Inquiry Being Made to Avoid Un- EXECUTIVE ORDER. Sixieen Die of Hunger and Ex- necessary Hardship When Whereas, by an Executive order under - posure While Drifting 1,200 Reductions Begin. date of August 8, 1918, prescribing rules Miles in the Pacific. The War Department authorizes the and regulations governing departure from The Navy Department is informed that following from the Ordnance Depart- and entry into the United States, it was 14 men of the crew of the steamship ment: provided by section 12 thereof as fol- Du Maru, which was struck by lightning Reduction of the civilian personnel of lows: and sunk on October 16, 20 miles from at San Jose, L'Ori- the Ordnance Department will be carried " No' person registered or enrolled or Guam, have landed out in a way that will Impose the least for mili- ente, P. I., 1,200 miles from Guam, after possible hardship upon civilian employ- subject to registry or enrollment 87 days in an open boat. The men were ees. Maj. Gen. 0. C. Williams, Chief of tary ser'vice in the United States shall without food for the last 10 days of this Ordnance, has jqst made this announce- depart from the United States without the time and for 5 days without water. Dur- ment order providing for a study previous consent of the Secretary of War ing the 37 days 16 men who were in the of civilian personnel in order that per- or such person or persons as he may ap- boat died from exposure and starvation. sonnel may be reduced in proportion with point to give such consent. The Secre- Two more were drowned as the weakened the coming reduction in ordnance work. tary of State shall issue no passport or survivors were making a landing. Chiefs of divisions of the Ordnance De- permit entitling such person to depart pArtment have been directed to cancel without securing satisfactory evidence of Gasoline Cargo Took Fire. unfilled requisitions for civilian employ- such consent. Reference should be had This accounts for all the crew of the ees, as far as possible, and, where can- to section 156, Seleftive Service Regula- Du Maru, which sailed from San Fran- cellations can not be made, positions are tions, and amendments thereto "; and cisco on September 12 with a cargo of to be filled by reassignment from other Whereas, it is no longer necessary that gasoline and other stores, and left Guam divisions where their services are no the above quoted regulation with regard on October 16, carrying a crew of 46 and longer required. to the departure from the-United State 1 passenger. When the Du Mlars was If voluntary fesignations and reassign- of persons* registered or enrolled or sub5- struck by lightning her wireless was put ments do not f'educe the porsonnel suffi- ject to registry or enrollment for military out of commission and the gasoline ciently, each employee whose services will se'rvice in the United States should con- aboard took fire. All oft board left the not be required for more than-a month tinue in force; ship in three boats, and shortly after- longer is to be asked to show preference, Now, therefore, it is ordered that sec- wards there was an explosion on the as follows: Permission to resign immedi- tion 12 of the said Executive order df ship. ately, permission to resign at a specified August 8, 1918, is hereby revoked. Two of the boats were picked up later, date in the future, request for permanent This order shall talq effect from and those in the first boat being rescued on employment with the Government in after the date thereof. October 23 and tkken to Guam. Unable, Washington, or request to be assisted in . Woonnow WILsON. on account of adverse currents and securing employment in or near previous THE WHITE HousE, winds, to beat back to Guam, but 20 miles residence. November 22, 1918: away, the third boat, with 32 aboard, I Every possible'effort is to be made to drifted away and speedily became sepa- comply with the wishes of an employee rated from the other two boats. Vessels whose services are no longer required. ARMY PERSONNEL OFFICERS searched the area for days, but were un- Gen. Williams has directed that in order able to find the missing boat, of which to avoid unpecessqry unrest among the AND PRIVATES NOT RELEASED nothing further was seen or heard until efficient employees,, the greatest calmness it reached San Jose. and consideration be used in handling UNTIL DEPARTMENT APPROVES List of Survivors and Lost. ea&dh individual case. The civilian per- sonnel section is to be furnished with a The War Department authorizes the Following is a list of survivors landed list of those employees to be released in at San Jose, P. I., and those who were advance of the proposed separation. following statement: lost: Certificates offaithful service are to No officer of The Adjutant Gen- SAT ED. WAYWOOD, August, Lemido, Cal. be issued to each employee in service dur- eral's Department nor any o'Rcer or HERMAN, 'red J., first assistant engineer, ing the war, on request when separated enlisted man of the personnel de- Toledo, Ohio. from Ordnance, without prejudice after tachment or organization, at the MACKEY, Hender P., third assistant engineer, Portland, Oreg. date of November 11,*1918. headquarters of any department, BEAN, Theoreon, wireless operator, Portland, camp, post, or station will be sepa- Oreg. rated from the service by either dis- METCALF, Helvin, messman, Portland, Oreg. Importationis By Water ST WELSON, L. A., oiler, Seattle, Wash. charge or resignation without the JENNINGS, Tafford, seanian, Portland, Oreg. From Lower California prior approval of the War Depart- WIELAND, Casper, coal passer, Portland, ment in each case. Orog. SUTAS, Michael, boatswain, Portland, Oreg. The War Trade Board announces, in a When such officers and enlisted FREDETTE, Frank, carpenter, Portland, Oreg. men become surplus or their serv- ICE, Luis, fireman, Pangasinan, P I. new ruling (W.' T. B. R. 346), that they LINE Carl seaman. Portland, Oreg. will consides applications for license to ices are no longer required at a par- MANkGO, 'Pedro, seaman, Mangalang, Pam- import -restricted commodities - from ticular place or station The Adju- panga, P. I. Lower California, shipped on the steam- tant General of the Army will be SAMPSON, L. E., deck boy, La Crosse, W1A. ship N&hflem or steamship J. B. Stetson, immediately informed, in order that LOST. loth of the Gulf Mail Steamship Co. the services of these officers and FERRETER, James. seaman, Rochester, N. Y. men may be utilized at other places NOWELL, E. J., chief engineer, San Francisco, These vessels will take the place of the Cal. steamships ans Pedro and San Gabriel if required. -OION, George, second assistant engineer, By order of the Secretary of War: South Bend, Wash. refdrred to in W. T. B. R. 310, issued SHAW, 8., cook, Oakland, Cal. November 11, 1918, which latter vessels PEYTON 0. MARCH, CHRISTENSEN, C., chief steward, Bandon, h1ave ceased operating on this route. General, Chief of Staff. Oreg. 2 TIE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1918.

BOLIN, Frank, deck boy, White Salmon, Wash. SAMPSON, H1.A., messman, La Crosse, Wis INICKLADIA, George, fireman, San Francisco, Cal. EANET, James, seaman, Portland, Oreg. Number ofAmerican Aero Squadrons LOPEZ, Pedro cook, Seattle Wash. WEALAND, Peter, fireman, Portland, Oreg. COODES, James, fireman, Portland, Oreg. Sail For United States From England ARQTiI, Antonia, fireman, Cavite, P I. DI.N ii)R, Ernest H., seaman, Portland, Oreg. ELKL AND. Olso, seaman. on Minnekahda, Lapland, and Orca BENEDICTO, Francisco, fireman, Cavite, P. I. Uncertainty as to One Nan. Gen. March, Chief of Staff, authorizes the following announcement: The follow- The message also gave the name of ing ships sailed from Liverpool, November 22, for New York: "Frank Bolin, naval ensign," as among The Minnekshda with second aircraft acceptance, park 29 officers and 557 enlisted the lost, but there is no such name in the men; 220th Aero Squadron, 3 officers and 249 enlisted men; 219th Aero Squadron, naval register of officers, and this is evi- 3 officers and 129 enlisted men; 254th Aero Squadion, 2 officers and 258 enlisted dently a mistake in transmission, a dupli- men; 18th Construction Company, Air Service, 6 officers and 242 enlisted men; cation of the name of Frank Bolin, deck 19th Construction Company, Air Service, 7 -officers and 238 enlisted men; 15th Con- boy. Advices from Guam' at the time the struction Company, Air Service, 5 officers and 228 enlisted men; 92d Aero Squadron, Du Maru was sunk stated that Ensign A. 24 officers and 201 enlisted mena; 177th Aero Squadron, 2 officers and 230 enibted' C. Holmes, United States Navy, was a men; 210th Aero Squadron, 2 officers and 251 enlisted inea; 8334 Aero.Squadron, 4 passenger on the vessel, and the Navy De- officers and 123 enlisted men; 839th Aero Squadron, 3 officers and 90enlisted men; partment has received no further news of 259th Aero Squadron, 3 officers and 127 enlisted llen; casual medical detachment, 6 him. Efforts are being made to get the officers and 18 enlisted men. Total, 99 officers and 2,043 enlisted men. correct name of the missing man. The Lapland with fitst Handley-Page training section, 126 officers and 449 en- listed men; 09th Photo Section, 11 officer and 30 enlisted men; 70th Photo Section, 1 officer and 30 enlisted men; 71st Photo Section, 1 offleer and 30 enlisted men; NAVY MEN ARE COMMENDED 72d Photo Section, 1 officyr and 29 enlisted men; sailmakers' detachment, 1 officer - and 100 enlisted men; 265th Aero Squadron, 2 officers and 119 onli'sted men; 263d BY SECRETARY FOR BRAVERY Aero Squadron, 2 officers and 125 enlisted men; 256th Aero Squadron, 2 officers and 126 enlisted men; 320th Aero Squadron, 3 officers and 123 enlisted men; 314th Aero Secretary Daniels has commended Os- Squadron, 2 officers and 134,enlisted men; 318th Aero Squadron, 2 officers and 120 car , jr., chief gunner's mate, enlisted men; 350th Aero Squadron, 3 offlcers and 121 enlisted men; 812th Aero 'United States Navy, attached to the Squadron, 3 officers and 123 enlisted men; Air Service casuals. 44 officers; mixed U. S. S. Chestnut Hil, for his -gallant casuals, 11 officers, 1 enlisted man, and 1 ex-nurse; casuals sick and wounded, 5 condutct on October 9, 1918, on the occa- officers; 7 officers and 14 enlisted men not requiring special attention; enlisted men sion of an explosion and fire on subma- attached to wounded officers. 6; nurses, 3; casual medical detachment, 5 officers rine chaser 219, when he jumped over- and 12 enlisted men. Total, 233 officers, 4 nurses, and 1,797 other ranks. board from the U. S. S. Chestnut Hill The Orca sailed November 23d from Liverpool for New York, with 470th Aero vnd swam to the rescue of a member of Squadron, 2 officers- and 127 enlisted men; 471sT Aero Squadron, 3 officers and 141 the crew of the submarine chaser 219, enlisted men; 478th Aero Squadron, 6 officers and 125 enlisted men; 479th Aero whose legs were partly blown off and who Squadron, 4 officers and 140 enlisted men; 224th Aero Squadron, 2 officers and 225 was hanging on a line over the boi# of enlisted men; 260th Aero Squadron, 2 officers an 225 enlisted men; 261st Aero that vessel. After placing this -man in a Squadron, 3 officers and 144 enlisted ihen; 806th Aero Squadron, 2 officers and 41 position of safety Schmidt attempted to enlisted men; 823d Aero Squadron, 3 'officers and 110 enlisted men; 824th Aero pass through the flaineg amidships to res- Squadron, 4 officers and 99 enlisted men; 831st Aero Squadron, 3 officers and 106 cue another man who was seriously enlisted men: 836th Acro Squadron, 4 offlicers and 100 enlisted men; 852d Aero burned. but, being unable to reach the Squadron, 4 officers and 125 enlisted men; 3d Construction Company, Air Service, 4 man,'Schmidt later rescued, him after he officers and 235 eplisted men; casual-medical department, 4 oflicers and 12 enlisted had fallen overboard. men. Total, 50 officers and 1,874 enlisted ien. Schmidt enlisted in July, 1917. Wife, These v essels are expected to arrive in New York aliout the end of the month. Mrs. Helen Schmidt, 1246 Day Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Rescued Drowning Xen. mass ofdebris, finally located Feher, sup- length of NONPERISHABLE FOODS ISSUED Albert Lewinson, porting him for a considerable yeoman, third class, time until further help arrived. United States Navy, has been commended Moore enlisted in July, 1917. Mother, FOR THE TROOPS INTHE FIELD for his heroic and daring conduct on Sep- Emma Moore, Houston Ave- tember 2, at Edgemore, Long Island, in Mrs. nue, Macon, Ga. The War Department authorizes the sw-imming some distance from shore and following from the office of the Director rescuing a drowning man at a time when Reardon enlisted in January, 1918. the sea was particularly heavy. The de- Mother, Mrs. Margaret Reardon, Dor- of Purchase and Storage: partinent will recommend that a life-sav- chester, Mass. The American Expeditionary Forces ing medal be awarded Lewinson. Lewin- Enlisted Men Commended. use, for the troops in the field operations, son enlisted in August, 1918. Wife, Mrs. Secretary Daniels has commended vYery little food of lihich there is ianger Jeanette Lewinson, 610 Riverside Drive, these enlisted men for conspicuous serv-- of spoiling. Mats are practically all New York City. ices rendered when a fire broke out on canned and consist of canned corn beaf, board the U. S. S. Cleccland -while at sea canned fresh roast beef, canned ha.h, Saved from Wrecked Seaplane. at 2 p. m. February 16, 1918. These men salmon, sardines, and canned bacon. Secretary Daniels has comucnded Ben entered the compartment above the maga- Soup i< i-ued in cubes. Potatoes which McCowan Moore, chief machinist's mate zine. nhich was filled with dense and have been dehycrated: trench bread, (aviation), United States Navy, and suffocating smoke due to the fumes from dried beans or peas, jam, coffee, sugar, Henry J. Reardon, landsman for ma- celluloid, and after 45 minutes' wok salt, evaporated milk, afil swcet choco- cliinist's mate (aviation), United States succeeded in locating and extinguishing late are the other principal items of the Naval Reserve Force, for their, prompt- the blaze. field ration. Other dehydrated vegeta- ness and bravery in going to the wreck of The following men were commended: bles, and, if practicable, fresh potatoes, a seaplane off the nasal air station, Pen- John Bowen, chief gunner's mate, may'be substituted for dehydrated Data- sacola, Fla., on the evening of August 29, United States Navy. Half brother, Ed- toes. Dried fruit is alternated for jam, and rescuing t?'m drowning Anthony ward Melia, 79 Colton Street, San Fran- and candy is often substituted for sweet Felier, chief turret captain, United States cisco, Cal. chocolate. Whenever possible soft bread Navy, who was in a semiconscious condi- John Stephen Russell, chief machinist's is issued instead of trench bread. Smuok- tion. mate, United States Navy. Mother, Mrs. ing tobacco is issued only to troops who Moore and Reardon were among the Mary Ellen Russell, 714 Muncie Boule- desire it; cigarettes and chewing tobacco first to arrive at the scene of the wreck vard, Kansas City, Mo. being issued instead if desired. and immediately dived overboard into the Harry B. Alderman, chief yeoman, midst of the twisted W'ires and floating United States Navy. Mother, Mrs. Mol- Become a stockholder in the United wreekage, and, swimmting around in this lie V. Alderman, Pocomoke City, Md, States-buy war-savlngs stamps. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1918. 3 ARMY CLOTHING NOW INSTOCK STATEMENT BY VICE PRESIDENT PIEZ NOT INTHE HANDS OF TROOPS CONCERNING SHIP-CONTRACT PROGRAM The War Department authorizeg the following from the Office of the Director Charles Piez, vice president of the engaged at this time in imposing such restriction and making such cancella- of Purchase and Storage: - Emergency Fleet Corporation, has issued the tions as will assist in bringing the ship- The anount of clothing and equipage following statement: building industry promptly back to a on hand for the use of the Army is shown Senator Harding, in offering the reho- normal basis. - by a report of the Statistical Division lution calling upon the United States made to Brig. Gen. Robert E. Wood, Act- Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corpo- All Vessels Classified. ing Quartermaster General and Director xation to furnish certain statements con- All vessels, both wood and steel, are of Purchase and Storage. This report, cerning the number of ships built and the subjected by the classification societies dated November 19, shdws stock on hand cost of same, stated that the resolution (Lloyds, etc.) to a survey as to the of clothing and equipage and materials was inspired by the publication in the stanchness and soundness at the hull, for clothing ahd equipage as of Noveniber press of utterances of the president of the machinery, and the completed vessel, 1, 1918. It indicates the supply in the the Shipping Board and the Director and a certificate is issued by the classifi- United States and France, not in the General of the Emergency Fleet Corpora- cation socioty. hands of troops, and shows the progress tion that there are places in the ship- The vessels, in addition, are inspected of its distribution fron the manufac- yards now for 200,000 men additional to by the United States Steamboat-Inspec- turers to camps and warehouses here and the present force. That estimate was tioh Service, which covers a minute in- abroad. It includes reissue stock re- prepared several months ago, when under spection of the machinery of the vessels. claimed and to be reclaimed and itemizes the pressure of the war's necessities our In addition, all vessels are subjected to the amounts as follows: demand for ship production during the a close inspection by inspectors on the year 1919 could only be met by a very staff of the Fleet Corporation. All Itemized Amounts of Clothing. considerable increase in the number of wooden vessels are subjected before de- Cotton coats, 5,039,907; denim coats, shipbuilders. livery to both a dock and sea trial. Every possible safeguard, therefore, is 5,410,518; wool coats, 6,282,536; jerkins, Board of Trustees' Program. 2,449,018; mackinaws, 19,660; overcoats, made through inspection and actual tests 4,167,841; As a matter of fact, howbver, the board as to the sea worthiness of the vessel raincoats, 2,170,220; flannel early in September shirts, 9,742,824; denim of trustees daided before deliveries. trousers, 5,215,- that no new contracts for ship or- plant 708 pairs; cotton trousers and breeches, Minor Defects Met With. 8,879,393 construction were to be let; that vessels pairs; - wool trousers and that were not likely to be built during Minor difficulties with the machinery breeche s, 8,581,829 pairs; summer are apt to arise in vessels of all kinds, drawers, the early months of 1920 were to be call- 24,285,815 pairs; winter drawers, the Emergency Fleet and inexperience of bbtli shipbuilders and 21,050,798 celed; and that pairs; summer undershirts, Corporation should begin to shape its workmen in the new yards is apt to re-ult 27,075,892; winter undershirts, 17,437,- policy toward the end that ships could in defective workmanship in both steel 280; rubber* hip boots, 1,271,135 pairs; be built -with economy rather than speed and wood vessels. rubber knee boOts, 859,211 pairs; canvas as the sole consideration. The Shipping - A ftll reliort in answer to the Senate leggins; 7,268,419 pairs; arctic overshoes, Board has announced no policy of un- resolution is being prepared and will be 1,510,894 pairs; woolen and spiral put- limited ship construction, but is, in fact, submitted shortly. tees, 8,586,830 pairs; russet marching shoes, 3,548,660 pairs; welt field shoes, 3,314,783 pairs; metallic fastened field shoes, 4,018,636 pairs; heavy wool stock- COAL OF ALL KINDS. LOADED THREE-POUND SUGAR RATION ings, 25,042,752 pairs; light wool stock- ings, 21,070,492 pairs; overseas caps, ON CARS WEEK ENDED NOV. 9 INEFFECT "AT RIGHT TIME" 3,718,678; service hots, 3.120,940; canton- flannel gloves, 1,599,527 pairs; heavy A report has been received by the Di- The Food Administration issues the leather gloves, 3,084,565 pairs; jersey knit .rector General from the car service sec- following: gloves, 5.968'015 pairs; wool gloves, 6,- tion of the Railroad Administration on The sugar situation has changed and 415,846 pairs*; leather' mittens, 3,783,779 the quantity of coal of all kinids loaded the Food Administration has made good pairs; canton-flannel mittens, 2.125,907 by roads for week ended November 9, its promise to increase the household al- pairs; water sterilizing bags, 38,593; bar- 1918, as compared with the same period lovance. The sugar ration went to 3 racks bags, 4,315,307; bedsacks, 4,102,806; of 1917, a summary of which follows: pounds per person on November 1-just commercial blankets, 1,035,822; 3-pound time right time, too with .Thanksgiving blankets, 1,413,492; 4-pound blankets, 1918 1917 at hand and Christmas coming. 2,963,287; large paulins, 38,442; small The American public met tlhe sugar paulins, 20,134; shelter-tent halves, shortage in good spirit. The men did l Tofal cars bituminous...... 177, 539 191 885 little grumbling 1,147,205; pyramidal tents, 111,559. Total cars at hracite...... 32,2 3, 571 over the level teaspoon, Total cars lignite------.. 3,432 4,630 and went right on canning Stocks of Materials. witiout sugar and using sirup to stretch Grand total cars all coal.. 213,796 241,106 Stock of Dlaterials for clothing and the 2-pound allowance. This patriotic equipage as of November 1 consists of donservation on the part of liouseholds, stock on hand, in transit to depots, and in A summary of reports for week ended and the cutting down of the allowaneq the hands of contractors, as follows: 0. D. November 16, 1918, as compared with the to manufacturers have helped to make the cotton cloth, 12,804.655 yards; denim, same neriod of 1917, based on actual re- increased ration possible. Then, too, 19,295,371 yards; duck for shelter tents, ports from most roads, but with the esti- the new crop of beet suaar and cane sugar 4.081,894 yards; duck for paulins, 2,625,- mated results of some roads, follows: is moving rapidly and railway conditions 839 yards; 16 and 20 ounce-melton, 10,- have improved. 688,130 While the new 3-pound ration eases yards; 30 and 32 ounce inelton, 1918 1917 3,242.982 yards; and flannel for shirts, the household situation, it permits no 9,192,272 yards. extravegance with the sugar spoon. *The Total cars bituminous...... 165,032 199,040 housekeeper who has faithfully adhered Total cars anthracite...... 26, 931 40, 86 to the 2-pound ration will know just what Total cars lignite-.------3, 583 4, 80 to do with this extra pound. She 1ill Grand total cars, all oal...... 195, 546 244, 76 take care of the apples and cranberries FREE LIST SUSP'ENDED. now available, or sweeten the sugarless Hereafter no copies of the Official fruit canned during the summer, and, U. S. Bulletin will be furnished free The decrease in coal loading has bgen above all, create a stock for Thanksgiv- except to executive officers of the due to influenza among the miners and iug and Christmas. The good manager United States Government, and to railroad workers. Total increase of 1918 will find this all the easier on account of diplomatic representatives of all up to, and including week ending No- the change in the regulations which per- foreign Governments. vember 16, over the same period in 1917, mits the purchase at one -time of the 645,831 cars. monthly allowance for the entire family. 4 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1918.

@offet 1 0. sulltinh Memorandum Containing Full Information Published. Every Week Day, Except Legal Holidays, Under Order of the President of the United States and On Continuance of War-Risk Insurance by Authority of Congress. Offlce: Continental Trust Building, To Be Given Every Discharged Soldier Fourteenth and H streets NW. Washington, D. C. Tel. Main 5600 A copy of the following memorandum ton, D. U.," and always contain the fol- Copies of TE OrriCIAL U. S. BULLEmTIN Will of information will be furnished to each lowing information: be furnished without charge to every post office Your first name, middle name, and last In the United States (to be posted daily for officer and enlisted man separated from name in full. the benefit of the public, under order of the Postmaster General) , to executive officers service in the United States Army: Your grade and organization 'at the of the United States Government, and to diplo- time of discharge. matic representatives of all foreign Govern- INFORMATION RELATIVE TO COMPENSATION ments.-EDWARD S. gocHErS, Editor. Your Army serial number. AND CONTINUANCE OF WAR-RISK INSTR- The date of your discharge or separa- RATES BY MAIL. ANCE. tion from the service. One year .------*------$5.00 Furnished to Six months ------. 00 Your present address. One -year, postage prepaid to 1. The United States will pay compen- foreign countries ------4.000 (Surname) (Christian (Army sation for death or disability resulting Daily. - Sixforeign months, countries------8. postage prepaid to name) Serial No.) foreign countries ------4.50 from injury suffered or disease contract- Back numbers and extra - ed in the line of duty by an officer or Icopies ------each--.. . 05 WAR-RISK INSURANCE. enlisted man when employed in active Make all checks, money orders, and drafts payable to THE OracIAL U. 8 BULLETIN. All correspondence relating to war- service, except where injury or disease risk insurance should be addressed to has been caused by his own willful mis- " Bureau of War-Risk Insurance, Treas- conduct. Furthermore, dismissal or dis- MAXIMUM PRICES ON-CERTAIN ury Department, Washington, D. C.," honorable discharge from the service ter- and always contain the following infor- minates all rights to any compensation. IDES AND SKINS ARE APPROYED mation: 2. In case a man should discover after Your first name, middle name, and last and within one year after separation from the service that he has sustained The Price-Fixing Committee of the War name, in full. Your grade and organization at the an injury or contracted disease in the Industries Board authorizes the follow- line of duty -when employed in active ing: time of applying for insurance. Your Army serial number. service which may result in disability or The Price-Fixing Committee has ap- Date of your discharge or separation death, but which did-not disable him proved the following: from service. and of which he had no knowledge at the IIIDES AND SKINS-MAnIMUx PRIcEs. OMIs- Your present address. time of separation from the service, he STONS AND DIFFERSNTIALS. 1. If you desire to continue your war- should communicate the fact immediately DOMESTIC GOATSKINS, NOVEMBER AND DECMBER, risk insurance, it'will be necessary for to the Conpensation Section of the Bu- 1918, AND JANUARY, 1919. you to make payments of the monthly reau of War-Risk Insurance, giving his Packer. Per dozen. premiums directly to the Disbursing full name, Army serial number, if an en- Angora unshorn ------$30 Clerk, 1Bureau of War-Risk Insurance, .listed man, rank, or grade, and Organi- Angora unshorn, half-blood ------24 zation; the late of iis discharge Angora clipped (with hair not over 21 Treaury Depritment, WAashington, D. C. or sepa- inches long) ------18 Check or money order should be made ration from the service; and, if possible, Common goatekins ------18 payable to the Treasurer of the United the date of. his injury or disability. He Angora unshtorn kidskins------15 should at the same time request to be Half-blodd unshorn kidskins ------12 States. Chpped 'Angora kidskins------6 2. Your premium on $ _ insur- furnished a certificate to the fact that Common kidskins at value, according to ance Will be $ -- per month until at the time of his separation fr6m the measurement. July 1, 1919, after which date it will be service he was suffering from a wound, Other domestic goatskins. as follows: injury, or disease, which is likely to re- Other domestic goatskins, except Angoras, From July 1, 1919, to July 1, 1920, sult in death or disability. This certifi- $12 to $15 flat at shipping point. Angoras $------per month. cate must be obtained within one year at value. from the date of separation from the Dry skins sold by the pound have same From July 1, 1920, to July 1, 1921, maximums as in August, September, and $ - per month. service, and in order to obtain it the man October. From July 1, 1921, to July 1, 1922, must submit to- a medical examination by Mexican Matanza goatskins, Novepber, De- a physician designated by the Bureau of cember shipment Maximum price applies to $------per month. average weight of 21 pounds and down. From July 1, 1922, to July 1, 1923, War-Risk Insurance. Holland city ieet salt vealskins, November, $------per month. 3. No compensation shall be payable December shipment, about 15/22 pounds, un- for death or disability which does not trimmed, mostly cutthroats: 43 cents per From July 1, 1923, to July 1, 1924, pound for No. 1, 41h cents per pound for No. $ -- -- per month. occur prior to or within one year from 2, c. 1. f. 5 per cent shrinkage guaranty. 3. Should your address or that of a date of separation from the service. Holland dry city calfskins, November, De- 4. No compensation is payable for disa- cember shipment, untrimmed, about 3J pounds beneficiary change at any time, you average, practically all stuck-throats: $1.15 should advise the Bureau of War Risk bility unless claim is filed within five per pound for No 1, $1.10 per pound for No. Insurance, Treasury Department, Wash- years after the date of separation from 2; c. i. f. New York; 2 per cent shrinkage the service. guaranty. ington, D. C., immediately. Holland country dry calfskins, November, 4. Within five years after the termina- 5. In order to procure compensation for December shipment, about 8h pounds average, tion of the war, as declared by proclama- disability the claimant shall submit to largely cutthroats, free of culls: 90 cents per examination by a medical officer of the pound for No. 1, 85 cents per pound for No. 2; tion of the President, you must apply to C. i. f. New York; 2 per cent shrinkage guar- the Bureau of War Risk Insurance, Treas- United States. If he refuses to submit 'anty. ury Department, Washington, D. C., for to such examination his right to compen- Cananea, Mexico, dry hides for November, sation ceases. December shipment: 84J cents nlat New York the conversion of your present policy into freight. (With usual allowance for salt, some other form of insurance. Your pres- 6. Compensation is entirely separate pickle, and glues.) ent policy will lapse unless converted and distinct from War-Risk Insurance Asuscion, Paraguaj, frigoriflco steers. within that time. and should net be confused therewith. August, September, October shipment 5. You may change your beneficiary at (recommended October 5 to be "relative" any time provided the new beneficiary price to standard frigorificos) : $49 per 1,00 is within the permitted class. Those who Commanding- ilos. November and December shipment: $56.45 may be designated are: A spouse, child, per 100 kilos. Prices are f. o. b. ship, includ- parent, brother, or sister, or grandchild. (Place.) g export duty and lighterage charge. COMPENSATION. (Date.) All correspondence relating to coinpen- No trouble to buy, cheap, convenient, sation should be addressed to " Compen- a real investment-W A R - S A V IN G S sation Section, Bureau of War Risk In- Help your Government and yourself at STAMPS. - surance, Treasury Department, Washing- the same time-buy war-savings stamps, THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1918. 5

WORK OF CONGRESS SUPREME COURT PROCEEDINGS BRIEFLY TOLD I SUPREME COU9T OV THE UNITED STATEs. tition for a writ of certiorari to the United CONGRESS. States Circuit Court of Appeals for the Sev- MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918. enth Circuit denied. I By a vote cast along party lines the' Present: The Chief Justice Mr. Justice Mc- No. . Original. Ex parte In the matter Finance Committee yesterday afternoon Kenna, Mr. Justice Holmes, Mdr. Justice Day, of Robert Weiss, petitioner. Motion for leave fixed the total of war taxes to be levied Mr. Justice Van Devanter, Mr. Justice Pitney, -to file petition for a writ of habeas corpus Mr. Justice MeReynolds, Mr. Justice Brandeis, and to-admit petitioner to ball submitted by for the fiscal year 1920 at $4,000,000,000. and Mr. Justice Clarke. Mr. William Mayo Atkinson for the peti- The vote was 10 to 7. Before this was Joseph T. Watson, of Seattle, Wash.; Jo- tioner, with leave to 1\r. Assistant to the done the committee rejected by a vote of seph F. Mulqqeen, Jr., of New York City; Har- Attorney General Todd to file opposition vey D. Jaco of Nashville, Tenn.; Joseph within one week. 9 to 8, a proposal by Senator Gore, Millenson, of Philadelphia, Pa.; Ralph C. Put- No. 745. Standard Varnish Works v. Steam- Delmocrdt, to let the $6,000,000,000 levy nam, of Aurora, Ill.; Thomas F.-Donovan, of ship " Bris," Rederiaktieholaget, claimant. for 1919 apply to 1920 and use the $2,000,- Joliet, Ill.; Samuel A. Dew, of Kansas City, Motion to advance submitted by .Mr. Julis J. Mo.; Roger W'. Cooley, of Grand Forks, Frank for Standard Varnish Works. Motion 000,000 surplus toward paying outstand- N. Dak.; Abraham Zoller, of Little Falls. N. Y.; for a writ of certiorari to bring up the whole ing Government obligations. David S. Vesey, of Fort Wayne, Ind.; Morgan record and cause submitted by Mr. L. Rusell Senator Alden in behalf of Mr. Charles S. Hlaighfor Gore voted with the Democrats B. Garlock, of New Hartford, N. Y.; William in sup- M. Morton, of St. Joseph, Mo.; Charles A. the Steamhip " Bris," etc. port of the amendment. The House O'Connor, of Aurora, Ill.; Donald E. Bridg- No. 158. The Delaware, Lackawanna & provision increasing the admission man, of Minneapolis, Minn.; George S. Stew- Western IRailroad Co.. appellant. v. I The taxes United States. Motion to remand submitted on moving pictures to 2 cents art, of Gary, Ind.; George F. Beatty, of Salina, on each Kans.; and W. Alfred Valentine. of Wilkes- by Mr. Benjamin Carter for the appellant. 10 cents paid wts put back to the-1-cent Barre, Pa., were admitted to practice. 'No. 636. John P. and Martin No. 69. Mills W. Barse, plaintiff in error v. Schmitt, etc., plaintiffs In error, v. John Shad- rate under existing law. The committee rach, trustee, etc. Motion to dismiss or affirm also George W. Saul. In error to the Supreme reduced from 10 to 5 per cent the Court of the State of New York. Per 'curiam: or place on the summary docket submitted by rate on receipts of lessors and licensees Dismissed for want of jurisdiction upon the Mr. W. A. Valentine and Mr. Edwin B. Mor- authority of (1) Stewart v. City of Kansas gan for the defendant in error in support of of moving picture films. Senator Sim- the motion and by Mr. Rush Trescott for the mons's amendment exempting persons City, 239 U. S., 14; Cuyahoga River Power or Co. v. Northern Realty Co., 244 U. S., 300; plaintiffs in error in opposition thereto. partnerships engaged in trade or business Bilby et al. v. Stewart, 246 U. S., 255, 257; No. 699. Jose Lopez Garcia, appellant, v. (2) Empire State-Idaho Mining Co. v. Hanley, Orval P. Townshend, commanding officer, from the war excess-profits tax wa's Camp Las, Casas. Motion to advance sub- adopted, 205 U. S., 225; Goodrich v. Ferris, 214 U. S., as was an amendment provid- 71; Brolan v. United States, 236 U. S., 216. mitted by Mr. Frederic D. McKenney in behalf ing that a corporation with a net income No. 77. Willie M. Going, administratrix of of counsel for the appellant. Nathan W. Going, deceased, plaintiff in error, Nos. 545 and 546. Chesapeake & Ohio Rail- of not more than $20,000 a year shall not way Co., petitioner, v. The United States of be taxed more v. Norfolk & Western Railway Company. In than 30 per cent, insteado error to the Supreme Court of Appeals of the America. Petitions for wr4ts of certiorari to of the maximum levy of 35 per cent in the the United States Circuit Court of Appeals State of Virginia. Per curiam: Affirmed upon for the Sixth Circuit submitted by Mr. John House bill A further amendment was the authority of Seaboard Air Line v, Padgett, Galvin for the petitioner, and by Mr. Assist- agreed to, providing that corporations 236 U. S., 668, 673; Great Northern Ry. Co. ant to the Attoriey General Todd and Mr. whose profits are made from personal v. Knapp, 240 U. S., 404, 466; Southern Ry. Assistant Attorney General Frieron for The Co. v. Puckett, 244 U. S., 571, 374. See also respondent. service exclusively shall be taxed in the , Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. Co. v. I No. 707. Helen Welch, petitioner, v. John A. same manner as partnerships. O'Connor, administratrix, etc. Decided No- vember 18, 1918. Daniels, guardian, etc., et al. Petition for a The House Committee on, Naval Affairs writ of certiorari to the United Sittes circuit No. - , Original. Ex parto In the matter court of appeals for the eighth circuit sub- was informed by Rear Admiral Peoples of William 1. ludgings, petitioner. Motion mitted by Mr. A. B. Quinton, Mr. Eugene S. that 42 American destroyers for leave to file petition for a writ of habeas -had oper- corpus granted,. and a writ of habeas corpus Quinton, and Mr. George D. Rodgers for the ated off Queenstown, Ireland, during the petitioner. award4d as prayed, returnable Monday, De- No. 725. Monroe Buildin Companv et al., war. The committee also was told that cember 9, next, petitioners, v. Prank Lawhead, trustee, etc. the division No. 667. James A. Peterson, plaintiff in of supplies and accounts, error, v. The United States; Petition for a writ of certiorari to the United headed by Admiral McGowan, ,had can- States circuit court of appeals for the sixth No. 685. Jacob Frohwerk, plaintiff in error, circuit submitted by Mr. Max Kahn and' Mr. celed contracts totaling $19,051,000 since v. The United States; and Harrison Geer for the petitioner, and by Mr. the armistice has been signed and that No. 714. Eugene V. 4)ebs, plaintiff in error, George E. Brand for the respondent. total cancellations are expected v. The United States. Motion to advance Adjourned until Monday, December 9, at 12 to reach granted, and cases assigned for argument on o'clock. $100,000,000. Cancellations already made Monday, January 6 next, after the cases here- The day call for Monday, December 9, will include contracts for 300 flying boats. tofore assigned for that day. be as follows: Nos. 666, 367, 370, 164 (and Admiral McGowan No. 723. William Wrigley, Jr., Company, 165 and 166), 347, 398, 408, 604, 449 (and estimated the needs of petitioner, v. J. P. Larson, Jr., Company. Pe- 450), and 479. his department for the next fiscal year at $466,000,000, which is a reduction from $971,000,000, as estimated for before the end of the war was in sight. Chairman Sherley, of the Appropria- tions Committee of the House, announced SEALED PROPOSALS INVITED yesterday that as soon as the House re- convenes he will introduce a bill to repeal DEPARTHENT OF COMMERCE. opened November 29. 1918, the following is for all unnecessary appropriations passed at the information of intending bidders: the last session. This step will be taken Sealed proposals for furnishing all labor, ma- Class 2, Cranes.-Referring to that part of terials, etc., necessary, and constructing an the specifications stating that " . . . the total in order to enforce a rigid policy of re- electrotype plate-finishing machine, will be re- length of runway girders and rails required is trenchment irF expenditures. The Ap- ceived by the Superintendent of the United approximately 141 feet" bidders should note, propriations Committee, the chairman States Coast and Geodetic Survey, 205 New as indicated on drawings referred to under Jersey Avenue SE.,4Vashington D C., until 'Class-1, that the correct total length Is 161 said, would hold extended hearings to the 2 o'clock p. in., December 9, 1918, and will feet. end that the fullest information may be then be opened In the presence of the attend- Bidders should attach a copy of this amend. gathered regarding all avenues of re- ing bidders. ment to their proposals. trenchment. A. L. FLINT, THE PANAMA CANAL. General Purchasing Officer. Referring to The Panama Canal Circular No. BLACK HARNESS LEATHER PRICE 1239, dated.November 8, 1918, bids to be MARINE CORPS. Roofing, Toilet, and Fly Paper.-United States Marine Corps, Quartermaster's 1)epart- SCHEDULE INEFFECTIVE DEC. 1 ment, Washington D. C. November 21, 1918. should be discontinued on December 1, Sealed proposals, in duplicate, to be publicly 1918, the present date of their expiration. opened by the Depot Quartermaster, United The Prise-Fixing Committee of the War States Marine Corps, 1100 South Broad Street, Industries Board authorizes the follow- In making the announcement to this effect Philadelphia, Pa., on December 19. 1918, 4re the Price-Fixing Committee wishes to ex- hereby invited for furnishing 10,000 double mag: press its appreciation of the hearty co- sheets fly paper; 3,000 rolls roofing paper; and 150,000 rolls toilet paper, to be delivered to At a meeting held between the Price- operation it has always received from the the Depot Quartermaster, United States Mh- Fixing Committee and the representatives black harness leather group of the Tan- rine Corps Delaware Avenue and Kenilworth of the black harness leather manufac- . ners' Council in solving the harness- Street, Philadelphia, Pa. turers it was agreed that the existing leather problems of the war needs of the maximum prices on black harness leather Government. - Contribute to the Red Cross fund. 71'-18-----2 * 6 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1918. RECENT ORDERS ISSUED BY THE U. S. FUEL ADMINISTRATOR CONCERNING COAL PRICES, ZONE AND OTHER REGULATIONS orders and of the act of Congress therein re- vacated and set aside as of the effective date UDUTED STATES FUEL ADINISTRATION, of this order. Washington, D. C., October 31, 1918. ferred to and approved August 10, 1917, Hereby adjudges that the use of fuel or of * This order shall be effective November 21, MODIFICATION 10. 1 OF ORDER DATED OCTOBER light generated or produced by the use or 1918. 10. 1918, RELATIVE TO BITUMINOUS COAL consumption of fuel for any of the purpose H. A. GARFIELD, Zon K. herelinafter described, except as hereinafter United States Fuel Admintstrator. provided, is wasteful, and that any person It appearing to the United States Fuel Ad- asing fuel or light for Such purposes except miinistrator that for the better distribution and as aforesaid, Is engaging in a wasteful prac- UNITED STATES FUEL ADMINISTRATIONr, ,apportionment of bituminous coal, consuming tice or device in handling or dealing with fuel, Washington, D. 0., November 15, 1918. zone K, as defined in the order of said adminis- pur- trator dated October 10, 1918, relating to bi- and that the use of fuel or light for such ORDER ESTABLISHING AN ANTHRACITE COAL tuminous coal zone K, should be enlarged to poses, except as aforesaid, is prejudicial and ZONE, REGULATING THE SALE, SHIPMENT, DIS- the extent hereinafter specified. injurious to the national security and defense, TRIBUTION, AND APPORTIONMENT OF ANTIIRA- The United States 'uel Administrator, act- and a cause of scarcity locally and generally; CIT COAL PRODUCED IN THE DISTRICT Ing under authority of an Executive order of and said United States Fuel Administrator KNOWN AS THE NORFOLK & WESTERN RAIL- the Preddebt of the United States daped Au- Hereby orders that the order of the United WAY GROUP NO. 1 MINES, STYLED BLACKS- gust 23, 1917, appointing said administrator, States Fuel Administrator relating to the use BURG, CHIISTIANSaURG, MERRIMAC MINES, and ot subsequent Executive orders, and in fur- of coal to generate electricity for the operation AND VICKER, VA., AND THE DISTRICT KNOWN therance of the purpose of said orders and of of illuminated advertisements, etc., dated No- AS THE NORFOLK & WUESTERN RAILWAY GROUP the alt of Congress therein referred to and ap- vember 9, 1917, and the amendment thereto NO. 2 MILES, STYLED BELSPRING, DRY proved August 10, 1917, dated December 14, 1917, and the order of BRANCH, AND PARROTT, VA, ALONG THE, N- Hereby, orders and directs that Seetion I of said United States Fuel Administrator relat- FOLK & WESTERN RAILWAY IN VIRGINIA. the regulation aforesaid he, and the same here- ing to the use and maintenance of lights in by is, amended to read as follows: cities, villages, and #towns, dated July 18, It appearing to the United States Fuel Ad- 1918, be, and the same hereby are, vacated ministrator that the orders of said adminis- Section I. and set aside as of the effective date of the trator relating to the sale, shipment, distribi- regulation hereinafter established; and tion, and apportionment of anthracite coal Except as hereinafter provided, no bitu- Hereby makes and qstablishes the following in the producing district hereinafter State of Ohio, produced minous coal produced in the regulation, effective November 11, 1918, and described, should be revised, and embodied in 'hereby designated producing zone K, shall be until further or other order or regulation in a single regulation, establishng an anthracite sold, shipped, of distributed, except to con- the premises: Regulation restrctling the use coal zone, sumers, and for-use or consumption within the In cities, villages, and towns of light generated The United States Fuel\Administrator, act- following described sections of the United or produced by the use of fuel. ing under authority of an Executive order of States, viz : the President of the United States dated (1) That portion of the State of Ohio lo- Section L said adminis- cated east of a line coincident with the Pitts- August 23, 1917, appointing burgh, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway The extravagant or wasteful use of light tractr, and of subsequent Executive orders, from Cincinnati, Ohio, through Hamilton, generated or produced by the use ?r consump- and in furtherance of the purpose of said Ohio, to the westefl' boundary of Ohio; tion of coal, oil, gas, or other fuel for illumi- Erders and of the act .of Congress therein re- (2) That portion of the State of Indiana nating purposes, in the strets, parks, or other ferred to and approvcd August 10, 1917, located east of a line colncident with the public places of any city, village, or town, or Hereby orders and directs that the order Grand Rapids & Indiana Railway from Rich for other outdoor illumination, public or pri- of said administrator dated August 2, 1018, mond, Ind., through Fort Wayne to the north- vate, is hereby prohibited. entitled " Modification No. 5 of order of ern boundary of Indiana. March 27, 1918, relative to bituminous coal Provided, however, That, subject to 'any Section II. zone N (including therein additional terri- and regulations that may from time to tory), regulating the production, sale, ship- rules The use of light generated or produced by ment, distribution, and apportionment of time be prescribed by the United States Fuel the use or consumption of coal, oil, gas, or and under the supervision of anthracite coal, and the method of such pro- Administration, other fuel, for illuminating or displaying ad- duction. sale, shipment, distribution, and 'ap- the district representative of the United vertisements, announcements, or signs on- the il charge of said portionient, by all producers of anthracite States Fuel Administration exterior- of any building, or on any billboard coal operating in the district known as the producing zone K, bituminous coal of special or other structure for the display of Adver- Norfolk & Western Railway Group No. 1 quality produced in said zone may be shipped tisements, announcements, or signs, aid the the - mines, stpied Blacksburg, Christiansburg, ler- for use only for by-prodncfpurposes and use of such light for the external ornamenta- rimac mines, and Vicker, Va., along the Nor- manufacture of illuminating gas, and not as tion of any building or structure, or for illumi- of and run of folk & Western Railway in Virginia," and steam coal, and preparea sizes nating or displaying any window in any shop the order of said administrator dated August mine bituminous coal produced in said zone or store, when such shop or store is not open 81, 1918, entitled " Modification No. 6 to may be shipped for use only by domestic con- for business, shall be entirely discontinued described territory, order of March 27, 1918, relative to bitumi- sumers, in the following on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thurs- nous coal zone N (including therein addi- and that run of mine and slack and screenings day of each week -in New England, and in the tional territory), regulating produced in the Hocking, Pomeroy, Jackson, States of New York, Pennsylvania, New- Jer- the production, districts of said pro- sale, shipment, distribution, and apportion- Crooksville, and Ironton sey, Delaware, Maryland, and In the District ment of anthracite coal and the method of during zone K may be sold, shipped, and dis- of Columbia, and shall be entirely discontin- such production, tributed to consumers and for use and con- ued on Monday and Tuesday of each week in sale, shipment, distribution, sumption in said territory, viz: That portion and apportionment by all producers of anthra- the States of Michigan and Ohio, and in any cite coal operating in the district known as of the Lower Peninsula of the State of Miehi- State not hereinbefore mentioned, when the the Norfolk & gan located east of a line coincident with the Federal Fuel Administrator for such State Western Railway Group No. 1 Grand Rapids & Indiana Railway and its mines, styled Blacksburg, Christiansburg, Mer- shall so order; provided, however, That noth- rimae mines, and Vicker, Va., and the dis- branches: And ing in this regulation shall be construed to trict known as the Norfolk & Western Rail- Provided further, That bituminous coal pro- prohibit the maintenance in any shop or store duced in said producing zone K, along the New window of any lights .required by a State law way Group No. 2 mines, styled Belspring, York Central, Erie, Pittsburgh & West Vir- or a municipal ordinance, or for the purpose DryBranch, and Parrott. Va., along the Nor- and Wheeling & Lake Erie railroads, folk & Western Railway, in Virginia," be, and ginia, of safety. the same hereby are, vacated and set aside when routed via the Erie, New York Central, - Section III. or New York, Chicago & St. Louis railroads, as of the effective date of the regulation here- and distributed to con- The Federal Fuel Administrator for each inafter established, and may be sold, shipped, State is hereby authorized and directed to en- Hereby makes and establishes the follor- sumers and for use and consumption in the force this regulation within such State. territory, viz: That por- Ing regulation effective November 22, 1918, following described Any person violating or-.refusing to con- and until further or other order or regulation tion of northwestern Pennsylvania and south- form to this regulation will be liable to the in the premises : western New York north and west of a line penalties prescribed in the aforesaid act of Section I. coincident with the Erie Railroad from Congress. Sharon, Pa., through Meadville and Corry, Except as hereinafter provided, no anthra- H. A. GARFIELD, cite Pa., and Dayton, N. Y., to Buffalo. N. Y. United States Fuvb Administrator. coal produced in the district known as This order shall be effective November 4, the Norfolk & Western Railway Group No. 1 1918. mines, styled Blacksburg, Christiansburg, Mer- II, A. GARFIELD, UNITED STATvsS FUEL ADMINISTRATION, rimae mines and Vicker, Va., and the district United States Fucl Administrator. known as he Norfolk & Western Railway Washington, D. C., November 13, 1918. Group No. 2 mince, styled Belspring, Dry The United States Fuel Administrator, act- Branch, and Parrott, Va., al-1ng the Norfolk & UNITED STATES FUEL ADMINISTRkTION, Ing under authority of an Executive order of Western Railway in Virginia, hereby desig- Washington, D. 0., November 7,1918. the President of the&United States, dated Au- nated anthracite-produ'-ing zone, shall be sold, gust 28, 1917, appointing said administrator, shipped, or distributed, except to consumers It appearing to the United States Fuel Ad- and of subsequent Yxecutive orders, and In and for use and consumption In the following- ministrator that it Is essential, in furtherance furtherance of the purpose of said orders and described districts of the United States, viz: of the national security and defense, -*o lessen of the act of Congress therein referred to and (1) The State of North Carolina; (2) the and prevent the waste of fuel and to secure approved August 10, 1917, State of Virginia, Including tidewater termi- an adequate supply and equitable distribution Hereby orders and directs that the order of nals: (3) the District of Columbia; (4) that and prevent, locally and generally, scarcity said administrator dated April 23, 1918, en- portion of the State of South Carolina east thereof, and that, to these ends, It is necessary titled " Order relative to nermitting the move- and north of a line coincident with the South- that the use of fuel shall be limited and re- meat of bituminous coal sold, shipped, and dis- ern Railway from Charlotte, N. C., through stricted In the manner hereinafter set forth, tributed for blacksmithing purposes to points Chester, S. C., to Columbia; theneo coincident The United States Fuel Administrator, aet- beyond the limits of zone A, zone G. zone H, with the Seaboard Air Line Railway to Den- ing under authority of an Executive order of zone N, and zone P, as established by order of mark; thence coincident with the Southern the President of the United States dated March 27, 1918, and subsequent modifications Railway to Charleston; (5) that portion of August 23, 1917, appointing said adminis- thereof," and the order dated Mlay 4, 1918, the States of Maryland and Delaware located irator, and of subsequent Executiye orders modifying and amending said order dated south and east of a line coincfdent with the Ynd in furtherance of the purpose of said April 23, 1918, be, and the same hereby are, eastern bank of Chesapeake Bay and the THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: tUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 191S. 7 RECENT ORDERS ISSUED BY THE U. S. FUEL ADMINISTRATOR

