Ecofish Research Ltd. Suite F – 450 8th Street Courtenay, B.C. V9N 1N5 Phone: 250-334-3042 Fax: 250-897-1742
[email protected] MEMORANDUM TO: Upper Lillooet River Power Limited Partnership c/o Julia Mancinelli, Environmental Manager, Innergex Renewable Energy Inc. FROM: Autumn Cousins, B.Sc., Heidi Regehr, M.Sc., Ph.D., R.P.Bio., and Deborah Lacroix, M.Sc., R.P.Bio., Ecofish Research Ltd. DATE: November 20, 2017 FILE: 1095-54 RE: Upper Lillooet Hydro Project Environmental Assessment Certificate #E13-01 Amendment Application for Schedule B to Seek Approval to Remove Requirement for Signalling System and Signage per Condition 35 1. INTRODUCTION The Upper Lillooet Hydro Project (the Project) is located northwest of Pemberton, British Columbia (BC), on the Upper Lillooet River (Map 1). The Upper Lillooet River Hydroelectric Facility (HEF or Facility) is one of the facilities of the Project, which was recently commissioned by the Upper Lillooet River Power Limited Partnership (ULRPLP). ULRPLP is seeking to modify Condition #35 of Schedule B (Table of Conditions (TOC)) of the Project’s Environmental Assessment Certificate (EAC) (#E13-01, EAO 2013). This condition, in part, requires that the Certificate Holder must, prior to operations, install an alarm or other signalling system acceptable to the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (FLNRO) at the Pebble Creek Hot Springs and at the powerhouse to warn of potentially dangerous flow releases and that signs must also be posted at both locations to inform the public on how to respond to the signals. As per Schedule A of the EAC, operations begin once the Leave to Commence Operation is issued (#E13- 01, EAO 2013).