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Papers of Thomas Fitzpatrick (1845–1912)

Introductory note iv


A. Biography of 1

B. Island Magee 10

C. Works on Sir Phelim O’Neill i. Sir Phelim O’Neill: His Commission 12 ii. Sir Phelim O’Neill: His Rebellion, His Commission, 13 His Trial Iii An Apocryphal Chapter: Sir Phelim O’Neill in 14 History

D. Unpublished Articles 14



A. Loose Papers 16

B. Notebooks 18


Introductory note

This collection of papers of Thomas Fitzpatrick, novelist, historian and school teacher, is overwhelmingly concerned with Fitzpatrick’s preoccupation with seventeenth century Ireland, and in particular with the rebellion of 1641.

It consists mainly of substantial unpublished work on Henry Jones, Sir Phelim O’Neill, and Island Magee; unpublished articles on a slightly wider variety of subjects; much transcript material mainly derived from seventeenth century sources; and a few copies of published articles. With the exception of some material in the lengthy series of notebooks [LA12/40–74], there is nothing derived from Fitzpatrick’s fiction. The collection contains no personal material or correspondence.

The provenance of the material is somewhat uncertain but it appears that the papers were given to Robert Dudley Edwards, Professor of Modern Irish History in University College Dublin, by a niece or nephew of Fitzpatrick’s in 1953.

The papers were placed initially in the university library. After the establishment of UCD Archives, of which Professor Edwards was first director, the collection was transferred there. This transfer was completed by 1976.

August 2004

iv LA12/ Thomas Fitzpatrick Papers


A. Biography of Henry Jones (1605–82),

1 Handwritten draft biography of Henry Jones in 21 chapters with original pagination. One chapter, XVI, is missing, and was noted as being so by Professor W.D. Love when he consulted the manuscript in the University Library in July 1965. Additional pages are inserted in a number of chapters and are indicated alphabetically.

Contents Page 1p

Chapter I Introductory pp. 1–22

Chapter II Family Notes pp. 23–26

Chapter III ‘Among the Rebels’ pp. 27–46

Chapter IV Keilagh and Croaghan pp. 47–71

Chapter V The Parsons-Borlase Commissions and Commissioners pp. 72–103

Chapter VI ‘The First Fruit’ – Dean Jones in pp. 104–128

Chapter VII Jones and the ‘ffranciscan’ pp. 129–145

Chapter VIII pp. 146–160

Chapter IX With the Parliament pp. 161–192 no page 165

Chapter X Scoutmaster-General pp. 193–210c

Chapter XI The Capitulation pp. 211–221

Chapter XII Trial of Sir Phelim O’Neill pp. 222–234

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1 contd. Chapter XIII -Scots’ Transplantation pp. 235–237 p. 237 twice

Chapter XIV The Natives’ Transplantation pp. 238–247

Chapter XV Lynchesknock pp. 248–252

Chapter XVI ‘Reducement’ [missing] pp. 253–258

Chapter XVII The Restoration pp. 259–270

Chapter XVIII ‘Reprisals’ etc. pp. 271–288

Chapter XIX His Last Exploit pp. 289–300g Additional pages concern Jones and Sir Phelim O’Neill

Chapter XX The Works of Henry Jones pp. 301–319

Chapter XXI Cavan Charges Examined pp. 321–336

2 Typescript text of the contents page and first three chapters of the Henry Jones biography.

Contents page: 2 copies, one containing chapter titles and page numbers in R. Dudley Edwards’ hand. 2pp

Chapter I: 2 copies, one with some handwritten corrections. pp. 1–27

Chapter II: 2 copies, one with some handwritten corrections. pp. 28–43

Chapter III: 1 copy with some handwritten corrections pp. 34–39

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Appendix to the draft Jones biography headed: Depositions and other documents (From the T.C.D. Collection of Examinations relating to 1641). This consists of a lengthy series of handwritten transcripts by Fitzpatrick from the Trinity manuscripts. Transcripts are numbered sequentially by Fitzpatrick. Included is a handwritten list by Fitzpatrick of the transcripts [LA12/3]. Transcripts I–XXXI [LA12/4] are from the depositions, with the exception of the first which is an account by Jones of the origin and progress of the insurrection as well as extracts from his sworn deposition. Each transcript includes the name of the deponent, the county, and folio [f.] reference. Some transcripts contain editorial comment and textual analysis by Fitzpatrick. This takes the form of both marginalia and footnotes. Transcripts XXXII–LXIII [LA12/5] are of letters, dispatches, diaries, reports and petitions, also from the T.C.D. manuscripts. A final series of transcripts [LA12/6] of documents connected to Jones, not paginated, are from T.C.D MS. F. 3. 18.