southern bark of the Choptank River to Cam- Minn.; thence coincident with the Chicago, Section IV. bridge, Md.; thence coincident with the.Phila- Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway to Ortonville, The provisions f Section I of this regula- dolphia, Baltimore & Washington Railroad to Minn.; tion shall not apply to, or rcgtrict, deliveries Seaford, Del.: thence coincident with the (3) That portion of the State of Iowa to- of bituminous 'real from producing zone C, by Philadelphia Baltimore & Washington Rail- cated north and east of a line coincident with wagon or truck, or shipments of such coal road from Georgetown, Del., through Lewes Ocntral Railroad from Sioux City (a)For use as railroad fuel: (b) in whole M to Delaware Day. through Port Dodge to Ackley, Iowa; thence in part, by tland Naternays (other than the Section II. coincident with the Minneapolis & St. Louis Great Lakes) except where such shipment re- The territory described in Section I hereof Railroad through Marshalltown to Albia; quires a rail movement from the mines to the is hereby designated anthracite-consuming thence coincident with the Wabash Railroad waterways terminating 'outside consuming zone, and wherever any boundary of said zone to Moravia; thence coincident with the Chi- zone C; (c) to any points in Canada or Mcx- follows a line of railway, said Zone shall in- cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway through ice when points of entry to these countries clude all points on the portion of the line of Sewal to the southern boundary of Iowa; are located within said concumiag zone, such railway included in said boundary and all (4) That portion of the State of Missouri shipments to be subject to all applicable 11- east of a line coincident with the Chicago, cense regulations of the United States Fuel plaeos within the switching -limits of said Railway from Powers- points. Milwaukee & St. Paul Administration or the War Trade Board now ville, Mp., to Chillicothe; thence coincident or hereatter in force. Section III. with the Wabash Railway to Moberly; thence Coal consigned'in accordance with section I coincident with the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Section V. lhereof shall not be diverted to any point out- .Railway to North Jefferson City; thence co- side said consuming zone unless the consent incident with the western boundary of Cole, Coal produced in said producing zone C, of in writing of the coal zone permit bureau of Miller, and Pulaski Counties, IMo., to the St. such special qallity, for such special use or the United States Fuel Administration to Louis-San Francisco Railway; thence coInci- purpose, in such quantity and consigned to such 1liversion shall first have been obtained. dent with the St. Louis-San Francisco Rail- such retail dealer or consumer outside said way through Neosho, to the southern bound- consuming zone C as shall be designated in a Section IV. ary of Missouri; permit issued by the Coal Zone Permit Bureau (5) That portion of the State of Arkansas of the United States Fuel Administration in The provisions of section I of this regula- accordance with such rules and regulations tion shall not apply to or restrict deliveries of north of a line coincident with the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway from Memphis, as said Administration may from time to time anthracite coal from said producing zone by prescribe, may be shipped to said retail daler wagon or truck, or shipments of such coal Tenn., through Little Rock and Mansfield, Ark., to the western boundary or consumer, provided that no coal shipped (a) for use as railroad fuel ; (b) in whole or of Arkansas; under such permit shall be diverted by re- (other than the also points on the St. Louis, Iron Mountain in part by inland wattrways' Southern consignment or otherwise from the original Great Lakes), except where such shipment re- Railway and St. Louis Southwestern consinoe, unless the consent in writing of quires a rail iovement from the mines to the Railway south of the said line of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway; said Coal Zone'Permit Bureau to such di- wa terways terminating outside said consuming version shall first have been obtained. zone. (6) All points in the State of Louisiana located. on the lines of the St. Louis, Iron Any pcr'on, firm, association, or corpora- Any person, firm, association, or corpora- tion iolating or refusing to conform to this - ton ciolating or refusing to'conform to this Mountain & Southern railway and the St. Louis Southwestern Railway; regulation will be liable to the penalties pre- regulation will be liable to the penalties pre- scribed in the aforesaid act of Congress. scribed in the aforesaid act of Congress. (7) That portion of the States of Tennes- see and Kentucky West of a line IL, A. GARuInLD, Hi. A. GARFIELD, coincident United States Fuel Administrator. UnfteI Sta t F el Administrator. with the Illino'i, Central Railroad from Mem- phis, Tenn. through Fulton and Clinton, Ky., to Cairo, Il'l.; UNITED FUEL AltiuNIsTrATION, 1 STATES U. S. F a ADMINISTRATION, (8) The State of Illinois; Waslunglov, D. U., Aowenter Ii, 1919. Washngton, V. C., Kovember 14, 1918. (9) That portion of the State of Indiana ORDER RELATI TO BITtUMITOUS COca zONE west of a line coincident with the Chicago & OF THRE ORDER RELATIVD TO BITUMINOUS COAL ZONE C, Eastirn Illinois Railroad from Eva neville, M-1 ESTLrISHIxG A REGULATION ESTBLISHING A REGULATION OF THE SLE, Ind.. through Otter Creek Junction and Brazil SALE, SHIPHET, DISTsBI TION, AND APPOR SHIPMENT, DISTRIBUTION, AND APPORTION- to heatfield; thence coincident with the New TION1IDcT OP BITtNXINOUS COLL PRODUCED MONT OF BITUMNTOUS COAL PRODUCIE IN THE York Contral Railroad IN THE IIIG VOLATILE COL PRODUCING DIS- to South Bend ; thence DISTRICT OF WEST STATE OF ILLINOIS. coincident with the Michigan Central Railroad TRICTS IN THE KANAWIi Fuel Ad- IRGINIL Ek'ST OF AND INCLUDING ST. ALBLNS it appearing to the United States to the northern boundary of Indiana; THE CI'SAPEAKE & OHIO RAILWAY ministrator that the various orders heretofore (10) The Lowcr Peninsula of the State of ATONG Michigan. AND 'ITa SHORT LINE CONNECTIONS, AND made by said administrator relative to Bitu- ALONG THE Coi RIVER BRANCH OF THE CHES- minous Coal Zone C, regulating the sale, ship- Provided, however, that the producers of ment, distribution, and apportionment of bitu- bituminouts col in the State of Illinois hav- APEAKE & 01110 RAILWAY. minous coal produced in the State of Illinois, ing operations located, along the Mobile & It appeailng to the United States Fuel Ad- should be revised and embodied in a single Ohio Railroad and its short-line connections mini-trator that the various orders heretofore regulation; may also sell, ship, and distribute such coal mlade by said administrator relative to hit- Toc United States Fuel Administrator, act- for use 'snd' consumption within the follow- Ininous cool zone M-1, regulating the sale Ing under authority of an Executive order of ing described section' of the United States, viz: shipment, distribution, and apportionment oi the President of the United States, dated 23 All stat ions and points of delivery located on bituminous coal produced in the high volatile August, 1917, appointing said administrator, the Mobile & Ohio Railroad and its short-line coal producing districts of West Virginia here- and of subsequent Executive orders, and in connections within the States of Tennessee inafter described should be revised and em- furtherance of the purpose of said orders and and Mississippi to and including Meridian, bodied in a single regulation. of the act of Congress wherein referred to and Mississippi, and all places within switching The United tpates Pol Administrator, act- approved August 10, 1917; limits of such points; nnd Ing under authority of an Executive order of Hereby orders and directs that the order of Provided further, that the producers of hitu- the President of the Tnited States dated Au- said administratorodated March 27, 1018, en- minous coal ip the State of Illinois having op- gust 23, 1917, appointing said administrator, 'titled " Order relative to Bituminous Coal orations located along the Wabash Railway, in and of subsequent Exceutive orders, and in Zene C regulating the production, sale, ship- Vermilion County, may also sell, ship, and furtherance of the purpose of said orders and Inent, distribution, and apportionment of bitu- distribute such coal for use and ensumption of the net of Congress therein referred to and ruinous coal, and the method of such produe- within the following-described section of the approved August 10, 1917 tion, sale, shipment, distribution, and appor- United States, viz : All stations and points of Hereby orders and dscits. that the order tionment during the period from April 1 to delivery located on the Wabash Railway of said administrator. dated June 8, 1918, en- September 30, by all producers-of biteminous within the State of Indiana and all plsegs titled " Order relative to bituminous coal coal operating in the coal-producing districts within switching limits of such points; and zone ' 1-1,' ragulating the production, sale of the State of Illinois," and all amendments Provided further, that the producers of shipment, distribution, and apportionment o and modifeations of said order, be and the b:tuminous coal in the State of Illineis hav- bituminous coal and the method of such pro. same hereby are vacated and set aside as of ing operations located along the Cincnati, duction, sale, shipment, distribution and ap- the efpctive #te of the regulation 'hereinafter Indianipolis & Westein Railroad, in Sanga- portionment, by all producers of bituminous coal operating in the high volatile coal produe. estali~shed, and I mon County, may also sell, ship, and distribute Hereby makes and establishes the following sorh coal for use and consumption within the ing districts of West Virginia in the Kana- regulation effective November 22, 1918, and following-described sections of the United wha district cast of and including St. Albans until further or other order in the premises: States, viz: All stations and points of delivecy W. Va. (including the Coal River branch of in Indiana loated along the Cincinnatt, In the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad), along the Section I. dianapolis & Western Railroad to and includ- Chesapeake & Ohio Railway and short line Except as hereinafter provided, no bitumi- ing Indianapolis and all places within switch- connections," and all amnelinents and modi- nous coal produced in the State of Illinois, Ing limits of such points. fications of said order'be, end the same here- hereby dosigated Producing Zone C, shall be by are, vacated and set aside as of the effec- sold, shipped, or distributed, except to con- Section IT. tive date of the regulation hereinafter estab- lished. and sumers, and for use or consumption within The territory described in Seotion I hereof the following described sections of the United Hleee 3 makes and establishes the following is hereby designated consuming zone V. and regulation effective Novembr 22. 1918, -and States, viz : wherever (1) That portion of the State of any boundary of said Zone follows until further or other order in the premises: the Green Bay a line of railway, said zone shall include all south of a line coincident with voints on the portion of the lire of railway Section I. & Western Railroad from Kewaunee, Wis.. to provided, no bitumi- Amb-ersY Junction; thence coincident with ineluded in such 'oundary, and all places Except as hereinafter within the switching limits of such points. nouons coal prrdneed by operators in the high the Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie volatile coal-protducing districts in the Ka- Railway, through Abbotsford and Chippewa Section III. nawba di-trict of West Virginia east of and Falls to' the western boundary of Wisconsin; including St. Albans along the Chesapeake & (2) That p'ortion of the State of Minnesota Coal consigned in accordance with the Ohio Railway and it, short-line connections south of a line coincident with the Minneap- terms of Section I hereof shall not be diverted oncfalong the Coal River hianch of the Chesa-. olis, St. Paul & Sault Ste. Marie Railway to any point outside said, consuming zone C, peake & Ohio Raihvay, hereby designated Pro- from the eastern boundary of Minnesota unlesg the consent in writing of the coal zone ducing Zone M-1, shall be sold, shipped, or through Carnelian Junction, Minn., to Min- permit bureau of the United States Fuel Ad- neapolis, Minn.; thence coincident with the* ministration to such diversion shall first have distributed, except to consumers, and for use Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad to Norwood, been obtained. I (Continued on page 8.)

11 8 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1918. FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD'S PERSONS INSURED UNDER WAR RISK WEEKLY BANK STATEMENT, WHO MAY BE KILLED OR INJURED Liquidation in someevolume of bills discounted and bought, also .considerable ON FEDERAL CONTROLLED RAILROADS - net withdrawals of Government deposits, areompanied by a more than correspond- The United States Railroad Adminis- curring on any line of railroad under ing increase in members' reserve deposits, tration, Division of Law, issues the fol- Federal control, the general solicitor will immediately notify J. H. Howard, man- are indicated in the Federal Reserve lowing: ager, claims and property protecti lon sec- Board's weekly bank statement issued as Washington, October 25, 1918. at close of business on November 22, 1918. tion, division of law, Southern lHilroad Investments.-The week witnessed net Circular No. 4. Building, Washington, -D. C., giving the liquidation of 78.1 millions of discounts, Attention is directed to the act of Con- name and-emergency address of the dead secured by Government obligations, while gress entitled "An act to amend an act or injured person, his or her number, holdings of other discounted bills declined entitled 'An act to authorize the estab- rank, and routing, and in the case of in- 10.3 millions and those of purchased lishment of a Bureau of War Risk In- jured persons, his or her present address. paper 9.1 millions. The increase of 54.7 surance in the Treasuty Department,'" Such injured oflicers and enli-ted men millions in United States short-term se- approved September 2, 1914, and for other and members of the Army and Navy curities is caused primarily by a tempo- purposes, approved October 6, 1917, public Nurse Corps (female) will be remitted rar advance to the Government by the Document No. 90, Sixty-fifth Congress to their claim for compensation through New York bank of 60 million dollars (H. R. 5723). the War-Risk Bureau, and will not re- covered by Treasury certificate. Total This act establishes a system for com- ceive any payment through the RilIroad earning assets show a decline of 43.1 pensating officers and enlisted men and Administration. millions. women nurses of the Army and Navy No claim for damages for injuries oc- Deposits.-Government deposits de- Nurse Corps, when employed in active casioning death or disablement of such clined 133.2 millions, while members' re- service under the War or Navy Depart- persons should be recognized or enter- serve deposits show an inerease of 154.1 ments of the Government. tained. The circumstances. surrounding millions. Net deposits, mainly because of In case of railroad accidents, in order accidents should be investigated as here- the increase in the " float," declined 32.9 to avoid confusion and to effectuate a tofore and report filed. millions. proper and uniform handling of the com- The general solicitor will notify general Reserves.-Of the total increase of 6.4 pensation claims of sitch injured and dis- claim agents of this circular, who will in millions in cash reserves, 3.5 millions abled persons who are entitled to receive turn notify all claim agents. represents an increase in gold holdings. compensation under the War Risk Act, Jon BABroI PAYXE, The banks' reserve percentage shows a upon the happening of any accident caus- General Counsel. rise from 49.9 to 50.5 per cent. Ing death, disablement or of injury to any Approved: Note circulation.-For the first time officer, enlisted man, or member of the W. G. McADoo, since May 17 the Federal reserve note Army or Navy Nurse Corps (female) oc- Director General of Railroads. circulation shows a decline for the wedk, the total of 2,555.2 millions being 7.3 mil- Section IL - lions less than the week before. On the FUEL ADMINISTRATION ORDERS The territory described in Section I hereof other handl the banks' aggregate liabili- is hereby designated Consuming Zen,, M-l1, ties on Federal reserve bank notes in (Continued from page 7.) and wherever any boundary of said Yon- fol- circulation increased from 72.9 to 80.5 and consumption, in the following-described lows a line of railway, said zone shall include sections of the United States, viz: all points on the portion of the line of rail- millions. (1) The lower peninsula of the State of way included in such boundary and All places Capital.-Increase in the capital of Michigan. included within the switching limits of much member banks, also accessions to mem- (2) That portion of the State of Ohio with- points. brship of State banks and trust com- in the following boundaries: On the east, com- Section III increase of $122,00( mencing at the intersection of the lige of the Coal consigned in accordance with the terms panies, account for an Norfolk & Western Railway from Kenova, of Section I hereof shall not be diverted to in the Federal reserve banks' paid-in W. Va., to Sciotoville, Ohio, with the southern any point outside said Consuming Zone M-1, capital, which for the first time is shown boupdary of Ohio, thence coincident with the unless the consent in writing of the Coal Zone in excess of 80 miion dollars. ]Norfolk & Western Railway to Sciotoville, Permit Bureau of the United States Fuel Ad- Ohio; thence coincident with the Chesapeake ministration shall first have & Ohio Northern Railway to Waverly; thence been obtained. Condition of Member Banks November 15. coincident with the Norfolk & Western Rail- Section IV. investments in Treasury cer- way to Columus; thence coincident with the The provisions of Section I of this regula- Further Hocking Valley Railway to Marion; thence tion shall not apply to or, restrice deliveries tificates offset in part by disposal of coincident with the Pennsylvania lines west of bituminous coal from Producing Zone M-1, also continuous with- to Sandusky, Ohio; and on the west from by wagqn or truck, or shipments United State4 bonds, Cincinnati, of such coal drawals of Government deposits accom- Ohio, on a line coincident with (a) for use as railroad fuel; (b) in whole or the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis In part, by inland waterways (other than the panied by substantial gains in net de- Railway to the western boundary of Ohio, Great Lakes) except where such shipmcnt re- mand depohits are indicated by the Fed- thence coincident with said western boundary quires a rail movenicut from the mines to the eral Reserve Board's wdekly statement of to the northern boundary of Ohio. waterways terminating outside Consuming (3) Points .in the States of West' Virginia Zone M-1; (e) to any poines in Can ida or condition on November 15 of 752 member and Kentucky located- on the main line of the Mexico when points of entry to the,, coun- banks in leading cities. Chesapeake & Ohio Railway to and including tries are located-within said consuinin, zone, During the week the reporting banks Cincinnati, Ohio. such shipments to be subject to all applicable (4) The States of North Carolina and Vir- license regulations or the lUnite, States Fuel increased their holdings of Treasury cer- ginia and the District of Columbia, including Administration or the War Traue Boartnow tificates by 66 millions, the increase rap- tidewater terminals. or hereafter in force. (5) That portion of the State of South resenting apparently to a large extent Carolina east and north of a line coincident Section V. purchases of 4J per cent tax certificates. with the Southern Railway from Charlottb, Bituminous coal produced in said consaming Large disbursements by the Govern- N. C., through Chester, S. C., to Columbia, zone M-1, of such quality for such use and thence coincidentwith the Seaboard Air Line purpose, in such quantity, and consicned to ment caused the net withdrawal dur- Railway to Denmark; thence coincident with such -retail dealer or consumer outside said ing the week of 177.7 millions of Govern- the SoLuthern Railway to Charleston. consuming zone M-1, or in cas- of coal for ment deposits, 61.2 millions representing Provided, however, that bituminous coal pro- lake shipm~nt via Lake Erie ports to such withdrawals from central reserve duced in said Producing Zone M-1, when lake forwarder or dock operator, as shall be city loaded westbound in returning box cars or designated in a permit issued by the coal zone banks. Time-deposits declined -2.9 mil- returning stock cars may be sold, shipped, permit bureau of the United States Fuel Ad- lions, while net demand deposits went up and distributed for se and consumption with- ministration, in accordance with such rules in the following - described section of the and regulations as said administration may 107.3 millions, of which 55.7 millions rep- United States, in addition to the territory from time to time prescribe, may be shipped to resent-the gain at the central reserve city hereinbefore described, viz.: All points reached such retail dealer, consumer, lake fohaarder, bank,. Total reserve balances with the via the car ferries of the (a) Grand Trunk or dock operator, provided that no coal 'hioped Railway operating between Grand Haven, under such permit shall be diverted by recon- Federal reserve banks declined 80.3 mil- Mich., and Milwaukee. Wis.; (b) Pere Mar- signment or otherwise from the origiral con- lions, while cash in vault increased 2.3 quette Railway operating between Ludington, signee, unless the consent in writing of said millions. Mich., and Manitowoc, Wis.; and between coal zone permitbureau to such diversion -hall ldlngton, Mich., and Milwaukee, Wis.; (c) first have been obtained. For all reporting banks the ratio of de- Ann Arbor Steamship Co., operating between Any person, firm, corporation, or association posits to investments, because of the con- Frankfort, Mich., and Manistique, Mich_; violating or refusing to conform to this regu- siderable withdrawals of Government de- between Frankfort, Mich., and Menominee, lation will be liable to the penalties prescribed Mich.; between Frankfort, Mich., and Kewau- in the aforesaid act of Congress. posits, shows a decline from 79.2 to 78.7 ilee, Wis.; and between Frankfdrt, Mich., and H. A. GARFImLD, Der cent. Manitowoc, Wis. United Stdtes Fuel Administrator. S THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1918. 9


SECTION 1, NOVEMBER 26, 1918. Wilson, 2464 Linden Street, Brooklyn, CLARK, Leroy G. Harry R. Clark, 13 West N. Y. Union Street, Canton, Pa. The following casualties are reported iUDEN, George T. Mrs. Dora T. Suden, 824 DEETZ, Edward H. H. H. Deetz, Aurora, Oreg. Jackson Street, Hoboken, X. J. GRIEP, Jacob H. Marimus Griep,. 123 Home by the commanding general of the Amert- AGNEW, John. Mrs. David Agnew, 91 Delhi Place Lodi N. J. can Expeditionary Forces: Street, Belfast, Ireland. HALL, 'Patrick H. Mrs. Sarah Hall, Whites, DAUGIITRY, Leon Lee. Benjamin Daugh- burg, Ky. Killed in action ------512 try, New ton Grove, N. C. IIEISER, Joseph A. Dorothy M. Heiser, 3410 Died of wounds ------152 FAITH. Clifton R. Mrs. R. D. Forgan, Re- Carson Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. lay, Md. Died of accident and other - JOHN, Michael. Peter John, 412 Center HERDEN, Erich. Mrs Freda Krell, 4699 Street, South Bethlehem, Pa. causes ------9 Hanson Avenue, Chicago, Ill. KRANTZ, Lewis F. Fred Krantz, Brockton, Died of disease ------129 ROBERTSON, Roscoe C. William L. Robert- Pa. Wounded severely ------74 son, Victoria, Mo. KUDLACEK, John J. Frank Kudlacek, 2045 STANTON, Edwin M Miss Sofia Stanton, Charles Street, Racine, Wis. Wounded (degree unde- Riggs N~ational Bank, Washington, D. C. LUND, Lawrence N. Mrs. Anna Lund, termined) ------146 VANIK, Frank T. Frank Vanik, 2488 Eager Hooper, Nebr. Wounded slightly ------162 Place, Baltimore, Md. OOST, Allen D. George B. Oost, R. F. D. 7, FEATHERSTONE, Jerry. Mrs. Mary E. Owensboro, Ky. Missing in action ------209 Hoffman, Commiskey, Ind. SIEGEL, Jack. Mrs. Molly Kalker, 598 FINNIGAN, Charles. Mrs. Mary Finnigan, Brooklyn, N. Y. N. Y. Snediker Avenue. Total ------1, 393 1l3 Skillinan Avenue, Brookibn, STYLER, Frank A. John W. Styler, 559 'GORCITY, Stanley. Samuel Linkofsky, La- South Park Street, Elizabeth, N. J. trohe, Pla. AMES, Patrick. Michael Ames, Stokestown GORDON, Milledge A. Dr Thias A. Gor- County Rloscommon, Ireland. Killed in Action. dIon, Clemson College, S. C. BRESNAhAN, James. Mrs. James Bresna- KELLECER, Michael Mrs Annie McDon- LIEUTENANTS. N. Y. han, 13 Silver Street, Mitteneague, Mass. nell, 178 Ievoe Street Brooklyn, BRIDGMAN, Earl L. William Bridgman, HARKINS, Matthew Joseph. Mrs. Edward MALONE, Edward J. Mrs. Dorothy Malone, Witten, S. Dak. Harkins, Province Lake, N. H. J. 65', Jefferson Ayvenue, Jersey-City, N. FICKENScGHER, Edgar Ernst. Mrs. Margaret HUSTON, George Waring. Mrs. Nellie Smith WINTER, Sheldon. Emil Winter, 1123 Booth Fickenseher, 251 Peach Street, Biaff alo, Huston, 702 Church Stre t, Selma Ala Milwaukee, Wis. BATER, Roy L. William I auer, 142 Wash- Street, N. Y. ington Street, Atlanta, Ga ConronALs. GOLDNER, Jacob. Miss Lillie Goldner, 140 CANARY, James H. S. C. Canary, Caney, BUCHMEYER, Wilbur Daniel. Mrs. Rosie West One hundred and eleventh Street, Kans. . Buchmeyer, 1489 Monroe Street, York, Pa. New Fork, N. Y. CROUCH, Hutt. Thomas C. Crouch, Grand- ,BURROWS John Harvey. Henrietta Bur- KRVEIZINGER, Edward. Mr,. Phoebe H. New York, N. Y. Kreizinger, 1199 Euclid Avenue West, De- view, Tex. - rows, 51A Trinity Avenue, troit, Mich. NELSON, John B. Mrs. John B. Nelson, 822 CRONK, Jessie W. Jessie W. Cronk, Toms KYLE, Levere. William P. Kyle, Coulterville, Main Street, Eau Claire, Wis. Brook, Va. Renai. BYRD, George I. Mrs. Georgia Byrd, Law- EVANS, George t. John Evans, R. F. D. 3, renceville, Ga. box 12, Disputanta, Va. MAcCONNAH, Ray. Alex MacConnah, Seventy- Sarah Find- second Street and Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, ELSWORTH, Edward, Jr. Mrs. Ada S. Fl- FINDLEY, Dow Lorenzen. Mrs. N. worth, 840 Park Avenue, New York, N. Y. ley, Wagner, Okla. V ANDERSON, John W. Mrs. Arthur Tufts, GIROUARD, Albert. Mrs. Mary Louise GI- McFADDEN, James R. John W. McFadden, Emory University City, Ga. rouard, 38 East School Street, West Spring- Godley, Tex. KING, Harold James. James Ashoel King, field, Mass. MEtSSER, JEdward T. Mrs. Jennie Finn, 443 Manistee, Mich. HIGH, Walter J. Frank High, R. F. D., Gold Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. GODFREY, Frank C. Mrs. Bertha Comstock, Momence, IlI. METCALF, Harold S. John Metcalf, Fair 8 Warren Street, Norwalk, Conn. HJORT, Carl J. Mrs. Martha Hjort, R. F. D. Haven, Vt. JANSEN, Louis B. Joseph Jansen, 6130 1, Decorah, Iowa. MILLER, George R. Mrs. Neannetta Miller, - South Laflin Street, Chicago, Ill. JTURCICK, John J. Mrs. Veronla Jurcick, 628 Hollace Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. SHEDD, Clyde E. Horace 1. Shedd, 134 Rosenberg, Tex MOORE, Raymond J. Mrs. R. T. Moore, 133 Union Street., Bluefield, W. Va. KNIOKE, Harvey Archie. Mrs. Mary Zellmar, Walnut Street, Newton Lower Falls, Mass. ) MORRIS, Joseph Smith. Mrs. Eliza S. Mor- THOMPSON, Gardner. Milton S. Thompson, Seneca, S. Dak. ris, Mesa, Ariz. 09 Broad Street, Boston, Mass. KUSKIN, Edward F. Mrs. Anna Hulzmann,- Vine Street, stop 51l Willoughsby, Ohio. ROCKAFELLOW, Budford R. C. A. Rocka- SDRGuANTS. McCAULEY, Thomas G. Mrs. Emily Demeek- fellow, Winlock, Wash. BROWN, Walter S. Mrs. Flora Brown, ley, Plymouth Street, East Bridgewater, Mass. SCHLICK, P. Mrs. Louise N. Schliek, 10 Grand Avenue, North Hackensack, N. J. PRENTICE, Russell L. Mrs. Emma Leonard Main Street, Batavia, N. Y. COLEBERT, -Ernest H. Mrs. Ella G. Cole- Prentice, 162 Cornelia Street, Brooklyn, TAYLOR, Bernhard J. Joseph Taylor, John- hgrt, 689 Garden Avenue, Olean, N. Y. N. Y. sonville, N. Y LEE, George W. Mrs. Erasmus Lee, 4854 Allen R. Mrs. 0. D. Watson, Har- WATSON, Charlie I. W. Mrs. Elenore D. WATSON, Watson, 9 Albany Gardens, Shettleston, Mascher Street Philadelphia, Pa. persville, Va. Glasgow, Scot land. SENTI, Domenik. Antonio Biorsini, 123 WOJAK, Stanley. Joseph Wojakf 4 Union First Street, Donora, Pa. Street, New Britain, Conn. WILLEY, Alen. Mrs. Elsie Willey, 99 Res- SICARI, Antonino. Mrs. Fara Sieari, 152 ACONTITIS, George. Mrs. Rosie Acoutlus, ervoir Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. ll. FETTER, George. Baichas Fetter, Middle- -Lawn Avenue, Corona, N. Y. 2622 North Hamlin Avenue, Chicago, ton, Mo. SMITH, Hearl. Monroe Smith, R. D. 3, BEST, Harry F. Mrs. Ma Best, 16 Van- F. N. J. BAUER, William E. Mrs. Bridget Bauer, 53 WilloV Springs, Mo. waeneu Avenue, Jersey City, Mount Vernon Avenue, Orange, N. 3. ALWARD Charles H. J. C. Alward, Way- BRO ER, Ewald, Jr. Ewaid Broeker, 801 land, Mass. Elizalbeth Avenue, Elizabeth, N. J. BUMBAUGHen Paul D. Mrs. Daniel Bum- baugh, 358 Ringgold Street, Waynesboro, BAIUER, Edward H. Christ H. Bauer, 38 COLLINS Robert E. Mrs. Anna Collins, 47 Pa. Poplar Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. Elliott Street, Hartford Conn CARRAHER, Ernest J. Miss Clara Carra- DONNELLY, erank 3. iers. Terse Donnelly, BUIS, Tuel Mrs. Mary Bush Smith, 1330 her, 9 Homes 4enue Dorchester, Mass. 660 West Fourth Street, Plainfield, N.'J. Park Street, Memphis, Tenn. KNUTE, Herman E. John Knute, Glidden, FULTZ, Olen. Mrs. Wilhelmlna Fultz, 307 COLLINS, Charles G. Samuel P. Collins, Iowa. Commercial Street, Danville, II. Lynnville, Tenn., R. F. D. No. 4. KOUVARAS, Argyrios. Miss Olga Sandstrom, HESTER, Harley H. Mrs. Winifred Hester, HUMIHREY, James G. Mrs. Ethel Hum- Victor, Mont. - 57 West Main Street, Battle Creek, Mich. phrey, R. F. D. No. 1, Helena, Mo. LINDSAY, Henry B. Robert Allen Lindsay, KAHLE, Oren E. Elmer E. Kahle, Sheffield, IBBETSON, George W. Mrs. Mary Ibbotson, 1348 Fairview Street, Flint, Mich. Pa. R. F. D. No 3, Kalamazoo, Mich. LORE, Arick L. Mrs. Sadie Lore, Soloimons, KINNAMAN, Bertrand. Mrs. Luella Kinna- KEMP, Mason G. Charles H. Kemp, R. F. Md. man, 50 North Lincoln Avenue, Washington, D. No 2, Monkton, Vt. SEEGERS, Emit W. Emil Seegers, 371 N. J. McMURRAY, Gerald Prentv. Mrs. Mary P. Bleecker Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. KOCHISS, Peter J. Mrs. Stephen Koebss, McMurray, The Knolls, Riverdale, N. Y. ADAMS, Martin L. Mrs. Minnie Oglesby, box 13, Torrington, Conn. MILAM, Charles. Mr. Nelo Milam, Chelsea, Henryetta, Okla. KOGER, Victor H. Mrs. Belle Dennis, Nettle Okla. ALLEN, Carl W. Albert J. Allen, BiFown- Carrier, Tenn. PROCTOR John C. A. George Proctor, 74 ville, N. Y. KOSTER, Louis B. Mrs. Mary H. Koster, Church %reet, Watertown, Mass. FRANZBLAU, Edward W. Mrs. Lena Franz- 1450 Beverly Street, Richmond, Va. RENNARD, Herbert M. Mrs. Viola Rennard, blan, 168 Hall Avenue, Perth Amboy, N. J. KRUSE, George P. Mrs. Christina Kruse, 174 816 Ocean Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. FUNK, Calin T. Thomas Funk, London, Samburg Place, Newark, N. J. SAUNDERS, John. Mis lizabeth McQueen, Oreg. LE DY, Peter. Mrs. Elizabeth Leddy, 640 482 Willoughby Avenue, Brooklyn, N. YF HAWKS, Emery Morris. Charles Hawks, 817 Avenue C, Bayonne, N. J. Pasadena 'Avenue, Flint, Mich. POORE, Raymond. N. J. Lucia, 261 Pearl . MUSICIAN. Street, Pasadena, Cal. HOLMES, Thaddeus H. Grant T. Holmes, KRAMEL.S Charles 3. Mrs. Ida Kramel, 9 Eldred, Pa. STINER. Monroe. Lafayette Stiner, Sharps Center street, Ellen-ville, N. Y. JOHNS, George. Mrs. George W. Johns, Chapel, Tenn. Roundrock, Ux. TRUMP, Hobert A. C-rnelius Ruffner, Wood- BUGLER. NEW, Elmer. Mrs. Laura May New, Mas- land, Pa. 20 WIELER, Archie H. Andrew 3. Wheeler, tang, Okla. BIONDI, Thomas. Mrs. Alice BiondI, Mass. ROBBINS, Archibald Emerson. Catherine Drake Street, Bounfibrook, N. J. Moody Street, fire station, Waltham, 71-18 -3 10 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING IECIHANICS. DEVRIES, -Edward. John Devries, Prairie GERRITSON, Lee A. Arlie Gerritson, Wya- City, Iowa. Insing, Pa. BAGLEY, Peter T., -r. Peter Bagley, 15 Van- DILKS, Alfred W. Mrs. Sarah M. Shivers, GOLDSTEIN, Hyman. Samuel Goldstein, 663 dam Street, New York, N. Y. 704 Federal Street, Camden, N. J. Fox Street, New York, N. Y. DOYLE, Edward J. Mrs. Cora Doyle, 2313 DILLER, Mathew. Frank Diller, 11.2 Hum- HANSEN, Hans J. S. Hans H. Hansen, Lan. Seventh Avenue, Troy, N. Y. phrey Street, Monroe, Mich. glois, Oreg. KECK, John R. Mrs. Lulu B. Keck, R. F. D. DOLAN, John, Mrs. Mary Dolan, 238 North HINNERSHTZ, Harry. Harry Hinnershitz, 2, Leechburg, Pa. Main Street, Ansonia, Conn. Sinking Spring, Pa. COOKS. DORINI, Carlo. Mrs. Rabena Rizzotta, 1945 HOPKINS, Harvey. Harvey Hopkins, sr., First Avenue, New York, N. Y. Middletown, N. J. YOUNG, Edwin. Mrs. Kate Brooks, 9 Lafield DUNN, Joe B. Joe C. Dunn, Cleburne, Tex. HOPKINS, Thomas F. Mrs. Sadie Hopkins, Street, Dorchester, Mass. EADS, Walter. Mrs. Johanna Eads, R. F. D. 071 First Avenue, New York, N. Y. GRAPENTINE Frederick. Mrs. Mary Grapen- 2, Cunningham, Tenn. , HORTON, Thomas C. William N. Horton, tine, 457 South Fifth Street, Fulton, N. Y. EDDY, Frank. Mrs. Katherine Eddy, R. F. D. Everett Springs, Ga. MANDAK, Matias. Joseph T. Mandak, East 2, Kimbolton, Ohio. HOUSE, William L. Earl F. House, R. F. D. Islip, N. Y. EDWARDS, George D. Mrs. Mollie Edwards, 3, Attica, Ind. RIFFLERT, Herman. Mrs. Annie Rifflert, 1013 King Street, Charlottesville, Va. JARMI, Edward. Norst Jarvi, Hibben, Minn. Antwerp, Belgium. WILLIS, Charles. Mrs. Lydia May Engle, R. ARRINGTON, Henry H. James Arrington, P. D. 12, box 01, Kalamazoo, Mich. Waynesville, N. C. PRIVATES. ERBE, Garrett. Mrs. Ruth Erbe, 1121 Clin- ASH1Y, Parker A. Mrs. Flora E. Ashby, ANDERSON, Frank J. John J. Anderson,-1 ton Strbet, St. Louis, Mo. Bobree, Kv. Henchman Street, Worcester, Mass. FLICKINGER, Joseph E. Mrs. Ethel W. BUONICONTI, Gioseppe. John Buoniconti, ATKINS, Herbert. Mrs., H-. F. Driggs, 78 Flickinger, 366 Pennsylvania Avenue, Se- Pittsburgh Street, Greensburg, Pa. -Wells Avenue, East Hartford, Conn. bring. Ohio. CAMPONO, Francisco. Miss Anna Damono, AUTRY, William A. Joe Autry, Ashland, FRAZIER, Ignatius R. Mrs. Ellen C. Frazier, .823 Park Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Miss. Stockdale, Ohio. CAPPONI, Petro. Mrs. Rose Cappeon, Sil- BARBEE, Pete. Mrs. Nol1e M. Barbee, R. F. FRENGE, Alphonso. Mrs. Amelia Frenge, 759 lanio, Italy'r D. 4, Portland, Tenn. East Two hundred and twenty-ninth Street, CARDIFF, Stuart B. Mrs. Sarah E. Baby, BEDFORD, Arthur. Mrs. Ona M. Bedford, New York, N. Y. 4 Merrifield Road, Knowle, Bristol, Eng- Ardmore, Okla. FULLERTON, Vern J. Mrs. Elcie Becknell, land. Manchester, Tenn, BOGUSLAWSKI, Romas. Leonard Ciastke- CLENDENING, Foster J. Mrs. Kate Clen- wiez, 093 Third Avenue, New York, N. Y. GELINO, Gene. George Gelino, Aurora, Kans. GERNENTZ, Edward J. Henry Gdrientz, R. denina, K. F. D. 2, Fulton, Kans. BOHANNON, Joel M. J. ,D. Bohannon, La CONDE, Frederick W. Frederick Conde, sr., Grange, Ga.' YF.D. 5, Red Wing, Minn. GRELIER, William T. Miss Lelhan E. Grimes, 331 Euclid Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. BOMBARD, Leander A. Mrs. Olive Bombard, 600 Henry Street, Portsmouth, Va. DALLY, Theodore J. Mrs. August Dally, R. F. D., Brushton, N. Y. Reno, Minn. BORST, James IIAEFNER, Henry. Mrs. Katie Halline, K. Ray. Mrs. James H. Borst, P. D. 1, Mound City, S. Dak. DE ITALIA, Joseph. Mrs. Maria 0. De 147 Mechanic Street, Big Rapids, Mich. ialia, 39 Bryant Street, Revere, Mass. BOTTOLFSON, Bernhardt. Ben Bottolfson, HALL Guy R. Mrs. Alma Hall, National Boulevard, Fredericksburg, Va. DENROFF, Nicholas L. Jacob Denhoff, R. Hartington, Nebr. F. D. 3, Conklin, Mich. BROGL, Frank A. Frank A, Brogl, 1034 Lo- HANDEL, Laurence A. Mrs. Maude Potter, King City, Mo. DEPONI, Louis. Giovanni Deponi. Paese retta Street, North Side, Pittsburgh, Pa. Santagelo Indeottee, Provicia Di Caserta, COLLINS, John I. Nur J. Collins. 5 South HANSON, Albert H. Mrs. Mary Hanson, 308' Italy. Brighton Avenue, Atlantic City, N. J. South Birch Street, Escanaba, Mich. DUSCIIKITN, Isidore. Isaac Dusehkin, 423 HART, Samuel H. Mrs. B. H. Hart, R. F. DERBYSHIRE, Emery N. Mrs. Mona E. East Innis Street, Salisbury, N. C. D. 1, Petersburg, Tenn. Derbyshire, Manton, Mich. EDWARDS, Gus. Mrs. Dora Hoskins, New- HAYES, Louis. Mrs. Mary Hayes, 320 Spruce DIFAZIO, Linpordo. Frank F. Geotti, box ton, Iowa. Street, Latrobe, Pa. 333, Coal Bluff, Pa. ELDER, Francis X. James B. Elder, Emmits- HAYNES, Lynn Lewis. Lewis Haynes, 1301 DIRNER, Tohn. Gus Dirner, Tiffany Place, burg, Md. LeRoy Street, Jackson, Mich, Irvington. N. J. ESCUE, John. Mrs. Henry Escue, 1360 Tow- HEASLEY, Henry C. Henry Heasley, Ree- DISIMORNE, Fiordinando. Pietro Disl- son Avenue. Fort Smith, Ark. height, S. Dak. morne, Alabama Street, Oakfield, N. Y. , Gilbert J. Mrs. Fred Faber, San- ARRENS, Max. Henry Ahrens, Fredericks- DOLUCHTY, Edward S. Mrs. Mane Doughty, dusky, Ohio. burg, Tex. 510 East Second Street, Washington. N. C. FABRICATOSE, Satorino. Mrs. Concetta Ver- ARLIECAVAGE, Joseph. Simon Kusoloonis, EUSTICE, Raymond R. Mrs. Mary Eustice, rr, 478 Mulberry Street, Newark. N. J. Maizeville, Pa. Revey, Wis. FRITZ. Alfred J. Mrs. Charles E. Fritz, 2416 BACA, Federico. Mrs. Luvia 0. Baca, Na- EVANS, James. Mrs. Jennie Evans, 500 Main Grillths Avenue, Louisville, Ky. tional Avenue, East Las Vegas, N. MAex. Street. Benwood, W. Va. FULLERTON, Harry. John K. Fullerton, BARRINGER, Harold. Samuel Barringer, FALCETTA, James. Mrs. Gartana Falcetta, Rockford, Iowa. 344 Stuyvesant Avenue, Lyndhurst, N. J. 111 Hamburg Avenue, Brooklyn, -N. Y. GLOMB, Fred. Mrs. Helen Glomb, 2237 BASSETT, Charles L. Frank G. Bassett, FALLINI, David. Miss Hattie Falline, Cam- Orange Avenue, Cleveland Ohio. Tuscola, Ill. - bridge, Ill. GRAY, Mosely H. F. L. Gray, Middletown BRESAHAN, John J. Edward Moakler, 33 FINK, Nathan. Mrs. Dorothy Fink, 201 Madi- Spa, Vt. New Park Avenue, Hartford, Conn. son Street, New York, N. Y. HANNA, Ewell H. John W. Hanna, Har- BURKHART, Nicholas W. Ambrose Burk- FLICK, Michael K. Edward Flick, Scotch rold, Tex. hart, 4741 Richmond Str et, Bridsburg, Pa. Hill Pa HARPER, Ray C, Louis Harper, Norris City, TURROUGHS Phillip H. Mrs. Sallie H. HAR!LL, Oliver L. Mrs. Elizabeth Harrell, Ill. Burroughs, Bedford, Va. 1403 Marion Avenue, Marion, Ind. HILL, Davied E. Mrs. Sarah Hill, 808 Cleve- HEALY, Charles G. Mrs. Vashti Healy, land Street, Amherst, Ohio. CARLSON, Ernest H. Gustav Carlson, 9 Church View, Va. HILL. Robert M. Charles D. Hill, Ontario, Howard.Street, Jamestown, N. Y. HETRICK, Homer L.- Mrs. N. P. letrick, N. Y. CONROY, Joseph F. Miss Catherine Conroy, 106 East Weber Avenue, Du Bois, Pa. IVIE, Walter G. Jess Willard lvle, R. F. D. 39 Cherry Street, Montclair, N. J. AASE, Ole R. Rasmus Cleveland, Crosby, N. 3, Green Castle, Mo. COOLEY, Herbert A. Royal Cooley, R. F. b.. Dak. 1, Frultport, Mich. JACOBS, Charles A. Miss Freda K. Jacobs, ADKINS, Harry. William M. Adkins, Fort 929 President Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Cottingham, Cardie E. William J. Cotting- 31 Philps Gay, W. Va. JANES, Johazel. Walter Janes, ham, R. F. D. 2, Crystal Springs, Miss. ALLEN, Lee B. Frank H. Allen, Meshoppen, Street, Oneida, N. Y. - COYLE, Joseph A. Mrs. Anna D. Coyle, 132 JOHNSON, August R. Otto Johnson, 958 Sellers Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Pa. * West Twelfth Street, Erie, Pa. CROCCO, Joseph. Dominick Dialli, 79 West- ALLEN, Ralph H. Albert Alen, care of E. C. JONES, Harry Ralph. Frank Edward Jones, field Street, New Haven, Conn. Hammond, general delivery, New London, 321 Conant Terrace, Grand Rapids, Mich. DECKER, Louis L. John T. Decker, 32 East' Con JUNG, Otto F. Mrs. Elizabeth Jung, 473 Main Street, Middletown, N. Y. BARR, /Edward J. Mrs. . 'reida Bahr, 441 East One hundred and forty-third Street, DEFRANK, Earnest. Salvatore DeFrank, R. 'East Eighty-fourth Street, New York, N. Y. Bronx, N. Y. F. D. 1, box 92, Linglestown, Pa. BOYCE, John. John D. Boyce, 99 Monte KAIN, William M. John Kain, R. F. D. 5, DEKDCK, Gerritt. R. A. F. Dekock, R. F. D. Cristo Avenue, Oakland, Cal. Wooster, Ohio. 1, box 54, Sully, Iowa. BRODY,' Nathan. Pincus Brody, Krerhenetz, PRIVATES. DOWNARD, Hugh E. G. Mrs. Ada R. Russia. Downard, 220 South Dixon, Gainsville, CADDEN, Joseph F. Mrs. Ella Cadden, R. F. ANDERSON, Bror. John Loof, Mullan, Idaho. Tex. D. 2. Binghamton, N. Y. ARBUCKLE, Wyatt L. D.eck G. Arbuckle, CHAPIN, James. Mary E. CZjiapin, Chauncey, 230 Ninth Street, Chico, Cal. EISENHART, Herbert. John Eisenhart, 58 W. Va. ATHANASKOS, Evanglos. K Athanasakos, Bergen Street, Newark, N. J. CHELLMAN, Fred E. Charles Chellman, gon- 1610 Sheepshead Road, Broeklyn, N. Y. FOUST, Earl 0. Mrs. Nora Faust, 321 South eral delivery, Pennville. Mich. BUTCHER, Walter D. John Butcher, R. F. D.- Main Street, Fostoria, Ohio. CHERRY. Earl L. Arthur B. Cherry. box 1, Belpre, Ohio. FREYLER, Victor H. Mrs. Annie Freyler, 462, Sidney, Mont. CANNON, Walter D. Mrs. Lena (rnon, Hul- 1916 Pine Straeet, Helena. Mont. CHOATA, Jasper D. Mrs. Bettle Rodgers, bert. Okla. FURSTENAU, Carl 1L. Mrs. Della Furste- R, F. D. 2. Stonewall. OkIla. nau, 822 Sixth Avenue, Great Falls, Mont. CHOUINARD. Theodule. Miss Choui- CHRISTIANSEN, Conrad J. Richard Chris- Robart grade tiansen, Berlin Mills, N. H. GADDA, Onorato. Steve Gadda, nerd, 52 Cliffs Street, North Adams, Mass. CHU1RCH, Roscoe G. Mrs. Cora Harvin, R. Mill, Cal. CHRISTENSEN, Jacob. Mrs. Anna Chris- F. D. 1, Melvy, Iowa. GANNON, George. Mrs. Charlotte Gannon, topherson, Hurley, S. Dak. DAUGHERTY, James D. William T. Dabgh- 406 Billings Street, Elgin, Ill. COFFOLIS, Peter. John Cofols, general erty, R. F. D. 3, Englewood, Tenn. GAUTHIR Albert. Odelon Gauthier, 225. delivery. Pittsburgh, Pa. -DAVIDSON, William C. Mrs. Martha J. South Powable Locatum. Quincy, Mich. COLE, Harvey R. Mrs. Clara C. Cole, Mand- Davidson, R. F. D. 2, Mount itlla, N. C. GAVAIN, Thomas M. Mrs. Katherine Ga- low, Mont. DEMPSEY, Clyde H. Mrs. Mattle Dempsey, vain, 52 South Huntington Avenue, Rox- CRYSTAL, Morris. Meyers B9hecheter, 386 1912 Russell Avenue, Covington, Ky. bury, Mass. East Eighth Street, New York, N. Y. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1918. 11- CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING

