ANNUAL REPORT 1995 An Chomhairle Ealaíon The Arts Council An Chomhairle Ealaíon The Arts Council ANNUAL REPORT 1995 An Ceathrú Tuarascáil Bhliantúil Daichead maille le Ráitis Airgeadais don bhliain dar chríoch 31 Nollag 1995. Tíocaladh don Rialtas agus leagadh faoi bhráid gach Tí den Oireachtais de bhun Altanna 6 (3) agus 7 (1) den Acht Ealaíon, 1951. Forty-fourth Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31st December 1995. Presented to the Government and laid before each House of the Oireachtas, pursuant to Sections 6 (3) and 7 (1) of the Arts Act, 1951. ISBN 0 906627 70 2 ISSN 0790-1593 70 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, Ireland Tel: +353 1 661 1840 Callsaver: 1850 392492 Fax: +353 1 676 1302 email:
[email protected] COVER ILLUSTRATIONS Top: ‘Ruin hath taught me’, relief printing and etching by Mary Rose O’Neill Bottom Right: ‘Reel Luck and Straight with Curves’, Jim White and Ella Clarke, CoisCéim Dance Theatre (Photo by Kip Carroll) Bottom Left: Jade Cleary enjoying Craft Workshop, part of Summer Fun 1995 in Wexford Library ii ANNUAL REPORT 1995 Contents A N C HOMHAIRLE E ALAI´ ON/THE A RTS C OUNCIL 1 F OREWORD BY C HAIR OF C OUNCIL 5 F INANCE 9 MEMBERSHIP, STAFF-RELATED MATTERS, PUBLICATIONS 15 A OSDA´ NA 19 L ITERATURE 23 Frankfurt Book Fair 31 V ISUAL A RTS AND A RCHITECTURE 35 F ILM 47 D RAMA 51 Theatre Review 57 D ANCE 61 O PERA 65 M USIC 69 M ULTI–DISCIPLINARY A RTS 77 Community Arts And Festivals 83 Arts Centres 85 L OCAL A UTHORITIES AND P ARTNERSHIPS 89 N ORTH-SOUTH C O - OPERATION 93