3 Handwritten list by Fitzpatrick of transcripts 1–XCIII and additional material, A–B only. Headed Appendix. Synopsis of Papers. 13pp

4 Transcripts I–XXXI of depositions.

Henry Jones, Deane of Kilmore, MS. F. 3.11 pp. 337–345

Roger Puttock, Meath f. 132 p. 346

John Watson, Carlow & f. 41 p. 347–349

Randall Adams, Westmeath & Longford f. 45 pp. 350–351

John Sterne, Vicar of Ballaboy, King’s County f. 199 p. 352

William Aldrich, Cavan f. 172 pp. 352–353

Edward Pigott, Provost of , Roscommon & Galway f. 130 p. 353a

Anthony Martin, Meath f. 35 pp. 354–355

John Edgeworth, Westmeath & Longford f. 144 pp. 356–357

Henry Aylyffe, King’s County f. 60 pp. 358–359

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4 contd. John Smith, Cavan vol. i f. 168b; vol. ii f. 267 pp. 360–362

Thomas Pickering, King’s County f. 168 p. 363 James Henderson, King’s County f. 80 p. 364

Grace Smith, King’s County f. 153 pp. 365–368

Julian Johnson, ; no f. number pp. 369–371

Magdalen Redman, King’s County f. 77 pp. 372–373

Eliza Woodhouse, Cavan vol. ii f. 90 p. 374

Richard Rynes [Reeves], Meath f. 235 p. 375

Ambrose Bedell, Cavan vol. ii, ff. 105–106 pp. 376–377

Concerning Dennis O’Sheridan, , ff. 243 p. 378 William Baxter, Fermanagh f. 192 pp. 379–380

Arnold Crosby, Cavan vol. ii, ff. 124–125 pp. 381–384

Stephen Allen, Cavan vol. i, f. 173 pp. 385–387

Arthur Culme, Cavan vol. ii, ff. 127–132, 209 pp. 388–395

John Hickman, Cavan vol. ii, f.156 pp. 396–397

Francis Grehame, Cavan vol. ii, f. 153 p. 398

John Stevenson, Cavan vol. ii, ff. 194–195 pp. 399–401

Marmaduke Batemanson, Cavan, no f. number pp. 402–403

Henry Perkins, Meath f. 237 p. 404

John Simpson, Cavan vol. ii, f. 264 pp. 405–408

Richard Parsons, Cavan vol. ii, ff. 275–280 pp. 409–415

Richard Castledine, Cavan vol. ii, f.115 pp. 416–418

Henry Boine, Tyrone, no folio number pp. 419–422

Dorothy Billings, Wexford vol. i, f. 239 pp. 423–424

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5 Transcripts XXXII–XCIII of letters, dispatches, diaries, reports, and petitions. The descriptions are largely those given in Fitzpatrick’s list [see LA12/3] rather than on the original manuscript.

Rough draft of letter from Dr Henry Jones (14 December 1641). F. 3. 11, NO 12 pp. 425–428

Petition signed by the seven despoiled Ministers in Dublin, colleagues of Dr Henry Jones in the Commission for taking examinations of those who suffered by the insurrection in Ireland (8 March 1641). F. 3. 11, NO 13 pp. 429–431

Petition of Henry Jones to the . F. 3. 11, NO 9 pp. 432–434

Petition of despoiled and distressed Ladies and Gentlemen in Dublin to the House of Commons. F. 3. 11, NO 7 pp. 435–436

Propositions by Jones regarding the aid required and the proposed allocation thereof. F. 3. 11, NO 10 pp. 437–442

Order of the House of Commons (26 July 1642) that the Petition be referred to the Committee for Contributions. F. 3. 11, NO 17 p. 443

To Jones in London (20 July 1642) from his fellow Commissioners in Dublin. F. 3. 11, NO 16 pp. 444–446

Views of the Committee for Contributions, in Jones handwriting. F. 3. 11, NO 19 pp. 447–448

Reasons offered by the Committee for Contributions for an advance to the distressed. Additional suggestions by Jones. F. 3. 11, p. 55 pp. 449–450

Portion of a paper signed by Jones, urging the claims of the distressed Protestants in Ireland. F. 3. 11, p. 35 p. 451

Extracts from a plan of campaign against the Irish, by Henry Jones. F. 3. 11, p. 34 pp. 452–455

Reasons for the continuation of the Commission for taking examinations of despoiled subjects. F. 3. 11, NO 8 pp. 456–459

Instructions from Darby House to Arthur Annesley and other Commissioners, from the . F. 3. 11, ff. 167–169 pp. 460–462

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5 contd. General Preston to after the Irish defeat at Dungan’s Hill, 8 August 1647. F. 3. 11, f. 175 p. 463

Col Jones’s account of that battle but written by Henry Jones. F. 3. 18, 524 pp. 464–465

State of Jones’s army after Dungan’s Hill. pp. 466–467

Col Jones to the Houses (29 September 1647). Preston’s Papers most disappointing. The Northern Irish. Discouragement of the soldiery.