DANIEL, Peter. Mrs. Peter Daniel, Barrows HAAS, Edward H. Mrs. Mary Haas, 1761 LINDSEY, James. Miss Eva Henderson, Store, Va. Sycamore Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Bethel, Clermont County, Ohio. DAOUST, lictor. Alexander Daoust, Brooks, HADLAND, Ingebret I. Ingle Hadland, Hal- MCKENZIE, Arthur. Mrs. Belle T. McKenzie, Minn. sececk, Mont. Wainwright, Ala. ENGLEKING, Elwell G. John H. Engleking, HALL, Harold Lamonte. Mrs. Mary E. Am- MCKENZIE, Findlay R. James C. McKenzie, Renville, Minn. berg, general delivery, Buffalo, W. Va. R. F. D. No. 2, Saulte Ste. Marie, Mich. FARMER, Arthur. Mrs. Elizabeth Farmer, TALVORSON, Oscar. Mrs. Clara Halvorson, AfSITANE, Rehn. Mrs. Edna MeShane, 317 71 Division Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Hooper, Wash. Marie Street, Otto, Pa. FIRTH, William.F. William Firth, 45 Bart- HANNAH, Willie, H. Charlie Hannah, Powell- MAST, Sebastian A. Mrs. Mary Mast, 1916 lett Street, Amsterdam, N. Y. ton, W. Va. East Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. FLIBBERT, Stanis C. Charles Fllbbert, 2 HANSON, Theodore. Hans Frank, Herman, MASUCCI, Henry E. Mrs. Osit Masucel, Camp Street, Worcester, Mass. Minn. Eveleth, Minn, IRE'lDENBURG, Louis Julius. Mrs. Eloise HENNESSEY, John M. Mrs. Bernie Hennes- MATCHKIEWICZ, Stanley. Joe Matchkie- Freudenberg, 22 Hopkins Avenue, Jersey sey, 483 East One hundred and thirty- wivie, 343 Rast Grand Street, Nanticoke, Pa. City, N. J. fourth Street, New York,, N. Y. MATTSON, Harold. Magnus Mattson, R.F.D. FRONT, Michael. Mrs. Fanny Kusnick, 1946 HORAN, Leo P. Mrs. Nellie F. Collins, 10291 No. 1, Marshfield, Wis. Douglas Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Shotwell Street, San Francisco, Cal. MILLER, Eugene. Jesse A. Miller, Valley GABRIELE, Joseph. Antonio Terrawla, 762 JACOB, Emil A. Charles Jacob, Grass Lake, Falls, Jefferson County, Kans. South Ninth Street, Philadelphia,'Pa. Mich. MILLER, Gregory. Mrs. Louise Miller, care GESINSKI, Charles. Joseph Belevski, 186 JELOUCAN, Max. Mrs. Mary Jeloucan, Po- of C. C. Donelly, Wayville, N. Y. North Sixth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. lan, Franj, Austria. MILLER, William. Mrs. Jennic Wade, 1808 GIBSON, Wallace W. Mrs. Christania Gib- JOHNSON, Charles A. Vic Ostleng, Borne son, R. F. D. 1, Coldbrook, N. Y. 1110 Avenue, Seattle, Wash. SiTath Street, Sioux City, Iowa. MORAIIAN, Edward J. Mrs. Mary IEATH, Everett M. Mrs. Mary Heath, 15 JOHNSON, Torsten 14 Athens Garcity, Street, Hillsboro, N. H. W. Tetidy Johnson, Street, Roxbury, Mass. Church Snostub No. 5, Sweden. MULLARKEY, Frank. Mrs. Anna Mullarkey, IIERIIOLZ, Frederick C. Mrs. Frances Her- KIERNAN, Frederick N. Mrs. Mildred Kier. 2817 Rossella Avenue, holz, 1511 Spring Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Cincinnati, Ohio. nan, 2 Norris Avonne, Batavia, N. Y. POWELL, Ernest L. Miss Myrtel Powell, HESS, Andrew. Mrs. Mary Hess, Owatonna, KINNEAR, Russell M. Mrs. 37.50 Broadway, Minn. Minnie Kinnear, New York, N. Y. 18 Fairview Avenue, Cumberland, Md. PREPTTIN, Mike. Mrs. Mary Preputin, IIGHAM, Howard H1. Mrs. Dealia Higham, KLINE, Ward R. Henry A. Kline, R. F. D. Loma, Mont. 20 Dare Street, Woodbury, N. J. 7, Niles, Mich. PRICE. Carl HOFFMAN, Samuel R. Mrs. Eva Hoffman, T. George Price, 14yalton, Ill. KREITEL, Clem. Mrs. Mary Kreitel, Na- REAVILLE, David B. Charles M. Reaville, 166 Boerum-Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. poleon, N, Dak. Flat Rock, Ill. HOFSTETTER, Ben 5. Mrs. Cathering L. LAROSA Francisco. Vincenzo Larosa, Santo Ilofstetter, Hayden, Colo. Italy. - REISEN, Benjamin. Mrs. Dora Grosalsky, Ninfa, Province of Trapam, 230 Blake Avenue, HOPKINS, Jones. Mrs. Ozie Jones, 707 Madi- LEYANNA, Francis Xavier. Mose Brooklyn, N. Y. son Street, Decatur, Ala. Leyanna, REISS, George N. Frank Reiss, 4256 Easton R. F. D. 7, box 81, Muskegon, Mich. Avenue. St. Louis, HOPKINS, Willie B. John W. Hopkins, Leb- LOMBARDO, Dominick. Mrs. Vnendo Mo. anon, Kans. Pa- RORENBLUM, Irving. Mrs. M. Rosenblum, tinrno, SovIgno Di Pngtio, Avileno, Italy. 637 Marcy Avenue. IGO, William. Mrs. Margaret A. Igo, Turner, LUKSHA, William. Joseph Hulak, Brooklyn, N. Y. Arz. 1428 Erie RUSSELL, Louie Albert. Byron Howard Street, Chicago, Ill. Russell, Cedar IMPOLA, John W. Matt Impola, 809 Fifth LYDEN, Alex. Carly Lyden, Springs, Mich. Avenue, North Minneapolis, Minn. Company A, SCUAEFFER. WaIter. Mrs. Christina Schaef- Three hundred and thirteenth Military Po- fer. R. F. D. No. IVEY, Richard. Cheatem Bratton, R. F. D. lice. Eighty-eighth Division, 1, Tower City, Pa. 1, Alma, Ark. American Ex- SCHNEIDER, Martin. Mrs. Lillian Schnet- pedilionary Forces, Paris, France. der. 71 Bleeker Street, JACKSON, Carol F. Mrs. Norma Jackson, MAESTRI William. John S. Brooklyn, N. Y. Artesian, S. Dak. Matthews, 111 SETSER, William H. W. E. Setser, R. F. Birdge Street, Solvay, N. Y. D. No. 4. box 18, Wakefield, KALINSKI. Albert. Stanley Marcinlak, MARCIHEGIONT, Fiore. Pasquale Kans. Hoopeston, Ill. Marche- SHEA, William. Michael Joseph Shea, 8804 gloni, Provincia Di Teramo, Montenbonna, Jefferies Avenue, Cleveland, KALTNIK, Steven. Frank Kalnik, Vander- Italy. Ohio. grift, Pa. SIMPSON, Charles S. Charles R. Simpson, 3iENTO, Samuel. Frank Mento, Parnassus, Frederick. Md. KARABANIK, Jim. John Jakabowski, 60 Pa. TREMBLAY, Newark, N. J. MICHAEL, Joseph August. Mrs. dile Charlton Street, Austin G. Mrs. Lette V. Michael, Tremblay, 359 Jefferson Street, Fall River, KASTANIAS, Gust. Nick Kastanias, Kalives, Boonsboro, Md. Mass. Akocoronu, Cania, Crete, Greece. MORGAN, James 1. Frank H. Morgan, 209 KAUFMAN, Reuben. Max Kaufman, 20 Ox- Purdy Street, Buffalo, N. Y. '11flXA, Gaetono. Catherine Umina, 1508 ford Street, Paterson, N. J. NAGLE, Charles. Mrs. Ada Nagle, R. F. D. Broadway, Brooklyn, N. Y. KEDENBURG, Carl. John Kedenburg, 52 3, box 126, Tohnstown, Pa. UPMAN Frank T. Mrs. Thereqa Upman, Broadway, New York, N. Y. NEFF, Elery C. Mrs. Annie Neff, Mincoville, 1920 West Fayette Street. Baltimore, Md. KE7EER, Charley A. Mrs. Clara A. Keezer, Pa. UZZI, John. Mrs. Theresa Uzzi, 213-C Thir- Ericson, Nebr. O'S 11 A U G H NE S S Y, Charles. Thomas teenth Avenue. Mount Vernon. N. Y. KOS, Joseph.- No emergency addreo given. O'Shaughnessy, 2234 Third Avenue, New KAMPF, Daniel R. John Kampf, Rome, Ohio. York. N. Y. KANE. Roy Thoman. Mrs. Ary A. Kane, KRIMINSKI, Alex. Mrs. Mary Kriminski, 250 Street, Youngstowf. X201 Lagrange Street, Toledo, Ohio. POULIDES, Nicholas Thermlstocles. John N. Scott Ohio. Ponlides, 84 Broad Street, New York, N. Y. AR, WFLAT, Andrew. August Karwelat, Col- KRUSE, Carl. William Kruse, 640 Pine linasville. Ill. Street, Elgin, III. , POWELL, Lewis M. Rev. Lockhard M. Powell, KUPFAHL, Waltwr E. William E'upfahl, R. Dalark, Ark. KATZ, Beny. Harry Fredson, 32 Seigle F. D. 1, Elkhart Lake, Wis. REEVES. William. Archie Reeves, 222 East Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. KUSSMAUL, Frederick A. Mrs. Annie Kuss- Patterson Street, Lansford, Pa. KELLEY. John J. Mrs. Mary L. Kelley, 1027 maul, 234 Amory Street, Jamaica Plains, SHARP, Otis.. James Sharp, Briceville, Tenn. Lo-ise Sireet, New Orleans, La. Mass. SHINCAVITOZ, Miles J. Mrs. Josephine L. KESSLER., Harry A. Mrs. Bessie L. Kessler, Shincavitoz, Collinlqville, Okla. LEVY, Samuel. Mrs. Sarah Levy, 14 Ander- 3511 Birney Avenue, lhinooka, son Street, Boston, Mass. Pa. KOLODISIT, John. Sam Olack, 105 Kenefr MILLER, Royal D. F. M. Miller, Rockhold, SINGLETON, George Finley. Mrs. Mary May Alenue. Detroit. Mich. Ky. Singleton, R. F. D. 3, Creighton, Va. KOPCYNSKI. Walter E. Mrs. Mary Kop- PATTERSON, Lee R. Clark W. Patterson, SMITH William H. Mrs. Rose E. Smith, box czxnski, 308 Lansing Avenue, Cleveland, Wilder, Idaho. %122, Yates City, Ill. Ohio. POTTER, John. Mrs. Ana Potter, 604 Brudf SMITII, William M. Mrs. Annie Smith, 1106 TANG, Accua E. Mrs. Anna D. Lang, Hager- Street, Rock Springs, Wyo. Bast Berk Street, Philadelphia, Pa. man, N. Mex. POUND, Thomas J. J. W. Pound, Pontotoc, SNIPES, Austin. Lawrence Snipes. Pelham, LANGE, Adelard, jr. Adelard Lange, 129 New Miss. Ga. Road. Pittsfield, Mass. SiPRiNG, Frank E. Miss Hermina Spring, PRINCE, Boughan. Travers A, Prince, Dan LEE. Richard L. S. C. Lee, Pace, Miss. base hospital, Camp Custer, Battle Creek, LINT. Charles Chester. Estep Lint, Perry. Brook, Va. Mich. RUMSEY, Wilbert T. Mrs. Maude Rumsey, opolis, Pa. Gladham, S. Dak. STEARNS, Peter. Miss Alberta Woods. 6512 LODERHOSE. Julius fr- Mrs. Frances Loder- SCHMIDT, Peter F. Mrs. Mary Schmidt, Twenty-seventh Avenue NW., Seattle, Wash. hose. 044 Monroe Avenue, Elizabeth, N. J. Bellevue, Iowa. STEINBACH, John. Mrs. John Steinbach, LUBECK. John J. Mrs. Margaret MacAuliffe, 8008 Bunsmade Street, Cleveland, Ohio. SOLOVA, Nicolo. Mrs. Dominica Battista, 317 West Seventeenth Street, New York, TOMASKO. Tony. Jacob Tomasko, 116 High N.Y. Carstelfrenip Feti, Italy. Street, Holyoke, Mass. WALKER, Arthur B. John P. Walker, 1155 WAGNER, Charles J. Jacob C. Wagner, MCCABE, James T. Mrs. John McCabe, 642 Water Street, Indiana, Pa. Leipsic, Ohio. Congress Avenue, New Haven, Conn. WEEKS, Jereme E. Mrs. Sarah J. Weeks, WARNER, Madison C. Mrs. May Warner, MANNI',G, Philip. Mrs. B. Manning, 1569 9 State Street, Saratoga, N. Y. 323 York Street, Tulsa, Okla. Anrunciation Street, New Orlens, La. WESTFALL, Cornelius R. Newton Westfall, WARNICK, William. Mrs. Tillie Curran, 916 MARCH. Andrew. Frank J. Marck, I. F. D. Wyoma, W. Va. Fourth Street Fairmont. W. Va. ' 3, Estiale, Beaver Falls, Pa. WHITBURN,' Frederick W. Mrs. Frances YANNANTUON6, Frederick. Paul Yannan- MATURK. Jacob. Matthew Warabee, 60 King Whitbt~n, Austin, Nev. tuono, 1558 Nostrand Avenue, Brooklyn, Street, New York, N. Y. WILLIAMS, Raymond 0. Mrs. Lizzie -Greiner MITCHELL, Lawrne I. Jackson Mitchell, R. N. Y. F. D. 3, Gonzales, Tex. Williams, Bon Air, Johnstown, Pa. YOWELL, WORTHINGTON, Robert C. Robert Worth- George B. George W. Yowell, Oak MONACCO, Paola. Mrs. Lucia MonacCo, Cam- ington, box 35, Jerome, Idaho. Park, Va. pobasso, Caprocotta. Italy. YEOMANS, Frederick J. James J. Yeomans, ZUCKERMAN, Louis. Samuel Kovit, 79 Co- MONTINY. Valere. Mrs. iargarite Montiny, 62 Hill Avenue, Medford, Mass. lmbLia Street, New York, N. Y. 128 Orange Street, Manchester, N. H. GIESKEN, Harry A. George Giesken, 111 LARSON, John L. Mrs. Anna Larson, 660 MORGAN., Join H. Miss Emma Morgan, R. Corwine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Hiks Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. F. D. 4, Edenton, N. C. GOODWIN, James D. Mrs. Maggie Hart- LEWIS, Frederick. Mrs. Henrietta Lewis, 449 MULLINS, Howard C. Albert Mullens, Olcott man, R. F. D. 3, Kansas City, Mo. West Fortieth Street, New York, N. Y. W. Va. 42 THE OFFJCIAL U. S. BULLETIN; TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING NABOCIK, John. Joe Nabocik, general de- SONNEMAN, Norman H. Mrs. Clara Sonne- LEWIS, Ernest J. Mrs. Dasie L. Lewis, R. livery, Port Williams, Ontario, Canada. man, 3008 Grant Road NW., Washington, F. D. 2, Williamsburg, Va. PARKER, Clyde S. Rodney Parker, R. F. D. D. C. MAYR Floyd Eberhardt. AMrs. Ashur Neval, 2, Milton, Vt. 'SOUTHWORTII, Julian M. Mrs. Mary A. R. V. D. 4, Muncy, Pa. PATTON, William R. Robert Patton, R. F. D. Southworth, 83 Fullerton, Avenue, Whit- NEWMAN, Harry. Mrs. John Newman, 16 5, Rochelle, Ill. lan, Mass. Grant Avenue, Harrison, N. J. .PLESSINGER, Elmer I. Henry H. Plessin- STANLEY, Arthur. Joseph Earle, Pemberton, OSTROWSKI, Walter H. Mrs. Julia Ostrow- per, Hancock, Md. N. J. ski, Halethorpe, Baltimore County, Md. PODANY, Steve. Steve Podany, Sheppton, STARR, Samuel J. Abraham Starr, 17 Ledge THOMPSON, William A. Mrs. Mary Thomp- Pa. Street, Worcester, Mass. son, 14 Hammer Street, Waltham, Mass. POl1LMAN, Carl F. Henry Pohlman, Faulk- SJEY, William Joseph. Fred Stey, 146 North TOMS, Stanley M. Mrs. Mary Toms, Gleneig, ner, Manitoba, Canada. Fruit Street, Youngstown, Ohio. Md. RATCLIFF, Guss, jr. Mrs. Sarah Ratelif, STORR, Max P. Mrs. Catherine Storr, 415 WARREN,-Jesse R. Leslie T. Warren, Malt, Ashland, Ky. Alder Street, Scranton, Pa. Ky . SHINE, Alfred Joseph. Mrs. Rose Shine, SWANSON, Charles. Andrew Swanson, An- WEINER, Harry. Mrs. Dora Weiner, 179 20 Huron Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. grums, Bjorsmala, Bleking, Sweden. Rivington Street, New York, N. Y. SKAltBECK, Joseph. Stanley Skarbek, 76 TAYLOR, Alfred J. Mrs. Zara Taylor, 1214 Warren Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. Cross Street, Dallas, Tex. MUSICIAN. SNYDER, Coloftel I. John Snyder, R. F. D. TETTAMANI, Agostino. " Louis Tettamani, 6 FORD. Edward F. Sergt. Thomas Ford, 115 1, Creston, Ohio. Perkins Street, Torrington, Conn. Thompson Street, Salem, N. J. STEM'PLEWSKI, Joseph. Ignacy Stemplew- THOMPSON, Marion H. Mrs. B. B. Thomp- ski, 108 Townsend Street, Buffalo, N. Y. son, Jordan, S. C. BUGLER. STRONG, Henry G. Alexander H. Strong, TOMLINSON, Raymond J. Benjamin Davis, LEWIS, William A. William Lewis, Frost- Leaksville, N. C. R. F. D. 1, Bridgeton, N. T. .burg, Md. SWIK, Franciszek. Hypolyt Jankoseky, 89 CLAY, Joseph S. Alfred Truman, Clay, W. MECHANIc. Morris Street, Jersey City, N. J. Va. VAYNA, Frank. Alex HAYES, Wald6 C. Mrs. W. E. Hayes, 1132 TRACY, Robert J. Mrs. Lillian Wright, 640 Vayna, 266 Park Ave- Farmington Crawford Street, lonia, Mich. nue, Toledo, Ohio. Avenue, West Hartford, Conn. WEBB, Roy. Ed. Webb, R. F. D. 6, Rood- VESTAL, Jim. John Vestal Novinger Ao. WAGONERS. house, Ill. WADE, Perey C, Mrs. Cynthia Wade, 'Elton, Mo. ALWINE, George S. Horace AlWine, Middle- WHITTAKEp., Ralph George. Mrs. Lidie G. town, Pa. Whittaker Swedesboro, N. J. I WARNER, Stanley M. Mrs. Elizabeth War- ner, R. F. D. 1, Algonac, Mich. MCCREADY, John C. Miss Besse Martin, WILSON, Claude D. Claude Wilson, Cynthi- Walnut Spring, Tex. ann, Ky. WELSH, Frederick W. Oscar L. Welsh, Hominy Falls, W. Va. COOKS. YAIABOWSKY, John. Clim Rarabanuk, 181 WILSON, John Garner. Alonzo M. IWilson, Howard Street, Newark, N. J. Allens BLANCHETT, Lewis E. William Z. Blan- HIBBITS, Hallie D. Mrs. Carrie Hibbits, Mills; Pa. chett, Walhalla, WILSON, William J. Mrs. Mary G. Wilson, S. C. , 1201 South Baird Street, Kirksville, Mo. Loretta Avenue, Toronto, STANLEY, Luther. James Stanley, 13 Cross HICKS, Marion S. Mrs. Mattie Hicks, Kir- Ohio. Street, Cambridge, Md. biville, Tex. -McDONALD, Alfred W. Mrs. Emma Kinney, HIGGINS, Matthew M. Mrs. Annie Brown, Died from Wounds Received in Action. Diamond Point, N. Y. 100 Glenwood Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. HIGGINS, Robert M. Myra Higgins, 1111 CAPTAIN. PRIVATcS. North Twenty-sixth Street, Richmond, Va. RAY, John E. Mrs. John E. Ray, Raleigh, ADAMS, Thomas J. Mrs. Ella Bond Adams, IIOLLERAN, Thomas. John Holleran, 807 N. C. R. F. D. 2, Canon, Ga. High Street, Youngstown, Ohio. ARNOLD, Lee C. Scott A. Arnold, Dubbs, IIOLSHUE, Carl E. John W. Holshue, First LIEUTDNANTS, Miss. Street, Dravesburg, Pa. ARENDS, Henry G. G. G. Arends, 408 South BALLARD, Charles J. Mrs. Annie 3 fodge, HUSTON, Harry E. Mrs. Edith Lauterbuch, Eighteenth Styeet, Quincy, Ill. 720 Hudson Street, Burlington, Kans. Valley Junction, Iowa. KNOWLES, Frank A. Mrs. Anna C. Knowles, BEKEART, John G. August Bekeart, Dade INGERSOLL, John W. Richard Ingersoll, 3 Queen Street, Niagara Falls, N. Y. City. Fla. Galax, Va. TREZEVANT, Roy I. Mrs. Roy HI. Treze- BUZZELL, Harry I. -C. 0. Buzzell, Caribou, IVERSON, Melvin 8. James Iverson, Silver- vant, La Grange, Tenn. Me. ton, Oreg. LONG, Jake Franklin. Mrs. Lillian Beatrice CAIN, John. John A. Cain, Leesville, La. JONES, Champ I. Mrs. Emma V. Florence, Long, 317 Long Street, Chattanooga, Tenn. CARROLL, John E. Mrs. Susan Hand, 4& R. F. D. 3, Bristow, Va. Johnson Street, Pawtucket, R. I. JONES, Daniel. Mrs. Mary G. Jones, 810 SERGEANTS. COLVILLE, Thomas H. Robert K. Colville, Stanton Street, Niles, Ohio. ALLEN, Tip M. Miss Alice Allen, 218 West R' F. D. 4 Lillington, N. C. KILLEBREW, George W. Mrs. Lizzie Kille- Second North Street, Morristown, Tenn. CORDOVA, Jose E. Mrs. Teyesitas Cordova, brew, Palestine, Tex. GADSDEN, Robert. Primus Gadsden, Dale, Questa, N. Mex. KIJIDER, Joseph. Plasius Kueder, 7 Clinton S. C. DAUGHERTY, John W. Miss Carrie Q. SMITH. Fred B. James Daugherty, Newcomerstown, Ohio. , Springs Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio. C. Smith, Ocala, Va. DELCONTA, Anthonio. KUPERSTEIN, David. Nathan Kuperstein, TOLLE, John W. . Mrs. Anna Christmas, James Deleonta, 217 Valley Street, Lawrence, Mass. Pauls Valley, Okla. Vesto- Italy. LEE, Oscar T. Thomas T. Lee, Dawson, CARHART, Gustav G. Mrs. Laura K. Car- DOW, kdward C. Mrs. Agnes J. Dow, 1 Minn. hart, 1010 South Willamette Boulevard, Crou'h Street, New London, Conn. St Johns, Oreg. DURKEE, Frank P. Eleazer B. Durkee, R. LEMAIRE, Ernest. Mrs. Tebo Lemaire, F. D. 1, Ousted, Hich. Guieydon, La. FABER, Harry F. Mrs. E. L. Faber, 347 Locust, Reading, Pa. ELLERY, Leo A. Mrs. Mary Ellery, 143 LEONARD, Lum. Robert P. Leonard, Wolf Plain Street, Rockland, Mass. Run, Washington County, Va. FOSTER, Leon E. Mrs. Louise Foster, Gran- iteville, Mass. FERRIS, Edward L. Edward C. Ferris, LEPPER, William H., Jr. Mrs. Olvra Lep- Spencerport, N. Y. per, 5 Cedar Avenue, Riverside, R. I. PEABODY, Ellery, Jr. Ellery Peabody, 70 Temple Street, FIELDKAMP, Hiram J. Mrs. Ella Field- McCLAIN, Robert J. Mrs. Marion McClain, West Newton,. Mass. kamp, Oakwood, Okla. Liudale, Ga. CORPORALS. FILIPOUSKI, Jan. Philip Filipouski, 811 MERSINGER, Phillip. Frank J. Mersinger, Tennessee Street, Michigan City, Ind. St. Jacobs, Ill. CAMPBELL, John A. Patrick Campbell, 29 Mead Street, Newark, N. J. FLICK, Andrew J. Mrs. Catherine Flick, 374 MICIHELETTI Josephe. Nello Taccini, 178 CHANDLER, James T. William A. Chan- -Highlands Avenue, Passaic, N. J. North Street Boston, Mass. dier, R. F. D. B. Gainesville, Ga. GERNER, Henry J. Mrs. Anna Gerner, 284 PADULO, Saveria. Antinlo Padulo, 182 CHRISTENSEN, Henry W. Peter Jacobson, Linden Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Lewis Street, Rochester, N. Y. Kensett, Iowa. GRONER Fred. Mrs. Preston Groner, Perry PICHETTE, Emile. Magloire Pichette, 517 GRIMES, Daniel M. Marvin H. Grimes, Street, Struthers, Ohio. t Chestnut Street, Manchester, N. H. Daphne Ala. HAYES, Andrew P. Mrs. Bridget E. Hayes, 24 Faxon Street, Roxbury, Mass. ROGINSKY, Tofil. William Roginsky, 1347 HEIGHT6N, Robert I. Herbert Heighton, Dartsmouth Street, Scranton, Pa. R. F. D. 6, Kent, Ohio. HEALY, Francis L. Mrs. Margaret Healy, - RUSSO, Vincint J. Mrs. Mary Russo, 347 HICKEY, Thomas J. Thomas Hickey, 206 Lincoln, Kans. East One hundred and ninth Street, New Oakland Street, Manchester, Conn. IIEILLE, Carl. Mrs. J. S. Heille, Casselton, York, N. Y. JACOBSON, Henry A. Jacob Jacobson, N. Dak. SCIIMITZER, William. Mrs. - Catherine Alpha, Wash. HItGG1SON, George. Mrs.,Tohn Forrest, 162 . Schmitzer, Willet Avenue. South River, N. J. KARTHEISER, William N. Henry E. Kart- Thompson Street, New Bedford Mass. SCHWE. Robert L. Mrs. Magdalene Schwel, heiser, 4704 Magnolia Avenue, Chicago, HOFFMAN, Henry G. Mrs. na'ry Hoffman, 508 Grand Boulevard, Iron Mountain, III. 2668 Marion Avenue, New York, N. Y. Mich. I4EDSTR M, Rudolph. Mrs. Fred Ledstrum, HOSLER. Charles K. Mrs. Izora V. Hosler, SCHWEITZER, William. Mrs. Mary Schweit- Sparta, Mich. R. F. D. 2, Berwick. Pa. zer. 108 Duncan Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. LIBBY, Lucian T. Charles A. Libby, Scar- HYLAND, Fred W. Mrs. Lucy Hyland, BIos- SHATANETS, boro, Me. som Street. Scituate, Mass. Efim. Mrs. Paraska Stolirsiak, SILL, Richard Is Mrs. Lillie May Sill, Madi- JACK, Thomas. Mrs. Margaret Bella, 61 Hancock Peabody, Mass. son, Kans. Slater Street, Paterson, N. J. c SHORT, Archie S. Lewis Short, R. F. D. 1, WALSH, John. Mrs. Lary Lawrence, 2216 JOHNSON, Oscar E. John Carlson, 117 South Apalachin, N. Y. Carpenter Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Main Street, Jamestown, N. Y. SITRADER, Emery Chappen. James B. BREECE, Aloaza K. Alonza. K. Breece, JONES, Clarence Everett. Mrs. Loretta Shrader, R. F. D. 3, box 113, Marion, Va. Sneads Ferry, N. C. -Tones. 519 Overton Street, Newport, Ky. SKOREP, Adam. Ars. Anna Nauracy, East HAIGHT, Ernest E. Mrs. Edward McGee, JORDAN, Claude B. Brady W. Jordan, Len- Chicago Street, Baltimore, Md. Maybrook, Orange County, N. Y. dale, Tex. SMITH, Harvey W. John D. Smith, general HAMMONS, Jack H. Mrs. Lizzie C. Roll, KAIN, Joseph. Mrs. Thomas Kain, Johnville, delivery, Alderson, W. Va. Lester, Ark. - Me. SMITH, Leo C. George W. Smith, 231 Shaf- HAUGHT, Harry. Ferman Haught, Bur- KEANE. William F. Mrs. Mary Keane, 1145 fer Avenue, Dover, Ohio. gettstown, Pa. West Sixty-first Street, Chicago, Ill. TH1E OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETINi TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1918. 13 CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING KIBBLE. Oscar. Hernard Walker, R.' F. D. PRESTON, Horace R. William Preston, BIERKA, Stanlef. Joe Bulkowki, 40 Grove 1, Calhoun, Tenn. -Owens Cross Roads, Ala. Stiret, Kingston, Pa. LAGATTUTA, Frank J. John Lagattuta, 349 RIESCHL, George R. Miss Mary Rieschl, Carnelia Street, Brooklyn. N. Y. 1205 Warren Avenue, Chicago, Ill. , CORPOR ALS. LAWRENCE, Pearl Edward. Mrs. Henry SANDY, Gilbert T. Mrs. Isabella Sandy, 38 ALLEN, Shelley. Mrs. Frank A. Kuhn, Wil- Lawrence, 250 Ann Street, Grand Rapids, Malvern Road, Worcester, Mass. low Springs, Mo. -Mich. l l SETTER, William L. Nicholas Setter, Brown BROWN, Charles A. Mrs. Vanna Estes, Ath- BAGWELL. Claude S. Mrs. Honie Bagwe , City, Mich. ena, Oreg. Belton, S. C. SUMNER, John B. W. W. Sumner, Onalaska, BYERS, Joseph. Mrs. Lizzie Byers, Struthers, BERG, Andy 0: Oscar Berg, Hatton, N. Tex. Ohio. flak. TRACY, Victor Andrew. John Tracy, Elk CANFIELD, Cecil H. Mrs. Anna Weaver, 21 BROOK, Frank P. .- Mrs. Elizabeth Brook, Creek Nebr. West Street. Carthage, N. Y. 1734 Warneck Street. Philadelphia, Pa. WRENK. Edwin F. George 0. Wrenn, R. F. COLIIOUER, Samuel R. Mrs. S. R. Colhouer, COOK, William .T. William-Cook, 2092 Gates D. 3, Disputanta, Va. Castle Shannon, Pa. Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. RUFFO, Antonio. Angelino Ruffo, box 298, DIPIANO, Guisseppe. Ambrosha Zalk, 740 COOPER. Thomas P. James A. Cooper, l-iifesdale, Pa. "outh Clark Street, Chicago, Ill. Springdale, Ky. SCIINABLE, John J. Mrs. Mary Schnable, DONNELLY, Francis. Frank Donnelly, Alvord, DAVIS, Leo B. Mrs. Gladys Worted, Spring- Clay ton, Kans. Iowa. field, Mo. SHEA, Timothy. Mrs. Julia Murray, Castle- EBY, Daniel A. Mrs. Emma ). Eby, Challis, DE CHARD, Warren E. Alexander De Chard, town, Ireland. Idaho. 133 Sanford Street, Nbw Brunswick, N. J. SIMMERMEYER, Frank J, John Simmer- EVANS, William II. Mrs. Helen L. Taylor, DEICKE. Herman G. Mrs. Herman C. Deicke, meyer, Batesville, Ind. 1106 North Front Street, Niles, Mich. R. F. D. 49, Schenectady. N. Y. SIMMONS, Frank. John Simmons, Gates, GROSSMAN, Carl. 'Mrs. Emma Groqsman, DEKETLAER, Edmund. Edward Deketlaer, N. C. 755 Etna Avenue, Hintingtn, Ind. 331 Fifth Street. Columbia, S. C. SMITH, John D. Charles Smith, Edgerton, HISKEY, Charles T. J. P. Hiskey, 2263 West DINEEN, Teremiah F. Mrs. Johannah Di- Ohio. Twenty-ninth Place, Los Angeles, Cal. neen, 360 Greenwich Street, New York, N. Y. SMITH. William F. Mrs. Mary Smith, Ship- SCIIIRAGE, Fred IW. William Selirage, Alli- EARLS, Fieldin K. Dudley P. Earls, Cliffield, pensville. Pa. son, Iowa. V a. TUDAHL, Oscar C. Ole J. Tudahl, Peterson, TAYLOR, Walne K. Mrs. Ada iI. Taylor ELKANICII, John I. Andrew G. Elkanich, Minn. 1900 South Flower Street; Los Angelek, Cal. R. F. D. 1, box *114, Holdingford, Minn. 184 TULLY, Francis B. Mrs. Frances Tully, MECHANIC. FLEMMING, Joseph R. Richard Fleming, St. Pauls Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. 1.a0 Carroll Street, Pittston, Pa. UNO, Albert. Mrs. Brito Uno, 1763 East Lfr,{John, Joseph Skal, box 310, Lyndora, GARMALINSKI, Safron. Frank Garmalinski, Eleventh Street, Portland, Oreg. 7S Elm Street, Willimantic, Conn. YALLIERE, Ernest Charles. Mrs. Clara Val- WAGONER. GLYNN, George II. Robert M. Glynn, R. F. liere, 78 Forty-eighth Street, Corona, N. Y. SCiULTZ, Albert R. Mrs. Julia Schultz, 160 D. 2, Lansing, Iowa. WEBER, Elmer R. J. M. Weber, Pisgah, Harrison Street,- Oshkosh, Wis. GURTLER. George, Jr. George Gurtler, 31 Iowa. Jumel Place, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. WHITTLES, John. John Whittles, 501 Cam- COOKS. HAMMOND, Claud C. Francis M. Hammond, bridge Street, Worcester, Mass. ANDERSON, Clarence. Claud Anderson, 418 Estelene, Colo. WICKLIFF. Claud II. Mrs. Lucy Loumin- East Madison Street Eau Claire, Wis. HARRIS, Thurman F. Mrs. Myrtle C. Har- hauser, 709 Main Street, West, Owensboro, BAILEY, Solomon. Mrs. Sarah Bailey, R. F. ris, Parkin,-Ark. Ky. D. 2, box 40, East Dover, S. C. HEWETT, Willie C. David Hewett, route 1, PRIVATES. Supply. N. C. Died of Accident and Other Causes. HORNBAKER, Budd. Mrs. Anna E. Horn- ADAMS, Earl L. Mrs. Mane Adams, Enter- baker, Belvidere, N. J. SERGEANTS. prise. V. Va. HUNT. Ninius L. Ninius L. Hunt, sr., Deni- ADDANTE, Vincenzo. Victor Addante. Prov- soal. Iowa. CRONQUIST, Arthur John. John A. Cron- ince of Bari, Triggiani, Italy. JACKSON, John L. Mrs. Mary Ruskoski, quist, Hillsdale, Oreg. ALLEN, James. Miss Rose Allen, 726 Ster- New Iberia, La. HODGES, Syl. P. Mrs. Anna L, Hodges, Dub- llin Street, Petersburg. Va. JOHNSON, Cecil A. Mrs. Effle Johnson, Bay- lin, Ga. ALLEN, Louis. Beli Allen, 424' St. Paul field, Wis. SERRURIER, Louis. Mrs. Louise Serrurier, Street, Memphis, Tenn. KELLEY, Julius. No emergency address 59 Bridge Street, Holyoke,* Mass. ALLISON, Woodville. Mrs. Florence Roloson, given. PRIVATES. R. F. D. 3, Maysville, Mo. KURBURSKY, Ervin E. Mrs. Ellen Kurbur- ANDERSON, Robert. Mrs. Estalila Anderson, sky. Conway Emmitt, Mich. BRANCH, Leslie. Mrs. Daisy Branch, 905 box 640. Delrio, Tex. LEVANDOSKY, Edward. George Levandosky, Fourteenth Street, Nashville, Tenn. ATKINS. Sterl Q. Mrs. Vilona Atkins, Kin- Seventeenth and Madison Streets, Manito- GORDY, Perry G. Oscar G. Gordy, R. F. D. sua, Warren County, Pa. woc, Wis. A, Thomaston, Ga. AUSTIN, Arthur W_ George Fishel, 9528 De- McCLANAHAN. William F. Mrs. J. H. Mc- KIRBY, Herschel A. Mrs. Viola Kirby, Edge- troit Avenue NW., Cleveland, Ohio. Clanahan, Riviera, Tex. mont Station, East St. Louis, Ill. BAKER, Nathan D. William B. Baker, Me- MABIE, Harris E. Wallace Mabie, R. F. D. PROPER, Frank. Mrs. Anna Proper, 211 dina, Tex. 1, box 30, Loyal, Wis. North Garfield Avenue, Scranton, Pa. BARNETT, Daniel G. James Barnett, East MINOR, Thomas L. Pat Minor, Martha, HINES, Ponepy. Tommy Hooper, Wayside, Pruitland, N. C. Okla. Miss. BENDA, Joe J. Martin Benda,, MYNARD, Monroe T. Tom Mynard, R. F, D. SCOTT, Arthur G. Maxey Scott, Hotchkiss, Iowa. 2, Enterprise, Ala. Colo. BRUHANON, Charles E. Mrs. Mary Boyd, NICKERSON, Leland S. Mrs. Louise J. Gil- box 94, Wells, Nev. bert, R. F. D. 3, Bu&anan, Mich. Died of Disease. BOWSER, Golden. Mrs. Mary Bowser, New PAGE, Charles C. Mrs. Anna L. Page, 289 Bethlehem, Pa. East Ftyfourth Street, New York, N. Y. MAJOR. BRAASE, Henry P. John Braase, Schleswig, PAULSON, Thomas, Jr. Mrs. Camilla Paul- Crawford County, Iowa. COPE, T. C. Mrs. Lillian Cope, 3 Garrison BRADDOCK, Benjamin. son, 20 Camden Street, Roselle Park, N. J. Avenue, Fort Thomas, Ky. Benjamin Braddock, PETERSON, Hjalmer. Mattle Peterson, Dem- Salt Point, Duchess County. N. Y. mon, Mich. LIEUTENANTS. BRANTLEY, Jack L. Mrs. Minnie L. Lia- Bateslafoa Plonski, ville, 90 West Coast Street, East Tampa, PLONSKI, Alexander. DEAL, Carroll W. Harley F. Deal, Ten,- Fla. 3223 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. nille, Ga. RISIH, Joseph Clark. Mrs. Naoma Rish, R. F. BROOKER, Benjamin S. Mrs. Margaret V. HAGUE, Jay H. Mrs. J. H. Hague, room 0, BROOKER, 4137A Shenandoah Avenue, St. D. 1, Winnetoom, Nebr. 154 West Randolph Street, Chicago, Ill. Carl Frederick S.- Linder- Louis, Mo. LINDERWELL, PARKER, Whipple H. Mrs. Louise Dent BURKE, John J. William E. Burke, 1028 East well. Lamont.lowa. Parker, 114 Plainfleld Street, Springfield, Loy, Haskell, Tenn. Pine Street. Mahanof City, Pa. LOY. Willie. (orge Mass. BURRINGTON, Lee W. Alartin A. Burring- MACIEWSJY. Boleslaw. Kazimira Mikolaj- SEGEOANTS. chik. 115 Wall Street, Elizabethport, N. 3. ton, West Townshend, Vt. MARTENS, Carl. Mrs. Frances Martens, 1938 BRINDLEY, Clifford G. Mrs. Ida Brindley, BUTLER, Leon C. Charles Butler, Wilmont, West Seventy-ninth Street. Cleveland, Ohio. R. F. D. 3, Brooksburg, Ind. Minn. MARTIN, William James. Mrs. Emma Mar- BURR, William R. H.,A. Burr, 6 Elm Street, BUTLER, Oliver. Miss Lizzie Butler, Shone- Whitesboro. N. Y. town, Okla. ti, Corivale, Mo. ^ MASSON, William C. Mrs. Mary Masson, R., DE JERNETTE, Eugene L. W. B. De Jer- CALLAGHAN, Joseph E. Mrs. Elizabeth Cal- P. D. 1, boxrd8, Forest Lake, Minn. nette, Commerce, Tex. laghan, 117 Comstock Street, Jollet, Ill. MATHER, Harry. John Mather, Shakopee, DIONNE, John J. Charles J. Dionne, 213 CAMP, Charles E. Mrs. Mary E. *Camp, route Minn. Harvard Street, Cambridge, Mass. 5, Zanesville, Ohio. FOSTER, William J. Richard Foster, 1286 CAPONE, Marino. Vito Capone, South Fol- MIRACLE, Joseph A. Mrs. Kate McDaniel, St. Hubert Street, Montreal, Canada, lusburgh, N. Y. 2312 Nineteenth Street, Ensley, Ala. GREGORY. Merle M. Blon S. Gregory, 1120 CHERRY, David. David Cherry, sr,, R. F. MITCHELL, Adam. Mrs. Anna Mitchell, 16 learst Building, San Francisco, Cal. D. 10, Fremont, Ohio. Blanding Street, Sumter, S. C. HEGBERG, Leslie W. William Hegberg, 7117 CHUBROWSKI, Peter. John Potapchuk, 67 MONTELEONE, Cesare. Frank Casapenper, Ingleside Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Iligliview Street, Norwood Mass. 241 West Twenty-seventh Street, New York, MUELLER, Earnest. Mrs. Ed Mueller, Mon- COLLINS, Joseph B. Mrs. fdable Collins, 844 N. Y. roe. Wis. North Fifteenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. MORRIS, Robert. Mrs. Kate Morris, Calhoun, REYNOLDS, Claude R. Mrs. Allie Reynolds, COREY, Roy D. Mrs. Celia Corey, R. F. D. Ky. MaySeld, Ky. 2,PVxiS, Mich. NASH, Dan E. Annie Nash, R. F. D. 1, WALCOTT, Edward H. Mrs. F. Walcott, CRAVENS, Varner M. Mrs. Elizabeth Cra- Edna, Tex. 1013 Lamenese Street, Biloxi, Miss. -vens, R. F. D. 2, box 4, Poplar Bluff, Mo. OLSEN, Wrolf C. Mrs. Zelma Olsen, lona, WALKER, Deane C. James C. Walker, box DAUL, Joseph Thomas. Mrs. J. Daul, 17 Idaho. 66, Dunbar, Nebr. South Saulford Street, Philadelphia, Pa. PRESSLEY, Henry W. George C. Pressley, WILLIAMS, William G. Jennie L. Williams, DAVIDSON. Egrl A. Lawrence H. Davidson, R. F. D. 3, Monroe, N. C. 112 North Congress Street, York, S. C. Clinton, S. C. 710_g18 14 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING DAVIS, Call G. Mrs. Eldrat Davis, Plaistow, LAHUE, Darl. Mrs. Mary R. Lahue, Berne, HENSLER, William A. Mrs. Helen Hensler, N. H. Ohio. 60 Lincoln Avenue, Irwin, Pa. DAVIS, Jobse. Grant Davis, R. F. D. 2, box HENDERSON, Horace 3. Mrs. Sophia A. ROGAN, Frank. Mrs. Martha Walker, State 15, Pedro. Ohio. Henderson, Laurel Hill, Fla. Sanitarium, Carlsbad, Tex. DAVIS, Louis L. P.ernel Fisher, Center HERREL, James S. Mrs. Elizabeth Herrel, JACKSON, William C. William N. Jackson, Street, Elm Grove, W. Va. box 312, Stafford, Kans. Lone Eim, Ark. -* DAVIS, Oliver L. Mrs. Oliver L. Davis, 786 HERT, Frank E. Lowry Hert, Perkins, Payne KENNEDY, Ray E. Eugene II. Kennedy, 509 Macuaaore Avenue, Memphis, Tena. County. Okla. East Fifth Street, Hutchinson, Kans. DEAVEI. Jmes P. John It. Deaver, Bluff HOOTEN, Le Roy. Mrs. James B. Hooten, KURZINSKI, Frank. Andrew Kurzinski, 71 Dale, Tex. Fifth Street, Washington, N. C. Barry Street Brooklyn, N. Y. EASEY, Iansel. Mrs. Rosa Mills Easley, HUMLICEK, Joseph. Mrs. Anna Gonanow- LACATENA, Cosimo. Lewis Lacatena, 18 R. F. D. 1, Bronns Crossing, Ga. sky. Silver Lake, Minn. Fayette Street, Binghamton, N. Y. ECKLER, Robert. Urs. Betty Knapp, 506 HYDD, George. Louis Hyde, R. F. D. No. 1, LINDSAY, Harry Francis. Mrs. Eva Lind- North Secorj Street, Iola, Kans. Joltan, Tenn. say, 1103 Fourth Street, Superior, Wis. EDWAVRDS, Robert It. Mrs. Katherine Ed- IRISH, George L. Mrs. Victoria W. Irish, OLIGZEWSKI, Izedor, John Susenske, 4851 wards, Lake Street, Pulaski, N. Y. Barrie, Ontario, Canada. South Paulina Street, Chicago, Ill. ESTESS, John D. Madison D. Estess, box ISAKSON, Frank A. Mrs. Ellen M. Isakson, OTTELLET, Arthur J. Mrs. Arthur J. Onellet, 344, Oil CITy, Pa. 2056 Liberty Avenue, Ogden, Utah. 493 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. ESTLER, John. Mrs. Anna Estler. 468 East IVERSON, Simon 0. Matt Arnerson, Kellogg, STERNER, Joe S. Samuel L. Sterner, Dikes, Broadwa3, Jackson, Ohio. Idaho. Mo. FACTOR, Joeph. Albert' J. Factor, Mont- LEDMLIN, -Ernest W. William E. Ledman, VAILLANCOURT, Leo Eugene. Mrs. Liza gomery, Mimn. Kalona. Iowa. Vaillancourt, 344 Concord Street, Fall FARELL, Christopher. Mrs. Margaret Far- LORENZIE N, Ben. Julius B. Lorenzen, R. F. D. River, Mass. rell, 251 Atlantic Street, Paterson, N. J. No. 1, Olin, Iowa. WERBICKY, Terentf. Alex Werblcky, 2475 rERGUSON, Ray. Hoy Ferguson, Kernes, Clybourn Avenue, Chicago, 11l. W. Va. WOJTKIEWICZ, Leo. Mrs. Elizabeth Woit- PINK, Frank. Joseph II. Fink, 151 Vine Wounded Severely. klewice, Wausau, Wis. Street, R . D. 2, Greenville, Ohio. CAPTAIN. WYAND, John N. J. B. Wyand, 1017 Eighth FISCHER, George J. Mrs. Johanna Fischer, Avenue north, Fargo, N. Dak. - 2756 Belmont Avenue, Chicago, Ill. * GAGION, Thomas It. Mrs. Helen Gaglon, 106 ALLEN, Lester J. Miss Olive Isaac, Hickory FLEITZ, Floyd. Mrs. E. Fleitz, 912 North South Mlain Street, Pittston, Pa. Grove, Belebertown. Mass, Spring Avenue, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. ARENT, Stanley William. Joseph Arent, FL.11MING, John L. Mrs. Kate Flemmina LIEUTENANTS. 1919 Fourth Street NE., Minneapolis, Minn. 1803 Senxard Avenue, Topoka, Kans. TIOLCOMUBE, William S. Mrs. M. C. Strib- BARRY, WillIam. Mrs. Nora Alverson, Lin- FLETCHER, Linus. James P. Fletcher R. ling, 3408 North Twelfth Avenue, Birming- coln Avenue and Third Street, Midland F. D. 2, Bath, Ill. - ham, Ala. Beach, N. Y. FLOOD, William. Van B. Morgan, Enonville, POPE, Charles Fairfield. Mrs. Charles Fair- CARLSON, Edwin Julius. ' Mrs. James Lawley, Va. field Pope, 235 West Seventy-fifth Street, R. F. D. 1, box 252, Canon City, Colo. FLOYD, Essie. Mrs, Sennie Floyd, R. F. D., New York, N. Y. CURL, Arthur V. George W. Cnrl, 1715 Web- Utica, Miss. ster Street, Fort Madison, Iowa. FLLEGEL, Alfred E. Herman Fluegel, Mill- SERGEANTS. DOWLING, Edward. Mrs. Catherine Dow- heim, Mo. HARMAN, Hubert Fish. Harrison Harman, ling, Waterbury, Conn. HANDY, FOGARTY, Lawrence. Mrs. Rose Fogarty, 201 Franklin Street, Sparta, Wis. Joe S. Mrs. Lillie W. Handy, 2015 Marquis Street, Ci4einnati, Ohio. IEILBORN, Julius Stern. Miss Elizabeth Si- Stuart, Va. FOLLETT, Edward. Mrs. Josephine Follett, mon, 1316 St. Paul Street, Rochester, N. Y. JONES, Maben K. Weldon Jones, R. F. D. 4, HILLIARD, Charlie Lee, John Hilliard, Silver City, S. C. 623 First 'Street, Oconto, Wis. LAVELLE, FOSTER, John. Mrs. Atlanta C. Foster, Rhine, Ga. Bernard Joseph. Mrs. Harry 1832 Fourth Avenue, Huntington, W. Va. - JONES. Warrell M. Mrs. Warrell S. Jones, Healing, 201 Garfield Avenue, Jersey City, FOUNTAIN, Virgil. William H. Fountain, R01 Daisey Street, Clearfield, Pa. N. 3. R. F. D. 1, Norman Station, Ind. MULDER. Beanie. Mrs. Anna Simpson, 1608 LAWRENCE, Glenn H. H. F. Lawrbnce, FOWLEIR, Robert A. Mrs. Lizzie M. Fowler, Faehin Street, Beaumont, Tex. Suruce Pine. N. C. 5 Dingle Street, Sumter, S. C. CHAFFIN, Pierce V. V. A. Chaffin, 122 Crow- LIPE, Orville Lloyd. Mrs. Jennie Overstreet, GLYNN, Edward G. Geogge Glynn, R. F. D. der Street, Barnsville, Ga. 2023 Edith Street, Murphysboro, Ill. 2, Sioux Rapids, Iowa. KIENERMAN, ' Penho. George Kiznerman, McBRIDE, Thomas F. Mrs. Ester Keenan, GRIEENLIEF. Deward J. Mrs. Sarah tle- 1345 Adgemant Avenue, Chicago, Ill. 64 Marshall Street, Paterson. N. J. SHARP, Wilbur T. Moody Sharp, Edina, Mo. MCELDOWNEY, George W. Miss Mary Fults, Donald, Coxs Mills, W. Va. Triplet, Ky. IIABISIAW, Bert J. Mrs. Annie Habishaw, CORPORALS. 1206 Fifty-first Street, Oakland, Cal. -MCLANE, Walter. Mrs. Lina McLane, Monti- BROWN, Walter D. Mrs. Carrie I. Brown, cello, K) IAGEMEYER, Carl II. F. William F. Hage. Glidden, Town. PETROSS, Dale W. Belle Blackburn, 220 meyer, R. P. D. 4, Bowling Green, Ohio. HODGE, HALL, James. Budle Hall. Anderson, S. C. Walter. Mrs. Etta Hodge, Florala, North Fourth Street, Rogers, Ark. Ala. RYSER, John, Mrs. Anna Ryser, Cashion, HAMMONDS, StirL. Mrs. Grace Hammonds, McKAY, Frank Samuel. Mrs. Ella Martha Okla. Higbhy, Ohio. McKay, 146 South Ravine Street, Battle TROJANEK, Lewis J. Mrs. Anna Trojanek, HAMMONS, Dawson. Mrs. Flora Yung, R. Creek, Mich. . East Jordan, Mich. F. D. 1, Beacon, Iowa. MANNING, Stephen. Mrs. Ellen Manning, WHTTELEY, William L. Mrs. Beulah May HARE, Fred L. Mrs. Eva Hare, R. F. D. 4, 870 Eagle Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Whitelev, R. F. 1. 1, Matinburg, Tex. Spring Valley, Minn. SAMUELSON, Clause E. Mrs. Bertha Samuel- WIDMAYER. Frank. Mrs. Josephine Wid- HARRIS, Albert I. Mrs. Kate Harris, 106 son, 703 North Seventh Avenue, Maywood, mayer, 550 West Fifty-first Street New Virginia Street, Pine Bluffs, Ark. Ill. - York. N. Y. ITARRTSON, Henry V. Thomas Harrison, JOHNSON, Eddie. Samuel I. Johnson, R. F. CARBERRY. Jesse R, David W. Carberry, R. F. D. 1, Enola, Ark. D. 1, De Queen, Ark. Russellvillc, Ohio. HAWKINS, Claude. Mrs. Laura Hawkins, CARTER, Marvin. Sterling P. Carter, Mexico, Boley, Okla. MECRANIO. Mo. HEATER, Isaac J. Mrs. Amella Heater, PRICE, Lewis H. Miss Mary H1. Price, box GOCITER, Francis A. Mrs, Elizabeth Gocher, 319 East Third Street, Delta, Colo. L04, Denton, Tex. 1009 Gabrille Street, San Francisco, Cal. FIEATHLEY, Robert. Mrs. Minnie Heathley, JORGENSEN, Clar J. Mrs. Carolina Hill, Orange, q. C. . PRIVATUS. 414 West"Republican Street, Seattle, Wash. HEFFERMAN, William Carl. Mrs. Mary BALLOW, Robert E. George H. Ballow, Sey- KING, William J. James King, Lunenburg, ilefferman, 12 Winslow Street, Detroit, mour, Tex. Vt. BELLER, William. Mrs. Mollie Beller, Mlich. 53 LENHFARR, Emory F. Emery C. Lenharr, IIELLMI'TF, Christopher. Mrs. Mary Hell- East Ninety-fifth Street, New York, N. Y. 212 Thirty-fourth Street, Woodeliff-on-Hud- nuth, 2921 Warsaw Avenue, Chicago, III. BRANLEY, Charles. Michael Branley 457' son, N. T. HENDERSON, HaIrry W. Mrs. Ruth. C. Hen- East One hundred and eighty-sixth 9treet, LEWIS, Charles Albert. John Zero Lewis, derson, 1910 Wensley Street, Philadelphia, New York, N. Y. - Centerville, Ind. Pa. CAHILL, Thomas-Sames. Miss Elizabeth Ca- SULLIVAN, John L. Mrs. Riley C. Johnson, JACKSON, Edward. Miss Mattle Jackson, hill, 415 South Jefferson Avenue, St. Louis, 1628 Fairview Avenue, Muskegon, Mich. Culpeper, Va. Mo. - WEST, Earl H. Robert E. West, 20 Lexing- JAMOISON, Shellie. Mrs. Susie Jamison, CALDWELL, George 3. Miss Alice Caldwell, ton Avenue, Hyde Park, Mass. Jamison S. C, 156 Sherman Avenue, New York, N. Y. JOHNSON' Clifford V. Mrs, Rosa Johnson, DEVEREAUX, Frank. Julia Garvin, 746 Wounded (Degree Undetermined). 751 West Eleventh Street, Des Moines, Union Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Iowa. DICKERSON, William. Scott Peterton, Prof- LIEUTERANTS. fit- Va. JOHNSON, Mark. Wallade Johnson, R. P. DODNOW, Peter. John Dodnow, 129 Steven- JEFFERSON, Albert G. Ernest S. Jefferson, D. 4, Battle Lake, Minn. son Street, Buryea, Luzerne County, Pa. 1011 Home Avenue, Oak Park, Ill. KARLGAARD. Ole S. Hanna Karlgeard, JONES, Charles J. Irs. Mary *Huffman 2469 Twelfth Avenue South, DONOVAN, Grover C. Mrs. Rachel V. Mor- Minneapolis, rison, 507 West Fourth Street, Wilmington, Jones, 3427 Gillespie Avenue, Dallas, Tex. MiAn. Del. WYLY, Lawrence T. Mrs. G. A. Wyly, 721 KEDING, Emil J. Karl Keding, Waterloo, DRAKE, Samuel. Nancy Owens, 5325 South Seventh Avenue, Duluth, Minn. c Iowa. State Street, Chicago, 11l. TORBRON, Orin F. Orin F. Torbron, 210 KENNEDY, Lester L. Elias Kennedy, R. F. FElRREL, Willie A. James A. Ferrell, Rose- East Pecan Street, ,Gainesville, Tex. D. 1, Sardis, Tenn. mary, N. C. sERGAESFTS. KIRK, Jesse L. 0. C. Kirk, R. F. D. 1, Lib- FIRTH, Joseph F. Mrs. Mary F. Firth, 12 erty Hill, Tex. North Seventeenth Street. Pottsville, Pa. APPLEGATE, George H. John H. Applegate, KOX VOLD, Edwin. John E. Koxvold, Evans- GALET, John. Joseph Galet. 2023 West Ryders Lane, Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, ville. Minn. Seventeenth Street, Chicago, Ill. N. -Y. KLRTII, Charles. Mrs. Sarah J. Kurth, HARDIE, Robert F. George B. Hardie, R. F. BROWN, John William. Mrs. Grace Brown, Ridgeway, Wis. D. 1, Theresa, N. Y. 415 North Eighth Street, Vineland, N. J. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2G, 1918. 15 CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING CARROLL, Dean. Mrs. Blanche Carroll, CLARK, Albert C. Mrs. Arthur Clark, Ross- MEFFORD, Albert W. Edd Mefford, Isa- Drumright, Okla. ford, Ohio. bella, Mo. DANALAY, Daniel M. Michael Danthay, CLARK, Wirt J. J. W. Clark, Narrows, Va. MESKIL, Frank. Miss Elizabeth Meskil, R. Eureka, Ill. CRAWFORD, Gerald W. William Crawford, F. D. 3, South Haven, Mich. IIARIF'NGTON, John II. Andrew Moran, 246 921 Ellsworth Avenue, Columbus, Ohio. MIELE, Aniello. Miss Anietta Miele, 70 Lombard Etroi, New Haven, Conn. DALY, James C. Edward C. Daly, Portland, Kemare Street. New York, N. Y. WILSON, Clinton. Mrs. Ada Wilson, Maus- Conn. MILEY, Russell W. Mrs. Lulu Miley, Bremen, ton, Wis.' , . D'AMICO, Frank S. Mrs, Ester D'Amico, Ohio. CORPORALS. 2310 Dalias Street, Houston, Tex. MILLER. Dewey C. John Miller, R. F. D. 4, BAGOT, Cedric R. Mrs. Fanny Bagot, 71 DAVIS, Cecil. Will Davis, Duncan, Okla. Nashnille, Ind. Siourney Street, Hartford, Conn. DEVLIN, James T. Patrick Devlin, 56 Car- MORRIS, Daniel A. John Do Haven, 1003 DUFFIDL]', Samuel E. James V. Duffield, nation Street, Pawtucket, R. 1. Ford Street, West Conshohocken, Pa. Skillman, N. J. DEYO, Charles. Mrs. William Deyo, 10 Cabot MOTTLEY, Willie. Mrs. Mary Mottley, R. F. FINNEGAN, Edward J. Mrs. Delia Finnegan, Street, Holyoke, Mass. D. 2, Shepherds. Va. 292:1 West Lake Street, Chicago, Ill. DIMITRIO, Vito. Giambattiolo Dimitrio, 8 NARLOW, ilerbert Henry. Miss Grace Nar- GETSE~ Willim E. Miss Ellen Geise, Ma- West Bradford Avenue. Flushing, N. Y. low, 133' Walnut Street, Milwaukee, Wis. hanoy City, Pa. EDWARDS, Daniel R. Mrs. Bulah Edwards, OLBINSKI, Frank J. Frank Olbinski, 026 HALL, John William. Mrs. Oma Fultz, Strat- Bruceville, Tex. Twelfth Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. touville, Pa. FARVOUR, Owen. Mrs. Grace Farvour, 605 OTTE, Fred. Fred Otte, Fairmount City, Pa. HARRISON, George W. George M. Harrison, Ripon Road, Berlin, Wie. PAPARELLO, Carl, Onerado Paparello, star route, Gago, Okla. FERGUSON, William J. Mrs. Elizabeth Fer- Orange, N. J. KINNISON. Frank Albert. Henry Kinnison, guson, 237A Virginia Avenue, Jersey City, PICARD, Arthur H. J. E. Picard, Lebanon, Boonet, Nebr. N. J. N. H. MURPHY, James M. Mrs. Tillie Murphy. FITCH, John J. Bernard Fitch, Whitney PIETRO, John. Joseph Pietro, 5 Shale Street, 7213 Third Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Avenue. Mount Carmel, Conn. Worcester, Mass. MYDIHI-, Alfred L., Mrs. Mary E. Myers, FLAIIIVE, Patrick D. Mrs. Mary O'Toole, POPE, Edwin Harrison. Mrs. Anna Pope, Burlington, N. C. Holyoke, Mass. Woodward Street, Apollo, Pa. PRITCHETT, Charles Alfred. Mrs. Pearl FLANAGAN, George P. Mrs. J. W. Murphy, REILLEY, Stephen J. Charles Reihl, 410 Pittchett, 210 Peach Alley, East Liverpool, 733 North Clinton Avenue, Rochester, N. Y. West Cambria Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Ohio. FLEMING. Ivan B. Mrs. Henry Johnson, RHOADES, Ross. E. Rhoades, Jordan Lane, SULLIVAN, David I. William J. Sullivan, Canhy, Minn. Wethersfield, Conn. Tonesboro. 1Il. FRIOLX, Alvin L. Miss Ila B. Frioux, 1248 ROCH, John A. Mrs. Johana Huber, 202 T!ORREY, Raymond 0. Mrs. E. 0. Torrey, North Madison Street, Stockton, Cal. West South Street, Akron, Ohio. Hampden, Me. FY, Dewey. Harry M. Fye, Curwensville, ROBERTS, Willard. Mrs. Bertha Roberts, VANDERFOPRD, Toshua. Mrs. Mamie Vander- 117 Dezang Street, Clyde, N. Y. ford, route 1, Santa Anna, Tex. GAGERN, Albert J. Mrs. Marie Gagern, 11 ROOK, Eugene R. Mrs. Anna Rook, 244 WHELAN, Justin Duane. Mrs. Helen Be- Halbert Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Fourth Street, Williamsport, Pa. atrice Whelan. 1517 Otto Boulevard, Cli- GIBLIN, Thomas William. Mrs. Rebecca Gib- ROSS, M. B. Mrs. A. M. Ross, 22 Wellersley cago Heights, III. lin, 2120 Garfi4di Street, Newark, Ohio. Street, Springfield, Mass. WITIDER, Herbert Bruce. Olaf S. Wilder, GOODMAN. Benjamin. Israel Goodman, Ros- SCHENK, Charlie A. -Ferdinand Schenk, 7025 Hillman Avenue, Birmingham, Ala. enhoyn, N. J. Schulenburg, Tex. GOODWIN, Ray W. Mrs. A. C. Marr, Clin- SMITH, Wiliam B. W. T. Smith, Oakman, ton, Me. Ala. DENIKE. Russell H. Mrs. Francis Denike, GREENWELL, William K. Mrs. Jennie Cor- SPENCER, Lincoln II. Mrs. Vergie Spencer, 803 Dekalb Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. - betl. 1104 West Oak Street, Louisville, Ky. R. F. D. 4, Kinmundy, Ill. PARISIH, Huntington S, Mrs. Bertha Wight, GREENE, Ray E. Sam Greene, Jefferson, STEFANSKI, Dominick. John Stefauski, 659 250 Main Street, Oneonta, N. Y. lona. Tromblev Avenue, Detroit, Micb. SHADE, Albert Franklin. Mrs. Sallie Shade, HALEY, Harry V. Mrs. Susan Haley, 5505 SI'DICK, Tony. Peter Morris, Westville, Il. 336 Frankliu Street, Reading, Pa. Girard Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. WILLIAMS, Ernest. Miss Louise C. Williams, CHAUrPUR. HALL, Elvin T. Freeman Hall, 84 Commer- 707 Martin Street, Greensboro, N. C. WHITE, James William James R. White, 30 FUNK. Robert Harold. cial Sireet, Lynn, Mass. Mrs. Myrta Funk, HARRIS, Joseph D. John Harris, Clements, Paddock Street, Pontiac, Mich. D2S South Hope Street, Los Angeles, Cal. Cal. WEST, Brocks H. Mrs. Mary C. West, 225 ' MECHANICS. North York Avenue, York, Pa. HARVEY. William A. Calvin F. Harvey, F. Clifton C, West, Tallas- KRArS, Norbert A. Mrs. Mary Kraus. 1226 Coffeyville, Kans. WEST, Henry HASALUK, Jim. see, Ala. Irwin Avenue, North Side, Pittsburgh, Pa. Frank Land, 1520 Eighth WEST, William. Mrs. William West, 5116 MURPHY, Daniel J. John Murphy, 20 Trull Avenue, East Moline, Ill. Nichommes Avenue South, Street, Somerville, Mass. HAWKINS, Philip. Clarence S. Foard, 387 Minneapolis, East Fifty-fifth Place, Chicago, III. Minn. 'WAGONDRn. WHITE, Robert. Mrs. Mary Prick, Dunmore, IEADSTROM, James. John J. Hunt, 7 Pa. TROTT, James E. Mrs. Susan Trott, St. Spruce Street, Winebendon, Mass. HICKS, WOOD, William II. Albert Wood, 4521 Fill- Margarets, Md. Fred. Mrs..Matilda Hicks, 333 Him- more Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. rod Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. CURTIS, Lee. Enoch F. Young, Blair, Okla. PRIvATES. HOLT, BenJamin A. John Holt, 10 Abbott Abel,* 1600 Forrest Street. Newton Upper KING, Wilbur. Frank King, R. F. D. 1, Hil- ABEL, Stanley E. E. A. Falls, Mass. ton, N. Y. Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa. HOPPER, Jack. B. A. Hopper, Bedford. Ala. KREAMER. Thomas ANOP, Michael. George Shafalovich, 40 Pine HOWELL, Cecil. Tom Howell, Aberdeen, W. Mrs. Kate Kreamer, Street, New Yoik, N. Y. Mien. 20 Dougles Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. KURTH, ^anley E. Mrs. Hattie Kurth, ARRENDONDO, Tomas. Mrs. Francisco JEFFERY, Sylvester. Mrs. Amy C. Jeffery, Tex. Newfane, N. Y. Rodrique, Zapata, i. P. D. 6, Kearney, Nebr. KVIETKUS, Peter P. John Kvietkus, Oak- ASPLUND, Charles R., jr. Charles R. Asp- JENNINGS, Thomas lund, 54 Lounsbury Strebt, Naugatuck, H. Mrs. Catherine Smith, ville, Conn. 300 East Hamburg Street, Baltimore, Md. LAMBRUNO, Camello. Nicholas Lambruno, Conn. JEWELL, Edward L. BARRETT, Chauncy D. John Barrett, Shorts- Mrs. Zelia A. Jewell, Albert, W. Va. 2317 Tenth Avenue, Beaver Falls, Pa. LAWSON, Nestor. Mrs. Emma Anderson, ville, N. Y. JOI SON, Arthur William. Walter Johnson, Newman Grove, Nebr. BARCHANOWIC, Charles. Kostanty Bar- 953 Taylor Avenue, Scranton, Pa. chanowicz, R. F. D. 24, box 48, Smeck, Pa. JOHNSON, Erick. Mrs. Grace Johnson, R. F. Wounded Slightly. BASTL, Frank. Mrs. Frances Basti, 5336 D. 1, care of C. E. Pierce, Rockford, Ill. West Twenty-fourth Street, Cicero, Ill. - JUSTICE, John F. Alvin Justice, Fishtrap, BERRY, Frank. James II. Berry, Justice- . Ky.# burg. Tex. CLARKE, Lawrence P. Mrs. Mary Clarke, BETTELHEII, Robert f. Paul Bettelheim, KAeMARCZYK, John. Mrs. Rose Trzeka, 10 166 East Ninetieth Street, New York, N. Y. 701 West loral Street, Visalia, Cal. Union Street, New Britain, Conn. FRENCH, Gardner A. Mrs. Georgiana G. BOLING, Andrew. Mrs. Sarah Boling, Cort- KELSEY, Charles G. John Kelsey, 817 South French, Livermore Falls. Me. land, Ky. Jackson Street. Butte, Mont. JACKSON. Willard A. William S. Jackson, BRODY, Mayer R. Mrs. Annie Osser, 1006 KIENAPPLE, William J. Fred Kionapple, Dunn, N. C. North Fourth Steet, Philadelphia, Pa. 124 Haven Road, Elmhurst, Ill. O'BRIEN, William Henry Joseph. Mrs. Wm. BROWN, Clarence Lincoln. Ralph Bannote, KINCHLEY, Joseph M. E. Hugh Kinchley, Henry Joseph O'Brien, 42 Dwight Street, Farmer City, Ill. 600 Telfair Street, Augusta, Ga. New Haven, Conn, BUCK, Robert E. Richard Buck, 65 Bristol KNIRKO, John. Mrs. Teresa Kersky, llupo- Street, Sikthington, Conn. koe, Soryke, Russia. SERGEAXTS. BURKE, Anthony J., jr. John G. Burke, LECOUR, WIlfred. Joseph Lecour, 22 Park Street.Lakeport, N. H. BYRNE, Richard J. Mrs. Catherine Byrne, 60 Fourth Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. LEONARD, 424 East Twentieth Street, New York, N. Y. CAMP, Edward A. Mrs. Bertha Camp, Sugar Charley. MrEC Mary H. Leonard, DAVIS, William F. Mrs. Emma J. Davis, Tree, Tenn. R. F. D. 3, Jonesboro, Ill. 25 Cottage Street, Keene, N. H. CAMPANGNA, Antonio. Mrs. Marie Lo- LIND, Jacob E. Herman Lind, 964 Eastern DOW, J. Rex. A. S. Dow. Fort Kent. Me. pro'te, Monmouth, Ill. Parkway, Brooklyn, N. Y. FORD, Sydney. Mrs. Sydney Ford, Isolation CANADY, Nathan Earnest. Watt Canady, LUNROTHl. Gustaf F. Mrs. Albertine Silden, 16 Whipple Street, Worcester, Mass. Ilospital, Bridgeport, Conn. R. F*D. 2, Hope Mills. N. C. LUKER{ART, GOOD, John N. Isaac Good, 84 Sandal Place, CARNEY, Clarence. Mrs. W. E. Breedlowe, Harry Lindsay. Mrs. Ella Luke- Canton, Ohio. 1718 Arthur Avenue, Nashville, Tenn. hart, 215 Oakland Avenue, Punxsutawney, SMITH, Norman F. Mrs. Mayme Smith, 11 CASWELL, John A. Mrs. Lettie S. Caswell, Pa. North Fourth Street, Harrisburg, ,Pa. R. F. D. 1, Midland, Ga. MATT, Frank A. Mrs. Mary Matt, R. F. D. 3, WEST, James H. J. W. West, route No. 1, CHANEY, Roy N. Ernest Chaney, Windom, Amsterdam, N. Y. Hokes Bluff, Ala. Tex. MCCARRICK, Edward. Mrs. G. YeCarrick, CHRZANOWSKI, Aleksander. Mrs. Florence Valois, N. Y. CORPORALS. Soureski, 8842 Escanaba Avenue, Chicago, MEACHUM, Burton W. Wallace C. Meachum, ALCORN, Cyrus C. Harry E. Cope, West Ill. 2600 North Eighth Street, Tacoma, Wash. Otterman Street, Greensburg, Pa. 16 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING CANDELORO, Paul Gabriel Candeloro, 7405 DANIEL, Victor A. Alfred S. Daniel, 617 MACK, Charles. Mrs. Harry Mack, 133d But- New Utrecht Avenue, Drooklyn, N. Y Bath Street, Catasauqua, Pa. tonwood, Reading, Pa. CANTWELL, Edward F. Mrs. Mary Cant- DARBY, Eldredge S. Mrs. M. M. Darby, R. MADISON, Walter F. Samuel Madison, R. F. well. 18 Sixth Street, Roebling. N. J. V. D. 2, Batesville, Miss. D. 8, Bonham, Tex. CASEY, Alfred W. - Mrs. Annie Casey, 341 DAVIS, Frank L. Mrs. Willie Davis, Far- MALONE, James E. T. J. Malone, 778 State Second Street, Troy, N. Y. mersville, Tex. Street, New Haven, Conn. CASEY, James M. Joseph E. Casey, 48 Rock- DAYTON, Emory E. Mrs. Gladys Dayton, MANGOLD, Walter W. . William Mangold, way Street, Lynn, Mass. -box 746, Masontown, Pa. Lorena, Okl. DANARGO, Lawrence. Anthony Danargo, DAZZI, Ernest. Gar Thomas, 741 East Park MANNING, John Matthew9. Mrs. Bridget 122 William Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. Street, Butte. Mont. Manning, 120 West Tenth Street, Covington', DANIEL, Elliott B. Elliott B. Daniel, Toyah, DESSEANIO, Vincent. Frank Licolli, 3420 Ky. Tex. Emerson Street, Philadelphia, Pa. MENG, Maurice L. Mrs. Peter J. Meng, New FERGUISON, Alfred. M. G. Ferguison, Os- DR WITT, Frank H. T. De Witt, 1374 Am- Lisbon, Wis. ceola, Iowa. sterdam Avenue, New York, N. Y. MIALEERGER, Paul L. Mrs. Cynthia Mil- FERGUSON, Vernon Clare. Mrs. Castilla DICIlKRS, Anthony J. Joseph Dichkus, 138 berger, Seventh Avenue, Tarentum, la. Ferguson, 24 North Race Street, Greenville, North Alain Street, Ansonia, Conn. NERLAND, Clai. ' Pete Peterson, Christian- Pa. DONOVAN, David T. Mrs. Amelia Donovan, son, Norway. FLETCHER, William H-. Edwin L. Fletcher, 509 Whitesboro Street, Utica, N. Y. NOLTE, Albert W. John C. Nolte, Western, Brandon, Vt. DUNTLEY, Harrisoa William. Mrs. Sue Nebr. HANSON, Carl Nelson. Mads Madsen, Fords, Duntley, North Hudson, N. Y. QUINN, William D. Martin Quinn, Elkhorn, N. . I FARBER, Louis. Samuel Farber, 287 Madi- Nebr. HERRING, Albert Everett. Joseph D. Her- son Avenue, New York, N. Y. rine. i. F. D. "A," box S, Jasper. Fla. FERRY, George P. Mrs. Helen Ferry, Wor- PAINTER, Samuel E. Zephaniah Painter, box HUDSON, Guy H-. Maud Hudson, Palmyra, thington Street, Oconomowoc, Wis. 16, Delmont, Pa. Tenn. . I FIELDS, James. Mrs. Snowie E. Fields, R. PATTERSON, Lester Ray. Elmer Patterson, JOllNSON, Robert Emory. John Crittenden F. D. 1, Bloomington Springs, Tenn. 121 East Grant Street, Grove City, Pa. Johnson, Shoal. Ky. FINLEY, Jefferson L. Newton .A. Finley, PATTON, Chaunce. Mrs. Mabel Wilkerson KOILER, Herbert. Elmer Ebert, 883 Sandpoint, Idaho. Patton, Seipio, Ind. Iuffum Street, Milwaukee, Wis. FINLEY, Rowland A. Mrs. Margaret Agnes TENNINGTON, William. Mrs. Anna Penning- McCUBBIN, Bruce. J. C. McCubbin, Reedly, Finley, 2307 North Gratz Street, Philadel- ton, 952 South Ninth Street, Camden, N. J. C'al. phia, Pa. PERIl, Samuel J. Leonardo Peri, Reed Street, PEN TELL. Frederick J. Mrs. Myrtle Pestell, FISKE, Richard Irwin. Mrs. Eugene Wil- Avon, N. Y. 1 Il1 ILeland Avenue, Houston, Tex. Itim Fiske, R. F, D. 6, Phoenix, Ariz. POMEROY. James L. Mrs. C. IH. Pomeroy, RI 1)Y, William Robert. Mrs. Sadie Rudy, 9 FLETCHER, Leonard II. -Mrs. Mildred E. 10 Fayette Street, Cambridge, Mass. Ve Street. Harrisburg, Pa. Fletcher, 15 Joseph Street, Leominster, 'OMrOY. Henry Don. James Polproy, Scalp Mass. Level, Pa. SIDWAY, Kenneth L. Mrs. Ida A. Sidway- POPE, John F. Mrs Silas E. Duncan, Floy- 72,Seaman Avenue, New York, N. Y. FRANCE.SCO. Inesso. Mrs. Christiana Fran- dpda, Tex. WAGNER, Jerome E. Nicholas Wagner, Os- ccsco. Torchiaa. Salerno, Italy. coed. Ind. FRANKLAND. Charles E. Charles E. Frank- POIRDON, Louis C. John Pordon,'7 Center WITE, Leon K. Miss Alma E. White, box land. sr,, 42 Burney Street, East Provi- SItreet, Garwood, N. J. 101. Northport, Ala. dence, R. I. PRESTON, George I. Mrs. Lena Shields, ('31 Penn Avenue. New Brighton, Pa. WIFSTER, Harry B. Mrs. Elizabeth Wiest8q FUSARO, Felice. Mrs. Maria Gallo, 212 West 001 North Main Street, Washington, Pa. Second Street, Boundbrook. N. J. PRINDI VILLE, Augustus J. Mrs. Mary E. GALLOWAY. Noah R. Mrs. Betty Galloway, Prindiville, 225 North Sixth Street, San BUGLERS. R. F. D. 2, Blounts Creek, N. C. Jose, Cal. BRYANT. Stanley J. Louis A. Bryant, Fred- GEARY, Lawrence .T. .Tohn Geary, 1003 R1OSCHNOTTI, Frank. Mrs. Margaret Rosch- orick, Okla. Pedch Street, St. Paul, Minn. notti, 727 Liberty Avenue, Brooklyn. N. Y. PUT I TN. Edwin L. Mrs. E. L. Pullen, 718 GENOVESE. Frank. Miss Marthine Helsher, ROST, Emjlo. Slsto Rossi, 703, Eat Dom- Ferry Street, Woodhaven, N. Y. 84 Main Street. Concord, Mass. ini'k Street, Rome, N. Y. GLASGOW, Albert G. Rev. Tames S. Glas- MUSICIAN. RUIZ, Anastacio. Mrs. Ines Riveria, Irvin- , Bainford, Ala. dale, Cal. CALDWE7,LL. Cloyd T. Mrs. Nellie T. Cald- GLENSKI, Henry. Mrs. Theresa Glenski, well. 1227 Penn Avenue. New Brighton, 1917 Hunting Park, Philadelphia, Pa. SITANNON, Patrick. Mrs. Mary Shannon, 14 I. GLORISO, Carmelo. James P. Gloriso, 522 IIasover Street. Worcester, Mass. ME.CHANIC5. Texas Street, Shreveport, La. SIATTT(fK, Earl T. Mrs. Isabeile N. Shat- GOFF. Fred. T. M. Goff. R. F. D. 2, Flat tuck, Hillsdale, N. Y. CAREY Frank M. Mrs. Mary Casey, Cordi- Rock, Ill. SOUTHER, Ralph D. Mrs. George S0,ther, 'en Bridge, Prince Edward Island. Canada. 120 River Road, Winthrop, Mass. ELLIS, Robert. Mrs. Tadie II. Talbot, 812 GOLDBERG. Abraham. Dave Goldbere. 1115 SPARKS, Clarence L. Mrs. Nellie Sparks, 1l'lba Street, Oak Cliff. Dallas, Tex. . Dupont Street. North Minneanolis, Minn. 312 Fourteenth Street, Jeffersonvill', Ind. IODGDEN. John Gilford. Fawn Hodgdon, GOLDSWORTHY: Thomas C. - Mrs. Elisa SPELL, Richard P. Richard 0. Spell, R. F. 001 North Central Avenue, Marshfield, Wis. Goldivorthy, 217 Halcet Street, Kittanning, D. 1, Roseboro, N. C. Pa. NALESNIK. Marko. George Nalesnik, 4 Her- STEED, Chirles F.' Robert Carlile, 800 La- bert Street, Salem, Mass. GOOD. William J. Walter F. Good, 765 West blanch Street, Houston, Tex. Pittsburg Street Greensburg. Pa. STEELE, John. Miss Olive May Stale, 125 WAGONR. GRIFFIN, James G. - Mrs. Francis Griffin, WILEY. South Spring' Street, Bellefonte, Pa. Ross E. Mrs. Goldie M. Wiley, 128 1141 South Twenty-third Street, Philadel- ,STEVENS, Gordon S. Charles. A. Stevens, Vine Street, Harrisburg, Pa. phia. Pa. 90 Prospect Street, New Haven, Conn. COOKS. GUSTKE, Herman August. Mrs. Bertha STRIFFLER. James. Mrs. G. W. Striffler, Gustke, 535 Seneka Avenue, Detroit, Mich. 20 Covert Street, Brooklyn, N. T, GAINES, Andrew Wnihn'mn. Mrs. Nellie B. HAGGARD. Chenanlt M. Mrs. Minnie Baker, Gaines, SULLIVAN, William J. Mrs. Catherine Kel- Meadowbrook, W. Va. Williams, Iowa. lev. 131 Elm Street, Lawrence. Mas'. GARNER, Walter C. Mrs. Elza J. Garner, HAWK, Isaac W. Mrs. Emily Hawk, 422 It. F. D, Woodbine, Tex. SUILZBACHER *Edward B. Mrs. Joseph West Fifth Street Nescopeck, Pa. Morse, 181 Seventh Avenue South, Nash- PRIVATES, IIETNBATTGH. Oran. Mrs. Etta May Enor, 1219 Swacmore Street, Connellsville, Pa. ville, Tenn. AMTMANN, George X. Mrs. Louisa Martens, HIGGINS, John T. John Higgins, 40 Ceme- TANCK,. Paul 0., jx. Mrs. Emma Tanck, 12 .Tay Street, Br~oklyn. N. Y. tery Avenue, Newton Center, Mass. Islip, N. Y. ANDERS. August W. William Anders, Or- HILL Cland 0. Mrs. Hester Briston, We- Tilton. Ferris, III. lend, Ill. - TILTON. Carl. Mrs. Mary ANDERSON, Fredolph E. Mrs. Betty Ander- tumka, Okla. TOMECEK. Louis. Frank Tomecek. i. F D. son. Kewanee, III. HILL. Erakin R. S. N. O'Barr. 3732 East 1, box 26, Austin, Tex. ARIETA, Louie. Sam Arieta, 1514 B Street, South Avenue, Birmingham, Ala. TRACY, Philip E. Mrs. Mary A. Tracy, 110 Fresno Cal. HULL Fred HI. Mrs. Charles O'Brien. Som- Tenth Street. Valley Junction, lowa. ATSTIN, Francis E. Miss Myrtle Austin, R. ers. Iowa. WADDELL, Otto. Mrs. j. W.L Brid-eman, F. D. 4, Madison, Mo. . ITUTTON. Herbert C. Albert Beer, Garden Great Falls, Mont. BEILSTEIN, Gustave. Harry Bellstein, 483 City, MinD. WALTERS, Raymond L. Mrs. Aaron Walters, llushwick Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. JANOCHA. John T. Frank Janocha, Mar- 824 Lincoln Street, Easton, Pa. BOOKER, Simon. Mrs. Sue Booker, R. F. D. ket Street. ChicopeS, Mass. WEBBER. Charles P. Mrs. Ella Webber, 323 0. box 135, Columbia, Tenn. JENNER, William B. George P. Jenner. West Front Street, Findlay. Ohio. BROWN. Jesse T. Mrs. Grace Brown, R. F. I 10 East Walnut Street. Chanute, Kans. WELCH, Thomas D. Mrs. Mary E. Welch, D. 2, Ionia, Mich. .TOITNSON. Joseph. John B. Johnson. Min- 23 Monument Square, Charlestown. Mass. BUJAK. Stephen. Miss Rose Bujak, 48 First neota. Minn. WIESE Harry F. Mrs. Minnis Wiese, 8 Avenue, Kingston, N. Y. JOTINSON, Orton. Mrs. Seiver f. Johnson, North Windall Avenue, Schenectady. N. Y. BTITCHIN, Herman. Mrs. Annie Butchin, 024 Tohnson Street, Lacrosse, Wis. WILLIAMS, Meredith. Mrs. Anna Ella Wil- 922 New Market Street. Philadelphia, Pa. KABIN, Max L. - Jack Kabin,' 3548 Gren- liams, 521 South Street, Slatington. Pa CALLAHAN, Owen E. Mrs. Anna Callahan, show Street, Chicago, Ill. WILSON, Sol. Mrs. Catherine Wilson, Eville, Hih Street, Portland, Conn. KING. Alfred P. A. I. King, 311 Fifteenth S. C. CALLOWAY, Sidney Rt. J. W. Calloway, box Avenue, Clinton. Iowa. WISE, Walter. Mrs. Mary E. Wise, 134 20., Thermopolis, Wyo. KTPLEY, James H. Mrs. Liza Kipley, R. F. Laurel Street. Lancaster, Pa. CAMIlBELL, William II. Mrs. Mary Camp- D. 2. Lexington, N. C. WRIGHT, A. E. A. Wright, 40 B..rbank b'll. 203 Diman Street, Fah River, Mass. KROIL. Asa .T. Mrs. Mary Krom, box 5, Street, Pittsfield, Mass. CARON, George. Onesine Caron, 21 Indigo Binn-water. N. Y. YOUNG, Benjamin F. Mrs. Sarah Young, Hill Road, Somerqwo-th, N. I. KURES Josuph. William Kures. 4101 West Shelby, Idaho. CARRANO, Amielo. Mrs, Pasquale Staiano, Madison Street. Chicago, Il. 840 Washington Street, New York, N. Y. McCARTY. Rov William. Mrs. Maggie May YOUNG, Frank Phillip. Mrs. Ira Randolph CHAPMAN, William 11. Barton Chapman, Kiissington, 2157 North Fourth Street, Har- Young, 1623 Eighteenth Street NE., Canton, 11=0 Avenue H-. Ensley, Ala. rihurq, Pa. Ohio. CLIPP, Ralph W. Mrs. Lizzie Clipp, Flush- MrKTNNON. Augustus D. Mrs. Callie Mc- YOUNG, John Murray. William Wesley ing, Ohio. Kinnon, Geneva, Ala. Young, 158 Valley Street, Lewistown, Pa. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1918. 17 CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING

Missing in Action. FERRINI. Ellis P. Mrs. Mary Ferrini, San GOODLINE, Peter J. Mrs. Mary Goodline, Luis Obispo, Cal. 181 Cottage Street, Honesdale, Pa. - LIEUTENANTS. FLORQUIST Gustaf R. Mrs. Bede Benson, GOODWIN, William J. Mrs. Mary J. Good- Fraser, Coio. win, Beaver, Utah. CULBERTSON, Tingle W. John D. Culbert- FORD, Jim W. Joe W. Ford, Sansom, Tex. GUST, George. Mrs. Christ Tragoni, 301 son, Sewickley, Pa. FOX, Lorenza K. Mrs. Sarah Carmack, Ada, King Street, Seattle, Wash. AVERY, Walter L. F. E. Avery, 1228 Frank- Okla. HALL, Norman. Felix Hall, R. F. D. 5, lin Avenue, Columbus, Ohio. FOXWELL, Clinton L. Mrs. Lee S. Foxwell, Cottage Grove, Tean. THOIAS, Gerald Provost. Mrs. Mary B. 1626 West Forty-seventh Street, Norfolk, HANAGAN, Hugh F. Mrs. Katie Spahr, La Thomas, 259 Broadway, Flushing, N. Y. Va. Junta, Cole. WOOD, David L. David L. Wood, sr., 273 GALLISON, Harold H. Mrs. Caro D. Scott, HANCOCK, Alfred B. William Hancock, 303 Broadway, Pawtucket, R. I. 420 Hillside Place, South Orange, N. J. MOOMAW, Clovis. Daniel C. Moomaw, R. F. Remington Avenue, Thomasville, Ga. GAVIN, Joseph L. Peter Al Gavin, Friend, HANSON, William C. Carl L. Hanson, D. 3, 'Roanoke, Va. Nebr. R. F. D. No. 2, Rowlag, Minn. SRGrANTS. GAYLORD, George L. Minor D. Gaylord, HARRIS, Luther. Mrs. Amalinda Harris, 1009 East Nevada Street, El Paso, Tex. R. F. D. No. 2, Lebanon, Va. HILL, Erskine. W. L. Hill, Durant, Okla. GILMORE, Clifton B. Mrs. Ethel Gilmore, HENDERSON, Asa C. Harry E. Henderson, MONTGOMERY, William A.' W. B. Montgom- Leesburg, Tex. Kingfisher, Okla. ery, Ashland, Miss. GIROLAMO, Gieuseppe. Nicola Girolamo, 153 HOLLERAN, John ,J. William Ilolleran, HEFLEY, James B. Mrs. James B. Stallings, Curtis Street? New Britain, Conn. - County of Galway, Clifden, Ireland. Humboldt, Tenn. GRIFFIN, Willis. William M. Gritin, R. F. HORENSKY, John. ' John Horensky, 346 D. 3, Gladwin, Mich. Third Street, Rankin, Pa. CORPORALS. A. Hales, Ad- HALES, Claude II. William HUDSPETH, Carl. Mrs. John Hudspeth, CAPSTICK, Richard J. Mrs. Clara Capstick, dington, Okla. Lowell, N. C. ,Panama, Ill. HALT, Henry L. Mrs. Rubie Hall, Bearden, ISOM George L John C..Isom, R. F. D. No. GLOWE, Edward P. Mrs. Sarah Glowe, 520 Okla. - 1, liffview Va. West Fifty-third Street, New York, N: Y. HAMMER, Myron. Mrs. Carrie Hammer, 126 JACQUE, Pedro. Mrs. Adarista .Perez, Sil- DICKERSON, Ray B. Robert C. Dickerson, Chestnut Street, Fond du Lac, Wis. ver City, N. Mex. R. '. D., Plains, Colo. HAMPTON, Ed E. John Hampton, R. F. D. JOHNSON .Edward D. Airs. Nancy K. John- FOX, Ruby C. Robin F. Fox, R. F. D. 1, 2, Stelhcnvilli, Tex. son, Cold Springs, Tex. Bertram, Tex. HANCOCK, Reuben B. Coleman Hancock, JONES. Robert C. Mrs. Mary E. Jones, R. F. GAMBY, Patrick J. Tohn Gamby, R. F. D. 2, Roosivelt, Utah. D. No. 1, Tahoka, Tex. Saratoga Springs, N. Y. HART, Thomas A. Miss Mary E. Hart, 116 JONES, Roscoe C. Andrew J. Jones, Wrights- INGRAM, Thomas. Mrs. Fannie S. Warren, East One hundred and sixth Street, New ville, Ark. 3405 Aveuue G, Eastlake, Tenn. York. N. Y. JORDAN, Louis W. Henry Jordan, R. P. D. PARKER, Lilbern. Mrs. Lula Covington, R. HEATON, Ralph E. Mrs. Julia C. Heaton, No. 6, Richmond, Va. F. D. 5, Greenville, Tex. R. F. D. 2, Tulsa, Okla. JULIN. Charles Herbert. Carl A. Julin, 242 STINSON, Wright X. Robert R. Stinson, HOLLOWELL, Henry R. E. M. Hollowell, Ophelia Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Vernon, Tex. Anderson, Ark. KANTOR, William T. Mrs. Anna Kantor, SWINBURN, Roy. Oscar A. Swinburn, Ver- HOLLYWOOD, Joseph A. Mrs. Rose Holly- 1325 West Eighteenth Street, Chicago, Ill. non, Tex. wood, 173 Levering Street, Philadelphia, Pa. KEEL, Roy F. Mrs. Goes C. Keel, Marietta, TIDWELL, Hugh. Mrs. Rebecca Tidwell, HOOD, Pascal, W. Mrs. Rezine V. Reed, Okla. Whitney, Tex. Mnday, Tex. Mrs. Sallie Woods, McKin- KELLER, Oscar G. Miss Mina Kraus, Kerr- WOODS, Cecil. HOOVER, Ernest. Mrs. Eliza Hoover, R. F. ville, Tex. ney, Tex. D. 4, Pittston, Pa. KELLER, DAVIS, Franzil P. Mrs. Mary Owens, 601 HORSLEY, Andrew J. Williad T. Horsley, Oscar L. Mrs. Lucy A. Keller, 904 Holiday Street, Wichita Falls, Tex. Duke Street, Alexandria, Va. Sage, Va. KELLEY, Mordlaunt B. John A. Kelley, 33:34 JONES, John P. Mrs. Mary A. Jones, Galax, R.. Alliman, R. Va. ALLIMAN, Edward J. Peter Prospect Street, Covington, Va. Daniel J. Cornelius Sheehan, 605 F. D. 2, Wayland, Iowa. KELLY, Roy 0. Mrs. Nellie Klinglinger, Alul- SHEEHAN, ANDERSON, William. August W. Anderson, berry, Kans. East Sixteenth Street, New York, N. Y. Wash. SUITHERLAND, Eldred A. Mrs. Mary Suther- R. F. D. 1, box 24, Poulsbo, KIRSCH, Alvin Ernest. Mrs. Lena Hirsch, ARNOLD, Clarence W. -Mrs. Sarah T. Ar- 617 North Eighth Street, Vincennes. Ind. land, Red Bluff, Cal. Rich- WAGNER, Gustave C. Julius Wagner, 231 nold, 1811 North Twenty-first Street, KOEPKE, Willie E. Airs. John Koepke, Fay- Senator Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.- mond. Va. etteville, Tex. ARTHUR. George J. Mrs. Margaret -J. Ar- LAWRENCE, Elijah D. Mrs. Elijah D. Law- BUGLERS. thur, 136 Nineteenth Street, Pittsburgh, rence, Otway, N. C. GLOVER, James. Mrs. Nannie Glover, Chil- Pa. LEROY, Lawrence H. Mrs. Mary Lewis, licotlie, Tex. BAILEY, Earl. John G. Bailey, Headrub, Okla. 314 Forest Street, Buffalo; N. Y. O'QUINN, William J. Mrs. Julia O'Quinn, _BALCEr, Anthony. Mrs. Mary Balcer, 925 LYNCH, James R. Mrs. David Lynch, Rock- Huntington, Tex. South Ninth Street, East Cedar Rapids, dale, Tex. Iowa. McCABE, James Allen. Peter James Al- MECHANICS. BALL, John. Ens Ball, Sword9 Creek, Va. Cabe, 270 Magnolia Avenue, Clarkeburg, DUNNAWAY. Leonidus A. Mrs. Sarah Ann BIRCH, Frank. Mrs. H. Chartan, Morrillton, W. Va. Dunnaway, McKinney, Tex. Ark. MACY. Benjamin F. Silas D. Macy, Har- McMAHAN, James H.- Mrs. Lennie L. Mc- BLOOMER, Spnry. William Bloomer, 63 Up- rodsburg Ky Mahan, R. F. D. 4, New Port, Ten. land Avenue, Portland, Me. MAKEIYIANIS, Harry. Mrs. Kanela Mak- ALTEHOUSE, Perris L. Mrs. Eva Altehouse, BLOXOM, Estel G. John W. Bloxom, Make- rivianis, Negara, Greece. Sinking Springs, Berks County, Pa. mis Park, Va. MALCOLM; Green W. Mrs. Collie E. Fu- PRIVATEvS BOWMAN, Sydney 1. Daniel Bowman, Tip trell, box 53, Malekoff, Tex. WTop, Va. MALENKE, Riean. Frank Malenke, Kieve, ANDERSON,' Carl M. Mrs. Mary Anderson, BRICKER, Orval A. Mrs. Iva M. Bricker, Russia. 152 Fifth Avenue South, Brookings, S Dak 8 Mount Vernon, Granc Rapids, Iowa. MARTIN, Thomas M. Mrs. George Ann Mar-. ANDRES, Herman, Jr. Mrs. Mary O'brien, BROWN, Basil A. Mrs. Zula M. Brown, tin, Fairview, Okla. 120 Devoe Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Iucketts, Va. MATALDI, Nazzareno. Joe Zaccoguini, box APPLE, Robert S. Mrs. Lena Apple, Reids- BROZOSKY, Stanley. Charles Brozosky, 45 283, Russellton, Pa. ville, N. C. Sherman Street, Shamokin, Pa. MAYHEW Roy S. Net Aayhew, Orange, Tex. BELL, John Al. John Bell, St. Lawrence- CAHL, Albert A. August Cahl, 381 North MENTE, Prank O. Mrs. Anna G. Aente, 23 ville. Ill.' Main Street Amherst, Ohio. East Fifth Street, Jacksonville, Fla. BELL, Percy C. Will R. Bell Fishtail, Mont. COLEMAN, William C. Mrs. Elizabeth Cole- MILLS, Harry. John Mills. R. F. D. No. 1, BRASH, Henry. Jimmie Brash, Brown Street man, 39 Ellery Street, Cambridge, Mass. Greenfield, Ohio. Crestline, Ohio. COMBS, William J. Asa I. Combs, Council, MODELL, Henry. Mrs. Henry Lesech, 982 BURGESS, Charlie .H. Mrs. J. A. Mondy, Va. Third Avenue, New York, N. Y. post-office box 60 Orange, Tex. CALLAHAN, Gerald J. Mrs. Catherine Rush- COVELLORA, Salvatore. Frank Covellora, NOWERS. Rol-nd W. John Nowers, Beaver- worth, 548 Eighth Avenne, New York, N. Y, Sangiargio, Lec, Italy. Utah. CAMP, Lawson. Miss Ocievady Camp, Shelby, DAVIS, Julian R. Mrs. Lucia W. Davis, box RITTER. Frank C. Charles E. Davis, Long- N. C. 293, Roanoke, Va. spur, Va. CAMPBELL, John E. Laughlin Campbell, DELINANOS, Vassilios. Mrs. Elana De- SAINDOVAL, Ambrosio. Louis Sandoval, Black Bear; Idaho. Ifnanos, Macedonia Castoria, Greece. . Taos. N. Maex. CANNON, Thomas W. Mrs. Mamle Cannon, DELVECHIO, Robert H. Mrs. Mary Del- SCHWARTZ, Rroy F. Human Sehwartz, Maxeys, Ga. vechio, Biltmore, N. C. r. F. D. No. 3, Merrill, Wis. CAPRIA, Pasquale. Mrs. Mary Capria, 277 DOMINUCO, Vincenzo. Mrs. Josepha Campa- SCOTT, Herschell. Mrs. Alice Scott, Mound Street, nella. Monte D'Oro, Italy. City, Ill. West One hundred and thirty-fourth Gortie Evans, Green- New York, N. Y. EVANS, Oscar J. Mrs. SCULLY, William P. William Scully, 1364 CHRISTENSEN, James. 11ans Christensen, bush, Minn. Ifigh Street. Benwood. W. Va. Eagle Grove, Iowa. FISKE, George R. Miss Winifred T. Phillips, SHERIDAN, Michael. Airs. Anna Sheridan, CHURCH, jioseph A. Mrs. Maggie L. Church, Linwood. Me. 354 West Superior Street. Chicago, Ill. 648 West Sixth Street, Winston-Salem, N. C. GAUDET, Arthur J. Addorsity Gaudet, 104 SHIPMAN, Ben F. Mrs. Minuie York, Wade, COOLEY, Walter W: Mrs. Dora Cooley, R. F. Bacon Street, Waltham, Mass. Okla. D. 1. Walters, Okla. GRISELMAN, Arthur Wilson. Joseph Wilson SIMON, John A. Mrs. Edna Simon, R. F. D. DICKERSON, Jonah. Eli Dickerson, Glades- Pa. bore, Va. Geiselman, 329 Garfield Street, York, No. 2. Chandler, Okla. GETER, Jacob M. William L. Geyer, Arvilla, SIMS. Clint L. Charley W. Sims, 115 West WPNCAN, Henry C. Miss Agnes Duncan, Okla. rClayton, Cal. N. Dak. Main Street. Oklahoma City, ELAM, Albert L. Mrs. Mary A. Elam, Dill, GLADDEN, Marion H. Mrs. Frankie Gladden, SMOTHERS, Moir S. William C. Smothers, Okla. Checotah, Okla. SpayK C. ELLER. Lyle D. Mrs. Earla T. Eller, 1121 GOET'Z, Edward Jacob. Mrs. Edna J. Goets, SPARKS, William C. William T. Sparks, West Sixth Street, Hastings, Nebr. R. F. D. No. 1, Fairview, Pa. Rogers, Tex, 18 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED RY GEN. PERSHING STAMATEL, Roman T. Steven Stamatel, 70 M RIGHT, David L. John Wright, Rule, Tex. EVANS, Alonso. Mrs. Martha Seymour, South Street, Stamford, Conn. WRIGHT, Ivon. Wiley D. Wright, R. F. D. Evansville, Ill. STEPHENS, James L. William H. Stephens, 2, Pauls Valley, Okla. FORTUNES, George. William Fortunes, 107 News Ferry, Va. WYATT,,/Carl E. Elias Wyatt, Clio, Iowa. Atlantic Stredt, Stamford, Conn. TAYLOR, William Albert. Mrs. Amanda M. JOHNSON, Charles J. Mrs. Anna Johnson, Taylor, Linite, Va. 600 Alden Avenue, New York, N. Y. THORNE, William J. Mrs. Mae Lucile NORTON, Thomas F. Mrs. Catherine Norton, Thorne, West Fort Lee, N. J. SECTION 2, NOVEMBER 26, 1919. 426 Warren Street, Brooklyn, N. Y THURSTON, George L. Mrs. Frank Thurs- SLATTERY, John J. Mrs. Anna Slattery, 833 ton, Farmington, Ill. The following casualties are reported West Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio. TURNER, William C. Mrs. Mary Winnie by the commanding general of the Ameri- WATSON, Robert E. Mrs. Annie E. Watson, Little, R. F. D. No. 1, Donie, Tex. North Broadway, Amityville, N. Y. VAUGHAN, James W. Mrs. Mary A. can Expeditionary Forces: COCHRAN, William. David V. Cochran, Gulf- Vaughan, 1408 First Street NE., Washing- 457 port, Miss. ton, D. C. Killed in action ------CULIN, John C. Mrs. Lillian E. Culin, 707 WARD, Clarence W. Frank Ward, 92 Web- Died of wounds ------61 West Ain Street, Charlottesville, Va. ster Street, Worcester, Mass. Died of accident and other DOOLEY Archie L. Richard E.,1)ooley, R. WICKER, James A. Eugene J. Wicker, R. F. F. D. 4, Chandler, Okla. D. No. 2, Sanford, N. C. causes ------23 JACOBSEN, Arthur C. Mrs. Maria Mynes, WILLIAMS, Walter L. Mrs. Ellen Williams, Died of disease ------344 R. F. D. K, box 112, Fresno, Cal. 43 Court Street, Elmburst, N. Y. Wounded' severely ------86 KANTZ, Claence Ellsworth. Mrs. Minnie WINGERING, Ray, Michael Wingering, cor- Kants, 420 South Second Street, Camden, ner Market and Wayne Streets, Sandusky, Won ded (degree unde- N. J. Ohio. termined) ------147 KRENTZ, 1rnest R. Mrs. Adolphine Krentz, HUGHES, Jacob. George M. Hughes, Coraop- Wounded slightly 116 2511 Pipe Street, Seattle, Wash. oh1s, Pa. Missing in action ------174 LAUTII, Frederick A. Frederick J. Lauth, HYATT, Ray F. John G. Hyatt, R. F. D. 4, Southington, Ohio. Lexington, N. C. LENAHAN, John. Patrick J. Barry, 414 JARVIS, Willie. A. T. Jarnegan, Buckner, Total ------1,408 Newark Street, Hoboken. N. J. Ark. LEWIS, Charles. Mrs. Louise Owen, 516 JONES, Elmer. Mrs. Delia Jones, Clarksville, Dorr Street, Toledo, Ohio. Ark. POILPETER, Bernard J. Miss S. Pohl- JUDSON, George E. Eph Judson, 308 East Killed in Action. peter, 1330 Sixth Street west, Fort Madi- Genesee Street, Durand, Mich. son, Iowa. KELLEY, Edgar J. Ed Kelley, Elmo, W. Va. CAPTAINS. RYAN, John J. Mrs. Mary Walsh, 14 Beech- KOPELAK, Adam. Joe Kopelak, 2116 Lubeck wood Avenue, New Rochelle, N. Y. Street, Chicago, Ill. HAYWARD, Harry Woodford. Mrs. Jarvis Hayward, Presque Isle, Me. SAWELSON, William. Jacob Sawelson, 315 KOVACK. Stephen Joseph. Stephen J. Ko- Fifth Street, Harrison, N. J. vack, Tomkins Cove, N. Y. KELLOGG, Branton H. Mrs. Ruth Kellogg, KRATAVAGE, Mathew. Joe Baltasivtsh, 102 Hostess House, Camp Merritt, N. J. COaRPORALS. Carroll Street, Pittston, Pa. LIDUTENANTS. LANE, Edward. Mrs. Mary Lane, 98 Thomp- COLEMAN, Charles A. James W. Coleman, son Street, New Bedford, Mass. BEATTIE, Arthur J. A. M. Beattie, 187 Healing Springs, Va. LITTLEFIELD, Henry. Charles Littlefield, Benedict Avenue, Norwalk, Ohio. COMERt, Michael, Miss Elizabeth Comer, 277 1921 Adams Street, Waltham, Mass. DREW, Walter W. Byron Drew, 403 F West One hundred and thirty-fourth Street, McKINNIE, Wilmoth E. Mrs. Eunice McKin- Street SW., Ardmore, Okla. New York, N. Y. nie, Medon, Tenn. CURRIE. Jacob T. William T. Currie, En- EWING, George W., jr. Mrs. George W. field, N. C. MeILEARY, James. Mrs. Kate McLeary, 239 Ewing, ca-e Emqrson Hotel, Baltimore, Md. Fulton Street, Buffalo, N. Y. FARMER, Robert E. William F. Farmer, JOHNSON, Axel. Eamel Carlson, 203 Steven- MANBECK, Ralph. Willa Manbeek, R. P. D. Anderson, N. C. son Avenue, Iron Mountain, Mich. 2. Lewistown, Pa. BETTS, Elden S. P. L. Betts, 234 Twelfth LARSEN, Pdrdinand M. Conrad Larsen, Port MARTIN, John C. Mrs. Rachel Martin, Haw- Street, Alton, Ill. Medison, Wash. ley, Pa. DUDLEY, Carl A. Mrs. L. F. Wheeler, 8 LAWLER, William J. Mrs. Rose L. Convery, Spruce Street, Boston, Mass. 5765 Stenton Avenue, Philadelphia. Pa. MOHLER, Ed R. Isaac Mohler, Frankfort, LECORNU,- Herman G. Miss Maria Mumonts, Ind. SWEENEY, John Louis. Mrs. John Louis Sweeney, 43 Last Mhin Street, Brockton, 1412 Fifteenth Street, San Francisco, Cal. MOORE, George E. Mrs. Ella Moore, Wilm- Mass. LILLICRAP, George E. Mrs. Rosa G. Lilli- ington, -N C. SERGEANTS. crap, Concord, Vt. MURIN, Joseph S. Stephen Murin, 311 Hud- LINKOTIS, James F. John W. Linkous, Cres- son Street, Forest, Pa. DETRICK, Virgil R. McCandith A. Detrick, ton, Tenn. NALL, James L. W. E. Nall, Graham, Tex. R. F. D. 8, Bellefontaine, Ohio. McDONALD, William. Mrs. Mary It. Mc- NEWTON, Dockie D. Edgar Newton, Yoakum, DOUGLAS, John F. Mrs. M. Sarro, 101 East Donald, Bridge Road, New York, N. Y. Tex. One hundred and fifteenth Street, New PHJILIP, Joseph. Mrs. Emma Philip, 1353 NIKKARI, George. John Nikkarl, Kaleva, York, N. Y. First Avenue, N. Y. Mich. FORD, Tirey J. Hugh W. Ford, Route 6, box 150. Independence, Mo. RYAN, John Francis.. Mrs. Mary Ryan, 60 PATTON, Ewell. Simpson H. Patton, Fort GATEWOOD, Major B. Mrs. Malgeritte Gate- Walcott Street, Brooklyn. N. Y. Gisson, Okla. Wood, Crown City, Ohio. SEELEY, Oscar J. Mrs. Sarah Seeley, 1116 PETTERSON, Petter. Ole Petterson, Mc- HUDSON, Albert G. Mrs. Alma Jeter, Monte- Hotop Avenue, Kalamazoo, Mich. ' Henry, N. Dak. vallo, Ala. SOLOMON, Samuel, Mrs. Mary Rubin, 2105 QTJAY, Richard G. Mrs. Alice Quay, 109 KLEMM, John L. John Klemm, Devall BIuf, Clinton Avenue, New York, N. Y. Pa. Ark. ALLAMONG, Harry E. Mrs. Mary Allamong, North Second Street, Duquesne, 670 North Market Street. Winchester, Va. bADABAUGH, Elmer E. George M. Rada- LEFFEL, Alvey .I. James F. Leffel, 1125 CLEVELAND, Victor A. Mrs. Ella Steele, baugh R. F. D. 1, Masontown, W. Va. Highland Street, Covington, Va. Louisville, Ill. RICCIAIDELLO, Michael. Joe Ricclardello, MASTERS, Clarence. Miss Olive Masters, 70.1 Kader Street, Philadelphia, Pa. West Bridgewater, Pa. EARLE, Robert M. Mrs. Hannah Parley, 454 SAUNDERBECK, Leo C. John Saunderbeck, NAVARA, Joseph. Mrs. Josephine Navara, South Orange Avenue, Newark, N. J. 412 Water Street Rochester, Pa. 3052 South St. Louis Avenue, Chicago, III. HILLSMAN, Willie W. James A. Hillsman, SCHMENK, Edwari H. Herman Schmenk, R. O'BRIEN, Edward J. Bridget Caryoll, Co- R. F. D. 2, Rice, Va. F. D. 1, Ottawa, Ohio. lumbia Street, Ansonia, Conn. JEFFORDS, Jesse J. Mrs. Marie Jeffords, SMITH Spencer. Squire Smith, Heaton, N. C. SCHRECK, Jack. Harry Schreck, 2174 Dean- Columbia, S. C. SNELLGR1OVE, Bedford F. Carl R. Snell- Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. grove Kildare, Tex. SURIENT, Fortunat. John Mlnnowski, 3851 KNOWLES, James Gihson.- Mrs. Bridget STILES, Edwin F. Benjamin' Stiles, Clymer, Shoe Leather Street, Wood Haven, N. Y. Knowles, 23" Riverdae Avenue, -Yonkers, Pa. SUTHERLAND, James. John Simpson, 728 N. Y. STRIEGLER, Valentine G. Mrs. Margarete West Fifty-first Street, Chicago, Ill. KURLAND, Benjamin. Sam Brown, 933 M. Striegler, Coin City, Tex. BURNS, Ralph V. Mrs. Huldo M. Burns, Henry Street, New York, N. Y. e SWIERC, Clemens-H. Joe Swlerc, Falls City, Kentland, Ind. NIXON, George P. Mrs. Emma L. Nixon, Tex. GILROY, Michael. John S. Herthesey, 13861 Genesco, N. Y. McConney Road, New York, N. Y. SWINDELL, James A. Dr. John W. Swin- PALSTED, Axel T. P. Mrs. Mae Palsted, dell, 4010 Lee Street, Greenville, Tex. GREEPA, George. Mrs. Mary Greepa, Shen- andoah, Pa. 550 Cumberland Street, Westfield, N. J. WAGNER, Raymond. Mrs. Mary F. Wagner, ROBBINS, Williamsport, Ind. BOLNER, Milford J. George A. Bolner, 1706 Kenneth. Wech Robbins, Goodell, WAISH. George William. Lewis J. Walsh, East Carter Avenue, Ashlaitd, Ky. Iowa. R. F. D. 2, Gillett, Wis. DENNIS, Judson W. Thomas M. Dennis, SHORT, Richard A. Mrs. Thomas J. Short, WALSH, John Joseph. Mrs. Margaret Walsh, Model Route, Dover, Tenn. 177 Laidlaw Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. 234 Rodney Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. ECCLES, Claude L. Charles W. Eccles, 91 HARRMANN, Dominic Henry. Mrs. Monica WALSH, Mike. Mrs. L. Walsh, 818 Camp Champion Street, Battle Creek, Mich. Herrmann, 249 Forest Avenue, Brooklyn, Street, New Orleans, La. JANKOWSKI, Jan. Walter Kazskl, 4524 N. Y. WATSON, Thomas J. James W. Watson, R. Fulton Street, Chicago, 111. KENNEDY, Robert. Thomas M. Kennedy, F. D. 1, Murray Cross, Ala. PELL, Lyman P. Lyman P. Pell, Hanover, Smitliville, Ga. N. H. WHITE, William A. Perry Richardson, R. F. KING, Jesse L. Mrs. Mamie States, R. F. T). 2, box 4, Bolton, Miss. WILLIAMS, Bat C. J. Andy Williams, 305 2, box 28, Otis, Ill. D. Ninth Street, Ballinger, Tex. WOLFE, Ellis W. Mrs. Grace Wolfe, Fort COLLINS, Patrick. Mrs. M. Collins, 241 , Paul. Anthony Oroh, Chernigov, Worth, Tex. East Eighty-first Street, New York, N. Y. Russia. WORRY, Lonnie. George W. Worry, R. F. D. DANIELS, Bernie. Mrs. Mollie Daniels, KREUTZER, George. Mrs. Magdalen Kreut- 3, San Augustine, Tex. Jonesboro, Tenn. zer, 273 Mulberry Street, Buffalo, N. Y. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1918. * 19 CASUAL'TIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING _LAJINESS. Harry Walter. Mrs. Agness La- DROHAN, Lawrence. Mrs. Mary Droban, 9 BLUM,Iaymond. Abram Blum, 344 Passaic jiness, 209 Almyra Avenue. Monroe, Mich. Avenue W, Duluth, Mian. Avenue, Nutley, N. . LAKE, Milton J. Mrs. Fannie Lake, I- EICKE, Wilner IH. William F. -Eicke, Nar- BOOTH, Percy C. Mrs. Charlotte Booth, chester, Md. ragansett Pier, R. I. Great Falls, Mont. McKEE, Arden Hinshaw. Mrs. Anna Matilda EUSTACE, Richard, James Eustace, 21 BOUININGHOUSE, Schlillie. Ben Boulting McKee, R. F. D. 5, Sterling, Kans. Grove Street, New York, N. Y. Tex. FREEMAN, Ira L, Mrs. Leonard Freeman, houle, R. F. D. 1, Beaumont, t MERTENS, Edwin L, Mrs. Bertha Mertens, CAINETTA, Verina. Dominick Cainre ta, 663 Joseph Campan Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Cooledge Tex. 3584 West Prospect Street, Watertown, N. Y. NELSON, Raymond. Mrs. Oscar Charles GEORGE, Peter. Ceerw Angelo, 122 Second CIANEY, Walter T. IV. E. Chaney, Three Ransom, Manton; Mich. Street South, Minneapolis, Minn. Springs. Ky. PADGETT, Ruben 13. Mrs. Lena Padgett, GOSSI, Thomas. Phillip Gossi, Clayton, CIISSI, Charles S. Mrs. Julia Chism, 1407 Basic City, Va. Idaho. I Ninth Street, Chehalis, Wash. RAINES, Irving A. Mrs. Ray Raines, 64 GUILLAUJME, Alonso II. David A. Guil- CICCUELLI, Vincent. Mrs. Mary Eingliano, West One hundred and seventh Street, New liume 48 East Street, Illon, N. Y. 011 East One hundred and eighty-second York, N. Y. HACKL R, Galvin R. Mrs, Susie Hackler, Street, New York, N. Y. SHANAHIAN, Michael. Mrs. Nellie K. Shana- Collinsvill(2, Okla. CICERO, Salvatore. Joe Circro, 410 East ban, 245 West Sixteenth Street, New York, HATHEWAY, John E. Mrs. Hanna. Hathe- TiItteenth Street, New York, N. Y. N. Y. way, Ellington, Conn. CILLO, Antonio. Petro Cillo, Menham, N. J. SUDDITH, John D. John Suddith, Warren- HEALY, Etward F. Mrs. W. McAvilla, 31 COFFEY, Rone L. Mrs. Nan Coffey, R. F. D. ton, Va. Clarmiont Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1. Shulls Mills, N. C. ST LLIVAN, Michael P. Miss Jennie Sul11- HEALY, Thomas P. Mrs. Adolph Fisher, 515' COOK, Charles C. Mrs. L. P. Hopkins, 84 * van. 183 Avenue E, Bayonne, N. J. Sixteenth Avenue, Belmar, N. J. George Street, San Jose, Cal. BOURNE, Russell K. Howard P. Bourne, 8 , Thomas. *iThomas Herrera, Wagon CORBIN, Harlan H. Mrs. Sarah E. Corbin, De Foe Place, East Greenwich, R. I. Mound, N. MAex. Schuylor Street, Belmont, N. Y. BUTTERVIELD, George Raymond. ITTrs. HILDRETH, Dbwey S. Mrs. Anna Hildreth,., CROU~E, 'William P. Mrs. Julia Crouse, 43 Stella Clark, 17 West Ninth Street, Holland, Brown, W. Va. Cross Strect, Hudson, N. Y. Mich. HODGES, Herman G. Mrs. Lydia C. Hodges, CROWLEY, Daniel L. Dennis Crowley, Win- DEGNAN, Thomas G. Miss Mary Degnan, Guien. Ark. throp N. Y. 682 Broadway, Bayonne, N. J. HOHIMER, Sidney. G. T. Hohimer, Borham, CUNNADE, James. Patrick Cuannan, "0 HUNSBERGIR, Samuel. Mrs. Rosa Huns- Ark. Bradhurst Avenue, New York, N. Y. berger, Midland, Va. HOWELL, *larry. Mrs. Elsi B. Howell, Win- CUNNINGHAM, Harry W. Mrs. Lara Wood LABELLE, Eugene. Julius Labelle, 8035 chester, Ind. Cunningham, R. F. D. 4, Lexington. Kv. Christaph Colomb, Montreal, , Can- JAPPE, August. 1M(rs. Augusta Jappe, Big CURD, Walter. Mrs. Carry D. Curd, R. F. D. ada. Sandy, Mont. 2. Hardin, Ky. McGRANAHAM, Roland C. Anders6p Me- JENKINS, Preston. Robert T. Jenkins, R. P. DAVIS, William J. Mrs. A. C. Davis, Sanoma, Granahan, R. F. D. 41, Jamestown Pa , D). 2, Dothan, Ala. W. Va. PERGRAM, James H. Marshall 'Pergram, JOHNSON, Gerald J. Mrs. John P. John- DEROLLAND, Gaston. Victoria Bilot, 112 Olympia, Ky. son 8 Vanderbilt Avenue, Boston, Mass. Clinton Avenue, West Hoboken, N. J. SHOBEN, Israel. Mrs. Sarah Shoben, 2024 JOHNISON, James S. James II. Johnson, 115 DODSON, Walter C. Walter L. Dodson, Eighty-third Street, New York, N. Y. Dukes Street, Greenwood, S. C. Diffee, Ga. SONNICK, Frank J. Mrs. Catherine Son- JOHNSON, Louis Nelson, Mrs. Evelyn John- DUDDERAR Marshall B, Mrs. R. S. Dud- nick, 518 Westchester Avenue, New York, son, 16 Park Row Stamford, N. Y. derar, 181b South Hawthorne Street, Chat- N. Y. tTOINSON O1scar it. Mrs. Julia Johnson, tanouca, Tenn. 'TULLY, Danile F. Mrs. B. Tully, 80 Third Milaca, Mina. DURALL, James 0. J. C. Durall, Rockport, Street, Lowell, Mass. KEEFE, Harry T. Mrs. Katherine Keefe, Ky. WHITEHEAD. Charles E. William White- 1045 Snyder Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. EPPERSON, Edward A. Pattie S. Matthews, head. 522 Fifteenth Street, Paterson, N. J, KOCH, August E. Mrs. Gertrude Richter, R. F. D. 1, Charlie Hope, Va. WILCOX. Frank A. Mrs. William B. Wilcox, 217 Grumback Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. FAY. James A. Mrs. Susan E. Fay, 3 North Norwichtown, Norwich, Conn. BRENNER, Asher. Schild Brenner, Zaslough, Mead Street, Charlestown, Mass. YATES, Francis J. Miss Loretta Yates, 1 Province of Gub, Russia. PRY, Oscar. George H. Fry, R. F. D. 1, Carter Street, Needham, Mass. CAIN, Thomas H. Mrs. Chasteen Cain, Alton Mount Wolf, Pa. ZANETTI, Otto B. Rose Zanetti, 3 Lincoln Park, Tenn.. FULMER. Essie A. Alpheus S. Fulmer, B. P. Place, Clifton, 1j. J. CAPLO, STANLEY. George Caplo, Stawak- D. I, Blythewood, S. C.- BUGLERS. hanna, Russian Poland. GRECIIMAN, Adam J. Mrs. Mary Grechman, CARBONE, Andreo. Mrs. Anna Carbone, 501 Independence, La. BARGER, Lawrence Guy. Mrs. Maggie E. Mandeville Street, Utica, N. Y. GREENWOOD, James E. Mrs. Elizabeth Barger. Buchanan, Va. CARNEY, Thomas F. Mrs. Anna Liebler, Grenwood Snyder, 77 North Fourth Street, McCLAREN, Thomas H. Mrs. Bertha Smith, 545 Carlton Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Cuyahaga Falls, Ohio. Cooper Street, Beverly, N. J. CATERIN'O, Peter Dominipk. Joseph Cate- HALL, Granville. Mrs. Christine Miller, Front IUSICTA.NS. rino, 332 York Avenue, New Bhighton, S. I., Royal. Va. FRANK, Louis L. John L. Frank, 154 Verona N. Y. HEATLY, Homer V. Lea Heatly, Mangum, Avenus, Newark, N. J. COLIAIAN, Solomon. Jacob Collman, 331 Okla. SHAW, Walter G. Mrs. Lizzette Shaw, Bon- East Ninetieth Street, New York, N. Y. KANODE. Milton I. Mrs. Mary Kanode, 2020 ner Springs, Kans. COMBS, Mont Edward. Nathan Combs, Land- West Street, Topeka, Kans. saw, Ky. KEIGANS, William. ' Mrs. Sallie Mima Kel- 3IEcTTANICS. COON, Earl. Mrs. Elizabeth Coon, 817 Park gans, B. F . 1, Norman Park, Ga. MARTIN Edward J. Miss Jennie Martin, 517 Avenue, Medina, N. Y. KENNEDY, Harry F. Mrs. H1. F. Kennedy, Mvrtle Avenue, Bridgeport, Conn. DEROUCHE, John F. Mrs. Annabelle De- 27;1 Myrtle Avenue, Kansas City. Mo. JOHNSON, McKinley E. John Johnson, En- rouche, 28 Carr Street, Bangor, Me. ADAMS, William II. Harry D. Crandell, Cass glewood, Tenn. DICKSON, James. Mrs. Susan Derlue, 243 City, Utah. WAGOERS. Oak Street, Passaic, N. J. ALLISON, Joseph Paulie. Robert Wfl Allf- EVANS, William J. Mrs. Emma Evans, 41 son, Waverly, Tcun. HARTMAN, Carl W. George Hartman, R. F. ALOJ, Peter. Mrs., Francis Alof, Franklin D. 4, Saline, Mich. Devereaux Street, Utica, N. Y. VRADY, George Henry. Mrs. Rebecca Frady, Street, Syracuse, N. Y. GATTO, Peter. August Gatto, El Centro, Skyland, N C. ALVEY. Martin N. Ira J. Alvey, 115 Lin- Cal. wood Street, PRIVATES. GLENDON, iartin. Mrs. Marie Glendon, Dayton, Ohio. 2339 North Twenty-sixth Street, Philadel- AIODIA, Mike. Mike Amodia, Roynoldsville, ALEXANDER. Frank. Mrs. Caslina W. phia, Pla. W. Va. Alexander, Fur Route, Mount Ida, Ark. GOLDEN, George A. Mrs. Lottle Golden, ANDERSON, Clarence T. John Anderson, ALLEIN, William W. Mrs. Thames Alicia, Basic, Va. 1066 Ross Street, St. Paul, Minn. 1104 Harrison Street, Vicksburg, Miss. GRANT, John D. Mrs. Mary J. Grant, High ATTICA, Herman. Mrs. Bessie Berg, 2611 ALTSCIHULER, mTacob. Mrs. Esther, Alt- Almond Street, Philadelphia, Pa. schuler, Point, N. C. 396 WNallabut_ Street, Brooklyn, GRURA, Frank. John Gruba, Gilman. Minn. AUDETTE. Albert J. Aleyd Pepin, Maple N. Y. GUNTHER. Edward. Alice V. Gunther, Street. St. Johnsbury, Vt. ALWARD, John A. Benjamin J. Alward, Logan, W. Va. BAGG. Burton D. Richard Bagg, Hartford, Lincoln, Ill. Martin F. Mrs. Lottie C. Hen- N. JT. ANDERSON,t Arthur J. Andrew J. Anderson, HENNESSEY, 23 Hawkins Street, New Britain, Conn. nessey, 2604 East G Street, Tacoma, Wash. BROWN, Thomas A. Mrs. Mary Brown, 108 ANDERSON, Gus. Martin Anderson, Cres- HOAR, Albert. Jacob Hoar, R. F. D. 1, State Street, Batavia, N. Y. Oliver, Uniontown, Pa. BROWN. Vaster Tobias. Mrs. Hattie Carr, bard, S. Dak. HOLLANDER, Veil. John Hollander, 1241 BRANCH, Artlar 'A. Graft. Okla. Mrs. Euxna Branch, South Seventh Street, St. Louis, Mo. CAMPBELL, John. John H. Campbella1534 Briscoe, Mo. HOPKINS, Harry. Mrs. Dan Fleger, 120 Rus- CARTER, William B. Joseph M. Qarter, Second Avenue, New York, N. Y. sel'Avenue, Saginaw, Mich. CANNIZZARO. Angelo. Mrs. Francesco Morganton, Ga. Hos- CHANEY. Elder. Mrs. Emma Chaney, R. F. HOU'CHIN, Ward.W. Thomas Ilouchin, Meorlala Cannizzaro, Via Piano Senia P. terman, W. Va. Gergenli, Lecata, Italy. - D. 4, Halls, Tenn. HUDDERS, William L. Mrs. Harriet Hud- CHERRY, Joseph F.' Mrs. Olmer Crow, CARYONEATT, Arthur Lewis. James Car- Saratoga. Tex.. ders. 1'08 Taylor Avenue, Utica, N. Y. vonanu, East Lake, Mich. HI'GHES, Peter E. Eugene F. Hughes, De- COLLIXS Andrew J. Miss Erie Collins, CHUCITA, facob. Tony Kamiaski, 633 Jerome graff, Minn. # Lkeswille, N. C. Street, McKeesport, Pa. P. O. CORICE, Joseph E. Mrs. Mary Corice, 506 JAMES, John Harold. Mrs. John Harold COSTA, Ginteppe. Rosario Giobliaro, James, 115 Garfield Avenue, Endicott, N. Y. Box 25, Remey, Ohio. , Rhodes Avenue, Akron, Ohio. CUTRIGHT, Aion. Job A. Cutright, Czar, DAWN, John R. John B. Dawn, 7 Leroy PRIVATES. Court, Cincinnati, Ohio. W. Va. DE BELLA, Vincent. Miss Rose De Bella, BALDWIN, Colonel P. Mrs. Lillian M. Bald- DIVIESTI, Pasquale. Michele Diviesti, Car- 210 Willis Avenue, New York. N. Y, win. 10 Thomas Street, Amsterdam N. Y. ]i"o. Fogein, Itl.v. DIODATA, James. Mrs. Mary Brelti, Abing- BLANKE2NSHIP, John P. Mrs. Betty Blank- DONOVAN, John L. Miss Julia Donovan, ton, Pa. enship, Scottsville, Ky. 2360 Sixth Avenue, Troy, N. Y. 20 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING DORR, Nathan D. George N. Dorr, Dunnel- JENNINGS, Leonard H, Mrs. Myrtle Hor- KAPLAN, Samuel. Mrs. Ida Kaplan, 5 Mill Ion, Fla. ton, North Denington, Vt. Street, qlens Falls, N. Y. DRU.TMIELLER, Howard G. Mrs, Howard JOHINSON illam G. James A. Johnson, KAUCHER, John M1. Mrs. Ana A. Kaucher, Drumbeller, 360 Lincoln Avenue, Pottstown, R If. 1. 1, Centerville, Ohio. 2607 Marshall Street, Little Rock, Ark. Pa. KliNNELL, George. Frank 1Wennell, 1230 KEEN, Herdie E. Mrs. Mary E. Camp, Rog- EASTLUND, Ole A. Peter A. Eastlund, Reddington Street, ford, Cal. ereville, Mo. Dalbo, Minn. KNUTSON, Albert. Mrs. Bessie Knutson, KENLEY, Grover C.- Mrs. Belle Kenley, FANNING, John M. Mrs. Winafred Fan- Porter, Minn. R. F. D. 1, Indian Vglley, Va. ning, 230 Birchwood Avenue, Elmira KOLAR, Joe. Mrs. Louisa Kolar, R. F. D. KOVAR, Jack S. Mrs. Freda Kovar, 501 Heights, N. Y. 1, Shiner, Tex. West One hundred an twenty-second Street, HARLES, George. Jacob Harles, 7401 Park- KOZERSKI, Joseph. Tony Felezak, New New York, N, Y. hurst Street, Chicago, Ill. Hyde Park, N. Y. LAWSON, Bud. Ms. Millie Lawson, R. F. D. KUllUKE, Adolph F. Mrs. Margaret Kuhuke, KOIOT, Jan. Mrs. Antonia Cehai, 496 28, Lee Valley, Tenn. 138 Zelzer Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Twent -fourth Street, Niagara Falls, N: Y. LEAHY, William L Mrs. Nora Leahy, 263 LONG, Jim. J. M. Long, Carthage, Miss. KRIM, Bejamin. Mrs. Chana Krim, 166 Seventh Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. LUCARELLI, Enrico. Guido Castellani, box Spruce Seet, Newark, N. J. LERARIO, Guiseppe. Mary Lerario, 715 118, Hartsdale, N. Y. KUCHINSY, HE4rry. Abram Kuchinsky, Cortland Avenue, New York, N. Y. LYONS, Isaac H. Harrison Lyns, Veradale, Rugachow (Mogilow), Russia. LEWIS, Amos C. Bernice F. Lewis, Candor, Minn. KUHNS, George W. Mrs. Cora - H. Kuhns, N. C. McKAY, Archibald F. Mrs. Catherine Me- 311 Spring treet, Bethlehem, Pa. LANGE, Otto. Mr4. Mary Lange, R. F. D. LION, Martin 0. Ole Lion, Kengrick, Idaho. Kay, 446 Elendale Avenue, Portchester, LIK, John. Fred Burlin, Mocassin, Mont. N.Y. 26, box 17, Oakfield, Wis. McCHESNEY, McKELVEY, George. Mrs. Elizabeth Mc- LAPINSKY, Peter. Anthony Yucevech, lock Usdwatd D. Mrs. Frances M - . Kelvey, box T26, Munhall, Pa. Chesnay, 34 Valley Way, West Orange, N. J. Johnetta, Pa. MACY, Morris MAGINI, Mario. Joseph Magini, -470 Alice LAROCHE, Wilfred. Joseph 0. Laroche, Buf- M. Itarry Macy, 103 yest R. I. One hundred and twenty-seventh - Street, Street, Bridgeport, Conn. falo Street, Warren, New MAGUIRE, Leon T. Mrs. Catherine Maguire, LARSON, Wilmar J. Joseph Larson, R. F. York, N. Y. 53 Bridge Street, South Hadley Falls, D. 1, Mason, Wis. MORRIS, Pat. Chris Morris, King Edward Mass LASSEIGNE, Alcide C. C. 0. Lasseigne, Street, London, England. MARTIN, James F. Mrs. Mary Martin, R. Welcome, La. NICHOLSON, Pearl E. William Nicholson, F. D. 3, Powder Springs, Ga. LEISING, Joseph F. Benjamin Leising, Old- R. P. D. 8, Mount Pleasant, Iowa. enburg, Ind. NICKLE. Charles L. Henry S. Nickle, Hooks- MIECKER, Francis. Mrs. Mary Mecker, Mel- town, W. Va. ba, Idaho. LONDRAVILLE, John C. C. W. Londra- O'BRIEN, Dennis MORRETTI,, Santi. Alphonso Morretti, Rome, ville, Cape Vincent, N. Y. J. Mrs. Ellen O'Brien, R. 'B. Mrs. Theodore Massi- F. D. 3, Caunajoharie, N. Y. Italy. LONG, Kenneth OUTLAND, Cecil P. Isaac Outland, Tyner, MURDOCK, Lindsay E. George Murdock, Vic- cott, 134 Pennsylvania Avenue, Westmins- - N. C. tor. Idaho. ' ter, Md. OWENS, Edward L. Mrs. Julia Owens, MURPHY. Eddie. Mrs. Ethel Dryer, 2101 Lorino, 188 Main 531 Market Street, Hannibal, Mo. LORINO, Joseph. Thomas Second Street, Troy, N. Y. Avenue, Passaic, N. J. PAYNE, Albert C. Mrs. Callie MITRRAY. Thomas John. Miss Alice Murray, H. Mrs. Annie Lout, 52 Riv- Payne, Shouns, 301. West One hundred and fiftieth Street, LOUT, Charles Tenn. New York. N. Y. erside Avenue, Rensselaer, N. Y. PETERSON, Albert C. Louis C. Peterson, LUCAS, Floyd. William Lucas, Stanley, Va. Stacy, Minn. OAKS, Willis E. Fred S. Oaks, Colville, No. 1* Wash. McCOY, Charles J. Charles McCoy, PISANO, Carmelo. 'Tony Pisano, 33 East OBER, lfoses Rabold. Jacob H. Ober, Onset, Beaverhay Road, Bellefonte, Pa. Twelfth Street, New York, N. Y. Pa. MeDADE, John W.- Mrs. Emma McDade, R. PITTS, Peter D. Mrs. Martha Pitts, Marys-. F. D. 5, McKenzie, Tenn. vale, Utah. OCHLER, Miax Steve. Mrs. Helen Oehler,- Gib- McKELLER, D6nald Edwin. Martin A. PONTON, Andrew J. Mrs. Mary 1829 Myrtle Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. son, McPherson, Kans. Buckeystown, Md. I Ponton, OLDS, Lancelot. Mirs. Mary A. Miller, 645 McMILLIAN, Lee. Mrs. Amy McMillian, ROYSTON, William 1. Mrs. Anna Royston, Sixth Avenue, Clinton, Iowa. Jesse, W. Va. Upperco, Md. OXLEY, Harold Ml. Mrs. Norma C. Oxley, Joseph P. Mrs. Kate Mead, box 53, Dana, Iowa. MEAD, SARTER. August 'Jacob. Alma Hartman, Clarksfork, Idaho. 2315 Gravios Avenue. St. Louis, Mo. PYRITZ. John A. August Pyritz, Gardner, Bernardo. John Mecchia- MECCHIARELLI, SEAY, George B. Mrs. 'George M. Seay, Oreg. relli, 58 Jones Street, Rochester, N. Y. Natural Bridge, Va. RABTNOWITZ, William A. Harris Rabine- MEEHAN, William C. Mrs. Julia A. Meehan, SHEDD, Charlie Lucurie. Mrs. Mary Shedd, witz, 112 South Seventh Avenue, Mount 136 Bay Seventh Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. 311 East Broad Street, Griffin, Ga. Vernon, N. Y. t MIGDALSKI, Alexander. Mary Ignasiak, 86 SMITH, Clarence J. Michael C. Smith, Rose- R LCIHAN. Mark J. Miss Marie Rachman, Queen Street, Philadelphia, Pa. land, La. Wash. 72 Main Street, Chicopee Falls, -Mass. MILLSAP, Earl. Joe Millsap, Asotin, SMITH, Harrison B. Miss Louise Smith, 707 RANUCCL Louis. Ceasar Ranucci, 114 Fulton MITCHELL, Ollie H. Mrs. Bettle A. Mitchell, Fisher Street, Peoria, Ill. Street, Trenton, N. J. 830 Clay Street, Danville, Va. STROBEK, John. Mrs. Kozula F. Strobek, RAPAPORT, Morris. Nathan REpaport, 16 MONTOROSSO, Bruno. Peter Pratt, 98 Ford post-office box 781, Glassport, Pa. Thomas Street, Rochester, N. Y. Avenue, San Jose, Cal. STRONG. Ernest J. Mrs. Flora S. Strong REHMANN. Albert. Christ Rehmann, 1037 MORIN, Edward. Benjamin C. Morin, Baker, 919 Walnut Avenue NE., Canton, Ohio. Strycher Street, West St. Paul, Minn. Oreg. SWEENEY, Charlie L. Mrs. Nannie Sweeney, RTILEY, Charles R. H. Riley, 48 Teele Street, MULDON, Thomas M. John Muldoon, Lilly, 600 Janette Avenue, Roanoke, Va. 'Arlington, Mass. Pa. SWEENEY, TWilliam J. M1s. Mary Sweeney, SMIH, Edwin. Airs. Hanna Smith, Timber, NASH. James W. W. B. Nash Tehula, Mi5. 1585 Past Tenth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Oreg. NELSON, Lewis H. John A. 'elson, Sargent, S ICK, Thomas J. William Swick, 127 Clin- SMITH, George A. irs. Bert Smith, R. F. D. Nebr. ton Street, South Haven, Mich. * 6, Fairfield, Conn. NELSON, Nelse. Nelse J. Nelson, Clarendon, TVEITE, Louis. Peter Tveite, Emmons, Minn. SMITH, Gordon A. Mrs. Susan W. Smith, Tex. VAUGHN, Dock T. Abe Vaughn, Crawford, 702 North Ashley Street, Valdosta, Ga. NIEMEYER, Joseph. Mrs. Elizabeth Nie- Tenn. STANLEY, John T. Robert Stanley, 192 meyer, Delphos, Ohio. VESTERGAARD, Magnus. Paul Vestergaard, Avenue 0, Brooklyn, N. Y. NOOR John. Jerry Noor, 4936 Tod Avenue,, Fourteenth and Yesler Streets, Seattle, STARR, Thomas 1. irs. Helen Potr, 3064 Easi Chicago, Ind. Wash. Albany Crescent, New York, N. Y. PERRY, William G. Mrs. Mary Perry, Mag- WALSH. Anthony. Mrs. Tennie Walsh, 172 STEFFIN, Hiram C. Ira L. Steffin, Selins- nolia, Miss. West Sixty-fifth Street, New York, grove, Pa. N. Y. Fred. Mrs. Ella Perryman, WARNER, Herman V. William M. Warner, SZEFOYK, Anthony. Adam Szefoyk, 39 PERRYMAN, Hastings, Pa. Chaplin Street, Pittston, Pa. Jagdala Ala. TAYLOR, Harry Mlulford. Mrs. Ida F. Tay- PRVINSTH, John. Mrs. Demicielo Baulmar- WEAVER, Ralph. Mrs. Bertha Weaver, 1017 lo. R. F. D. 1. Aspers, Pa. to, Cambridge, Mass. Townsend Street, Chicago Ill. TEDFORD, Frank. Miss Maud Tedford, 1050 RADECKI, Leon. Kllmneltyni Raijeckit, 319 WEESNER, Alfred- C. Mrs. Ellen S. Wees- West Brambleton Avenue, Norfolk, Va. e d Avene Grand Rapids, Mich. ner, Wellston, Mich. THEBES, Henry R. Robert Thebes, R. F. D. REBICM, Pet. V1r. Olga Rebich, 1702-90 WEST, Walter. A. W. West, Hope Mills, 1. New Bloomfield, Pa. Jefferson Street, Peoria, Ill. N. C. THEODOROU, Christos. Nicholls Theodorou, SAMMON, James A. Miss Mary A. Sammon, WESTPHAL, Gottleb L. Fred W. Westphal, 400 Market Street, Lowell, lass. 6902 Whitney Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. R. F. D. 1, Robbinsdale, Minn. THOMAS, John. Dan Thomas, 5510 Herman SMITH, Carl W. Mrs. Eugenia I. Smith, WETHINGTON, Howard. C. Augustus Weth- Avenue. Cleveland, Ohio. R. F. D. 1, China Grove, N. C. ington, Grifton, N, C. VINCENT, Franklin W. Mrs. Lillian A. Vin- SMITH, John P. Micholas Smith, R. F. D. 1, WILSON, Irvin. Mrs. Laurela Wilson, R. F. cent, 50 Woerd Avenue, Waltham, Mass. - box 7, Portland Mich. D. 9, Hebrin, Ind. WAYMAN, George A. Mrs. Mary Hendrick- SORBYE, Oscar . Mrs. Mary SorbYe, 43 WYATT, Walter H. Mrs. Ruth Wyatt, R. F. son, Monticello, N. Y. Iansman Gd, Christiania, Norway. D. 2, Stewart, Teun. WEATHERFORD, Corby P. Mrs. Ella J. JACOBSON, Edward. Gustaf Jacobson, Tem- MILLER, Levi. Mrs. Mae Auch, Enmett, , 316 West Thirteenth Street, pleton Route, North Bend Oreg Mich. South Richmond, Va. JEFFORDS, Frank Eza. MIrs. Ella Elaor WEESE, Wilbur W. Park C. Weese, Bev- Jeffords, 73G Qulndare Boulevard, Kansas KENNEDY, Horae. Wingfield S. Kennedy, Kans. Toms Creek, Va. erley, W. Va. City, KOEBLER, George. Joseph Koeer, 423 East WHITE, Duran. Mrs. Lizzie White, 604 JOHNSON, Crist. Samuel Johnson, Hopkins Seventy-seventh Street New Yor , N. Y. Henry Street, Portsmouth, Va. Avenue, Jamestown, N. Y. LA BONTE, William. Richard La Bonte, WIKE, Ludwig. Mrs. Carline Wike, Brad- JOHNSON, Harry. Mrs. Jeannette Johnson, Provement, Mich. ley, S. Dak. - box 26, Aspen, Colo. WILLHITE, Mack. Jim Willhite, Hubbard, JUDD, Roland. William Judd, 921 St. Nich- LADE, Arthur. Herman Lade, Sherburn, Tex. olas Avenue, New York, N. Y. Minn. WILSON, William M. Mrs. Nanie Kemner, JUNGE, August A. Miss Martha Junge, LAGHI, Guiseppe. Arnesto Laght 414 One Grassy Cove, Tenn. Pearce, Ariz. hundred and sixth Street, New York, N. yi THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1918. 21 CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING LAIB, Michael. Conrad Laib, Delmont, HAGAN, S. Peter A. William Hagan, 253 KERSEY, James Robert. Mrs. Ella Kersey, Da. Washington Street, Roxbury Mass. Broken Arrow, Okla. LARSEN. Lars P. T. Yens P. T. Larsen, MACKEY, John P. Mrs. Ianny Mackey, KIRWIN, Thomas M. J. J. Carney, 632 Ostergade 31, Thisted, Denmark. Parkersburg, Pa. Third Avenue N., Nashville, Tenn. LOMBARDI, Paul. Antonio Lombardi,- 155 SCRRETBER, Ludwig T. August Schrelber, KLBGSTAD, Siver A. Andrew Pier Avenue, Santa Monica, Cal. Tappan, N. Y. Ilegstad, Ole,; McCAIN, Vancy F. Vancy H. McCain, R. F. SZ CHLINSKI, Anton. Felix Szychlinski, KORCEE, Egnas. Felix Korcee, 333 Broad. 1). 4, Memphis, Tenn. 1001 Eighth Street, Milwaukee, Wis. way, Toledo, Ohio. McCORMICK, Daniel. Mrs. Julia Ments, SUMMER, Roy. David Summers, Mist, Ark. KOWALINSKI, Frank J. Mrs. Konstaned Angels Camp; Cal. SYDNOR, William. Nat Sydnor, R. F. D. 2, Kowalinski, Maspeth, N. McHUGH, Hugh. Terence McHugh, 85 Wood- Williamstown, Ky. Y. Y. KULERZA, Frank. Czeslaw Kulerza, Fifth hull Street, Brooklyn, N. TAYLOR, Willie B. Mrs. Ruth C. Taylor, R. Street, New Hyde Park, N. Y. MASHBURN Benjamin H. John B. Wood-. F. D 1 Obiod Tenn. LEFKOWITZ, Morris. Joseph Lefkowitz, ward, Gay, N. C. THANHAUSER Seymore A. A. Thanhauser, 24 MORGAN, Harvey Jones. Joseph Ridge Street, New York, N. Y. Morgan, 1504 Avenue 14, Brooklyn, N. Y. LUCERO, Henry. Mrs. Eliza uecero, Red- Ellwood, Nebr. TRICKETT, Kenneth. Mrs. Jessie McLean, NARY, John Henry. Mrs. John H. Nary, 47 mesa, Colo. 117 Library Street, Chelsea, Mass. McCLAMIM, Bayton. Jeffries McClamm, Rogers Avenue, Rochester, N. Y. TUNILO, Alex. Mike Tunilo, 1310 Albrugs NIEMAN. Clarence. Henry Nieman, Pember- Scranton, S. C. Avenue, Scranton, Pa. McPRERSON Gladys. Glovius G. McPher- ville, Ohio. ULNESS, Osear E. Mrs. Annie Ulness, Saco, Mont. son Delhi La NULL, Charlie. Mrs. Mary Barrie, R. P. D. MAROONIS,' Joseph. Joseph Petrsky, 2533 1, Muldoon, Tex. VITALI, Clementi. Ralph Vitall, 1012 Lawn East Thirty-fourth Avenue, Ozone Street Lorain, Ohio. OBOLEWICZ, Michael. Joseph Obolewics, Park, N. Y. MUELLER, Louis E. Josepli P. Mueller, 5826 1542 Wadansia Avenue, Chicago, Ill. WARD, terling. John Ward, Creighton, Mo, Helen Avenue, Jennings, Mo. O'BRiEN, William. John O'Brien, 67 East WILKINS, Clarence D. Watler Wilkins, Cape- MURAWSKI, Benjamin. Mrs. Catherine Eighty-seventh Street, New York, N. Y. vIle, Va. Murawski, box 94, Port Austin, Mich. O'CONNOR, Patrick J. Mrs. Patrick J. O'Con- WORDEN, Alex. Miss Nellie Worden, 3930 NACIITMAN, Frank. Jim Nachtman, Pishel- nor, 341 Hamilton Street, Worcester, Mass. Wet Monroe Street, Chicago, Ill. ville; Nebr, OGLE, Arlie II. Mrs. Vero Ogle, R. F. D 3, Sevierville, Tenn. Died of Wounds. NESBITT, George T. James R. Nesbitt, 215 OLI VE, Ollie 0. Richard A. Olive, R. F. D. Pond Street, South Weymouth, Mass. 2, box 40, Fredericksburg, Va. LIEUTENANTS. NIQHOLS, Irving J. Irving Nichols, 813 OLIVER, Mathew L. Frank H. Oliver, 610 West Main Street, Watertown, N. Y. White Building. FALLS, Thomas B. W. Mrs. Mary W. Fales, ODENDHAL, Nathan 0. Mrs. Annie 0. Seattle, Wash. 4407 Spruce Street, OSCAR, John. Theodore Oscar, Jerseyville, Philadelphia, Pa. Odendhal, 1119 West Baltimore Street, Bal- Ill. KNUDTSON, Clarence A. John Knudtson, timore, Md. OWEN, Tom II. Mrs. Ada Owen, McDade,. 703 Lawrence StrepE NE., Washington, D. C. PETERSON, Auzust Mrs Mary Peterson, Tex. MURPHY, Robert C. Mrs. Lillian Frances 1243 Schuller treet, Racine, WIS. Murphy, Minneapolis, Kans. PHILISTOREK, Alexander. Wasil Czere- OWENS, William E. Mrs. Amelia E. Twi- rok, Salt River, N. J. ford, R. F. D., Baker, Mont. SERGEANTS. TOMLINS, James OWSLEY, Frank D. Miss Cury Lee Owsley, J. William Tomlins, 4 Vale DECKER, Horace Alvin. Arthur D, Decker, Avenue, Beacon, N. Y. Redwood, Miss. TUNNY, PEEK, Solomon D. James S. Peek, R. F. D. Johnsonburg, Pa. Richard F. Mrs. M. Dixon, 2506 DEUTSCH, John J. Mrs. Fred A. Deutsch, Market Street, Wheeling, W. Va. 1, Portersville, Ala. TURNER, PEMPSELL, Joseph 1. Mrs. Josephine Pemp- Caldwell, Tex. William J. Miss Marie Turner, 654 sell, 32 Berlin Street, Buffalo, N. Y. HERPEL, John' G. Mrs. Dora M. Herpel, 516 Bloyd Street, Philadelphia, Pa. PETERSON, South Thirteenth Street, Baltimore Md. VINSON, Roland. R. L. Vinson, H. F. D. 1, Ernest W. Mrs. Ernest W. ILLIAN, Charles. Mrs. Alice llian, a17 West box 81, Richland, S. C. Peterson, 504 Grant Street, Boyne City, Mich. FPwcett Street, Baltimore, Md. WALKER, Richard. Francis Walker, Mer- SPEAS, Charlie Augustine. L. A. Speas, chant, Va. POPHOL, Paul. Ferdinand Pophel, R. F. D. Cana, N. C. WHEELER, Earl Burdett. Oliver Wheeler, 4, Merrill, Wis. WHEELER, Arthur H. Luther H. Wheeler, Lanesboro, Pa. PRESSWOOD, Ira E. Mrs. Dorcie Presswood, 4 River Street, Gloversville, N. Y. WHEELER, Samuel. William Wheeler, Provi- Lenoir City. Tenn. dence, 'S. C. RABBITT, Michael J. Michael J. Rabbitt, CORPORALS. WYMORE, Verne. Mrs. Minnie Garlisch, R. 18 Rice Street, Salem, Mass. F. D. 3, Kingman, Kans. ROMANELLI, ERICKSON, John. John V. Erickson, Lacota, Egildo. Frank Cochine, 824 . Mich. ZELLERS, John H. Jeff J. Zellers, Westfield, Morris Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Ill. ROSkTI, Antonio. Vittorio Rosati, care of JONES, John R. J. R. Jones, 702 South McDonough Street, Montgdmery Union Savings & Trust Co., 1127-1129 Vine Ala Died-from Aceident or Other Causes. Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. NEUMANN, William. Herman I9eumann, R.- SABIN, Gerard H. -Gerald N. Sabin, Lodi, F. D., Stillwater, N. Y. PRIVATES, N. Y. USHER, Albert M. Mrs. Albert M. Usher, 326 West Fifty-eighth Street, New York, AAS, Peter 4. Andrew J. Aas, R. F. D. 2, SCATONE, Angelo. Mrs. Maria Di Tranco, Kendrick, Strada Tatta Conversano, Italy. N. Y. Idaho. WAGONES. BUMLPY, Lee. Henry Down, R. F. D. 1, SEILLER, Michael ,F. Mrs. Mary Staudt, box 1, Gallatin, 214 Fourth Street, Passaic, N. J. HUGHES, Peter. Edward McElroy, 12 Tenn. Broome Street, New York, N. Y. CARTER, Albert B. Paul Carter, R. F. D. 2, SIBOV, John. Michael Hodor, 2812 Porter Greenwood, Street Philadelphia Pa. KELLEY, Williian. Mrs. Anna Kelley, 715 Ga. Ann Street, Baltimore, HAIRE, Daniel S. Mrs. Nonie Elizabeth SIE'RACkI. Xavier. Sichael Sieracki, 1735 Md. Haire, South Wabansia Avenue, Chicago, Ili, MILLER, Henry W. Mrs. Nellie M. Miller, R. F. D. 12, Greenville, Tenn. 237 Jefferson Avenue, HALL, Charles G. Mrs. Alice E. Hall, Big SILVER, Abraham. Mrs. Rebecca Silver, 239 Rochester, N. Y. Oak South Second Street. Brooklyn, N. Y. SCROGGIN, Floyd E. Mrs. Ida Scroggin, Flat. Cal. HARDWICK, Charles W. George J. Bradley, SINCLAIR, Gordon W. Frank W. Sinclair, Frazee, Minn. 101 Monroe Street, Lockport, N. Y. Kipton, Ohio. PRIVATES. HARPER, Frank L. Martin V. Harper, R. P. SINER, George Wesley. Mrs. Eva V. Siner, BLACK, George B. Mrs. Eliza Black, 406 D. 1. Straford, Ito. 629 Lurcane Street, Philadelphia, Pa. JENSEN, Louis C. Mrs. SKELTON, John G. Jim- Skelton, Sturgis, Pierce Avenle, Lancaster, Ohio. Myrtle Jensen, Miss. BRUNNER, Lafayette V. Edward Brunner, Rider, N. Dak. Sycamore, Ill. JOHNSON, Ijalmer B. Gust J. Johnson, R. SKOGEN, Edwin B. Ole N. Skogen, R. F. D. P. CROWN, Casper. Edward Crown, Wylie, D. 1, Wausa, Nebr. 1. Frost, Minn Minn. KINDLE, Clyde D. Mart J. Kindle, R. F. D. SMITH, Tink. JAn . Smith, R. F. D. 1, DECRANE, Charlie. Leopold Decrane, Atkin- 3, Decaturville, Tenn. Dallas, Ga. son, Ill. LEARY, Timothy J. Jeremiah Leary, 1383 ST. JOHN, Benjamin F. Mrs. Sallie Johnson, EBERLE, George J. Miss Corneilla J. Eb- North Main Street, Fall River, Mass. Sherwood, Tenn. erle, 398 Emslie Street, Buffalo, N. Y. LEMON, Christopher. Miss Mary Frances STREET, Peter D. Mrs. Janet Street, New- EDWARDS, Charles. Mrs. Elizabeth Edwards, Malar. Sassafras, Va. man, Ohio. Birmingham, Mich. Me.JUNKtN. William. Mrs. Fannie McJunkin, STURGELL, Too. Joe Sturgell, sr., Globe. Ky. EGAN, John B. Mrs. Margaret V. Egan 137 R. P. D. 1, Fairforest, S. C. SULLIVAN, James C. Mrs. Johanna J. SuI- Madison Avenue, Perth Amb6y, N. 13 McLEOD, Arch. Rev. Sandy Leak, Eagle van, 455 East Qne hundred and forty-third FLEMING, Henry A. John Fleming, Atchi- Spring. N. C. Street, New Yolk, N. Y. son Kans. NASH, Homer D. Theodore B. Nash, Nash, SWICK, Louis M. Jacob Swick, 64 North GILLGAN, Edward. Okla. Sherman Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Mrs. Florence Gill- gan 448 East Eighty-eighth Street, New NEAL, Dave S. Mrs. Louise Richardson, TOSCANNI, James. Joseph Marone, 15 Court- Yosic N-. Y. land Street, Fairfield, N. C. Lambertsville, .N. J. GREER, Henry. Charles Green, NEMO, Joe A. WILLIAMS, Clarence E. Frank Williams, R. F. D. 2, Mrs. Leonilde Nemo, Verdan, Sidney, Iown. Plain City, Ohio. Ill. GULBRANSBN, Albert. Anton Gulbransen, OXENDINE Harvey. Gaston Oxendine, ZELLMER, Wred H. Gustave Zellmer, box 72, R. F. D. 1, Hutchinson, Minn. R. It. F. D. 2, Moville, Iowa. F. D. 3. Fairmont, N. C. HAGY, Hubert* R. H. H. Hagy, 211 West ROBINSON, Julous A. Julous A. Robinson, COUSENS, Robert D. Mrs. Elizabeth Cousens, Valley Street, AbiAgdon, Va. sr., Brandon, Miss. 312 West One hundred and twenty-seventh HICKEy, Jeremiah. Mrs. Mary Hickey, 2* Street, New York, N. RODDY, Henry S. Mrs. Susan Roddy, R. P. Y. Stanhope Stredt, Brooklyn, N. X. D. 1, Bolivar, Pa. CRERAR, Thomas AT. Mrs. Robert Crerar, HORTON, Donald 3. Earle W. Livingston, RODEWALD, Ernest. irs. Emile Rodewald, Laurel Street, Lee, Mass. 1715 Avenue J, Brooklyn, N, Y. GERHAUSER, 429 Jersey Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. ' Carl F. Gottlob Gerhauser, HURLBERT, Dexter L. Dexter Hurlbert, box RORICK, Leroy. Peter Rorick, 208 Bailey Fairfield, Wash. 24, Waco, Mo. GREENSPAN, Street, Schenectady, N. Y. Philip. Mrs. Lena Wallach, IVERSON, Ole. Iver H. Iverson, Carson, N. SAVAGE. Green. Mrs. Bertie Savage, R. P. 194 Rivington Street, New York, N. Y. Dak. D. 2, Town Creek. Ala. 22 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED- BY GEN. PERSHING

