified skate StiZostedion vitretnn vitre uni (4) Dist.: Pac Dist.: Ont Record: Hoskins and Hulstein 1977 Records: 1. Bangham and Hunter 1939; 2. Tedla and Fernando 1969a, 3. 1972; 4. Dechtiar 1972c; 5. Molnar et al. 1974; 6. CLASS TREMATODA Cone and Anderson 1977b

SUBCLASS ÀSPIDOGASTREA Diplostomtdum spp. (metacercaria) (FW) Includes: Diplostornum sp. (metacercaria) Family ASPIDOGASTERIDAE auct. Location: eye, brain, pharynx Hosts: Cotylogaster occidentalis Nickerson, 1902 (FW) Acipenser f ulvescens (4,11) Location: [intestine] Ambloplites rupestris (4,11,16) Host: Aplodinotus grunniens Amia calva (4) Dist.: Ont Catostatnus catostomus (3,10) Record: Dechtiar 1972b C. commersoni (3) C. macrocheilus (3) Clvosomus eos (4) Coregonus alpenae (4) SUBCLASS C. artedii (4,11) C. clupeafat•mis (4,11) ORDER STRIGEIDA C. hoyi (4) Cottus asper (3) SUBORDER STRIGEATA C. bairdi (4,11) C. rhotheus (3) Superfamily STRIGEOIDEA Cottesius plumbetts (3,4,11) Culaea inconstans (4) Family DIPLOSTOMATIDAE Cyprinus carpio (4) Esox lucius (4,11) Crassipbiala bulboglossa Haitsma, 1925 E. masquinongy (4) (metacercaria) (FW) Etheostotna exile (11) (Haitsma, 1925) Syn.: Neascus bttlboglossa E. nigrtun (4) Location: musculature, skin Fundulus diaphanus (13) Hosts: Ericytnba buccata (1)36 Gasterosteus actdeatus (3,12) Esox americanus vermiculatus (2) Ictaltu•us nebulostts (4,8,11)37 Fundulus cliaphanus (5) 1. punctatus (4) Perca flavescens (3,4) Lepotnis gibbosus (4,11) Semotilus atrotnaculatus (1) Lota Iota (3,4,11) Dist.: Ont, NS Microptertts dolomietti (4,11) Records: 1. Bangham and Hwiter 1939 (Ont); M. saltnoides (3,4) 2. Crossman 1962 (Ont); 3. Dechtiar 1972b A^lorône chrysops (4) (Ont), 4. 1972c (Ont); 5. Wiles 1975b (NS) Mylocheilus caurinus (3) Nocotnis biguttatus (4) Diplostonudurn schetu•ingi Hughes, 1929 Notetnigonus crysoleucas (4,11) (FW) (metacercaria) Notropis anogenus (11) (Hughes, 1929) Syn.: Diplostomum scheuringi N. atherinoides (11) Location: vitreous humor of eye N. heterodon (4) Hosts: Atnbloplites rupestris (5) N. heterolepis (4,11) Lepomis gibbosus (4,6)

36The record of C. bulboglossa (as Neascus b.) 37The report of Ali and Hanyu (1964) was given from this host is found only in the host-parasite list as ". . . an eyefluke. The condition resembles that of Bangham and Hunter (1939). caused by the strigeid, Diplostonnthan."

42 N. hudsonius (4,11) Tedla and Fernando (1969a) are referable N. volucellus (4) to D. adamsi. Oncorhynchus kisutch (3) O. nerka (5,6,7) Diplostomum scudderi (Olivier, 1941) Dubois, Osmerus mordax (4) 1966 (metacercaria) (FW) Perca flavescens (4,11) Syn.: Diplostomulum baeri eucaliae Hoffman Percina caprodes (2,11)38 and Hundley, 1957 Percopsis omiscomaycus (4,11) Location: eye, brain Petromyzon marin us (4) Hosts: Culaea inconstans (1) Pimephales notatus (4,11) Gasterosteus aculeatus (2) P. promelas (11) Dist.: BC, Ont Pomoxis nigromaculatus (4,11) Records: 1. Dechtiar 1972e (Ont); 2. Lester Prosopium cylindraceum (4) 1975 (BC) P. williamsoni (3) Ptychocheilus ore gonensis (3) Diplostomum spathaceum (Rudolphi, 1819) Rhinichthys cataractae (11) Olsson, 1876 (metacercaria) (FW) Richardsonius balteatus (3) Syn.: Diplostomum volvens Nordmann, 1832 Salmo clarki (3) Diplostomulum spathaceum (Rudolphi, S. gairdneri (3,4) 1819) S. salar (9,14) Location: vitreous humor, lens of eye Salvelinus fontinalis (3,4,14) Hosts: Alosa pseudoharengus (9) S. malma (3) Atnbloplites rupestris (7) S. namaycush (4,11) Anguilla rostrata (2) Semotilus atromaculatus (4) Catostomus catostomus (5,13) S. cor poralis (1) C. commersoni (5,7,9) Stizostedion canadense (4,11) Coregonus clupeaformis (6,9,13) S. vitreum vitreum (4,11) Cottus cognatus (13) Umbra limi (4,11) Esox lucius (13) Unspecified Salmonidae (15) Etheostoma exile (7) Dist.: Atl, BC, Lab, NB, Nfld, NS, Ont, PET, Gasterosteus aculeatus (4,10) Que Hybognathus hankinsoni (7) Records: 1. Stafford 1902 (unspecified locali- Ictalurus nebulosus (7) ty); 2. Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); Lota Iota (13) 3. Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC); 4. Micropterus dolomieui (1) Bangham 1955 (Ont); 5. Margolis 1956b Nocomis biguttatus (7) (BC), 6. 1957 (BC), 7. 1963 (BC); 8. Ali and Notro pis corn utus (7) Hanyu 1964 (Que); 9. Pippy 1969 (Atl, Lab, N. heterole pis (7) NB, Nfld, NS, PET); 10. Threlfall and Oncorhynchus nerka (9) Hanek 1970a (Lab); 11. Dechtiar 1972c Osmerus mordax (9) (Ont); 12. Scott and Crossman 1973 (Ont); Perca flavescens (7,9) 13. Wiles 1975b (NS); 14. Frantsi et al. Percopsis omiscomaycus (9) 1975 (NS); 15. Bell and Margolis 1976 Pimephales notatus (7) (BC); 16. Lester and Huizinga 1977 (Ont) P. promelas (7) Prosopium cylindraceum (6,13) Diplostomum adamsi Lester and Huizinga, Pungitius pungitius (3) 1977 (metacercaria) (FW) Salmo salar (6,8,11,12) Location: retina of eye Salvelinus alpin us (6) Host: Perca flavescens S. fontinalis (6,8) Dist.: Ont S. fontinalis X S. namaycush (9) Records: Lester and Huizinga 1977; Lester S. namaycush (6,13) 1977 Semotilus atromaculatus (7) Remarks: Lester (1977) noted that retinal di- Thymallus arcticus (13) plostomula reported as D. huronense by Dist.: BC, Lab, NB-b, NB, Nfld-b, Nfld, NS, Ont, YT 3 8The record of Diplostomulum sp. from P. Records: 1. Cooper 1915a (Ont); 2. Hanek and caprodes is found only in the host—parasite list of Threlfall 1970c (Lab, Nfld-b), 3. 1970d Bangham and Hunter (1939). (Nfld), 4. 1970e (Lab, Nfld-b, Nfld); 5.

43 Threlfall and Hanek 1970a (Lab); 6. Hicks Dist.: Ont and Threlfall 1973 (Lab); 7. Molnar et al. Record: Molnar et al. 1974 1974 (Ont); 8. Hare and Frantsi 1974 (NB, NS); 9. Collins and Dechtiar 1974 (Ont); Neascus rhinichthysi Hunter, 1933 10. Lester 1975 (BC); 11. Hare and Burt (metacercaria) (FW) 1975a (NB), 12. 1976 (NB-b, NB); 13. Location: musculature, skin Arthur et al. 1976 (YT) Hosts: Rhinichthys atratulus R. cataractae Dist.: Ont Diplostomutn spathaceum huronense (La Rue, Record: Bangham and Hunter 1939 1927) Hughes, 1929 (metacercaria) (FW) Syn.: Diplostomum huronense (La Rue, 1927) Neascus spp. metacercaria (FW) Diplostotnulum huronense (La Rue, Location: mesenteries, gills, skin 1927) Hosts: Acrocheilus alutaceus (6) Location: eye Ambloplites rupestris (3) Hosts: Lepomis gibbosus (5) Ammocrypta pellucida (1)40 Morone americana (3) A plodinotus grunniens (1) Perca flavescens (2,4) Cam postoma anomalum (1) Petromyzon marinus (1) Catostomus catostomtts (6) Dist.: Ont C. commersoni (3,9) Records: 1. Wilson and Ronald 1967; 2. Tedla C. macrocheilus (6) and Fernando 1969a 39, 3. 1969e, 4. 1972; Chrosomus eos (5) 5. Cone and Anderson 1977b C. neogaeus (5,9) Cottus cognatus (12) Diplostomum spathaceum indistinctum (Guber- Couesius plumbeus (6,9) let,1923) Hughes, 1929 (metacercaria) (FW) Culaea inconstans (3,9) Syn.: Diplostotnum flexicauclum (Cort and Cyprinus carpio (1) Brooks, 1928) Etheostoma exile (9) E. flabellare (1) Diplostomulum flexicauclum (Cort and Brooks, 1928) E. nigrum (1,3) Location: eye Fundulus cliaphanus (10) Hosts: Anguilla rostrata (2) Hybognathus hankinsoni (5) Hybopsis storeriana (1) Catostomus catostomus (1) (1,3,6,9)41 C. commersoni (1,2,3) Lepomis gibbosus Lofa Iota (3) Coregonus clupeaformis (2) Cyprinus carpi° (2) Micropterus dolomieui (3) M. saltnoides Esox masquinongy (2) (6) Morone chrysops (1) Adoxostoma anisurum (3) Moxostotna anisurum (9) M. erythrurwn (2) (1)40 Al. macrolepidotum (2) M. macrolepidotwn Mylocheilus caurinus (6) Notropis atherinoides (2) N. cormitus (2) Nocomis micropogon (1) Osmerus mordax (2) Notemigonus crysoleucas (1) Notropis anogenus (9) Percopsis omiscomaycus (2) Dist.: Ont N. commis (1,2,3,5) Records: 1. Bangham 1955; 2. Dechtiar N. emiliae (1) 1972b, 3. 1972c N. heterodon (1) N. heterolepis (2,3) N. huclsonius (1,3,9) 40 Neascus pyrifortnis Chandler, 1951 N. spilopterus (1) (metacercaria) (FW) N. stramineus (1) Location: fins, skin Hosts: Notropis cornutus 4 0The records of Bangham and Hunter (1939) Perca flavescens for the indicated hosts are found only in their Setnotilus atromaculatus host—parasite list. 41The record of Neascus sp. from L. gibbon's (as Enpontotis g.) by Bangham and Hunter (1939) 3 9See remarks under D. adanzsi. is found only in their parasite—host list.

44 Noturus gyrinus and/or N. miurus Location: mesenteries, kidney, liver (042 Hosts: Ambloplites rupestris (1) Oncorhynchus kisutch (11) Lepomis gibbosus (2) Perca flavescens (1,3,4,5,6,7,8) Notro pis atherinoides (2) Percina caprodes (1,9) N. cornutus (2) P. copelandi (1) Semotilus atromaculatus (2) Percopsis omiscomaycus (3) Dist.: Ont, Que? Pimephales notatus (1,3) Records: 1. Stafford 1904 (Que?)43 ; 2. Cooper P. promelas (1,3,9) 1915a (Ont) Pomoxis nigromaculatus (9) Ptychocheilus oregonensis (6) Posthodiplostomum minimum (MacCallum, Rhinichthys cataractae (6,9) 1921) Dubois, 1936 (metacercaria) (FW) Richardsonius balteatus (6) Syn.: Neascus vancleavei (Agersborg, 1926) Salmo clarki (6) Location: mesenteries, liver, kidney S. gairdneri (11) Hosts: Acrocheilus alutaceus (6) SalveUnits fontinalis (6) Ambloplites rupestris (1,2,4) S. malma (6) Catnpostoma anomalum (2) Semotilus atromaculatus (2,3,5) Catostomus catostomus (4,6) S. corporalis (5) C. commersoni (5) S. margarita (5) C. macrocheilus (6) Stizostedion canadense (1,9) Chrosomus eos (4,5) S. vitreum vitreum (1,3) C. neogaeus (7) Umbra limi (3) Cottus asper (6) Dist.: BC, NS, Ont, YT Couesius plumbeus (4,6) Records: 1. Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); Culaea inconstans (4) 2. Bangham 1941 (Ont), 3. 1955 (Ont); Esox lucius (7) 4. MacLulich 1943b (Ont); 5. Bangham and Etheostoma exile (4) Venard 1946 (Ont); 6. Bangham and Adams E. nigrum (2,4) 1954 (BC); 7. Tedla and Fernando 1969a Fundulus diaphanus (2) (Ont), 8. 1972 (Ont); 9. Dechtiar 1972e Gasterosteus aculeatus (6) (Ont); 10. Wiles 1975b (NS); 11. Hoskins lctalurus nebulosus (3) et al. 1976 (BC); 12. Arthur et al. 1976 (YT) Lepomis gibbosus (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) L. macrochirus (2) Ornithodiplostomum ptychocheilus (Faust, L. megalotis (2) 1917) Dubois, 1936 (metacercaria) (FW) Lota Iota (6) Location: brain, viscera Micro pterus dolomieui (1,3,4,5) Hosts: Fundulus diaphanus (2) M. salmoides (2) Hybognathus hankinsoni (1) Mylocheilus caurinus (6) Nocomis biguttatus (1) Nocomis biguttatus (4) Notropis corn utus (1) N. micropogon (2) N. heterolepis (1) Notemigonus crysoleucas (7) Pimephales notatus (1) Notro pis atherinoides (2,4) P. promelas (1) N. cornutus (2,3,4,5) Semotilus atrotnaculatus (1) N. heterodon (4) . Dist.: NS, Ont N. heterole pis (4,7) Records: 1. Molnar et al, 1974 (Ont); 2. Wiles N. hudsonius (2,4,7) 1975b (NS) N. volucellus (2,4) Perca flavescens (3,4,5) Posthodiplostomum cuticola (Nordmann, 1832) Percina caprodes (7) Dubois, 1936 (metacercaria) (FW) Percopsis omiscomaycus (2,4) Syn.: Diplostomuin cuticola (Nordmann, Pimephales notatus (2,4,5,7) 1832) P. promelas (5,7) Pomoxis nigromaculatus (2,7) 42Bangham and Hunter listed Neascus sp. from N. miurus (as Schilbeodes in.) in their host—parasite 43The host from which Stafford (1904) reported list but recorded the tadpole cat (N. gyrinus) as host this species was probably purchased from a Mon- in their parasite—host list. treal fish shop.

45 Ptychocheilus oz•egonensis (6) Neascus wardi Hunter, 1928 Rhinichthys atratuhzs (2,7) Location: skin, musculature, fins, gills R. cataractae (4,6,7) Hosts: Ambloplites rupesh•is (1,7) Richardsonius balteatus (6) Catostomzzs commersoni (7) Salvelinus fontinalis (4) Chrosoznus eos (2) Sernotihzs atromaculatus (2,3,4,5) C. neogaeus (2) S. corporalis (5) Esox lucius (5,6) Stizostedion vitreum vitreum (2) Etheostoma exile (7) Dist.: BC, Ont, Que Hybognathus hankinsoni (2,7) Records: 1. Lyster 1939 (Que); 2. Bangham Lepomis gibbosus (1,2,3,4,8) and Hunter 1939 (Ont); 3. Bangham 1941 L. maa•ochirus (1) (Ont), 4. 1955 (Ont); 5. Bangham and Micropterus dolornieui (2,3,4,6) Venard 1946 (Ont); 6. Bangham and Adams Nocomis biguttatus (7) 1954 (BC); 7. Dechtiar 1972c (Ont); 8. Cone Notemigonus crysoleucas (2) and Anderson 1977b (Ont) Notropis cornzztus (2,7) N. heterolepis (2) Posthorliplostonuzm minim zan centrm•chi Perca flavescens (2,7) Hoffman, 1958 (metacercaria) (FW) Pimephales notatzzs (2,7) Location: liver P. promelas (2,7) Hosts: A mbloplites rupestris (2) Seznotilus atromaculatzzs (2,7) Lepoinis gibbosus (1) S. margarita (2) L. macrochirus (1) Dist.: Ont, Que Micropterus sabnoides (2) Records: 1. Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); Perca flavescens (2) 2. Bangham 1941 (Ont); 3. Bangham and Dist.: Ont Venard 1946 (Ont); 4. Lachance 1947 Records: 1. Dechtiar 1972b; 2. Molnar et al. (Que); 5. Dechtiar 1972b (Ont), 6. 1972c 1974 (Ont); 7. Mohlar et al. 1974 (Ont); 8. Cone and Anderson 1977b (Ont) Posthodiplostomzmz miniznzmz minimzmi (MacCallum, 1921) Hoffman, 1958 (metacercaria) (FW) Family STRIGEIDAE Location: mesenteries Hosts: Carpiodes cyprinus (1) Apatemon gracilis (Rudolphi, 1819) Szidat, Funrlulus diaphanus (3) 1928 (metacercaria) (FW) Hybognathus hankinsoni (2) Syn.: Apatemon gracilis pellucidus (Yama- Nocomis biguttatus (2) guti, 1933) Notro pis atherinoirles (1) Location: eye, brain, body cavity, musculature N. coz•nutus (2) Hosts: Czdaea inconstans (2) N. hudsonius (1) Gasterosteus aculeatzzs (1) Pimephales notatus (2) Dist.: BC, Que P. proznelas (2) Records: 1. Lester 1975 (BC); 2. Rau and Seznotilus atromaczdatus (2) Gordon 1977 (Que) Dist.: -NS, Out Records: 1. Dechtiar 1972b (Ont); 2. Molnar Cotylzu•us commzanis (Hughes, 1928) La Rue, et al. 1974 (Ont); 3. Wiles 1975b (NS) 1932 (metacercaria) (FW) Syn.: Tetracotyle communis Hughes, 1928 Posthodiplostomum sp. metacercaria (FW) Location: mesenteries, liver Location: skin Hosts: Catostomus catostomus (2) Hosts: Ambloplites rupestris C. commersoni (2) Micropterus dolornieui Cln•osomus neogaeus (2) Dist.: Que Etheostoma flabellare (1) Record: Fantham and Porter 1948 Percopsis omiscomaycus (2) Stizostedion canadense (2) Uvulifer ambloplitis (Hughes, 1927) S. vitreznn vitrezun (2) Dubois, 1938 (metacercaria) (FW) Dist.: Ont Syn.: Neascus ambloplitis Hughes, 1927 Records: 1. Bangham and Hunter 1939; 2. Crassiphiala ambloplitis (Hughes, 1927) Dechtiar 1972c

46 Remarks: Dubois (1968) listed this species Hosts: Ambloplites rupestris (12) as Cotylurus platycephalus comm unis. Ammocrypta pellucida (1) 44 A plodirlotus grunniens (1)45 Cotylurus erraticus (Rudophi, 1809) Szidat, Catostomus catostomus (5) 1928 (metacercaria) (FW) C. commersoni (2,13) Location: [pericardial cavity, mesenteries] C. macrocheilus (5) Host: Coregonus clupeaformis Chrosomus eos (3) Dist.: Alta Coregonus artedii (1 1) Record: Leong and Holmes 1974a C. clupeaformis (14) Cottus asper (5) Tetracotyle diminuta Hughes, 1928 C. bairdi (3,11,12) (metacercaria) (FW) C. rhotheus (5) Location: mesenteries Couesius plumbeus (5) Hosts: Perca flavescens (2) Culaea inconstans (5,12) Percopsis omiscomaycus (1) Esox lucius (12) Dist.: Ont Etheostoma blennioides (1)44 Records: 1. Bangham and Hunter 1939; 2. E. exile (3,12,13) Tedla and Fernando 1972 E. nigrum (3,12) Gasterosteus aculeatus (5) Tetracotyle intermedia Hughes, 1928 Hiodon tergisus (1) (metacercaria) (FW) Hybognathus hankinsoni (13) Location: , mesenteries Ictalurus nebulosus (12,13) Hosts: Alosa pseudoharengus (2) Lepomis gibbosus (2,12,15) Catostomus commersoni (2) L. macrochirus (1) Coregonus artedii (1) Lota Iota (12,14) C. clupeaformis (1,2) Micropterus dolomieui (12) Oncorhynchus nerka (2) M. salmoides (13) Osmerus mordax (2) Mylocheilus caurinus (5) Perca flavescens (2) Notropis cornutus (2) Percopsis omiscomaycus (2) N. hudsonius (1,3,12) Salvelinus fontinalis X S. namaycush Oncorhynchus nerka (5,6,7,8) (2) Osmerus mordax (1 1) Dist.: Ont Perca 17avescens (3,12) Records: 1, Dechtiar 1972c; 2. Collins and Percina caprodes (1)44 Dechtiar 1974 Percopsis omiscomaycus (3) Pimephales notatus (2,4,12,13) Tetracotyle parvula (Stafford, 1904) Mataré, Pomoxis annularis (11) 1909 (metacercaria) (FW) P. nigromaculatus (12) Syn.: Diplostomum parvulum Stafford, 1904 Prosopium cylindraceum (14) Location: pharynx P. williamsoni (5) Hosts: Esox lucius Ptychocheilus oregonensis (5) Semotilus cor poralis Pungitius pungitius (12) Dist.: Que? Rhinichthys cataractae (12) Record: Stafford 1904 Richardsonius balteatus (5) Remarks: Stafford (1904) described this spe- Salmo salar (9,10) cies from the pharynx of S. corporalis (as Salvelinus fontinalis (9) S. bullaris) and noted cysts free in the S. malma (5) intestine of E. lucius. The description S. namaycush (14) makes identification impossible. Hughes Stizostedion canadense (1 1) (1928) indicated this species may be Tetra- cotyle communis (syn. of Cotylurus c.) and 44The record of Tetracotyle sp. from the indicated later (1929) he listed it as a species inqui- hosts is given in the host—parasite list of Bangham renda of the genus Diplostomulum. and Hunter (1939). Identification to family only is given in their parasite—host list. Tetracotyle spp. metacercaria (FW) 45Bangham and Hunter (1939) reported Tetra- Location: heart, pericardium, mesenteries, cotyle sp. from A. grunniens only in their host- kidney, musculature parasite list.

47 Thytnallus m•cticus (14) Lepomis gibbosus (3,4,5,6,7,13,19) Umbra liini (3) L. macrochirus (4) Dist.: BC, Nfld, NS, Ont, YT Micropterus cloloanieui (3,4,5,6,7,13) Records: 1. Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); Morone antericana (11) 2. Bangham 1941 (Ont), 3. 1955 (Ont); Mylocheilus catn•inus (9) 4. Bangham and Venard 1946 (Ont); 5. Notropis cornutus (5,7) Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC); 6. Mar- N. Inrdsonius (13) golis 1956b (BC), 7. 1957 (BC), 8. 1963 Perca flavescens (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,12, (BC); 9. Sandeman and Pippy 1967 (Nfld); 13,14,17,18)47 10. Pippy 1969 (Nfid, NS); 11. Dechtiar Percina caprodes (4) 1972b (Ont), 12. 1972c (Ont); 13. Molnar Pimephales notai us (13) et al. 1974 (Ont); 14. Arthur et al. 1976 P. promelas (7) (YT); 15. Cone and Anderson 1977b (Ont) Richca•clsonius balteatus (9) Sentotilus ah•omaculatus (5,7) S. corporalis (7) Superfamily CLINOSTOMATOIDEA Stizostedion canadense (13) S. vih•etun vih•euna (13,16,17,18) Family CLINOSTOMATIDAE Unspecified trout (15) Dist.: BC, Man, Ont, Que Clinostomtnn complanatum (Rudolphi, 1814) Records: 1. Wright 1879 (Ont?); 2. Stafford Braun, 1899 (metacercaria) (FW) 1904 (Que?)48; 3. Cooper 1915a (Ont); 4. Location: gills, musculature Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); 5. Bang- Hosts: Ambloplites rupesh•is (1,3) ham 1941 (Ont), 6. 1955 (Ont); 7. Bangham Catostoinus comrnersoni (3) and Venard 1946 (Ont); 8. Worley and Esox lucius (1,3) Bangham 1952 (Que); 9. Bangham and Micropterus dolornietti (1,3,4) Adams 1954 (BC); 10. Tedla and Fernando Perca flavescens (1,3,4) 1969a (Ont), I1. 1969e (Ont), 12. 1972 Salvelintts f ontinalis (2,3)46 (Ont); 13. Dechtiar 1972c (Ont); 14. Molnar Stizostedion vitretnn vitrecun (4) et al. 1974 (Ont); 15. Hoskins et a1. 1976 Dist.: Man, Ont, Que (BC); 16. Anthony 1976 (Ont); 17. Evans Records: 1. Lyster 1939 (Que); 2. MacLulich (1963 MS) cited in Lubinsky 1976 (Man); 1943b (Ont); 3. Fantham and Porter 1948 18. Dickson (1964 MS) cited in Lubinsky (Que); 4. Dowsett and Lubinsky 1966 1976 (Man); 19. Cone and Anderson 1977b (Man) (Ont) Remarks: Ukoli (1966) and other authors Clinostorntnn rnarginattun (Rudolphi, 1819) considered C. marginattan to be a synonym Braun, 1899 (metacercaria) (FW) of C. complanattmi. Syn.: ?Clinostorntun gracile of Stafford, 1904 ?Distorntun gracile of Wright, 1879 Clinostomunz spp. metacercaria (FW) Location: gill cavity, gills, musculature, fins, Location: musculature, viscera mesenteries Hosts: Ambloplites rupesn•is (3) Hosts: Ambloplites rupesn•is (4,6,13,14) Fundulus diaphanus (1) Catostornus commersoni (5) Micropterus dolornieui (3) Esox lucius (13) Perca flaveseens (3) Etheostoma flabellare (4) Salmo clarki (2) E. nigrtmi (4,13) S. gairdneri (3) Ictalurus inelas (4) Stizostedion vih•etrm vitre uni (3) I. nebulosus (4,5,6,13,14)47 Unspecified trout (2) 46Record of C. carnplanatttm from the intestine Dist.: BC, Man, NS of S. fontinalis by MacLulich ( 1943b) was con- Records: 1. Wiles 1975b (NS); 2. Hoskins et sidered probably to be due to ingestion of infected al. 1976 (BC); 3. Anon. (no date) cited in perch. Material reported by Fantham and Porter Lubinsky 1976 (Man) ( 1948) was also recovered from this host's intestine. 47Records of C. ntarginatttm for I. nebulostts (as Ameiurus n.) and P. flavescens by Bangham and 48The host from which Stafford ( 1904) reported Hunter ( 1939) are given only in their host-parasite this species was probably obtained from a Montreal list. fish shop.

48 Strigeidae gen.spp. metacercaria (FW) S. caurinus (1,2,4) Location: mesenteries S. crameri (1,2,4) Hosts: Hybopsis storeriana (1) S. diploproa (1,2) Notropis atherinoides (1) S. flavidus (1,2,4) Perca flavescens (2) S. helvomaculatus (1,2,4) Dist.: Ont, Que S. maliger (1,2,4) Records: 1. Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); S. melanops (1,2) 2. Lyster 1940a (Que) S. nigrocinctus (1,2,4) S. paucispinis (2) S. pinniger (1,2,4) Superfamily SCHISTOSOMATOIDEA S. proriger (2,4) S. reedi (4) Family SANGUINICOLIDAE S. varie gatus (4) S. zacentrus (1,2,4) A porocotyle macfarlani Holmes, 1971 (M) Dist.: Pac Syn.: A porocotyle simplex of McFarlane, Records: 1. Holmes 1971a, 2. 1971b; 3. Seke- 1936 rak and Arai 1973, 4. 1977 Location: blood vessels of gills, heart Hosts: Sebastes caurinus (2,3,4) San guinicola occidentalis Van Cleave and S. flavidus (2,3) Mueller, 1932 (FW) S. maliger (2,3,4) Location: blood S. melanops (2,3) Hosts: Perca flavescens (1) S. pinniger (2,3) Stizostedion vitreum vitreum (1,2) Sebastes sp. (1) Dist.: Ont Dist.: Pac Records: 1. Dechtiar 1972b; 2. Anthony 1976 Records: 1. McFarlane 1936; 2. Holmes 1971a, 3. 1971b; 4. Sekerak and Arai 1977 San guinicola spp. (FW) Remarks: This species was reported as A po- Location: blood rocotyle n.sp. in a paper presented to the Hosts: A plodinotus grunniens (1) 44th annual meeting of the American So- Carpiodes cyprinus (1) ciety of Parasitologists (see Holmes 1969). Moxostoma anisurum (2) M. erythrurum (1) Aporocotyle margolisi Smith, 1967 (M) M. macrolepidotum (1) Location: bulbus arteriosus Notropis hudsonius (1) Host: Merluccius produc tus Pimephales notatus (2) Dist.: Pac P. promelas (2) Record: Smith 1967 Dist.: Ont Records: I. Dechtiar 1972b, 2. 1972e A porocotyle simplex Odhner, 1900 (1\4) Location: intestinal mesenteries Host: Hippoglossoides platessoides SUBORDER AZYGIATA Dist: Atl Record: Ronald 1960b Superfamily AZYGIOIDEA Family AZYGIIDAE A porocotyle sp. ( \4) Location: blood vessels of gills Host: Theragra chalcogramma Azygia angusticauda (Stafford, 1904) Manter, Dist.: Pac 1926 (FW) Record: Smith 1967 Syn.: Mimodistomum angusticaudum Staf- ford, 1904 Psettarium sebastodorum Holmes, 1971 (M) Location: intestine, stomach Location: heart Hosts: Ambloplites rupestris (5,13) Hosts: Sebastes aleutianus (4) Esox americanus vermiculatus (2,10)49 S. alutus (3,4) S. aurora (1,2) 49Bangham and Hunter (1939) reported A. angu- S. babcocki (4) sticauda from the indicated hosts only in their S. brevispinis (2) host—parasite list.

49 E. litchis (12,13) Records: 1. Stafford 1904 (Que?) 53 ; 2. Cooper E. masquinongy (9,13) 1915a (Ont); 3. Lyster 1939 (Que); 4. Bang- Etheostoma exile (5,13,14) ham 1941 (Ont), 5. 1955 (Ont); 6. Bangham E. nigrum (13) and Venard 1946 (Ont); 7. Fantham and Ictalurus nebulosus (5,13) Porter 1948 (Que); 8. Choquette 1951c I. punctatus (5) (Que); 9. Sandeman and Pippy 1967 (Nfld); Lepomis gibbosus (4,5,7,13) 10. Pippy 1969 (NB-b); 11. Dechtiar 1972b Loto Iota (1,13) (Ont), 12. 1972c (Ont) Micropterus dolomieui (2,3,4,5,7,8, 13)49 Azygia sp. (FW) M. salmoides (5,14) Location: not specified Perca flavescens (4,5,7,8,11,14) Host: Stizostedion vitreum vitreum Salvelinus namaycush (6) Dist.: Ont Stizostedion vitreum glaucum (2) Record: Anthony 1976 S. vitreutn vitreum (1,2,3,13)49 Dist.: Ont, Que Leuceruthrus micropteri Marshall and Gilbert, Records: 1. Stafford 1904 (Que?) 50; 2. Bang- 1905 (FW) ham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); 3. Miller 1940 Location: stomach (Que); 4. Bangham 1941 (Ont), 5. 1955 Hosts: A mbloplites rupestris (Ont); 6. MacLulich 1943b (Ont); 7. Bang- Atnia calva ham and Venard 1946 (Ont); 8. Fantham Ictalttrus melas and Porter 1948 (Que); 9. Choquette 1951c Micropterus dolomieui (Que); 10. Crossman 1962 (Ont); 11. Tedla M. salmoides and Fernando 1972 (Ont); 12. Dechtiar Dist.: Ont Molnar 1972b (Ont), 13. 1972c (Ont); 14. Record: Bangham and Hunter 1939 et al. 1974 (Ont)

Azygia longa (Leidy, 1851) Manter, 1926 (FW) Leuceruthrus sp. (FW) Syn.: Megadistomum longum (Leidy, 1851) Location: digestive tract A zygia acuminata Goldberger, 1911 Hosts: Etheostoma nigrum Azygia lucii of Cooper, 1915 Morone chrysops Azygia tereticolle of Stafford, 1904 Notropis atherinoides54 Location: intestine, stomach Perca flavescens Hosts: Ambloplites rupestris (7) Percina caprodes A tnia calva (2) Dist.: Ont Anguilla rostrata (3,4,6,7,11) Record: Bangham and Hunter 1939 Esox lucius (1,2,3,5,7,12) E. tnasquinongy (1,2,8) Otoclistotn 11111 cestoides (van Beneden, 1871) Ictalurus punctatus (1) Odliner, 1911 (adult) (M) Lota iota (1) Syn.: Distomum veliportan of Stafford, 1907 Micropterus dolomieui (2) Otodistomum veliporum of Stafford, Perca flavescens (2)51 1904; Myers, 1959 (partim); Temple- Salmo salar (10) man, 1965, 1973 Salvelinus fontinalis (9) Location: intestine, stomach S. namaycush (2) Hosts: Bathyraja richardsoni (7,9,10) Stizostedion sp. (2)52 Centroscyllitun fabricii (9,10) Dist.: NB-b, Nfld, Ont, Que Raja jenseni (6,9,10) R. laevis (1,2,3) R. ocellata (5) 50The hosts from which Stafford (1904) reported R. radiata (4,5,8) this species were probably obtained from a Mon- treal fish shop. 5 IThe record of Cooper (1915a) for P. flavescens 53The hosts reported for A. longa (as A. tereti- was for immature Azygia which were considered colle and Megadistomum I.) by Stafford (1904) probably to be A. lucii (syn. of A. longa). were probably obtained from a Montreal fish shop. 52The record of Cooper (1915a) for Stizostedion 54The record of Leuceruihrus sp. from this host sp. is apparently a tentative host identification (as is found only in the host—parasite list of Bangham "Lucioperca sp.?, pickerel ..."). and Hunter (1939).

50 Dist.: Atl SUBORDER HEMIURATA Records: 1. Stafford 1904, 2. 1907; 3. Cooper 1915a; 4. Heller 1949; 5 , Myers 1959; 6. Superfamily HEMIUROIDEA Templeman 1965, 7. 1973b; 8. Threlfall 1969; 9. Gibson 1976; 10. Gibson and Bray Family 1977 Accacladium serpentulum Odhner, 1928 (M) Remarks: There has been much controversy in Syn.: Accacladium nematulum Noble and the literature concerning the independence Noble, 1937 of O. cestoides from O. veliporum. Follow- Location: intestine ing detailed morphological studies of large Host: Mola mola numbers of these trematodes, Gibson (1976) Dist.: Atl and Gibson and Bray (1977) concluded that Record: Threlfall 1967 the two species are indeed distinct. Accord- Remarks: Bray and Gibson (1977) place A. ing to their criteria and reexamination of nematulum in synonymy with A. serpen- some Canadian material, all Canadian rec- tulum. ords of adult worms, except those of Myers (1959) and Threlfall (1969) from Squalus Accacladocoelium macrocotyle (Diesing, 1858) acanthias, appear to be referable to O. Robinson, 1934 (M) cestoides. Syn.: Accacoelium macrocotyle (Diesing, 1858) Location: intestine Otodistomum veliporum (Creplin, 1837) Host: Mola mola Stafford, 1904 (adult) (m) Dist.: Atl Location: [stomach] Records: Stafford 1904,55 1907; Threlfall 1967 Host: Squalus acanthias Dist.: Atl Accacladocoelium nigrofiavum (Rudolphi, Records: Myers 1959; Threlfall 1969 1819) Robinson, 1934 (M) Syn.: Accacoelium nigroflavum (Rudolphi, 1819) Otodistomum sp. metacercaria (M) Location: intestine Includes: Xenodistomum melanocystis Staf- Host: Mola mola ford, 1904 Dist.: Atl 0 todistomum veliporum of Ronald, Record: Stafford 1904 1960; Scott, 1975 Location: encysted on digestive tract, liver, Accacoelium contortum (Rudolphi, 1819) gonads Looss, 1899 (M) Hosts: Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (2,4) Location: gills, pharynx Hip'poglossoides platessoides (3) Host: Mola mola Limanda ferruginea (2) Dist.: Atl Lophius americanus (1) Records: Stafford 1904, 1907; Threlfall 1967 Dist.: Atl Records: 1. Stafford 1904; 2. Ronald 1960b; Odhnerium calyptrocotyle (Monticelli, 1893) 3. Scott 1975a, 4. 1975d Yamaguti, 1934 (M) Remarks: Because it is not possible to dis- Syn.: Accacoelium foliatum (Linton, 1898) tinguish O. veliporum and O. cestoides in Location: intestine the metacercarial stage (Gibson and Bray Host: Mola mola 1977), all records are listed under Otodis- Dist.: Atl, Pac tomum sp. Records: Stafford 1904 (AtI); Lloyd 1938 (Pac)

Proterometra macrostoma (Faust, 1918) Family HEMIURIDAE Horsfall, 1933 (FW) Location: [esophagus] Brachyphallus crenatus (Rudolphi, 1802) Hosts: Ambloplites rupestris Odhner, 1905 (M) Lepomis gibbosus 55The record of Stafford (1904) is apparently a Dist.: Ont tentative parasite identification (as Accacoeliurn Record: Bangham 1955 macrocotyle Diesing?).

51 Syn.: Heiniurus appendiculatus of Stafford, Cryptacanthodes maculatus (1,2) 1904 (partim), 1907 (partim) Gadus morhua (1,2,4) Location: intestine, stomach Gasterosteus aculeattts (9,10,13,15) Hosts: Ammodytes dubius (20) Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (21) Clupea harengus harengus (3,5,11,12) Hemilepidotus hemilepidotus (10) Gasterosteus aculeatus (15,17) Hein itripterus mnericanus (1,2) Hippoglossus hippoglossus (1,2,4,10) Hippoglossoides platessoides (1,2,7,18, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (7,8) 19) 0. nerka (7,8,9) Hippoglossus hippoglossus (1,2,7) Osmerus mordax (1,2,4,5,19) Lirnanda ferrttginea (1,2,7,20) Pungitius pcuzgitius (16,23) Liopsetta putnami (7) Reinhardtius hippoglossoides (1,2,4) Lophius americanus (1,2) Salmo salar (1,2,4,5,13,14,18,21) Melanogrmnmus aeglefinus (1,2) Salvelinus alpinus (21,24) Myoxocephalus scorpius (1,2) S. faitinalis (21,22) Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (5) S. malma (6) 0. nerka (5,6) S. namaycush (21) Osmerus mordat (1,2,4,24) Sebastes marinus (25) Pollachius virens (1,2) Dist.: Atl, Pac, BC-b, BC, Lab-b, Lab, NB, Pseudoplecn•onecles americanus (7,22) Nfld-b, Nfld, NS, PEI, Que, YT Pcnzgitius pamgitius (14) Records: 1. Stafford 1904 (Atl), 2. 1907 (Atl); Reinhm•rltius hipploglossoirles (1,2) 3. Cooper 1915a (Atl); 4. Miller 1941 a(Atl); Sabno salar (1,2,3,4,8,12,25,27) 5. Heller 1949 (Atl, Que); 6. Bangham and Salvelinus alpin us (25) Adams 1954 (BC); 7. Margolis 1956b (Pac, S. fontinalis (25) BC-b), 8. 1957 (Pac, BC-b, BC), 9. 1963 Sebastes aleutiantts (28) (Pac, BC-b); 10. Ronald 1960b (Atl); 11. S. alutus (26,28) Sindermann 1957b (Atl), 12. 1961 (Atl); S. babcocki (28) 13. Sandeman and Pippy 1967 (Nfld); S. borealis (28) 14. Pippy 1969 (Atl, NB, NS, Que, PEI); S. brevispinis (28) 15. Hanek and Threlfall 1969b (Nfld-b), S. cacn•inus (28) 16. 1970d (Nfld), 17. 1970e (Atl, Lab-b, S. crcaneri (28) Nfld-b, Nfld); 18. Threlfall and Hanek S. diploproa (28) 1970c (Nfld-b), 19. 1971 (Lab); 20. Scott S. elongatus (28) 1973 (Atl); 21. Hicks and Threlfall 1973 S. entomelas (28) (Lab); 22. Hanek and Molnar 1974 (Que); S. flavidus (28) 23. Dickinson and Threlfall 1976 (Nfld); S. goodei (28) 24. Mudry and McCart 1976 (YT); 25. S. helvoinaculatus (28) Gaevskaya and Umnova 1977 (Atl) S. maliger (28) S. mca•Inus (1,2,3,29) Derogenes plenuus Stafford, 1904 (M) S. paarcispinis (28) Location: intestine S. pinniger (28) Host: Anarhichas lupus S. proriger (28) Dist.: Atl S. reedi (28) Record: Stafford 1904 S. ruberrimus (28) Remarks: This species is probably a synonym S. variegatus (28) of D. varicus. S. Zacend•us (28) Squalus acanthias (11) Derogenes varicus (O. F. Müller, 1784) Looss, Tacuogolabrus adspersus (23) 1901 (M) Dist.: Atl, Pac, BC-b, Lab-b, Lab, NB, Nfld-b, Location: intestine, stomach Nfid, NS, Que Hosts: Ammodytes dubius (17) Records: 1. Stafford 1904 (Atl), 2. 1907 (Atl); Anguilla rostrata (1,2) 3. Cooper 1915a (Atl); 4. Heller 1949 (Atl, Argentina silus (16) Que); 5. Margolis 1956b (Pac, BC-b), 6. Clupea harengus harengus (1,2,3)56 1963 (BC-b); 7. Ronald 1960b (AtI); 8. 56Cooper (1915a) reported mature (egg-bearing) Sandeman and Pippy 1967 (Nfld); 9. Arai D. varicus encysted in the musculature of C. 1967a (Pac), 10. 1969b (Pac); 11. Threlfall harengus. 1969 (AtI); 12. Pippy 1969 (Atl, NB, NS,

52 Que); 13. Hanek and Threlfall 1969d (Nfld- Hosts: Coryphaenoides rupestris (2) b), 14. 1970d (Lab-b), 15. 1970e (Nlid-b); Limanda ferruginea (1) 16. Scott 1969c (AU), 17. 1973 (Atl), 18. Dist.: At! 1975a (At1), 19. 1975b (At1), 20. 1975c Records: 1. Ronald 1960b; 2. Szuks 1975 (At!), 21. 1975d (At!), 22. 1976 (Ad); 23. Sekhar S. and Threlfall 1970a (Atl); 24. Gonocerca macroformis Wolfgang and Myers, Threlfall and Hanek 1971 (Lab); 25. Hicks 1954 (M) and Threlfall 1973 (Lab); 26. Sekerak and Location: ovary Arai 1973 (Pac); 27. Hanek and Molnar Hosts: Gadus morhua 1974 (Que); 28. Sekerak and Arai 1977 Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (Pac); 29. Gaevskaya and Umnova 1977 Hippoglossoides platessoides (At!) Dist.: Atl Record: Wolfgang and Myers 1954 Derogenetinae gen.sp. (M) Location: not specified Hemiurus appendiculatus (Rudolphi, 1802) Hosts: Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Looss, 1899 (M) O. nerka Location: stomach Dist.: Pac, BC-b, BC Hosts: ?Ammodytes americanus (1,2) Record: Margolis 1957 ?Anguilla rostrata (1,2) Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (6) Genolinea laticauda Manter, 1925 (M) Hippoglossus hippoglossus (4) Syn.: Genolinea sp. of Arai, 1967 ?Myoxocephalus scorpius (1,2) Location: stomach Osmerus mordax (3) Hosts: Artedius fenestralis (4) ?Pollachius virens (1,2) Blepsias cirrhosus (3,4) Pungitius pungitius (5) Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (5) Dist.: Atl, Nfld-b Hemilepidotus hemilepidotus (3,4) Records: 1. Stafford 1904 (At!), 2. 1907 (MD; Hexagrammos lagocephalus (3,4) 3. Cooper 1915a (Atl); 4. Ronald 1960b Hippoglossus hippoglossus (2) (At!); 5. Hanek and Threlfall 1970d (Nfld- Leptocottus armatus (4) b); 6. Scott 1975b (AU) Myoxocephalus polyacanthocephalus Remarks: Miller (1941a), upon reexamina- (3,4) tion of the collection of Stafford, was un- Nautichthys oculofasciatus (4) able to substantiate Stafford's (1904, 1907) Oligocottus maculosus (4) records of H. appendiculatus. Specimens Oncorhynchus nerka (4) reported by Stafford from H. hippoglossus, Pseudopleuronectes americanus (6) O. mordax, Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, Scorpaenichthys marmoratus (1) and Salmo salar were reidentified as Bra- Dist.: Atl, Pac chyphallus crenatus. Material believed by Records: 1. McFarlane 1936 (Pac); 2. Ronald Miller (1941a) to have been reported as 1960b (At!); 3. Arai 1967a (Pac), 4. 1969b H. appendiculatus from Clupea harengus (Pac); 5. Scott 1975d (At1), 6. 1976 (Atl) and Gadus callarias (syn. of G. morhua) by Stafford was identified as Hemiurus levin- Genolinea oncorhynchi Margolis and Adams, seni. Stafford's remaining records of H. 1956 (M) appendiculatus are thus also likely to be Location: stomach misidentifications. Host: Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Dist.: Pac Hemiurus communis Odhner, 1905 (M) Records: Margolis and Adams 1956; Margolis Location: stomach 1956b Hosts: Hippoglossus hippoglossus Remarks: Zhukov (1960) incorrectly regarded Liopsetta putnami this species as identical with G. anura, Dist.: At! from which it is quite distinct. However, Records: Ronald 1960b G. oncorhynchi may prove to be synony- mous with G. laticauda. Hemiurus levinseni Odhner, 1905 (metacercaria) (M) Gonocerca crassa Manter, 1934 (M) Location: musculature Location: stomach Host: Clupea harengus harengus

53 Dist.: Atl Dist.: Atl Record: Cooper 1915a Records: 1. Stafford 1902; 2. Ronald 1960b

Hemiurus levinseni Odhner, 1905 (adult) (M) Lecithaster con! usus Odhner, 1905 (M) Syn.: ?Hemiurus appendiculatus of Stafford, Location: stomach 1904 (partim), 1907 (partim) Host: Omen's mordax Location: intestine, stomach Dist.: Que Hosts: Argentina silus (11) Record: Heller 1949 Clupea harengus harengus (1) Gadus morhua (1,2,14) Lecithaster gibbosus (Rudolphi, 1802) Lühe, Hippoglossoides platessoides (12) 1901 (M) Hippoglossus hippoglossus (9) Syn.: Lecithaster salmonis Yamaguti, 1934 Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (3,4,5) Lecithaster bothryophorus of Stafford O. nerka (4,5,6,7) 1904, 1907 Raja laevis (8)57 Location: intestine, pyloric caeca, stomach Saltno salar (10) Hosts: Amtnodytes dubius (24) Sebastes marinus (14) A. hexapterus (9,10,11,12,14,15,16) Squalus acanthias (8)57 Anoplarchus purpurescens (14) Tautogolabrus adspersus (13) A prodon cortezianus (9,11) Dist.: Atl, Pac, BC-b Aulorhynchus flavidus (9,11) Records: 1. Miller 1941a (At1)58; 2. Heller Blepsias cirrhosus (9,11) 1949 (Atl); 3. Margolis 1956a (BC-b), 4. Brachyistius frenatus (9,11) 1956b (Pac, BC-b), 5. 1957 (Pac, BC-b), Clupea harengus harengus (1,2) 6. 1958a (Pac, BC-b), 7. 1963 (Pac, BC-b); C. harengus pallasi (9,10,11,12,13, 8. Myers 1959 (All); 9. Ronald 1960b (MI); 14,15) 10. Pippy 1969 (Atl); 11. Scott 1969c (At1), Coryphopterus nicholsi (9,11) 12. 1975a (AU); 13. Sekhar S. and Threlfall Cymatogaster aggregata (9,10,11) 1970a (At1); 14. Gaevskaya and Umnova Dasycottus setiger (11) 1977 (Atl) Gadus macrocephalus (9,11) Gasterosteus aculeatus (9,10,11,14, Hemiurus spp. (1■4) 19,20,30) Location: intestine, stomach Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (28) Hosts: Anguilla sp. (1) Hemilepidotus hemilepidotus (9,11) Clupea sp. (1) Hexogrammos decagratninus (15) Cryptacanthodes sp. (1) H. lagocephalus (9,11) Gadus sp. (1) H. stelleri (9,11) Hemitripterus sp. (1) Hippoglossoides platessoides (25,26) Hippoglossoides platessoides (2) Hypomesus pretiostis (15) Hippoglossus sp. (1) Lepidopsetta bilineata (9,11) Limanda ferruginea (2) Limanda ferruginea (27) Melanogrammus sp. (1) Liparis pulchellus (14) Myoxocephalus sp. (1) Lumpenus sagitta (14) Ostnerus sp. (1) Lyconectes aleutensis (14) Pleuronectes sp. (1) Nautichthys oculofasciatus (11) Pollachius sp. (1) Oligocottus maculosus (11) Pseudo pleuronectes americanus (2) Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (4,5,7,8,9, Reinhardtius sp. (1) 11, 15, 17) Salmo sp. (1) O. keta (9,11,17) Sebastes sp. (1) O. kisutch (9,11) O. nerka (3,4,5,6,9,11) O. tshawytscha (9,11) 57Myers (1959) considered H. levinseni to be a "pseudoparasite" of these hosts. Oncorhynchus sp. (10) Ophiodon elongatus (9,11,14) 58Miller (1941a) identified material from C. Itarengus and G. morhua from the collection of Pholis ornata (9,11) Stafford as H. levinseni. Miller believed these speci- Platichthys stellatus (9,11,15) mens had been reported as H. appendiculatus by Pseudopleuronectes americanus (29) Stafford (1904, 1907). Ronquilus jordani (9,11)

54 Salmo salar (1,2,18,21,23) Lecithophyllum botryophorum (Olsson, 1868) Salvelinus m alma (3,9,11) Odhner, 1905 (M) Sebastes alutus (31) Syn.: Lecithophyllum anteroporum Margolis, S. caurinus (31) 1958 S. pinniger (31) Lecithophyllum sp. of Margolis, 1957 S. proriger (31) and of Arai, 1967 S. variegatus (31) Aponurus sp. of Margolis, 1956 S. zacentru.s (31) Location: intestine, stomach Syngnathus griseolineatus (9,11) Hosts: Argentina silus (7,8,9) Tautogolabrus adspersus (22) Dasycottus setiger (5,6) Thaleichthys pacificus (9,11,12,14) Hexagrammos lagocephalus (6) Theragra chalcogramma (9,11,14) H. stelleri (6) Dist.: Atl, Pac, BC-b, BC, Lab, NB, Nfld-b, Merluccius productus (3) NS Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (2,3) Records: 1. Stafford 1904 (Atl), 2. 1907 (Atl); 0. nerka (1,2,3,4) 3. Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC); 4. Mar- Sebastes aleutian us (11) golis 1956b (Pac, BC-b), 5. 1957 (Pac, BC-b, S. alutus (10,11) BC), 6. 1963 (Pac, BC-b); 7. Boyce 1966 S. borealis (11) (Pac), 8. 1969 (Pac); 9. Arai 1967a (Pac), S. crameri (10,11) 10. 1967b (Pac), 11. 1969b (Pac); 12. Barra- S. flavidus (11) clough 1967b (Pac); 13. Barraclough and S. paucispinis (11) Fulton 1967 (Pac); 14. Robinson et al. S. reedi (11) 1968a (Pac), 15. 1968b (Pac); 16. Robinson Dist.: Atl, Pac, BC-b, BC 1969 (Pac); 17. Margolis and Boyce 1969 Records: 1. Margolis 1956b (BC-b), 2. 1957 (Pac); 18. Pippy 1969 (Atl, NB, NS); 19. (Pac, BC-b, BC), 3. 1958c (Pac, BC-b, BC), Hanek and Threlfall 1969b (Nfld-b), 20. 4. 1963 (BC-b); 5. Arai 1967a (Pac), 6. 1969b 1970e (Nfld-b); 21. Threlfall and Hanek (Pac); 7. Scott 1969a (Atl), 8. 1969b (Atl), 1970c (Nfld-b); 22. Sekhar S. and Threlfall 9. 1969c (Atl); 10. Sekerak and Arai 1973 1970a (Atl); 23. Hicks and Threlfall 1973 (Pac), 11. 1977 (Pac) (Lab); 24. Scott 1973 (Atl), 25. 1975a (Atl), 26. 1975b (Atl), 27. 1975c (Atl), 28. 1975d Parahemiurus merus (Linton, 1910) Woolcock, (Atl), 29. 1976 (Atl); 30. Lester 1975 (Pac); 1935 (M) 31. Sekerak and Arai 1977 (Pac) Syn.: Parahemiurus sp. of Margolis, 1956, 1957 Location: intestine, pyloric caeca, stomach Lecithochirium exodicum McFarlane, Hosts: A prodon cortezianus (5,6) 1936 (M) Clupea harengus pallasi (5,6) Syn.: Sterrhurus exodicus (McFarlane, 1936) Gadus macrocephalus (5,6) Location: stomach Hexagrammos stelleri (5,6) Hosts: Ophiodon elongatus (1) Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (1,2,3,4) Sebastes caurinus (2) 0. kisutch (5,6) S. elongatus (2) 0. nerlca (1,6) S. flavidus (2) Ophiodon elongatus (5,6) S. paucispinis (2) Syngnathus griseolineatus (6) Dist.: Pac, BC-b Dist.: Pac Records: 1. Margolis 1956b (Pac, BC-b), 2. Records: 1. McFarlane 1936; 2. Sekerak and 1957 (Pac); 3, Boyce 1966 (Pac), 4. 1969 Arai 1977 (Pac); 5. Arai 1967a (Pac), 6. 1969b (Pac) Remarks: This species has had an involved Remarks: The specimens reported as Para- taxonomic history since its original descrip- hemiurus sp. by Margolis (1956b, 1957) tion. It has been placed in Adinosoma by have since been identified as P. merus (Mar- Skrjabin and Gushanskaya (1955); in Sterr- golis unpublished data). hatrus by Yamaguti (1958); and in Sepm•o- germiductus by Manter and Pritchard Tubulovesicula lindbergi (Layman, 1930) (1960). Nasir and Diaz (1971) considered Yamaguti, 1934 (M) L. exodicum a synonym of L. caudiporum Syn.: Dinurus nanaimoensis McFarlane, 1936 (Rudolphi, 1819). Location: intestine, stomach

55 Hosts: Citharichthys stigmaeus (6,7) Family LAMPRITREMATIDAE Cymatogaster aggregata (7) Leptocottus armatus (7) Lam pritrema miescheri (Zschokke, 1890) Myoxocephalus polyacanthocephalus Margolis, 1962 (M) (6,7) Syn.: Lainpritrema nipponicum Yamaguti, Oligocottus maculosus (7) 1940 Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (2,3) Location: stomach, gills (?) O. keta (8) Hosts: Argentina si/us (3,4) O. nerka (2,3,4,5) Brama japonica (1) Ophiodon elongatus (6,7) Salmo salar (2) Parophrys vetulus (1) Dist.: At!, Pac Porichthys notatus (7) Records: 1. Margolis 1962 (Pac); 2. Pippy Salve linus ma/ma (6,7) 1969 (AU); 3. Scott 1969a (At!), 4. 1969c Scorpaenichthys tnarmoratus (1) (Atl) Sebastes alutus (9,10) Remarks: Gibson and Bray (1977) relegated S. borealis (10) L. nipponicuin to the synonymy of L. S. brevispinis (10) iniescheri. S. caurinus (10) S. cratneri (10) S. maliger (10) Family PTYCHOGONIMIDAE S. paucispinis (10) S. pinniger (10) Ptychogonitnus fontanus Lyster, 1939 (FW) Syngnathus griseolineatus (6,7) Location: stomach Dist.: Pac, BC-b, BC Hosts: Perca fiavescens (1,2,3) Records: 1. McFarlane 1936 (Pac); 2. Mar- SalveUnits fontinalis (2) golis 1956b (Pac, BC-b), 3. 1957 (Pac, BC-b, Dist.: Que BC), 4. 1958a (BC), 5. 1963 (BC-b); 6. Arai Records: 1. Lyster 1939, 2. 1940a; 3. Fantham 1967a (Pac), 7. 1969b (Pac); 8. Margolis and and Porter 1948 Boyce 1969 (Pac); 9. Sekerak and Arai 1973 (Pac), 10. 1977 (Pac) Ptychogonitnus megastotnus (Rudolphi, 1819) Liihe, 1900 (M) Hemiuridae gen. sp. (M) Location: intestine Location: intestine, stomach Host: Tautogolabrus adspersus Hosts: IceUnits tenuis (1) Dist.: Atl Sebastes aleutianus (2) Record: Sekhar S. and Threlfall 1970a S. alutus (2) S. babcocki (2) Family SYNCOELIIDAE S. caurinus (2) S. cramer (2) Syncoelium filiferum (Leuckart in Sars, 1885) S. elongatus (2) Odhner, 1911 S. flaviclus (2) (M) Syn.: Syncoelium kattnvo Yamaguti, 1938 S. nigrocinctus (2) Location: gills Dist.: Pac Hosts: Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (1) Records: 1. Arai 1969b; 2. Sekerak and Arai O. nerka (1,2) 1977 Sebastes a/utus (3) S. brevispinis (3) Family S. flaviclus (3) S. pinniger (3) (Pallas, 1774) Baird, S. proriger (3) 1835 (M) Dist.: Pac, BC-b Syn.: Hirudinella clavata (Menzies, 1791) Records: 1. Margolis 1956b (Pac, BC-b), 2. Hirudinella marina Garcin, 1730 1963 (Pac, BC-b); 3. Sekerak and Arai 1977 Location: stomach (Pac) Hosts: Thunnus thynnus (1) Remarks: Gibson and Bray (1977) transferred Xiphias gladius (2) this species to Copiatestes Crowcroft, 1948, Dist.: At! which they regarded as distinct from Records: I. Cooper 1915a; 2. Iles 1971 Syncoelitan.

56 Syncoelium sp. (NI) Syn.: Distomum furcigerum Olsson, 1867 Location: gills Leioderma furcigerum (Olsson, 1867) Host: Brama japonica Steringophorus furciger (Olsson, 1867) Dist.: Pac Location: intestine, pyloric caeca, stomach Record: Margolis 1962 Hosts: Cryptacanthodes maculatus (1,2) Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (4,8) Hippoglossoides platessoides (1,2,5,6) Superfamily DIDYMOZOOIDEA 59 Hippoglossus hippoglossus (4) Family DIDYMOZOIDAE Limanda ferruginea (4,7) Liopsetta putnami (4) (1,2, Didymozoidae gen. sp. (M) Pseudopleuronectes americanus Location: unspecified 3,4,9) Host: unspecified tuna Reinhardtius hippoglossoides (1,2) Dist.: unspecified Dist.: Atl Record: Hoskins et al. 1976 Records: 1, Stafford 1904, 2. 1907; 3. Heller Remarks: This parasite was indicated to have 1949; 4. Ronald 1960b; 5. Scott 1975a, 6. been recovered from a canned or processed 1975b, 7. 1975c, 8. 1975d, 9. 1976 fish product. Fellodistomum sebastodis Yamaguti and Matumura, 1942 Ove SUBORDER BRACHYLAIMATA Location: gall bladder Superfamily FELLODISTOMATOIDEA Hosts: Sebastes alutus (1,2) S. elongatus (2) Family FELLODISTOMATIDAE S. ruberrimus (2) S. zacentrus (2) Fellodistomum agnotum Nicoll, 1909 (M) Dist.: Pac Syn.: ?Fellodistomum incisum of Stafford, Records: I. Sekerak and Arai 1973, 2. 1977 1904 (partim) ?Distomum incisum of Stafford, 1907 Pseudopentagramma petrowi (Layman, 1930) (partim) Yamaguti, 1971 (M) Host: Anarhichas lupus Syn.: Pentagramma petrowi (Layman, 1930) Location: gall bladder Location: intestine, pyloric caeca Dist.: Atl Hosts: Clupea harengus pallasi (1,4,5,7) Record: Miller 1941a Coryphopterus nicholsi (7) Remarks: Miller (1941a) identified material Hypomesus pretiosus (1) from the collection of J. Stafford as F. Mallotus villosus (1) agnotum but since the vial which contained Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (2,3) the specimens was unlabeled, he was un- Spirinchus thaleichthys (1) able to ascertain if this material was re- Thaleichthys pacificus (6) ported in Stafford's papers (1904, 1907). Dist.: Pac Records: 1. Margolis and Ching 1965; 2. Fellodistomum fellis (Olsson, 1868) Nicoll, Boyce 1966, 3. 1969; 4. Arai 1967a, 5. 1909 (M) 1969b; 6. Barraclough 1967b; 7. Barra- Syn.: Fellodistomum incisum of Stafford, clough and Fulton 1967 1904 Distomum incisum of Stafford, 1907 Stenakron vetustum Stafford, 1904 (M) Location: gall bladder Location: intestine Host: A narhichas lupus Hosts: Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (6) Dist.: At! Hemitripterus americanus (1) Records: Stafford 1904, 1907 Hippoglossoides platessoides (3,4) Hippoglossus hippoglossus (1) Fellodistomum furcigerum (Olsson, 1867) Limanda ferruginea (2,5) Yamaguti, 1954 (M) Pseudopleuronec tes americanus (7) Dist.: Atl 59Baer and Joyeux (1961) established a new sub- Records: 1. Stafford 1904; 2. Ronald 1960b; class of Trematoda (Didymozoidea) for the didymo- 3. Scott 1975a, 4. 1975b, 5. 1975c, 6. 1975d, zoids. 7. 1976

57 Steringotrema cluthense (Nicoll, 1909) Odhner, Location: body cavity 1911 (M) Host: Hiodon alosoides Location: stomach Dist.: Alta, Sask Host: Hippoglossus hippoglossus Records: Margolis 1964 (Sask); Donald and Dist.: Atl Kooyman (1974 MS) cited in Mudry and Record: Ronald 1960b Anderson 1976 (Alta)

Steringotvenza ovacutaun (Lebour, 1908) Prosorhynchoides basargini (Layman, 1930) Odhner, 1911 (M) n.comb. (M) Location: digestive tract Syn.: Bucephaloides basargini (Layman, Host: Hippoglossoides platessoides 1930) Dist.: Atl Bucephaloides sp. of Margolis, 1956, Records: Scott 1975a, 1975b 195761 Remarks: Strelkov (1960) transferred this spe- Location: intestine cies to Stenakron. Host: Onca•hynchus gorbuscha Dist.: Pac, BC-b Steringotrema pagelli (van Beneden, 1871) Records: Margolis 1956b, 1957 Odhner, 1911 (M) Remarks: This species is transferred to Pro- Location: intestine sorhynchoides following Srivastava and Host: Hippoglossus hippoglossus Chauhan (1973) who relegated Bucepha- Dist.: Atl loides to the synonymy of Prosorhyn- Record: Ronald 1960b choides. Zhukov (1960) and other Soviet authors regard P. basargini as a synonym of P. gracilescens (Rudolphi, 1819). Superfamily BUCEPHALOIDEA Prosorhynchoides ozakii (Nagaty, 1937) Family n.comb. (M) Syn.: Bucephalopsis ozakii Nagaty, 1937 elegans Woodhead, 1929 (FW) Location: [intestine] Location: [pyloric caeca] Host: Salvelinus mahna Host: Perca flavescens Dist.: BC Dist.: Ont Record: Bangham and Adams 1954 Records: Bangham 1941, 1955 Remarks: This species is transferred to Pro- sorhynchoides following Srivastava and Bucephalus spp. (FW) Chauhan's (1973) relegation of species of Location: [digestive tract], body cavity adult Bucephalopsis to the synonymy of Hosts: Hiodon alosoides (2)60 Prosorhynchoides. Morone chrysops (1) Notropis hudsonius (1) Prosorhynchoides pusilla (Stafford, 1904) Percopsis omiscomayctts (3) n.comb. (FW) Dist.: Ont Syn.: Bucephalopsis pusilla (Stafford, 1904) Records: 1. Bangham 1955; 2. Kennedy and Bucephalus pusilla (Stafford, 1904) Sprules 1967 (unspecified locality); 3. Dech- Gasterostomurn pusilltun Stafford, 1904 tiar 1972b Location: stomach, pyloric caeca, intestine Hosts: Stizostedion canadense (4,6) Dolichoenterurn sp. metacercaria (M) S. vitrecun glaucum (4) Location: subcutaneous in head region S. vitreurn vitretan (1,2,3,4,5) Host: Coryphaenoides rupestris Dist.: Man, Ont, Que Dist.: Atl Records: 1. Stafford 1904 (Que?)62; 2. Wood- Record: Szuks 1975 head 1930 (Man); 3. Lyster 1939 (Que); 4.

Pacrorhynchus hiodontis Dickerman, 6IMargolis (1963) reported this species from 1954 (FW) Pacific salmon as Bucephaloides basargini. Pre- viously Bucephaloides basargini had been assigned 60The report of Bucephahrs sp. from the body to Bucephalopsis. cavity of H. alosoides by Kennedy and Sprules 62The host from which Stafford (1904) reported (1967) is probably a misidentification of Paio•orhyn- this species was probably obtained from a Montreal chus hiodontis. fish shop.

58 Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); 5. Bang- S. ruberrimus (2) ham 1955 (Ont); 6. Dechtiar 1972c (Ont) S. zacentrus (2) Remarks: This species is transferred to Pro- Dist.: Pac sorhynchoides, following the synonymy Records: 1. Sekerak and Arai 1973, 2. 1977 proposed by Srivastava and Chauhan (1973). Prosorhynchuiscalpellus McFarlane, 1936 (M) Prosorhynchoides sp. (M) Location: intestine Syn.: Bucephalopsis sp. of Arai, 1967 Host: Scorpaenichthys marmoratus Location: pyloric caeca Dist.: Pac Host: Leptocottus armatus Record: McFarlane 1936 Dist.: Pac Remarks: Nagaty (1937) considered P. seal- Record: Arai 1967a pellus a synonym of P. crucibulum. Remarks: Arai's (1967a) report of Bucepha- lopsis is considered to be a Prosorhyn- Prosorhynchu.s• squamatus Odhner, 1905 (M) choides, following the synonymy proposed Syn.: Gasterostomum armatum of Stafford, by Srivastava and Chauhan (1973). 1904, 1907 Location: intestine, stomach, pyloric caeca Prosorhynchus apertus McFarlane, 1936 (M) Hosts: Brosme brosme (1,2) Location: intestine Hemitripterus americanus (1,2) Host: Ophiodon elongatus Hippoglossoides platessoides (5) Dist.: Pac Hippoglossus hippoglossus (1,2,4) Record: McFarlane 1936 Myoxocephalus scorpius (1,2) Squalus acanthias (3)64 Dist.: At! Prosorhynchus crucibulum (Rudolphi, 1819) Records: 1. Stafford 1904, 2. 1907; 3. Myers Odhner, 1905 (metacercaria) (M) 1959; 4. Ronald 1960b; 5. Scott 1975a Location: musculature Hosts: Sebastes alutus (1) Prosorhynchus sp. metacercaria (M) Sebastes sp. (2)63 Location: musculature Dist.: Pac Hosts: Sebastes alutus (1,2) Records: 1. Sekerak and Arai 1973; 2. Hos- S. melanops (1) kins et al. 1976 Sebastes sp. (3)65 Remarks: Stunkard (1974) erected a new Dist.: Pac genus, Rudolphinus, for P. crucibulum. Records: 1. Liston et al. 1960; 2. Liston and Hitz 1961; 3. Hoskins et al. 1976 Prosorhynchus crucibulum (Rudolphi, 1819) Odhner, 1905 (adult) (M) Rhipidocotyle elongata McFarlane, 1936 (M) Location: pyloric caeca, intestine Syn.: Rhipidocotyle sp. of Arai, 1967 Hosts: Sebastes aleutianus (2) Location: intestine S. alutus (1,2) Hosts: Leptocottus armatus (3) S. babcocki (2) 0 phiodon elongatus (1,2,3) S. borealis (2) Dist.: Pac S. brevispinis (2) Records: 1. McFarlane 1936; 2. Arai 1967a, S. cramer (2) 3. 1969b S. diploproa (2) S. elongatus (2) Rhipidocotyle papillosa (Woodhead, 1929) S. entomelas (2) Eckmann, 1932 (metacercaria) (FW) S. flavidus (2) Syn.: Gasterostomum pusillum of Cooper, S. paucispinis (2) 1915 S. pinniger (2) Location: musculature S. reedi (2) 64myérs (1959) considered P. squamatas to be a 63The life cycle stage was not indicated by Hos- "pseudoparasite" of S. acanthias. kins et al. (1976) for the specimens recovered from 65The life cycle stage was not indicated by Hos- Sebastes sp. (as "Pacific rock perch") but it is the kins et al. (1976) for the specimens recovered from metacercaria (G. Hoskins, personal communica- Sebastes sp. (as "Pacific rock perch") but it is the tion). metacercaria (G. Hoskins, personal communication).

59 Hosts: Ambloplites rupestris Dist.: Que Micropterus dolotnieui Record: Fantham and Porter 1948 Perca flavescens Remarks: The genus Pleurogenes occurs pri- Unspecified minnow marily in amphibians. Thus the above rec- Dist.: Ont ord is probably a misidentification or the Record: Cooper 1915a result of the host's consumption of an amphibian. Rhipidocotyle papillosa (Woodhead, 1929) Eckmann, 1932 (adult) (FW) Syn.: Bucephalus papillosus Woodhead, 1929 Family LISSORCHIIDAE Gasterostomum pusillum of Cooper, 1915 Lissorchis attenuatum (Mueller and Van Cleave, Location: intestine, stomach, pyloric caeca 1932) Krygier and Macy, 1969 (FW) Hosts: Etheostoma nigruin (1) Syn.: Triganoclistomum attenuatum Mueller Micropterus dolomieui (1,2,3,4)66 and Van Cleave, 1932 Dist.: Ont Location: intestine Records: 1. Cooper 1915a; 2. Bangham and Hosts: Carpiodes cyprinus (5,6) Hunter 1939; 3. Bangham and Venard Catostomus catostomus (4) 1946; 4. Bangham 1955 C. commersoni (1,2,3,7) C. macrocheilus (4) Rhipidocotyle sp. metacercaria (FW) Moxostoma anisurum (6) Location: fins Setnotilus atromaculatus (3) Hosts: Hybognathus hankinsoni Dist.: BC, Ont lctalurus nebulosits Records: 1. Bangham 1941 (Ont), 2. 1955 Dist.: Ont (Ont); 3. Bangham and Venard 1946 (Ont); Record: Molnar et al. 1974 4. Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC); 5. Dechtiar 1972b (Ont), 6, 1972c (Ont); 7. Molnar et al. 1974 (Ont) ORDER ECHINOSTOMIDA Lissorchis gullaris Self and Campbell, SUBORDER ECHINOSTOMATA 1956 (FW) Superfamily ECHINOSTOMATOIDEA Location: intestine Host: Catostomus catostotnus Family CATHAEMASIIDAE Dist.: Lab Record: Threlfall and Hanek 1970a Ribeiroia ondatrae (Price, 1931) Price, 1942 (metacercaria) (FW) Lissorchis sitneri (Mueller and Van Cleave, Location: skin 1932) Krygier and Macy, 1969 (FW) Host: Atnbloplites rupestris Syn.: Triganoclistomum simeri Mueller and Dist.: Ont Van Cleave, 1932 Record: Molnar et al. 1974 Location: [digestive tract] Hosts: Catostomus catostoinus (2) C. COMMerS0171 (1) ORDER Dist.: Ont Records: 1. Bangham 1941, 2. 1955 SUBORDER PLAGIORCHIATA

Superfamily PLAGIORCHIOIDEA Lissorchis spp. 67 (FW) Syn.: Triganoclistomum spp. Family LECITHODENDRIIDAE Location: not specified Hosts: Catostomus catostomus (1) Pleurogenes sp. (FW) Micropterus dolomieui (1) Location: intestine Notropis hudsonius (2) Host: Salvelinus fontinalis Semotilus atrotnaculatus (1)

66The report of R. papillosa from this host by 67This parasite was indicated to be an encysted Bangham and Hunter (1939) is found only in their larval stage by Bangham (1955) and as an immature host—parasite list. stage by Bangham (1941).

60 Dist.: Ont Steganoderma formosum Stafford, 1904 (M) Records: 1. Bangham 1941, 2. 1955 Location: intestine, pyloric caeca Hosts: Hemilepidottts hemilepidotus (5) Plagiocirrus sp. (FW) Hippoglossus hippoglossus (1,3) Location: not specified Limanda ferruginea (6) Host: Catostomus catostomus Pseudopleuronectes americanus (7) Dist.: BC Raja laevis (2)68 Record: Bangham and Adams 1954 Sebastes aleutiantts (8) Squalus acanthias (2,4)68 Dist.: Ati, Pac Family MONORCHIIDAE Records: 1. Stafford 1904 (Atl); 2. Myers 1959 (Atl); 3. Ronald 1960b (Atl); 4. Threl- fall 1969 (Atl); 5. Arai 1969b (Pac); 6. Scott Telolecithus pugetensis Lloyd and Guberlet, 1975c (Atl), 7. 1976 (Atl); 8. Sekerak and 1932 (M) Arai 1977 (Pac) Location: intestine Host: Cymatogaster aggregata Zoogonoides viviparus (Olsson, 1868) Odhner, Dist.: Pac 1902 (M) Records: McFarlane 1936; Arai 1967a, b, Location: digestive tract 1969b Host: Hippoglossoides platessoides Dist.: Atl Records: Scott 1975a, b Family ZOOGONIDAE

Deretrema cholaeum McFarlane, 1936 (M) Family MACRODEROIDIDAE Location: gall bladder Hosts: Sebastes caurinus (3) Alloglossidium corti (Lamont, 1921) Van S. elongattts (3) Cleave and Mueller, 1934 (FW) S. maliger (2,3) Location: intestine S. nigrocinctus (3) Hosts: Ictalurus nebulosus (3,5) S. ruberrimus (3) I. punctatus (2,4) Sebastes sp. (1) Notttrus gyrinus (1,6) Dist.: Pac Dist.: BC, Ont, Que Records: 1. McFarlane 1936; 2. Arai 1969b; Records: l. Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); 3. Sekerak and Arai 1977 2. Miller 1940 (Que); 3. Bangham 1941 (Ont), 4. 1955 (Ont); 5. Bangham and Lepidophyllum cameroni Arai, 1969 (M) Adams 1954 (BC); 6. Dechtiar 1972c (Ont) Syn.: Lepidophyllum sp. of Arai, 1967 Location: urinary bladder Glossidium geminum (Mueller, 1930) (FW) Host: Hemilepidotus hemilepidotus Yamaguti, 1954 (Mueller, 1930) Dist.: Pac Syn.: Alloglossidium geminus Records: Arai 1967a, 1969a, b Location: intestine Host: Ictalurus nebulosus Dist.: Ont, Que Lepidophyllum steenstrupi Odhner, 1902 (M) Records: Miller 1940 (Que); Bangham 1941 Location: urinary bladder (Ont), 1955 (Ont); Bangham and Venard Hosts: Anarhichas lupus (1,2) 1946 (Ont); Dechtiar 1972c (Ont); Molnar Macrozoarces americanus (1,2,3) et al. 1974 (Ont) Dist.: Atl Records: 1. Stafford 1904, 2. 1907; 3. Cooper Macroderoides flavus Van Cleave and Mueller, 1915a 1932 (FW) Location: intestine Neozoogonus californicus Arai, 1954 (M) Hosts: Esox americanus vermiculatus (2) Location: intestine E. niger (1) Host: Cymatogaster aggregata Dist.: Pac 68Myers (1959) considered S. formostun to be a Records: Arai 1967a, b, 1969b "pseudoparasite" of these hosts.

61 Dist.: Ont, Que Dist.: Ont Records: 1. Fantham and Porter 1948 (Que); Record: Bangham 1941 2. Crossman 1962 (Ont) Remarks: Yamaguti (1953) noted that M. obstipus (listed in Yamaguti (1953) as Mi- Macrodero ides spiniferus Pearse, 1924 (FW) crophallus obstipes) is an avian parasite, Location: digestive tract and considered reports from fishes to result Host: Lepisosteus osseus from accidental liberation of metacercaria Dist.: Ont from their cysts. Record: Bangham and Hunter 1939 Microphallus opacus (Ward, 1894) Ward, Macroderoides typicus (Winfield, 1929) Van 1901 (FW) Cleave and Mueller, 1932 (FW) Syn.: Distotman opacum Ward, 1894 Location: digestive tract Location: intestine Host: Amia calva Hosts: Ambloplites rupestris (4) Dist.: Ont Amia calva (2) Records: Bangham and Hunter 1939; Bang- Anguilla rostrata (1,5) ham 1955 Esox lucius (3) E. niger (3) Macroderoides sp. (FW) Ictalurus nebulosus (4) Location: digestive tract I. punctatus (4) Host: Ictalurus punctatus69 Micro pterus dolomieui (2,3,4,6) Dist.: Ont M. salmoides (4) Record: Bangham and Hunter 1939 Perca fiavescens (2,3) Dist.: Ont, Que Parastiotrema ottawanensis Miller, 1940 (FW) Records: 1. MacCallum 1895 (Ont); 2. Bang- Location: intestine ham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); 3. Fantham Host: Ictalurus punctatus and Porter 1948 (Que); 4. Bangham 1955 Dist.: Que (Ont); 5. Dechtiar 1972b (Ont), 6. 1972c Record: Miller 1940 (Ont) and Mueller, Vietosoma parvum Van Cleave Microphallus sp. (m) 1932 (FW) Location: intestine, stomach Location: digestive tract Host: Tautogolabrus acispersus Hosts: Ictalurus nebulosus (3,4) Dist.: At! I. punctatus (1,2)70 Record: Sekhar S. and Threlfall 1970a Dist.: Ont, Que Records: 1. Lyster 1939 (Que);- 2. Bangham Microphallidae gen. sp. (FW) and Hunter 1939 (Ont); 3. Bangham 1941 Location: not specified (Ont); 4. Bangham and Venard 1946 (Ont) Hosts: Lota iota Micro pterus dolomieui Family MICROPHALLIDAE Perca flavescens Dist.: Ont Maritreminoides obstipus (Van Cleave and Record: Bangham 1941 Mueller, 1932) Rankin, 1939 (FW) Syn.: Maritrema obstipum (Van Cleave and Superfamily ALLOCREADIOIDEA Mueller, 1932) Maritrema medium (Van Cleave and Family Mueller, 1932) Location: [digestive tract] A llobunodera mediovitellata (Tsimbaliuk Host: Micropterus dolomieui and Roytman in Skrjabin and Koval, 1966) Yamaguti, 1971 (FW) Bunodera tnediovitellata Tsimbaliuk 69The record of Macroderoides sp. from this host Syn.: is found only in the host—parasite list of Bangham and Roytman in Skrjabin and Koval, 1966 and Hunter (1939). Location: intestine 7013angham and Hunter (1939) report this para- Host: Gasterosteus aculeatus site from I. panctatas only in their host—parasite Dist.: BC list. Record: Lester 1975

62 isoporum (Looss, 1894) Odhner, Records: 1. Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); 1901 (FW) 2. Wiles 1975b (NS) Syn.: Distomum hoporum Looss, 1894 Location: intestine Anisorchis opisthorchis Polyansky, 1955 (M) Hosts: Esox lucius (3) Location: intestine, pyloric caeca, stomach Semotilus corporalis (1,2)71 Hosts: Hemilepidotus hemilepidotus (1,2) Thymallus arcticus (3) Hexagrammos lagocephalus (1,2) Dist.: Que?, YT H. stelleri (1,2) Records: 1. Stafford 1902 (unspecified local- Dist.: Pac ity), 2. 1904 (Que?); 3. Arthur et al. 1976 Records: 1. Arai 1967a, 2. 1969b (YT) Remarks: Stafford's (1902, 1904) records Bunodera luciopercae (O. F. Müller, 1776) probably are referable to A. lobatum. Lühe, 1909 (FW) Syn.: Distomum nodulosum (Froelich, 1791) Allocreadium lobatum Wallin, 1909 (FW) Location: intestine Location: intestine Hosts: Acipenser fulvescens (1) Hosts: Catostomus catostomus (4,7) Ambloplites rupestris (1) C. commersoni (6) Anguilla rostrata (1) Couesius plumbeus (4,5) A plodinotus grunniens (1) Mylocheilus caurinus (4) Esox lucius (10) Nocomis biguttatus (2) Gasterosteus aculeatus (9) Notropis cornutus (1,2,3,8) Lepomis macrochirus (1) N. hudsonius (2) Lota Iota (12)74 Pima phales promelas (6) Micropterus salmoides (1) Prosopium williamsoni (4) Perca flavescens (3,4,6,7,11,12,13)75 Ptychocheilus oregonensis (4) Prosopium cylindraceum (14) Rhinichthys cataractae (6) Pungitius pungitius (8) Richardsonitts balteatus (4) Salmo gairdneri (15) Salmo gairdneri (4) S. salar (14) Semotilus atromaculatus (1,2,3) Salvelinus alpinus (14) S. corporalis (3) S. fontinalis (2,5,14,15) Dist.: BC, Lab, Ont, Que S. malma (15) Records: 1. Bangham 1941 (Ont), 2. 1955 S. namaycush (14,15) (Ont); 3. Bangham and Venard 1946 (Ont); Dist.: Alta, BC, Lab-b, Lab, Nfld-b, Nfld, 4. Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC); 5. Ont, Que Threlfall and Hanek 1971 (Lab); 6. Dech- Records: 1. MacCallum 1895 (Ont); 2. Staf- tiar 1972e (Ont); 7. Hanek and Molnar ford 1902 (unspecified locality); 3. Bang- 1974 (Que); 8. Molnar et al. 1974 (Ont) ham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); 4. Fantham and Porter 1948 (Que); 5. Sandeman and Allocreadium spp. (FW) Pippy 1967 (Nfld); 6. Tedla and Fernando Location: intestine 1969a (Ont), 7. 1972 (Ont); 8. Hanek and Hosts: Acipenser fulvescens (1) 72 Threlfall 1970d (Nfld), 9. 1970e (Lab-b, Etheostoma blennioides (1) 73 Nfld-b, Nfld); 10. Threlfall and Hanek exile (1) 73 E. 1970b (Lab); 11. Cannon 1971 (Ont), 12. Fundulus diaphanus (2) 1972 (Ont), 13. 1973 (Ont); 14. Hicks and Labidesthes sicculus (1)72 Threlfall 1973 (Lab); 15. Mudry and An- 72 Lepomis gibbosus (1) derson 1977 (Alta, BC) Dist.: NS, Ont Bunodera sp. (FW) Location: not specified 71This parasite was reported as "A llocreadium isoporum Looss?" by Stafford (1904). 72Identification to family only is given in the 74Cannon (1972) considered the record of B. parasite-host list of Bangham and Hunter (1939). laciopercae from Lola iota probably to be the result For generic identification see their host-parasite list. of ingestion of infected P. flavescens. 73Record of Allocreadium sp. for these hosts is 75The material recorded from P. flavescens by given only in the host-parasite list of Bangham and Fantham and Porter (1948) was reported as "... Hunter (1939). Bunodera perhaps B. luciopercae . ."

63 Host: Perce flavescens Records: Lyster 1939 (Que); Fantham and Dist.: Que Porter 1948 (Que); Hanek and Threlfall Record: Fantham and Porter 1948 1970e (Lab); Hanek and Molnar 1974 (Que)

Bunoderina eucaliae Miller, 1936 (FW) Crepidostomum cooperi Hopkins, 1931 (FW) Syn,: Bunodera eucaliae (Miller, 1936) Syn.: Crepidostomum ambloplitis Hopkins, Location: intestine 1931 Hosts: Culaea inconst ans (1,2,3,4,5,6)76 Crepidostom11111 fausti Hunninen and Gasterosteus aculeatus (4) Hunter, 1933 Pungitius pungitius (6) Crepidostomum laureatum of Stafford, Umbra limi (5) 1904 and of Cooper, 1915 (partim) Dist.: BC, Ont, Que Bunodera nodulosa of Stafford, 1904 Records: 1. Miller 1936 (Que), 2. 1940 (Que); (partim) 3. Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); 4. ?Crepidostotnum cornutum of ,Cooper, Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC); 5. Bang- 1915 (partim) ham 1955 (Ont); 6. Dechtiar 1972e (Ont) Location: intestine, pyloric caeca, gall blad- der Bunoderina sacculata (Van Cleave and Hosts: Ambloplites rupestris (3,11) Mueller, 1932) Yamaguti, 1958 (FW) Catostomus commersoni (13,21) Syn.: Bunodera sacculata Van Cleave and Coregonus clupeaformis (10,12) Mueller, 1932 Cyprinus carpi° (13) Location: intestine Esox niger (13) Hosts: Lepomis gibbosus (2) Fundulus heteroclitus (13) Lofa Iota (en Gasterosteits aculeatus (16,17) Notro pis cornutus (4) Lepomis gibbosus (10,11,12,21) Perca flavescens (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) Micropterus dolomieui (8,11,21) Stizostedion vitreum vitreum (10) Perca flavescens (1,2,7,8,10,11,12,13, Dist.: Ont, Que 18,19,22,23,25,26) Records: 1. Lyster 1939 (Que); 2. Bangham Prosopium cylinclracetan (10) 1941 (Ont), 3. 1955 (Ont); 4. Bangham and Salvelbws alpin us (24) Venard 1946 (Ont); 5. Tecl la and Fernando S. fontinalis (1,4,5,6,9,13,14,15,20,24) 1969a (Ont), 6. 1972 (Ont); 7. Cannon 1971 Stizostedion vitre umn vitre umn (1) (Ont), 8. 1972 (Ont), 9. 1973 (Ont); 10. Unspecified fishes (6) Dechtiar 1972c (Ont) Dist.: Lab, Man, NB, Nfld-b?, Nfld, NS, Ont, PET, Que-b, Que commune (Olsson, 1867-68) Records: 1. Stafford 1904 (Que?)78; 2. Cooper Yamaguti, 1958 (M) 1915a (Ont)79; 3. Hopkins 1931 (Ont)"; 4. Syn.: commune (01ssond 867— Richardson 1936 (Que), 5. 1937b (Que), 6. 68) Location: pyloric caeca reported C. laureation from S. Host: Lima amide ferre ginea 78Statford (1904) fontinalis with a variation in P. flavescens and S. v. Dist.: Atl vitrewn. From reexamination of Stafford's slides, Record: Ronald 1960b most of which were labeled Bunodera nodulosa, Richardson (1936) considered the material from Crepidostom11171 brevivitellum Hopkins, "trout" to be Crepidostomuni transmarinum (Nicoll, 1934 (FW) 1909) and that from "perch" to be C. sedum Van Location: intestine Cleave and 1\4ueller, 1932 (syn. of C. cooped). Host: Anguilla rostrata Miller (1941a) also reexamined Stafford's material Dist.: Lab, Que from S. fontinalis and corrected the identification to C. cooped. 79Hopkins (1931) reexamined specimens reported 76 Bangham and Hunter (1939) reported B. euca- as C. laureatum by Cooper (1915a). Nlaterial from line from this host only in their host—parasite list. Perca flavescens was described as C. cooped n.sp. This material was apparently reported as unidenti- 80Hopkins (1931) described C. ambloplitis (syn. fied Trematoda in their parasite—host list. of C. cooperi) from material from the collection of 77The record of B. saccidata from Lola Iota was A. R. Cooper. It is likely that these specimens were considered by Cannon (1972) probably to be the part of the collection reported as C. cornutum by result of ingestion of infected P. flavescens. Cooper (1915a).

64 1942 (Lab, NB, NS, PEI, Que); 7. Bangham Salmo clarki (8,25) and Hunter 1939 (Ont); 8. Lyster 1939 S. gairdneri (5,7,8,13,25) (Que), 9. 1940a (Que); 10. Bangham 1941 S. salar (13,15,17,18,21,22,23) (Ont), 11. 1955 (Ont); 12. Bangham and S. trutta (13,16) Venard 1946 (Ont); 13. Fantham and Porter Salvelinus alpinus (17) 1948 (NS, Que); 14. Choquette 1948a (Que), S. fontinalis (3,4,5,6,8,13,16,17,18,25) 15. 1954 (Que); 16. Hanek and Threlfall S. fontinalis X S. namaycush (19,25) 1969d (Nfld), 17. 1970e (Nfld); 18. Tedla S. malma (8,11,12,25) and Fernando 1969a (Ont), 19. 1972 (Ont); S. namaycush (3,4,17,24,25) 20. Threlfall and Hanek 1970c (Nfld-b and/ Thymallus arcticus (8,24) or Nfld); 21. Dechtiar 1972c (Ont); 22. Can- Unspecified Salmonidae (20) non 1972 (Ont), 23. 1973 (Ont); 24. Hanek Dist.: Pac, Alta, BC, Lab, NB-b, NB, Nfld-b?, and Molnar 1974 (Que-b, Que); 25. Stewart- Nfld, NS, Ont, PEI, Que, YT Hay (1951 MS) cited in Lubinsky 1976 Records: 1. Bangham 1941 (Ont), 2. 1955 (Man); 26. Dickson (1964 MS) cited in (Ont); 3. MacLulich 1943b (Ont); 4. Bang- Lubinsky 1976 (Man) ham and Venard 1946 (Ont); 5. Fantham and Porter 1948 (Que); 6. Choquette 1948a Crepidostomuun cornutum (Osborn, 1903) (Que); 7. Rawson 1953 (Alta); 8. Bangham Stafford, 1904 (FW) and Adams 1954 (BC); 9. Margolis 1957 Location: intestine, pyloric caeca, gall bladder (BC), 10. 1963 (BC); 11. Arai 1967a (Pac), Hosts: Ambloplites rupestris (1,2,3,4,6,8,10) 12. 1969b (Pac); 13. Sandeman and Pippy Amia calva (4) 1967 (Nfld); 14. Threlfall 1968 (Nfld); 15. Anguilla rostrata (8,9) Pippy 1969 (Lab, NB-b, NB, Nfld, NS, Ictalurus melas (4) PET); 16. Threlfall and Hanek 1970c (Nfld- I. nebulosus (5,6) b and/or Nfld); 17. Hicks and Threlfall I. punctatus (2) 1973 (Lab); 18. Hare and Frantsi 1974 (NS); Lepomis gibbosus (5,6,7) 19. Collins and Dechtiar 1974 (Ont); 20. Micropteru.s dolornieui (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) Leong and Holmes 1974a (Alta); 21. Hare M. salmoides (4,6) and Burt 1975a (NB), 22. 1975b (NB), 23. Noturus gyrinus (10) 1976 (NB-b, NB); 24. Arthur et al. 1976 Salvelinus fontinalis (8) (YT); 25. Mudry and Anderson 1977 (Alta, Dist.: NS, Ont, Que BC) Records: 1. Stafford 1904 (Que?)81; 2. Cooper 1915a (Ont); 3. Lyster 1939 (Que); 4. Bang- Crepidostornum illinoiense Faust, 1918 (FW) barn and Hunter 1939 (Ont); 5. Bangham Syn.: Crepidostomum hiodontos Hunter and 1941 (Ont), 6. 1955 (Ont); 7. Bangham and Bangham, 1932 Venard 1946 (Ont); 8. Fantham and Porter Location: intestine 1948 (NS, Que); 9. Dechtiar 1972b (Ont), Host: Hiodon tergisus 10. 1972c (Ont) Dist.: Ont Records: I-Iunter and Bangham 1932; Bang- Crepidostomum farionis (O. F. Müller, 1780) ham and Hunter 1939 Lühe, 1909 (FW) Location: intestine, pyloric caeca, gall bladder Crepidostomum isostomum Hopkins, Hosts: Coregonus clupeaformis (4,17,19,24, 1931 (FW) 25) Syn.: Crepidostomum laureatum of Cooper, Gasterosteus aculeatus (14) 191582 (partim) Lota Iota (8,25) Crepidostomum canadense Hopkins, Oncorhynchus kisutch (8,11,12,20) 1931 0. nerka (8,9,10,19) Location: intestine Perca flavescens (19) Prosopium cylindraceum (1,2,4,24) 82Hopkins (1931) reexamined specimens reported P. ivilliamsoni (8,25) as C. latu•eaun by Cooper (1915a) and described some as C. canadense n.sp. (syn. of C. isostonunm) from Etheostonna nigrum. Hopkins also speculated 81The host from which Stafford (1904) reported that Cooper's material from E. iowae (syn. of E. this species was probably obtained from a Montreal exile) was identical with that from E. nigrum (i.e., fish shop. C. isostonnrun).

65 Hosts: Cottus asper (4) Catostomus commersoni (4) ?Etheostoma exile (1) Hiodon alosoides (7) E. nigrum (1,5) Lepomis gibbosus (1,10) Perca flavescens (3) Lota iota (5) Percina caprodes (6) Notropis cornutus (4) Percopsis omiscomaycus (2,5,6) Salvelinus fontinalis (4) 86 Dist.: BC, Ont, Que Semotilus margarita (3) Records: 1. Cooper 1915a (Ont); 2. Bangham Stizostedion vitreum vitreum (9) and Hunter 1939 (Ont); 3. Lyster 1940a Thymallus arcticus (5) (Que); 4. Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC); Unspecified fishes (6) 5. Bangham 1955 (Ont); 6. Dechtiar 1972c Dist.: BC, Man, Ont, Que (Ont) Records: 1. Cooper 1915a (Ont); 2. Bangbam and Hunter 1939 (Ont); 3. Bangham and Crepidostomum lintoni (Pratt in Linton, 1901) Venard 1946 (Ont); 4. Fantham and Porter Hopkins, 1933 (FW) 1948 (Que); 5. Bangham and Adams 1954 Syn.: Acrodactyla petalosa (Lander in Looss, (BC); 6. Freeman 1964b (Ont); 7. Kennedy 1902) and Sprules 1967 (Man); 8. Anthony 1974 Location: intestine (Ont), 9, 1976 (Ont); 10. Cone and Ander- Host: Acipenser fulvescens son 1977b (Ont) Dist.: Ont, Que Records: Stafford 1904 (Que?) 83 ; Cooper Creptotrema funduli Mueller, 1934 (FW) 1915a (Ont); Lyster 1939 (Que); Bangham Syn.: ?Allocreadium commune of Cooper, and Hunter 1939 (Ont); Bangham 1955 1915 (partim)87 (Ont); Dechtiar 1972e (Ont); Anthony 1974 Location: intestine (Ont) Hosts: Fundulus diaphanus (1,3) Umbra limi (2) Dist.: NS, Ont Crepidostomum metoecus (Braun, 1900) Records: 1. ?Cooper 1915a (Ont); 2. Bang- Braun, 1900 (FW) barn 1955 (Ont); 3. Wiles 1975b (NS) Location: intestine Remarks: Manter (1962) noted that this spe- Hosts: Coregonus clupeaformis cies should not be retained in the genus Cottus cognatus Creptotrenia and that it is an opecoelid Esox lucius related to Plagioporus. Lote Iota Salvelinus namaycush Thymallus arcticus Megalogonia ictaluri Surber, 1928 (FW) Dist.: YT Syn.: Crepidostomum ictaluri (Surber, 1928) Record: Arthur et al. 1976 Location: intestine

Crepidostomuni spp. (FW) 86The report of Crepidostomum sp. from S. fon- Includes: Crepidostonium laureatuni of tinalis by Fantham and Porter (1948) was based on Cooper, 1915 (partim) 84 ova only. Location: intestine, gall bladder 87Cooper (1915a) erroneously reported under the Hosts: A cipenser fulvescens (8) name A llocreadium commune (a syn. of Cubic.- plodinotus grunniens (2)85 creadium c.) trematodes from the intestine or gall bladder of several species of freshwater fishes (Catostomus catostomus, Fundulus diaphanus, No- tropis cornutus, and tentatively from the swimblad- 83The hosts from which Stafford (1904) reported der of "... a minnow, Notropis atherinoides (?)"). this species were probably purchased from a Mon- Cooper's material is believed to have contained a treal fish shop. number of species. Mueller (1934) considered it 84Hopkins (1931) examined specimens reported probable that specimens of C. Muth& were included as Crepidostomum laureatutn by Cooper (1915a). in Cooper's material from Fumlulus diaphanus. Material from Lepomis gibbosus consisted of imma- Mueller (1934) and Dobrovolny (1939) considered ture specimens only, the specific designation of it probable that material from N. cornutus included which was considered to be uncertain. specimens of Plagioporus sinitsini while Hunter and 85The record of Crepidostomum sp. from A. gran- Bangham (1932) considered Cooper's A. commune niens is found only in the host—parasite list of to contain specimens of Lebouria cooped (syn. of Bangham and Hunter (1939). Plagioponts c.).

66 Hosts: Ictalurus melas (2) Phyllodistomum folium (Olfers, 1816) Braun, I. nebulosus (3,4,5) 1899 (FW) I. punctatus (1,2,4) Syn.: Distomum folium Olfers, 1816 Noturus flavus (2) Location: urinary bladder N. miurus (2) Hosts: Esox lucius (2) Dist.: Ont, Que Ictalurus nebulosus (1) Records: 1. Lyster 1939 (Que); 2. Bangham Dist.: Que? and Hunter 1939 (Ont); 3. Bangham 1941 Records: 1. Stafford 1902 (unspecified local- (Ont), 4. 1955 (Ont); 5. Dechtiar 1972c ity), 2. 1904 (Que?) 89 (Ont) Phylloclistomum lachancei Choquette, Neophasis pusilla Stafford, 1904 (M) 1947 (FW) Location: urinary bladder Location: ureters Host: Anarhichas lupus Host: Salvelinus fontinalis Dist.: Atl Dist.: Que Record: Stafford 1904 Records: Choquette 1947, 1948a Remarks: Zhukov (1960) considered N. pu- silla to be a synonym of N. oculata (Levin- Phyllodistomum lacttstri (Loewen, 1929) sen, 1881). Lewis, 1935 (FW) Location: [urinary bladder] Ictalurus punctatus Polylekithum ictaluri (Pearse, 1924) Arnold, Host: 1934 (FW) Dist.: Ont Syn.: Allocreadium ictaluri Pearse, 1924 Record: Dechtiar 1972b Location: intestine Hosts: Ictalurus melas (3) Phyllodistomum limnosa Sandeman and I. nebulosus (1,2,4) Pippy, 1967 (FW) Dist.: Ont, Que Location: ureters, urinary bladder Records: 1. Bangham 1941 (Ont); 2. Bang- Hosts: Coregonus clupeaformis (3) ham and Venard 1946 (Ont); 3. Worley and Salmo salar (1,2) Bangham 1952 (Que); 4. Dechtiar 1972c Salvelinus alpin us (3) (Ont) S. fontinalis (1,3) Dist.: Lab, Nfld Records: 1. Sandeman and Pippy 1967 (Nfld); Allocreadiidae gen. spp. (FW) 2. Pippy 1969 (Nfid); 3. Hicks and Threlfall Location: intestine 1973 (Lab) Hosts: Ericymba buccata (1)88 Salvelinus fontinalis (2,3) Miller, 1940 (FW) Dist.: Lab, Nfld, Ont Phyllodistomum lysteri Records: 1. Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); Location: ureters Catostomus coinmersoni 2. Frost 1940 (Nfld); 3. Hicks and Threlfall Host: 1973 (Lab) Dist.: Ont, Que Records: Miller 1940 (Que); Dechtiar 1972b (Ont), 1972c (Ont); Molnar et al. 1974 (Ont) Family GORGODERIDAE Phyllodistomum staff ordi Pearse, 1924 (FW) Phyllodistomum coregoni Dechtiar, 1966 (FW) Location: ureters Location: ureters and urinary bladder Hosts: Esox masquinongy (1) Host: Coregonus clupeaformis Ictalurus melas (4) Dist.: Alta, Ont 1. nebulosus (2,3,4,5,6) Records: Dechtiar 1966a (Ont), 1972c (Ont); Dist.: BC, Ont, Que Leong and Holmes 1974a (Alta) Records: 1. Lyster 1939 (Que); 2. Bangham 1941 (Ont), 3. 1955 (Ont); 4. Bangham and

88The record of Allocreadiidae from E. buccata 89The host from which Stafford (1904) reported is found only in the parasite—host list of Bangham this species was probably obtained from a Montreal and Hunter (1939). fish.shop.

67 Adanis 1954 (BC); 5. Dechtiar 1972b (Ont), Family LEPOCREADIIDAE 6. 1972c (Ont) Deropristis hispida (Abildgaard in Rudolphi, Phyllodistomuin superbum Stafford, 1904 (FW) 1819) Odluier, 1902 (M) Location: ureters, urinary bladder Location: intestine Hosts: Catostotnus connnersoni (4) Host: A ci penser f ul vescens Esox Ittcius (2,4) Dist.: Qtte?92 E. niger (4) Record: Stafford 1904 Ictaltuzts nebulostts (1,3) Remarks: Ward (1938) considered the record Micropterus dolomieui (4) of D. hispida by Stafford (1904) to be a Perca flavescens (1,5) misidentification. Salvelinus fontinalis (4) Stizostedion canadense (5) Deropristis inflata (Molin, 1859) Odhner, S. vitretnn vin•ettm (5) 1902 (M) Dist.: Ont, Que Location: intestine Records: 1. Stafford 1904 (Que?)90; 2. Lyster I-Iost: Anguilla rosn•ata 1939 (Que); 3. Bangham and Hunter 1939 Dist.: Atl (Ont); 4. Fantham and Porter 1948 (Que); Records: Stafford 1904, 1907 5. Declttiar 1972c (Ont) Homalotnetron m•n2atttm (MacCallum, 1895) Manter, 1947 (FW) Phyllodistomtnn undulans Steen, 1938 (FW) Syn.: Distotntun isoportun var. artnatum Mac- Location: ureters Callum, 1895 Host: Cottus bairdi Anallocreaditun armattan (MacCallum, Dist.: Out 1895) Record: Dechtiar 1972c Anallocreadiunl pearsei Hunter -and Bangham, 1932 Phyllorlistotntun spp. (FW, M) Location: intestine Location: ureters, urinary bladder Hosts: Acipenser fulvescens (1) Hosts: Atnbloplites rupestris (2) A plodinotus grunniens (1,2,3) A plodinotus grunniens (2) Ictalta•us nebtdosus (4) Catostomus catostomtts (3) Lepomis gibbosus (1,4) Coregonus artedii (3) Dist.: Ont, Que Ictalta•us nebtdosus (2) Records: 1. MacCallum 1895 (Ont); 2. Hunter 1. punctatus (1)91 and Bangham 1932 (Ont); 3. Bangliam and Moxostoma erythtz•tttn (2) Hturter 1939 (Ont); 4. Miller 1940 (Que) Al. rnaa•olepidotuan (2) Sebastes catn•inus (4) Honzalometron pallidum Stafford, 1904 (FW) S. diploproa (4) Location: intestine, stomach S. tztberrimus (4) Host: Fundtdtts heteroclitus93 Dist.: Pac, Ont Dist.: Atl, Nfld, NS Records: 1. Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); Records: Stafford 1904 (Atl); Fantham and 2. Dechtiar 1972b (Ont), 3. 1972c (Ont); Porter 1948 (NS); Dickinson and Threlfall 4. Sekerak and Arai 1977 (Pac) 1975 (NHd)

Lepidapedon elangatum (Lebour, 1908) Nicoll, Gorgodericlae gen. sp. (FW) 1910 (M) Location: kidney Location: intestine Host: Salvelinus fontinalis Host: Tautogolabrus adspersus Dist.: Nfld Dist.: Atl Record: Frost 1940 Record: Sekhar S. and Threlfall 1970a

90The hosts from which Stafford (1904) reported 92The host from which Stafford (1904) reported this species were probably obtained from a Montreal this species was probably obtained from a Montreal fish shop. fish shop. 91The record of Phyllodistonumt sp. from this 93Fantham and Porter (1948) considered their host is found only in the host-parasite list of material to be "... provisionally identified as Bangham and Hunter (1939). Hotnalatneh•on pallidum . . ."

68 Lepidapedon microcotyleum (Odhner, 1905) S. elongatus (2,3) Yamaguti, 1958 (M) S. flavidus (3) Syn.: Lepidapedon sp. of Arai, 1967 S. maliger (3) Location: pyloric caeca S. nebulosus (3) Host: Theragra chalcogramma Sebastes sp. (1) Dist.: Pac Syngnathus griseolineatus (2) Records: Arai 1967a, 1969b Dist.: Pac Records: 1. McFarlane 1936; 2. Arai 1969b; Lepidapedon rachion (Cobbold, 1858) Stafford, 3. Sekerak and Arai 1977 1904 (M) Syn.: Distomum rachion Cobbold, 1858 Location: intestine Family Hosts: Melanogrammus aeglefinus (1,2,3) Scophthaltnus aquosus (4) Helicometra sp. (M) Dist.: At! Location: intestine Records: 1. Stafford 1904, 2. 1907; 3. Kui- Host: Sebastes marinus tunen-Ekbaum 1937b; 4. Ronald 1960b Dist.: At! Record: Gaevskaya and Umnova 1977 Neolepidapedon pugetense (Acena, 1947) Yamaguti, 1971 (m) Neohelicometra sebastis Sekerak and Arai, Location: intestine, pyloric caeca 1974 (M) Hosts: Sebastes caurinus Syn.: Flelicometra sp. of Arai, 1969, and of S. nebulosus Sekerak and Arai, 1973 Dist: Pac Location: pyloric caeca, intestine Record: Sekerak and Arai 1977 Hosts: Sebastes aleutianus (3,4) S. alutus (2,3,4) Neolepidapedon sebastisci (Yamaguti, 1938) S. babcocki (3,4) Manter, 1954 (M) S. caurinus (3,4) Location: intestine, pyloric caeca S. diploproa (3,4) Hosts: Sebastes aleutianus S. flavidus (3,4) S. alutus S. helvomaculatus (3,4) S. babcocki S. maliger (1,3,4) S. borealis S. nebulosus (4) S. helvomaculatus S. nigrocinctus (3,4) S. paucispinis S. reedi (3,4) S. pinniger S. ruberrimus (3,4) S. ruberrimus S. variegatus (3,4) S. zacentrus S. zacentrus (3,4) Dist.: Pac Dist.: Pac Record: Sekerak and Arai 1977 Records: 1. Arai 1969 1; 2. Sekerak and Arai 1973, 3. 1974, 4. 1977 Opechona alaskensis Ward and Fillingham, 1934 (m) Plagioporus cooperi (Hunter and Bangham, Location: intestine, pyloric caeca 1932) Price, 1934 (FW) Hosts: Sebastes alutu.s. (1,2) Syn.: Lebouria cooperi Hunter and Ban gham, S. flavidus (2) 1932 S. maliger (2) Allocreadium commune of Cooper, 1915 S. pinniger (2) (partim)94 Dist.: Pac Location: intestine Records: 1. Sekerak and Arai 1973, 2. 1977 Hosts: Ammocrypta pellucida (1) 95 (3) Etheostoma nigrum Opechona occidentalis Montgomery, 1957 (M) Syn.: Pharyngora bacillaris of McFarlane, 94See footnote 87. 1936 95The material from A. pellucida and P. copelandi Location: intestine was considered by Hunter and Bangham (1932) to Hosts: Sebastes alutus (3) be "... identical with or very closely allied ..." to S. caurinus (2) P. cooped.