F. 3. 18, 528 pp. 468–470

Letters from Michael Jones concerning exchange of prisoners (among them his brother, Theophilus). F. 3. 11, f. 207 pp. 471–473

‘Henry Clogher’ to Michael Jones showing something in the way of intelligence. F. 3. 18, f. 522 pp. 474–475

Henry Jones to Arthur Annesley. Diary of military operations, 3–13 October 1647. F. 3. 11, ff. 194–195 pp. 476–478

Diary, 2–20 October . Surrender to Col Jones of and other places. Fruits of this expedition. F. 3. 11, ff. 197–200 pp. 479–490

Col Jones to Cromwell (27 October 1647). State of the army. Destruction of corn. Want of carriages. F. 3. 18, f. 514 pp. 491–492

Same to Sir Thomas Fairfax. Same complaints. F. 3. 18 p. 493

Col Jones’s Proclamation against aiding or relieving Rebels. F. 3. 18, f. 712 pp. 494–495

Col Jones to the Houses of Parliament. Owen Roe O’Neill’s forays within five miles of Dublin. What Jones intends to do. F. 3. 18, f. 518 pp. 496–497

Henry Jones to Mr Annesley (10 November 1647). ‘Passages’ in Leinster. F. 3. 11 NO 30 pp. 498–504

Journal of Michael Jones’s march into , 4–12 February 1647 (by ‘Mr Harrison’). F. 3. 11 NO 39 pp. 505–510

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5 contd. ColJones to Mr Frost (12 January 1647). Same to Mr Hawkins. F. 3. 18, f. 540 p. 511

Col Jones to the Houses. Account of his march into Wicklow, the garrisons he planted and the prey he brought home. F. 3. 18, f. 554 p. 512

Col Jones to Derby House Committee, remonstrance regarding supplies. F. 3. 11, No 45 p. 513

Same to same (12 January 1647). The army a burden to the city. The Wicklow expedition. Another projected. F. 3. 18, f. 556 pp. 514–518

Col Jones to Derby House. Col Cootes’s unpreparedness to march to Connaught, and the unwillingness of his men to leave. F. 3. 18 p. 519

Col Jones to Capt. Crenther (16 March 1647). No post packets to or from England for six weeks owing to stormy weather. F. 3. 18, f. 550 pp. 520–521

Same to Mr Frost (22 March 1647). Supplies. F. 3. 18, f. 542 p. 522

Queen Henrietta Maria and Prince Charles to the Irish agents for France (13 May 1648). p. 523

Col Jones to Cromwell (28 June 1648). Defeat of the Northern . Parties among the Irish. Difficulties. F. 3. 18, f. 562 pp. 524–525

Diary. Passages in Leinster, 18–29 September 1648. F. 3. 18, f. 412–420 pp. 526–537

Col Jones to Cromwell (28 February 1648). Effects of the King’s execution. Ormonde’s action. James still in straits. p. 538

Arthur Graham to Michael Jones (6 April 1649). In search of brood mares. Movements of the Irish. F. 3. 18, f. 616 pp. 539–540

Capt Rochford to General Jones (4 June 1649). Allusions to a plot to siege Ormonde. F. 3. 18, f. 632 p. 541

Same to same (14 June 1649). Intelligence re proposed union of Irish forces. (Inchiquin now with them). F. 3. 18, f. 622 p. 542

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5 contd. Col Jones to Cromwell (6 June 1649). Receipt of supplies. The Irish enemy in the field. Castlehaven takes Owen Roe’s garrisons in Queen’s County. F. 3. 18, f. 626–629 pp. 543–546

Henry Jones to Lord Antrim (11 February 1649) requesting key to cipher. Ireton’s order regarding papers from Marquis of Antrim. F. 3. 18, f. 630 p. 547

Proclamation (12 May 1652) by Col Hewson, Governor of Dublin, renewing Michael Jones’s Proclamation of 2 November 1647. F. 3. 18, f. 820 pp. 548–549

Henry Jones from Kilkenny (22 August 1652) to Commissioners of Parliament. His action against Col Walter Bagenal F. 3. 18, f. 634 pp. 550–552

Henry Jones – arrangements by him and other Commissioners for transplantation of the Ulster-Scots. F. 3. 18 pp. 553–558

Order of Commissioners of Parliament (15 July 1653) to Dr Jones and others to confer with such Irish Officers as were comprehended in the Kilkenny articles of 12 May 1652. F. 3. 18, f. 818 p. 559

Order of Parliament (5 December 1560) to grant Dr Jones an estate in Ireland at the clear annual value of £200. F. 3. 18, f. 842 p. 560

Order in Council, Dublin (24 July 1656) referring to the Surveyor- General the petition of Dr Jones requesting resurvey of the lands assigned him in . F. 3. 18, f. 844 p. 561

Report of the Surveyor-General showing that the lands in question were of higher annual value than £200. F. 3. 18, f. 846 p. 562

