SGC-PA-PC-DUA INSTITUTO TECNICO PATIOS CENTRO DOS 17-01-2019 DANE 254874000568 NIT:900027336_1 VERSION 1.0 Creado por el Decreto Nº 000300 de 03 de mayo de 2005 Aprobado por Resolución No. 004444 del 14 de noviembre de 2008 1 Expedido por la Gobernación del Departamento de Norte de Santander - Registro de Firmas en la Secretaria de Educación Departamental Libro 5 Folio 126

GUÍA EVIDENCIA DUA Evaluar el impacto en la salud de prácticas culturales y sociales

AREA/ASIGNATURA: INGLES DOCENTE: ANA ELIZABETH PARRA BLANCO GRADO: 10 PERIODO II FECHA DE ELABORACIÓN: ___04-2020 TIEMPO: 1 H GUÍA N° 3 EJE / COMPONENTE: Vocabulario relacionado con deportes extremos INDICADORES DE Identifica estructuras básicas de los tiempos presente, pasado y futuro simple y perfecto DESEMPEÑO. DBA Distingue información general y específica en textos de opinión y discusiones orales y escritos sobre temas conocidos. NOMBRE DEL ESTUDIANTE Read ans study the vocabulary about extreme and make a draw on your notebook WORD LIST  hang  skiing   car racing  skydiving  canoeing   scuba  motor racing   rock hydro speed free soloing. Useful expressions: I like, I do not really like, I´d like to try, I really want to try, safe or dangerous . Expressions to talk about customs: They normally use, dress, they pierce their ears. Expressions to give an opinion: I think that… I really believe that I. Answer this questions for yourself, write them on your notebooks, use of the verb after like, hate… Ex: I like playing ice hockey and baseball. I hate fishing and chatting online • Do you like ? • Do like playing ice hockey? • Do you love canoeing? • Do you enjoy chatting on line? GRAMMAR We can use hate, like, love and prefer with an -ing form or with a to-infinitive. I love going to the cinema I prefer listening to the news on the radio He likes telling jokes She hates decorating her bedroom II. Read the article and fulfill the activities Snowboarding is an exciting and sometimes dangerous sport. Some people like it more than skiing because you can go faster and you can go in between the trees on you . I t is important to wear a helmet to protect your head, and also to wear warms clothes. Wearing a helmet can prevent you from getting hurt, or even die having an accident while practicing this sport. It is absolutely necessary to wear one every time you go snow boarding. Lost people like whitewater rafting. You can do it in the summer with a guide. You travel very fats down a river in an inflable raft. It is important that you know how to swim. If anything happens and by any chance you fall off the boat, swimming can avoid you from drawning. Also it is important to have a guide, do not go by yourself, a guide can give you very useful tips to prevent any kind of accident. If you do not know how to swim, don’t practice rafting. Complete the sentences with a suitable ending Snowboarding 1.It’s dangerous to practice snowboarding without a ______2.Some people like snowboarding because they ______3. You must wear a helmet and ______Rafting 1.People travel in______down a______2.You shouldn’t______, a guide it is important. 3.If you don’t ______you shouldn’t go rafting. III. Think in the differents sports about the vocabulary above and complete the chart Sport Hang glidding canoeing Season Dangers Equipment needed IV.Read the article and check your predictions. : You feel as if you are flying! 1.Parkour is definitely my favourite outdoor sport. I love using my body to move freely and to jump obstacles in public places with only my body and my skill. I also climb and run. .Parkour can be a hobby, an extreme sport, or an art. In Parkour, you use your body to get from one point to another without stopping. 2. Parkour is excellent exercise because it helps you to keep fit and healthy. It makes you brave and confident, too. Another good thing about Parkour is that it’s very cheap. You need to be in good physical condition, and you need a good pair of running shoes. And that’s all! 3. However, Parkour can be dangerous. If you’re new to Parkour, you need to know and understand the different basic moves. You also need to train a lot so you don’t have accidents. SGC-PA-PC-DUA INSTITUTO TECNICO PATIOS CENTRO DOS 17-01-2019 DANE 254874000568 NIT:900027336_1 VERSION 1.0 Creado por el Decreto Nº 000300 de 03 de mayo de 2005 Aprobado por Resolución No. 004444 del 14 de noviembre de 2008 2 Expedido por la Gobernación del Departamento de Norte de Santander - Registro de Firmas en la Secretaria de Educación Departamental Libro 5 Folio 126

GUÍA EVIDENCIA DUA 4. It can take a long time to become good at Parkour and you can sometimes hurt yourself, but I think it is a perfect way to exercise and discover your body’s potential. Try it! You feel as if you are flying. glossary ▪ fit: en forma ▪ brave: valiente ▪ confident: confiado/a ▪ moves: movimientos ▪ train: entrenar ▪ hurt yourself: hacerse daño Read the sentences and write true (T) or false (F). a. Parkour is only a sport. _____ b. It’s expensive to do Parkour._____ c. Parkour isn’t always safe.____ d. You can become good at Parkour very quickly____ What do you do in your free time? In pairs, ask and answer questions. a. What do you think of Parkour? Would you like to try it? Why / Why not? ______b. What outdoor / indoor sports / hobbies do you like? ______c. Which sports / hobbies would you like to try?______d. What sports / hobbies are popular in your country? ______e. Which sports / hobbies are dangerous or safe?______