69 Hybopsis storeri ana (1,2) Hosts: Glyptocephalus cynoglossus Notropis atherinoides (1,2) Hippoglossus hippoglossus N. corn ut us (3) Limanda ferruginea N. emiliae (2) Pseudo pleuronectes americanus N. hudsonius (1,2,3) Dist.: Atl N. spilopterus (1,2) Record: Ronald 1960b N. stramineus (1,2)96 Remarks: Manter (1954) considered P. varius N. volucellus (1,2) to be a synonym of P. alacer (Looss, 1901). Percina copelandi (1)95 Pitnephales notants (2)96 Plagioporus sp. (FW) Rhinichthys cataractae (1,2) Syn.: Lebouria sp. Dist.: Ont Location: intestine Records: 1. Hunter and Bangham 1932; 2. Hosts: Ammocrypta pellucida Bangham and Hunter 1939; 3. Bangham Etheostoma exile 1955 Percina copelandi Dist.: Ont Record: Bangham and Hunter 1939 Plagioporus serotinus Stafford, 1904 (FW) Location: intestine Podocotyle abitionis McFarlane, 1936 (M) Hosts: Catostomus coininersoni (2) Location: intestine Maxostoma inacrolepidotum (1,2) Host: Sebastes sp. Dist.: Que Dist.: Pac Records: 1. Stafford 190497; 2. Miller 1940 Record: McFarlane 1936

Podocotyle atomon (Rudolphi, 1802) Odhner, Plagioporus serra tus Miller, 1940 (FW) 1905 (M) Location: gall bladder Syn.: Distomutn simplex of Stafford, 1907 Host: Hiodon tergisus (partim) Dist.: Que Sinistroporus simplex of Stafford, 1904 Record: Miller 1940 (partim) Podocotyle sp. of Arai, 1967 (partim) Plagioporus sinitsini Mueller, 1934 (FW) Location: intestine, pyloric caeca, stomach Hosts: Anguilla rostrata (11) Syn.: ?Allocreadium commune of Cooper A peltes quadracus (10) 1915 (partim)98 Aulorhynchus flavidus (7,8) Location: intestine, gall bladder Gaclus morhua (4) Hosts: Catostomus catostomus (2) Gasterosteus aculeatus (9,12,17) C. commersoni (3,4) G. wheatlandi (13) Nocomis biguttatus (2) Hexagrammos stelleri (3) Notropis corn utus (1,4) Hippoglossoides platessoides (6,18) Pitnephales promelas (4) Hippoglossus hippoglossus (6) Dist.: Ont Leptocottus armants (3,8) Records: 1. ?Cooper 1915a; 2. Bangham 1955; Limanda ferruginea (6,19) 3. Dechtiar 1972c; 4. Molnar et al. 1974 Liopsetta putnami (6) Myoxocephalus quadricornis (15) Plagioporus pari us (Nicoll, 1910) Price, M. scorpius (1,2,4)99 Platichthys stellatus (7,8) 1934 (M ) Location: intestine, pyloric caeca Pseudoplettronectes americanus (4,6,20) Plingitius pungitius (17) 96The records of P. cooperi from the indicated Raja ocellata (5)100 hosts are found only in the host—parasite list of Bangham and Hunter (1939). 99Material from the indicated hosts from the col- 97The host from which Stafford (1904) reported lection of J. Stafford was identified as P. atomon by this species was probably obtained from a Montreal Miller (1941a). fish shop. toomyers (1959) considered P. atomon to be a 985ee footnote 87. "pseudoparasite" of R. ocellata.

70 Salvelinus fontinalis (16) Podocotyle olssoni Odhner, 1905 (M) Scomber scombrus (1,2)99 Location: intestine, caeca Sebastes marinus (1,2,21)99 Hosts: Limanda ferruginea (2) Syngnathus griseolineatus (3) Microgadus tomcod (1) Tautogolabrus adspersus (14) Dist.: Atl Xiphister atropurpureus (3) Records: 1. Heller 1949; 2. Ronald 1960b Dist.: Atl, Pac, Lab-b, Lab, Nfld-b, Nfld, Que-b, Que Podocotyle pedunculata Park, 1937 (M) Records: 1. Stafford 1904 (Atl), 2. 1907 (AtI); Syn.: Neopodocotyloides pedunculata (Park, 3. McFarlane 1936 (Pac); 4. Heller 1949 1937) (Atl); 5. Myers 1959 (Atl); 6. Ronald 1960b Podocotyle sp. of Arai, 1967 (partim) (Atl); 7. Arai 1967a (Pac), 8. 1969b (Pac); Location: intestine 9. Hanek and Threlfall 1969b (Nfld-b), 10. Host: Pholis ornata 1970b (Nf1d-b), 11. 1970c (Lab, Nfld-b), Dist.: Pac 12. 1970e (Atl, Lab-b, Lab, Nfld-b, NHd), 13. Records: Arai 1967a, 1969b 1971 (Nfld-b); 14. Sekhar S. and Threlfall Remarks: Pritchard (1966) transferred this 1970a (Atl); 15. Threlfall and Hanek 1971 species to Neopodocotyloides. Nahhas and (Lab-b); 16. Hicks and Threlfall 1973 (Lab); Krupin (1977) regarded P. pedunculata as 17. Hanek and Molnar 1974 (Que-b, Que); a synonym of P. californica Park, 1937. 18. Scott 1975a (Atl), 19. 1975c (Atl), 20. 1976 (Atl); 21. Gaevskaya and Umnova Podocotyle reflexa (Creplin, 1825) Odhner, 1977 (Atl) 1905 (M) Syn.: Sinistroporus productus Stafford, 1904 Podocotyle blennicottusi Park, 1937 (M) Sinistroporus simplex of Stafford, 1904 Syn.: Podocotyle sp. of Arai, 1967 (partim) (partim) Location: intestine Location: intestine Host: Triglops pingeli Hosts: Hemitripterus americanus (1)101 Dist.: Pac Leptocottus armatus (2) Records: Arai 1967a, 1969b Microgad us tom cod (3) Remarks: Nahhas and Krupin (1977) re- Syngnathus griseolineatus (2) garded P. blennicottusi as a synonym of P. Tautogolabrus adspersus (4) endophrysi Park, 1937. Urophycis tenuis (1)101 Dist.: Atl, Pac Podocotyle boleosomi (Pearse, 1924) Yamaguti, Records: 1. Stafford 1904 (Atl); 2. McFarlane 1971 (M) 1936 (Pac); 3. Heller 1949 (Atl); 4. Sekhar Syn.: Allocreadium boleosomi Pearse, 1924 S. and Threlfall 1970a (Atl) Location: digestive tract Host: Percina caprodes Podocotyle simplex (Rudolphi, 1809) Stafford, Dist.: Ont 1904 (M) Record: Bangham and Hunter 1939 Syn.: Distomum simplex Rudolphi, 1809 Sinistroporus simplex (Rudolphi, 1809) Podocotyle endophrysi Park, 1937 (M) Location: intestine Location: intestine, pyloric caeca Hosts: Gasterosteus aculeatus (1,2)102 Hosts: Myoxocephalus polyacanthocephalus Hemitripterus americanus (1)103 Syngnathus griseolineatus Myoxocephalus scorpius (1,2)I04 Dist.: Pac material from the Record: Arai 1969b 10IMiller (1941a) identified indicated hosts from the collection of J. Stafford as P. reflexa. (Dobrovolny, 1939) Podocotyle lepomis 102Material from G. aculeatus from the collection Yamaguti, 1954 (FW) of J. Stafford was identified as Podocotyle stafJordi Syn.: Plagioporus lepomis Dobrovolny, 1939 by Miller (1941a). Location: intestine toaMaterial from H. americanus from the collec- Host: Petromyzon marinus tion of J. Stafford was identified as Podocotyle Dist.: Ont reflexa by Miller (1941a). Record: Wilson and Ronald 1967 704Material from M. scorpius, S. scombrus, and Remarks: Pritchard ( 1966) transferred this S. rnarinus from the collection of J. Stafford was species to her new genus Allopodocotyle. identified as Podocotyle alomon by Miller (1941a).

71 Pholis gunnellus (3) S. brevispinis (4) Pseudopleuronectes am encan (3) S. diploproa (4) Sohn° solar (1,2) S. elongatus (4) Scomber scombrus (1,2) 104 S. flavidus (4) Sebastes marinus (1 ,2) 104 S. goodei (4) Urophycis chuss (1,2) S. helvomaculatus (4) Dist.: At! S. maliger (4) Records: 1. Stafford 1904, 2. 1907; 3. Cooper S. paucispinis (4) 1915a S. pinniger (4) S. proriger (4) S. reedi (4) Podocotyle sinusacca Ching, 1960 (M) S. ruberrimus (4) Syn.: Neopodocotyloides sin usaccus S. variegatus (4) (Ching, 1960) S. ivi/soni (4) Podocotyle sp. of Arai, 1967 (partim) S. zacentrus (4) Location: intestine Syngnathus griseolineatus (I) 105 Hosts: Blepsias cirrhosus (1,2) Dist.: Pae Gasterosteus aculeatus (1,2) Records: 1. Arai 1967a, 2. 1969b; 3. Sekerak Hemilepidotus hemilepiclotus (1,2) and Arai 1973, 4. 1977 Hexagrammos stelleri (1,2) Leptocottus armatus (1,2) Parophrys veto/us (1,2) Allocreadioidea gen. sp. Sebastes maliger (1,2) Location: [intestine] Syngnathus griseolineatus (1,2) Host: Oncorhynchus gorbuscha Theragra chalcogramma (1,2) Dist.: BC-b Dist.: Pac Record: Margolis 1957 Records: 1. Arai 1967a, 2. 1969b Remarks: Pritchard (1966) transferred this species to Neopodocotyloides. ORDER OPISTHORCHIIDA SUBORDER OPISTHORCHIATA Podocotyle stafforcli Miller, 1941 (M) Superfamily OPISTHORCHIOIDEA Syn.: Sinistroporus simplex of Stafford, 1904 (partim) Family Distomum shnplex of Stafford, 1907 (partim) Acetodextra amiuri (Stafford, 1900) Pearse, Location: intestine 1924 (FW) Host: Gasterosteus aculeatus Syn.: llionostomum amiuri Stafford, 1900 Dist.: Atl Location: gonads Record: Miller 1941a Hosts: Ictalurus nebulosus (1,2,4,5) Remarks: Miller (1941a) described this spe- I. punctatus (3) cies from specimens contained in the col- Noturus flavus (6) lection of J. Stafford. Heller (1949) and N. gyrinus (3)106 Pritchard (1966) regarded this species as Dist.: Ont, Que a synonym of P. al0177011. Records: 1. Stafford 1900 (unspecified local- ity), 2. 1904 (Que?)107; 3. Bangham and

Podocotyle spp. (M ) Location: intestine, pyloric caeca 105 Material reported by Arai (1967a) as Podoco- Hosts: A gon us acipenserinus (1,2) tyle SI). from S. griseolineatus was included in col- lections that were later identified as Neopodocoty- A prodon cortezianus (1,2) loides sinusaccus (Ching, 1960) and P. endophrysi Blepsias cirrhosus (1,2) Park, 1937 by Arai (1969b). HexagramMos lagocephalus (1) m6Record of A. anduri from N. gyrinus (as H. stelleri (1,2) Schilbeodes g.) is found only in the host—parasite list Pholis laeta (1,2) of Bangham and Hunter (1939). Sebastes aleutianus (4) 107The host from which Stafford (1904) reported S. alutus (1,2,3,4) this species was probably obtained from a Montreal S. babcocki (4) fish shop.

72 Hunter 1939 (Ont); 4. Lyster 1939 (Que); S. vitreum glaucum (5) 5. Bangham 1955 (Ont); 6. Dechtiar 1972b S. vitreum vitreum (1,2,4,5,10,11,12) (Ont) Dist.: Man, Ont, Que Records: 1. MacCallum 1895 (Ont); 2. Staf- Allacanthochasmus artus Mueller and Van ford 1904 (Que?)108; 3. Cooper 1915a (Ont); Cleave, 1932 (FW) 4. Lyster 1939 (Que); 5. Bangham and Location: [intestine] Hunter 1939 (Ont); 6. Bangham 1955 (Ont); Host: Morone chrysops 7. Crossman 1962 (Ont); 8. Dechtiar 1972b Dist.: Ont (Ont), 9. 1972c (Ont); 10. Anthony 1976 Record: Bangham 1955 (Ont); 11. Stewart-Hay (1951 MS) cited in Lubinsky 1976 (Man); 12. Dickson (1964 Allacanthochasmus varius Van Cleave, 1922 MS) cited in Lubinsky 1976 (Man) (metacercaria) (FW) Cryptogonimus chili Osborn, 1903 Location: mesenteries (metacercaria) (FW) Host: Labidesthes sicculus Location: musculature Dist.: Ont Hosts: A mbloplites rupestris Record: Bangham and Hunter 1939 Micropterus dolomieui Notropis hudsonius Allacanthochasmus varius Van Cleave, 1922 Sunfish [Lepomisgibbosus?]109 (adult) (FW) Dist.: Ont Location: digestive tract Record: Cooper 1915a Host: Morone chrysops Dist.: Ont Cryptogonimus chili Osborn, 1903 (adult) (FW) Records: Bangham and Hunter 1939; Bang- Location: intestine, pyloric caeca, stomach ham 1955 Hosts: Ambloplites rupestris (1,2,3,4,6,7) Micropterus dolomieui (2,3,4,5,6) Caecincola parvulus Marshall and Gilbert, M. salmoides (3) 1905 (F W ) Perca flavescens (3) Location: intestine Dist.: Ont, Que Hosts: Micropterus dolomieui (2) Records: 1. Stafford 1905 (unspecified local- M. salmoides (1) ity); 2. Cooper 1915a (Ont); 3. Bangham Dist.: Ont and Hunter 1939 (Ont); 4. Miller 1940 Records: 1. Bangham 1955; 2. Dechtiar 1972c (Que); 5. Fantham and Porter 1948 (Que); 6. Bangham 1955 (Ont); 7. Dechtiar 1972c Centrovariurn lobotes (MacCallum, 1885) (Ont) Stafford, 1904 (metacercaria) (FW) Location: [musculature] Cryptogonimus diaphanus (Stafford, 1904) Hosts: Notropis hudsonius (2) Miller, 1941 (FW) N. volucellus (1) Syn.: Protenteron diaphanum Stafford, 1904 Pirnephales notatus (1) Location: intestine Dist.: Ont I-lost: A mbloplitesrupestris Records: 1. Bangham 1955; 2. Dechtiar 1972b Dist.: Que? Record: Stafford 1904110 Remarks: Because this species was insuffi- Centrovaricun lobotes (MacCallum, 1895) ciently described, Yamaguti (1971) sug- Stafford, 1904 (adult) (FW) gested it should be suppressed. Perhaps it Syn.: Distomum lobotes MacCallum, 1895 is a synonym of C. chili. Location: intestine, pyloric caeca Hosts: Ambloplites rupestris (3,4) J08The hosts from which Stafford (1904) reported A nguilla rostrata (1) this species were probably obtained from a Montreal Esox americanus vermiculatus (5,7) fish shop. E. lucius (2,4,8) 109Record for "sunfish" is found on p. 200 in Ictalurus nebulosus (4,6) Cooper (1915a) and may be in reference to M. Micropterus dolomieui (5) dolomieui. Perca flavescens (1,9) I 10The host from which Stafford (1904) reported Percopsis omiscomaycus (5) this species was probably obtained from a Montreal Stizostedion canadense (5,6,9) fish shop.


Aletadena sp. (m) Host: Salvelinus fontinalis Location: intestine Dist.: NB, NS, Ont, Que Host: Tautogolabrus ads persus Records: Lyster 1940a (Que), 1940b (Que); Dist.: At! Miller 1941b (Que); Cameron 1945 (un- Record: Sekhar S. and Threlfall 1970a specified locality); Sinclair 1972 (Ont, Que); Hare and Frantsi 1974 (NB, NS) Neochasmus umbellus Van Cleave and Remarks: A po phallus imperator was consid- Mueller, 1932 (FW) ered to be specific to S. fontinalis by Sinclair Location: intestine (1972), who referred the records of A. Host: Micropterus dolomieui brevis by Miller (1941b) and Cameron Dist.: Ont (1945) to this species. Material referred to Records: Bangham and Hunter 1939; Dech- as "black spot" from S. fontinalis by Cho- tiar 1972e quette (1948a) is probably also referable to this species.

Family A pophallus venus! us .(Ransom, 1920) Cameron, 1936 (metacercaria) (FW) A pophallus bre vis Ransom, 1920 Location: musculature (metacercaria) (FW) Hosts: Amia calva (3,4) Syn.: A pophallus itascensis Warren, 1953 Catostomus commersoni (2,4) Distomum sp. of Cooper, 1915111 Cyprinus carpio (2,4) Location: skin, fins, gills, musculature Esox lucius (2,4) Hosts: Etheostoma exile (5) ■ Ictalurus nebulosus (2,4) E. nigrum (5) I. punctatus (3,4) Gasterosteus aculea tus (7) Lepisosteus osseus (2,4) Lepomis gibbosus (8) Lepotnis gibbosus (2,4) Perca flavescens (1,4,5,6) Micropterus dolotnieui (2,4) Salmo salar (2 ,3)112 Morone americana (6) S. trutta (2) Moxostoma macrolepidotum (4) Salvelbws tontines (2) Notropis cornu tus (2,4) Dist.: 'Lab, NB-b, NB, Nfld, Ont, Que Perca flavescens (2,4,5,7) Records: 1. Cooper 1915a (Ont); 2. Sandeman Stizostection vitreum vitreum (2,4) and Pippy 1967 (NIId); 3. Pippy 1969 (Lab, Unspecified fishes (1) NB-b, NB, Nfld); 4. Dechtiar 1972b (Ont), Dist.: Ont, Que 5. 1972c (Ont); 6. Sinclair 1972 (Ont); 7. Records: 1. Cameron 1936 (Que), 2. 1937a Hanek and Molnar 1974 (Que); 8. Cone (Que), 3. 1937b (Que), 4. 1945 (tmspecified and Anderson 1977b (Ont) locality); 5. Tedla and Fernando 1969a Remarks: According to Sinclair (1972) A. (Ont), 6. 1969e (Ont), 7. 1972 (Ont) brevis is specific to P. flavescens. Miller's (1941b) and Cameron's (1945) records of A po phall us sp. metacercaria (FW) A. brevis are discussed tmder A. imperator Location: skin Lyster, 1940. Hosts: Salvelinus fontinalis S. namaycush A pophallus itnperator Lyster, 1940 Dist.: Ont (meta.cercaria) (FW) Record: Bangham and Venard 1946 Syn.: A pophallus brevis of Miller, 1941 and of Cameron, 1945 lingua (Creplin, 1825) Apophallus sp. of Lyster, 1940 Fischoeder, 1903 (metacercaria) (M) Location: skin, fins Syn.: Tocotrema lingua (Creplin, 1825) Dermocystis ctenolabri Stafford, 1905 Location: skin, gills 111 Cooper's (1915a) report of Distonnun sp. larva was referred to A. brevis by Sinclair (1972). Hosts: Clupea harengus harengus (6) ti2Pippy (1969), in his text (p, 36), listed this Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (5) material as Apophallus sp. and noted "Most speci- Hemitripterus atnericanus (2) mens probably belong to the species Apophallus Hippoglossoides platessoides (5) brevis . . ." In his table 1 and 2 the same material Hippoglossus hippoglossus (5) is referred to A. brevis. Limanda ferruginea (5)

74 Liopsetta putnami (5) Dist.: Man Pseudopleuronectes americanus (3,5) Records: 1. Parnell 1934 (unspecified local- Scophthalmus aquosus (5) ity); 2. Evans 1963 (Man) Tautogolabrus adspersus (1,7) Unspecified (4) Metorchis conjunctus (Cobbold, 1860) Looss, Dist.: At! 1899 (metacercaria) (FW) Records: 1. Stafford 1905; 2. Cooper 1915a; Location: musculature 3. Wolfgang 1954b, 4. 1955a; 5 , Ronald Hosts: Catostomus catostomus (3) 1960b; 6. Sindermann 1965; 7. Sekhar S. Catostomus coinmersoni (1,2,4) and Threlfall 1970b Perca flavescens (4) Dist.: Man, Que, Sask Records: 1. Cameron 1944 (Que), 2. 1945 (un- Galactosomum sp. metacercaria (m ) Location: gill arches specified locality); 3. Rawson 1960 (Sask); Hosts: Ammodytes hexapterus (1,2) 4. Evans (1963 MS) cited in Lubinsky 1976 Cymatogaster aggregata (1,2) (Man) Hexagrammos lagocephalus (1,2) Oncorhynchus keta (1,2) Parametorchis complexus (Stiles and Hassall, Dist.: Pac 1894) Skrjabin, 1913 (metacercaria) (FW) Records: 1. Arai 1967a, 2. 1969b Location: not specified Host: Unspecified fishes Dist.: Prairie provinces sp. [metacercarial (FW) Heterophyes Record: Parnell 1934 Location: not specified Host: Hiodon alosoides Man Dist.: SUBORDER ACANTHOCOLPIATA Record: Kennedy and Sprules 1967 Remarks: This record presumably is based -Superfamily ACANTHOCOLPIOIDEA on a misidentification because adults of the genus Heterophyes are not known to Family occur in North America. Dihemistephanus fragilis (Linton, 1900) Heterophyidae gen. spp. metacercaria (FW) Yamaguti, 1971 (M) Location: skin, gills, musculature Syn.: Distomum fragile Linton, 1900 Hosts: Cottus cognatus (2) Stenocollum fragile (Linton, 1900) Lepomis gibbosus (3) Location: intestine, pyloric caeca Salvelinus fontinalis (1) Hosts: Gadus morhua (3)113 Dist.: Ont, Nfld, YT Mola mola (1,2,4) Records: 1. Frost 1940 (Nfld); 2. Arthur et Dist.: Atl al. 1976 (YT); 3. Cone and Anderson 1977b Records: 1. Stafford 1904, 2. 1907; 3. Cooper (Ont) 1915a; 4. Threlfall 1967

Skrjabinopsolus manteri (Cable, 1952) Cable, Family 1955 (FW) Location: digestive tract A mphimerus elongatus Gower, 1938 Host: Acipenser fulvescens (metacercaria) (FW) Dist.: Ont Location: musculature, fins Record: Anthony 1974 Host: Catostomus commersoni Dist.: Que Stephanostomum baccatum (Nicoll, 1907) Record: Cameron 1944 Manter, 1934 (metacercaria) (M) Syn.: Stephanochasmus histrix of Stafford, 1904, 1907 Amphimerus pseudofelineus (Ward, 1901) Includes: Unidentified metacercaria of Hunts- Barker, 1911 (metacercaria) (FW) man, 1918 Syn.: Opisthorchis pseudofelineus Ward, 1901 Location: musculature Hosts: Catostomus commersoni (2) 113The record of Cooper (1915a) from this host Unspecified fishes (1) is based on a tentative parasite identification.

75 Location: skin, fins, gills, musculature S. maliger (4) Hosts: Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (4,7) Sebastes sp. (1,2) Hemitripterits americanus (5,6) 114 Dist.: Pac Hippoglossoides platessoides (3,4, Records: 1. McFarlane 1934, 2. 1936; 3. Arai 6,7) 115 1969b; 4. Sekerak and Arai 1977 Hippoglossus hippoglossus (7) Limanda ferruginea (4,7) Stephanostomum dentatum (Linton, 1900) Liopsetta putnami (4,7) Linton, 1940 (M) Lophius atnericanus (1 )114 Syn.: Stephanostomum sp. of Arai, 1967 Pseudopleuronectes americanus (partim) (1,2,4,5,7) Location: intestine Scophthalmus aquosus (4) Hosts: Dasycottus setiger (1,2) Unspecified fishes (6) Sebastes babcocki (3) Dist.: Atl S. borealis (3) Records: 1. Stafford 1904, 2. 1907; 3. Hunts- Dist.: Pac man 1918b; 4. Wolfgang 1954a, 5. 1954b, Records: 1. Arai 1967a, 2. 1969b; 3. Sekerak 6. 1955a; 7. Ronald 1960b and Arai 1977

Stephanostomum baccatum (Nicoll, 1907) Stephanostomum tristephantun McFarlane, Manter, 1934 (adult) (M) 1936 (M) Syn.: Stephanochasmus sobrinus of Stafford, Syn.: Stephanostomum sp. of Arai, 1967 1904, 1907 (partim) Location: pyloric caeca, intestine Location: intestine Hosts: Cryptacanthodes maculatus (1,2) Host: Ophiodon elongatus Hemitripterus americanus (1,2,3,4) Dist.: Pac Hippoglossus hippoglossus (3,5) Records: McFarlane 1936; Arai 1967a, 1969b Liman(la ferruginea (5) Lycodes sp. (1,2) Myoxocephalus scorpius (3) Species of Uncertain Position Pseudopleuronectes americanus (5) Unspecified (4) Dist.: Atl Leptosoma obscurum Stafford, 1904 species Records: I. Stafford 1904, 2. 1907; 3. Wolf- inquirenda (M) gang 1954b, 4. 1955b; 5. Ronald 1960b Location: intestine Remarks: Miller (1941a) identified material Host: Lophius atnericanus from the collection of J. Stafford from H. Dist.: Atl atnericanus, C. maculatus, and Lycodes sp. Record: Stafford 1904 as Stephanostomum sp. Wolfgang (1955a) Remarks: This generic name is preempted. reexamined the above material, correcting The species may belong to Lecithaster. the identification to S. baccatum. Digenea gen. spp. metacercariae (FW, M) Stephanostomum californicum Manter and Includes: Cercaria sp.? of Cooper, 1915 Van Cleave, 1951 (M) Distomum sp.auct. Syn.: Stephanostomum casum of McFarlane, Location: skin, fins, eyes, viscera, muscula- 1934, 1936 and Ami, 1969 ture Location: intestine Hosts: Ambloplites rupestris (7) Hosts: Artedius harringtoni (3) Chrosomus eos (9) Sebastes caurinus (3,4) Esox litchis (7) Fundulus heteroclitus (13) Gasterosteus aculeatus (12) 1 14The records of Stafford (1904) for L. amen- Ictalurus nebulosus (2) canas (as L. piscatorius) and of Wolfgang (1954b) for H. anzericanus are for metacercariae found free Lepomis sp. (7) in the lumen of the host's digestive tract. Lophius americanus (3) 115Material reported as "... minute encapsulated Micro pterus sp. (7) distomes ..." by Huntsman (1918b) from H. plates- Salmo gairdneri (14) soides was referred to S. baccatum by Wolfgang S. salar (7) (1954b). Salvelinus alpinus (7)

76 S. fontinalis (6,10,14)115,117 Culaea inconstans (3) Stizostedion vitreum vitreum (7) Funclulus diaphanus (6) Tautogolabrus adspersus (1,3, F. heteroclitus (1) 4,5)118,119 Hemitripterus americanus (1) Unspecified minnow (4) Hippoglossu.s hippoglossus (1) Unspecified trout (8)120 Lepomis gibbosus (6)122 Unspecified fishes ( 11)118 Leptocottus armatus (13) Dist.: Atl, Pac and/or BC, Alta, NB, Nfld, Leuroglossus stilbius schmidti (10) Ont, Que, Sask Lophius american us (1) Records: 1. Ryder 1884 (At]); 2. Stafford 1900 Mallotus villosus (5) (unspecified locality), 3. 1907 (Atl); 4. Morone chrysops (6) Cooper 1915a (Ati, Ont); 5. Johansen 1925 Notropis atherinoides (2)123 (Atl); 6. Ricker 1932 (Ont); 7. Parnell 1934 Oncorhynchus keta (11) (Que); 8. Lyster 1940b (NB); 9. Bangham 0. nerka (8) 1941 (Ont); 10. MacLulich 1943b (Ont); 0. tshawytscha (12) 11. Wheaton and Hazen 1951 (Sask); 12. Osmerus mordax (5) Lester 1975 (Pac and/or BC); 13. Dicken- Salvelinus fontinalis (3,4) son and Threlfall 1975 (Nfld); 14. Mudry Sebastes alutus (15) and Anderson 1977 (Alta)121 S. caurinus (13) Remarks: Material reported as Distomum S. elongatus (13) sp.larv. by Cooper (1915a) was referred to Tautogolabrus adspersus (14) Apophallus brevis (Ransom, 1920) by Sin- Thaleichthys pacificus (9,10) clair (1972). Material reported as ". . . mi- Dist.: Atl, Pac, BC, Ont, Que-b nute encapsulated distomes . . ." from the Records: 1. Stafford 1907 (At]); 2. Cooper musculature of Hippoglossoides platessoides 1915a (Ont); 3. Ricker 1932 (Ont);. 4. by Huntsman (1918b) was referred to Ste- Richardson 1935 (Que); 5. Pigeon and Val- phanostomum baccatum (Nicoll, 1907) by 16c 1937 (Que-b); 6. Bangham and Hunter Wolfgang (1954b). 1939 (Ont); 7. Welch 1952 (Ont); 8. Mar- golis 1956b (BC); 9. Barraclough 1967b Digenea gen. spp. (FW, M) (Pac); 10. Barraclough and Fulton 1967 Includes: Trematoda gen. sp. (Pac); 11. Robinson et al. 1968b (Pac); 12. Distomum sp.auct. Godfrey 1968 (Pac); 13. Arai 1969b (Pac); Location: intestine, caeca, stomach, urinary 14. Sekhar S. and Threlfall 1970a (Atl); 15. bladder, swim bladder Sekerak and Arai 1973 (Pac) I-Iosts: Anarhichas lupus (1) Remarks: Material reported as unidentified Clctpea harengus pallasi (9,10) trematodes from Oncorhynchus nerka by Coregonus clupeaformis (6,7)122 Margolis (1957) was subsequently assigned to Tubulovesicula lindbergi (Margolis un- 116This parasite was reported as ". . . probably published data). metacercarial roundworms of the family Strigeidae" by Ricker (1932). S. fontinalis by 117The material recorded from CLASS CESTOIDEA MacLulich (1943b) was noted to be ". .. a larval fluke, probably Apophcrllus..." SUBCLASS CESTODARIA 118The records of Ryder (1884) for T. adsper.srrs and of Wheaton and Hazen (1951) for unspecified ORDER GYROCOTYLIDEA fishes involved tentative parasite identifications. 119The record of Cooper (1915a) for T. adspersus Family GYROCOTYLIDAE was considered to be probably Tocotrema lingua (syn. of Cryptocotyle lingua). Gyrocotyle abyssicola Land and Templeman, 120This report was for cysts considered by Lyster 1968 (M) (1940b) to be similar to Apophallus irnpercuor. Location: intestine 121The records of Mudry and Anderson (1977) Host: Hydrolagus affinis are for "unidentified metacercaria resembling Tetra- Dist.: Ad cotyle sp. . . .,, 122The records of unidentified trematodes from 123The record of Cooper (1915a) for N. atheri- C. clupeaformi.s and L. gibbosus (as Eupomotis g.) noides was a tentative host identification (as ". .. by Bangham and Hunter (1939) are given only in Notropis atherinoicles (?) ..."). The parasite was their host-parasite list. noted to resemble Allocreadium comnaune.

77 Record: Land and Templeman 1968 Location: intestine Host: Catostomus commersoni Gyrocotyle fimbriata Watson, 1911 (M) Dist.: Ont Syn.: Gyrocotyle urna of Wardle, 1932 Record: Molnar et al. 1974 (partim) Location: intestine Biacetabulum infrequens Hunter, 1927 (FW) Host: Hydrolagus colliei Location: intestine Dist.: Pac Host: Moxostoma anisurum Record: Wardle 1932a Dist.: Ont , Record: Dechtiar 1972e Gyrocotyle major Land and Templeman, Biacetabulum sp. (FW) 1968 (1\4 ) Location: intestine Location: intestine Host: Hydrolagus affinis Host: Pimephales promelas Dist.: Atl Dist.: Ont Record: Land and TempLeman 1968 Record: Dechtiar 1972e Glaridacris catostomi (FW) Gyrocotyle parvispinosa Lynch, 1945 (M) Cooper, 1920 Syn.: Gyrocotyle urna of Wardle, 1932 Syn.: Caryophyllaeus terebrans of Ban gham (partim) and Adams, 1954 (partim) Location: intestine Glaridacris laruei of Bangham and Host: Hydrolagus colliei Venard, 1946 Dist.: Pac Location: intestine Record: Wardle 1932a Hosts: Catostomus catostomus (1,3,5,6,7,8,9, 12,13) C. coinmersoni (2,3,4,11,14) SUBCLASS CESTODA C. macrocheilus (8) Catostomus sp. (10) ORDER CARYOPHYLLIDEA Dist.: Alta, BC, Man, NWT, Ont, Que, Sask, YT Family CAPINGENTIDAE Records: 1. Wardle 1932b (Ont, Sask) 124; 2. Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); 3. Bang- Edlintonia ptychocheila Mackiewicz, 1970 (FW) ham 1941 (Ont), 4. 1955 (Ont); 5. Bangham Syn.: Caryophyllaeus terebrans of Bangham and Venard. 1946 (Ont) 125 ; 6. Rawson and and Adams, 1954 (partim) Elsey 1950 (Alta); 7. Rawson 1951 (NWT); Location: intestine 8. Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC) 126; 9. Host: Mylocheilus caurinus Dist.: BC 124Mackiewicz and McCrae (1962) redetermined Record: Mackiewicz 1970 some of Wardle's (1932b) G. catostomi as Hunter- ella nodnlosa but did not provide collection locali- Remarks: Mackiewicz (1970) reidentified ties. specimens reported as Caryophyllaeus tere- 125 IvIaterial reported as G. laruei from C. cams- brans from M. caurinus by Bangham and tonuts by Bangham and Venard (1946) was redeter- Adams (1954) as E. ptychocheila. mined as G. catostomi by Mackiewicz (1965). 126Part of the material reported as Caryophyl- Spartoides wardi Hunter, 1929 (FW) laeus terebrans from C. catostomus by Bangham Location: [intestine] and Adams (1954) was redetermined as G. catostomi Hosts: Carpiodes cyprinus (1,2) by Mackiewicz (1965). Material reported as G. Notropis hudsonius (2) catostomi from C. commersoni by these authors Dist.: Man, Ont was referred to Monobothrium hunteri by Mackie- Records: 1. Dechtiar 1972b (Ont); 2. Stewart- wicz (1963). Mackiewicz and McCrae (1962) listed Hunterella nodulosa from the collection of R. Hay (1951a MS) cited in Lubinsky 1976 Bangham from C. macrocheilus from Else Lake (Man) [sic], British Columbia. This material was probably reported as either G. catostomi or Caryophyllaeus terebrans from LakeIse Lake by Bangham and Family CARYOPHYLLAEIDAE Adams (1954). Material reported as G. catostotni or G. terebrans (as Caryophyllaeus t.) by Bangham Biacetabulum biloculoides Mackiewicz and and Adams (1954) was assigned to G. vogei n.sp. McCrae, 1965 (FW) by Mackiewicz (1976).

78 Mackiewicz 1965 (NWT, Sask), 10. 1976 Else Lake [sic], B.C. This is likely from (Alta); 11. Dechtiar 1972c (Ont); 12. Hanek material reported as either Caryophyllaeus and Molnar 1974 (Que); 13. Arthur et al. terebrans or G. catostomi from Lakelse 1976 (YT); 14. Stewart-Hay (1953 MS) cited Lake by Bangham and Adams (1954). in Lubinsky 1976 (Man) Mackiewicz (1976) determined as Glari- dacris vogei material from Catostomus Glaridacris confusus Hunter, 1929 (FW) macrocheilus which was reported as either Location: intestine G. terebrans (as Caryophyllaeus t.) or G. Hosts: Carpiodes cyprinus (3) catostomi by Bangham and Adams (1954). Catostomus commersoni (1,2) Dist.: Ont, Que Glaridacris vogei Mackiewicz, 1976 (FW) Records: 1. Bangham 1941 (Ont); 2. Richard- Location: intestine son. 1942 (Que); 3. Dechtiar 1972c (Ont) Host: Catostomus macrocheilus Dist.: BC Glaridacris laruei (Lamont, 1921) Hunter, Record: Mackiewicz 1976 1927 (FW) Remarks: Material from the collection of Syn.: Glaridacris intermedius Lyster, 1940 Bangham and Adams (1954) and considered Location: intestine to have been determined as G. catostomi or Host: Catostomus commersoni Caryophyllaeus terebrans by these authors Dist.: Ont, Que was assigned to G. vogei by Mackiewicz Records: Lyster 1940a (Que); Dechtiar 1972c (1976). (Ont); Molnar et al. 1974 (Ont) Remarks: Material reported as G. laruei from Glaridacris sp. (FW) C. commersoni by Bangham and Venard Location: intestine (1946) was redetermined as Glaridacris Host: Catostomus commersoni catostomi by Mackiewicz (1965). Dist.: Man Record: Stewart-Hay (1952a MS) cited in Glaridacris terebrans (Linton, 1893) Lubinsky 1976 Mackiewicz, 1974 (FW) Syn.: Caryophyllaeus terebrans (Linton, 1893) Hunterella nodulosa Mackiewicz and McCrae, Location: intestine 1962 (FW) Hosts: ?Catostomus catostomus (1) Location: intestine ?C. macrocheilus (1) Hosts: Catostomus catostomus (2) ?Salvelinus ma/ma (2) C. commersoni (2,3,4,5,6,7) Dist.: Alta?, BC? C. macrocheilus (1) Records: 1. Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC); Dist.: Alta, BC, Lab, Ont 2. Rawson (1939 MS) cited in Mudry and Records: 1. Mackiewicz and McCrae 1962 Anderson 1976 (Alta) (BC) 127; 2. Threlfall and Hanek 1970a Remarks: The validity of reports of Glari- (Lab); 3. Dechtiar 1972e (Ont); 4. Mudry dacris terebrans from Canada are equivo- and Arai 1973a (Alta), 5. 1973b (Alta); 6. cal. Material reported as this species by Molnar et al. 1974 (Ont); 7. Mudry (1972 Bangham and Adams (1954) has been re- MS) cited in Mudry and Anderson 1976 identified as follows: from Cyprinus car pio, (Alta) as A tractolytocestus huronensis by Mackie- wicz (1970); from Mylocheilus caurinus, as Hypocaryophyllaeus paratarius Hunter, Edlintonia ptychocheila by Mackiewicz 1927 (FW) (1970); from Catostomus catostomus, as Location: digestive tract Glaridacris catostomi by Mackiewicz Host: Carpiodes cyprinus (1965) and lsoglaridacris calentinei by Mackiewicz (1974). Mackiewicz (1974) noted that several specimens from C. cato- 127Material reported by Mackiewicz and McCrae stomus from Surveyors Lake, B.C. appeared (1962) from C. macrocheihis was from the collec- tion of R. Bangham and was probably reported as to be G. terebrans, but their poor condition either Glaridacris catostotni or Caryophyllaeus tere- made positive identification impossible. brans by Bangham and Adams (1954). The same Mackiewicz and McCrae (1962) listed authors redetermined some material reported as Hunterella nodulosa from the collection of G. catostomi by Wardle (1932b) as H. nodulosa but R. Bangham from C. macrocheilus from did not give collection localities.

79 Dist.: Out Catostomus catostoinus (2) Record: Bangliam and Hunter 1939 Selnotilus atromaculatus (3) Dist.: BC, Ont Isoglaridacris calentinei Mackiewicz, 1974 (FW) Records: 1. Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC); Syn.: Cmyophyllaeus terebrans of Bangham 2. Bangham 1955 (Ont); 3. Molnar et al. and Adams, 1954 (partim) 1974 (Ont) Location: intestine Host: Catostornlls catostomces Dist.: BC ORDER SPATHEBOTHRIIDEA Record: Mackiewicz 1974 Family CYATHOCEPHALIDAE Remarks: Mackiewicz (1974) redetermined part of the material reported as C. terebrmM by Bangham and Adams (1954) as this Botln-imoiiars stca•ionis Dnvernoy, 1842 (B) species. Syn.: Bothrimonus intermeditrs Cooper, 1917 Diplocotyle ob•ikii Krabbe, 1874 Monobotln•ilan launteri Mackiewicz, 1963 (FW) Location: intestine Syn.: Glaridacris catostomi of Bangham and Hosts: Apeltes quadracus (8,10) Adams, 1954 (partim) Coregonus artedii (4) Location: intestine C. clupeaformis (4) Host: Catostomus comnaersoni Hippoglossoides platessoides (6) Dist.: BC Limmnda ferruginea (6) Record: Mackiewicz 1963 Macrozoarces americanus (2,3) Remarks: Mackiewicz (1963) tentatively iden- Microgadus tomcod (1)128 tified as Al. hunteri specimens reported as Myoxocephalus quadricornis (4) G. catostomi by Bangllam and Adams Pseudopletu•onectes americalaus (1,5, (1954) from the above host. 6,8,9,10,11) Sabno salar (7,8,10,11) Salvelinus alpin us (4,12) Family LYTOCESTIDAE S. fontinalis (4,12) S. malma (2) A tractolytocestus hw•onensis Anthony, Dist.: Atl, E Arc, W Arc, Lab, Man, Nfld 1958 (FW) Records: 1. Cooper 1919 (Atl), 2. 1921 (Atl, Syn.: Caryophyllaeus terebrans of Bangham W Arc); 3. Clemens and Clemens 1921 and Adams, 1954 (partim) (Atl); 4. Wardle 1932b (E Arc, Man, various Location: [intestine] localities Hudson Bay area); 5. Heller 1949 Host: Cyprinus carpio (Atl); 6. Ronald 1958b (Atl); 7. Pippy Dist.: BC 1969 (Nfid); 8. Burt and Sandeman 1969 Record: Mackiewicz 1970 (Atl), 9. 1970 (Atl), 10. 1974 (Atl); 11. Remarks: Mackiewicz (1970) reidentified as Sandeman and Burt 1972 (Atl, Nfld); 12. this species material reported as C. tere- Hicks and Threlfall 1973 (Lab) brans by Bangham and Adams (1954) from Remarks: Burt and Sandeman (1969 ) sup- Cyprinus carpio. pressed Diplocoryle as a synonym of Bo- tln•imoflus and assigned Botln•imonus to Khawia iowensis Calentine and Ulmer, Cyathocephalidae. This proposal has met 1961 (FW) with variable acceptance, some authors Location: [intestine] favoring the retention of both genera and Host: cyprinus Carpio their assignment to an independent family, Dist.: Ont Diplocotylidae. Record: Dechtiar 1972b Cyathocephalus truncatus (Pallas, 1781) Kessler, 1868 (FW) Unidentified Caryophyllidea Syn.: Cyathocephalus americanus Cooper, 1917 Caryophyllidea gen. spp. (FW) 128The material from M. tonicod was not assigned Includes: Cestodaria auct. to species by Cooper (1919). Burt and Sandeman Location: intestine ( 1969) listed this record as B. interniedius (=B. Hosts: Acrocheilus alutaceur (I) stllriolIls).

80 Location: intestine, pyloric caeca Remarks: Hart (1936) described Gilquinia Hosts: Coregonus artedii (10,12) anteroporus (as Tetrarhynchus a.), attribut- C. clupeajormis (1,3,4,5,6,8,12,16) ing to this species G. tetrabothrium of C. zenithicus (4) Wardle, 1932 and G. squall of Wardle, 1933. Cottus asper (7) Dollfus (1942) considered G. anteroporus Gasterosteus aculeatus (14) a synonym of G. squali. Oncorhynchus kisutch (13) Perca flavescens (10,12) Prosopium cylindraceum (16) Family HEPATOXYLIDAE Salmo salar (11) Salvelinus alpinus (15) Hepatoxylon squali Bosc, 1811 S. malma (4) (plerocercoid) (M) S. namaycush (2,16) Location: body cavity Unspecified Salmonidae (13) Host: Prionace glauca Unspecified fishes (9) Dist.: Atl Dist.: Alta, BC, Man, Nfld, NWT, Ont, YT Record: Threlfall 1969 Records: 1. Cooper 1919 (Ont), 2. 1921 Remarks: Dollfus (1942) considered this spe- (NWT); 3. Hart 1931 (Ont); 4. Wardle cies a synonym of H. trichiuri. 1932b (Alta, Man); 5. Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); 6. Rawson 1951 (NWT); 7. Hepatoxylon trichiuri (Holten, 1802) Dollfus, Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC); 8. Bang- 1942 (plerocercoid) (M) ham 1955 (Ont); 9. Freeman 1964b (Ont); Syn.: Dibothriorhynchus grossus (Rudolphi, 10. Dechtiar and Loftus 1965 (Ont); 11. 1819) Pippy 1969 (Nfld); 12. Dechtiar 1972c Location: viscera, body cavity (Ont); 13. Leong and Holmes 1974a (Alta); Hosts: Gadus morhua (1) 14. Lester 1975 (BC); 15. Mudry and Salmo salar (2,3) McCart 1976 (YT); 16. Arthur et al. 1976 Dist.: Atl, E Arc, Lab, NB, NS (YT) Records: 1. Wardle 1932b (E Arc); 2. Pippy 1969 (Atl, NB, NS); 3. Hicks and Threlfall Cyathocephalus sp. (FW) 1973 (Lab) Location: stomach Host: Thymallus arcticus Dist: NWT Family LACISTORHYNCHIDAE Record: Miller 1946a Grillotia erinaceus (van Beneden, 1858) Guiart, 1927 (plerocercoid) (M) ORDER TRYPANORHYNCHA Syn.: Rhynchobothrium imparispine Linton, 1890 Family GILQUINIIDAE Location: peritoneum, viscera Host: Melanogrammus aeglefinus Gilquinia squali (Fabricius, 1794) Dollfus, 1930 Dist.: Atl (plerocercoid) (M) Record: Kuitunen-Ekbaum 1937b; Gaevs- Location: musculature kaya and Umnova 1977 Host: Citharichthys stigmaeus Dist.: Pac Record: Kuitunen-Ekbaum 1933c Grillotia erinaceus (van Beneden, 1858) Guiart, 1927 (adult) (M) Gilquinia squall (Fabricius, 1794) Dollfus, 1930 Location: [spiral valve] (adult) (M) Hosts: Raja laevis Syn.: Gilquinia tetrabothrium (van Beneden, R. ocellata 1849) Dist.: Atl Gilquinia anteroporus (Hart, 1936) Record: Myers 1959 Location: intestine Host: Squalus acanthias Grillotia heptanchi (Vaullegeard, 1899) Dollfus, Dist.: Atl, Pac 1942 (plerocercoid) (M) Records: Wardle 1932a (Pac), 1933a (Pac); Syn.: Grillotia erinaceus of Wardle, 1933 Threlfall 1969 (Atl) Location: musculature

81 Host: Theragra sp. S. proriger (9) Dist.: Pac S. reedi (9) Record: Wardle 1933a S. ruberritnus (9) Remarks: Specimens provisionally reported S. varie gatus (9) by Wardle (1933a) as G. erinaceus were S. zacentrus (9) referred to G. heptanchi by Dollfus (1942). Theragra chalcogramma (6,7) Theragra sp. (2) Grillotia heptanchi (Vaullegeard, 1899) Dollfus, Triglops pin geli (7) 1942 (adult) (M) Dist.: Pac, BC-b Syn.: Grillotia erinaceus of Wardle, 1933 Records: 1. Wardle 1932a (Pac), 2. 1933a Location: intestine (Pac), 3. 1934 (Pac); 4. Margolis 1956b (Pac, Host: Hexanchus griseus BC-b), 5. 1957 (BC-b); 6. Arai 1967a (Pac), Dist.: Pac 7. 1969b (Pac); 8. Sekerak and Arai 1973 Record: Wardle 1933a (Pac), 9. 1977 (Pac) Remarks: Specimens provisionally reported as G. erinaceus by Wardle (1933a) were Tentacularia coryphaenae Bosc, 1802 referred to G. heptanchi by Dollfus (1942). (plerocercoid) (M) Location: body cavity, viscera Grillotia sp. (m) Host: Salim, salar Location: spiral valve, intestine Dist.: Atl, NB, Nfld, NS, Que Host: Raja radiata Records: Heller 1949 (Ad); Sandeman and Dist.: Atl Pippy 1967 (Nfld); Pippy 1969 (Atl, NB, Record: Heller 1949 NS); Power 1969 (Que)

Family TENTACULARIIDAE Trypanorhyncha of Uncertain Position

Nybelinia surmenicola Okada in Dollfus, 1929 Rhynchobothriutn sp. plerocercoid (M) (plerocercoid) (M) Location: intestinal wall Syn.: Nybelinia sp. of Wardle, 1932 and of Host: Mola tnola Arai, 1967 Dist.: Atl Location: intestine, stomach, musculature, , Record: Threlfall 1967 mesenteries Remarks: This genus is no longer considered Hosts: A prodon cortezianus (7) valid. Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (4,5) O. nerka (4,5) Tetrarhynchus elongatus Wagener, 1901 Oncorhynchus sp. (1)129 (plerocercoid) (M) Ophiodon elongatus (1,2,3,6,7) 130 Location: liver Sebastes aleutianus (9) Host: Mola mola S. alutus (8,9) Dist.: Atl S. borealis (9) Record: Threlfall 1967 S. brevispinis (9) Remarks: This species was listed by Yama- S. caurinus (9) guti (1959) as species incertae sedis. S. cramer (9) S. diploproa (9) Trypanorhyncha gen.sp. plerocercoid (M) S. elongatus (9) Location: mesenteries S. entomelas (9) Host: Clupea haren gus haren gus S. flavidus (9) Dist.: Atl S. maliger (9) Records: Sindermann 1957b, 1961 S. nigrocinctus (9) S. pinniger (9) ORDER PSEUDOPHYLLIDEA 129The hosts reported by Wardle (1932a) were Family AMPHICOTYLIDAE given as "... all species of Oncorhynchus ." 130The record of Wardle (1934) was given as A bothrium gadi van Beneden, 1871 (M) "... a tetrarhynchid larva, identical probably with Syn.: Dibothriwn rugosum (Batsch, 1786) Nybelinia stirmenicola Okada." auct.

82 Abothrium rugosum (Batsch, 1786) Pippy 1969 (AtI, NB, NS, Que); 15. Power auct. 1969 (Que); 16. Tedla and Fernando 1969e Location: intestine, pyloric caeca (Ont); 17. Nyman and Pippy 1972 (Atl); Hosts: Gadus macrocephalus (7) 18. Hicks and Threlfall 1973 (Lab); 19. G. morhua (1,2,3,6) Hanek and Molnar 1974 (Que) Melanogrammus aeglefinus (2,5) Remarks: Kennedy (1978) concluded that E. Tautogolabrus adspersus (3,4)131 crassum does not occur in North American Dist.: Atl, Pac fresh waters, except in anadromous S. salar Records: 1. Linton 1891 (Atl); 2. Cooper 1919 and Oncorhynchus species returning from (Atl), 3. 1921 (Atl); 4. Johansen 1925 (Atl); the sea. The validity of the cited records 5. Kuitunen-Ekbaum 1937b (Atl); 6. Heller from other hosts is questionable. The rec- 1949 (Atl); 7. Boyce 1976 (Pac) ords from Lota Iota probably are referable to E. rugosum. Eubothrium crassum (Bloch, 1779) Nybelin, 1922 (FW) Eubothrium parvum Nybelin, 1922 (M) Syn.: Abothrium crassum (Bloch, 1779) Location: intestine Eubothrium oncorhynchi Wardle, 1932 Hosts: Mallotus villosus (1,2)135 Location: intestine, pyloric caeca Tautogolabrus adspersus (3) Hosts: Coregonus artedii (6,8) Dist.: Atl C. clupeaformis (1,6) Records: 1. Templeman 1948, 2. 1968; 3. Coregonus sp. (11)132 Sekhar S. and Threlfa111970a Lota Iota (1,6,7,8,9) Morone americana (16) Eubothrium rugosum (Batsch, 1786) Nybelin, Myoxocephalus quadricornis (4) 1922 (FW) Oncorhynchus kisutch (3) Location: intestine, pyloric caeca 0. tshawytscha (3) Host: Lota Iota Salmo gairdneri (8) Dist.: Alta, BC, Man, NWT, Ont S. salar (1,5,10,12,13,14,15,17,18,19) Records: Wardle 1932b (Man), 1933b (Ont); Salvelinus alpinus (2,4,5,18)133,134 Kuitunen-Ekbaum 1933b (Man); Rawson S. namaycush (1,2,18) 1951 (NWT); Bangham and Adams 1954 Dist.: Atl, Pac, Lab, Man, NB, Nfid, NS, (BC); Dechtiar 1972c (Ont); Mudry and NWT, Ont. Que Anderson 1977 (Alta) Records: 1. Cooper 1919 (Atl, Ont), 2. 1921 (NWT); 3. Wardle 1932a (Pac), 4. 1932b Eubothrium salvelini (Schrank, 1790) Nybelin, (Man, unspecified locality Hudson Bay); 5. 1922 (FW) Kuitunen-Ekbaum 1933b (NB, unspecified Location: pyloric caeca, intestine locality Hudson Bay); 6. Bangham and Hosts: Coregonus clupeaformis (9,39) Hunter 1939 (Ont); 7. Bangham 1941 (Ont), Mylocheilus caurinus (17) 8. 1955 (Ont); 9. Bangham and Venard 1946 Oncorhynchus kisutçh (33) (Ont); 10. Heller 1949 (Atl); 11. Rawson 0. nerka (3,19,21,22,23,28,30,34,35,38, 1951 (NWT); 12. Sandeman and Pippy 1967 41) (Nfld); 13. Templeman 1967b (Atl); 14. Prosopium cylindraceum (31,39) Ptychocheilus oregonensis (3,17) 131The record of Cooper (1921) from T. adspersus Salmo clarki (17) was based on proglottids only and was considered S. gairdneri (17,25,40) to be accidental. The record of Johansen (1925) was S. salar (25,26,27) a tentative parasite identification based on degener- S. trutta (25) ated fragments and was also considered to be prob- ably accidental. Salvelinus alpinus (3,20,31)136 S. fontinalis (1,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,16,25, 132This parasite was reported by Rawson (1951) as "Eubothrium crassum?" 27,31,32,40) 133The record of Wardle (1932b) involves a tenta- 135The records of Templeman (1948, 1968) are tive host identification for S. alpinus. tentative parasite identifications. 134The host was reported by Kuitunen-Ekbaum 136This host was reported by Kuitunen-Ekbaum (1933b) as ". . . probably S. alpinus stagnalis, of (1933b) as ". . . probably S. alpinus stagnalis, of Hudson Bay. . . " The material ". .. appeared to Hudson Bay ..." The material ". .. appeared to represent a mixture of both species, E. crassum and represent a mixture of both species, E. crassum and E. salvelini. . :" E. salvelini. . ."

83 S. malma (1,37) Salmo salar (13) S. namaycush (1,2,3,6,8,9,12,13,14,15, Salvelinus alpinus (13) 17,18,29,31,37,39,40) 137 S. fontinalis (1,3,11,13) 138 Thymallus arcticus (39) S. namaycush (2,13) Unspecified Salmonidae (33,36) Sebastes tnarinus (9) Unspecified trout (24) S. mentella (9) Dist.: Alta, BC, Lab, Man, NB, Nfld-b, Nfld, Stenodus leucichthys (5) NWT, Ont, Que, Sask, YT Tautogolabrus adspersus (12) Records: 1. Wardle 1932b (Alta, Man, un- Dist.: Atl. Pac, BC-b, BC, Lab, Nfld-b?, specified locality James Bay), 2. 1933b NWT, Que (Ont); 3. Kuittmen-Ekbaum 1933b (Alta, Records: 1. Frost 1940 (Nfid); 2. Lyster 1940a BC, Man, unspecified locality Hudson Bay); (Que); 3. Munroe 1949 (Lab, Que); 4. 4. Richardson 1936 (Que), 5. 1937b (Que), Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC); 5. Fuller 6. 1942 (Que); 7. Lyster 1940a (Que); 8. 1955 (NWT); 6. Margolis 1956b (Pac, BC-b, MacLulich 1943b (Ont); 9. Bangham and BC) 139, 7. 1957 (Pac, BC-b, BC), 8. 1963 Venard 1946 (Ont); 10. Choquette 1948a (BC-b, BC); 9. Yanulov 1962 (AU); 10. Arai (Que); 11. Fantham and Porter 1948 (Que); 1967b (Pac); 11. Threlfall and Hanek 1970e 12. Miller 1946b (NWT); 13. Miller and (Nfld-b and/or Nfld); 12. Sekhar S. and Kennedy 1948 (NWT); 14. Rawson 1951 Threlfall 1970a (Atl); 13. Hicks and Threl- (NWT), 15. 1961 (Sask); 16. Worley and fall 1973 (Lab); 14. Hoskins et al. 1976 Bangham 1952 (Que); 17. Bangham and (Pac?) Adams 1954 (BC); 18. Bangham 1955 (Ont); 19. Dombroski 1955 (BC); 20. Andrews and Lear 1956 (Lab); 21. Margolis Family BOTHRIOCEPHALIDAE 1956b (BC), 22. 1957 (BC), 23. 1963 (BC); 24. Freeman 1964b (Ont); 25. Sandeman Bothrlocephalus cestus Leidy, 1885 (FW) and Pippy 1967 (Nfld); 26. Pippy 1969 (NB, Location: intestine NfId); 27. Threlfall and Hanek 1970e Host: Salvelinus sp. (Nfld-b, Nfld); 28. Smith and Margolis 1970 Dist.: Que (BC); 29. Dechtiar 1972e (Ont); 30. Smith Record: Leidy 1885 1973 (BC); 31. Hicks and Threlfall 1973 (Lab); 32. Hanek and Molnar 1974 (Que); Bothriocephalus claviceps (Goeze, 1782) 33. Leong and Holmes 1974a (Alta); 34. Rudolphi, 1810 (FW) Boyce 1974 (BC), 35. 1976 (BC); 36. Collins Location: intestine and Dechtiar 1974 (Ont); 37. Rawson (1939 Hosts: Ambloplites rupestris (2,4,8) MS) cited in Mudry and Anderson 1976 Anguilla rostrata (1,3,5,7,9) (Alta); 38. Bell and Margolis 1976 (BC); A plodinotus grunniens (2) 39. Arthur et al. 1976 (YT); 40. Mudry and Lepotnis gibbosus (4,5,8) Anderson 1977 (Alta, BC); 41. Boyce and Micropterus clolomieui (2) Yamada 1977 (BC) Percopsis ontiscomaycus (2) Pseudopleuronectes americanus (6) Eubothriwn spp. (FW, M) Stizostedion canadense (2) Location: intestine, pyloric caeca Dist.: Atl, Lab, NB, Nfld-b, Ont, Que Hosts: Catostomus catostomus (4) Records: 1. Cooper 1919 (NB); 2. Bangham Coregotuts clupeaformis (13) and Hunter 1939 (Ont); 3. Bangham 1941 Cottus asper (4) (Ont), 4. 1955 (Ont); 5. Bangham and Couesius plutnbetts (4) Venard 1946 (Ont); 6. Ronald 1958b (At1); Cymatogaster aggregata (10) Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (6,7) 1 38This parasite was reported by Frost (1940) as O. nerka (4,6,7,8) "... Abothrium sp., probably Abothrium crassum O. tshmvytscha (14) (Bloch, 1779)." Prosopiwn cylindraceum (13) 139Material reported as Eubothrium sp. from P. williamsoni (4) O. nerka smolts by Margolis (1956b) was noted to consist of immature specimens "that may be E. Richardsonius balteatus (4) salvelini" and that reported from O. gorbuscha adults from coastal waters was noted to consist of 137The record of Rawson (1961) for S. namaycush immature specimens "that may be E. oncorhynchi" was given as "...Eubothrium (probably salvelini)..." (=_.- E. crassum).

84 7. Hanek and Threlfall 1970c (Lab, Nfld-b); Hosts: Etheostoma exile (1,2) 8. Dechtiar 1972e (Ont); 9. Hanek and E. nigrum (1) Molnar 1974 (Que) Percina caprodes (2) Percopsis omiscomaycus (1,2) Bothriocephalus cuspidatus Cooper, 1917 (FW) Dist.: Ont Syn.: Bothriocephalus cuspida tus luciopercae Records: 1. Bangham 1955; 2. Dechtiar 1972c Wardle, 1932 Bothriocephalus cuspidatus hiodontos Bothriocephalus occidentalis (Linton, 1897) Wardle, 1932 Lühe, 1899 (M) Bothriocephalus cuspidatus cuspidatus Location: pyloric caeca Cooper, 1917 Hosts: Leptocottus armatus Location: pyloric caeca, intestine Sebastes sp. Hosts: A plodinotus grunniens (3) Dist.: Pac Coregonus sp. (2) Record: Wardle 1932a Esox lucius (2,11,15) Etheostoma exile (3) Bothriocephalus scorpii (O. F. Müller, 1776) Hiodon alosoides (2,7,12) Rudolphi, 1808 (M) H. tergisus (2,3) Location: intestine, pyloric caeca Ictalurus nebulosus (10) Hosts: Ammodytes dubius (10) Morone chrysops (3) Anguilla rostrata (8) Notropis atherinoides (3,10) A podichthys flavidus (4) Perca flavescens (2,3,8,9,10) A prodon cortezianus (7) Percina caprodes (3) A rtedius harringtoni (7) P. copelandi (3) Enophrys bison (3) Percopsis omiscomaycus (3) 140 Gasterosteus aculeatus (6,7) Salvelinus malma (15) Hem itripterus americanus (1) S. namaycush (11,15) Hexagrammos decagrammus (3) Stizostedion canadense (2,3,6,10) H. lagocephalus (4,6,7) S. vitreum glaucum (3) H. stelleri (11) S. vitreum vitreum (1,2,3,4,5,6,10,13, Leptocottus armatus (3) 14,15,16) Limanda ferruginea (5) Dist.: Alta, Man, NWT, Ont, Que Liopsetta putnami (5) Records: 1. Cooper 1919 (Ont); 2. Wardle Myoxocephalus polyacanthocephalus 1932b (unspecified localities Hudson Bay (4,6,7) drainage); 3. Bangham and Hunter 1939 M. quadricornis (2) (Ont); 4. Rawson 1951 (NWT); 5. Worley Nautichthys oculofasciatus (6,7) and Bangham 1952 (Que); 6. Bangham 1955 Scophthalmus aquosus (5) (Ont); 7. Kennedy and Sprules 1967 (un- Sebastes alutus (9) specified locality); 8. Tedla and Fernando Theragra chalcogramma (6,7) 1969a (Ont), 9. 1972 (Ont); 10. Dechtiar Dist.: Atl, Pac, W Arc, Lab 1972e (Ont); 11. Little (1954 MS) cited in Records: 1. Cooper 1919 (All), 2. 1921 (W Mudry and Anderson 1976 (Alta); 12. Don- Arc); 3. Wardle 1932a (Pac), 4. 1933b ald and Kooyman (1974 MS) cited in Mudry (Pac); 5. Ronald 1958b (AU); 6. Arai 1967a and Anderson 1976 (Alta); 13. Anthony (Pac), 7. 1969b (Pac); 8. Hanek and Threl- 1976 (Ont); 14. Stewart-Hay (1951a, b, fall 1970c (Lab); 9. Sekerak and Arai 1973 1952a, 1953b MS) cited in Lubinsky 1976 (Pac); 10. Scott 1973 (AtI); 11. Boyce 1976 (Man); 15. Little (1954 MS) cited in Lubin- (Pac) sky 1976 (Man); 16. Dickson (1964 MS) cited in Lubinsky 1976 (Man) Bothriocephalus spp. (FW, M) Location: pyloric caeca, intestine Bothriocephalus formosus Mueller and Van Hosts: Anguilla rostrata (10) Cleave, 1932 (FW) Aulorhynchus flavidus (8) Location: intestine Coregonus clupeaformis (4,5) Cottus asper (6) 140The record of Bangham and Hunter (1939) Fundulus diaphanus (14) for B. cuspidatus from P. omiscomaycus is found Gasterosteus aculeatus (11) only in their host-parasite list. Ictalurus nebulosus (2)

85 I. punctatus (3) Dist.: Ont, Que Labidesthes sicculus (1) Records: 1. Vergeer 1928e (Ont); 2. Pritchard Lepidopsetta bilineata (7,8) 1931 (Ont); 3. Hanek and Molnar 1974 Lepisosteus osseus (1) (Que) Lepomis gibbosus (1,2) Lota Iota (3,6) Micropterus dolomieui (2) Family DIPHYLLOBOTHRIIDAE Notropis cornutus (4) Noturus gyrinus and/or N. miurus cordiceps (Leidy, 1872) (1)141 Meggitt, 1924 (plerocercoid) (FW) Perca flavescens (2,3,4,13,15) Location: [body cavity] Pholis laeta (7,8) Hosts: Oncorhynchus nerka Pomoxis nigromaccdatus (12) Salmo gairdneri Salvelinus namaycush (6) Salvelinus malma Sebastes alutus (7,8,16) Dist.: BC S. babcocki (16) Record: Anthony (1967 MS) cited in Mudry S. borealis (16) and Anderson 1976 S. caurinus (16) S. pattcispinis (16) Diphyllobothrium dendriticum (Nitzsch, 1824) S. pinniger (16) Lühe,,1910 (plerocercoid) (FW) S. proriger (16) Location: viscera S. reedi (16) Hosts: Coregonus zenithicus (1) S. ruberrimus (16) Salrno gairdneri (2) S. variegatus (16) Salvelinus alpinus (3) S. zacen trus (16) S. namaycush (1) Tautogolabrus adspersus (9) Unspecified fishes (1) Dist.: Atl, Pac, BC, Lab, Man, Nfid-b, Nfld, Dist.: BC, NWT, Ont NS, NWT, Ont Records: 1. Freeman and Thompson 1969 Records: 1. Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); (Ont); 2. Anthony (1967 MS) cited in 2, Bangham 1941 (Ont), 3. 1955 (Ont); 4. Mudry and Anderson 1976 (BC); 3. Free- Bangham and Venard 1946 (Ont); 5. Raw- man and Jamieson 1976 (NWT) son 1951 (NWT); 6. Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC); 7. Arai 1967a (Pac), 8. 1969b Diphyllobothritan ditremum (Creplin, 1825) (Pac); 9. Sekhar S. and Threlfall 1970a (Atl); Lühe, 1910 (plerocercoid) (FW) 10. Hanek and Threlfall 1970c (Lab, Nfld), Syn.: Diphyllobotlricnn osmeri (Linstow, 11. 1970e (Nfld-b, Nfld); 12. Dechtiar 1972c 1878) (Ont); 13. Cannon 1973 (Ont); 14. Wiles Location: [viscera] 1975b (NS); 15. Stewart-Hay (1952b MS) Hosts: Coregonus artedii (1) cited in Lubinsky 1976 (Man); 16. Sekerak Sabno gairdneri (2) and Arai 1977 (Pac) Dist.: BC, Ont Records: 1. Freeman and Thompson 1969 Bothriocephalidae gen.spp. (FW) (Ont); 2. Anthony (1967 MS) cited in Location: intestine, encysted on stomach wall Mudry and Anderson 1976 (BC) Hosts: A pel tes quadracus (3) Coregonus artedii (2) Diphyllobothrium latutn (Linnaeus, 1758) C. hoyi (2) Lühe, 1910 (plerocercoid) (FW) C. kiyi (2) Syn.: Dibothriocephalus latus (Linnaeus, C. nigripinnis (1) 1758) Gasterosteus actdeatus (3) Diphyllobothrium sp. of Rawson, Pungitius pungitius (3) 1947 142

141Bangham and Hunter (1939) recorded Bothrio- 142Material reported only as Diplryllobothrium cephalus sp. from the tadpole catfish (Schilbeodes by Rawson (1947a) from the flesh of the pike (E. gyrinus (= Noturus g.)) in their parasite-host list, lucius) and pike-perch (S. vitreum vitrernn) from but in their host-parasite list recorded this parasite the Northwest Territories and noted to be ". . . an from S. miiuvs (= Noturus nz.). Thus the correct important parasite of dog and man in this re- host cannot be determined. gion." is referred to D. latnn:.

86 Location: musculature, body cavity C. zenithicus (34) Hosts: Esox lucius (1,2,4,6,7 ,8,9,10,11,12,13, Coregonus sp. (10) 14,15,16,17,18,20,21,22) Culaea inconstans (25)145 Lota Iota (22) Esox lucius (44) Oncorhynchus nerka (19) Gasterosteus aculeatus (30,31) Perca flavescens (9,10,11,20,21,22) Lepomis gibbosus (25) 145 Salmo gairdneri (19) Lota Iota (1,3,5,6,43) Salvelinus malma (19) Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (16,17) S. namaycush (20) O. kisutch (2,15,23,24,38) Stizostedion canadense (9,10,11) O. nerka (2,15,16,17,18,23,24,39,46) S. vitreum vitreum (1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, Osmeru.s. mordax (36) 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,22) Perca flavescens (13) Dist.: Alta, Man, NWT, Ont, Sask Prosopium cylindraceum (43) Records: 1. Nicholson 1928 (Man), 2. 1932b P. williamsoni (15,41,45) (Man); 3. Vergeer 1928a (Man), 4. 1928b Pungitius pungitius (29) (Alta, Man, Ont), 5. 1928c (Man), 6. 1928d Salmo clarki (9,15,41,45) (Alta, Man, Ont), 7. 1929a (Ont), 8. 1929b S. gairdneri (11,14,15,22,28,40,45) (Alta, Man, Ont); 9. Wardle 1932b (Man), S. salar (22,26,27,37) 10. 1933c (Man), 11. 1935 (Man); 12. Raw- S. trotta (22) son 1947a (NWT), 13. 1947b (Alta, Sask), Salvelinus alpinus (1,36,42) 14. 1951 (Alta, Sask), 15. 1960 (Sask); 16. S. fontinalis (4,13,19,21,22,35,36,45) Lawler 1954a (Man)143; 17. Lawler and S. fontinalis X S. namaycush (45) Watson 1958 (Man); 18. Paetz and Nelson S. malma (15) 1970 (Alta); 19. Anthony (1967 MS) cited S. namaycush (7,8,10,12,20,25,43,44, in Mudry and Anderson 1976 (Alta, BC); 45) 20. Stewart-Hay (1952, 1953 MS) cited in Stizostedion vitreum vitreum (44) Lubinsky 1976 (Man); 21. Harvey (1955 Thymallus arcticus (43) MS) cited in Lubinsky 1976 (Man); 22. Baj- Unspecified Salmonidae (38) kov (1933 MS) cited in Lubinsky 1976 Dist.: Pac, Alta, BC-b, BC, Lab-b, Lab, Man, (Man) Nfld, NS, NWT, Ont, Que, YT Remarks: The records of D. latum from Lota Records: I. Cooper 1921 (NWT, Ont); 2. Iota by Wardle (1932b, I933c) are referred Wardle 1932a (Pac, BC), 3. 1932b (Man, to Diphyllobothrium sp. following Wardle Que), 4. 1933b (NS), 5. 1933c (Man), 6. (1935). The records of D. latum from sal- 1935 (Man); 7. Kuitunen-Ekbaum 1937a monids require verification (R. S. Freeman, (Ont); 8. MacLulich 1943b (Ont) 146; 9. personal communication). Rawson 1947c (Alta), 10. 1951 (NWT), 11. 1953 (Alta); 12. Miller and Kennedy 1948 Diphyllobothrium spp. plerpcercoid (FW, M) (NWT); 13. Fantham and Porter 1948 Syn.: Dibothriocephalus sp. auct. (Que); 14. Bangham 1955 (Ont); 15. Bang- Diphyllobothrium latum of Wardle, ham and Adams 1954 (BC); 16. Margolis 1932 (partim), 1933 (partim) 144 1956b (Pac, BC-b, BC), 17. 1957 (Pac, BC-b, Location: viscera, musculature, body cavity, BC), 18. 1963 (Pac, BC-b, BC); 19. Hoff- blood vessels of heart man and Dunbar 1961 (Que) 147; 20. Free- Hosts: Catostomus commersoni (13) man 1964b (Ont); 21. Lagueux 1966 (Que); Coregonus artedii (14,33) C. clupeaformis (14,32,33,43) C. hoyi (14) 145Material from these hosts was reported as metacestodes indistinguishable from specimens taken from which were presumed to be 143Lawler (1954a) noted for reports of D. latin Diphyllobothrium sp. "Identification not verified." 146Material reported as Diphyllobothrium sp. 144Wardle (1935) noted that Lola Iota from Lake from Salvelinus namaycush by MacLulich (1943b) Winnipeg, Manitoba, was infected with a plerocer- was considered to be "... possibly D. cordiceps . ." coid similar to Diphyllobothrium latum but, based 147Hoffman and Dunbar (1961) reported an un- on rearing tests, this material did not appear to be identified diphyllobothriid larva from Salvelinus D. latum. We have thus referred Wardle's earlier footballs from Quebec. This material was later reports of D. Iatum from this host and locality to listed as Diphyllobothrium sp. by Hoffman (1967) Diphyllobothriutn sp. who noted "... this is probably D. sebago."

87 22. Sandeman and Pippy 1967 (Nfld) 148; 23. Location: body cavity Arai 1967a (Pac), 24. 1969b (Pac); 25. Free- Hosts: A mbloplites rupestris (1) man and Thompson 1969 (Ont); 26. Power Catostotnus catostomus (2,9,17) 1969 (Que); 27. Pippy 1969 (Nfld); 28. C. commersoni (2,4,6,10,11,12,14,15) Paetz and Nelson 1970 (Alta, BC); 29. C. macrocheilus (9) Hanek and Threlfall 1970d (Lab-b, Nfld); Chrosomus eos (7) 30. Lester 1971 (BC), 31. 1975 (BC); 32. Couesius plumbeus (9) Dechtiar 1972b (Ont), 33. 1972e (Ont); 34. Cyprinus carpi° (13) Scott and Crossman 1973 (Ont); 35. Hicks Gasterosteus wheatlandi (1) and Threlfall 1973 (Lab); 36. Hanek and Hybopsis storeriana (4) Molnar 1974 (Que); 37. Hare and Frantsi Micro pterus dolomieui (1) 1974 (NS); 38, Leong and Holmes 1974a Mylocheilus caurinus (9) (Alta); 39. Boyce 1976 (BC); 40. Hoskins Mylocheilus sp. (3) et al. 1976 (BC); 41. Rawson (1939 MS) Notropis corn utus (1,4,7) cited in Mudry and Anderson 1976 (Alta); N. emiliae (4) 42. Freeman and Jamieson 1976 (NWT); N. heterole pis (5) 43. Arthur et al. 1976 (YT); 44. Stewart- N. hudsonius (2,4,6,10,11,12,14,16) Hay (1951, 1952, 1953 MS) cited in Lubin- N. spilopterus (4) sky 1976 (Man); 45. Mudry and Anderson N. stratnineus (4) 1977 (Alta, BC); 46. Boyce and Yamada Perca flavescens (1,2,7,9,11) 1977 (BC) Phnephales notatus (4,5,7,14) Remarks: Material reported only as Diphyl- Prosophun william soni (9)

lobothrium from the flesh of Esox lucius Ptychocheilus oregonensis (9) and Stizostedion vitreum vitreutn by Raw- Richard sonius baltea tus (9) son (1947a) is referred to D. latum (Lin- Salvelinus fontinalis (8,9) naeus, 1758). Semotilus corporalis (7) Dist.: Alta, BC, Man, NB, Ont, Que, Sask Pyramicocephalus phocarum (Fabricius, 1780) Records: 1. Cooper 1919 (NB, Ont); 2. War- Monticelli, 1890 (plerocercoid) 149 (M) dle 1932b (Man, Sask), 3, 1933a (BC); 4. Location: intestine Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); 5. Bang- Host: Gad us ogac ham 1941 (Ont), 6. 1955 (Ont); 7. Bangham Dist.: E Arc and Venard 1946 (Ont); 8. Choquette 1948a Record: Wardle 1932b (Que); 9. Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC); 10. Lawler 1954a (Man), 11. 1964 (Man); Diphyllobothriidae gen.spp. plerocercoid 12. Lawler and Watson 1958 (Man); 13. (FW, M) Dechtiar 1972b (Ont), 14. 1972c (Ont); 15. Location: musculature, viscera Molnar et al. 1974 (Ont); 16. Mahon 1976 Hosts: Oncorhynchus nerka (3) (Ont); 17. Mudry and Anderson 1977 (Alta) SalveUnits fontinalis (1,2) Dist.: Pac, BC-b, Que Ligula sp. plerocercoid (FW) Records: 1. Richardson 1936 (Que); 2. Cho- Location: body cavity quette 1948a (Que); 3. Margolis 1963 (Pac, Hosts: Catostomus catostotnus (3,4) BC-b) C. commersoni (2,4) Remarks: Material reported only as diphyl- Culaea inconstans (4) lobothriid larvae from S. fontinalis from Rhinichthys cataractae (4) Quebec by Hoffman and Dunbar (1961) is Salvelinus fontinalis (1,2) 150 referred to Diphyllobothrium sp. following Dist.: Alta, Ont, Que Hoffman (1967). Records: 1. Ricker 1932 (Ont); 2. Fantham and Porter 1948 (Que); 3. Rawson and Family LIGULIDAE Elsey 1950 (Alta); 4. Nelson 1965 (Alta)

Ligula intestinalis (Linnaeus, 1758) Gmelin, (O. F. Müller, 1776) 1790 (plerocercoid) (FW) Steenstrup, 1857 (pleroccrcoid) (FW) 148The material reported by Sandeman and Pippy 180Material reported by Ricker (1932) as ". . . a (1967) was noted to be ". . . probably D. cordi- cestode . • . which resembled Ligula in appearance" ceps . ." from the stomach of S. fondues was considered 149This record is a provisional identification. possibly the result of ingestion of small fish.

88 Location: body cavity (BC); 6. Stewart-Hay (1952a, b MS) cited Hosts: Cottus bairdi (15) in Lubinsky 1976 (Man) C. cognatus (1,6,7,20) Cottus sp. (3) Culaea inconstans (6,7,19) Family HAPLOBOTHRIIDAE Gasterosteus aculeatus (8,9,10,11,13, 14,16,17) Haplobothrium globuliforme Cooper, G. wheatlandi (1,12) 1914 (FW) Perca flavescens (18) Location: intestine Pungitius pungitius (2,17) Hosts: Amia calva (1,2,3) Salvelinus fontinalis (4,8)151 ictalurus punctatus (4) S. namaycush (5)151 Dist.: Out Dist.: Pac, Alta, BC-b, BC, Lab, Man, NB, Records: 1. Cooper 1915b; 2. Bangham and Nfld-b, Nfld, NWT, Ont, Que, YT Hunter 1939; 3. Bangham 1955; 4. Dechtiar Records: 1. Cooper 1919 (NB, Ont), 2. 1921 1972b (NWT); 3. Wardle 1933a (BC), 4. 1933b (Que); 5. Rawson 1951 (NWT); 6. Lawler 1954a (Man); 7. Lawler and Watson 1958 Family PTYCHOBOTHRIIDAE (Man); 8. Sandeman and Pippy 1967 (Nfld); 9. Morris and Finnegan 1968 (BC-b); 10. Clestobothrium crassiceps (Rudolphi, 1819) Threlfall 1968 (Nfld); 11, Hanek and Threl- Lühe, 1899 (M) fall 1970e (Lab, Nfid), 12. 1971 (Nfld-b); 13. Location: intestine, pyloric caeca Lester 1971 (BC), 14. 1975 (Pac, BC); 15. Hosts: Hippoglossus hippoglossus (3) Dechtiar 1972c (Ont); 16. Scott and Cross- Merluccius bilinearis (1) man 1973 (Ont); 17. Hanek and Molnar M. productus (2,4) 1974 (Que); 18. Molnar et al. 1974 (Ont); Dist.: Atl, Pac 19. Miller and Macdonald (1950 MS) cited Records: 1. Cooper 1919 (Atl); 2. Wardle in Mudry and Anderson 1976 (Alta); 20. 1933a (Pac); 3. Ronald 1958b (Atl); 4. Arthur et al. 1976 (YT) Boyce 1976 (Pac) Schistocephalus sp. plerocercoid (FW) Location: body cavity Family TRIAENOPHORIDAE Hosts: Catostomus catostomus (3) Coregonus clupeaf ormis (1)152 Anchistrocephalus microcephalus (Rudolphi, Cottus asper (3) (M) Culaea inconstans (3) 1819) Monticelli, 1890 Location: intestine Gasterosteus aculeatus (2,3,5) Notropis hudsonius (4) Host: Mola mola Dist.: Oncorhynchus nerka (3) Atl Prosopium williamsoni (3) Record: Threlfall 1967 Pungitius pungitius (6) Richardsonius balteatus (3) Fistulicola plicatus (Rudolphi, 1819) Lühe, Salmo gairdneri (3) 1899 (M) Dist.: Alta, BC, Man, Ont, Que Location: intestine, pyloric caeca Host: Xiphias gladius Records: 1. Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); Dist.: Atl 2. Dunbar and Hildebrand 1952 (Que); 3. Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC); 4. Miller Record: I1es 1971 and Macdonald (1950 MS) cited in Mudry and Anderson 1976 (Alta); 5. Manzer 1976 Triaenophorus crassus Forel, 1868 (plerocercoid) (FW) tStThis parasite was reported from the stomach Syn.: Triaenophorus robustus Olsson, 1893 of these hosts by Rawson (1951) and Sandeman and Triaenophorus tricuspidatus of Newton, Pippy (1967). The latter authors considered the oc- 1932 (partim)153 currence in S. fontinalis probably to be the result of ingestion of infected Gasterosteus aculeatus. 152The record of Schistocephalus sp. from C. 153The material reported as larval T. tricuspidatus clupeaformis is found only in the host-parasite list from the musculature of coregonine fishes by New- of Bangham and Hunter (1939). ton (1932) is referable to T. crassus.

89 Triaenophorus sp. of Nicholson, 1932 154 (NWT); 25. Oakland 1950 (Man) 159; 26. Triaenophorus sp. type robustus of Keleher 1950 (Man), 27. 1952 (Man); 28. Cooper, 1919 Welch 1950 (Ont), 29. 1952 (Ont); 30. Location: musculature Wheaton and Hazen 1951 (Sask); 31. Law- Hosts: Coregonus artedii (2,3,4,7,9,12,13,14, ler and Scott 1954 (Man-NWT, Man, Ont); 19,20,26,27,29,37,41) 155 32. Lawler 1954a (Man), 33. 1955 (Man), C. clupeaformis (3,4,6,7,8,9,11,14,16, 34. 1959 (Man), 35. 1961 (Man), 36. 1970 17,19,20,21,22,28,29,30,31,32,33,35, (Man); 37. Bangham 1955 (Ont); 38. Fuller 36,37,39,41,42) 1955 (NWT); 39. Lawler and Watson 1958 C. hoyi (2,4,29,37) (Man); 40. Burchwald and Nursall 1969 C. nigripinnis (4,20,26,27,29) 156 (NWT); 41. Dechtiar 1972e (Ont); 42. Ar- C. reighardi (29) thur et al. 1976 (YT) C. sardinella (6) C. zenithicus (2,3,4,20,26,27,29) Triaenophorus crassus Fore!, 1868 (adult) (FW) Coregonus sp. (includes "cisco, lake Syn.: Triaenophorus robustus Olsson, 1893 herring, tullibee, and whitefish" of Triaenophorus tricuspidat us morpha various authors) (1,8,12,14,15,18,19, megadentatus Wardle, 1932 21,22,25,28,31,32,33,34,35,36,39) 157 Triaenophorus tricuspidatus of Newton, Esox lucius (8) 1932 (partim) 169 Lampetra japonica (40) Triaenophorus sp. type robustus of Petromyzon 171 ar i n us (31,37) Cooper, 1919 Prosopiwn cylinclraceum (21,42) Location: intestine P. williamsoni (8) Hosts: Esox litchis (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12, Prosopium sp. (7) 13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24, Salvelinus namaycush (8,11,19,20,21, 25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34) 23,24,41,42) E. masquinongy (33) Stenodus leucichthys (8,19,38) 158 Lota Iota (1) Thymallus arcticus (10,11,21,42) Petrotnyzon tnarinus (32) Unspecified coregonines (5) Stizostedion vitrewn vitreum (35) Dist.: Alta, BC, Man, NWT, Ont, Sask, YT Dist.: Alta, BC-YT, Man, NWT, Ont, Sask, Records: 1. Cooper 1919 (Ont); 2. Bajkov YT 1932 (Man); 3. Newton 1932 (Man); 4. Records: 1. Cooper 1919 (Ont); 2. Newton Nicholson 1932a (Man); 5. Ekbaum 1935b 1932 (Man); 3. Wardle 1932b (Man, unspe- (unspecified locality); 6. Clemens et al. 1945 cified localities Hudson Bay drainage); 4. (BC, YT); 7. Miller 1943 (Alta), 8. 1945b Ekbaum 1935b (unspecified locality), 5. (Alta, NWT), 9. 1945d (Alta), 10. 1946a 1937 (Man, Ont); 6. Kuitunen-Ekbaum (NWT), 11. 1947 (NWT), 12. 1948 (Alta), 1936 (Man, Ont); 7. Miller 1943 (Alta), 8. 13. 1950 (Alta), 14. 1952 (Alta, Man), 15. 1945b (Alta), 9, 1947 (NWT); 10. Clemens 1954 (Alta); 16. Doan 1945 (Man), 17. 1949 et al. 1945 (BC-YT); 11. Doan 1945 (Man), (Man); 18. Miller and Watkins 1946 (Alta); 12. 1949 (Man); 13. Miller and Watkins 19. Rawson 1947a (NWT), 20. 1947b (Alta, 1946 (Alta); 14. Rawson 1947a (NWT), 15. Sask), 21. 1951 (NWT), 22. 1960 (Sask), 23. 1951 (NWT); 16. Libin 1951 (Alta); 17. 1961 (Sask); 24. Miller and Kennedy 1948 Wheaton and Hazen 1951 (Sask); 18. Law- ler 1954a (Man), 19. 1955 (Man), 20. 1956 154The parasite reported by Nicholson (1932a) (Man), 21. 1959 (Man), 22. 1961 (Man), 23. as Triaenophorus sp. from coregonines is identifi- able as T. crassus. 1970 (Man); 24. Lawler and Scott 1954 (Ont); 25. Bangham 1955 (Ont); 26. Watson 155The record of Miller (1945d) from C. artedii involves a tentative host identification. and Lawler 1956 (Man), 27. 1963 (Man), 28. 1965a (Man), 29. 19656 (Man); 30. 156The record of Rawson (1947b) involves a ten- tative host identification for C. nigripinnis. 157The record of Miller (1945b) involves a tenta- 159The parasite reported only as "cysts" from tive host identification (as Leucichthys sp. (probably coregonines of Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba, by Oak- tullibee) (= C. artedii)). land (1950) is referable to T. crassus. 158The record of Miller (1945b) from S. leu- 169The material reported as T. tricuspidatus from cichthys is a tentative parasite identification (the the intestine of E. Indus by Newton (1932) evidently parasite was reported as ". . . almost certainly T. consisted of a mixture of T. crassus and T. nod ulosus crassus."). (Pallas, 1760).

90 Lawler and Watson 1958 (Man); 31. Wat- Triaenophorus nodulosus (Pallas, 1760) son and Price 1960 (Man, NWT, Ont); 32. Rudolphi, 1819 (adult) (FW) Wilson and Ronald 1967 (Ont); 33. Dech- Syn.: Triaenophorus tricuspidatus morpha tiar 1972c (Ont); 34. Arthur et al. 1976 microdentatus Wardle, 1932 (YT); 35. Anthony 1976 (Ont) Triaenophorus tricuspidatus of Newton, Remarks: Miller (1945b) considered the re- 1932 (partim) 162 port of Cooper (1919) of T. crassus from Triaenophorus sp. type nodulosus of L. iota to be based on a liberated but mori- Cooper, 1919 (partim) bund plerocercoid and concluded that L. Location: intestine Iota was not an alternate host for this para- Hosts: Esox lucius (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11,12,13, site. The record from Petromyzon marin us 14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25) probably is of a similar nature. E. masquinongy (1,10,23) Stizostedion vitreum vitreum (26) Tri aenophorus nodulosus (Pallas, 1760) Dist.: Alta, Man, NWT, Ont, Que, YT Rudolphi, 1819 (plerocercoid) (FW) Records: 1. Cooper 1919 (Ont); 2. Nicholson Syn.: Triaenophorus sp. type nodulosus of 1928 (Man)163; 3. Newton 1932 (Man); 4. Cooper, 1919 (partim) Wardle 1932b (Man, unspecified localities Location: liver, viscera Hudson Bay drainage); 5. Ekbaum 1935b Hosts: Carassius auratus (19) (unspecified locality); 6. Miller 1943 (Alta), Catostomus commersoni (1,2,20,21) 7. 1945a (Alta); 8. Rawson 1951 (NWT); Cottus cognatus (8,9,10,11,14,23) 9. Libin 1951 (Alta); 10. Choquette 1951c Lepomis gibbosus (20) (Que); 11. Lawler 1953 (Man), 12. 1954a Lofa Iota (3,4,9,10,11,12,13,14,20) (Man), 13. 1955 (Man), 14. 1956 (Man), Micropterus dolomieui (1) 15. 1969 (Man); 16. Watson and Lawler 1956 Morone americana (16,17) (Man), 17. 1963 (Man), 18. 1965a (Man), M. chrysops (19) 19. 1965b (Man); 20. Lawler and Watson Moxostoma anisurum (19,20) 1958 (Man); 21. Watson and Price 1960 M. erythrurum (19) (Man); 22. Dechtiar 1972b (Ont), 23. 1972c Notropis corn utus (19) (Ont); 24. Collins and Dechtiar 1974 (Ont); Oncorhynchus kisutch (22) 25. Arthur et al. 1976 (YT); 26. Anthony O. nerka (21) 1976 (Ont) Perca flavescens (1,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,14, Remarks: Material reported as Triaenophorus 15,16,18,20,21) sp. type nodulosus from Stizostedion vitre um Percopsis omiscomaycus (21) vitreum by Cooper (1919) was tentatively Stizostedion canadense (20) referred to T. stizostedionis n.sp. by Miller Thymallus arcticus (5) (1945c). Unspecified Salmonidae (22) Dist.: Alta, Man, NWT, Ont, YT Triaenophorus stizostedionis Miller, 1945 Records: 1. Cooper 1919 (Ont); 2. Bangham (plerocercoid) (FW) and Hunter 1939 (Ont) 161; 3. Miller 1943 Syn.: Triaenophorus sp. of Miller, 1943 (Alta), 4. 1945a (Alta), 5. 1946a (NWT); Location: liver 6. Keleher 1950 (unspecified locality); 7. Hosts: Cottus cognatus (3,4,6) Welch 1952 (Ont); 8. Lawler 1952 (Man), Percopsis omiscomaycus (1,2,4,5,6,7,8) 9. 1953 (Man, Ont), 10. 1954a (Man), 11. Dist.: Alta, Man, Ont 1955 (Man), 12. 1968 (Man), 13. 1969 Records: I. Miller 1943 (Alta), 2. 1945c (Man); 14. Lawler and Watson 1958 (Man) (Alta); 3. Lawler and Scott 1954 (Man); 15. Tedla and Fernando 1969a (Ont), 16. 4. Lawler 1954a (Man), 5. 1954b (Man); 1969c (Ont), 17. 1969e (Ont), 18. 1972 6. Lawler and Watson 1958 (Man); 7. Dech- (Ont); 19. Dechtiar 1972b (Ont), 20. 1972c tiar 1972b (Ont), 8. 1972c (Ont) (Ont); 21, Collins and Dechtiar 1974 (Ont); 22. Leong and Holmes 1974a (Alta); 23. Triaenophorus stizostedionis Miller, 1945 Arthur et al. 1976 (YT) (adult) (FW) 162The material reported as T. tricuspidatus from 161Identification of this parasite to genus only is E. lucius by Newton (1932) evidently consisted of given in the parasite-host list of Bangham and a mixture of T. nodulosus and T. crassus. Hunter (1939). For specific designation see their I63This report involves a tentative parasite iden- host-parasite list. tification.

91 Syn.: Triaenophorus sp. of Miller, 1943 Records: 1. Wardle 1933c (Man); 2. Bangham ?Triaenophorus sp. type nodulosus of and Hunter 1939 (Ont) Cooper, 1919 (partim) Location: intestine Host: Stizostedion vitrecun vitreznn Unidentified Pseudophyllidea Dist.: Alta, Man, NWT, Ont, Sask Records: Cooper 1919 (Ont); Miller 1943 (Alta), 1945c (Alta, NWT); Rawson 1951 Pseudophyllidea gen.sp. (M) (Alta, Sask); Lawler 1954a (Man), 1954b Location: intestine (Man); Bangham 1955 (Ont); Lawler and Host: Tautogolabrus adspersus Watson 1958 (Man); Watson and Lawler Dist.: Atl 1965a (Man), 1965b (Man); Dechtiar 1972c Record: Sekhar S. and Threlfall 1970a (Ont); Anthony 1976 (Ont); Stewart-Hay (1951a, 1953a MS) cited in Lubinsky 1976 ORDER TETRAPHYLLIDEA (Man); Dickson (1964 MS) cited in Lubinsky 1976 (Man) Family ONCHOBOTHRIIDAE Triaenophorus spp. plerocercoid (FW) Syn.: Triaenophorus tricuspidatus of Wardle, Acanthobothritun coronattnn (Rudolphi, 1819) 1932 (partim)164 van Beneden, 1849 (M) Location: musculature, liver, viscera Location: [spiral valve] Hosts: Catostomits catostomus (3) Hosts: Raja laevis Coregonus clupeaformis (4) R. ocellata Coregonus sp. (1,4) R. radiata Esox litchis (1) Dist.: Atl Micropterus dolomieui (2) Record: Myers 1959 Perca flavescens (1,2) Percopsis omiscomaycus (2) Onchobothrium pseudouncinatuin (Rudolphi, Stizostedion canarlense (2) 1819) Beauchamp, 1905 (M) S. viü'eum glaucum (2) Location: intestine S. vitrecun vitrewn (2) Host: Bathyraja richardsoni Dist.: Alta, Man, Ont Dist.: Atl Records: 1. Wardle 1932b (Man, unspecified Record: Templeman 1973b localities Hudson Bay drainage); 2. Bang- ham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); 3. Bangham Family PHOREIOBOTHRIIDAE 1955 (Ont); 4. Miller and Macdonald (1950 MS) cited in Mudry and Anderson 1976 Trilocularia acanthiae-vulgaris Olsson, 1867 (M) (Alta) Syn.: Trilocularia gracilis Olsson, 1869 Triaenophorus spp. adult (FW) Location: [spiral valve] Syn.: Triaenophorus tricuspidatus of Wardle, Hosts: Raja radiata 1933165 Squalus acanthias Location: intestine Dist.: Atl Hosts: Esox lucius (1) Record: Threlfall 1969 Stizostedion canadense (2) Remarks: Yamaguti (1959) listed T. gracilis S. vitreum glaucum (2) as the senior synonym. Dist.: Man, Ont

164The material reported as T. tricuspidatns by Family PHYLLOBOTHRIIDAE Wardle (1932b) from the liver of E. hicius and P. flavescens is probably referable to Triaenophorus Anthobothrium cornucopia van Beneden, nodttlosus and that from the musculature of Cw•e- 1850 (M) gonnis sp. to T. crassxs. Location: stomach, spiral valve, intestine 165Material reported as T. tricuspidatas by Wardle Hosts: Raja ocellata (2) (1933c) cannot be given a specific designation as this author considered T. crassus (as T. tricuspidatas R. radiata (1,2,3) morpha inacrodentatus) and T. nodulosus (as T. n•i- Dist.: Atl cuspidatus morpha rnicrodentatus) to represent only Records: 1. Heller 1949; 2. Myers 1959; 3. variations of this species. Threlfall 1969

92 Remarks: Riser (1955) considered A. cornu- Phyllobothrium dagnallium Southwell, 1927 (M) copia of Heller, 1949 to be an unspecified Location: stomach, spiral valve, intestine species of Echeneibothrium. Baer (1956) Hosts: Lamna nasus (2) considered Heller's material to be a syn- Prionace glauca (3) onym of Pseudanthobothrium hanseni, a Raja laevis (1,2) species which he described from R. radia ta. R. radiata (1) Dist.: Atl Anthobothrium variabile (Linton, 1889) Records: 1. Heller 1949; 2. Myers 1959; 3. Southwell, 1925 (1■4) Threlfall 1969 Location: [spiral valve] Hosts: Raja ocellata Phyllobothrium spp. plerocercoid (M) R. radiata Location: intestine, pyloric caeca, gall bladder Dist.: Atl Hosts: Agonis acipenserinus (5,6) Record: Myers 1959 A mmodytes hexapterus (5,6) A prodon cortezianus (5,6) Aulorhynchus flavidus (5,6) Dinobothrium sp. (M) Blepsias cirrhosus (5,6) Location: not specified Clupea harengus pallasi (5,6) Lamna nasus Host: Coryphopterus nicholsi (6) Dist.: At! Cymatogaster aggregata (5,6) 1959 Record: Myers Dasycottus se tiger (6) Entosphenus tridentatus (1) Echeneibothrium variabile van Beneden, Gadus macrocephalus (5,6) 1850 (M) Gasterosteus aculeatus (5,6) Location: [spiral valve] Hexagrammos lagocephalus (5,6) Hosts: Raja ocellata H. stelleri (5,6) R. radiata Icelinus filamentosus (5,6) Dist.: Atl I. tenuis (5,6) Record: Myers 1959 Lepidopsetta bilineata (5,6) Limanda ferruginea (2) Pelichnibothrium sp. plerocercoid (M) Myoxocephalus polyacanthocephalus Location: stomach, intestine (5,6) Host: Salmo salar Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (3,4,5,6,) 167 Dist.: NB, Nfld O. keta (5,6) 167 Records: Sandeman and Pippy 1967 (Nfld); O. kisutch (5,6) 167 Pippy 1969 (NB) O. nerka (1,5,6)167 O. tshawytscha (5,6) 167 Phyllobothrium caudatum (Zschokke and Heitz, Ophiodon elongatus (5,6) 1914) Zmeev, 1936 (plerocercoid) (M) Platichthys stellatus (5,6) Syn.: Phyllobothrium salmonis Fujita, 1922 Salvelinus malma (1,5,6) Phyllobothrium sp. of Wardle, 1932 Sebastes alutus (7,8) Location: intestine, stomach S. borealis (8) Hosts: Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (2,3,4) S. caurinus (8) O. nerka (3,4,5) S. cramer (8) Oncorhynchus spp. (1,2) 166 S. diploproa (5,6) Dist.: Pac, BC-b, BC S. elongatus (8) Records: 1. Wardle 1932a (Pac), 2. 1932b S. entomelas (8) (Pac); 3. Margolis 1956b (Pac, BC-b), 4. S. maliger (5,6) 1957 (Pac, BC-b, BC), 5. 1963 (Pac, BC-b) S. pinniger (8) Remarks: Williams (1968) discussed the syn- S. ruberrimus (8) onymy of Phyllobothrium plerocercoids re- S. varie gatus (8) covered from Oncorhynchus species in the Syngnathus griseolineatus (5,6) North Pacific. Thaleichthys pacificus (5,6)

166This species was reported from ". . . all species 167The plerocercoids from these hosts are prob- of Oncorhynchus . . ." by Wardle (1932a). ably P. caudatum.

93 Theragra chalcogramma (5,6) Location: intestine Triglops pingeli (5,6) Host: Tautogolabrus adspersus Xeneretnuts latifrons (5,6) Dist.: At! Dist.: At!, Pac, BC Record: Sekhar S. and Threlfall 1970a Records: 1. Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC); 2. Ronald 1958b (Ad); 3. Boyce 1966 (Pac), Scolex sp. plerocercoid (1\4) 4. 1969 (Pac); 5. Arai 1967a (Pac), 6. 1969b Location: liver (Pac); 7. Sekerak and Arai 1973 (Pac), 8. Host: Squalus acanthias 1977 (Pac) Dist.: Atl Record: Threlfall 1969 Phyllobothrium spp. (M) Location: intestine Hosts: Prionace glauca (2) Unidentified Tetraphyllidea Raja laevis (1) R. ocellata (1) Tetraphyllidea gen. spp. plerocercoid (1\4) R. radiata (1,2) Location: intestinal wall, intestine Squalus acanthias (1,2) Hosts: Ammodytes dubius (2) Dist.: At! Litnanda ferruginea (1) Records: 1. Myers 1959; 2. Threlfall 1969 Dist.: At! Records: 1. Ronald 1958b; 2. Scott 1973 Scyphophyllideum giganteum (van Beneden, 1858) Woodland, 1927 (1g) Location: intestine ORDER DIPHYLLIDEA Host: Raja radiata Dist.: Atl Family ECHINOBOTHRIIDAE Records: Heller 1949; Threlfall 1969 Echinobothrium raji Heller, 1949 (M) Family PROSOBOTHRIIDAE Location: stomach, spiral valve Host: Raja radiata Dist.: Atl Platybothrium parvutn Linton, 1901 (I\4 ) Record: Heller 1949 Location: intestine Remarks: Wardle et al. (1974) considered Hosts: illyoxocephalus scorpius Diphyllidea to be a nomen oblitum which Prionace giauca they resurrected to contain the family Dist.: Atl Diphyllobothriidae. The same authors Record: Threlfall 1969 noted: "From its description and its loca- tion in an elasmobranch, Echinobothrium Tetraphyllidea of Uncertain Position would seem to be a lecanicephalid."

Scolex pleuronectis O. F. Müller, 1788 ORDER PROTEOCEPHALIDEA (plerocercoid) (M) Location: stomach, pyloric caeca, intestine Family PROTEOCEPHALIDAE Hosts: Hippoglossoides platessoides Hippoglossus hippoglossus Litnanda ferruginea Corallobothrium fimbriatum Essex, 1928 (FW) Dist.: At! Location: intestine Record: Ronald 1958b Hosts: Ictalurus melas (2,6) Remarks: Scolex pleuronectis is a larval name I. nebulosus (1,3,4,5,7,8,9) 168 under which plerocercoids of various tetra- I. punctatus (2) phyllidean species have been assigned. Noturus flavus (2) Gaevskaya and Umnova (1977) reported N. gyrinus (8) these metacestodes from a number of fishes N. miurus (2) from the Atlantic coast of Canada. Dist.: BC, Man, Ont, Que

Scolex pleuronectis bilocidaris (G. R. Wagener, 168The record of Wardle (1932b) is a provisional 1854) Southwell, 1925 (plerocercoid) (M) parasite identification.

94 Records: 1. Wardle 1932b (Man); 2. Bangham Amia calva (3)169 and Hunter 1939 (Ont); 3. Bangham 1941 Cottus bairdi (3,10) (Ont), 4. 1955 (Ont); 5. Bangham and Culaea inconstans (10) Venard 1946 (Ont); 6. Worley and Bangham Ictalurus melas (3) 1952 (Que); 7. Bangham and Adams 1954 I. nebulosus (2,4,5,6,9,10,12) (BC); 8. Dechtiar 1972c (Ont); 9. Molnar Labidesthes sicculus (3) et al. 1974 (Ont) Lepisosteus osseus (3) Lepomis gibbosus (3,4,5,6,9,10) Corallobothrium parafimbriatum Befus and L. macrochirus (3) Freeman, 1973 (FW) Micropterus dolomieui (1,2,3,4,5,6,8, Location: intestine 9,10) Host: Ictalurus nebulosus M. salmoides (3,7) Dist.: Ont Morone chrysops (3,5) Records: Befus and Freeman 1973a, b Notropis atherinoides (3) N. hudsonius (3) Corallobothrium spp. (FW) Noturus flavus (3) Location: intestine Perca flavescens (3,4,5,6,9,10,11) Hosts: A mbloplites rupestris (2) Pomoxis nigromaculatus (10) Etheostoma exile (2) Seinotilus atromaculatus (6,9) Ictalurus melas (1) Stizostedion canadense (10) 1. nebulosus (1,2) S. vitreum glaucum (3) Micropterus salmoides (2) S. vitreum vitreum (3,10) Perca flavescens (2) Dist.: BC, Ont, Que Dist.: Ont Records: 1. Cooper 1915c (Ont); 2. Wardle Records: 1. Bangham and Hunter 1939; 2. 1933b (Que); 3. Bangham and Hunter 1939 Molnar et al. 1974 (Ont); 4. Bangham 1941 (Ont), 5. 1955 (Ont); 6. Bangham and Venard 1946 (Ont); Corallotaenia minutia (Fritts, 1959) Befus and 7. Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC); 8. Freeman, 1973 (parenteral Fischer and Freeman 1969 (Ont), 9. 1973 plerocercoid) (FW) (Ont); 10. Dechtiar 1972c (Ont); 11. Tedla Location: encysted in viscera and Fernando 1972 (Ont); 12. Befus and Host: Ictalurus nebulosus Freeman 1973b (Ont) Dist.: Ont Record: Befus and Freeman 1973b Proteocephalus ambloplitis (Leidy, 1887) Benedict, 1900 (FW) Corallotaenia minutia (Fritts, 1959) Befus and Location: intestine Freeman, 1973 (adult) (FW) Hosts: Ambloplites rupestris (3) Location: intestine Amia calva (3) Host: Ictalurus nebulosus Lepisosteus osseus (3)170 Dist.: Ont Micropterus dolomieui (1,2,3,4,5,7,8, Records: Befus and Freeman 1973a, b 9,10,11) M. salmoides (3,5) Megathylacoides giganteum (Essex, 1928) Perca flavescens (4,12) Freze, 1965 (FW) Salvelinus fontinalis (6) Syn.: Corallobothrium giganteum Essex, 1928 S. namaycush (6) Location: digestive tract Dist.: Ont, Que Host: Ictalurus punctatus Records: 1. Cooper 1915c (Ont); 2. Wardle Dist.: Ont 1933b (Que); 3. Bangham and Hunter 1939 Records: Bangham and Hunter 1939; Bangham (Ont); 4. Bangham 1941 (Ont), 5. 1955 1955 (Ont); 6. MacLulich 1943b (Ont); 7. Bangham and Venard 1946 (Ont); 8. Fischer Proteocephalus ambloplitis (Leidy, 1887) 169The record of the plerocercoid of P. amblo- Benedict, 1900 (parenteral plitis from A. calva is found only in the parasite- plerocercoid) (FW) host list of Bangham and Hunter (1939). Syn.: Proteocephalus micropteri (Leidy, 1887) 170The record of P. ambloplitis from the intestine Location: encysted in viscera of this host is found in the parasite-host list only of Hosts: A mbloplites rupestris (3,5,10) Bangham and Hunter (1939).