Monck’s party in Dublin to the Parliament, assuring them of the fidelity of all places considerable in the nation; of their own efforts to repress disaffection; insinuating perfidy on the part of the Parliament’s Commissioners, and in particular against Ludlow, who, they intimate, will be no longer obeyed by the Dublin officers. F. 3. 18, f. 652 pp. 563–566

The Officers in Dublin to the Council of State, claiming favour, and intimating readiness to submit accounts. F. 3. 18, f. 656 p. 567

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5 contd. The Jones Party in the House of Lords, Dublin (11 September 1661) to their agents in London, relating proceedings of their House, suggesting representations to the King. Agents not to allow copies to be taken. F. 3. 18, f. 660 pp. 568–575

Same to same (9 November 1661). A sitting of less than an hour, within which time resolutions were passed concerning charters, ‘cautionary reprisals’, and certain orders from His Majesty. F. 3. 18, f. 668 pp. 576–580

Same to a noble Lord. Against purchase by members of the Court of Claims. F. 3. 18, f. 672 pp. 581–582

The ‘Phantastic Plot’ – narrative of what passed in discourse between Alexander Johnson and Sir Theophilus Jones at Lucan on 19 May 1663. F. 3. 18, f. 492 pp. 583–588

Henry Jones to the earl of Anglesey (12 July 1664), acknowledging his Lordships good offices. Sir Theophilus withdraws his proposal for a ‘composition’ with sarsfield. Activity of the Popish clergy; one of them to be brought ‘to justice’. F. 3. 18, f. 676 pp. 589–591

Henry Jones to Mr Southwell (12 July 1664) suggesting points on which Lynch’s claim to be restored to ‘the Knock’ may be defeated; also that Sir Theophilus may be confirmed in possession of Lucan. F. 3. 18, f. 678 pp. 592–594

Henry Jones to Mr John Keating (12 July 1664). Thanks for ‘friendly care of my business’. F. 3. 18, f. 680 p. 595

Henry Jones to Lord Ranelagh (12 July 1664) enclosing letter from Keating. F. 3. 18, f. 680 p. 595

Henry Jones to Sir George Lane (12 July 1664) conveying his own and the Irish news on ‘the Dutch business’; inquiries about a Franciscan who had offered himself as a convert. p. 596

Sir – his account of Henry Jones (1) as Bishop of Clogher, and (2) as Bishop of Meath. (3) , . pp. 597–601

Thomas Carte – his account of the disaster at Julianstown, with Ormonde’s letter written on receipt of the news. pp. 602–606

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6 Further transcripts from T.C.D. MS. F. 3. 18 of documents with a connection to Henry Jones. The description given is largely that attributed by Fitzpatrick.

Cromwellian ‘Dispensations’: notes in the handwriting of Dr Henry Jones. At the Committee for Transplantation etc. in the precinct of Trim etc. 26 May 1654. 22pp

Next after the list of ‘Dispensations’, Precinct of Trim, these notes in the handwriting of Dr Henry Jones. Considerations for abatem[en]t of Assessm[en]t in the County of Meath, 1656. 5pp

Joseph Cuffe to Henry Jones. A description of in 1641. 4pp

Major Meredith’s account of his activities, 1649–53. 15pp

B. Island Magee (1642)

7 Handwritten text (319pp) with a printed frontispiece of Island Magee (1642): Its Place in History. Determined from the Original Examinations and Other Documentary Testimony of the Time. Includes two manuscript lists of contents of the book, one in R. Dudley Edward’s hand, the other unknown. Part First (pp. 1–177) consists of ten chapters; Part Second (pp. 178– 319) of transcripts of Depositions, Examinations and other documents. The text includes multiple inserted addenda and corrigenda.

Chapter 1 Introductory pp. 1–22 ‘The appalling massacre of the Irish inhabitants of Island Magee, , by Scotch soldiers and settlers, on the night of Sunday the 9th of January 1641–2 is not to be regarded as a mere local incident of exceptional character’.

Chapter II The Island Tragedy pp. 23–77

Chapter III Templepatrick pp. 78–88

Chapter IV Ballydavy pp. 89–100

Chapter V Ballynafeigh pp. 101–102

Chapter VI Military Outrages pp. 103–108

Chapter VII Doyne’s case pp. 109–124

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7 contd. Chapter VIII The Attitude of the Scots in Ulster pp. 125–131

Chapter IX Portnaw pp. 132–174

Chapter IX Ballygalley Head and castle pp. 175–177

Part Second

A Island Magee pp. 178–201

B Templepatrick pp. 202–211

C Ballydavy pp. 212–219

D Ballynafeigh pp. 220–222

E Portnaw pp. 223–262

F Glenavy and Lisnagarvey pp. 263–285

G Various pp. 286–292

H Coleraine pp. 293–304

I Ballygalley Head pp. 305–314

K Ballycastle pp. 315–319

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C. Works on Sir Phelim O’Neill

i. Sir Phelim O’Neill: His Commission

8 Manuscript text of Sir Phelim O’Neill: His Commission by Thomas Fitzpatrick. 29 chapters (pp.1–218) with a probable earlier draft of Chapter X, and possibly XI and XII, inserted. Includes a typescript table of contents with chapter headings and a list of documents in the Appendix (2pp).