Died of Disease. ARNOL Bryan. A. F. Arnold, R. F. D. JAMES, Leonard. Mrs. Mary James, 320 1, bo 5Gleason, Tenn. Stewart Road, Muscatine, Iowa. BRU110ALdW, Ernest E. Mrs. Janie Carver, MAJOR. Venter, KAY, Charlie. Mrs. Pearly H. Kay, R. F. D. ESTEY, Harold W. Mrs. Elsie Hayden Es- Ark. 2, box 8, Hosford, Fla. Street, Boston, Mass. BRUSKOFSKI, Frank. HedquiSki Bruskof- KELSCH, Peter A. William KelIch, 253 Ter- tey, 1803 Beacon ski, Daurren, N. Y. race Street, Honesdale, Wayne County, Pa. CAPTAIN. BUSCH1NG Carl F. William Busching, KENSLER, Floyd. Mrs. Nancy Kensler, Sig- DRESSLER, Fritz L. 0. Dressier, Islip, N. Y. route 1, Olin- lowS. ourney, Iowa. CATI, Sam. ianna Giovaunt Canu, Usial KENT, Oscar 0. Mrs. Laura H., Kent, R. F. LIEUTINANTS. D. No. 7, Russellville, Ala. CARRIZ2O,tJoseph. Mrs. Rinaldi Carrizzo, GROSS, Wilmer J. Mirs. Dorothy D. Gross, KETTERY, John Z. Mrs. Katy B6rtw, R. F. 240 North Third Street, San Jose, Cal. Provinzia, Caserta, Italy. D. No. 2, Birdsboro, Pa. CARROLL, Frank. Walter Carroll, R. F. P. KIRSCH Arthur F. Mrs. Emma B. Kirsch, McDOWELL, Thomas H. Miss Alberta Mc- 4, box 44i3, Iuskogee, Okla. R. F. b. No. 2, Troy, Ill. Dowell, Talbotton, Ge. COPPIN, Mart E. J. C. Coppin, 508 West LAMB, Harold. Lawrence Lamb, route 3, Al- Chestnut Street, Denison, Tex. bany, Mo. SERGEANTS. CROWELL, Henry. Mrs. Canty Crowell, McCLELLEN, John B. Mrs. Kate McClellen, FITZSIMMONS, James Eccles Harry JandS Monroe, N. C. R. F. D. No. 1, Bell, Tenn. . a Csell,Crescent St'eet, Glenbrqok, Coni. CRUM, Rosco. Roy R. Crum, Towner, Colo. McINTYRE, Nat. Mrs. Lovina McIntyre, 8 OPBSON, Samuel 0. D . C. Glbs4n, Blyth- CURRY, Willie. William Curry, R. F. D. 1, Schuyler Street, Jamestown, N. Y. Ville, Ark. box 10, Scotia, S. C. McMANAMEN, Patrick H. John McMana. 11ARINAN, Peter, :ames Cusack, V412 Spaf- DAILEY, George. Mrs. Coreen Smith, Pritch- men. Michael, S. Dak. ford Itoad, Cleveland, Ohio. ard. Ala. MERCER, James W. Mrs. Sarah 'A. Mercer, WATTERS, John A. Mrs. Grace Young, 81 DTNN, Fred. Henry Dunn, Ashland, Me. Grand, Okla. Jackson Street, Holyoke, Mass. DYE, Armand. Mrs. Mary A. Dye, North San MOSER' Herman H. C. Annul 0. Moser, AGNEW, John M. Mrs. Elizabeth Agnew, Diego, t'al. . Oster ock owa. Winsmaq, Ind. GAILLARD, Henry. Mrs. Maggie Gaillard, NEWELL, Isiah G. Mrs. Mary J. Newell, HERZOG, Elmer J. P. F. Herzog, 208 Vley R. F. D. 1, box 20, Pallers, 8. C. Wellsburg, W. Va. , Road, Scotia, N. Y. GAINER, Henry. Mrs. AY. Gainer, Eufaula, NICKELL, Edward B. Mrs. J. L. Nickell, LASWELL, Frank. Elmer Laswell, Boon- Okla. Hinton, W. Va. ville, Ind. GARDNER, Jessie M. Mrs. Fannie C. Gard- POWERS Peter J. Mrs. Mary Powers, 42 PRICE, John W. Mrs. Mary Price, B. F. D. er, R. F. D. 2m, box 28 Coggansville, Ga. Leave treet, Orange, N. 3. 219, box 17, Charlotte, N. C. 'GINGRICH, Thoms P. %Its. Florence J. PRICE, Edward R. Solon G. Price, Latti- WEIYRICK, Jay A. Mrs. Katherine Edna Maxwell, Ashmoor, Mont, more, N. C. Weyrick, 8846 Lake Park Avenue, Chicago, GO PFERT, Leo I. Mrs. Johanill Goeptert, REED, Holie J. Mrs. Marlim Reed, R. F. D. Ill. Centerville Avene leville, Ill. 2, W11ston, Ohio. DEVLIN, Francis T. Miss Constance Dev11n,, GRAY, Leslie A - s. Pearl M. Gray, New- REILLY, John P. Joseph Doyle, Custer, Wis. .5815 Margaretta Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. comerstown, Ohio. REIMERS, Carl H. A. Herman Reimers, R. OSGOOD, Harold S. Mrs. Katherine T. Os- GREEN, Henry. Mrs. Lizzie Green, R. F. D. F. D. 4, Paullina, Iowa. good, Hartsdale, N. Y. RYAX, William P. Batty Ryan, Kimball, S. TRAPP, F. Horace G. Trapp, Del 1, care of William Bass, Allendale, S. C. Horace HAMILTON, Edward C. George Fletcher, Norto, Colo. R. B.D. 4, Eagle Grove, Iowa. SERFURTH, Arthur 1. Mrs. Minnie See- BEHRENS, Fred. Joln Behrens, 64 Ludwig HANN, Grover C. John Hann, 17 Grant furth, 1409 North Springfield Avenue, Chi- Place, Weehawken N. J. Caeo III HELLElR, Perry. Vrs. Betsy Heller, 610 Avenue, Flemington, N. J. HOLIAN, Hagen H. M. Knute H. Holian, SHOiAMKER, Floyd. Mrs. Arra Shoemaker, Twenty-fourth Avenue North, Minneapolis, Maynard, Minn. Moran, Kans. Minn. H1ORNICK, Eli. Dellis Hornick, Bowden, SMITH, Everetf L. George C. Smith, R. F. SATTERFIELD, Mikol Whalen. Mrs. Ida W. Va. D). 3, Eagleville, Mo. Satterfield, 310 Avenue B, Lindale, Ga. HOWE, William A. Mrs.. Mary Howe, 514 SMITH, Walter L. Mrs. Mabel W. Smith, CORPORALS. West One hundred and seventieth Street, Richland, Mo. New York, N. Y. SPRUILL, Peter A. Peter A. Spruill, Little- KOCK Ludwi Mrs. Margaretta Kock, R. F. HUMPHRIES, Harry D. Mrs. Jessie Hum- ton, N. C. D. , ock Rapids, Iowa. STEWART, George C. Mrs. Blanche Stewart, LUCK, Chris phries Midvale, Utah. N. Mrs. Lizzie Luck, 514 Gueno JORDA1O, Charles. Pasquale Jordano, Via Enders, Nebr. Street, Apartment 1, San Francisco, Cal. Poutanella, Lercara, Palermo, Italy. McFRETHAS, Dennis. Lambrose Pappas, LUKER, John. Mrs. Dora Luker, 312 East 2134 Third Avenue, New York, N. Y. Pearl Street, Staunton, Ill. KANE, Frank B. Mrs. Mary Kane, 418 Court Street, Brooklyn N. Y. McGLOIN, Bernard J. John McGloin, 131D MCCARTHY, Patrick H. Mrs. D. Ryan, 2061 Menfield Avenue, Scranton. Pa. Tighth Avenue, New KRELL, George. Mirs. Emma Schwartz, 246 York, N. Y. Dozinger Street, Buffalo, N. Y. McLEAN, Benjamin. Mrs. Ruey McLean,,880 WEBB, Henry Mrs. Teetory Webb, R. F. D. Mattbew Avenue, Scranton, Pa. 0, box 14, Townville, S. C. LANHAM, Dean P. Clifton R. Lanham, Corn- land, Ill. MARTIN, Homer T. George D. Adkinson, MICTIOLOSKI, George. Mrs. Anna Zavacki, Hico, Tex. 47 Hudson Avenue Brooklyn, N. Y. LA RTE, Floyd S. George La Ruer R. F. D. MELLA, Enrico. Mrs. Regina Mel, Provincia BARTON, Milo. Warren Barton, Hillman, 4, Fountain City, Tenn. Picenza, Sarmato, Italy. Mich. LAVLAND, Charles L. Leioy Layland, Ray- MOORE, Goldman. Mrs. Nancy Moore, Bas- BOWIE Philip C. F. E. Bowie, 109 High- Rioud Idaho. trop, La. lund Street, Hyde Park, Mass. LE Thmas J. Mrs. Alma Lee, Oak Grove, STINSON Ernest L. Charles M. Stinson, La. PALITZA, John II. John Palitza. Poth. Tex. Witfe ulphur Springs, W. Va. LEVINE, Samuel. Mrs. Sarah Levine, 32 PEARSALL, Albert. Raymond Pearsall, 11 GAVIN, Harry. Thomas Williams, Idria, Cal. North Eleventh Street, Newark. N. J. Chapel Street, Stamford, Coln. PETTY, Charles A. Robert L. Petty, Bowling HERBST, John G. Mrs. Mary Herbst, 854 LEWIS, Thomas. Mrs. Ida Lewis, Glasgow, Oentr Street, Chicago, Ill. N. Y. Green, Md. IIJBMS, Alvis. *William T. Absher, 11. F. D. PHILBROOK, Lawrence W. William Phil- 4, Wetimika, Okla. LOCKHART, Tom. Oliver P. Lockhart, Sardis, brook, R. F. D. 3, Cardiugton, Ohio. JACOBS, James V. Marion 0. Jacobs, Buck- Okla. PHIPPS, John. Tom Phipps, Kill t Wyo head, Ga. LONG Elebert C. Will W. Long, R. F. D. 3, POWLES, Henry. Edward C. Powies, 1654 JOHNSON, Louis 0. Mrs. Sarah M. Burns, 'Chaco Tex. LOWRIRY, Virgil. Mrs. Gertie Lowery, Mey- Oxford Avenue, Los Angeles, Cal. R. F. .D. 2, box 24, Little York, Ill. ersaep Pa SAMIUELSON, Walter A. Sam P. Samuelson, BUGLE. R. F. D. 2, Rosecreek, Minn. LUNDEiai, Albert A. John Lundell, James- SCOTT, Belton. irs. Hannah Scott, R. F. D. SMITII, Hugh K. Felix Smith, 017 Center town, N. Y. 4, box 29, Anderson, S. C. Street, Henderson, Ky. McCOUN, Charles H. Charles T. McCoun, SERENO, Vincenzo. Mrs.sAlarla Sereno, Glag- MSaICIAN. 8748 Broadway, Kansas City, Mo. lione Di Susa. Corino, Ith. McCOY, William G. Miss Clara McCoy, R. F. SIEMER, Joseph. * Mrs. Anna Losch, Denison, ABRAHAM, Lincoln. Lincoln Abraham, sr., D. 2, Clarington, Ohio. Bloomington, Wis. BTYHLER, George W. Mrs. Elizabeth B. Iowa. MECHANICS. Buler, Artesia, Fla. SMITH, Charles L. Carl Smith, 588 Main CHITUK, Charles E. Anna A, Zurawski, COLLIER, Carl L. Mrs. Louie Collier, Plin, Street, Burlington, Wis. South Jamesport, N. Y. W. Va. EMITH, Ross H. Nephi II. Smith, Sanford, MAGUIRE, Jpseph F. Mrs. Mary J. Maguire, GAITHER, Walter J. Boston Gaither, Cov- Colo. 191 Winthrop Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. ington, Ga. SPEYER, Eugene. Mrs. gary Speyer, 6838 WAGONERS. GATES, Herman. Mrs. Luella Gates, 2084. Park Avenue. Silverton, hio. R. F. LESIEUR, College Street, Piqua, Ohio. STANLEY, Nathaniel. John Stanley, Freamon E. Charles L. Lesieur, HILDIERBRA39D, William. William C. Hil- D 1 box 17, Tower Hill, Va. B. F. D. 1 Clarkton, Mo. STEF1'ENS, Clause J. Mrs. Paulina S. Stef- BTLLOCK, Henry T. Mrs. Hattle Bullock, derbrand, Detroit Minn. R F. D. 1, Prentiss, Miss. HIVELY, William Y. Mrs. Mildred Virginfa fens, R. F. D. 1, Primghar,0ow. GREEN, Thomas. Mrs. Frances Green, Ellan- Hively, Westminster, Md. STEVENS, Thomas L. Samuel N. Stevens, dle P. Q., Central, La. 1ODG0,Howard J. Mrs. Mary Smith, Blas- Bigler, Pa. NELSON, George. Mrs. Andre Nelson, 1325 dell, N. Y. STRICKLAND. Toombs. Jasper B. Strick- Nebraska Avenue, Chicago, Ill. HOGUE, Paul. Cage Butler, Beaver, Ohio. land, R. F. D. 8, Comer, Ga. HOLDNN, Joseph. Mrs. Stella Holden, R. F. THOMPSON, Albert L. Mrs. Clara P. Thomp- coOKS. D. No. 2, Selma, N. C. son, 501 Bailey Building, 1218 Chestnut McCARTHY, John J. John P. McCarthy,, 68 HOURIIAN, John J. Mrs. Patrick Houri- Street, Philadelphia, Pa. . Franklin Street, Arlington, Mass. tan, Cliftwood, N. J. WATSON, Mississippi. Mrs. Rose Watson, NEW, Anthony J. Mrs. Mary.Rosch, Ham- JACKSON, Albert S. John M. Jackson, Mata- R. F. D. 3, box 56, Luther, Okla. mond, Minn. dor, Tex. WHEELER, George G. Mrs. Mary Wheeler, PRZIVATES. JACKSON, Frank P. Mrs. Mary Gossett, 0011 East Boardman Street, Whitehall, N. Y. ANDREAE, Fred S. Conrad Andreae, R. F. Independence Avenue, Mount Washington, WILEY, Sylvester. Charles Wiley, R. F. D. D. 8, Arlington, Iowa. - Mo. ; route 13, Starr, S. C. - THE OFFICIAL U.- S. BULLETIN: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 96, 1918. 23 CASUAL TIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING YOUNG, John H. Moses B. Young, 1619 FLY, Prentis. Luther E. Fly, Gibson County, NEWMAN, Percy. Charles H. Newman, 716 Berryhill Street, Harrisburg, Pa. STenn. East Vine Street, Miliville, N. J. AXELSEN, Olaf. C. Gulbrendsen, 8725 Seven- GESSWEIN, Albert. Mrs. Pauline Gesswen, O'BRIEN, William James. Mrs. Mary teenth Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. . Bowden, N. Dak. O'Brien, 138 Jefferson Street, Albany, N. Y. BANISTER, Augusta R. Mrs. Helen Banister, GLIDDEN, Friend L. Richard Glidden, PEER James A. Charles M. Peer, Denville, R. F. D. '3, Dyer, Tenn. H. F. D. 2, Oakville, Iowa. N.J BUNDICK, Clinton C. Mrs. Nana Bundick, HART, Robert. Thomas Hart, Crystal City, ROWLAND, James L. Richard Rowland, Pocomoke, Md. Mo. Fagot, Ky. BURKE'TT, Ira C. James W. Burkett, R. F. HART, William J. Mrs. Margeret Hart, 58 ROYAL, Joe F. Frank Royal, R. F. D., Ar- D. 2, Marshall, Ill. Gaston Street, West Orange, N. J. cher, Nebr. COGAN, Walter II. Mrs. Annie Cogean, 18 HICKERSON, Thomas. John V. Hickerson, RUTTER, Levi P. Mrs. Lobina Meiser, New- Puritan Street, Providence, R. I. R. P. D. 1, Flatwoods, Teun. manstown Pa. CRANK, Guilford L. George Crank, R. F. D. HOPPE, Harry C. Mrs. Minnie Hoppe, 415 SAMPSON, Erwin L. Mrs. -Edna H. Sampson, 2, Dyer, Wenn. South Clarmont Avenue, Chicago, Ill. R. F. D. 1, Big Stone Gap, Va. DURSTY. George R. Elmer Howard Durst, KINNARD, James L. Anderson Kinnard, SAMS, Milton. Mrs. Belle Sams, 422 Ruth R. F. D. 3, Cortland, Ohio. Fremont. Mo. Street, Sikeston, Mo. EAST, Paul G. Mrs. Nellie East, Dewitt, LARSH, William F. Mrs. William F. Larsh, SANBORN, Edson R. Fred H. Ehlers, R. F. Iowa. 009 West Twenty-sixth Street, Des Moines, 1D 1, Tama, Iowa. ELLIS, Martin A. Mrs. Catherine W. Fling, Iowa. SCINATTERER, Herman. Mrs. Pauline R. F. D. 1, Alton, Me. LASSETER, Roland I, Mrs. Bell Dunehoo, Schnatterer, 443 North Seventh Street, FITCHETT, Howard. Mrs. Thomas Hunter, McDouglas, Ark. Newark, N. X. 120 Church Street, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. SCHUURMAN, Edward P. Mrs. Anna MCCRAW, Carson D. Robert P. McCraw, Schuurman, son POOLE, Louis. Ely Sharp, R. F. D. 1, Brad- R. F. D. 2, Gaffney, S. C. 79 Pat Street, Paterson, ford, Ky. MATIOLCHIC, Michael W. Mrs. Mary Mahol- N. J. FR NCISCO, Peter. Mrs. Jennie Francisco, chic, Childs, Pa. SLATTERY, Ernest. Mrs. Lora Slattery, 601 box 137, Cherry, Ill. MAIIONSKY, Joseph Paul. Stanley Mahon- West One hundred and ninetieth Street, GILLIHAN, Edward L. Reuben Gillihan, sky, Erie Hotel, Dunkirk, N. Y. New York, N. Y. Morehouse, Mo. MILLER, Walter M. Marcus D. L. Miller, STEPHEY, Offiar F. Mrs. Alice Stephey, GILLIS, Pearl E. Harry L. Gillis, R. F. D. Driggs, Ark. Ruzerville, Franklin County, Pa. 4 Centerville, Iowa. MURRAY, James B. Robert B. Murray, STINSON, Albert C. Bart Stinson, Winslow, GIILOTT, Tony A. Fred Gillott, R. F. D, H. F. D. 1, Spokane, Ohio. Ind. 2, Connellsville, Pa. O'CONNOR, Roy J. Mrs. Minnie O'Connor, TIDD, Charles E. Mrs. Sarah Tidd, Wil- HAMMER, Walter. Mrs. Bessie B. Hammer, R. F. D. 4, Bernard, Iowa. * liamsfield, Ohio. R. F. D. 1, Lebanon, Mo. -PHILLiPS, John R. Anderson Villips, VOLKMANN, Anton Carl. Mrs. Irene Agnes HANBEN, Frank R. Hans D. Hansen, 2618 R. F. D. 1, Grandview, Ark. Volkmann, 2123 West Fairmount Avenue, West Street, Oakland, Cal.- QUILLEN, Harvey W. Mrs. Martha Quillen, Baltimore, Md. HUNTER, Carl A. Mrs. Ora J. Hunter, R. F. WHITMIRE, Robert C. Mrs, Susa 3, post-office box 154, Fraser, Iowa. Whitmire, D. Table Grove, Ill. REEDY, Edgar. Robert J. Reedy, Rugby, Va. 'R. F. D. 1, Spartanburg, S. C. McCABE, John Lee. Edward McCabe, Tur- SCHWARTZ, WILLIAMS, ney, Mo. John J. Mrs. Mary Schwartz, Floyd W. Steven Williams, Po- H. F. D. 4, box 78, Antigo, Wis. mona, Mo.- MARLIN, William M. Mrs. William M. Mar- SCOTT. George M. Sim T. Scott, Gove, Kans. WILLIAMS, Walter. Mrs. Willid Williams, lin, Caney Springs, Tepn. SiMS, Oscar T. Mrs. Ida A. Doby, Dalizell, box 44, Clarksdtale, Ark. . MASCANZ, Joseph. Mrs. Theressa Hallerton, S. C. MoINNIS, Daniel K. Mrs. Rachel McInnis, 27 Grand View Avenue, Port Jervis, N. Y. SKINNER, Hal S. Mrs. Katherine Bohme, Moss Point, Miss. MASON, Palmer P. Mrs. Ola McAllister, 2720 McKINLEY, Lester J. Mrs. Margaret Me- Victorv Mills. Greer, S. C. Vine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Kinley, Los tatos, Cal. SMITH, Travis W. Mrs. Laura Smith, R. F. MERRELL, William L. Mrs. Martha E. Mer- D. 1, Cochran, Ga. MCMIANIUS, J. Rolfe L. Benjamin L. Mc- rell, Delaware, Okla. STOCKMAN, Rawls 1. Ike M. Stockman, Manus, R. F. D. ill, Palmyra, Ill. NELSON, Delos S. James A. Nelson, Bloom- R. F. D. 1, Heidelburg, Miss. McNAIRY, John C. Mrs. Blanche McNairy, ington. Idaho. - TUCKER. Willie M. John W. Tucker, Mount Pocahontas, Ark. I PERRITT, Phillip C. Asa J.A. Perritt, La- Pleasant, N. C. McQUAIDE, Cialmer H. Mrs. Jennie Mc- mar, S. C. TURINO, Frank. Miss Rose Tarino, 6 Sotelle Quaide, Parnassus, Pa. PIKE, Owen L. Francis M. Pike, R. F. D. 4, Avenue, Piedmont, Cal. McSPADDEN, Charles E. Mrs. Fannie Mc- Camphellsville, Ky. TURNER, Henry. Mrs. Spadden, Van Buren, Mo. RANDALL, Francis M. Mrs. Martha Ran- Emma Turner, 505 MACCIITVELLI, Frank. Mrs. Anna Macchi- R. F. Lindesicy Avenue, Americus, Ga. dall. D. 1, Talladega, Ala. WARD, Finley M. Lee Ward, Conway, Ky. velli, 1411 Wilson Street, Los Angeles, Cal. RATLIPF, James C. John T. Ratliff, R. F. D. WI~LLIAMS, Albert P. Hoary C. Williams, MAIHAN, Levie T. Mrs. Isa Mahan, Alicia, 2, Patrick, S. C. R. F. D. 1, Mineral Springs, Ark. Axk. ROSENBLATH, Frederick. Mrs. Carrie Ciac- WILLIAMS, Robert L. Mrs. Nora Williams, MAHON, Bernard J. Bernard Mahon, 417 cio, 622 Hamburg Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. R. F. D. 3, box 168, Bowling Green, Ky. Center Street, South Orange, N. J. SANDS, William A. Robert L. Sands, Lynn- WILSON, James Alexander. Mrs. Melinda MARSHALL, George. Mrs. Anna M. Mar- ille, Tenn. Wilson, 010 Berkeley Avenue, Norfolk, Va. shall, Falcom, Miss. SCHARPF, alph D. John R. Scharpf, R. F. MIXSON, I.3, Dofance, Hans. WfIMBY, Olin. Mrs. Nettie D. Wimby, 37 S. E. Mrs. Mary Mixson, Allo- SCHRODER, John F. Mrs. Martha 9chroder, Hegue Street, Atlanta, Ga. ville, Ga. P. F. D. 2, Oconta Falls, Wis. WOOLAS, Harry Davis. Louis Marinos, 1626 MONSON, Mons B. Mrs. Ifgebeorg Monson, Dodson, Curtis Street, Denver, Colo. Van Metro, S. Dak. SETLIFF, Posy A. John A. Setliff, BAILEY, Erwin H. Edgar A. Bailey, Hayes MONTGOMERY, Claud K. Mrs. George II. Va. Center, Nebr. Parker, Sardis, Tenn. SEYMOUR, Samuel H. Mrs. Pauline SeY- BOOKER, Robert L. Miss Minnie Booker, R. MOORE, John T. Mrs. Opal Moore, Spark- mour, Ocean Springs, Miss. F. D 5 ,Holly Springs, Miss. man, Ark. SMITH, Vernon 0. Mrs. Alice Hooks, Pren- CARLSON, Frank. Charles H. CarlsopX Grove NEWTON, Tull. Mrs. Jennie Newton, Uvalde, tis, Miss. City. Minn. Tex, STANG, Arthur H. William A. Stang, Hal- CONNELL, Herbert L. Mrs. Bridget E. Con- NOSIL, John P. George Nosil, R. F. D. 5, bur. Iowa. nell, 3 Porter Street, Stoughton, Mass. box 84, Defiance, Ohio. TERFORD, Arthur C. Charles B. Terford, CONSTANTOPULOS, James G. Peter Con- NUGENT, Alonzo. Mrs. Sallip Oldham, Rog- 826 Vine Street, Q iney, Ill. stantopulos, 302 Kansas Avenue, Kansas ersville, Ala. UMBRIA, Alphonso F. Mrs. Frances Um- City, Kans. O'BRIEN, Wallace A. Mrs. Mary O'Brien, bria. 24 Union Street, Torrington, Conn. HARRINGA, Honry.J. Mrs. Hattle Harringa, High Street, Housatonie. Mass. VALDEZ, Robert C. David Yaldea, 123 North R. F. D. 1, Titonka, Iowa. OSBORNE, Kelly Barnes. Ben F. Osborne, Orange Grove Avenue. Pomona, Cal. HEINTZELMAN, Lewis W. Mrs. Ellen P. 43 Winn Avenue, Winchester, Ky. WILCOX. Albeit H. Mrs. Mabel Wilcox, R. leintzelman, 903 Walnut Street, Allentown, PARKHURST, Morrill H. Dr. Daniel B. F. D. 1. Plain City, Ohio. Pa. Parkhurst, 96 Heminway Street, Boston, WILLIAMSON, William Marion. Sandford HELM, Garland. Mrs. Artilda Helm, Solway, Mass. Williamson, R. F. D. 2, Bankstown. Ala. Ky. C. Barnum, PERRY, William A. B. Mrs. Eunice G. Perry, BARNUM, Frank J. Miss Edith HIGHSMITH, Richard. Richmond Highsmith, Watseka, Ill. Philmont, N. Y. R. F. D. 2, Williamston, N. C. Lansing. Louis Behrman, R; F. PULLEY, William B. Mrs. Anna E. Pulley, BEHRMAN, HILDEBRANDT, Rudolph E. Mrs. Wilhel- R. F. D. 7, Chariton, Iowa. D. 12, Fort Wayne, Ind. mena Hildebrandt, R. F. D. 2, Gillette, Wis. Miss Meleon Crafford, REDDEN, John. George W. Redden, general BELCITER, Clinton. HOLDER, William C. Benjamin L. Holder, delivery, Ryors, Hamden, N. *1. Piekens Mill, Pickens, S. C. Mo. Gilbert F. Gilbert Bond, Deepercreek, REED, Walter D. Mrs. Phebe Reed, Oxford, BOND, HOLMES, John W. Mrs. Nellie Mae Holmes, W. Va. Miss. R. F. D. 2, Foxworth, Miss. CHADWELL, James C. Mrs. Octavia Coff- JOHNSON, Rufus. H. T. Johnson, 9 South REINHOLDS, Herman. Jon-on Reinholds, man, R. F. D. 2, Cold Springs. Mo. Eighth Street, Hartsville, S. C_ Wissefjarda. Djuramola, Sweden. CHITWOOD. William. Mrs. Ruble Chitwood, KORB, William G. Joseph M. Korb, Polcroft, REYNOLDS, Brownlow. Mrs. Ruth Reynolds, Winfield, Tenn. Pa. Rogersville, Tenn. William. Mrs. Claria Elizabeth COOLEN WilliAm F. Mrs. Margaret Whltty, LAY, Harold T. H. M. Lay, 4107 Pine Street, RUSSELL, Des LeA, N. Dak. Russell, Vernon, N. Y. Philadelphia. Pa. Mary Samson, 206 DIERMIER, George. William L Diermier, MACLEOD, William H. Mrs. Angus MacLeod, SAMSON, Sam. Mrs. general delivery, Dupree. S. Dak. West Main Street, Belleville, Ill. 96 Oak Street, Yonkers, N. Y. A. Sander, R. F. D. DUDLEY, 'Walter H. Mrs. Ena Dudley, MALVEAUX, Wilton. Augustine Malveaux, SANDER, Elmer G. Carl Clarksville, Mo. Duson, La. - 4, Villisca, Iowa. SCOTT, Theodore T. Mrs. Evelena Scott, R. DUKES, Cio W. Mrs. Emma Dukes, R. F. MAYO, Clifford. Mrs. Mary Mayo, Rouses Okla. D. 1, Milltown, Ind. Point, N. Y. F. D. 5, Chandler, EVANS, Edward W. Mrs. Ruth Evans, 321 MESSINA, Louis. Peter Pattistessa, box 91, SHELTMAN, Ben L. Joe Sheltman, Forney, East Seventieth Street South, Chicago, IlL. Morenci, Aris. Tex. FARLOW, Charlie J. John R. Farlow, Chapel MYERS, Harrell A. Mrs. Florence E. Myers, SIMONS, Clide C. Mrs. Jemima S1mons, R. Hill, Tenn. 400 West Ninth Street, Owensboro, Ky. F. D. 2, Carbondale, Kans. 24 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED -BY GEN. PERSHING SINGER, Charles L. Mike Singer, R. F. D. POPPE, Fred. Mrs. Dora Poppe, R. F. D. 1, CHANDLER, Jesse. Willie Chandler, Big 5, Harrison, Ohio. Filmore Kinn. Stone Gap, Va. SJOHOLM, Anton H. Emil A. Engal, R. F. ROGAVIN Abraham. Mrs. Lena Rogavin, CHAPMAN, Lorimer H. Mrs. Laura H. Chap- D. 2, Pecatonica, Ill. - 220 South Third Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. man, 2961 Clay Street, San Francisco, Cal, SKEEN, Harrison. Mrs. Nellie Davis, Nevis, SEITZBERG, Charles Rudolph. Mrs. Anna CHODASH, Abe Ml. Louis Chodash, 39 Rail- Minn. Kreutzfeldt, 190 Railroad Avenue, Bridge- road Avenue, Carteret, N. J. SLOAN, Frank B. Geneva State Bank, Ge- port, Conn. CLIFFORD, Edward J. Mrs. S. Van Kuren, neva Nebr. 8241 Sixth Avenue, Troy, N. Y. SA11Th, John B. Mrs. J. B. Smith, Kinards, CITAUITEUR. COUCH, Claude M. John W. Couch, Bit S. C. POWERS Frank H. Mrs. Mary Carey, 4 Cabin, Okla. SPLANE, Raymond L. Mrs. Mary Splane, Snow btreet, Milville, Mass. OREGER, Ralph. Harry Creger, R. F. D. 10 115 Chestnut Street, Ashland, Pa. Pottstown, Pa. STEPAN, Albert, Jr. Albert Stepan, sr., 103 MECHANICS. DIAMOND, Charles N. Mrs. Ellen McGrann,' Iowa. 207 North Pearl Street, Anson Street, Marshalltown, WILLIAMS, Dominick. Miss Rose Hapkin, Albany, N. Y. STROM, Joseph P. Walter T. Strom, Plum Washington Street, Mislion N Y FRAED, Fairris. Mrs. Mary Nasseaf, 1210 Branch, S. C. MILFORD, Ellis Elsworth. John A. Milford, Bedford Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. STUNZ, Archie L. Conrad Stunz, 803 East Leeper, Pa. FRICANO, Cosimo. Astoria Fricano, 804 Ful- Sixth Street, Cherryvale, Kans. WAGONERS. ton Street, Grand Haven, Mich. SUTHERLAND John R. Mrs. John Suth- FRYER, Edward L. Mrs. H. L. Coselman, erland, 116 huclid Avenue, Grand Forks, HOLM, Edward L. James Holm, 103 Ser- 125 South Fredrich Street, Oelweln, Iowa. N. Dak. geant Avenue, Oconto, Wis. GEIS, Walter F. Mrs. Minnie Gels, 440 SWANSON, Edward. Parl Parson, 916 Four- KING, Rufus. Mrs. Laura King, 5208 South Tenth Avenue, New York, N. Y. teenth Avenue, Rock Island, Ill. Ely, Carrollton, Mo. HOLLIS, Thomas B. Miss Hattie Hollis, SWEPSON, William S. Mrs. Lena Swepson, Sawyerville, Ala. 848 Columbia Avenue, Akron, Ohio. PRIVATES. KARNES, Oscar 0. Mrs. Annie Karnes, Pil SZCEPANSKI Bernard. Mrs. Pauline Szee- ALLEN, John. Mrs. Nancy Allen, 316 C Street kin, Ark. pauski, 861 Fratney Street, Milwaukee, SW., Washington, D. C. LEVINE, Max. Abraham Cohen, Gardner, Wis. ALLISON, James T. Mrs. Tina Causey, Cross Mass. TAYLOR, Austin S. Mrs. Virginia Taylor, Plains Tex. LOCKNER, Fred E. Mrs. Anna Lockner, 20 Sedgewick Street, Buchannon, W. Va. BRITTO~N, Horace. William K. Britton, Lub- 1479 Avenue A, New York, N. Y. TIGER, Willie. Jack Tiger, Stroud, Okla. bock, Tex. McCORD, Charles A. E. A. McCord, Yeltodi" TOMSON, John J. Mrs. Gladys Tomson, CHESNEY, Hally D. Mrs. G. Whalem, 650 Okla. Rockham, S. Dak. Fourth Street, San Francisco, Cal. McSHANE, Frank J. Mrs. Sophie 'ryoni TURNBULL, Guy. Thomas R. Turnbull, 2346 CHIAMAS, Sam. George Tappagize, 9241 Union Hill, N. J. Twelfth Street Boulder, Ohio. Chach Street, Evanston, Ill. MANGERI, John. Frank Malgeri, 150 Twen-' VARNER, John k. Homer M. Varner, Mo- GLOFA, Waclaw. Adam Glofka, general de- ty-first Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. ran, Kans. livery, Wies Nowe Zaluce, Powlat Wiodawa PLAIN, Frank. William Plain, Oconto FallS, VINCENT, William. Mrs. Louisa Hedges, Pocoba Sosnowico, Gubernia Siedlee, Ree, Wis. 500 East Milwaukee Avenue, Fort Atkin- Poland, Russia. WENSEK, Charles S. Mrs. Agnes Dziekan, son. Wis. KABAS, Daniel. Andrew Lisota, 12a Ham- Elm Street, South Amboy, N. J. WALKER, Ollie T. Charles A. Walker, Pied- burg Street, Baltimore, Md. mont, Kans. MINCKNER, Orvalle. Fred Minckner, Sinton, WALSH, Joseph L. Mrs. Mary J. Walsh, 811 Tax. Wounded (Degree Undetermined). South Fillmore Street, Edwardsville, Ill. MITCHELL, Gilbert E. Charles E. Mitchell, COLONEL. WARD, Irvin T. Mrs. Mary Ward, Clements- 140 Canal Street,. Nashus, N. H. illte, Ky. PERRIN, Mahlon. Mrs. Miller Perrin, Wa4- PARKER John' H. Mrs. Ida Burr Parker, WASH, Robert B. Mrs. Martha L. Wash, kee, Iowa. RutlanA Court, Seventeenth and Riggs R. F. D. 1, Pritchett, Tex. POTTERVILLE, Arthur G. Mrs. Bertha G. Streets NW., Washington, D. C. WEAVER, John W. Mrs. Nancy Weaver, Potterville, 126 Quarry Street, Baraboo, 625 North Third Avenie, Baltimore, Ohio. Wis. MAJOR. WELDIN, Elton W. Henry S. Weldin, White RUSH, Harry M. Mrs. Anna Flurie, Newport, SNOW, William A. Gen.- W. J. Snow. care of Owl, S. Dak. Pa. Adjutant General of the Army, Washing-' WELLONS, Wilbert F. John F. Wellons, SANDS, William EI. William A. Sands, Salem, ton, ID. C. R. F. D. 8, Selma, N. C. Ill. LIEUTENANT. I WILLSFORD, Robert. Josh M. Wilsford, SMITH, Prince. Mrs. Clara Smith, 2142 R. F. D. 3, Lawrenceburg, Tenn. Adams Street, St. Louis, Mo. SANDERS, Howard A. Mrs. Jennie Sand- WILSON, Gaines W. Mrs. Terisa E. Wilson, STOKES, Eddie. Mrs. Mary Stokes, 267 ers, 240 Iowa Street, Aurora, Ill. R. F. D. 1, Blacksburg, S. C. Fourth Street, Memphis, Tenn. SERGEANTS. WITT, Fred F. Herman W. Witt, East STRUCK, Michael. William Struck, 29 Main Rochester, N. Y. Street, Kansas City, Kans. FOSS, Alfred W. Mrs. Grace W. Foss, 1304 WOOTEN Harry. Mrs. Sarah Wooten, Cla- SULLIVAN, Frank. Mrs. Catherine Sullivan, Albina Avenue, Berkeley, Cal. rinda, iowa. 50 Laight Street, New York, N. Y. McNULTY, George T. Mrs. E. J.' McNulty, ZECHZER, Richard W. Mrs. Caroline Zech- VELTRE, Francesco. Joe Veltre, Baltimore 1515 Grape Street, Syracuse N Y zer. Deerfield, Wis, Street. Cumberland, Md. OLSEN, Paul Leo. Henry Wilkenson, 82 ZIMMJERMAN, Berkley. Mose Zimmerman, ZIELINSKI, Joseph John. Mrs. Mattle Zielin- E lieenth Avenue, Astoria, NY. R. F. D. 2, Tnmonsville, S. C. ski, 348 Fifth Avenue, Manistee, Mich. FITZP TRICK, Arthur W. Mrs. A. Fitz- ZORMEIER, Math J. Frank Wuckowisith, ASHMAN, Michael. Jose Ashman, Frazerton, patrick, Rion, Wis. R. F. D. 1, Greeley, Kans. - Alta, Canada. ITZPATRICK William. Mrs. Jane Fitzpat- BARTZ, Walter H. Mrs. Augusta Bartz, 1216 rick, 719 dembridge Street, East Cam' Wounded Severely. Elizabeth Street, Joliet, Ill. bridge, Mass. GOTCHER, Carl G. Raymond H. Gotcher, LIEUTENANTS. BASTER, Dan. Nancy Moor, Ennis, Ky. BLEVINS, Ezra. Elizale Blevins, Mount Pis- Stigler. Okla. BILLING, Albert Edgar. Mrs. A. E. Billing, gale, Ky. LOSSE, Elmer, Mrs. Elmer Losse, 412 Ryers 6807 Boulevard, Brooklyn, N. Y. COKER John T. S: L. Coker, Leesburg, Ala. Avenue, Cheltenham, Pa. GRAY Lawrence Henry. Mrs. Helen Leg- CZENKbISCH, Arthur. Mrs. Catherine Czen- CORPORALS. gett Gray, Carthage, Mo. kusch, Amherst, Nebr. -DEKENNEN, August. Mrs. Edna Dekennen, THIBODEAU, Ernest C. Mrs. Mary Sweeny, SERGEANT. box 185, Greenwood, Wis. South Stoddard, N. H. FRANCISCO, Mgnuel J. Mrs. Mary X. Fran- WASSON, ProctoLL. I. F. Wasson, Smitit- PRICE, Benjamin J. Benjamin F. Wolfe, ville, Ark. Williamsburg, cisco, Crows Landing, Cal. Pa. FRITSCH, Raymond J. Dr. William J. Doyle, WILKINSON, edie J. Henry Wilkinson, CORPORALS. Jefferson and Washington Avenues, St. 6752 Gardner Avenue, St Louis, Mo. CHURCHILL, Frank G. Mu. Minnie Hoag- EBERT, John A. Mrs. Emma Ebert, 280 St. Louis, Mo. HIGGINS, Daniel. Mrs. Janet McCormack, 16 land, Locke, N. Y. Johns Place. Brooklyn, N. Y. CLARI, George A. Mrs. Marguerite J. Clark, FERGUSON, Thomas U. M. T. J. Ferguson, Abbott Street, Pawtucket, R. I. LARSEN, Hans P. Charles Thomas, Dike, 627 Avenue I, Galveston Tex. R. F. D, 1, Walnut Grove, Ala. COOP, George W. Robert Weddell, Sciplo, HOEFT, Harry J. Henry Hoeft, Charlotte, Iowa. Iowa. LAWRENCE, Andrew. Mrs. Josephine Burch, Okla. PENDLETON, Carl M. George Pendleton, Chocksha, Okla. COPHER, John M. Jake W. Copher, Payson, Junction City, La. ROHE, Benjamin Franklin. Miss Urace Rohe, Okla. WILBUR, John. Frank Wilbur, R. F. D., 79 James Street, Newark, Ohio. FIDLOW, Bennie. David Fidlow, 548 New Glemon. N. Y. SHINGLAR, Andrew. Andrew Shinglar, sr., Jersey Avenue, Brooklyn, 1'. Y. CHILDS, Walter J. Mrs. Jennie Childs, 922 Barnesboro, Pa. FIFER, James L. Edward Fifer, 340 Hum- Foureenth Street, Boone, Iowa. SIVAK, John M. Mrs. Elizabeth Sivak, 212 bolt Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. DANCULOVIC, Ell. Eli Danculovic, Aurora, East Third Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. LEAVER, George L. Mrs. Thomas Wallade, Minn. SK4TES, Miller J. Mrs. Josie Skates, 1 West Monongahela, Pa. FOWLER, Victor B. Mrs. Margaret Fowler, Second Street, Glendal, Ga. COLE, John Joseph. Edward Hanley, 9 Gene- 144 Phillips Street, Wollaston, Mass. STAKE, Henry G. Mrs. Marie Stake, 42 see Street, New Hartford, N. Y. McTIGUE, Patrick. Mrs. P. A. Hynes, 110 Upsala, Worcester, Mass. JAKrJBAL, Bohumil. Mrs. Christina Ru- Eighth Avenue, New York, N. Y. BARKER, Albert. Mrs. Stella Hankstand, sicka, 527 East Seventy-second 9treet, New TEBO, Stanley Cornelius. Mrs. James Barteseville, Okla. York, N. Y. Greaves, 520 Ridge Street, Sault Ste. Marie, BAUMGARTEN, Samuel. Morris Baumgarten, WALL, John J. Mrs. Mary Kruck, 80 Fulton Mich. 401 Wilkes Street, Alexandria, Va. Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. FESETTE, Bertle. Mrs. Emella Fesette, BICKEL, Claude A. Mrs. Malara Bickel, R. F. HILTNER Daniel F. Mrs. Albert McGuigan, Dorchester, Mass. D. 1, Sinking Springs, Pa. 800 Spring Hill Avenue, Conshohocken, Pa. KLENOTICS, Steven. Mrs. Steven Klenotlcs, BOISSEAU, Frederick X Frederick Bolsseau, MeCREADY, Gilbert M. Mrs. Sarah Me- 4.3 East Hoosae Street, Adams, Mass. 24 Dix Street Worcester, Mass. Cready, Grapeville Station, Pa. O'NEILL, Basil James. Mrs. Maine O'Neill, BROOK, Jim. krs. Mary Brock, Cummings- WALLACE, Charlie C. Robert E. Wallace, Pleasant Mount, Pa. ville, Tenn. Boonville, Ind. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1918. 25 CASUALTIES REPORTED, BY GEN. PERSHING