95 1968 (Ont); 9. Fischer and Freeman 1969 Proteocephalus fluviatilis Bangham, 1925 (FW) (Ont), 10. 1973 (Ont); 11. Dechtiar 1972c Location: intestine (Ont); 12. Tedla and Fernando 1972 (Ont) Hosts: Lepomis gibbosus (1) Micropterus dolotnieui (1,2,3,4,5) Proteocephalus arcticus Cooper, 1921 (FW) M. salmoides (1) Location: intestine Dist.: Ont Hosts: Coregonus sp. (4) 171 Records: 1. Bangham and Hunter 1939; 2. Oncorhynchus kisutch (3) Bangham 1941; 3. Bangham and Venard O. nerka (2) 172 1946; 4. Fischer 1968; 5. Dechtiar I972c Salmo clarki (2) 172 Salvelinus alpin us (1) Proteocephalus laruei Faust, 1920 (FW) Dist.: BC, NWT Syn.: Ichthyotaenia laruei (Faust, 1920) Records: 1. Cooper 1921 (NWT); 2. Wardle Location: intestine 1933a (BC) 173 , 3. I933b (BC); 4. Rawson Hosts: Coregonus artedii (4,5,8) 1951 (NWT) C. clupeaformis (1,2,3,4,5,6,8) C. hoyi (2,5) C. zenithicus (2) Proteocephalus coregoni Wardle, 1932 (FW) Location: intestine Oncorhynchus nerka (7) Petromyzon marinus (5) Coregonus sp. 174 Host: (4) Dist.: unspecified locality Hudson Bay drain- Prosopium cylindraceum Dist.: BC, Man, Ont, Sask age 1. Hart 1931 (Ont) 175 ; 2. Wardle Record: Wardle 1932b Records: 1932b (Man, Sask), 3. 1933b (Ont); 4. Bang- ham 1941 (Ont), 5. 1955 (Ont); 6. Bangham Proteocephalus exiguus La Rue, 1911 (FW) and Venard 1946 (Ont); 7. Bangham and Location: intestine Adams 1954 (BC); 8. Dechtiar 1972c (Ont) Hosts: Coregonus artedii (1,2,4,5) C. clupeafortnis (1,2,4,5,6) Proteocephalus luciopercae Wardle, 1932 (FW) C. hoyi (4) Location: intestine Oncorhynchus nerka (3) Hosts: Stizostedion canadense (1) Prosopiwn cylintlraceum (4) S. vitreum vitreum (1,2,3,4,5,6) P. williarnsoni (3) Dist.: Man, Ont, Sask Dist: Alta, BC, Ont Records: 1. Wardle 1932b (Man, Sask); 2. Records: I. Hunter and Bangham 1933 (Ont); Lawler 1954a (Man); 3. Lawler and Watson 2. Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); 3. 1958 (Man); 4. Anthony 1976 (Ont); 5. Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC); 4. Bang- Stewart-Hay (1951a, b; 1952a, 1953a, b ham 1955 (Ont); 5. Dechtiar 1972c (Ont); 6. MS) cited in Lubinsky 1976 (Man); 6. Leong and Holmes 1974a (Alta) Dickson (1964 MS) cited in Lubinsky 1976 (Man) Proteocephalus filicollis (Rudolphi, 1802) Weinland, 1858 (FW) Proteocephalus tnacrocephalus (Creplin, 1825) Location: intestine Nufer, 1905 (FW) Hosts: Coregonus artedii (2) Location: intestine Gasterosteus aculea tus (1) Host: Anguilla rostrata Dist.: Alta, Nfld Dist.: Ont, Que Records: 1. Hanek and Threlfall 1970e (Nfld); Records: Bangham 1941 (Ont); Bangham and 2. Leong and Holmes 1974a (Alta) Venard 1946 (Ont); Dechtiar I972b (Ont); Hanek and Molnar 1974 (Que) 171This parasite was reported by Rawson (1951) as "Proteocephalus arcticus?" Proteocephalus parallacticusMacLulich, inThe parasites reported by Wardle (1933a) were 1943 (FW) "... regarded provisionally as belonging to the spe- Location: intestine cies arcticus . ." FIosts: Sahno truffa (1,2) 173Freze (1965) considered the records of Wardle (1933a) to be questionable. 175This parasite vas noted by Hart (1931) to be 174The host was reported as "Coregonus sp. prob- ". • . either Ichthyotaenia !alliai Faust or some spe- ably C. atikameg" (syn. of C. clupeaformis). cies extraordinarily similar to it."

96 Salvelinus fontinalis (1,2,3,4,6) Perca flavescens (3) 177 S. fontinalis X S. namaycush (6) Sethotilus atromaculatus (3) S. namaycush (1,2,3,5,6,7,8) Stizostedion vitreum vitreum (14) Dist.: Alta, Ont, Que Dist.: BC, Lab, Man, NWT, Ont, Que Records: 1. MacLulich 1943a (Ont), 2. 1943b Records: 1. Wardle 1932b (Man); 2. Richard- (Ont); 3. Bangham and Venard 1946 (Ont); son 1937b (Que); 3. Bangham and Hunter 4. Choquette 1948a (Que); 5. Freeman 1961 1939 (Ont); 4. Rawson 1951 (NWT); 5. (Ont), 6. 1964a (Ont); 7. Dechtiar 1972c Choquette 1951c (Que); 6. Worley and (Ont); 8. Mudry and Anderson 1977 (Alta) Bangham 1952 (Que); 7. Lawler 1954a (Man); 8. Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC); Proteocephalus pearsei La Rue, 1919 (FW) 9. Bangham 1955 (Ont); 10. Lawler and Location: intestine Watson 1958 (Man); 11. Crossman 1962 Hosts: Ambloplites rupestris (1,3) (Ont); 12. Threlfall and Hanek 1970b (Lab); A plodinotus grunniens (1) 13. Dechtiar 1972c (Ont); 14. Anthony 1976 Etheostoma nigrum (1 )176 (Ont); 15. Little (1954 MS) cited by Lubin- lctalurus nebulosus (3) sky 1976 (Man) Lepomis gibbosus (3,4) L. macrochirus (1) Proteocephalus ptychocheilus Faust, 1920 (FW) Lota Iota (3) Location: [intestine] Micropterus dolomieui (1,2,5) Hosts: Mylocheilus caurinus M. salmoides (1) P tychocheilus ore gonensis Morone chrysops (1,3) Dist.: BC Notropis atherinoides (8) Record: Bangham and Adams 1954 Perca flavescens (1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9) Percina caprodes (1) Proteocephalus pugetensis Hoff and Hoff, Percopsis omiscomaycus (1) 1929 (FW) Pomoxis annularis (3) Location: intestine P. nigromaculatus (3,8) Host: Gasterosteus aculeatus Stizostedion vitreum vitreum (10) Dist.: Pac, BC Dist.: Ont Records: Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC); Records: 1. Bangham and Hunter 1939; 2. Lester 1975 (Pac, BC) Bangham 1941, 3. 1955; 4. Bangham and Venard 1946; 5. Fischer 1968; 6. Tedla and Proteocephalus pusillus Ward, 1910 (FW) Fernando 1969a, 7. 1972; 8, Dechtiar 1972c; Location: intestine, pyloric caeca 9. Cannon 1973; 10. Anthony 1976 Hosts: Coregonus artedii (2) Salvelinus namaycush (1) Dist.: Man, Ont Proteocephalus perplexus La Rue, 1911 (FW) Records: 1. MacLulich 1943b (Ont); 2. Little Location: [intestine] (1954 MS) cited in Lubinsky 1976 (Man) Hosts: Amia calva (1) Lepisosteus osseus (2) Proteocephalus salmonidicola Alexander, Dist.: Ont 1951 (FW) Records: 1. Bangham 1955; 2. Dechtiar 1972b Location: intestine Hosts: Salmo clarki Proteocephalus pinguis La Rue, 1911 (FW) S. gairdneri Location: intestine Salvelinus malma Hosts: Esox americanus vertniculatus (3,11) Dist.: BC E. lucius (1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,12,13,15) Record: Bangham and Adams 1954 E. masquinongy (5,9) E. niger (6) Proteocephalus singularis La Rue, 1911 (FW) Notropis atherinoides (3) Location: intestine N. hudsonius (3) Hosts: Coregonus clupeaformis (2,3,4)

176Parasite identification to generic level only is 177Parasite identification to generic level only is given in the parasite-host list of Bangham and given in the parasite-host list of Bangham and Hunter (1939) for E. nigrum. For specific identifica- Hunter (1939) for this host. For specific identifica- tion see their host-parasite list. tion see their host-parasite list.

97 Lepisosteus osseus (1) Catostomus catostoinus (26) Dist.: Alta, Man, Out C. commersoni (3) Records: 1. Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); Cln•osomus neogaeus (31) 2. Lawler 1954a (Man); 3. Lawler and Wat- Coregonus artedii (17) son 1958 (Man); 4. Little (1954 MS) cited C. chupeaformis (1,9,17,32) in Mudry and Anderson 1976 (Alta) Coulis asper (12) C. bairdi (2,28) Proteocephalus stizostethi Hunter and C. rhotheus (12) Bangham, 1933 (FW) Couesius plunibeus (12) Location: intestine Culaea inconstans (2) Hosts: Esox lucius (3) Esox lucius (27) Micropterus dolomieui (1) Fundulus diaphanus (2,38) Percina caprodes (2)178 F. heteroclitus (36) Stizostedion canadense (1,2,5) Gasterosteus aculeatus (24,35) S. vitreum glaucaan (1,2) G. wheatlandi (25) S. vitretnn vitreurn (1,2,3,4,5,6) Hiodon tergisus (2) Dist.: Ont, Que Lota Iota (6,17,28) Records: 1. Hunter and Bangham 1933 (Ont); Micropterus dolomieui (12) 2. Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); 3. Notropis atherinoides (2) Worley and Bangham 1952 (Que); 4. Bang- N. heterolepis (4) ham 1955 (Ont); 5. Dechtiar 1972c (Ont); N. hudsoi7ius (4) 6. Anthony 1976 (Ont) Oncorhynchus kisutch (12,19,20,34) 0. nerka (12,14,15,16,43)179 Proteocephalus tennidocollus Wagner, Osmerus mordax (28,30,33) 1953 (FW) Petromyzon marinus (4,18) Location: intestine, pyloric caeca Prosopi[an cylindracecnn (32) Hosts: Coregonus chupeaformis (1,3) P. willimnsoni (12)179 Cottus cognatus (3) Pungitius pungitius (23,31,37) Esox lucius (3) Richardsonius balteatus (12) Prosopicun cylindracecan (3) Sali-no gairdneri (4,29) Salvelinus alpinus (1,2) S. salar (32,39,40) S. fontinalis (1,2) Salvelinus alpinus (32,41) S. namaycush (1,3) S. fontinalis (4,8,17,32) Thymallus arcticus (3) S. ncanaycush (5,7,10,17,32) Dist.: Lab, Que, YT Semotihus atrornaculatus (6) Records: 1. Hicks and Threlfall 1973 (Lab); Stenodus leucichthys (13) 2. Hanek and Molnar 1974 (Que); 3. Arthur Stizostedion vih•eum vitreuin (9,11,42) et al. 1976 (YT) Unspecified Salmonidae (34) Dist.: At], Pac, Alta, BC, Lab-b, Lab, NB, Proteocephalus ivickliffi Hunter and Bangham, Nfld-b, Nfld, NS, NWT, Ont, Que, Sask, YT 1933 (FW) Records: 1. Hart 1930 (Ont); 2. Bangham and Location: intestine Hunter 1939 (Ont); 3. Bangham 1941 (Ont), Host: Coregonus artedii 4. 1955 (Ont); 5. Richardson 1942 (Que); 6. Dist.: Out Bangham and Venard 1946 (Ont); 7. Miller Records: Hunter and Bangham 1933; Bang- and Kennedy 1948 (NWT); 8. Munroe 1949 ham and Hunter 1939 (Lab, Que); 9. Rawson 1951 (Alta, NWT, Sask), 10. 1961 (Sask); 11. Worley and Proteocephalus spp. (FW) Bangham 1952 (Que); 12. Bangham and Location: intestine, pyloric caeca Adams 1954 (BC); 13. Fuller 1955 (NWT); Hosts: Anguilla rostrata (22) 14. Margolis 1956b (Pac, BC), 15. 1957 A pelles quadracus (21) (BC), 16. 1963 (BC); 17. Freeman 1964a Carpiodes cyprinus (31) (Ont); 18. Wilson'and Ronald 1967 (Ont); 19. Arai 1967a (Pac`), 20. 1969b (Pac); 21. 178Parasite identification to generic level only is given in the parasite-host list of Bangham and 179Bangham and Adams ( 1954) noted that for O. Hunter (1939) for this host. For specific identifica- nerka and P. ivilliainsoni most Proleocephalus sp. tion see their host-parasite list. appeared to be P. laruei.

98 Hanek and Threlfall 1970b (Nfld-b), 22. Dist.: NS 1970c (Nfld), 23. 1970d (Lab-b), 24. 1970e Record: Wiles 1975b (At!, Lab, Nfid), 25. 1971 (Nfld-b); 26. Threlfall and Hanek 1970a (Lab), 27. 1970b Dilepididae gen.sp. larva (FW) (Lab), 28. 1971 (Lab); 29. Bell and Hoskins Location: encysted in liver and mesenteries 1971 (BC); 30. Dechtiar 1972b (Ont), 31. Host: Lepomis gibbosus 1972c (Ont); 32. Hicks and Threlfall 1973 Dist.: Ont (Lab); 33. Hanek and Molnar 1974 (Que); Record: Cone and Anderson 1977b 34. Leong and Holmes 1974a (Alta); 35. Lester 1975 (Pac, BC); 36. Dickinson and Threlfall 1975 (Nfld), 37. 1976 (Nfld); 38. Wiles 1975b (NS); 39. Hare and Burt 1975a Family HYMENOLEPIDIDAE182 (NB), 40. 1975b (NB); 41. Mudry and McCart 1976 (YT); 42. Anthony 1976 Hymenole pis spp. metacestode (FW) (Ont); 43. Boyce and Yamada 1977 (BC) Location: encysted in body cavity, liver Hosts: Couesius plumbeus (2) Proteocephalidae gen.spp. (FW) Etheostoma exile (3) Syn.: Ichthyotaeniidae Fundulus diaphanus (4) Location: intestine Lepomis gibbosus (1) Hosts: Salvelinus fontinalis (1,2,3) Dist.: BC, NS, Ont S. namaycush (1) Records: 1. Bangham and Venard 1946 (Ont); Dist.: Que 2. Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC); 3. Records: 1. Lyster 1940a 180; 2. Choquette Bangham 1955 (Ont); 4. Wiles 1975b (NS) 1948a; 3. Hoffman and Dunbar 1961 Unidentified Cestoda ORDER CYCLOPHYLLIDEA Cestoda gen.spp. plerocercoid or Family DILEPIDIDAE 181 metacestode (FW, M) Location: encysted in musculature, mesen- Dilepis unilateralis (Rudolphi, 1819) Clerc, teries, viscera; free in intestine 1906 (cysticercus) (FW) Hosts: Coregonus artedii (1) Syn.: Cysticercus due pis unilateralis (Rudol- Ictalurus nebulosus (4) phi, 1819) Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (3) Location: gall bladder O. nerka (3) Host: Micro pterus salmoides Perca flavescens (2) Dist.: Ont Dist.: Pac, Ont, Que Record: Molnar et al. 1974 Records: 1. Pritchard 1931 (Ont); 2. Fantham and Porter 1948 (Que); 3. Margolis 1956b Du e pis sp. cysticercus (FW) (Pac); 4. Befus and Freeman 1973b (Ont) Syn.: Cysticercus due pis sp. Location: gall bladder, body cavity Cestoda gen.spp. (FW, M) Hosts: Fundulus diaphanus (2) Includes: "tapeworms" auct. Micropterus salmoides (1) Location: intestine, stomach Dist.: NS, Ont Hosts: Ammodytes hexapterus (9) Records: 1. Molnar et al. 1974 (Ont); 2. Wiles Catostomus catostomus (1) 1975b (NS) Coregonus clupeaformis (6,7) Gasterosteus aculeatus (11) Par vitaenia sp. larva (FW) Oncorhynchus nerka (8,9,10) Location: viscera Osmerus mordax (3) Host: Fundulus diaphanus Rhinichthys osculus (1) Salmo salar (4,5) 180The parasites reported by Lyster (1940a) were Salvelinus fontinalis (2,12) noted to be larval cestodes ".. . probably . . . refer- S. malma (1,13) able to the family Ichthyotaeniidae . .." 181 Wardle et al. (1974) placed the Dilepididae in 182Wardle et al. (1974) placed the Hymenolepi- their newly created order Dilepididea. didae in their newly created order Hymenolepididea.

99 Dist.: Pac, Alta, NB, Nfld, NS, Ont, Que-b, clough and Fulton 1967 (Pac); 9. Barra- Que, Sask clough 1967b (Pac); 10. Robinson et al. Records: 1. Neave and Bajkov 1929 (Alta); 1968b (Pac); 11. Threlfall 1968 (Nfld); 12. 2. Ricker 1932 (Ont, Que); 3. Pigeon and Frantsi et al. 1975 (NS); 13. Rawson (1939 Vallée 1937 (Que-b); 4. Hoar 1939 (NB); MS) cited in Mudry and Anderson 1976 5. Frost 1940 (Nfld); 6. Wheaton and Hazen (Alta) 1951 (Sask); 7. Welch 1952 (Ont); 8. Barra-


CLASS NEMATODA Adams 1954 (BC); 4. Godfrey 1968 (BC); 5. Dechtiar 1972b (Ont), 6. 1972c (Ont); 7. Hanek and Molnar 1974 (Que-b); 8. SUBCLASS ADENOPHOREA Molnar et al. 1974 (Ont); 9. Lester 1975 (BC); 10. Hoskins et al. 1976 (BC); 11. Cone ORDER ENOPLIDA and Anderson 1977b (Ont)

Superfamily DIOCTOPHYMATOIDEA Superfamily TRICHUROIDEA Family DIOCTOPHYMATIDAE Family CAPILLARIIDAE Dioctophyma renale (Goeze, 1782) Stiles, 1901 (larva) (FW) (FW) Location: viscera, mesenteries, musculature Capillaria salvelini Polyansky, 1952 Host: Ictalurus nebulosus Location: intestine, pyloric caeca, stomach Dist.: Out Hosts: Coregonus clupeaformis (4) Record: Mace and Anderson 1975 Osmerus mordax (5) Prosopium cylindraceum (4,9) Dioctophyma sp. larva (FW) Salmo salar ( 1,5,6,7,8) Location: body cavity Salvelinus alpinus (4) Host: Micropterus salmoides183 S. fontinalis (2,3,4,5) Dist.: Ont S. namaycush (4,9) Record: Bangham and Hunter 1939 Thymallus arcticus (9) Dist.: Lab, NB-b, NB, Nfld-b?, Nfld, NS, Que, Eustrongylides sp. larva (FW) YT Location: viscera, musculature, body cavity, Records: 1. Pippy 1969 (NB, Nfld, NS); 2. ovary Threlfall and Hanek 1969 (Nfld), 3. 1970c Hosts: Catostomus commersoni (1,2,3) (Nfld-b and/or Nfld); 4. Hicks and Threlfall C. macrocheilus (3) 1973 (Lab); 5. Hanek and Molnar 1974 NB), 7. Cottus asper (3) (Que); 6. Hare and Burt 1975a ( Arthur Entosphenus tridentatus (3) 1975b ( NB), 8. 1976 (NB-b, NB); 9. Gasterosteus aculeatus (3,7,9) et al. 1976 (YT) Lepomis gibbosus (11) Mylocheilus caurinus (3) Capillaria spp. (FW, M) Oncorhynchus kisutch (4) Location: intestine, stomach Perca flavescens (5,6,8) Hosts: Apodichthys flavidus (3) Prosopium williamsoni (3) Aprodon cortezianus (3) Salmo clarki (3,10) Artedius harringtoni (2) S. gairdneri (10) Chitonotus pugetensis (3) Salvelinus malma (3) ' Hemilepidotus hemilepidotus (2) S. namaycush (3) Hexagrammos lagocephalus (2) Stizostedion canadense (5,6) Ictalurus nebulosus (1) S. vitreum vitreum (6) Lepidopsetta bilineata (2,3) Dist.: BC, Ont, Que-b Malacocottus kincaidi (3) Records: 1. Bangham 1941 (Ont); 2. Bangham Micropteru.s dolomieui (1) and Venard 1946 (Ont); 3. Bangham and Myoxocephalus polyacanthocephalus (2) Oncorhynchus kisutch (3) 183 Bangham and Hunter (1939) recorded Diocto- 0. tshawytscha (3) phyma sp. from the smallmouth black bass (M. Salvelinus malma (2) dolomieui) only in their parasite-host list. Since this Sebastes alutus (4) parasite is reported from M. salmoides (as Aplites s.) rather than M. dolomieui in both the text and the S. babcocki (4) host-parasite list, the former record is considered S. borealis (4) to be an error in compilation. S. caurinus (4)

101 S. flavidus (4) SUBCLASS S. tnaliger (4) S. nigrocinctus (4) ORDER ASCARIDIDA S. paucispinis (4) S. ruberrimus (4) Superfamily ASCARIDOIDEA Dist.: Pac, Ont Records: I. Bangham 1941 (Ont); 2. Ami Family ACANTHOCHEILIDAE and 1967a (Pac), 3. 1969b (Pac); 4. Sekerak Arai 1977 (Pac) Pseudanisakis tricupola Gibson, 1973 (M) Syn.: ?Eustoma rotundatum (Rudolphi, 1819) Skrjabinocapillaria bakeri (Mueller and Van auct. Cleave, 1932) Skrjabin and Schikhobalova, Location: stomach, spiral valve 1954 (FW) Hosts: Raja erinacea (1) Syn.: Capillaria baked (Mueller and Van R. laevis (2) Cleave, 1932) R. ocellata (2) Hepatic°la bakeri Mueller and Van R. radiata (2,3) Cleave, 1932 Squalus acanthias (3) Location: intestine Dist.: Atl Hosts: Catostomus catostomus (1,4) Records: 1. Heller 1949; 2. Myers 1959; 3. C. commersoni (1,2) Threlfall 1969 C. macrocheilus (4) Remarks: According to Gibson (1973) the Cottus asper (4) records of Myers (1959) and Threlfall Couesius plumbeus (4) (1969) are probably P. tricupola. Heller's Lota Iota (1,3,5) (1949) record of E. rotundatum is probably Mylocheilus caurinus (4) also referable to this species. Oncorhynchus kisutch (4) Prosopium williainsoni (4) Pseudanisalcis sp. 184 (NI) Ptychocheilus ore gonensis (4) Syn.: Eustoma sp. Richardsonius balteatus (4) Location: intestine, stomach Saint° clarki (4) Host: Raja sp. S. gairdneri (4) Dist.: Atl Salvelinus fontinalis (3,4) Record: Scott and Black 1960 S. manna (4) Dist.: BC, Ont Records: I. Bangham 1941 (Ont), 2. 1955 (Ont); 3, Bangham and Venard 1946 (Ont); Family ANISAKIDAE 4. Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC); 5. Dechtiar 1972c (Ont) simplex (Rudolphi, 1809) Dujardin, Remarks: The validity of some of these rec- 1845 (larva) (M) ords, particularly from British Columbia, Location: body cavity, viscera, musculature is questionable. Hosts: Alosd pseudoharen gus (4) Clupea harengus harengus (2,4) Merluccius bilinearis (4) Thominx catenata (Van Cleave and Mueller, M. productus (3) 1932) Skrjabin and Schikhobalova, Salmo salai' (1,2) 1954 (FW) Scomber scombrus (4) Syn.: Capillaria catenata Van Cleave and Dist.: Atl, Pac Mueller, 1932 Records: 1. Nyman and Pippy 1972 (Atl); Location: intestine 2. Beverley-Burton et al. 1977 (At1); 3. Hosts: A mbloplites rupestris (2) Margolis and Beverley-Burton 1977 (Pac); Catostomus comm e rson i (1) 4. Gaevskaya and Umnova 1977 (Atl) Oncorhynchus nerIca (3) Ostnerus mordax (3) A nisakis sp. larva (M) Dist.: Ont, Que Includes: "Anisakis-type larva" auct. Records: 1. Fantham and Porter 1948 (Que); 2, Dechtiar 1972c (Ont); 3. Collins and 1 84This parasite was reported as ". . . probably Dechtiar 1974 (Ont) Eustoma sp... ."

102 Location: viscera, mesenteries, body cavity, Syngnathus griseolineatus (13,15) musculature, stomach, intestine Tautogolabrus adspersus (20) Hosts: A mmodytes hexapterus (15) Theragra chalcogramma (15) A noplarchus purpurescens (15) Triglops pingeli (13,15) A podichthys flavidus (15) Urophycis chuss (1) Aulorhynchus flavidus (15) Dist.: Atl, Pac, BC-b, BC, Lab, NB, NS, Que Blepsias cirrhosus (15) Records: 1. Heller 1949 (Atl, Que); 2. Scott Citharichthys stigmaeus (13,15) 1953 (AtI); 3. Bishop and Margolis 1955 Clupea harengus harengus (1,2,7,21, (Pac); 4. Margolis 1956b (Pac, BC-b), 5. 22,23) 1957 (Pac, BC-b, BC), 6. 1963 (Pac, BC-b); C. harengus pallasi (3,13,15,25) 185 7. Sindermann 1957b (AtI); 8. Templeman Cymatogaster aggregata (14) et al. 1957 (At!); 9. Scott and Martin 1959 Gadus macrocephalus (15) (Ad); 10. Myers 1959 (At!); 11. Fleming G. morhua (1,8,9,11) 186 1960 (AU); 12. Yanulov 1962 (An); 13. Arai Gasterosteus aculeatus (13,15) 1967a (Pac), 14. 1967b (Pac), 15. 1969b Gilbertidia sigalutes (15) (Pac); 16. Templeman 1967b (At1); 17. Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (8) Power 1969 (Que); 18. Threlfall 1969 (At1); Hexagrammos lagocephalus (13,15) 19. Pippy 1969 (Atl, NB, NS, Que); 20. Hippoglossoldes platessoides (8) Sekhar S. and Threlfall 1970a (Atl); 21. Lepidopsetta bilineata (15) Parsons and Hodder 1971 (At1), 22. 1974 Leptocottus armatus (15) (Atl); 23. Dornheim 1973 (Atl); 24. Hicks Mallotus villosus (8) and Threlfall 1973 (Lab); 25. Hoskins et Melanogrammus aeglefinus (8) al. 1976 (Pac); 26. Hoskins and Hulstein Microgadus tomcod (1) 1977 (BC) Myoxocephalus polyacanthocephalus (15) Contracaecum spiculigerum (Rudolphi, 1809) Oligocottus maculosus (15) Ralliet and Henry, 1912 (larva) (FW) Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (4,5,13,15, Location: liver, mesenteries 25,26) Hosts: Morone americana (3) O. keta (13,15) Oncorhynchus nerka (1) O. kisutch (15,25) Perca flavescens (2,4) O. nerka (4,5,6,15) Ptychocheilus oregonen.sis (1) Ophiodon elongatus (15) Dist.: BC, Ont Osmerus mordax (1) Records: 1. Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC); Pholis laeta (15) 2. Tedla and Fernando 1969a (Ont), 3. P. ornata (13,15) 1969e (Ont), 4. 1972 (Ont) Platichthys stellatus (15) Pollachius virens (8) Contracaecum spp. adult and larva (FW, M) Raja laevis (10) Syn.: Contracaecum clavatum of Temple- R. ocellata (10) man, 1948 187 R. radiata (10,18) Kathleena sp. of Clemens and Clemens, Ronquilus jordani (15) 1921 Salmo salar (1,16,17,19,24) Location: intestine, stomach, viscera, mesen- Salvelinus alpinus (24) teries, musculature S. fontinalis (24) Hosts: A gonus acipenserinus (17) Scomber scombrus (1) A mbloplites rupestris (4) Sebastes alutus (13,15) Ammodytes hexapterus (17) S. marinus (8,12) Anguilla rostrata (22) S. mentella (12) Anoplarchus purpurescens (18) Squalus acanthias (10,18) A prodon cortezianus (17,18) Artedius harringtoni (17,18) A ulorhynchus flavidus (17) 185The material reported by Bishop and Margolis Blepsias cirrhosus (17) pallasi was considered to be ". . . (1955) from C. Catostomus commersoni (24,27) probably A. simplex (Rudolphi, 1809) . .." i86The material reported by Scott and Martin 187Templeman (1968) indicated that the record of (1959) was noted to be ". .. tentatively identified as Templeman (1948) of C. davation from Mallotus of the genus A nisakis." villosus should be regarded as Contracaecum sp.

103 Chitonotus pugetensis (18) Salino clarki (9) Cithcrichthys stigrnaeus (2) S. salar (20) Clupea harengus pallasi (2,17,18) Salvelinus alpinus (28) Coryphopterus nicholsi (18) S. fontinalis (28) Cottus bairdi (27) S. rnalma (9,17,18) Cyinatogaster aggregata (18) Scomber sp. (2) Etheostoma exile (27) Scophthabnus aquosus (14) E. nigrwn (27) Sebastes aleutianus (30) Gasterosteus aculeatus (17,23) S. alutus (29,30) Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (14) S. babcocki (30) Hesagrarnrnos lagocephalus (17,18) S. borealis (30) Hippoglossoides platessoides (14) S. brevispinis (30) Hippoglossus hippoglossus (14) S. caurinus (18,30) Hydrolagus colliei (2) S. crameri (30) Icelinus filamentosus (17,18) S. diploproa (30) Ictaltn•us nebulosus (27) S. elongatus (30) Jorclania zonope (18) S. entornelas (30) Lepomis gibbosus (27) S. flavidus (30) Leptocottus armatus (17,18) S. goodei (30) Limanda ferruginea (14) S. helvomaculatus (30) Macrozocu•ces cnnericanus (1)188 S. maliger (30) 'Malacocottus kincaidi (18) S. marinus (13) Mallotus villosus (5,6,7,25) S. rnentella (13) Melanogrammus aeglefirnrs (3)189 S. nebulosus (30) Merluccius productus (2) S. nigr•ocinctus (30) Microptenrs dolornieui (27) S. paucispinis (30) Myoxocephalus polyacanthocephalus S. pinniger (30) (17,18) S. proriger (30) Noh•opis hudsonius (27) S. reedi (30) Oligocottus maculosus (17,18) S. nrberrimus (30) Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (10,11,15, S. variegatus (30) 16,18) S. ivilsoni (30) 0. keta (17,18,19) S. zacentrus (30) 0. Icisutch (17,18,19) Sebastes sp. (2) 0. nerka(9,10,11,12,17,18) Squalus acanthias (2) 0. tshawytscha (17,18,19) Stizostedion vitreurn vitrettm (8) Oncorhynchus sp. (16) Syngnathtts griseolineatus (17,18) Ophiodon elongatus (2,17) Tautogolabrus aclspersus (26) Perca flavescens (8,27) Thaleich thys pacificus (17,18) Percina caprodes (27) Theragra chalcogramma (17,18) Pholis laeta (18) Triglops pingeli (17,18) P. ornata (17) Dist.: Atl, Pac, BC-b, BC, Lab, NB, Nfld, Platichthys stellatus (17,18) NS, Ont, PEI, Que Pseucloplet•onectes americanus (14) Records: 1. Clemens and Clemens 1921 Raja radiata and/or Squalus acanthias (Atl); 2. Smedley 1934 (Pac); 3. Kuitunen- (21)i9o Ekbaum 1937b (Atl); 4. Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); 5. Jeffers (1931 MS) 188The record of Clemens and Clemens (1921) for cited in Templeman 1948 (Atl); 6. Temple- Conb•acaecrmn sp. (as "Kathleena sp.?") from the musculature of Macrozoarces americanus (as man 1948 (AtI), 7. 1968 (AU), 8. Worley and Zoarces anguillaris) is a tentative parasite identifi- Bangham 1952 (Que); 9. Bangham and cation. Adams 1954 (BC); 10. Margolis 1956b (Pac, 189The record of Cattracaecrnn sp. larva from BC-b), 11. 1957 (Pac, BC-b, BC), 12. 1963 M. aeglefinus was noted by Kuitunen-Ekbaum (Pac, BC-b); 13. Yanulov 1962 (Atl); 14. (1937b) to be ". . . probably C. clavatrnn." (syn. of Ronald 1963 (Atl); 15. Boyce 1966 (Pac), Thvnnascaris adunca). 16. 1969 (Pac); 17. Arai 1967a (Pac), 18. 190The correct host was not indicated for this 1969b (Pac); 19. Godfrey 1968 (Pac); 20. record. Pippy 1969 (NB, NS, PEI); 21. Threlfall

104 1969 (Ad); 22. Hanek and Threlfall 1970c (Pac); 15. McCracken and Fitzgerald 1964 (Lab, Nfld-b, Nfld), 23. 1970e (Lab, Nfld); (At!); 16. Wiles 1968 (Atl); 17. Hoskins et 24. Threlfall and Hanek 1970a (Lab); 25. al. 1976 (Pac); 18. Gaevskaya and Umnova Winters 1970 (At1); 26. Sekhar S. and Threl- 1977 (Atl) fall 1970a (Atl); 27. Dechtiar 1972e (Ont); 28. Hicks and Threlfall 1973 (Lab); 29. Phocanema sp. larva (M) Sekerak and Arai 1973 (Pac), 30. 1977 (Pac) Syn.: Porrocaecum sp.auct. Remarks: Many records of Contracaecum sp. Terranova sp. auct. from Canadian fishes are probably referable Includes: "Porrocaecum-type larva" and to the genus Thynnascaris. Much of the "Phocanema-type larva" auct. material from Pacific coast fishes reported Location: musculature, body cavity, mesen- as Contracaecum sp. larvae by Smedley teries, viscera (1934) was apparently Anisakis. Hosts: Anoplarchus purpurescens (12) Gadus morhua (1,2,3,8, 10)192 Phocanema decipiens (Krabbe, 1878) Myers, G. ogac (3) 1959 (larva) (M) Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (3,9) Syn.: Porrocaecum decipiens (Krabbe, 1878) Hemitripterus americanus (3) Terranova decipiens (Krabbe, 1878) Hippoglossoides platessoides (3,9) Location: musculature, viscera Hippoglossus hippoglossus (9) Hosts: Anoplopoma fimbria (17) Limanda ferruginea (3,9) Gad us morhua (2,3,4,5,6,7,9,11,12,15, Liopsetta putnami (9) 16) Lophius americanus (3) G. ogac (2,4,11) Melanogrammus aeglefinus (3) Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (2,4,12) Micro gadus tomcod (3) Hemitripterus americanus (2,4,11) Myoxocephalus octodecemspinosus (3) Hippoglossoides platessoides (2,3,4, M. polyacanthocephalus (12) 11,12) Oncorhynchus nerka (4,5) Hippoglossus stenolepis (17) Ophiodon elongatus (12) Limanda ferruginea (4,11,18) Osmerus mordax (3) Macrozoarces americanus (1,2,3,4, Pseudo pleuronectes americanus (9) 11)191 Raja ocellata (6) Myoxocephalus octodecemspinosus R. radiata (11) (4,11) Raja sp. (7) M. scorpius (4,11) Rhamphocottus richardsoni (12) Ophiodon elongatus (17) Scophthalmus aquosus (9) Osmerus mordax (2,3,4,11) Sebastes marin us (3) Pseudo pleuronectes americanus (4) Squalus acanthias (11) Raja sp. (11) 191 Tautogolabrus adspersus (13) Sebastes alutus (13,14) Theragra chalcogramma (12) S. marinus (2,4,18) Dist.: At!, Pac, BC-b Triglops murrayi (4) Records: 1. Smedley 1934 (At!); 2. Heller T. pingeli (11) 1949 (At!); 3. Templeman et al. 1957 (At!); Urophycis tenuis (2,4) 4. Margolis 1957 (BC-b), 5. 1963 (Pac); Unspecified cod (8,10) 6. Myers 1959 (Ad), 7. 1960 (At!); 8. Dist.: Atl, Pac Fleming 1960 (At!); 9. Ronald 1963 (At1); Records: 1. Olsen and Merriman 1946 (At!); 10. Wiles 1968 (Ad); 11. Threlfall 1969 Scott 1950 (At!), 3. 1953 (At!), 4. 1954 2. (At!); 12. Arai 1969b (Pac); 13. Sekhar S. (At!), 5. 1956 (Ad); 6. Scott and Martin and Threlfall 1970a (At!) 1957 (At!), 7. 1959 (At!); 8. Black 1957 Remarks: All these records probably are (Ad); 9. Scott and Fisher 1958 (Ad); 10. referable to P. decipiens larva. Kohler 1959 (At!); 11. Scott and Black 1960 (MI); 12. Myers 1960 (AU); 13. Liston Phocascaris sp. larva (1\4) et al. 1960 (Pac); 14. Liston and Hitz 1961 Location: digestive tract, viscera Host: Tautogolabrus adspersus 191The record of Olsen and Merriman (1946) for M. americanus and that of Scott and Black (1960) 192The record of Smedley (1934) involves a pro- from Raja sp. are tentative parasite identifications. visional parasite identification.

105 Dist.: Atl 1970b (Lab); 4. Hare and Burt 1975a (NB), Record: Sekhar S. and Threlfall 1970a 5. 1975b (NB), 6. 1976 (NB-b, NB); 7. McLeod (1943 MS) cited in Lubinsky 1976 Raphidascaris acus (Bloch, 1779) Ralliet and (Man); 8. Stewart-Hay (1951, 1952 MS) Henry, 1915 (larva) (FW) cited in Lubinsky 1976 (Man) Location: viscera Hosts: Coregonus clupeaformis Thynnascaris adunca (Rudolphi, 1802) Cottus cognatus Hartwich, 1957 (larva and adult) (M) Esox lucius Syn.: Contracaecum aduncum (Rudolphi, Thym allus arc ticus 1802) Dist.: YT Con t r acaec um clava t um (Ruclolphi, Record: Arthur et al. 1976 1809) Contracaecum gadi (O. F. Millier, 1777) Raphidascaris acus (Bloch, 1779) Ralliet and Location: intestine, stomach, body cavity, Henry, 1915 (adult) (FW) viscera, musculature Syn.: Raphidascaris canadensis Smedley, 1933 Hosts: A gonus acipenserinus (6) Location: intestine Alosa pseudoharengus (12) Hosts: Esox lucius (1,2,4,5,6) Ammoclytes dubius (9) E. masquinongy (3) A ulorhynchus flavidus (6) Stizostedion vitreum vitreum (5) Clupea harengus harengus (12) Dist.: Man, NWT, Que, Sask, YT Gadus morhua (2,12) Records: J. Smedley 1933 (Man, Sask); 2. Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (3,12) Rawson 1951 (NWT); 3. Choquette 1951c Hippoglossoides platessoides (3) (Que); 4. Arthur et al. 1976 (Sask, YT); Hippoglossus hippoglossus (3) 5. Stewart-Hay (1951, 1952, 1953 MS) cited Limanda ferruginea (3,12) in Lubinsky 1976 (Man); 6. McLeod (1943 Alelanogramtnus aeglefinus (1,12) MS) cited in Lubinsky 1976 (Man) Merluccius bilinearis (12) Raphidascaris alius Lyster, 1940 (FW) Microgadus tomcod (2) Location: not specified Myoxocephalus scorpius (2) Host: Salveliners fontinalis Pseuclopleuronectes am encan (2,3) Dist.: Que Raja radiata (4,12) Record: Lyster 1940a Salmo solar (2,5,8) Remarks: The validity of R. alius requires Salvelinus alpinus (8) verification. S. namaycush (8) Scomber scombrus (2,12) Raphidascaris laurentianus Richardson, Sebastes aleutianus (1 1) 1937 (FW) S. alums (10,11) Location: intestine S. babcocki (1 1) Host: Salvelinus fontinalis S. brevispinis (11) Dist.: Que S. caw .inus (II) Record: Richardson 1937b S. crameri (1 1) Remarks: The validity of R. laurentianus S. diploproa (1 1) requires verification. S. elongatus (1 1) S. entomelas (1 1) Raphidascaris sp. larva and adult (FW) S. flavidus (11) Location: liver, digestive tract S. helvomaculatus (11) Hosts: Esox litchis (3,7,8) S. maliger (1 1) E. niger (1)193 S. marinus (12) Perca flavescens (1,8) 193 S. nebulosus (1 1) Salmo salar (2,4,5,6) S. paucispinis (1 1) Stizostedion vitreum vitreum (8) S. pinniger (1 1) Dist.: Lab, NB-b, NB, Que S. proriger (1 1) Records: 1. Richardson 1937b (Que); 2. Pippy S. reedi (1 1) 1969 (NB-b, NB); 3. Threlfall and Hanek S. ruberritnus (1 1) S. variegatus (1 1) 1 93The report of Richardson (1937b) was given as S. zacentrus (1 1) "... a raphidascarid ..." Squalus acanthias (4)

106 Tautogolabrus adspersus (2,7) Notemigonus crysoleucas (3) Urophycis chuss (12) Notropis atherinoides (7) Dist.: Atl, Pac, Lab, NS Percopsis omiscomaycus (3,7) Records: 1. Kuitunen-Ekbaum 1937b (At!); Salvelinus fontinalis (4) Heller 1949 (At1) 194; 3. Ronald 1963 2. S. namaycush (8) (At!); 4. Threlfall 1969 (Atl); 5. Pippy 1969 Stizostedion canadense (7) (At!, NS); 6. Arai 1969b (Pac); 7. Sekhar S. S. vitreum vitreum (3,7) and Threlfall 1970a (Atl); 8. Hicks and Dist.: Alta, BC, Ont, Que Threlfall 1973 (Lab); 9. Scott 1973 (AU); Records: 1. Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); 10. Sekerak and Arai 1973 (Pac), 11. 1977 2. Bangham 1941 (Ont), 3. 1955 (Ont); (Pac); 12. Gaevskaya and Umnova 1977 4. Bangham and Venard 1946 (Ont); 5. (Atl) Worley and Bangham 1952 (Que); 6. Bang- Remarks: The material reported as Contra- ham and Adams 1954 (BC); 7. Dechtiar caecum clavatum (syn. of T. adunca) by 1972c (Ont); 8. Mudry and Anderson 1977 Templeman (1948) was referred to Contra- (Alta) caecum sp. by Templeman (1968). Remarks: Thynnascaris Dollfus, 1933 has been accepted (Anderson et al., 1974, No. 2) as Thynnascaris brachyura (Ward and Magath, the generic home for "Contracaecum-like" 1917 sensu Van Cleave and Mueller, 1934) that have the excretory pore at n.comb. (larva) (FW) the level of the nerve ring and whose defini- Syn.: Con tracaecum brachyurum (Ward and tive hosts are fish. Gibson (1975) consid- Magath, 1917) Van Cleave and Mueller, ered Hysterothylacium Ward and Magath, 1934 1917 an older available name for such Location: liver, mesenteries nematodes. However, until it can be sub- Hosts: A mbloplites rupestris stantiated that the original or topotypic Moxostoma anisurum material of Hysterothylacium brachyurum, Stizostedion canadense the type of its genus, possesses an intestinal Dist.: Ont caecum as well as an esophageal appendix, Record: Dechtiar 1972c we prefer to retain Thynnascaris. The nematodes described by Van Cleave and Thynnascaris brachyura (Ward and Magath, Mueller (1934) as Contracaecum brachyu- 1917 sensu Van Cleave and Mueller, 1934) rum (Ward and Magath, 1917), which n.comb. (adult) (FW) formed the basis for subsequent identifi- Syn.: Con tracaecum brachyurum (Ward and cations of this species, may not be con- Magath, 1917) Van Cleave and Mueller, specific with the original H. brachyurum. 1934 Nevertheless, we are not proposing to re- Location: intestine name Van Cleave and Mueller's species at Hosts: Ambloplites rupestris (3) this time. Anguilla rostrata (4) Esox lucius (3,5,7) Thynnascaris incurva (Rudolphi, 1819) E. masquinongy (3,7) Dollfus, 1935 (M) Etheostoma exile (3) Syn.: Con tracaecum incurvum (Rudolphi, Lepomis gibbosus (2) 1819) Lota Iota (4,6,7,8) Location: stomach Micropterus dolomieui (2,3) Host: Xiphias gladius M. salmoides (1,3) 195 Dist.: At! Records: Tibbo et al. 1961; Iles 1971 1 94The records of Heller (1949) include larval forms which could not be specifically identified but Thynnascaris magna (Smedley, 1934) were considered likely to be Contracaecum adun- n.comb. (M) cum (syn. of T. adunca). Syn.: Contracaecum magnum Smedley, 1934 195Bangham and Hunter (1939) reported T. Location: not specified brachyura (as Contracaecum b.) from the small- Hosts: A podichthys flavidus mouth black bass (M. dolomieui) only in their para- site—host list. Since this species is reported from Leptocottus armatus M. salmoides only (as Aphtes s.) in both their text Ophiodon elongatus and host—parasite list, the former record is con- Dist.: Pac sidered to be an error in compilation. Record: Smedley 1934

107 Remarks: Thynnascm•is magna is probably (Ont), 4. 1955 (Ont); 5. Bangham and a synonym of T. adunca. Venard 1946 (Ont); 6. Worley and Bang- ham 1952 (Que); 7. Tedla and Fernando Thynnasem•is rnelanogramtni (Smedley, 1934) 1969a (Ont), 8. 1969e (Ont), 9. 1972 (Ont); n.comb. (M) 10. Dechtiar 1972c (Ont); 11. Cannon 1973 Syn.: Contracaecum melanogrammi Smedley, (Ont) 1934 Remarks: Petter (1974) regarded Cuculla- Location: intestine nellus as a subgenus of Dichelyne. Amin Host: Melanogrammus aeglefinus (1977) revived Dacnitoides as a valid inde- Dist.: Atl pendent genus, of which D. cotylophora is Record: Smedley 1934 the type species. Remarks: In an unpublished manuscript report, Kuitunen-Ekbaum (1937b) regarded Cucullanellus kanabus Walder and Arai, this species as a synonym of C. clavatum 1974 (M) (syn. of Thynnascaris adunca). Syn.: Cucullanus sp. of Arai, 1967, 1969 (partim) Anisakinae gen. spp. larva (M) Location: intestine Includes: unidentified Stomachinae Host: Cyinatogaster aggregata Location: viscera, body cavity, musculature Dist.: Pac Hosts: Clupea harengus harengus (1) Records: Arai 1967b, 1969b; Walder and Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (2) Arai 1974; Arai and Arthur 1977 Hippoglossoirles platessoides (2) Hippoglossus hippoglossus (2) Cucullanellus minutus (Rudolphi, 1819) Limanda ferruginea (2) Tornquist, 1931 (M) Liopsetta putnami (2) Location: intestine Pseudopleuraaectes americanus (2) Host: Tautogolabrus adspersus Scophthalmus aquosus (2) Dist.: AtI Dist.: Atl Record: Sekhar S. and Threlfall 1970a Records: 1. Sindermann 1961; 2. Ronald 1963 Cucullanus annulatus Margolis, 1960 (M) Syn.: Cucullanus sp. of Arai, 1967 (partim) Superfamily SEURATOIDEA Location: intestine Hosts: Parophrys vetulus (1) Family CUCULLANIDAE Platichthys stellatus (2,3) Dist.: Pac Cucullanellus cotylophora (Ward and Magath, Records: 1. Margolis 1960; 2. Arai 1967a, 1917) Petter, 1974 (FW) 3. 1969b Syn.: Dichelyne cotylophora (Ward and Magath, 1917) Cucullanus cirratus O. F. Müller, 1777 (M) Dacnitoides cotylophora Ward and Location: intestine Magath, 1917 Hosts: Gadus morhua (2) Location: intestine Melanogrannnus aeglefinus (1) Hosts: A mbloplites rupestris (4) Dist.: Ad A plodinotus grunniens (2) Records: 1. Kuitunen-Ekbaum 1937b; 2. Ictalurus melas (2) Gaevskaya and Umnova 1977 1. nebulosus (3) Lepomis macrochirus (2) Cucullanus elongatus Smedley,1933 (M) Lota lota (10) Syn.: Cucullanus stnedleyi Campana- Rouget, Micropterus dolomieui (2,4) 1957 M. saltnoides (2,4) Location: intestine Morone americana (8) Hosts: Ophiodon elongatus (1) M. chrysops (2) Sebastes caurinus (2,3) Perca flavescens (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11) S. maliger (3) Stizostedion vitreum vih•eum (2,4) S. ruberrimus (3) Dist.: Ont, Que Dist.: Pac Records: 1. Smedley 1934 (Ont); 2. Bangham Records: 1. Smedley 1933; 2. Arai 1969b; and Hunter 1939 (Ont); 3. Bangham 1941 3. Sekerak and Arai 1977

108 Cucullanus heterochrous Rudolphi, 1802 (M) Records: Bangham and Hunter 1939; Bang- Location: intestine, stomach ham 1955; Anthony 1974 Hosts: Limamla ferruginea Pseudopleuronectes amerkanus Truttaedacnitis stelmioides (Vessichelli, 1910) Dist.: At! Petter, 1974 (FW) Record: Ronald 1963 Syn.: Cucullanus stelmioides (Vessichelli, 1910) Cucullanus spp. (FW, M) Location: viscera, gills Location: intestine Host: Petromyzon marin us Hosts: Fundulus diaphanus (3) Dist.: Ont Lepidopsetta bilineata (1,2) Record: Wilson and Ronald 1967 Oncorhynchus kisutch (2) Remarks: Moravec and Malmqvist (1977) Ronquilus jordani (1,2) considered this species a synonym of Trut- Sebastes aleutianus (4) taedacnitis (as Cucullanus) truttae. S. alutus (4) S. babcocki (4) Truttaedacnitis truttae (Fabricius, 1794) S. borealis (4) Petter, 1974 (FW) S. crameri (4) Syn.: Bulbodacnitis truttae (Fabricius, 1794) S. flavidus (4) Bulbodacnitisoccidentalis Smedley, 1933 S. paucispinis (4) Bulbodacnitis globosa (Zeder, 1800) S. ruberrimus (4) Location: intestine Dist.: Pac, NS Hosts: Prosopium williamsoni (2,4) Records: 1. Arai 1967a (Pac), 2. 1969b (Pac); Salmo clarki (2) 3. Wiles 1975b (NS); 4. Sekerak and Arai S. gairdneri (1,2,3,4) 1977 (Pac) Salvelinus fontinalis (2) S. malma (2) Dichelyne robustus (Van Cleave and Mueller, S. namaycush (4) 1932) Mueller, 1933 (FW) Dist.: Alta, BC Location: [intestine] Records: 1. Smedley 1933 (BC); 2. Bangham Host: Ictalurus nebulosus and Adams 1954 (BC); 3. Mudry and Dist.: Ont McCart 1974 (BC); 4. Mudry and Anderson Record: Bangham 1955 1977 (Alta)

Dichelyne sp. (FW) Truttaedacnitis sp. (FW) Location: not specified Syn.: Bulbodacnitis sp. Host: Etheostoma nigrum Location: not specified Dist.: Ont Hosts: Mylocheilus caurinus Record: Bangham 1955 Rhinichthys cataractae Richardsonius balteatus Truttaedacnitis alpinus (Mudry and McCart, Salvelinus fontinalis 1974) Pybus, Anderson and Uhazy, Dist.: BC 1978 (FW) Record: Bangham and Adams 1954 Syn.: Bulbodacnitis alpinus Mudry and McCart, 1974 Location: pyloric caeca, intestine Family QUIMPERIIDAE Host: Salvelinus alpin us Dist.: YT Records: Mudry and McCart 1974, 1976 Haplonema hamulatum Moulton, 1931 (FW) Location: intestine Truttaedacnitis clitellarius (Ward and Magath, Host: Lota Iota 1917) Petter, 1974 (FW) Dist.: Ont, YT Syn.: Cucullanus clitellarius Ward and ' Records: Moulton 1931 (Ont); Bangham and Magath, 1917 Hunter 1939 (Ont); Bangham 1941 (Ont), Location: digestive tract 1955 (Ont); Bangham and Venard 1946 Host: Acipenser fulvescens (Ont); Arthur and Margolis 1975a (YT); Dist.: Ont Arthur et al. 1976 (YT)

109 Haplonema immutatum Ward and Magath, N. heterodon (1) 1917 (FW) N. hudsonius (1) Location: intestine N. spilopterus (1) Host: A tnia calva Nottirus flavus (1) Dist.: Ont Perca flavescens (1,4) Records: Bangham and Hunter 1939; Bang- Percina caprodes (1,4) ham 1955 P. copelandi (1) P. tnaculata (1) Haplonema sp. (FW) Percopsis omiscomaycits (1) Location: intestine Pomoxis annularis (1,2) Hosts: Cottus cognatus (1) P. nigromaculatus (1,2) Lota Iota (2) Rhinichthys cataractae (1) Dist.: BC, Lab Salmo salar (5) Records: 1. Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC); Stizosteclion canadense (1,4) 2. Titre'fall and Hanek 1971 (Lab) S. vitreum vitreum (1) Dist.: NS, Ont Paraquimperia aditum (Mueller, 1934) Records: I. Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); Moravec, 1966 (FW) 2. Bangham 1955 (Ont); 3. Dechtiar 1972b Syn.: Haplonema aditum Mueller, 1934 (Ont), 4. 1972c (Ont); 5. Hare and Frantsi Location: intestine 1974 (NS) Host: Anguilla rostrata Dist.: Lab, Nfld-b, Nfld, Ont, Que Camallanus sp. (FW) Records: Bangham and Venard 1946 (Ont); Location: not specified Hanek and Threlfall 1970c (Lab, Nfld-b, Hosts: Esox lucius (1) Nfld); Hanek and Molnar 1974 (Que) Perca flavescens (2) Dist.: Lab, Ont Records: 1. Threlfall and Hanek 1970b (Lab); ORDER 2. Tedla and Fernando 1972 (Ont) Superfamily CAMALLANOIDEA

Family CAMALLANIDAE Superfamily DRACUNCULOIDEA Family PHILOMETRIDAE Carnallanus oxycephalus Ward and Magath, 1917 (FW) Location: intestine Philometra americana Kuitunen-Ekbaum, Hosts: Ambloplites rupestris (1,2) 1933 (M) Amtnocrypta pellucida (1) Syn.: Philometra sp. of Arai, 1967 (partim) A plodinotus grunniens (1) Location: fins, musculature, subcutaneously Carpiodes cyprinus (3) in head, body cavity, intestine (?) Catostomus commersoni (4) Hosts: Gobiesox maeandricus (1) Cottus bairdi (4) Lepidopsetta bilineata (1) Culaea inconstans (4) Parophrys veldt's (4) Ericymba buccata (I) Pholis laeta (2,3) Etheostoma blennioides (1) P. ornata (1) E. exile (4) Platichthys stellatus (1) Hiodon tergisus (1) Xiphister atropurpureus (I) Ictalurus nebulosus (3) Dist.: Pac I. punctatus (1) Records: 1. Kuitunen-Ekbaum 1933d; 2. Arai Labidesthes sicculus (1) 1967a, 3. 1969b; 4. Margolis 1970 Lepomis gibbosus (1) L. macrochirus (1) Philometra cvlindracea (Ward and Magath, Lola iota (4) 1917) Van Cleave and Mueller, 1934 Micropterus dolomieui (1,2,4) (larva and adult) (FW) M. salmoides (1) Location: peritoneum, body cavity Alorone chrysops (1,2) Hosts: A plodinotus grunniens (1) Notropis atherinoides (1) Perca flavescens (1,3,4,5,6,7,8)

110 Salvelinus fontinalis (2)196 Philometroides nodulosa (Thomas, 1929) Stizostedion vitreum glaucum (1) Dailey, 1967 (FW) Dist.: Ont, Que Syn.: Philometra nodulosa Thomas, 1929 Records: 1. Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); Location: [cheek galleries] 2. Fantham and Porter 1948 (Que); 3. Hosts: Carpiodes cyprinus (2) Bangham 1955 (Ont); 4. Tedla and Fer- Catostomus commersoni (1) nando 1969a (Ont), 5. 1972 (Ont); 6. Dech- Dist.: Ont, Que tiar 1972c (Ont); 7. Molnar et al. 1974 Records: 1. Fantham and Porter 1948 (Que); (Ont); 8. Molnar and Fernando 1975a (Ont) 2. Dechtiar 1972b (Ont)

Philometra kobuleji Molnar and Fernando, Philonema agubernaculum Simon and Simon, 1975 (FW) 1936 (FW) Location: under serosa of air bladder, body Syn.: Philonema salvelini Richardson, 1936 cavity Location: body cavity Host: Catostomus commersoni Hosts: Coregonus clupeaformis (4) Dist.: Ont Gasterosteus aculeatus (5) Record: Molnar and Fernando 1975b Oncorhynchus kisutch (6) Osmerus mordax (5) Philometra spp. larva and adult (FW, M) Prosopium cylindraceum (4) Location: body cavity, intestine Salmo gairdneri (3) Hosts: Aplodinotus grunniens (6) Salvelinus alpinus (4) Aulorhynchus flavidus (4) S. fontinalis (1,2,4,5) Catostomus catostomus (8) S. namaycush (4) C. commersoni (9) Unspecified Salmonidae (6) Coregonus artedii (2) Dist.: Alta, BC, Lab, Nfid, Que-b, Que C. clupeaformis (2) Records: 1. Richardson 1936 (Que); 2. Sande- Esox niger (3) man and Pippy 1967 (Nfld); 3. Ko and Lepomis gibbosus (1) Adams 1969 (BC); 4. Hicks and Threlfall Micropterus dolomieui (7) 1973 (Lab); 5. Hanek and Molnar 1974 Osmerus mordax (2) (Que-b, Que); 6. Leong and Holmes 1974a Perca flavescens (3,7)197 (Alta) Platichthys stellatus (4,5) Remarks: Undescribed material reported as Prosopium cylindraceum (2) Philonema salvelini n.sp. by Richardson Salvelinus f ontinalis (3)197 (1936) from Lake Edward, Quebec, was Dist.: Pac, Ont, Que later indicated to be P. agubernaculum (see Records: 1. Bangham 1941 (Ont), 2. 1955 Richardson 1942). Hoffman (1967) listed (Ont); 3. Fantham and Porter 1948 (Que); P. salvelini Richardson, 1936 as a synonym 4. Arai 1967a (Pac), 5. 1969b (Pac); 6. of P. oncorhynchi Kuitunen-Ekbaum 1933. Dechtiar 1972b (Ont), 7. 1972c (Ont); 8. It seems probable that Richardson's report Hanek and Molnar 1974 (Que); 9. Molnar was confused with P. salvelini Fujita, 1939, et al. 1974 (Ont) a recognized synonym of P. oncorhynchi.

Philometroides huronensis Uhazy, 1976 (FW) Philonema oncorhynchi Kuitunen-Ekbaum, Location: fins, peritoneum around swim 1933 (larva and adult) (FW) bladder Location: body cavity, wall of swim bladder Host: Catostomus commersoni (larvae) Dist.: Ont Hosts: Coregonus artedii (2) Records: Uhazy 1976, 1977a, b; Uhazy and C. clupeaformis (2) Anderson 1976 Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (7) 0. kisutch (4) 196Fantham and Porter (1948) initially referred 0. nerka (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,14, to material from S. fontinalis from Fourth Lake, 15,16,17) Quebec, as Philometra sp. ". .. probably Philonietra cylindracea." and later (p. 622) listed it as this Salmo clarki (2,4) species. S. gairdneri (4,12) 197Material from P. flavescens was considered to Salvelinus alpinus (2) be ". . . probably P. cylindracea ..:' by Fantham S. fontinalis (2) and Porter (1948). S. malma (4)

111 S. namaycush (2) C. macrocheilus (2) Dist.: Pac, BC-b, BC, NS, NWT, Ont Etheostoina nigrum (3) Records: 1. Kuitunen-Ekbaum 1933a (Pac), Maululus diaphanus (5) 2. 1937e (BC, NS, NWT, Ont); 3. Smedley Lepomis gibbosus (2,6) 1933 (BC); 4. Bangham and Adams 1954 Notropis heterolepis (3) (BC); 5. Dombroski 1955 (BC); 6. Margolis Perca flavescens (3) 1956b (Pac, BC-b, BC), 7. 1957 (Pac, BC-b, Ptychocheilus oregonensis (2) BC), 8. 1963 (Pac, BC-b, BC); 9. Platzer Richarclsonius balteatus (2) 1966 (BC); 10. Platzer and Adams 1967 Umbra limi (1) (BC); 11. Ko and Adams 1969 (BC); 12. Bell Dist.: BC, NS, Ont and Hoskins 1971 (BC); 13. Lewis 1973 Records: 1. Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); (BC); 14. Smith 1973 (BC); 15. Lewis et al. 2. Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC); 3. 1974 (BC); 16. Bell and Margolis 1976 (BC); Bangham 1955 (Ont); 4. Dechtiar 1972e 17. Boyce and Yamada 1977 (BC) (Ont); 5. Wiles 1975b (NS); 6. Cone and Remarks: The identity of the species reported Anderson 1977b (Ont) by Kuitunen-Ekbaum (1937c) from fishes of Nova Scotia, the Northwest Territories, and Ontario requires reassessment. Superfamily

Philonema spp. larva and adult (FW) Family Location: body cavity, wall of swim bladder, stomach A scarophis morrhuae van Beneden, 1871 (M) Hosts: Acrocheilus alutaceus (5) Location: [stomach or intestine] Coregonus sp. (4) Host: Gasterosteus aculeatus Esox lucius (4) Dist.: Atl, Lab-b, Lab, Nfld-b, Nfld Oncorhynchus kisutch (7,8) Record: Hanek and Threlfall 1970e O. tshawytscha (7,8) Prosopiutn williamsoni (5) Ascarophis sebastodis Olsen, 1952 (1\4) Salino clarki (9) Location: intestine Salvelbws alpinus (6) Hosts: Anoplarchus purpurescens (1) S. tontines (3) Artedius harringtoni (1) S. namaycush (1,2,4) A ulorhynchus flavidus (1) Dist.: Pac, BC, Lab, Lab-Que, NWT, Ont Hemilepidotus hemilepidotus (1) Records: 1. MacLulich 1943b (Ont); 2. Miller Hexagrammos lagocephalus (1) and Kennedy 1948 (NWT); 3. Munroe 1949 Myoxocephalus polyacanthocephalus (Lab-Que); 4. Rawson 1951 (NWT); 5. (1) Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC); 6. An- Nautichthys oculofasciatus (1) drews and Lear 1956 (Lab); 7. Arai 1967a Oncorhynchus kisutch (1) (Pac), 8. 1969b (Pac); 9. Hoskins et al. 0. nerlca (1) 1976 (BC) Rhamphocottus richardsoni (1) Sebastes alums (2) S. borealis (2) Superfamily GNATHOSTOMATOIDEA S. caurinus (1,2) S. diploproa (2) Family GNATHOSTOMATIDAE S. elongatus (1,2) S. flavidits (2) Spiroxys contortus (Rudolphi, 1819) Schneider, S. maliger (2) 1866 (larva) (FW) S. proriger (2) Location: intestinal serosa S. ruberritnus (2) Hosts: Ictalurus nebulosus S. variegatus (2) Perca fiavescens S. zacentrus (2) Dist.: Ont Dist.: Pac Record: Molnar et al. 1974 Records: 1. Arai 1969b; 2. Sekerak and Arai 1977 Spiroxys sp. larva (FW) Location: viscera, mesenteries, digestive tract Ascarophis sp. (M) Hosts: Catostomus commersoni (4) Location: [stomach]

112 Host: Hexagrammos decagrammus Salmo gairdneri (13,26) Dist.: Pac Salvelinus alpinus (22) Record: Margolis 1977 S. fontinalis (8,9,17) S. fontinalis X S. namaycush (20) Caballeronema wardlei (Smedley, 1934) S. namaycush (1,8,9,10,11,12,17,23,24, Margolis, 1977 (M) 25,26) Syn.: Metabronema wardlei Smedley, 1934 Thymallus arcticus (23) Location: intestine, pyloric caeca Unspecified Salmonidae (21) Host: Scorpaenichthys marmoratus Dist.: Alta, BC, Man, Nfld-b, NWT, Ont, Dist.: Pac Que, Sask, YT Records: Smedley 1934; Margolis 1977 Records: 1. Wright 1879 (Ont?); 2. Walton 1928 (Ont); 3. Skinker 1930 (Ont); 4. Smed- Cystidicola cristivomeri White, 1941 (FW) ley 1933 (Man, Sask); 5. Hunter and Syn.: Cystidicola sp. of White, 1940 Bangham 1933 (Ont); 6. Ekbaum 1936 Location: swim bladder (Man, Ont); 7. Bangham and Hunter Host: Salvelinus namaycush 1939 (Ont); 8. Richardson 1942 (Que); 9. Dist.: NWT, Ont MacLulich 1943b (Ont); 10. Miller and Records: White 1940 (Ont), 1941 (Ont); Kennedy 1948 (NWT); 11. Rawson 1951 White and Cable 1942 (Ont); Boyes and (NWT), 12. 1961 (Sask); 13. Bangham and Anderson 1961 (Ont); Margolis 1967a (Ont); Adams 1954 (BC); 14. Bangham 1955 (Ont); Ko and Anderson 1969 (NWT, Ont); Dech- 15. Boyes and Anderson 1961 (Ont); 16. tiar 1972e (Ont) Margolis 1967a (Ont); 17. Ko and Anderson 1969 (Alta, BC, NWT, Ont, Sask); 18. Cystidicola farionis Fischer, 1798 (FW) Hanek and Threlfall 1970b (Nfld-b); 19. Syn.: Cy.slidicola canadensis Skinker, 1930198 Dechtiar 1972e (Ont); 20. Collins and Dech- Cystidicola stigmatura (Leidy, 1886) tiar 1974 (Ont); 21. Leong and Holmes A ncyracanthus cystidicola (Lamarck, 1974a (Alta); 22. Mudry and McCart 1976 1801) (YT); 23. Arthur et al. 1976 (YT); 24. Location: -swim bladder Stewart-Hay (1953 MS) cited in Lubinsky Hosts: A peltes quadracus (18) 1976 (Man); 25. Dickson (1964 MS) cited in Catostomus catostomus (23) Lubinsky 1976 (Man); 26. Mudry and Coregonus alpenae (17) Anderson 1977 (Alta) C. artedil (3,5,6,7,14,17,19) C. clupeaformis (4,5,6,7,11,14,15,17, 19,20,23) Cystidicola lepisostei Hunter and Bangham, C. hoyi (3,14) 1933 species inquirenda (FW) C. reighardi (3) Location: intestine Coregonus sp. (16) Host: Lepisosteus osseus Couesius plumbeus (8) Dist.: Ont ?Esox americanus americanus (2)199 Records: Hunter and Bangham 1933; Bang- Oncorhynchus kisutch (21) ham and Hunter 1939 O. nerka (20) Remarks: Ko and Anderson (1969) considered Osmerus mordax (20) it probable that the above records are due Prosopium cylindraceum (14,23) to ingestion of salmonid fish by L. osseus. P. williamsoni (13,26) Cystidicola serratus (Wright, 1879) Ralliet, 1916 species inquirenda (FW), 198Material reported as Cystidicola canadensis Syn.: Rhabdochona serrata (Wright, 1879) n.sp. by Skinker (1930) was later described as A ncyracan thus serra t us Wright, 1879 C. stigmatura (syn. of C. farionis) (Skinker 1931). Location: auricle of heart 199Walton (1928) reported C. farionis (as C. Host: Coregonus clupeaformis stigmatura) from the swim bladder of Lucioperca Dist.: Ont? americana (syn. of Stizostedion vitreum vitremn) from Lake Ontario. In the text, however, he referred Record: Wright 1879 ' this material to the "pike" and erroneously listed Remarks: Ko and Anderson (1969) referred "... (Lucioperca americana = Esox americanu.s.)." this species to the genus Rhabdochona. Ko and Anderson (1969) in their revision of the However, Moravec and Arai (1971) sug- genus referred this record to E. americanus. gested it be retained in Cystidicola.

113 Cystidicola spp. (FW) S. malma (10) Location: swim bladder, body cavity S. mmnaycush (14) Hosts: Coregonus artedü (1) Unspecified dace (7) C. clupeaformis (3) Dist.: BC, Lab, NB-b, NB, Nfld, NS, Ont, C. hoyi (1) PEI, Que-b, Que C. kiyi (1) Records: 1. Skinker 1931 (Que); 2. Bangham C. reighardi (1) and Hunter 1939 (Ont); 3. Lyster 1940a Fundulus rliaphanus (4) (Que); 4. Richardson 1942 (NB, Que); 5. Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (2) Choquette 1948a (Que), 6. 1948b (Lab, Prosopicnn coulteri (6) Que), 7. 1951b (Que), 8. 1951c (Que), 9. Sahno gairdneri (3,5) 1955 (Que); 10. Bangham and Adams 1954 Salvelinus malbna (3) (BC); 11. Bangham 1955 (Ont); 12. Sande- S. mmnaycush (6) man and Pippy 1967 (Nfld); 13. Pippy 1969 Dist.: Pac, Alta, BC, NS, Ont (Lab, NB-b, NB, Nfid, NS, PEI); 14. Hicks Records: 1. Pritchard 1931 (Ont); 2. Godfrey and Threlfall 1973 (Lab); 15. Hanek and 1968 (Pac); 3. Ko and Anderson 1969 (BC, Molnar 1974 (Que-b, Que); 16. Hare and Ont); 4. Wiles 1975b (NS); 5. Hoskins et al. Frantsi 1974 (NS); 17. Hare and Burt 1975a 1976 (BC); 6. Mudry and Anderson 1977 (NB), 18. 1975b (NB), 19. 1976 (NB-b, NB); (Alta, BC) 20. Frantsi et al. 1975 (NS) Remarks: Maggenti and Paxman (1971) re- Cystidicoloides prevosti (Choquette, 1951) garded C. harlvoorli as an independent Dollfus and Campana-Rouget, 1956 (FW) species. Syn.: Metabronema prevosti Choquette, 1951 Location: intestine Metabronema sp. (FW) Host: Ictalurus nebulosus Location: not specified Dist.: Que Host: Thymallus m•cticus Record: Choquette 1951b Dist.: BC Record: Bangliam and Adams 1954 Cystidicoloides tenuissima (Zeder, 1800) Remarks: The above record is probably refer- Rasheed, 1965 (FW) able to the genus Cystidicoloides. Syn.: Sterliadochona tenuissima (Zeder, 1800) Metabronema salvelini (Fujita, 1920) Salvelinema salmonicola (Ishii, 1916) Margolis, Metabronema canadense Skinker, 1931 1966 (FW) Cystidicoloides harrvoodi (Chandler, Location: swim bladder 1931) Host: Salvelinus malma Location: intestine, pyloric caeca, stomach Dist.: BC Hosts: Anguilla rostrata (15) Records: Margolis 1967a; Margolis and Ka- Coregonus clupeaformis (14) bata 1967 Cottus asper (10) Remarks: Material tentatively identified as Esox masquinongy (7,8)200 S. salmonicola by Margolis (1966) from Oncorhynchus lcisutch (10) Oncorhynchtts kisutch was referred to 0. net-ka (10) S. lvalkeri by Margolis (1967a). Prosopiaun lvilliamsoni (10) Rhinichthys cataractae (10) Salvelinema lvalkeri (Ekbaum, 1935) Margolis, Salmo clarki (10) 1967 (FW) S. gairdneri (10,11) Syn.: Cystidicola lvalkeri Ekbaum, 1935 S. salar (12,13,14,15,17,18,19,20) Location: swim bladder S. triuta (12) Hosts: Oncorhynchus kisutch (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) Salvelinus alpinus (6,14,15)201 0. tshaivytscha (7) S. fontinalis (1,2,3,4,5,6,9,10,11,12,14, Dist.: Pac 15,16,20) Records: 1. Ekbaum 1935a, 2. 1936; 3. Mar- golis 1966, 4. 1967a, 5. 1967b; 6. Margolis 200The report of this species from E. masqrtr- and Kabata 1967; 7. Godfrey 1968 nongy by Choquette (1951c) was considered prob- ably to be the result of ingestion of trout. Spinitectus carolini Holl, 1928 (FW) 201Choquette's (1948b) identification of the host Location: intestine as Salvelinus arcnn•us (- S. alpinus) was tentative. Hosts: Ambloplites rupestris (1,3,5)

114 Ictalurus nebulosus (5) Records: 1. Bangham 1941, 2. 1955; 3. Tedla Lepomis gibbosus (1,2,3,4,) and Fernando 1972; 4. Anthony 1974, 5. Micropterus dolomieui (1,2,3,4) 1977 M. salmoides (1,3) Morone chrysops (3) Dist.: Ont Family HEDRURIDAE Records: 1. Bangham and Hunter 1939; 2. Hedruris sp. Bangham 1941, 3. 1955; 4. Bangham and (FW) Venard 1946; 5. Dechtiar 1972c Location: intestine Host: Fundulus diaphanus Dist.: NS Spinitectus gracilis Ward and Magath, Record: Wiles 1975b 1917 (FW) Location: intestine Hosts: A plodinotus grunniens (1) Superfamily THELAZIOIDEA Coregonus artedii (6) C. clupeaformis (2,3,4,8)202 Family THELAZIIDAE Cyprinus carpio (3)202 Esox americanus vermiculatus (1 ,5)203 Rhabdochona canadensis Moravec and Arai, Ictalurus nebulosus (2,3) 1971 (FW) I. punctatus (1) Location: intestine Lepomis gibbosus (2,4) Hosts: Couesius plumbeus Lota iota (3,6) Esox lucius204 Micropterus dolomieui (3)202 Noturus flay US204 Moxostoma anisurum (6) Platygobio gracilis Notropis hudsonius (3) Rhinichthys cataractae Noturus flavus (1) Stizostedion vitreum vitreum 2°4 Oncorhynchus nerka (8) Dist.: Alta Osmerus mordax (3)202 Record: Moravec and Arai 1971 Perca flavescens (3,4,6,7,8) Percopsis omiscomaycus (3,6,8) Rhabdochona cascadilla Wigdor, 1918 (FW) Pomoxis annularis (1) Syn.: Rhabdochona sp. of Bangham, 1941 P. nigromaculatus (3,6) (partim) and of Bangham and Venard, 1946 Prosopium cylindraceum (4) (partim) Salvelinus fontinalis X S. namaycush Location: intestine (8) Hosts: Acipenser fulvescens (7) Stizostedion vitreum vitreum (1) Acrocheilus alutaceus (6) Dist.: Ont Ambloplites rupestris (1,8) Records; 1. Bangham and Hunter 1939; 2. Catostomus catostomus (5,6) Bangham 1941, 3. 1955; 4. Bangham and C. commersoni (2,4,9) Venard 1946; 5. Crossman 1962; 6. Dechtiar C. macrocheilus (6) 1972c; 7. Cannon 1973; 8. Collins and Dech- Chrosomus eos (4) tiar 1974 Couesius plumbeus (6) Cyprinus carpio (6) Spinitectus spp. (FW) Etheostoma exile (3,8) Location: digestive tract E. nigrum (3,8) . Hosts: A cipenser fulvescens (4,5) Hiodon tergisus (1) Perca flavescens (1,3) Ictalurus nebulosus (2) Stizostedion vitreum vitreum (2) Lota Iota (8) Dist.: Ont Micropterus dolomieui (4) Moxostoma macrolepidotum (1,6) =The records of Bangham (1955) for the indi- Mylocheilus caurinus (6) cated hosts refer to encysted larval forms. Notropis anogenus (8) 203Bangham and Hunter (1939) recorded S. gra- cilis from E. a. vermiculatus (as E. americanus) in their host—parasite list and in the text. However, in 204Material from the indicated hosts consisted their parasite—host list this parasite is reported from of macerated specimens only and was considered the northern pike (E. lucius). The latter record is by Moravec and Arai (1971) probably to have been considered to be an error in compilation. acquired while feeding on infected fish.

115 N. cornutus (2,3,4) Rhabdochona milleri Choquette, 1951 (FW) N. hudsonius (1,3,8) Location: intestine N. spilopterus (1) Hosts: Moxostotna erythrurum (2,3) N. volucellus (1) M. macrolepidotum (1,2,3) Oncorhynchus nerka (6,9) Prosopium coulteri (4) Perca flavescens (9) Salmo clarki (4) Percopsis omiscomaycus (9) S. gairdneri (4) Pitnephales notatus (3,4) Salvelinus fondnalis (4) Prosopium william soni (6) S. malma (4) Ptychocheilus ore gonensis (6) Dist.: Alta, BC, Ont, Que Rhinichthys atratulus (8) Records: 1. Choquette 1951a (Que); 2. Mora- R. cataractae (6) vec and Arai 1971 (Ont); 3. Dechtiar 1972b Richardson jus balteatus (6) (Ont); 4. Mudry and Anderson 1977 (Alta, Salmo clarki (6) BC) S. gairdneri (6) Salvelinus fontinalis (10) Rhabdochona ovifilamenta Weller, 1938 (FW) Semotilus atromaculatus (2,3,4,5) Syn.: Rhabdochona laurentiana Lyster, 1940 S. corporalis (4) Rhabdochona fortunatowi of Kussat, S. margarita (2,4,5) 1969 Thymallus arc ticus (6) Rhabdochona sp. of Ami and Kussat, Dist.: Alta, BC, Ont, Que 1967 Records: 1. Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); Location: intestine 2. Bangham 1941 (Ont), 3. 1955 (Ont); 4. Hosts: Catostomus catostomus (3,5,6) Bangham and Venard 1946 (Ont); 5. Cho- C. commersoni (1) guette 1951a (Que); 6. Bangham and Adams C. platyrhynchus (3,5,6) 1954 (BC); 7. Dechtiar 1972b (Ont), 8. 1972e Perca flavescens (4) (Ont); 9. Collins and Dechtiar 1974 (Ont); Salvelinus fondnalis (2) 10. Mudry and Anderson 1977 (Alta) Dist.: Alta, Ont, Que Remarks: Material reported as Rhabdochona Records: 1. Lyster 1940a (Que); 2. Choquette sp. from Ictalurus nebulosus (as Atneiurus 1948a (Que); 3. Arai and Kussat 1967 n.) by Bangham (1941) and from Catosto- (Alta); 4. Tedla and Fernando 1969a (Ont); mus commersoni by Bangham (1941) and 5. Kussat 1969 (Alta); 6. Moravec and Arai Bangham and Venard (1946) was identified 1971 (Alta) as R. cascadilla by Choquette (1951a). Remarks: Rhabdochona SI). of Arai and Kus- Moravec and Arai (1971) examined speci- sat (1967) was identified as R. ovifilamenta mens labeled as R. cascadilla from C. com- by Moravec and Arai (1971). The same mersoni from the collection of R. V. material was incorrectly identified as R. Bangham and found them to be incorrectly fortunatowi by Kussat (1969). identified. The correct identification was not indicated. Rhabdochona spp. (FW) Location: intestine Rhabdochona cotti Gustafson, 1949 (FW) Hosts: Catostomus catostomus (7) Location: intestine C. COMMersoni (3,7) Hosts: Cottus asper (1) Coregonus chtpeaformis (4) C. bairdi (2) Coueshts plumbeus (3) C. cognants (1,3) Fundulus diaphanus (1) Dist.: BC, Ont Icialurus melas (5) Records: 1. Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC); I. nebulosus (3) 2. Dechtiar 1972c (Ont); 3. Mudry and Lepotnis gibbosus (2,3,4) Anderson 1977 (BC) L. macrochirus (1) Micro pterus dolomield (5) Rhabdochona kisutchi Margolis, Moravec and Morone chrysops (1) McDonald, 1975 (FW) Oncorhynchus kisutch (5) Location: intestine, pyloric caeca O. nerka (6)205 Host: Oncorhynchus kisutch Perca flavescens (2,3,8) Dist.: BC 205The record of Margolis (1957) is a tentative Record: Margolis et al. 1975 parasite identification (as ? Rhabdocholut sp.).

116 Pimephales promelas (4) Cyprinus carpio (9) Salmo clarki (9) Dorosoma cepedianum (9) Salvelinus fontinalis (5,9) Etheostoma exile (9) Dist.: Alta, BC, Lab, Out E. nigrurn (9) Records: 1. Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); Fundulus diaphanus (9) 2. Bangham 1941 (Ont), 3. 1955 (Ont); 4. Gadus morhua (3) Bangham and Venard 1946 (Ont); 5. Hexagrammos decagrammus (28) Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC); 6. Mar- Hippoglossoides platessoides (1) golis 1957 (BC); 7. Threlfall and Hanek Hybopsis storeriana (9)207 1970a (Lab); 8. Tedla and Fernando 1972 Ictalurus nebulosus (9,10) (Ont); 9. Mudry and Anderson 1977 (Alta) 1. punctatus (9) Remarks: Material from Catostomus com- Labidesthes sicculus (9) mersoni reported as Rhabdochona sp, by Lepomis gibbosus (9,10,11,15) Bangham (1941) and Bangham and Venard L. macrochirus (9) (1946) and from Ictalurus nebulosus (as Lota Iota (18) Ameiurus n.) by Bangham and Venard Macrozoarces americanus (2,13) (1946) was identified as R. cascadilla Wig- Mallotus villosus (8) dor, 1918 by Choquette (1951a) and is re- Micropterus dolomieui (9,10,31) ferred to this species. Material reported as M. salmoides (9) Rhabdochona sp. from Fundulus diaphanus Morone chrysops (9) by Bangham and Hunter (1939) was found Myoxocephalus scorpius (20) to belong to another genus by Choquette Nocomis micropogon (9) (1951a). The correct genus was not indi- Notemigonus crysoleucas (9) cated. Material reported as Rhabdochona Notropis emiliae (9) sp. from Alberta by Arai and Kussat (1967) N. heterodon (9)207 from C. catostomus and C. platyrhynchus N. hudsonius (9) (as Pantosteus p.) is referred to C. ovifila- N. spilopterus (9) menta Weller, 1938. Oncorhynchus keta (29,30) 0. kisutch (29) 0. nerka (22,23,24,30)208 Unidentified Nematoda 0. tshawytscha (29,30) Perca flavescens (9,10,15) Nematoda gen.spp. larva and adult (FW, M) Percina caprodes (9) Includes: Agamonema sp.auct., Agamospirura Percopsis omiscomaycus (9,11)207 sp.auct. Pimephales notatus (10) Location: viscera, musculature, mesenteries, Platichthys stellatus (30) intestine, stomach Pomoxis ann ularis (9) Hosts: Ambloplites rupestris (9) Prosopium cylindraceurn (33) Ammocrypta pellucida (9) P. williamsoni (34) A plodinotus grunniens (9) Pseudopleuronectes americanus (3) Carassius auratus (9) Reinhardtius hippoglossoides (25) Salmo gairdneri (34) Catostomus commersoni (9,16)206 (20,21,33) Chrosomus eos (10,15) Salvelinus alpinus C. neogaeus (10,15) S. fontinalis (6,7,12,16,17,33)209 Clupea harengus pallasi (30) S. namaycush (12,19,33) Cololabis saira (32) Sebastes marinus (27) Coregonus clupeaformis (5) Semotilusatromaculatus (9,10) Culaea inconstans (9,31)207 Stizostedion vitreum vitreum (9) Tautogolabrus adspersus (4) Thymallus arcticus (14) 206Material reported as nematode larva by Fantham and Porter (1948) from C. conunersoni 208Larval nematodes reported by Margolis ( 1956b, from Ross Lake, Quebec, was noted to be morpho- 1957, 1963) from O. nerka were noted (Margolis logically identical with Rhabdias bufonis. 1963) to be possibly ". .. an early stage of Philo- 207The record of Bangham and Hunter (1939) neina oncorhynchi." of unidentified nematodes (as Agcunonema sp.) 209The record of unidentified Nematoda from S. from these hosts is found only in their host-parasite fontinalis by Fantham and Porter ( 1948) was based 1 ist. on the presence of ova only.

117 Xiphias gladhis (26) Venard 1946 (Ont); 16. Fantham and Unspecified cod (2) Porter 1948 (Que); 17. Choquette 1948a Unspecified flounder (2) (Que); 18. Rawson 1951 (NWT), 19. 1961 Dist.: Atl, E Arc, Pac, Alta, BC, Lab, NWT, (Sask); 20. Dunbar and Hildebrand 1952 Ont, Que-b, Que, Sask (E Arc); 21. Andrews and Lear 1956 (Lab); Records: 1. Huntsman 1918b (Atl); 2. 22, Margolis 1956b (Pac, BC), 23. 1957 Clemens 1920 (At!); 3. Clemens and (BC), 24. 1963 (BC); 25. Templeman et al. Clemens 1921 (At!); 4. Johansen 1925 (At!); 1957 (Atl); 26. Tibbo et al. 1961 (At!); 27. Hart 1931 (Ont); 6. Ricker 1932 (Ont, 5. Yanulov 1962 (AtI); 28. Barraclough 1967a Que); 7. Richardson 1935 (Que); 8. Pigeon (Pac); 29. Godfrey 1968 (Pac); 30. Robin- and Vallée 1937 (Que-b); 9. Bangham and son et al. 1968b (Pac); 31. Dechtiar 1972c Hunter 1939 (Ont); 10. Bangham 1941 (Ont); 32. Hughes 1973 (Pac); 33. Hicks (Ont), 11. 1955 (Ont); 12. MacLulich 1943b and Threlfall 1973 (Lab); 34. Mudry and (Ont); 13. Olsen and Merriman 1946 (At!); Anderson 1977 (Alta) 14. Miller 1946a (NWT); 15. Bangham and


ORDER EOACANTHOCEPHALA Etheostoma nigrum (4) Lepomis gibbosus (4) Family NEOECHINORHYNCHIDAE Lota Iota (4) Micro pterus dolomieui (1,3,4,5,9) Neoechinorhynchus car piodi Dechtiar, M. salmoides (1,4) 1968 (FW) Perca flavescens (4,7,8,10) Location: intestine Pomoxis nigromaculatus (4) Host: Carpiodes cyprin us Salvelinus fontinalis (2) Dist.: Ont Stizostedion canadense (4) Records: Dechtiar 1968, 1972b S. vitreum vitreum (1,4,10) Dist.: Man, Ont, Que Neoechinorhynchus crassus Van Cleave, Records: 1. Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); 1919 (FW) 2. Lyster 1940a (Que); 3. Bangham 1941 Location: intestine (Ont), 4. 1955 (Ont); 5. Bangham and Hosts: Carpiodes cyprinus (4) Venard 1946 (Ont); 6. Choquette 1951c Catostomus catostomus (3) (Que); 7. Tedla and Fernando 1969a (Ont), C. commersoni (1,3,5,6) 8. 1972 (Ont); 9. Dechtiar 1972c (Ont); 10. C. macrocheilus (2) Dickson (1964 MS) cited in Lubinsky 1976 Stizostedion vitreum vitreum (6) (Man) Dist.: BC, Man, Ont Records: 1. Bangham and Hunter 1939 (On t); Neoechinorhynchus notemigoni Dechtiar, 2. Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC); 3. 1967 (FW) Bangham 1955 (Ont); 4. Dechtiar 1972b Location: intestine (Ont), 5. 1972e (Ont); 6. Stewart-Hay (1951 Host: Notemigonus crysoleucas MS) cited in Lubinsky 1976 (Man) Dist.: Ont Record: Dechtiar 1967a Neoechinorhynchus cristatus Lynch, 1936 (FW) Syn.: Neoechinorhyn chus venustus Lynch, Neoechinorhynchus pungitius Dechtiar, 1936 1971 (FW) Location: intestine Location: intestine, stomach Hosts: Catostomus catostomus (1,2,3,5) Hosts: Culaea inconstans (1) C. commersoni (2,3,6,7) Oncorhynchus nerka (2) C. macrocheilus (1) Osmerus mordax (2) Mylocheilus caurinus (1) Perca flavescens (7) Pungitius pungitius (4,8) Pungitius pungitius (1) Dist.: Alta, BC, Lab-b, Lab, Ont, Que Dist.: Ont Records: 1. Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC); Records: 1. Dechtiar 1971b; 2. Collins and 2. Arai and Kussat 1967 (Alta); 3. Kussat Dechtiar 1974 1969 (Alta); 4. Hanek and Threlfall 1970d (Lab-b); 5. Threlfall and Hanek 1970a Neoechinorhynchus rutili (O. F. Müllet, 1780) (Lab); 6. Dechtiar 1972b (Ont), 7. 1972c Hamann, 1892 (FW) (Ont); 8. Hanek and Molnar 1974 (Que) Location: intestine Remarks: Golvan (1959) listed N. venustus Hosts: Catostomus catostomus (2,20) as a valid species. We follow Petrochenko C. macrocheilus (2) (1956) in considering it a synonym of N. Cottus asper (2) cristatus. C. bairdi (10) C. cognatus (19) Neoechinorhynchus cylindratus (Van Cleave, C. rhotheus (2) 1913) Van Cleave, 1919 (FW) Couesius plumbeus (2) Location: intestine Culaea inconstans (3,10) Hosts: Ambloplites rupestris (4,9) Esox lucius (2,19) Catostomus commersoni (2) Fundulus heteroclitus (14) Esox lucius (4) Gasterosteus aculeatus (1,2,8,13) E. masquinongy (6) Ictalurus nebulosus (2)

119 „ Lota lota (2,3,19) Neoechinorhynchus nunidus Van Cleave and Micropterus dolomieui (3) Bangham,1949 (FW) Mylocheilus caurinus (2) Location: intestine Notropis hudsonius (3,9) Hosts: Coregonus artedii (1,4) Oncorhynchus keta (7) Coregwnts clupeaformis ( 1,3,4,5,6) 0. kisutch (2,7) Cottus cognatus (6) 0. net-ka (1,2,4,5,6,7,12) Esox lucius (6) Osinerus mordax (12) Oncorhynchus net-ka (5) Perca flavescens (3,9,12) Prosopicun cylindracecun (2,6) Prosopicun williamsoni (2) Thymallus m•cticus (6) Ptychocheilus oregonensis (1,2) Dist.: Ont, Sask, YT Pungitius pungitius (1,3,15) Records: 1. Van Cleave and Bangham 1949 Richardsonius balteatus (2) (Sask); 2. Bangham 1955 (Ont); 3. Dechtiar Sali-no clarki (1,2) 1972b (Ont), 4. 1972c (Ont); 5. Collins and S. gairdneri (2) Dechtiar 1974 (Ont); 6. Arthur et al. 1976 S. salar (11, 16,17,18) (YT) Salvelinus fontinalis (1,2) S. mabna (2) Neoechinorhynchus spp. (FW) S. namaycush (19) Location: intestine Thymalhts arcticus (19) Hosts: Catostomus catostarnus (6) Urnbra limi (3) C. cornrnersoni (3,9,10) Dist.: Pac, Alta, BC, Lab-b, NB-b, NB, Nfld, Coregonus artedii (1) NWT, Ont, YT Fatndulus diaphanars (2) Records: 1. Van Cleave and Lynch 1950 (BC, Notropis atherinoides (8) NWT); 2. Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC); N. hudsonius (8) 3. Bangham 1955 (Ont); 4. Margolis 1956b Perca flavescens (7) (BC), 5. 1957 (BC), 6. 1963 (BC); 7. Arai Percopsis orniscomayctts (4) 1969b (Pac); 8. Hanek and Threlfall 1970e Pimephales notatus (8) (Lab-b); 9. Dechtiar 1972b (Ont), 10. 1972e Semotilus ah•omaculatus (3,5) (Ont); 11. Hare and Frantsi 1974 (NB); 12. Stizostedion canadense (2) Collins and Dechtiar 1974 (Ont); 13. Lester S. vih•eaun vitrezun (10) 1975 (BC); 14. Dickinson and Threlfall 1975 Dist.: Alta, Man, NWT, Out (Nf1d), 15. 1976 (Nfld); 16. Hare and Burt Records: 1. Pritchard 1931 (Ont); 2. Bangham 1975a (NB), 17. 1975b (NB), 18. 1976 and Hunter 1939 (Ont); 3. Bangham 1941 (NB-b, NB); 19. Arthur et al. 1976 (YT); (Ont), 4. 1955 (Ont); 5. Bangham and 20. Mudry and Anderson 1977 (Alta) Venard 1946 (Ont); 6. Rawson 1951 (NWT); 7. Dechtiar 1972b (Ont), 8. 1972c (Ont); Neoechinoa•hynchus sd•igosus Van Cleave, 9. Mudry and Arai 1973a (Alta); 10. 1949 (F W ) Stewart-Hay (1952 MS) cited in Lubinsky Location: intestine 1976 (Man) Hosts: Catostomus catostoinus (1,2) C. commersoni (1,2,3) Octospinifer macilentus Van Cleave, Dist.: Lab, Ont 1919 (FW) Records: 1. Bangham 1955 (Ont); 2. Threlfall Syn.: Octospinifer sp. of Mudry and Arai, and Hanek 1970a (Lab); 3. Dechtiar 1972c 1973 (Ont) Location: intestine Hosts: Catostarnus catostomus (2) Neoechinorhynchus tenellus (Van Cleave, C. commersoni ( 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) 1913) Van Cleave, 1919 (FW) Dist.: Alta, Out Location: intestine Records: 1. Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); Hosts: Esox lucius (1,3) 2. Bangham 1941 (Ont), 3. 1955 (Ont); 4. E. masquinongy (3) Bangham and Venard 1946 (Ont); 5. Arai Stizostedion canadense (3) and Kussat 1967 (Alta); 6. Kussat 1969 S. viu•eum vitrecan (2,3) (Alta); 7. Dechtiar 1972c (Ont); 8. Mudry Dist.: Ont and Arai 1973a (Alta); 9. Beerman (1972 Records: 1. Bangham and Hunter 1939; 2. MS) cited in Mudry and Anderson 1976 Dechtiar 1972b, 3. 1972c (Alta)

120 Remarks: J. R. Arthur (unpublished data) Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (11) determined Octospinifer sp. of Mudry and Hemilepidotus hemilepidotus (13) Arai, 1973 to be 0. macilentus. Hippoglossoides platessoides (11) Hippoglossus hippoglossus (11) Octospiniferoides sp. (FW) Icelinus filamentosus (12,13) Location: intestine Leptocottus armatus (13) Host: Fundulus diaphanus Limanda ferruginea (11,19) Dist.: NS Liopsetta putnami (11) Record: Wiles 1975b Melanogrammus aeglefinus (3,5) Microgadus proximus (1) M. tomcod (3,6) Family TENUISENTIDAE Myoxocephalus polyacanthocephalus (12,13) Tanaorhamphus sp. (FW) M. quadricornis (16) Location: intestine Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (4,5,7,8) Host: Catostomus commersoni 0. keta (4,5,12) Dist.: Man 0. kisutch (4,5,12,13) Record: Stewart-Hay (1952 MS) cited in 0. nerka (4,5,7,9,12) Lubinsky 1976 0. tshawytscha (4,5,12,13) Platichthys stellatus (12,13) Pollachius virens (5) ORDER Pseudopleuronectes americanus (11) Salmo salar (14,17) Superfamily ECHINORHYNCHOIDEA Salvelinus alpinus (17) S. fontinalis (3,17) Family ECHINORHYNCHIDAE S. malma (12,13) Scophthalmus aquosus (11) Sebastes alutus (18) Acanthocephalus jacksoni Bullock, 1962 (FW) S. babcocki (18) Location: intestine S. borealis (18) Hosts: Alosa pseudoharengus S. caurinus (18) Catostomus commersoni S. diploproa (18) Coregonus clupeaformis S. fiavidus (18) Oncorhynchus nerka S. helvomaculatus (18) Osmerus mordax S. proriger (18) Perca fiavescens S. ruberrimus (18) Salvelinus fontinalis X S. namaycush S. zacentrus (18) Dist.: Ont Tautogolabrus adspersus (2,15) Record: Collins and Dechtiar 1974 Theragra chalcogramma (12) Dist: . Atl, Pac, W Arc, BC-b, Lab-b, NS, Acanthocephalus sp. (FW) Que-b, Que Location: intestine Records: I. Van Cleave 1920 (W Arc); 2. Host: Fundulus diaphanus Johansen 1925 (Atl); 3. Kuitunen-Ekbaum Dist.: NS 1937b (At1), 4. 1937d (Pac, BC-b); 5. Record: Wiles 1975b Ekbaum 1938 (Atl, Pac, BC-b); 6. Heller 1949 (Ad); 7. Margolis 1956b (Pac, BC-b), Echinorhynchus gadi Zoega in 0. F. Müller, 8. 1957 (Pac, BC-b), 9. 1963 (BC-b), 10. 1776 (M) 1965 (Pac); 11. Ronald 1963 (At»; 12. Arai Syn.: Echinorhynchus ekbaumi Golvan, 1969 1967a (Pac), 13. 1969b (Pac); 14. Pippy (new synonym) 1969 (Atl, NS); 15 , Sekhar S. and Threlfall Location: intestine, mesenteries 1970a (Ad); 16. Threlfall and Hanek 1971 Hosts: A gonus acipenserinus (12,13) (Lab-b); 17. Hanek and Molnar 1974 A mmodytes hexapterus (13) (Que-b, Que); 18. Sekerak and Arai 1977 A prodon cortezianus (12,13) (Pac); 19. Gaevskaya and Umnova 1977 Cymatogaster aggregata (12,13) (Atl) Gadus macrocephalus (10) Remarks: Golvan (1969) considered records G. morhua (1,5,6,19) of E. gadi from Pacific salmon from Canada

121 to represent a distinct species for which he 6. Hanek and Threlfall 1970e (Lab, Nfld-b), created the name E. ekbaumi. 7. 1970d (Nfld), 8. 1970e (At!, Lab-b, Lab, Nfid-b, Nfld); 9. Threlfall and Hanek 1970b Echinorhynchus laurentianus Ronald, 1957 (M) (Lab), 10. 1970c (Nfld-b?, Nfld); 11. Location: intestine Dechtiar 1972c (Ont); 12. Hicks and Threl- Hosts: Hippoglossoides platessoicles (1,2) fall 1973 (Lab); 13. Hare and Frantsi 1974 Hippoglossus hippoglossus (1,2) (NS); 14. Hare and Burt 1975a (NB), 15. Pseudopleuronectes americanus (1,2) 1976 (NB-b, NB); 16. Frantsi et al. 1975 Scophthalinus aquosus (1,2) (NS) Dist.: Atl Records: 1. Ronald 1957a, 2. 1963 Metechinorhynchus leidyi (Van Cleave, 1924) Golvan, 1969 (FW) Syn.: Echinorhynchus leiclyi Van- Cleave, Echinorhynchus sp. (NI ) 1924 Location: intestine Echinorhynchus salvelini Linkins in Host: Macrozoarces americanus Ward and Whipple, 1918 Dist.: At! Location: intestine, stomach Record: Clemens and Clemens 1921 Hosts: Catostomus catostomus (6) C. commersoni (6) Metechinorhynchus lageniformis (Ekbaum, Coregonus hoyi (6) 1938) Peirochenko, 1956 (M) Lota Iota (6) Syn.: Echinorhynchus lageniformis Ekbaum, Salino gairdneri (6) 1938 Salvelinus mahna (1) Location: intestine S. namaycush (1,2,3,4,5,6) Hosts: Lepidopsetta bilineata (1,2) Dist.: NWT, Ont, Que Platichthys stellatus (1,2,3) Records: 1. Van Cleave 1920 (NWT); 2. Dist.: Pac Cooper 1921 (NWT); 3. Richardson 1942 Records: 1. Kuitunen-Ekbaum 1937d; 2. (Que); 4. Miller 1946b (NWT); 5. Miller Ekbaum 1938; 3. Prakash and Adams 1960 and Kennedy 1948 (NWT); 6. Bangham 1955 (Ont) Metechinorhynchus lateralis (Leidy, 1851) Golvan, 1969 (FW) Metechinorhynchus salmonis (O. F. Milner, Syn.: A canthocephalus lateralis (Leidy, 1851) 1784) Petrochenko, 1956 (FW) Echinorhynchus lateralis Leidy, 1851 Syn.: Echinorhynchus sahnonis O. F. Millier, Location: intestine 1784 Hosts: A mbloplites rupestris (3) Echinorhynchus coregoni Linkins in Anguilla rostrata (6) Van Cleave, 191921 0 Catostomus commersoni (3) Location: intestine Coregonus clupeaformis (4,10,11,12) Hosts: Acipenser f ulvescens (7) Esox litchis (9) Alosa pseudoharengus (14) Gasterosteus aculeatus (8) Atnbloplites rupestris (7) Micropterus dolomieui (3) Catostomus catostomits (7,18) Perca flavescens (3) C. comtnersoni (7,14,17,18) Prosopium cylindraceum (12) Coregonus alpenae (7) Pungitius pungitius (7) C. artedii (7,12,13,16,18) Saltno gairdneri (4) C. clupeaformis (3,7,12,13,14,16,17,18) S. salar (4,12,13,14,15,16) C. hoyi (7) S. trotta (4,10) Coregonus sp. (6)211 Salvelinus alpin us (12) Cotttts bairdi (13) S. fontinalis (1,2,3,4,5,10,12,13,16) Couesius plumbeus (7) S. namaycush (12) Dist.: Atl, Lab-b, Lab, NB-b, NB, Nfid-b, 210Golvan (1969) listed E. coregoni as a distinct Nfld, NS, Ont, Que species in Metechinorhynchus. We follow Van Records: 1. Richardson 1936 (Que); 2. Cho- Cleave (in Bangham 1955) and Petrochenko (1956) quette 1948a (Que); 3. Fantham and Porter in considering it a synonym of M. sahnolds. 1948 (Que); 4. Sandeman and Pippy 1967 211The report of Rawson (1951) was given as (Nfld); 5. Pippy and Sandeman 1967 (Nfld); "... Echinorhynchus sp.nr. cbregoni ..."

122 Esox lucius (7,12,13,16,18) Stizostedion vitreum glaucum (3)214 E. masquinongy (13) S. vitreum vitreum (3) Ictalurus nebulosus (13) Dist.: Lab, Lab-Que, NB, Nfld, NS, Ont, PEI Lepomis gibbosus (7) Records: 1. Hart 1931 (Ont); 2. Pritchard 1931 Lota Iota (3,7,13,16,18)212 (Ont); 3. Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); Micropterus dolomieui (7) 4. Munroe 1949 (Lab-Que); 5. Pippy 1969 M. salmoides (7) (Lab, NB, Nfid, NS, PEI) Myoxocephalus quadricornis (7) Remarks: All above records were originally Notropis hudsonius (7) given by their respective authors as Echi- Oncorhynchus kisutch (15,16,18) norhynchus sp. However, as the freshwater 0. nerka (14) members of this genus occurring in Cana- Osmerus mordax (7,12,14) dian fishes have all been transferred to Perca flavescens (7,9,10,11,14) Metechinorhynchus, the above records are Percopsis omiscomaycus (7,14) considered referable to this genus. Petromyzon marinus (7,8) Prosopium cylindraceum (7) Pungitius pungitiu.s (16,18) Family LEPTORHYNCHOIDIDAE Salmo gairdneri (7) Salvelinus alpinus (2) Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Linton, 1891) S. fontinalis X S. namaycush (14) Kostylew, 1924 (FW) S. malma (1) Location: intestine, encysted in mesenteries S. namaycush (1,2,5,7,13,15,16,17,18) Hosts: Ambloplites rupestris (2,4,13) Stizostedion canadense (7,13) Amia calva (2,4) S. vitreum vitreum (13,18) Anguilla rostrata (3,11) Thymallus arcticus (4)213 Aplodinotus grunniens (2) Unspecified Salmonidae (15) Catostom us catostom us (4) Dist.: Alta, Man, NWT, Ont C. catnmersoni (13,15) Records: 1. Van Cleave 1920 (NWT); 2. Coregonus clupeaformis (3,6) Cooper 1921 (NWT); 3. Bangham and Culaea inconstans (13) Hunter 1939 (Ont); 4. Miller 1946a (NWT); Cyprin us carpio (2)215 5. Miller and Kennedy 1948 (NWT); 6. Esox lucius (4,8,13) Rawson 1951 (NWT); 7. Bangham 1955 E. masquinongy (7,13) (Ont); 8. Wilson and Ronald 1967 (Ont); Etheostoma exile (2,13)215 9. Tedla and Fernando 1969a (Ont), 10. E. flabellare (2) 1970b (Ont), 11. 1972 (Ont); 12. Dechtiar E. nigrum (4,13) 1972b (Ont), 13. 1972c (Ont); 14. Collins Hybopsis storeriana (2) and Dechtiar 1974 (Ont); 15. Leong and Ictalurus melas (2) Holmes 1974a (Alta), 16. 1974b (Alta); 17. I. nebulosus (3,4,13) Stewart-Hay (1953 MS) cited in Lubinsky I. punctatus (2) 1976 (Man); 18. Holmes et al. 1977 (Alta) Lepisosteus osseus (2) Lepomis gibbosus (2,3,4,6,13) Metechinorhynchus spp. (FW) L. macrochirus (2) Syn.: Echinorhynchus sp.auct. Lota Iota (3,6,13) Location: intestine Microgadus tomcod (1) Hosts: Coregonus clupeaformis (1,3) Micropterus dolomieui (2,3,4,6,8,13) C. reighardi (2) M. salmoides (2,4) Etheostoma exile (3) Morone chrysops (4) Percina caprodes (3) Moxostoma anisurum (13) Salmo salar (5) 214Bangham and Hunter (1939) listed Leptorhyn- Salvelinus fontinalis (4) choides sp. from S. v, glaucum (as S. glaucum) in their host-parasite list but recorded only Metechi- 212The record of M. salmonis from L. Iota is norhynchus sp. (as Echinorhynchus sp.) in their found only in the host-parasite list of Bangham and parasite-host list. Whether these two records are Hunter (1939). based on the same material cannot be determined. 213The record of Miller (1946a) is a tentative 215The record of Bangham and Hunter (1939) parasite identification (as "Echinorhynchus coregoni of L. thecalus for the indicated hosts is found only Linkins (?)"). in their host-parasite list.

123 Notropis anogenus (13) C. rhotheus (6) N. hudsonius (4) Cyprinus carpio (3,7) Noturus flavus (2) Esox lucius (3) N. gyrinus (13) Hiodon tergisus (7) Oncorhynchus nerka (15) lctalurus nebulosus (2,3,5,7,8) Osmerus mordax (1,12) Lepomis gibbosus (7) Perca flavescens (2,3,4,6,9,10,13,14,15) Lota Iota (3,6,8) Percina caprodes (2,13) Micropterus dolomieui (3,7) Percopsis omiscotnaycus (2) Moxostotna anisurutn (7) Pomoxis annularis (2) M. erythrurum (7) P. nigromaculatus (2,13) M. tnacrolepidotum (7) Pungitius pungitius (13) Mylocheilus caurinus (6) Rhinichthys atratulus (13) Notropis hudsonius (3) Salvelinus fontinalis (6) Noturus gyrinus (8) S. namaycush (5,6) Oncorhynchus kisutch (6,12) Stizostedion vitreum vitreutn (4) O. nerka (10) Umbra limi (13) Osmerus mordax (3) Dist.: Lab, Ont, Que-b, Que Perca flavescens (3,9) Records: 1. Pigeon and Vallée 1937 (Que-b); Percina caprodes (3,8) 2. Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); 3. Percopsis omiscomaycus (3,10) Bangham 1941 (Ont), 4. 1955 (Ont); 5. Prosopium williamsoni (6) MacLulich 1943b (Ont); 6. Bangham and Ptychocheilus oregonensis (6) Venard 1946 (Ont); 7. Choquette 1951c Richardsonius balteatus (6) (Que); 8. Worley and Bangham 1952 (Que); Salmo clarki (6) 9. Tedla and Fernando 1969a (Ont), 10. S. gairdneri (6) 1972 (Ont); 11. Hanek and Threlfall 1970c S. salar (1 1) (Lab); 12. Threlfall and Hanek 1971 (Lab); Salvelinus fontines X S. namaycush 13. Dechtiar 1972c (Ont); 14. Cannon 1973 (10) (Ont); 15. Collins and Dechtiar 1974 (Ont) timbra limi (3) Unspecified Salmonidae (12) Leptorhynchoides sp.216 (FW) Dist.: Alta, BC, Man, NS, Ont, Que Location: mesenteries Records: 1. Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); Host: Stizostedion vitreum glaucum 2. Bangham 1941 (Ont), 3. 1955 (Ont); 4. Dist.: Ont Richardson 1942 (Que); 5. Bangham and Record: Bangham and Hunter 1939 Venard 1946 (Ont); 6. Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC); 7. Dechtiar 1972b (Ont), 8. 1972c (Ont); 9. Tedla and Fernando 1972 Family POMPHORHYNCHIDAE (Ont); 10. Collins and Dechtiar 1974 (Ont); 11. Hare and Frantsi 1974 (NS); 12. Leong Pomphorhynchus bulbocolli Linkins in Van and Holmes 1974a (Alta); 13. Stewart-Hay Cleave, 1919 (FW) (1951, 1952 MS) cited in Lubinsky 1976 Location: intestine, encysted in mesenteries (Man) Hosts: A mbloplites rupestris (3) calva (3) Potnphorhynchus rocci Cordonnier and Ward, A plodinotus grunniens (7) 1967 (FW) Carpiodes cyprinus (7,8) Location: [intestine] Catostomus catostomus (6) Host: Atnbloplites rupestris C. commersoni (1,2,3,4,5,6,8,10,13) Dist.: Ont C. macrocheilus (6) Record: Dechtiar 1972b Chrosomus eos (2) Coulis asper (6) Potnphorhynchus sp. (FW) Location: digestive tract 216Bangharn and Hunter (1939) listed Leptorhyn- Hosts: Carassius auratus (1)217 choides sp. from S. v. glaucum (as S. glane:un) in Catostomus commersoni (2) their host—parasite list but recorded only Echinor- hynchus sp. in their parasite—host list. Whether 21 7Bangham and Hunter (1939) recorded Pool- these two records are based on the same material phorhytichus sp. from these hosts only in their cannot be determined. host—parasite list.