Preface 8pp

Chapter 1 Was there a Commission? pp. 1–4

Chapter II What Party would it serve? pp. 5–7

Chapter III Newry & Deponents pp. 8–13

Chapter IV Other silent witnesses pp. 14–20

Chapter V Sir Phelim’s Private Secretary pp. 21–25

Chapter VI Sir Phelim before the Council pp. 26–30

Chapter VII Sir Phelim in the Dock pp. 31–37

Chapter VIII The T.C.D. ‘Copy’ pp. 38–42

Chapter IX ‘The Mysterie of Iniquity’ pp. 43–49

Chapter X Other ‘Authorities’ pp. 50–53 A second version of Chapter X (18pp) is incomplete or irregularly paginated, pp. 50–51 and 55–70, and may be an earlier draft of this chapter together with Chapters XI and XII.

Chapter XI Dean Jones pp. 54–58

Chapter XII Dean Ker of Ardagh pp. 59–68

Chapter XIII A Voice from County pp. 69–74

Chapter XIV ‘The Queene’s Commission’ pp. 75–80

Chapter XV In pp. 81–88

Chapter XVI In pp89a–k

Chapter XVII Tyrone, Derry, pp. 90–100

Chapter XVIII In the West of Ireland pp. 101–112

Chapter XIX and Desmond pp. 113–125

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8 contd. Chapter XX Tipperary, Cork, etc. pp. 126–136

Chapter XXI King’s and Queen’s Counties pp. 137–148

Chapter XXII Kildare, Carlow, Kilkenny pp. 149–159

Chapter XXIII Wicklow and Wexford pp. 160–167

Chapter XXIV Dublin County and City pp. 168–174

Chapter XXV Meath and Louth pp. 175–186

Chapter XXVI Westmeath and Longford pp. 187–198

Chapter XXVII Simpson’s Story pp. 199–204

Chapter XXVIII ‘Taken at the Rack’ pp. 205–210

Chapter XXIX Summary pp. 211–218

Appendix Transcripts of and extracts from relevant contemporary documents such as : The T.C.D. copy of the ‘Commission’ and Sir Phelim’s examination before the Council of State. 25pp

ii. Sir Phelim O’Neill: His Rebellion, His Commission, His Trial

9 Typescript and manuscript portions of the text of Sir Phelim O’Neill: His Rebellion, His Commission, His Trial by Thomas Fitzpatrick. Consists of three sections; with the part of the work relating to the trial wanting. One of Fitzpatrick’s notebooks [see LA12/71] contains an outline of a chronology and documents relevant to the trial.

Section I Sir Phelim O’Neill: His Rebellion Typescript 80pp

Section II Sir Phelim O’Neill: His Commission Part First Typescript 39pp

Part Second Manuscript 60pp

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iii. An Apocryphal Chapter: Sir Phelim O’Neill in History

10 Handwritten text of An Apocryphal Chapter: Sir Phelim O’Neill in History. Includes a typescript copy of the 23 section/chapter headings. Includes comment ‘I have also prepared in separate form “The Trial of Sir Phelim” – (Miss Hickson has printed only scraps of the MSS)’ [see LA12/9].

Section I–Section XXIII pp. 1–176

Appendix A–B pp. 177–215

D. Unpublished Articles

11 Manuscript text of ‘Is it Clarendon’s?’ Questions whether The History of the Rebellion and Civil War in Ireland (1720) is the work of Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon. 24pp

12 Manuscript text of ‘Ought the T.C.D. Depositions (1641) to be Calendared?’ 25pp

13 Manuscript text of ‘The Rising of 1641. English and Scotch in the Irish Ranks’. 7pp

14 Manuscript text of ‘Are We Improving?’ by ‘H.B.D.’. In Fitzpatrick’s hand. Concerns the Irish educational system. 6pp

15 Manuscript text of ‘ “Overlapping” in Ireland’. Concerns primary, secondary, and university education systems. 10pp

16 Manuscript text of ‘The Eskers of Ireland’. [Eskers are elongated, often flat-topped, mounds of post-glacial gravel]. 8pp

17 Manuscript text of ‘The Irish Agrarian Question’. ‘By an Ulsterman’. In Fitzpatrick’s hand. 6pp

18 Manuscript text of ‘Tory “Impertinence of Dictation”’. ‘By an Ulster Home Ruler’. In Fitzpatrick’s hand. 5pp

19 Manuscript text of ‘The Irish in Belfast’. ‘By an Ulsterman’. In Fitzpatrick’s hand. 6pp

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20 Manuscript text of ‘Concerning John Babe of Carlingford’. [Provost- Marshal to the Irish insurgents in 1641]. 24pp