WHITE, John X. Mrs. Agnes M. White, 1439 LAMBERT, Edward A. Mrs. Emma Lambert, POWERS, Harry J. Mrs. Anna Karrigan, Ringold Street. Philadelphia, Pa. 176 Horton Streat, Fell River, Mass. 10403 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. WHITWORTH, Washington L. Mrs. Sallie LARSON, Obert. Julius Larson, Madison, QTYEEN, Guy. Mrs. Mary Queen, 178 Burt W. Whitworth, 200 Cherry Street, Fayette- Minn. Avenue, Newark, Ohio. ville, Tenn. LARSON, Theodore L. Martin Larson, box ROSENBERG, Murray. Ray Rosenberg, 978 BUGLER. 157, Lake Crystal, Minn. East One hundred 4nd sixty-fifth Sltreet, LESOCHE, Stephan. Mrs. Margaret Lesoche, New York, N. Y. MIcKEEVER, John H. Mrs. Helen McKeever, 235 South Cherry Street Wallingford, Conn. ROUSE, Emory P. Thomas R. Rouse, La 147 First Avenue, New York, N. Y. ODDWYCZ, Julius. Miss kIary Zdanuies, Gir- Grange N. C. ardville, Pa. SALOTTI, Joseph. Mrs. Madeline Salotti, 238 MUSICIAN. PRADER, John I. Mrs. Marina Prader, box North Deman Street, Philadelphia, Pa. BOVA, James. Charles Bova, Monongahela, 135 Gonzales, Cal. SCOTT, Rodger Michael. Mrs. Grace Scott, Pa. RYAN4, Frank D. Simlon Ryan, 67 Dewey 292 Ebensburg Road, Johnstown, Pa. Street, Worcester, Mass. SULLIVAN, Cornelius J. Dennis J. Sullivan, WAGONERS. RZCEPZYNSKI, Thomas. Mrs. Barbara 167 Lembeck Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. CLEVELAND, Roy C. Frank P. Cleveland, Rzcepzynski, 533 East Seventeenth Street, TREECE, Wright. Mrs. Sarah J. Treece, Ber- 1855 Byron Street, Chicago, Ill. New York, N. Y. wyn, Okla. DIENNIS, Alton. Mrs. Mary Dennis, box 17, SHAFFER, Dewey R. James Shaffer, Rowles- TREMBLEY, Theodore J. Mrs. Delia Nolan, Minevah, N. Y. burg, W. Va. 4148 Grand Boulevard, Chicago, Ill. WilITHEHiAD, Roy A. Mrs. Sarah White- SMITH, Lewis. Mrs. Nancy Smith, Buswell, VERNIER, Gilbert P. Mrs. Elizabeth Tay- head, 771 North Croskey Street, Philadel- Ark. 10r. 29 Goinc Street, Pontiac, Mich. phia, Pa. SMITH, Lewis. Robert Fields, Henderson, WIH.IRTON, Thbomas .T. James Wharton, WORTIIINGTON, Earl R. Mrs. P. W. Worth- Ark. Dysart, Pa. ington, 2007 North Eighth Street, Boise, SUEZZI, Peter. Mrs. Mary Suezzi, Wanoosic WHITCOMB, Walter R. W. A. Whitcomb, Idaho. Road. Fitchburg, Mass. Umatilla, Fla. TUNSTALL, James W. Mrs. James W. Tun- AMES, Louis N. Alexander Ames, 1902 North PRIVATES. stall, Crewe, Va. Thirty-second Street. Philadelphia, Pa. ALLERA, Fred Ingram. Mrs. Mayme Allera, WETTER, Joseph W. Mrs. Maude Wetter, BARETSKY, Loui. Mrs. 3L Baretsky, 1301 347 Antiltam Street, Detroit, Mich. 918 Cedar Avenue, Scranton, Pa. Washilngton Avenue, Broux, N Y. ANDERSON, John W. Mrs. Nina Anderson, YOUNG, Harry L, Mrs. Sarah D. Young, BEAVER,, Herbert. John H. Beavor, Wahoo, Taylor, N. Dak. * South Chatham, Mass. Nebr. ANDERSON, Luther D. Charley Y. Ander- ZAIIRADKA, Emily 11. Emil Zahradka, 673 BECK, Charles F. Mrs. Anna Neef Beck, son, R.'F. D. 2, Saltville, Va. Thirteenth Street, Milwaukee, Wis. 1335 Myrtle Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. AVNET, Harry. Mrs. Rose Atnet, 74 Amboy ZIELINSKI, Joe John. Rose Zielinski, 311 JACOBS, Louis E. Samuel Jacob- 61 Prince Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Warren Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Street, New Haven, Conn. BEST, Elby. Lon Best, 632 Saratoga Street, JOHNSON, Paul N. Mrs. Oscar Johnson, KERWIN, Matt G Mrs. Mary F. Kerwin, Newport, Ky. Belt, Mont. Anderson, Nebr. BROWN, -William T. Thomas Brown, 28 ANDERSON, William D, John Anderson, R. ROBSON, Maxwell II Henry C. iRobson, 88 Mason Street, Buffalo, N. Y. F. D 1 Moose Lake, Minn. Bay State Road, Somerville, Me s. BRPCINER; Joseph A. Joseph Bruchner, BALDWIN, Fredrick E. Mrs. Lucenda Green, SPARKS, Samuel P. John W. Spt rks, Hiurd- 510 West Fofty-second Street, New York, Cropseyville, N. Y. land, Mo. N. Y. BARTON, Carlton W. Mrs. C. W. Barton, TURNER, John. Mrs. Maggie Turner, 214 B)IIANNA, Arch. George Martin Byhanna, 417 Cleveland Street, Macon, Ga. Rockland Street, Lancaster, Pa. R. F. D. 1, Wheeling, W. Va. - BROKAW, George D. William R. Brokaw, WINGFIELD, Logan. James M Wingfield, COOK, Joseph W. Mrs. Christina Cook, 515 Craig, Nabr. R. F. D. 1, Collins, Mo. North Eighteenth Street, Richmond, Ind. BRYON, Flank F. Mrs. Patrick O'Hora, 832 CORNPROPST, John C. Mrs. W. E. Boben- Beach Street, Scranton Pa. Slightly Wounded in Action. reith, 277 West Clark Street, East Pales- CALLAHAN, Martin D. Vrs. Ellen Callahan, C&PTAIN. tine, Ohio. 207 Jones Avenue, Bridgeport, Conn. CI FLES, Henry. Mrs. Florence Cyples, 1902 COFFIN, Omar J. Mrs. Lillian Coffin, R. F. KIRST, Anthony J. Joseph A. Kirst, 2400 Madison Avenue, Baltimore, Md. D. 4, Presque Isle, Me. Spring Grove Avenue, Cincinnati. Ohio. DETTERBACK, Matthew Albert. Mrs. Mary DAVIS, Cornelius V. Cornelius A. Davis, 409 sERGEANTS. Detterback, 1606 First Avenue, Altoona, Pa. Presqueisle Street, Philipsburg, Pa. DEVANEY James. Mrs. Katherine Devaney, DORTLAND, Herbert. Frank Dortland, 711 COSTON. Frank U. Mrs. Bertha Nestler, 1 Wateriord Street, Boston Mass. South Edmonds Street, Mitchell, S. Dak. Marked Tree, Ark. DEVEREUX, Everett L. Frank Devereux, DWYER, Michael W. Mrs. M. J. Dwyer, 40 FARMER, Samuel D. MIrs. Blanche A. Ludlow, Vt. Franklin Street, Wallingford, Conn - Farmer, 1226 Baker Street, Galcua, Kans. DICKINSON, Arthur E. Ellsworth D. Dick- EDWARDS, Frank. Miss Minnie Edwards, FOX, John. Mrs. Mary Fox, 2432 South Fifth inson, Higghnum, Conn. 1828 Graymont Street, Monrde, La. Street, Piladelpnia, Pa. DONOVAN, John R. Mrs. J. J. Donovan, 16 EUSEPI, Domenic. N. Eusepi, 834 Fulton KNOWLES, Clyde C. Mrs. Laura B. Knowles, Holes Court, South Groveland, Mass. Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. 215 North Maple Street, McPI'or'on, Kans. DRUMMEY, Ray Charles. Mrs. Ellen Drum- EVANS, John. Miss May Willes, 1531 South MOORE, Harry C. Mrs. F. Moore, 508 Sum- mey, Monroe, Wis. Pine Street, Tacoma, Wash. mer Street, Lynn, Mass. EARP, Dexter. Julius II. Earp, R. F. D. 19, FABBRINI, Chester. Mrs. Mary Fabbrinl, 98 CORPORALS. Matthews, N. C. Main Street, Nyack, N. Y, EASLICK, Kenneth A. Schuyler C. Easlick, FARMER, Granville C. Mrs, Trannie A. DULSKI, Rudolf. Mrs. Vanola . Dulbki, 95 Hope Street, Stamford, Conn. Onsted, Mich. Farmer, 102 South Travis Street, Paris, ENGLEBRECHT, Fred. Henry Englebrecht, Tex. ENRIGHT, John J. Michael F. Enright, 424 East One hundred and thirty-ninth Scottville, Mich. FINN William Street, ESQUIBEL, F. Mrs. William F. Finn, New York, N. Y. M Jose A. Jose Esquibel, sr., 606 West Watts Street, El Reno, Okla. GUTHRIE, Mickle M. Charles Broone, Spire, Tierra Amarilla, N. Nex. GANGAWARE, John S. Mat Gangaware, 214 EVANS, Ira. Mts. Elizabeth Evans, Canter- Okla. North Ninth Street, Pottaville, Pa. LOVITT John Myers. Mrs. Ira W' Brown, bury W. Va. GREENWOOD, Leslie G. Archie Kans. FANNING, John. Mrs. Annie McCormack, Greenwood, 1628 lay Street, Topeka, 207 Bake Avenue, Jollet, Ill. CHAMBERS Charles L. Mrs. Alice Chambers, 783 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, N. Y. HACKER, Robert. Albert Hacker, R. F. D. 1, FISHER, Clinton. George Fisher, North Oakland, low. Stratford, Okla. FULLER, John. Mrs. Edward Shindler, 107 Lucas. Ohio. HALTER. Ernest George. Joe Halter, Plan- Robert W. Mrs. Nellie Chamber- Walnut Avenue, Cranford, N. J. FLEMING, dreau, S. Dak. IIIXSON, Harry W. W. 0. HIxson, Glenwood, land, 17 South Prospect Street, Kansas HAWK, Jesse J. George B. Hawk, R. F. D. Iowa. City, Kans. 3, Parnell, Mo. FORBES, John C. Mrs. Annie Forbes, 75 HUTCHINSO!, Duncan. Mrs. Henrietta HEPNER, William S. Mrs. Alnerta S. Rep- Hutchinson, 104 East Fall Street, Ithaca, River Street, Cambridge,.Mass. ner, Strasburg, Va. N. Y. FORT, Jim. Mrs. Anna Fort, 804 McDonald HOOVER, Millard F. John Hoover, West JOSEPH. Walter V. Robert E. Joseph, Pres- Street, Baltimore, Md. Fifth Avenue, Lancaster Ohio. ton, Minn. GALLAGHER, Thomas J. Patrick Gallagher, KEMMERER, Charles F. Ill. ohn A. Kemmerer, VERNON, Louis. Mrs. Anna Vernon, 750 4019 Polk Street, Chicago, 1618 Tilgham Street, Allentown, Pa. Ramsey Street, Baltimore, Md. GARNER, Hallie B. Mrs. Bulah Ward, KLEINSTUBER, Harry Van Horn. Mrs. Kate WHITE, Solon T. Mrs. Ora White, Friend, Emory, Tex. J. Kleinstuber, 5315 Girard Avenue, Phila- Oreg. GELWIX, Joe M. George W. Gelwix, Thayer, delphia, Pa. WIELGOSZ, Bazeli. Mrs. Bazeli Wlelgosz, Kans. LOPEZ, Isidro S. Rafael Lopez Y Luna, So- 936 Burnham Street, Milwaukee, Wis. HAMILTON, Joe. Mrs. S. A. Miller, Plateau, corro, N. Mex. MASTERSON, Bernard G. Mrs. Masterson, Ala. MAHONEY, Charles T. C. T. Mahoney, 158 1086 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass. HANLEY, Edward. Mrs. Kate Nagle, 500 Montrale Avenue, Woburn, Mass. MATHERS, -Daryl. J. C. Mathers, North West Pike Street, Canonsburg, Pa. HANSEN, George. Larenz C. Hansen, 8895 MARKOWITZ, Meyer. Davis Markowitz, 174 Marion Avenue, Washington, Iowa. Buffalo Avenue, South Chicago, Ill. Broome Street, New York, N. Y. POST, Marion. Libren Post, Pardeeville, HILLE, Jere G. R. H. Hille, San Fernando, MILLER, Ortbmer J. Mrs. Lemon Miller, Wis. Cal. 1222 Bhomberg Avenue, Dubuque, Iowa. MECHANIC. HOISINGTON, Willis R. Mrs. Willis R. Hois- MORAN. Frank W. Henry R. Moran, Whar- WILKINSON, Everett Samuel. James Wil- ington, Johnson, Vt. ton, Tex. kinson, Shoals, Ind. HOWELL, Don. William C. Howell, R. F. D. OLIVER, James A. Mrs. Sophia Oliver, 6, Dover, Tenn. Brown ValleL Minn. WAGONER. HUNTER, Georgd L. Mrs. Harry E. Hunter, PATTERSON, Oscar M. Elbert M. Patter- EPPEL, George. Mrs. Francis March, 218 Cuero, Tex. son, Rockwood, Tenn. North Main Street, Paris, Tex.. KNOX, John P. Mrs. J. J. Knox, 6 Rivere PAVLOCK, John S. Charles Parlock, box Street, Boxton, Mass. 367. Johnsonburg, Pa. COOK. KRAVITCH, Vaginia. Mrs. Techa Kravitch, PECOR,.John W. John Pecor, 907 Phillipp BOYER. David A. Mrs. David A. Boyer, Durna Street, Grodna, Russia. Street, Rhinelander, Wis. 1300 Taylor Avenue, New Kensington, Pa. 26 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING

PRIVATES. CRIETEAUX, Ignatius Vincent. Mrs. Charles CORPORALS. Creteau, 1420 State Street, Milwaukee, BRAND, Fred C. Mrs. Minnie King, 521 ADASJS, Harvey. Christ, Adams, Brooks- Wis. burg, Ind. South Sixteenth Street, Newark, N. J. DAGGETT, Royal. William H. Daggett, 6718 HENDRICKS, Mona R. J. A. Hendricks, ANDREWS, John Carl. Frederick E. An- Aimboy Road, Richmond Valley. N. Y. drces, Queen Street, Sidney, Ohio. Trinity Tex. DAIUTE, Charles Leonard. Mrs. Mary Da- Hog. BARNARD, Charles L.- Mrs. Elizabeth Dunn, ute, 77 Washington Street, Bradford, Pa. thOGSTRO, Andrew. Mrs. Katherine Aneola, La. strom, 898 Albert Street, Long Island City, DE BENEDETTO, Nick. Charles Bi Pasqua, N. Y. BARNES, Frances William. Mrs. Carrie 29 First Street, New York, N. Y. Barnes, R. F. 1). 3, Watertown, Wis. RUPPE. Marcus G. George Ruppe, 405 lIan- FAHEY, Anthony. Richard Fahey, 4000 Van cock Street, Hancock, Mich. BAUM. Isidor. Max Molddovsky, 133 Mon- Buren Street, Chicago, Ill. roe Street, New York, N. Y. SLATTERY, Daniel M. Mrs. Annie Slattery, FAIRAAN, Kenneth W. Frederick A. Fair- 97 Jackson Avenue, Long Island City, N. Y. BEMP, Otto A. Nick Christensen, Allyn, man, 9 Oak Street, Pawtucket, R. I. GRAY, Edward. Mrs. Callie T. Gray, genleral W ash. FENN, Leland T. Mrs. Mary Penn, Nyssa, delivery, Dallas, Tex. BENNETT. Edward. Mrs. Audrey Bennett, Oreg. WESIBROOK, Tant R. James W. Westbrook, Dodgeville, Wis. FRALEY, Chester Richard. Mrs. Rica Fraley, Snyder, Tex. BENSON, William Edward. Mrs. Emma Dor- 1440 Holcomb Avenue, Detroit, Mich. thea Benson, 2037 Paris Avenue, Indianap- FRANKE, Paul A., jr. Mrs. Mamie Franke, MECHANICS. olis, Ind. 10'i5 Halsey Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. SCHAFER, Frank W. Miss Rose Schafer, 444 BINDER, Clarence P. Henry Binder, 645 FRITZ, Henry. Joe Fritz, R. F. D. 4, War,- North Flores Street, San Antonio, Tex. 'Chestnut Street, Emans,'Pa. renton, Mo. TAYLOR, Ernest. Isaac IH. Taylor, Louise, BROSLOSKY, Peter. Albert Broslesky, 504 GEERING, Willard M. Mrs. Mary Gearing, Tex. Eleventh Avenue, New York, N. Y. 1121 Cold Spring Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. MUSICIAN. CAVAGGIONI, Pietro. Antonio Cavaggioni, GIERCZNCKI, Stanislaw. Joseph Gieresncki, Rouca Yerona, Italy. Thirtieth Street, Detroit, Mich. LANGSTON, Roger Durlinghame. Clarence COFFEY, Patrick J. Michael Coffey, 171 West GLUN, Anton F. John Glun, R. F. D. 2, Adrian Langston, Gordonsville, Va. Street, New York. N. Y. Berlin, Wis. COOPER, Howard Frank. Mrs. Lulla New- HAWLEY, Leon F. Mrs. Florence M. Hawley, PRIVATBS. ton, i. I' D. 2, Addison, Mich. 609 Genesee Street, Medina, N. Y. AADLAND, Alfred G. Mrs. Annie Aadland, DALEY, William. Thomas J. Daley, Corrigan HEITMAN, Richard. Susie Briggs, East Lidgerwood, N. Dak. Avenne, Meriden, Conn. Aurora. N. Y. ARCHER, Orville. Mary A. Webb, 1510 Penn DELLAR, Olive J. Mrs. Mary Lawton, 219' IIILLTAH, George John. John Hilliah, 906 Avenue, New Brighton, Pa. Poil Street. Jefferson, Ind. Hanson Street, Millvale, Pa. CAIN James II. Mrs. Wilhemina Cain, 1830 DELQJAY. Frank J. Mrs. Richard Delory, HITCHENS, John Joseph. Mrs. Margaret Middle Street, Sharpsbtlrg, Pa. 103, High Street, Troy, N. H. Hitchens, 49 Pleasant Avenue, Passaic, CARBERRY, Levi. J. Al. Carberry, Alton, DElIE, Emil. Samuel Coschiarella, 43 N. J. Ind. North Phelan Creek, St. Paul, Minn. IIUITT, Benjamin Franklin. Dan Huitt, 700 CARRANZA, Miguel. Mrs. Siiona Carranza, DESOTELLE, Henry. Alec Bedard, Plain- South Kennedy Street, Albion, Micy. Elmendorf, Tex. field Street. Springfield, Mass. HURT, Eddie J. John A. Hurt, Phroso, Okla. CLEMOWITZ, Felix. Ignac Jaglinski, 16 As- DILLENDEIRG, Frank X. Mrs. Maude Dil- JOYCE, Steven. Mrs. Mary Joyce, 1014 toria Road, Maspeth, N. Y. lenberg. Ai ora, 111. South Sixth Street, Scranton, Pa. COLGAN, Bernard F. Mrs. Mary Colgan, DOYAL, Jasper R. Mrs. Alice D. Doval, 1611 KATONA, Stephen. John George, 132 Brady 512 West One huhdred and thirtieth Street, North Main Street, Houston, Tex. Avenue, Barberton, Ohio. New York, N. Y. DUCK. Robert S. A. D. Duck, Brady, Ala. KOCIAN, William Albert. Emil Kocian, Two COYLE, Joseph V. Mrs. Marie Coyle, 180 PAVE, Challes S. W. J. Eaves, R. F. D. Rivers. Wis. Garfield Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. 4. iHartwell, Ga. KOTAKOWSKI, Makary M. Mrs. ftose Kota- COSGROYE. John. Patrick J. Cosgrove, 2434 FATILTERSACK, Peter. Peter Faultersack, kowski, Zombrzus, Russia. Stewart Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Sollivan, Wis. LOKOFSKL Michal. Mrs. Joseph Rizineivier, COWAN. Benjamin S. Miss Anna Hein, 700 FELTON. John, jr. Elbert Felion, South 623 South Center Street, Beaver Dam, Wis.- East One hundred and fifty-eighth Street, Coreville, Oklia. MCCUTCHEON, Raymond. Mrs. Retta Roller, New York, N. Y. FRAGAKIS, Tony. Mrs. Vasilike Fragakis, Whitney, Tex. COWAN, Robert C. Mrs. John S. Cowan, 33 Mission, State of Maslinia, Greece. _McKENNA, Lawrence. Mrs. Kate O'Brien, Lee Street, Cambridge, Mass. FRISK, Samuel A. Andrew Frisk, Rubicon, 115 East Second Street, Lexington, Ky. DARILEK, John A. John Darilek, Megargel, Mich. MALANEK. John, jr. John Malanek, 2934 Tax. GARRETT, Joseph. Joseph Garrett, Jones- South-Union Avenue, Chicago, III. DARNELL, Leslie. Frank Darnell, R. F. D. burg, Mo. POLING, Herbert II. Mrs. Dasie Poling. 215 7, Thompsouville, Ill. GR ABOWSKI, John. John Grabowski, 1074 Nortb Wabash Street. Wheeling, W. Va. DAVENPORT, John J. irs. Mary Daven- Twelfih Avenue, Milwaukee. Wis. POST, Harold W. Frank i. Post, 951 Main port, 741 West Ontario Street, Philadel- HARGIS, Willie M. Hargis, Dorrise Hargis, Street, Westbrook, Me. phia, Pa. R. F. D. 4. Roxboro, N. C. REPSTIEN, William C. Mrs. Margaret Rep- DICKINSON. Thomas A. Frank Dickinson, H.AZELBAKER. John E. James Hazelbaker, stion. Monticello, Iowa. Harrold. Tex. Clar-inda, lowa. SCHUMACHER, John I. Henry Schumacher, DIETRICH, Clifford L. George A. Dietrich, IIOFACRE. John P. Mrs. J. G. Hofacre, Hol- Waverly, Iowa. Sayre, Okla. ton, Kans. SHEASBY, George W. Mrs. Thomas Sheasby, DOYLE, Charles F. Frank P_ Doyle, 10 Rich- 154 West Fourth Street, Superior, Wis. mond Street, Worcester, Mass. JACKSON, William S. Ike S. Jackson, Come, STURFIELD, Edward. Mrs. Mary Surfield, Mis. 467 Nicholas Street, Potteville, Pa. EDGREN, Oscar G. 01af Edgren, R. F. D. 1, KALINOWSKT, Paul. Stanley Kalinowski, TIMM, Gust. Miss Ella Timm, 220 Hewitt Monson, Pa. 708 One hundred and eighty-sixth Street, Street, Neenah, Wis. FIELDING, George W. Mrs. Henrietta New York, N I. TRDPANIBR, Wilfred. Herman Trepanier, I Fielding, Haratra, Ark. KESTE11, William J. Mrs. Mary Kestei, Oonto, Wis. GAZZALA, Geacomo. Miss Angelina Gazzala, Somers Point, N. J. WHYTE. Frank B. Mrs. Margaret Whyte, Castel Franco Yeneto, Province of Travislo, LAFLASID. Albert. Frank Meloche, 432 Ward S38 Cleveland Avenue, Amherst, Ohio. Italy. Street, Saginaw, lich. ANDERSON, William A. Henry Anderson, LEVENS, Carl T. J. E. Levens* Roopville, 43 New Street, Jersey City, N. J. GEORGE, Haden E. Enoch B. George, Fisher Ga. BORLAND, Charles E. Edward J. Borland, Store, Tex. LUNDIN, Carl E. Erick Lundin, Ozema, Wis. 712 East Diamond Street. Pittsburgh, Pa. GOSS, Frank L. Nelson Goss, 1 Park Street, MCREEDY, Charles E. Mrs. Katherine F. Bf 4DY, Ernest 0. Daniel B. Brady, IDayton, Middlebury, Vt. MeCreedv. 118 McCullock Street, Stevens Tenn. GRIEBENOW, Ferdinand. Mrs.. Bertha Grie- Pojut, Wi". BROCK. Dean M. Everett C. Brock, 156 benow, 2211 Lloyd Street, Milwaukee, Wis. MACKEX, Henry. John Macken, Darlington, Washington Street, Barre, Vt. GROSS. Percy L. Osca4Gross, Lopez, Pa. Wis. HARMONY, Eugene B. Mrs. Rebecca Har- mony, 1438 Gordon Street, Allentown, Pa. MASHBURN, Daniel D. Levi Mashhurn, Missing in Action. HENDERLITE, Chester. Mrs. Martha E. R. F. D. 2, Laneville, Tex. 6, Knoxville, Tenn. A. . Adam Matesky, T LIEUTENANTS. Henderlite, R. F. D. MATOSKY, Joseph HETTINGER, Meincej. Herman Foyen, Man- Depot Street, Chicopee, Mass. \ ANDERSON, Charles P. C. P. Anderson, MEYER, Maurice. Mrs. Anna Meyer, 304 chester, Okla. 125) Prairie Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Mrs. Mary E. Bronson Street, Kenosha, Wis. JOHNSON, James A. Mrs. Gorda Johnson, HIGHTOWER. Alphas L. MINGOS, Christos. J. Jervinis, 80a Western 523 Third Street, St. Petersburg, Fla. Highto er, Union Level, Va. Avenue, West Lynp, Mass. HOCKETT, Fred. Walt r E. Hockett, 311 ORF11, Jimmie A. W. S. Orem, Dumas, Ter. SERGEANTS, Ewing Street, Indianapolis, Ind. SAMPSON, Lloyd. Mrs. Leda Sampson, 107 Holley, Hillside Avenue, Stoughton, Wis. Fred. Frank Borg, Mount Olive, Ill. HOLLEY. Otho. Mrs. Martha C. STEINBERG. Abe. Mrs. Gussle Steinberg, KUYKENDALL. Alex. Alexander C. Kuyken- Wharton, Tex. Vischor Vovassha. Russia. dali, Transylvania University, Lexington, ARNOLD, Printer B. 11rs. Lillie Arnold, 303 SUTHERLAND. Carl B. Otis Sutherlan Ky. Eighth Street, ArdmolM, Okla. Ladysmith, Wis. MOSS, James B. Mrs. Angy Moss, Wagoner, BAILEY. James E. William Bailey, Verda- TALLEY, Williim R. Mrs. Martha C. Talley, Okla. man, Miss Caledonia, 11o. KYLE. Cecil F. Mrs. Mary Kyle Wretloff, BAKER, Edward. Mrs. Mary Baker, box 473, TIETJEX, Victor. Mrs. Henry Tietjen, 165 2647 Taylor Street, Minneapolis, Minn. Port Allegheny, Pa. Audubon Avenue, New York, N. Y. O'TOOLE, Joseph D. Mrs. Kathryn O'Toole, BAKER, Milton H. Mrs. Thomas J. Baki-s. CHASE, Welter Elsen. Louis H. Chase, Glen- 2342 East Clearfield Street, Philadelphia, hamli. Y. Pa. Okmulgee, Okla. BALES, Harry. Grant Carter, R. F. D. I, COHEN, Sam M. Max Cohen, 29 East Sev- RYAN, Charles P. Mrs. Kate Ryan, 1605 Ind. enth Street, New York, N. Y. Burnett Street, Wichita Falls, Tex. Lawrenceburg, COOK, Clarence J. William Cook, 536 Smith SAMISON, Walter R. F. -C, Samson, 1936 CNUCITTI, Demetrio. Miss Natale Plutino, Street, York, Pa. Walnut Street, Chicago, Ill. 605 Front Street, Susquehanna, Pa. - THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETINs TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1918. 27 CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING DEAN, Bernard F. Mrs. Eva L. Dean, Stan- PROWELL Calvin H. Mrs. Dora Prowell, STEWART. Byard. Boyd Stewart, P. 0. box ley. Va. Kvi, X. 804, Lovell, Wyo. FEDOR, Joseph R. Mrs. Anna Fedor, Patton, PYLES, Alva C. Benjamin F. Pyles, Kirby, STEWART, Calvin E. Mrs. Ella Stewart, Pa. W. Va. - Madisonville, Tex. FLEMING, Robert D. , Robert Fleming, 10511 RUNNER, William D. Chages Runner, Tun- STINELLA, Angelo. John Stinella, 189 Greenlawn Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. nelton, W. Va. Wabash Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. GONZALES, Adolfo. Jose P. Gonzales, Co- RUSORI, Giuseppe. Mrs. Anna Rusori, 710 STRAND, Hans. Henry Roy, _East Helena, puhn, Colo. South Racine Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Mont. GREENLY, Harry. William Greenly, 757 RTISAW, Clarence H, Mrs. Agnes Casaw, TEETER, Frank B. Mrs. John II. Teeter, North Eighth Street, Reading, Pa. 1088 Center Street, Syracuse, N. Y. Mount Pocono, Pa. HENDERSON, Richard V. Sam Henderson, SANDLER, Louis. Benjamin Sandler, 45, THOMPSON Leonard. Mrs. Rose Bellman, R. F. D. 2, Saltillo, Miss. East Walnut Street, Tauntoh,. Mass. 1844 1estMonroe Street, Chicago, Ill. IIIBELER, Hugo. Mrs. Hauma Hibbeler, SCOTT, George F. Mrs. Minnie I. Scott, UHL, Fritz W. Mrs. Agnes Uhl, box 192, Am- El Campo, Tex. Sayre, Okla. ber, Okla. HOGLAND, Ace. Miss Maggie Hogland, SEILER, Benjamin. Toblons Seller, 1524 WENCKUS, Paul J. Miss Leonera Smulski, Seary, Okla. Charlotte Street, New York, N. Y. 2545 West Forty-fifth Place, Chicago, Ill. IOVEY, Earl L. Mrs. Alzina Hovey, 808 SHADIONS, John B. James Shadlons, De- WKLIN Orofena. Mrs. Epoma Wicklin, Logan Avenue, Belvidere, Ill. berry, Tex. Pau Valley, Ohla. KRUMLAUF, Asa G. Mrs. Mary Krumlauf, WILLBANKS, William B. James Willbanks, Garibaldi, Oreg. SHACKELFORD, Samuel T. Mrs. Amelia. Doans, Tex. LAUGHLIN, Howard E. John L. Laughlin, Padgett, Mount Erie, Ill. WILLIAMS, John B. John A. Williams, Mat- 201 South Maple Street, Mount Carmel, Pa. SHANNON, Robert S. Robert E. Shannon, agort'a, Tex. LEMASTER, Janies H. Mrs. James H. Le- Durant, Okla. - WRIGHT, Thomas C. William A. Wright, master, King City, Mo. SHANNON, William Frederick. Mrs. Cora Alba, Tex. MAGEE, Don. Mrs. Mary Magee, Glen Flora, Shanno, 2929 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chi- ZEMAN, Jack M. Mrs., Celia Zeman, 1443 Tex. cago, Ill. West Van Buren Street, Chicago, Ill. MURDOCII, Andrew L. Mrs. Ione E. Mur- ZIOLLA, George. Vincenzo Ziolla, Petro, SHEETS Howard W. George L. Sheets, 22 Calle doch, R. F. D. 1, Fort Shaw, Mont Branch Street, Flemnington, N. J. SaGito. Provinclo Del Ben! Vento, NORWOOD, Pleas W. William S. Norwood. Italy. Ii. F D. 11, Knox County, Tenn. SKETNIK, Joe W. John Sketnik, Sublime, BELTi1M, Victoriano. Joseangle Beltram, OGDEW, Richard L. Mrs. Nellie M. Ogden, Tex. 123 Bigfoot Street, San Antonio, Tex. Lancaster, Tex. SMITH, William L. Mrs. Nettle Smith, Has- BULAND, Ped r 0. Bendick Rasmussen, PARRISH, George L. D. George Parrish, B. kell, Tex. Cyrus, Minn. F. D. 6. Angola, Ind. STARR, Walter. Miss Dorcas Smiley, Water- CARTEUR, William D. Mrs. Ann E. Carter, PETCHENY, Frank. Mrs. Bertha Petcheny, ford, Pa. 250 Eleventh Street. Marinette, Wis. Brownsville, Pa. EVANS William J. Mrs. Emma E. Evans, PIERCE, Alvin. B. M. Pierce, R. F. D. 1, STEIN, John P. Mrs. Charlotte Stein, 1008 Cottonwood, Fex. Atlanta, Ark. West Grant Avenue, Duquesne, Pa. FARRELL, Michael. Mrs. Elizabeth Dietz, POLKOSKY, James. John Braskin, R. F. D. 132 South Eighteenth Street, Pittsburgh, 1, Indians Pa. Pa. SETRIKIAN, Levon S. Mrs. Viaa Grabed- GREGORY, John. Mrs. Julia A. Gregory, fan, Fresno, Cal. Lindsay, Okla. HILL, Claude B. John T. Hill, Marshall, SIMPSON, Walter E. Santford Simpson, Tax. Barnett, Tex. Keep Bulletin Posted ODGE,'sco. Mrs. Will A. Hodge, R. F. D. SOLLEY, John E. Mrs. Matilda C. Solley, In All U. S. Post Offices 2". ithifield, Tdx. I F. D. 1, Westover, Pa. KIPPERBERG, Peter M. Mrs. Jack Som- THORNLEY, Charles E. Charles W. Thorn- mars, Rush City, Minn. ley, Brookall, Ohio. Rleports having been made that KUSSMAN, Nick. Peter Kuzmanick, Al- WAGENKNECHT, Walter. Mrs. Anna Wa- at some post offices THn QFFIcIAL to~gara Wash. genknecht, 3487 West Fifty-sixth Street, U. S. BULLETIN is not being posted LAVERY, Lyfin R. Mrs. Nan Owens, R. F. D. Cleveland, Ohio. 4, Titusville, Pa. / WALLMAN, Otto. August Wallman, R. F. regularly for public reading in LAWS, Ed. Mrs. Etta Laws, Depew, Okla. D 2, Dearborn, Mich. accordance with Postmaster Gen- McCOY, Harvey Lee. Mrs. Eva McCoy, 917 WILKINSON, Parker, jr. Parker Wilkinson, eral Burleson's orders, postmasters Norton Avenue, Kansas City, Mo. sr., 255 Pioneer Street, Akron, Ohio. MIX, Harry L. Miss Lucy WILLIAMS, Elmer J. Mrs. John Williams, are again reminded of this impor- Davis, Murray, 1236 Hampshire Street, Quincy, Ill. tant duty. It should be remem- MOTCOW, John. Lanthan Alvol, Patterson, WTITTKDI, Martin. August Wuttke, Lyons, bered that THE BULiETIN is the Iowa. Mich. only publication available to all O'NEAL Albert L. I George L. O'Neal, Semi- XETIIALIS, Constantine. Jrame Xethalis. nole. Tax. 184 Christopher Street, New York, N. Y, sections of the country that prints OWENS, James W. Mrs. James F. Owens, ZAREBA, Joseph. Frank Lasenski, 26 Bristol daily the complete and correct casu- Woodville, Miss. Sticet, New Haven, Conn. alty lists from our armies oversea PALMER, Lonnie. Marcus P. Palmer, Mil- JENE, John P Mrs. Clara Jene, 447D burn, Okla. Cedarville Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. exactly as they are issued by the PAULSON, Dump. Mrs. Lydia P. Lang, Spen- JESSEE, Aaron W. Jefferson Jessee, H. F. D. War Department. Many newspa- cerville, 1. Ilansonville, Va. pers print only the lists having local Tex. JONES, Ballard. Mrs. Rosa Wilson. Ary, Ky. PERKINS, Byrl I. Harvey L. Perkins, Otto, JOHNSON, Victor E. Mrs Christine John- interest in their own territory. Wyo. THE BuLiTIN prints every name son, R F. D. 1, box 74, Cokoto, Minn. PERRY, Leo. Mrs. Riza Perry, McCurtain, KING, Eddie. Mrs. Linda King,. 1601 North and address, thus making it a cer- Okla. Street, Waco, Tex. Ninth tain means of informing friends PETERSON, William. Morris Peterson, Wolf KTTRTZ, Frank H. Fred L. Kurts, Cuero, Point, Mont. Tex. and relatives, wherever* they may be, of the fate of a soldier or sailor, PFEIFER, Frank X. Frank Pfeifer, 2629 KUYKENDALL, Clarence T. Nathan A. Kuy- Patterson Street, kendall, *210 North Thirfy-sixth Street, no matter where his home town or Pittsburgh, Pa. Newport News, Va. ROGERS, Henry. Harry Rogers, city. Athens, Tex. R. F. D. 6, LAMB, Chester. James II. Lamb, Main Postmasters are urged, aside from Street, Chateaugav, N. Y. SATTERFIELD, William L. George W. Sat- MARKS, Henry. Mhiss Rose Marks, 271 East their duty as officials, to make It terfield, Junction City, Oreg. Broadway, New York, N. Y. their patriotic and personal duty to SCHUITEMAN, McPAUL, Barney F. Mrs. Katherine Mc- William. Mrs. Arthur Schuite- Paul, R F. D. 3, fleDonald, Pa. see that the public has the fullest man, Sioux Center, Iowa. McKEEVER, Charles P. Ben T. McKeever, benefit of this privilege. SMERLES, James. * William Smerles, 2154 Sulphur Springs, Tex. The-Postmaster General's order South Western Avenue, Chicago, III. MEDFORD, Willie. Miss Bessie Holden, 1621 follows: SWANSON, Arthur L. Mrs. Anna Swanson, Harrington Avenue, Fort Worth, Tex. 302 Chestnut Street, Erie, Pa. Guy. W. E. Miller, Enterprise, Ala. MILLER, All postmasters are directed to SWENSEN, John. Mrs. Mary E. Jensen, 111 MONROE, Lewa R. Mrs. Ellen Monroe, post THE OFFicIAL U. S. BuLLETN Borne Street, Bismark, Okla. Seattle, Wash. daily in a conspicuous place in the THOMPSON, George Elmer. Burchard Daniel MOTISKA, Joseph E. Mrs. Susan Motiska, Thompson, Cyclone, Pa. 234 Smith Street, Dupont, Pa. lobby or other portion of their re- NIE'lLA"N, Paul A., jr. Mrs. Kate Niemann, spective post-office buildings where TROBIROA, Ignac. Joseph R. Trobiron, 2035 463 West One hundred and sixty-fourth the public can read it; and, without West Thirty-second Street, Chicago, Ill. Street, New York, N. Y. TURNER, Ralph W. James J. Turner, Perrin, NOYES, Gordon. ' George L. Noyes, 149 Main expense to the Government, each Tex. Street, It1rway, Me. and every postmaster is earnestly WICKER, Willie W. John T. Wicker, Sanford, OBERG, Olof J. Ole M. Oberg, Deer, Minn. urged to see that this BunLLrm~ is N. C. POPPE, James I. William Poppe, Marble, made available to as man people WILCOX, William C. Chester Wilcox, R. P. P Minn. as possible in the manner suggested. D. 1, Grand Blanc, Mich. POWELL, Dennis P. Mrs. Rosie Powell, 118 A. S. BurmLEson, WILEY, Erigene N. Trave Wiley, Cranesville, Bedford Street, Manchester, N. H. Postmaster GeneraL Pa. PRIBBERNOW. Charles L. Mrs. Charles F. -WILLIAM, Ben Q. Mrs. E. Sneary, Western Pribbernow, Humboldt, Kans. Grove, Ark. 28 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1918.

LIST B. Requirements of Compressed Yeast. ARMY SUBSISTENCE REQUIREMENTS - Atlanta: Pounds, Camp XGordon--'_ :------, 00 FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY Camp Hancock ------4 000 Camp Jackson ------3 000 Camp Johnston------1 00 Camp McClellan ------) 000 Owing to the anticipated early reduc- Crackers: Camp Sevier ------2, 500 cartons-- tion of the strength of the Army in the Ginger ------2,80 Camp .Tesup ------0 Assorted -... do ---- 9 Camp Wadsworth 4 000 United States all prospective bidders Graham ------do. --- 5,350 Camp Wheeler ------1 500 Whould be definitely advised that the Soda...... do ---- 112,008 Camp Greene -- 2 500 Saltines - do ---- 1,440 General Hospital No. 12 ------120 quantities specified in lists A and B will, Water--do - 288 Army Hospital No. 18 ------50 In all probability, be greatly reduced at COtrrants ------do --. 5,160 Aimy Hospital No. 19------150 the time awards are made. Electro silicon------boxes-- 328 Aviation Repair Depot No. 3------90 All bids should be f. o. b. point of load- Equipment dressing, 0. D- do_ ..- 376 Carlstrom Field ------150 Farina ------packages. 79,136 Fort Caswell------250 ing except bids for yeast, compressed, on Flour : Charleston port terminal ------275 which delivered quotations, camps and Buckwheat ------pounds. 1,900 Key West Barracks------30 posts, must be submitted where require- Graham ------do - 27,000 Fort McPherson ------250 Potato ------do---- -0,000 Fort Moultrie .- 200 ments are shown by camps and posts, Bran ------do ---- 4, 00 Camp Polk ------1 200 otherwise delivered to the general supply Rice ------do---- 273,200 SoutherSouherFied------14 Field - 140 depot. Corn ------do----1,087,000 Taylor Field ------50 Oat ------do 376,900 Fort Dade ------75 Propocals should refer to specifications Rye ------do---- - 13,800 Baltimore: and conditions 'contained in Quarter- Cornstarch------do ---- 62,100 Fort Du Pont ------70 mnster Corps Form 120, Fe)ruary. 1918, Bailey ------do---- 4,200 Edgewood Arsenal------1,500 Gelatin ------packets 32, 940 Camp Holabird ------300 and amendments or additions thereto. Ginger ale------bottles-- 30,188 Fort Howard 30 Bids to be opened by Zone supply offi- Hominy, lye ------cans.. 209,632 Fort Mc Henry------. 180 cers on December 8, 1948, and no bids Jelly: Camp IMeade ------3,00 Fort Washington ------160 shall be received after 12 o'clock in., Assorted ------do----- 2.400 ChemicAl Currant -- - do - 21,680 Plant No 43------30 eastern time, of that day. Listerine ------bottles. 2,466 Camp Iumphreys ------8,000 This office will approve or disapprove Lobster ------cans 13,372 Camp Lee------4, 500 Fort Monroe -- 350 bids4 not later than Decesber 16, but all Macaroni ------packages-_ 661,800 Walter Reed Milk, nIlted ---- bottles 4,336 General Hospital...... 300 bide ehould be submitted with the under- Fort Myer ------00 Macaroni (bulk) - pounds-- 200,000 New Orleans: standing that they are subject to accept- Mincemat ------ns.. 1,392 ance by the Army until midnight Decem- Molasses (in cans) quarts 720 Camp Beauregard ------2, 500 Do - gallons__ 10,132 Bostop ber 18, 191& Mushrooms ------cans. 8,268 Camp Devens ------3, 500 LIST A. Mustard, prepared bottles-- 40,888 Fort Adams ------350 Fish: Oatmeal (in bulk) pounds-. 1,074,600 Fort Preble - 125 Oatmeal ------cartons 329,694 Fort Andrews ------50 Dried cod ... pounds-. 11 500 Fort Banks ------55 JPickled mackerel - - kits.... 2, 000 Oil, olive------bottles-- 2,300 Do ------cans. 52, 6 Fort Revere ------30 Baking powder, 5-pound ---cans- 61, 142 Fort Strong ------65 Corn Meal: Olives ------pint bottles. 42 Fort Warren ------40. White------pounds-- Z 003, 050 Do------quart bottles. 240 Fort Ethan Allen------125 Yellow (sacks) - do-- 1,328,400 Oysters: Fort Rodman ------40 Baking powder: ,No. ------cans , 000 Fort Constitution ------160 No. ------cans-. 20,486 No. 2 ------.. do... 36,544 New York: No. 1 ------do.... 74, 106 Pepper: Fort Hamilton ------300 Yeast, Food ------pounds-- 17,5300 Cayenne ------bottles-. 8,120 Fort Slocum ------00 Hominy - Chili Colorado ---- canisters-- 10, 384 Port Totten------400 Coarse (in saclis) -- pounds-- 16, 700 Fort Wood ------Fine, No. 2- cartons- 208, 704 Pickles: West Point ------100 Fine (bulk) pounds 200, 000 Chowchow - pint jars. 13,000 Cam Upton ------3,1 500 Jam,. Issue, No. 2 ------cans-. 760, 404 Cbowqhow - quart jars. 600 Plat bug Barracks------200 Tea: Gherkins ------pint jars. 14,380 Fort Ontario ------60 Ceylon. I-pound ---. packages-- 300 Gherkins -- quart jars, 336 Fort Niagara ------330 Black, Eng. B'fast- pounds. 250, 710 Mixed ------pint jars 12,380 Fort Porter ------1-0-70 Black, Oolong (bulk) _do --- 40, 450 Mixed ------quart jars... 720 Fort Hancock ------150 Green, gunpowder do-- 7, 200 Polish: Camp Krano, Allentown, Pa 7-300 Green, Japan ----- do.-- 11, 200 Shoe, black, combination, Camp Las Cases, P. R------300 Green, Y. Hyson ------do.-- 3,840 cartons ------432 General Hospital No. 24, Pittsburgh. -- a Vinegar - - gallons-- 1W 180 Shoe, isset, paste ---. boxes-. 512 Omaha: Pickles, cucumber -- do-- 112, 989 Potatoes, sweet------cans. 92, 520 Fort Crook ------150 Salt, issue ------pounds-- 1, 673, 400 Fort Des Moines ------20 Pepper, black, i-pound .canister-., 198, 272 Preserves:' Sam Houston: Cinnamon, 1-pound - do --- 61 330 Cherry ------do .-- 1, 008 Camp Bowie ------1,500 Cloves, 1-pound ...... do --. 26, 510 Damson ------do 5, 280 Camp Logan.~ ------00 Ginger, 1-pound ------do---- 25, 140 Orange ------do ---- 648 Camp MacArthur ------4730, Nutmeg, i-pound - -do --- 25, 4U8 Quince ------do---- 120 Camp Travis ------2.5300 Sirup, issue (in cans) -- gallons-_ 278, 592 Raspberry ------do ---- 28, 580 Camp Stanley ------360 Lemon extract: Strawberry ------do .- 69, 188 Kelly Field------450 2-ounce -- bottles.. 17, 784 Salt: Corpjus Christi ------180R 8-ounce ------_do 10, 386 Table------bags. 16, 100 Del Rio ------80 Vanilla extract . Do ------boxes. 62, 280 Eagle Pass.------.2 Fort Clark..------270 2-ounce ------. do-- 37, 328 Sauce: 8 ounce ------do--... 107, 186 Fort McIntosh ------240 Chili ------bottles. 480 Mercedles ------120 Salt, rock ------pounds... 918,1000 Tomato catsup - do ---- 120, 872 2, 400 Fort Ringgold ------100 ape issue --- do -- Worcestershire - do 6, 288 Fort Brown ------180 Shrimp ------cans 9, 476 St. 1,ouis: issue ------do.--. 217, 000 Sirup, maple blend - do- 26, 272 Lantern - - do -- 20,200 Eberts Field, Ark ------150 Matches, safety boxes-- 444, 880 Soap: Camp Pike ------7,00 Apple butter, No. 2j - - tins-. 98. 312 Hand ------cakes-_ 240 .Camp Zachary Taylor-,------3, OQQ Asparagus -- - -- cans_ 55, 744 Laundry ------do 24, 000 Camp Knox, West P'oint,' Ky ------7,530 Bluing: Shaving ------tubes- 6, 360 Camp Funston ------4, 000 Ball ------boxes-- 1, 032 Scouring -- - cakes-- 96. 680 Park Field, Tenn------0 Io'%u di,r d ------do-- 720 Shavin - - do- 12,440 Fort Logan HT.RtAr------75 Borax - cartons.. 12, 158 Shaving -- -- sticks-- 16, 888 Fort Rieno, remount depot ------5 Bora __pounds 5,000 Toilet, standard brands, Scott Field ------125 Candy: mkes3...... - -- 413, 920 United Sta tes Disciplinary Bar- Chuolat(- - cartons 222 044 Soda, cooking ---- package. 96 racks. Kans ------230 Ljmnon dropq - - do__ 54, 172 Spinach ------cans--- 65, 588 Fort Riley, Kans ------1, rX00 Sf ick- do - 62, 236 Starch: Fort 81ill------1, 400 Chocolate: Corn ------packages- 478, 608 Jefferson Barracks ------00 Fort Leavenworth, Kans ------20k~ Plain -__ -- packages-- 25, 160 Laundry do 25, 664 Tapioca ------do - 72, 240 Vanilla - -- do---- 274, 464 Toilet water ------bottles. 996 Cocoa: Tooth powder ------cans. 3, 552 Better than money because Breakfast. 5 pound cans-_ 800. Tooth wash ------bottles. 1, 296 they earn Breakfast - anisters 258, 312 Tooth paste --- tubes-. 25, 800 money; buy a WAR-SAVINGS 'STAMP, Coffee, R. & G., 2-pound do------27, 632 Water, effervescent .pint bottles. 8 000 ,Crabs, deviled ----- cans.- 2, 240 Witch-hazel ------bottles... 0 868 TO-DAY. THE OFFICIAL 'U. S. BULLETIN: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1918. 29