124 Ictalurus punctatus (1)217 2. 1937d (Pac); 3. Ekbaum 1938 (Pac); 4. Stizostedion vitreum vitreum (2) Margolis 1958d (Pac) Dist.: Man, Ont Records: 1. Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); Corynosoma villosum Van Cleave, 1953 2. Stewart-Hay (1951, 1952 MS) cited in (juvenile) (M) Lubinsky 1976 (Man) Location: mesenteries Hosts: Oncorhynchus nerka (1) Sebastes alu tus (2) Family Dist.: Pac Records: 1. Margolis 1958d; 2. Sekerak and Rhadinorhynchus cololabis Laurs and Arai 1973 McCauley, 1964 (M) Location: intestine Corynosoma spp. juvenile (M) Host: Cololabis saira Location: body cavity, intestine, mesenteries Dist.: Pac Hosts: Cymatogaster aggregata (2,3) Record: Hughes 1973 Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (1) Hippoglossoides platessoides (1) Rhadinorhynchus trachuri Harada, 1935 (M) Hippoglossus hippoglossus (1) Syn.: Nipporhynchus trachuri (Harada, 1935) Leptocottus armatus (2,3) Nipporhynchus sp. of Margolis, 1956, 1957 Limanda ferruginea (1) Location: intestine, stomach Myoxocephalus polyacanthocephalus Hosts: Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (1) (2,3) Oncorhynchus kisutch (3) O. nerka (1,2,3) Dist.: Pac, BC-b Pseudo pleuronectes americanus (1) Sebastes aleutianus (4) Records: 1. Margolis 1956b (BC-b), 2. 1957 (Pac, BC-b), 3. 1963 (Pac) S. alutus (4) S. borealis (4) S. brevispinis (4) Superfamily POLYMORPHOIDEA S. caurinus (4) S. elongatus (4) Family POLYMORPHIDAE S. helvomaculatus (4) S. maliger (4) Bolbo.s'oma caenof orme (Heitz, 1920) Meyer, S. ruberrimus (4) 1933 (juvenile) (M) Dist.: Atl, Pac Syn.: Bolbosoma sp. of Margolis, 1956, 1957 Records: 1. Ronald 1963 (At»; 2. Arai 1967a Location: intestine (Pac), 3. 1969b (Pac); 4. Sekerak and Arai Hosts: Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (1,2) 1977 (Pac) O. nerka (1,2,3) Dist.: Pac, BC-b Records: 1. Margolis 1956b (Pac, BC-b), 2. Unidentified Acanthocephala 1957 (Pac, BC-b), 3. 1963 (Pac, BC-b) Remarks; The specimens reported as Bolbo- Acanthocephala gen.spp. (FW, M) soma sp. by Margolis (1957) from O. nerka Location: intestine, stomach were later (Margolis 1963) identified as B. Hosts: Macrozoarces americanus (5) caenof orme. Notro pis cornutus (4) N. heterole pis (4) Corynosoma strumosum (Rudolphi, 1802) Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (6) Lühe, 1904 (juvenile) (M) Platichthys stellatus (7) Location: encysted in liver, mesenteries, in- Salmo gairdneri (3) testinal wall S. salar (3) Hosts: Lepidopsetta bilineata (2,3) Salvelinus fontinalis (1,2,3) Melanogrammus aeglefinus (1) Dist.: Atl, Pac, Nfld, Ont, Que Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (4) Records: 1. Ricker 1932 (Ont, Que); 2. O. nerka (4) Richardson 1935 (Que); 3. Frost 1940 Platichthys stellatus (2,3) (Nfld); 4. Bangham 1941 (Ont); 5. Olsen Dist.: Atl, Pac and Merriman 1946 (Ad); 6. Godfrey 1968 Records: 1. Kuitunen-Ekbaum 1937b (Ad), (Pac); 7. Robinson et al. 1968b (Pac)


CLASS HIRUDIN0IDEA218 Dist.: BC, Ont Records: 1. Bangham 1941 (Ont), 2. 1955 ORDER GNATHOBDELLIDA (Ont); 3. Bangham and Venard 1946 (Ont); 4. Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC); 5. Family HIRUDINIDAE Meyer and Moore 1954 (Ont); 6. Dechtiar 1972c (Ont); 7. Molnar et al. 1974 (Ont); Macrobdella decora (Say, 1824) Verrill, 8. Lester and Daniels 1976 (Ont); 9. Daniels 1872 (FW) and Freeman 1976 (Ont, unspecified local- Location: [body surface] ity); 10. Bower and Woo 1977a (Ont) Hosts: Acipenser fulvescens (2) Remarks: Daniels and Freeman (1976) deter- Stizostedion vitreutn vitreum (1) mined A. triannulata to be a synonym of Dist.: Ont, Sask A. inequiannulata. Records: 1. Moore 1922 (Sask), 2. 1924 (Ont) Actinobdella sp. (FW) Mollibdella grandis (Verrill, 1874) Richardson, Location: not specified 1969 (FW) Host: Perca flavescens Syn.: Haemopis grandis (Verrill, 1874) Dist.: Que Location: [body surface] Record: Worley and Bangham 1952 Hosts: Esox luaus (1) Unspecified pickerel (2) Placobdella montifera Moore, 1906 (FW) Dist.: Ont Location: body surface Records: 1. Moore 1922, 2. 1936 Hosts: Lepisosteus osseus (1) Remarks: Some authors (see Klemm 1977) Lepomis gibbosus (1) do not accept Mollibdella as distinct from Micropterus salmoides (2,3) Haetnopis. Dist.: Ont Records: 1. Ryerson 1915; 2. Bangham 1933 Percymoorensis inamorata (Say, 1824) (Ont?); 3. Bangham and Hunter 1939 Richardson, 1969 (FW) Syn.: Haemopis marmorata (Say, 1824) Placobdella parasitica (Say, 1824) Moore, Location: [body surface] 1901 (FW) Host: Stizostedion vitreum vitrewn Location: [body surface] Dist.: Sask Host: Perca flavescens Record: Moore 1922 Dist.: Ont Remarks: Some authors (see Klemm 1977) Record: Ryerson 1915 do not accept Percymoorensis as distinct from Haemopis. Family PISCICOLIDAE

ORDER RHYNCHOBDELLIDA Calliobdella nodulifera (Malm, 1863) Johansson, 1898 (M) Family GLOSSIPHONIIDAE Location: [body surface, fins, mouth] Host: &Indus acanthias Actinobdella inequiannulata Moore, 1901 (FW) Dist.: Atl Syn.: Actinobdella triannulata Moore, 1924 Record: Threlfall 1969 Location: gill cavity, inner surface of oper- Remarks: Sawyer et al. (1975) considered culum C. nochtlifera of Titrelfall, 1969 to be a Hosts: Catostomus catostomus (2,4,9) synonym of C. vivida (Verrill, 1872). C. cotnmersoni (1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10) C. macrocheilus (4) Cystobranchus mammillatus (Main, 1863) Unspecified fishes (9) Johansson, 1896 (FW) 2i80n1y records in which the leeches were Location: inner surface of operculum reported to have been taken from fishes are in- Host: Lota Iota cluded. For a summary of the distribution of Cana- Dist.: NWT dian freshwater Hirudinoidea see Davies (1973). Record: Meyer and Roberts 1977

126 Cystobranchus verrilli Meyer, 1940 (FW) Location: fins, body surface, gill cavity Location: opercular region Hosts: Myoxocephalus octodecemspinosus Host: Lota lota (4,6) Dist.: Ont M. scorpius (1,2,3,4,5,6) Record: Meyer and Moore 1954 Dist.: Atl Records: 1. Richardson 1970; 2. So 1972; 3. Illinobdella alba Meyer, 1940 (FW) Mace and Davis 1972; 4. Sawyer et al. 1975; Location: [body surface] 5. Khan and Meyer 1976; 6. Khan and Hosts: Micropterusdolomieui (1) Cowan 1976 Perca flavescens (1,2) Dist.: Ont Malmiana diminuta Burreson, 1977 (M) Records: 1. Meyer and Moore 1954; 2. Location: fins, body surface Bangham 1955 Hosts: Enophrys bison Remarks: Sawyer et al. (1975) considered Hippoglossus stenolepis Illinobdella a synonym of Myzobdella and Myoxocephaluspolyacanthocephalus regarded I. alba a synonym of Myzobdella Ophiodon elongatus lugubris Leidy, 1851. Sebastessp. Dist.: B.C. aquarium Illinobdella elongata Meyer, 1940 (FW) Record: Burreson 1977 Location: [body surface] Host: Micropterus dolomieui Malmiana scorpii (Malm, 1863) Strand, Dist.: Ont 1942 (M) Record: Meyer and Moore 1954 Syn.: A branchus scorpii Malm, 1863 Remarks: Sawyer et al. (1975) considered I. Location: body surface elongata a synonym of Myzobdella lugubris. Hosts: Myoxocephalus octodecemspinosus (2,3) lllinobdella spp. (FW) M. scorpius ( 1,2,3) Location: fins Dist.: Atl, W Arc Hosts: Esox lucius (7) Records: 1. Moore 1921 (W Arc); 2. Khan and Etheostoma exile (2) Meyer 1976 (Atl); 3. Khan and Cowan 1976 E. nigrum (2) (Atl) Micropterus dolomieui (2) Perca flavescens (1,3,4,7,8) Myzobdella moorei (Meyer, 1940) Meyer and Percopsis omiscomaycus (6) Moore, 1954 (FW) Ptychocheilus oregonensis (5) Syn.: Illinobdella moorei Meyer, 1940 Salmo gairdneri (5) Location: fins Dist.: BC, Ont, Que Hosts: Ambloplites rupestris (3) Records: 1. Bangham 1941 (Ont), 2. 1955 Ictalurus nebulosus (2) (Ont); 3. Bangham and Venard 1946 (Ont); 1. punctatus (5) 4. Worley and Bangham 1952 (Que); 5. Lepomis gibbosus (2) Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC); 6. Dech- Perca flavescens (2,3) tiar 1972b (Ont), 7. 1972c (Ont); 8. Tedla Stizostedion canadense(6) and Fernando 1972 (Ont) S. vitreum vitreum (4,5,6) Dist.: Alta, Ont, Sask Johanssonia sp. (M) Records: 1. Meyer 1946 (Ont, Sask)220; 2. Syn.: Myzobdella sp. of Khan, 1974 Meyer and Moore 1954 (Ont); 3. Bangham Location: not specified 1955 (Ont); 4. Moore 1964 (Alta); 5. Dech- Host: Gadus morhua tiar 1972b (Ont), 6. 1972c (Ont) Dist.: Atl Remarks: Sawyer et al. (1975) considered M. Records: Khan 1974, 1976 moorei a synonym of M. lugubris. Remarks: Khan (1976) referred Myzobdella sp. of Khan, 1974 to Johanssonia sp. 219Synonymy according to Khan and Meyer (1976). Malmiana brunnea (Johansson, 1896) Strand, 220Hosts reported by Meyer ( 1946) are not listed 1942 (M) because he did not separate the Canadian and USA Syn.: Malmiana nuda Richardson, 1970219 records by host.

127 Oceanobdella microstotna (Johansson, 1896) Stizostedion canadense (2) Caballero, 1956 (M) S. vitretan vitreum (3,6) Location: head, mouth, gill cavity Unspecified minnows (7) Hosts: Lycodes reticulatus (1) Dist.: BC, NB, Ont?, Que Myoxocephalus octotlecemspinosus Records: 1. Ryerson 1915 (Ont); 2. Moore (1,2) 1924 (Ont), 3. 1936 (Ont); 4. Ricker 1932 M. scorpitts (1,2) (Ont and/or Que); 5. Bangham 1933 Dist.: Atl (Ont?); 6. Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); Records: 1. Khan and Meyer 1976; 2. Khan 7. Clemens et al. 1939 (BC); 8. Dechtiar and Cowan 1976 1972e (Ont); 9. Hare and Burt 1975a (NB), 10. 1975b (NB) Oceanobdella sexoculata (Malm, 1863) Caballero, 1956 (M) Piscicola salmositica Meyer, 1946 (FW) Location: mouth, body surface, fins Location: [body surface, gill cavity] Host: Alacrozoarces am encan Hosts: Oncorhynchus kisutch (1,2) Dist.: Atl O. nerka (1) Records: Khan and Meyer 1976; Khan and Dist.: BC Cowan 1976 Records: 1. Becker and Katz 1965a; 2. Bell and Margolis 1976 Piscicola milneri (Verrill, 1874) Ryerson, 1915 (FW) Piscicola zebra Moore, 1898 species Location: body surface, fins inquirenda 221 (FW?) Hosts: Catostomus commersoni (7) Location: lips Coregonus clupeafortnis (3,8) Host: Petrotnyzon marinas Esox litchis (8) Dist.: NS Lota Iota (8) Record: Moore 1898 Prosopiwn cylindraceum (8) Salve linus namaycush (1,4,5,6,8) Piscicola spp. (FW, M) Unspecified whitefish (2) Location: body surface Unspecified fishes (5) Hosts: Perca flavescens (1,2) Dist.: Alta, NWT, Ont, Que, YT Sebastes borealis. (3) Records: 1. Ryerson 1915 (Ont); 2. Moore S. caurinus (3) 1924 (Ont); 3. Meyer 1946 (Ont); 4. Miller Dist.: Pac, Ont and Kennedy 1948 (NWT); 5. Moore and Records: 1. Tedla and Fernando 1969a (Ont), Meyer 1951 (NWT); 6. Meyer and Moore 2. 1972 (Ont); 3. Sekerak and Arai 1977 1954 (Que); 7. Moore 1964 (Alta); 8. Arthur (Pac) et al. 1976 (YT)

Piscicola punctata (Verrill, 1871) Moore, Unidentified Hirudinoidea 1912 (FW) Location: body surface, gills Hirudinoidea gen.spp. (FW, M) Hosts: A tnbloplites rupestris (1) Location: body surface A plodinotus grunniens (6) Hosts: Myoxocephalus octodecetnspinosus (2) Ictalurus melas (6) M. scorpius (2) Lepotnis gibbosus (6) Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (3) L. macrochirits (6) Salve linus fontinalis (1) Lota Iota (6,8) Dist.: Atl, BC, Nfid Alicropterus dolomieui (5,6) Records: 1. Sandeman and Pippy 1967 (Nfld); Notropis spilopterus (6) 2, Sekhar S. and Threlfall 1970a (Ad); 3. Perca flavescens (6) Hoskins et al. 1976 (BC) Percina caprodes (6,8) Ptychocheilus oregonensis (7) Salmo salar (9,10) 221This species was considered a species inqui- Salvelbws fontinalis (4) renda by Sawyer et al. (1975).

128 PHYLUM MOLLUS CA CLASS PELECYPODA Unidentified Unionidae ORDER EULAMELLIBRANCHIA Unionidae gen.spp. glochidium (FW) Location: fins, gills, skin Family UNIONIDAE Hosts: Ambloplites rupestris (12) A plodinotus grunniens (2) Anodonta cataracta cataractaSay, 1817 (FW) Carpiodes cyprinus (9) (glochidium) Catostomus cornmersoni (4,10) Location: [gills] Coregonus clupeaformis (1) Host: Catostomus commersoni Cottus asper (5) Dist.: NS C. bairdi (10) Record: Wiles 1975a Couesius plumbeus (5) Anodonta spp. glochidium (FW) Cyprinus carpio (9) Location: gills Esox americanus vermiculatus (7) Hosts: A peltes quadracus (3) Gasterosteus aculeatus (5,14) Gasterosteus aculeatus (3) Hybognathus hankinsoni (12) Perca flavescens (1,2) lctalurus nebulosus (10,12) Pungitius pungitius (3) Lepomis gibbosus (18) Dist.: NS, Ont L. macrochirus (2) Records: 1. Tedla and Fernando 1969d (Ont), Lota Iota (10) 2. 1972 (Ont); 3. Wiles 1975a (NS) Micropterus salmoides (12) Morone chrysops (2) Anodontoides ferussacianus Lea, 1834 Mylocheilus caurinus (5) (glochidium) (FW) Nocomis biguttatus (12) Location: gills Notemigonus crysoleucas (13) Host: Petromyzon tnarinus Notropis atherinoides (9) Dist.: Ont N. cornutus (12) Record: Wilson and Ronald 1967 N. heterolepis (12,13) Oncorhynchus nerka (6) Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot, 1786) Perca flavescens (3,4,8,10) Rafinesque, 1819 (glochidium) (FW) Pimephales notatus (12) Location: gills P. promelas (12) Hosts: Fundulus diaphanus (5,6) Pomoxis nigromaculatus (2) Perca flavescens (1,2,3,4) Ptychocheilus oregonensis (5) Dist.: NS, Ont Pungitius pungitius (10) Records: 1. Tedla and Fernando 1969a (Ont), Richardsonius balteatus (5) 2. 1969d (Ont), 3. 1970a (Ont), 4. 1972 Salmo gairdneri (5) (Ont); 5. Wiles 1975a (NS), 6. 1975b (NS) S. salar (11,15,16,17) Stizostedion canadense (2,10) Lampsilis radiata (Gmelin, 1791) S. vitreum vitreum (4,10) (glochidium) (FW) Dist.: BC, NB-b, NB, NS, Ont Includes: Lampsilis radia fa siliquoidea Records: 1. Hart 1930 (Ont); 2. Bangham and 1823)222 (Barnes, Hunter 1939 (Ont); 3. Bangham 1941 (Ont), Location: gills 4. 1955 (Ont); 5. Bangham and Adams 1954 Hosts: A mbloplites rupestris (6,7) (BC); 6. Margolis 1956b (BC); 7. Crossman Morone americana (3) 1962 (Ont); 8. Tedla and Fernando 1969a Perca flavescens (1,2,4,5) (Ont); 9. Dechtiar 1972b (Ont), 10. 1972c Dist.: Ont (Ont); 11. Hare and Frantsi 1974 (NB, NS); Records: 1. Tedla and Fernando 1969a, 2. 12. Molnar et al. 1974 (Ont); 13. Wiles 1969d, 3. 1969e, 4. 1970a, 5. 1972; 6. Hanek 1975a (NS); 14. Lester 1975 (BC); 15. Hare and Fernando 1973b, 7. 1974 and Burt 1975a (NB), 16. 1975b (NB), 17. 222Tedla and Fernando (1969a) reported the sub- 1976 (NB-b, NB); 18. Cone and Anderson species L. r. siliquoidea from P. flavescens but later 1977b (Ont) (1969d) indicated that the glochidia of the two sub- species could not be distinguished.


CLASS CRUSTACEA Argulus funduli Kroyer, 1863 (M) Location: body surface, fins SUBCLASS BRANCHIURA Hosts: Fundulus heteroclitus (1,2) Dlenidia meniclia (2) ORDER ARGULOIDEA Pseudopleuronectes arnericantts (1) Pungitius pungitius (1) Family Dist.: Atl Records: 1. Stock 1915; 2. Bere 1930a Argttltts alosae Gould, 1912 (M) Location: [body surface] Argulus inegalops Smith, 1874 (M) Host: Alia•ogad us tom cod Syn.: Argulus megalops var. spinosus Wilson, Dist.: Atl 1944 Records: Wilson 1920a (free swimming), 1924 Location: body surface Host: Remarks: Wilson (1920a) considered the re- Pseudopleca•onectes americanus Dist.: Atl port of Argulus sp. from Gasterosteus sp. by Whiteaves (1901) to be referable to this Record: Ronald 1958a species and gave the host as G. biacideatus (syn. of G. ivheatlandi). Argulus pugettensis Dana, 1852 (M) Location: [external surface] Hosts: Cymatogaster aggregata (3) Argulus appendiculosus Wilson, 1907 (FW) Embiotoca lateralis (1,3) Location: fins Phanerodon f arcatus (2,3) Hosts: Cyprinus carpio (2) Rhacochilus vacca (3) Ictiobus cyprinellus (1) Salmo gairdneri (1,2,3) Stizostedion canadense (3) Sebastes cacu•inus (3) Dist.: Ont, Sask Dist.: Pac Records: 1. Johnson 1963 (Sask); 2. Declrtiar Records: 1. Wilson 1912; 2. Fraser 1920; 3. 1972b (Ont), 3. 1972c (Ont) Bere 1930b

Argulus borealis Wilson, 1912 (M) Argultts stizostethii Kellicott, 1880 (FW) Location: body surface Syn.: Argulus canadensis Wilson, 1916 Hosts: Hippoglossoides elassodon (2) Location: body surface, fins Lepiclopsetta bilineata (1,2,3) Hosts: Acipenser f ulvescens (1) Sebastes caurinus (3) Catostomus comrnersoni (6) Dist.: Pac Coregonus artedii (5) Records: 1. Wilson 1912; 2. Fraser 1920; 3. Coregonus sp. (1) Bere 1930b Gasterosteus aculeatus (4) Notropis /ualsonius (5) A rgulus catostomi Dana and Herrick, 1837 (FW) Perca flavescens (2,5) Location: fins Salmo salar (3) Hosts: Catostomus commersoni (2) Salvelintts fontinalis (2,3) Etheostoina exile (2) Stizostedion vitretan vitretan (5,6) E. nigrum (2) Unspecified stickleback (2) Ictalurus inelas (1) Unspecified sucker (2) Semotilus an•omaculatus (3) Dist.: Man, Nfld, NS, Ont Dist.: Ont Records: 1. Wilson 1916 (Ont), 2. 1936 (NS); Records: 1. Bangham and Hunter 1939; 2. 3. Sandeman and Pippy 1967 (Nfld); 4. Declrtiar 1972c; 3. Molnar et al. 1974 Threlfall 1968 (Nfld); 5. Dechtiar 1972c (Ont); 6. Stewart-Hay (1951 MS) cited in Argttlus flavescens Wilson, 1916 (FW) Lubinsky 1976 (Man) Syn.: Arguhes piperatus Wilson, 1920 Location: free swimming Argulus versicolor Wilson, 1902 (FW) Dist.: NS Location: lins Record: Wilson 1920a Hosts: Percopsis omiscomaycus

130 Stizostedion vitreum vitreum S. brevispinis (2) Dist.: Ont S. caurinus (2) Record: Dechtiar 1972c S. crameri (2) S. diploproa (2) Argulus spp. (FW, M) S. elongatus (2) Location: [external surface] S. entomelas (2) Hosts: Coregonus artedii (2) S. fiavidus (2) Gasterosteus sp. (0223 S. maliger (2) Percopsis omiscomaycus (2) S. nigrocinctus (2) Unspecified small fishes (1) S. pinniger (2) Dist.: Atl, Ont S. proriger (2) Records: 1. Whiteaves 1901 (Atl); 2. Bangham S. reedi (2) 1955 (Ont) S. ruberrimus (2) S. variegatus (2) S. zacentrus (2) SUBCLASS ENTOM OSTRACA Dist.: Pac Records: 1. Sekerak 1970; 2. Sekerak and Arai ORDER COPEPODA 1977

SUBORDER CYCLOPOIDA Sarcotaces arcticus Collett, 1874 (M) Syn.: Copepoda gen.sp. of Liston, Peters and Family LERNAEIDAE Stern, 1960 Sarco faces sp. au ct. Lernaea cyprinacea Linnaeus, 1758 (FW) Location: encysted in body cavity, muscula- Location: [head embedded in musculature ture with body protruding externally] Hosts: Sebastes aleutianus (6) Hosts: Carassius auratus (1) S. alutus (2,3,5,6) Catostomus commersoni (2) S. brevispinis (6) Cyprinus carpio (1) S. ruberrimus (1,4,6) Lepomis gibbosus (1) Dist.: Pac L. macrochirus (1) Records: 1. Kuitunen-Ekbaum 1949; 2. Liston Semotilus atromaculatus (1) et al. 1960; 3. Sekerak 1970; 4. Hoskins et Dist.: Ont al. 1976; 5. Hoskins and Hulstein 1977; 6. Records: 1. Dechtiar 1972b; 2. Lester and Sekerak and Ami 1977 Daniels 1976

Lernaeidae gen.sp. (FW) SUBORDER POECILOSTOMATOIDA Location: partially embedded in flesh Host: Micropterus dolomieui224 Family BOMOLOCHIDAE Dist.: Ont Record: Bangham and Hunter 1939 Bomolochus cuneatus Fraser, 1920 (M) Syn.: Parabomolochus cuneatus (Fraser, 1920) Location: gills Family PHYLICHTHYIDAE Hosts: Clupea harengus pallasi (1,2,4,6) Cytnatogaster aggregata (1,3,4,5,6) Colobomatus kyphosus Sekerak, 1970 (M) Gasterosteus aculeatus (7) Location: cephalic sensory canais Rhacochilus vacca (7) Hosts: Sebastes aleutianus (2) Dist.: Pac S. alutus (1,2) Records: 1. Fraser 1920; 2. Vervoort 1964; S. babcocici (2) 3. Vervoort and Ami 1966; 4. Arai 1967a, S. borealis (2) 5. 1967b, 6. 1969b; 7. Kabata 1971 223Wilson (1920a) considered the report of Argulus sp. from Gasterosteus sp. by Whiteaves Bomolochus spp, (M) (1901) to be referable to A. alosae and gave the Location: not specified host as G. biaculeattis (syn. of G. wheatlandi). Hosts: Cymatogaster aggregata 224This record is found only in the host—parasite Embiotoca lateralis list of Bangham and Hunter (1939). Oncorhynchus tshawytscha

131 Parophrys vetulus and Umnova 1977 Phanerodon furcatus Remarks: As A. cornuta is not known to Platichthys stellatus occur on the Pacific coast, the report of this Dist.: Pac species (as C. depressus) from Hexagram- Record: Bere 1930b mos stelleri and an unspecified flounder (as Remarks: Without accompanying description "Flounder (?)") from this locality by Bere the material from Parophrys vetulus and (1930b) is considered to be a misidentifica- Platichthys stellatus was named Bomolo- tion (Z. Kabata personal communication). chus longisetus, and that from the other hosts, B. varians by Bere (1930b). The Acanthochondria deltoidea (Fraser, 1920) Ho, identity of this material remains unknown. 1970 (M) Syn.: Chondracanthus deltoideus Fraser, 1920 Ho/obomo/ochus occu/tus Kabata, 1971 (M) Location: gill cavity Location: gills, gill cavity Hosts: Hexagrammos decagrammus (1,2) Hosts: Hippoglossoides elassodon H. stelleri (2) Lyopsetta exilis Sebastes melanops (2) Dist.: Pac Dist.: Pac Record: Kabata 1971 Records: 1. Fraser 1920; 2. Bere 1930b

Holobomolochus spin ulus (Cressey, 1969) Acanthochondria holocephalarum Kabata, Kabata, 1971 (NI) 1968 (M) Location: gills Location: claspers Hosts: Leptocottus artnatus Host: Hydrolagus colliei Oligocottus inaculosus Dist.: Pac Dist.: Pac Record: Kabata 1968 Record: Kabata 1971 Acanthochondria rectangularis (Fraser, 1920) Holobomolochus venust us Kabata, 1971 (M) Markevich, 1956 (M) Location: nasal cavities Syn.: Chondracanthus rectangularis Fraser, Hosts: Scorpaenichthys inarmoratus (1) 1920 Sebastes caurinus (1,2) Location: gills S. elongatus (2) Hosts: Hydrola gus colliei (2) S. maliger (2) Parophrys vetulus (2) S. pinniger (2) Platichthys stellatus (1) S. ruberrimus (2) Pleuronichthys coenosus (2) Dist.: Pac Dist.: Pac Records: 1. Kabata 1971; 2. Sekerak and Arai Records: 1. Fraser 1920; 2. Bere 1930b 1977 Acanthochondrites annulatus (Olsson, 1869) Oakley, 1930 (M) Family CHONDRACANTHIDAE Syn.: Chondracanthus inflatus Bainbridge, 1909 (O. F. Muller, 1776) Location: gills Oakley, 1930 (M) Host: Raja laevis Syn.: Chondracanthus cornutus (0. F. Muller, Dist.: Atl 1776) Record: Bere 1930a Chondracanthus clepressus T. Scott, 1905 Chondracanthus cottunculi Rathbun, 1886 (M) Acanthochondria flume (Kroyer, 1863) Location: gills Location: gill cavity Host: Cottunculus microps Hosts: Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (5) Dist.: Atl Hippoglossoides platessoides (3,4) Record: Tremblay and Lapointe 1938 Pseudopleuronectes atnericanus (1,3) Unspecified flounder (2) Chondracanthus gracilis Fraser, 1920 (M) Dist.: Atl Location: gill cavity Records: 1. Stock 1915; 2. Wilson 1920b; 3. Hosts: Hexagrammos decagrammus (2) Bere 1930a; 4. Ronald I958a; 5. Gaevskaya Scorpaenichthys marmoratus (1,2,3)

132 Dist.: Pac S. diploproa (6) Records: 1. Fraser 1920; 2. Bere 1930b; 3. S. entomelas (6) Kabata 1968 S. flavidus (6) S. maliger (6) Chondracanthus irregularis Fraser, 1920 (M) S. melanops (3) Location: gills, gill cavity S. pinniger (2,6) Hosts: Enophrys bison (1) S. proriger (6) Myoxocephalus polyacanthocephalus S. reedi (6) (2,3,4) S. ruberrim us (6) Dist.: Pac S. zacentrus (6) Records: 1. Fraser 1920; 2. Arai 1967a, 3. Xiphister atropurpureus (2) 1969b; 4. Kabata 1968 Dist.: Pac Records: 1. Wilson 1912; 2. Fraser 1920; 3. Bere 1930b; 4. Kabata 1968; 5. Sekerak Chondracanthus merlucci (Holten, 1802) 1970; 6. Sekerak and Arai 1977 Kreyer, 1837 (M) Location: [gills, gill cavity] Host: Merluccius bilinearis Chondracanthus pusillus Kabata, 1968 (M) Dist.: Atl Location: gills, gill cavity Record: Stock 1915 Host: A podichthys flavidus Dist.: Pac Chondracanthus narium Kabata, 1969 (M) Records: Kabata 1968; Arai 1969b Location: nasal cavities Host: Ophiodon elongatus Chondracanthus triventricosus Sekerak, Dist.: Pac 1970 (M) Record: Kabata 1969e Location: nasal cavities Hosts: Sebastes aleutianus (2) Chondracanthus nodosus O. F. Müller, 1776 (M) S. alutus(1,2) Syn.: Chondracanthopsis nodosus (O. F. S. babcocki (2) Müller, 1776) S. brevispinis (2) Location: gills S. caurinus (2) Hosts: Sebastes marinus (1,2,3) S. cramer! (2) S. mentella (1,2) S. diploproa (2) Dist.: Atl S. flavidus (2) Records: 1. Yanulov 1962; 2. Templeman S. helvomaculatus (2) 1967a; 3. Gaevskaya and Umnova 1977 S. maliger (2) S. proriger (2) Chondracanthus palpifer Wilson, 1912 (M) S. reedi (2) Location: gill cavity S. ruberrimus (2) Hosts: Gadus macrocephalus (1,2) S. variegatus (2) Merluccius productus (3) S. zacentrus (2) Dist.: Pac Dist: Pac Records: 1. Wilson 1912; 2. Fraser 1920; 3. Records: 1. Sekerak 1970; 2. Sekerak and Arai Bere 1930b 1977

Chondracanthus pinguis Wilson, 1912 (M) Chondracanthus sp. (M) Location: gill cavity Location: not specified Hosts: Hexagrammos decagrammus (2,3) Host: Unspecified sea perch Scorpaenichthys marmoratus (2,3) Dist.: Atl Sebastes aleutianus (6) Record: Stock 1915 S. alutus (4,5,6) S. auriculatus (1) Diocus gobinus (O. F. Müller, 1776) Kroyer, S. babcocki (6) 1864 (M) S. borealis (6) Location: fins S. brevispinis (6) Host: Gymnocanthus tricuspis S. caurinus (3,6) Dist.: AtI S. crameri (6) Record: Préfontaine and Brunei 1962

133 Family ERGASILIDAE S. vitreum glaucum (1) S. vitreum vitreum (3,10) Dist.: BC, Lab, Ont Ergasilus auritus Markevich, 1940 (FW, M) Records: 1. Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); Syn.: Adarkeivitschia aurita (Markevich, 1940) 2. Bangham 1941 (Ont), 3. 1955 (Ont); 4. Location: gills, body surface, fins Bangham and Venarcl 1946 (Ont); 5. Hosts: Gasterosteus aculeatus (1,2,3,4,5,6,7, Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC); 6. Wilson 10) and Ronald 1967 (Ont); 7. Tedla and Fer- Oncorhynchus kisutch (9) nando 1969b (Ont); 8. Titre'fall O. nerka (2) and Hanek 1970a (Lab); 9. Dechtiar 1972b (Ont), 10. Salvelinus fontinalis (8) 1972e (Ont); 11. Collins and Dechtiar 1974 Unspecified Salmonidae (9) (Ont); 12. Molnar et al. 1974 (Ont); 13. Dist.: Pac, Alta, BC-b, BC, Lab-b, Lab, Nfld, Hanek and Que Fernando 1973b (Ont), 14. 1974 (Ont), 15. 1975 (Ont); 16. Hanek 1977 (Ont) Records: I. Markevich 1940 (BC-b); 2. Remarks: Due to the taxonomie confusion of Roberts 1963 (BC-b, BC), 3. 1970 (Pac); 4. E. caeruleus with other members of the Arai 1967a (Pac), 5. 1969b (Pac); 6. Hanek genus, many erroneous reports of this spe- and Threlfall 1970a (Nfld), 7. 1970e (Lab-b, cies have been made. Roberts (1963) re- Lab, Nfld); 8. Hanek and Molnar 1974 identified as E. nerkae n.sp. much of the (Que); 9. Leong and Holmes 1974a (Alta); material reported E. caeruleus by 10. Lester 1975 (Pac) as Bangham and Adams (1954). The same Remarks: Yamaguti (1963b) created the genus author (1970) examined specimens identi- Markeivitschia to contain this species. No fied as E. caeruleus from the collection of Canadian records have been made under R. V. Bangham, reidentifying this name. those from Stizostedion vitreum vitreum from Lake Erie, Ontario, (collection of Bangham and Ergasilus caeruleus Wilson, 1911 (FW) Hunter 1939 [?]) as E. luciopercarum and a Location: gills single specimen from Catostomus catosto- Hosts: Acrocheilus alutaceus (5) mus from South Bay, Ontario (collection of Ambloplites rupestris (3,10,13,14,16) Bangham 1955) as E. centrarchidarum. Anguilla rostrata (9) Roberts (1970) noted that E. caeruleus is Carpiodes cyprinus (9) apparently more host specific than published Catostomus catostomus (2,8,10) reports would indicate, as large numbers C. COITIMM011i (2,3,8,10,11) have been obtained only from centrarchids. Coregonus artedii (2) Host records prior to Roberts (1963) should C. clupeaformis (4,11) be treated with caution. Cyprinus carpi° (9) Esox masquinongy (9) Lepomis gibbosus (3,7,15) Ergasilus celestis Mueller, 1936 (FW) Lota Iota (2,4,5) Syn.: Ergasilus osburni Tidd and Bangham, Micropterus dolotnieui (3,5,10) 1945 Aloxostoma anisurutn (10) Location: gills M. erythrurum (10) Hosts: Anguilla rostrata (5) Notropis commis (4) Lota Iota (1,2,3,4) Oncorhynchus nerka (11) Unspecified fishes (3) Perca flavescens (3,10,11) Dist.: Ont, Que Percina caprodes (10) Records: 1. Tidd and Bangham 1945 (Ont); Percopsis omiscomaycus (3,9,11) 2. Bangham and Venard 1946 (Ont); 3. Petromyzon marinus (6) Roberts 1970 (Ont, reexamination of mate- Potnoxis annularis (9) rial from R. V. Bangham collection); 4. P. nigromaculatus (10) Dechtiar 1972e (Ont); 5. Hanek and Molnar Prosopium cylindraceum (4) 1974 (Que) Salvelinus fontinalis X S. namaycush (11) Ergasilus centrarchidarum Wright, 1882 (FW) Semotilus atromaculatus (12) Location: gills S. corporalis (4) Hosts: Ambloplites rupestris (1,3,4,5,7,9,10, Stizosiedion canadense (1,10) 12)

134 Catostomus catostomus (5)225 Salvelinus fontinalis (2) Lepomis auritus (1) Stizostedion vitreum vitreum (1,1 1 )226 L. gibbosus (1,4,11) Dist.: Lab, Nfld, Ont, Que L. macrochirus (3) Records: 1. Henderson 1926 (Que); 2. Sande- Microgadus tom cod (2) man and Pippy 1967 (Mid); 3. Davis 1969 Micro pterus dolomieui (3,4,7) (Nfld, free living); 4. Tedla and Fernando M. salmoides (3,8) 1969a (Ont)227, 5. 1969b (Ont), 6. 1969d Perca flavescens (1) (Ont), 7. 1969e (Ont), 8. 1970a (Ont), 9. Stizostedion canadense (3) 1970e (Ont), 10. 1972 (Ont); 11. Roberts S. vitreum glaucum (6) 1970 (Ont?); 12. Hicks and Threlfall 1973 S. vitrettm vitreum (3,7) (Lab) Dist.: Atl, Ont?, Que Records: I. Wright 1882 (Ont?); 2. Bere 1930a Ergasilus nerkae Roberts, 1963 (FW) (Atl); 3. Bangham and Hunter 1939 (Ont); Syn.: Ergasilus caertdeus of Bangham and 4. Tedla and Fernando 1969b (Ont); 5. Adams, 1954 (partim) Roberts 1970 (Ont, Que); 6. Dechtiar 1972b Ergasilus sp. of Bangham and Adams, (Ont), 7. 1972e (Ont); 8. Molnar et al. 1974 1954 (partim) (Ont); 9. Hanek and Fernando 1973b (Ont), Location: gills 10. 1974 (Ont), 11. 1975 (Ont); 12. Hanek Hosts: Catostomus catostomtts (1) 1977 (Ont) C. macrochellus (1) Remarks: The report of E. centrarchidarum Couesitts plumbeus (1) from Microgadus tomcod by Bere (1930a) Mylochedus caurinus (1) was considered by Johnson and Rogers Oncorhynchus kisutch (3) (1973) to be a probable misidentification. O. nerka (1) Prosopium william soni (1) Ergasilus cyprinacetts Rogers, 1969 (FW) Ptychocheilus ore gonensis (2) Location: gills Richardsonius balteatus (1) Hosts: Pimephales notatus Salmo gairdneri (1,4) P. promelas Salvelinus namaycush (4) Dist.: Ont Unspecified Salmonidae (3) Record: Molnar et al. 1974 Dist.: Alta, BC Records: 1. Roberts 1963 (BC), 2. 1970 (BC); 3. Leong and Holmes 1974a (Alta); 4. Ergasilus fundtdi Kroyer, 1863 (M) Mudry and Anderson 1977 (Alta) Syn.: Ergasilus manicatus Wilson, 1911 Remarks: Roberts (1963, 1970) reidentified Location: [gills] material from the collection of Bangham Hosts: Menidia men idia and Adams (1954) from all hosts listed Osmerus mordax above except P. williamsoni, which had Dist.: At! originally been reported as E. caeruletts, Record: Bere 1930a specimens from the latter host having been reported as Ergasilus sp. New material re- Ergasdus lizae Kroyer, 1863 (FW) ported by Roberts (1963) included speci- Location: gills mens from O. nerlca and material from P. Host: Fundulu.s diaphanus williamsoni from the R. V. Bangham Dist.: NS collection. Record: Wiles 1975b Ergasilus turgidus Fraser, 1920 (M) Ergasilus luciopercarum Henderson, 1926 (FW) Location: gills Syn.: Ergasdus con! usus Bere, 1931 Location: gills 226The record of Roberts (1970) from this host Hosts: Morone americana (7) was based on material from the collection of R. V. Perca flavescens (4,5,6,8,9,10) Bangham and was considered likely to have been Prosopium cylindraceum (12) reported as E. caeruleus by Bangham and Hunter (1939). 227Tedla and Fernando (1969a) recorded E. cae- 225This record is based on material reported as ruleus from P. flavescens in their table 1, but con- E. caertdeus by Bangham (1955) and reidentified by sidered their material to be E. con! usus (syn. of E. Roberts (1970). luciopercarum) in the text and footnote.

135 Hosts: Clzitonotus pugetensis (2) Adams 1954 (BC); 4. Kennedy and Sprules Cynzatogaster asgregata (1,2,4,5,6, 1967 (Man); 5. Tedla and Fernando 1969d 7,8,9) (Ont); 6. Threlfall and Hanek 1970c (Nfld-b Gasterosteus aculeatus (3) and/or NHd); 7. Hanek and Threlfall 1970c Dist.: Pac, BC-b (Lab, Nfld-b); 8. Paetz and Nelson 1970 Records: 1. Fraser 1920 (Pac); 2. Bere 1930b (Alta); 9. Dechtiar 1972c (Ont); 10. Stewart- (Pac); 3. Carl 1937 (BC-b); 4. Roberts 1963 Hay (1952 MS) cited in Lubinsky 1976 (Pac), 5. 1970 (Pac); 6. Vervoort and Arai (Man); 11. McLeod (1943 MS) cited in 1966 (Pac); 7. Arai 1967a (Pac), 8. 1967b Lubinsky 1976 (Man) (Pac), 9. 1969b (Pac) Remarks: Material reported as Ergasilus sp. Renlarks: Roberts (1963) considered it pos- from Prosopitun ivillimnsoni by Bangham sible that the report of E. turgidus from and Adams (1954) was later identified as G. acttleatus by Carl (1937) was actually E. nerkae by Roberts (1963) and is listed a misidentification of E. atu•itus. under this species.

Ergasiltts versicolor Wilson, 1911 (FW) Thersitina gasterostei (Pagenstecher, 1861) Syn.: Ergasilus elegans Wilson, 1916 Norman, 1905 Location: gills (FW, B) Location: gill cavity, gills Hosts: Ictalurus nebtdosus (2,3,4) Hosts: Gasterosteus acttleattts 1. pw2ctatus (1) (1,2,4,6,7,8) G. wheatlandi (2,5) Nottn•us flavus or N. gyrinus (1)228 Ptuagitius ptulgitius (3) Dist.: Ont Dist.: Atl, BC, Lab-b, Nfld-b, Nfld, Que-b Records: 1. Bangharn and Hunter 1939; 2. Records: 1. Threlfall 1968 (Nfld); 2. Hanek Bangham 1955; 3. Dechtiar 1972b, 4. 1972c and Threlfall 1969a (Nfld-b), 3. 1970d (Lab- Ergasilus spp. (FW, M) b), 4. 1970e (Atl, Lab-b, Nfld-b), 5. 1971 Location: gills (Nfld-b); 6. Hanek and Molnar 1974 (Que- Hosts: Ambloplites rupestris (5) b); 7. Lester 1975 (BC); 8. Dickinson and Anguilla rostrata (7) Threlfall 1976 (Nfid) Cot•egonus artedii (8,9) C. clupeafot•mis (1) Cottus aspet• (3) SUBORDER Hiodon alosoides (4) Family CALIGIDAE Ictalurtts nebulosus (2) Leponzis sibbosus (5) Allicroptet•tts doloinieui (5) Caligus clemensi Parker and Margolis, 1964 (M) Moxostoma et•ythrtn•tun (9) Syn.: Caligus gurnardi of Fraser, 1920 and of Bere, 1930 Notropis hudsonius (9,10) Notropis sp. (10) Location: body surface Hosts: Clupea Itm•engus pallasi Perca flavescens (10,11) (1,2,3,4,5) Prosopiutn cylindraceuni (1) Gasterosteus actdeatus (3,6) Hexagrcnnmos Plnzgitius ptnagitius (10) sp. (3) Salino trutta (6)229 Hydrolagus colliei (2) Salvelinus fontinalis (6)229 Oncorhynclatts gorbuscha (3) 0. keta (1,3) Stizostedion vih•eunn viN•eum (11) 0. kisutch (3,7) Dist.: Alta, BC, Lab, Man, Nfld-b, NFld?, Ont 0. nerka (7) Records: 1. Bangham 1941 (Ont); 2. Bangham Oncot•hyncluts and Venarci 1946 (Ont); 3. Bangllanl and sp. (8) Saltno gairdneri (1) Sebastes caurinus (9) 223Bangham and Hunter ( 1939) reported E. versi- Sebastes sp. (1) color from Schilbeodes g}vinus (syn, of Nouu•us g.) in their host-parasite list but recorded only the Theragra chalcogratnrna (3) yellow stonecat (N. flavtts) as a host in their parasite- Dist.: Pac host list. It is thus impossible to determine to which Records: 1. Fraser 1920; 2. Bere 1930b; 3. host this record pertains. Parker and Margolis 1964; 4. Arai 1967a, 229The material reported as Ergas•ihts sp. by 5. 1969b; 6. Lester 1975; 7. Kennedy et al. Threlfall and Hanek ( 1970c) was noted to be ". .. 1976; 8. Bell and Margolis 1976; 9. Sekerak likely ... young forms of E. lttcroperc•arunn." and Arai 1977

136 Caligus curtus O. F. Müller, 1785 (M) Records: 1. Fraser 1920; 2. Bere 1930b; 3. Location: body surface Kabata 1973 Hosts: Gadus morhua (2,3,4) Melanogrammus aeglefinus (1,2,3) Lepeophtheirus breviventris Fraser, 1920 (M) Merluccius bilinearis (2) Location: mouth Microgadus tomcod (2,3) Host: Ophiodon elongatus Pollachius virens (2,3) Dist.: Pac Dist.: Atl Records: Fraser 1920; Bere 1930b; Kabata Records: 1. Brian 1914; 2. Stock 1915; 3. Bere 1973 1930a; 4, Heller 1949 Lepeophtheirus hippoglossi (Kroyer, 1837) Caligus elongatus Nordmann, 1832 (M) Baird, 1850 (M) Syn.: Caligus rapax Edwards, 1840 auct. Syn.: ?Caligus piscinus of Stimpson, 1854 Location: body surface, fins Location: body surface Hosts: Clupea harengus harengus (2) Host: Hippoglossus hippoglossus230 Conger oceanius (1) Dist.: At! Cyclopterus lumpus (1) Records: Stimpson 1854; Ronald 1958a, 1960a Gadus morhua (1,2,5) Hippoglossus hippoglossus (3) Lepeophtheirus hospitalis Fraser, 1920 (M) Macrozoarces americanus (1) Location: body surface Melanogrammus aeglefinus (1,2) Hosts: Gadus macrocephalus (1,2) Merluccius bilinearis (1) Lepidopsetta bilineata (2,3) Microgadus tomcod (2) Parophrys vetulus (2) Pollachius virens (1,2) Platichthys stellatus (1,2) Raja laevis (2) Pleuronichthys coenosus (1,2) Raja sp. (1) Dist.: Pac Salmo gairdneri (4) Records: 1. Fraser 1920; 2. Bere 1930b; 3. Salvelinus fontinalis (4) Kabata 1973 Urophycis tenuis (2) Unspecified flounder (1) Lepeophtheirus nanaimoensis Wilson, 1912 (M) Dist.: Atl Location: body surface Records: 1. Stock 1915; 2. Bere 1930a; 3. Host: Unspecified flounder Tremblay and Lapointe 1938; 4. Sutterlin Dist.: Pac et al. 1976; 5. Gaevskaya and Umnova 1977 Records: Wilson 1912; Fraser 1920 Remarks: Parker (1969) erroneously attrib- uted a record of C. elongatus from Men ta- Lepeophtheirus nordmanni Milne Edwards, cirrus saxitilus to Bere (1930a). 1840 (M) Location: body surface Caligus macarovi Gussev, 1951 (M) Host: Mola mola Location: body surface Dist.: At!, Pac Host: Cololabis saira Records: Bere 1930b (Pac); Threlfall 1967 Dist.: Pac (MI) Record: Hughes 1973 Lepeophtheirus oblitus Kabata, 1973 ( W) Caligus spp. (M) Location: body surface, gill cavity Location: skin Hosts: Hexagrammos decagrammus (1) Hosts: Gadus morhua (1,2) H. stelleri (1) Merluccius productus (3) Sebastes alutus (3) Dist.: Atl, Pac S. caurinus (2) Records: 1. Stafford 1904 (AtI), 2. 1907 (AU); S. helvomaculatus (4) 3. Lee 1975 (Pac) S. maliger (1,2,4) Sebastes sp. (2) Lepeophtheirus bifidus Fraser, 1920 (NI) Dist.: Pac Location: body surface Hosts: Lepidopsetta bilineata (1,2,3) 230Stimpson's (1854) record of C. piscinus (a corn- Parophry.s vetulus (2) posite species) is likely referable to L. hippoglossi, Dist.: Pac the common caligid found on this host.

137 Records: 1. Bere 1930b; 2. Kabata 1973; 3. Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Kroyer, 1837) Lee 1975; 4. Sekerak and Arai 1977 Verrill, 1873 (M) Remarks: Kabata (1973) considered the Syn.: Caligidae gen.sp. of Margolis, 1956231 manuscript name L. uncus used by Bere Location: body surface (1930b) to be referable to this species. Hosts: Acipenser transmontanus (21 )232 Am in odytes hexapterus (21) Lepeophtheirus parvicruris Fraser, 1920 (M) Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (5,7,13,16, Location: body surface 22)233 Host: Platichthys stellatus O. keta (5,7) Dist.: Pac O. kisutch (3,5,7,22,25) Records: Fraser 1920; Bere 1930b; Kabata O. nerka (5,7,13) 1973 O. tshawytscha (5,7) Oncorhynchus sp. (23) Ophiodon elongatus (7) Lepeophtheirus parviventris Wilson, 1905 (M) Salmo clarki (14) Location: body surface, fins S. gairclneri (5,7,24) Hosts: Anoplopoina fimbria (3) Salmo solar (1,2,4,6,8,9,10,11,12,17,18, Enophrys bison (2) 19,20)234 Eopsetta jordani (3) Salvelinus fontinalis (2,8,10,11,15,24) Gad us macrocephalus (1,2) Dist.: Atl, Pac, BC-b, Lab, NB, Nfld, NS Hexagrammos decagrammus (2) Records: 1. Rathbun 1885 (Lab); 2. Wilson Lepidopsetta bilineata (1,2) 1905 (Lab, Nfld), 3. 1912 (Pac); 4. Hunts- Myoxocephalus polyacanthocephalus man 1918a (NB); 5. Fraser 1920 (Pac); 6. (3) Bere 1930a (Atl, NB), 7. 1930b (Pac); 8. Raja binoculata (2) White 1940a (NS), 9. 1940b (NS), 10. 1942a R. rhina (3) (Atl, NS), 11. 1942b (NS); 12. Heller 1949 Scorpaenichthys marmoratus (2) (At1); 13. Margolis 1956b (Pac, BC-b), 14. Sebastes pinniger (2) 1958b (Pac)235 ; 15. Préfontaine and Brunel Xiphister atropurpureus (2) 1962 (At1); 16. Parker and Margolis 1964 Dist.: Pac (Pac); 17. Sandeman and Pippy 1967 (Nfld); Records: 1. Wilson 1912; 2. Fraser 1920; 3. 18. Templeman 1967b (Ad); 19. Pippy 1969 Kabata 1973 (NB); 20. Power 1969 (Que); 21. Kabata 1973 (Pac); 22. Lee 1975 (Pac); 23. Bell and Lepeophtheirus paulus Cressey, 1969 (M) Margolis 1976 (Pac); 24. Sutterlin et al. Location: [body surface, buccal cavity, gills] 1976 (Atl); 25. Hoskins and Hulstein 1977 Hosts: Sebastes diploproa (2) (Pac) S. flavidus (1) S. maliger (1) Lepeophtheirus spp. (M) S. nigrocinctus (1,2) Location: body surface, gills S. ruberrimus (1,2) Hosts: Anunodytes hexapterus (3,4) Dist.: Pac Lepidopsetta bilineata (2) Records: 1. Kabata 1973; 2. Sekerak and Arai 1977 231 The material reported as unidenti fied Caligiclae by Margolis (1956b, p. 11) was subsequently iden- tified as L. salmonis (Margolis unpublished data). Lepeophtheirus pravipes Wilson, 1912 (M) Location: body surface 232 Kabata (1973) considered the infection of A. transmontanus to be the result of Hosts: Hippoglossus stenolepis with this parasite (3) parasite transfer from aquarium held salmon. Ophiodon elongatus (1,2,3,4) 233The hosts reported by Bere (1930b) and by Raja binoculata (4) Fraser (1920) were given as "... all five species of Dist.: Pac Pacific salmon." Records: 1. Wilson 1912; 2. Fraser 1920; 3. 234T1,e record of Rathbun (1885) involved a Bere 1930b; 4. Kabata 1973 tentative host identification. Remarks: Kabata (1973) considered it likely 235 Margolis (1958b) also noted L. salmonis from that records of this parasite from hosts all five species of Pacific salmon, collected from other than O. elongatus are a result of various unspecified localities along the North Amer- fortuitous transfer during host collection. ican coast.

138 Microgadus proximus (2) Family DICHELESTHIIDAE Mola mola (1) Myoxocephalus polyacanthocephalus Anthosoma crassum (Abildgaard, 1794) (3,4) Steenstrup and Lütken, 1861 (M) Parophrys vetulus (2) Location: [mouth, gills] Platichthys stellatus (3,4) Host: Unspecified shark Raja binoculata (2) Dist.: Pac Dist.: Pac Record: Bere 1930b Records: 1. de La Martinière 1787, 1797; 2. Bere 1930b; 3. Arai 1967a, 4. 1969b Remarks: de La Martinière (1787, 1797) re- Family EUDACTYLINIDAE ported as "... un insecte de genre de de Linné ..." a species of Lepe- Oniscus Eudactylina acanthii Scott, 1901 (M) ophtheirus from the gills of Mola mola Location: gills (reported as Diodon), which was taken from Host: Sgualus acanthias Nootka [Nootka Sound, B.C.?] to Mon- Dist.: Atl, Pac terey. This material is considered probably Records: Bere 1930a (Atl), 1930b (Pac) to be either L. nordmanni Milne Edwards, L. haustatus Shiino, 1960 (Z. Ka- 1840 or Eudactylina corrugata Bere, 1930 (M) bata personal communication). The mate- Location: gills rial of Bere (1930b) was reported as Lepe- Hosts: Raja erinacea but its description ophtheirus rectangularis, R. radiata was not given. Its identity remains unknown. Dist.: AtI Record: Bere 1930a Family CECROPIDAE Nemesis robusta (van Beneden, 1851) Brian, 1906 (M) Cecrops latreillü Leach, 1816 (M) Location: [gills] Location: gills Host: Odontaspis taurus Host: Mola mola Dist.: AtI Dist.: Atl, Pac Record: Stock 1915 Records: de La Martinière, 1787, 1797 (Pac); Threlfall 1967 (Atl) Remarks: Specimens described by de La Mar- Family HATSCHEKIIDAE tinière (1787, 1797) as "... un insecte d'un genre très rapproché des Oniscus de Hatschekia hippoglossi (Kroyer, 1837) Poche, Linné..." taken from the gills of Mola 1902 (M) mola (reported as Diodon), which were en- Location: gills countered from Nootka [Nootka Sound, Host: Hippoglo.ssus hippoglossus B.C.?] to Monterey are identifiable as C. Dist.: AtI Kabata personal communica- latreillii (Z. Record: Ronald 1958a tion).

Orthagoriscola wilsoni Schuurmans Stekhoven Family and Schuurmans Stekhoven, 1956 (M) Location: body surface Host: Mola mola Achtheres ambloplitis Kellicott, 1880 (FW) Dist.: Atl Location: gills Record: Threlfall 1967 Hosts: Ambloplites rupestris (1,2,4,5,6,7) Coregonus clupeaf ormis (3) Philorthagoriscus serratus (Kroyer, 1863) Lepomis gibbosus (6) Horst, 1897 (M) Micropterus dolomieui (1)236 Location: body surface Dist.: Out Host: Mola mola Dist.: At] 236The report of A. mnblopliris from this host Records: Threlfall 1967; Logan and Odense is found only in the host-parasite list of Bangham 1974 and Hunter (1939).

139 Records: 1. Bangham and Hunter 1939; 2. S. crameri (5) Bangham 1955; 3. Dechtiar 1972b; 4. Hanek S. diploproa (5,7) and Fernando 1973b, 5. 1974, 6. 1975; 7. S. entomelas (7) Hanek 1977 S. flavidus (5,7) S. maliger (4,5,7) Achtheres corpulentus Kellicott, 1880 (FW) S. melanops (3,5) Location: gills S. pinniger (3,5,7) Host: Coregonus clupeafortnis S. proriger (5,7) Dist.: Ont S. reedi (7) Records: Bangham 1955; Dechtiar 1972c S. ruberrimus (5,7) S. rubrivinctus (5) Achtheres micropteri Wright, 1882 (FW) S. zacentrus (5,7) Location: gills, mouth Dist.: Pac Hosts: Atnbloplites rupestris (4) Records: 1. Wilson 1912, 2. 1915; 3. Fraser Micropterus dolomieui (2,3) 1920; 4. Bere 1930b; 5. Kabata 1970a; 6. M. salmoides (1,2)237 Sekerak 1970; 7. Sekerak and Arai 1977 Dist.: Ont Records: 1. Wright 1882 (Ont?); 2. Bangham Charopinus dubius Scott, 1900 (M) and Hunter 1939; 3. Bangham 1955; 4. Syn.: ?Thomsonella parked of Bere, 1930 Dechtiar 1972c Location: spiracles Host: Raja laevis Achtheres pimelodi Kroyer, 1863 (FW) Dist.: Atl Location: gills Record: Bere 1930a Hosts: Ictalurus nebulosus238 Remarks: Z. Kabata (personal communica- I. punctatus tion) considered the record of T. parked by Dist.: Ont Bere (1930a) referable to C. dubius. Record: Bangham and Hunter 1939 Clavella adunca (Strom, 1762) Dollfus, Achtheres sp. (FW) 1953 (M) Location: not specified Syn.: Clavella uncinata (O. F. Müller, 1776) Host: Prosopium williainsoni Location: gills, gill cavity, anal region Dist.: Alta Hosts: Gadus macrocephalus (1,2,5) Record: Thompson (1974 MS) cited in Mudry G. morhua (3,4,6,7) and Anderson 1976 Melanogrammus aeglefinus (3) Microgadus proxitnus (5) Brachiella robusta (Wilson, 1912) Kabata, Pollachius virens (3) 1970 (M) Dist.: Atl, Pac Syn.: Clavella robusta Wilson, 1912 Records: 1. Wilson 1912 (Pac); 2. Fraser 1920 Clavellopsis robusta (Wilson, 1912) (Pac); 3. Bere 1930a (At1); 4. Heller 1949 Location: gills (Atl); 5. Kabata 1970a (Pac); 6. Khan 1976 Hosts: Sebastes aleutianus (7) (At1); 7. Gaevskaya and Umnova 1977 (Atl) S. obtus (5,6,7) S. auriculatus (1,2,3) Clavella insolita Wilson, 1915 (Iv) S. aurora (5) Location: fins S. babcocki (7) Host: Lycodes vahlii S. borealis (7) Dist.: Atl S. brevispinis (7) Record: Tremblay and Lapointe 1938 S. caurinus (4,5,7) Clavella parva Wilson, 1912 (1\4) Location: fins 237The host for the record of Wright (1882) is questionable since he gave the cornillon name Hosts: A rtedius harringtoni (3) "small-mouthed black bass" in association with Chitonotus pugetensis (4) the scientific name Micropterus salmoides, which Einbiotoca lateralis (3,4) is the scientific name for largemouth bass. Phanerodon furcattts (4) 238The report of A. pimelodi from this host is Rhacochilus vacca (4) found only in the parasite—host list of Bangham Sebastes obtus (5,6,7) and Hunter (1939). S. auriculatus (1,2,3)

140 S. babcocki (7) Lernaeopoda centroscyllii Hansen, 1923 (M) S. caurinus (4,7) Location: [gills] S. diploproa (5) Host: Centroscyllium fabricii S. elongatus (7) Dist.: At! S. flavidus (7) Record: Kabata 1964 S. maliger (4,7) S. pinniger (7) Lernaeopoda sp. (m) Dist.: Pac Location: cloacal region Records: 1. Wilson 1912, 2. 1915; 3. Fraser Host: Raja jenseni 1920; 4. Bere 1930b; 5. Kabata 1970a; 6. Dist.: At! Sekerak 1970; 7. Sekerak and Arai 1977 Record: Templeman 1965

Clave/la perfida Wilson, 1915 (m) sp. Location: gills Lernaeopodae (sic) (M) not Hosts: Merluccius productus (2) Location: specified Raja laevis Theragra chalcogramma (1) Host: Dist.: Pac Dist.: At! Records: 1. Kabata 1970a; 2. Lee 1975 Record: Stock 1915

Clavella pinguis Wilson, 1915 (m) Lernaeopodina longibrachia (Brian, 1912) Location: fins Wilson, 1915 (M) Hosts: Lycodes atlanticus (1) Location: eye L. terranovae (2) Host: Hydrolagus affinis Dist.: At! Dist.: At! Records: 1. Wilson 1915; 2. Kabata 1969a Record: Kabata 1969a

Clave/la sp. (M) Lernaeopodina longimana (Olsson, 1869) Syn.: A nchorella sp. Wilson, 1915 (M) Location: not specified Syn.: Lernaeopoda cluthae Scott, 1900 Hosts: Gadus morhua Location: gills Melanogrammus aeglefinus Hosts: Bathyraja richardsoni (3) Pollachius virens Raja erinacea (1) Dist.: At! R. laevis (1) Record: Stock 1915 R. radiata (1,2) Dist.: At! Clavellomimus macruri (Hansen, 1923) Kabata, Records: 1. Bere 1930a; 2. Tremblay and 1969 (M) Lapointe 1938; 3. Templeman 1973b239 Location: fins Host: Macrourus berglax Lernaeopodina pacifica Kabata and Gussev, Dist.: Atl 1966 (M) Record: Kabata 1969a Location: gills Host: Raja rhina Dendrapta cameroni cameroni (Heller, 1949) Dist.: Pac Kabata and Gussev, 1966 (M) Record: Kabata 1970a Syn.: Charopinus cameroni Heller, 1949 Location: body surface Nectobrachia indivisa Fraser, 1920 Host: Raja rad iata (m) Dist.: At! Location: gills Hosts: Lepidopsetta bilineata (2,4) Record: Heller 1949 Platichthys stellatus (1,2,3) Dist.: Pac Dendrapta cameroni longiclavata Kabata and Records: 1. Fraser 1920; 2. Bere 1930b; 3. Gussev, 1966 (M) Markevich 1946; 4. Kabata 1970a Location: body surface Host: Raja inornata Dis t.: Pac 239The record of Templeman (1973b) involved Record: Kabata 1970a a tentative parasite identification.

141 Neobrachiella insidiosa f. pacifica Kabata, (BC); 11. Bell and Margolis 1976 (BC); 12. 1978 (M) Kabata and Cousins 1977 (BC) Syn.: Brachiella lageniformis of Kabata, 1970 Location: gills Sahnincola carpionis (Kroyer, 1837) Wilson, Host: Merluccius productus 1915 (FW) Dist.: Pac Syn.: Salmincola gibber (Wilson, 1908) Record: Kabata 1970b Sahnincola salvelini Richardson, 1938 Location: gills, mouth, fins, body Neobrachiella rostrata (Kroyer, 1837) Kabata, Hosts: Oncorhynchus nerka (3) 1978 (M) Salvelinus alpin us (2,4,5,6) Syn.: Parabrachiella rostrata (Kroyer, 1837) S. faztinalis (4) Location: gills S. malma (1) Host: Hippoglosstts hippoglossus Dist.: W Arc, BC, Lab or Atl, NWT, Que, YT Dist.: Atl Records: 1. Wilson 1920b (W Arc), 2. 1924 Record: Ronald 1958a (NWT); 3. Foerster 1929 (BC); 4. Richard- son 1938 (Lab or Atl, Que); 5. Kabata Ommatokoita elongata (Grant, 1827) 1969d (NWT); 6. Mudry and McCart 1976 Leigh-Sharpe, 1926 (M) (YT) Syn.: Lernaeopoda elongata (Grant, 1827) Location: attached to cornea Salmincola erhvarrlsii (Olsson, 1869) Wilson, Host: Somniosus microcephalns 1915 (FW) Dist.: E Arc Syn.: Salmincola exsanguinata Sandeman and Record: Dunbar and Hildebrand 1952 Pippy, 1967 Lernaeopoda m•ctLa•i Miers, 1877 Pseudocharopinus rlentatus (Wilson, 1912) Lernaeopoda edwardsii Olsson, 1869 Kabata, 1964 (M) Location: gills, gill cavity, fins, body Syn.: Brachiella dentata Wilson, 1912 Hosts: ?Sabno clarki (9) Charopinus dentataes (Wilson, 1912) ?S. gairdneri (9) Location: gills, gill cavity, body surface, Salvelinus alpinus (1,12,15) claspers S. fontinalis (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,11,12, Hosts: Raja binoculata (1,2,3,4,5) 13,14)'-4t R. rhina (5) S. malma (9,11) Dist.: Pac S. namaycusla (16) Records: 1. Wilson 1912, 2. 1915; 3. Fraser Dist.: BC, Lab, NB, Nfld, NS, NWT or E Arc, 1920; 4. Bere 1930b; 5. Kabata 1970a Ont, PEI, Que, YT Records: 1. Miers 1877 (NWT or E Arc); 2. Salmincola californiensis (Dana, 1852) Wilson, Wright 1882 (Que?); 3. Bere 1930a (NB); 4. 1915 (FW) Ricker 1932 (Ont, Que); 5. Savage 1935a Syn.: Salmincola bicauliculata (Wilson, 1908) (unspecified locality); 6. Richardson 1938 Salmincola carpenteri (Packard, 1874) (Que); 7. Frost 1940 (Nfld); 8. MacLulich Salmincola falculata (Wilson, 1908) 1943b (Ont); 9. Bangliam and Adams 1954 Location: gills, gill cavity, body, fins (BC); 10. Sandeman and Pippy 1967 (Nfld); Hosts: Oncorhynchus kisutch (8,9) 11. Kabata 1969c1 (BC, Nfld, Ont); 12. 0. nerka (2,3,4,5,6,7,10,12) Hicks and Threlfall 1973 (Lab); 13. Hanek Salrno clarki (3) and Molnar 1974 (Que); 14. Hare and S. gairdneri (3,11) Frantsi 1974 (NS, PEI); 15. Mudry and Salvelinus malma (1,3) McCart 1976 (YT); 16. Arthur et al. 1976 Dist.: W Arc, Pac, BC, NWT (YT) Records: 1. Wilson 1920b (W Arc, NWT), Remarks: According to Z. Kabata (personal 2. 1924 (BC); 3. Bere 1930b (BC); 4. Adams communication) there are no authenticated 1956 (BC)240; 5. Margolis 1956b (BC), 6. records of S. echvardsii from members of the 1957 (BC), 7. 1963 (BC); 8. Arai 1967a genus Salmo. (Pac), 9. 1969b (Pac); 10. Kabata 1969d 241Copepods reported by Ricker (1932) were considered to be ". . . Sahnincola edwardsii in all 240The record of Adams (1956) is a tentative probability ..." Those reported by Frost (1940) parasite identification of a specimen found in an were noted to be ". . . probably of the species unusual location (attached to the heart). Sahnincola edwardsii."

142 Salmincola extensus (Kessler, 1868) Kabata, Kennedy 1948 (NWT); 4. Rawson 1951 1969 (FW) (NWT), 5. 1961 (Sask); 6. Kabata 1969d Syn.: Salmincola wisconsinensis Tidd and (Ont, Que); 7. Dechtiar 1972e (Ont) Bangham, 1945 Achtheres coregoni Baumann, 1911 Salmincola thymalli (Kessler, 1868) Wilson, Location: body, fins 1915 (FW) Hosts: Coregonus artedii (3) Location: gills C. clupeaformis (1,4,5,6) Hosts: Prosopium cylindraceum (4) C. hoyi (3) Prosopium sp. (3) Prosopium cylindraceum (3) Thymallus arcticus (1,2,3,5) P. williamsoni (2) Dist.: Lab, NWT, YT Dist.: Alta, BC, Lab, Ont, YT Records: 1. Miller 1946a (NWT); 2. Rawson Records: 1. Hart 1931 (Ont); 2. Bangham and 1951 (NWT); 3. Kabata 1969d (NWT) 243 ; Adams 1954 (BC); 3. Bangham 1955 (Ont); 4. Hicks and Threlfall 1973 (Lab); 5. Arthur 4. Hicks and Threlfall 1973 (Lab); 5. Leong et al. 1976 (YT) and Holmes 1974a (Alta); 6. Arthur et al. 1976 (YT) Salmincola spp. (FW) Salmincola extumescens (Gadd, 1901) Wilson, Location: body, gills, fins 1915 (FW) Hosts: Cottus asper (1) Syn.: Salmincola inermis (Wilson, 1911) Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (6) Location: gills, gill cavity O. nerka (1,6) Hosts: Coregonus artedii (2,4,5) Prosopium cylindraceum (2) C. clupeaformis (1,3,6) P. williamsoni (1) C. hoyi (2) Salvelinus fontinalis (4) C. kiyi (2) S. namaycush (1,5) C. reighardi (2) Stenodus leucichthys (3) Coregonus sp. (5) Dist.: BC, Man, NWT, Ont, Que Dist.: Alta, NWT, Ont, Que Records: 1. Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC); Records: 1. Hart 1931 (Ont); 2. Pritchard 2. Bangham 1955 (Ont); 3. Fuller 1955 1931 (Ont); 3. Rawson 1951 (NWT); 4. (NWT); 4. Hanek and Molnar 1974 (Que); Bangham 1955 (Ont); 5. Kabata 1969d 5. Stewart-Hay (1953 MS) cited in Lubinsky (NWT, Ont, Que); 6. Leong and Holmes 1976 (Man); 6. Hoskins and Hulstein 1977 1974a (Alta) (BC)

Salmincola salmoneus (Linnaeus, 1761) Schistobrachia ramosa (Kroyer, 1863) Kabata, Wilson, 1915 (FW) 1964 (M) Location: gills, gill cavity Syn.: Charopinus ramosus Kroyer, 1863 Host: Salmo salar Location: gills Dist.: Atl, Lab, NB, Nfld, NS, Que Host: Raja radiata Records: Bere 1930a (NB); Sandeman and Dist.: Atl Pippy 1967 (Nfld); Pippy 1969 (Lab, NB, Records: Tremblay and Lapointe 1938; Threl- Nfld, NS, Que); Power 1969 (Que); Kabata fall 1969 1969d (Atl, NB) Schistobrachia tertia Kabata, 1970 (M) Salmincola siscowet (Smith, 1874) Wilson, Location: gills, buccal cavity 1915 (FW) Hosts: Raja binoculata Location: gills, body, fins R. rhina Hosts: Salvelinus malma (1) Dist.: Pac S. namaycush (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)242 Record: Kabata 1970a Dist.: W Arc?, NWT, Ont, Que, Sask Records: 1. Wilson 1920b (W Arc?, NWT); 2. MacLulich 1943b (Ont); 3. Miller and 243Kabata (1969d), based on the label accom- panying specimens from Prosopium sp. and T. arc- ticus, listed the locality as Nuetlin Lake, Alaska. 242The report of Miller and Kennedy (1948) The correct locality of this lake is in the Keewatin involved a provisional parasite identification. District, NWT.

143 Family NAOBRANCHIIDAE Haemobaphes diceraus Wilson, 1917 (M) Location: gills Naobranchia occidentalis Wilson, 1915 (M) Hosts: Cymatogaster aggregata (1,2,3,4) Location: gills Thaleichthys pacificus (5) Hosts: Lepidopsetta bilineata (1) Unspecified bass (5) Myoxocephalus polyacanthocephalus Dist.: Pac (2,3) Records: 1. Vervoort and Arai 1966244, 2. Parophrys vetulus (1) Arai 1967b, 3. 1969b; 4. Kabata 1967b; 5. Sebastes aleutianus (4) Hoskins et al. 1976 S. abatis (4) S. borealis (4) S. caurinus (1,4) Haemobaphes interineclius Kabata, 1967 (M) S. diploproa (4) Syn.: Haemobaphes cyclopterina (Fabricius, S. maliger (1,4) 1780) auct. 245 S. nigrocinctus (4) Location: gills S. paucispinis (4) FIosts: Artedius harringtoni (4) S. pinniger (4) Oligocottus maculosus (1,2,4,5) S. proriger (4) Unspecified smelt (3) Dist.: Pac Dist.: Pac Records: 1. Bere 1930b; 2. Arai 1967a, 3. Records: 1. Wilson 1912; 2. Fraser 1920; 3. 1969b; 4. Sekerak and Arai 1977 Bere 1930b; 4. Kabata 1967b; 5. Arai 1969b

Haemobaphes theragrae Yamaguti, 1939 (M) Family PANDARIDAE Location: gills Hosts: Sebastes alutus Echthrogaleus coleoptratus (Guérin, 1837) S. zacent rus Steenstrup and Ltitken, 1861 (M) Dist.: Pac Location: [body surface, fins] Record: Sekerak and Arai 1977 Hosts: Lamna nasus (2) Unspecified shark (1) Dist.: Pac Haemobaphes spp. (M) Records: 1. Fraser 1920; 2. Bere 1930b Location: gills Hosts: A gonus acipenserinus (1,2,3) Pandarus sinuatus Say, 1871 (M) Ammodytes hexapterus (3) Location: [fins, body surface] Blepsias cirrhosus (1,2,3) Host: Odontaspis taunts Hexagraminos decagraminus (2) Dist.: At! Lepidopsetta bilineata (1,2) Record: Stock 1915 Oligocottus maculosus (1,2,3) Syngnathus griseolinea tus (2,3) Family Triglops pin geli (2) Dist.: Pac 1. Arai 1967a, 2. 1969b; 3. Kabata Haemobaphes cyclopterina (Fabricius, 1780) Records: 1967b Steenstrup and Likken, 1861 (M) Location: gills Hosts: A rtediellus uncinatus (4) branchialis (Linnaeus, 1767) Lumpenus lumpretaeformis (5) Wilson, 1917 (M) Lycenchelys verrilli (1,2) Syn.: Lernaea branchialis Linnaeus, 1767 Lycodes vahlii (4) Lernaea branchialis var. sigmoidea Alyoxocephalus scorpioides (3) Steenstrup and Lütken, 1861 Dist.: At!, E Arc Records: 1. Rathbun 1885 (Atl); 2. Wilson 244This 1917 (At1), 3. 1920b (E parasite was reported by Vervoort and Arc); 4. Préfontaine Arai (1966) as an unidentified lernaeid . and Brune! 1962 (An); 5. Gooding and 245Kabata Humes 1963 (Atl) (1967b) reexamined specimens re- ported as H. cyclopterina by Wilson (1912) and Remarks: Records of H. cyclopterina from concluded that the presence of this species in the the Canadian Pacific are referred to H. North Pacific was not proved and referred previous intertneclius following Kabata (1967b). records from this area to H. intermedius.

144 Location: gills Hosts: Mola mola (1) Hosts: Cyclopterus lumpus (9,10,11)246 Xiphias gladius (2,3) Gadus morhua (6,7,8,10,11,12) Dist.: Atl, Pac G. ogac (10,11) Records: 1. de La Martinière 1787, 1797 (Pac); Hippoglossoides platessoides (11) 2. Wilson 1917 (Atl); 3. Tibbo et al. 1961 Myoxocephalus sp. (11)247 (Atl)2so Unspecified cod (1,2,3)248, 249 Remarks: Specimens reported by de La Marti- Unspecified fish (4,5) nière as a species of "Pennatula" from the Dist.: Ati body of a "diodon" (Mola mola) taken in Records: 1. Stimpson 1854; 2. Packard 1867 the vicinity of Nootka [Nootka Sound?, (not seen, cited in Smith 1883b); 3. Verrill B.C.] are recognizable as P. filosa (Z. 1873 (repeated in Verrill and Smith 1874); Kabata personal communication). 4. Smith 1883a, 5. 1883b; 6. Stock 1915; 7. Bere 1930a; 8. Heller 1949; 9. Kabata Pennella sp. (M) 1961; 10. Templeman and Fleming 1963; Location: head embedded in musculature 11. Templeman et al. 1976; 12. Khan 1976 with body protruding externally Hosts: Cololabis saira (1) Peniculus asinus Kabata and Wilkes, 1978 (M) Thunnus alalunga (2) Syn.: Peniculus sp. of Sekerak and Arai, 1977 Dist.: Pac Location: fins Records: 1. Hughes 1973; 2. Hoskins et al. Hosts: Sebastes alutus (1) 1976 S. babcocki (1) S. brevispinis (1,2) Phrixocephalus cincinnatus Wilson, 1908 (M) S. crameri (1) Location: eye S. flavidus (2) Hosts: Atheresthes stomias (1,2,3) S. proriger (1,2) Citharichthys sp. (1) S. reedi (1) Dist.: Pac Dist.: Pac Records: 1. Kabata 1967a, 2. 1969b; 3. Kabata Records: 1. Sekerak and Arai 1977; 2. Kabata and Forrester 1974 and Wilkes 1978

Peniculus clavatus (O. F. Müller, 1779) Family SPHYRIIDAE Nordmann, 1832 (M) Location: fins Sphyrion lumpi Kroyer, 1845 (M) Hosts: Sebastes marinus (4) Location: head embedded in musculature with S. mentella (3) body protruding externally Triglops pingeli (1,2) Hosts: A narhichas denticulatus (1) Dist.: AtI A. lupus (1) Records: 1. Tremblay and Lapointe 1938; Macrourus berglax (1) 2. Préfontaine and Brunel 1962; 3. Yanulov Sebastes marinus (1,3,5,6) 1962; 4. Gaevskaya and Umnova 1977 S. mentella (1,2,4,5) Dist.: Atl Pennella fllosa (Linnaeus, 1758) Oken, Records: 1. Templeman and Squires 1960; 1816 (M) 2. Yanulov 1962; 3. Squires 1966; 4. Temple- Syn.: Pennella orthagorisci Wright, 1870 man 1967a, 5. 1973a; 6. Gaevskaya and Location: head embedded in musculature Umnova 1977 with body protruding externally

2460nly larval L. branchialis have been recovered Family TANYPLEURIDAE from C. lunzpus. 247This host was reported as either the shorthorn sculpin (M. scoa•pius) or the longhorn sculpin (M. Tanypleurus alcicornis Steenstrup and Lütken, octod ecems pin osats). 1861 (M) 248The record of Stimpson (1854) was given as Location: gills "Zernaea branchialis, (?) Lin." 249Smith (1883b) considered the record of 250This parasite was reported by Tibbo et al. Packard (1867) to be a probable parasite misiden- (1961) as ". . . a copepod belonging to the family tification. Pennellidae, probably Pennella filosa."

145 Hosts: Lycodes lavalaei (2) Host: Hippoglossus stenole pis L. retictdatus (1) Dist.: Pac Dist.: Atl Record: Fee 1926 Records: 1. Kabata 1969e; 2. Khan and Pitt 1974 Family CYMOTHOIDAE Unidentified Copepoda Lironeca californica Schioedte and

Meinert, 1884 ( Copepoda gen.spp. (FW) w) Location: gill cavity Includes: "fish lice" Host.: Cymatogaster aggregata Location: gills, fins, mouth Dist.: Pac Hosts: Gasterosteus acideatus (4) Records: Fee 1926; Arai 1967b, 1969b Scrim° gairdneri (2) Salvelbws alpinus (3) Stizostedion vitreutn vitrewn (1) Dist.: BC, E Arc, Nfld, Ont CLASS ARACHNOIDEA Records: 1. Moore 1936 (Ont); 2. Frost 1940 (Nfld); 3. Dunbar and Hildebrand 1952 ORDER ACARINA (E Arc); 4. Bangham and Adams 1954 (BC) Remarks: In their host—parasite list Bangham SUBORDER TROMBIDIFORMES and Adams (1954) listed unidentified cope- Family HYDRACHNIDAE pods from the gills of G. aculeatus. How- ever, in their parasite—host list this material was apparently reported as Salmincola sp. Hydrachna spp. larva (FW) Location: gills Hosts: Alosa pseudoharengus (2) SUBCLASS MALACOSTRACA Oncorhynchus nerka (2) Perca flavescens (1) ORDER ISOPODA Sahno salar (3) Dist.: NB, Ont SUBORDER FLABELLIFERA Records: 1. Tedla and Fernando 1969a (Ont); Family AEGIDAE 2. Collins and Dechtiar 1974 (Ont); 3. Hare and Frantsi 1974 (NB) Rocinela belliceps (Stimpson, 1864) Richardson, 1899 (m) Location: gill cavity Family TRHYPOCHTHONIIDAE Host: Sebastes maliger Dist.: Pac Trhypochthoniellus sp. (FW) Record: Fee 1926 Location: gills Host: Salim, salar Rocinela propodialis Richardson, 1905 (M) Dist.: NB Location: gill cavity Record: Hare and Burt 1975a


Host—Parasite List

CLASS AGNAT HA Syn.: Carcharias taurusRafinesque Carcharias littoralis(Mitchill) ORDER PETROMYZONTIFORMES Copepoda Family PETROMYZONTIDAE Nemesis robusta (AtI) Pandarus sinuatus (Atl) Entosphenus tridentatus (Gairdner) Pacific lamprey Cestoidea Family LAMNIDAE Phyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (BC) Lamna nasus Nematoda (Bonnaterre) porbeagle Syn.: Lamna cornubica Eustrongylides sp. larva (BC) (Gmelin) Cestoidea Lampetra japonica (Martens) Arctic lamprey Dinobothrium sp. (Atl) Cestoidea Phyllobothrium dagnallium (Atl) Triaenophorus crassus plerocercoid Copepoda (NWT) Echthrogaleus coleoptratus (Pac)

Petromyzon marinus Linnaeus sea lamprey Trematoda Family CARCHARHINIDAE Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (Ont) Diplostomum spathaceum huronense Prionace glauca (Linnaeus) blue shark (Ont) Cestoidea Podocotyle lepomis (Ont) Hepatoxylon squall plerocercoid (At]) Cestoidea Phyllobothrium dagnallium (AtI) Proteocephalus laruei (Ont) Phyllobothrium sp. (Atl) Proteocephalus sp. (Ont) Platybothrium parvum (Ad) Triaenophorus crassus plerocercoid (Ont) T. crassus (Ont) Family SQUALIDAE Nematoda Truttaedacnitis stelmioides (Ont) Centroscyllium fabricii (Reinhart) black dogfish Acanthocephala Trematoda Metechinorhynchus salmonis (Ont) Otodistomum cestoides (Atl) Hirudinoidea Copepoda Piscicola zebra sp.inq (NS) Lernaeopoda centroscyllii (AtI) Mollusca Anodontoides ferussacianus glochidium Somniosus microcephalus (Block and (Ont) Schneider) Copepoda Copepoda Ergasilus caeruleus (Ont) Ommatokoita elongata (E Arc)

CLASS CHONDRICHTHYES Squalus acanthias Linnaeus spiny dogfish Syn.: Squalus suckleyi (Girard) ORDER HEXANCHIFORMES Protozoa Haemogregarina delagei (AtI) Family HEX ANCHIDAE Monogenea Hexanchus griseus (Bonnaterre) sixgill shark Microbothrium apiculatum (AtI) Syn.: Hexanchus connus Jordan and Gilbert Squalonchocotyle abbreviata (Atl) Cestoidea Trematoda Grillotia heptanchi (Pac) Derogenes varicus (MI) Hemiurus levinseni (All)** * Otodistomum veliporum (All) ORDER SQUALIFORMES Prosorhynchus squamatus (At1)** * Family ODONTASPIDIDAE Steganoderma formosum (At1)*** Cestoidea Odontaspis taurus (Rafinesque) sand tiger Gilquinia squali (Atl, Pac)

149 Phyllobothriwn sp. (At!) Copepoda Scolex sp. plerocercoid (AU) Lernaeopoda sp. (AU) Trilocularia acanthiae-vulgaris (At!) Nematoda Raja laevis Mitchill barndoor skate Anisakis sp. larva (At!) Syn.: Raja stabttliforis Garman Con tracaecum sp. (At!?, Pac) Turbellaria Phocanema sp. larva (Atl) Micropharynx parasitica (At!) Pseudanisakis tricupola (At!)* Trematoda Thynnascaris culunca (At!) Hemittrus levinseni (All)** * Hirudinoidea Otodistoinuin cestoides (AB) Calliobdella noclulif era (At!) Steganoderma fortnoswn (AtI)*** Copepoda Cestoidea Eudactylina acanthii (At!, Pac) Acanthobothriwn coronatwn (Atl) Grillotia erinaceus (Atl) ORDER RAJIFORMES Phyllobothrittin dagnallium (Atl) Phyllobothritan sp. (At!) Family RAJIDAE Nematoda Anisakis sp. larva (Atl) Bathyrajaricharclsoni (Garrick) deepwater skate Pseudanisakis tricupola (At1)* Trematoda Copepoda Otodistomum cestoides (Atl) Acanthochondrites annulatus (Atl) Cestoidea Caligus elongatus (Ad) Onchobothriwn pseudouncinatum (Atl) ?Charopinus dubius (At!) Copepoda Lernaeopodae sp, [sic] (All) Lernaeopodina longimana (Atl)* Lernaeopodina longimana (At')

Raja binoculata Girard big skate Raja ocellata Machin. winter skate Copepoda Protozoa Lepeophtheirus parviventris (Pac) Trichodina oviducti (Ad) L. pravipes (Pac) Myxosporida Lepeophtheirus sp. (Pac) Chloromyxum leydigi (At!) Pseudocharopin us den tatus (Pac) Trematoda Schistobrachia tertia (Pac) Otodistomum cestoides (At!) Podocotyle atotnon (At1)*** Raja erinacea Mitchill little skate Cestoidea Protozoa Acanthobothrium coronatum (At!) Caliperia brevipes (At!) Anthobothriwn corn ucopia (At!) Haemogregarina delagei (At!) A. variabile (At!) Trypanosome rajae (At!) Echeneibothriwn variabile (MI) Myxosporida Grillotia erinaceus (At!) Chloromyxum leydigi (At!) Phyllobothrium sp. (Atl) Leptotheca agilis (At!) Nematoda Nematoda Anisakis sp. larva (Atl) Pseudanisakis tricupola (At!)* Phocanema sp. larva (AtI) Copepoda Pseudanisakis tricupola (AU)* Eudactylina corrugata (At!) Lernaeopodina longimana (Atl) Raja radiata Donovan thorny skate Raja inornata Jordan and Gilbert Syn.: Raja scabrata Garman California skate Protozoa Copepoda Haemogregarina delagei (AtI) Dendraptra cameroni longiclavata(Pac) Trichodina oviducti (AtI) Trypanosoma rajae (At!) Raja jenseni Bigelow and Schroeder Myxosporida Jensen's skate Myxosporida gen.sp. (AU) Trematoda Turbellaria Otodistomum cestoides (Atl) Micropharynx parasitica (Atl)

150 Monogenea Gyrocotyle abyssicola (Atl) Pseudacanthocotyla verrilli (Atl) G. major (Atl) Trematoda Copepoda Otodistomum cestoides (Atl) Lernaeopodina longibrachia (Atl) Cestoidea Acanthobothrium coronatum (Atl) Hydrolagus colliei (Lay and Bennett) ratfish Anthobothrium cornucopia (Atl) Cestoidea A. variabile (Atl) Gyrocotyle ffmbriata (Pac) Echeneibothrium variabile (Atl) G. parvispinosa (Pac) Echinobothrium raji (Atl) Nematoda Grillotia sp. (Atl) Contracaecum sp. (Pac) Phyllobothrium dagnallium (Atl) Copepoda Phyllobothrium sp. (Atl) A canthochondria holocephalarum (Pac) Scyphophyllideum giganteum (Atl) A. rectangularis (Pac) Trilocularia acanthiae-vulgaris (Atl) Caligus clemensi (Pac) Nematoda A nisakis sp. larva (Atl) Contracaecum sp. (Atl?) Chondrichthyes of Undetermined Species Phocanema sp. larva (Atl) Pseudanisakis tricupola (Atl)" Thynnascaris adunca (Atl) "Shark" Copepoda Copepoda Dendraptra cameroni cameroni (Atl) An thosoma crassum (Pac) Eudactylina corrugata (Atl) Echthrogaleus coleoptratus (Pac) Lernaeopodina longimana (Atl) Schistobrachia ramosa (Atl) Raja rhina Jordan and Gilbert longnose skate CLASS Copepoda ORDER ACIPENSERIFORMES Lepeophtheirus parviventris (Pac) Lernaeopodina pacifica (Pac) Family ACIPENSERIDAE Pseudocharopinus dentatus (Pac) Schistobrachia tertia (Pac) Ac! penser fulvescens Rafinesque lake sturgeon Raja senta Garman smooth skate Syn.: A cipenser rubicundus Lesueur Protozoa Monogenea Haemogregarina delagei (Atl) Diclybothrium armatum (Ont) D. hammulatum (Ont) Raja sp. Paradiclybothriuin sp. (Ont)* Nematoda Trematoda Phocanema decipiens larva (Atl)* Allocreadium sp. (Ont) Phocanema sp. larva (Atl) Bunodera luciopercae (Ont) Pseudanisakis sp. (Atl)x Crepidostomum lintoni (Ont, Que) Copepoda Crepidostomum sp. (Ont)* Caligus elongatus (Atl) ?Deropristis hispida (Que?) Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (Ont) Rajidae of Undetermined Species Homalometron armatum (Ont) Skrjabinopsolus manteri (Ont) "Skate" Nematoda Monogenea Rhabdochona cascadilla (Ont) Monogenea gen.sp. (BC aquarium) Spinitectus sp. (Ont) Truttaedacnitis clitellarius (Ont) Acanthocephala ORDER CHIMAERIFORMES Metechinorhynchus salmonis (Ont) Family CHIMAERIDAE Hirudinoidea Macrobdella decora (Ont) Hydrolagu.r affmis (Capello) deepwater chimaera Branchiura Cestoidea Argulus stizostethii (Ont)

151 Acipenser transmontanus Richardson ORDER ANGUILLIFORMES white sturgeon Copepoda Family ANGUILLIDAE Lepeophtheirus salmonis (BC aquaria)*** Anguilla rostrata (Lesueur) American Syn.: Anguilla bostoniensis (Lesueur) Anguilla chrysypa Rafinesque ORDER SEMIONOTIFORMES Anguilla anguilla Linnaeus auct. Family LEPISOSTEIDAE Protozoa Eimeria anguillae (Que) Trypanosoma murmanensis (Atl) Lepisosteus osseus (Linnaeus) longnose (experimental infection) Trematoda Myxosporida A pophallus venus/us metacercaria (Que) Myxidium giardi (Que) Macroderoides spiniferus (Ont) M. zealandicutn (Ont, Que) Cestoidea Myxobolus sp. (Ont, Que) Bothriocephalus sp. (Ont) Trematoda Proteocephalus ambloplitis plerocercoid A zygia longa (Ont, Que) (Ont) Bunodera luciopercae (Ont) P. atnbloplitis (Ont) Centrovarittm lobotes (Ont) P. perplexus (Ont) Crepidostomum brevivitellum (Lab, Que) P. singularis (Ont) C. cornutum (Ont, Que) Nematoda Derogenes varicus (At!) Cystidicola lepisostei spinq. (Ont) Deropristis inflata (At!) Acanthocephala Diplostomum spathaceum metacercaria Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Ont) (Lab, Nfld-b) Hirudinoidea D. spathaceum indistinctum metacercaria Placobdella montifera (Ont) (Ont) ?Hemittrus appendiculatus (At!) Microphallus opacus (Ont) Podocotyle atomon (Lab, Nfld-b) ORDER Cestoidea Family Bothriocephalus claviceps (Lab, NB, Nfld-b, Ont, Que) B. scorpii (Lab) A mia calva Linnaeus Bothriocephalus sp. (Lab, Nfld) Myxosporida Proteocephalus macrocephalus (Ont, Henneguya amiae (Que) Que) Trematoda Proteocephalus sp. (Nfld) Apophallus venustus metacercaria (Que) Nematoda Azygia longa (Ont) Contracaecum sp. (Lab, Nfld-b, Nfld) Crepidostomum cortuttum (Ont) Cystidicoloides tenuissitna (Que) Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (Ont) Paraquimperia aditum (Lab, Nfld-b, Nfld, Leuceruthrus micropteri (Ont) Ont, Que) Macroderoides typicus (Ont) Thynnascaris brachyura (Ont) Microphallus opacus (Ont) Acanthocephala Cestoidea Le ptorhynchoides thecatus (Lab, Ont) Haplobothrium globuliforme (Ont) Metechinorhynchus lateralis (Lab, Proteocephalus am bloplitis plerocercoid Nfld-b) (Ont) Copepoda P. ambloplitis (Ont) Ergasilus caeruleus (Ont) P. perplextts (Ont) E. celestis (Que) Nematoda Ergasilus sp. (Nfld-b) Haplonema inunutatum (Ont) Acanthocephala Anguilla sp. Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Ont) Trematoda Potnphorhynchus bulbocolli (Ont) Hemittrus sp. (At!)