21 Manuscript text of ‘Why is Tipperary Catholic?’ 9pp


22 August, Handwritten text of ‘The King’s Commission in the November 1907 ’ from the Ulster Journal of Archaeology. 17pp

23 September 1908 Typescript text of ‘The T.C.D. depositions (1641)’ from the Irish Rosary, with some handwritten corrections. 20pp

24 August 1910 Handwritten text of ‘The Catholic Clergy and the Civil War in Ireland’ from the Irish Rosary. 25pp

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A. Loose Papers

25 Southwell MSS: transcripts by Fitzpatrick of eight letters from the third volume of Southwell MSS in [MS. I.6.11], with an introductory note. Seven of the letters are from Colonel Nicholas Price, agent for the Downpatrick estate, to Edward Southwell (January 1705–December 1706); and one from Southwell to the Ordnance Department (July 1706) concerning payment for 10,000 arms ordered in Holland for new regiments in Ireland. 7pp

26 Handwritten transcripts of Depositions Vol. 33 [T.C.D. MS. F. 3. 12] ‘Containing 2 Alphabetical Indexes of the names of all the rebels who were concerned in the Murders etc. that are mentioned in the depositions Vols F. 2. 2–22 & F. 3. 1–11. See Lyon’s Catalogue of MSS T.C.D.’

First index 26pp

Second index 35pp

27 Handwritten notes on the deposition of Peter Hill. ‘I have collated the proof with the original MS. in T.C.D. (a difficult task for one pair of eyes) and have done my best towards bringing out an accurate version but it were futile to pretend that there are no doubtful readings in the List of the Indicted’. 6pp

28 Kilkenny Articles. Handwritten transcript of the agreement reached between the Parliamentary forces and ‘such persons as now are in Armes against the Parliament within the province of Leinster’, 12 May 1652. 8pp

29 Handwritten transcript of ‘A Continuation of the Brief Narrative, and of the sufferings of the Irish under Cromwell. fr Petri Valesi ex. Orde Minor, S. Theologiae Lectoris. Printed in the year 1660. 11pp 4to’. From R.I.A. Box 79, tract 3. 3pp

30 Handwritten transcript of ‘A Brief Narrative. How Things were carried at the beginning of the Troubles in the Year MDCXLI in Ireland. Printed in the Year 1660. 15pp 4to’. From [R.I.A.] Box 79, tract 5. Pagination begins at 5. 10pp

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31 Handwritten transcript from Ireland, 1660–62 of the ‘Information of the Marquis of Antrim’, used as an appendix to Clarendon’s Irish Rebellion, pp. 370–381. 25pp

32 Handwritten list of papers in the R.I.A. relating to the period 1641–89. 5pp

33 Handwritten transcripts of T.C.D. Depositions from the Carlow & Kilkenny volume relating to Walter Bagenal as Governor of . 45pp

34 Transcripts from three sources headed ‘Appendix. Extracts’. I. From O’Mellan’s Journal, 1641–47 II. From ‘The History of the Warr in Ireland, 1641–53’ III. From the T.C.D. MS. T.3.11 24pp

35 Handwritten transcript by Fitzpatrick of a draft unsigned letter [by Henry Jones for his brother Michael while Governor of Dublin] headed Derby House, 12 January 1647. From T.C.D. MS. F.3.18. 3pp

36 Handwritten transcript of the Examination of Richard Streete taken before Robert Meredith, 12 March 1641. From T.C.D. Depositions, County Meath, f. 34. 2pp

37 Handwritten portion of an unidentified work in Fitzpatrick’s hand headed ‘IV. The Historians’ dealing with the treatment of events at Downpatrick in 1641. Paginated 13–26. 14pp

38 Note in Fitzpatrick’s hand, originally a letter from Downpatrick, 9 January 1905, to an unknown correspondent, subsequently headed ‘Note by Edward Parkinson’ concerning Cromwell Castle and the topography of Downpatrick in the seventeenth century. 3pp

39 Handwritten transcript from T.C.D. Depositions headed ‘A note of what passages happened in the Com. Of Tyron and Londonderry since the 22 of October 1641. (Tyrone &c ff. 17–23)’. Consists of the examination of Roger Markham ‘now servant and soldier unto Capt. Bagnall’. 13pp

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B. Notebooks

Series of 35 notebooks consisting mainly of transcript material, with analysis and commentary by Fitzpatrick, overwhelmingly concerning the 1641 Rebellion. Sources include T.C.D. depositions and other manuscripts; State Papers Ireland, and published work. The first 34 notebooks have been maintained in a pre-existing series. The final notebook is not part of that series but is, on the basis of its content, entirely consistent with the other notebooks. One sequence, LA12/51-60, is largely taken up with transcripts from T.C.D. Depositions. Another, LA12/61-67, consists almost entirely of extracts from historical and legal texts. The description of each notebook should not be taken as in any way a comprehensive indication of its contents. It is intended to be no more than a general guide. Almost all notebooks contain extensive and relatively disjointed notes on a variety of subjects from a multiplicity of published and archival sources and these are not indicated in the description.

