philippine studies Ateneo de Manila University • Loyola Heights, Quezon City • 1108 Philippines Bringing in the Brigands: The Politics of Pacification in the Colonial Philippines, 1902–1907 Michael Cullinane Philippine Studies vol. 57, no. 1 (2009): 49–76 Copyright © Ateneo de Manila University Philippine Studies is published by the Ateneo de Manila University. Contents may not be copied or sent via email or other means to multiple sites and posted to a listserv without the copyright holder’s written permission. Users may download and print articles for individual, noncom- mercial use only. However, unless prior permission has been obtained, you may not download an entire issue of a journal, or download multiple copies of articles. Please contact the publisher for any further use of this work at
[email protected]. MICHAEL CULLINANE Bringing in the Brigands The Politics of Pacification in the Colonial Philippines, 1902–1907 This article examines two case studies of resistance that occurred after the Filipino- American War, one in Luzon (led by Macario Sacay) and one in Cebu (led by Quintin and Anatalio Tabal), in an effort to explain the differing outcomes. The efforts to defeat these resistance movements and pacify these areas are analyzed within the context of the emerging Filipino-American politics at the provincial and national levels during the first decade of American colonial rule. It is argued that the colonial government’s success in crushing resistance to its authority cannot be fully comprehended without understanding the role played by prominent Filipino politicians in these endeavors; significantly, a colonial peace served both elites.