152 Family CONGRIDAE Monogenea Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (Pac) Con ger oceanicus (Mitchill) conger eel Trematoda Copepoda Digenea gen.sp. (Pac) Caligus elongatus (Atl) Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac) Parahemiurus merus (Pac) Pseudopentagramma petrowi (Pac) ORDER CLUPEAFORMES Cestoidea Phyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Pac) Family CLUPEIDAE Nematoda A nisakis sp. larva (Pac) Alosa pseudoharengus (Wilson) alewife Con tracaecum sp. (Pac) Trematoda Nematoda gen.sp. (Pac) Diplostomum spathaceum metacercaria Copepoda (Ont) Bomolochus cuneatus (Pac) Tetracotyle intermedia metacercaria Caligus clemensi (Pac) (Ont) Nematoda Clupea sp. larva (At!) Trematoda Thynnascaris adunca larva (Atl) Hem iurus sp. (At!) Acanthocephala Acanthocephalus jacksoni (Ont) Dorosoma cepedianum (Lesueur) gizzard shad Metechinorhynchus salmonis (Ont) Protozoa Acarina Pleistophora cepedianae (Ont) Hydrachna sp. larva (Ont) Monogenea Mazocraeoides olentangiensis (Ont) Clupea harengus harengus Linnaeus Pseudomazocraeoides ontariensis (Ont) Atlantic herring Nematoda Syn.: Clupea harengus Linnaeus Nematoda gen.sp. (Ont) Protozoa Eimeria clupearum (Atl) E. sardinae (At!) ORDER OSTEOGLOSSIFORMES Urceolariidae gen.sp. (At!) Myxosporida Family HIODONTIDAE Ceratomyxa acadiensis (AtI)* Kudoa clupeidae (At!) Hiodon alosoides (Rafinesque) goldeye Kudoa sp. (Atl) Syn.: Hiodon chrysopsis Richardson Trematoda Trematoda Brachyphallus crenatus (At!) ?Bucephalus sp. (—) Cryptocotyle lingua metacercaria (Atl) Crepidostomum sp. (Man) Derogenes varicus (Atl) ?Heterophyes sp. (metacercaria?) (Man) Hemiurus levinseni metacercaria (At!) Paurorhynchus hiodontis (Alta, Sask) H. levinseni (Atl) Cestoidea Lecithaster gibbosus (At» Bothriocephalus cuspidatus (Alta, Cestoidea Hudson Bay drainage) Trypanorhyncha gen.sp. plerocercoid Copepoda (At!) Ergasilus sp. (Man.) Nematoda Anisakinae gen.sp. larva (At!) Hiodon tergisus Lesueur mooneye Anisakis simplex larva (At!) Monogenea A nisakis sp. larva (At!) Mazocraeoides sp. (Ont) Thynnascaris adunca larva (AtI) Trematoda Copepoda Crepidostomum illinoiense (Ont) Caligus elongatus (At!) Plagioporus serratus(Que) Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (Ont) Clupea harengus pallasi Valenciennes Cestoidea Pacific herring Bothriocephalus cuspidatus (Ont, Syn.: Clupea pallasi Valenciennes Hudson Bay drainage)

153 Proteocephdus sp. (Ont) Philometra sp. (Ont) Nematoda Philonetna oncorhynchi (Ont) Cam allan us oxycephalus (Ont) Spinitectus gracilis (Ont) Rhabdochona cascadilla (Ont) Acanthocephala. Acanthocephala Metechinorhynchus sahnonis (Alta, Ont) Pam phorhynchus bulbocolli (Ont) Neoechinorhynchus tumiclus (Ont, Sask) Neoechinorhynchus sp. (Ont) Branchiura ORDER SALMONIFORMES Argulus stizostethii (Ont) Family SALMONIDAE Argulus sp. (Ont) Copepoda Coregonus alpenae (Koelz) longjaw cisco Ergasilus caeruleus (Ont) Syn.: Leucichthys alpenae Koelz Ergasilus sp. (Atl, Ont) Trematoda Salmincola extensus (Ont) Diplostomultun sp. metacercaria (Ont) S. extwnescens (Ont) Nematoda Cystidicola farionis (Ont) Coregonus dupeaformis (Mitchill) Acanthocephala lake whitefish Metechitiorhynchus sahnonis (Ont) Syn.: Coregonus albus Lesueur Protozoa Coregonus artedii Lesueur cisco or lake herring Cryptobia gurneyortan (NWT) Syn.: Leucichthys artedi (Lesueur) Haemogregarina irkalukpiki (YT) Leucichthys harengus (Richardson) Hexamita salmonis (YT) Leucichthys tullibee (Richardson) Myxosporida Leucichthys nipigon Koelz Chloromyxum sp. (YT) Coregonus nipigon (Koelz) Henneguya zschokkei (YT) Myxosporida Myxobolus neurobius (YT) Henneguya sp. (Ont) Monogenea Myxosporida gen.sp. (Ont) Discocotyle sagit tata (Lab, Ont, YT) Monogenea Trematoda Discocotyle sagittata (Ont) Cotyhtrus erraticus metacercaria (Alta) Trematoda Crepidostomtan cooperi (Ont) Diplostomulwn sp. metacercaria (Ont) C. farionis (Alta, Lab, Ont, YT) Phyllodistonium sp. (Ont) C. metoecus (YT) Tetracotyle in tertnedia metacercaria Digenea gen.sp. (Ont) (Ont) Diplostomultun sp. metacercaria (Ont) Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (Ont) Diplostomutn spathacewn metacercaria Cestoidea (Lab, Ont, YT) Bothrimonus sturionis (E Arc, Man) D. spathacewn indistinctum metacercaria Bothriocephalidae gen.sp. (Ont) (Ont) Cestoda gen.sp. metacestode (Ont) Phyllodistomum coregoni (Alta, Ont) Cyathocephalus truncatus (Ont) P. Ihnnosa (Lab) Diphyllobothrhan ditretnum plerocercoid Tetracotyle intermedia metacercaria (Ont) (Ont) Diphyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Ont) Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (YT) Eubothrium crassum (Ont) Cestoidea Proteocephalus exigu us (Ont) Bothrimonus sturionis (E Arc, Man) P. filicollis (Alta) Bothriocephalus sp. (NWT, Ont) P. laruei (Ont) Cestoda gen.sp. (Ont, Sask) P. pusillus (Man) Cyathocephalus truncatus (Man, NWT, P. wickliffi (Ont) Ont, YT) Proteocephalus sp. (Ont) Diphyllobothrhan sp. plerocercoid Triaenophorus crassus plerocercoid (Ont, YT) (Alta, Man, NWT, Ont, Sask—Alta) Eubothriwn érassum (Ont) Nematoda E. salvelini (Ont, YT) Cystidicola farionis (Man, Ont) Eubothrium sp. (Lab) Cystidicola sp. (Ont) Proteocephaluy exiguus (Alta, Ont)

154 P. laruei (Man, Ont, Sask) Nematoda P. singularis (Alta, Man) Cystidicola farionis (Ont) P. tumidocollus (Lab, YT) Cystidicola sp. (Ont) Proteocephalus sp. (Lab, NWT, Ont) Acanthocephala Schistocephalus sp. plerocercoid (Ont) Metechinorhynchus leidyi (Ont) Triaenophorus crassus plerocercoid M. salmonis (Ont) (Alta, BC-YT, Man, NWT, Ont, Copepoda Sask, YT) Salmincola extensus (Ont) Triaenophorus sp. plerocercoid (Alta) S. extumescens (Ont) Nematoda Capillaria salvelini (Lab) Coregonus kiyi (Koelz) kiyi Cystidicola farionis (Alta, Man, NWT, Syn.: Leucichthys kiyi Koelz Ont, Sask, YT) Cestoidea C. serratus sp.inq. (Ont?) Bothriocephalidae gen.sp. (Ont) Cystidicola sp. (Ont) Nematoda Cystidicoloides tenuissirna (Lab) Cystidicola sp. (Ont) Nematoda gen.sp. (Ont) Copepoda Philometra sp. (Ont) Salmincola extumescens (Ont) Philonema agubernaculum (Lab) P. oncorhynchi (Ont) Coregonus nigripinnis (Gill) blackfin cisco Raphidascaris acus larva (YT) Syn.: Leucichthys nigripinnis (Gill) Rhabdochona sp. (Ont) Cestoidea Spinitectus gracilis (Ont) Bothriocephalidae gen.sp. (Ont) Acanthocephala Triaenophorus crassus plerocercoid A can thocephalus jacksoni (Ont) (Alta-Sask, Man, Ont) Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Ont) Metechinorhynchus lateralis (Lab, Nfld, Coregonus reighardi (Koelz) shortnose cisco Ont) Syn.: Leucichthys reighardi Koelz M. salmonis (Alta, Man, Ont) Metechinorhynchus sp. (Ont) Cestoidea Triaenophorus crassus plerocercoid (Ont) Neoechinorhynchus tumidus (Ont, Sask, YT) Nematoda (Ont) Hirudinoidea Cystidicola farionis Cystidicola sp. (Ont) Piscicola milneri (Ont, YT) Mollusca Acanthocephala Metechinorhynchus Unionidae gen.sp. glochidium (Ont) sp. (Ont) Copepoda Copepoda Salmincola extumescens (Ont) Achtheres ambloplitis (Ont) A. corpulentus (Ont) Ergasilus caeruleus (Ont) Coregonus sardinella Valenciennes least cisco Ergasilus sp. (Ont) Syn.: Leucichthys sardinella (Valenciennes) Salmincola extensus (Alta, Lab, Ont, YT) Cestoidea S. extumescens (Alta, NWT, Ont) Triaenophorus crassus plerocercoid (BC-YT) Coregonus hoyi (Gill) bloater Syn.: Leucichthys hoyi (Gill) Coregonus zenithicus (Jordan and Evermann) Monogenea shortjaw cisco Discocotyle sagittata (Ont) Syn.: Leucichthys zenithicus (Jordan and Trematoda Evermann) Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (Ont) Cestoidea Cestoidea Cyathocephalus truncatus (Man) Bothriocephalidae gen.sp. (Ont) Diphyllobothrium dendriticum plerocer- Diphyllobothrium sp, plerocercoid (Ont) coid (Ont) Proteocephalus exiguus (Ont) Diphyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Ont) P. laruei (Man, Ont) Proteocephalus laruei (Man, Sask) Triaenophorus crassus plerocercoid Triaenophorus crassus plerocercoid (Man, Ont) (Alta-Sask, Man, Ont)

155 Coregonus sp. Nematoda Syn.: Leucichthys sp. Anisakis sp. larva (Pac, BC-b, BC) Cestoidea Contracaecum sp. (Pac, BC-b, BC) Bothriocephalus cuspidatus (Hudson Bay Philonema oncorhynchi (Pac) drainage) Acanthocephala Diphyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid Bolbosoma caenofortne juvenile (Pac, (NWT) BC-b) Eubothrhun crassum (NWT)* Corynosoma strutnosum juvenile (Pac) Proteocephalus arcticus (NWT)* Echinorhynchus gadi (Pac, BC-b) P. coregoth (Hudson Bay drainage) Rhadinorhynchus trachuri (BC-b) Triaenophorus crassus plerocercoid Hirudinoidea (Alta, Man, NWT, Ont, Sask) Hirudinoidea gen.sp. (BC) Triaenophorus sp. plerocercoid (Alta, Copepoda Hudson Bay drainage) Caligus clemensi (Pac) Nematoda Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Pac, BC-b) Cystidicola farionis (Ont) Salmincola sp. (BC) Philonema sp. (NWT) Acanthocephala Oncorhynchus keta (Walbaum) Metechinorhynchus saltnonis (NWT)* Protozoa Branchiura Hexamita sp. (BC) Argulus stizostethii (Ont) Myxosporida Copepoda Ceratomyxa shasta (Pac) Sahnincola extumescens (NWT, Que) Henneguya saltninicola (Pac) Myxosoma squamalis (Pac) Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Walbaum) Myxosporida gen.sp. (Pac) Trematoda Protozoa Digenea gen.sp. (Pac) Haplosporida gen.sp. (BC) Galactosomittn sp. metacercaria (Pac) Myxosporida Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac) Henneguya salminicola (Pac) Tubulovesicula lindbergi (Pac) Myxidium sp. (BC) Cestoidea Monogenea Phyllobothriwn sp. plerocercoid (Pac) Gyrodactyloides strelkotvi (BC-b) Nematoda Trematoda Anisalcis sp. larva (Pac) Allocreadioidea gen.sp. (BC-b) Contracaecum sp. (Pac) Brachyphallus crenatus (Pac, BC-b, BC) Nematoda gen.sp. (Pac) Derogenetinae gen.sp. (Pac, BC-b, BC) Acanthocephala Derogenes varicus (Pac, BC-b) Echinorhynchus gadi (Pac, BC-b) Genolinea oncorhynchi (Pac) Neoechinorhynchus rutili (Pac) Hemiurtts levinseni (Pac, BC-b) Copepoda Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac, BC-b, BC) Caligus clemensi (Pac) Lecithophyllum botryophorum (BC) Lepeoptheirus salmonis (Pac) Parahemiurus merus (Pac, BC-b) Prosorhynchoides basargini (Pac, BC-b) Oncorhynchtts kisutch (Walbaum) Pseudopentagramma petrolvi (Pac) Protozoa Syncoelium filiferum (Pac, BC-b) Cryptobia salmositica (BC) Tubulovesicula lindbergi (Pac, BC-b, BC) Cryptobia sp. (BC) Cestoidea Haplosporida gen.sp. (BC) Cestocla gen.sp. metacestode (Pac) Ichthyophthirius sp. (BC) Diphyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid Myxosporida (Pac, BC-b) Ceratomyxa shasta (Pac) Eubothrium sp. (Pac, BC-b, BC) Henneguya salminicola (Pac, BC) Nybelinia surmenicola plerocercoid (Pac, Myxidium sp. (BC) BC-b) Myxosoma squamalis (Pac, BC) Phyllobothrium caudatum plerocercoid Monogenea (Pac, BC-b, BC) Discocotyle sagittata (Alta) Phyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Pac) Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (Pac, BC)

156 Monogenea gen.sp. (BC) Unidentified flagellates (Pac) Trematoda Myxosporida Crepidostomum farionis (Pac, Alta, BC) Henneguya salminicola (Pac, BC-b) Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (BC) Myxosporida gen.sp. (BC) Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac) Monogenea Neascus sp. metacercaria (BC) Gyrodaétyloides strelkowi (Pac, BC-b) Parahemiurus merus (Pac) Gyrodactylus sp. (Pac) Cestoidea Trematoda Cyathocephalus truncatus (Alta) Brachyphallus crenatus (Pac, BC-b) Diphyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Pac, Crepidostomum farionis (BC, Ont) Alta, BC) Derogenetinae gen.sp. (Pac, BC-b) Eubothrium crassum (Pac) Derogenes varicus (BC-b) E. salvelini (Alta) Digenea gen.sp. (BC) Phyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Pac) Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (BC) ?Proteocephalus arcticus (BC) Diplostomum spathaceum metacercaria Proteocephalus sp. (Pac, Alta, BC) (Ont) Triaenophorus nodulosus plerocercoid Genolinea laticauda (Pac) (Alta) Hemiurus levinseni (Pac, BC-b) Nematoda Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac, BC-b, BC) Anisakis sp. larva (Pac) Lecithophyllum botryophorum (Pac, Ascarophis sebastodis (Pac) BC-b) Capillaria sp. (Pac) Parahemiurus merus (Pac, BC-b) Contracaecum sp. (Pac) Syncoelium filiferum (BC-b) Cucullanus sp. (Pac) Tetracotyle intermedia metacercaria Cystidicola farionis (Alta) (Ont) Cystidicoloides tenuissima (BC) Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (BC) Eustrongylides sp. larva (BC) Tubulovesicula lindbergi (Pac, BC-b, BC) Nematoda gen.sp. (Pac) Cestoidea Philonema agubernaculum (Alta) Cestoda gen.sp. plerocercoid (Pac) P. oncorhynchi (BC) Cestoda gen.sp. (Pac) Philonema sp. (Pac) Diphyllobothriidae gen.sp. plerocercoid Rhabdochona kisutchi (BC) (Pac, BC-b) Rhabdochona sp. (BC) Diphyllobothrium cordiceps plerocercoid Salvelinema walkeri (Pac) (BC) Slcrjabinocapillaria bakeri (BC) ?D. latum plerocercoid (BC) Acanthocephala Diphyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid Corynosoma sp. juvenile (Pac) (Pac, BC-b, BC) Echinorhynchus gadi (Pac, BC-b) Eubothrium salvelini (BC) Metechinorhynch us salmonis (Alta) Eubothrium sp. (BC-b, BC) Neoechinorhynchus rutili (Pac, BC) Nybelinia surmenicola plerocercoid Pomphorhynchus bulbocolli (Alta, BC) (BC-b) Hirudinoidea Phyllobothrium caudatum plerocercoid Piscicola salmositica (BC) (Pac, BC-b) Copepoda Phyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid Caligus clemensi (Pac) (Pac, BC) Ergasilus auritus (Alta) ?Proteocephalus arcticus (BC)* E. nerkae (Alta) P. exiguus (BC) Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Pac) P. laruei (BC) Salmincola californiensis (Pac) Proteocephalus sp. (Pac, BC) Schistocephalus sp. plerocercoid (BC) Oncorhynchus nerka (Walbaum) Triaenophorus nodulosus plerocercoid (Ont) Syn.: Oncorhynchus nerka kennerlyi Suckley Nematoda Protozoa Anisakis sp. larva (Pac, BC-b) Cryptobia salmositica (BC) A scarophis sebastodis (Pac) Ichthyobodo necatrix (BC) Contracaecum spiculigerum larva (BC) Unidentified amoebae (BC) Contracaecum sp. (Pac, BC-b, BC)

157 Cystidicola farionis (Ont) Nematoda Cystidicoloides tenuissima (BC) Capillaria sp. (Pac) Nematoda gen.sp. (Pac, BC) Contracaecum sp. (Pac) Philonema oncorhynchi (Pac, BC-b, BC) Cystidicola sp. (Pac) Phocanema sp. larva (Pa.c, BC-b) Nematoda gen.sp. (Pac) Rhabdochona cascadilla (BC, Ont) Philonema sp. (Pac) Rhabdochona sp. (BC)* Salvelinetna wallceri (Pac) Spinitectus gracilis (Ont) Acanthocephala Thominx catenata (Ont) Acanthocephala gen.sp. (Pac) Acanthocephala Echinorhynchus gadi (Pac) Acanthocephalus jacksoni (Ont) Copepoda Bolbosoma caenof orme juvenile (Pac, Bomolochus sp. (Pac) BC-b) Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Pac) Corynosoma strumosum juvenile (Pac) C. villosum juvenile (Pac) Oncorhynchus SI). Echinorhynchus gadi (Pac, BC-b) Myxosporida Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Ont) Henneguya salminicola (Pac) Metechinorhynchus salmonis (Ont) Trematoda Neoechinorhynchus pungitius (Ont) Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac) N. milli (Pac, BC, Ont) Cestoidea N. tumidus (Ont) Nybelinia sunnenicola plerocercoid (Pac) Pomphorhynchus bulbocolli (Ont) Phyllobothrium caudatum plerocercoid Rhadinorhynchus trachuri (Pac, BC-b) (Pac) Hirudinoidea Nematoda Contracaecum sp. Pisci cola saltnositica (BC) (Pac) Copepoda Mollusca Caligus clemensi (Pac) Unionidae gen.sp. glochidium (BC) Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Pac) Copepoda Caligus cletnensi (Pac) Prosopium coulted (Eigenmann and Ergasilus auritus (BC-b, BC) Eigenmann) pigmy whitefish E. caeruleus (Ont) Monogenea E. nerkae (BC) Tetraonchus variabilis (BC) Lepeophtheirus saltnonis (Pac, BC-b) Nematoda Salmincola californiensis (BC) Cystidicola sp. (BC) S. carpionis (BC) Rhabdochona milled (BC) Salmincola sp. (BC) Acarina Prosopium cylindraceum (Pallas) Hydrachna sp. larva (Ont) round whitefish Syn.: Prosopitun cylindraceum quadrilaterale (Richardson) Protozoa Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Walbaum) Haemogregarina irkalukpiki (YT) Hexamita salmonis (YT) Protozoa Myxosporida Cryptobia saltnositica (BC) Henneguya zschokkei (YT) Hexamita sp. (BC) Myxobolus neurobius (YT) Ichthyophthirius sp. (BC) Monogenea Myxosporida Discocotyle sagittata (Lab, Ont, YT) Henneguya salminicola (Pac) Tetraonchus vadabilis (Lab, Ont, YT) Henneguya sp. (BC) Trematoda Trematoda Bunodera luciopercae (Lab) Digenea gen.sp. (Pac) Crepidostoinum cooped (Ont) Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac) C. farionis (Ont, YT) Cestoidea Diplostomultan sp. metacercaria (Ont) Eubothrium crassum (Pac) Diplostomutn spathaceum metacercaria Eubothrium sp. (Pac?) (Lab, YT) Phyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Pac) Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (YT)

158 Cestoidea Nematoda Cyathocephalus truncatus (YT) Cystidicola farionis (Alta, BC) Diphyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (YT) Cystidicoloides tenuissima (BC) Eubothrium salvelini (Lab, YT) Eustrongylides sp. larva (BC) Eubothrium sp. (Lab) Nematoda gen.sp. (Alta) Proteocephalus exiguus (Ont) Philonema sp. (BC) P. laruei (Ont) Rhabdochona ca.scadilla (BC) P. tumidocollus (YT) Skrjabinocapillaria bakeri (BC) Proteocephalus sp. (Lab) Truttaedacnitis truttae (Alta, BC) Triaenophorus crassus plerocercoid Acanthocephala (NWT, YT) Neoechinorhynchus rutili (BC) Nematoda Pomphorhynchus bulbocolli (BC) Capillaria salvelini (Lab, YT) Copepoda Cystidicola farionis (Ont, YT) Achtheres sp. (Alta) Nematoda gen.sp. (Lab) Ergasilus nerkae (BC) Philometra sp. (Ont) Salmincola extensus (BC) Philonema agubernaculum (Lab) Salmincola sp. (BC) Spinitectus gracilis (Ont) Acanthocephala Prosopium sp. Metechinorhynchus lateralis (Lab) Cestoidea M. salmonis (Ont) Triaenophorus crassus plerocercoid Neoechinorhynchus tumidus (Ont, YT) (Alta) Hirudinoidea Copepoda Piscicola milneri (YT) Salmincola thymalli (NWT) Copepoda Salmo clarki Richardson cutthroat trout Ergasilus caeruleus (Ont) Protozoa E. luciopercarum (Lab) lchthyophthirius sp. (BC) Ergasilus sp. (Ont) Myxosporida Salmincola extensus (Ont) Myxosporida gen.sp. (BC) S. thymalli (Lab) Monogenea Salmincola sp. (Ont) Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (BC) Gyrodactylus sp. (BC) Trematoda Prosopium williamsoni (Girard) Clinostomum sp. metacercaria (BC) mountain whitefish Crepidostomum farionis (Alta, BC) Syn.: Prosopium oregonium (Jordan and Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (BC) Snyder) Neascus sp. metacercaria (BC) Myxosporida Cestoidea Myxosporida gen.sp. (BC) Diphyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid Monogenea (Alta, BC) Discocotyle sagittata (BC) Eubothrium salvelini (BC) Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (BC) ?Proteocephalus arcticus (BC)* Trematoda P. salmonidicola (BC) Allocreadium tobatum (BC) Nematoda Crepidostomum farionis (Alta, BC) Contracaecum sp. (BC) Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (BC) Cystidicoloides tenuissima (BC) Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (BC) Eustrongylides sp. larva (BC) Cestoidea Philonema oncorhynchi (BC) Diphyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid Philonema sp. (BC) (Alta, BC) Rhabdochona cascadilla (BC) Eubothrium sp. (BC) R. milleri (Alta) Ligula intestinalis plerocercoid (BC) Rhabdochona sp. (Alta) Proteocephalus exiguus (BC) Skrjabinocapillaria bakeri (BC) Proteocephalus sp. (BC) Truttaedacnitis truttae (BC) Schistocephalus sp. plerocercoid (BC) Acanthocephala Triaenophorus crassus plerocercoid Neoechinorhynchus rutili (BC) (Alta) Pomphorhynchus bulbocolli (BC)

159 Copepoda Panphorhynclnus bulbocolli (BC) Lepeophtheirus sahnonis (Pac) Hirudinoidea Salmincola californiensis (BC) Illinobdella sp. (BC) ?S. echvcrdsii (BC) Mollusca Unionidae gen.sp. glochidium (BC) Salmo gairdneri Richardson Branchiura Syn.: Salmo irideus Gibbons Argulus pugettensis (Pac) Saltno gairdneri irideus Gibbons Copepoda Sabno gairdneri kamloops (Jordan) Caligus clemensi (Pac) Protozoa C. elongatus (Atl) Ichthyophthirius sp. (BC) Copepoda gen.sp. (Nfld) Trichopln•ya pisciurn (Nfld) Ergasilus nerkae (Alta, BC) Urceolariidae gen.sp. (BC) Lepeophtheirus sabnonis (Atl, Pac) Monogenea Sabnincola californiensis (BC) Discocotyle sagittata (Ont) ?S. edwm•dsii (BC) Gyrodactylus sp. (BC, NS) Trematoda Allocreadiurn lobatcun (BC) Salmo salar Linnaeus Bunodera luciopercae (Alta) Syn.: Sahno salar sebago Girard Clinostancun sp. metacercaria (Man) Protozoa Crepidostomcun farionis (Alta, BC, Nfld, Ichthyophthirius rnultifiliis (NS) Que) Trichodina sp. (NB-b, NB) Digenea gen.sp. metacercaria (Alta) Trichophrya piscicnn (Nfld, NS) Diplostomcdcnn sp. metacercaria (BC, Myxosporida Ont) Henneguya sabnonis (Que?) Neascus sp. metacercaria (BC) Monogenea Cestoidea Discocotyle sagittata (Lab, NB-b, NB, Diphyllobot/viunz cordiceps plerocercoid Nfld, NS) (BC) Discocotyle sp. (Que) D. dencb•iticum plerocercoid (BC) Gyrodactylus sp. (NB, NS) D. ditrernum plerocercoid (BC) Trematoda ?D. lateun plerocercoid (BC) Apophallus brevis metacercaria (Lab, Diphyllobotlvium sp. plerocercoid NB-b, NB, Nfld) (Alta, BC, Nfld, Ont) A zygia longa (NB-b) Eubotln•iuun crassuin (Ont) Brachyphallus crenatus (Atl, Lab, NB, E. salvelini (Alta, BC, Nfld) Nfld-b, Nfld, NS, PEI, Que) Proteocephalus sahnonidicola (BC) Bunodera lucioperrae (Lab) Proteocephalus sp. (BC, Ont) Crepidostomtnn farionis (Lab, NB-b, NB, Schistocephalus sp. plerocercoid (BC) Nfld, NS, PET) Nematoda Derogenes varicus (Atl, Lab, NB, Nfld, Cystidicola farionis (Alta, BC) NS, Que) Cystidicola sp. (BC, Ont) Digenea gen.sp. metacercaria (Que) Cystidicoloides tenuissima (BC, Ont) Diplostonudum sp. metacercaria (Atl, Eush•ongylides sp. larva (BC) Lab, NB, Nfld, NS, PEI) Nematoda gen.sp. (Alta) Di plostorn cun spathacecan metacercaria Philonema agubernaculum (BC) (Lab, NB-b, NB, NS) P. oncorhynchi (BC) Nemitu•us levinseni (Atl) Rhabdochona cascadilla (BC) Lam pritreina miescheri (At]) R. milleri (BC) Lecithaster gibbosus (Atl, Lab, NB, Skrjabinocapillcria bakeri (BC) Nfld-b, NS) Truttaedacnitis truttae (Alta, BC) Phyllodistoinurn 1imnosa (Nfld) Acanthocephala Podocotyle simplex (Atl) Acanthocephala gen.sp. (Nfld) Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (Nfld, NS) Aletechinorhynchus lateralis (Nfld) Cestoidea A4'. leidyi (Ont) Bothrilnonus sturlonis (Atl, Nfld) AI. salmonis (Ont) Cestoda gen.sp. (NB, Nfld) Neoechinorhynchus rcuili (BC) Cyathocephalus truncatus (Nfld)

160 Diphyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid Monogenea (Nfld, NS, Que) Discocotyle sagittata (Nfld-b?, Nfld, Ont) Eubothrium crassum (Atl, Lab, NB, Trematoda Nfid, NS, Que) A pophallus brevis metacercaria (Nfld) E. salvelini (NB, Nfld-b, Nfld) Crepidostomum farionis (Nfld-b?, Nfld) Eubothrium sp. (Lab) Cestoidea Hepatoxylon trichiuri plerocercoid Diphyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Nfld) (Atl, Lab, NB, NS) Eubothrium salvelini (Nfld) Pelichnibothrium sp. plerocercoid Proteocephalus parallacticus (Ont) (NB, Nfld) Nematoda Proteocephalus sp. (Lab, NB) Cystidicoloides tenuissima (Nfld) Tentacularia coryphaenae plerocercoicl Acanthocephala (Atl, NB, Nfld, NS, Que) Metechinorhynchus lateralis (Nfld-b?, Nematoda Nfld) Anisakis simplex larva (At!) Copepoda Anisakis sp. larva (Atl, Lab, NB, NS, Ergasilus sp. (Nfld-b &/or Nfld) Que) Camallanus oxycephalus (NS) Salmo sp. Capillaria salvelini (NB-b, NB, Nfld, NS, Trematoda Que) Hem iurus sp. (At!) Contracaecum sp. (NB, NS, PET) Cystidicoloides tenuissima (Lab, NB-b, NB, Nfld, NS, PET, Que) Salvelinus alpinus (Linnaeus) Arctic char Raphidascaris sp. (NB-b, NB) Syn.: Salvelinus marstoni (Garman) Thynnascaris adunca (Atl, Lab, NS) Salvelinus oquassa marstoni (Garman) Acanthocephala Salvelinus arcturus (Günther) Acanthocephala gen.sp. (Nfld) Salmo arcturus Günther Echinorhynchus gadi (Atl, NS, Que) Salmo car pio Metechinorhynchus lateralis (Lab, NB-b, Includes: Salvelinus alpinus alipes NB, Nfld, NS) (Richardson) Metechinorhynchus sp. (Lab, NB, Nfld, Salvelinus alpin us .slagnalis NS, PET) (Fabricius) Neoechinorhynchus rutili (NB-b, NB) Protozoa Pomphorhynchus bulbocolli (NS) Haemogregarinairkalukpiki (NWT, Que) Hirudinoidea Monogenea Piscicola punctata (NB) Tetraonchus alaskensis (YT) Mollusca Trematoda Unionidae gen.sp. glochidium (NB-b, Brachyphallus crenatus (Lab, YT) NB, NS) Bunodera luciopercae (Lab) Branchiura Crepidostomum cooperi (Que) A rgulus stizostethii (Nfld) C. farionis (Lab) Copepoda Derogenes varicus (Lab) Lepeophtheirus salmonis (At!, Lab, NB, Digenea gen.sp. metacercaria (Que) Nfld, NS, Que) Diplostomum spathaceum metacercaria Salmincola salmoneus (Atl, Lab, NB, (Lab) Nfld, NS, Que) Phyllodistomum limnosa (Lab) Acarina Cestoidea Hydrachna sp. larva (NB) Bothrimonus sturionis (E Arc, Lab, Man) Trhypochthoniellus sp. (NB) Cyathocephalus truncatus (YT) Diphyllobothrium dendriticum plerocer- coid (NWT) Salmo trotta Linnaeus Diphyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid Syn.: Salmo fario Linnaeus (NWT, Que) Protozoa Eubothrium crassum (Lab, NWT, Ichthyophthirius sp. (BC) Hudson Bay area) Microsporida gen.sp. (Ont) E. salvelini (Lab, Hudson Bay area) Trichophrya piscium (Nfld) Eubothrium sp. (Lab)

161 Proteocephaltts arcticus (NWT) C. truttae (Que-b, Que) P. tumidocollus (Lab, Que) Henneguya fontinalis (Que) Proteocephalus sp. (Lab, YT) Alyxobolus ovoidalis (Que) Nematoda Illyxobolus sp. (Que) A nisakis sp. larva (Lab) Myxosporida gen.sp. (Ont) Capillaria salvelini (Lab) Zschokkella salvelini (Que) Contracaecum sp. (Lab) Monogenea Cystidicola farionis (YT) ' Discocotyle sagittata (Lab, Nfld-b?, Cystidicoloides tenuissima (Lab, Que) Nfld, NS, Ont) Nematocla gen.sp. (E Arc, Lab) Discocotyle sp. (Que) Philonema agubernaculum (Lab) Gyrodactylus avalonia (Nfld-b) P. oncorhynchi (NWT) Gyrodactylus sp. (Lab, NS) Philonema sp. (Lab) Tetraonchus variabilis (Lab) Thynnascaris adunca (Lab) Trematoda Truttaedacnitis alpinus (YT) Allocreadiidae gen.sp. (Lab, Nfld) Acanthocephala A pophallus brevis metacercaria (Nfld) Echinorhynchus gadi (Que) A. imperator metacercaria (NB, NS, Aletechinorhynchus lateralis (Lab) Ont, Que) M. salmonis (NWT) A pophallus sp. metacercaria (Ont) Copepoda Azygia longa (Nfld) Copepoda gen.sp. (E Arc) Brachyphallus crenatus (Lab, Que) Salmincolacarpionis (Lab or At!, NWT, Bunodera luciopercae (Alta, BC, Lab, Que, YT) Nfld) S. edwardsii (Lab, NWT or E Arc, YT) Clinostomum coin planatum metacercaria (Ont, Que)*** Crepidostomum cooperi (Nfld-b &/or SaIvelinus tontines (Machin) Nfld, Que-b, Que) Syn.: Salvelinus salvelinus (Linnaeus) auct. C. cornutum (Que) Salvelinus timagamensi Henn and C. farionis (Alta, BC, Lab, Nfld-b?, Nfld, Rinkenbach NS, Ont, Que) Sahli° tontines Mitchill Crepidostotnum sp. (Que) Protozoa Derogenes varicus (Lab) A piosoma sp. (Que) Digenea gen.sp. metacercaria (Alta, Ont) Balantidium sp. (Que) Digenea gen.sp. (Ont, Que) Chilodonella sp. (Que) Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (BC, Dactylosoma salpelini (Que) NS, Ont) Dactylosoma sp. (Que)* Diplostomum spathaceum rnetacercaria Ehneria salvelini (Que) (Lab, NS) E. truttae (Que) Gorgoderidae gen.sp. (NU) Ehneria sp. (Que) Heterophyidae gen.sp. (Nfld) Haemogregarina salvelini (Que) Neascus su. metacercaria (BC) Haemogregarina sp. (Que) Phyllodistomum lachancei (Que) Hexamita salmonis (Que, PEI) P. limnosa (Lab, Nfld) Ichthyobodo necatrix (—) P. superbum (Que) Ichthyobodo sp. (Que) Pleurogenes sp. (Que)** Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Nfld) Podocotyle atomon (Lab) Ichthyophthirius sp. (Que) Posthodiplostomum ni itlilfl UFfl metacer- Microsporida gen.sp. (Ont) caria (Ont) Pleistophora salmonae (Que) Ptychogonimus fontanus (Que) Sarcocystis salvelini (—) Tetracotyle si). metacercaria (Nfld) Trichodina sp. (Ont, Que) Cestoidea Trichophrya piscium (Nfld, NS) Bothrimonus sturionis (E Arc, Lab) Trypanosoma percae var. canadensis Cestoda gen.sp. (NS, Ont, Que) (Que) Diphyllobothriidae gen.sp. plerocercoid Trypanosoma sp. (Que) (Que) Myxosporida Diphyllobothrhan sp. plerocercoid Chloromyman leydigi (Que) (Alta, BC, Lab, Nfld, NS, Que)

162 Eubothrium salvelini (BC, Lab, Nfld-b?, Ergasilus sp. (Nfld-b &/or Nfld) Nfld, Ont, Que, Hudson and James Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Atl, Lab, NS) bays) Salmincola carpionis (Que) Eubothrium sp. (Lab, Lab-Que, Nfld-b?, S. edwardsii (BC, Lab, NB, Nfld, NS, Nfld) Ont, PEI, Que) Ligula intestinalis plerocercoid (BC, Que) Salmincola sp. (Que) Ligula sp. plerocercoid (Ont, Que) Proteocephalidae gen.sp. (Que) Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill) X S. namaycush Proteocephalus ambloplitis (Ont) (Walbaum) splake P. parallacticus (Ont, Que) Trematoda P. tumidocollus (Lab, Que) Crepidostomum farionis (Alta, Ont) sp. (Lab, Lab-Que, Ont) Proteocephalus Diplostomum spathaceum metacercaria Schistocephalus solidus plerocercoid (Ont) (Nfld, Que) Tetracotyle intermedia metacercaria Nematoda (Ont) A nisakis sp. larva (Lab) Cestoidea Capillaria salvelini (Lab, Nfld-b?, Nfld, Diphyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Alta) Que) Proteocephalus parallacticus (Ont) sp. (Lab) Contracaecum Nematoda Cystidicola farionis (Ont, Que) Cystidicola farionis (Ont) (BC, Lab, NB, Cystidicoloides tenuissima Spinitectus gracilis (Ont) Nfld, NS, Ont, Que-b, Que) Acanthocephala Nematoda gen.sp. (Lab, Ont, Que) Acanthocephalus jacksoni (Ont) (Que) Philometra cylindracea Metechinorhynchus salmonis (Ont) Philometra sp. (Que) Pomphorhynchus bulbocolli (Ont) (Lab, Nfld, Philonema agubernacuhim Copepoda Que-b, Que) Ergasilus caeruleus (Ont) P. oncorhynchi (NS) Philonerna sp. (Lab-Que) Raphidascaris alius (Que) Salvelinus malma (Walbaum) Dolly Varden R. laurentianus (Que) Syn.: Salvelinus alpinus malma (Walbaum) Rhabdochona cascadilla (Alta) Myxosporida R. milleri (Alta, BC) Myxosporida gen.sp. (BC) R. ovifilamenta (Que) Monogenea Rhabdochona sp. (Alta, BC) Discocotyle sagittata (BC) Skrjabinocapillaria bakeri (BC, Ont) Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (BC) Thynnascaris brachyura (Ont) Trematoda Truttaedacnitis truttae (BC) Brachyphallus crenatus (BC) Truttaedacnitis sp. (BC) Bunodera luciopercae (BC) Acanthocephala Crepidostornum farionis (Pac, BC) Acanthocephala gen.sp. (Nfld, Ont, Que) Diplostomuhum sp. metacercaria (BC) Echinorhynchus gadi (Atl, Que-b, Que) Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac, BC) Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Ont) Neascus sp. metacercaria (BC) Metechinorhynchus lateralis (Lab, Prosorhynchoides ozakii (BC) Nfld-b?, Nfld, NS, Que) Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (BC) Metechinorhynchus sp. (Lab-Que) Tubulovesicula lindbergi (Pac) Neoechinorhynchus cylindratus (Que) Cestoidea N. rutili (BC) Bothrimonus sturionis (W Arc) Hirudinoidea Bothriocephalus cuspidatus (Man) Hirudinoidea gen.sp. (Nfld) Cestoda gen.sp. (Alta) Piscicola pimctata (Ont &/or Que) Cyathocephalus truncatus (Alta) Branchiura Diphyllobothriwn cordiceps plerocercoid Argulus stizostethii (Nfld, NS) (BC) Copepoda ?D. fatum plerocercoid (BC) Caligus elongatus (Atl) Diphyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (BC) Ergasilus auritus (Que) Eubothrium salvelini (Alta) E. luciopercarum (Nfld) ?Glaridacris terebrans (Alta)

163 Phyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Pac, Diphyllobothriutn dendriticum plero- BC) cercoid (Ont) Proteocephalus salmoniclicola (BC) D. latum plerocercoid (Man) Nematoda Diphyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid Capillaria sp. (Pac) (Alta, Man, NWT, Ont, YT) Contracaecum sp. (Pac, BC) Eubothrium crassuin (Lab, NWT, Ont) Cysticlicola sp. (BC) E. salvelini (Alta, BC, Lab, Man, NWT, Cystidicoloicles tenuissima (BC) Ont, Que, Sask, YT) Eustrongylides sp. larva (BC) Eubothrium sp. (Lab, Que) Philonema oncorhynchi (BC) Proteocephalidae gen.sp. (Que)* Rhabdochona milled (BC) Proteocephalus ambloplitis (Ont) Salvelinema salmonicola (BC) P. parallacticus (Alta, Ont) Slcrjabinocapillaria baked (BC) P. pusillus (Ont) Truttaedacnitis truttae (BC) P. tumidocollus (Lab, YT) Acanthocephala Proteocephalus sp. (Lab, NWT, Ont, Echinorhynchus gadi (Pac) Que, Sask) Metechinorhynchus leidyi (NWT) Schistocephalus solidus plerocercoid M. salmonis (NWT) (NWT) Neoechinorhynchus rutili (BC) Triaenophorus crassus plerocercoid Copepoda (Alta, NWT, Ont, Sask, YT) Salmincola californiensis (W Arc, BC, Nematoda NWT) Capillaria salvelini (Lab, YT) S. carpionis (W Arc) Cystidicola cristivomeri (NWT, Ont) S. edwardsii (BC) C. !adonis (Alta, BC, Man, NWT, Ont, S. siscowet (W Arc?, NWT) Que, Sask, YT) Cystidicola sp. (Alta) Cystidicoloides tenuissima (Lab) Salvelinus namaycush (Walbaum) lake trout Eustrongylides sp. larva (BC) Syn.: Cristivomer nain aycush (Walbaum) Nematoda gen.sp. (Lab, Ont, Sask) Salmo siscowet Agassiz Philonetna agubernaculum (Lab) Includes: Salvelinus namaycush siscoivet P. oncorhynchi (Ont) Agassiz Philonema sp. (NWT, Ont) Protozoa Thynnascaris adunca (Lab) Cryptobia gurneyormn (NWT) T. brachyura (Alta) Hexamita salmonis (YT) Truttaedacnitis truttae (Alta) Microsporida gen.sp. (Ont) Acanthocephala Myxosporida Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Ont) Alyxobolus neurobius (YT) Metechinorhynchus lateralis (Lab) Monogenea M. leidyi (NWT, Ont, Que) Discocotyle sagittata (Lab, YT) M. salmonis (Alta, Man, NWT, Ont) Trematoda Neoechinorhynchus rutili (YT) A pophallus sp. metacercaria (Ont) Hirudinoidea A zygia angusticauda (Ont) Piscicola milneri (NWT, Ont, Que, YT) A. longa (Ont) Copepoda Brachyphallus crenatus (Lab) Ergasilus nerkae (Alta) Bunodera Iticiopercae (BC, Lab) Salmincola echvardsii (YT) Crepidostomutn farionis (Alta, BC, Lab, S. siscoivet (NWT, Ont, Que, Sask) Ont, YT) Saltnincola sp. (BC, Man) C. metoecus (YT) Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (Ont) SalveHillis sp. Diplostotnum spathacewn metacercaria Cestoidea (Lab, YT) Bothriocephalus ces tus (Que) Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (YT) Cestoidea Stenodus leucichthys (Güldenstadt) inconnu Bothriocephalus cuspidatus (Alta, Man) Includes: Stenodus leucichthys mackenzii Bothriocephalus sp. (BC) (Richardson) Cyathocephalus truncatus (NWT, YT) Cestoidea

164 Eubothrium sp. (NWT) Crepidostomum farionis (Alta) Proteocephalus sp. (NWT) Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (BC) Triaenophorus crassus plerocercoid Cestoidea (Alta, NWT) Cyathocephalus truncatus (Alta) Copepoda Diphyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Alta) Salmincola sp. (NWT) Eubothrium salvelini (Alta, Ont) Proteocephalus sp. (Alta) Thymallus arcticus (Pallas) Arctic grayling Triaenophorus nodulosus plerocercoid Syn.: Thymallus signifer (Richardson) (Alta) Salmo signifer (Richardson) Nematoda Protozoa Cystidicola farionis (Alta) Hexamita salmonis (YT) Philonema agubernaculum (Alta) Myxosporida Acanthocephala Chloromyxum sp. (YT) Metechinorhynchus salmonis (Alta) Myxobolus neurobius (YT) Pomphorhynchus bulbocolli (Alta) Monogenea Copepoda Discocotyle sagittata (YT) Ergasilus auritus (Alta) Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (BC) E. nerkae (Alta) Tetraonchus borealis (Sask, YT) Trematoda "Trout" Allocreadium isoporum (YT) Trematoda Crepidostomum farionis (BC, YT) metacercaria C. metoecus (YT) (BC) Crepidostomum sp. (BC) Clinostomum sp. metacercaria (BC) Diplostomum spathaceum metacercaria Digenea gen.sp. metacercaria (NB) (YT) Cestoidea Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (YT) Eubothrium salvelini (Ont) Cestoidea Cyathocephalus sp. (NWT) Coregoninae gen.sp. Diphyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (YT) Cestoidea Eubothrium salvelini (YT) Triaenophorus crassus plerocercoid (—) Proteocephalus tumidocollus (YT) Triaenophorus crassus plerocercoid "Whitefish" (NWT, YT) Hirudinoidea T. nodulosus plerocercoid (NWT) Piscicola milneri (Ont) Nematoda Capillaria salvelini (YT) Cystidicola farionis (YT) Family OSMERIDAE Metabronema sp. (BC) Nematoda gen.sp. (NWT) Raphidascaris acus larva (YT) Hypomesus pretiosus (Girard) silver smelt Rhabdochona cascadilla (BC) Trematoda Acanthocephala Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac) Metechinorhynchus salmonis (NWT)* Pseudopentagramma petrowi (Pac) Neoechinorhynchus rutili (YT) N. tumidus (YT) MaHollis villosus (Müller) capelin Copepoda Protozoa Salmincola thymalli (NWT, YT) Glugea sp. (Atl) Trematoda Digenea gen.sp. (Que-b) Salmonidae of Undetermined Species Pseudopentagramma petrowi (Pac) Cestoidea Salmonidae gen.sp. Eubothrium parvum (At1)* Monogenea Nematoda Discocotyle sagittata (Alta) Anisakis sp. larva (Atl) Tetraonchus variabilis (Ont) Contracaecum sp. (AU) Trematoda Nematoda gen.sp. (Que-b)

165 Osmerus morclax (Mitchill) rainbow smelt Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac) Syn.: Osmezcs epe•lanus rnorclax (Mitchill) Psendopentagrainina petrowi (Pac) Protozoa Cestoidea Eimeria osmeri (Ont) Phyllobotln•iarrn sp. plerocercoid (Pac) Glugea hertivigi (Ont, Que) Nematoda Gingea sp. (Que) Contracaeccun sp. (Pac) Trematoda Copepoda Brachyphallns crenatus (Atl, Lab, Que) Haemobaphes diceraus (Pac) Derogenes varicus (Atl, Lab, Que) Digenea gen.sp. (Que-b) Diplostonncdcmz sp. metacercaria (Ont) Osineridae of Undetermined Species Diplostornum spathacecem metacercaria (Ont) D. spathaceuni inclistinctinn metacercaria "Smelt" (Ont) Copepoda Hemicuws appendiculatus (Atl) Haemobaphes inte•rnedius (Pac) Lecithaster conf usus (Que) Tetracotyle intermedia metacercaria (Ont) Family ARGENTINIDAE Teh•acotyle sp. metacercaria (Ont) Cestoidea Cestoda gen.sp. (Que-b) Argentina silus Ascanius Atlantic argentine DiphylloboNn•itun sp. plerocercoid (Que) Trematoda Proteocephalus sp. (Lab, Ont, Que) Derogenes varicus (Atl) Nematoda Hemicazis levinseni (Atl) Anisalcis sp. larva (Que) Lam pritrerna miesdzeri (Atl) Capillaria salvelini (Que) Lecithophylhan botryopha•um (Atl) Cysticlicola farionis (Ont) Philonzeh•a sp. (Ont) Philonerna agubernaculurn (Que) Family BATHYLAGIDAE Phocanema clecipiens larva (Atl) Phocmzena sp. larva (Atl) Lew•oglossus stilbius schmidti Rass Spinitectus gracilis (Ont) northern smoothtongtte Thominx catenata (Ont) Trematoda Acantllocepbala Digenea gen.sp. (Pac) Acanthocephalus jacksoni (Ont) Leptorhynchoicles thecattts (Lab, Que-b) Metechina•hynchus sahnaais (Ont) Neoechinorhynchars pungitiacs (Ont) Family UMBRIDAE N. rutili (Ont) Ponaphorhynchacs bnlbocolli (Ont) Umbra limi (Kirtland) central mudminnow Copepoda Protozoa Ergasilus f ttnclnli (Atl) Eimeria hoffmmni (Ont) Monogenea Osmerus sp. Gya•oclactylus limai (Ont) Trematoda Trematoda Hemiw•us sp. (Atl) Bunoclerina eucaliae (Ont) Creptoh•ema funduli (Ont) Diplostornuhan sp. metacercaria (Ont) Spirinchus thaleichthys (Ayres) longfin smelt Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) Syn.: Spirinchus clilatus Schultz and Chapman Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (Ont) Trematoda Nematoda Pseuclopentagramina petrowi (Pac) Spiroxys sp. larva (Ont) Acanthocephala Thaleichthys pacificus (Richardson) eulachon Leptorhynchoicles thecatus (Ont) Trematoda Neoechinorhynchus rutili (Ont) Digenea gen.sp. (Pac) Ponzpha•hynchns btdbocolli (Ont)

166 Family ESOCIDAE Diplostomum spathaceum metacercaria (YT) Esox americanus americanus Gmelin Micro phallus opacus (Que) redfin pickerel Phyllodistomum folium (Que?) Syn.: Esox americanus Gmelin P. superbum (Que) Nematoda Posthodiplostomum minimum ?Cystidicola farionis (Ont) metacercaria (Ont) Tetracotyle parvula metacercaria (Que?)*** Esox americanus vermiculatus Lesueur Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (Ont) grass pickerel Uvulifer ambloplitis metacercaria (Ont) Syn.: Esox vermiculatus Lesueur Cestoidea Protozoa Bot hriocephalus cuspidatus (Alta, Scyphidia micropteri (Ont) Hudson Bay drainage, Man) Vauchomia renicola (Ont) Diphyllobothrium latum plerocercoid Vorticellidae gen.sp. (Ont) (Alta, Man, NWT, Myxosporida Ont, Sask) Diphyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid Myxosporida gen.sp. (Man) (Ont) Proteocephalus pin guis (BC, Lab, Man, Trematoda NWT, Ont, Que) Az_vgia angusticauda (Ont) P. stizostethi (Que) Centrovarium lobotes (Ont) P. tumidocollus (YT) Crassiphiala bulboglossa metacercaria Proteocephalus sp. (Lab) (Ont) Triaenophorus crassus plerocercoid Macroderoides flavus (Ont) (Alta) Cestoidea T. crassus adult (Alta, BC—YT, Man, Proteocephalus pin guis (Ont) NWT, Ont, Sask, YT) Nematoda T. nodulosus adult (Alta, Man, NWT, Spinitectu.s gracilis (Ont) Ont, YT) Mollusca Triaenophorus sp. plerocercoid (Hudson Unionidae gen.sp. glochidium (Ont) Bay drainage) Triaenophorus sp. adult (Man) Esox lucius Linnaeus northern pike Nematoda Syn.: Lucius lucius (Linnaeus) Carnal!anus sp. (Lab) Esox estor Lesueur Philonema sp. (NWT) Protozoa Raphiciascaris acus (Man, NWT, Sask, Cryptobia gurneyorum (NWT) YT) Trichodina sp. (Ont) R. acus larva (YT) Myxosporida Raphidascaris sp. (Lab, Man) Chloromyxum esocinum (YT) Rhabdochona canadensis (Alta) ** Myxidium lieberkuehni (Ont, YT) Thynnascaris brachyura (Ont, Que) Monogenea Acanthocephala Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (Ont) Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Ont, Que) Tetraonchus monenteron (Alta, Lab, Metechinorhynchus lateralis (Lab) Ont, YT) M. salmonis (Alta, Ont) Trematoda Neoechinorhynchus cylindratus (Ont) Allocreadium isoporum (YT) N. rutili (BC, YT) A pophallus venustus metacercaria (Que) N. tenellus (Ont) Azygia angusticauda (Ont) N. tumidus (YT) A. longa (Ont, Que) Pomphorhynchus bulbocolli (Ont) Bunodera luciopercae (Lab) Hirudinoidea Centrovarium lobotes (Ont, Que) Illinobdella sp. (Ont) C/inostomum complanatum metacercaria Mollibdella grandis (Ont) (Que) Piscicola milneri (YT) C. marginatum metacercaria (Ont) Crepidostomum metoecus (YT) Esox masquinongy Mitchill muskellunge Digenea gen.sp. metacercaria (Que) Syn.: Lucius masquinongy (Mitchill) Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (Ont) Myxosporida

167 Henneguya acuta (Ont) Neascus sp. metacercaria (BC) Myxobolus dentium (Que) Posthodiplostotnutn ininitnuin Monogenea metacercaria (BC) Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (Ont) Cestoidea Tetraonchus loftusi (Ont) Caryophyllidea gen.sp. (BC) Trematoda Nematoda Azygia angusticauda (Ont, Que) Philonema sp. (BC) A. longa (Ont, Que) Rhabdochona cascadilla (BC) Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (Ont) Copepoda Diplostomum spathaceum indistinctum Ergasilus caeruleus (BC) metacercaria (Ont) Phyllodistomutn staffordi (Que) Catnpostoma anomalum (Rafinesque) Cestoidea stoneroller Proteocephalus pinguis (Ont, Que) Trematoda Triaenophorus crassus adult (Ont) Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) T. nodulosus adult (Ont, Que) Posthodiplostom UM minimwn Nematoda metacercaria (Ont) Cystidicoloides tenuissitna (Que)** * Raphidascaris acus (Que) Carassius auratus (Linnaeus) goldfish Thynnascaris brachyura (Ont) Monogenea Acanthocephala Dactylogyrus anchoratus (Ont) Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Ont, Que) D. vastator (Ont) Metechinorhynchus salmonis (Ont) Cestoidea Neoechinorhynchus cylindratus (Que) Triaenophortts nodulosus plerocercoid N. tenellus (Ont) (Ont) Copepoda Nematoda Ergasilus caeruleus (Ont) Nematoda gen.sp. (Ont) Acanthocephala Esox niger Lesueur chain pickerel Pomphorhynchus sp. (Ont) Protozoa Copepoda Vauchomia renicola (Que) Lernaea cyprinacea (Ont) Myxosporida Henneguya esocis (Que) Chrosomus eos Cope northern redbelly dace Henneguya sp. (Que) Syn.: Phoxinus eos (Cope) Myxidium lieberkuehni (Que) Monogenea Trematoda Dactylogyrus chrosomi (Ont) Crepidostomuin cooperi (Que) D. eos (Ont) Macroderoides flavus (Que) Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (Ont) Macrophallus opacus (Que) Trematoda Phyllodistomum superbum (Que) Digenea gen.sp. metacercaria (Ont) Cestoidea Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (Ont) Proteocephalus pinguis (Que) Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) Nematoda Posthodiplostomtun minimum Philometra sp. (Que) metacercaria (Ont) Raphidascaris sp. (Que) Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (Ont) I.Ivulifér ambloplitis metacercaria (Ont) Cestoidea ORDER CYPRINIFORMES Ligtda intestinalis plerocercoid (Ont) Nematoda Family CYPRINIDAE Nematoda gen.sp. (Ont) Rhabdochona cascadilla (Ont) Acrocheilus alutaceus Agassiz and Pickering Acanthocephala chiselmouth Pomphorhynchus bulbocolli (Ont) Monogenea Dactylogyrus vancleavei (BC) Chrosomus neogaeus (Cope) finescale dace Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (BC) Syn.: Phoxinus neogaeus Cope Trematoda Myxosporida

168 Myxobolus conspicuus (Ont) Mollusca Myxosoma parellipticoides (Que) Unionidae gen.sp. glochidium (BC) M. pfrille (Que) Copepoda Thelohanellus notatus (Que) Ergasilus nerkae (BC) Monogenea Gyrodactylidae gen.sp. (Ont) Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus carp Octomacrum semotili (Ont) Protozoa Urocleidus brachus (Ont) Trichodina sp. (BC) Trematoda Monogenea Cotylurus communis metacercaria (Ont) Dactylogyrus anchoratus (BC, Ont) Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) D. extensus (BC, NS, Ont) Posthodiplostomum minimum Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (BC) metacercaria (Ont) Pseudacolpenteron pavlovskii (Ont) Uvulifer ambloplitis metacercaria (Ont) Trematoda Cestoidea Apophallus venustus metacercaria (Que) Proteocephalus sp. (Ont) Crepidostomum cooperi (NS) Nematoda Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (Ont) Nematoda gen.sp. (Ont) Diplostomum spathaceum indistinctum (Ont) Couesius plumbeus (Agassiz) lake chub Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) Syn: Hybopsis plumbea (Agassiz) Cestoidea Includes: C. plumbeus dissimilis (Girard) A tractolytocestus huronensis (BC) C. plumbeus green! Jordan Khawia iowensis (Ont) Myxosporida Ligula intestinalis plerocercoid (Ont) Myxobolus couesii (Que) Nematoda Myxosporida gen.sp. (BC) Nematoda gen.sp. (Ont) Monogenea Rhabdochona cascadilla (BC) Dactylogyrus banghami (BC) Spinitectus gracilis (Ont) D. mylocheilus (BC, Ont) Acanthocephala Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (BC) Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Ont) Gyrodactylus aldrichi (Lab) Pomphorhynchus bulbocolli (Ont) G. couesius (BC) Mollusca G. plumbea (Lab) Unionidae gen.sp. glochidium (Ont) Octomacrum sp. (BC, Ont) Branchiura Urocleidus brachus (Lab) Argulus appendiculosus (Ont) Trematoda Copepoda Allocreadium lobatum (BC, Lab) Ergasilus caeruleus (Ont) Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (BC, Lernaea cyprinacea (Ont) Ont) Neascus sp. metacercaria (BC, Ont) Ericymba buccata Cope silverjaw minnow Posthodiplostomum minimum Trematoda metacercaria (BC, Ont) Allocreadiidae gen.sp. (Ont) Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (BC) Crassiphiala bulboglossa metacercaria Cestoidea (Ont) Eubothrium sp. (BC) Nematoda Hymenolepis sp. larva (BC) Camallanus oxycephalus (Ont) Ligula intestinalis plerocercoid (BC) Proteocephalus sp. (BC) Hybognathus hankinsoni Hubbs brassy minnow Nematoda Protozoa Cystidicola farionis (Que) Eimeria hybognathi (Ont) Rhabdochona canadensis (Alta) Trichodina sp. (Ont) R. cascadilla (BC) Myxosporida Rhabdochona sp. (Ont) Myxobolus transversalis (Ont) Skrjabinocapillaria bakeri (BC) Myxobolus sp. (Ont) Acanthocephala Monogenea Metechinorhynchus salmonis (Ont) Dactylogyrus hankinsoni (Ont) Neoechinorhynchus rutili (BC) Dactylogyrus sp. (Ont)

169 Gyrodactylus sp. (Ont) N. 'lain (BC) Octomacrum sp. (Ont)* Pomphorhynchus bulbocolli (BC) Trematoda Mollusca Diplostonuan spathacewn metacercaria Unionidae gen.sp. glochidium (BC) (Ont) Copepoda Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) Ergasihts nerkae (BC) Ornithodiplostomwn ptychocheihts metacercaria (Ont) Mylocheilus sp. Posthodiplostomuin minim 11M ininimtun Cestoidea

metacercaria (Ont) Ligula in testinalis plerocercoid (BC) Rhipidocotyle sp. metacercaria (Ont) Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (Ont) Nocomis biguttatus (Kirtland) hornyhead club Uvulifer ambloplitis metacercaria (Ont) Protozoa Mollusca Eimeria iroquoina (Ont) Unionidae gen.sp. glochidium (Ont) Trichodina sp. (Ont) Myxosporida Hybopsis storeriana (Kirtland) silver chub Myxobolus sp. (Ont) Syn.: Erinemus storerianus (Kirtland) Monogenea Trematoda Dactylogyrus sp. (Ont) Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) Gyrodactylus sp. (Ont) Plagioporus cooperi (Ont) Trematoda Strigeidae gen.sp. metacercaria (Ont) Allocreadium lobatum (Ont) Cestoidea Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (Ont) Ligula intestinalis plerocercoid (Ont) Diplostomum spathaceum metacercaria Nematoda (Ont) Nematocla gen.sp. (Ont) Ornithodiplostotnwn ptychocheilus Acanthocephala metacercaria (Ont) Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Ont) Plagioporus sinitsini (Ont) Posthodiplostomwn minimwn Mylocheilus caurinus (Richardson) peamouth metacercaria (Ont) Myxosporida P. tninimutn minimum metacercaria Myxosporida gen.sp. (BC) (Ont) Monogenea Uvulifer ambloplitis metacercaria (Ont) Dactylogyrtts mylocheilus (BC) Mollusca Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (BC) Unionidae gen.sp. glochidium (Ont) Octomacrum lanceatum (BC) Trematoda Nocomis micropogon (Cope) river chub Allocreadium lobatum (BC) Monogenea Clinostomum marginatum metacercaria Dactylogyrus aviunguis (Ont) (BC) D. flagristylus (Ont) Diplostomultan sp. metacercaria (BC) D. lachneri (Ont) Neascus sp. metacercaria (BC) D. reciprocus (Ont) Posthodiplostonnun minimion Trematoda metacercaria (BC) Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (BC) Posthodiplostoml1171 minitnum Cestoidea metacercaria (Ont) Edlintonia ptychocheila (BC) Nematoda Eubothrium salvelini (BC) Nematoda gen.sp. (Ont) Ligula intestinalis plerocercoid (BC) Proteocephalus ptychocheilus (BC) Notemigonus crysoleucas (Mitchill) Nematoda golden shiner Eustrongylides sp. larva (BC) Myxosporida Rhabdochona cascadilla (BC) Myxosporida gen.sp. (Ont) Slcrjabinocapillaria bakeri (BC) Monogenea Truttaedacnitis sp. (BC) Dactylogyrus aureus (Ont) Acanthocephala D. parvicirrus (Ont) Neoechinorhynchus cristatus (BC) Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (Ont)

170 Octomacrum microconfibula (Ont) Neoechinorhynchus sp. (Ont) Trematoda Mollusca Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (Ont) Unionidae gen.sp. glochidium (Ont) Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) Posthodiplostomum minimum Notropis cornutus (Mitchill) common shiner metacercaria (Ont) Syn.: Luxilus cumulus (Mitchill) Uvulifer ambloplitis metacercaria (Ont) Protozoa Nematoda Apiosoma sp. (Ont) Nematoda gen.sp. (Ont) Eimeria degiustii (Ont) Thynnascaris brachyura (Ont) E. f reemani (Ont) Acanthocephala E. iroquoina (Ont) Neoechinorhynchus notemigoni (Ont) Glugea sp. (Ont) Mollusca Trichodina sp. (Ont) Unionidae gen.sp. glochidium (NS) Myxosporida Chloromyxum catostomi (Ont) Notropis anogenus Forbes pugnose shiner Henneguya fontinalis var. notropis (Que) Monogenea Myxidium sp. (Ont) Gyrodactylus sp. (Ont) Myxobolus grandis (Que) Trematoda M. notropis (Que) Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (Ont) M. transversalis (Ont, Que) Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) Myxobolus sp. (Ont) Nematoda Myxosoma media (Que) Rhabdochona cascadilla (Ont) M. notropis (Que) Acanthocephala M. orbitalis (Que) Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Ont) Sphaerospora notropis (Que) Sphaerospora sp. (Ont) Notropis atherinoides Rafinesque Thelohanellus notatus (Que) emerald shiner Monogenea Myxosporida Dactylogyrus banghami (Ont) Myxosporida gen.sp. (Ont) D. bulbus (Ont) Monogenea D. bullosus (Ont) Dactylogyrus sp. (Ont) D. cornutus (Ont) Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (Ont) D. dubius (Ont) Trematoda D. luxili (Ont) Digenea gen.sp. (Ont)** D. perlus (Ont) Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (Ont) D. pollex (Ont) Diplostomum spathaceum indistinctum Dactylogyrus sp. (Ont) metacercaria (Ont) Gyrodactylidae gen.sp. (Ont) Leuceruthrus sp. (Ont) Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (Ont) Plagioporus cooperi (Ont) Gyrodactylus sp. (Ont) Posthodiplostomum cuticola Octomacrum lanceatum (Ont) metacercaria (Ont) Trematoda P. minimum metacercaria (Ont) Allocreadium lobatum (Ont) P. minimum minimum metacercaria A pophallus venustus metacercaria (Que) (Ont) Bunoderina sacculata (Ont) Strigeidae gen.sp. (Ont) Clinostomum marginatum metacercaria Cestoidea (Ont) Bothriocephalus cuspidatus (Ont) Crepidostomum sp. (Que) Proteocephalus ambloplitis plerocercoid Diplostomum spathaceum metacercaria (Ont) (Ont) P. pearsei (Ont) D. spathaceum indistinctum P. pinguis (Ont) metacercaria (Ont) Proteocephalus sp. (Ont) Neascus pyriformis metacercaria (Ont) Nematoda Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) Camallanus oxycephalus (Ont) Ornithodiplostomum ptychocheilus Thynnascaris brachyura (Ont) metacercaria (Ont) Acanthocephala Plagioporus cooperi (Ont)

171 P. sinitsini (Ont) Gyrodactylidae gen.sp. (Ont) Posthodiplostomum cuticola Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (Ont) metacercaria (Ont) Octomacrcan lanceatlun (Ont) P. minimum metacercaria (Ont) Trematoda P. minimum mininuun metacercaria Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (Ont) (Ont) Diplostomann spathaceum metacercaria Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (Ont) (Ont) Uvulifer ambloplitis metacercaria (Ont) Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) Cestoidea Ornithodiplostomaun ptychocheilus Bothriocephalus sp. (Ont) metacercaria (Ont) Ligula intestinalis plerocercoid (Ont) Posthodiplostornenn minimum Triaenophorus nodulosus plerocercoid metacercaria (Ont) (Ont) Uvulifer ainbloplitis metacercaria (Ont) Nematoda Cestoidea Rhabdochona cascadilla (Ont) Ligula intestinalis plerocercoid (Ont) Acanthocephala Proteocephalus sp. (Ont) Acanthocephala gen.sp. (Ont) Nematoda Mollusca Spiroxys sp. larva (Ont) Unionidae gen.sp. glochidium (Ont) Acanthocephala Copepoda Acanthocephala gen.sp. (Ont) Ergasilus caeruleus (Ont) Mollusca Unionidae gen.sp. glochidium (NS, Ont) Notropis emiliae (Hay) pugnose minnow Syn.: Opsopoeoclus emiliae Hay Notropis hudsonius (Clinton) spottail shiner Trematoda Includes: Notropis hudsonius selene Jordan Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) Myxosporida Plagioporus cooperi (Ont) Myxosoma grandis (Ont) Cestoidea Myxosporida gen.sp. (Ont) Ligula intestinalis plerocercoid (Ont) Thelohanellus sp. (Ont) Nematoda Monogenea Nematoda gen.sp. (Ont) Dactylogyrus sp. (Ont) Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (Ont) Notropis heterodon (Cope) blackchin shiner Gyrodactylus sp. (Ont) Trematoda Trematoda Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (Ont) Allocreadium lobatcun (Ont) Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) Baicephalus sp. (Ont) Posthodiplostonuun minimum Cenb•ovariin lobotes metacercaria (Ont) metacercaria (Ont) Clinostomunn tnarginatwn metacercaria Nematoda (Ont) Cmnallanus oxycephalus (Ont) Cryptogonimus chili metacercaria (Ont) Nematoda gen.sp. (Ont) Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (Ont) Lissorchis sp. (Ont) Notropis heterolepis Eigenmann and Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) Eigenmann blacknose shiner Plagioporus cooperi (Ont) Protozoa Posthodiplosloinuin minimum Eimeria iroquoina (Ont) metacercaria (Ont) Spironucleus sp. (Ont) P. ininimum rninimum metacercaria Trichodina sp. (Ont) (Ont) Myxosporida Sanguinicola sp. (Ont) Chloromyxcun catostomi (Ont) Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (Ont) Henneguya fontinalis var. notropis (Que) Cestoidea Myxidium sp. (Ont) Ligula intestinalis plerocercoid (Man, Myxobolus nou•opis (Que) Ont, Sask) M. transversalis (Ont) Proteocephalus atnbloplitis plerocercoid Monogenea (Ont) Dactylogyrus heterolepis (Ont) P. pin guis (Ont) Dactylogyrus sp. (Ont) Proteocephalus sp. (Ont)

172 Schistocephalus sp. plerocercoid (Alta) Notro pis sp. Spartoides wardi (Man) Copepoda Nematoda Ergasilus sp. (Man) Camallanus oxycephalus (Ont) Con tracaecum sp. (Ont) Pimephales notatus (Rafinesque) Nematoda gen.sp. (Ont) bluntnose minnow Rhabdochona cascadilla (Ont) Syn.: Hyborhynchus notatus (Rafinesque) Spinitectus gracilis (Ont) Protozoa Acanthocephala A piosoma sp. (Ont) Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Ont) Eimeria degiustii (Ont) Metechinorhynchus salmonis (Ont) E. iroquoina (Ont) Neoechinorhynchus rutili (Ont) Nosema pimephales (Ont) Neoechinorhynchus sp. (Ont) Spironucleus sp. (Ont) Pomphorhynchus bulbocolli (Ont) Myxosporida Branchiura Myxobolus hyborhynchi (Ont, Que) Argulus stizostethii (Ont) Myxobolus sp. (Ont) Copepoda Myxosporida gen.sp. (Ont) Ergasilus sp. (Man, Ont) Thelohanellus notatus (Ont, Que) Monogenea Notropis rubellus (Agassiz) rosyface shiner Dactylo gyrus bit urcatus (Ont) Monogenea D. bychowskyi (Ont) Dactylo gyrus rubellus (Ont) Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (Ont) Trematoda Notro pis spilopterus (Cope) spotfin shiner Centrovarium lobotes metacercaria (Ont) Syn.: Notro pis whipplii (Girard) Clinostomum marginatum metacercaria Trematoda (Ont) Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (Ont) Plagioporus cooperi (Ont) Diplostomum spathaceum metacercaria Cestoidea (Ont) Ligula intestinalis plerocercoid (Ont) Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) Nematoda Ornithodiplostomum ptychocheilus Camallanus oxycephalus (Ont) metacercaria (Ont) Nematoda gen.sp. (Ont) Plagioporus cooperi (Ont) Rhabdochona cascadilla (Ont) Posthodiplostomum minimum Hirudinoidea metacercaria (Ont) Piscicola punctata (Ont) P. minimum minimum metacercaria (Ont) Notro pis stramineus (Cope) sand shiner San guinicola sp. (Ont) Syn.: Notro pis deliciosus stramineus (Cope) Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (Ont) Myxosporicla Uvulifer ambloplitis metacercaria (Ont) Ceratomyxa sp. (Ont) Cestoidea Myxosporida gen.sp. (Ont) Ligula intestinalis plerocercoid (Ont) Trematoda Nematoda Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) Nematoda gen.sp. (Ont) Plagioporus cooperi (Ont) Rhabdochona cascadilla (Ont) Cestoidea Acanthocephala Ligula intestinalis plerocercoid (Ont) Neoechinorhynchus sp. (Ont) Mollusca Notropis volucellus (Cope) mimic shiner Unionidae gen.sp. glochidium (Ont) Trematoda Copepoda Centrovarium lobotes metacercaria (Ont) Ergasilus cyprinaceus (Ont) Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (Ont) Plagioporus cooperi (Ont) Pimephales promelas Rafinesque Posthodiplostomum minimum fathead minnow metacercaria (Ont) Protozoa Nematoda Eimeria degiustii (Ont) Rhabdochona cascadilla (Ont) E. iroquoina (Ont)

173 Glugea sp. (Ont) Allocreadium lobatutn (BC) Nosema pitnephales (Ont, Que) Diplostotnidum sp. metacercaria (BC) Trichodina sp. (Ont) Neascus sp. metacercaria (BC) Myxosporida Posthodiplostomum minimum Myxobolus hyborhynchi (Ont) metacercaria (BC) Alyxobolus sp. (Ont) Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (BC) Myxosporida gen.sp. (Ont) Cestoidea Monogenea Eubothrium salvelini (BC) Dactylogyrits bifurcatus (Ont) Ligula intestinalis plerocercoid (BC) D. bychowskyi (Ont) Proteocephalus ptychocheilus (BC) Dactylogyrus sp. (Ont) Nematoda Gyrodactylus hofftnani (Ont) Contracaecum spiculigerum larva (BC) Trematoda Rhabdochona cascadilla (BC) Allocreadium lobation (Ont) Skrjabinocapillaria bakeri (BC) Clinostomutn margination metacercaria Spiroxys sp. larva (BC) (Ont) Acanthocephala Diplostomidum sp. metacercaria (Ont) Neoechinorhynchus rutili (BC) Diplostomum spathaceum metacercaria Potnphorhynchus bulbocolli (BC) (Ont) Hirudinoidea Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) Illinobdella sp. (BC) Ornithodiplostomum ptychocheilus Piscicola punctata (BC) metacercaria (Ont) Mollusca Plagioporus sinitsini (Ont) Unionidae gen.sp. glochidium (BC) Posthodiplostomum minimum Copepoda metacercaria (Ont) Ergasilus nerkae (BC) P. minimutn minimum metacercaria (Ont.) Rhinichthys atratulus (Hermann) Sanguinicola sp. (Ont) blacknose dace Uvulifer ambloplitis metacercaria (Ont) Syn.: Rhinichthys atronasus (Mitchill) Cestoidea Protozoa Biacetabulum sp. (Ont) Eimeria iroquoina (Ont) Nematoda Myxosporida Rhabdochona sp. (Ont) Alyxobolus rhinichthidis (Que) Mollusca Monogenea Unionidae gen.sp. glochidium (Ont) Dactylogyrus banghami (Ont) Copepoda D. cheloideus (Ont) Ergasilus cyprinaceus (Ont) Gyrodactylus atratuli (Ont) G. avalonia (Ont) Platygobio gracilis (Richardson) flathead chub G. dechtiari (Ont) Syn.: Hybopsis gracilis (Richardson) G. stunkardi (Ont) Monogenea Trematoda Dactylogyrus albertensis (Alta) Neascus rhinichthysi metacercaria (Ont) Urocleidus brachus (Alta) Posthodiplostomum minitnum Nematoda metacercaria (Ont) Rhabdochona canadensis (Alta) Nematoda Rhabdochona cascadilla (Ont) Ptychocheihis oregonensis (Richardson) Acanthocephala northern squawfish Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Ont) Myxosporida Myxosporida gen.sp. (BC) Rhinichthys cataractae (Valenciennes) Monogenea longnose dace Dactylogyrus columbiensis (BC) Myxosporida D. ptychocheilus (BC) Myxobolus sp. (Ont) D. tridactylus (BC) Myxosporida gen.sp. (BC) D. vancleavei (BC) Monogenea Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (BC) Dactylogyrus banghami (Alta, BC, Ont) Trematoda Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (BC)

174 Gyrodactylus cheloideus (Ont) Neoechinorhynchus rutili (BC) G. dechtiari (Ont) Pomphorhynchus bulbocolli (BC) G. stunkardi (Lab, Ont) Mollusca Trematoda Unionidae. gen.sp. glochidium (BC) Allocreadium lobatum (Ont) • Copepoda Diplostomulum scheuringi metacercaria Ergasilus nerkae (BC) (Ont) Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (Ont) Semotilus atromaculatus (Mitchill) creek chub Neascus rhinichthysi metacercaria (Ont) Protozoa Neascus sp. metacercaria (BC, Ont) Eimeria iroquoina (Ont) Plagioporus cooperi (Ont) Trichodina sp. (Ont) Posthodiplostomum minimum Myxosporida metacercaria (BC, Ont) Chloromyxum catostomi (Ont) Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (Ont) Myxobolus sp. (Ont) Cestoidea Myxosoma pendula (Ont) Ligula sp. plerocercoid (Alta) Myxosporida gen.sp. (Ont) Nematoda Monogenea Camallanus oxycephalus (Ont) Dactylogyrus attenuatus (Ont) Cystidicoloides tenuissima (BC) D. microphallus (Ont) Rhabdochona canadensis (Alta) Dactylogyrus sp. (Ont) R. cascadilla (BC) Gyrodactylidae gen.sp. (Ont) Truttaedacnitis sp. (BC) Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (Ont) Octomacrum semotili (Ont) Rhinichthys osculus (Girard) speckled dace Octomacrum sp. (Ont) Syn.: A gosia nubila (Girard) Urocleidus brachus (Ont) Cestoidea Trematoda Cestoda gen.sp. (Alta) Allocreadium lobatum (Ont) Clinostomum marginatum metacercaria Richardsonius balteatus (Richardson) (Ont) redside shiner Crassiphiala bulboglossa metacercaria Myxosporida (Ont) Myxosporida gen.sp. (BC) Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (Ont) Monogenea Diplostomum spathaceum metacercaria Dactylogyrus ban ghami (BC) (Ont) D. richardsonius (BC) Lissorchis attenuatum (Ont) Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (BC) Lissorchis sp. (Ont) Octomacrum sp. (BC) Neascus pyriformis metacercaria (Ont) Trematoda Neascus sp. (Ont) Allocreadium lobatum (BC) Ornithodiplostomum ptychocheilus Clinostomum marginatum metacercaria metacercaria (Ont) (BC) Posthodiplostomum cuticola Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (BC) metacercaria (Ont) Neascus sp. metacercaria (BC) P. minimum metacercaria (Ont) Posthodiplostomum minimum P. minimum minimum metacercaria metacercaria (BC) (Ont) Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (BC) Uvulifer ambloplitis metacercaria (Ont) Cestoidea Cestoidea Eubothrium sp. (BC) Caryophyllidea gen.sp. (Ont) Ligula intestinalis plerocercoid (BC) Proteocephalus ambloplitis plerocercoid Proteocephalus sp. (BC) (Ont) Schistocephalus sp. plerocercoid (BC) P. pin guis (Ont) Nematoda Proteocephalus sp. (Ont) Rhabdochona cascadilla (BC) Nematoda Skrjabinocapillaria bakeri (BC) Nematoda gen.sp. (Ont) Spiroxys sp. larva (BC) Rhabdochona cascadilla (Ont, Que) Truttaedacnitis sp. (BC) Acanthocephala Acanthocephala Neoechinorhynchus sp. (Ont)

175 Branchiura Family CATOSTOMIDAE Argulus catostomi (Ont) Copepoda Carpiodes cyprinus (Lesueur) quillback Ergasihis caeruleus (Ont) Protozoa Lernaea cyprinacea (Ont) Trichodina sp. (Ont) ' Myxosporida Semotiltts corporalis (Mitchill) fallfish Myxosoma rotunrlum (Ont) Syn.: Leucosomus corporalis (Mitchill) Monogenea Semotilus badlm•is (Rafinesque) A col pen teron catostom i (Ont) Trematoda Anonchohaptor anomalus (Ont) Allocreadium isoporum (Que?)* Anonchohaptor sp. (Ont) A. lobataam (Ont) Icelanonchohaptor fyviei (Ont) Clinostomum marginatcan metacercaria Neodiscocotyle cm•pioditis (Ont) (Ont) Pelhicidhaptor sp. (Ont) Diplostomuhun sp. metacercaria (-) Trematoda Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) Lissorchis attenuatum (Ont) Posthodiplostomcnn minimtnn Posthodiplostonzcnn ininirncnn minimum metacercaria (Ont) metacercaria (Ont) Tetracotyle pm•vula metacercaria (Que?) Sanguinicola sp. (Ont) Cestoidea Cestoidea Ligula intestinalis plerocercoid (Ont) Glaridacris confusus (Ont) Nematoda Hypocaryophyllaeus paratarius (Ont) Rhabdochona cascadilla (Ont) Proteocephahes sp. (Ont) Copepoda Spcn•toides ivm•di (Man, Ont) Ergasilus caeruleus (Ont) Nematoda Camallanus oxycephalus (Ont) Semotilus margarita (Cope) pearl dace Philometroides nodulosa (Ont) Syn.: Margariscus margarita nachtriebi (Cox) Acanthocephala Includes: Semotilus margm•ita nachtriebi Neoechinorhynchus cm•piodi (Ont) (Cox) N. crassus (Ont) Myxosporida Poinphorhynchus bulbocolli (Ont) Myxobolus sp. (Ont) Mollusca Monogenea Unionidae gen.sp. glochidium (Ont) Octomacrtnn seinotili (Ont) Copepoda Octornacrian sp. (Ont) Ergasihus caerzrleus (Ont) Trematoda Crepidostomznn sp. (Ont) Catostomus catostomus (Forster) Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) longnosesucker Uvulifer ambloplitis metacercaria (Ont) Protozoa Nematoda Apiosoma sp. (Que) Rhabdochona cascadilla (Ont, Que) Cryptobia catostoini (Ont) Hexamita sp. (Que) Myxosporida Myxobohes catostomi (Que) Cyprinidae of Undetermined Species Myxosoma bibullatum (Que) Myxosotna sp. (YT) "Dace" Myxosporida gen.sp. (BC, Ont) Nematoda Monogenea Cystidicoloides tenuissima (Que) Acolpenteron catostomi (Que) Anonchohaptor anomalus (Lab, Ont, "Minnow" YT) Trematoda Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (BC) Digenea gen.sp. metacercaria (Ont) Gyrodactyhes aquilinus (Lab) Rhipidocotyle papillosa metacercaria G. afratuli (Lab) (Ont) G. spathulatus (Lab) Hirudinoidea Octomacrutn lanceatum (BC) Piscicola punctata (BC) Pellucidhaptor catostomi (Ont)

176 Trematoda Copepoda Allocreadium lobatum (BC, Que) Ergasilus caeruleus (Lab, Ont) Cotylurus communis metacercaria (Ont) E. centrarchidarum (Ont) Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (BC, E. nerkae (BC) Lab) Diplostomum spathaceum metacercaria Catostomus commersoni (Lacépède) (Lab, YT) white sucker D. spathaceum indistinctum metacercaria Syn.: Catostomus teres (Mitchill) (Ont) Protozoa Lissorchis attenuatum (BC) Cryptobia catostomi (Ont) L. gullaris (Lab) Eimeria catostomi (Ont) L. simeri (Ont) E. fernandoae (Ont) Lissorchis sp. (Ont) Eimeria sp. (Ont) Metorchis conjunctus metacercaria Hexamitidae gen.sp. (Que) (Sask) Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Ont) Neascus sp. metacercaria (BC) Trichodina sp. (Ont) Phyllodistomum sp. (Ont) Myxosporida Plagiocirrus sp. (BC) Chloromyxum catostomi (Ont) Plagioporus sinitsini (Ont) Myxidium sp. (Ont) Posthodiplostomum minimum Myxobolus catostomi (Que) metacercaria (BC, Ont) M. subcircularis (Que) Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (BC) Myxobolus sp. (Ont) Cestoidea Myxosoma bibullatum (Ont) Caryophyllidea gen.sp. (Ont) M. catostomi (Ont, Que) Cestoda gen.sp. (Alta) M. commersonii (Que) Eubothrium sp. (BC) M. ellipticoides (Que) Glaridacris catostomi (Alta, BC, NWT, Myxosporida gen.sp. (BC, Ont) Ont, Que, Sask, YT) Sphaerospora notropis (Que) ?G. terebrans (BC) Thelohanellus notatus (Que) Hunterella nodulosa (Lab) Monogenea Isoglaridacris calentinei (BC) Acolpenteron catostomi (Ont) Ligula intestinalis plerocercoid (Alta, Anonchohaptor anomalus (Lab, Ont) BC, Man, Sask) Dactylogyrus sp. (Ont) Ligula sp. plerocercoid (Alta) Gyrodactylidae gen.sp. (Ont) Proteocephalus sp. (Lab) Gyrodactylus commersoni (Lab) Schistocephalus sp. plerocercoid (BC) G. spathulatus (Ont) Triaenophorus sp. plerocercoid (Ont) G. stunkardi (Ont) Nematoda Octomacrum lanceatum (Ont) Cystidicola farionis (YT) Pellucidhaptor nasalis (Ont) Philometra sp. (Que) Pseudomurraytrema copulatum (Ont) Rhabdochona cascadilla (BC, Que) P. muelleri (Alta) R. ovifilamenta (Alta) Trematoda Rhabdochona sp. (Lab) Allocreadium lobatum (Ont) Skrjabinocapillaria bakeri (BC, Ont) Amphimerus elongatus metacercaria Acanthocephala Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Ont) (Que) Metechinorhynchus leidyi (Ont) A. pseudofelineus metacercaria (Man) M. salmonis (Alta, Ont) A pophallus venus/us metacercaria (Que) Neoechinorhynchus crassus (Ont) Clinostomum complanatum metacercaria N. cristatus (Alta, BC, Lab) (Que) N. rutili (Alta, BC) C. marginatum metacercaria (Ont) N. strigosus (Lab, Ont) Cotylurus communis metacercaria (Ont) Neoechinorhynchus sp. (NWT) Crepidostomum cooperi (Ont, Que) Octospinifer macilentus (Ont) Crepidostomum sp. (Que) Pomphorhynchus bulbocolli (BC) Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (BC) Hirudinoidea Diplostomum spathaceum metacercaria Actinobdella inequiannulata (BC, Ont) (Lab, Ont)

177 D. spathaceum indistinctzon metacercaria Neoechinorhynchzts sp. (Alta, Man, Ont) (Ont) Octospinifer macilentus (Alta, Ont) Lissorchis attenuatttm (Ont) Pomphw•hynchus bulbocolli (BC, Man, L. siineri (Ont) Ont, Que) Metorchis conjunctus metacercaria Pomphorhynchzzs sp. (Man) (Man, Que) Tanaorhamphus sp. (Man) Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) Hirudinoidea Phyllodistomum lysteri (Ont, Que) A ctinobdella inequiannzdata (Ont) P. szzperbzan (Que) Piscicola inilneri (Alta) Plagioporus serotinzzs (Que) Mollusca P. sinitsini (Ont) Anorlonta catm•acta cataracla Posthorliplostomum minimzun glochidium (NS) • metacercaria (Ont) Unionidae gen.sp. glochidium (Ont) Tetracotyle intermedia metacercaria Branchiura (Ont) Argulus catostoini (Ont) Ten•acotyle sp. metacercaria (Ont) A. stizostethii (Man) Uvzdifer amhloplitis metacercaria (Ont) Copepoda Cestoidea Ergasilus caerzzleus (Lab, Ont) Biacetabulum biloculoides (Ont) Lernaea cyprinacea (Ont) Diphyllobotln•iznn sp. plerocercoid (Que) Glaridacris catostorni (Man, Ont) Catostomus macrocheihus Girard G. confusus (Ont, Que) largescale sucker G. lmztei (Ont, Que) Myxosporida Glaridacris sp. (Man) Myxosporida gen.sp. (BC) Hunterella nodtzlosa (Alta, Lab, Ont) Monogenea Ligula intestinalis plerocercoid (Man, Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (BC) Ont, Sask) Octomacrzzm lanceatzzm (BC) Ligula sp. plerocercoid (Alta, Que) Trematoda Monobotln•izan hzznteri (BC)"^ Diplostomuhnn sp. metacercaria (BC) Proteocephalus sp. (Ont) Lissorchis attenuatzan (BC) Triaenophorus nodulosus plerocercoid Neascus sp. metacercaria (BC) (Ont) Posthodiplostomzrm minimzan Nematoda metacercaria (BC) Cmnallanzzs oxycephalus (Ont) Teh•acotyle sp. metacercaria (BC) Contracaecznn sp. (Lab, Ont) Cestoidea Eustrongylides sp. larva (BC, Ont) Glaridacris catostomi (BC) Nematoda gen.sp. (Ont, Que) ?G. terebrans (BC) Philometra kobzdeji (Ont) G. vogei (BC) Philomen•a sp. (Ont) Hunterella nodulosa (BC) Plzilometroides hzn•onensis (Ont) Ligula intestinalis plerocercoid (BC) P. nodulosa (Que) Nematoda Rhabdochona cascadilla (Ont) Eustrongylides sp. larva (BC) R. ovifilmnenta (Que) Rhabdochona cascadilla (BC) Rhabdochona sp. (Lab, Ont) Ska•jabinocapillm•ia bakeri (BC) Skrjabinocapillaria bakeri (Ont) Spiroxys sp. larva (BC) Spiroxys sp. larva (Ont) Acanthocephala Thominx catenata (Que) Neoechinoz•Jzynchus crassus (BC) Acanthocephala N. cristatus (BC) A can thocephalus jacksoni (Ont) N. rutili (BC) Leptorhynchoirles thecatus (Ont) Pomphorhyndnis bulbocolli (BC) Metechinorizynclzus lateralis (Que) Hirudinoidea M. leidyi (Ont) Actinobdella inequiamzulata (BC) M. salmonis (Alta, Man, Ont) Copepoda Neoechinorhynchzzs crassus (Man, Ont) Ergasilus nerkae (BC) N. a•istatus (Alta, Ont) N. cylindratzzs (Que) Catostomus platyrhynchus (Cope) N. strigosus (Lab, Ont) mountain sucker

178 Syn.: Pan tosteus platyrhynchus (Cope) Myxosporida Nematoda Myxobolus sp. (Ont) Rhabdochona ovifilamenta (Alta) Monogenea Anonchohaptor anomalus (Ont) Catostomus sp. Dactylo gyrus urus (Ont) Cestoidea Dactylo gyrus sp. (Ont) Glaridacris catostomi (Alta) Pseudomurraytrema copulatum (Ont) Pseudomurraytrema sp. (Ont) Hypentelium nigricans (Lesueur) Trematoda northern hog sucker Diplostomum spathaceum indistinctum Protozoa (Ont) Eimeria catostomi (Ont) Phyllodistomum sp. (Ont) E. fernandoae (Ont) San guinicola sp. (Ont) Myxosporida Cestoidea Myxosporida gen.sp. (Ont) Triaenophorus nodulosus plerocercoid Monogenea (Ont) Dactylo gyrus apos (Ont) Nematoda Rhabdochona milleri (Ont) Ictiobus cyprinellus (Valenciennes) Acanthocephala bigmouth buffalo Pomphorhynchus bulbocolli (Ont) Myxosporida Copepoda Myxosporida gen.sp. (Sask) Ergasilus caeruleus (Ont) Branchiura Ergasilus sp. (Ont) Argulus appendiculosus (Sask) Moxostoma macrolepidotum (Lesueur) Moxostoma anisurum (Rafinesque) shorthead redhorse silver redhorse Syn.: Moxostoma aureolum (Lesueur) Myxosporida Moxostoma lesueurii (Richardson) Myxobolus conspicuus (Ont) Myxosporida Myxobolus sp. (Ont) Myxobolus conspicuus (Que) Monogenea Myxosporida gen.sp. (Ont) Anonchohaptor anomalus (Ont) Monogenea Dactylogyrus urus (Ont) Anonchohaptor anomalus (Ont) Gyrodactylus spath ulatus (Ont) Dactylogyrus sp. (Ont) Gyrodactylus sp. (Ont) Gyrodactylus sp. (Ont) Pseudomurraytrema copulatum (Ont) Pellucidhaptor sp. (Ont) Pseudomurraytrema sp. (Ont) Pseudomurraytrema copulatum (Ont) Trematocla P. moxostomi (nom en nudum) (Ont) Diplostomum spathaceum indistinctum Trematoda metacercaria (Ont) A pophallus venustus metacercaria (—) (Ont) Lissorchis attenuatum Diplostomum spathaceum indistinctum Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) metacercaria (Ont) San guinicola sp. (Ont) Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) Cestoidea Phyllodistomum sp. (Ont) Blacetabulum infrequens (Ont) Plagioporus serotinus (Que) Triaenophorus nodulosus plerocercoid Sanguinicola sp. (Ont) (Ont) Nematoda Nematoda Rhabdochona cascadilla (BC, Ont) Spinitectus gracilis (Ont) R. milleri (Ont, Que) larva (Ont) Thynnascaris brachyura Acanthocephala Acanthocephala Pomphorhynchus bulbocolli (Ont) Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Ont) Pomphorhynchus bulbocolli (Ont) Copepoda Catostomidae of Undertermined Species Ergasilus caeruleus (Ont) "Sucker" Moxostoma erythrurum (Rafinesque) Branchiura golden redhorse Argulus stizostethii (NS)

179 ORDER SILURIFORMES Clinostotnum marginatum metacercaria (Ont) Family ICTALURIDAE Crepidostomum cornutum (Ont) Digenea gen.sp. metacercaria (—) Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (Ont, lctalurus melas (Rafinesque) black bullhead Que) Syn.: Amehtrus melas (Rafinesque) Diplostotnum spathaceum metacercaria Monogenea (Ont) Cleidodiscus pricei (Ont) Glossidium geminwn (Ont, Que) Trematoda Homalometron armatwn (Que) Clinostomuin marginattun metacercaria Megalogonia ictaluri (Ont) (Ont) Alicrophallus opacus (Ont) Crepidostomtun cornutwn (Ont) Phyllodistomtun folium (—) Leuceruthrus inicropteri (Ont) P. staffordi (BC, Ont) Alegalogonia ictaluri (Ont) P. superbum (Ont, Que?) Phyllodistomutn staffordi (BC) Phyllodistomum sp. (Ont) Polylekithwn ictaluri (Que) Polylekithum ictaluri (Ont) Cestoidea Posthodiplostomwn minimum Corallobothrium fimbriatum (Ont, Que) metacercaria (Ont) Corallobothriwn sp. (Ont) Rhipidocotyle sp. metacercaria (Ont) Proteocephalus atnbloplitis plerocercoid Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (Ont) (Ont) Vietosoma parvum (Ont) Nematoda Cestoidea Cucullanellus cotylophora (Ont) Bothriocephalus cuspidatus (Ont) Rhabdochona sp. (BC) Bothriocephalus sp. (Ont) Acanthocephala Cestoda gen.sp. metacestode (Ont) Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Ont) Corallobothrhun fitnbriatum (BC, Man, Hirudinoidea Ont) Piscicola punctata (Ont) C. parafimbriatum (Ont) Branchiura Corallobothrium sp. (Ont) Argulus catostomi (Ont) Corallotaenia tninutia plerocercoid & adult (Ont) Ictalurus nebulosus (Lesueur) brown bullhead Proteocephalus ambloplitis plerocercoid Syn.: A meittrus nebulosus (Lesueur) (Ont, Que) Protozoa P. pearsei (Ont) A piosoma sp. (Ont) Nematoda Bodomonas concava (Ont) Carnallanus oxycephalus (Ont) Eimeria ictaluri (Ont) Capillaria sp. (Ont) Ichthyophthirius multifillis (Ont) Contracaecutn sp. (Ont) Trichodina sp. (Ont) Cucullanellus cotylophora (Ont) Trichophrya sp. (Ont) Cvsticlicoloides prevosti (Que) Myxosporida Dichelyne robustus (Ont) Henneguya exilis (Ont) Dioctophyma renale larva (Ont) Ailyxobolus sp. (Ont) Nematoda gen.sp. (Ont) Myxosporida gen.sp. (Ont) Rhabdochona cascadilla (Ont) Monogenea Rhabdochona sp. (Ont) Cleidodiscus floridanus (Ont) Spinitectus carolini (Ont) C. pricei (Ont) S. gracilis (Ont) Gyrodactylidae gen.sp. (Ont) Spiroxys conforms larva (Ont) Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (BC, Ont) Acanthocephala Gyrodactylus nebtdosus (Ont) Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Ont) Trematoda Metechinorhynchus sahnonis (Ont) Acetodextra amiuri (Ont, Que) Neoechinorhynchus rutili (BC) Alloglossiditun corn i (BC, Ont) Pomphorhynchus bulbocolli (Ont) A pophallus venustus metacercaria (Que) Hirudinoidea A zygia angusticauda (Ont) Myzobdella tnoorei (Ont) Centrovarium lobotes (Ont, Que) Mollusca

180 Unionidae gen.sp. glochidium (Ont) Cestoidea Copepoda Corallobothrium fimbriatum (Ont) Achtheres pimelodi (Ont) Proteocephalus ambloplitis plerocercoid Ergasilus versicolor (Ont) (Ont) Ergasilus sp. (Ont) Nematoda Cam allanus oxycephalus (Ont) Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque) channel catfish Rhabdochona canadensis (Alta)** * Syn.: Ictalurus lacus tris lacustris (Walbaum) Spinitectus gracilis (Ont) Villarius lacustris (Walbaum) Acanthocephala Ameiurus lacustris (Walbaum) Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Ont) Ameiurus nigricans (Lesueur) Copepoda Myxosporida Ergasilus versicolor (Ont)** Henneguya exilis (Ont) Myxosporida gen.sp. (Ont) Noturus gyrinus (Mitchill) tadpole madtom Monogenea Syn.: Schilbeodes gyrinus (Mitchill) Cleidodiscus floridanus (Ont) Myxosporida C. pricei (Ont) Myxobolus sp. (Ont) Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (Ont) Monogenea Trematoda Cleidodiscus floridanus (Ont) Acetodextra amiuri (Ont) C. pricei (Ont) Alloglossidium corn i (Ont, Que) Gyrodactylus sp. (Ont) A pophallus venustus metacercaria (Que) Trematoda Azygia angusticauda (Ont) Acetodextra amiuri (Ont) A. longa (Que?) Alloglossidium corn i (Ont) Crepidostomum cornutum (Ont) Crepidostomum cornutum (Ont) Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (Ont) Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) Macroderoides sp. (Ont) Cestoidea Megalogonia ictaluri (Ont, Que) Bothriocephalus sp. (Ont)* * Micro phallus opacus (Ont) Corallobothrium fimbriatum (Ont) Parastiotrema ottawanensis (Que) Acanthocephala Phyllodistomum lacustri (Ont) Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Ont) Phyllodistomum sp. (Ont) Pomphorhynchus bulbocolli (Ont) Vietosoma parvum (Ont, Que) Copepoda Cestoidea Ergasilus versicolor (Ont)** Bothriocephalus sp. (Ont) Corallobothrium fimbriatum (Ont) Noturus miurus Jordan brindled madtom Haplobothrium globulif orme (Ont) Syn.: Schilbeodes miurus (Jordan) Megathylacoides giganteum (Ont) Trematoda Nematoda Megalogonia ictaluri (Ont) Camallanus oxycephalus (Ont) Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont)** Nematoda gen.sp. (Ont) Cestoidea Spinitectus gracilis (Ont) Bothriocephalus sp. (Ont)** Acanthocephala Corallobothrium fimbriatum (Ont) Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Ont) Pomphorhynchus sp. (Ont) Hirudinoidea ORDER PERCOPSIFORMES Myzobdella moorei (Ont) Copepoda Family PERCOPSIDAE Achtheres pimelodi (Ont) Ergasilus versicolor (Ont) Percopsis omiscomaycus (Walbaum) trout-perch Noturus flavus Rafinesque stonecat Protozoa Monogenea Trichodina sp. (Ont) Cleidodiscus pricei (Ont) Myxosporida Trematoda Myxobolus sp. (Ont) Acetodextra amiuri (Ont) Myxosorna procerum (Ont) Megalogonia ictaluri (Ont) Myxosporida gen.sp. (Ont)

181 Monogenea ORDER GOBIESOCIFORMES Cleidodiscus baldwini (Ont) Cleidodiscus sp. (Ont) Family GOBIESOCIDAE Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (Ont) Gyrodactylus sp. (Ont) Gobiesox maeandricus (Girard) Trematoda northern clingfish Bucephalus sp. (Ont) Syn.: Caularchus maeandricus (Girard) Centrovm•ium lobotes (Ont) Nematoda Cotylurus communis metacercaria (Ont) Philometra ainericana (Pac) Crepidostotnum isostomzun (Ont) Diplostomadum sp. metacercaria (Ont) Diplostomcun spathaceum metacercaria ORDER LOPHIIFORMES (Ont) D. spathacecmi indistinchnn (Ont) Family LOPHIIDAE Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) Posthodiplostomcun minimurn Lophius americanus Valenciennes goosefish metacercaria (Ont) Syn.: Lophius piscatorius Linnaeus auct. Tetracotyle diminuta metacercaria (Ont) Protozoa T. intermedia metacercaria (Ont) Urceolariidae gen.sp. (Atl) Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (Ont) Trematoda Cestoidea Derogenes varicus (Atl) Bothriocephalus claviceps (Ont) Digenea gen.sp. metacercaria (Atl) B. cuspidatus (Ont) Digenea gen.sp. (Atl) B. formosus (Ont) Leptosoma obscururn sp. inq. (Atl) Proteocephalus pearsei (Ont) Otodistornum sp. metacercaria (Atl) Triaenophorus nodulosus plerocercoid Stephanostom tan baccatcun metacercaria (Ont) (Atl)*** T. stiZostedionis plerocercoid (Alta, Man, Nematoda Ont) Phocanema sp. larva (Atl) Triaenophorus sp. plerocercoid (Ont) Nematoda Camallamus oxycephalus (Ont) ORDER GADIFORMES Nematoda gen.sp. (Ont) Rhabdochona cascadilla (Ont) Family Spinitectus gracilis (Ont) Thynnascaris brachyura (Ont) Brosme brosme (Müller) cusk Acanthocephala Syn.: Brosmius brosme (Müller) Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Ont) Trematoda Metechinorhynchus sa1nlonis (Ont) Prosorhynchus squamatus (Atl) Neoechinorhynchus sp. (Ont) Pomphorhynchus bulbocolli (Ont) Enchelyopus cimbrius (Linnaeus) Hirudinoidea fourbeard rockling Illinobdella sp. (Ont) Protozoa Branchiura Eimeria gadi (Atl) A rgulus versicolor (Ont) Urceolariidae gen.sp. (Atl) Argulus sp. (Ont) Copepoda Gadus macrocephalus Tilesius Ergasilus caeruleus (Ont) Protozoa Microsporida gen.sp. (Pac) Pleistophora sp. (Pac) ORDER BATRACHOIDIFORMES Myxosporida Kudoa sp. (Pac) Family BATRACHOIDIDAE Trematoda Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac) Porichthys notatus Girard plainfin midshipman Parahemiurus merus (Pac) Trematoda Cestoidea Tubulovesictda lindbergi (Pac) Abothrium gadi (Pac)

182 Phyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Pac) Nematoda Nematoda Phocanema decipiens larva (At!) A nisakis sp. larva (Pac) Phocanema sp. larva (At!) Acanthocephala Copepoda Echinorhynchus gadi (Pac) (Atl) Copepoda Chondracanthus palpiter (Pac) Gadus sp. Clavella adunca (Pac) Trematoda Lepeophtheirus hospitalis (Pac) Hemiurus sp. (At!) L. parviventris (Pac)

Gadus morhua Linnaeus Loki Iota (Linnaeus) burbot Syn.: Gadus callarias Linnaeus Syn.: Lota Iota lacustris (Walbaum) Protozoa Lota iota maculosa (Lesueur) Eimeria gadi (Atl) Lota maculosa (Lesueur) Haemogregarina aeglefini (At» Protozoa Glugea branchiale (At1)* Hexamita salmonis (YT) Trypanosoma murmanensis (Atl) Trichodina sp. (Ont) Trypanosoma sp. (Atl) Myxosporida Myxosporida Chloromyxum dubium (YT) Kudoa sp. (Atl) Myxobolus sp. (Ont) Zschokkella hildae (AtI)* Myxosporida gen.sp. (BC) Monogenea Sphaerospora cristata (YT) Udonella caligorum (Atl) Trematoda Trematoda Azygia angusticauda (Ont, Que?) Derogenes varicus (Atl) A. longa (Que?) Dihemistephanus fragilis (All)* Bunodera luciopercae (Ont)** * Gonocerca macroformis (Atl) Bunoderina sacculata (Ont)** Hemiurus levinseni (Atl) Crepidostomum farionis (Alta, BC) Podocotyle atomon (AU) C. metoecus (YT) Cestoidea Crepidostomum sp. (BC) A bothrium gadi (Atl) Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (BC, Hepatoxylon trichiuri plerocercoid Ont) (E Arc) Diplostomum spathaceum metacercaria Nematoda (YT) Anisakis sp. larva (Atl) Microphallidae gen.sp. (Ont) Cucullanus cirratus (Atl) Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) Nematoda gen.sp. (Atl) Posthodiplostomum minimum Phocanema decipiens larva (Atl) metacercaria (BC) Phocanema sp. larva (Atl) Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (Ont, YT) Thynnascaris adunca (All) Cestoidea Acanthocephala Bothriocephalus sp. (BC, Ont) Echinorhynchus gadi (Atl, W Arc) Diphyllobothrium latum plerocercoid Hirudinoidea (Man) Johanssonia sp. (Atl) Diphyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Man, Copepoda Ont, YT) Caligus curtus (AtI) Eubothrium crassum (Ont) C. elongatus (Atl) E. rugosum (Alta, BC, Man, NWT, Ont) Caligus sp. (Atl) Proteocephalus pearsei (Ont) Clavella adunca (Atl) Proteocephalus sp. (Lab, Ont) Clavella sp. (Atl) Triaenophorus crassus (Ont) Lernaeocera branchialis (Atl) T. nodulosus plerocercoid (Alta, Man, Ont) Gadus ogac Richardson Nematoda Cestoidea Camallanus oxycephalus (Ont) Pyramicocephalus phocarum Cucullanellus cotylophora (Ont) plerocercoid (E Arc) -1' Haplonema hamulatum (Ont, YT)

183 Haplonetna sp. (Lab) Melanogrammus sp. Nematoda gen.sp. (NWT) Trematoda Rhabdochona cascadilla (Ont) Hem iurus sp. (At!) Skrjabinocapillaria bakeri (Ont) Spinitectus gracilis (Ont) Merluccius bilinearis (Mitchill) silver hake Thynnascaris brachyura (Alta, BC, Ont) Monogenea Acanthocephala Anthocotyle merlucii (At!) Leptorhynchoides theca tus (Ont) Cestoidea Metechinorhynchus leiclyi (Ont) Clestobothrium crassiceps (Atl) M. saltnonis (Alta, Ont) Nematoda Neoechinorhynchus cylindratus (Ont) A nisakis simplex larva (At!) N. rutili (BC, Ont, YT) Thynnascaris adunca larva (At!) Potnphorhynchus bulbocolli (BC, Ont) Copepoda Hirudinoidea Caligus curtus (At!) Cystobranchus mammillatus (NWT) C. elongatus (Ad) C. verni!! (Ont) Chondracanthus merlucci (Atl) Piscicola milneri (YT) P. punctata (Ont) Merluccius produc tus (Ayres) Pacific hake Mollusca Myxosporida Unionidae gen.sp. glochidium (Ont) Conispora renalis (Pac) Copepoda Trematoda Ergasilus caeruleus (BC, Ont) A porocotyle margolisi (Pac) E. celestis (Ont) Lecithophyllum botryophorum (Pac) Cestoidea Melanogrammus aeglefinus (Linnaeus) Clestobothrium crassiceps (Pac) Syn.: Gadus aeglefinus Linnaeus Nematoda Aeglefinus melanogrammus of Stock, Anisakis simplex larva (Pac) 1915 Con tracaecum sp. (Pac) Protozoa Copepoda Eimeria gadi (At!) Caligus sp. (Pac) Glugea branchiale (At!) Chondracanthus palpiter (Pac) Haetnogregarina aeglefini (At!) Clave/la perfida (Pac) Haemohormidium terraenovae (Atl) Neobrachiella insidiosa f. pacifica (Pac) Myxosporida Myxidium bergense (At!) Micro gadus proximus (Girard) Pacific tomcod M. gadi (Ad) Acanthocephala Trematoda Echinorhynchus gadi (W Arc) Derogenes varicus (At!) Copepoda Lepidapedon rachion (At') Clave/la adunca (Pac) Cestoidea Lepeophtheirus sp. (Pac) Abothriwn gadi (At!) Grillotia erinaceus plerocercoid (At!) Microgaclus tomcod (Walbaum) Nematoda Atlantic tomcod Anisakis sp. larva (At!) Protozoa Contracaecum sp. (Atl) Trypanosotna murmanensis (At!) Cucullanus cirratus (At!) (experimental infection) Phocanetna sp. larva (At!) Myxosporida Thynnascaris adunca (At!) Zschokkella hildae (At!) T. tnelanogrammi (At!) Trematoda Acanthocephala Podocotyle olssoni (At!) Corynosoma St1111710S11111 juvenile (At!) P. reflexa (At!) Echinorhynchus gadi (At!) Cestoidea Copepoda Bothrimonus.S11111011iS (At!) Caligus curtus (At!) Nematoda C. elongatus (At!) Anisakis sp. larva (At!) Clave/la adunca (At!) Phocanema sp. larva (At!) Clave/la sp. (AU) Thynnascaris adunca (AU)

184 Acanthocephala Theragra sp. Echinorhynchus gadi (Atl) Cestoidea Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Que-b) Grillotia heptanchi plerocercoid (Pac) Branchiura Nybelinia surm enicola plerocercoid (Pac) A rgulus alosae (Atl) Copepoda Urophycis chuss (Walbaum) red hake Caligus curtus (Atl) Syn.: Phycis chuss (Walbaum) C. elongatus (Atl) Protozoa ?Ergasilus centrarchidarum (Atl) Haemogregarina aeglefini (Atl) Myxosporida Ceratomyxa acadiensis (Atl) Pollachius virens (Linnaeus) pollock Myxosporida gen.sp. (Atl) Syn.: Gadus virens Linnaeus Monogenea Protozoa Diclidophora maccallumi (Atl) Haemogregarina aeglefini (Atl) Trematoda Urceolariidae gen.sp. (Atl) Podocotyle simplex (Atl) Monogenea Nematoda Diclidophora denticulata (Atl) sp. larva (Atl) Trematoda A nisakis Thynnascaris adunca larva (Atl) Derogenes varicus (Atl) ?Hemiurus appendiculatus (Atl) Urophycis tenuis (Mitchill) white hake Nematoda Protozoa Anisakis sp. larva (Atl) Haemogregarina aeglefini (Atl) Acanthocephala Haemohormidium terraenovae (Atl) Echinorhynchus gadi (Atl) Myxosporida Copepoda Ceratomyxa acadiensis (Atl) Caligus curtus (Atl) C. urophysis (Atl) C. elongatus (Atl) Myxidium bergense (Atl) Clavella adunca (Atl) Trematoda Clavella sp. (Ati) Podocotyle reflexa (Atl) Nematoda Pollachius sp. Phocanema decipiens larva (Atl) Trematoda Copepoda Hemiurus sp. (Atl) Caligus elongatus (Atl)

Theragra chalcogramma (Pallas) walleye pollock Gadidae of Undetermined Species Protozoa Microsporida gen.sp. (Pac) "Cod" Trematoda Nematoda Aporocotyle sp. (Pac) Nematoda gen.sp. (Atl) Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac) Phocanema decipiens lar'va (Atl) Lepidapedon microcotyleum (Pac) Copepoda Podocotyle sinusacca (Pac) Lernaeocera branchialis (Atl) Cestoidea Bothriocephalus scorpii (Pac) Nybelinia surmenicola plerocercoid (Pac) Family ZOARCIDAE Phyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Pac) Nematoda Aprodon cortezianus Gilbert bigfin Anisalcis sp. larva (Pac) Trematoda Contracaecum sp. (Pac) Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac) Phocanema sp. larva (Pac) Parahemiurus merus (Pac) Acanthocephala Podocotyle sp. (Pac) Echinorhynchus gadi (Pac) Cestoidea Copepoda Bothriocephalus scorpii (Pac) Caligus clemensi (Pac) Nybelinia surm enicola plerocercoid (Pac) Clavella perfida (Pac) Phyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Pac)

185 Nematoda Pleistophora macrozoarcidis (At!) Capillaria sp. (Pac) Sarcocystis sp. (Atl) Contracaecum sp. (Pac) Myxosporida Acanthocephala Ceratotnyxa acadiensis (At!) Echinorhynchtts gadi (Pac) Kudoa sp. (Ad) Trematoda Lycenchelys verrilli (Goode and Bean) Lepidophyllum steenstrupi (At!) wolf eelpout Cestoidea Syn.: Lycodes verrillii Goode and Bean Bothrimonus sturionis (Atl) Copepoda Nematoda Haemobaphes cyclopterina (Ad) Contracaectun sp. (AtI)* Nematoda gen.sp. (Ad) Lycodes atlanticus Jensen Atlantic eelpout Phocanetna decipiens (Ad) Syn.: Lycodes frigidus Collett Acanthocephala Copepoda Acanthocephala gen.sp. (Ad) Clave/la pingtds (MI) Echinorhynchus sp. (Ad) Hirudinoiclea Lycodes lavalaei Vladykov and Tremblay Oceanobdella sexoculata (Ad) Newfoundland eelpout Copepoda Protozoa Caligus elongatus (Ad) Trichodina sp. (Atl) Copepoda Tanypleurus alcicornis (AtI) Family MACROURIDAE

Lycodes reticulatus Reinhardt Arctic eelpout Coryphaenoides acrolepis (Bean) Protozoa roughscale rattail Trypanosoma murmanensis (AU) Myxosporida Hirudinoidea Ceratotnyxa hokarari (Pac) Oceanobdella microstoma (Atl) Davisia coryphaenoidia (Pac) Copepoda Myxoproteus abyssus (Pac) Tanypleurus alcicornis (Atl) Sinuolinea magna (Pac)

Lycodes terraenovae Collett Coryphaenoides cinereus (Gilbert) popeye Copepoda Myxosporida Clavella pinguis (Atl) Ceratomyxa coryphaenoida (Pac)

Lycodes vahlii Reinhardt Vahl's eelpout Coryphaenoides filifera (Gilbert) Syn.: Lycenchelys vahli (Reinhardt) filamented rattail Includes: Lycodes vahli maculatus Vladykov Myxosporida and Tremblay Auerbachia pulchra (Pac) Protozoa Leptotheca infortnis (Pac) Trypanosotna murmanensis (Atl) Myxidhan coryphaenoidium (Pac) (experimental infection) Myxoproteus rosenblatti (Pac) Copepoda Clave/la insolita (Atl) Coryphaenoides rupestris Gunnerus Haemobaphes cyclopterina (Atl) rock grenadier Syn.: Macrourus rupestris (Gunnerus) Lycodes sp. Trematoda Trematocla Dolichoentertan sp. metacercaria (At!) Stephanostotntan baccatum (Ad) Gonocerca crassa (At!)