40 1) The Historical Works of Nicholas French, Bishop of Ferns. T.C.D. MS. E. 00.68. 2) Narrative of the Earl of Clarendon’s Settlement and Sale of Ireland. Louvain. Printed in the year MDCLXVIII. 3) The Unkinde Deserter of Loyall Men and True Friends. 4) Harleian Miscellany V. 108. A Collection of Certain Horrid Murthers in several committed since the 23 October 1641. 5) The O’Neills of Ulster by Thomas Mathews. 3 parts 1907 Dublin. 6) Sir Bernard Burke’s Vicissitudes of Families (1861). The O’Neills of Clanaboy. The Maguires of Tempo. 7) History of the Diocese of Meath by John Healy LL.D., Rector of Kells. 2 vols Dublin 1908. 8) Lists of published work by Fitzpatrick. 200pp; 7½x5 inches

41 1) ‘The King of Claddagh’. Schema of a work, possibly of fiction, based on the Cromwellian occupation of Galway. 200p 7x5 inches

42 1) ‘Better than Greek’. Draft of a novella concerning Archie Menair, a young man ‘of very good appearance and good natural parts. Dated 6 February 1900. 2) News cutting containing a report of the funeral of R.J. Molloy. Notes from T.C.D. graduate lists concerning other Molloys. 65pp 7x5 inches

© UCDAD 2004 18 LA12/ Thomas Fitzpatrick Papers

43 1) Extracts from Manual of the Geology of Ireland by G. Henry Kinahan (1878) and other published work on geology. 2) Prendergast’s Cromwellian Settlement 3) Campion’s (written 1571). 140pp 7x5 inches

44 1) Siege of Limerick, 1651. 2) Act of Settlement, 1653. 3) Parliamentary Commissioners 4) Denis Murphy S.J. Cromwell in Ireland (1897) 5) Standish O’Grady The Bog of Stars 6) Sir William Wilde Lough Corrib (1872) 140pp 7x5 inches

45 1) State papers Ireland. Ormond to the Irish House of Commons, 1663. 2) Elrington Life of Archbishop Ussher 1864 3) T.C.D. MS. F 3.18 Articles for the surrender of Limerick to Ireton. 4) Frith, Ludlow: material concerning the trial of Sir Phelim O’Neill. 5) Various extracts from State Papers Ireland, 1660– . 6) List of contents of Gilbert’s History of the Confederation and of Affairs 1641. 150pp 7½x5 inches

46 1) Ormond MS. N.S.5 (1908) (Cesar Litton Falkiner). 2) Owen O’Connellan: The Four Masters (Note on the O’Reillys). 3) Davitt: ‘Fall of Feudalism’ (James Stephens) 4) Cox: extracts from Fr Hartigan S.J. 5) J.F. Taylor on Owen Roe O’Neill and Castlehaven. 6) Meehan: Franciscan monasteries. 7) Coogan: Diocese of Meath. 8) Gilbert Affairs i. 602–5: British Armies in Ulster to Ormonde, on the cessation. 9) John C. O’Callaghan: The Green Book, ‘O’Reilly’. 10) John Lodge Desiderata Curiosa Hibernica (1772). 11) D.N.B.: John Vesey and Connor Mahony. 200pp 7½x5 inches

© UCDAD 2004 19 LA12/ Thomas Fitzpatrick Papers

47 1) Sir William Parsons (1570?–1650). 2) Fiach MacHugh O’Byrne (1544?–1597). 3) State Papers Ireland 1666–69. 4) John Healy History of the Diocese of Meath (1908). 5) M’Crie Life of John Knox (1811). 6) T.C.D. MS. F.1.19 Pynnar’s Survey. 7) Miscellanea relating to 1641. 200pp 7x5 inches

48 1) M.O. Kennedy An Outline History of England and Ireland (1904). 2) T.C.D. vol. DD.ii.II The Discoverie of Mysteries (1643). 3) Vindiciae Regum or The Grand Rebellion by Griffith Williams, Bishop of Ossory (1643). 4) Todd: St Patrick (1864). 5) Evelyn Philip Shirley Original Letters and Papers relating to the Church in Ireland (1851). 6) Inquiry into the Law and Practice in respect of the Occupation of Land in Ireland (1845). 7) Memoirs of Bishop Mant (1857). 8) Herbert Paul’s Life of Froude. 9) Letters of Primate Boulter. 10) Calendar of State Papers, 1647–60. 11) Moran, . 200pp 8x5 inches

49 1) Hardiman’s History of Galway (1820). 2) Distinguished natives of Galway. 3) Letters of Primate Boulter 4) Cambrensis Eversus 5) Campion’s History of Ireland (1571).