The following is a list of contracts 11500-PH. Swift & Co., Chicago, Ill., but- - 2965-2070. Gulf Refining Co., Philadelphia, ter, $12,798.96. Pa., gere oil, $6,860. placed by the various Government de- 11498-PI. Swift & Co. Chicago, Ill., ham, PF-77(2)2. Barrett Mfg. Co., Now York partments and divisions thereof as in- $5,470.80. * City, coal tar pitch, $16,125. dicated below: 11535-PH. Swift & Co.,' Chicago, Ill., but- 4-3557. Prudential Oil Co., New York City, ter, $6,025. gasolene, 6,400. 11408-PH. Swift & Co., Chicago, Ill., hams, HO-2242-N. Rubberset Co., Newark, N. $17,251.60. brushes, $15,620. J., 765. Petersburg Packing Co., Seattle, Wash., HO-2014-C. Metal Stamping Co., Streator, salmon, $19,872. Ill., music stands, $8,010. OF REVIEW 762. Carstens Packing Co., Seattle, Wash., HO-2262-N. S. Blickman, New York City, BOARD salmon $11 625. - bread boxes, $20,850. 15013-G. Waiter Bros., Peoria, Ill., pota- HO-2180-N. American Ever Ready Works, The following is a list of purchase or- toes, $7,630. Long Island City, N. Y., electrical supplies, 15011-G. W. H. Farrell & Co., Minneapolis, $6,314.50. ders and contracts approved by the Minn., potatoes, $5,258. HO-2252 N. American La France Fire En- board of review under date of November 1155-PH. Armour & Co., Chicago, Ill., gine Co., Elmira, N. Y., fire extinguishers, 4, 1918: corned beef, $13,824. $24,375. 11548-PU. Armour & Co., Chicago, Ill., Mot-998. Frank Mossburg Co., Attleboro, 02989. Toberman, Mackey & Co., St. Louis, corned beef, $23,040. Mass., wrenches, $9,064.30. Mo., clover hay, $7,800. 435. Armstrong Packing Co., Dallas, Tex., HO-2239-C. The Fowler Nail Co., Seymour, 02857. Toberman, Mackey & Co., St. Louis, lard substitute $6 900 Conn., horseshoe nail, $11,583 19. Mo., timothy hay, $8,700. 11524-PH. Wilson & Co., Chicago, Ill., but- O0,2356-C. Automatic Pencil Sharpener Co., 02964. Dyer & Co., Kansas City, Mo., timo- ter $19,466. Chicago. fll,, pencil sharpeners, $6,143.39. thy hay, $16,200. ub -497-9-10. Penick & Ford (Ltd.), New HO-1836-C. A. B. Dick Co., Chicago, Ill,, B 02989. Des Moines Elevator Co., Des Orleans, La., sirup, $19,232.64. stencil paper, $7,656-25. Moines, Iowa, white oats, $13,160. 1284-A. Swift & Co., Chicago, Ill., fresh 110-1812-C. Marshalltown Trowel Co., Mar- 02820. Dellinger & Sons, Bloomville, Ohio, beef, $5,577.96. shalltown. Iowa, trowels, $7,740. timothy hay, $20,800. - 13-366. A. Rupert Co. (Inc.), Portland, HO-2183-C. The Fowler Nail Co., Seymour, 02G22. Dellinger & Sons, Bloomville, -Ohio, Oreg., jams, $6,812. Conn., horseshoe nails, $17,373.75. timothy hay, $20,880. 8-6338. Swift & Co., Columbia, S. C., oleo- HO-2222-B. Capewell Horsenail Co., Hart- 02829. Albert Miller & Co., Chicago, Ill., margarine, $24,672. ford, Conn., horseshoe nails, $12,632.07. ' timothy hay, $19,800. 1324-A. Swift & Co., Columbia, S. C., fresh 10-2255-C. Union Horse Nail Co., Chicago, 02834. Albert Miller & Co., Chicago, Ill., beef, $5 628.92. Ill., horseshoe nails, $17,522.40. timothy hay, $15,480. 86b. §wlft & Co., Columbia, S. C., fresh 02876. C. 0. Sellen & Co., Shelby, Ohio, 31. Globe Grain & Milling Co., Seattle, beef, $5,604.44. timothy hay, $14,500. Wash., alfalfa bay, $10,250. 4-1289. Sherwood Canning Co., Sherwood, 02239. C. 0. Sellen & Co., Shelby, Ohio, 02714. Roseman Feed Co., Lincoliton, N. C., Md., tomatoes, $12,100. timothy hay, $14,500. wheat straw, $7,500. 12-995. Pacific Creamery Co., Phoenix, Ariz., 02874. C. 0. Sellen & Co., Shelby, Ohio, 02931. S. W. Soule, Ubly, Mich., timothy evaporated milk, $10,790. timothy hay, $14.500. hay, $7,800. 12-864. Pacific Crbamery Co., Phoenix, Ariz., 02840. C. O Sollch & Co., Shelby, Ohio, 02919. A. 0. Smith, Bassett, Mich., prairie evaporated milk, $15,500. timothy hay, $14.500. 12-966. Pacific Creamery Co., Phoenix, Ariz., 62892. H. M. Straus, Cleveland, Ohio, timo- hay, $6,600. evaporated milk, $6,200. thy hay, $6,720. 30. G. W. Simpson, Portland, Oreg., alfalfa 12-967. Pacific Creamery Co., Phoenix, Ariz., hay. $9,870. evaporated milk, $6,200.' Purchase orders and commodities purchased 02930. S. W. Soule, Ubly, Mich., timothy 12-865. PacIfic Creamery Co., Phoenix, Ariz., at board of trade or exchange prices, on Food hay, $8,100. evaporated milk, $24,800. Administration allotment. on commandeer or- 02941. Hewitt Bros., Locke, N. Y., timothy Bros., Kinsdale, Va., toma- der or by the Embarkation Service. hay, $6,720. 14-1664. Parks toes, $6 050. 4526-B. Manhasset Mfe. Co., Providence, 02780. Hall Bros., Manitowoc, Wis., timothy 4-1220. Newley Packing Co., Chincoteague, hay, $7,800. R. I. gray duck, $78,427 80. Va., tomatoes, $9,600. 4527-B. Manhasset Mfg Co., Providence, B-02688. Flanley Grain Co., Omaha, Nebr., 4-3492. Huddlestown Canning Op., Irving, R. 1. gray duck $29 743.20. prairie hay, $13.200. Va., tomatoes, $9,781.20. 4686-B. Hope Webbing Co., Pawtucket, R. I., B-02995. I. II. French, Chhmpaign, Ill., 8692-G. Farmers' Canning Co., Mount Car- webbing. $249.500. white oats, $5.162.50. mel, Ill,, tomatoes, $5,250. - 8943-G. Carnation Milk Produets Co., Chi- B-02688. Flanley Grain Co., Omaha, Nebr., 12-1032. Cromble & Co., El Paso, Tex., po- cago. Ill.. evaporated milk, $45,60. white oats, $16,987.50. tatoes, $6,090. 8934 G. Carnation Milk Produets Co., Chi- 02679. J. S. McGrory & Son, Defatur, Ind:, 12-1031. Cromble & Co., El Paso, Tex., po- cago Ill., evaporated milk. S88.691. timothy hay, $6,960. tatoes, $14,340. 8913-G. Carnation Milk Products Co., Chi- 02603. W. C. McGrory, Ohio City, Ohio, 8923-G. Libby, McNeil & Libby, Chicago, cago. Ill., evaporated milk, $.11,000. timothy hay. $8,700. Ill., olives, $5, 4 9.68. 4-8462. Cbester A. Lee, Easton, Md., to- B-02655. Mente & Co., New Orleans, La., 1980. Goodyear Rubber Co., St. Louis, Mo., matotes, $8,100. burlap sacks, $7,100. raincoats, $17,052.13. B-02687. Mente & Co., New Orleans, La., 4405-B. Standard Woven Fabric Co., Wal- 15004-0. B. A Eckhart Milling Co., Chicago, burlap sacks, $12,747.50. pole, Mass., webbing, $13,800. Ill.. flour. $26 264.0. B-02639. Mefite & Co., New Orleans, La., 2-6098. Cohen Goldman & Co., New York Sub-3-46-2-1524. W. J. McCahan Sugar Re- burlap sacks, $7,100. City, uniforms (officers'), $9,136. finine Co.. Philadelphia. Pa., sugar. $35.168.40. B-02972. Merriam & Millard Co., Omaha, 2103. Jacob Kaiser Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo., 1156-PH. Votte & Zuncker, Chicago, Ill., Nebr., burlap sacks, $8,100. mattresses, $12,180. canned beef, $82,500. B-023027. Central Bag Co., Chicago, Ill., 13 LA 0475. Norton Bros. & Norris, Los 11559-PH Wm Davies & Co., Chicago, Ill., burlap sacks, $21.300. Angeles, Cal., slickers, $7,273.13. butter, $166 686 28. 11403-PH. Cudahy & Co., Chicago, Ill., lard 2395-CE-P. The Robishak Co., Minneapolis, Blue Vslov Creamery Co:, Chicago, Ill., substitute, $5,980. Minn. coats (blanket lined), $6,781. butter $93 667 85. 11409-PH. Cudahy Packing Co., Chicago, 54230-N, The Felters Co. (Inc.), Boston, . 11073-PH. Libby. McNeil & Libby, Chicago, Ill., lard substitute, $20,700. Mass, felt. $21,000. Ill.. corned beef, $3..84 544 A3. 1720. Alpihe Evaporated Cream Co., San 2386-CE-P. United States Rubber Co., Chi- 770. Pacific Ameri-n Fisheries, Belling- Francisco, Cal.. evaporated milk, $24,799.87. cago, Il., rubber coats, $20,047.17. ham. Wash , salmah, $70 266. 11865-PH. Wilson Co., Chicago, Ill., but- 2556-CE-P. United States Rubber Co., Chi- 753. Northwcstern P'sheries Co., Seattle, ter $7,011.60. cago, Ill., coats, $20,047.17. Wash. salmon $360.796. 1468-PH. Swift & Co., Chicago, Ill., ham, 9019. Rogers. Hennessey & Jenkins, Boston, 11540-PTT. Wilson & Co., Chicago, Ill., but- $3,895.50. Mass., blankets,* $9,250. ter, $25.088.10. 11497-PH. Swift & Co., Chicago, Ill., ham, 5240-B. Globe Thread Mills, -Fall River, 10-15864. Pennsvlvania Sugar Co., Philadel- $14.588. Mass, thread, $18,000. phia. Pa , sugar. $42 03. Sub-497-9-9. Penick & Ford (Ltd.), New Or- 5437-A. Cannon Mills, New York City,. B 02994, Fl-,nev Grain Co., Omaha, Nebr., leans La., sirup, $6,480. towels, $22,200. white onts, $34.500. 1)610-G. T. D. Randall & Co., Chicago, Ill., 5402-A. Cannon Mills, New York City, 1-02893. ITlses & F'lhards.Co., Chicago, Ill., potatoes, $10,150. towels, $15 309.22. white oats. A2.331 ? - 11551-PH. Swift 4 Co., Chicago, Ill.,- but- 5403-A. Cannon Mills, New York City, B-02RR2. T-IIcs & Edwards Co., Chicago, Ill.j ter, $12,937.20. towels. $12,764.16. wh'te oats, 828 950. 11541-PH. Wilson & Co., Chicago, Ill., but- 5397-A. Cannon Mills, New York City, 771. Hoonab P -in Co., South Bellingham, ter, $11,694. towqls. $10,260. Wash., salmon, $45,822. 11588-PH. Wilson & Co., Chicago, Ill., but- 1143. U. S. Rubber Co., Omaha, Nebr., rain- B-0299. Merriam & Sillard Co., Omaha, ter. $9,674.35. coats. $5.640.50. Nebr.. white oats, $34 375 11539-PH Wilson & Co., Chicago, Ill., but- 783. John V. Buyers Machinery Co., Ra- B-02620. Merrief, A- %fillard Co., Omaha, ter, $20,380.50 venna, Ohio. auto cranes, $6.525. Nebr.. white oats. $34,000. 11536-PH. Wilson & Co., Chicago, Ill., but- HO-2300-N. The Gould Mersereau Co., New B-02990. Thos Ml. Blake, New York City, ter, $7,096.80. lork City, strap loops. $11,960. white oats, 343.500. 5458-P. L. H. Gilmer Co., Philadelphia, Pa., HO-2290-B. G. E. Prentice Mfg. Co., New R-02991. Thos 11. Blake, New York City ebbing, $24,750. Britain, Conn., strap loops, $9,842.95. white oats, $48 500. 0-1322. Crescent Felt Mattress Co., New Mot-995. Mandee Mfg. Co., Springfield, B-02672. Bluff City Grain Co., Memphis, Orleans, La., mattresses. $7.450. Mass., car hubs, $8,800. Tenn., white oats. $40,875. 13 La-0817. Pacific Motor Supply Co., Los Mot-991. McCord Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich., B-02680. Donaboc-Stratton Co., Milwaukee, Angeles, Cal., motorcycles, $5,351.50. radiators, $7,020. Wis., white eats, $31.300. 2210. Underwood Typewriter Co., Washing- Mot-996. McC6rd Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich., B-02681. Donahoe-Stratton Co., Milwaukee, ton, D. C., typewriters, $8,437.50. radiators, $7,687.50. Wis., white oats, $27,387.50. 30 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26k 1918. LIST OF -GOVERNMENT, CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE ORDERS I B-0268-. Tbe Early & Daniel Co., Cincin-k 1 10200. The Texas Co., New York City, gaso- Sup 2456. Sigmund Eisner Co., Red Bank, nati, Ohio, white ats, $37,125 line, $45,848. N. J., overseas caps; number reduced from B-0206. II. Verhoeff & Co., Louisville, Ky., 10268 Tobacco Products Corporation, New 60,000 to 30,000. whiTe oats, $37,500. York City, cigarettes, $40,357.20. Sup. to 4-B-1. Covert Gear Co., Lockport, B-02879. Uipdike Grain Co., Omaha, Nebr., 10254. Stromberg Exp'ort & Import Co. N. Y., clutches; 7 clutches additional at White oats, $34,500 (Inc.), New York City, matches, $30,420. $0.8087 additional shall be delivere. B-02631. Updike Grain Co., Omaha, Nebr., 10246. Tobacco Products Corporation, New Sup. to Mot-643. United States Tire Co., white oats, $31,623. York City, ci arettes, $64,480. New York City, casings and tubes f. o. b. de- E-02775. Terminal Elevators Co., Kansas 1025T. A. dross & Co., New York City, can- livery point to be Detroit instead of New City, Mo., $35,230. dles, $45.,27.50. York. 10248. Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co., New Sup. to Mot-868. Liberty Motor Car Co., -Purchase transactions approved. York City, cigarettes, $99,499.95. Detroit, Mich., military trucks; increase Contracts under $2j,000. 12(I&. Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co., New amount from 300 class " Al " to 450. York City, cigarettes, $252.525.50. Sup. to A-90. Dodge Bros., Detroit, Mich., 7135-N. Carlisle Hemstitching Co., New 1371. St. Lois Tin & Shiet Metal Co., St. Dodge cars; contractor fnay deliver Eismann York City, flags (storm), $3,860. Louis, Mo.. hard-bread cans, $88,850. magneto G-4, $18.50, or Simms magnetto at 7111-N. Weller Mfg. Cp., Dunkirk, N. Y., 11188-PH. Morris & Co., Chicago, Ill., hams, $12.50 whe4 available. storm flags $1,242 50' $40,780. Sup. to MTC-192. Dodge Bros., Detroit, 7581-P. '. Maurice Steppacher, Philadel- 11207-PH. Morris & Co., Chicago, Ill., hams, Mich., Dodge cars; same clause. phia, Pa., fannel shirts, $6,360. Sup, to ITC-193. Dodge Bros., Detroit, 7584-C. Cutter & Crossette Co., Chicago, $81 500. Mich., Dodge cars; same clause. Ill., flannel shirts, $10,600. 11189-PII. Swift & Co., Chicago, Ill., hams, $136,605. Sup. to Mot-A922. Dodge Bros., Detroit, L 190-li. Plant Bros. Co., Manchester, N. H., Chicago, Mich., Dodge cars; same clause, strap 500 11163-PH. Cudahy Packing Co., Sup. to Mot-A-46. Dodge Bros., Detroit, Ls 2i3- (raton & Knight Mfg. Co., Worces- Il. hams, $27,307.50. 1610. F. i. Roberts Co., Boston, Mass., Mich., Dodge cars; same clause. ter, Mass., straps, $5,060. Sup. to Mot-A-32. Dodge Bros., Detroit, HC-1078-B. A. B. Hendryx Co., New Haven, chocolate. $42.294, Mich., Dodge cars; Same clause. Conn, buckles. $22,260. 118-Phila. Gulf Refining Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., gasoline and kerosene, $111,732.50. Sup. to Mot-A-45. Dodge Bros., Detroit, HC-938-J. Cl veland Tack Co., Cleveland, Oil Co. of N. J., New York Mich., Dodge cars; same clause. Ohio. tacks, $4,116. 10129. Standard Sup. to Mot-301 Reliance Electric &;Eng. HC-1052-C. A B. Dick Co., Washington, City, fuel oil, $81,500. Co., Cleveland, Uhio, machine-tool rating; D. r, mimeographs, $0,300. Emergency purchases approved by telegram. changes in specification and price from $377.50 10197. The Texas Co., New York City, fuel to $314. oil, $16,800. 6355-T. Cohn, Friedlander & Martin, Toledo, Sup. to Mot-A-49. Cadillac Motor Car Co., Ohio, wool trousers, $1,950. Detroit, Mich., automobiles; change in specifi- Contracts ascarded to other than lowest bidder. 6321-P. Bennett Hollanler & Lewis, Pitts- cations and price from $3,809 to $3,360; also HC-1098-C. National Brass Co., Grand burgh, Pa, wool trousers, $11,250. $7 for Klaxon horn and 50 cents switch key Rapids, Mich., buckles, $2.275. 7040-.1. Kahn -Tailoring Co., Indianapolis, additfonal. HC-1077-B. S. B. North Co., New Haven, Ind:, uniforms, $12,420. Conn., buckles, $2,555. 6363-J. B. Hus & Son, Cincinnati, Ohio, CONTRACT CANCELED (PRIOUSLY APPROVED). 116-1000-C. Coonley Manufacturing Co., wool trousers. $2,250. 5893-B. The Wiley-Bickford-Sweet Co., Hart- Cicero, Ill., bread boxes, $36,875. 7073-P. Model Cap Co., Philadelphia, Pa., ford, Con., ration bags, $950,558.90. HC- 980-B. New Jersey Pire Escape Railing overseas caps, $6 250. & Construction Co., Passaic, N. J., bread boxes, 7074-P. Greenwald Bros. (Inc.), Philadel- $38,750. phia, Pa., overseas caps. $10,800. HC-972-C. Stein-Burn Camp & Field Equip- 7208-B. Snilth ITogg & Co., New York City, ment Co., Chicago, Ill., bread boxes, $75,000. blankets, $42,125.20. 7127-N. Louis Perlitter, New York City, ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT Contracts under $25,000. overcoats, $27,150. I I 10/1/18. W. H. Irvin Ice Factory (Inc.), 702441. The Globe Tailoring Co., Cincin- Houston, Tex., ice, $11,040. nati. Ohio, uniforms, $21,000. The following contracts have been & Cohn, Chicago, Ill., 116-Phila. Gulf Refining Co., Pittsburgh, 7022-C. Alfred Decker placed by the office of the Director of Pa., fuel oil, $6,736. uniforms, $128,000. 100-Phila. Gulf Refining Co., Pittsburgh, 7032-0. Majestic Tailors, Chicago, Ill., uni- Purchase for the Ordnance Corps of the Pa.. petroleum. $12,000. forms, VS 580. Army: 123-Phils. Gulf Refining Co., Pittsburgh, 7037-N. Rosenberg Bros. & Co., Rochester, October 30, 1918. Pa., motor oil, $4,194. N. Y.. uniforms, $25,000. 120-Phila. Gulf Refining Co., Pittsburgh, 7123-N. lleidelberg Wolff & Co., New York aPROCUREMENT ORDERS. Pa., aero oil, $6,936 50 City. overcoats, $36,200. Leading, assembling, packing shells, the 119-Phila. Gulf Refining Co., Pittsburgh, 7126-N. Tsarry Levy, New York City, wool Pa.. aero oil, $5,460. trousers, $26.250. C. 0. Picatinny Arsenal, price $138,496.95. FF-89 (10) 36. FF-90 (10) 34. Magnolia 6496-N. Enterprise Hat & Cap Co., New FORM CONTRACTS. Petroleum Co., Dallas, Tex., motor gasoline, York City, overseas caps $6,500. Gray duck, .Tencke's Spinning Co., order No. $15.309 38. 5813-C. McKibbe Driscoll & Dorsey, St. 10970, price $375.953.31. FF-SD (6) 40, FP-90 (6) 38. Standard Oil Paul. Minn., sheen-lined coats, S37,575. - Rubber cushions for recuperator R. P., Co., Louisville. Ky., motor gasoline. $1,237.58. 7130-N. Heidelberg Wolff & Co., New York Federal Rubber Co., order No. 13079, price 103-Phila. GIulf Refining Co., Pittsburgh, City. wool S. coats, $33,800. $5,035.54. Pa., fuel oil, $4,320. 7026-N. TiaRs-Levi Co., New York City, uni- ' Brass forgings for 31.45-second fuses, Amer- 1779 chleuter Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo., forms, $17,500. cans, $9,800. ican Brass Co., i order No. 13303, price 1. E. P. A. Larricau, Fort Iuachuca, Ariz., Contracts approved by an Francisco Board $27,230. - of Review. . Copper compressing machines, Fairbanks cord wod, $15,225. Co., order No. 13493, price $5,640. 10180. The Texas.Co., New York City, kero- A. Miller, San Francisco, Cal., hay, sene. 81,375. 1831. W. Thirty-seven mm. A. P. shells, Sterling 10103. Standard Oil Co. of New York, New $25,425. Motor Car Co., order No. 13760, price York City, fuel oil, $2,342.75. 1430 Frve & Co., Seattle, Wash., beef and $216,109 20. 10278. Swan & Finch Co., New York City, pork, $188.920. Bodies and bushings assembled, Zenite grease and oil, 82,820. 1436. Western Meat Co., San. Francisco, Metal Co.. order No. 15284, price $72,000. Cal., lard, $29,259. N Paracliutes, Nixon F'X4gent Products Co., Contracts over $25,000. - order No. 15284, price $ i,467 50. SUPPLEMENTAL CONTRACTS. Shooks for boxesA for 155 mm. howitzer 11505-PH. Armour & Co., Chicago, Ill., oleo- Sup-1460-C. Hillsdale Robe & Tanning Co., charges. C. B. Andrews Co., order No. 15454, marlarine, $44,021.01. the work price $87,500. lIT 985-P. Pr ink Suteliffe, tading as Al- Hillsdale, Mfh., cotton breeches; Aqua ammonia, Michigan Ammonia Works, bion Fountiry, Conshohocken, Pa., field grates, shall be carried forward with all dispatch order No. 15634. price $20,160. $54,450. possible as far as delivery is concerned. Brass sheet, International Arms & Fuze 6404-P. Phairs Tire & Rubber Co., Newark, Sup-1592. Schlauter Manufacturing Co., Co.. order No. 15738, price $9,360. Ohio. raincoats, $27,000. hard-broad cans; price of cans reduced to $50 Boxes for trench ior' ar shells, Bradley 7538-N. Quinapoxet Mfg.* Co., New York per thousand. Miller Co., order No. 15854, price $38,000. City. blankets, $60,000. Sup. to 10114. Ontario Biscuit Co.. Buffalo, Seven-eighths ounce black harness leather, 7511-111. Hooper Sons Mfg. Co., Philadel- N. Y., hard bread; price to read S0.15 per William Flaecus Oak Leather Co., order No. phia, Pa., webbing, $90,000. pound Auth. No. changed to Sub. 155-2-637. 15,871. price $6,825. H1C-1024-C. Phoenix Horse Shoe Co., Chi- Sun-2639. Scott Omaba Tent & Awning Co., Small tools, Van Camp Hardware & Iron cago. Ill., mule shoes. $43,875. N Omaha, Nebr., paulins; price should have speci- Co., order No. 15888, price $27,464.22. HC-1117-B. Florence Mfg. Co., Florence, fied delivered f. o. b. Omaha and not Jefferson- Helmet linlgs. Troy Carriage Sunshade Mass. toothirushes, $471,448.40. ville. Co., order No. 15893, price $213,022.66. 5894-B. The WileY - Biekford - Sweet Co., Sup-2318. Amazon Knitting Co., Muskegon, Packing boxes. Borough Box & Lumber Co., Hartford, Conn., ration bags, $950,53,8.90. Mich., undershirts; number reduced from 480,- order No. 15902, price $48,051.18. Mot-86L.. Ford Motor Co., Detroit, Mich., 000 to 2&0.000; extension of tiie on balance. Fire pans (Empire forges), Buffalo Forge Ford ears, $255.887.50. Sup-2282. Jos. Bancroft & Sons Co.. Wil- Co., order No. 13913, price $37,604. Mot-786. Locomobile Co. of America, Bridge- mington, Del., dyeing and finishing; changes Large and small cannon star gauges, Prafh port,- Conn., chassis, $2.232,230. to different mills and reduction in number of & Whitney Co., order No. 15942, price $35,910. Mot-874. Wood Hydraulic Hoist & Body Co., yards. Green yellow birch lumber, Jones-Webster Detroit, Mich., hoist, $148,500. Sup-2497. Avalon Knitwear Co., Utica, N. Y., Corportion, order No. 16104, price $5Q,000. 10240. Phenix Cheese Co., -New York City, drawers; 250 000 undershirts to be furnished Harness needles, National Novelty Co., cheese, $35,520. in place of 250,000 drawers. order No. 16108, price $6,750. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1918. 31


Adapters and assembly, The Akron Co., Replacement parts, Bausch & Lomb, No. Shell steel billets, Donner Steel Co., No. order No. 16072, price $255,000. 14922, (20,742.07. 18941, orig. and 1st amend., $1,319,000. I Booster casings, The Akron Co., order No. Gasoline. engine driven generator sets, Helmet steel, the American Sheet & Tin 18164. price $7.000 Langstadt-1leyer Construction & Supply Co., Plate Co., No. 15147, $862,920.60. Calcium carbide, Union Carbide Sales Co., No. 15021, $40.590. Tin plate, Weirton Steel Co., No. 13321, order No. 10158, price $99,200. Fuming sulphuric acid, General Chemical orig. and 1st amend., $19,584.50. Packing boxes for rockets. Louis Bessert & Co., No. 15110, original and -amendment, Cartridge case disks, Detroit Copper & Sons (Inc.), order No. 16169, price $8,790. $158,250. Brass Rolling Mills, No. 15335, $6,205 (X). Pressing and other work on steel helmets, Special analysis helmet steel, American Replacement parts for telescopic musket the Repub ic Stamping & Enameling Co., order . Sheet & Tin Plate Co., No. 15149, sights, the Warner & Swasey Co., No. 1371, No. 16183, price $81,000. $1,088,761.50. $23,084. C. S. steel billets, Illinois Steel Co., order Ammonium nitrate, the Grasselli Powder Leather gaskets, Graton & Knight, No. *No. 10188, price $510,932.30. Co., No. 15406, original and amendment, 15472, $49,268.38. * Nitrogen, Air Reduction Sales Co., order No. $279,000 (M). Wrenches, Frank Mossburg Co., No. 18978, 16210, price $10,000. Demolition bombs, American Seating Co., $6,034.88. Electric bench grinders, the Hisey-Wolf Ma- No. 15483, original and amendment, $375,000. Calcium carbide, Union Carbide Sales Co., chine Co., order No. 16291, price $9,576. CoDpper base covers for gun 155 mm. and No. 189b4, $16,020. Brass letters and figures for stencil outfit, FI. E. shells, Baltimore Copper Smelting & Brass base covers, Bridgeport Brass Co., the Stanley Manufacturing Co., order No. Rolling Co., No. 15832, $322,000. No. 16031, $16,800. 16298. price $9,821.19. Mark IV adapters and booster casings com- Motors and control equipment, General Bessemer screw stock steel, the Fitzsim- plete, Frost Mfg. Co., No. 15504, $880,000 Electric Co., No. 16162, $46,201. mons Co., order No. 16335, price $38,844. Bessemer screw stock steel, Jones & Laugh- Spare parts for Star lathes, the Seneca Falls (1?lieven mm. Vickers metallic belt links, lin Steel Co No 16304, $23,240. Ma~ifacturing Co., order No. 16889, price General Fire- Proofing Co., No. 15560, Barrack cleaning rods, the Coe-Stanley $22,052.86. $110,000 (X). Manufacturiig Corporation, No. 16315, lock trucks, Lansing Co., order No. 16425 Automatic cartridges, 0.22 caliber, the Rem- $11,881.88. price $14,625., ington Arms U. M. C. Co., No. 15698, Screw stock steel, Union Drawn Steel Co., $60472.50. No. 1634, $32.004.80, October 31, 1918. hark I shell forgings, Laconia Car Co., No. Green Bros.' Box & Lumber Co., No. 15733, $302,500. 16365, PROCUREMENT ORDERS.. No. 34 gauge taggers tin plate, United $80,400. Crude platinum, Glushanoke & Hills, order States Steel Products Co., No. 15833, November 4, 1918. No 11,667, amendment 1, price, $10,500. $231,399 50 (X). Compound clutches part No. SR850A, PROCUREMENT ORDERS. Shell body forgings, Whitaker Glesner Co., No. -13626, $2,475,000. Dorris Motor Car Co., No. 15839, $190,500 Mach., etc., antiaircraft guns, C. 0. Water- A'ul.mbling, ctc., 11. H. shell, the C. 0. (X). vliet Arsenal, order No. 11016, price $78,000. Frankford Boxes for 240 mm. trench mortar shells, cartridges, Remington Arms U. M. Arsonal, No. 4210, amendment 1, Thomas Dummy .S26,250. Jackson Co., No. 15853, $38,000. C. Co., No. 15479,. V5,248 (X). Increased facilities, Remington Arms Union Sample base detonating fuses, American Oxanllide, C. 0. Picatinny Arsenal, No. Ietlllic Cartridge Co., No. 18089, $319,975. Multigraph Co., No. 15866, $214,578. 16473, $10,000 (X). 010um and sulphuric acid and increased fa- Shell steel billets 82 mm. the Bourne cilitlies, National Zinc Separating Co., pNo. Fuller Co, No. 15951 $2,140,000 (X). FORMAL AND SUPPLEMENTAL CONTRACTS. b031, amendment 2, $147,000. Steel containers for Mark XI fuses for Increased facilities, Eddystone Munitions Automatic pistols, National Cash Register Stokes trench shells, G. C. Sutterley & Co., Co., No. GA 108, 20 S. C., amend. 8, $18,022.53. Co., No. 12408, original and amendment, $1,- No .16003, $12,300 (X). Range scales, etc., Blair Tool & Machine 500.000. C. S. steel billets. Illinois Steel Co., No. Works (Inc.), No. CF 284, 2d S. C., amend. 3 Increased facilities, N. 16004, $2,380,625 (X and E. Westinghouse Co. Shell steel 4, $19,620. No. 11208, original and amendment, $400,000. billets, bourne Fuller Co., No. Comp. of 6-inch Newton Stokes T. M. shell, Nitric acid. 1. I. du Pont do Nemours & Co., 16017, $1,449,500. Globe Stove & Range Co., 4200, 1st S. C. No. 16428, $73,000. Shell steel billets, Jones & Laughlin Steel .amEnd. 1, $41,250. Co., No. 16087, $315,000. Wooden plugs for hand grenades, American ThFORTALA\D SUTPPLEfMINTA, CONTRACTS. Shell-steel billets, Cambria Steel Co., No. Enamel Co., No. 9486, 1st 5. C., $8,138.53. Range qudrants, Slocum, Avram & Slocum 16038, $315.000 (X). Nitric acid, Grassellie Chemical Co., No. Laboratories (Inc.), No. CF-244, supD., Manganese-bionze ingots, Nassau Smelting 10,43, part cancell'n., $163,648.40. *:4.003 wO. & Refining Works (Ltd.), No. 16045, $22,470. Loading, etc., Mark I adapters and boosters, Machine bending and attaching base covers Shx-inch trench-mortar shell, Frontier Iron T. A. Gillespie Co., No. 12689, 1st amend. 1st to common shell, No. G-1940, supp., $347,- Works, No. 16063, $606,250. S. C., $48,120. 129 86, Railway & Industrial Eng. Co. Sulphuric acid, Grasselli Chemical Co., No. Additional 16128, $245,500. increased facilities, Van Dor' Brass rod, spelter, etc., National Brass & Iron Works, No. CME 480, 4th amend., 4th Copper Tube Co., No. 2601, aupp. on am. 2, Strip steel;- Superior Steel Corporation, No. S. C., $172.800. - $7,200. 16139, $45,441. Barrel cleaning * Packing boxes for signal rods. Marble Arms & Mfg. Wheel shoe plates and segments, the Ohio parachute rockets, Co., No. 13390, 1st S. C., amend, 1, $6,000. Steel Foundry Co., No. CF-421, supp. on Mark 71, LouiS Bossert & Sons (Inc.), No. Manufacturing am. 16170, $15.600. of Toluol from solvent naph- .1, $40,000. tha, Synthetic Hydro Carbon Co., No. 17042, Silk cartridge-bag cloth, Duplan Silk Crpo- Sixteen-inch and 18-inch B. Besley disk formal, $300,000. ration, No. G- 713, supp. on am. 1, $555,595 55. grinopfs, Chas. H. Besley & Co., No. 16174, leat treating C. S. shell, Steel Products $8.0n5. FORM CONTRACTS. Co., G-1093, supp. on ams. 2 and 8, $16,000. Gasoline electric-generati* sets, the Mat- Loading drop bombs, American Can Co., No. Spare parts for tractors, Maxwell Motor Co., thews Eng. Co., No. 15577, $141,625. 138612, orlg. and lst amend., $108,000. No. 2.48, supp. on 3d am., $29,403. American High Duty lathe, 30-inch by 84- Cartridge case disks, American Brass Co., Bodies on White chassis, The Lang Body inch, the 'American Tool Works Co., No. No. 15048, $416,104. Co., No. 5516, supp. on ams. 7 and 8, $6,510. 16172, $5,665 (X). Ammunition boxes for machine gun, &Ed- Master inspection gauges, Modern Tool and ward G. Budd Mfg. Co., No. 15370, orig. and FORM coNTRACTs. '. ' Machine Works, New York, No. 16230, $5,478. 1st amend., $264,000 (X). Loading machines, National Brass & Copper Seventy-six per cent solid caustic soda, the IRteel measuring tapes, Lufkin Rule Co., No. Tube Co., No. 16259, $10.485 (X). Champion. Fibre Co., No. 16242, $29,400. 15630, $6,413. Machining, gas welding and hyd. testing Trench mortars, 240 - mm., International Portable battery pump National Pneu- of shells, Davis Bournonville Co., No. 15592, Harvester Co., No. 16336, $154,275. matte Co., No. 15779, $225,55. $36.400. 0 Screw stock steel, Cambria Steel Co., No. Die cast knobs, White Brass Casting Co, Cartridge cloth, Guerin Spinning Co., No. 1631. $48,575. No. 18808, $46,709.15. 16340, $406,500 (X). Packing boxes. Louis Bossert & Sons (Inc.), Shrapnel balls, John T. Lewis & Bro. Co., Shell body forgings, Moline Forging & No. 16593, $42 500. No. 15861, $102,900. Manufacturing Co., No. 15384, $834,700 (X). Automatic pistols, Savage Arms Corpora- Adapters and assemblies, Victor Talking Cartridge case disks, Metal Products & tion, Nd. 16785, $4,000,000. Machine Co., No. 181994. $184,250. Equipment C4, No. 18748, original and amend- Fiber disks, Buffalo Porge Co., No. 16080, ment, $233,250. November 2, 1918. $8.973.64. Special chrome alloy bullet steel, Peter A. PROCUREMENT ORDERS. Tools and accessories for mobile repair shop, Frasse & Co., No*16103, $49,000. Chatham Machine & Tool Works, No. 16070, Generator-starters, etc., Bijur Motor Appli- Fiber containers, Baeder, Adamson & Co., $20.473.3. ance Co., No. 15841, $120,466. order No. 5579, amendment 1, price $87,000. Six-inch trench-mortar sdill, McCord & Co.,. Waterproof envelopes, Cardinell Vellum Spare parts for Browning aircraft machine order No. 16089, price, $400,000. Mfg. Co., No. 15990, $250,000 (X). gun. New England Westinghouse Co., No. Fuse sockets and fuse-socknt holders, Water- Light armor plate, Crucible Steel Co. of 13671, price $1,000,000. bury Brass Goods Corporation, America, No. 16148, No. 15938, $454,400. FORMrAr,- AxiD SUPPLEMENTAL CONTRACTS. $167,500. Bessemer screw stock steel, Columbia Steel Black harness leather, 1. G. Hoffman & & Shafting Vo., No. 16832, $23.240. Cartridges, Remington Arms U. M. C. Co. Sons Co., No. 16216. $108.000. Sulphuric acid ad oleum, General CIAm- Inc.), No. 14068, 3d am. supp., $12,000,000 Round brass rod. Rome Brass & Copper Co., ical Co., No. 7758 and amendment, No. 1622, $40,246.18. .1200,040.76. FORM CONTRACTS. Booster castings, Edmunds & Jonef Cor- Cotton flannel cut patches, J. Ross Collins, Stokes Y. M. smoke shells, Dayton Wire $130,000. No. poration, No. 162285, 11478, $12,751.16. Wheel Co., No. 15810, orig. and 1st amend , Raw optical glass, Spencer Lens Co., No. Gage la 4.7-inch A.A. gun, Pratt & Whit- $298,350. 16248. $15,925. ney Co., No. 18623, original and amendment, Forgings, Carbon Steel Co., 4168, orig. and Blowers, Buffalo Forge Co., No. 16247, amend., $944,750. $17 818.70. Chemically pure benzol, La Belle Iron Tools and machinery, Niles-pement Powder Water boxes, Ptau Mfg. Co., No. 16270, Works, No. 13928, $62,400. Co., No. 18615, orig. and amend., $9,264. $657,189. / I 32 THE OFFiCIAL U, S. BULLETIN: -TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1918.

LIST OF GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE ORDERS I i -Farachutes, Japan Paper Co., No. 16310, Acetylene cylinders, Prest-o-life Co., No. Machinery, etc,, C. steel shell, Canadian $85,050. 16558 $223,000. Fairbanks Morse Co, No. G-1154, let S. C., Altering antiaircraft trailers, the Grant Spelter (slab zinc), the Grasselli Chemical amend. No. 1, $769,096. Motor Car Corporation, No. 16360 $155,050. Co., No. 16970, $183,000. Heavy black harness leather, J. G. Holfman 6 FORM CONTRACTS. & Sons Co., No. 16378, $40,600. November , 1918. Rifle grenades, VB 16488, Mark I, Yale & Towne Packing boxes, Acme Box Co., No. FORMAL AND BUPPLEMENTAL CONTRACT, Mfg. Co., No. 8955, $580,000. $28,600 (X) Combination fuses, International Arms & Spare parts for electric drill, the Cincin- Forgings, Midvale Steel & Ordnance Co., Fuse Co., No. 9681, orig. and amend. 1 and 2, nati Electric Tool Co., No. 16516, $14,528.80. order No. T-75, formal bontract, price .$1,177,750 (X). Spyr-geared planes railheads, the Rickett $250,000. Chrome steel cores, Remington Typewriter Machine & Mfg. Co., No. 16535, $6,3ZO. Wire cutter carriers,, Liberty-Durgin, No. Co., No. 11306, orig. and amend. 1, 2, and 3. Adapters, booster casings, fuse sockets, etc., 4814, lt amend. S I., $42,000. $165,000. Worcester Mfg. Co., NO. 16912, $450,000. Powder container, John Wood Mfg. Co., No. Cartridge case disks, Seymour Mfg. Co., NNk 95Q4 1st amend., 1st suppl. $91 ,500. 12613, orig. and 1st amend., $211,275. November 5, 1918. Aapter heads, 240-mm, Xnderson Forge & Rear sp-ockets for driving wheel assemblies, PROCUREMENT ORDERS. Machine Co., No, 10755, $52,000. American Manganese Steel Co., No. 15778, Barrel groul;T, Poole Engineering & Mg.- $302,08 14-inch guns, model of 1920, Bethlehem chine Co., No. 12916, 1st amend. suppl., Hot rolled strip steel, Superior Steel Cor- Steel Co., order No. 6866, original and amend- $24,004. Dorat6n, No. 15867, Inc. 1st amend. meats I and 2, price, $1,928,850. FORM CONTRACTS. $28865.29. Spare parts for United States rifle, Rock Is- Detonating washers, drop bombs, the Colt land Arsenal, No. 13738, original and first Round cold-drawn free-cutting B. S. S. tineital Fibre Co., No. 16122, $19.550. amendment, $402,372 36, steel, Oblumbia Steel & Shafting Co., No, Pluning sulpharIc acid, General Disment'g, camouflag' g art. rep. trucks, 12880, $46,779.55. Co., Ne. 16102, $144,900 (approx.). Hale & Kilburn Corporation, No. 14999, origi- BodsTer casin s, Rockwood Sprinkler Co., Cold-drawn oppn-hearth gun steel, Crucible nal and first amendment, $15,000 (X). No. 15168, $72,43,51. SteeY'Co. of America, No. 16690, $5 715 Jam reducers for the Marlin aircraft ma- Plaper ihachine and extra parts the Bilckett FORMAL AND SUPPLEMENTAL CONTRAVTS. chine gun, Marlin-Rockwell Corporation, No. Machipe & Mfg. Co., No. 16880, 6,166. 15264, Inc. 1et amend., $18,110. C. 8,. teel bIllets. Donner Steel Co., Buffalo, Gun store limbers, 4merican Car & Foundry Japanese Daper parachutes, Japan Paper S. C. amendment 3, $13,- Nfl 14069, $1,317,750 (X, Co., No. CF 5, first Co., No. 15405, $120,000. Strip steel, American Tube & Stamping Co, 533.10. Adapter and booster casings Bifur Motbr No. 15224, orig. and 1st amend., $5,737.84 Sights for antiaircraft carriages, New Bri- Appliance Co., No. 15555, $115,000. tain Machinery Co., No. 5007, first S. C., amend- Insignia, the Stanley Mfg. Co., No. 15797, (X,). ment 2, $88,000. Mark III adapters, Toronto Plate Glass Im- $7910.52. porting Co., No. 15643, 1250,000. FIRM CONTRACTS. Machine gun clinometers Central Selen- Position lights, Unexcelled Mfg. Co., No. tific Co., No. 15869, $85,192. 15792, $37,500 Officer's trench periscope, No. 10, Eastman Fuse socket and socket holders, Water- livet and shear sits, Wm. S. Howard, No Kodak Co. of New Jersey, No. 8284, original bury Brass Goods Corporation, No. 15981r, 15873, $20,018.25. and first amendment, $315,790.78. $57,08872 Glycerine, as. S. Auto- Kirk & Co., No. 162111 Replacement pArts for sights. Electric Cartridge case Toledo Bridge & Crane Co., $34,650. Lite Co, Toledo, Ohio, No. 8571, original and No. 16084, $193,750. Ammonium nitrate, General Explosies Coj, first amendment, $150,612.88. Black harness leather, Wilson & Co., No. No. 16275, $240,000. Cast-iron shells for guns, Tredegar Co., No. 16218, ,46,011. Shells, Michigan Stamping Co., No. 1627T7 10528, original and first amendment, $88,- Firing mechanism for gas cylinders, the $100,000. 671 90. Liquid Carbonic Co., No. 16252, $63,478. Empire forge prts, Buffalo Forge Co., No. Keyseating cutters, Brown & Sharpe Mfg. Packing boxes for bombs, H. L. Bruce Co., 16348, $20,434.49. Co., No. 13495, original and first amendment, No. 16254, $182,000 (X). Steel billets, 6.3/8 Whitaker-Glessner Co., second and third, $6,157 01. Packing boxes, A. M. Lewin Lumber Co., No, 16493, $601,00. Htelmet steel, 15 inches wide by 0-036 inch- No. 16296, $42,842.38 (X). Copper-clad Wire rope, the Steel Sales Con 0.040 inch by 15 inches long, Ameriean Sheet & Cold-drawn free-cutting B. S. S. steel, Jones poration, No. 16562. $51,733.43. Tin Plate Co., No 15146 $217,752.30 (X) & Laughlin Steel Co., No. 1646., $16,600, Acme steel strappings, signode stretching Shell body forgings, the Whitaker-Glessner Shotgun 12-gauge paper shells, the Win- and crimping tools and seals, Acme Steel Co , No 15345, original and first amendment, chegter R. A. Co., No. 16496, $22,199.03. $16,272.50. $276,295.25. Gods Co., order No. 16592, price Mark III B, adapters and assemblies Edi- Regular carbon tool steel bars, Crucible Round brass rod Seovill Mfg. Co., No. son Phonograph Works, No. 16642, $261,000 Steel Co. of America, No. 16710, $82,500. 15694, $44,326 06 (Xi). (X) Air pressure pumps for petrol tanks, Dor- Lathes, Whitcomb-Blaisdell Machine & Tool Packing boxes, Wilson Box & Lumber Co.j ris Motor Car Co, No. 15838,.$57,000. Co., No. 1669, $6,338. No. 16766, $340.900. Spare and replacement parts for air and Mark III straight wall, boosters, Zenite Cartridge storage cases, Central Mfg. Co., liquid pumps, the Yale & TowneMfg. Co., No. Metal Co., No. 16738, $65,000. No, 16775, $202,500. Round common shell steel billets, 82 mm. 15872, $20,321.79. Cold-drawn free-cutting Bessemer screw Spare parts for rifles, Remington Arms U. diam.. Lackawanna Steel Co., No. 16843, M. C. Cartridge Co., No. 15924, $56,546 08.. $379.600. steek steel, Columbia Steel & Shafting Co., No. Detonating fuses, Western Clock Co., No. Spare and reserye parts fqr lathe, Textile 16843. $14,608. 15971, $550,000, Machine Works, No. 16860, $6,722.44. Regular carbon steel bars, the Carpenter Metal casings and containers for covers 1, 3, Machine trenalf mortar shells, Multiplex Steel Co., No. 16865, t16,000 (approx.). and 6 star signal and 3 and 6 star cartridge, Tool Co,, order No. 16218, price $26,000 (Z). Art Metal Works, No. 16105, $118,375. Machine trench mortar shells E D. Ander- Aluminum trichloride anhydrous sublimed, son (Inc.), No 16214, $48,000 (Z). IRRIGATION CONTRACT APPROVED. Gene-al Chemical Co., No. 16159, $36,000. Machine trench mortar shells, the United Aqua ammonia, the National Ammonia Co., Four Wheel Drive Truck Corporation, No. The Secretary of the Interior has ap* No. 16166, $42,000 (X). 17518, $44,000 (Z). the newly or4 Handgear wheels for Empire forges, Canedy proved a contract whereby Otto Mfg. Co., No. 16199, $6,901.20. November 8, 1918. ganized Klamath Irrigation district as* Silk parachutes, Jacob Gearhardt & Co., No. sumes liability to the United States for 16313, $55.000 -PROCUREMENT ORDERS. Parachute and flag for signal rocket, Japan Ex. work on caterpillar gun mountf, Holt the payment of construction Installments Paper Co., order To. 16314, price $28,00. Mfg. Co., order No. 11505, 1st amend., price and operation and maitenance charges Ingot nickel, International Nickel Co., No. $15,000 (Z) (). for years subsequent to 1918, also for all 16366, $17,500. Die cast filln plugs for Rigle grenades, SUPPLEMENTAL CONTRACTs delinquent construction, operation, and Ilochler Die Castn Co., No. 16417, $34,000. Guns and spare parts Wisconsin Gun Co., maintenance chftrges as shall then remain Steel, Lancaster Steel Products Co., No. No. GC, 100, 3d S. d., amend. 4 and 5, unpaid. 16449, $5,778.96. $517,805. The maximum amount for which the Kimath irrigation district becomes lia- ble, exclusive of operation and main- tenance charges, penalties and interest, Early Copy of Government Contracts Desired Is $1,863.036.2G. This sum does not in- clude proposed costs for additional dIrain- Purchasing Agents of all Government departments are requested to age, replacement of perishable struc- continue sending to this office at the earliest possible moment~all lists of tures, or any rights to the Ankeny Canal, anc covers only amounts expeded or au- contract purchases, bids, proposals, etc., inteiided for publication in the thorized to be expended prior to the date OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN. It is necessary that this copy be handled of contract, to wit, July 26, promptly in order to insure publication in its proper place and sequence, 1918. 1 and this can only be accomplished through the earnest cooperation of all Easy to buy, convenient to handle, nO those who are charged with responsibility. red tape-Get a WAR-SAVINGS STAlkM to-day