Macrozoarces americanus (Bloch and Macrourus berglax roughhead grenadier Schneider) ocean pout Protozoa Syn.: Zoarces anguillaris (Peck) Eimeria sp. (At!) Protozoa Glugea berglax (Ad) Haemogregarina bigemina (At1)* Myxosporida H. mavori (Ad) Auerbauchia pulchra (Ad)

186 Davisia newfoundlandia (Atl) Bothriocephalus sp. (NS) Zschokkella kudoi (At!) Dilepis sp. cysticercus (NS) Copepoda Hymen° lepis sp. larva (NS) Clavellomimus macruri (Atl) Par vitaenia sp. larva (NS) Sphyrion lumpi (At!) Proteocephalus sp. (NS, Ont) Nematoda Nezumia bairdi (Goode and Bean) marlin-spike Cucullanus sp. (NS) Myxosporida Cystidicola sp. (NS) Auerbachia pulchra (Ate Hedruris sp. (NS) Zschokkella globulosa (At!) Nematoda gen.sp. (Ont) Rhabdochona sp. (Ont) Spiroxys sp. larva (NS) ORDER ATHERINIFORMES Acanthocephala Acanthocephalus sp. (NS) Family SCOMBERESOCIDAE Neoechinorhynchus sp. (Ont) Octospiniferoides sp. (NS) Cololabis saira (Brevoort) Mollusca Nematoda Elliptio complanata glochidium (NS) Nematoda gen.sp. (Pac) Copepoda Acanthocephala Ergasilus lizae (NS) Rhadinorhynchus cololabis (Pac) Copepoda Fundulus heteroclitus (Linnaeus) Caligus macarovi (Pac) Protozoa Pennella sp. (Pac) Eimeria sp. (NS) Urceolariidae gen.sp. (At!) Myxosporida Family CYPRINODONTIDAE Sphaerospora sp. (NS) Monogenea Fundulus diaphanus (Lesueur) banded killifish Gyrodactylus prolongus (Nfld) Includes: Fundulus diaphanus menona Jordan G. stephanus (Nfld) and Copeland Gyrodactylus sp. (Atl) Myxosporida Urocleidus angularis (Nfld) Myxobolus funduli (NS) Trematoda Myxobolus sp. (NS) Crepidostomum cooperi (NS) Myxosoma diaphana (NS) Digenea gen.sp. metacercaria (Nfld) M. subtecalis (NS) Digenea gen.sp. (At!) Myxosporida gen.sp. (NS, Ont) Homalometron pallidum (At!, Nfld, NS) Monogenea Cestoidea Gyrodactylus avalonia (Ont) Proteocephalus sp. (Nfld) G. prolon gis (Ont) Acanthocephala Urocleidus angularis (Nfld, NS) Neoechinorhynchus rutili (Nfld) U. fundulus (Ont) Branchiura Trematoda Argulus funduli (At!) Allocreadium sp. (NS) Clinostomum sp. metacercaria (NS) Crassiphiala bulboglossa metacercaria Family POECILIIDAE (NS) Creptotrema funduli (NS, Ont?) Poecilia reticulata Peters guppy Digenea gen.sp. (Ont) Syn.: Lebistes reticulatus (Peters) Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (NS) Monogenea Neascus sp. metacercaria (NS) Gyrodactylus bullatarudis (Ont Ornithodiplostomum ptychocheilus aquarium) metacercaria (NS) Posthodiplostomum minimum metacercaria (Ont) Family ATHERINIDAE P. minimum minimum metacercaria (NS) Cestoidea Labidesthes sicculus (Cope) brook silverside

187 Trematoda Protozoa Allacanthochastnus varius metacercaria Eimeria haneki (Ont) (Ont) Monogenea Allocreadiutn sp. (Ont) Dactylogyrus eucalius (Ont) Cestoidea Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (BC, Ont) Bothriocephalus sp. (Ont) Gyrodactylus eucaliae (Ont) Proteocephalus ambloplitis plerocercoid Gyrodactylus sp. (Ont) (Ont) Trematoda Nematoda Apatetnon gracilis metacercaria (Que) Camallanus oxycephalus (Ont) Bunoderina eucaliae (BC, Ont, Que) Nematoda gen.sp. (Ont) Digenea gen.sp. (Ont) Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (Ont) Men idia menidia (Linnaeus) Atlantic silverside Diplostomum scudderi metacercaria Syn.: Menidia notata (Mitchill) (Ont) Branchiura Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) Argulus funduli (Atl) Posthodiplostomum minimum Copepoda metacercaria (Ont) Ergasilus funduli (At!) Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (BC, Ont) Cestoidea Diphyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid ORDER GASTEROSTEIFORMES (Ont)* Ligula sp. plerocercoid (Alta) Family GASTEROSTEIDAE Proteocephalus ambloplitis plerocercoid (Ont) A peltes quadracus (Mitchill) Proteocephalus sp. (Ont) fourspine stickleback Schistocephalus solidus plerocercoid Monogenea (Alta, Man) Gyrodactylus avalonia (Nfid - b) Schistocephalus sp. plerocercoid (BC) G. cameroni (Nfld -b) Nematoda G. canadensis (Nfld -b) Catnallanus oxycephalus (Ont) Trematoda Nematoda gen.sp. (Ont) Podocotyle atomon (Nfld -b) Acanthocephala Cestoidea Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Ont) Bothrimonus sturionis (At!) Neoechinorhynchus pungitius (Ont) Bothriocephalidae gen.sp. (Que) N. milli (Ont)

Proteocephalus sp. (Nfld -b) Nematoda Gasterosteus aculeatus Linnaeus Cystidicola farionis (Nfld -b) threespine stickleback Mollusca Includes: Gasterosteus aculeatus trachurus Anodonta sp. glochidium (NS) Cuvier and Valenciennes

Gasterosteus aculea tus leiurus Aulorhynchus flavidus Gill tube-snout Cuvier and Valenciennes Trematoda Gasterosteus aculeatus semiarmatus Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac) Cuvier and Valenciennes Podocotyle atomon (Pac) Protozoa Cestoidea A piosotna sp. (Pac, BC, Que) Bothriocephalus sp. (Pac) Eitneria gasterostei (BC) Phyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Pac) Epistylis Iwoffi (BC) Nematoda Glu gea anotnala (At!, BC) Anisakis sp. larva (Pac) Hexamita salinonis (BC) Ascarophis sebastodis (Pac) Ichthyobodo necatrix (BC) Contracaecum sp. (Pac) Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (BC) Philotnetra sp. (Pac) Ichthyophthirius sp. (Nfld) Thynnascaris adunca (Pac) Tri chodina dom erguei (Pac, BC) T. tenuidens (At!, Pac, BC) Culaea inconstans (Kirtland) brook stickleback Trichodina sp. (At!, Nfld-b, Nfld, Que-b, Syn.: Eucalia inconstans (Kirtland) Que)

188 Unidentified sporozoites (Pac &/or BC) Proteocephalus sp. (Atl, Pac, BC, Lab, Myxosporida Nfld) Ceratomyxa sp. (Pac) Schistocephalus solidus plerocercoid (Pac, Henneguya pungitii (Que) BC-b, BC, Lab, Nfld, Ont, Que) Myxidium gasterostei (BC) Schistocephalus sp. plerocercoid (BC, Myxobilatus gasterostei (BC) Que) ' Myxobilatus sp. (Pac) Nematoda Sphaerospora elegans (Pac, BC, Que) Anisakis sp. larva (Pac) Monogenea Ascarophis morrhuae (Atl, Lab-b, Lab, Dactylogyrus sp. (BC) Nfld-b, Nfld) Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (Pac, BC) Contracaecum sp. (Pac, Lab, Nfld) Gyrodactylus alexanderi (Pac, BC) Eustrongylides sp. larva (BC, Que-b) G. avalonia (Atl, Lab-b, Lab, Nfld-b, Philonema agubernaculum (Que) Nfld, Ont, Que-b, Que) Acanthocephala G. canadensis (Atl, Nfld-b, Nfld, Que-b, Metechinorhynchus lateralis (Atl, Lab-b, Que) Lab, Nfld-b, NHd) G. lairdi (Atl, Nfld-b) Neoechinorhynchus rutili (BC, Lab-b) G. memorialis (Atl, Nfld-b, Nfld) Mollusca Trematoda Anodonta sp. glochidium (NS) Allobunodera mediovitellata (BC) Unionidae gen.sp. glochidium (BC) Apatemon gracilis metacercaria (BC) Branchiura Apophallus brevis metacercaria (Que) Argulus stizostethü (Nfld) Brachyphallus crenatus (Atl, Lab-b, Copepoda Nfld-b, Nfid) Bomolochus cuneatus (Pac) Bunodera luciopercae (Lab-b, Nfid-b, Caligus clemensi (Pac) Nfld) Copepoda gen.sp. (BC) Bunoderina eucaliae (BC) Ergasilus auritus (Pac, BC-b, BC, Lab-b, Crepidostomum cooperi (Nfid) Lab, Nfld) C. farionis (Nfld) M. turgidus (BC-b) Derogenes varicus (Pac, Nfld-b) Thersitina gasterostei (Atl, BC, Lab-b, Digenea gen.sp. metacercaria (Pac &/or Nfld-b, Nfld, Que-b) BC) Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (BC, Gasterosteus wheatlandi Putnam Ont) blackspotted stickleback Diplostomum scudderi metacercaria (BC) Syn.: Gasterosteus bispinosus atkensi Bean D. spathaceum metacercaria (BC, Lab, Gasterosteus biaculeatus Shaw Nfld-b, Nfld) Monogenea Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac, Nfld-b) Gyrodactylus avalonia (Nfld-b) G. lairdi (Nfld-b) Podocotyle atomon (Atl, Lab-b, Lab, G. memorialis (Nfld-b) Nfld-b, Nfld, Que-b) G. terranovae (N$d-b) P. simplex (Atl) Trematoda P. sinusacca (Pac) Podocotyle atomon (Nfld-b) P. staffordi (Atl) Cestoidea Posthodiplostomum minimum Ligula intestinalis plerocercoid (NB) metacercaria (BC) Proteocephalus sp. (Nfld-b) Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (BC) Schistocephalus solidus plerocercoid Cestoidea (NB, Nfld-b) Bothriocephalidae gen.sp. (Que) Copepoda Bothriocephalus scorpii (Pac) Thersitina gasterostei (Nfld-b) Bothriocephalus sp. (Nfld-b, Nfld) Cestoda gen.sp. (Nfld) Gasterosteus sp. Cyathocephalus truncatus (BC) Branchiura Diphyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (BC) A rgulus sp. (Atl) Phyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Pac) Proteocephalus filicollis (Nfld) Pungitius pungitius (Linnaeus) P. pugetensis (Pac, BC) ninespine stickleback

189 Syn.: Pygosteus pungitius (Linnaeus) Monogenea Protozoa Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (Pac) Eimeria pungitii (Que) Trematoda Eimeria sp. (Que) Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac) Trichodina sp. (Que) Opechona occidentalis (Pac) Myxosporida Parahemiurus merus (Pac) Henneguya pungitii (Que) Podocotyle atomon (Pac) Myxobolus sp. (Ont) P. endophrysi (Pac) Sphaerospora elegans (Que) P. reflexa (Pac) Monogenea P. sinusacca (Pac) Gyrodactylus avalonia (Lab-b, Nfld, Que) Podocotyle sp. (Pac) G. canadensis (Lab-b, Nfid, Que) Tubulovesicula lindbergi (Pac) G. stephanus (Nfld) Cestoidea Trematoda Phyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Pac) Brachyphallus crenatus (Nfld) Nematoda Bunodera luciopercae (Nfld) Anisakis sp. larva (Pac) Bunoderina eucaliae (Ont) Contracaecwn sp. (Pac) Derogenes varicus (Lab-b) Copepoda Diplostomum spathacewn metacercaria Haemobaphes sp. (Pac) (Nfld) Hemiurus appendiculatus (Nfld-b) Podocotyle atomon (Que) ORDER Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (Ont) Cestoidea Family PERCICHTHYIDAE Bothriocephaliclae gen.sp. (Que) Diphyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid Morone americana (Gmelin) (Lab-b, Nfld) Syn.: Roccus atnericanus (Gmelin) Proteocephalus sp. (Lab-b, Nfld, Ont) Protozoa Schistocephalus solidus plerocercoid Eimeria glenorensis (Ont) (NWT, Que) E. moronei (Ont) Schistocephalus sp. plerocercoid (Man) Myxosporida Acanthocephala Henneguya sp. (Ont) Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Ont) Monogenea Metechinorhynchus lateralis (Nfld) Cleidodiscus sp. (Ont) M. salmonis (Alta) Urocleidus rogersi (Ont) Neoechinorhynchus cristatus (Lab-b, Trematoda Que) pophallus venustus metacercaria (Ont) N. pungitius (Ont) Clinostomum margination metacercaria N. rutili (Nfld, NWT, Ont) (Ont) Mollusca Diplostomum spathacewn huronense Anodonta sp. glochidium (NS) metacercaria (Ont) Unionidae gen.sp. glochidium (Ont) Cestoidea Branchiura Eubothrieun crasswn (Ont) Argulus funduli (At1) Triaenophorus nodulosus plerocercoid Copepoda (Ont) Ergasilus sp. (Man) Nematoda Thersitina gasterostei (Lab-b) Contracaecum spiculigerwn larva (Ont) Cucullanellus cotylophora (Ont) Gasterosteidae of Undetermined Species Mollusca Lampsilis radiata glochidium (Ont) "Stickleback" Copepoda Branchiura Ergasilus luciopercarwn (Ont) Argulus stizostethii (NS) Morone chrysops (Rafinesque) white bass Family SYNGNATHIDAE Syn.: Lepibema chrysops (Rafinesque) Protozoa Syngnathus griseolineatus Ayres bay pipefish Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Ont)

190 Trichodina sp. (Ont) Trematoda Trichophrya sp. (Ont) Azygia angusticauda (Ont) Monogenea A. longa (Que) Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (Ont) Bunodera luciopercae (Ont) Urocleidus chrysops (Ont) Centrovarium lobo tes (Ont, Que) Trematoda Clinostomum complanatum metacercaria Allacanthochasmus artus (Ont) (Que) A. varius (Ont) C. marginatum metacercaria (Ont) Bucephalus sp. (Ont) Clinostomum sp. metacercaria (Man) Digenea gen.sp. (Ont) Crepidostomum cooperi (Ont) Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (Ont) C. cornutum (Ont, Que) Leuceruthrus sp. (Ont) Cryptogonimus chili metacercaria (Ont) Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) C. chili (Ont, Que) Cestoidea C. diaphanus (Que?) Bothriocephalus cuspidatus (Ont) Digenea gen.sp. metacercaria (Que) Proteocephalus ambloplitis plerocercoid Diplostomulum scheuringi metacercaria (Ont) (Ont) P. pearsei (Ont) Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (Ont) Triaenophorus nodulosus plerocercoid Diplostomum spathaceum metacercaria (Ont) (Ont) Nematoda Leuceruthrus micropteri (Ont) Camallanus oxycephalus (Ont) Microphallus opacus (Ont) Cucullanellus cotylophora (Ont) Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) Nematoda gen.sp. (Ont) Phyllodistomum sp. (Ont) Rhabdochona sp. (Ont) Posthodiplostomum cuticola Spinitectus carolini (Ont) metacercaria (Que?) Acanthocephala P. minimum metacercaria (Ont, Que) Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Ont) P. minimum centrarchi metacercaria Mollusca (Ont) Unionidae gen.sp. glochidium (Ont) Posthodiplostomum sp. metacercaria (Que) Proterometra macrostoma (Ont) Family SERRANIDAE Rhipidocotyle papillosa metacercaria (Ont) Centropristis striata (Linnaeus) black sea bass Ribeiroia ondatrae metacercaria (Ont) Protozoa Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (Ont) Haemogregarina bigemina (Atl)* Uvulifer ambloplitis metacercaria (Ont) Cestoidea Family CENTRARCHIDAE Bothriocephalus claviceps (Ont) Corallobothrium sp. (Ont) Ambloplites rupestris (Rafinesque) rock bass Ligula intestinalis plerocercoid (Ont) Protozoa Proteocephalus ambloplitis plerocercoid Apiosoma sp. (Ont) (Ont) Myxosporida P. ambloplitis (Ont) Myxobolus sp. (Ont) P. pearsei (Ont) Monogenea Nematoda Cleidodiscus glenorensis (Ont) Camallanus oxycephalus (Ont) C. stentor (Ont) Contracaecum sp. (Ont) Cleidodiscus sp. (Ont) Cucullanellus cotylophora (Ont) Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (Ont) Nematoda gen.sp. (Ont) Gyrodactylus goerani (Ont) Rhabdochona cascadilla (Ont) Gyrodactylus sp. (Ont) Spinitectus carolini (Ont) Lyrodiscus minimus (Ont) Thominx catenata (Ont) L. rupestris (Ont) Thynnascaris brachyura (Ont) Urocleidus alatus (Ont) T. brachyura larva (Ont) U. chautauquaensis (Ont) Acanthocephala U. megalonchus (Ont) Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Ont)

191 Metechinorhynchus lateralis (Que) A pophallus brevis metacercaria (Ont) M. salmonis (Ont) A. venustus metacercaria (Que) Neoechinorhynchus cylindratus (Ont) Azygia angusticauda (Ont) Pomphorhynchus bulbocolli (Ont) Bunoderina sacculata (Ont) P. rocci (Ont) Clinostomtan marginatum metacercaria Hirudinoidea (Ont) Myzobdella moorei (Ont) Crepidostomann cooperi (Ont) Piscicola punctata (Ont) C. cormitwn (Ont) Mollusca Crepidostomum sp. (Ont) Lainpsilis radiata glochidium (Ont) ?Cryptogonimus chili metacercaria (Ont) Unionidae gen.sp. glochidium (Ont) Digenea gen.sp. (Ont) Copepoda Diplostomuhim scheuringi metacercaria Achtheres ambloplitis (Ont) (Ont) A. micropteri (Ont) Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (Ont) Ergasilus caeruleus (Ont) Diplostoanum spathaceum hca•onense E. cend•archidm•um (Ont, Que) metacercaria (Ont) Ergasilus sp. (Ont) Heterophyidae gen.sp. metacercaria (Ont) Lepomis atu•itus (Linnaeus) redbreast sunfish Homalometron m•matcn (Ont, Que) Copepoda Neascus sp. metacercaria (BC, Ont) Ergasilus centrarchidarum (Ont?) Posthodiplostomum cuticola metacercaria (Ont) Lepomis gibbosus (Linnaeus) pumpkinseed P. minimum metacercaria (BC, Ont) Syn.: Eupomotis gibbosus (Linnaeus) P. minimurn centrarchi metacercaria Eupomotis acu•eus (Walbaum) (Ont) Protozoa Proteranetra inacrostoina (Ont) Trichodina sp. (Ont) Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (Ont) Myxosporida Uvulifer mnbloplitis metacercaria (Ont, Chloromyxaun gibbosum (Ont) Que) Myxobilatus ohioensis (Ont) Cestoidea Myxobolus dechtiari (Ont) Bothriocephalus claviceps (Ont) M. magnaspherus (Ont) Botln•iocephalus sp. (Ont) M. osbcn•ni (Ont) Dilepididae gen.sp. larva (Ont) M. uvuliferis (Ont) Diphyllobothriaun sp. plerocercoid (Ont)* Myxobohis sp. (Ont) Hynnenolepis sp. larva (Ont) Myxosporida gen.sp. (Ont) Proteocephalus ambloplitis plerocercoid Monogenea (Ont) Actinocleidus gibbosus (Ont) P. fluviatilis (Ont) A. incus (Ont) P. pearsei (Ont) A. oculatus (Ont) Triaenophorus nodulosus plerocercoid A. recurvatus (Ont) (Ont) A. scapularis (Ont) Nematoda A. sigmoideus (Ont) Camallanus oxycephalus (Ont) Cleidodiscus robustus (Ont) Contracaecum sp. (Ont) Gyrodactylidae gen.sp. (Ont) Eustrongylides sp. larva (Ont) Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (BC, Ont) Nematoda gen.sp. (Ont) Gyrodactylus avalonia (Ont) Philometra sp. (Ont) G. macrochiri (Ont) Rhabdochona sp. (Ont) Urocleidus acer (Ont) Spinitectus carolini (Ont) U. attenuatus (Ont) S. gracilis (Ont) U. dis par (Ont) Spiroxys sp. larva (BC, Ont) U. ferox (Ont) Thynnascaris brachyura (Ont) U. megalonchus (Ont) Acanthocephala U. procax (Ont) Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Ont) U. similis (Ont) Metechinorhynchus salinonis (Ont) Trematoda Neoechinorhynchus cylindratus (Ont) Allocreadicun sp. (Ont) Pomphorhynchus bulbocolli (Ont)

192 Mollusca Lernaea cyprinacea (Ont) Unionidae gen.sp. glochidium (Ont) Copepoda Lepomis megalotis (Rafinesque) longear sunfish Achtheres ambloplitis (Ont) Syn.: Xenotis megalotis (Rafinesque) Ergasilus caeruleus (Ont) Trematoda E. centrarchidarum (Ont) Posthodiplostomum minimum Ergasilus sp. (Ont) metacercaria (Ont) Lernaea cyprinacea (Ont) Hirudinoidea Lepomis sp. Myzobdella moorei (Ont) Trematoda Piscicola punctata (Ont) Digenea gen.sp. metacercaria (Que) Placobdella montifera (Ont) Micropterus dolomieui Lacépède Lepomis macrochirus Rafinesque bluegill smallmouth bass Syn.: Lepomis pallidus (Mitchill) Protozoa Helioperca incisor (Cuvier and Chilodonella dentata (Que) Valenciennes) Eimeria micropteri (Ont) Monogenea Haemogregarina sp. (Que) Actinocleidus bakeri (Ont) Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Ont) A. gibbosus (Ont) ?Trichodina domerguei (Ont) A. unguis (Ont) ?Vorticellidae gen.sp. (Ont) Cleidodiscus robustus (Ont) Myxosporida C. venardi (Ont) Myxidium sp. (NS) Cleidodiscus sp. (Ont) Myxobolus osburni (Ont) Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (Ont) Myxosporida gen.sp. (Ont) Lyrodiscus longibasus (Ont) Monogenea L. seminolensis (Ont) Ancyrocephalus sp. (NS) Lyrodiscus sp. (Ont) Cleidodiscus banghami (Ont) Urocleidus dispar (Ont) C. glenorensis (Ont) U. ferox (Ont) Cleidodiscus sp. (Ont) Trematoda Dactylogyrus extensus (NS) Bunodera luciopercae (Ont) Gyrodactylidae gen.sp. (Ont) Clinostomum marginatum metacercaria Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (Ont) (Ont) Gyrodactylus macrochiri (Ont) Posthodiplostomum minimum ?G. medius (Ont) metacercaria (Ont) Syncleithrium fusiformis (Ont) P. minimum centrarchl metacercaria Urocleidus dispar (Ont) (Ont) ferox (Ont) Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (Ont) U. megalonchus (Ont) Uvulifer ambloplitis metacercaria (Ont) U. principalis (Ont) Cestoidea Trematoda Proteocephalus ambloplitis plerocercoid A pophallus venustus metacercaria (Que) (Ont) Azygia angusticauda (Ont, Que) P. pearsei (Ont) A. longa (Ont) Nematoda Caecincola parvulus (Ont) Carnallanus oxycephalus (Ont) Centrovarium lobotes (Ont) Cucullanellus cotylophora (Ont) Clinostomum complanatum metacercaria Nematoda gen.sp. (Ont) (Man, Que) Rhabdochona sp. (Ont) C. marginatum metacercaria (Ont) Acanthocephala Clinostomum sp. metacercaria (Man) Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Ont) Crepidostomum cooperi (Ont, Que) Hirudinoidea C. cornutum (NS, Ont, Que) Piscicola punctata (Ont) Cryptogonimus chili metacercaria (Ont) Mollusca C. chili (Ont, Que) Unionidae gen.sp. glochidium (Ont) Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (Ont) Copepoda Diplostomum spathaceum metacercaria Ergasilus centrarchidarum (Ont) (Ont)

193 Leuceruthrus inicropteri (Ont) Achtheres ambloplitis (Ont) Lissorchis sp. (Ont) A. micro pteri (Ont) Maritreminoides obstipus (Ont)*** Ergasilus caeruleus (BC, Ont) Microphallidae gen.sp. (Ont) E. centrarchidarum (Ont) Micro phallus opacus (Ont, Que) Ergasilus sp. (Ont) Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) Lernaeidae gen.sp. (Ont) Neochasmus wnbellus (Ont) Phyllodistomutn superbuin (Que) Micro pterus salmoides (Lacépède) Posthodiplostom II 171 minimum largemouth bass metacercaria (Ont, Que) Syn.: A plites salmokles (Lacépède) Posthodiplostomum sp. metacercaria Huro salmoides (Lacépède) (Que) Protozoa Rhipidocotyle papillosa metacercaria A piosoma sp. (Ont) (Ont) Eimeria micropteri (Ont) R. papillosa (Ont) Eimeria sp. (Ont) Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (Ont) lchthyophthirius multifiliis (Ont) Uvulifer ambloplitis metacercaria Spironucleus sp. (Ont) (Ont, Que) ?Trichodina dom erguei (Ont) Cestoidea Trichodina sp. (Ont) Bothriocephalus claviceps (Ont) ?Vorticellidae gen.sp. (Ont) Bothriocephalus sp. (Ont) Myxosporida Ligula intestinalis plerocercoid (Ont) Myxobolus sp. (Ont) Proteocephalus ambloplitis plerocercoid Monogenea (Ont, Que) Actinocleidus mizellei (Ont) P. atnbloplitis (Ont, Que) Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (BC, Ont) P. fluviatilis (Ont) Gyrodactylus macrochiri (Ont) P. pearsei (Ont) Syncleithriutn fusifortnis (Ont) P. stizostethi (Ont) Urocleidus dispar (Ont) Proteocephalus sp. (BC) U. furcatus (Ont) Triaenophorus nodulosus plerocercoid U. helicis (Ont) (Ont) U. principalis (Ont) Triaenophorus sp. plerocercoid (Ont) Urocleiclus sp. (Ont) Nematoda Trematoda Camallanus oxycephalus (Ont) Azygia angusticauda (Ont) Capillaria sp. (Ont) Bunodera luciopercae (Ont) Contracaecum sp. (Ont) Caecin cola parvulus (Ont) Cucullanellus cot ylophora (Ont) Crepidostotnum cornittum (Ont) Nematoda gen.sp. (Ont) Cryptogonitnus chili (Ont) Philometra sp. (Ont) Diplostomulwn scheuringi metacercaria Rhabdochona cascadilla (Ont) (Ont) RhabdochOna sp. (BC) Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria Spinitectus carolini (Ont) (BC, Ont) S. gracilis (Ont) Leuceruthrus micropteri (Ont) Thynnascaris brachyura (On t) Micro phallus opacus (Ont) Acanthocephala Neascus sp. metacercaria (BC) Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Ont, Que) Posthodiplostomum minitnum Aletechinorhynchus lateralis (Que) metacercaria (Ont) M. salmonis (Ont) P. minimum centrarchi metacercaria Neoechinorhynchus cylindra tus (Ont) (Ont) N. rutili (Ont) Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (Ont) Potnphorhynchus bulbocolli (Ont) Cestoidea Hirudinoidea Corallobothriwn sp. (Ont) lllinobdella alba (Ont) Dilepis unilateralis cysticercus (Ont) I. elongata (Ont) Due pis sp. cysticercus (Ont) Illinobdella sp. (Ont) Proteocephalus ambloplitis plerocercoid Pisci cola punctata (Ont) (BC, Ont) Copepoda P. ambloplitis (Ont)

194 P. fluviatilis (Ont) C. vancleavei (Ont) P. pearsei (Ont) Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (BC, Ont) Nematoda Lyrodiscus longibasus (Ont) Camallanus oxycephalus (Ont) Lyrodiscus sp. (Ont) Cucullanellus cotylophora (Ont) Trematoda Dioctophyma sp. (Ont) Diplostomulum scheuringi metacercaria Nematoda gen.sp. (Ont) (Ont) Spinitectus carolini (Ont) Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (Ont) Thynnascaris brachyura (Ont) Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) Acanthocephala Posthodiplostomum minimum Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Ont) metacercaria (Ont) Metechinorhynchus salmonis (Ont) Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (Ont) Neoechinorhynchus cylindratus (Ont) Cestoidea Hirudinoidea Bothriocephalus sp. (Ont) Placobdella mon tif era (Ont) Proteocephalus ambloplitis plerocercoid Mollusca (Ont) Unionidae gen.sp. glochidium (Ont) P. pearsei (Ont) Copepoda Nematoda Achtheres micropteri (Ont) Camallanus oxycephalus (Ont) Ergasilus centrarchidarum (Ont) Spinitectus gracilis (Ont) Acanthocephala Micropterus sp. Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Ont) Trematoda Neoechinorhynchus cylindratus (Ont) Digenea gen.sp. metacercaria (Que) Mollusca Unionidae gen.sp. glochidium (Ont) Pomoxis annularis Rafinesque white crappie Copepoda Myxosporida Ergasilus caeruleus (Ont) Myxosporida gen.sp. (Ont) Monogenea Family PERCIDAE Cleidodiscus capax (Ont) C. longus (Ont) C. uniformis (Ont) Ammocrypta pellucida (Putnam) Lyrodiscus longibasus (Ont) eastern sand darter Trematoda Trematoda Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (Ont) Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) Cestoidea Plagioporus cooperi (Ont)* Proteocephalus pearsei (Ont) Plagioporus sp. (Ont) Nematoda Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (Ont) Camallanus oxycephalus (Ont) Nematoda Nematoda gen.sp. (Ont) Camallanus oxycephalus (Ont) Spinitectus gracilis (Ont) Nematoda gen.sp. (Ont) Acanthocephala Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Ont) Etheostoma blennioides Rafinesque Copepoda greenside darter Ergasilus caeruleus (Ont) Trematoda Allocreadium sp. (Ont) Pomoxis nigromaculatus (Lesueur) Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (Ont) black crappie Nematoda Syn.: Pomoxis sparoides (Lacépède) Camallanus oxycephalus (Ont) Protozoa Trichodina sp. (Ont) Etheostoma exile (Girard) Iowa darter Myxosporida Syn.: Etheostoma iowae Jordan and Meek Myxobolus intestinalis (Ont) Poecilichthys exilis (Girard) Myxobolus sp. (Ont) Protozoa Monogenea Apiosoma sp. (Ont) Cleidodiscus capax (Ont) Eimeria etheostomae (Ont) C. longus (Ont) Eimeria sp. (Ont)

195 Epistylis sp. (Ont) Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (Ont) Myxosporida Gyrodactylus etheostotnae (Ont) Myxobolus poecilichthidis (Que) G. stunkardi (Ont) Myxobolus sp. (Ont) Gyrodactylus sp. (Ont) Monogenea Urocleid us hargisi (Ont) Gyroclactylus etheostomae (Ont) Trematoda Gyrodactylus sp. (Ont) A pophallus brevis metacercaria (Ont) Trematoda Azygia angusticauda (Ont) Allocreadium sp. (Ont) Clinostomuin inarginatwn metacercaria A pophallus brevis metacercaria (Ont) (Ont) Azygia angusticauda (Ont) Crepidostomum isostomum (Ont) Crepidostotnwn isostomutn (Ont)* Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (Ont) Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (Ont) Leuceruthrus sp. (Ont) Diplostomutn spathacewn metacercaria Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) (Ont) Plagioporus cooperi (Ont) Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) Posthodiplostomwn minimum Plagioporus sp. (Ont) metacercaria (Ont) Posthodiplostomum minimum Rhipidocotyle papillosa (Ont) metacercaria (Ont) Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (Ont) Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (Ont) Cestoidea Uvulifer ambloplitis metacercaria (Ont) Bothriocephalus formosus (Ont) Cestoidea Proteocephalus pearsei (Ont) Bothriocephalus cuspiclatus (Ont) Nematoda B. formosus (Ont) Contracaecum sp. (Ont) Corallobothrium sp. (Ont) Dichelyne sp. (Ont) Hymenolepis sp. larva (Ont) Nematoda gen.sp. (Ont) Nematoda Rhabdochona cascadilla (Ont) Catnallanus oxycephalus (Ont) Spiroxys sp. larva (Ont) Contracaecutn sp. (Ont) Acanthocephala Nematoda gen.sp. (Ont) Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Ont) Rhabdochona cascadilla (Ont) Neoechinorhynchus cylindratus (Ont) Thynnascaris brachyura (Ont) Hirudinoidea Acanthocephala Illinobdella sp. (Ont) Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Ont) Branchiura Metechinorhynchus sp. (Ont) Argulus catostotni (Ont) Hirudinoidea Illinobdella sp. (Ont) Perca flavescens (Mitchill) yellow perch Branchiura Syn.: Perca fluviatilis Linnaeus auct. Argulus catostotni (Ont) Protozoa Balantidium sp. (Que) Etheostoma flabellare Rafinesque fantail darter Eimeria laureleus (Ont) Syn.: Catonotus flabellaris (Rafinesque) E. tedlai (Ont) Trematoda Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Ont) Clinostomutn tnarginatum metacercaria Spironucleus sp. (Ont) (Ont) Trichodina sp. (Ont, Que) Cotylurus communis metacercaria (Ont) Trypanosoma percae var. canadensis Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) (Que) Acanthocephala Myxosporida Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Ont) Henneguya doori (Ont) H. percae (Que) Etheostoma nigrum Rafinesque johnny darter Henneguya sp. (Ont) Syn.: Boleosotna nigruin (Rafinesque) Myxiditan percae (Que) Protozoa Illyxobolus percae (Ont, Que) Eimeria etheostomae (Ont) Myxosoma scleroperca (Ont) Myxosporida Monogenea Myxobolus sp. (Ont) Cleidodiscus sp. (Ont) Monogenea Gyrodactylidae gen.sp. (Ont)

196 Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (Ont) Corallobothrium sp. (Ont) Gyrodactylus freemani (Ont) Cyathocephalus truncatus (Ont) Urocleidus adspectus (Ont) Diphyllobothrium latum plerocercoid Trematoda (Man) A pophallus brevis metacercaria (Ont) Diphyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Que) A. venustus metacercaria (Ont, Que) Ligula intestinalis plerocercoid (BC, Azygia angusticauda (Ont, Que) Man, Ont, Sask) A. longa (Ont)* Proteocephalus ambloplitis plerocercoid Bucephalus elegans (Ont) (Ont) Bunodera luciopercae (Ont, Que) P. ambloplitis (Ont) Bunodera sp. (Que) P. pearsei (Ont) Bunoderina sacculata (Ont, Que) P. pin guis (Ont) Centrovarium lobotes (Ont) Schistocephalus solidus plerocercoid Clinostomum cornplanatum metacercaria (Ont) (Man, Que) Triaenophorus nodulosus plerocercoid C. marginatum metacercaria (Man, (Man, Ont) Ont, Que) Triaenophorus sp. plerocercoid (Ont, Clinostomum sp. metacercaria (Man) Hudson Bay drainage) Crassiphiala bulboglossa metacercaria Nematoda (Ont) Camallanus oxycephalus (Ont) Crepidostomum cooperi (Man, Ont, Que) Cam allanus sp. (Ont) C. farionis (Ont) Contracaecum spiculigerum larva (Ont) C. isostomum (Que) Con tracaecum sp. (Ont, Que) Cryptogonimus chili (Ont) Cucullanellus cotylophora (Ont, Que) Diplostomulum scheuringi metacercaria Eustrongylides sp. larva (Ont) (Ont) Nematoda gen.sp. (Ont) Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (Ont) Philometra cylindracea (Ont) Diplostomum adamsi metacercaria (Ont) Philometra sp. (Ont, Que) D. spathaceum metacercaria (Ont) Raphidascaris sp. (Man, Que) D. spathaceum huronense metacercaria Rhabdochona cascadilla (Ont) (Ont) R. ovifilamenta (Ont) Leuceruthrus sp. (Ont) Rhabdochona sp. (Ont) Metorchis con junctus metacercaria Spinitectus gracilis (Ont) (Man) Spin itectus sp. (Ont) Microphallidae gen.sp. (Ont) Spiroxys con tonus larva (Ont) Micro phallus opacus (Ont, Que) Spi roxys sp. larva (Ont) Neascus pyriformis metacercaria (Ont) Acanthocephala Neascus sp. metacercaria (BC, Ont) Acanthocephalus jacksoni (Ont) Phyllodistomum superbum (Ont, Que?) Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Ont) Posthodiplostomum minimum Metechinorhynchus lateralis (Que) metacercaria (Ont) M. salmonis (Ont) P. minimum centrarchi metacercaria Neoechinorhynchus cylindratus (Man, (Ont) Ont) Ptychogonimus fontanus (Que) N. pungitius (Ont) Rhipidocotyle papillosa metacercaria N. rutili (Ont) (Ont) Neoechinorhynchus sp. (Ont) Sanguinicola occidentalis (Ont) Pomphorhynchus bulbocolli (Ont) Strigeidae gen.sp. (Que) Hirudinoidea Tetracotyle diminuta metacercaria (Ont) Actinobdella sp. (Que) T. intermedia metacercaria (Ont) Illinobdella alba (Ont) Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (Ont) Illinobdella sp. (Ont, Que) Uvulifer ambloplitis metacercaria (Ont) Myzobdella moorei (Ont) Cestoidea Piscicola punctata (Ont) Bothriocephalus cuspidatus (Ont, Piscicola sp. (Ont) Hudson Bay drainage) Placobdella parasitica(Ont) Bothriocephalus sp. (Man, Ont) Mollusca Cestoda gen.sp. metacestode (Que) Anodonta sp. glochidium (Ont)

197 Elliptio complanata glochidium (Ont) Plagiopoizis cooperi (Ont)* Latnpsilis radiata glochidium (Ont) Plagioporus sp. (Ont) Unionidae gen.sp. glochidium (Ont) Cestoidea Branchiura Bothriocephalus cuspidatus (Ont) Argulus stizostethü (NS, Ont) Nematoda Copepoda Cmnallanus oxycephahis (Ont) Ergasilus caerzdeus (Ont) E. centrm•chidarum (Ont?) Percina inaculata (Girard) blackside darter E. luciopercarcan (Ont) Syn.: Hadropterus inaculatus (Girard) Ergasiliis sp. (Man) Nematoda Acarina Camallanus oxycephalus (Ont) Hyclrachna sp. larva (Ont) Stizostedion canadense (Smith) sauger Percina caprodes (Rafinesque) logperch Syn.: Lucioperca canadense (Smith) Protozoa Stizostedion canadense griseum (DeKay) Trichodina sp. (Ont) Myxosporida Myxosporida Myxosporida gen.sp. (Ont) Myxobolus sp. (Ont) Monogenea Myxosporida gen.sp. (Ont) Urocleidus acaJeatus (Ont) Monogenea Trematoda Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (Ont) Centrovarium lobotes (Ont) Urocleidus inalleus (Ont) Clinostornasm marginatum metacercaria Trematoda (Ont) Clinostomcnn marginatiml metacercaria Cotyho•us communis metacercaria (Ont) (Ont) Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (Ont) Crepidostom tnn isostom um (Ont) Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) Diplostomulum schecu•ingi metacercaria Prosorhynchoides pusilla (Ont) (Ont) Phyllodistomum superbcnn (Ont) Diplostomuleun sp. metacercaria (Ont) Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (Ont) Leucerutln•us sp. (Ont) Cestoidea Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) Bothriocephalus claviceps (Ont) Podocotyle boleosoini (Ont) B. cuspidatus (Ont, Hudson Bay Posthodiplostomurn minimurn drainage) metacercaria (Ont) Diphyllobotlvium lataun plerocercoid Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (Ont) (Man) Cestoidea Proteocephalus mnbloplitis plerocercoid BoNn•iocephalus cuspidatus (Ont) (Ont) B. jormosus (Ont) P. luciopercae (Man, Sask) Proteocephalus pearsei (Ont) P. stizostethi (Ont) P. stizostethi (Ont) Triaenophorus nodulosus plerocercoid Nematoda (Ont) Camallm7us oxycephalus (Ont) Triaenophorzis sp. plerocercoid (Ont) Contracaeccan sp. (Ont) Triaenophorzis sp. adult (Ont) Nematoda gen.sp. (Ont) Nematoda Acanthocephala Cainallanus oxycephalus (Ont) Leptorhynchoides thecatus (Ont) Eu.rtrongylides sp. larva (Ont) Metechinorhpachus sp. (Ont) Thynnascaris brachyura (Ont) Pomphorhynchus bulbocolli (Ont) T. brachyima larva (Ont) Hirudinoidea Acanthocephala Piscicola punctata (Ont) Metechinorhynchus sabnonis (Ont) Copepoda Neoechinorhynchtts cylindratus (Ont) Ergasilus caeruleus (Ont) N. tenellus (Ont) Neoechinorhynchus sp. (Ont) Percina copelandi (Jordan) channel darter Hirudinoidea Syn.: Rheocrypta copelandi Jordan Myzobdella inoorei (Ont) Trematoda Piscicola punctata (Ont) Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) Mollusca

198 Unionidae gen.sp. glochidium (Ont) Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (Ont) Branchiura Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) A rgulus appendiculosus (Ont) Phyllodistomum superbum (Ont) Copepoda Posthodiplostomum minimum Ergasilus caeruleus (Ont) metacercaria (Ont) E. centrarchidarum (Ont) Prosorhynchoides pusilla (Man, Ont, Que) Stizostedion vitreum glaucum Hubbs blue pike Sanguinicola occidentalis (Ont) Syn.: Stizostedion glaucum Hubbs Cestoidea Monogenea Bothriocephalus cuspidatus (Man, NWT, Urocleidus aculeatus (Ont) Ont, Que, Hudson Bay drainage) Trematoda Diphyllobothrium latum plerocercoid Azygia angusticauda (Ont) (Alta, Man, NWT, Ont, Sask) Centrovarium lobotes (Ont) Diphyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Man) Prosorhynchoides pusilla (Ont) Proteocephalus ambloplitis plerocercoid Cestoidea (Ont) Bothriocephalus cuspidatus (Ont) P. luciopercae (Man, Ont, Sask) Proteocephalus ambloplitis plerocercoid P. pearsei (Ont) (Ont) P. pinguis (Ont) P. stizostethi (Ont) P. stizostethi (Ont, Que) Triaenophorus sp. plerocercoid (Ont) Proteocephalus sp. (Alta—Sask, Ont, Que) Triaenophorus sp. adult (Ont) Triaenophorus crassus adult (Ont) Nematoda T. nodulosus adult (Ont) Philometra cylindracea (Ont) T. stizostedionis adult (Alta, Man, NWT, Acanthocephala Ont, Sask) Leptorhynchoides sp. (Ont) Triaenophorus sp. plerocercoid (Ont) Metechinorhynchus sp. (Ont) Nematoda Copepoda Camallanus oxycephalus (Ont) Ergasilus caeruleus (Ont) Contracaecum sp. (Que) E. centrarchidarum (Ont) Cucullanellus cotylophora (Ont) Eustrongylides sp. larva (Ont) Stizostedion vitreum vitreum (Mitchill) walleye Nematoda gen.sp. (Ont) Syn.: Lucioperca vitreum (Mitchill) Raphidascaris acus (Man) Stegostedion vitrettm (Mitchill) Raphidascaris sp. (Man) Stizostedion vitreum (Mitchill) Rhabdochona canadensis (Alta)* ** Myxosporida Spinitectus gracilis (Ont) Myxosporida gen.sp. (Ont) Spinitectus sp. (Ont) Monogenea Thynnascaris brachyura (Ont) Urocleidus aculeatus (Ont) Acanthocephala Cleidodiscus sp. (Ont) Leptor hynchoides thecatus (Ont) Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (Ont) Metechinorhynchus salmonis (Alta, Ont) Trematoda Metechinorhynchus sp. (Ont) A pophallus venustus metacercaria (Que) Neoechinorhynchus crassus (Man) Azygia angusticauda (Ont, Que) N. cylindratus (Man, Ont) Azygia sp. (Ont) N. tenellus (Ont) Bunoderina sacculata (Ont) Neoechinorhynchus sp. (Man) Centrovarium jabotes (Man, Ont, Que) Pomphorhynchus sp. (Man) Clinostomum complanatum metacercaria Hirudinoidea (Man) Macrobdella decora (Sask) C. marginatum metacercaria (Man, Ont) Myzobdella moorei (Alta, Ont) Clinostomum sp. metacercaria (Man) Percymoorensis marmorata (Sask) Cotylurus communis metacercaria (Ont) Piscicola punctata (Ont) Crepidostomum cooperi (Que?) Mollusca Crepidostomum sp. (Ont) Unionidae gen.sp. glochidium (Ont) Digenea gen.sp. metacercaria (Que) Branchiura Diplostomulum scheuringi metacercaria Argulus stizostethii (Man, Ont) (Ont) A. versicolor (Ont)

199 Copepoda Hirudinoidea Copepoda gen.sp. (Ont) Piscicola punctata (Ont) Ergasilus caeruleus (Ont) Mollusca E. centrarchidarum (Ont) Unionidae gen.sp. glochidium (Ont) E. luclopercartun (Ont?, Que) Ergasilus sp. (Man) Family EMBIOTOCIDAE Stizostedion sp. Syn.: Lucioperca sp. Brachyistius frenatus Gill kelp perch Trematoda Trematoda Azygia longa (Ont)** Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac)

Family BRAMIDAE Cymatogaster aggregata Gibbons shiner perch Monogenea Brama japonica Hilgendorf Pacific pomfret Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (Pac) Syn.: Brama rayi (Bloch) Gyrodactylus sp. (Pac) Trematoda Trematoda Lampritretna miescheri (Pac) Galactosomum sp. metacercaria (Pac) Syncoelium sp. (Pac) Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac) Neozoogonus californicus (Pac) Telolecithus pugetensis (Pac) Family SCIAENIDAE Tubulovesicula lindbergi (Pac) Cestoidea A plodinotus grunniens Rafinesque Eubothrium sp. (Pac) freshwater drum Phyllobothriwn sp. plerocercoid (Pac) Protozoa Nematoda Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Ont) Anisakis sp. larva (Pac) Myxosporida Contracaecum sp. (Pac) Myxosporida gen.sp. (Ont) Cucullanellus kanabus (Pac) Monogenea Acanthocephala Lin toxine cokeri (Ont) Corynosoma sp. juvenile (Pac) Microcotyle eriensis (Ont) Echinorhynchus gadi (Pac) M. spinicirrus (Ont) Branchiura Trematoda Argulus pugettensis (Pac) Bunodera luciopercae (Ont) Copepoda Cotylogaster occidentalis (Ont) Bomolochus cuneatus (Pac) Crepidostointun sp. (Ont) Bomo/ochus sp. (Pac) Homalometron armatutn (Ont) Ergasilus turgiclus (Pac) Neascus sp. metacercaria (Ont) Haemobaphes diceraus (Pac) Phyllodistomuin sp. (Ont) Isopoda San guinicola sp. (Ont) Lironeca californica (Pac) Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (Ont) Cestoidea Embiotoca lateralis Agassiz striped seaperch Bothriocephalus claviceps (Ont) Syn.: Taeniotoca lateralis (Agassiz) B. cuspidatus (Ont) Branchiura Proteocephalus pearsei (Ont) Argulus pugettensis (Pac) Nematoda Copepoda Cam allanus oxycephalus (Ont) Bomolochus sp. (Pac) Cucullanellus cotylophora (Ont) Clavella parva (Pac) Nematoda gen.sp. (Ont) Philotnetra cylindracea (Ont) Phanerodon furcatus Girard white seaperch Philometra sp. (Ont) Branchiura Spinitectus gracilis (Ont) Argulus pugettensis (Pac) Acanthocephala Copepoda Leptorhychoides thecatus (Ont) Bomolochus sp. (Pac) Pomphorhynchus bulbocolli (Ont) Clavella parva (Pac)

200 Rhacochilus vacca (Girard) pile perch Nematoda Syn.: Damalichthys argyrosomus Girard A nisakis sp. larva (Pac) Damalichthys vacca Girard Cucullanus sp. (Pac) Myxosporida Henneguya sp. (Pac) Branchiura Family STICHAEIDAE Argulus pugettensis (Pac) Copepoda Anoplarchus purpurescens Gill high cockscomb Bomolochus cuneatus (Pac) Trematoda Clavella parva (Pac) Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac) Nematoda Anisakis sp. larva (Pac) Family LABRIDAE A scarophis sebastodis (Pac) Contracaecum sp. (Pac) Tautogolabrus adspersus (Walbaum) cunner Phocanema sp. larva (Pac) Syn.: Ctenolabrus adspersus (Walbaum) Lumpenus lumpretaeformis (Walbaum) Protozoa snakeblenny Trypanosoma murmanensis (Atl) Copepoda (experimental infection) Haemobaphes cyclopterina (Atl) Trematoda Cryptocotyle lingua metacercaria (Atl) Lumpenus sagitta Wilimovsky Derogenes varicus (Atl) snake prickleback Digenea gen.sp. metacercaria (Atl) Trematoda Digenea gen.sp. (Atl) Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac) Hemiurus levinseni (Atl) Lecithaster gibbosus (Atl) Ulvaria subbifurcata (Storer) radiated shanny (Atl) Lepidapedon elongatum Protozoa Metadena sp. (Atl) Trichodina elizabethae (Atl) Microphallus sp. (Atl) Podocotyle atomon (Atl) Xiphister atropurpureus (Kittlitz) P. reflexa (Atl) black prickleback Ptychogonimus megastomus (Atl) Syn.: A noplarchus atropurpureus (Kittlitz) Cestoidea Epigeichthys atropurpureus (Kittlitz) Abothrium gadi (Atl)*"* Trematoda Bothriocephalus sp. (Atl) Podocotyle atomon (Pac) Eubothrium parvum (Atl) Nematoda Eubothrium sp. (Atl) Philometra americana (Pac) Pseudophyllidea gen.sp. (Atl) Copepoda Scolex pleuronectis bilocularis Chondracanthus pinguis (Pac) plerocercoid (Atl) Lepeophtheirus parviventris (Pac) Nematoda Anisakis sp. larva (Atl) Contracaecum sp. (Atl) Family Culcullanellus minutus (Atl) Nematoda gen.sp. (Atl) Apodichthys flavidus Girard penpoint gunnel Phocanema sp. larva (Atl) Cestoidea Phocascaris sp. larva (Atl) Bothriocephalus scorpii (Pac) Thynnascaris adunca (Atl) Nematoda Acanthocephala Anisakis sp. larva (Pac) Echinorhynchus gadi (Atl) Capillaria sp. (Pac) Thynnascaris magna (Pac) Copepoda Family BATHYMASTERIDAE Chondracanthus pusillus (Pac)

Ronquilus jordani (Gilbert) northern ronquil Pholis gunnellus (Linnaeus) rock gunnel Trematoda Protozoa Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac) Haemogregarina sp. (Atl)

201 Microsporida gen.sp. (Atl) Trematoda Myxosporida Derogenes varicus (At!) Kwloa sp. (Atl) Fellodistomum furcigerwn (Atl) Trematoda Stephanostomum baccatum (At!) Podocotyle simplex (Ad) Cryptacanthodes sp. Pholis laeta (Cope) crescent gunnel Trematoda Trematoda Hemiurus sp. (At!) Podocotyle sp. (Pac) Cestoidea Lyconectes aleutensis Gilbert dwarf wrymouth Bothriocephalus sp. (Pac) Trematoda Nematoda Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac) A nisakis sp. larva (Pac) Contracaecum sp. (Pac) Philometra atnericana (Pac) Family AMMODYTIDAE

Pholis ornata (Girard) saddleback gunnel Ammodytes americanus DeKay Monogenea American sand lance Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (Pac) Syn.: Atnmodytes tobianus Linnaeus auct. Trematoda Protozoa Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac) Haemohortnidium terraenovae (At!) Podocotyle pedunculata (Pac) Trematoda Nematoda ?Hemittrus appendiculatus (At1) A nisakis sp. larva (Pac) Contracaecum sp. (Pac) Ammodytes dubius Reinhardt Philometra americana (Pac) northern sand lance Trematoda Family ANARHICHADIDAE Brachyphallus crenatus (At!) Derogenes varicus (Ad) Anarhichas den ticulatus Kroyer Lecithaster gibbosus (AU) northern wolffish Cestoidea Copepoda Bothriocephalus scorpii (At!) Sphyrion /umpi (At!) Tetraphyllidea gen.sp. plerocercoid (AtI) Nematoda Anarhichas lupus Linnaeus Atlantic wolffish Thynnascaris adunca (Ad) Protozoa Trypanosoma murtnanensis (At!) Ammodytes hexapterus Pallas Trematoda Pacific sand lance Derogenes plenus (At!) Syn.: Ammodytes tobianus personatus Girard Digenea gen.sp. (Ad) auct. Fellodistotnutn agonotwn (At!) Monogenea F. fellis (Atl) Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (Pac) Lepidophyllutn steenstrupi (At!) Trematoda Neophasis pttsilla (At!) Galactosomum sp. metacercaria (Pac) Copepoda Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac) Sphyrion lumpi (At!) Cestoidea Cestoda gen.sp. (Pac) Anarhichas minor Olafsen spotted wolffish Phyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Pac) Protozoa Nematoda Trypanosoma murmanensis (At!) Anisakis sp. larva (Pac) Contracaecum sp. (Pac) Acanthocephala Family CRYPTACANTHODIDAE Echinorhynchus gadi (Pac) Copepoda Cryptacanthodes maculatus Storer wrymouth Haelnobaphes sp. (Pac) Myxosporida Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Pac) Ceratotnyxa acadiensis (At!)* Lepeophtheirus sp. (Pac)

202 Family GOBIIDAE Copepoda Pennella filosa (Atl) Coryphopterus nicholsi (Bean) blackeye goby Trematoda Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac) Family STROMATEIDAE Pseudopentagramma petrowi (Pac) Cestoidea Peprilus triacanthus (Peck) butterfish Phyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Pac) Syn.: Porono tus triacanthus (Peck) Nematoda Monogenea Con tracaecum sp. (Pac) Microcotyle poronoti (Atl)


Scomber scombrus Linnaeus Atlantic mackerel Sebastes aleutianus (Jordan and Evermann) Monogenea rougheye rockfish Kuhnia scombri (Atl) Monogenea Trematoda Trocho pus sp. (Pac) Podocotyle atomon (Atl) Trematoda P. simplex (At!) Derogenes varicus (Pac) Nematoda Hemiuridae gen.sp. (Pac) Anisakis simplex larva (AU) Lecithophyllum botryophorum (Pac) Anisakis sp. larva (At!) Neohelicometra sebastis (Pac) Thynnascaris adunca (Atl) Neolepidapedon sebastisci (Pac) Podocotyle sp. (Pac) Scomber sp. Prosorhynchus crucibulum (Pac) Nematoda Psettarium sebastodorum (Pac) Con tracaecum sp. (Pac) Steganoderma formosum (Pac) Cestoidea Thunnus alalunga (Bonnaterre) albacore Nybelinia surmenicola plerocercoid (Pac) Copepoda Phyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Pac) Pennella sp. (Pac) Nematoda Contracaecum sp. larva (Pac) Thunnus thynnus (Linnaeus ) bluefin tuna Cucullanus sp. (Pac) Trematoda Thynnascaris adunca (Pac) Hirudinella ventricosa (At!) Acanthocephala Corynosoma sp. juvenile (Pac) Copepoda Scombridae of Undetermined Species Brachiella robusta (Pac) Chondracanthus pin guis (Pac) "Tuna" C. triventricosus (Pac) Trematoda (Pac) Didymozoidae gen.sp. (—) Colobomatus kyphosus Naobran chia occidentalis (Pac) Sarcotaces arcticus (Pac) Family XIPHIIDAE Sebastes alutus (Gilbert) Pacific ocean perch Xiphias gladius Linnaeus swordfish Syn.: Sebast odes alutus (Gilbert) Monogenea Monogenea Tristoma coccineum (At!) Microcotyle sebastis (Pac) T. integrum (At!) Microcotyle sp. (Pac) Trematoda Pseudacanthocotylawilliamsi (Pac)** * Hirudinella ventricosa (At!) Trochopus marginata (Pac) Cestoidea Trocho pus sp. (Pac) Fistulicola plicatus (Atl) Trematoda Nematoda Derogenes varicus (Pac) Nematoda gen.sp. (Atl) Digenea gen.sp. (Pac) Thynnascaris incurva (At!) Fellodistomum sebastodis (Pac)

203 Hemiuridae gen.sp. (Pac) Sebastes babcocki (Thompson) Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac) redbanded rockfish Lecithophyllum botryophorann (Pac) Monogenea Neohelicometra sebastis (Pac) Trochopus sp. (Pac) Neolepidapedon sebastisci (Pac) Trematoda Opechona alaskensis (Pac) Derogenes varicus (Pac) 0. occidentalis (Pac) Hemiuridae gen.sp. (Pac) Podocotyle sp. (Pac) Neohelicotnetra sebastis (Pac) Prosorhynchus crucibulum metacercaria Neolepidapedon sebastisci (Pac) (Pac) Podocotyle sp. (Pac) P. crucibulutn (Pac) Prosorhynchus crucibulum (Pac) Prosorhynchus sp. metacercaria (Pac) Psettaricun sebastodorum (Pac) Psettm•icun sebastodorzan (Pac) Stephanostoinum dentatum (Pac) Syncoelium filiferum (Pac) Cestoidea Tubulovesicula lindbergi (Pac) Bothriocephalus sp. (Pac) Cestoidea Nematoda Bothriocephalus scorpii (Pac) Capillaria sp. (Pac) Bothriocephalus sp. (Pac) Con tracaecum sp. larva (Pac) Nybelinia surmenicola plerocercoid (Pac) Cucullanus sp. (Pac) Phyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Pac) Thynnascaris adunca (Pac) Nematoda Acanthocephala Ascarophis sebastodis (Pac) Echinorhynchus gadi (Pac) A nisalcis sp. larva (Pac) Copepoda Capillaria sp. (Pac) Brachiella robusta (Pac) Con ü•acaecum sp. larva (Pac) Chondracanthus pinguis (Pac) Cucullanus sp. (Pac) C. triventricosus (Pac) Phocanema decipiens larva (Pac) Clavella parva (Pac) Thynnascaris adunca (Pac) Colobomatus kyphosus (Pac) Acanthocephala Peniculus asinus (Pac) Corynosoma villosum juvenile (Pac) Corynosoma sp. juvenile (Pac) Sebastes borealis Barsukov, 1970 Echinorhynchus gadi (Pac) shortraker rockfish Copepoda Monogenea Brachiella robusta (Pac) Trochopus sp. (Pac) Chondracan thus pinguis (Pac) Trematoda C. triventricosus (Pac) Derogenes varicus (Pac) Clavella parva (Pac) Lecithophyllum botryphorum (Pac) Colobornatus kyphosus (Pac) Neolepidapedon sebastisci (Pac) Haemobaphes theragrae (Pac) Prosorhynchus crucibulum (Pac) Lepeophtheirus oblitus (Pac) Stephanostomum dentatufn (Pac) Naobranchia occidentalis (Pac) Tubcdovesicula lindbergi (Pac) Peniculus asinus (Pac) Cestoidea Sarcotaces arcticus (Pac) Bothriocephalus sp. (Pac) Nybelinia sca•menicola plerocercoid (Pac) Sebastes auriculatus Girard brown rockfish Phyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Pac) Syn.: Sebastodes auriculatus (Girard) Nematoda Copepoda A scarophis sebastodis (Pac) Brachiella robusta (Pac) Capillaria sp. (Pac) Chondracan thus pinguis (Pac) Con tracaecum sp. larva (Pac) Clavella parva (Pac) Cucullanus sp. (Pac) Acanthocephala Sebastes aurora (Gilbert) aurora rockfish Corynosoma sp. juvenile (Pac) Syn.: Sebastodes aurora (Gilbert) Echinorhynchus gadi (Pac) Trematoda Hirudinoidea Psettaritnn sebastodorum (Pac) Piscicola sp. (Pac) Copepoda Copepoda Brachiella robusta (Pac) Brachiella robusta (Pac)

204 Chondracanthus pinguis (Pac) Nematoda Colobomatus kyphosus (Pac) Ascarophis sebastodis (Pac) Naobranchia occidentalis (Pac) Capillaria sp. (Pac) Contracaecum sp. larva (Pac) Sebastes brevispinis (Bean) silvergray rockfish Cucullanus elongatus (Pac) Syn.: Sebastodes brevispinis (Bean) Thynnascaris adunca (Pac) Monogenea Acanthocephala Microcotyle sebastis (Pac) Corynosoma sp. juvenile (Pac) Trochopus sp. (Pac) Echinorhynchus gadi (Pac) Trematoda Hirudinoidea Derogenes varicus (Pac) Piscicola sp. (Pac) Podocotyle sp. (Pac) Branchiura Prosorhynchus crucibulum (Pac) Argulus borealis (Pac) Psettarium sebastodorum (Pac) A. pugettensis (Pac) Syncoelium filiferum (Pac) Copepoda Tubulovesicula lindbergi (Pac) Brachiella robusta (Pac) Cestoidea Caligus clemensi (Pac) Nybelinia surmenicola plerocercoid (Pac) Chondracanthus pinguis (Pac) Nematoda C. triventricosus (Pac) Contracaecum sp. larva (Pac) Clavella parva (Pac) Thynnascaris adunca (Pac) Colobomatus kyphosus (Pac) Acanthocephala Holobomolochus venustus (Pac) Corynosoma sp. juvenile (Pac) Lepeophtheirus oblitus (Pac) Copepoda Naobranchia occidentalis (Pac) Brachiella robusta (Pac) Chondracanthus pinguis (Pac) Sebastes crameri (Jordan) C. triventricosus (Pac) darkblotched rockfish Colobomatus kyphosus (Pac) Syn.: Sebastodes crameri Jordan Peniculus asinus (Pac) Monogenea Sarcotaces arcticus (Pac) Benedinia derzhavini (Pac) Trochopus sp. (Pac) Sebastes caurinus Richardson copper rockfish Trematoda Syn.: Sebastodes caurinus (Richardson) Derogenes varicus (Pac) Monogenea Hemiuridae gen.sp. (Pac) Microcotyle sebastis (Pac) Lecithophyllum botryophorum (Pac) Microcotyle sp. (Pac) Prosorhynchus crucibulum (Pac) Trochopus marginata (Pac) Psettarium sebastodorum (Pac) T. trituba (Pac) Tubulovescicula lindbergi (Pac) Trematoda Cestoidea A porocotyle macfarlani (Pac) Nybelinia surmenicola plerocercoid (Pac) Deretrema cholaeum (Pac) Phyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Pac) Derogenes varicus (Pac) Nematoda Digenea gen.sp. (Pac) Contracaecum sp. larva (Pac) Hemiuridae gen.sp. (Pac) Cucullanus sp. (Pac) Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac) Thynnascaris adunca (Pac) Lecithochirium exodicum (Pac) Copepoda Neohelicometra sebastis (Pac) Brachiella robusta (Pac) Neolepidapedon pugetense (Pac) Chondracanthus pinguis (Pac) Opechona occidentalis (Pac) C. triventricosus (Pac) Phyllodistomum sp. (Pac) Colobomatus kyphosus (Pac) Psettarium sebastodorum (Pac) Peniculus asinus (Pac) Stephanostomum calif ornicum (Pac) Tubulovesicula lindbergi (Pac) Sebastes diploproa (Gilbert) splitnose rockfish Cestoidea Syn.: Sebastodes diploproa (Gilbert) Bothriocephalus sp. (Pac) Monogenea Nybelinia surmenicola plerocercoid (Pac) Microcotyle sebastis (Pac) Phyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Pac) Trochopus sp. (Pac)

205 Trematoda Trochopus sp. (Pac) Derogenes varicus (Pac) Trematoda Neohelicometra sebastis (Pac) Derogenes varicus (Pac) Phyllodistomwn sp. (Pac) Prosorhynchus crucibuhan (Pac) Podocotyle sp. (Pac) Cestoidea Prosorhynchus crucibulum (Pac) Nybelinia surinenicola plerocercoid (Pac) Psettariwn sebastodorum (Pac) Phyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Pac) Cestoidea Nematoda Nybelinia surmenicola plerocercoid (Pac) Con tracaecum sp. larva (Pac) Phyllobothriuni sp. plerocercoid (Pac) Thynnascaris adunca (Pac) Nematoda Copepoda Ascarophis sebastodis (Pac) Brachiella robusta (Pac) Contracaecum sp. larva (Pac) Chowlracanthus pin guis (Pac) Thynnascaris aclunca (Pac) Colobomatus kyphosus (Pac) Acanthocephala Echinorhynchus gadi (Pac) Sebastes flavidus (Ayres) yellowtail rockfish Copepoda Syn.: Sebastodes flavidus Ayres Brachiella robusta Monogenea Chondracanthus pin guis (Pac) Trocho pus sp. (Pac) C. triventricosus (Pac) Trematoda Clave/la parva (Pac) A porocotyle macfarlani (Pac) Coloboinatus kyphosus (Pac) Derogenes varicus (Pac) Lepeophtheirus paulus (Pac) Hemiuridae gen.sp. (Pac) Naobranchia occidentalis (Pac) Lecithochiriuin exodicwn (Pac) Lecithophyllum botryophorwn (Pac) Sebastes elongatus Ayres greenstriped rockfish Neohelicometra sebastis (Pac) Syn.: Sebastodes elongatus (Ayres) Opechona alaskensis (Pac) Monogenea O. occidentalis (Pac) Microcotyle sebastis (Pac) Podocotyle sp. (Pac) Trochopus sp. (Pac) Prosorhynchus crucibulum (Pac) Trematoda Psettarium sebastodorum (Pac) Deretrema choIaewn (Pac) Syncoeliwn filiferum (Pac) Derogenes varicus (Pac) Cestoidea Digenea gen.sp. (Pac) Nybelinia surmenicola plerocercoid (Pac) Fellodistomuin sebastodis (Pac) Nematoda Hemiuridae gen.sp. (Pac) Ascarophis sebastodis (Pac) Lecithochirwn exodician (Pac) Capillaria sp. (Pac) Opechona occidentalis (Pac) Contracaectun sp. larva (Pac) Podocotyle sp. (Pac) Cucul/anus sp. (Pac) Prosorhynchus crucibuhan (Pac) Thynnascaris adunca (Pac) Cestoidea Acanthocephala Nybelinia surin enicola plerocercoid (Pac) Echinorhynchus gadi (Pac) Phyllobothrittin sp. plerocercoid (Pac) Copepoda Nematoda Brachiella robusta (Pac) Ascarophis sebastodis (Pac) Chondracanthus pin guis (Pac) Contracaecuin sp. larva (Pac) C. triventricosus (Pac) TI2ynnascaris adunca (Pac) Clave/la parva (Pac) Acanthocephala Colobomatus kyphosus (Pac) Corynosoma sp. juvenile (Pac) Lepeophtheirus paulus (Pac) Copepoda Peniculus asinus (Pac) Clavella parva (Pac) CoIobomatus kyphosus (Pac) Sebastes goodei (Eigenmann and Eigenmann) Holobomolochus venustus (Pac) chilipepper Monogenea Sebastes entomelas (Jordan and Gilbert) Trocho pus sp. (Pac) widow rockfish Trematoda Monogenea Derogenes varicus (Pac)

206 Podocotyle sp. (Pac) C. triventricosus (Pac) Nematoda Clavella parva (Pac) Contracaecum sp. larva (Pac) Colobomatus kyphosus (Pac) Holobomolochus venustus (Pac) Sebastes helvomaculatus Ayres Lepeophtheirus oblitus (Pac) rosethorn rockfish L. paulus (Pac) Syn.: Sebastodes helvomaculatus (Ayres) Naobranchia occidentalis (Pac) Monogenea Isopoda Microcotyle sebastis (Pac) Rocinela belliceps (Pac) Trematoda Derogenes varicus (Pac) Sebastes marinus (Linnaeus) Neohelicometra sebastis (Pac) redfish or ocean perch Neolepidapedon sebastisci (Pac) Syn.: Sebastes marinus marinus (Linnaeus) Podocotyle sp. (Pac) Sebastes fasciatus Storer Psettarium sebastodorum (Pac) Trematoda Nematoda Brachyphallus crenatus (AtI) Contracaecum sp. larva (Pac) Derogenes varicus (Atl) Thynnascaris adunca (Pac) Helicometra sp. (Atl) Acanthocephala Hemiurus levinseni (Atl) Corynosoma sp. juvenile (Pac) Podocotyle atomon (Atl) Echinorhynchus gadi (Pac) P. simplex (Atl) Copepoda Cestoidea Chondracanthus triventricosus (Pac) Eubothrium sp. (Atl) Lepeophtheirus oblitus (Pac) Nematocla Anisakis sp. larva (Atl) Sebastes maliger (Jordan and Gilbert) Contracaecum sp. (Atl) quillback rockfish Nematoda gen.sp. (Atl) Syn.: Sebastodes manger (Jordan and Gilbert) Phocanema decipiens larva (Atl) Monogenea Phocanema sp. larva (Atl) Microcotyle sebastis (Pac) Thynnascaris adunca larva (Atl) Trochopus marginata (Pac) Copepoda Trematoda Chondracanthus nodosus (Atl) A porocotyle macfarlani (Pac) Peniculus clavatus (Atl) Deretrema cholaeum (Pac) Sphyrion lumpi (Atl) Derogenes varicus (Pac) Neohelicometra sebastis (Pac) Sebastes melanops Girard black rockfish Opechona alaskensis (Pac) Syn.: Sebastodes melanops (Girard) O. occidentalis (Pac) Trematoda Podocotyle sinusacca (Pac) A porocotyle macfarlani (Pac) Podocotyle sp. (Pac) Prosorhynchus sp. metacercaria (Pac) Psettarium sebastodorum (Pac) Psettarium sebastodorum (Pac) Stephanostomum californicum (Pac) Copepoda Tubulovesicula lindbergi (Pac) Acanthochondria deltoidea (Pac) Cestoidea Brachiella robusta (Pac) Nybelinia surmenicola plerocercoid (Pac) Chondracanthus pinguis (Pac) Phyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Pac) Nematoda Sebastes mentella Travin deepwater redfish Ascarophis sebastodis (Pac) Syn.: Sebastes marinus mentella Travin Capillaria sp. (Pac) Cestoidea Contracaecum sp. larva (Pac) Eubothrium sp. (Atl) Cucullanus elongatus (Pac) Nematoda Thynnascaris adunca (Pac) Anisakis sp. larva (Atl) Acanthocephala Contracaecum sp. (Atl) Corynosoma sp. juvenile (Pac) Copepoda Copepoda Chondracanthus nodosus (Atl) Brachiella robusta (Pac) Peniculus clavatus (Atl) Chondracanthus pinguis (Pac) Sphyrion lumpi (Atl)

207 Sebastes nebulosus Ayres China rockfish Trochopus sp. (Pac) Monogenea Trematoda Trochopus marginata (Pac) Apor•ocotyle macfarlani (Pac) Trematoda Derogenes varicus (Pac) Neohelicometra sebastis (Pac) Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac) Neolepidapedon pugetense (Pac) Neolepidapedon sebastisci (Pac) Opechona occidentalis (Pac) Opechona alaskensis (Pac) Nematoda Podocotyle sp. (Pac) Con h•acaecaan sp, larva (Pac) Prosorhynchus crucibulum (Pac) Thynnascaris adunca (Pac) Psettarium sebastodorum (Pac) Syncoelium filiferian (Pac) Sebastes nigrocinctus Ayres tiger rockfish Tubadovesicuda linrlbergi (Pac) Syn.: Sebastodes nigrocinctus (Ayres) Cestoidea Monogenea Bothriocèphalus sp. (Pac) Microcotyle sebastis (Pac) Nybelinia scrmenicola plerocercoid (Pac) Trematoda PhyllobotTvicun sp. plerocercoid (Pac) Deretrema cholaeum (Pac) Nematoda Hemiuridae gen.sp. (Pac) Con tracaecum sp, larva (Pac) Neohelicomeb•a sebastis (Pac) Thynnascaris adunca (Pac) Psettarium sebastoda•um (Pac) Copepoda Cestoidea Brachiella robusta (Pac) Nybelinia surmenicola plerocercoid (Pac) Chondracanthus pin guis (Pac) Nematoda Clavella parva (Pac) Capillaria sp. (Pac) Colobomatus kyphosus (Pac) Con U•acaecun sp. larva (Pac) Holobomolochus venustus (Pac) Copepoda Lepeopththeirus pmviventris (Pac) Colobomatus kyphosus (Pac) Naobranchia occidentalis (Pac) Lepeophtheirus paulus (Pac) Naobranchia occidentalis (Pac) Sebastes proriger (Jordan and Gilbert) redstripe rockfish Sebastes paucispinis Ayres bocaccio Syn.: Sebastodes proriger (Jordan and Gilbert) Syn.: Sebastodes paucispinis (Ayres) Monogenea Monogenea Benedenia derzhavini (Pac) Microcotyle sebastis (Pac) Microcotyle sebastis (Pac) Trematoda Trochopus sp. (Pac) Derogenes varicus (Pac) Trematoda Lecithochirium exodicum (Pac) Derogenes varicus (Pac) Lecithophyllum botryophorum (Pac) Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac) Neolepidapedon sebastisci (Pac) Podocotyle sp. (Pac) Podocotyle sp. (Pac) Psettaricun sebastodorum (Pac) Prosorhynchus crucibuhan (Pac) Syncoelhmi filiferzan (Pac) Psettarium sebastodorum (Pac) Cestoidea Tubtdovesicula lindbergi (Pac) Bothriocephahis sp. (Pac) Cestoidea Nybelinia surtnenicola plerocercoid (Pac) Botln•iocephahes sp. (Pac) Nematoda Nematoda Ascarophis sebastodis (Pac) Capillaria sp. (Pac) Con tracaecwn sp. larva (Pac) Con tracaecum sp. larva (Pac) Thynnascaris adunca (Pac) Cucullanus sp. larva (Pac) Acanthocephala Thynnascaris adunca (Pac) Echinorhynclurs gadi (Pac) Copepoda Copepoda Naobranchia occidentalis (Pac) Brachiella robusta (Pac) Chondracanthus pinguis (Pac) Sebastes pinniger (Gill) canary rockfish C. triventricosus (Pac) Syn.: Sebastodes pinniger (Gill) Colobomatus kyphosus (Pac) Monogenea Naobranchia occidentalis (Pac) Trochopus trituba (Pac) Peniculus asinus (Pac)

208 Sebastes reedi (Westrheim and Tsuyuki) Chondracanthus pin guis (Pac) yellowmouth rockfish C. triventricosus (Pac) Monogenea Colobomatus kyphosus (Pac) Benedenia derzhavini (Pac) HolobomOlochus venustus (Pac) Microcotyle sebastis (Pac) Lepeophtheirus paulus (Pac) Trocho pus sp. (Pac) Sarcotaces arc ticus (Pac) Trematoda Derogenes varicus (Pac) Sebastes rubrivinctus (Jordan and Gilbert) Lecithophyllum botryophorum (Pac) flag rockfish Neohelicometra sebastis (Pac) Syn.: Sebastodes rubrivinc tus (Jordan and Podocotyle sp. (Pac) Gilbert) Prosorhynchus crucibulum (Pac) Copepoda Psettarium sebastodorum (Pac) Brachiella robusta (Pac) Cestoidea Bothriocephalus sp. (Pac) Sebastes varie gatus Quast harlequin rockfish Nybelinia surmenicola plerocercoid (Pac) Monogenea Nematoda Benedinia derzhavini (Pac) Con tracaecum sp. larva (Pac) Microcotyle sebastis (Pac) Thynnascaris adunca (Pac) Trematoda Copepoda Derogenes varicus (Pac) Brachiella robusta (Pac) Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac) Chondracanthus pin guis (Pac) Neohelicometra sebastis (Pac) C. triventricosus (Pac) Podocotyle sp. (Pac) Colobomatus kyphosus (Pac) Psettarium sebastodorum (Pac) Peniculus asinus (Pac) Cestoidea Bothriocephalus sp. (Pac) Sebastes ruberrimus (Cramer) Nybelinia surmenicola plerocercoid (Pac) yelloweye rockfish Phyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Pac) Syn.: Sebastodes ruberrimus Cramer Nematoda Monogenea Ascarophis sebastodis (Pac) Trocho pus sp. (Pac) Contracaecum sp. larva (Pac) Trematoda Thynnascaris adunca (Pac) Deretrema cholaeum (Pac) Copepoda Derogenes varicus (Pac) Chondracanthus triventricosus (Pac) Fellodistomum sebastodis (Pac) Colobomatus kyphosus (Pac) Neohelicometra sebastis (Pac) Neolepidapedon sebastisci (Pac) Sebastes wilsoni (Gilbert) pygmy rockfish Phyllodistomum sp. (Pac) Monogenea Podocotyle sp. (Pac) Microcotyle sebastis (Pac) Prosorhynchus crucibulum (Pac) Trematoda Psettarium sebastodorum (Pac) Podocotyle sp. (Pac) Cestoidea Nematoda Bothriocephalus sp. (Pac) Con tracaecum sp. larva (Pac) Nybelinia surmenicola plerocercoid (Pac) Phyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Pac) Sebastes zacentrus (Gilbert) sharpchin rockfish Nematoda Monogenea Ascarophis sebastodis (Pac) Benedinia derzhavini (Pac) Capillaria sp. (Pac) Microcotyle sebastis (Pac) Con tracaecum sp. larva (Pac) Trochopus sp. (Pac) Cucullanus elongatus (Pac) Trematoda Cucullanus sp. (Pac) Derogenes varicus (Pac) Thynnascaris adunca (Pac) Fellodistomum sebastodis (Pac) Acanthocephala Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac) Corynosoma sp. juvenile (Pac) Neohelicometra sebastis (Pac) Echinorhynchus gadi (Pac) Neolepidapedon sebastisci (Pac) Copepoda Podocotyle sp. (Pac) Brachiella robusta (Pac) Prosorhynchus crucibulum (Pac)

209 Psettaritun sebastodorum (Pac) Nematoda Cestoidea Ascarophis sp. (Pac) Bothriocephalus sp. (Pac) Nematoda gen.sp. (Pac) Nybelinia surmenicola plerocercoid (Pac) Copepoda Nematoda Acanthochondria deltoidea (Pac) Ascarophis sebastodis (Pac) Chondracanthus gracilis (Pac) Con tracaecum sp. larva (Pac) C. pin guis (Pac) Thynnascaris adunca (Pac) Haemobaphes sp. (Pac) Acanthocephala Lepeophtheirus oblitus (Pac) Echinorhynchus gadi (Pac) L. parviventris (Pac) Copepoda Brachiella robusta (Pac) Hexagrammos lagocephalus (Pallas) Chondracanthus pin guis (Pac) rock greenling C. triventricosus (Pac) Syn.: Hexagrammos superciliosus (Pallas) Colobomatus kyphosus (Pac) Monogenea Haemobaphes theragrae (Pac) Microcotyle sebastis (Pac) Trematoda Sebastes sp. Anisorchis opisthorchis (Pac) Syn.: Sebastodes sp. Galactosomum sp. metacercaria (Pac) Trematoda Genolinea laticauda (Pac) A porocotyle tnacfarlani (Pac) Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac) Deretrema cholaeum (Pac) Lecithophyllum botryophorwn (Pac) Hemiurus sp. (AtI) Podocotyle sp. (Pac) Opechona occidentalis (Pac) Cestoidea Podocotyle abitionis (Pac) Bothriocephalus scorpii (Pac) Prosorhyn chus crucibulum metacercaria Phyllobothrimn sp. plerocercoid (Pac) (Pac) Nematoda Prosorhyn chus sp. metacercaria (Pac) Anisakis sp. larva (Pac) Stephanostotnum californicum (Pac) Ascarophis sebastodis (Pac) Cestoidea Capillaria sp. (Pac) Bothriocephalus occidentalis (Pac) Con tracaecum sp. (Pac) Nematoda Con tracaecum sp. (Pac) Hexagramtnos stelleri Tilesius Hirud inoidea whitespotted greenling Mafiniana diminuta (BC aquarium) Trernatoda Copepoda Anisorchis opisthorchis (Pac) Caligus clemensi (Pac) Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac) Lepeophtheirus oblitus (Pac) Lecithophylltun botryophorum (Pac) Parahemiurus merus (Pac) Podocotyle atomon (Pac) Family ANOPLOPOMATIDAE P. sin usacca (Pac) Podocotyle sp. (Pac) Anoplopoma fitnbria (Pallas) sablefish Cestoidea Nematoda Bothriocephalus scorpii (Pac) Phocanema decipiens larva (Pac) Phyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Pac) Copepoda Copepoda Lepeophtheirus parviven tris (Pac) Acanthochondria deltoidea (Pac) Lepeophtheirus oblitus (Pac)

Family HEXAGRAMMIDAE Hexagrammos sp. Copepoda Hexagrammos decagrammus (Pallas) Caligus cletnensi (Pac) kelp greenling Trematoda Ophiodon elongatus Girard lingcod Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac) Protozoa Cestoidea Urceolariidae gen.sp. (Pac) Bothriocephalus scorpii (Pac) Trematoda

210 Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac) Blepsias cirrhosus (Pallas) silverspotted sculpin Lecithochirium exodicum (Pac) Trematoda Parahemiurus merus (Pac) Genolinea laticauda (Pac) Prosorhynchus apertus (Pac) Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac) Rhipidocotyle elongata (Pac) Podocotyle sinusacca (Pac) Stephanostomum tristephanum (Pac) Podocotyle sp. (Pac) Tubulovesicula lindbergi (Pac) Cestoidea Cestoidea Phyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Pac) Nybelinia surmenicola plerocercoid (Pac) Nematoda Phyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Pac) Anisakis sp. larva (Pac) Nematoda Contracaecum sp. (Pac) Anisakis sp. larva (Pac) Copepoda Contracaecum sp. (Pac) Haemobaphes sp. (Pac) Cucullanus elongatus (Pac) Phocanema decipiens larva (Pac) Chitonotus pugetensis (Steindachner) Phocanema sp. larva (Pac) roughback sculpin Thynnascaris magna (Pac) Nematoda Hirudinoidea Capillaria sp. (Pac) Malmiana diminuta (BC aquarium) Contracaecum sp. (Pac) Copepoda Copepoda Chondracanthus narium (Pac) Clavella parva (Pac) Lepeophtheirus breviventris (Pac) Ergasilus turgidus (Pac) L. pravipes (Pac) L. salmonis (Pac) Cottunculus microps Collett polar sculpin Copepoda Chondracanthus cottunculi (Atl) Family COTTIDAE Cottus asper Richardson prickly sculpin Artediellus uncinatus (Reinhardt) Myxosporida Arctic hookear sculpin Myxosporida gen.sp. (BC) Copepoda Monogenea Haemobaphes cyclopterina (Atl) Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (BC) Trematoda Artedius fenestralis Jordan and Gilbert Crepidostomum isostomum (BC) padded sculpin Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (BC) Protozoa Posthodiplostomum minimum Haemogregarina bigemina (Pac) metacercaria (BC) Trichodina decipiens (Pac) Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (BC) T. lairdi (Pac) Cestoidea T. retuncinata (Pac) Bothriocephalus sp. (BC) T. vancouverense (Pac) Cyathocephalus truncatus (BC) Trematoda Eubothrium sp. (BC) Genolinea laticauda (Pac) Proteocephalus sp. (BC) Schistocephalus sp. plerocercoid (BC) Artedius harringtoni (Starks) scalyhead sculpin Nematoda Syn.: Axyrias harringtoni Starks Cystidicoloides tenuissima (BC) Trematoda Eustrongylides sp. larva (BC) Stephanostomum californicum (Pac) Rhabdochona cotti (BC) Cestoidea Skrjabinocapillaria bakeri (BC) Bothriocephalus scorpii (Pac) Acanthocephala Nematoda Neoechinorhynchus rutili (BC) A scarophis sebastodis (Pac) Pomphorhynchus bulbocolli (BC) Capillaria sp. (Pac) Mollusca Con tracaecum sp. (Pac) Unionidae gen.sp. glochidium (BC) Copepoda Copepoda Clavella parva (Pac) Ergasilus sp. (BC) Haemobaphes intermedius (Pac) Salmincola sp. (BC)

211 Cottus bairdi Girard mottled sculpin (Man, YT) Syn.: Cottus bairdi kumlieni (Hoy) T. stizostedionis plerocercoid (Man) Protozoa Nematoda Eimeria ojibwana (Ont) Haplonema sp. (BC) Trichodina sp. (Ont) Raphidascaris acus larva (YT) Myxosporida Rhabdochona cotti (BC) Myxobolus sp. (Ont) Acanthocephala Monogenea Neoechinorhynchus rutili (YT) Dactylogyrus buddi (Ont) N. tumidus (YT) Dactylogyrus sp. (Ont) Gyrodactylus bairdi (Ont) Cottus rhotheus (Smith) torrent sculpin G. labradorius (Lab) Monogenea G. lacusgrandis (Lab) Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (BC) Trematoda Trematoda Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (Ont) Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria (BC) Phyllodistomum undulans (Ont) Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (BC) Tetracotyle sp. metacercaria (Ont) Cestoidea Cestoidea Proteocephalus sp. (BC) Proteocephalus ambloplitis plerocercoid Acanthocephala (Ont) Neoechinorhynchus rutili (BC) Proteocephalus sp. (Lab, Ont) Poinphorhynchus bulbocolli (BC) Schistocephalus solidus plerocercoid (Ont) Coitus sp. Nematoda Cestoidea Carnal!anus oxycephalus (Ont) Schistocephalus solidus plerocercoid (BC) Contracaecutn sp. (Ont) Rhabdochona cotti (Ont) Dasycottus setiger Bean spinyhead sculpin Acanthocephala Trematoda Metechinorhynchus sahnonis (Ont) Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac) Neoechinorhynchus rutili (Ont) Lecithophyllum botryophorum (Pac) Mollusca Stephanostomum dentattan (Pac) Unionidae gen.sp. glochidium (Ont) Cestoidea Phyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Pac) Cottus cognatus Richardson slimy sculpin Syn.: Uranidea formosa (Girard) Enophrys bison (Girard) buffalo sculpin Includes: Cottus cognants gracilis Heckel Cestoidea Protozoa Bothriocephaltts scorpii (Pac) Epistylis sp. (YT) Hirudinoidea Trichodina sp. (YT) Mafiniana diminuta (BC aquarium) Myxosporida Copepoda Myxobilatus yukonensis (YT) Chondracanthus irregularis (Pac) Myxobolus sp. (YT) Lepeophtheirus parviventris (Pac) Monogenea Dactylogyrus buddi (Ont, YT) Gilbertidia sigalutes (Jordan and Starks) Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (BC) soft sculpin Gyrodactulus bairdi (YT) Nematoda Trematoda Anisakis sp. larva (Pac) Crepidostomum metoecus (YT) Diplostotnulum spathaceum Gytnnocanthus tricuspis (Reinhardt) metacercaria (YT) Arctic staghorn sculpin Heterophyidae gen.sp. (YT) Copepoda Neascus sp. metacercaria (YT) Diocus gobinus (Atl) Cestoidea Proteocephalus tumidocollus (YT) Hemilepidotus hemilepidotus (Tilesius) Schistocephalus solidus plerocercoid red Irish lord (Man, Ont, YT) Trematoda Triaenophorus nodulosus plerocercoid Anisorchis opisthorchis (Pac)

212 Derogenes varicus (Pac) Leptocottus armatus Girard Genolinea laticauda (Pac) Pacific staghorn sculpin Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac) Trematoda Lepidophyllum cameroni (Pac) Digenea gen.sp. (Pac) Podocotyle sinusacca (Pac) Genolinea laticauda (Pac) Steganoderma formosum (Pac) Podocotyle atomon (Pac) Nematoda P. reflexa (Pac) A scarophis sebastodis (Pac) P. sinusacca (Pac) Capillaria sp. (Pac) Prosorhynchoides sp. (Pac) Acanthocephala Rhipidocotyle elongata (Pac) Echinorhynchus gadi (Pac) Tubulovesicula lindbergi (Pac) Cestoidea Hemitripterus americanus (Gmelin) sea raven Bothriocephalus occidentalis (Pac) Protozoa B. scorpii (Pac) Haemohormidium sp. (At!) Nematoda Trichodina jarmilae (At!) A nisak is sp. larva (Pac) Myxosporida Contracaecum sp. (Pac) Ceratomyxa sp. (Atl) Thynnascaris magna (Pac) Myxosporida gen.sp. (At!) Acanthocephala Trematoda Corynosoma sp. juvenile (Pac) Cryptocotyle lingua metacercaria (Atl) Echinorhynchus gadi (Pac) Derogenes varicus (At!) Copepoda Digenea gen.sp. (At!) Holobomolochus spinulus (Pac) Podocotyle reflexa (Atl) P. simplex (AtI) Malacocottus kincaidi Gilbert and Thompson Prosorhynchus squamatus (At!) blackfin sculpin Stenakron vetustum (At!) Nematoda Stephanostomum baccatum metacercaria Capillaria sp. (Pac) (At!) Contracaecum sp. (Pac) S. baccatum (At!) Cestoidea Myoxocephalus octodecemspinosus (Mitchill) Bothriocephalus scorpii (Atl) longhorn sculpin Nematoda Protozoa Phocanema decipiens larva (At!) Haemogregarina myoxocephali (At!) Phocanema sp. larva (MI) Haemohormidium beckeri (At!) Scyphidia arctica (At!) Hemitripterus sp. Trichodina cottidarum (At!) Trematoda Trypanosoma murmanensis (Atl) Hemiurus sp. (Atl) (exprimental infection) T. myoxocephali (Atl) lcelinus filamentosus Gilbert threadfin sculpin Myxosporida Cestoidea Kudoa sp. (At!) Phyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Pac) Myxidium myoxocephali (At!) Nematoda Myxoproteus myoxocephali (Atl) Contracaecum sp. (Pac) Nematoda Acanthocephala Phocanema decipiens larva (At!) Echinorhynchus gadi (Pac) Phocanema sp. larva (Atl) Hirudinoidea Icelinus tenuis Gilbert spotfin sculpin Hirudinoidea gen.sp. (At!) Trematoda Malmiana brunnea (MI) Hemiuridae gen.sp. (Pac) M. scorpii (At!) Cestoidea Oceanobdella microstoma (At!) Phyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Pac) Myoxocephalus polyacanthocephalus (Pallas) Jordania zonope Starks longfin sculpin great sculpin Nematoda Trematoda Contracaecum sp. (Pac) Genolinea laticauda (Pac)

213 Podocotyle endophrysi (Pac) Myxoproteus myoxocephali (AU) Tubulovesicula lindbergi (Pac) Trematoda Cestoidea Derogenes varicus (At!) Bot hriocephalus scorpii (Pac) ?Hetnittrus appendiculatus (Atl) Phyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Pac) Podocotyle atomon (At!) Nematoda P. simplex (Atl) Anisakis sp. larva (Pac) Prosorhynchus squamatus (At!) Ascarophis sebastodis (Pac) Stephanostotnum baccatutn (At!) Capillaria sp. (Pac) Cestoidea Con tracaecum sp. (Pac) Platybothritan parvutn (At!) Phocanema sp. larva (Pac) Nematoda Acanthocephala Nematoda gen.sp. ( E Arc) Corynosoma sp. juvenile (Pac) Phocanema decipiens larva (At!) Echinorhynchus gadi (Pac) Thynnascaris adunca (At!) Hirudinoidea Hirudinoidea Alahniana diminuta (BC aquarium) Hirudinoidea gen.sp. (At!) Copepoda Malmiana brunnea (At!) Chondracanthus irregularis(Pac) M. scorpii (At!, W Arc) Lepeophtheirus parviventris (Pac) Oceanobdella microstoma (At!) Lepeophtheirus sp. (Pac) Naobranchia occidentalis (Pac) Myoxocephalus sp. Syn.: Acanthocottus sp. Myoxocephalus quadricornis (Linnaeus) Trematoda fourhorn sculpin Hetniurus sp. (At!) Syn.: Triglopsis thompsoni Girard Copepoda 017COCOttits quadricornis (Linnaeus) Lernaeocera branchialis (At!) Monogenea

Gyrodactylus nainum (Lab -b) Nautichthys oculofasciatus (Girard) Trernatoda sailfin sculpin

Podocotyle atomon (Lab - b) Trematoda Cestoidea Genolinea laticauda (Pac) Bothrimonus sturionis (E Arc) Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac) Bothriocephalus scorpii (W Arc) Cestoidea Eubothrium crassum (Man) Bothriocephalus scorpii (Pac) Acanthocephala Nematoda

Echinorhynchus gadi (Lab - b) A scarophis sebastodis (Pac) Metechinorhynchus salmonis (Ont) Oligocottus maculosus Girard tidepool sculpin Myoxocephalus scorpioides (Fabricius) Syn.: Oligocottus borealis Jordan and Snyder Arctic sculpin Monogenea Syn.: Cottus scorpioides Fabricius Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (Pac) Copepoda Trematoda Haemobaphes cyclopterina (E Arc) Genolinea laticauda (Pac) Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac) Myoxocephalus scorpitts (Linnaeus) Tubulovesicula lindbergi (Pac) shorthorn sculpin Nematoda Syn.: Acanthocottus scorpius (Linnaeus) Anisakis sp. larva (Pac) Goth's scorpius Linnaeus Contracaecum sp. (Pac) Myoxocephalus groenlandicus (Cuvier Copepoda and Valenciennes) Haemobaphes in termedius (Pac) Protozoa Haemobaphes sp. (Pac) Trichodina cottidartitn (At!) Holoboinolochus spin ulus (Pac) T. domerguei saint johnsi (All) Trypanosotna murmanensis (At!) Rhatnphocottus richardsoni Günther (experimental infection) grunt sculpin Myxosporida Nematoda Chlorompatin granulosum (AB) Ascarophis sebastodis (Pac)

214 Phocanema sp. larva (Pac) Family

Scorpaenichthys marmoratus (Ayres) cabezon Cyclopterus lumpus Linnaeus lumpfish Trematoda Protozoa Genolinea laticauda (Pac) Cryptobia dahli (Atl) Prosorhynchus scapellus (Pac) Trichodina domerguei saintjohnsi (Atl) Tubulovesicula lindbergi (Pac) T. galyae (Atl) Nematoda Copepoda Caballeronema wardlei (Pac) Caligus elongatus (Atl) Copepoda Lernaeocera branchialis larva (Atl) Chondracanthus gracilis (Pac) C. pinguis (Pac) Liparis atlanticus (Jordan and Evermann) Holobomolochus venustus (Pac) seasnail Lepeophtheirus parviventris (Pac) Protozoa Haemogregarina sp. (Atl) Triglops murrayi Günther moustache sculpin Gilbert polka-dot snailfish Syn.: Triglops ommatistius Gilbert Liparis cyclostigma Protozoa Protozoa (Atl) Trichodina domerguei saintjohnsi (Atl) Trypanosoma murmanensis Nematoda showy snailfish Phocanema decipiens larva (Atl) Liparis pulchellus Ayres Trematoda Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac) Triglops pingeli Reinhardt ribbed sculpin Includes: Triglops pingeli terraenovae Gilbert Trematoda ORDER PLEURONECTIFORMES Podocotyle blennicottusi (Pac) Cestoidea Family BOTHIDAE Nybelinia surmenicola plerocercoid (Pac) Phyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Pac) Citharichthys stigmaeus Jordan and Gilbert Nematoda speckled sandab Ani.rakis sp. larva (Pac) Trematoda Contracaecum sp. (Pac) Tubulovesicula lindbergi (Pac) Phocanema decipiens larva (Atl) Cestoidea Copepoda Gilquinia squali plerocercoid (Pac) Haemobaphes sp. (Pac) Nematoda Peniculus clavatus (Atl) Anisakis sp. larva (Pac) Contracaecum sp. (Pac)

Family AGONIDAE Citharichthys sp. Copepoda A gonus acipenserinus Tilesius sturgeon poacher Phrixocephalus cincinnatus (Pac) Trematoda Podocotyle sp. (Pac) Scophthalmus aquosus (Mitchill) windowpane Cestoidea Syn.: Lophosetta aquosa (Mitchill) Phyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Pac) Protozoa Nematoda Haemogregarina platessae (Atl) Contracaecum sp. (Pac) Urceolariidae gen.sp. (Atl) Thynnascaris adunca (Pac) Trematoda Acanthocephala Cryptocotyle lingua metacercaria (Atl) Echinorhynchus gadi (Pac) Lepidapedon rachion (Atl) Copepoda Stephanostomum baccatum metacercaria Haemobaphes sp. (Pac) (Atl) Cestoidea Xeneretmus latifrons (Gilbert) blacktip poacher Bothriocephalus scorpii (Atl) Cestoidea Nematoda Phyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Pac) Anisakinae gen.sp. larva (Atl)

215 Con tracaecutn sp. (At1) Copepoda Phocanema sp. larva (At!) Holobotnolochus occultus (Pac) Acanthocephala Echinorhynchus gadi (At!) Hippoglossoides platessoides (Fabricius) E. laurentianus (At!) American plaice Protozoa Haemohormidium terraenovae (At!) Family PLEURONECTIDAE Haemohormiditun sp. (At!) Trypanosoma murmanensis (At!) A theresthes stomias (Jordan and Gilbert) Trematoda arrowtooth flounder Aporocotyle simplex (At!) Myxosporida Cryptocotyle lingua metacercaria (At!) Kudoa sp. (Pac) Derogenes varicus (At!) Copepoda Fellodistomum furcigerum (At!) Phrixocephalus cincinnatus (Pac) Gonocerca macroformis (At!) Hemiurus levinseni (At!) Eopsetta jordani (Lockington) petrale sole Hemiurus sp. (At1) Copepoda Lecithaster gibbosus (At!) Lepeophtheirus parviven tris (Pac) Otodistomum sp. metacercaria (Atl) Podocotyle atomon (At!) Glyptocephalus cynoglossus (Linnaeus) Prosorhynchus squamatus (At!) witch flounder Stenakron vetustum (At!) Protozoa Stephanostomum baccatuin metacercaria Haemogregarina platessae (Atl) (At!) Haetnohormidium terraenovae (At!) Steringotrema ovacuttan (At1) Trypanosoma tnurmanensis (MI) Zoogonoides viviparus (At!) Trypanosoma sp. (At!) Cestoidea Trematoda Bothrimonus sturionis (At!) Cryptocotyle lingua metacercaria (At!) Scolex pleuronectis plerocercoid (At!) Derogenes varicus (At!) Nematoda Fellodistomum furcigerutn (At!) Anisakinae gen.sp. larva (At!) Genolinea laticauda (At!) Anisakis sp. larva (At!) Gonocerca macroformis (AU) Contracaecum sp. (At!) Hemiurus appendiculatus (At!) Nematoda gen.sp. (At!) Lecithaster gibbosus (At!) Phocanema decipiens larva (At!) O todistomum sp. metacercaria (Atl) Phocanema sp. larva (Ad) Plagioporus varius (MI) Thynnascaris adunca (At!) Stenakron vetustum (At!) Acanthocephala Stephanostomum baccatum metacercaria Corynosoma sp. (At!) (At!) Echinorhynchus gadi (AU) Nematoda E. laurentianus (At!) Anisakinae gen.sp. larva (At!) Copepoda Anisakis sp. larva (Atl) Acanthochondria cornu ta (MI) Contracaecum sp. (At!) Lernaeocera branchialis (At!) Phocanema decipiens larva (At!) Phocanema sp. larva (At1) Hippoglossus hippoglossus (Linnaeus) Thynnascaris adunca (At!) Atlantic halibut Acanthocephala Monogenea Corynosoma sp. juvenile (At!) Entobdella curvunca (At!) Echinorhynchus gadi (At!) E. hippoglossi (At!) Copepoda Udonella caligorum (At!) Acanthochondria cornuta (At!) Trematoda Brachyphallus crenatus (Ad) Hippoglossoides elassodon Jordan and Gilbert Cryptocotyle lingua metacercaria (At!) flathead sole Derogenes varicus (At!) Branchiura Digenea gen.sp. (At!) Argulus borealis (Pac) Fellodistomum furcigerum (At!)

216 Genolinea laticauda (Atl) Lepidopsetta bilineata (Ayres) rock sole Hemiurus appendiculatus (Atl) Protozoa H. communis (At!) Urceolariidae gen.sp. (Pac) H. levinseni (Atl) Myxosporida Plagioporus varius (At!) Kudoa sp. (Pac) Podocotyle atomon (At!) Trematoda Prosorhynchus squamatus (Atl) Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac) Steganoderma formosum (At!) Cestoidea Stenakron vetustum (Atl) Bothriocephalus sp. (Pac) Stephanostomum baccatum metacercaria Phyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (Pac) (Atl) Nemàtoda S. baccatum (Atl) Anisakis sp. larva (Pac) Steringotrema cluthense (At!) Capillaria sp. (Pac) S. pagelli (Atl) Cucullanus sp. (Pac) Cestoidea Philometra americana (Pac) Clestobothrium crassiceps (Atl) Acanthocephala Scolex pleuronectis plerocercoid (Atl) Corynosoma strumosum juvenile (Pac) Nematoda Metechinorhynchus lageniformis (Pac) Anisakinae gen.sp. larva (Atl) Branchiura Contracaecum sp. (At!) A rgulus borealis (Pac) Phocanema sp. larva (Atl) Copepoda Thynnascaris adunca (At!) Haemobaphes sp. (Pac) Acanthocephala Lepeophtheirus bifidus (Pac) Corynosoma sp. juvenile (Atl) L. hospitalis (Pac) Echinorhynchus gadi (At!) L. parviventris (Pac) E. laurentianus (Atl) Lepeophtheirus sp. (Pac) Copepoda Naobranchia occidentalis (Pac) Caligus elongatus (Atl) Nectobrachia indivisa (Pac) Hatschekia hippoglossi (Atl) Lepeophtheirus hippoglossi (At!) Limanda ferruginea (Storer) yellowtail flounder Neobrachiella rostrata (Atl) Protozoa Glugea stephani (Atl) (Atl) Hippoglossus stenolepis Schmidt Pacific halibut Haemohormidium terraenovae (Atl) Syn.: Hippoglossus hippoglossus (Linnaeus) Trypanosoma murmanensis auct. Trematoda commune (At!) Myxosporida Cainocreadium lingua metacercaria (Atl) Kudoa sp. (Pac) Cryptocotyle Unicapsula muscularis (Pac) Derogenes varicus (At!) Monogenea Fellodistomum furcigerum (MI)

Entobdella hippoglossi (Pac) Gonocerca crassa (At!)

Nematoda Hemiurus sp. (At!) Phocanema decipiens larva (Pac) Lecithaster gibbosus (Atl) Otodistomum metacercaria (Atl) Hirudinoidea sp. Malmiana diminuta (BC aquarium) Plagioporus varius (Atl) Copepoda Podocotyle atomon (At!) Lepeophtheirus pravipes (Pac) P. olssoni (At!) (Atl) Isopoda Steganoderma formosum Rocinela propodialis (Pac) Stenakron vetustum (Atl) Stephanostomum baccatum metacercaria (Atl) Hippoglossus sp. S. baccatum (Atl) Trematoda Cestoidea Hemiurus sp. (At!) Bothrimonus sturionis (At!) Bothriocephalus scorpii (At!) lsopsetta isolepis (Lockington) butter sole Phyllobothrium sp. plerocercoid (At!) Protozoa Scolex pleuronectis plerocercoid (Atl) Urceolariidae gen.sp. (Pac) Tetraphyllidea gen.sp. plerocercoid (Atl)

217 Nematoda Lecithaster gibbosus (Pac) Anisakinae gen.sp. larva (Atl) Podocotyle atomon (Pac) Contracaeccnn sp. (Atl) Cestoidea Cucullanus heterochrous (Atl) PhylloboNu•iean sp. plerocercoid (Pac) Phocanema decipiens larva (Atl) Nematoda Phocanema sp. larva (Atl) Anisakis sp. larva (Pac) Thynnascaris adunca (Atl) Contracaecum sp. (Pac) Acanthocephala Cucullanus annulatus (Pac) Corynosoma sp. juvenile (Atl) Nematoda gen.sp. (Pac) Echinorhynchus gadi (Atl) Philometra mnericana (Pac) Philometra sp. (Pac) Liopsetta putnami (Gill) smooth flounder Acanthocephala Protozoa Acanthocephala gen.sp. (Pac) Cryptobia badlocki (Atl) Corynosoma strcnnosum juvenile (Pac) Cryptobia sp. (Atl) Echinorhynchus gadi (Pac) Trematoda Metechinorhynchus lagenifa•mis (Pac) Cryptocotyle lingua metacercaria (Atl) Copepoda Derogenes varicus (Atl) A can thochondria rectangularis (Pac) Fellorlistorntun fcrcigercan (Atl) Bomolochus sp. (Pac) Hemiurus coanmunis (Atl) Lepeophtheirus hospitalis (Pac) Podocotyle atomon (Atl) L. parvicrurus (Pac) Stephanostomcun baccatum metacercaria Lepeophtheirus sp. (Pac) (Atl) Nectobrachia indivisa (Pac) Cestoidea Bothriocephalus scorpii (Atl) Pleuronectes sp. Nematoda Trematoda Anisakinae gen.sp. larva (Atl) Hemiurus sp. (Atl) Phocanema sp. larva (Atl) Acanthocephala Pleuu•onichthys coenosus Girard C-0-sole Echinorhynchus gadi (Atl) Copepoda A can thochondria rectangularis (Pac) Lyopsetta exilis (Jordan and Oilbert) Lepeophtheirus hospitalis (Pac) slender sole Copepoda Pseudopletronectes ainericantts (Walbaum) Holobomolochus occcdtus (Pac) Protozoa Parophrys vendus Girard English sole Cryptobia bcdlocki (Atl) Myxosporida Cryptobia sp. (Atl) Kudoa sp. (Pac) Glugea stephani (Atl) Trematoda Haemogregarina platessae (Atl) Podocotyle sinusacca (Pac) Urceolariidae gen.sp. (Atl) Tttbulovesicttla lindbergi (Pac) Trypanosorna inca•manensis (Atl) Nematoda (experimental infection) Cuccdlanus annulatus (Pac) Myxosporida Philornetra mnericana (Pac) Ceratomy;ea acadiensis (Atl) Copepoda Mysidicun sp. (Atl) Acanthochondria rectangularis (Pac) Trematoda Boinolochus sp. (Pac) Cryptocotyle lingua metacercaria (Atl) Lepeophtheirus bifidus (Pac) Derogenes varicus (Atl) L. hospitalis (Pac) Fel/odistomum ftu•cigereun (Atl) Lepeophtheirus sp. (Pac) Genolinea laticauda (Atl) Naobnmchia occidentalis (Pac) Hemiuu•us sp. (Atl) Lecithaster gibbosus (Atl) Platichthys ste/latus (Pallas) starry flounder Plagioporus varius (Atl) Monogenea Podocotyle atomon (Atl) Gyrodactyloidea gen.sp. (Pac) P. simplex (Atl) Trematoda Steganoderma formoscan (Atl)

218 Stenakron vetustum (Ad) A canthochondria corn uta (AU) Stephanostomum baccatum metacercaria Caligus elongatus (At!) (Atl) Lepeophtheirus nanaimoensis (Pac) S. baccatum (Ad) Cestoidea Bothrimonus sturionis (At!) ORDER TETRAODONTIFORMES Bothriocephalus claviceps (MI) Nematoda Family MOLIDAE Anisakinae gen.sp. larva (At!) Con tracaecum sp. (At!) (At!) Mola mola (Linnaeus) Cucullanus heterochrous Monogenea Nematoda gen.sp. (At!) Capsala martinierei (At!, Pac) Phocanema decipiens larva (At!) Trematoda Phocanema sp. larva (At!) Accacladium serpentulum (At!) Thynnascaris aclunca (Atl) A ccacladocoelium macrocotyle (Atl) Acanthocephala A. nigroflavum (Ad) Corynosoma sp. juvenile (At!) Accacoelium contortum (Ad) Echinorhynchus gadi (At!) Dihemistephanus fragilis (All) E. laurentianus (At!) Branchiura Odhnerium calyptrocotyle (At!, Pac) Cestoidea Argulus funduli (At!) A nchistocephalus microcephalus (At!) A. melanops (At!) Rhynchobothrium sp. plerocercoid (At!) Copepoda Tetrarhynchus elongatus plerocercoid sp. Acanthochondria cornuta (MI) incertae sedis (At!) Copepoda Reinhardtius hippoglossoides (Walbaum) Greenland halibut Cecrops latreillii (At!, Pac) Lepeophtheirus nordmanni (At!, Pac) Syn.: Platysomatichthys hippoglossoides (Walbaum) Lepeophtheirus sp. (Pac) Trematoda Orthagoriscola wilsoni (Atl) Pennella filosa (Pac) Brachyphallus crenatus (At!) Philorthagoriscus serra tus (At!) Derogenes varicus (All) Fellodistomum furcigerum (At!) Nematoda Nematoda gen.sp. (At!) Records for fishes of Undetermined Species

Reinhardtius sp. "Bass" Trematoda Copepoda Hemiurus sp. (At!) Haemobaphes diceraus (Pac) "Pickerel" Pleuronectidae of Undetermined Species Hirudinoidea Mollibdella grandis (Ont) Pleuronectidae gen.sp. Monogenea "Sea perch" Entobdella sp. (Pac) Copepoda Chondracanthus sp. (At!)

Pleuronectiformes of Undetermined Species "Fish" Trematoda "Flounder" Amphimerus pseudofelineus

Trematoda metacercaria ( —) Cryptocotyle lingua metacercaria (Atl) A pophallus venustus metacercaria (Que) Stephanostomum baccatum (Atl) Crepidostomum cooperi (Lab, NB, NS, Nematoda PET, Que) Nematoda gen.sp. (At!) Crepidostomum sp. (Ont) Copepoda Digenea gen sp. metacercaria (Sask)*

219 Parametorchis complexas metacercaria Station, gave the benefit of his authoritative (prairie provinces) knowledge of the parasitic Crust acea by Stephanostomum baccatum metacercaria (Ail) reviewing this section and making available Cestoidea his new system of classification of the Cope- Cyathocephalus trancatus (Ont) poda prior to its publication. Dr R. W. Diphyllobothrium clendriticatn Davies, University of Alberta, and Dr R. S. plerocercoid (Ont) Freeman, University of Toronto, kindly Hirudinoidea tape- Actinobtlella inequiannulata (—) reviewed the sections on leeches and Piscicola milli& (NWT) worms, respectively. Assistance with ques- Branchiura tions of nomenclature and authorship of A rgulus sp. (MI) parasite species was generously given by Copepoda Dr F. R. Bernard, Pacific Biologicid Station; Ergasilus celestis Dr J. O. Corliss, University of Maryland; Dr D. I. Gibson, British Museum (Natural Acknowledgements History); Dr N. D. Levine, University of Illinois; Dr J. R. Liehtenfels and Mrs Judith A project of this sort is not easily H. Shaw, Agriculture Research Center, accomplished without considerable help and Beltsville, Maryland; and Dr J. Lom, advice from many colleagues. Special thanks Czechoslovakian Academy of Sciences. Dr go to T. E. McDonald, Pacific Biological W. B. Scott, Huntsman Marine Laboratory, Station, Nanaimo, B.C., for assistance with New Brunswick, resolved several qtlestions compiling the indices, proofreading typed of host nomenclature. To all these specialists texts, and generally commenting on ques- we extend our grateful appreciation for tions relating to the published records, and their willing and able assistance. Finally, to Susan Arthur for cross-checking entries we acknowledge with sincere gratitude the between the parasite—host and host—parasite painstaking work of Patricia Cowie and sections. Dr Z. Kabata, Pacific Biological Sandra Poole in preparing the final typ escript.