50 1) The Parsons Family (Sir William Parsons). 2) Depositions, 1641: King’s County; Queen’s County; Kildare; Carlow & Kilkenny. 3) Mahaffy An Epoch in Irish History (1903). 4) T. Darcy McGee History of Ireland (1864). 5) Martin Haverty History of Ireland (1860). 250pp 7x4½ inches

51 1) Depositions, 1641: Leitrim; Sligo; Mayo. 200pp 7x5 inches

© UCDAD 2004 20 LA12/ Thomas Fitzpatrick Papers

52 1) Depositions, 1641: Roscommon and Galway. 250pp 7x4½ inches

53 1) Depositions, 1641: Tipperary. 2) Hickson on Silvermines 3) Reid: extract from the Levite’s Lamentation. 200pp 7x4½ inches

54 1) Depositions, 1641: Clare and Limerick 2) John McDonnell Ulster Civil War and The Light of History regarding Massacres in Ireland. 3) Edmund Hogan ed. The War in Ireland, 1641–53, by a British Officer. 4) Charels George Walpole The History of the . 200pp 9x5½ inches

55 1) Depositions, 1641: Down, Part 1. 200pp 7x5 inches

56 1) Depositions, 1641: Down contd.; Armagh; Tyrone; Louth; Monaghan; Cavan; Antrim; Roscommon; Galway; Dublin. 2) Hickson Ireland in the 17th Century. 3) Meehan Irish Franciscans. 250pp 7x4½ inches

57 1) Depositions, 1641: Cavan (A). 200pp 7x4½ inches

58 1) Depositions, 1641: Cavan (B). 2) Ancestry of Henry Jones. 200pp 7x5 inches

© UCDAD 2004 21 LA12/ Thomas Fitzpatrick Papers

59 1) Depositions, 1641: County Fermanagh. 2) Earl of Belmore Two Ulster Manors (1881). 3) Brief reflections on the Earl of Castlehaven’s Memoirs (1682). 4) Liber Munerum Publicorum Hiberniae … being the Report of Rowley Lascelles 5) Smyth Ireland Historical & Statistical (1847). 200pp 7x4½ inches

60 1) Depositions, 1641: Waterford (2) 50pp 7x4½ inches

61 1) Stubbs Select English Charters 2) Laveleye Primitive Property 3) De Tocqueville L’Ancien Régime … 200pp 6x4 inches

62 1) Guizot History of Civilisation in Europe (1846). 2) Guizot History of Civilisation in France. 3) Freeman Comparative Politics. 4) Rede Lecture The Unity of History. 150pp 6x4 inches

63 1) Digby Law of Real Property. 2) Manors: their origin, nature & services. 3) Bentham Theory of Legislation. 4) Principles of the Civil Code. 250pp 6x4 inches

64 1) Sir Travers Twiss Law of nations in time of peace (1884). 2) Sir Travers Twiss Law of nations in time of war 250pp 6x4 inches.

65 1) Maine Early Institutes. 75pp 6x4 inches

© UCDAD 2004 22 LA12/ Thomas Fitzpatrick Papers

66 1) Snell Equity. 2) Manning Commentaries on the Law of Nations. 100pp 6x4 inches

67 1) Fawcett Political Economy. 75pp 7x4½ inches

68 1) State Papers (Domestic), 1690–91. 2) T.C.D. MS. N.2.1: copies of letters written by Lord Deputy Chicester, 1612–14. 3) T.C.D. MS. 1067 Visitatio Regalis 1633–34. 30pp 10x7 inches

69 1) Clarendon Short view of affairs in Ireland 1640–52. 2) Russell and Prendergast Final report on Carte Papers. 3) Walsh History of Remonstrance: Nicholas French, Bishop of Ferns, 4) Harleian Miscellany. 120pp 11x8 inches

70 1) Depositions, 1641: Armagh. 2) Note on The Levites’ Lamentation. 30pp 11x8 inches

71 1) Depositions, 1641: Sir Phelim O’Neill’s Commission. 2) Further material on Sir Phelim O’Neill’s trial and crimes. 3) The Sack of ‘The Lurgan’. 75pp 10x7 inches

72 1) O’Mellan Irish Journal, 1641–47. T.C.D. MS. 1071. 100pp 9x7 inches

© UCDAD 2004 23 LA12/ Thomas Fitzpatrick Papers

73 1) Extracts from Clanrickard’s memoirs and letters (1757) 100pp 12x8 inches

74 Unassociated notebook headed ‘T.C.D. MS. Depositions & Letters. Vol. XXXII. F.3.11. Transcripts by Fitzpatrick of extracts from the manuscript. 160pp 7x5 inches

© UCDAD 2004 24