220 References

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221 BANGHAM, R. V., AND C. E. VENARD. 1946. Parasites from fishes of the North Sea. J. Fish. Res. of fish of Algonquin Park lakes. Univ. Toronto Board Can. 34: 105-112. Stud. Biol. Ser. 53: 31-46. (Ont. Fish. Res. BISHOP, Y. M. M., AND L. MARGOLIS. 1955. A statis- Lab. Publ. 65) tical examination of Anisakis larvae (Nema- BARRACLOUGH, W. E. 1967a. Data record. Number, toda) in herring (Clupea pallasi) of the British size and food of larval and juvenile fish caught Columbia coast. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 12: with an Issacs-Kidd trawl in the surface waters 571-592. of the Strait of Georgia, April 25-29, 1966. BLACK, W. F. 1957. The feeding of nematode- Fish. Res, Board Can. MS Rep. 926: 79 p. infested mysids to cod. Fish. Res. Board Can. 1967b. Data record. Number, size compo- MS Rep. (Biol.) 627: 11 p. sition and food of larval and juvenile fish Bosc, L. A. G. 1811. Sur deux nouveaux genres caught with a two-boat surface trawl in the de vers. N. Bull. Soc. Philom., Paris An. 2: Strait of Georgia, June 6-8, 1966. Fish. Res. 384-385. Board Can. MS Rep. 928: 58 p. BOWER, S. M., AND P. T. K. Woo. 1977a. Morphol- BARRACLOUGH, W. E., AND J. D. FULTON. 1967. Data ogy and host specificity of Cryotobia catostomi record. Number, size composition and food of n. sp. (Protozoa: Kinetoplasticla) from white larval and juvenile fish caught with a two-boat sucker (Catostomus commersoni) in southern surface trawl in the Strait of Georgia, July Ontario. Can. J. Zool. 55: 1082-1092. 4-8, 1966. Fish. Res. Board Can. MS Rep. 1977b. Division and morphogenesis of 940: 82p. Cryptobia catostomi (Protozoa: Kinetoplas- BECKER, C. D. 1977. Flagellate parasites of fish, tida) in the blood of white sucker (Catostomus p. 357-416. In J. P. Kreier [ed.] Parasitic Pro- commersoni). Can. J. Zool. 55: 1093-1099. tozoa, Vol. 1. Academic Press, , San BOYCE, N. P. 1966. The parasites of central British Francisco, and London. Columbia pink salmon during their early sea BECKER, C. D., AND M. KATZ. 1965a. Distribution, life, with special notes on the trematode Leci- ecology, and .biology of the salmonid leech, Master gibbosns. Fish. Res. Board Can. MS Piscicola salmositica (Rhynchobdellae: Pisci- Rep. (Biol.) 877: 8 p. colidae). J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 22: 1175- 1969. Parasite fauna of pink salmon (On- 1195. corhynchus gorbuscha) of the Bella Coola 1965b. Infections of the hemoflagellate, River, central British Columbia, during their Cryptobin salmositica Katz, 1951, in freshwater early sea life. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 26: of the Pacific coast. Trans. Am. Fish. 813-820. Soc. 94: 327-333. 1974. Biology of Eubothrium salvelini BEFUS, A. D., AND R. S. FREEMAN. 1973a. Corallo- (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea), a parasite of juve- bothrium parafimbriatum sp. n. and Coralio- nile sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerkn) of taenin minutia (Fritts, 1959) comb. n. (Cestoda: Babine Lake, British Columbia. J. Fish. Res. Proteocephaloidea) from Algonquin Park, Board Can. 31: 1735-1742. Ontario. Can, J. Zool. 51: 243-248. 1976. A new organ in cestode surface 1973b. Life cycles of two corallobothriin ultrastructure. Can. J. Zool. 54: 610-613. cestodes (Proteocephaloiclea) from Algonquin BOYCE, N. P., AND S. B. YAMADA. 1977. Effects of a Park, Ontario. Can. J. Zool. 51: 249-257. parasite, Eubothrium salvelini (Cestoda: Pseu- BELL, G. 1962. Trichodinicls from the gills of a dophyllidea), on the resistance of juvenile new host, the lingcod Ophiodon elongatus. J. sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, to zinc. Fish. Res. Board Can. 19: 515-516. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 34: 706-709. BELL, G. R., AND G. E. HosKirts. 1971. Investiga- BOYD, J. W., AND N. TOMLINSON. 1965. Myxospori- tions of wild fish mortalities in B.C., 1969- dian parasite from salmon. J. Fish. Res. Board 1970. Fish. Res, Board Can. Tech. Rep. 245: Can. 22: 849-850. 19 p. BOYES, J. W., AND R. C. ANDERSON. 1961. Meiotic BELL, G. R., AND L. MARGOLIS. 1976. The fish health chromosomes of Cystidicola stigmatura and C. program and the occurrence of fish diseases in cristivonteri (Nematoda: Spiruroiclea). Can. J. the Pacific region of Canada. Fish Pathol. 10: Genet. Cytol. 3: 231-236. 115-122. BRAY, R. A., AND D. I. GIBSON. 1977. The Acca- BERE, R. 1930a. The parasitic of the fish coeliidae (Digenea) of fishes from the North- of the Passamaquoddy region. Contrib. Can. east Atlantic. Bull. Br. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) Zool. Biol. Fish. New Ser. 5: 423-430. 31: 51-99. 19306. Parasitic copepods from the Van- BRIAN, A. 1914. Copépodes parasites provenant des couver Island region. Fish. Res. Board Can. récentes campagnes scientifiques de S. A. le MS Rep. (Biol.) 259: 3 p. Prince Albert le, de Monaco ou déposés clans BEVERLEY-BURTON, M., O. L. NYMAN, AND J. H. C. les collections du musée océanographique. Bull. PIPPY. 1977. The morphology, and some ob- Inst. Oceanogr. 286: 1-14. servations on the population genetics of Ani- BUCHWALD, D. G., AND J. R. NuasALL. 1969. sakis simpler larvae (Nematoda: Ascaridata) Triaenophorus crassus in Arctic lampreys of

222 the Northwest Territories, Canada. J. Fish. the microsporidian parasite Glugea hertwigi Res. Board Can. 26: 2260-2261. (Weissenberg). Can. J. Zool. 50: 1183-1188. BURRESON, E. M. 1977. Two new species of Mal- CHOQUETTE, L. P. E. 1947. Phyllodistomnin lachan- mima (Hirudinea : Piscicolidae) from Oregon cei sp. nov., a trematode from the ureters of coastal waters. J. Parasitol. 63: 130-136. Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill), with a note on BURT, M. D. B., AND I. M. SANDEMAN. 1969. Biology its pathogenicity. Can. J. Res. Sect. D. 25: of Bothrimonus Diplocotyle) (Pseudophyl- 131-134. lidea: Cestoda) Part I. History, description, 1948a. Parasites of freshwater fish. IV. synonymy, and systematics. J. Fish. Res. Board Internal helminths parasitic in speckled trout rivers and Can. 26: 975-996. (Salve/buts tontines (Mitch ill)) in 1970, The biology of Bothritnonms (= Di- lakes of the Laurentide Park, Quebec, Canada. plocotyle) (Pseudophyllidea: Cestoda). J. Para- Can. J. Res. Sect. D. 26: 204-211. sitol. 56 (4, Sect. H, Pt. 1): 43-44. 1948b. On the species of the genus Meta- 1974. The biology of Bothrhnonus (= Di- bronema Yorke and Maplestone, 1926, para- plocotyle) (Pseudophyllidea: Cestoda): detailed sitic in trout and char. Can. J. Res. Sect. D. morphology and fine structure. J. Fish. Res. 26: 329-333. Board Can. 31: 147-153. 1951a. On the nematode genus Rhabdo- chona Railliet, 1916 (Nematoda: Spiruroidea). B. E., AND L. F. NAGIBINA. 1970. Con- BYKIIOVSKY, Can. J. Zool. 29: 1-16. revision of the genus Ancy- tribution to the 1951b. Description of Metabronema pre- rocephalus Creplin, 1839 (Dactylogyridae, vosti sp. nov. with a note on the genus and a Ancyrocephalinae). Parazitologiya 4: 193-200. list of its species and their host and geogra- (In Russian) phical distribution. Can, J. Zool. 29: 102-108. CABLE, R. M. 1974. Phylogeny and taxonomy of 1951c. Parasites of freshwater fish. V. trematodes with reference to marine species, Parasitic helminths of the muskallunge, Esor p. 173-193. In W. B. Vernberg [ed.] Symbiosis in. masquitiongy Mitchill, in the St. Lawrence in the sea. Univ. South Carolina Press, Co- watershed. Can. J. Zool. 29: 290-295. lumbia, S.C. 1954. A note on the intermediate hosts of CAMERON, T. W. M. 1936. Studies on the hetero- the trematode, Crepidostomum cooperi Hop- phyid trematode, Apophallus venustus (Ran- kins, 1931, parasitic in speckled trout (Salve- som, 1920) in Canada. Part I. Morphology linus fontinali.s (Mitchill)) in some lakes and and taxonomy. Can. J. Res. Sect. D. 14: 59-69. rivers of the Quebec Laurentide Park. Can. J. 1937a. Studies on the heterophyid trema- Zool. 32: 375-377. tode Apophallus venus/us (Ransom, 1920) in 1955. The life history of the nematode Canada. Part II. Life history and bionomics. Metabronema salvelhzi (Fujita, 1920) parasitic Can. J. Res. Sect. D. 15: 38-51. in the speckled trout, Salvelinus fontinalis 1937b. Studies on the heterophyid trema- (Mitchill), in Quebec. Can. J. Zool. 33: 1-4. tode Apophallus venus/us (Ransom, 1920) in CLEMENS, W. A. 1920, Histories of new food fishes. Canada. Part III. Further hosts. Can. J. Res. IV. The muttonfish. Biol. Board Can. Bull. Sect. D. 15: 275. 4: 1-12. 1944. The morphology, taxonomy, and CLEMENS, W. A., R. V. BOUGHTON, AND J. A. life history of Metorchis con junctus (Cobbold, RATTENBURY. 1945. A preliminary report on 1860). Can. J. Res. Sect. D. 22: 6-16. a fishery survey of Teslin Lake, British Colum- 1945, Fish-carried parasites in Canada. bia, Rep. B.C. Fish. Dep. 1944: 70-75. Can. J. Comp. Med. 9: 245-254, 283-286, CLEMENS, W. A., AND L. S. CLEMENS. 1921. Con- 302-311. tribution to the biology of the muttonfish CANNON, L. R. G. 1971. The life cycles of Bunodera Zoarces anguillaris. Contrib. Can. Biol. 1918- sacculata and B. luciopercae (Trematoda: 1920: 69-83. Allocreadiidae) in Algonquin Park, Ontario. CLEMENS, W. A., D. S. RAWSON, AND J. L. McHumt. Can. J. Zool. 49: 1417-1429. 1939. A biological survey of Okanagan Lake, 1972. Studies on the ecology of the British Columbia. Biol. Board Can. Bull. 56: papillose allocreadiid trematodes of the yellow 1-70. perch in Algonquin Park, Ontario. Can. J. Zool. COLLINS, J. J., AND A. O. DECHTIAR. 1974. Parasite 50: 1231-1239. fauna of kokanee salmon (Oncorhynchus 1973. Diet and intestinal helminths in a nerka) introduced into Lake Huron. J. Fish. population of perch, Perca flavescens. J. Fish Res. Board Can. 31: 1818-1821. Biol. 5: 447-457. CONE, D. K., AND R. C. ANDERSON. 1977a. Myxospo- CARL, G. C. 1937. Flora and fauna of brackish ridan parasites of pumpkinseed (Lepomis gib- water. Ecology 18: 446-453. bosus L.) from Ontario. J. Parasitol. 63: 1939. Furunculosis and another case of 657-666. ichthyopthiriasis. Prog. Fish. Cult. 45: 47-50. 1977b. Parasites of pumpkinseed (Leponds CHEN, M., AND G. POWER. 1972. Infection of Ameri- gibbosus L.) from Ryan Lake, Algonquin Park, can smelt in Lake Ontario and Lake Erie with Ontario. Can. J. Zool. 55: 1410-1423.

223 CooPER, A. R. 1915a. Trematodes from marine and n. sp., monogenetic trematode (Discocotylidae: freshwater fishes, including one species of ecto- Neodiscocotylinae subfam. n.) from the gills parasitic turbellarinn. Trans. R. Soc. Can. Ser. of the quillback, Carpiodes cYprinrts (Le Sueur) 3, 9(4): 181-205. of Lake Erie. Can. J. Zool. 45: 473-478. 1915b. A new cestode from Amia calva 1968. Neoechilta•hynchtrs carpiodi n. sp. L. Trans. R. Can. Inst. 10: 81-119. (Advance (Acanthocephala: Neoechinorhynchidae) from separate issued in 1914) quillback of Lake Erie. Can. J. Zool. 46: 1915c. Contributions to the life history of 201-204. Proteocephales ambloplitis Leidy, a parasite 1969. Two new species of monogenetic of the black bass. Contrib. Can. Biol. 1911- trematodes (Trematoda: Monogenea) from 1914: 177-194. nasal cavities of catostomid fishes. J. Fish. Res. 1919. North American pseudophyllidean Board Can. 26: 865-869. cestodes from fishes. Ill. Biol. Monogr. 4: 1971a. Pseudacolpenteron pavlovskii By- 289-541. chowsky and Gussev, 1955 (Monogenea) from 1921. Tremltodes and cestodes of the Great Lakes carp, Cyprinus carpio L. Can. J. Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18. Rep. Zool. 49: 571-572. Can. Arct. Exped. 1913-18, 9 (G-H): 1-27. 1971b. Neoechinorltyttclttts pungitius n. sp. Cox, P. 1916. Investigation of a disease of the (Acanthocephala: Neoechinorhynchidae) from herring (Clupea harengus) in the Gulf of St. ninespine stickleback of Lake Huron. Can. J. Lawrence, 1914. Contrib. Can. Biol. 1914- Zool. 49: 483-486. 1915: 81-85. 1972a. Systematic status of Tetraar:chus CRANE, J. W. 1972. Systematics and new species of loftrr.si n. sp. (Monogenoidea: Tetraonchidae) marine Monogenea from California. Wusmann and comparative studies of T. nlonenteron J. Biol. 30: 109-166. (Wagener, 1857) Diesing, 1858, and T. raria- CROSSrvIAN, E. J. 1962. The grass pickerel Esox bilis Mizelle and Webb, 1953. Can. J. Zool. 50: antericmius vermiculatlts LeSueur in Canada. 1489-1495. R. Ont. Mus. Life Sci. Contrib. 55: 29 p. 1972b. New parasite records for Lake DANIELS, B., AND R. S. FREEMAN. 1976. A review Erie fish. Great Lakes Fish. Comm. Tech. Rep. 17: 20 p. of the genus Actinobdella Moore, 1901 (Anne- lida, Hirudinea). Can. J. Zool. 54: 2112-2117. 1972c. Parasites of fish from Lake of the Woods, Ontario. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 29: DAVIES, R. W. 1973. The geographic distribution 275-283. of freshwater Hirudinoidea in Canada. Can. 1973. New and previously described spe- J. Zool. 51: 53 1-545. cies of the genus Lvrodiscus (Monogenoidea: DAVIS, C. C. 1969. Ergasilus hrciopercarttm males Ancyrocephalinae) from fishes of the Great in an unusual collection from Newfoundland. Lakes. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 30: 1155-1160. Can. J. Zool. 47: 1249-1252. 1974a. Cleidodisctts Galdlvini n. sp. (Mono- DAVIS, H. S. 1924. A new myxosporidian parasite, genoidea: Ancyrocephalinae) from the gills of the cause of "wormy" halibut. Rep. U.S. the trout-perch (Percopsis omiscomaycus) of Comm. Fish. 1923, Append. 8: 1-5. Lake Huron. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 31: DECHTIAR, A. O. 1965a. A new distribution record 163-165. for Myxosonia scleroperca Guilford, 1963 1974b. Dactylogwvs buddi n. sp. (Mono- (Sporozoa: Myxosomatidae) in yellow perch genoidea: Dactylogyridae) from the gills of of Lake Erie. Can. Fish Cult. 34: 31-34. the sculpins of Lake Huron. Can. J. Zool. 52: 1965b. Preliminary observations on Glu- 861-863. gea hertsvigi, Weissenberg, 1911 (Microspori- DECHTIAR, A. O., AND W. A. DILLON. 1974. Rede- dia: Gltlgeidae) in American smelt, Osmertts scription of Anot:chohaptor ano»ialmn Mueller mordar (Mitchill) from Lake Erie. Can. Fish 1938 and a description of Icelanollchohaptor Cult. 34: 35-38. fyviei n.sp. (Monogenoidea: Dactylogyridae). 1966a. A new species of Phyllodistomlun J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 31: 1863-1866. (Trematoda: Gorgoderidae) from Cat•egonus DECHTIAR, A. O., AND K. H. LOFTUS. 1965. Two new chrpeaforntis (Mitchill) from Lake of the hosts for Cyathocephahts trut:catus (Pallas, Woods (Ontario). Can. J. Zool. 44: 135-140. 1781) (Cestoda: Cyathocephalidae) in Lake 1966b. A new species of monogenetic Huron. Can. J. Zool. 43: 407-408. trematode, Octomacrum .semotili, from the DELISLE, C. 1966. Infection des fretins d'éperlans creek chub, Semotihas atromacttlanrs (Mitchill), Osrllerus eperlanus mordar (Mitchill). Ann. from Algonquin Park lakes. Can. J. Zool. 44: Assoc. Can. Fr. Av. Sci. (1964-1965) 32: 74. 821-824. 1969. Bimonthly progress of a non-lethal 1967a. Neoechinorhyncluts notemigoni n. infection by Glugea hertsvisi in young-of-the- sp. (Acanthocephala: Neoechinorhynchidae) year smelt, Osnmrtts eperlmurs mordai. Can. from golden shiner of Lake Ontario. Can. J. J. Zool. 47: 871-876. Zool. 45: 155-159. 1972a. Henneglrva sp. (Sporozoa: Myxo- 1967b. Neodiscocotyle carpioditis n. gen., sporida) as a probable cause of death of Esox

224 niger in Brome Lake, Québec. Can. J. Zool. 50: 1937. On the maturation and the hatching 1499-1500. of the eggs of the cestode Triaenophorus 1972b. Variations mensuelles de Glugea crassus Forel from Canadian fish. J. Parasitol. hertwigi (Sporozoa: Microsporida) chez diffé- 23: 293-295. rents tissus et organes de l'éperlan adulte dul- 1938. Notes on the occurrence of Acantho- cicole et conséquences de cette infection sur cephala in Pacific fishes. I. Echinorhynchus une mortalité massive annuelle de ce poisson. gadi (Zoega) Millier in salmon and E. lageni- Can. J. Zool. 50: 1589-1600. formis sp. nov. and Corynosoma strumosum DELISLE, C., AND C. VEILLEUX. 1969. Répartition (Rudolphi) in two species of flounder. Parasi- géographique de l'éperlan arc-en-ciel Osmerus tology 30: 267-274. eperlanus mordax et de Glugea hertwigi (Spo- ELLis, M. F. 1930. Investigations on the protozoan rozoa: ) en eau douce, au Qué- fish parasites of the St. Andrews region. Trans. bec. Nat. Can. 96: 337-358. N.S. Inst. Sci. 17: 268-275. DICKINSON, A. B., AND W. THRELFALL. 1975. Meta- EUZET, L. 1959. Recherches sur les cestodes tétra- zoan parasites of Fundulus heteroclitus (Lin- phyllides des sélaciens des côtes de France. naeus, 1766) from insular Newfoundland. Proc. Thèses. Fac. Sci. de Montpellier, 266 p. Helminthol. Soc. Wash. 42: 111-116. EVANS, W. S. 1963. A mphimerus pseudofelineus 1976. Some parasites of Fundulus dia- (Ward, 1901) (Digenea: Opisthorchidae) and phallus and Pungitius pungitius from insular its second intermediate host in Manitoba. Can. Newfoundland. Proc. Helminthol. Soc. Wash. J. Zool. 41: 649-651. 43: 86-87. FANTHAM, H. B., AND A. PORTER. 1943. DOAN, K. H. 1945. The control of jackfish, Esox struthionis, sp. n., from Sudanese ostriches and Indus, in Heming Lake, Manitoba, in relation Sarcocystis salvelini, sp. nov. from Canadian to the parasitization of whitefish by the tape- speckled trout (Salvelinus fontinalis), together worm Triaenophorus crassus. Fish. Res. Board with a record of a Sarcocystis in the eel pout Can. MS Rep. (Biol.) 462: 35 p. (Zoarces angularis). Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1949. Control of the pike-whitefish tape- Ser. B. 113: 25-30. worm in central Canada. Fish. Res. Board Can. 1948. The parasitic fauna of vertebrates MS Rep. (Biol.) 479: 19 p. in certain Canadian fresh waters, with some DOBROVOLNY, C. G. 1939. Life history of Plagio- remarks on their ecology, structure and im- poru.s. sinitsini Mueller and embryology of new portance. Proc. Zool. Soc. London Ser. B. 117: cotylocercous cercariae (Trematoda). Trans. 609-649. Am. Microsc. Soc. 58: 121-155. FANTHAM, H. B., A. PORTER, AND L. R. RICHARDSON. DOLLFUS, R. Ph. 1942. Études critiques sur les tétra- 1939. Some Myxosporidia found in certain rhynques du Muséum de Paris. Arch. Mus. freshwater fishes in Quebec Province, Canada. Ser. 6(19): 1-466. Nat!. Hist. Nat. (Paris), Parasitology 31 : 1-77. DOMBROSKI, E. 1955. Cestode and nematode infec- 1940. Some more Myxosporidia observed tion of sockeye smolts from Babine Lake, in Canadian fishes. Parasitology 32: 333-353. British Columbia. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 12: 1941. Some Microsporidia found in cer- 93-96. tain fishes and insects in eastern Canada. Para- DORNHEIM, H. 1973. Nematodenlarven im Hering sitology 33: 186-208. der nordamerikanischen Ostkilste in den Jahren 1942. Some Haematozoa observed in 1969 bis 1972. Inf, Fischwirtsch. 20: 3-5. vertebrates in eastern Canada. Parasitology 34: DOWSETT, J. A., AND G. A. LUBINSKY. 1966. Matura- 199-226. tion of Clinostomum complanatum (Trema- FEE, A. R., 1926. The Isopoda of Departure Bay toda) in laboratory mice. Can. J. Zool. 44: 496. and vicinity, with descriptions of new species, DUBOIS, G. 1968. Synopsis des Strigeidae et des variations, and colour notes. Contrib. Can. Diplostomatidae. Mem. Soc. Neuchatel. Sci. Biol. Fish. New Ser. 3: 13-46. Nat. 10: 1-727. FISCHER, H. 1968. The life cycle of Proteocephalus DUFF, D. C. B. 1930. Investigation of hatchery fluviatilis Bangham (Cestoda) from smallmouth disease at Cultus Lake. Fish. Res. Board Can. bass, Micropterus dolomieui Lacépède. Can. MS Rep. (Biol.) 261: 6 p. J. Zool. 46: 569-579. DUNI3AR, M. J., AND H. H. HILDEBRAND. 1952. Con- FISCHER, H., AND R. S. FREEMAN. 1969. Penetration tribution to the study of the fishes of Ungava of parenteral plerocercoids of Proteocephalus Bay. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 9: 83-128. ambloplitis (Leidy) into the gut of smallmouth EKBAUM, E. 1935a. 'Über eine neue Cystidicola in bass. J. Parasitol. 55: 766-774. der Schwimmblase von Oncorhytxchus kisutch 1973. The role of plerocercoids in the Walbaum. Z. Parasitenkd. 7: 515. biology of Proteocephalus ambloplitis (Ces- 1935b. Notes on the species of Triaeno- toda) maturing in smallmouth bass. Can. J. phorus in Canada. J. Parasitol. 21: 260-263. Zool. 51: 133-141. 1936. Notes on the genus Cystidicola in Fisti, F. F. 1934. A fungus disease in fishes of the Canadian fishes. Can. Field Nat. 50: 8-11. Gulf of Maine. Parasitology 26: 1-16.

225 FLEMING, A. M. 1960. Age, growth and sexual tode parasites of vertebrates. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. maturity of cod (GaAs morhua L.) in the 78: 42-43. Newfoundland area, 1947-1950. J. Fish. Res. 1976. Monogenea and Digenea from fishes. Board Can. 17: 775-809. Discovery Rep. 36: 179-266. FOERSTER, R. E. 1929. An investigation of the life GIBSON, D. 1., AND R. A. BRAY. 1977. The Azygiidae, history and propagation of the sockeye salmon Hirudinellidae, Ptychogonimidae, Sclerodisto- (Oncorhynchus nerka) at Cultus Lake, British midae and Syncoeliidae of fishes from the Columbia. III. The downstream migration of north-east Atlantic. Bull. Br. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) the young in 1926 and 1927. Contrib. Can. Zool. 32: 167-245. Biol. Fish. New Ser. 5: 55-82. GODFREY, H. 1968. Some observations on juvenile FORRESTER, C. R. 1956. The relation of stock marine chum, chinook and coho salmon taken density to "milkiness" of lemon sole in Union in waters adjacent to Georgia Strait in 1965. Bay, B.C. Fish. Res. Board Can. Frog. Rep. Fish. Res. Board Can. MS Rep. 955: 19 p. Pac. Coast Stn. 105: 11. GOLVAN, Y. J. 1959. Le phylum des Acanthocephala. FRANTSI, C., T. C. FLEWELLING, AND K. G. Deuxième note. La classe des Eoacanthoce- TIDSWELL. 1975. Investigations on corynebac- phala (Van Cleave 1936). Ann. Parasitol. Hum. terial kidney disease and Diplostonutlum sp. Comp. 34: 5-52. (eye-fluke) at Margaree hatchery, 1972-73. 1960. Le phylum des Acanthocephala. Fish. Mar. Serv. Res. Dey. Tech. Rep. MAR/ Troisième note. La classe des Palaeacantho- T-75-9: 30 p. cephala (Meyer 1931) (à suivre). Ann. Para- FRASER, C. M. 1920. Copepods parasitic on fish sitol. Hum. Comp. 35: 138-165. from the Vancouver Island region. Trans. R. 1969. Systématique des acanthocéphales Soc. Can., Ser. 3, 13(5): 45-67. (Acanthocephala Rudolphi 1801). Première FREEMAN, R. S. 1961. The life history of Proteo- partie. L'ordre des Palaeacanthocephala Meyer cephalus parallacticus MacLulich, 1943, from 1931. Premier fascicule. La super-famille des lake trout. J. Parasitol. 47(4, Sect. 2): 57. Echinorhynchoidea (Cobbold 1876) Golvan et 1964a. On the biology of Proteocephalus Houin 1963. Mem. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. Ser. parallacticus MacLulich (Cestoda) in Algon- A Zool. 57: 1-373. quin Park, Canada. Can. J. Zool. 42: 387-408. GOODING, R. U., AND A. G. HUMES. 1963. External 1964b. problems in fish. Can. anatomy of the female Haemobaphes cyclop- Fish Cuit. 32: 11-18. terina, a copepod parasite of marine fishes. FREE/vIAN, R. S., AND J. JAMIESON, 1976. Parasites of J. Parasitol. 49: 663-677. Eskimos at Igloolik and Hall Beach, Northwest GOWANLOCII, J. N. 1927. Notes on the occurrence Territories, p. 306-315. In R. J. Shepard, and S. and control of the trematode, Gyroclactylus, Itoh [cd.] Circumpolar health. Proc. 3rd Int. ectoparasitic on Fundulus. Trans. N.S. Inst. Symp., Yellowknife, N.W.T., Univ. of Toronto Sci. 16: 126-131. Press, Toronto, Ont. HANEK, G. 1977. Effects of season, host age, and FREEMAN, R. S. AND B. H. THOMPSON. 1969. Obser- sex on gill parasites of Ambloplites twpestris vations on transmission of Diphyllobothrium (Raf.). Program Abstr. 52nd Annu. Meet. Am. sp. (Cestoda) to lake trout in Algonquin Park, Soc. Parasitol. Abstr. 130: 59. Canada. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 26: 871-878. HANEK, G., AND C. H. FERNANDO. 1971a. Pseudo- FI2EZE, V. I. 1965. Proteocephalata - tapeworms of mazocraeoides ontariensis n. sp. (Monogenoi- fish, amphibians and reptiles. In K. I. Skrjabin dea: Mazocraeidae) from Dorosoma cepedia- [cd.] Principles of cestodology. Vol. 5, 538 p. num (LeSueur) in Bay of Quinte, Ontario. Can. "Nkutka", Moscow. (Transl. from Russian J. Zool. 49: 573-575. by Israel Program for Sci. Transl. Jerusalem, 197 lb. Monogenetic trematodes from the No. 1853, 1969) Bay of Quinte area, Ontario. Il. Genus Gyro- dactylos Nordmann, 1832. Can. J. Zool. 49: FROST, N. 1940. A preliminary study of Newfound- 1331-1341. land trout. Newfoundland Res , Bull. 9 (Fish.): the 1-30. 1972a. Monogenetic trematodes from Bay of Quinte area, Ontario. III, Genera FULLER, W. A. 1955. The inconnu (Stenodus leu- Actinocleidus, Cleidodiscus, Urocleidtts, and cichthys mackenziei) in Great Slave Lake and Tetraoncus. Can. J. Zool. 50: 1303-13 12. adjoining waters. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 12: 1972b. Monogenetic trematodes from the 768-780. Bay of Quinte area, Ontario. IV. Genus Dacty- GAEVSKAYA, A. V., AND B. A. UMNOVA. 1977. On logyrus Diesing, 1850, with provisional host- the parasite fauna of the principal commercial parasite and parasite-host lists. Can. J. Zool. fishes of the northwest Atlantic. Biol. Morya 50: 1313-1317. (Vladivostok) 4: 40-48. (In Russian) 1973a. Monogenetic trernatodes from the GIBSON, D. I. 1973. The genus Pseudanisakis Lay- Bay of Quinte area, Ontario. V. Two adcl it ional man & Borovkova, 1926 (Nematoda: Ascari- species of Urocleidus Mueller, 1934, emended dida). J. Nat. Hist. 7: 319-340. Mizelle and Hughes, 1938. Can. J. Zool. 51: 1975. Book review. CIH keys to the nema- 896-897.

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1978. Parasitic Copepoda of British fishes. 1975a. Histological changes associi 1973b. Spatial distribution of gill para- HARE, G. M., AND M. D. B. BURT. 1975a. Identifi- Ray Society, London. (In press) with trichodinid infections in thorny skâ sites infesting Anlbloplites rupestris Raf. in cation, host sites and biology of parasites in- KABATA, Z., AND B. COUSINS. 1977. Host-parasite Raja radiata Donovan. J. Wildl. Dis. 11: 2 West Lake, Ontario. Program Abstr. 48th fecting juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salino salar) relationships between sockeye salmon Oncor- 209. Annu. Meet. Am. Soc. Parasitol. Abstr. 71: in the Miramichi River system. Fish. Mar. 1975b. Development of Trypanos hynchus nerka, and Sabnincola californiensis Serv. Res. Dev. Tech. Rep. 581: 34 p. mru•manensis in the Atlantic cod, G^ 38-39. (Copepoda: Lernaeopodidae). J. Fish. Res. 1975b., Abundance and population dy- morhua. Program Abstr. 50th Annu. M{ 1974. Spatial distribution of gill para- Board Can. 34: 191-202. (Raf.) in namics of parasites infecting Atlantic salmon Am. Soc. Parasitol. Abstr. 149: 80. sites infesting Ambloplites rupestris KABATA, Z., AND C. R. FORRESTER. 1974. Athe- (Sahno salar) in Trout Brook, New Brunswick, 1976. The life cycle of Trypanosoma n, West Lake, Ont., Canada. Proc. 3rd Int. Congr. resthe.s .rtomia.s (Jordan and Gilbert 1880) Canada. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 32: 2069- manensis Nikitin. Can. J. Zool. 54: 1840-1 f Parasitol. 3: 1637. (Pisces: Pleuronectiformes) and its eye para- 2074. 1977. Susceptibility of marine fish to 1975. Effects of season, host age, and sex site PhrixocephaFus cincinnatus Wilson 1908 on gill parasites of Lepoinis gibbosus. Program 1976. Parasites as potential biological tags panosomes. Can. J. Zool. 55: 1235-1241. (Copepoda: Lernaeoceridae) in Canadian Pa- Abstr. 50th Annu. Meet., Am. Soc. Parasitol. of Atlantic salmon (Sahno salcu•) smolts in KHAN, R. A., V. C. BARBER, AND S. MCCANN. I^ cific waters. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 31: Abstr. 170: 84. the Miramichi River system, New Brunswick. A scanning electron microscopical study o 1589-1595. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 33: 1139-1143. surface topography of a trichodinid cil HANEK, G., AND K. MOLNAR. 1974. Parasites of KABATA, Z., AND S. N. WILKES. 1978. Penicuhis HARE, G. M., AND C. FRANTSI. 1974. Abundance Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 93: 131-134. freshwater and anadromous fishes from Mata- asinus (Copepoda: Pennellidae), a new species and potential pathology of parasites infecting KHAN, R. A., AND G. 1. McT. COWAN. 1976. A mek River system, Quebec. J. Fish. Res. Board of copepod parasitic on fishes of the genus salmonids in Canadian Maritime hatcheries. chemical approach towards the taxonomy Can. 31 : 1135-1139. Sebastes along the west coast of North Amer- J. Fish, Res. Board Can. 31: 1031-1036. leeches (Annelida: Hirudinea). Can. J. Z HANEK, G., K. MOLNAR, AND C. H. FERNANDO. ica. Can. J. Zool. 55: 1988-1991. HART, J. F. 1936. Cestoda from fishes of Puget 54: 1803-1805. 1975. New and previously known Dactylo- KATZ, M., J. C. WOODEY, C. D. BECKER, P. T. K. Sound. It. Tetrarhynchoidea. Trans. Am. KHAN, R. A., AND M. C. MEYER. 1976. Taxon( gyru.s spp. from southern Ontario. J. Parasitol. Woo, AND J. R. ADAMS. 1966. Records of Cryp- Microsc. Soc. 55: 369-387. and biology of some Newfoundland ma, 61: 421-426. tobia salmositica from sockeye salmon from HART, J. L. 1930, The spawning and early life his- leeches (Rhynchobdellae: Piscicolidae). J.11 HANEK, G., AND W. THRELFALL. 1969a. Thersitina the Fraser River drainage and from the State tory of the whitefish, Coregonus clupeaformis Res. Board Can. 33: 1699-1714. gasterostei (Pagenstecher, 1861) (Copepoda: of Washington. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 23: (Mitchill), in the Bay of Quinte, Ontario. Con- KHAN, R. A., AND E. R. NOBLE. 1972. Taxono1l Ergasilidae) from Gasterosteus whea7landi Put- 1965-1966. trib. Can. Biol. Fish. New Ser. 6: 165-214. prevalence, and specificity of Cryptobia d nam, 1867. Can. J. Zool. 47: 627-629. KELEHER, J. J. 1950. Growth, maturity and Triae- 1931. The food of the whitefish Coregonus (Mbbius) (Mastigophora: Bodonidae) in lu 1969b. Digenetic trematodes from New- nophorus in relation to taxonomy clupeaformis (Mitchill) in Ontario waters, with fish, Cyclopterus hunpus. J. Fish. Res. Bo foundland, Canada. 1. Three species from of Lake Winnipeg ciscoes (Leucichthys). Fish. a note on the parasites. Contrib. Can. Biol. Can. 29: 1291-1294. Gasterosteus aculeatus Linnaeus, 1758. Can. Res. Board Can. MS Rep. (Biol.) 509: 74 p. Fish. New Ser. 6: 445-454. KHAN, R. A., AND T. K. PITT. 1974. An infesta J. Zool. 47: 793-794. 1952. Growth and Triaenophorus para- 1973. Pacific fishes of Canada. Bull. Fish. of the marine fish Lycodes lavalaei by the p I969c. Monogenetic trematodes from sitism in relation to taxonomy of Lake Win- Res. Board Can. 180: 740 p. sitic copepod Tanypleurus alcicornis. J. Newfoundland, Canada. 1. New species of the nipeg ciscoes (Leucichthys). J. Fish. Res. Board HELLER, A. F. 1949. Parasites of cod and other Res. Board Can. 31: 470-471. genus Gyrodactylus Nordmann, 1832. Can. J. Can. 8: 469-478. marine fish from the Baie de Chaleur region. KLEMM, D. J. 1977. A review of the leeches (Ar Zool. 47: 951-955. Can. J. Res. Sect. D. 27: 243-264. KENNEDY, C. R. 1978. The biology, specificity and lida: Hirudinea) in the Great Lakes regl 1969d. Digenetic trematodes from New- HENDERSON, J. T. 1926. Description of a copepod habitat of the species of Eubothrium (Cestoda: Mich. Acad. 9: 397-418. foundland, Canada. 2. Two species from gill-parasite of pike-perches in lakes of north- Pseudophyllidea), with reference to their use Ko, R. C., AND J. R. ADAMS. 1969. The developrr Gastero.rteus aculeatus Linnaeus, 1758. Can. ern Quebec, including an account of the free- as biological tags: a review. J. Fish Biol. 12: of Philonema oncorhynchi (Nematoda: PA J. Zool. 47: 1086-1087. swimming male and of some developmental 393-410. metridae) in Cyclops bicuspidatus in relal 1970a. Ergcrsilus auritus Markewitsch, stages. Contrib. Can. Biol. Fish. New Ser. 3: KENNEDY, W. A., C. T. SHOOP, W. GRIFFIOEN, AND to temperature. Can. J. Zool. 47: 307- 1940 (Copepoda: Ergasilidae) from Ga.steros- 235-245. A. SOLMIE. 1976. The 1974 crop of salmon Ko, R. C., AND R. C. ANDERSON. 1969. A revis' teu.r aculeatus Linnaeus, 1758 in Newfound- HICKS, F. J., AND W. THRELFALL. 1973. Metazoan reared on the Pacific Biological Station ex- the genus Cystidicola Fischer, 1798 (Nej land. Can. J. Zool. 48: 185-187. parasites of salmonids and coregonids from perimental fishfarm. Fish. Mar. Serv. Res. Dev. toda: Spiruroidea) of the swimbladder of fis? 1970b. Helminth parasites of the four- coastal Labrador. J. Fish Biol. 5: 399-415. Tech. Rep. 612: 19 p. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 26: 849-864. spine stickleback (Apeltes quadracus (Mitchill)) HOAR, W. S. 1939. The weight-length relationship KENNEDY, W. A., AND W. M. SPRULES. 1967. Gold- KOHLER, A. C. 1959. Growth and parasites of • in Newfoundland. Can. J. Zool. 48: 404-406. of the Atlantic salmon. J. Fish. Res. Board eye in Canada. Bull. Fish. Res. Board Can. during a year in captivity. Fish. Res. Bq 1970c. Metazoan parasites of the Amer- Can. 4: 441-460. 161: 45 p. Can. Prog. Rep. AtI. Coast Stn. 72: 2-7. ican eel (Anguilla rostrata (LeSueur)) in New- foundland and Labrador. Can. J. Zool. 48: HOFFMAN, G. L. 1967. Parasites of North American KHAN, R. A. 1972a. Developmental stages of KOMOURDJIAN, M. P., W. C. HULBERT, J.I 597-600. freshwater fishes. Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley Haemogregarina delagei Laveran and Mesnil FENWICK, AND T. W. MOON. 1977. Descrlp^ 1970d. Parasites of the ninespine stickle- and Los Angeles. 486 p. in an elasmobranch, Raja radiata Donovan. and first occurrence of Myxidium zealandi back Prmgitius pungitius (L.) in Newfoundland HOFFMAN, G. L., AND C. E. DUNBAR. 1961. Mor- Can. J. Zool. 50: 906-907. (Protozoa: Myxosporidia) in the North Ar^ and Labrador. Can. J. Zool. 48: 600-602. tality of eastern brook trout caused by plero- 1972b. On a trypanosome from the Atlan- ican eel Anguilla rostrata LeSueur. Ca 1970e. Parasites of the threespine stickle- cercoids (Cestoda: Pseudophyllidea: Diphyllo- tic cod, Gadus morluta L. Can. J. Zool. 50: Zool. 55: 52-59. back (Gasterosteus aculecrtus) in Newfound- bothriidae) in the heart and viscera. J. Parasitol. 1051-1054. KRITSKY, D. C., R. J. KAYTON, AND D. P. L land and Labrador. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 47: 399-400. 1972c. Taxonomy, prevalence, and ex- 1977. Dactylogyrus unguiformis sp. n. (M( 27: 901-907. HOLMES, J. C. 1969. Habitat segregation in blood perimental transmission of a protozoan para- genea) from the mottled sculpin, Cottus b 1970f. Monogenetic trematodes from flukes of rockfishes from the Pacific coast. site, Trichodina oviducti Polyanskii (Ciliata: Girard, in Idaho, with some taxonomic co Newfoundland, Canada. 2. New species of the Program Abstr. 44th Annu. Meet., Am. Soc. Peritrichida) of the thorny skate, Raja radiata erations in the genus Dactylogyrus. Proc. genus Gyrodactylus Nordmann, 1832 from Parasitol. Abstr. 191: 74. Donovan. J. Parasitol. 58: 680-685. minthol. Soc. Wash. 44: 141-147. Labrador cottids. Can. J. Zool. 48: 915-918. 1971a. Two new sanguinicolid blood flukes 1974. Transmission and development of KUITUNEN-EKBAUM, E. 1933a. Philonema on 1971. Metazoan parasites of the twospine (Digenea) from scorpaenid rockfishes (Perci- the trypanosome of the Atlantic cod by a hynchi nov. gen. et spec. Contrib. Can. B stickleback, Gasterosteus wheatlandi Putnam, formes) of the Pacific coast of North America. marine leech. Proc. 3rd Int. Congr. Parasitol. Fish. New Ser. 8: 71-75. 1867 in Newfoundland. Am. Midl. Nat. 85: J. Parasitol. 57: 209-216. 3: 1608. 1933b. A study of the cestode g, 275-276. 1971b. Habitat segregation in sanguini-


1 Eubothrium of Nybelin in Canadian fishes. published separately (1897?) in "Atlas du Contrib. Can. Biol. Fish. New Ser. 8: 89-98. voyage de La Pérouse" 69 pl.] coud blood flukes (Digenea) of scorpaenid rock- JOHANSEN, F. 1925, Natural history of tl 1933c. Citharichthys stigmaeus as a pos- LAND, J. VAN DER, AND W. TEMPLEMAN. 1968. Two fishes (Perciformes) on the Pacific coast of (Tautogolabrus adspersus Walbaum). sible intermediate host of Gilquinia squall new species of GYrocotyle (Monogenea) from North America. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 28: Can. Biol. New Ser. 2: 423-467. (Fabricius). Contrib. Can. Biol. Fish. New Ser. Hydrolagus affinis (Brito Capello) (Holo- 903-909. JOHNSON, R. P. 1963. Studies on the life hi; 8: 99-101. cephali). J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 25: 2365- HOLMES, J. C., R. P. HOBBS, AND T. S. LEONG. 1977. ecology of the bigmouth buffalo, 1933d. A case of dracontiasis in Pacific 2385. Populations in perspective: Community organ- cyprinellus (Valenciennes). J. Fish. Re coastal fishes. Contrib. Can. Biol. Fish. New LA RUE, G. R. 1957. The classification of digenetic ization and regulation of parasite populations, Can. 20: 1397-1429. Ser. 8: 161-168. Trematoda: a review and a new system. Exp. p. 209-345. In G. W. Esch [cd,] Regulation of JOHNSON, S. K., AND W. A. ROGERS. 1973. 1936. On the hatching of the eggs of the Parasitol. 6: 306-344. parasite populations. Academic Press, New tion of the genus E•gasilus in severti cestode Triaenophorus crassus. Fish. Res. LAWLER, G. H. 1952. A new North American host York, N.Y. basins. Auburn Uni Board Can. MS Rep. (Biol.) 302: 5 p. Mexico drainage for the fish parasite Triaenophorus nodulosus HONIGBERG, Bull. 445: 74 p. 1937a. Diphyllobothrium sp.-Plerocercoid B. M., W. BALAMUTH, E. C. BOVEE, Exp. Stn. (Pallas). Can. Field Nat. 66: 111. in the lake trout from Algonquin Park, On- J. O. CORLISS, M. GOJDICS, R. P. HALL, KABATA, Z. 1961. Lernaeocera branchial 1953. Age, growth, production and infec- tario. Fish. Res. Board Can. MS Rep. (Biol.) R. R. KUDO, N. D. LEVINE, A. R. LOEBLICH, parasitic copepod from the Europear tion with of the 301: 3 p. Triaenophorus nodttlosus J. WEISER, AND D. H. WENRICH. 1964. A American shores of the Atlantic. Cri yellow perch, Perca flavescens (Machin), of 1937b. Intestinal parasites of the haddock revised classification of the phylum Protozoa. 2: 243-249. Manitoba. Fish. Res. Board Can. MS Rep. in Canadian waters. Fish. Res. Board Can. J. Protozool. 11: 7-20. 1964. Redescription of Lernaeor (Biol.) 521: 19 p. MS Rep. (Biol.) 303: 16 p. HOPKINS, S. H. 1931. Studies on Crepidostonium. troscyllii Hansen, 1923 (Copepoda: 1954a. Preliminary check-list of the fish 1937e. Notes on the biology II. The "Crepidostoinum laureation" of A. R. podidae). J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 21: and partial parasites of Heming Lake, Manitoba. Fish. life history of the dracunculid, Philonema Cooper. J. Parasitol. 18: 79-91. 1967a. Morphology of Phrirocep. Res. Board Can. MS Rep. (Biol.) 576: 6 p. oncorhyneld Kuitunen-Ekbaum. Fish. Res. HOSKINS, G. E., G. R. BELL, AND T. P. T. EVELYN. climatic Wilson, 1908 (Copepoda: 1954b. Observations on the trout-perch Board Can. MS Rep. (Biol.) 304: 8 1976. The occurrence, distribution and signifi- ceridae). J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 24: p. Percopsis oiniscomaycus (Walbaum), at Hem- I937d. Notes on the occurrence of Acan- cance of infectious diseases and neoplasms 1967b. The genus Haemobaphe ing Lake, Manitoba. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. observed in fish in the Pacific Region up to poda: Lernaeoceridae) in the waters ( thocephala in Pacific fishes. Fish. Res. Board 11: 1-4. Can. MS Rep. (Biol.) 316: 10 p. the end of 1974. Fish. Mar. Serv. Res. Dev. Columbia. Can. J. Zool. 45: 853-875. 1955. Life history studies of Triaeno- 1949. The occurrence of Sarcotaces in Tech. Rep. 609: 37 p. I 968. Some Chondracanthidae (C phorus at Heming Lake, Manitoba. Part I. The Columbia. J. F Canada. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 7: 505-512. HOSKINS, G. E., AND L. P. HULSTEIN. 1977. Annual from fishes of British life of T. crassus and T. nodulosus in the final KULDA, J., AND Report of the diagnostic service of the Fisheries Board Can. 25: 321-345. J. Lom. 1964. Remarks on the diplo- host, Esor litchis with special reference to and Marine Service, Pacific Region for 1975. 1969a. Four Lernaeopodidae (C mastigine flagellates from the intestine of fishes. changes in infection rate from year to year. Fish. Mar. Serv. Res. Dev. Tech. Rep. 707: parasitic on fishes from Newfound Parasitology 54: 753-762. Fish. Res. Board Can. MS Rep. (Biol.) 604: 35 p. West Greenland. J. Fish. Res. Board KUSSAT, R. H. 1969. A comparison of aquatic com- 17 p. 311-324. munities in the Bow River above and below HUGHES, R. C. 1928. Studies on the trematode 1956. Life history studies of Triaeno- 1969b. Phrirocephalus cincinnatn sources of domestic and industrial wastes from family Strigeidae (Holostomidae). No. XIII. phorus at Heming Lake, Manitoba. Part III. 1908 (Copepoda: Lernaeoceridae): the city of Calgary. Can. Fish Cult, 40: 3-31. Three new species of Tetracotyle. Trans. Am. Studies on eggs, coracidia and procercoids of ogy, and host-para LACHANCE, Microsc. Soc. 47: 414-433. metamorphosis, F. 1947. Black spot disease of bass. Part Triaenophorus at Heming Lake. Fish. Res. tionship. Res. Board Can. 26: I. 1929. Studies on the trematode family J. Fish. Distribution of the disease. Can. Fish Cult. Board Can. MS Rep. (Biol.) 623: 16 p. 1969e. Tanypleuridae farn. no 1: 16-21. 1959. Biology and control of the pike- Strigeidae (Holostomidae). No. XIV. Two new on fish( species of diplostomula. Occas. Pap. Mus. Zool. poda: Caligoida), parasitic LAGUEUX, R. 1966. Présence de larves plerocercoides whitefish parasitic worm, Triaenophorus cras- J. Fish. Res. Bo Univ. Midi. 202: 1-29. Canadian Atlantic. de Diphyllobothrium (Cestode), sur la truite sus, in Canada. Fish. Res. Board Can. London 26: 1407-1414. du Québec. Nat. Can. 93: 440-441. HUGHES, S. E. 1973. Some metazoan Biol. Stn. Tech. Unit Prog. Rep. 1: 31-37. parasites of 1969d. Revision of the genus Sc the LAIRD, M. 1959. Caliperia brevipes n. sp. (Ciliata: 1961. Herning Lake experiment. Fish. Res. eastern Pacific saury, Cololabis saira. Fish. Wilson, 1915 (Copepoda: Lernaeopo Bull. 71: 943-953. Peritricha), epizoic on Raja erinacea Machin Board Can. London Biol. Stn. Tech. Unit Prog. Fish. Res. Board Can. 26: 2987-3041, at Saint Andrews, New Brunswick. Can. J. Rep. 2: 48-50. HULBERT, W. C., M. P. KOMOURDJIAN, T. W. MOON, I 969e. Chondracatithus narii Zool. 37: 283-288. 1964. Incidence of Ligula intestinalis in AND J. C. FENWICK. 1977. The fine structure (Copepoda: Chondracanthidae), a pz 1961a. Parasites from northern Heming Lake fish. of sporogony in Illyridium zealandicum (Pro- Canada. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. nasal cavities of Ophiodon elongatu: II. Haematozoa of fishes. Can. J. Zool. 39: 21: 549-554. tozoa: Myxosporidia). Can. J. Zool. 55: 438- Teleostei) in British Columbia. J. F 541-548. 1968. 447. Triaenophorus nodulosus in burbot, Board Can. 26: 3043-3047. 1961b. Trichodinids and other parasitic Lota Iota, from Heming Lake, Manitoba. J. HUNTER, G. AND BANGHAM. W., III, R. V. 1932. 1970a. Some Lernaeopodidae (C Protozoa from the intertidal zone at Nanaimo, Fish. Res, Board Can. 25: 2523-2524. Studies on fish parasites of Lake Erie. I. New from fishes of British Columbia. J. I Vancouver Island. Can. J. Zool. 39: 833-844. 1969. Aspects of the biology of Triaeno- trematodes (Allocreadiidae). Trans. Am. Mi- Board Can. 27: 865-885. LAIRD, M., AND W. L. BULLOCK. 1969. Marine fish phorus nodulosus in yellow perch, Perca fla- crosc. Soc. 51: 137-152. 1970b. Discovery of Brachiell haematozoa from New Brunswick and New veseens, in Heming Lake, Manitoba. J. Fish. 1933. Studies on the fish parasites of Lake formis (Copepoda: Lernaeopodidae England. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 26: 1075- Res. Board Can. 26: 821-831. Erie. II. New Cestoda and Nematoda. J. Para- Canadian Pacific and its significance 1102. 1970. Parasites of coregonid fishes, p. 279- sitol. 19: 304-311. Merlucciu.s geography of the genus DE LA MARTINIÈRE (Doc. Med.). 1787. Mémoire 309. In C. C. Lindsey, and C. S. Woods [cd.] HUNTSMAN, A. G. 1918a. Report on affected Teleostei). J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 2 sur quelques insectes. Obs. Sur. Phys. (etc)., of coregonid fishes. Univ. Manitoba Biology salmon in the Miramichi River, New Bruns- 2165. Vol. 31, Pt. 2, Sept., p. 207-209, pl. 2. fig. 1-7; Press, Winnipeg, Man. wick. Contrib. Can. Biol. 1917-1918: 169-173. Four Bomolochidae (C 1971. Oct., p. 264-266, pl. 2. fig. 8-12; Nov., p. 365- LAWLER, G. H., AND W. B. SCOTT. 1954. Notes on 1918b. The Canadian plaice. Bull. Fish. Columbia. J. from fishes of British 366, pl. 2, fig. 13-15 (not seen). Subsequently the geographical distribution and the hosts of Res. Board Can. 1: 32 p. Board Can. 28: 1563-1572. published in Pérouse, J. F. G. 1797. Voyage the cestode genus Triaenophorus in North of Lepeo ILEs, C. 1971. Fistulicola plicatus (Cestoda) and 1973. The species de La Pérouse autour du monde. Paris, Vol. America. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 11: 884- Tristoma spp. (Trematoda) on swordfish from (Copepoda: Caligidae) from fishes 4, p. 61-72 and pl. 20 in the Atlas. [Plates 893. the northwest Atlantic. J. Fish. Res. Board Columbia. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. Can. 28: 31-34. 759. 230 228 LAWLER, G. H., AND N. H. F. WATSON. 1958. Lim- LEWIS, J. W. 1973. Internal pressure changes in nological studies of Heming Lake, Manitoba, the dracunculoid nematode Philonema oncor- and two adjacent lakes. J. Fish. Res. Board hynchi. Parasitology 67: xv-xvi. Can. 15: 203-218. LEWIS, J. W., D. R. JONES, AND J. R. ADAMS. 1974. LEE, R. F. 1975. Lipids of parasitic copepods asso- Functional bursting by the dracunculoid nema- ciated with marine fish. Comp. Biochem. tode Philonema oncorhynchi. Parasitology 69: Physiol. 52B: 363-364. 417-427. LEGAULT, R.-0., L. P. E. CHOQUETTE, AND C. LIEN, M. L. 1951, Laboratory experiments on the DELISLE. 1965. Étude préliminaire sur la mor- control of the tapeworm, Triaenophorus cras- talité massive de l'éperlan Osmerus mordax sus. Fish. Res. Board Can. MS Rep. (Biol.) (Mitchill) au Lac Petit Poisson Blanc ou Heney, 493: 82 p. P.Q. Ann. Assoc. Can. Fr. Av. Sci. (1963-1964) LINTON, E. 1891. Notes on entozoa of marine fishes 31: 51. of New England, with descriptions of several new species. Part II. Report of the Commis- LEGAULT, R.-0., AND C. DELISLE. 1967. Acute infec- sioner for 1887. U.S. Comm. Fish Fish. Pt. 15: tion by Glugea hertwigi Weissenberg in young- 719-899. of-the-year rainbow smelt, Osmerus eperlcmus LISTON, J., AND C. Second survey of mordax (Mitchill). Can. J. Zool. 45: 1291-1292. R. HITZ. 1961. the occurrence of parasites and blemishes in LEIBY, P. D., D. C. KRITSKY, AND C. A. PETERSON. Pacific ocean perch, Sebastodes alutus, May- 1972. Studies on helminths of North Dakota. June 1959. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. Spec. Sci. III. Parasites of the bigmouth buffalo, lctiobus Rep. Fish. 383: 6 p. the description of three cyprinellus (Val.), with LISTON, J., J. PETERS, AND J. A. STERN. 1960. Para- and the proposal of Icelanoncho- new species sites in summer-caught Pacific rockfishes. U.S. gen. J. Parasitol. 58: haptor n. (Monogenea). Fish Wildl. Serv. Spec. Sci. Rep. Fish. 352: 447-454. 10 p. LEIDY, J. 1885. Botlzriocephalus in a trout. Proc. LLOYD, L. C. 1938. Some digenetic trematodes from Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 37, Ser. 3(15): 122-123. Puget Sound fish. J. Parasitol. 24: 103-133. LEONG, T. S., AND J. C. HoLmEs. 1974a. Acquisition LOGAN, V. H., AND P. H. ODENSE. 1974. The integu- of helminths by coho salmon, Oncorhynchus ment of the ocean sunfish (Mola mola L.) kisutch introduced into Cold Lake, Alberta: a (Plectognathi) with observations on the lesions comparison with helminths of native salmonid from two ectoparasites, Capsala martinierei fish. Proc. 3rd Int. Congr. Parasitol. 3: 1639. (Trematoda) and Philorthagoriscus serrai us 1974b. Analysis of the circulation of (Copepoda). Can. J. Zool. 52: 1039-1045. Metechinorhynchus salmonis in Cold Lake, Lom, J. 1969. Notes on the ultrastructure and sporo- Alberta. Program Abstr. 49th Annu. Meet. Am. blast development in fish parasitizing myxo- Soc. Parasitol. Abstr.: 113: 44-45. sporidian of the genus Sphaeromyra. Z. Zell- LESTER, R. J. G. 1971. The influence of Schisto- forsch. Mikrosk. Anat. 97: 416-437. cephalus plerocercoids on the respiration of 1970. Trichodinid (Peritrichida: Gasterosteus and a possible resulting effect on Urceolariidae) from some marine fishes. Folia the behaviour of the fish. Can. J. Zool. 49: Parasitol. (Praha) 17: 113-125. 361-366. Lom, J., AND D. P. HALDAR. 1976. Observations on 1972. Attachment of Gyrodactylus to trichodinids endocommensal in fishes. Trans. Ga.s.terosteus and host response. J. Parasitol. Am. Microsc. Soc. 95: 527-541. 58: 717-722. Lom, J., AND M. LAIRD. 1969. Parasitic Protozoa 1975. Parasites of Gasterosteus aculeatus from marine and euryhaline fish of Newfound- near Vancouver, British Columbia. Syesis 7: land and New Brunswick, I. Peritrichous cili- 195-200. ates. Can. J. Zool. 47: 1367-1380. 1977. An estimate of the mortality in a 1976. Parasitic Protozoa from marine and population of Perca flavescens owing to the euryhaline fish of Newfoundland and New trematode Diplostotnum adamsi. Can. J. Zool. Brunswick. II. Microsporida. Trans. Am. 55: 288-292. Microsc. Soc. 95: 569-580. LESTER, R. J. G., AND J. R. ADAMS. 1974. Gyrodac- Lom, J., E. R. NOBLE, AND M. LAIRD. 1975. Myxo- tylus alexanderi: reproduction, mortality, and sporida from the deep-sea fish, Macrourus effect on its host Gasterosteus aculeatus. Can. berglax, off Newfoundland and Iceland. Folia J. Zool. 52: 827-833. Parasitol. (Praha) 22: 105-109. LESTER, R. J. G., AND B. A. DANIELS. 1976. The LUBINSKY, G. A. 1976. Ichthyoparasites of Mani- eosinophilic cell of the white sucker, Catosto- toba, p. 253-289. In International G- rrison mus commersoni. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 33: diversion study board. Rep. Int. Joint eomm. 139-144. Append. C. Biol. Rep. Attachment C.I1-7. LESTER, R. J. G., AND H. W. HUIZINGA. 1977. LYSTER, L. L. 1939. Parasites of freshwater fish. Diplostomunt adamsi sp. n.: description, life I. Internal trematodes of commercial fish in the cycle, and pathogenesis in the retina of Perca central St. Lawrence watershed. Can. J. Res. flavescens. Can. J. Zool. 55: 64-73. Sect. D. 17: 154-168.

231 1940a. Parasites of freshwater fish, II. MAHON, R. 1976. Effect of the cestode Ligula inte,s- Parasitism of speckled and lake trout and the tina(is on spottiil shiners, Notropis hudsoni7rs. fish found associated with them in Lake Com- Can. J. Zool. 54: 2227-2229. mandant, Que. Can. J. Res. Sect. D. 18: 66-78. MALMBERG, G. 1970, The excretory systems and the 1940b. Apophallus imperato7• sp. nov., a marginal hooks as a basis for the systematics heterophyid encysted in trout, with a contribu- of Gyrodactylus (Trematoda, Monogenea). tion to its life history. Can. J. Res. Sect. D. 18: Ark. Zool., Ser. 2, 23(1): 1-235. 106-121. MANTER, H. W. 1954. Some digenetic trematodes MACCALLUM, G. A. 1916. Some new species of from fishes of New Zealand. Trans. R. Soc. N.Z. parasitic trematodes of marine fishes. Zoopa- 82: 475-568. thologica 1: 3-38. 1962. Notes on the taxonomy of certain MACCALLUM, W. G. 1895. On the anatomy of two digenetic trematodes of South American fresh- distome parasites of freshwater fish. Vet. Mag. water fishes. Proc. Helminthol. Soc. Wash. 29: 2: 401-412. 97-102. MACE, T. F., AND R. C. ANDERSON, 1975. Develop- MANTE-R, H. W., AND M. H. PRITCHARD. 1960. Some ment of the giant kidney worm, Dioctophyma hemiurid trematodes from Hawaiian fishes. renale (Goeze, 1782) (Nematoda: Dioctophy- Proc. Helminthol. Soc. Wash. 27: 87-102. matoidea). Can. J. Zool. 53: 1552-1568, MANZER, J. I. 1976. Distribution, food, and feeding MACE, T. F., AND C. C. DAVIS. 1972. Energetics of a of the threespine stickleback, Gasteroste7rs host-parasite relationship as illustrated by the ac7cleatu.s, in Great Central Lake, Vancouver leech Maln7iana nuda, and the shorthorn sent- Island, with comments on competition for food pin Myoxocepl7alr7s scorpius. Oikos 23: 336- with juvenile sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus 343. nerka. Fish. Bull. 75: 647-668. MACKIEWICZ, J. S. 1963. Monobothrium 177vnteri sp. MARCHANT, E. H., AND F. S. SCHIFFMAN, 1946. The n. (Cestoidea: Caryophyllaeidae) from Catos- occurrence of a microsporidian in a new host. tOA7L.S C0777777erSOR7 (Lacépède) (Pisces: Catos- Can. Fish Cult. 1: 18-21. tomidne) in North America. J. Parlsitol. 49: MARGOLIS, L. 1956a, Anomalous development of 723-730. vitellaria in Hen7iurus levinseni. Can. J. Zool. 1965. Redescription and distribution of 34: 207-208, Glaridacris catoston7i Cooper, 1920 (Cestoidea: 1956b, Report on parasite studies of sock- Caryophyllaeidae). J. Parasitol, 51: 554-560. eye and pink salmon collected in 1955, with 1970. Edlintonia ptvchocheila gen. n., sp. special reference to the utilization of parasites n. (Cestoidea: Capingentidae) and other cary- as a means of distinguishing between Asiatic ophyllid tapeworms from cyprinid fishes of and American stocks of salmon on the high North America. Proc. Helminthol. Soc. Wash. seas - a progress report on work being carried 37: 110-118. out as part of F.R.B.'s commitments to INPFC. 1974. The genus Caryophyllaeus Gmelin Fish. Res. Board Can. MS Rep. (Biol.) 624: (Cestoidea: Caryophyllidea) in the Nearctic. 36 p. Proc. Helminthol. Soc. Wash. 41: 184-191. 1957. A study of the parasites of sockeye 1976. Glaridacris vogei n.sp. (Cestoidea: and pink salmon with particular attention to Caryophyllidea) from catostomid fishes in their application in distinguishing between western North America, Trans. Am. Microsc. Asiatic and North American stocks of these Soc. 95: 92-97. fish on the high seas - report of results of MACKIEWICZ, J. S., AND R. C. MCCRAE. 1962. H7N7- examinations of 1956 samples. Fish. Res. Board Can. MS Rep. (Biol.) 641: 24 p. terella nodulosa gen. n., sp. n. (Cestoidea: Ca7yophyllaeidae) from Catoston7us con7nter- 1958a. The application of parasitological data to the problem of recognizing the con- soni (Lacépède) (Pisces: Catostomidae). J. Parasitol. 48: 798-806. tinent of origin of stocks of sockeye salmon in the North Pacific Ocean and adjacent seas - MACLULICH, D. A. 1943a, Proteocephah7s parallac- a summary of three years' (1955 through 1957) ticus, a new species of tapeworm from lake research. Fish, Res, Board Can. MS Rep. (Biol.) trout, Cristivarner nan7ayc7esh. Can. J. Res. 658: 20 p. Sect. D. 21: 145-149, 1958b. The identity of the species of Lepe- 1943b, Parasites of trout in Algonquin ophN7eirus (Copepoda) parasitic on Pacific Provincial Park, Ontario. Can. J. Res. Sect. D. salmon (genus O77corhynch77s) and Atlantic 2I:405-412, salmon (Sa1777o salar). Can. J. Zool. 36: 889- MAGGENTI, A. R., AND G. A. PAxM,w. 1971. Ster- 892. liadochona pedispicula sp, n. (Nematoda: 1958c. A new species of Lecit17op17yllan7 Spirurinae) from Saln7o gairdnerii Richardson, from North Pacific fishes with a consideration and a discussion of the genera Sterliadochona of the taxonomy of the genera Lecithophyll7n, Skrjabin, 1946 and Cystidicoloides Skinker, Aponurus, and Brachadena (Trematoda: Hemi- 1931. Proc. Helminthol. Soc. Wash. 38: 210- uridae). Can. J. Zool. 36: 893-904. 214. 1958d, The occurrence of juvenile Cory-

232 nosoma (Acanthocephala) in Pacific salmon todes, Tubulovesicula lindbergi and Lecithaster (Oncorhynchus spp.). J. Fish. Res. Board. Can. gibbosus, in Pacific salmon (genus Oncor- 15: 983-990. hynchus). J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 26: 893-907. 1960. A new nematode of the genus MARGOLIS, L., AND H. L. CIIING. 1965. Review of Cucullanus (Camallanata: Cucullaniclae) from the trematode genera Bacciger and Pentagram- a flounder, Parophrys vetulu.s Girard, 1854, ma (Fellodistomatidae) and description of P. with notes on the species from Pleuronecti- petrowi (Layman, 1930) n. comb , from marine formes. Can. J. Zool. 38: 839-849. fishes from the Pacific coast of Canada. Can. J. 1962. Lampritrema nipponicum Yamaguti Zool. 43: 381-405. in the North (Trematoda) from new hosts MARGOLIS, L., AND T. P. T. EVELYN. 1975. Cerato- Pacific Ocean, the relationship of Distomum myxa shasta (Myxosporida) disease in chum miescheri Zschokke, and the status of the salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) in British Colum- family Lampritrematidae. Can. J. Zool. 40: bia. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 32: 1640-1643. 941-950. MARGOLIS, AND Z. KABATA. The structure 1963. Parasites as indicators of the geo- L., 1967. graphical origin of sockeye salmon, Oncor- of the buccal region of Salvelinema Trofirnen- hynchus nerka (Walbaum), occurring in the ko, 1962 (Nematoda: Cystidicolinae). Can. J. North Pacific Ocean and adjacent seas. Int. Zool , 45: 1067-1072. North Pac. Fish. Comm. Bull. 11: 101-156. MARGOLIS, L., F. MORAVEC, AND T. E. MCDONALD. 1964. Paurorhynchus hiodontis Dicker- 1975. Rhabdochona kisutchi sp. nov. (Nema- man, 1954 (Trematoda: Bucephalidae): a sec- toda: Spiruroidea) from coho salmon, Oncor- ond record involving a new host and locality in hynclzus kisuich (Walbaum), of western Cana- Canada. Can. J. Zool. 42: 716. da. Can. J. Zool. 53: 960-966. 1965. Parasites as an auxiliary source of MARKEVICH, A. P. 1940. New representatives of information about the biology of Pacific salm- Copepoda Parasitica of the family Ergasilidae. ons (genus Oncorhynchus). J. Fish. Res. Board Pr. Nauk, Doslidn. Inst. Biol. Kiiv, Derzh. Can. 22: 1387-1395. Univ. 4: 107-123. (In Ukrainian with Russian 1966. The swim bladder nematodes of and English summaries) Pacific (genus Onchorhyncluts). Proc. 1946. The peculiarities of the structure 1st Int. Congr. Parasitol., Rome 1: 559-560. and the systematic position of Nectobrachia 1967a. The swimblaclder nematodes (Cys- indivisa Fraser (Copepoda Parasitica). Nauk. tidicolinae) of Pacific salmons (genus Oncor- Zap. Kiiv. Derzh. Univ. 5: 215-220. (In Rus- hynchus). Can. J. Zool. 45: 1183-1199. sian with English summary) 1967b. Blood feeding in Salvelinema MAVOR, J. W. 1915a. Studies on the Sporozoa of the walkeri (Nematoda: Cystidicolinae), a parasite fishes of the St. Andrews region. Contrib. Can. of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Can. Bio1.1911-1914: 25-38. J. Zool. 45: 1295-1296. 1915b. On the occurrence of a trypano- 1969. A bibliography of parasites and plasm, probably Trypanoplasma borreli Laver- diseases of fishes of Canada: 1879-1969. Fish; an et Mesnil, in the blood of the common Board Can. Tech. Rep. 185: 38 p. Res. sucker, Catostomus commersonii. J. Parasitol. 1970. Nematode diseases of marine fishes, 2: 1-6. p. 190-208. In S. F. Snieszko [cd.] A symposium 1916a. On the life-history of Ceratomym on diseases of fishes and shellfishes Am. Fish. acadiensis, a new species of Myxosporidia from Soc. Spec. Publ. 5. the eastern coast of Canada. Proc. Am. Acad. 1977. Caballeronetna gen. nov. for Meta- Sci. 51: 551-578. bronema wardlei Smedley, 1934 (Nematoda, 1916b. Studies on the protozoan parasites Spiruroidea) from the marine fish Scorpaenich- of the fishes of the Georgian Bay. Trans. R. thys marmoratus from the Pacific coast of Soc. Can. Ser. 3,10(4): 63-73. Canada. Excerta Parasitol6gica en Memoria MCCRACKEN, F. D., AND D. N. FITZGERALD. 1964. del Doctor Eduardo Caballero y Caballero. Estimates of incidence of larval nematodes in Univ. Nac. Auton. Mex., Inst. Biol. Publ. cod fillets from the southern Canadian main- Espec. 4: 447-454. land to 1963. Fish. Res. Board Can. MS Rep. MARGOLIS, L., AND J. R. ADAMS. 1956. Description (Biol.) 781: 10 p. of Genolinea oncorhynchi n. sp. (Trematoda: MCFARLANE, S. H. 1934. Stephanostomum casum Hemiuridae) from Oncorhynchus gorbttscha in (Linton), a trematocle possessing a uroproct. British Columbia with notes on the genus. Can. Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 53: 172-173. J. Zool. 34: 573-577. 1936. A study of the endoparasitic trema- MARGOLIS, L., AND M. BEVERLEY-BURTON. 1977. todes from marine fishes of Departure Bay, Response of mink (Mustela vison) to larval B.C. J. Biol. Board Can. 2: 335-347. Anisakis simplex (Nematoda: Ascaridida). Int. MEYER, M. C. 1946. Further notes on the leeches J. Parasitol. 7: 269-273. (Piscicolidae) living on freshwater fishes of MARGOLIS, L., AND N. P. BOYCE. 1969. Life span, North America. Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 65: maturation, and growth of two hemiurid trema- 237-249.

233 MEYER, M. C., AND J. P. MOORE. 1954. Notes on 1948. Reduction of Triaenophorus infesta- Canadian leeches (Hirudinea), with the descrip- tion in whitefish by depletion of the cisco tion of a new species. Wasmann J. Biol. 12: population. Can. J. Res. Sect. D. 26: 67-72. 63-96. 1950. The Square Lake experiment: an MEYER, M. C., AND L. S. ROBERTS. 1977. Cysto- attempt to control Triaenophorns crassus by branchus mammillatus (Ma1m), a Piscicolidae poisoning pike. Can. Fish Cult. 7: 3-18. leech new to North America. Excerta Para- 1952. A review of the Triaenophorus prob- sitolégica en Memoria del Doctor Eduardo lem in Canadian lakes. Bull. Fish. Res. Board Caballero y Caballero. Univ. Nac. Autan. Can. 95: 42 p. Mex., Inst. Biol. Publ. Espec. 4: 513-517. 1954. Tapeworm infection in Lesser Slave M'GONIGLE, R. A. 1941. Acute catarrhal enteritis Lake. Prog. Fish Cult. 16: 184. of salmonid fingerlings. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. MILLER, R. B., AND W. A. KENNEDY. 1948. Observa- 70: 297-303. tions on the lake trout of Great Bear Lake. MIERS, E. J. 1877. Report on the Crustacea collected J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 7: 176-189. by the naturalists of the Arctic Expedition in MILLER, R. B., AND H. B. WATKINS. 1946. An ex- 1875-1876. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. 4(20): periment in the control of the cestode Triaeno- 52-66,96-110. pho•us crassus Fore!. Can. J. Res. Sect. D. 24: MILLER, M. J. 1936. Bunoderina eucaliae gen. et sp. 175-179. nov., a new papillose Allocreadiidae from the MIZELLE, J. D., AND M. A. DONAHUE. 1944. Studies stickleback. Can. J. Res. Sect. D. 14: 11-14. on monogenetic trematodes. XI. Dactylogy- 1940. Parasites of freshwater fish. III. ridae from Algonquin Park fishes. Am. Midi. Further studies on the internal trematodes of Nat. 31: 600-624 , fish in the central St. Lawrence watershed. MIZELLE, J. D., AND B. R. REGENSBERGER. 1945. Can. J. Res. Sect. D. 18: 423-434. Studies on monogenetic trematodes. XII. Dac- 1941a. A critical study of Stafford's report tylogyridae from Wisconsin fishes. Am. Midi. on "Trematodes of Canadian Fishes" based on Nat. 34: 673-700. his trematode collection. Can. J. Res. Sect. D. MIZELLE, J. D., P. S. STOKELY, B. J. JASKOWSKI, 19: 28-52. A. P. SEAMSTER, AND L. H. MONACO. 1956. 1941b. The life history of Apophallus North American freshwater Tetraonchinae. brevis Ransom, 1920. J. Parasitol. 27(Suppl.): Am. Midi. Nat , 55: 162-179. 12. MOLNAR, K., AND C. H. FERNANDO. 1974. Sanie new MILLER, R. B. 1943. Studies on cestodes of the Eimeria (Protozoa, ) from freshwater genus Triaenophorus from fish of Lesser Slave fishes in Ontario, Canada. Can. J. Zool. 52: Lake, Alberta. I. Introduction and the life of 413-419. Triaenophorus crassus Forel and T. nodulosus 1975a. Morphology and development of (Pallas) in the definitive host, Esor lucius. Can. Philometra cylindracea (Ward and Magath, J. Res. Sect. D. 21: 160-170. 1916) (Nematoda: Philometridae). J. Helmin- 1945a. Studies on cestodes of the genus thol. 49: 19-24. Triaenophorus from fish of Lesser Slave Lake, 1975b. Philometra kobuleji sp. n. (Nema- Alberta. III. Notes on Triaenophorus nodu- toda: Ph ilometridae). J. Helminthol. 49: losus (Pallas) in the second intermediate host. 101-105. Can. J. Res. Sect. D. 23: 1-5. MOLNAR, K., AND G. HANEK. 1974. Seven new 1945b. Studies on cestodes of the genus Eimeria spp. (Protozoa, Coccidia) from fresh- Triaenophorus from fish of Lesser Slave Lake, water fishes of Canada. J. Protozool. 21: Alberta. IV. The life of Triaenophorus crassus 489-493. Forel in the second intermediate host. Can. J. MOLNAR, K., G. HANEK, AND C. H. FERNANDO. 1974. Res. Sect. D. 23: 105-115. Parasites of fishes from Laurel Creek, Ontario. 1945c. Studies on cestodes of the genus J. Fish Biol. 6: 717-728. Triaenophorus from fish of Lesser Slave Lake, MONACO, L. H., AND J. D. MIZELLE. 1955. Studies Alberta. V. Description and life history of on monogenetic trematodes. XVII. The genus Triaenophorus stizostedionis n. sp. Can. J. Res. Dactylogyrus. Am. Midi. Nat. 53: 455-477. Sect. D. 23: 117-127. MOORE, J. E. 1964. Notes on leeches (Hirudinea) of 1945d. Effect of Triaenophorus on growth Alberta. Natl, Mus. Can. Nat. Hist. Pap. 27: of two fishes. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 6: 1-15. 334-337. MOORE, J. P. 1898. The leeches of the U.S. National 1946a. Notes on the Arctic grayling, Thy- Museum. Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus. 21(1 160): mantis signifer Richardson, from Great Bear 543-563. Lake. Copeia 4: 227-236. 1921. Hirudinea of the Canadian Arctic 1946b. Cestode "parasitized" by acantho- Expedition, 1913-18. Rep. Can. Arct. Exped. cephalan. Science 103: 762. 1913-18,9, Pt. C: 1-4. 1947. Chapter IV. Great Bear Lake, p. 1922. The freshwater leeches (Hirudinea) 31-44. in Northwest Canadian fisheries surveys of southern Canada. Can. Field Nat. 36: 6-11, in 1944-45. Bull. Fish. Res. Board Can. 72. 37-39.

234 1924. The leeches (Hirudinea) of Lake 1973b. Population dynamics of Hunterella Nipigon. Univ. Toronto Stud: Biol. 25: 17-31. nodulosa (Cestoidea: Caryophyllidea) in Al- (Ont. Fish. Res. Lab. Publ. 23) berta. Can. J. Zoo]. 51: 787-792. 1936. The leeches of Lake Nipissing. Can. MUDRY, D. R., AND P. MCCART. 1974. Bulbodacnitis Field Nat. 50: 112-114. alpinus sp. nov. (Nematoda: Cucullanidae) MOORE, J. P., AND M. C. MEYER. 1951. Leeches from Arctic char, Salvelinus alpinus L., with (Hirudinea) from Alaskan and adjacent waters. notes on other species of Bulbodacnitis. Can. Wasmann J. Biol. 9: 11-77: J. Zool. 52: 441-446. MORAVEC, F., AND H. P. ARAI. 1971. The North and 1976. Metazoan parasites of Arctic char Central American species of Rhabdochona (Salvelinus alpinus) from the north slope of Railliet 1916 (Nematoda: Rhabdochonidae) of Canada and Alaska. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. fishes, including Rhabdochona canadensis sp. 33: 271-275. nov. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 28: 1645-1662. MUELLER, J. F. 1934. Two new trematodes from MORAVEC, F., AND B. MALMQVIST. 1977. Records of Oneida Lake fishes. Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. Cucullanus Irattae (Fabricius, 1794) (Nema- 53: 231-236. toda: Cucullanidae) from Swedish brook lam- MUNROE, E. G. 1949. Notes on fish of the interior preys, Lampera planeri (Bloch). Folia Para- of the Labrador Peninsula. Arctic 2: 165-173. sitol. (Praha) 24: 323-329. MYERS, B. J. 1959. Parasites from elasmobranch MORRIs, G. P., AND C. V. FINNEGAN. 1968. Studies hosts from the Magdalen Islands region of the of the differentiating plerocercoid cuticle of Gulf of St. Lawrence. Can. J. Zool. 37: Schistocephalus .solidus. I. The histochemical 245-246. analysis of cuticle development. Can. J. Zool. 1960. On the morphology and life history 46: 115-121. of Phocanema decipiens (Krabbe, 1878) Myers, MOSER, M. 1977. Meglitch's hypothesis: a critical 1959 (Nematoda: Anisakidae). Can. J. Zool. evaluation. Folia Parasitol. (Praha) 24: 177- 38: 33 1-344. 178. NAGATY, H. F. 1937. Trematodes of fishes from the MOSER, M., AND E. R. NOBLE. 1976a. The genus Red Sea, Part T. Studies on the family Buce- Ceratomyxa (Protozoa: Myxosporida) in ma- phalidae Poche, 1907. Egypt. Univ. Fac. Med. crourid fishes. Can. J. Zool. 54: 1535-1537. Pub]. 12: 1-172. 1976b. The genus LeptoNreca (Protozoa: NAHHAS, F. M., AND R. KRUPIN. 1977. Parasites of Myxosporida) in macrourid fishes and sable- Liparis callyodon (Pallas) with a description of fish, Anoplopoma frmbria. J. Protozool. 23: a new species, Metadena cabcdleroi. Excerta 490-492. Parasitol6gica en Memoria del Doctor Eduardo 1977a. Myxosporidan genera Auerbachia, Caballero y Caballero. Univ. Nac. Auton. Sphaerospora, Davisia and Cbloromyxum in Mex., Inst. Biol. Publ. Espec. 4: 261-266. macrourid fishes and the sablefish, Anoplopoma NASIR, P., AND M. T. DIAz. 1971. A revision of fimbria. Z. Parasitenkd. 51: 159-163. genus Lecithochirium Luehe, 1901, and re- 1977b. Three genera of Myxosporida description of L. monticellii (Linton, 1898) (Protozoa) in macrourid fishes. Int. J. Para- Skrjabin and Guschanskaja, 1955. Riv. Para- sitol. 7: 93-96. ssitol. 32: 27-36. 1977c. Z.scllokkella (Protozoa: Myxospo- NEAVE, F., AND A. BAJKOV. 1929. Reports of the rida) in macrourid fishes. Int. J. Parasitol. 7: Jasper Park lakes investigations, 1925-26. V. 97-100. Food and growth of Jasper Park fishes. Contrib. 1977d. The genus Myxoproteus (Protozoa: Can. Biol. Fish. New Ser. 4: 197-219. Myxosporida) in macrourid fishes. Int. J. Para- NELSON, J. S. 1965. Effects of fish introductions and sitol. 7: 253-255. hydroelectric development on fishes in the MOSER, M., E. R. NOBLE, AND R. S. LEE. 1976. The Kananaskis River system, Alberta. J. Fish. Res. genus Myxidium (Protozoa: Myxosporida) in Board Can. 22: 721-753. macrourid fishes, J. Parasitol. 62: 685-689. NEPSZY, S. J., AND A. O. DECHTIAR. 1972. Occur- MOULTON, J. M. 1931. A new species of Haplonema rence of Glugea hertsvigi in Lake Erie rainbow Ward et Magath 1916 from the stomach of smelt (Osmerus mordax) and associated mor- Lola maculosa. J. Parasitol. 18: 105-107. tality of adult smelt. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. MUDRY, D. R., AND R. S. ANDERSON. 1976. A biblio- 29: 1639-1641. graphy of the literature relating to the parasites -NEWTON, M. V. B. 1932. The biology of Triaeno- of freshwater fishes in Alberta, 1932-1975. phorus tricuspidatus (Bloch 1779), in western Can. Wildl. Serv., Calgary, Alta. 10 p. Canada. Contrib. Can. Biol. Fish. New Ser. 1977. Helminth and parasites of 7: 341-360. fishes in the mountain national parks of Cana- NICaoLSON, D. 1928. Fish tapeworm. Intestinal in- da. J. Fish Biol. 11: 21-33. fection in man. The infestation of fish in Mani- MUDRY, D. R., AND H. P. ARAI. 1973a. The life cycle toba lakes. Can. Med. Assoc. J. 19: 25-33. of Hunterella nodulosa Mackiewicz and Mc- 1932a. The Triaenophoru.s parasite in the Crae, 1962 (Cestoidea: Caryophyllidea). Can. flesh of the tullibee (Leucichthys). Can. J. Res. J. Zool. 51: 781-786. 6: 162-165.

235 1932b. Diphyllobothrium infection in the acanthocephalan Echinorhyncluts lateralis. Esox Indus. Can. J. Res. 6: 166-170. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 24: 1627-1628. NYMAN, O. L., AND J. H. C. PIPPY. 1972. Differences PLATZER, E. 1966. The life cycle of Philonema in Atlantic salmon, Salmo solar, from North oncorhynchi (Dracunculoidea) from anadro- America and Europe. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. mous hosts. Proc. lst Int. Congr. Parasitol., 29: 179-185. Rome 1: 561. OAKLAND, G. B. 1950. Infestation rate studies. Fish. PLATZER, E. G., AND J. R. ADAms. 1967. The life Res. Board Can. MS Rep. (Biol.) 486: 30 p. history of a dracunculoid, Philonetna onco- ODENSE, P. H., AND V. H. LOGAN. 1976. Prevalence rIzynchi, in Oncorhynchus nerka. Can. J. Zool. and morphology of Eimeria gadi (Fiebiger, 45: 31-43. 1913) in the haddock. J. Protozool. 23: 564- POWER, G. 1969. The salmon of Ungava Bay. Arct. 571. Inst. North Am. Tech , Pap. 22: 72 p. OLSEN, Y. H., AND D. MERRIMAN. 1946. Studies on PRAKASH, A., AND J. R. ADAMS. 1960. A histopatho- the marine resources of southern New England. logical study of the intestinal lesions induced IV. The biology and economic importance of by Echinorhynchus lageniformis (Acanthoce- the ocean pout, Macrozoarces anzericanus phala - Echinorhynchidae) in the starry (Bloch and Schneider). Bull. Bingham Ocean- flounder. Can. J. Zool. 38: 895-897. ogr. Collect. 9: 1-184. PRÉFONTAINE, G., AND P. BRuNEL. 1962. Liste d'in- PACKARD, A. S. 1867. Observations on the glacial vertébrés marins recueillis dans l'estuaire du phenomena of Labrador and Maine, with a Saint-Laurent de 1929 à 1934. Nat. Can. 89: view of the recent invertebrate fauna of Labra- 237-263. dor. Mem. Boston Soc. Nat , Hist. I : 210-303. PRICE, C. E. 1967. Proposal of Syncleithrium, a new [Not seen, cited in S. I. Smith 1883b] genus of the North American Monogenea. Tex. PAETZ, M. J., AND J. S. NELSON. 1970. The fishes of J. Sci. 19: 175-183. Alberta. Goy. Alta. 282 p. PRICE, C. E., AND H. P. ARAI. 1967. The monogenean PARKER, R. R. 1969. Validity of the binomen Ca!iglu parasites of Canadian freshwater fishes. Can. elongatus for a common parasitic copepod J. Zool. 45: 1235-1245. formerly mis-identified with Ca!iglu rapax. J. PRICE, C. E., AND T. E. McMAHoN. 1967. The Fish. Res. Board Can. 26: 1013-1035. monogenetic trematodes of North American PARKER, R. R., AND L. MARGOLIS. 1964. A new freshwater fishes. Riv. Parassitol. 27: 177-220. species of parasitic copepod, Caligus clemensi PRICE, C. E., AND A. MURA. 1969. The proposed sp. nov. (Caligoida: Caligidae), from pelagic synonymy of the monogenean genera Cleido- fishes in the coastal waters of British Columbia. discus Mueller, 1934 and Urocleidus Mueller, J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 21: 873-889. 1934, with the proposal of Cleidodiscus by- PARNELL, I. W. 1934. Fish parasites and their im- chowskyi sp. n. Proc. Helminthol. Soc. Wash. portance. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 64: 390-400. 36: 52-55. PARSONS, L. S., AND V. M. HODDER. 1971. Variation PRICE, E. W. 1937. North American monogenetic in the incidence of larval nematodes in herring trematodes. I. The superfamily Gyrodacty- from Canadian Atlantic waters. Int. Comm. loidea. J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 27: 114-130, Northwest Atl. Fish. Res. Bull , 8: 5-14. 146-164. 1974. Some biological characteristics of 1939. North American monogenetic tre- the Fortune Bay, Newfoundland, herring stock, matodes. III. The family Capsalidae (Capsa- 1966-71. Int. Comm. Northwest Atl. Fish. Res. loidea). J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 29: 63-92. Bull. 10: 15-22. PRITCHARD, A. L. 1931. Taxonomic and life history PETROCHENKO, V. I. 1956. Acanthocephala of do- studies of the ciscoes of Lake Ontario. Univ. mestic and wild . Vol. 1. Izdat. Akad. Toronto Stud. Biol. 35: 1-78. (Ont. Fish. Res. Nauk SSSR, Moscow, 465 p. (Trans'. from Lab. Publ. 41) Russian by Israel Progr. for Sci. Transi. Jeru- PRITCHARD, M. H. 1966. A revision of the genus salem, No. 5901,1971) Podocotyle (Trematoda: Opecoelidae). Zool. PETTER, A. J. 1974. Essai de classification de la Jahrb. Abt. Syst. 93: 158-172. famille des Cucullanidae. Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. PROST, M. 1973. Fish Monogenoidea of Poland. II. Nat. Zool. 177, Ser. 3(255): 1469-1490. Parasites of Ictalurus nebulosus (Le Sueur). PIGEON, J., AND A. VALLÉE. 1937. Contribution à Revision of genera Cleidodiscus Mueller, 1934 l'étude du contenu du tube digestif de trois and Urocleichts Mueller, 1934. Acta Parasitol. espèces de poissons du St-Laurent. Nat. Can. Pol. 21: 315-326. 54: 33-40. RATHBUN, R. 1885. Annotated list of the described PIPPY, J. H. C. 1969. Preliminary report on para- species of parasitic Copepoda (Siphonostoma) sites as biological tags in Atlantic salmon from American waters contained in the United (Saint° salar). I. Investigations 1966-1968. States National Museum. Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus. Fish , Res. Board Can. Tech. Rep. 134: 60 p. 7: 483-492. PIPPY, J. H. C., AND I. M. SANDEMAN. 1967. A kill RAu, M. E., AND D. M. GORDON. 1977. A technique of brook trout (Salvelbws fontinalis) involving for the demonstration of the metacercariae of

236 A patemon gracilis pellucidus (Yamaguti, 1933) a discussion of the copepods of the E. caeruleus in the deep tissues of the brook stickleback group. Can. J. Zool. 41: 115-124. (Culaea inconstans). Can. J. Zoo]. 55: 1200- 1970. Ergasilus (Copepoda: Cyclopoida): 1201. revision and key to species in North America. RAWSON, D. S. 1947a , Chapter V. Great Slave Lake, Trans. Am. Microsc, Soc. 89: 134-161. p. 45-68. In North West Canadian fisheries sur- ROBINSON, D. Gi 1969. Data record. Number, size veys in 1944-1945. Bull. Fish. Res. Board composition, weight and food of larval and Can. 72. juvenile fish caught in a two-boat surface trawl 1947b. Chapter VI. Lake Athabaska, p. in the Strait of Georgia April 24-25, 1968. 69-85. In North West Canadian fisheries sur- Fish. Res. Board Can. MS Rep. 1067: 63 p. veys in 1944-1945. Bull. Fish. Res. Board ROBINSON, D. G., W. E. BARRACLOUGH, AND J. D. Can. 72. FULTON. 1968a. Data record. Number, size 1947c. Deterioration of recently estab- composition: weight and food of larval and lished trout populations in lakes of the Cana- juvenile fish caught with a two-boat surface dian rockies. Can. Fish Cult. 3: 14-21. (Orig- trawl in the Strait of Georgia May 1-4,1967. inally published as Vol. 2, (1)) Fish. Res. Board Can. MS Rep. 964: 105 p. 1951. Studies of the fish of Great Slave 1968b. Data record. Number, size com- Lake. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 8: 207-240. position, weight and food of larval and juvenile 1953. The limnology of Amethyst Lake, fish caught with a two-boat surface trawl in the a high alpine type near Jasper, Alberta. Can. Strait of Georgia June 5-9, 1967. Fish. Res. J. Zool. 31: 193-210. Board Can. MS Rep. 972: 109 p. on the Churchill River 1960. Five lakes ROGERS, W. A. 1968. Pseudacolpenteron pavlovskyi Stanley, Saskatchewan. Fish. Branch, Dep. near Bychowsky and Gussev, 1955 (Monogenea), Sask. Fish. Rep. 5: 38 p. Nat. Resour., from North America, with notes on its taxo- lake trout of Lac la Ronge, 1961. The nomie status. J. Parasitol. 54: 339. Res. Board Can, 18: Saskatchewan. J. Fish. 1969. Two new species of Pseudomurray- 423-462. trema from gills of Alabama catostomid fishes. RAWSON, D. S., AND C. A. ELSEY. 1950, Reduction J. Parasitol. 55: 321-323. in the longnose sucker population of Pyramid RONALD, K. The metazoan parasites of the Lake, Alberta, in an attempt to improve 1957a. of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. I. angling. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 78: 13-31. Heterosomata Echinorhynchus laurentianus sp. nov. (Acan- record of Octomitus RICIIARDSON, L. R. 1935, A thocephala: Echinorhynchidae). Can. J. Zool. salmonis Moore from Quebec. Trans. Am. 35: 437-439. Fish. Soc. 65: 290-292. 1957b. The metazoan parasites of the Observations on the parasites of the 1936. Heterosomata of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. II. Edward, Quebec. Trans. speckled trout in Lake Entobdella curvunca sp. nov. (Trematoda: 66: 343-356. Am. Fish. Soc. Capsalidae). Can. J. Zool. 35: 747-750. Observations on trichodinid in- 1937a. 1958a. The metazoan parasites of the of Salvelinus fontinalis fection (cyclochaetosis) Heterosomata of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. III. Trans, Am. Fish. Soc. 67: 228-231. Mitchill. Copepoda parasitica. Can. J. Zool, 36: 1-6. Raphidascaris laurentianus sp. n. 1937b. 1958b. The metazoan parasites of the from Salvelinus (Mit- (Ascaroidea) Heterosomata of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, chill) in Quebec. Can. J. Res. Sect. D. 15: IV. Cestoda. Can. J. Zool. 36: 429-434. 112-115. 1960a. The metazoan parasites of the of a parasitic copepod, 1938. An account Heterosomata of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Salmincola salvelini sp. nov., infecting the V. Monogenea. Can. J. Zool. 38: 243-247. speckled trout. Can. J. Res. Sect. D. 16: 1960b. The metazoan parasites of the 225-229. Heterosomata of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. VI. 1942. The parasites of the fishes of Lake Digenea. Can. J. Zool. 38: 923-937. Wakonichi, central northern Quebec. Trans. 1963. The metazoan parasites of the Hete- Am. Fish. Soc. 71: 286-289. rosomata of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. VII. 1970. A new marine piscicolid leech from Nematoda and Acanthocephala. Can. J. Zool. Newfoundland placed provisionally in the 41: 15-21. genus Mcdmiana. Can. J. Zool. 48: 841-845. RICKER, W. E. 1932. Studies of speckled trout (Sal- RYDER, J. A. 1884. On a skin parasite of the cunner velinus fontinalis) in Ontario. Univ. Toronto (Ctenolabrus adsper.s.u.s.). U.S. Fish. Comm. Stud. Biol. 36: 69-110. (Ont. Fish. Res. Lab. Bull. 1884: 37-42. Publ. 44) RYERSON, C. G. S. 1915. Notes on the Hirudinea RISER, N. W. 1955. Studies on cestode parasites of of Georgian Bay. Contrib. Can. Biol. 1911- sharks and skates. J. Tenn. Acad. Sci. 30: 1914: 165-175. 265-311. SANDEMAN, I. M., AND M. D. B. BURT. 1972. Biology ROBERTS, L. S. 1963. Ergasilus nerkae n. sp. (Cope- of Bothrimonus (=Diplocotyle) (Pseudophyl- poda: Cyclopoida) from British Columbia with lidea: Cestoda): ecology, life cycle, and evolu-

237 tion; a review and synthesis. J. Fish. Res. 1973. Intestinal helminth parasites of Board Can. 29: 1381-1395. northern sand lance (Ammodytes dubius). J. SANDEMAN, I. M., AND J. H. C. PIPPY. 1967. Parasites Fish. Res. Board Can. 30: 291-292. of freshwater fishes (Salmonidae and Corego- 1975a. Incidence of trematode parasites nidae) of insular Newfoundland. J. Fish. Res. of American plaice (Hippoglossoides plates- Board Can. 24: 1911-1943. soides) of the Scotian Shelf and the Gulf of SANKuRATHR1, C. S. 1977. Coni.vpora relies gen. St. Lawrence in relation to fish length and nov. et sp. nov. (Myxosporida: Wardiidae) from food. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 32: 479-483. the kidney tubules of Pacific hake, Merluccius 1975b. Geographic variation in incidence productus. (Ayres, 1855), in coastal waters of of trematode parasites of American plaice British Columbia. Can. J. Zool. 55: 1147-1150. (Hippoglo.vsoides platessoides) in the northwest SAVAGE, J. 1935a. Copepod infection of speckled Atlantic. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 32: 547-550. trout. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 65: 334-339. 1975e. Intestinal trematocle parasites (Tre- 1935b. Notes on costiasis. Trans. Am. matoda: Digenea) and food of yellowtail Fish. Soc. 65: 332-333. flounder (Li/na/Ida ferrnginea (Storer, 1839)) SAWYER, R. T., A. R. LAWLER, AND R. M. OVER- from the Scotian Shelf and Gulf of St. STREET. 1975. Marine leeches of the eastern Lawrence. Fish. Mar. Serv. Res. Dev. Tech. United States and the Gulf of Mexico with a Rep. 584: 12 p. key to the species. J. Nat. Hist. 9: 633-667. I 975d. Diuenetic trematode parasites and SCHOLTYSEK, E. 1974. Taxonomy of Coccidia. Proc. food of witch flounder (Glyptocephalus cyno- 3rd [rit. Congr. Parasitol. 1: 9. glossus L.) from the Scotian Shelf and Gulf of SCOTT, D. M. 1950. A preliminary report on the St. Lawrence. Fish. Mar. Serv. Res. Dev. Tech. cod-worm investigation. Fish. Res. Board Can. Rep. 593: 9 p. Prog. Rep. Atl. Coast Stn. 48: 10-12. 1976. Digenetic trematode parasites and 1953. Experiments with the harbour seal, food of winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes Phoca vitulina, a definitive host of a marine americanu.s. (Walbaum, 1792)) from the Scotian nematode, Porrocaecum decipiens. J. Fish. Res. Shelf and Gulf of St. Lawrence. Fish. Mar. Board Can. 10: 539-547. Serv. Res. Dey. Tech. Rep. 618: 9 p. 1954. Experimental infection of Atlantic SCOTT, W. B., AND E. J. CROSSMAN. 1973. Fresh- cod with a larval marine nematode from smelt. water fishes of Canada. Bull. Fish. Res. Board J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 11: 894-900. Can. 184: 966 p. 1956. On the specific identity of the larval SEKERAK, A. D. 1970. Parasitic copepods of Se- Porrocaecum (Nematoda) in Atlantic cod. J. bastodes obtus including Chondracanthus Fish. Res. Board Can. 13: 343-356. triventricosus sp.nov. and Colobonzatus ky- SCOTT, D. M., AND W. F. BLACK. 1960. Studies on the phosus sp.nov. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 27: life-history of the ascarid Porrocaecum deci- 1943-1960. piens in the Bras d'Or Lakes, Nova Scotia, Canada. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 17: 763-774. SEKERAK, A. D., AND H. P. ARAI. 1973. Helminths of Sebasies altar's (Pisces: Teleostei) from the SCOTT, D. M., AND H. D. FISHER. 1958. Incidence northeastern Pacific. Can. J. Zool. 51: 475-477. of the ascaricl Porrocaecum decipiens in the 1974. A revision of Helicometra Odhner, stomachs of three species of seals along the 1902 and related genera (Trematoda: Ope- southern Canadian Atlantic mainland. J. Fish. coeliclae), including a description of Neoheli- Res. Board Can. 15: 495-516. cometra sebastis n. sp. Can. J. Zool. 52: SCOTT, D. M., AND W. R. MARTIN. 1957. Variation 707-738. in the incidence of larval nematodes in Atlantic 1977. Some metazoan parasites of rock- cod fillets along the southern Canadian main- fishes of the genus Sebastes from the north- land. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 14: 975-996. eastern Pacific Ocean. Syesis 10: 139-144. 1959. The incidence of nematodes in the fillets of small cod from Lockeport, Nova SEKHAR S., C., AND W. THRELFALL. 1970a. Helminth Scotia, •and the southwestern Gulf of St. parasites of the cunner, Tautogolabrus adsper- Lawrence. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 16: 213- sus (Walbaum) in Newfoundland. J. Helmin- 221. thol. 44: 169-188. SCOTT, J. S. I 969a. Lampritrema nipponicum (Tre- 1970b. Infection of the cunner, Tautogo- matoda) from west Atlantic argentines. Can. J. labrus adspersus (Walbaum), with metacerca- Zool. 47: 139-140. riae of Cryptocotyle lingua (Creplin, 1825). J. 1969b. Morphology and morphometric Helminthol. 44: 189-198. variation in Lecithophyllum botryophorum SINCLAIR, N. R. 1972. Studies on the heterophyid (Trematoda: Hemiuridae) in Argentina si/us. trematode Apophallus brevis, the "sand-grain Can. J. Zool. 47: 213-216. grub" of yellow perch (Perca flavescens).1. Re- 1969e. Trematode populations in the description and resolution of synonymie con- Atlantic argentine, Argentina silus, and their flict with Apophallus imperator Lyster, 1940 use as biological indicators. J. Fish. Res. Board and other designations. Can. J. Zool. 50: Can. 26: 879-891. 357-364.

238 SINDERMANN, C. J. 1957a. Diseases of fishes of the SRIVASTAVA, C. B., AND B. S. CHAUHAN. 1973. A western North Atlantic. VI. Geographic dis- review of Indian gasterostomes (Trematoda). continuity of myxosporidiosis in immature Rec. Zoo]. Surv. India 67: 1-13. herring from the Gulf of Maine. Maine Dep. STAFFORD, J. 1900. Some undescribed trematodes. Sea Shore Fish. Res. Bull. 29: 1-20. Zool. Jahrb, Abt. Syst. 13: 399-414. 1957b. Diseases of fishes of the western 1902. Notes on worms. Zool. Anz. 25: North Atlantic. V. Parasites as indicators of 481-483. herring movements. Maine Dep. Sea Shore 1904. Trematodes from Canadian fishes. Fish. Res. Bull. 27: 1-30. Zool. Anz. 27: 481-495. 1961. Parasite tags for marine fish. J. 1905. Trematodes from Canadian verte- Wildl. Manage. 25: 41-47. brates. Zool. Anz. 28: 681-694. 1965. Effects of environment on several 1907. Preliminary report on the trema- diseases of herring from the western North todes of Canadian marine fishes. Contrib. Can. Atlantic. Int. Comm. Northwest Atl. Fish. Biol. 1902-1905: 91-94. Spec. Publ. 6: 603-610. STIMPSON, W. 1854. Synopsis of the marine In- SKINKER, M. S. 1930. Cystidicola canadensis, a new vertebrata of Grand Manan: or the region species of nematode from fishes. J. Parasitol. about the mouth of the Bay of Fundy, New 16: 167. Brunswick. Smithson. Contrib. Know]. 6: 1-66. 1931. Three new parasitic nematode STOCK, V. 1915. On some parasitic copepods of worms. Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus. (2890), 79(Art. the Bay of Fundy fish. Contrib. Can. Biol. 24): 1-9. 1911-1914:69-71. SKRJABIN, K. I., AND L. KH. GUSHANSKAYA. 1955. STRELKOV, Yu. A. 1960. Endoparasitic worms in Suborder Hemiurata (Markevitsch, 1951) Skrja- ocean fish of northern Kamchatka. Tr. Zool. bin et Guschanskaja, 1954, p. 337-643. In K. I. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR 28: 147-196. (In Skrjabin [ed.] Trematodes of animals and man. Russian) Principles of trematodology. Vol. 10. Izdat. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Moscow. (In Russian) STROUT, R. G. 1962. Geographic distribution and SMEDLEY, E. M. 1933. Nematode parasites from incidence of infection of Cryptobia (hemo- Canadian marine and freshwater fishes. Con- flagellate) from marine fishes. J. Parasitol. trib. Can. BioFWFish. New Ser. 8: 169-179. 48(2, Sect. 2): 31-32. 1934. Some parasitic nematodes from STUNKARD, H. W. 1974. The trematode family Canadian fishes. J. Helminthol. 12: 205-220. Bucephalidae - problems of morphology, de- SMITH, H. D. 1973. Observations on the cestode velopment, and systematics: description of . Eubothrium sa/velini in juvenile sockeye sal- Rudolphinus gen. nov. Trans. N.Y. Acad. Sci., mon (Oncorhynchus nerka) at Babine Lake, Ser. 2(36): 143-170. British Columbia. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 30: SUTTERLIN, A. M., P. HARMON, AND H. BARCHARD. 947-964. 1976. The culture of brook trout in salt water. SMITH, H. D., AND L. MARGOLIS. 1970. Some effects Fish. Mar. Serv. Res. Dev. Tech. Rep. 636: of Eubothrium salvelini (Schrank, 1790) on 21 p. sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka (Wal- SZUKS, H. 1975. Zum Befall von Macrourus rupes- baum), in Babine Lake, British Columbia. J. tris (Gunnerus) aus dern Bereich von Labrador Parasitol. 56 (4, Sect. 2, Pt. 1): 321-322. mit digenenTrematoden. Wiss. Z. Pad. Hochsch. SMITH, J. W. 1967. Aporocotyle rnargolisi n.sp. "Liselotte Hermann," Gustrow, Math.-Natur- (Digenea: Aporocotylidae) from Merluccius wiss. Fak. 2: 225-231. productus. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 24: 1763- TEDLA, S., AND C. H. FERNANDO. 1969a. Obser- 1773. vations on the seasonal changes of the para- SMITH, S. I. 1883a. List of the Crustacea dredged site fauna of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) on the coast of Labrador by the expedition from the Bay of Quinte, Lake Ontario. J. Fish. under the direction of W. A. Sterns, in 1882. Res. Board Can. 26: 833-843. Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus. 6: 218-222. 1969b. Observations on the biology of 1883b. Review of the marine Crustacea Ergasilus spp. (Cyclopoidea: Copepoda) infest- of Labrador. Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus. 6: 223-232. ing North American freshwater fishes. Can. J. Zool. 47: 405-408. So, B. K. F. 1972. Marine fish haematozoa from 1969c. Occurrence of plerocercoids of Newfoundland waters. Can. J. Zoo]. 50: 543- Triaenophorus nodulosus (Pallas, 1781) in the 554. white perch Roccus americanus (Gmelin). J. SPROSTON, N. G. 1946. A synopsis of the mono- Parasitol. 55: 334. genetic trematodes. Trans. Zool. Soc. London 1969d. Observations on the glochidia of 25: 185-600. Lampsilis radiata (Gmelin) infesting yellow SQUIRES, H. J. 1966. Reproduction in Sphyrion perch, Perca flavescens (Mitchill) in the Bay loin pi, a copepod parasitic on redfish (Sebastes of Quinte, Lake Ontario. Can. J. Zool. 47: spp.). J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 23: 521-526. 705-712.

239 1969e. Changes in the parasite fauna of non lumpi (Kroyer) on the redfish, Sebastes the white perch Roccus americanns (Gmelin), marinas (L.), of the western North Atlantic. colonizing new habitats. J. Parasitol. 55: 1063- J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 17: 9-31. 1066. TEMPLEMAN, W., H. J. SQUIRES, AND A. M. FLEMING. 1970a. Sonie aspects of the ecology of the 1957. Nematodes in the fillets of cod and parasite fauna of the gills of yellow perch, other fishes in Newfoundland and neighbouring Perca fiavescens. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 27: areas. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 14: 831-897. 1045-1050. THOMPSON, W. F. 1916. A note on a sporozoan 1970b. Some remarks on the ecology of parasite of the halibut. Rep. B.C. Comm. Fish. Echinorhynchas salmonis Muller 1784. Can. 1915: 127-129. J. Zool. 48: 317-321. THRELFALL, 1970c. On the biology of Ergasilus con- W. 1967. Some parasites recovered (L.) in fusas Bere, 1931 (Copepoda), infesting yellow from the ocean sunfish, Mola mola 81: 168-172. perch, Perca fluviatilis L., in the Bay of Quinte, Newfoundland. Can. Field Nat. Lake Ontario, Canada. Crustaceana 19: 1-14. 1968. A mass die-off of three-spined stickle- L.) 1972. On the characterization of the para- backs (Gasterosteus aculeatas caused by site fauna of yellow perch (Perca flaviatilis L.) parasites. Can. J. Zool. 46: 105-106. parasites elasmobranchs in five lakes, in southern Ontario, Canada. 1969. Some from in Board Can. Helminthologia (Bratislava) 11: 23-33. Newfoundland. J. Fish. Res. 26: 805-811. TEMPLEMAN, W. 1948. The life history of the 1974. New and previously described spe- caplin (Ma/lotus villosus O. F. Müller) in cies of monogenetic trematodes from Labrador Newfoundland waters. Goy. Lab., Res. Nfld. catostomids and cyprinids. Folia Parasitol. Ser., Bull. 17: 1-151. (Praha) 21: 205-214. 1965. Rare skates of the Newfoundland and neighbouring areas. J. Fish. Res. Board THRELFALL, W., AND G. HANEK. 1969. Capillaria Can. 22: 259-279. salvelini Polyanski, 1952 from Sa/ve/inus fonti- 1967a. Adult redfish, Sebastes mentella, nails (Mitchill). Can. J. Zool. 47: 1088-1090. pelagic over oceanic depths in the Labrador 1970a. Metazoan parasites, excluding Mo- Sea. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 24: 1275-1290. nogenea, from longnose and white suckers. J. 1967b. Atlantic salmon from the Labrador Fish. Res. Board Can. 27: 1317-1319. Sea and off West Greenland, taken during 1970b. Helminths from northern pike A. T. Cameron cruise, July-August 1965. Int. (Esor Indus L.) in Labrador. J. Parasitol. 56: Comm. Northwest Atl. Fish. Res. Bull. 4: 662. 5-40. 1970c. Metazoan parasites of salmonids 1968. Review of some aspects of capelin and coregonids from the Avalon Peninsula, biology in the Canadian area of the Northwest Newfoundland. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 27: Atlantic. Rapp. Proces-V. Reun., Cons. Int. 1894-1897. Explor. Mer. 158: 41-53. 1971. Helminth parasites, excluding Mo- 1973a. First records of the gymnoblastic nogenea, from some Labrador fishes. J. Para- hydroid, Ichthyocodium sarcotretis, on the sitol. 57: 684-685. copepod, Sphyrion lump!, from redfish of the TIBBO, S. N., L. R. DAY, AND W. F. DOUCET. 1961. Northwest Atlantic. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. The swordfish (Xiphias gladius L.), its life- 30: 1655-1660. history and economic importance in the North- 1973b. First records, description, distribu- west Atlantic. Bull. Fish. Res. Board Can. tion, and notes on the biology of Bathyraja 130: 47 p. richardsotzi (Garrick) from the Northwest TIDD, W. M., AND R. V. BANGHAM. 1945. A new Atlantic. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 30: 1831- species of parasitic copepod, Ergasilus osburni, 1840. from the burbot. Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. TEMPLEMAN, W., AND A. M. FLEMING. 1963. Dis- 64: 225-227. tribution of Lernaeocera branchialis (L.) on TREMBLAY, J.-L., AND C. LAPOINTE. 1938. Quelques cod as an indicator of cod movements in the copépods parasites de poissons de l'estuaire du Newfoundland area. Int. Comm. Northwest St-Laurent. Ann. Assoc. Can. Fr. Av. Sci. Atl. Fish. Spec. Publ. 4: 318-322. 4: 100. TEMPLEMAN, W., V. M. HODDER, AND A. M. TURNBULL, E. R. 1956. Gyrodactylus bullatarudis FLEMING. 1976. Infection of lumpfish (Cyclop- n. sp. from Lebistes reticulains Peters with a (erns lumpus) with larvae and of Atlantic cod study of its life cycle. Can. J. Zool. 34: 583-594. morlma) with adults of the copepod, UHAZY, L. S. 1976. Philometroides- huronensis n. Lernaeocera branchialis, in and adjacent to sp. (Nematoda: Dracunculoidea) of the corn- the Newfoundland area, and inferences there- mon white sucker (Catostonuts cominersoni) from on inshore-offshore migrations of cod. from Lake Huron, Ontario. Can. J. Zool. 54: J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 33: 711-731. 369-376. TEMPLEMAN, W., AND H. J. SQUIRES. 1960. Inci- 1977a. Development of Philometroides dence and distribution of infestation by Sphy- huronensis (Nematoda: Dracunculoidea) in the

240 intermediate and definitive hosts. Can. J. Zool. VERVOORT, W. 1964. Notes on Bomolochidae (Cope- 55: 265-273. poda), I. A redescription of Parabomolochus 1977b. Biology of Philometroides huro- cuneatus (Fraser, 1920) and notes on its syn- nensis (Nematoda: Dracunculoidea) in the onymy. Crustaceana 6: 291-302. white sucker (Catostomus commersoni). Can VERVOORT, W., AND H. P. ARAI. 1966. The redis- Zool. 55: 1430-1441. J. covery of Parabomolochus con eatus (Fraser) UHAZY, L. S., AND R. C. ANDERSON. 1976. Biology from Cymatogaster aggregata Gibbons. Crus- of Philometro ides huronensis (Nematoda: Dra- taceana 10: 222-223. cunculoidea) in the white sucker (Catostomus WALDER, G. L., AND H. P. ARAI. 1974. The helminth commersoni). Program Abstr. 51st Annu. parasites of embiotocid fishes. III. A new spe- Meet., Am. Soc. Parasitol. Abstr. 102: p. 47. cies of the genus Cucullanellus Tiirnquist, 1931 Uxou, F. M. A. 1966. On Clitzostomum tilapiae (Nematoda: Cucullanidae) from the shiner n. sp., and C. phalacrocoracis Dubois, 1931 perch, Cymatogaster aggregata Gibbons. J. from Ghana, and a discussion of the system- Fish. Res. Board Can. 31: 205-209. atics of the genus Clinostomum Leidy, 1856. WALTON, A. C. 1928. A revision of the nematodes J. Helminthol. 40: 187-214. of the Leidy collection. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. VAN CLEAVE, H. J. 1920. Acanthocephala of the Phila. 79: 49-163. Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-1918. Rep. WARD, H. B. 1938. On the genus Deropristis and Can. Arct. Exped. 1913-18, 9, Pt. E: 1-11. the Acanthocolpidae (Trematoda). Livro Jubi- VAN CLEAVE, H. J., AND R. V. BANGHAM. 1949. Four lar Prof. Lauro Travassos, Rio de Janeiro, new species of the acanthocephalan family Brasil, p. 509-521. Neoechinorhynchidae from freshwater fishes WARDLE, R. A. 1932a. The Cestoda of Canadian of North America, one representing a new fishes. I. The Pacific coast region. Contrib. Can. genus. J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 39: 398-409. Biol. Fish. New Ser. 7: 221-243. VAN CLEAVE, H. J., AND J. E. LYNCH. 1950. The 1932b. The Cestoda of Canadian fishes. circumpolar distribution of Neoechinorhyn- II. The Hudson Bay drainage system. Contrib. chus mil/i, an acanthocephalan parasite of Can. Biol. Fish. New Ser. 7: 377-403. freshwater fishes. Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 1933a. The Cestoda of Canadian fishes. 69: 156-171. III. Additions to the Pacific coastal fauna. VAN CLEAVE, H. J., AND J. F. MUELLER. 1934. Para- Contrib. Can. Biol. Fish. New Ser. 8: 77-87. sites of Oneida Lake fishes. Part III. A biolog- 1933b. The parasitic helminths of Cana- ical and ecological survey of the worm para- dian animals. I. The Cestodaria and Cestoda. sites. Roosevelt Wild Life Ann. 3: 161-334. Can. J. Res. 8: 317-333. 1933c. Significant factors in the plero- VERGEER, T. 1928a. Canadian fish, a source of the broad tapeworm of man in the United States. cercoid environment of Diphyllobothrium J. Am. Med. Assoc. 90: 1687-1688. !mum (Linn.). J. Helminthol. 11: 25-44. 1928b. New sources of broad tapeworm 1934. The viability of tapeworms in arti- infestations: report of fourteenth native case. ficial media. Physiol. Zool. 7: 36-61. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 91: 396-397. 1935. Fish tape-worm. Biol. Board Can. 1928e. An important source of broad tape- Bull. 45: 25 p. worm in America. Science, New Ser. 68: 14-15. WARDLE, R. A., J. A. MCCLEOD, AND S. RADINOVSKY. 1928d. Dissemination of the broad tape- 1974. Advances in the zoology of tapeworms, worm by wild Carnivora. Can. Med. Assoc. 1950-1970. Univ. Minn. Press, Minneapolis, J. 19: 692-694. Minn. 274 p. 1928e. Diphyllobothrintn la/un (Linné WATSON, N. H. F., AND G. H. LAWLER. 1956. Life 1758) the broad tapeworm of man. J. Am. history studies of Triaenophorus at Heming Med. Assoc. 90: 673-678. Lake, Manitoba. Part II. Incidence of Triaeno- 1929a. The dog a reservoir of the broad phorus in the first intermediate host, Cyclops. tapeworm. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 92: 607-608. bicuspidatus. Fish. Res. Board Can. MS Rep. 1929b. The broad tapeworm in America, (Biol.) 622: 20 p. with suggestions for its control. J. Infect. Dis. 1963. Temperature and rate of hatching 44: 1-12. of Triaenophorus eggs. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. VERRILL, A. E. 1873. Report upon the invertebrate 20: 249-251. animals of Vineyard Sound and the adjacent 1965a. Natural infections of cyclopoid waters, with an account of the physical char- copepods with procercoids of Triaenophorus acters of the region. Rep. U.S. Comm. Fish. spp. at Heming Lake, Manitoba. Fish. Res. for 1871-1872: 295-778. Board Can. MS Rep. (Biol.) 804: 35 p. VERRILL, A. E., AND S. I. SMITH. 1874. Report upon 1965b. Natural infections of cyclopid the invertebrate animals of Vineyard Sound copepods with procercoids of Triaenophorus and the adjacent waters, with an account of spp. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 22: 1335-1343. the physical characters of the region. Washing- WATSON, N. H. F., AND J. L. PRICE. 1960. Experi- ton: 484 p. (Separate printing of Verrill 1873) mental infections of cyclopid copepods with

241 Triaelrophorus crnssus Forel and T. nodulosus WILSON, C. B. 1905. North American parasitic (Pallas). Can. J. Zool. 38: 345-356. copepods belonging to the family Caligidae. WEISER, J. 1974. Remarks to the taxonomy and Part I. The Caliginae. Proc. U.S. Nat]. Mus. structure of Myxospora. Proc. 3rd Int. Congr. 28(1404): 479-672. Parasitol. 1: 16-17. 1912. Parasitic copepods from Nanaimo, WELCH, H. E. 1950. Triaenophorns investigation in British Columbia, including eight species new the Thunder Bay district. Fish. Res. Board to science. Contrib. Can. Biol. 1906-1910: Can. MS Rep. (Biol.) 522: 13 p. 85-101. 1952. Factors affecting the infection of the 1915. North American parasitic copepods whitefish, Coregonus clupeaformis (Mitchill), belonging to the Lernaeopodidae, with a revi- by the tapeworm, Triaenophoa•us crassu.r Forel, sion of the entire family. Proc. U.S. Nat]. Mus. in the Thunder Bay district of Ontario. Fish. 47(2053): 565-730. Res. Board Can. MS Rep. (Biol.) 523: 87 p. 1916. Copepod parasites of freshwater WHEATON, R. R., AND G. E. M. HAZEN. 1951. White- fishes and their economic relations to mussel fish-Triaenophorus crassus investigations on glochidia. Bull. U.S. Bur. Fish. 34: 331-374. Nesslin Lake, Saskatchewan, 1950. Fish. Res. 1917. North American parasitic copepods Board Can. MS Rep. (Biol.) 494: 15 p. belonging to the Lernaeidae with a revision of the entire family. Proc. U.S. Nat]. Mus. WHITE, F. M. 1940. Studies on the morphology of 53(2194): 1-150. a new species of CYsticlicola (Nematoda: The- laziidae) from the swim bladder of the lake 1920a. Argulidae from the Shubenacadie River, Nova Scotia. Can. Field Nat. 34: 149- trout. J. Parasitol. 26 (Suppl.): 30-40. 151. 1941. Studies on the morphology of 1920b. Report on the parasitic Copepoda Cystidicola cristivomeri sp. nov. (Nematoda: Thelaziidae), from the swim bladder of the collected during the Canadian Arctic Expedi- tion, 1913-18. Rep. Can. Arct. Exped. 1913- lake trout. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. 50: 211. 1918, 7, Pt. L: 1-16. WIIITE, F. M., AND R. M. CABLE. 1942. Studies on 1924. New North American parasitic the morphology of Cystidicola cristiromeri sp. copepods, new hosts, and notes on copepod nov. (Nematoda: Thelaziidae) from the swim nomenclature. Proc. U.S. Natl. Mus. 64(2507): bladder of the lake trout, C•istivomer nnnzay- 1-22. clrsh (Walbaum). Am. Midl. Nat. 28: 416-423. 1936. Argulus canadensis from Cape WHITE, H. C. 1940a. The parasitic copepod, Breton Island. J. Biol. Board Can. 2: 355-358. Lepeophtheirus .ralmoaiis. Fish. Res. Board Can. MS Rep. (Biol.) 210 Pt. 14: 12 p. WILSON, K. A., AND K. RONALD. 1967. Parasite fauna of the sea lamprey 1940b. "Sen lice" (LepeophNleirrrs) and (Petromyzon inarinus death of salmon. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. von Linné) in the Great Lakes region. Can. J. 5: 172-175. Zool. 45: 1083-1092. 1942a. Life history of Lepeophtheirns WINTERS, G. H. 1970. Biological changes in coastal snlmonis. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 6: 24-29. capelin from the over-wintering to the spawn- 1942b. Severe injuries from Lepeoph- ing condition. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 27: theirus occur during drought years. Fish. Res. 2215-2224. Board Can. MS Rep. (Biol.) 329, Pt. 21: 6 p. WOBESER, G,. L. F. KRATT, R. J. F. SMITH, AND WHITEAVES, J. F. 1901. Catalogue of the marine G. AcOMPANADO. 1976. Proliferative branchiitis Invertebrata of eastern Canada. Geol. Surv. due to Tetraaichns rauschi (Trematoda: Mo- Can. 722: 1-272. nogenea) in captive Arctic grayling (Thymnllrrs WILES, M. 1968. Possible effects of the harbour arclicns). J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 33: 1817- seal bounty on codworm infestations of Atlan- 1821. tic cod in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, the Strait WOLFGANG, R. W. 1954a. Studies of the trernatode of Belle Isle, and the Labrador Sen. J. Fish. Stephmnostomwn baccatum (Nicoll, 1907): 1. Res. Board Can. 25: 2749-2753. The distribution of the metacercaria in eastern 1975a. The glochidia of certain Unionidae Canadian flounders. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. (Mollusca) in Nova Scotia and their fish hosts. 11:954-962. Can. J. Zool. 53: 33-41. 1954b. Studies of the trematode Stepha- 1975b. Parasites of Fundnhrs diaphanus nostonutm baccatrnn (Nicoll, 1907): II. Biol- (LeSueur) (Pisces: Cyprinodontidae) in certain ogy, with special reference to the stages affect- Nova Scotian freshwaters. Can. J. Zool. 53: ing the winter flounder. J. Fish. Res. Board 1578-1580. Can. 11: 963-987. WILLIAMS, H. H. 1968. The taxonomy, ecology and 1955a. Studies of the trematode Stepha- host specificity of some Phyllobothriidae (Ces- nostanum 6accanln: (Nicoll, 1907). III. Its toda: Tetraphyllidea), a critical revision of life cycle. Can. J. Zool. 33: 113-128. PIry1loGothrium Beneden, 1849 and comments 1955b. Studies of the trematode Stepha- on some allied genera. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. nostammn baccatrmt (Nicoll, 1907). IV. The London Ser. B. 253: 231-307. variation of the adult morphology and the

242 taxonomy of the genus. Can. J. Zool. 33: 129- 1958. Svstema helminthum. Vol. I. Dige- 142. netic trematodes. Pt. I. Interscience Publishers WOLFGANG, R. W., AND B. J. MYERS. 1954. Gono- Inc., New York, N.Y. 900 p. cerca macrofortnis sp. nov. (Derogenetinae: 1959. Systema helminthum. Vol. II. The Hemiuridae) from the ovary of the cod. Can. cestodes of vertebrates. Interscience Publishers J. Zool. 32: 25-29. Inc., New York, N.Y. 860 p. WOOD, R. A., AND J. D. MIZELLE. 1957. Studies 1963a. Systema helminthum. Vol. IV. ■ on monogenetic trematodes. XXI. North Amer- Monogenea and Aspidocotylea. Interscience ican Gyrodactylinae, Dactylogyrinae and a Publishers Inc., New York, N.Y. 699 p. new host record for Urocleidtts dispar (Mueller, 1963b. Parasitic Copepoda and Branchiura 1936). Am. Midi. Nat. 57: 183-202. of fishes. Interscience Publishers Inc., New WOODHEAD, A. E. 1930. Life history studies on the York, N.Y. 1104 p. trematode family Bucephalidae. No. II. Trans. 1971. Synopsis of digenetic trematodes of Am. Microsc. Soc. 49: 1-17. vertebrates. Vol. I. Keigaku Publishing Co., WORLEY, D. E., AND R. V. BANGHAM. 1952. Some Tokyo. 1074 p. parasites of fi shes of the upper Gatineau River YANULOV, K. P. 1962. Parasites as indicators of valley. Ohio J. Sci. 52: 210-212. local redfish stocks, p. 273-283. In Yu. Yu. WRIGHT, A. 1936. A report of four years experience Marti [ed.] Soviet fisheries investigations in with and some remarks on octomitiasis. the Northwest Atlantic. VNIRO and PINRO, Prog. Fish Cult. 24: 1-26. Moscow. (Transl. from Russian by Israel Pro- WRIGHT, R. R. 1879. Contributions to American gram for Sci. Transi. Jerusalem, No. 994,1963) helminthology. Proc. Can. Inst. New Ser. 1: 54-75. YOSHINO, T. P., AND E. R. NOBLE. 1973. Myxospo- 1882. Notes on American parasitic Cope- rida in macrourid fishes of the North Atlantic. poda. No. I. Proc. Can. Inst. New Ser. 1: Can. J. Zool. 51: 745-752. 243-254. Zxuxov, E. V. 1960. Endoparasitic worms of the YAMAGUTI, S. 1953. Systema helminthum. Part I. fishes in the Sea of Japan and South-Kuril Digenetic trematodes of fishes. Pub!. by the shallow-waters. Tr. Zool. Inst. Akad. Nauk, author, Tokyo, 405 p. SSSR, 28: 3-146. (In Russian)

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244 1976. Early stages of some copepods 1974. A simple model of a Gyrodactylus (Crustacea) parasitic on marine fishes of British population. Int. J. Parasitol. 4: 497-506. Columbia. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 33: 2507- LESTER, R. J. G., AND T. D. G. LEE. 1976. Infectivity 2525. of the progenetic metacercariae of Diplo.sto- KABATA, Z., AND B. COUSENS. 1972. The structure nuem spathaceum. J. Parasitol. 62: 832-833. of the attachment organ of Lernaeopodidae MARGOLIS, L. 1959. Report on parasitological stud- (Crustacea: Copepoda). J. Fish. Res. Board ies of sockeye salmon collected in 1958 with Can. 29: 1015-1023. some comparisons with other years. Fish. Res. 1973. Life cycle of Salnzincola californien- Board Can. MS Rep. (Biol.) 687: 18 p. sis (Dana 1852) (Copepoda: Lernaeopodidae). 1960. Report on the use of parasites to J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 30: 881-903. determine the continental origin of sockeye KAN, S. P., AND K. G. DAVEY. 1968a. Molting in a salmon taken on the high seas from May to parasitic nematode, Phocanema decipiens. II. August, 1959. Fish. Res. Board Can. MS Rep. Histochemical study of the larval and adult (Biol.) 703: 18 p. cuticle. Can. J. Zool. 46: 235-241. 1977. Public health aspects of "codworm" 1968b. Molting in a parasitic nematode infection: a review, J. Fish. Res. Board Can. Phocaneina decipiens. III. The histochemistry 34: 887-898. of cuticle deposition and protein synthesis. Can. MASTIN, M. 1970. Game fish and the parasite prob- J. Zool. 46: 723-727. lem. Audubon (Canada) 32: 59-62. KELEHER, J. J. 1953. Discussion of explanations and McBURNEY, A. B.. AND G. H. LAWLER. 1953. Plank- methods of study of differential infection of ton studies in relation to Triaenophorus in Lake Winnipeg ciscoes, by the Leucichthys, Heming Lake, Manitoba, 1952. Fish. Res. cestode, Triaenophorus crassus. Fish. Res. Board Can. MS Rep. (Biol.) 546: 15 p. Board Can. MS Rep. (Biol.) 545: 10 p. MCCLELLAND, G., AND K. RONALD. 1970. The in vitro KENNEDY, W. A. 1948. Sufficient samples for quality growth and development of the early larval control in whitefish. Bull. Fish. Res. Board Can. stages of the codworm, Terrcutova decipiens. 76:11p. Can. J. Zool. 48: 198-199. 1951. The bearing of the Great Slave Lake 1974a. In vitro development of Terranova and the Lake Winnipeg studies on the Triaeno- decipiens (Nematoda) (Krabbe, 1878). Can. J. phorus problem. Fish. Res. Board Can. MS Rep. (Biol.) 516: 5 p. Zool. 52: 471-479. 1974b. In vitro development of the nema- KHAN, R. A. 1972. Trichodina oviducti (Ciliata: tode Contracnecum osculation Rudolphi 1802 Peritrichida) a parasite of skates, Raja spp. Pro- (Nematoda: Anisakinae). Can. J. Zool. 52: gram Abstr. 47th Annu. Meet., Am. Soc. Para- 847-855. sitol. Abstr. 168: 64. 1977a. Susceptibility of marine leeches to McFARLANE, S. H. 1935. A study of the endopara- a fish trypanosome. Program Abstr. 52nd Annu. sitic trematodes from marine fishes of Depar- Meet., Am. Soc. Parasitol. Abstr. 86: 50. ture Bay, B.C. J. Parasitol. 21: 434-435. 1977b. Infectivity of Trypanosoma rnur- MCMURTRIE, G. E., AND N. M. CARTER. 1948. The n:anensis to leeches (Johanssonia sp.) Can. J. inspection of whitefish flesh for parasitic Zool. 55: 1698-1700. worms. Fish. Res. Board Can. Prog. Rep. Pac. 1977c. Blood changes in Atlantic cod Coast Stn. 77: 95-97. (Gadus niorhua) infected with Trypanosoma MEYER, M. C. 1940. A revision of the leeches (Pisci- murmanensis. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 34: colidae) living on fresh-water fishes of North 2193-2196. America. Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 59: 354- LACHANCE, F. 1948. Black spot disease of bass. Part 376. II. Snail host of Uvtdif er amhloplitis. Can. Fish MILLER, M. J. 1940. Black spot in fishes. Can. J. Cult. 3: 7-15. Comp. Med. 4: 303-305. LAWLER, G. H. 1965. Whitefish improvement - 1942. Black spot disease of speckled trout. pike control. Fish. Res. Board Can. London Rev. Can. Biol. 1: 464-471. Biol. Stn. Tech. Unit Circ. 7: 9-15. 1946. The cercaria of Apophallus brevis. LAWLER, G. H., AND N. H. F. WATSON. 1963. Mea- Can. J. Res. Sect. D. 24: 27-29. surements of immature stages of Triaenopho- MILLER, R. B. 1943. Studies on cestodes of the genus rus. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 20: 1089-1093. Triaenophorus from fish of Lesser Slave Lake, LESTER, R. J. G. 1971. Method of attachment of Alberta. If. The eggs, coracidia and life in the Gyrodactylus to Gasterosteus and its rejection first intermediate host of Triaenophorus crassus by the sloughing of mucus. Program Abstr. Forel and T. nodulosus (Pallas). Can. J. Res. 46th Annu. Meet., Am. Soc. Parasitol. Abstr. Sect. D. 21: 284-291. 2: 24. 1944. Suggestions for experiments in the LESTER, R. J. G., AND J. R. ADAMS. 1973. Modelling control of the pike-whitefish tapeworm. Tri- Gyrodactylus populations on sticklebacks. Pro- aenophorus crassus. Alta. Dep. Lands Mines, gram Abstr. 48th Annu. Meet., Am. Soc. Para- Fish. Branch Rep. 15 p. sitol. Abstr. 22: 28. 1946. The life history of the pike-whitefish

245 tapeworm Triaenophorus crassus. Alta. Dep. 1962. The effects of physical stimuli on Lands Mines, Fish. Branch Rep. 15 p. the larvae of Terranova decipiens. II. Relative MYERS, B. J. 1963. The migration of Anisakis-type humidity, pressure, and gases. Can. J. Zool. 40: larvae in experimental animals. Can. J. Zool. 1223-1227. 41: 147-148. 1963. The effects of physical stimuli on NICHOLSON, D. 1929. Variations in the fish larvae of the larval stage of Terranova decipiens. III. Diphyllobothrium latum. Can. J. Public Health Electromagnetic spectrum and galvanotaxis. 20: 193-195. Can. J. Zool. 41: 197-217. NORTHCOTE, T. G. 1957. Common diseases and para- RONALD, K., AND K. A. Wilson. 1968. A check list sites of fresh-water fishes in British Columbia. of the parasites of the order Petromyzonti- B.C. Game Comm. Manage. Publ. 6: 25 p. formes (lampreys). Fish. Res. Board Can. Tech. OSBORN, H. L. 1911. On the distribution and mode Rep. 48: 23 p. of occurrence in the United States and Canada SCOTT, D. M. 1955. On the early development of of Clinostomum margination, a trematode Porrocaecum decipiens. J. Parasitol. 41: 321- parasitic in fish, frogs and birds. Biol. Bull. 322. (Woods Hole, Mass.) 20: 350-366. 1957. Record of larval Contracaecum sp. PARKER, R. R., Z. KABATA, L. MARGOLIS, AND M. D. in 3 species of mysids from the Bras d'Or Lakes, DEAN. 1968. A review and description of Cali- Nova Scotia, Canada. J. Parasitol. 43: 290. gus curtus Willer, 1785 (Caligidae: Copepoda), SKINKER, M. S. 1931. A redescription of Cystidicola type species of its genus. J. Fish. Res. Board stigmatura (Leidy), a nematode parasitic in the Can. 25: 1923-1969. swim bladder of salmonoid fishes, and a de- PIPPY, J. H. C. 1970a. Use of ultraviolet light to find scription of a new nematode genus. Trans. Am. parasitic nematodes in situ. J. Fish. Res. Board Microsc. Soc. 50: 372-379. Can. 27: 963-965. TOWNSLEY, P. M., H. G. WIGliT, M. A. SCOTT, AND 1970b. Illustrated keys to the metazoan M. L. HUGHES. 1963. The in-vitro maturation parasites of the Salmoniclae of insular New- of the parasitic nenuitode, Terranova decipiens, foundland. Fish. Res, Board Can. Biol. Stn., from cod muscle. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 20: St. John's, Nfld., Circ. 17: 20 p. 743-747. POWER, H. E. 1958. The effect of various lighting WARDLE, R. A. 1932. On the technique of cestode conditions on the efficiency of "candling" cod study. Parasitology 24: 241-252. fillets for detection of parasites. J. Fish. Res. WATSON, N. H. F. 1963. A note on the upper lethal Board Can. 15: 537-542. temperature of eggs of two species of Triaeno- 1961. Slicing of fillets as an aid in detec- phorus. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 20: 841-844. tion and removal of codworms from Atlantic WATSON, N. H. F., AND G. H. LAWLER. 1961. Studies cod fillets. J. Fish. Res. Board Can. 18: 137- on the eggs and first intermediate stages of 140. Triaenophorus at Heming Lake, Manitoba. PRICE, J. L. 1958. Cryptic speciation in the vernalis Fish. Res. Board Can. London Biol. Stn. Tech. group of Cyclopidae. Can. J. Zool. 36: 285- Unit Circ. 2: 51-52. 303. WitsoN, C. B. (No date). Control of the fish louse, RONALD, K. 1956. A possible test for nematode A rgulus. Fish. Res. Board Can. MS Rep. (Biol.) viability. Can. J. Zool. 34: 76-77. 297: 2p. 1960. The effects of physical stimuli on WRIGHT, K. A., AND A. DECHTIAR. 1974. Light and the larval stage of Terranova decipiens (Krabbe, scanning electron microscopy of attachment 1878) (Nematoda: Anisakidae). I. Temperature. organs of three monogeneans (Monogenoidea: Can. J. Zool. 38: 623-642. Polyopisthocotylea). Can. J. Zool. 52: 183-187.

246 Index


Abotlu•ium crasswn Actinocleidus incus 27 see Eubotlrrium crassmn Actinocleidus rnizellei 27 Abothrirun gadi 82 Actinocleidus oculatus 27 Abothrium rugo.rum Actinocleidrrs recurvatrrs 2$ see A. gadi Actinocleidus scapulcris 28 Abranchu.s scorpii Actinocleidus sigmoideus 28 see Mahniana .scorpii Actinocleidus unguis 28 Acanthobothrirtm coronatrun 92 Aegidae 146 Acanthocephalu.s jaclcsoni 121 Agmnonema sp. 117 Acanthocephalus lateralis Agamospirura sp. 117 see Metechinorhynchus lateralis AFlacantJrochasmus ar7rrs 73 Acanthocephalus sp. 121 Allacanthachasmcrs varirr.r 73 Acanthocheilidae 102 Allobunodera mediovitellata 62 Acanthochondria cornrrta 132 Allocreadiidae 62 Acanthochondria deltaidea 132 Allocreadium boleo.romi Acmathochondria flurae see Podocotyle boleo.romi see A. cormua Allocreadium commune Acanthochondria holocephalarmn 132 see Creptotrema funduli, Plagioporus cooperi, Acanthochondria rectangularis 132 and P. sinitsini Acanthochondrites annulanrs 132 Allocrecrdirnn ictalttri Acanthocolpidae 75 see Polylekithum ictaluri Acanthocotyle verrilli Allocreadirun isoporrmi 63 see Pseudacanthocotyla verrilli Allocreadium lobatrun 63 Acanthocotylidae 26 Allocreadium sp. 63 Accacladimn nematulrrrn Alloglos.sidimn carti 61 see A. serpenterhem Alloglossidium t; emimw.r Accacladimn serpentulum 51 see Clossidium geminum Accacladocoelium macrocotyle 51 Amphicotylidae 82 Accacladocoelimn nigroflavum 51 Arnphimerus elongatrr.s 75 Accacoeliidae 51 Arnphimerrr.r pseudofelineus 75 Accacoelirun contortum 51 Anallocreadiran crrmcdmn Accacoelium foliatutn see Homalometron armatrmt see Odhnericun calyptrocotyle AnaFlocreadium pearsei Accacoelitnn macrocotvle see Homalometron armatmn see Accacladocoelium macrocotyle Anchistrocephahrs microcephctltts 89 Accacoelium nigroflavum Anchorella sp. see Accacladocoelium nigroflavmn see Clavella sp. Acetodextra amiuri 72 Ancyracanthrrs cystidicola Achtheres ambloplitis 139 see Cystidicola farionis Achtheres coregoni Ancyraccmthrrs serrai us see Salmincola extensus see Cystidicola serratus Acluheres corprdentus 140 Ancyrocephahrs crucial us Achtheres micropteri 140 see Syncleitlrrium fusiformis Achtheres pimelodi 140 Ancyrocephalrrs paradoxus Achtheres sp. 140 see Urocleidus rnegalonchrrs Acolpenteron cato.rtomi 27 Ancyrocephalus sp. 28 A crodactyla petalosa Anisakidae 102 see Crepidostommn lintoni Anisakis simplex 102 Actinobdella inequiannulata 126 also see Anisakis sp. Actinobdella triannadata Anisakis sp. 102 see A. inequiannulata Anisorchis opisthorchis 63 Actinobdella sp. 126 Anodonta calaracta cataracta 129 Actinocleidu.s bakeri 27 Anodonta sp. 129 Actinocleidus fusiformis Anodontoides f erussacianus 129 see Syncleithrium fusiformis Anarachohaptor anomahts 28 Actinocleidus gibbosus 27 Anonchohaptor sp. 28

247 Anthobothrium cornucopia 92 Balantidiidae 14 Anthobothrium variabile 93 Balantidium entozoon Atzthocotyle americatia see Balantidium sp. see A. merluccii Balantidiunz ranarum Anthocotyle merluccii 39 see Balantidiunz sp. Anthosoma crassum 139 Balantidium sp. 14 A patentor! gracilis 46 Benedenia derzhavini 26 A palan? on gracilis pellucidus Biacetabulum biloculoides 78 see A. gracilis Biacetabulum in frequens 78 A piosoma sp. 15 Biacetabulum sp. 78 A ponttrus sp. Bodomonas concava 7 see Lecithophyllum botryophorum Bodonidae 7 Apophallus brevis 74 Bolbosoma caenoforme 125 also see A. imperator Bolbosoma sp. A pophallus imperator 74, 77 see B. caenoforme Apophallus itascensis Bomolochidae 131 see A. brevis Bonzolochus cuneatus 131 A pophallus venustus 74 Bomolochus longisetus A pophallus sp. 74 see Bomo/ochus sp. also see A. imperator Bonzolochus varians Aporocotyle macfarlani 49 see Bontolochus sp. Apor9cotyle margolisi 49 Bomo/ochus sp. 131 A porocotyle simpler 49 Bothrimonus intermedius also see A. macfarlani see B. sturionis Aporocotyle sp. 49 Bothrimonus sturionis 80 Argulidae 130 Bothriocephalidae 84 A rgulus alosae 130 Bothriocephalus cestus 84 Argulus appendiculosus 130 Bothriocephalus claviceps 84 Argulus borealis 130 Bothriocephalus cuspidatus 85 Argulus canadensis Bothriocephalus cuspidatus cuspidatus see A. stizostethii see B. cu.spidatus Argulus catostomi 130 Bothriocephalus cuspidatus hiodontos A rgulus flavescetzs 130 see B. cuspidatus Argulus funduli 130 Bothriocephalus cu.spidatus luciopercae Argulus megalops 130 see B. cuspidatus Argultts megalops var. spinosus Bothriocephalus forntosus 85 see A. nzegalops Bothriocephalus occidentalis 85 Argulus pipera tus Bothriocephalus scorpii 85 see A. flavescens Bothriocephalus sp. 85 A ?guilts pugettensis 130 Brachiella den tata Argulus stizostethii 130 see Pseudocharopinus den talus Argulms versicolor 130 Brachiella lagenifornzis Argulus sp. 131 see Neobrachiella insidiosa f. pacifica Ascarophis morrhuae 112 Brachiella robusta 140 Ascarophis sebastodis 112 Brachyphallus crenatus 51 Ascarophis sp. 112 Bucephalidae 58 Aspidogasteridae 42 Bucephaloides basargini A tractolytocestus huronensis 80 see Prosorlzynchoides basargini Auerbachia pulchra 23 Bucephaloides sp. A uerbachia sp. see Prosorhynchoides basargini see A. pulchra Bucephalopsis ozakii Axinidae 41 see Prosorhynchoides ozakii A zygia acumblata Bucephalopsis pusilla see A. longa see Prosorhynchoi des pusilla Azygia atzgusticauda 49 Bucephalopsis sp. A zygia longa 50 see Prosorlzynchoides sp. Azygia lucii Bucephalus elegans 58 see A. longa Bucephalus papillosus Azygia tereticolle see Rhipidocotyle papillosa see A. longa Bucephalus pusilla A zygia sp. 50 see Prosorhynchoides pusilla Azygiidae 49 Bucephalus sp. 58

248 Bulbodacnitis alpin us Cecropidae 139 see Truttaedacnitis. alpin us Cecrops. latreillii 139 Bulboclacnitis globosa Centrovarium lobotes 73 see Truttaedacnitis truttae Ceratomyxa acadiensis 17 Bulbodacnitis occidentalis Ceratomyxa coryphaenoida 17 see Truttaedacnitis truttae Ceratomyxa hokarari 17 Bulbwlacnitis truttae Ceratomyxa shasta 17 see Truttaedacnitis truttae Ceratomyxa urophysis 17 Bulbodacnitis sp. Ceratomyra sp. 17 see Truttaedacnitis sp. also see C. shasla Bunodera eucaliae Ceratomyxidae 17 see Bunoderina eucaliae Cercaria sp. 76 Bunodera luciopercae 63 Charopinus cameroni Bunodera mediovitellata see Dendrapta c. cameroni see A llobunodera mediovitellata Charopinus den tatas Bunodera nodulosa see Pseudocharopinus den tatas see Crepidostotnum cooperi Charopinus dubius 140 Bunodera sacculata Charopinus ramosus see Bunoderina sacculata see Schistobrachia ramo.sa Bunodera sp. 63 Chilodon den talus Bunoderina eucaliae 64 see Chilodonella dentata Bunoderina sacculata 64 Chilodon sp. see Chilodonella sp. Chilodonella dentata 14 Caballeronema wardlei 113 Chilodonella dentatus. Caecincola parvulus 73 see C. dentata Cainocreadium commune 64 Chilodonella sp. 14 Caligidae 136 Chlamydodontidae 14 Cal/gus' clemensi 136 Chloromyxutn catostomi 24 Cal/gus curtus 137 Chloromyrum dubium 24 Caligus elongalus 137 Chloromyywn esocinum 24 Cal/gus gurnardi Chloromyxunt gibbosum 24 see C. clemensi Chloromyxum granulosum 24 Caligus macarovi 137 Chloromyrum leydigi 24 Cal/gus piscinus Chloromyxwn truttae 24 see Lepeophtheirus hippoglossi Chloromyxwn sp. 24 Caligus rapax also see Kudoa sp. see C. elongatus Chondracanthidae 132 Caligus sp. 137 Chondracanthopsis nodosus Caliperia brevipes 15 see Chondracanthus nodosus Calliobdella nodulif era 126 Chondracanthus cornutus Calliobdella vivida see Acanthochondria cornuta see C. nodulifera Chondracanthus cottunculi 132 Camallanidae 110 Chondracanthus deltoideus Catnallanus oxycephalus 110 see Acanthochondria deltoidea Catnallanus sp. 110 Chondracanthus depressus Capillaria bakeri see Acanthochondria cornuta see Skrjabinocapillaria bakeri Chondracanthus gracili.s 132 Capillaria catenata Chondracanthus inflatus see Thominx catenata see Acanthochondrites annulatus Capillaria salvelini 101 Chondracanthus irregularis 133 Capillaria sp. 101 Chondracanthus merlucci 133 Capillariidae 101 Chondracanthus narium 133 Capingentidae 78 Chondracanthus nodosus 133 Capsala martinierei 26 Chondracanthus palpiter 133 Capsalidae 26 Chondracanthus pinguis 133 Caryophyllaeidae 78 Chondracanthus pusillus 133 Caryophyllaeus terebrans Chondracanthus rectangularis see Atractolytocestus huronensis, Edlintonia see Acanthochondria rectangularis ptychochela, Glaridacris catostomi, Chondracanthus triventricosus 133 G. terebrans, G. vogei, Hunterella nodulosa, Chondracanthus sp. 133 and lsoglaridacris calentinei Clave/la adunca 140 Cathaemasiidae 60 Clave/la insolita 140

249 Clavella parva 140 Conh•acaecum incttrvtnn Clave/!a perfida 141 see Thynnascaris incurva Clavella pinguis 141 Contracaecum magnum Clavella robusta see Thynnascaris magna see Brarchiella robusta Conlracaecum melanogramtni Clavella uncinata see Thynnascm•is melanogra,nmi see C. admtca Cor,d•acaecum spicttligerum 103 Clavella sp. 141 Co,ttracaecum sp. 103 Clavellonrimus macrru•i 141 Coral/oboNu•lum fanrGriatrrnr 94 C/avellopsis robusta Ca,•a1loGotlu•ittnr gigantetnn see Brachiella robusta see Megathylacoides giga,rtetrnr Cleidodiscits acrrleatus CoralloGothritun parafimbriatunt 95 see Urocleidus acrrleatus Corallobothrium sp. 95 Cleidodiscus arlspectus Coral/otae,ria mintrlia 95 see Urocleidus adspectus Corynosoma sU•tnnosturt 125 Cleidodiscus alatus Cory,rosoma villosum 125 see Urocleidus alatus Corv,tosoma sp. 125 Cleidodiscus r7,r,>rrlaris Costia necatrix see U,•ocleidrrs angularis see IchtlyoGodo necatrix Cleidocliscres baldwini 28 Costia sp. Cleidodiscits banglrruni 28 see Ic•hthyobodo sp. Cleidorliscrts brachtrs Cotylogaster occide,ttalis 42 see Urocleidus Grachres Corylta•us com,nmtis 46 Cleidodiscus capax 28 also see Tetracotyle parvula Cleidodiscits chatttauqrraensis Cotvhu•us erraticus 47 see Urocleidus chatrtauquae,rsis Cotpku•trs platycephrrhts commtmis Cleidodiscus chrysops see C. commu,ris see Uroc•leicltrs chrysops Crassiphia/a an,Gloplitis Cleidoc/isctts feror see Uvulifer antbloplitis see Urocleidus ferox Crassiphiala bulGoglossa 42 Cleidodiscus floricla,rtrs 28 Crepidostomun, amGloplitis Cleidodiscits glenore,tsis 28 see C. cooperi Cleidodiscits ltelicis Crepidostomtan Grevivite/lum 64 see Urocleicltrs helicis Crepidoslom,tm canade,rs•e Cleidodiscus Ion gus 29 see C. isostamtrm Cleidodiscits tnallerts Crepiclostomttm c•ooperi 64 see Urocleidrts• ma/leus Crepidos7omtnrt corntrtnnt 65 Cleidodiscus p•icei 29 also see C. cooperi Cleidodiscus robtrsttts 29 Crepidosto,nwn faria,ri.s 65 Cleidodiscus stentor 29 Crepidostomum fausti Cleidodiscus rnriformis 29 see C. cooperi Cleidodiscits vm7cleavei 29 Crepidostom« m hiorlontos Cleidodiscits venarcli 29 see C. illinoiense Cleidodiscits sp. 29 Crepirlostontw„ ictaltn•i also see Uroc/eicltrs rtcl.spectus see Megalogonia ictaluri Clestobothrittnr crassiceps 89 Crepido.rlon,um il/i,zoiettse 65 Clinostornatidae 48 Crepiclostotnum isostontttnr 65 Clinostomrun complanatay,r 48 Crepirlostonurm lrtru•eatmn Clinostonrttnt gracile see C. cooperi, C. isoslonrrtnr, and see C. nta,ginrtnun Crepidostomrtm sp. Cliaostonuurr mar,r,>inatttnt 48 Crepidosto„rttnr li„to,ti 66 Clinostomum sp. 48 Crepidostomttnt ntetoectrs 66 Colobonxrtus kyj)üostts 131 Crepidostomun, .rolicltun Conispora renalis 23 see C. c•ooperi Contracaecnm adrtncmn Cre pirlo.rtomrnn h•an.rmrrri„ttu,t see Thvanasc•ari.r adrtnca see C. cooperi Ca,rtrrtcaectrn, G,•acln^rn•unr Crepidostommn sp. 66 see Thvnna.rc•aris Grrrchyura Creptoh•en,a funduli 66 Contracaecrrm clavanmr C,yptobia b,•anchialis see T/ty,urascari.r adunca and see Boclon,onas concava Contracaecvnn sp. C,•yptoGia ballocki 7 Co,ttracrtecunr gadi Crvptobia catostomi 7 see Tlryw,mscaris adrurca C,yptobia rlalrli 7

250 Cryptobia gurneyorum 7 Dactylocotyle denticulata Cryptobia .salmositica 7 see Diclidophora denticulata Cryptobia sp. 7 Dactylocotyle phycidis Cryptobiidae 7 see Diclidophora maccallumi Cryptocotyle lingua 74, 77 Dactylogyridae 27 Cryptogonimidae 72 Dactylogyrus albertensis 29 Cryptogonimus chili 73 Dactylogyrus anchoralus 29 also see C. diaphanus Dactylogyrus apos 29 Cryptogonimus diaphanus 73 Dactylogyrus atratuli Cucullanellu.s• cotylophora 108 see D. cheloideus Cocullanellus kanabus 108 Dactylogyrus attenuants 29 Cucullanellus Minutus 108 Dactylogyrus aureus 29 Cucullanidae 108 Dactylogyrus aviun guis 29 Cocullanus annulatus 108 Dactylogyrus banghami 30 Cucullanus cirratus 108 Dactylogyrus bifurcatus 30 Cucullanus cliiellarius Dactylogyrus buddi 30 see Truttaedacnitis clitellarius Dactylogyrus bulbus 30 Cucullanus elongatus 108 Dactylogyrus bullosus 30 Cucullanus heterochrous 109 Dactylogyrus bychowskyi 30 Cucullanu.v smedleyi Dactylogyrus cernyi see C. elongatus see D. flagristylus CucuIlanus stelmioides Dactylogyrus cheloideus 30 see Truttaedacnitis stelmioides Dactylogyrus chrosomi 30 Cucul/anus sp. 109 Dactylogyrus columbiensis 30 also see C. annulai us and Cucullanellus Dactylogyrus cornutus 30 kan abus Dactylogyrus dubius 30 Cyathocephalidae 80 Dactylogyrus eos 30 Cyathocephalus anzericanus Dactylogyru.s. eucalius 30 see C. truncatus Dactylogyrus extensus 31 Cyathocephalus truncatus 80 Dactylogyrus flagristylus 31 Cyathocephalus sp. 81 Dactylogyrus hankinsoni 31 Cyclochaeta domerguei Dactylogyrus heterolepis 31 ' see Trichodina domerguei Dactylogyrus lachneri 31 Cyclochaeta sp. Dactylogyrus luxill 31 see Trichodina sp. Dactylogyrus microphallus 31 Cymothoidae 146 Dactylogyrus 117icropogoni Cysticercus dilepis see D. aviunguis see Dilepis sp. Dactylogyrus mylocheilus 31 Cysticercus due pis unilateralis Dactylogyrus par vicirrus 31 see Dilepis unilateralis Dactylogyrus per/us 31 Cyslidicola canadensis. Dactylogyrus pollen 31 see C. farionis. Dactylogyrus ptychocheilus 31 Cystidicola cristivomeri 113 Dactylogyrus reciprocu.s 31 Cystidicola farionis 113 Dactylogyrus richardsonius 31 Cystidicola lepisostei 113 Dactylogyrus rubellus 31 Cystidicola serratu.s. 113 Dactylogyrus tridactylus 31 Cystidicola stigmatura Dactylogyrus urus 32 see C. farionis Dactylogyrus vancleavei 32 Cystidicola walkeri 32 see Salvelinenza walkeri Dactylogyrus sp. 32 Cystidicola sp. 114 Dactylosoma salvelini 9 also see C. cristivomeri Dactylosoma sp. 9 Cystidicolidae 112 Dactylosomatidae 9 Cystidicoloides harwoodi Davisia coryphaenoidia 23 see C. tenuissima Davisia newfoundlandia 23 Cystidicoloides prevosti 114 Dendrapia cameroni cameroni 141 Cystidicoloides tenuissima 114 141 126 Dendrapta cameroni longiclavata Cystobranchus manunillatus Dendrosomatidae 14 Cystobranchus verrilli 126 Deretrema cholaeum 61 Dermocystis ctenolabri see Cryptocotyle lingua Dacnitoides cotylophora Derogenes plenus 52 see Cucullanellus cotylophora Derogenes varicus 52

251 Deropristis hispida 68 Diplostomulum spathaceum Deropristis lento 68 see Diplostomum spathaceum Dibothriocephalus lotus Diplostomulum sp. 42 see Diphyllobothrium latum Diplostomum adanzsi 43 Dibothriocephalus sp. Diplostomum cuticola see Diphyllobothrium sp. see Posthodiplostonzum cuticola Dibothriorhynchus grossus Diplostomuni fiexicaudion see Hepatoyylon trichiuri see D. spathaceitin indistinctum Dibothrium rugosum Diplostomunz huronetzse see Abothrium gadi see D. spathaceum huronense Diehelesthiidae 139 Diplostonlion parvulum Dichelyne cotylophora see Tetracotyle parvula see Cucullanellus cotylophora Diplostonium scheuringi Dichelyne robustus 109 see Diplostomulum scheuringi Diche/yne sp. 109 Diplostomum scudderi 43 Diclidophora denticulata 39 Diplostomum spathaceum 43 Diclidophora maccallunii 39 Diplostomum spathaceum huronense 44 Diclidophoridae 39 also see D. adamsi Diclidophoroides inaccallumi Diplostomum spathaceum indistinction 44 see Diclidophora maccalluini Diplostonzum volvens Diclybothriklae 41 see D. spathaceum Diclybothrium armation 41 Diplostomum sp. Diclybothrium hammulatuni 41 see Diplostomulum sp. Didymozoidae 57 Discocotyle sagittata 39 Dihemistephantis fragilis 75 Discocotyle salmonis Dilepididae 99 see D. sagittata Discocotyle sp. 40 Dilepis unilateralis 99 Discocotyliclae 39 Dilepis sp. 99 Distomum folium Dinobothrium sp. 93 Dinurus nanaimoensis see Phyllodistomum folium see Tubulovesicula lindbergi Distonuon fragile see Dihemistephanus fragilis Dioctophyma renale 101 Distonzum furcigerum Dioctophytna sp. 101 see Fellodistomum furcigerton Dioctophymatidae 101 Diocus gobinus 133 Distomuni gracile Diphyllobothriidae 86 see Clinostomun? margination Diphyllobothriuni cordiceps 86 Distomuni incisum see Fellodistomum agnotuni and F. fellis also see Diphyllobothrium sp. Distomuni isoporum Diphyllobothriuni dendriticunz 86 see Allocreadiunz isoporum Diphyllobothriunl ditrenium 86 Distonium isoporum var. armatum Diphyllobothrium latum 86 see Hoinalometron ormolu??? also see Diphyllobothrium sp. Distonzion lobotes Diphyllobothrium osmeri see Centrovarium lobotes see D. ditremum Distonium nodulosum Diphyllobothriunz sebago see Bunodera luciopercae see Diphyllobothrium sp. Distoinum °poem?? Diphyllobothrium sp. 87 see Microphallus opacus also see D. latunz Distonium rachion Diplobothrium armatum see Lepidapedon rachion see Diclybothrium armatum Distonium simple.v Diplobothrium hammulatunz see Podocotyle atonzon, P. simplex, and see Diclybothrium hammulatum P. stafforili Diplocotyle olrikii Distomum veliporum see Bothrimonus sturionis see Otodistomum cestoides Diplostomatidae 42 Distomum sp. 76, 77 Diplostomulum baeri eucaliae also see Apophallus brevis see Diplostomum scudderi Dolichoenterum sp. 58 Diplostomulum flexicaudion see Diplostonium spathaceum indistinctuni Diplostomulum huronense Echeneibothrium variabile 93 see Diplostomum spathaceuni huronense Echinobothriidae 94 Diplostomulum scheuringi 42 Echinobothrium raji 94

252 Echinorhynchidae 121 Ergasilus cenh•archidarrun 134 Echinorhynchus car•egoni Ergasilus confusus see Metechinorhynchus salmonis see E. luciopercarrun Echinorhyncluts ekbatuni Ergasilus cyprinaceus 135 see E. gadi Ergasilrrs e/egans Echinorlrynchtts gadi 121 see E. versicolor Echinorhynchus lageniformis Ergasihts funduli 135 see Metechinorhynchus lageniformis Erga.silus lizae 135 Echinorhynchus latera/is Erga.ri/u.r luciopercarmn 135 see Metechinorhynchus lateralis also see Ergasilus sp. Echinorhynchats laurentianus 122 Ergasilus tnanicatus Echinorhynchus leidyi see E. funduli see Metechinorhynchus leidyi Ergasiltt.s nerkae 135 Echinorhynchus salmonis Ergasilus osburni see Metechinorhynchus salin anis see E. celestis Echinorlrynchus salvelini Ergasilus tru•gidu.s 135 see Metechinorhynchus leidyi Ergasilus versicolor 136 Eclrinorhynchus sp. 122 Erga.silars sp. 136 also see Metechinorhynchus sp. also see E. nerkae Echthrogaleus coleoptratus 144 Erpocotyle abbreviata Edlintonia ptychocheila 78 see Squalonchocotyle abbreviata Eimeria anguillae 9 Eubothrittm crassum 83 Eimeria catostomi 9 also see Eubothrium sp. Eimeria clupeartun 9 Eubothrium oncorhynchi Eimeria degiustii 9 see E. crassum Eitneria etheostomae 9 Eubothrium parvum 83 Eitneria fernandoae 10 Eubothrium rugosum 83 Eimeria freemani 10 also see E. crassrtm Eimeria gadi 10 Eubothrittn2 salvelini 83 Eimeria gasterostei 10 also see Ettbothrium sp. Eimeria glenorensis 10 Eubothrium sp. 84 Eimeria haneki 10 Eudactylina acanthii 139 Eimeria hoffn:ani 10 Eudactylina corrugata 139 Eimeria hybognathi 10 Eudactylinidae 139 Eimeria ictahu•i 10 Eustonna rotundatum Eimeria iroquoina 10 see Pseudanisakis tricupola Eimeria laureleus 10 Ettstoma sp. Eimeria micropteri 10 see Pseudanisakis sp. Eimeria moronei 10 Eush•ongylides sp. 101 Eimeria ojibrvana 10 Eimeria osmeri 11 Eimeria pungitii 11 Eimeria salve/ini 11 Fellodistomatidae 57 Eimeria sardinae 11 Fellodi.rtomum agnotmn 57 Eimeria tedlai 11 Fellodistomrrm fellis 57 Eimeria trattae 11 Fellodistontmn furcigerwn 57 Elineria sp. 11 Fellodistomunz incisum Eimeriidae 9 see F. agnottun and F. fellis Elliptio complanata 129 Fellodistaamtm sebastodis 57 Entobdella curvunca 26 Fistulicola plicatus 89 Entobdella hippoglossi 26 Entobdella sp. 26 Epibdella hippoglossi Galactosonttun sp. 75 see Entobdella hippoglossi Gasterostonuun armattmt Epistylidae 14 see Prosorhynchus squamatus Epis7ylis hvoffl 14 Gasterostomuna pusilhun Epistylis sp. 15 see Prosar•hynchoides pusilla and Ergasilidae 134 Rhipidocotyle papillo.ra Ergasilus auritus 134 Genolinea anura also see E. turgidus see G. oncorhynchi Ergasihts caeredeus 134 Genolinea laticauda 53 also see E. luciopercca•um and E. nerkae also see G. oncoa•hynchi Ergasihrs celestis 134 Genolinea oncorhynchi 53

253 Genolinen sp. Gyrodactylus etheostontae 36 see G. laticauda Gyrodactylus eucaliae 36 Gilquinia anteroporus Gyrodactylus freemani 36 see G. squall Gyrodactylus goerani 36 Gilquinia squad 81 Gyrodactylns hoff Mani 36 Gilquinia tetrabothrium Gyrodacty lus labradorius 36 see G. squad Gyrodacty lus lacusgratidis 36 Gilquiniidae 81 Gyrodactylus lairdi 36 Glaridacris catostomi 78 Gyrodactylus limi 37 also see Hunterella nodulosa and Gyrodactylus inacrochiri 37 Monobothrium hunteri Gyrodactylus medius 37 Glaridacris con fusas 79 Gyrodactylus Memorialis 37 Glaridacris intermedius Gyrodactylus nainunz, 37 see G. larttei Gyrodactylus izebulosus 37 Glaridacris larttei 79 Gyrodactylus plumbea 37 also see G. catostomi Gyrodactylus prolon gus 37 Glaridacris terebrans 79 Gyrodactylus spathulatus 38 Glaridacris vogei 79 Gyrodactylus stephanus 38 Glaridacris sp. 79 Gyrodactylus stunkardi 38 Glossidiunt gentinum 61 Gyrodacty lus terratiovae 38 Glossiphoniidae 126 Gyrodactylus sp. 38 Glugea anontala 12 Glugea berglar 13 Glugea branchiale 13 Haemobaphes cyclopterina 144 Glugea hertivigi 13 also see H. intermedius also see Glugea sp. Haemobaphes diceraus 144 Glugea hertivigi var. canadensis Haemobaphes intermedius 144 see G. hertivigi Haemobaphes theragrae 144 Glugea stephani 13 Haentobaphes sp. 144 Glugea sp. 13 Haemogregarina aeglefini 11 Gnathostomatidae 112 Haentogregarina bigentina 11 Gonocerca crassa 53 Haemogregarina delagei 11 Gonocerca Inacroformis 53 Haemogregarina irkalukpiki 11 Gorgoderidae 67 Haentogregarina mavori 11 Goussia gadi Haentogregarina myorocephali 12 see Eimeria gadi Haemogregarina plat essae 12 Grillotia erinaceus 81 Haentogregarina salvelini 12 also see G. heptanchi Haemogregarina urophysis Gridada heptanchi 81, 82 see H. aeglefini G rillotia sp. 82 Haentogregarina sp. 12 Gyrocoiyle abyssicola 77 also see H. aeglefini Gyrocotyle fimbriata 78 Haemogregarinidae 11 Gyrocotyle major 78 Haemohormidium beckeri 9 Gyrocotyle parvispin osa 78 Haemohormidiun? terraenovae 9 Gyrocotyle urna Haemohormidium sp. 9 see G. fimbriata and G. parvispinosa Haentopis grandis Gyrocotylidae 77 see Mollibdella grandis Gyrodactylidae 35 Haentopis marmorata Gyrodactyloides strelkowi 35 see Percymoorensis marmorata Gyrodactylus aldrichi 35 Haplobothriidae 89 Gyrodactylus ale.vanderi 35 Haplobothriunt globuliforme 89 Gyrodactylus aquilin us 35 Haplonetna aditum Gyrodactylus atratuli 35 see Paraquimperia aditunt Gyrodactylus avalottia 35 Haplonema hantulatum 109 Gyrodactylus bairdi 35 Haplonenza immutatum 110 Gyrodacty lus branchicus Haplonema sp. 110 see G. canadensis Hatschekia hippoglossi 139 Gyrodactylus bullatarudis 36 Hatschekiidae 139 Gyrodactylus emerald 36 Hedruridae 115 Gyrodactylus canadensis 36 Hedruris sp. 115 Gyrodactylus contmersoni 36 Helicometra sp. 69 Gyrodactylus cottesins 36 also see Neohelicometra sebastis Gyrodactylus dechtiari 36 Hemiuridae 51

254 Hemittrus appendiculatus 53 Illinobdella elongata 127 also see Brachyphallus crenatus and Illinobdella moorei H. levinseni see Myzobdella moorei Hemiurus cotnmunis 53 Illinobdella sp. 127 Hemiurus levinseni 53, 54 Isoglaridacris calentinei 80 Hemiurus sp. 54 Henneguya acuta 19 Henneguya amiae 19 Johanssonia sp. 127 Henneguya doori 19 Henneguya esocis 19 Henneguya exilis 19 Kathleena sp. Henneguya fontinalis 19 see Contracaecum sp. Henneguya fontinalis var. notropis 19 Khawia iowensis 80 Henneguya percae 19 Kudoa clupeidae 24, 25 Henneguya pungitii 19 Kudoa sp. 24 Henneguya salminicola 19 .srombri 40 Henneguya salmonis 20 Henneguya zschokkei 20 Henneguya sp. 20 Lacistorhynchidae 81 also see H. salminicola Latnpritrema miescheri 56 Hepatic°la bakeri Lampritrema nipponicum Skrjabinocapillaria bakeri see see L. miescheri Hepatoxylidae 81 Lampritrematidae 56 Hepatoxylon squall 81 Latnpsilis radiata 129 Ilepatoxylon trichiuri 81 Lampsilis radiata siliquoidea also see H. squall see L. radia ta Heterophyes sp. 75 Lebouria cooperi Heterophyidae 74 see Plagioporus cooperi Hexabothriidae 41 Lebouria sp. 8 Hexamita salmonis see Plagioporus sp. sp. 8 Hexamita Lecithaster bothryophorus Hexamitidae 8 see L. gibbosus Hirudinella clavata Lecithaster confusus 54 see H. ventricosa Lecithaster gibbosus 54 Hirudinella marina Lecithaster sabnonis see H. ventricosa see L. gibbon's Hirudinella ventricosa 56 Lecithochirium caudiporum Hirudinellidae 56 see L. exodicum Hirudinidae 126 Lecithochirium exodicum 55 Holobotnolochus occultus 132 Lecithodendriidae 60 Holobomolochus spinulus 132 Lecithophyllum anteroporum Holobomolochus venustus 132 see L. botryophorutn Homalometron armatum 68 Lecithophyllum botryophorunz 55 Homalometrotz pallidum 68 Lecithophyllum sp. Hunterella nodulosa 79 see L. botryophorum Hydrachna sp. 146 Leioderma furcigerum Hydrachnidae 146 see Fellodistomum furcigerum Hymenolepididae 99 Lepeophtheirus bifidus 137 Hymenolepis sp. 99 Lepeophtheirus breviventris 137 Hypocaryophyllaeus paratarius 79 Lepeophtheirus haustatus Hysterothylacium brachyurum see Lepeophtheirus sp. see Thynnascaris brachyura Lepeophtheirus hippoglossi 137 Lepeophtheirits hospitalis 137 Lepeophtheirus nanaimoensis 137 Icelanonchohaptor fyviei 32 Lepeophtheirus nordmanni 137 Ichthyobodo necatrix 7 also see Lepeophtheirus sp. Ichthyobodo sp. 7 Lepeophtheirus oblitus 137 Ichthyophonus hof eri 25 Lepeophtheirus parvicruris 138 Ichthyoplithirius multifiliis 14 Lepeophtheirus parviventris 138 Ichthyophthirius sp. 14 Lepeophtheirus paulus 138 Ichthyotaenia laruei Lepeophtheirus pravipes 138 see Proteocephalus lama Lepeophtheirus rectangularis Illinobdella alba 127 see Lepeophtheirus sp.

255 Lepeophtheirrts sabnonis 138 Macrobdella decora 126 Lepeophtlteirrts m:ctts Macroderoides flavtts 61 see L. oblitus Macroderiodes spirri ferus 62 Lepeophtheirrts sp. 138 A4acroderoidestypicus 62 Lepidapedon elongatrm: 68 Macroderoides sp. 62 Lepidapedon nricrocotyletnn 69 Macroderoididae 61 Lepidapedor:rachion 69 Malnriana brunnea 127 Lepidapedon sp. Malmiana dinrinrtta 127 see L. microcotylerurt Malmiana nuda Lepidophyllrtm camer•oni 61 see M. brunnea Lepidopbyl/um steenstrupi 61 Mahnimta scorpii 127 Lepidophyllum sp. Maritrenra tnediurn see L. camerarai see Marih•enrirtoides obstipus Lepocreadiidae 68 Maritretna obstipum Leptorhynchoides thecatus 123 see Maritrem in o ides obstipus Leptorhya:choides sp. 124 Mm•itreminoides obstipus 62 Leptorhynchoididae 123 Markewitsclria aurita Leptosoma obsctu•um 76 see Ergasilus atu•itrts Leptotheca agilis 17 Mazocraeidae 40 Leptotheca informis 17 Mazocraeoides olerrtangiensis 40 Lerrraea branchialis Mazocraeoides sp. 40 see Lernaeocera branchiali.r MegadistomunT longun Lerrraea branchialis var. sigmoidea see Azygia longa see Lernaeocera branchialis Megalocotyle inarginata Lernaea cyprinacea 131 see Trochoprts marginata Lernaeidae 131 Megalocotyle tritttba Lernaeocera branchialis 144 see Trochopus n•itaba Lernaeopoda arctrrri Megalocotyle sp. see Salmincola edsvardsii see Trochopns sp. Lernaeopoda cenh•oscyllü 141 Megalogonia ictaluri 66 Lernaeopoda clrtthae Megathylacoides gigantearn 95 see Lernaeopodina longintana Metabronema canadense Lernaeopoda edtivardsii see Cystidicoloides teiruissima see Salmirrcola edivardsii Metabronenra prevosti Lernaeopoda elongata see Cystidicoloides prevosti see On:matokoita elor:gata Metabronema salvelini Lernaeopoda sp. 141 see Cystidicoloides tetruissinra Lernaeopodidae 139 Metabrortema ivardlei Lernaeopodina longibrachia 141 see Caballeronema wardlei Lernaeopodina longimana 141 Metabroneina sp. 114 Lernaeopodina pacifica 141 Metadena sp. 74 Leuceruthrrts micropteri 50 Metechirrorlrvrrclrtts lagerri formis 122 Leucerutlu•us sp. 50 Metechinorhyncltrts lateralis 122 Lertcocytozoort salvelini Metechinorkynchtts leidyi 122 see Haentogregarina salvelini Metechinorhynchus sabrrartis 122 Leucocytozoon sp. Metechinorhyrtchus sp. 123 see Haemogregarina sp. Metorchis conjunctus 75 Ligrtla intestinalis 88 Microbothriidae 27 Ligula sp. 88 Microbothritan apicttlatunt 27 Ligulidae $8 Microcotyle eriensis 41 Lintaxine cokeri 41 Microcotyle poronoti 41 Lironeca californica 146 Microcotyle sebastis 41 Lissorchiidae 60 Microcotyle spinicirrus 41 Lissorchis attenttatam 60 Microcotyle sp. 41 Lissorchis gallaris 60 Microcotylidae 41 Lissorchis sinteri 60 Microphallidae 62 Lissorclris sp. 60 Micro phallus obstipes Lyrodiscus lor:gibasrrs 32 see Maritremirtoirles obstipus Lyrrodiscrts rrritrinrtts 32 Microphalltts opactts 62 Lyrodiscus rrtpesb•is 32 Microphalltts sp. 62 Lyrodiscus seminolensis 32 Micropharynx parasitica 26 Lyrodiscus sp. 32 Mimodistomrmr angrtsticartdunt Lytocestidae 80 see Azygia angusticauda

256 Mollibdella grandis 126 Myxosoma rotundum 23 Monobothriutn hunteri 80 Myxosoma scleroperca 23 Monorchiidae 61 Myxosoma squamalis 23 Monostomum am mn Myxosoma subtecalis 23 see Acetodextra amiuri Myxosoma sp. 23 Myxidium bergense 18 Myxosomatidae 22 Myxidium coryphaenoidium 18 Myzobdella lugubri.s Myxidium gadi 18 see Illinobdella alba, I. elongata, Myxidium gasterostei 18 and Myzobdella moorei Myridium giardi 18 Myzobdella moorei 127 Myridium lieberkuehni 18 Myzobdella sp. Myxidium myorocephall 18 see Johanssonia sp. Myridium percae 18 Myridium zealandicutn 18 Myridiutn sp. 18 Naobranchia occidentalis 144 Myxiidae 18 Naobranchiidae 144 Myxobilatidae 19 Neascus ambloplitis Myrobilatus gasterostei 19 see Uvulifer ambloplitis Myxobilatus ohioensis 19 Neascus bulboglossa Myxobilatus yukonensis 19 see Crassiphiala bulboglossa Myxobilatus sp. 19 Neascus pyrifortnis 44 Myxobolidae 19 Neascus rhinichthysi 44 Myxobolus catostomi 20 Neascus vancleavei Myxobolus conspicuus 20 see Posthodiplostomum minimum Myxobolus couesii 20 Neascus wardi Myxobolus dechtiari 20 see Uvulifer ambloplitis Myxobolus dentium 20 Neascus sp. 44 Myxobolus funduli 20 Nectobrachia indivisa 141 Myxobolus grandis 20 Nemesis robusta 139 Myxobolus hyborhynchi 20 Neobrachiella insidiosa f. pacifica 142 Myxobolus intestinalis 20 Neobrachiella rostrata 142 Myxobolus magnaspherus 21 Neochasmus umbellus 74 Myxobolus neurobius 21 Neodiscocotyle carpioditis 40 Myxobolus notatus Neoechinorhynchidae 119 see Thelohanellus notatus Neoechinorhynchus carpiodi 119 Myxobolus notropis 21 Neoechinorhynchus crassus 119 Myxobolus osburni 21 Neoechinorhynchus cristatus 119 Myxobolus ovoidalis 21 Neoechinorhynchus cylindratus 119 Myxobolus percae 21 Neoechinorhynchus notemigoni 119 Myxobolus poecilichthidis 21 Neoechinorhynchus pungitius 119 Myxobolus rhinichthidis 21 Myxobolus subcircularis 21 Neoechinorhynchus rutili 119 Myxobolus subtecalis Neoechinorhynchus strigosus 120 see Myrosoma subtecalis Neoechinorhynchus tenellus 120 120 Myxobolus transversalis 21 Neoechinorhynchus tumidus Myxobolus uvuliferis 21 Neoechinorhynchus venustus Myxobolus sp. 21 see N. cristal us Myxoproteus abysstts 23 Neoechinorhynchus sp. 120 Myxoproteus myoxocephali 23 Neohelicometra sebastis 69 Myxoproteus rosenblatti 23 Neolepidapedon pugetense 69 Myxosoma bibullatum 22 Neolepidapedon sebastisci 69 Myxosoma catostomi 22 Neophasis oculata Myxosoma commersonii 22 see N. pusilla Myrosonta diaphana 22 Neophasis pusilla 67 Myxosoma ellipticoides 22 Neopodocotyloides pedunculata Myxosoma grandis 22 see Podocotyle pedunculata Myxosoma media 22 Neopodocotyloides sinusaccus Myxosoma notropis 22 see Podocotyle sin usacca Myxosoma orbitalis 22 Neozoogonus californiens 61 Myxosoma parellipticoides 22 Nipporhynchus trachuri Myxosoma pendula 22 see Rhadinorhynchus trachuri Myrosoma pfrille 23 Nipporhynchus sp. Myxosoma procerum 23 see Rhadinorhynchus trachuri

257 Nosenza branchiale Parahemiurus sp. see Glugea branchiale see P. merits Nosema pinzephales 13 Parametorchis complerus 75 Nosenza sp. Paraquimperia aditum 110 see Glugea berglax Parastiotrenza ottawaizensis 62 Nosematidae 12 Parvimenia sp. 99 Nybelinia surinetzicola 82 Paurorhynchus hiodontis 58 Nybelinia sp. also see Bucephalus sp. see N. surmenicola Pelichnibothrium sp. 93 Nyctotherus sp. Pellucidhaptor catostomi 32 see Balantidium sp. Pelltecidhaptor nasalis 32 Pellucidhaptor sp. 32 Peniculus asinus 145 Oceanobdella inicrostonza 128 Peniculus clavants 145 Oceanobdella seroculata 128 Peniculus sp. Octobothrium sagittatunz see P. asinus see Octomacrum lanceatum Penilella filosa 145 Octobothrium sp. Pennella orthagorisci see Octomacrum sp. see P. filosa Octocotyle scombri Pennella sp. 145 see Kuluzia scombri Pennellidae 144 Octomacrunz lanceatum 40 , Pentagranuna petrowi Octomacrum microconfibula 40 see Pseudopentagramma petrowi Octomacrum semotili 40 Peracreadiunt commune see Cainocreadium commune Octomacrum sp. 40 Octomitus salmonis Percymoorensis marmorata 126 see Heramita salmonis Pharyngora bacillaris see Opechona occidentalis Octonzitus sp. 8 Octospinifer inacilentus 120 Philometra americana 110 Octospinifer sp. Philoinetra cylindracea 110 see O. inacilentus Philonzetra kobuleli 111 Philometra nodulosa Octospiniferoides sp. 121 see Philometroides nodulosa Odlineriunz calyptrocotyle 51 Philometra sp. 111 Onunatokoita elongata 142 also see P. americana Onchobothriidae 92 - Philometridae 110 Onchobothrium pseudouncinatum 92 Philometroides huronensis 111 Onchocotyle abbreviata Philometroides nodulosa 111 see Squalonchocotyle abbreviata Philonenza agubernaculum 111 Opechona alaskensis 69 Philonenza oncorhynchi 111, 117 Opechona occidentalis 69 also see P. agubernaculum Opecoelidae 69 Philonenza salvelini Ophryoglenidae 14 see P. agubernaculum Opisthorchiidae 75 Philonema sp. 112 Opisth orchis pseudofelineus Philorthagoriscus serratus 139 see Amphimerus pseudofelineus Phocanema decipiens 105 Ornithodiplostomum ptychocheilus 45 also see Phocanema sp. Orthagoriscola wilsoni 139 Phocatzeina sp. 105 Otodistomum cestoides 50 Phocascaris sp. 105 also see Otodistoinum sp. Phoreiobothriidae 92 Otodistomum veliporunz 51 Phriyocephalus cincinnatits 145 also see O. cestoides and Otodistomum sp. Phylichthyidae 131 Otodistomum sp. 51 Phyllobothriklae 92 Phyllobothrium catulatum 93 also see Phyllobothrium sp. Pandaridae 144 Phyllobothriton dagnallium 93 Paildarits sinuatus 144 Phyllobothrium salmonis Paraboinolochus cuneatus see P. caudattan see Bonzolochus cuneatus Phyllobothrium sp. 93, 94 Parabrachiella rostrata also see P. caudatum see Neobrachiella rostrata Phyllodistomunicoregoni 67 Paradiclybothriunz sp. 41 Phyllodistonzum folium 67 Parahetniurus merits 55 Phyllodistomum lachancei 67

258 Phyllodistomum lacustri 67 Posthodiplostomum minimum minitnum 46 Phyllodistomum Iimnosa 67 Posthodiploslomum sp. 46 Phyllodi.rtornunt lysteri 67 Proceroididae 26 Phyllodistoinum stafJordi 67 Prosobothriidae 94 Phyllodistomum superbuni 68 Prosorhynchoides basargini 58 Phyllodistomum undulans 68 Prosorhyn ch o ides gracilescens Phyllodistomum sp. 68 see P. basargini Piscicola milneri 128 Prosorhynchoides ozakii 58 Piscicola punctata 128 Prosorhynchoides pusilla 58 Piscicola salrnositica 128 Prosorhynchoides sp. 59 Piscicola zebra 128 Prosorhynchus apertus 59 Piscicola sp. 128 Prosorhynchus crucibulum 59 Piscicolidae 126 also see P. scapellus Placobdella montifera 126 Prosorhynchus scapellus 59 Placobdella parasitica 126 Prosorhynclrussquantafus 59 Plagiocirrus sp. 61 Prosorhynchussp. 59 Plagioporus alacer Protenteron diaphanum see P. varius see Crryptogonimus diaphanus Plagioporus cooperi 69 Proteocephalidae 94 ' Plagioporus Iepomis Proleocephahrs ambloplitis 95 see Podocotyle lepomis Proteocephalus arcticus 96 Plagioporus serotinus 70 Proleocephalus coregoni 96 Plagioporus serratus 70 Proteocephalus exiguus 96 Plagioporus sinitsini 70 Proleocephalus falicollis 96 Plagioporus varius 70 Proteocephalus fluviatilis 96 Plagioporus sp. 70 Proteocephalus laruei 96 Platybothrium parvum 94 also see Proteocephalus sp. Pleistophora cepedianae 13 Proteocephalus luciopercae 96 Pleistophora macrozoarcidis 13 Prot eoceph alus macrocephalus 96 Pleistophora salrnonae 13 Proteocephalusrnicropteri Pleistophora sp. 13 see P. amblopliti.r Pleurogenes sp. 60 Proteocephalus parallacticus 96 Podocotyle abitionis 70 Proteocephalus pearsei 97 Podocotyle atomon 70 Proteocephalus perplexus 97 also see P. staffordi Proteocephalus pinguis 97 Podocotyle blennicoltusi 71 Proteocephalus ptychocheilus 97 Podocotyle boleosomi 71 Proteocephalus pugetensis 97 Podocotyle californica Proteocephalus pusillus 97 see P. pendunculata Proteocephalus salmonidicola 97 Podocotyle endophrysi 71 Proteocephalus singularis 97 Podocotyle lepomis 71 Proteocephalusstizostethi 98 Podocotyle olssoni 71 Proteocephalus tumidocollus 98 Podocotyle pedunculata 71 Proteocephalus wickliffi 98 Podocotyle reflexa 71 Proteocephalus sp. 98 Podocotyle simplex 71 Proterometra macrostoma 51 Podocotyle sinusacca 72 Psettarium sebastodorum 49 Podocotyle staffordi 72 Pseudacanthocotyla verrilli 26 Podocotyle sp. 72 Pseudacanthocotyla williamsi 26 also see P. atomoaz, P. blennicottusi, Pseudacolpenteron pavlovskü 32 P. pedunculata, and P. sinusacca Pseudanisakis tricupola 102 Polylekithum ictaluri 67 Pseudanisakis sp. 102 Polymorphidae 125 Pseudanthobothrium hanseni Pomphorhynchidae 124 see Anthobothrium cornucopia Pomphorhynclrus bulbocolli 124 Pseudocharopimesdentatus 142 Pomphorhynclrtts rocci 124 Pseudocotyle apiculatrun Pomphorhynchus sp. 124 see Microbothrium apiculatum Porrocaecum decipiens Pseudomazocraeoides onfariensis 40 see Phocanema decipiens Pseudommraytrema alabarrum Porrocaecum sp. see P. muelleri see Phocanema sp. Pseudomurraytrerna copulatum 33 Posthodiplostomunt cuticola 45 Pseudomurraytrema moxostomi 33 Posthodiplostomum minimum 45 Pseudonrurraytrema muelleri 33 Pos7hodiplostomum minimum centrarchi 46 Pseudomurraytrerna sp. 33

259 Psettdopentagramma petrowi 57 Salmincola inermis Ptychobothriidae 89 see S. extumescens Ptychogonimidae 56 Salmincola salmoneus 143 Ptychogonimus fontanus 56 Salmincola salvelini Ptychogonimus megastomus 56 see S. carpionis Pyramicocephalus phocarum 88 Salmincola siscowet 143 Salmincola tlzymalli 143 Salmincola IvisconsinenS is Quimperiidae 109 see S. extensus Salmincola sp. 143, 146 Salvelinema salmonicola 114 Salvelinenza walkeri 114 Raphidascaris acus 106 also see S. sahnonicola Raphidascaris alius 106 Sanguinicola occidentalis 49 Raphidascaris canadensis Sanguinicola sp. 49 see R. acus Sanguinicolidae 49 Raphidascaris laurentianus 106 Sarcocystidae 12 Raphidascaris sp. 106 Sarcocystis salvelini 12 Rhabdias but onis 117 Sarcocystis sp. 12 Rhabdochona canadensis 115 Sarcotaces arcticus 131 Rhabdochona cascadilla 115 Sarcotaces sp. Rhaddochona cotti 116 see S. arcticus Rhabdochona fortunatowi Schistobrachia ramosa 143 see R. ovifilam enta Schistobrachia tertia 143 Rhabdocliona kisutchi 116 Schistocephalus solidus 88 Rhabdochona laurentiana Schistocephalus sp. 89 see R. ovifilamenta Scoler pleuronectis 94 Rhabdochona milled 116 Scolex pleuronectis bilocularis 94 Rhabdochona ovifilamenta 116 Scaler sp. 94 Rhabdochona serrata Scyphidia arctica 15 see Cystidicola serratus Scyphidia micropteri 15 Rhabdochona sp. 116 Scyphiidae 15 also see R. cascadilla and R. ovifilamenta Scyphophyllideum giganteum 94 Rhadinorhynchidae 125 Sin istroporus productus Rhadinorhynchus cololabis 125 see Podocotyle raflera Rhadinorhynchus trachuri 125 Sinistroporus simplex Rhipidocotyle elongata 59 see Podocotyle atomon, P. raflera, Rhipiclocotyle papillosa 59, 60 P. simplex, and P. staflordi Rhipidocotyle sp. 60 Sinuolinea magna 23 also see R. elongata Sinuolineidae 23 Rhynchobothrium imparispizze Skrjabinocapillaria baked 102 Grillotia erinaceus see Skrjabinopsolus manteri 75 Rhynchobothrium sp. 82 Spartoides wardi 78 Ribeiroia ondatrae 60 Sphaerospora cristata 24 Rocinela belliceps 146 Sphaerospora elegazis 24 Rocinela propodialis 146 Sphaerospora notro pis 24 Sphaerospora sp. 24 Sphaerosporidae 23 Salmincola bicauliculata Sphyriidae 145 see S. californiensis Sphyrion lumpi 145 Sahnincola californiensis 142 Spinitectus carolini 114 Salmincola carpenteri Spinitectus gracilis 115 see S. californiensis Spinitectus sp. 115 Salmincola carpionis 142 Spironucleus sp. 8 Salmincola edwarcisii 142 Spiroxys contort us 112 Salmincola exsanguinata Spiroxys sp. 112 see S. edwardsii Squalonchocotyle abbreviata 41 Salmincola extensus 143 Steganoderma formosum 61 Salmincola extuniescens 143 Stenakrozt venustunz 57 Salmincola falculata Stenocollum fragile see S. californiensis see Dihemistephanus fragilis Salmincola gibber Stephanochasmus histrix see S. carpionis see Stephanostonzum baccatunz

260 Stephanochasmus sobrinus Thersitina gasterostei 136 see Stephanostomum baccatum Thominx calenata 102 Stephanostomum baccatum 75, 76 Thornsonella parkeri Stephanostomurn californicum 76 see Charopinus dubius Stephanastomum casum Thynnascaris adunca 106 see S. californicum also see T. magna, T. melanogrammi, Stephanostomurn dentatum 76 and Conh•acaecurn sp. Stephanostomum tristephanurn 76 Thynnascaris brachyura 107 Stephanostomum sp. Thynnascaris incurva 107 see S. baccatum, S. dentatum., and Thynnascaris magna 107 S. tristephanum Thynnascaris rnelanogramnri 108 Steringophorus furciger Tocotrema lingua see Fellodistornurn furcigerum see Cryptocotyle lingua Steringotrema cluthense 58 Trhypochthoniellus sp. 146 Steringotrema ovacuturn 58 Trhypochthoniidae 146 Steringotrema pagelli 58 Triaenophoridae 89 Sterliadochona tenuissima Triaenophorus crassus 89, 90 see Cystidicoloides tenuissima also see Triaenophorus sp. Sterrhurus exodicus Triaenophorus nodulosus 91 see Lecithochirium exodicum also see Triaenophorus sp. Strigeidae 46 Triaenophorus robustus Syncleithrium fusiformis 33 see T. crassus Syncoeliidae 56 Triaenophorus stizostedionis 91 Syncoelium filiferum 56 Triaenophorus tricuspidatus Syncoelium katuwo see T. crassus, T. nodulosus, and see S. fïliferum Triaenophorus sp. Syncoelium sp. 57 Triaenophorus tricuspidatus morpha megadentatus see T. crassus Triaenophorus tricuspidatus morpha microdentatus Tanaorhamphus sp. 121 see T. nodulosus Tanypleuridae 145 Triaenophorus sp. 92 Tanypleurus alcicornis 145 also see T. crassus and T. stizostedionis Telolecithus pugetensis 61 Triaenophorus sp. type nodulosus Tentacularia coryphaenae 82 see T. nodulosus and T. stizostedionis Tentaculariidae 82 Triaenophorus sp. type robustus Tenuisentidae 121 see T.crassus Terranova decipiens Trichodina cottidarum 15 see Phocanema decipiens Trichodina decipiens 15 Terranova sp. also see T. lairdi see Phocanema sp. Trichodina domerguei 15 Tetracapsulidae 24 Trichodina domerguei saintjohnsi 15 Tetracotyle communis Trichodina elizabethae 16 see Cotylurus contmunis Trichodina galyae 16 Tetracotyle diminuta 47 Trichodina jarmilae 16 Tetracotyle intermedia 47 Trichodina lairdi 16 Tetracotyle parvula 47 Trichodina oviducti 16 Tetracotyle sp. 47, 77 Trichodina rectuncinata 16 Tetraonchidae 38 Trichodina renicola Tetraonchus alaskensis 38 see Vauchom.ia renicola Tetraonchus borealis 38 Trichodina tenuidens 16 Tetraonchus loftusi 39 Trichodina vancouverense 16 Tetraonchus monenteron 39 Trichodina sp. 16 Tetraonchus rauschi Trichophrya piscium 14 see T. borealis Trichophrya sp. 14 Tetraonchus unguiculatus Triganodistotnum attenuatrun see Urocleidus megalonchus see Lissorchis attemsatum Tetraonchus variabilis 39 Triganodistomum simeri Tetrarhynchus anteroporus see Lissorchis simeri see Gilquinia squali Triganodistomum sp. Tetrarhynchus elongatus 82 see Lissorchis sp. Thelaziidae 115 Trilocularia acanthiae-vulgaris 92 Thelohanellus notatus 22 Trilocularia gracilis Thelohanellus sp. 22 see T. acanthiae-vulgaris

261 Tristoma coccineum 26 Urocleidus chautauquaensis 34 Tristoma integrum 27 Urocleidus chrysops 34 Tristoma molae Urocleidus dispar 34 see Capsala martinierei Urocleidus ferox 34 Trochopus marginata 27 Urocleidus fundulus 34 Trochopus trituba 27 Urocleidus furcatus 34 Trochopus sp. 27 Urocleidus hargisi 34 Truttaedacnitis alpinus 109 Urocleidus helicis 34 Truttaedactzitis clitellarius 109 Urocleidus na1leus 34 Truttaedacnitis stehnioides 109 Urocleidus megalonchus 34 Truttaedacnitis truttae 109 Urocleidus principalis 35 Truttaedaciiitis sp. 109 Urocleiclus proem- 35 TrypanopMstna borreli Uroclehlus rogersi 35 see Cryptobia catostonti Urocleidus similis 35 Tiypanosonza murtnanensis 8 Urocleidus sp. 35 Trypanosonta myorocephali 8 Uvulifer ambloplitis 46 Trypanosoma percae var. canadensis 8 Trypattosonia rajae 8 Trypanosoma sp. 8 Vauchomia renicola 16 Trypanosomatidae 8 Vietosoma parvum 62 Tubulovesicula lindbergi 55 Vorticel I idae 15

Udonella caligorum 39 Xenodistomum melanocystis Udonellidae 39 see Otodistoinum sp. Unicapsula muscularis 24 Unionidae 129 Urceolariidae 15 Zoogonidae 61 Urocleidus acer 33 Zoogonoides viviparus 61 Urocleidus aculeatus 33 Zschokkella globulosa 18 Urocleidus adspectus 33 Zschokkella hildae 18 Urocleidus alatus 33 Zschokkella kudoi 18 Urocleidus angularis 34 Zschokkella parasiluri Urocleidus attenuants 34 see Z. kudoi Urocleidus brachus 34 Zschokkella salvelini 18


Acanthocottus scorpius Ameittrus nebulosus see Myorocephalus scorpius see Ictalurus nebulosus Acanthocottus sp. Anieiurus nigricans see Myorocephalus sp. see Ictalurus punctatus Acipenser fulvescens 151 Attila calva 152 Acipenser rubicundus Amiidae 152 A. see fulvescens Ammocrypta pellucida 195 Acipenser transmontanus 152 A In modytes americanus 202 Acipenseridae 151 A nunodytes dubius Acrocheilus alutaceus 202 168 Ammodytes herapterus Aeglefinus melanogrammus 202 see Melanogrammu.s. aeglefinus Anunodytes tobianus Agonidae 215 see A. americanus Agoutis acipenserinus 215 A nimodytes tobianus personatus A gosia nubila see A. hexapterus see Rhinichthys osculus Ammodytidae 202 Alosa pseudoharengus 153 Anarhichadidae 202 AMbloplites rupestris 191 A narhichas denticulatus 202 Ameittrus lacttstris A narhichas lupus 202 see Ictalltrus punctatus A narhichas minor 202 Anteinrus melas Anguilla anguilla see Ictalurus melas see A. rostrata

262 Anguilla bostoniensis Catostomus teres see A. rostrum see C. commersoni Anguilla chrysypa Catostomus sp. 179 see A. rostrata Caularchus maeandricus Anguilla rostrata 152 see Gobiesox maeandricus Anguilla sp. 152 Centrarchidae 191 Anguillidae 152 Centropristis striata 191 A nopMrchus atropurpureus Centroscyllium fabricii 149 see Xiphister atropurpureus Chimaeridae 151 A noplarchus purpurescens 201 Chitonotus pugetensis 211 A noplopoma finzbria 210 Chrosomus eos 168 Anoplopomatidae 210 ChrosomIls Ileogaeus 168 A peltes quadracus. 188 Citharichthy.s. stigmaeus 215 A pli/es salmoides Citharichthys sp. 215 see Micropterus salmoides Clupea haren gus A plodinotus grunniens 200 see C. harengus harengus A podichtliy.s. flavidus 201 Clupea haren gus harengus 153 A prodon cortezianus 185 Clupea harengus pallasi 153 Argentina silus 166 Clupea Argentinidae 166 see C. harengus pallasi Artediellus uncinatus 211 Clupea sp. 153 A rtedius fenestralis 211 Clupeidae 153 A rtedius harringtoni 211 Cololabis saira 187 Adzeresthes stomias 216 Conger oceanicus 153 Atherinidae 187 Congridae 153 A ulorhynchtts flavidus 188 Coregonus albus Axyrias harringtoni see C. clupeaformis see A rtedius harringtoni Coregonus alpenae 154 Coregonus artedii 154 Coregonus clupeaformis 154 Bathylagidae 166 Coregonus hoyi 155 Bathymasteridae 201 Coregonus kiyi 155 Bathyraja richardsoni 150 Coregonus nigripinnis 155 Batrachoididae 182 Coregonus nipigon Blepsias cirrhosus 211 see C. artedii Boleosoma nigruin Coregonus reighardi 155 see Etheostoma nigrum Coregonus sardinella 155 Bothidae 215 Coregonus zenithicus 155 Brachyistius frenatus. 200 Coregonus sp. 156 Brama japonica 200 Brama rayi Coryphaenoides acrolepis 186 see B. japonica Coryphaenoides cinereus 186 Bramidae 200 Coryphaenoides filifera 186 Brame brosme 182 Coryphaenoides rupe.s.tris 186 Brosmius brosme Coryphopterus nichoLd 203 see Brosme brosme Cottidae 211 Cottunculus microps 211 Coitus asper 211 Campostoma anomalunz 168 Couus bairdi 212 Carassius aura/us 168 Coi/us bairdi kumlieni Carcharhinidae 149 see C. bairdi Carch arias littoralis Courts cognatus 212 see Odontaspis murus Cottus cogna/us gracilis Carch arias taunts see C. cognatus see Odontaspis taurus Corms rhotheus 212 Carpiodes cyprinus 176 Cottus scorpioides Catorzotus flabellaris see Myoxocephalus scorpioides see Etheostoma flabellare Coi/us scorpius Catostomidae 176 see Myoroceplialus scorpius Catostomus catostomus 176 Co//us sp. 212 Cat0S1011111S conunersoni 177 Couesius plumbeus 169 Catostomus macrocheilus 178 Cou esius plumber's dissimilis Catostomus platyrhynchus 178 see C. plumber's

263 Cottesius plumberts greeni Fruidultts diaphmrus 187 see C. phtmbeus Fruadttlus diaphanus menotia C•istivomer natnaycresh see F. diaphanus see Salvelinrts nama,ycus/: Fruaduhts heteroclitrts 187 Cryptacanthodes macatlattts 202 CryptacanNtodes sp. 202 Cryptacanthodidae 202 Gadidae 182 Ctenolabrus adspersus Gadus aeglefinus see Tatttogolabrrrs adspersus see Melmaosrammus aeglefinus Cttlaea inconstans 188 Gadus callarias Cyclopteridae 215 see G. morhrta Cyclopterus lrtmptts 215 Gadus macrocephalus 182 Cymatogaster aggregata 200 Gadus morlura 183 Cyprinidae 168 Gadus ogac 183 Cyprinodontidae 187 Gadus virens Cyprinus carpio 169 see Pollaclzias virens Gadtts sp. 183 Gasterosteidae 188 Gasterosteus aculeatrts 188 Danialichthys m•gyrosoatus Gasterosteus aculeatrts leitu•rrs see Rhacochilus vacca see G. aculeatus Dantalichthys vacca Gasterosteus actdeatus sen:ita•maitts see Rhacochilrts vcrcca see G. aculeatus Dasycottas setiger 212 Gasterosteus aculeatrts frachtn•tts Dorosana cepedianum 153 see G. acrtleatas Gasterosteus biactdeatrts see G. wheatlandi Gasterosteus bispinosus atkensi Entbiotoca lateralis 200 see G. svheatlandi Embiotocidae 200 Gasterosteus wheatlandi 189 Enckelyoprts cimbrius 182 Gasterosteus sp. 189 Enophrys bison 212 Gilbertidia sigalutes 212 Entosphe,uts tridentatus 149 Glyptocephaltts cynoglossus 216 Eopsetta jordani 216 Gobiesocidae 182 Episeichtbys atropru•pureus Gobie.sox ntaeandricus 182 see Xiphister ah•oprn•pra•etes Gobiidae 203 Ericymba buccata 169 Gynutocanthus tricuspis 212 Erinemrts storerianus see Hybopsis storeriana Esocidae 167 Hadropterus maculatus Esox americanrts see Percina maculata see E. a. americmrus Helioperca incisor Esox americmurs americanus 167 see I_epomis nracroclzirus Esox anrericanrts vermicrtlatus 167 Hentilepiclonts hemilepidotrts 212 Esox estor Henritriptertrsamericattus 213 see E. lucius Henni ? ipterus sp. 213 Esox lucitts 167 Hexagr;imrnidae 210 Esox ntasquittongy 167 Hexa;rnmntos decagrantmus 210 Esox niger 168 Hexagrantmos lagocephaltts 210 Esox verniicrtlatus Hexagramntos stelleri 210 see E. americanrrs verntfcrrlatus Hexagrantmos superciliosus Et/reostoma bletznioides 195 see H. lagoceplralus Etheostoana exile 195 Hexagrammos sp. 210 Et/reostoarra flabellare 196 Hexanchidae 149 Etheostoma iowae Hexanchus connus see E. exile see H. griseus Etlteostotna nigrrtnt 196 Hexanchtts griseus 149 Eucalia inconstans Hiodon alosoides 153 see Crrlaea inconstans Hiodo,z chrysopsis Eupoinotis artrerts see H. alosoides see Lepoinis gibbosrts Hiodon tergisus 153 Eupomotis gibbostrs Hiodontidae 153 see Lepomis gibbosus Hippoglossoides elassorlor: 216

264 Hippoglossoides platessoides 216 Leucichthys harengus Hippoglossus hippoglossus 216 see Coregonus artedii also see H. stenolepis Leucichthys hoyi Hippoglossus stenolepis 217 see Coregonus hoyi Hippoglossus sp. 217 Leucichthys kiyi Hum salmoides see Coregonus kiyi see Micropterus salmoides Leucichthys nigripinnis Hybognathus hankinsoni 169 see Coregonus nigripinnis Hybopsis gracilis Leucichthys nipigon see Platygobio gracilis see Coregonus artedii Hybopsis plumbea Leucichthys reighardi see Couesius plumbeus see Coregonus reighardi Hybopsis storeriana 170 Leucichthys sardinella Hyborhyncluts notatus see Coregonus sardinella see Pinzephales notatus Leucichthys tullibee Hydrolagus affinis 151 see Coregonus artedii Hydrolagus colliei 151 Leucichthys zenithicus Hypentelium nigricans 179 see Coregoluts zenithicus Hypotnesus pretiosus 165 Leucichthys sp. see Coregonus sp. Leucosomus corporalis see Semotilus corporalis 213 Icelinus filamentosus Leuroglossus stilbius schtnidti 166 Icelinus tennis 213 Limanda ferruginea 217 Ictaluridae 180 Liopsetta putnami 218 Ictalurus lacustris lacustris Liparis atlanticus 215 see J. panda/us Liparis cyclostigma 215 180 Ictalurus melas Liparis pulchellus 215 Zetahints nebulosus 180 Lophiidae 182 Ictalurus punctatus 181 Lophius americanus 182 ictiobus cyprinellus 179 Lophius piscatorius Isopsetta isolepis 217 see L. atnericanus Lophosetta aqu osa see Scophthalnuts aquosus Jordania zonope 213 Lota iota 183 Lofa Iota Iacustris see L. Iota Labidesthes sicculus 187 Lofa Iota maculosa Labridae 201 see L. Iota Lamna cornubica Lota maculosa see L. nasus see L. Iota Lamna nasus 149 Lucioperca canadetzse Lamnidae 149 see Stizostedion canadense Latnpetra japonica 149 Lucioperca vitreum Lebistes reticulatus see Stizostedion v. vitreutn see Poecilia reticulata Lucioperca sp. Lepibenza chrysops see Stizostedion sp. see Morone chrysops Lucius lucius Lepidopsetta bilineata 217 see Esox lucius Lepisosteidae 152 Lucius masquinongy Lepisosteus °melts 152 see Esox masquinongy Lepotnis auritus 192 Lumpenus lumpretaeformis 201 Lepotnis gibbosus 192 Lutnpetzus sagitta 201 Leponzis tnacrochirus 193 Lux/us cornutus Lepomis megalotis 193 see Notropis cornutus Lepomis pallidus Lycenchelys vahli see L. macrochirus see Lycodes vahlii Lepomis sp. 193 Lycenchelys verrilli 186 Lepfocottus arma/us 213 Lycodes atlanticus 186 Leucichthys alpenae Lycodes frigidus see Coregonus alpenae see L. atlanticus Leucichthys artedi Lycodes lavalael 186 see Coregonus artedii Lycodes reticulatus 186

265 Lycodes terraenovae 186 Notro pis deliciosus stramineus Lycodes vahlii 186 see N. stramineus Lycodes valdi macula/us Notropis emiliae 172 see L. vahlii Notropis heterodon 172 Lycocles verrillii Notropis heterolepis 172 see Lycenchelys verrilli Notropis hudsonius 172 Lycodes sp. 186 Notropis hudsonius selene Lyconectes aleutensis 202 see N. hudsonitts Lyopsetta exilis 218 Notropis rubellus 173 Notropis spilopterus 173 Notropis stramineus 173 Macrouridae 186 Notropis volucellus 173 Macrourus berglax- 186 Notropis whipplii IVIacrourus rupestris see N. spilopterus see Coryphaenoides rupestris Notropis sp. 173 Macrozoarces americanus 186 Noturus flavus 181 Malacocottus kincaidi 213 Noturus gyrinus 181 Ma/lotus villosus 165 Noturus iniurus 181 Margariscus margarita nachtriebi see Semotilus margarita Melanogrammus aeglefinus 184 Odontaspidiclae 149 Melanogrammus sp. 184 Odontaspis taunts 149 Menidia menidia 188 Oligocottus borealis Men idia notata see O. maculosus see M. menidia Oligocottus maculosus 214 Merluccius bilinearis 184 Oncocottus quadricornis Merluccius productus 184 see Myoxocephalus quadricornis Micro gadus proximus 184 Oncorhynchus gorbuscha 156 Microgadus tom cod 184 Oncorhynchus keta 156 Micropterus dolomieui 193 Otworhynchus kisutch 156 Micropterus salmoides 194 Oncorhyncluts nerka 157 Micropterus sp. 195 Oncorhynchus nerka kennerlyi Mola mola 219 see O. nerka Molidae 219 Oncorhynchus tshawytscha 158 Morone americana 190 Oncorhynchus sp. 158 Morone chrysops 190 Ophiodon elongatus 210 Moxostoma anisurum 179 Opsopoeodus emiliae Morostoma aureolum see Notro pis emiliae see M. macrolepidontin Osmeridae 165 Moxostoma erythrurtim 179 Osinerus eperlanus mordax Mo:rostoma lesueurii see O. mordar see M. macrolepidotum Osmerus mordar 166 Morostoina macrolepidottun 179 Osmerus sp. 166 Mylocheilus caurinus 170 Mylocheilus sp. 170 Myorocephalus groenlandicus Pan tosteus platyrhynchus see M. scorpius see Catostomus platyrhynchus Myoxocephalus octodeceinspinosus 213 Parophrys vetulus 218 Myoxocephalus polyacanthocephalus 213 Peprilus triacanthus 203 Myoxecephalus quadricornis 214 Perca flavescens 196 Myoxocep/ia/us scorpio ides 214 Perca fluviatilis Myorocephalus scorpius 214 see P. flavescens Myorocephalus sp. 214 Percichthyidae 190 Percidae 195 Percina caprodes 198 Nautichthys oculofasciatus 214 Percina copelandi 198 Neztunia bairdi 187 Percina maculata 198 Nocomis biguttatus 170 Percopsidae 181 Nocomis micropogon 170 Percopsis onliscomaycus 181 Notemigonus crysoleucas 170 Petromyzon marinus 149 Notropis anogenus 171 Petromyzontidae 149 Notropis atherinoides 171 Phanerodon furcatus 200 Notropis cornutus 171 Pholidae 201

266 Pholis gumiellus 201 Reinhardtius sp. 219 Pholis laeta 202 Rhacochilus vacca 201 Pholis ornafa 202 Rhamphocottus richardsoni 214 Phoximcs eos Rheocrypta copelandi see Chrosomus eos see Percina copelandi Phoxinus neogaeus RhiniclNlrys atratuhrs 174 see Chrosomus neogaeus Rh inich thys alronasus Phycis chuss see R. atratulus see Urophycis chuss Rhinichthys cataractae 174 Pimephales notatus 173 Rhinichthys osculus 175 Pimephale.s promelas 173 Richardsonitts balteatus 175 Platichthvs stellatus 218 Roccus americanus Platygobio gracilis 174 see Morone americana Platysomatichthys hippoglossoides Ronquilus jordani 201 see Reinhardtius hippoglossoides Pleuronectes sp. 218 Pleuronectidae 216 Salmo arcturics Pleeu•onichthys coenosus 218 see Salvelinus alpinus Poecilia reticulata 187 Salmo carpio Poecilichthys exilis see Salvelinus alpinus see Etheostoma exile Salmo clarki 159 Poeciliidae 187 Sahno fario Pollachius virens 185 see S.trutta Pollachius sp. 185 Salmo fontinali.s Poinoxis annularis 195 see Salvelinus fontinalis Pomoxis nigromaculatus 195 Salmo gairdneri 160 Pomoxis sparoides Salmo gairdneri irideus see P. nigromaculatus see S. gairdneri Poa•ichthys notatus 182 Salmo gairdneri kcmtloop.s Poronotus triacanthus see S. gairdneri see Peprilus lriacanthus Salnto irideus Prionace glauca 149 see S. gairdneri Prosopimn coulteri 158 Salmo salar 160 Prosopirun cylindraceum 158 Prosopium cylindraceum quadrilaterale Salino salar sebago see S..salar see P. cylindracemn Salmo signifer Prosopirmt oregonirnn see Thymallus arcticus see P. willimnsoni Salmo siscowet Prosopium williamsoni 159 see Salvelinus namaycnsh Prosopium sp. 159 Sctlmo trutta 161 Pseudoplem•onectes americanus 218 Salmo sp. 161 Ptychocheihts oregonensis 174 Salmonidae 154 Pungitius pungitius 189 Scdvelinus alpintts 161 Pygosteus pungitius Salvelinus alpinus alipes see Pungitius pmtbitius see S. alpinus Salvelinus alpinus malma see S. malma Raja binoculata 150 Sal vel inus cd pintts stagna lis Raja erinacea 150 see S. alpinus Raja ina•nata 150 Salvelinus arcturus Raja jenseni 150 see S. alpinus Raja laevis 150 Salvelinus fontinali.s 162 Raja ocellata 150 Salvelinus fontinalis >C S. nantcrycush 163 Raja radiala 150 Salvelinus malma 163 Raja rhina 151 Salvelinus marstoni Raja scabrata see S. alpinus see R. radiata Salvelinus namaycush 164 Raja senta 151 Salvelinus nanzaycush si.scowet Raja stabuliforis see S. namaycush see R. laevis Salvelinus oquassa marstoati Raja sp. 151 see S. alpinus Rajidae 150 Salvelinus salvelintts Reinhardlius {tippoglossoides 219 see S. fontinalis

267 Salve/bus timagamensi Sebastodes crameri see S. fontinalis see Sebastes crameri Salvelinus sp. 164 Sebastodes diploproa Schilbeodes gyrin us see Sebastes diploproa see Noturus gyrinus Sebastodes elongatus Schilbeodes iniurus see Sebastes elongatus see Noturus nijujus Sebastodesi7avidus Sciaenidae 200 see Sebastes flavidus Scomber scombrus 203 Sebastodes helvomaculatus Scomber sp. 203 see Sebastes helvomaculatus Scomberesocidae 187 Sebastodes mnaliger Scombridae 203 see Sebastes maliger Scophtlialmus aquosus 215 Sebastodes melanops see Scorpaenichthys marmoratus 215 Sebastes nielanops Scorpaenidae 203 Sebastodes nigrocinctus Sebastes aleutianus 203 see Sebastes nigrocinctus Sebastes aborts 203 Sebastodes paucispinis Sebastes auriculants 204 see Sebastes paucispinis Sebastes.aurora 204 Sebastodes pinniger see Sebastes pinniger Sebastes babcocki 204 Sebastes borealis 204 Sebastodes proriger Sebastes brevisphlis 205 see Sebastes proriger Sebastes caurinus 205 Sebastodes ruberrimus see Sebastes ruberrinzus Sebastes crameri 205 Sebastodes rubrivinctus Sebastes diploproa 205 see Sebastes rubrivinctus Sebastes elongatus 206 Sebastodes sp. Sebastes entomelas 206 see Sebastes Sebastes fasciatus sp. see S. ma•inus Semotilus atronlaculatus 175 Semotilus bullaris Sebastes flavidus 206 see S. corporalis Sebastes goodei 206 Sentotilu.s. corpomlis 176 Sebastes helvomaculatus 207 Semotilus margarita 176 Sebastes maliger 207 Semotilus margarita nachtriebi Sebastes marinus 207 see S. margarita Sebastes marinus marinus Serranidae 191 see S. inarimis Somniosus microcephalus 149 Sebastes marinus mentella Spirinchus dilants see S. mentella see S. thaleichthys 207 Sebastes inelanops Spirinchu.s. thaleichthys 166 Sebastes nielitella 207 Squalidae 149 Sebastes nebulosus 208 &plants acanthias 149 Sebastes nigrocinctus 208 Squall's suckleyi Sebastes paucispinis 208 see S. acanthias Sebastes pinniger 208 Stegostedion vitreun? Sebastes proriger 208 see Stizostedion v. vitreum Sebastes reedi 209 Stenodus leucichthys 164 Sebastes ruberrinius 209 Stenodus leucichthys mackenzii Sebastes rubrivinctus 209 see S. leucichthys Sebaste.s. variegatus 209 Stichaeidae 201 Sebastes wilsoni 209 Stizostedion canadense 198 Sebastes zacentrus 209 Stizostedion canadense griseunt Sebastes sp. 210 see S. canadense Sebastodes altar's Stizostedion plancton see Sebastes alums see S. vitreum glaucum Sebastodes auriculatus Stizo.vtedicni vitreunt see Sebastes auriculatus see S. v. vitreurn Sebastodes aurora Stizostedion vitrertin glaucum 199 see Sebastes aurora Stizostedion vitreum vitreum 199 Sebastodes brevispinis Stizostedion sp. 200 see Sebastes brevispinis Stromateidae 203 Sebastodes caurinus Syngnathidae 190 see Sebastes muffins Syngliathus griseolineatus 190

268 Taeniotoca lateralls Uranidea formosa see Embiotoca lateralis see Coitus cogna/us Tautogolabrtts adspersus 201 Urophycis chuss 185 Thaleichthys pacificus 166 Urophycis lentils 185 Theragra chalcogramma 185 Theragra sp. 185 Thunnus alalunga 203 Villarius lacustris Thunnus thynnus 203 see Ictalurus punctatus Thymallus arcticus 165 Thytnallus signifer see T. arcticus Xenerettnus latifrons 215 Triglops murrayi 215 Xenotis mégalotis Triglops o matistius see Lepomis megalotis see T. murrayi Xiphias gladius 203 Triglops tnurrayi 215 Xiphiidae 203 Triglops pingeli terraenovae Xiphister atropurpureus 201 see T. pingeli Triglopsis thompsoni see Myorocephalus quadricornis Zoarces anguillaris see Macrozoarces americanus Zoarcidae 185 Ulvaria subbifurcata 201 Umbra litni 166 Umbridae 166

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